#it really fuck up my entire body
tenrose · 1 year
One of the weirdest symptoms of incoming period has to be my nose being congested like I caught a flu, why is something happening in my uterus impacting my freaking nose?????
I'm having whole ass flu symptoms but two hours later it's just my period and I'm "fine"
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vanweek day 2 - knife
does anyone else remember the knife game or have i finally gotten too old
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soaked-ghost · 1 month
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Idk I think this chapter fits well with what we know of jj society and how the series has progressed....
Yuuta was one of the few people who i think understood what Gojo had gone thru and felt (thinking about what i said in my isolation post here) and now he's in his dead mentor's body! It's fucked up!
But JJK has been a tragedy from the start. It's brutal and jj society pulls no punches. Nobody is safe. It doesn't matter if you have a good heart or are a kid; being in that world makes it a free for all and Gojo so desperately wanted to change that because of how his own youth got stolen.
He even went thru with his plan to kill the higher ups, thinking about Geto, his youth, as he did and then gave it his all against Sukuna; eventually passing the mantle to the next generation. But it normally takes more than one generation to fix systemic issues...which is why i don't see the end of this fight/series being a cure-all. I think Yuuji is going to end up dead too tbth all the cog in the machine stuff...and he's been preparing for it since ch.1 but that's for a different post.
The point is that the jujutsu world is fucked up and exploitative no matter who you are and this is such a perfect example of that. A student having to take over his mentor's dead body to try and win a fight, further putting his life on the line, is absolutely brutal but also a good example of everything wrong in jj society.
Nobody, not even the dead, is safe from being exploited, and we saw this from the jump with Geto.
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blujaydoodles · 1 year
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filed under 'things I was SURE at least one of Nyssa's somewhat serious, stoic, relatively new friends would object to'
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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brain also insisted that was played by an employee. despite it being realistically impossible due to how the neck looks in the side shot
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bluesidedown · 3 months
#just realized a little too hard that im packing my entire life up into a single suitcse and hitting the road for a month. in a month.#im also turning 24 in a month#both of these things perturb me in some direction or another.#its also 1030pm but i am Vibrating unfortunately#also realized vividly today that ill be attending my college graduation less than 48hrs after landing back in canada#and that will be after 30+ hours in transit coming directly from a 12 hour time difference#so that'll be fun#not really how i imagined graduating when i started my freshman year?#actually dear lord i could not have fathomed Being Here when i was 19 and starying college#i remember hearing about the program im currently doing and thinking 'wow that's incredibly cool but im just not the kind of person#who can do that sort of thing'#i still periodically have moments where i just look around and have to be like Yes I Really Am Here#and yeah turning 24. in a month. that's far too grown up of an age for how i feel inside.#and yeah trvaelljng to 5 vountires in a month again? wild.#didnt think anything could top seeing the great pyramids for out of body wild experiences And Yet. we sure are gonna be going some places.#also being in a serious relationship huh. didnt think this was going to happen until i was 35 if ever.#skmeone needs to tell me why my brain decided to watch wedding dress youtube shorts today with a vague expectation that might be relevant#to my life within a decade.#so yeah all that to say my life feels fucking insane to me.#I Am Not Qualified For This Experience Help#(this is not entirely negative im just ??????)
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x-for-a-y · 4 months
consider this a prelude to my essay on the theme of dehumanization in doatk's narrative but it's interesting how despite having souls as a clear thing, part of a person's being, the story never leans heavily into corruptive transhumanism, almost defying it a little, really. the closest there's been yet is the wreck, mainly on account of Use of the taking someone's soul and putting it in a robot trope, and not going much further than that: the remaining soul of guptill is not depicted as transcending its physical form in much of any way. hamood is also roughly an example of one's "self" remaining intact despite changes to one's body, but that's generally presented as an effect of his immense General power & not entirely some quality of his soul in particular, and overall a goner's "persistence of the self" in their new physical ferms varies on a fairly case-by-case basis; if the theory that will won't act differently than his standard for normal as the ventriloquist comes true, it's thanks to his specific background & the effect of such a thing on the humor of the story (i.e. rule of funny). again, this all is so despite the fact that people's souls are depicted as overall intact & unmodified, which makes souls' position in lore much more like a nonspecific quality of a person required for life rather than the specifically transhumanist concept they most often are
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boag · 6 months
Woke up applied to work at Burger King took my antibiotics for strep throat called my mom and cried
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tiger-moran · 3 months
You know it's extremely (further) alienating when you see stuff that says basically
nobody actually feels like they're trapped in the wrong body and that's just shit made up by the medical profession
and thousands and thousands of people are agreeing with that and saying yeah that's totally their experience of being trans
when I literally am trapped in the wrong body and I'm never going to be seen as the gender I actually am and I'm never going to be able to do things I could have done if I had been born with the right body and I'm never going to not hate this body or not see it as wrong, and this kills me
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yugocar · 1 year
literally nothing funnier than americans arguing with other americans about whats nationality and whats ethnicity
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vividblaze · 7 months
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Felt a heavy weight in my heart finding out about Sakurai Atsushi's passing. His amazing talent and voice and BUCK-TICK's music had an influence especially during my late adolescence.
Thank you for everything, Acchan! You'll forever remain in our hearts with the songs you've shared with us.
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toytulini · 3 days
you know that joke thats like cw: this game contains scenes?
tfw you have an oc that is just. he just Is a content warning at this point
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#not sure if i talked about this here yet but I'm a recovering nail/cuticle biter#and last fall i started getting gel manicures to incentivize me to stop so i wouldnt be wasting my money lol#and it WORKED. because i got really really into nail and cuticle care#so now my nails are grown out and my nail beds have completely reattached#i have normal nails now and you could never tell i used to demolish them#i spent my ENTIRE LIFE with stubby little bitten nails and gross ripped up dried cuticles#and now i have BEAUTIFUL natural nails#except for the damage i accumulated from the gel removal over seven months lolllllll#so recently i stopped getting gel and i switched to regular lacquer#at first i was still going in to my nail tech but then i started taking the polish off in between appointments and practicing on my own#and in just a couple weeks i was good enough that i just stopped going in!#i just do my own nails now!!!#it takes me four hours to do it right lmao but its worth it because it's been a week and they're still perfect#only one tiny chip and NO LIFTING#im gonna take it off and redo it with a new color today because I'm bored of this color#but i could probably keep wearing this for another week and it'd hold up#I can't take all the credit because I'm using the Dazzle Dry system and just switching out the color with ILNP lol#Dazzle Dry is another fucking level omg#but anyway. I'm proud of myself#my nails look just as good as when i was getting them done professionally 😭#i am NOT a girly girl i don't wear makeup or shave a single part of my body#i get my hair cut specifically in a way that requires minimal styling#so the nail obsession isn't something anyone would have expected from me...#and yet my nails are always immaculate nowadays 💅
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inniave · 20 days
every once in awhile i have a flashback so bad it triggers a seizure & nobody really knows why
#i am so fucking tired#and so fucking done#i would rather die than go in tomorrow but that's not an option anymore so fuck#the flashbacks have been constant for as long as i can remember but it's been awhile since they've been at this intensity for this long#i used to think i didn't have ptsd because i didn't have flashbacks until i learned that always feeling like it's happening again is indeed#a flashback#it's just not so isolated for me#so i'm like??? i should be able to deal with this. i'm used to it. pretty much every second of every day my body feels like i'm being#raped and tortured and beat and literally getting drilled in the bone i should be used to this#but it's so much it's so heavy there's no way out i cant do it#but i have to there's no other option except not get surgery which is not really an option :/#cause the pain from the bone is right where their cocks were 🙃 so that's been it's own special form of hell#and now i have to let someone cut me open there 🙃 and i cant be under general anesthesia 🙃#oh yeah and ITS EXAFTLY FUCKING LIKE THAT DOCTOR THAT ASSAULTED ME WHEN I WAS A FUCKING TODDLER COMING OUT OF SURGERY#fuck dude#sometimes i think maybe if it only happened once i'd be okay#ive lost track but i think we're up in triple digits at this point :/#not including the constant stuff in childhood#fuck no wonder i kept trying to kill myself jesus fucking christ#i'm so fucking scared#i'm so ready for all this to be over#it's been years of pain and this whole last month where it's become much more acute and all this visits and i cant take any more#we are at Capacity#we're splitting like hell already#fucking entire new subsystems fuck#fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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arthur-r · 2 months
as usual i am up late into the night planning my future when i should be: getting a good nights sleep so that i even have a future!!
#i have work in seven and a half hours. so i should really be getting to bed#BUT i officially made my final definitive degree plan!!!! i mean not the actual classes but all the requirements i have to meet and how!!#(in order to earn: history and information science double major. with certificates in material culture and classics)#and i’m genuinely excited for every single class i have to take except for human-computer interaction#just cause i know it’s gonna get overly technical in ways that won’t quite apply to my future#anyway every single other thing i’m gonna do is very cool and exciting. so everything is good really#but i should be sleeping. and i’m not. as usual 🤧#idk wish me luck!!!! i’m so hyped about my degree plan though#i’ll go into more detail another time. i’m very excited#ANYWAY goodnight!!!! can’t be so busy planning my future in library science that i DONT GO TO MY SHELVING JOB#kind of important to actually go to work for the library that employs me….#and then i might go see a first-printing roget’s thesaurus!!!! or i’ll sleep. we’ll see#followed by lunch with GUY WHO IS THE WORST KILL HIM WITH HAMMERS#(there is nothing really wrong with me he just keeps kind of being mean to me and also expecting me to fall in love with him. but like#extremely passively and not manipulatively it’s just like. hey buddy you’re doing this friendship wrong….)#anyway then i have a class and after that i have an hour to rest. and then a phone call and then a lot of homework#(ten page paper draft due in a week and a half!! so it’s time to start writing the actual body of it)#and then i sleep for a LONG time and then work again on saturday. and then sleepover with somebody i have a crush on??#and then be normal all day on sunday and do a little more paper writing. and programming homework. and whatever else#and then keep up with the slog for three weeks!!!! and all of a sudden it’s summer!!!!#projects left this year: material culture paper (entirely unstarted. but may research the thesaurus and just win!!!!)#history project (draft due the monday after next and real paper due a week after classes end)#one more programming assignment where i adapt my recipe doubler project (probably. it’s getting stupid at this point but it’s what i got!!)#and a programming test in two weeks and then the final a week after that. then no more programming#and then i just have my weekly latin tests and a latin final on may 5th. and then EVERYTHING IS DONE#ok i got this. sorry for walking through my schedule in the tags it’s how i remember what’s real#can’t believe my fucking partner just kind of walked out on me there hello???? like. we should be powering through finals together#but i’m genuinely better off without him so i guess it’s just whatever. trash took itself out or something??#anyway. i’m so regular. and i have work in the morning. and i’m going to sleep#thank you world. goodnight
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