#anyways shots from some of my favorite mvs
vividblaze · 11 months
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Felt a heavy weight in my heart finding out about Sakurai Atsushi's passing. His amazing talent and voice and BUCK-TICK's music had an influence especially during my late adolescence.
Thank you for everything, Acchan! You'll forever remain in our hearts with the songs you've shared with us.
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you should watch alien stage 😁 it’s a really wholesome and heartwarming web series on YouTube by VIVINOS. Nothing bad happens! And I think that you would like it!
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So before I checked out Alien Stage, I asked an irl about it to get a feel for the series. They jokingly described Alien Stage to me as "Hunger Games with doomed yuri and yaoi plus some toxic het on the side", and after catching up with the playlist of hits... yeah, that's pretty accurate. I'm so invested in this now 🤡
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I think part of his charm is that contrast between how he's seen as a "prince" by his fans when he's anything but. The artists outdid themselves with the MV; it perfectly conveys how truly terrible Luka is. I was so uncomfortable watching the video play out. The way he progressively creeps closer and keeps invading Mizi's personal space, taunting her, imitating her dead bestie/crush, putting his hands all over her, AND THAT GROSS WHISTLE HE DOES IN THE BEGINNING???? That made my skin CRAWL. Luka is for real so awful and I love that for him-- MIZI WAS RIGHT TO SWING AT HIM, IT WAS CATHARTIC 💀
I wanna give big props to Mizi's facial expressions too... They're so despair-filled and delicious, even when it's just her widened eyes repeating on the screen. The animation specifically for the line "I don't believe you're a liar" is top tier 👌 It's nothing fancy, but it conveys just how distressed Mizi is and how that's impacting her ability to sing. The way she gulps is so punchy and visceral. THE HATE IN MIZI'S EYES AS SHE'S RESTRAINED FROM COMING AT HIM AGAIN???? Good stuff. The twist at the end where the stage gets smoke bombed (?) and Mizi is rescued by the rebellion was great too. It robs Luka of the satisfaction of seeing his rival gunned down and him being declared as the victor. (P.S. I thought Hyuna was Jamil when I first saw her design; this is proof that Jamil has cool onee-san energy/j) Super looking forward to seeing Luka square off against Till, who is another favorite of mine. The eyebags— Till the End is probably my second favorite song so far; it's so intense in the close-up shots of Till singing his heart out to the audience. (Poor Mob-kun though, bro's getting DESTROYED out here...) I admire Till's fighting spirit but at the same time I feel so bad every time he's subdued 💦 Whereas I want Luka to get knocked down a peg, I want Till to find happiness and safety...
qweliboqeuvqied Anyway, that's my current brain rot 😊
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member visits Nayeon on her solo's set
A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry for disappearing but I got my wisdom teeth out so yeah- lol. Anyway- I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty anon! :D
The request: Can I request something, you know nayeon solo pop behind the scene, nayeon was so sad because 10th doesn't come because she's in hiatus, she sad but suddenly staff ask her to go out and said something 'fresh air'. She's grumpy because her favorite member is not coming and what she saw is the dancer who help her in mv but it turned out is 10th member. She suddenly feels embarrassed (nayeon) because she didn't notice her until now
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Nayeon stared at her reflection in the dressing room mirror, her usually bright eyes dull with disappointment. She took a deep breath and tried to shake off the heavy feeling that had settled over her heart. Today was supposed to be a special day, the behind-the-scenes shoot for her first solo music video. But it felt incomplete without Y/N, the 10th member of TWICE, by her side.
Y/N had been on hiatus for the past few weeks due to health concerns, and Nayeon missed her presence more than she had expected. The maknae's energy, laughter, and the way she could effortlessly brighten up any room were missed a lot, especially today T-T.
As the camera crew bustled around her, adjusting lights and arranging props, Nayeon's mind kept drifting back to her kid. She wondered how her fellow member was doing and if she was feeling any better. Nayeon had always been protective of Y/N, despite the girl's unwavering independence. She felt a pang of guilt for not being able to be there for her angel during her hiatus.
At that moment, one of the staff members entered the room and snapped her out of her daydreaming.
Staff 1 - Nayeon, we're ready for your solo shots now! 
Nayeon plastered a smile on her face and walked onto the set, giving her best performance despite the absence that weighed on her heart. Hours passed, and the shoot continued. Nayeon pushed herself to focus on her performance, giving her all to every take. But every now and then, her mind would wander back to TWICE's sunshine, wondering if she was watching the live stream of the shoot or if she was resting and recovering. She deserved to rest but perhaps...
As the day wore on, Nayeon couldn't shake the melancholic feeling that had settled over her. She had been hoping to share this exciting moment with Y/N, to see her smiling face on set, cheering her on. But her babygirl's absence cast a shadow over the entire experience.
The word Cut! that the director called out signalled the end of another take. Nayeon let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding and walked off-set, retreating to a corner of the studio. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through her messages in hopes of any news from Y/N.
 A voice called out to the eldest member and Nayeon looked up to see one of the backup dancers approaching her. 
Backup dancer - Hey, Nayeon, you did great out there!
Nayeon managed a small smile, grateful for the dancer's kind words but her soft voice betrayed her as she tried to hide her emotions. 
Nayeon - Thanks. It's just... I wish Y/N could be here.
The dancer nodded understandingly. 
Backup dancer - I heard she's getting better. Maybe she'll surprise you soon. (little does she know lol)
Nayeon sighed, her shoulders slumping. 
Nayeon - I hope so *frowns*
Just then, another staff member approached her. 
Staff 2 - Nayeon, how about you take a break? The fresh air might do you some good.
Nayeon grumbled inwardly but forced herself to nod. She walked out of the studio and into the corridor, leaning against the wall. The cool air did little to alleviate the heaviness that had settled in her chest. As she stood there, lost in her thoughts, the sound of laughter reached her ears. Nayeon frowned, recognizing the voice but not quite believing it. She turned towards the source of the sound and blinked in disbelief.
There, surrounded by a small group of staff and dancers, was Y/N, her girl. She was wearing a casual outfit, her smile radiant as she chatted animatedly with those around her. Nayeon's heart skipped a beat as she took in the sight of her younger sister, looking healthier and happier than she had expected.
Nayeon's initial shock quickly turned into a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment. How had she missed Y/N's arrival? She watched the girl's every move, feeling a warmth spread through her chest as she realized that Y/N had come to surprise her.
As if sensing Nayeon's gaze, the maknae looked up and their eyes met. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes. Then, Y/N's smile widened, and she excused herself from the group, walking towards Nayeon as she started talking, her voice soft yet full of warmth.
Y/N - Hey, Nayeon unnie. 
Nayeon felt her cheeks heat up, a mixture of embarrassment and joy flooding her system. 
Nayeon - Baby, you're here.
Y/N chuckled, her eyes sparkling. 
Y/N - Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Are you surprised? Lol
Nayeon nodded, a wide smile spreading across her face. 
Nayeon - More than surprised. I can't believe I didn't notice you until now! *pouts*
Y/N shrugged playfully. 
Y/N - Well, I guess I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be. And... You're old lmao
Nayeon laughed, the heaviness in her heart lifting with every second she spent in Y/N's presence even if she was being teased by her kid. 
Nayeon - You have no idea how much I've missed you, love.
TWICE's honey's gaze softened, and she stepped closer, wrapping her arms around her older sister in a gentle hug. 
Y/N - I've missed you too, unnie. But I'm here now, and I'm so proud of you!
Tears welled up in Nayeon's eyes as she hugged her youngest back, holding onto her tightly. The months of worrying and missing Y/N melted away in that embrace, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude and happiness. As they pulled back from the hug, Nayeon wiped away her tears and looked at Y/N with a teasing smile. 
Nayeon - YAH! You know, you should've warned me. I've been moping around all day.
Y/N chuckled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. 
Y/N - Where's the fun in that? Besides, seeing your reaction was totally worth it.
Nayeon shook her head in mock exasperation, her heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. As they stood there, exchanging laughter and stories, Nayeon realized that even in her absence, Y/N had a way of brightening her world. And as they headed back to the studio, arm in arm, Nayeon knew that her solo shoot was no longer incomplete because Y/N was right there by her side and that made her have only one thought:
I love our dear maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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space-cowboy-101 · 2 months
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🃏Yet another ATEEZ au ✨ Fallout: New Vegas 👏🏻
i’m kind of ashamed how long it’s been since i’ve posted on here because i’ve had a few things i wanted to post on here 🫣 but let’s start with the one that’ll be maybe be written first.
new vegas is probably my favorite game because of it being vegas and i had to make it when i seen the outfit mingi wore in the bouncy mv because lbr, there’s never enough cowboys.
anyway. this has no connection to the other fallout fic i made because that would leave me with no characters to use for this one so most, if not all, members will make an appearance in this 😀
mingi is, like the new vegas mc, a courier for the mojave express; essentially, he’s a mailman. he roams the mojave wasteland to the places where no one wants to go and gets paid to do it. after he’s chosen to bring a package to new vegas, everything goes to hell when he’s snatched up, his package stolen, he’s shot, and he’s buried—but he lives?
the vault boys were fun to pick for this one, like the others. during his trip to new vegas, mingi encounters a fair bit of things that makes him go 😟 because his interactions with people have been scarce in recent years (grab a package from a drop box and drop it off at its designated location) and there’s some crazy people—and things—out there. and the other vault boy i picked because gambling kind of plays a part in this? each person has their favorite way of gambling, whether that be card games, stuff like roulette, or slots, and it’s always a gamble out there in the wastes. mingi’s is blackjack and playing it is actually how he meets one of the members in this 😶
his perk is sharpshooter because we all seen the bar scene, he needs it. it was between sharpshooter and presence but sharpshooter made more sense in terms of his…lifestyle.
but yeah. i’m excited to write it and can’t wait to see what happens with it ☺️
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Memories 2021 Disc 4
So I asked again when I said I was going to watch memories in full if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2021. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were 7 DVDs in this one. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Part 1 Here covers Discs 1 - 3. Part 2 here will cover Disc 4. Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go!
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Disc 4
Butter Jacket Making Film:
I love that they all picked the 6 digits for the mug shot signs that meant something to them. Namjoons was his childhood home units. JKs was the date he moved to Seoul. Tae's meant that he was one of seven. Jin and JK giving Jimin cute heart eyes as Jin measures Jimins height (as he makes himself smaller) on the wall and calling him cute 😍 Jimin jokingly putting his hand in front of JKs face and Jungkook licking his hand 🤣 Jikook meeting eyes at the end so sweetly too.
Jikooks unit shoot was so cute! As was Jimin redirecting his hand from the automatic way it almost went to go pet the back of Jungkooks head instead of just simply putting his arm around him. Lol that muscle memory gets ya everytime! And the way they were fooling around and smiling so much 🥺 Tae looks like he is trying to seduce Yoongi in every photo! He needs to STOP MY HEART CANT TAKE IT! His eyesssss! Lol they were so cute all curled up on the floor though for their Taegi unit shoot! The tension nam2seok tried to keep for their unit shoot but they couldn't stop giggling and having fun during 🤣🤣 vmin bickering over their poses in the ot7 shoot while JK just held Jimin by the waist sneaking his hand underneath his crop top and gently caressing the skin under his shirt on his waist and smiling so much lol OKAY. Post over that here. Everyone giving end of shoot ending mentions and Jimin just continuing to slap at and low key feel up JKs chest. Man though. Everyone looked so good for this shoot! These outfits were top tier! And JK staring so sweetly at Jimin as he gave their ending "see you on day 2!" Ending comment. Lol the LOVE on this day, oh boy!
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Day 2 had them at the car wash!! And Jhopes blond and pink hair 😍😍😍 IN LOVE. The editors will NEVER let the Yoongi cat agenda die "Lil meow meow doesn't like the water" and I live for it honestly! Namjoon saying he's never washed a car before because he can't drive 😅😂 Jimin accidentally breaking props at the set because he was goofing off too much 🤣🤣 everyone giving a video camera to record each other and the chaos and unruly dizzy footage we are given 🤣 like toddlers hadn't a camera honestly lmfao. Yoongi filming Hobi and Jimin and Himself. Hobi filming Jin while JK sticks his hand down a flexing Jimins shirt in the background because OF COURSE THEY ARE lol. And all the cute dancing! First Vhope, then Jihope, then taekook. Then all the giggles of the 7 of them playing in the hose. And my heart is so happy! I love seeing them have fun!
Day 3 has them at the beach! And it's fun but it's freezing! Lol Hobi dancing and singing about sandcastles as a staff member tries desperately to keep up with him and keep him covered up and warm in a jacket 🤣 Jimin acting so baby trying to pretend he isn't freezing his ass off 😍😂 Tae (and Yoongi too) in headbands will always be my FAVORITE concept. Give it to me more please. JK ignoring every staff member calling for him as he was engrossed in filming himself write ARMY in the sand like the absolute cutie he is. Lol lol their group shots have them all looking one way together and Jimin being cheeky and looking the opposite direction to grin at Yoongi instead 😂🤣 cuties! And adding on here my post about more jikookery in the jacket making film.
Butter MV Making Film:
Everyone is watching back some of their shooting and Jikook just complimenting Tae on his flirty demeanor lol. "Not everyone can do that!" The praise! I love seeing it. Lol Tae accidentally kicking Jimin during their duo part of the dance and Jimin saying that since Tae noticed and said sorry, it was all okay. If he hadn't noticed he would've had to be dramatic about it. Lmfaoo all the other members being completely unable to leave Jin alone or stop giving him weird compliments while he was trying to shoot his solo scene. Lol their loving hyung!
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The absolute CHAOS of the members during Sugas rap verse. Lmfao pure insanity. The way Hobi was like "what is happening?" And Jimin who was in the process of being lifted and tossed around was like "I literally do not know" 🤣🤣🤣 their giggles though too! So cute. And then Jimin just SHOUTING like mad imitated Tae's sneeze. They can't leave each other alone for a second 😅😂 and the random little chin tap cut we got from jikook. So much fun
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Day 2 starts with JK just staring at Jimin as he dances his little heart out lol. I'm glad they always can have fun on set! Jin saying they had to do sexy poses for the opening but that he isn't sexy so he hopes it turns out well. Man, I know you own mirrors!! Everyone packed into the elevator and Yoongi ticking Jimins chin 😭 the captions saying the Miniz find each other adorable! *crying*
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3J all Watching Jins freestyle dance with the biggest hype smiles and filming him too. They LOVE Jin! Hopekook both staying to watch Jimin dance too, and Jihope cheered on JK. Hobi saying he stayed to watch and cheer for all the members through their dance 😭🥺 lmfao Tae doing quick arm exercises to show off his muscles in his sleeveless shirt and Sope both keep petting his arms and complimenting his big muscles now 😏🤣 Jin pulling a finger heart out of JKs vest pocket was adorable too. And jinkook always pretending to fight each other non stop! It's how they open up day 3 too!
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Legit just having a dance party on the stage set they had and having such a good time. Lol Tae literally dancing up to and for everyone and being so cute. It's absolutely giving "I will marry bts members" vibes. JinMin bickering and playing during the breaks and giggling so much. Jin refusing to leave Jimin alone and let him sit down. Lmfao and of course you know JK has to join in on all the teasing too. My JinJiKook. And all the bickering and fighting for camera time during ending mentions is as always, the most adorable. Their smiles! More Jikookery Clips
Butter Practice Making Film:
I love that Yoongi got there first and started lowkey warming up on his own but how happy he got when Jin showed up, immediately going over to hang out together 🥺 it's also fascinating to watch Kookie show up to practice half asleep, literally FALLING ASLEEP sitting up to getting more and more chaotic as practice goes on. Until he is full on going crazy, sliding around floors on his back and full chaos potential is unlocked 🤣
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Vmin are so precious. Working together for their duo dance part in the middle. Jimin said it was hard to see where his spot was that he was spinning into since he was going into it backwards, so Tae said he would hold out his hand so that Jimin could just see easier where he had to go, aka, spin into Taes arms 🥺😂 cuties! Dance leader Hoseok is ALWAYS a pleasure to watch work too!! Seriously though, the break is when chaos reigned. JK had vmin on his shoulders, boxing with Jin, helping (?) Namjoon with his push-ups and just in general acting silly to make his hyungs laugh. Lol he is amazing.
The next jump to dance practices for Butter is after they've all gotten their new hair done for the MV too! Purple hair Koo Supreme 😍 everyone warming up and Jimin helping Tae with his footwork! The encouragement given!! I really truly do love watching Dance Leader Hoseok and Main Dancer Jimin take their craft seriously and be so helpful to the whole group too. And always giving their advice with lots of praise too. It's awesome. Taekook making faces at each other in the back of formation and then in the front at the mirror to make everyone laugh 😂 Jimin teasing JK watching their practice moves back over too 🤣 they work SO HARD but always have so much fun too! And another day of practice starting off just with jikook having fun together playing a game of tag/catch. Their smiles! More Jikookery too.
The Late Late Show with Stephan Colbert Making Film:
The Actual performance should be here too
Their first promotional activity they've filmed for Butter, which was filmed the stage for even before the song released! Opening with 2seok and Vmin reviewing their choreos together! All the little mistakes made during their first run through in the new place and the shy smiles and giggles coming from those who messed up 🤣 Yoonmin reminiscing over their last time on the show where they did their BWL stage. Vmin having an impromptu chair workout during one break. Jinkook having an impromptu boxing match during another. Besties always having fun! Jimin talking to the cameras, talking about their set and when asked about his hair, sharing it was his idea. JK hovering around the whole time waiting for a good time to jump in and get to tease his hyung. Lol which results in playful smacks and chasing. 😂😂 Staff: "that was an eye catching opening you filmed" Jin: "I was just walking so if that was eye catching, the only explanation is that my face is eye catching" YES JIN know your worth!! Lol Tae watching Jin talking to the camera from the side and whispering into his in ears with his mic and telling him instructions of what to say 🤣🤣 their smiles while having fun together are so cute! The editors throwing Namjoon under the bus for the last filming scene! Lol "we could be done after this one take. Except spot what's wrong in this frame.... namjoon going the wrong direction" 😅🤣🤣 Jin turning to scold Joon right after the director yells cut too 🤣🤣🤣 they were all a little tired and ready to be done! Lol perfect second take though! The members laughter as the whole set has to be reset up, including all the confetti they had fired off 😅😂
Good Morning America Making Film:
The actual performances should be here too!
Hobi being so excited to perform the tropical remix of Dynamite! The editors calling Yoongi a cat for the millionth time. 3J being silly together in the way background. Jimin climbing the tower after Yoongi to hang off it with him and the editors calling Jimin a cat too. Jikopo smiling at each other as soon as they finish singing Dynamite. Some of my favorite things 😍 Jimin telling Hobi to aim for JKs head with the beach ball while they were singing and Hobi actually doing it 🤣 JinMin starting a game of foot volleyball, with the 94z joining right in too and JK just watching the 4 play with the cutest smile.
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I'll never get over Taes ponytail for this performance either honestly! Lol I love it. Vmin trying to decide what to do for their pair choreo and pulling Hobi in to help them decide. Their dance leader! They ended up deciding to do a high five and exchange glances as they walked. Which did look so sweet. Ending mentions at the end of filming were cute. They were all TIRED. Lol Tae leaning all his weight on Jin. Lol and Jikook couldn't have been standing closer together if they tried. 😂 AND THEN WE ALSO GET TANNIES WITH A PUPPY CONTENT! Which was clearly incredibly distracting for the members during shooting lmfao
Sirius XM Making Film:
Adding the performance here again too! Plus my post over more Jikookery from this making film too.
Everyone finding their spots and warming up for the Dynamite performance. JK just sitting there over and over trying to do the bottle flip game. Jimin joining him, getting it in 2 goes and proudly trying to show it off to Jungkook. And then JK warming up with a shout, Jimin = copy/paste. Lol they have tons of fun together always. Staff setting everything up... members goofing off with a playing with the set. Lol Jihope tossing a ball back and forth. JK playing darts and decorating his mic with darts while the poor makeup noona tries to do his makeup around all that 🤣 Jikook randomly holding hands and on/off doing a "grip contest." And their break time turning into a heated Rubix cube solving technique debate. Lol tannies doing a dance party to Butter at the end of the transitions and JK dancing with minimoni! Arms around Joons shoulders and Jimins waist 😍 and Tae riding a bike across the set 🤣 JinMin doing a perfectly in sync ending pose together too!
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For the butter set, Jikook keep joking about the set being the inside of Hobis stomach since he ate the butter in the MV. He humors all their BS so nicely 🤣🤣 I always love how much they compliment each other and are so humble about it. Tae telling Jin how good he is at the "know that I got some heat" part and Jin going "its because Jhope taught it to me." 🥺🥺 and during JKs dance Hobi shouting "OH JK! What's with those hips!!" And JK just being so proud and Saying "I really worked hard for that" lol Poor Jimin had his mic break and didn't have any extras so he was trying on everyone else's extra mics before asking for Hobis because Hobi "also has a small head." Lol and Tae taking great "offense" at Jimin saying his head was big. 🤣 basically just saying "we (pointing to JK) have normal human sizes and you just have an extra small head" 🤣🤣 Jimin going "I'm getting to learn more about the members heads today."
Butter (ft. Meg Thee Stallion) Special Performance Video Making Film:
Jhope saying that Megan did such a great job as a featuring artist that it really inspired him 🥺 I really love their friendship yall. And the fact that it inspired him enough to pull 3J back together for this is AMAZING. I love that he did this! Jimin warming up by playing basketball as soon as he arrives is so wholesome too. When Hobi said they installed the hoop for Yoonmin, he REALLY wasn't kidding!! JK calling Nick, the choreographer, over for help with the dance as SOON as he arrived was really cute. They work so HARD. Whatever you do, don't make a drinking game out of hearing them say "last time" lol you won't survive it!
The comfort they give each other is so sweet. Hobi cheering for them and giving encouragement. Tips shared for a better performance so easily between the 3 of them. Jimin leaning on JK during a break where they watched their performance and massaging his neck and shoulders for him so comfortably. Jungkook also comforting Jimin with some really sweet back rubs too. "Just have fun. Our fans will like it." It's honestly our favorite thing to see! Back for another day of filming because they are PERCECTIONISTS lol. And they take the cutest 3J photos we all still treasure before starting. Jikook goofing off shooting hearts at each other and doing their little meme dance before getting serious. Hobi smiling so cutely at Jimin practicing his facial expressions for the hand choreo and praising JK for his outfit when he comes back wearing white for the 3 of them to match better. Jikook smiling so cutely as they hold hands for encouragement before starting another take, Jimin grabbing Hobi to join all 3 of their hands together 😍 and Hopekook teasing Jimin for those last few "one last take" requests. Lol I really really love our 3J and I feel so blessed they worked this hard to bring us another dance collab!
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And this wraps up Disc 4 for memories! My next post will cover the next Discs as well too! Thank you for letting me share! 💜
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I waited until I had a day off to review and listen to IVE's new album, but first, let me share my thoughts on HEYA and the MV. I've seen it a few times since it came out on Monday, but still can't decide how much I like the song.
The MV itself is pretty amazing. The visuals (the beautiful colors, patterns, artwork, etc.) and creativity are really strong, the camera work is awesome, the styling in great, and this is by far their best MV and a great MV in general, but, on the other hand it feels rushed and disjointed... They jump from one eclectic frame to another, and my brain doesn't even have time to digest what I'm looking at - too many colors, too many different members appearing on each shot. The MV doesn't really tell a story or allow you to properly take in the visuals, the members, the sets, the choreo, even the song. It's a very pretty MV, but too fast paced.
Gaeul got the raw end of the deal. She actually has, imo, the most beautiful shots in the MV - esp. the close up on her face when she's looking ethereal; imo the best, most iconic shot -, but she has, like, 0 meaningful lines. For some reason, people don't seem to care for Gaeul? I don't think she has the best stage presence (she probably has the worst), and, for a main dancer, her dancing doesn't stand out, but she's the best rapper imo and she has a really sweet and mellow personality that I find charming and refreshing. She often goes viral for her parts too (her verses in After Like are some of my favorites).
Also, at this point you can call me a Rei anti although I don't hate her at all. I'm just honestly sick and tired of her face and voice. She gets literally all the lines, on par with Yujin, but her voice, to me, is super childish and annoying. There are verses of hers I like, especially the their first songs, but overall, she has way too many lines now. People like her because she's cute and acts sexy, right? To me, she's by far the weakest dancer and her personality is the least appealing (again, not to sound like an anti, but I watch all of IVE's videos on their YT channel and can't stand her anymore). Anyway, she objectively has way too many lines in this song. Her opening verse is terrible to me, and none of the others are any better (esp. the bridge...).
The line distribution in this song is pretty surprising. They gave Liz tons of lines (it seems they're starting to appreciate her again...), and she ate them! Her voice sounded amazing, and Liz is also the best live singer and one of the best dancers (after Yujin, she's the only one who imo doesn't look weak or tired when she dances). Her verses in Heya are some of the best parts of the song, and her first scene is one of my favorites in the MV (I love her outfit and that popping move she does with her chest).
Leeseo too got the lines she deserved. Her first verses aren't great, but I like the rest. I think a lot of people dislike her voice, but I think she's a very talented maknae. I really like her tone (it's catchy and versatile, although sometimes she does sound a bit childish), she has amazing facial expressions, and her dancing is on par with most of the other members. I think Leeseo is great with killing parts.
Wonyoung got less lines than usual, but she had enough screentime anyway. I thought Yujin didn't have enough lines, but it's more like she had less screen time than usual. Her lines in the bridge weren't great though. She would've nailed Liz's post-chorus verse. Imo, she could've taken the second post-chorus. Gaeul should've been given half of Rei's verses, at least.
Even after listening to the song on Spotify, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's refreshing and they pulled off the concept change, but Baddie might be better. This song is safer, and some parts are great, but it's not the catchiest, and it has too much rap probably.
Idk... Really glad for my girl Liz, though.
Oh, and the choreo... not great at all. I've seen their Studio Choom performance twice and can barely remember anything. IVE are very weak dancers and their choreographers sadly don't know how to make them look good. I thought things were looking up with I AM and Baddie, but...
I'll make a separate post for the album...
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jinhogae · 1 year
Hi i think i'm falling in love with HONGJOONG please help me. please. what are some of your favorite videos of him / all of ateez even? 🤲🏻 i am going crazy
kjuhzgtzhujik i am HAPPILY of help anon u have no idea how much this thrills me. tho there are many people who have been fans of ateez much longer, the hongjoong bias is still rare around here so i am happy about everyone joining ranks !!! hello hi !!! have fun !!!
so mandatory viewing of my ateez (hongjoong centric) experience:
deja vu mv (he serves so much raw cunt here it's insane. it changed me as a person like i was a mere casual listener but this one. sealed the deal over a year ago. i have yet to come up for air)
don't stop mv (second most insane moment in the hongjoong-fication of me. he's actually an actor it's crazy he didn't get a baeksang for best music video acting while trying to maintain 20 safety regulations. that category doesn't exist but it Should)
answer mv (this song was the only one to make me cry at my concert and i wasn't even a big fan yet .... song of ALL time tho !!! she is too good)
hongjoong's lemon tree cover (if you are in your mid-20s or older and european you will know this song. if you aren't, open your heart! he also wrote his own verse for it bc he's a bad bitch a virtuous icon)
ateez's wonderland on kingdom (i only watched one other video from kingdom but this is the most famous one anyway. took the house down as the kids would say. no survivors, i fear.)
ateez's it's live session: promise (first video i have ever seen of them perform and one of my fave ateez songs still. every session they did for this is great tho)
say my name comeback stage (kq's block b money was running out. ateez debuted with the most asinine space oddity meets metropol meets matrix group concept meant to span most of their career and releases. no one was tuning in. it was dire. they had one shot. and they delivered like the dorm was flooded and lights were all shut off the day prior. kq has to kiss their feet for this performance alone actually. ALSO. mullet hongjoong <3)
horizon comeback stage (sister release to answer. LIVES were once more on the line. this is to me their best song ever. the choreo is a feat of art and i do not say this lightly. spot some sweet and respective yeosang and yunho actions for the key parts of this song.)
hongjoong's log 1day (all of his vlogs or any ateez vlogs are easy background watching. i am not too deep into variety but whenever groups i like drop short vlogs, they're very fun ways to share non-music stuff in a way they feel comfortable with. also a man who is in such dire need of a dye job <3 he's just like me <3)
ateez wanted special 2022 (for their debut anniversary trip last year. the entire series is hilarious and shows a lot of their variety / on camera personas. hongjoong, seonghwa, and jongho were my faves here)
ateez's logbook #72 (their own behind the scenes series! i usually just watch these randomly when i have to kill time. the one during eternal sunshine promo has lots of hongjoong with mingi and jongho <3)
wanteez home appliance quiz (styled like a 90's/00 quiz show, they are fighting to win home appliances for their parents. the 98z' team chant is the meme sound of a t-rex. it's great)
wanteez friendship test (what it says on the tin!)
ateez @ sunmi's showterview (everyone was roasting mingi left centre and right but it is soooo fun overall. sunmi's showterview is hilarious)
that's it for now! i am terrible at watching mv's and big variety content, i am much more of a listener than a watcher jhgzhujik but with hongjoong i find any of his vlogs / covers / live stages are great content. ateez has also been on weekly idol and naver now usually livestreams hongjoong and yunho's season of idol radio, so these are fun to check out as well <3
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The hands in the new kimisute mvs. It got long so Under the cut
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Argonavis: all of their hands together . Yeah this one’s obvious you know argonavis they love each other they’re a group of solid friends chasing a dream We knew this
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Gyroaxia: actually this surprised me upon my first watch of All my parts. I wasn’t able to include the in-between frame of Nayuta’s hands lowering and the flame flickering out but it’s obvious in the next one that the rest of Gyroaxia makes the flame way bigger and brighter. It is rare to have a Gyroaxia song in which Nayuta is not only self reflective rather than self aggrandizing but where the MV acknowledges Gyroaxia as his equals rather than his followers . I would hope this signals a more emotional arc for Gyroaxia in Kimisute but you never know. They could be lying . This song and imagery was a pleasant surprise
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Fujin RIZING: Futa’s dead brother blues. I didn’t include the shot with his hand to the sky with the dates floating down but I assume that refers to 1) the day that sakutaro died 2) the way time stopped then for all of them and marked the beginning of Kohei Despair and 3) the passage of time since then. We’ve already gotten pointers telling us that furai’s gonna be more introspective and sad and that Futa’s not doing too well for kimisute so I look forward to their new stuff. Hoping for more songs like Longing
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Fantôme Iris: alright so I am not well versed in fantome iris lore and they do not have a story that you can understand relatively quickly like Furai . So I really don’t know what the fuck is happening with them at any point even though I love them. However I do know that this is a shot of Felix’s hand being a ray of light in the darkness, beckoning in the viewing to take it and see a new world. This, to me , is about how they’re finally on a upward trajectory as a band and how they finally have an agency and how TOMORU FINALLY HAS A GOOD JOB and all that. I like fantome iris I hope for good things in their future.
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ST//RAYRIDE: I don’t like how they stylized their name. Anyways. First one is about Rintaro’s band breaking up and later just him and Ryuusuke. It being a gemstone similar to argonavis being a gemstone in their mv means that band probably meant a lot to him. The shot of Ryuusuke holding his hand up to the sky is probably about trying to reach a dream related to music however they haven’t released any stst content yet so idk what the specifics are. Them holding hands? They’re gay. They’re married okay. They’re married to each other
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Epsilon: probably the most interesting and I definitely don’t think that because epsilon is my favorite band in kimisute. Anyways. This one raises many questions because, from what I can tell, it’s the only hand that refers to someone’s individual feelings rather than something that can be applied to the entire band. Futa’s past & lone hand is something that affects all of Furai, and Felix beckoning in a new age for Fantome Iris applies to all of them, he just happens to be their leader, but this hand is Haruka’s, and Haruka’s alone. I assume that this is referring to Haruka’s decision to accept Shu and the band’s twisted sound to try and achieve his dream of truly reaching people no matter how he really feels about everyone…..the shot of his eye afterwards was pretty ominous. I could go back on what I just said about using the band for ulterior motives and apply it to everyone though, like Reiji’s new motivation to protect Shu, Kanata’s insane obsession over Haruka, Tadaomi’s, erm, human observation, and Shu’s desire to be seen…..however I just think it matters the most when it’s Haruka. Because of how he’s abandoning his apathy and choosing a straight path for himself instead of letting himself be taken by the flow of the people around him. IDK. I love epsilon phi I hope some insane crazy shit happens in Kimisute and I hope Kanata attempts suicide and I hope Tadaomi and Reiji have a beautiful toxic yaoi romance
that’s all. If you read all this, thanks, I love you
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estcsy · 2 years
here are a list of things that I got called a pick me girl for in my 4town dr because why not 😋
- the face I make while I eat
I didn’t know I made a face when I ate till I shifted here there but i furrow my eyebrows and I make my eyes wide when I eat. now I don’t know why this habit came to be but I think it’s because when I eat I chew really fast and I’m like nearly choking 💀 I don’t know why I eat like I’m running out of time but people starting noticing that I do it and were like “SHES DOING IT TO GET THE BOYS ATTENTION” some people say I’m trying to look like this 🥺 other people say I just look sad and the other members said I look funny so no need to worry about them finding it cute because they don’t
- falling off of t’s skateboard
NOW THIS ONE IS SO FUNNY BECAUSE WHAT??? okay but anyways what happened was we were doing this interview and the objective was that we teach each other how to do one of our favorite hobbies. so for jesse he taught us how to make a vase with clay, robaire taught us some cool yoyo tricks (I don’t know if you guys know that yet but he loves his yoyo) and for t he obviously did skateboarding. so it was my turn to try and he’s holding onto one of my shoulders and I lost balance and fell but before I hit the ground he caught me and asked if I was okay and if I wanted to try again. I don’t know WHY this made so many people mad like dawg he saved me from breaking my arm it wasn’t like a romantic scene out of a movie at all 😭 and it wasn’t like I was like “OWWWWWW 🥺” I laughed it off and said I’m okay like cmon guys get it together
- flinching when I hearer a loud noise
I don’t understand this because taeyoung also flinched and was standing right next to me but nobody said anything about that did they
BUTTT this was on set for the call me baby mv and the cars that the extras were driving made that loud sound I don’t know what the proper term is but it kinda sounds like gun shots and it’s really loud so I flinched a little because I heard an unexpected loud noise and the people were quick to say I was dramatic but it isn’t like I screamed and put my hands on my ears I just jumped a little and made a 😟 face and I completely forgot about it two seconds after
- robaire picking me up
I can’t believe this is real but what happened is we had a behind the scenes to our dance practice and in the dance I have to get down really fast and then get back up again and yk my knees are rusty and I get dizzy if I stand up too fast so I fell over and just sat there for a little bit waiting for the dizziness to pass and for my eyesight to be normal again because when that happens i see like back spots and it fogs my vision so I was just sitting there for a little minding my business and once it passed before I could get up robaire somehow knew it was over and picked me up and put me in my spot so we could run it again and again for whatever reason the people want livid
but yeah that’s all :D
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z-exo-l · 2 years
Onew Circle First Impressions
I don’t know the lyrics, but Circle has a lot of striking (and odd) imagery in the mv, and it’s not necessarily cohesive. It’s not bad per se, it’s just hard to understand when it’s all put together; at least for me. The shot that struck me the most though was the broken and bloody phone with the “I’m fine” text message on the screen. That one’s easy to understand, but it’s almost incongruous against the rest of the mv’s strange assortment. Plus the way Jinki sings it is curiously powerful. I’ll have to look up what it all means. The song itself is good though; r&b works surprisingly well with his voice on solo, and the choir in the chorus is a cool touch.
Cough I have to admit, the guitar refrain was too repetitive for me in the preview, but the song itself is quite nice. A good driving song for when you don’t have anywhere in particular to be.
Rain On Me. Very minimal instrumental, letting Jinki’s voice do all the work. And it’s surprisingly soft! Ooh…what is that kind of…stomping percussion? Oh the bridge!! I can imagine this during a concert drawing everyone to silence, just enraptured. So nice. 👍🏻
Caramel is starting out as another gentle toe tapper. The melody’s so curious too, particularly on the pre-chorus. Oop! I didn’t know this had a feature! I don’t know who it is but it’s not a bad contrast to the song. …………Is this man making those noises HIMSELF!? 😆 Ngl, this is a weird song! I’m not mad at it, but what an odd blend of different elements??
Anywhere has a neat start…feels pretty retro. Once again he’s going sof—oh…oh what a curious song! It’s kind of like Taeyeon’s Weekend. I’m into this, the synth is a really fun touch. And again, I’m intrigued by how high Jinki’s staying on this one. This is probably my favorite so far. It’s the most in line what kind of sound I’ve seen trending so far this year too.
Paradise. Oooh yes! Oh another retro dancer! This is straight up DISCO, DARLING! It’s giving Bee Gees, and a little Rod Stewart?? YEEES YOU CLIMB THAT HIGH NOTE! Wowww this was such a left turn from the rest of the album so far, and I’m into it.
Expectations. Hmmm…I’m reminded of the indie artists from the early 2010’s. This is going to sound mean, but I feel this song is a little…I guess safe? There’s nothing wrong with it really, I just don’t think it’s my flavor. It’s a shame because it feels like he’s flexing his vocals the most in this one. So far anyway.
No Parachute. We’re back to the acoustics. Ooh, kick up! Ohh okay, I get where we’re going. There’s a line in the chorus that has a VERY familiar melody, ohhh…what IS that song? Where he says Jump Jump Jump…oh no that’s gonna drive me crazy! It’s a cool song and even though it’s super short I did like it. …But damnit that’s distracting…
Walk With You. A rather dramatic start, but I’m digging the melody. Aww, this is sweet. It’s almost got a reggae-ish/island sound going on? It’s got a gentle, romantic vibe to it. Not bad. It’s kind of like In the Whale from his last album.
Always. The last track is surprisingly short, let’s see. Ohh the ballad! I certainly won’t say no to a ballad from him. Hm…for such a short song I didn’t expect an instrumental break. Awww there’s some more of that vocal skill I love. 😌 I really wonder what this one’s about as well, because it feels like something that’s lyrically significant.
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mikuchae · 9 months
mikuchae's top 40 kpop releases of 2023
DISCLAIMERS: i did not include japanese releases, english versions, remixes, or korean versions of japanese songs. but kep1ers "i do, do you? was the best japanese release this year, FYI. also i'm sorry if your favorite album didn't make it on this list. i'm sure i probably liked a bside off of it or two.
40. A Dream of ILY:1 - ILY:1
twinkle twinkle (title track)
secret recipe
thanks to
2024 will be the year ILY:1 breaks out of nugudom. mark my words. every track on this ep brings the sort of fairytale/storybook/christian horse girl feel back to kpop effortlessly. it also fits the members incredibly well and i hope its the direction their company continues to take with their music for a while.
i wanna do
not like you
be mine
bubble (title track)
first of all, we're way overdue for a full album. second of all, great ep. bubble is almost infectious, a sugary sweet, vibrant song that makes it almost impossible to be in a bad moon when you listen to it; which is why it's such a crime to make it less than 3 minutes long. anyway, i think stayc, for a group just 3 years old, have managed to create such a wonderful discography filled with gems and songs that can fit in any kpop stan's playlist
bet on me
none of my business
psychic lover
cake (title track)
kill shot
i have so much fun when i listen to itzy. it's been an honor to support them since dalla dalla and see their discography grow into the catalogue it is today, no matter what some losers on stan twitter say. bet on me is probably my favorite song from by them to date, a cooler, more mature switch from their usual music. it's a perfect song to listen to while walking outside w friends at night, and the meaning behind it makes it even more special to take in.
37. FACE - Jimin
like crazy (title track)
set me free pt 2
interlude: dive
oh, hey! the first boy-group adjacent release! was wondering when we were gonna get to that. anyway, this releasing the same night as fall out boys album was life-changing for me. like crazy is, well, a crazy song. the instrumental following the first chorus grabs you by your ankles and drags you through the rest of the song. the somber feeling in alone and face-off feels like sinking into a pit of tar ( in a good way). i'm not even sure how to describe set me free pt 2, with it's bone-shattering instrumental and jimin's booming, commanding voice suckerpunching you through the song-- like he's demanding to be heard. a one of a kind solo debut from a one of a kind performer in the industry.
36. A Midsummer NMIXX'S Dream + expérgo - NMIXX
roller coaster
party o'clock (title track)
love me like this (title track)
my gosh
just did it
young dumb stupid
yes im including both releases bc a midsummer nmixx's dream was too good to be used for just two songs and also its my ranking list and i'll do what i want. besides that, im glad that this was a better year for nmixx. it's been tough seeing the backlash they've had simply for releasing just more experimental music than other groups-- which makes me understand this switch for a more smooth, less "noisy" sound. at least for these two releases - soñar seems to have that "nmixx change up" concept back, and we love her for that. back to these two releases-- i loved roller coaster so much. fun song, fun mv, fun choreo, i love fun kpop songs.
35. OMG + Get Up - NewJeans
cool with you
super shy
new jeans
get up
omg (title track)
eta (title track? idk all of these songs had mvs)
newjeans continues to blow me away with every release. the only reason this isnt top 10 despite every song being basically perfect is bc every song is way too short (what the fuck is ador thinking making get up less than a minute long and then saying "uhhhh maybe we'll release the full ver someday 🤫. anyway) . and, although it was released in dec of 2022, i cant pass up an opportunity to talk about ditto. a beautifully haunting song with a melancholy feeling perfect for the upcoming month of january. just perfectly produced songs with concepts executed effortlessly and further cementing the group as a force to be reckoned with even with just 3 official EP's.
off the record
either way
baddie (title track)
holy moly
following their first full album in april (which is coming up soon!!), ive once again took over the kpop scene with their first official EP. baddie wasn't necessarily a concept i had imagined for ive, especially since i've typically thought of their concept as a more mature, modern version of iz*one's. but i was pleasantly surprised with the song and the music video. however, i definitely prefer both pre-releases, with off the record being my favorite of the three and of the album. i'm a sucker for kpop producers sampling older songs, so this song using "memory" from cats was no exception. ALSO LOOK HOW CUTE WONYOUNG IS IN THE MV W THOSE GLASSES ASJAKDJSDHJLE
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33: 5-STAR - Stray Kids
hall of fame
topline (ft. tiger jk)
super bowl
mixtape:time out
s-class (title track)
get lit
you either get stray kids's music or you don't. thankfully, i do. or at least i really did with this album. idk. i know experimental, "noise" music isn't every kpop fan's thing but i don't mind it-- especially if its from a group that does it exceptionally well. if i were recommend a non-experimental skz song to someone, it would probably be collision- a nice step back from the loud, fast-paced songs on the album.
we know
wake up
crazy form (title track)
wake up
this world
matz (hongjoong + seonghwa)
dreamy day
bouncy (title track)
silver light
it's you (yeosang, san, and wooyoung)
youth (yunho + mingi)
everything (jongho)
fin: will
ateez's "the world" series is probably one of my favorite examples of world building in kpop. from the references to actual art pieces in the "guerrilla" mv to the cool "choose your character" type teasers with bouncy and crazy form, this was truly a great era for their music. both albums are a ride from start to finish. with this world building you up for dune's electrifying chorus like a rollercoaster trudging up a hill. the eery synths in we know feel like you're being prepped for a boss fight, either against or alongside ateez. although this recent album was the last of their "the world" trilogy, i hope they do decide to incorporate the instrumentals that accompanied it in future projects.
moonlight sunrise
set me free (title track)
got the thrills
crazy stupid love
blame it on me
no, it definitely doesn't make me irrationally emotional that we've now switched to just one regular twice comeback per year, why do you ask? besides that, another solid album from them. wallflower quickly became one of my favorite bsides of theirs with it's sultry, cooler feel to the instrumental. also i rly like the part in the set me free choreo where they're all dancing in a circle during the post chorus. we love you twice.
(and fuck tumblr for putting a limit on videos 🖕🏻)
yogurt shake
blue wave
istj (title track)
broken melodies
starry night
like we just met
i'm happy to say that this is the first time i've enjoyed an nct dream full album entirely. in terms of title tracks, i still dont rly vibe with hot sauce, and it took me a bit to warm up to glitch mode, but ive always enjoyed most of the bsides. istj, however, is probably one of the best examples of "good" experimental sm music. a loud, techno-ish instrumental but with plenty of amazing vocal moments so the song doesnt sound like they're yelling at you. yogurt shake takes the cake as one of the cutest boygroup bsides of the year, another track that makes it difficult to be in a bad mood when you listen to it.
29. I feel - (G)I-DLE
queencard (title track)
peter pan
all night
2023 was finally the year i decided to bite the bullet and jump into idles discography, with queencard being the catalyst for it. queencard is pure fun and you're miserable if you dont like it. oh, you're not a queencard? your boob and booty isnt hot? get over it.
28. Second Wind - BSS
fighting (ft. lee young ji)
7pm (ft. peder elias)
i'd like to give a big shoutout to booseoksoon for releasing a song that manages to get me psyched up for work every single morning without fail. and not only that, but releasing an EP with a really cool concept; each track representing a different time of the day. ive listened to lunch many a time while waiting for 20 minutes in the line at qdoba. and i wouldn't have it any other way.
27. MY WORLD - aespa
welcome to my world (ft. nævis)
im unhappy
spicy (title track)
salty & sweet
til we meet again
would you guys be mad at me if i said i ultimately preferred this concept for aespa instead of the whole kwangya shebang? i hope not. on its own, i think the whole kwangya/alternate version concept is cool but the execution of it has been kinda meh since black mamba, but all the songs that came from it have been pretty good, dont get me wrong. plus i think it should have been just aespas concept all along instead of trying to tie in exos 10+ year old storyline into it, but whatever. anyway, incredibly strong bsides. also i <3 the blonde hair on karina
26. Love War + HATE XX - YENA
love war (title track)
wash away
hate rodrigo (ft. yuqi of (g)-idle) (title track)
wicked love
bad hobby
intro: wash away
and a big fuck you to kpop stans who lack basic media literacy to know that hate rodrigo is a satirical song about celebrity worship and an even bigger fuck you to yuehua for doing barely anything to protect yena when she was getting hate for the song. primal rage aside, very nice songs from her this year!! love war was an interesting concept change from her past two title tracks but that isn't a bad thing at all!! also yena + yuqi saiki k reference <3
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tinnitus (wanna be a rock)
farewell, neverland
devil by the window
sugar rush ride (title track)
happy fools (ft. coi leray)
my ult group makes their debut onto this list with their january EP. i thought of this album as a return to their softer concept seen in songs like "fairy of shampoo" or "blue hour", but with a more mature feel to the concept. tinnitus is an absolute gem in their discography, with the song and choreography (if you watch their performance) telling the story of using music as a coping mechanism. farewell neverland is one of txt's most underrated songs, in my opinion- another perfect song for winter. a brilliant start for boy group music this year.
24. D-DAY - Agust D
snooze (ft. ryuichi sakamoto and woosung of the rose)
people pt 2 (ft. IU)
haegeum (title track)
huh? (ft. j-hope)
interlude: dawn
life goes on
polar night
when bts first announced their "chapter 2" back in june of 2022, i knew that yoongi's solo release was gonna be good. initially, daechwita was one of the only kpop songs i liked in 2020, and i patiently waited for him to produce another song using korean traditional instruments since it worked with his style so well. and my god, does haegeum deliver. using an instrument of the same name, haegeum is almost terrifying-- and the music video that accompanies it makes the experience all the more immersive. snooze is probably my favorite solo bside from a bts member this year-- an overwhelming yet inspiring track with a beautiful instrumental from the late ryuichi sakamoto, who had passed away a little less than a month before d-day's release, and kim woosung's wonderful vocals. people pt 2 was also an excellent pre-release, and has left me wanting at least 20 songs by yoongi with an IU feature. just a wonderful album overall that i regret not being able to see live every day.
23. Loossemble - Loossemble
strawberry soda
day by day
real world
sensitive (title track)
intro: searching for their friends
the second post blockberry creative freedom release, loossemble's self-titled debut EP is just a fun and easy listen. i also really appreciated them for releasing this on a friday so i didn't have to worry about going to work with less than five hours of sleep. from the jazz instrumentals reminiscent of red velvet's "birthday" in real world to the unapologetically cute intro title "searching for their friends", this album is pure kpop. i also think it was really sweet that yves, despite not being an official member of this unit, got to participate in the production of strawberry soda and make one of the sweetest b-sides of this year.
22. Howl - CHUU
my palace
howl (title track)
i am so unbelievably proud of jiwoo, especially as someone who's ulted her since 2018. her journey has been both heartbreaking and utterly inspiring. this ep is a wonderful solo debut and exactly how i envisioned it. aliens, an 80's-esque track, has aided me in several walks through campus, aka therapy. just an extremely solid ep that i also wish i could have seen live but alas had a final on the day she was going to be even remotely near me.
21. <Version Up> - ODD EYE CIRCLE
air force one (title track)
je ne sais quoi
my secret playlist
did you wait?
love me like
hey, that's three loona releases in a row! wacky! anyway, with how deprived i was of loona music and how often the boycott podcasts kept getting deleted off of spotify, oec could have released an album of them reading aloud from a cookbook and i would have streamed it like it was actual music. air force one is a masterpiece, a song that sounds like exactly what i would have expected to hear from odd eye circle if loona's subunits had continued to release music in official ot12 albums. the bsides are nothing short of perfect, from je ne sais quoi's hypnotic chorus to love me like's pep that motivates me when I go on the treadmill at the gym. also jinsoul with an eye patch was hot.
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eve, psyche, and the bluebeard's wife
flash forward
fire in the belly
no-return (into the unknown)
burn the bridge
unforgiven (title track)
fearnot (between you, me, and the lamppost)
source music thinks they're slick for calling it a full album and then making the half that i didn't rank just a "greatest hits" compilation. i see you, bastards. anyways, shoutout to epatbw for being my most-listened to kpop song this year. it's funny to think that the part of "the hydra" that was never released back in oct of 2022 would end up being one of the most stand-out, love it or hate it b-sides of 2023. overplayed? you could argue that. catchy as hell? you betcha. flash forward also stands out to me, not only bc it's just a really cute song, but sakura finally has lines!!! the world cheered!!!
19. Guilty - Taemin
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guilty (title track)
not over you
she loves me, she loves me not
night away
... the rizzness
taemin, we are so happy a REAL performer is back. guilty, the styling, the choreography, and the bsides that accompany it are so unapologetically taemin. a perfect return to an extremely impressive solo career spanning what will now be ten years. also if i ignore the first sentence of the rizzness i can like the song. his power.
18. Good and Great - Key
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good and great (title track)
can't say goodbye
mirror, mirror
live without you
if i could sit down and have a conversation with any idol and talk about their creative direction, it would be kibum. i'd also like to be in a committed relationship with him but i digress. from the dystopian workplace setting in good and great to the campy 80's horror movie elements used in the gasoline concept photos, to the bowie-inspired space concept in bad love, kibum has cemented himself as a one of a kind artist-- and has made me secretly wish for him to work with my favorite groups in terms of styling and concept direction. coolas is electrifying-- tbh one of the few english songs to come out of sm that i've enjoyed. kibum is many things to me, but most of all, he is a STAR.
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love fool
hear me out
let me in
regret it
no makeup
another day
private party
cream soda (title track)
i was so deep into my zb1 hyperfixation in july that, although i listened to it the same hour that it came out, i didn't come back to exist as much as i thought i would. which i'm regretting as i type this and relisten to the album for the first time in a while. i unfortunately still can't really vibe with cream soda, and i'm upset with myself for not knowing why. but, rather than focus on the negatives, let's talk about the positives. it's an exo album. every bside here is handcrafted by jesus.
16. Circle - Onew
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circle (title track)
no parachute
caramel (ft. giriboy)
rain on me
walk with you
good lord he's done it again. after serving pure cutieful in dice and gut punching me with blue, jinki somehow does both with circle. i'll let you all in on a little secret; i'm a sucker for choirs being utilized in kpop (ex. this song, kind of dune by ateez, mama by j-hope). this song is already gorgeous on it's own, but the choir in the background of the chorus makes it all the more heart wrenching. the bsides are all excellently produced-- from the breezy track anywhere to paradise, which is heavily reminiscent of sunshine, one of my favorite bsides from his previous album.
15. HARD - SHINee
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(he's so fine)
the feeling
like it
hard (title track)
sweet misery
going on 16 years into their career and not a single miss. going on 16 years into their career and still being innovative. going on 16 years and still having an impeccable discography that still holds up TO THIS DAY.
14. LOVESTRUCK! - Kep1er
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happy ending
back to the city
giddy (title track)
bet u losers didn't think kep1er would show up here. THINK AGAIN, FOOLS!!!! kep1er once again releasing an incredibly high-quality EP only for it to go completely under the radar of kpop stans thanks to their shitty company. this concept was executed wonderfully, from the beautiful concept photos to that indie-film style trailer dropped before the album that apparently just never got brought up again. this album even has some of my favorite vocal moments of 2023, from the melancholy post-chorus in happy ending to chaehyuns spectacular high note in giddy.
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take my hand
melting point
kidz zone
good night
crush (title)
zb1 gave us the best boy group debut this year and then said "watch us do it again" 4 months later. ANOTHER perfect album for winter. also, for a group not even a year old yet, kidz zone feels nostalgic enough to make you feel like you've known these boys for years now.
12. I've IVE - IVE
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blue blood
not your girl
next page
shine with me
i am (title track)
with starships track record of literally just single albums in 2022, i honestly thought it was gonna take years before we even got rumors of a full album for ive. so imagine my surprise when they gave us one in april. this album is one of a kind, with powerful bsides like blue blood and hypnosis to cuter, more bubblegum pop tracks like cherish and not your girl.
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(cannot find a gif of god of music anywhere for some reason so here's a gif from home run)
diamond days
god of music (title track)
back 2 back
woozi you fucking genius you. a spectacular album to end the year with. from the callback to their literal first song in diamond days to the haunted house-ass instrumental in monster, another masterpiece from seventeen to fawn over until they release the next masterpiece.
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(woozi pls pick me)
i don't understand but i luv u
f*ck my life
super (title track)
april shower
hey speaking of seventeen here's the masterpiece they gave us before god of music. when super comes on i become the physical manifestation of "bro thinks he's on the team." FUCK YEAH SEVENTEEN, I LOVE MY TEAM AND MY CREW!!!
9. Chill Kill - Red Velvet
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knock knock (who's there?)
iced coffee
will I ever see you again?
chill kill (title track)
one kiss
it's a red velvet full album. do the math. every song is gonna be perfect. now don't make us wait 6 years for another one again i swear to god @/smtown.
8. Layover - V
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slow dancing (title track)
rainy days
for us
love me again
just insane production. slow dancing is one of the prettiest solo songs from a bts member, teased originally as a 70's style song about dancing with your lover-- that had me hooked from the beginning and i hadn't even heard the song yet. i mean of course i would know all about that considering me and taehyung are in a fully committed relationship haha i mean what lolololol
7. the billage of perception: chapter three - billlie
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enchanted night ~ white night
euonia (title track)
various and precious (moment of inertia)
lionhearted (the real me)
my favorite release from them to date. billlie are on their way to crafting one of the most intricate, unique discographies in the industry. but honestly, the final chorus of nevertheless alone is enough to say that they've already achieved that. kpop groups are playing checkers. billlie is playing chess.
6. ok im gonna be honest i still havent listened to kiss of life's full debut album yet but i really like sugarcoat and i think that song is good enough to deserve it's own spot in the top 10. we love you natty. we're proud of how far you've come.
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5. GOLDEN - Jungkook
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(ok i know this technically isn't kpop bc every song is in english but have you considered i love jungkook)
standing next to you (title track)
closer to you (ft. major lazer)
yes or no
3D (ft. jack harlow)
shot glass of tears
too sad to dance
hate you
the last bts member to release an album this year, golden is modern pop perfection. standing next to you booms with it's high pace and it's almost as if you can feel jungkook's stage presence even if you're just listening to the song.
4. Unlock My World - fromis_9
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my night routine
#menow (title track)
prom night
what I want
eye contact
in the mirror
don't care
bring it on
it's hard to rank an album when all of it's songs are perfect, as has been the problem with a lot of these releases, but with fromis_9 in particular. i've said this before on twitter, but fromis are one of the very few groups to have an extremely seamless, graceful transition into a more mature concept since their debut in 2018. i can only hope and pray that pledis does more to promote them this year, especially after the success of unlock my world, and continue this gorgeous transition.
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skipping stones
growing pain
happily ever after
chasing that feeling (title track)
blue spring
deep down
back for more (txt ver)
do it like that (ft. the jonas brothers)
coming in at bronze is txt's third full length-album, which managed to do the impossible; make a rock song released by a kpop group NOT sound corporate. skipping stones is guttural, a song reminiscent of day6's music that, if i were just a tad bit more mentally unstable, would make me fall to my knees and clutch my chest in any public setting if i were to hear it. dreamer feels like a big sister to their older r&b track, 20cm, and just might be better than it. a solid full-length album from my ult group that i will treasure for a while.
2. Magic Hour - Kep1er
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the door
love on lock
tropical light (yujin, yeseo, youngeun, and xiaoting)
tape (chaehyun, mashiro, dayeon, hikaru, and hiyyih)
galileo (title track)
YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE PRAISING KEP1ER??? YOU'RE TALKING TO HEAD KEPLI1AN HERE. this EP almossttt topped doublast for me. almost. magic hour, although i will defend kep1er's "noisier" music until the day i die, is the concept i admittedly think wakeone should have given them from the start. the softer, more elegant feeling exhibited in tracks like the door and tropical light fit each member down to a t and, if this is the path they will take until july of this year (except they're NOT DISBANDING they're gonna EXTEND THEIR CONTRACT UNDER A DIFFERENT COMPANY MARK MY WORDS), i am extremely excited for what's to come.
and.. without further ado...
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in bloom (title)
new kidz on the block
back to zerobase
our season
and i
where do i even begin? this year saw the birth of the 5th generation of kpop, and i truly think there was no better song than in bloom to start it. refreshing and whimsical and sampling Aha's "take on me", in bloom is a masterpiece from start to finish. "my day starts and ends with you" rings throughout the song, promising the listener that they will stay with them. let's dissect the rest of the album. back to zerobase, the intro, is both mysterious and welcoming, ushering the listener in with a warm smile but holding something unknown behind it's back, evident in the album trailer it was originally teased in, with possible easter eggs to potential *matpat voice* LOOOREEE. new kidz on the block is fun and cool, telling other groups in the industry to look out, because here they are. and I shows off their cuter side, with lyrics perfectly crafted to fit the y/n fantasies of any zerose. our season is their standard thank you to the fans, we'll promise to stick by your side track except IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD AND THEY'RE GENIUSES FOR LISTING THE SEASONS IN THE SONG IN THE ORDER THAT WE MET THEM IN. finally, always, hao's solo song, is a sweet, vibrant song, carried by hao's beautiful vocals.
and there you have it. a very solid year for kpop for both boy groups and girl groups. this year was probably my favorite for kpop since 2018. now, with the releases already slated for january and the upcoming debuts of some groups, i'd say that 2024 already looks extremely promising be just as good as 2023-- if not better.
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 12/14/2022
Every time I see 14, I think of you since that was your favorite number. 
Today was a bit of a heavy day. I finally had that bone scan that I have been needing to get done done for those masses in my jaw. Honestly, I have a feeling that the san itself besides the masses will be mostly unremarkable, but maybe they’re impeding on a nerve in my face and that’s why it hurts? Either way, just want to be able to rule out what I can to figure out why this pain started last March. Really put my own stuff on hold when you died. Kind of expected though. 
In between the bone scans (there were multiple scans) I ran down to the MV location at my work. It was nice to work in office today. I was able to get Bundt cakes, lunch, etc. Talk with the team. We have a Secret Santa that’s next week, I still need to do some stuff for it. AKA get the gift (lol). 
Something else heavy did happen today, Twitch from Ellen committed suicide. He took his life in the same manner that you did, he shot himself in the head. This guy seemed as if eh had it all. Married for 9 years, well off, three beautiful kids. Just posted a smiling and dancing video the day before he took his life. This is truly an epidemic and a disease. And you know, a lot of people think it’s weird that I am doing this blog and posting pictures of me crying, but why can’t we? Why can’t we show other people that side. Are we so emotionally unavailable that we can’t have candid conversations and candid photos of how we really are? I downloaded this app called “BeReal” in NYC, and it’s basically a social media app where it randomly tells you to post once a day, and when the alert comes you have 2 minutes to post. I like the idea of this, because it shows what you’re doing in that moment, glamorous or unglamorous. 
Anyway, I could rant about that forever, but I’ll spare you that rant. After the scan and work, I went to pick up Sadie from Cassidy’s (I dropped her off there because I knew the bone scan would take a while / I didn’t want her to just be sitting at home all day). I also had an HR event tonight. I didn’t win anything in the raffle, but I made a new friend who lives in La Mesa, so that’s pretty cool! 
I ended up eating some leftovers for second dinner after the event once I got home. All in all, today wasn’t the worst. The bone scan put me into a weird headspace, but otherwise, the day ended on a good note. 
I think that it can be hard to acknowledge feelings though. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I am sorry that you didn’t feel like you could tell anyone that day, James. 
Love you and miss you. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
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koqabear · 2 years
no right?? her voice is so addicting it's like they're putting crack in the vocalists at sm
i think she has a voice that's hard to get tired of and aside from having the strength and range, i absolutely love her vocal color because like you said, it's sultry but it can also be sweet and i personally love when idols have that variety because i find it really refreshing?
my favorite song is probably bad boy, sad girl or anywhere but home! i have this Problem where i can never choose one favorite and i'm always stuck between two, so trying to get me to choose one is seriously... a herculean task.
the mv isn't anything crazy or lore-packed like a txt one or the album trailer, which is what confuses me? i know sm isn't a label that heavily focuses on actual story-telling lore and there's nothing wrong with that, but the mv just has nothing to do with the trailer? i'm pretty sure they've done this before with their earlier artists like exo and changmin from tvxq, where they'll set the bar insanely high for themselves and then completely miss said bar; it's kind of like the equivalent of music and award shows putting all the highly-anticipated groups last to keep viewership lol. i know it wasn't the mv teaser so i can't be entirely upset about that, but i expected there to at least be some references to it, if any at all, because it really just plays like the choreography version of a music video with a few aesthetic shots thrown in here and there. then again, that could be attributed to the fact that seulgi's a dancer so it would make sense to focus on her dancing, but there's a very significant imbalance. i'm definitely not complaining though (edit: yes i am) because i really liked the styling and editing, i just wanted to see how they'd expand on the trailer. i remember seeing tweets about the concept and how a lot of the scenes revolved around asian folklore and superstitions, specifically about the ghost festival and how you can't do certain things because it'll attract spirits and some essentially invite them to possess you which led a lot of people to believe 28 reasons was going to be related to monster and that irene was the one who possessed seulgi. then there was this craze about how she looked like nanno from girl from nowhere or how the trailer was kind of like a horror movie and then we just see none of that... it definitely feels like a waste of potential but regardless, 28 reasons was stupidly good.
tldr; ml complains about the lack of correlation between the 28 reasons trailer and music video for *checks notes* 329 words
phewwww okay, so I just watched the music video, and let me tell you… you are absolutely right!
tldr x2; sol agrees with ml, but still thirsts over Seulgi nonetheless
i watched the mv teaser and the album teaser beforehand, and it looked really cool! It looked like something out of a horror movie, and I was actually kinda expecting some lore to come out of this mv; but alas, nothing.
i feel like it would have been better if we got a performance video and an mv (like what bts did with on) so that we could’ve had something that related back to the teasers, and something that still catered to Seulgi as a dancer/performer— cause that choreography is amazing. But anyways, it really is kinda disappointing :( it’s a gorgeous mv (and Seulgi is just so damn fine) but the way that they fed us those cool ass thriller/horror-esque shots and then said oh!!! Nevermind!! Just UGH it even looked like a whole movie…
I would have LOVED if they had done something like txt’s eternity mv— literally one of my favorites, it was so gorgeous and gave us a lot of lore too. But like you said, sm isn’t really a company that focuses on giving their groups a solid story (cause what the fuck is going with kwangya). Which is really sad, because they have a loooot of potential to properly explore these concepts (Seulgi and Irene’s solo, taemin…. Taemin again because the theories I’ve read on him, oh my god.) but then again, I’ve never been too accurately up to date with a group’s lore, so maybe they do have a solid story that I don’t know about.
Seulgi’s voice is just so perfect and she has an amazing range, but I must make a confession; the bridge where she talks is just a tad bit corny to me, (just a tiny bit!!) but she gets a pass bc it’s her and she’s hot, but I’m not really a big fan of that R&B sultry talk out of no where… (trauma flashbacks to Johnny in beautiful) some songs really pull it off, like if you do by got7. 28 reasons is just so good and I’m trying my hardest to not overplay it tbh
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shiro-hatzuki · 3 years
I loved reading your Es art analysis and wanted 2 ask what are your favorite milgram theories for each of the prisoners + es and jackalope! doesn't have to be like the ones you believe are the most likely to be canon or make the most sense but just ones you think are funny or interesting, I'd love to hear!
anon? you enabling me to scream about my opinions even more? /j
okay real talk, i can't say i have too many theories that are particular favorites of mine (tho i do have a few faves!) since i'm so indecisive and end up loving them all lol. i'll share some theories i've recently had on my mind, though!
theories below the cut! probably contains spoilers. also hyperlinks for days, and CW: several sensitive topics including prostitution, bullying, child abuse, and probably others that are standard fair for milgram will be mentioned.
Haruka: killing my old self- wait a minute
this is the theory i came up with when i first was introduced to milgram. in this theory, haruka believes he was a "loved" child in his past and an "unloved" child in the present. he sees his past self as what he should ideally be, but through his unforgivable actions (hurting the girl, bashing the dog up with the rock, and possibly other actions we didn't see), he can no longer be a boy worthy of love nor happiness. he sees another child that is like his loved self or he sees his loved self in that child, and jealous (or a plethora of different emotions he may have), he kills that child. I hold this theory dear to me since it's my first one, but i quite like other haruka theories regarding the specifics of his motives as well as who the hell his victim is.
Yuno: i don't get around that much
the theory goes that yuno is dating one older gentleman who has a lot of money (sugar daddy relationship), and the scenes we see are the 4 different times they met up that could have caused her pregnancy. as a side note, they probably met up more times than 4, but these are the times that she thinks might have caused it. due to the balloons in the giant balloon being different colors, though, i think it's more likely that she was an escort for 4 clients, but hey, it's possible.
Fuuta: the gamer malewife of my dreams <3 /j
wow shiro, you have strangely specific dreams. anyways, this is a silly theory in which fuuta is actually surprisingly good at housework. fuuta has stated in his interro questions that his parents were divorce, and since he doesn't remember much about his mother, his parents probably separated early in his life. though i'm not sure if his dad was a working man or was struggling through some way or another, he probably had trouble taking care of the housework along while looking after his kids. that meant that the kids were either living in a messy house (not necessarily bad enough to warrant child protective services, just not spotless), or it was up to the kids to help with the chores. whatever happened, fuuta either prefers or is used to keeping everything clean, and from the shots we can see of what i assume is his current place of residence, he's been doing alright with keeping things relatively tidy (there are still some things here and there and his bed doesn't look made, but at least it's not like my room lol).
Muu: the mv is in reverse order
i recently saw this theory after it was posted in the fancult server by a user that goes by pai, and i think it's super interesting! it goes that the murder of muu's victim and the ending scene actually happened before muu started to be bullied. victim girl was the subject of bullying, but then muu killed the girl. at first, her classmates feared muu, but eventually, they bullied her due to at least being suspected, if not know to be, the killer of victim girl. i'm not sure if i fully think this theory is probable, but i do find it interesting to think that the timeline we see is not reality.
Shidou: "bad at my job" kirisaki
my half baked theory on shidou i posted a bit ago! according to the theory, shidou is a surgeon who does very vital operations that could save lives, but he's a really bad surgeon, so he can't save lives for shit. it's not that he didn't study and train properly, didn't take his job seriously, nor didn't care about his patients; he did all of those things! but for some reason, he keeps screwing up. the flower person at the end is actually a symbol of his dying career because he can't save people for shit, each flower being a patient he tried to save - thought he saved - building up to a mountain of failure. this theory is mostly a joke and an excuse to say "shidou sucks" a few times /lh. (i still love him, tho)
Mahiru: the last supper
i think the theory that "mahiru's food we see in day 16 killed her lover" is really funny. okay, so it could be the yandere thing like in the psychogram (the song she covered) mv where it's intentionally killing him because "with your death, you can be bound to me forever" or whatever's going on there, but it's funnier to think that mahiru accidently put something her partner is deathly allergic to, she passed out, then woke up to find that her partner had died from her food. alternatively, her partner had choked on his food while mappi was passed out. oops.
Kazui: faithful to the end
basically me going "haha noooo kazui don't cheat you're so sexy." the theory is that kazui didn't cheat on his wife with the woman at the bar. the woman was just a business partner, coworker, or even just a female friend. however, although there were no romantic feelings, it still stood in contrast with his relationship with his wife. he wasn't enjoying his wife's company anymore. he didn't love her anymore. he should have kept up the lie of being content with the partner he chose for his life, but he let the lie slip away. but both him and his partner were not as young as they used to be, and perhaps they had been married for long enough that the years they spent together amounting to nothing but a failed marriage gave a feeling of hopelessness, at least to them. thus, for better or worse (i think worse), they didn't divorce.
Amane: childhood stardom
in the early days of amane's mv release, i saw a small theory going around that amane was literally a child star on a television show, and the entertainment industry was rough on her/possibly abusive towards her as well as other child talents (or at least the particular company she was contracted under). of course, nowadays you don't see this theory as much, and the religious themes that have been surrounding her since the beginning of the project have lead to the cult theory being more prevalent and the tv themes being taken less literally. i personally agree that the tv themes are much less literal when i interpret amane and don't believe that amane was a child talent for tv, but i still think about this theory with fondness.
Mikoto: running from my dark days
the theory goes that mikoto was once part of a gang when he was younger. probably not yakuza, but a rag-tag street gang or even biker gang. he went to school and joined the workforce to get away from his past, but he couldn't break away from the gang so easily. the dude we see crawling away from him at the train platform looks a bit like what your average gang member might look like, and the imagery of bikes and bikers, knives, bats, and probably other street thug imagery are all over mikoto's tarot cards. i think this theory is neat, and i never would have thought of it on my own.
Kotoko: i have what you want to know
the theory is that kotoko needs to work a few odd jobs to get by, one of them being an info broker. this mainly comes from the back-alley deal scene where she is exchanging slips of paper with another person. information is one of the currencies she works in when on the streets, thus why she seems so keen on gathering information. it also helps her own goals when she exchanges information with others, such as tracking down the people she's beating up (and potentially beating to death hi dude that kotoko probably killed). admittedly, my love for this theory might just come from my inexplicable bias towards info broker/informant characters. yeah, very specific, i know.
Es: child of the prison
for this theory, es was raised in the milgram prison. this theory comes from the eleventh door being very old (assuming it was once es's cell) as well as the impression i got from things like undercover, which is that the clues to es's past are hidden within the prison, not just their forgotten memories. furthermore, if they were raised to be a prison guard, then that could explain why they accepted and fell into the role so easily. the details are still dodgy for me, though. were they born in the prison? or were they a young child that was brought to the prison and raised there? of course, it could just be that es wasn't raised in the prison at all, too. i'm hoping that the light novel could shed some light on the nature of wardens becoming wardens if not show es themself.
Jackalope: literally just a rabbit
so we know that es is basically the only one that can hear jackalope, but after seeing various things in the milgram ip with the prisoners just considering jack to be a bunny and even treating him like a normal bunny, i wondered if he literally looked like a normal bunny. shidou's drawing of jack made this theory much less likely, though, since he drew jack with horns. idk if the prisoners assume the horns are attached to his head or not, but at the very least, the horns are on him. still, this theory was really funny while it lasted because es would've been like "he doesn't like it when you call him a rabbit. i guess he's not quite a rabbit since he's a mythical creature with horns." and the prisoners would've been like "horns??? you tripping, warden?????"
and those are some of the theories i've had on my mind for every character! the theories that are mostly not bsed from my own head are muu's, mahiru's, amane's, and mikoto's, though i currently can't find links to more in depth explanations of these theories (if i find them again, i'll hyperlink those too)(also this is not to say the other theories weren't thought of by other people. it's just that i thought of those mostly independently aside from some back and forth with a friend for one or two of them, and if they match someone else's theory, it's by coincidence. or blame that friend /j).
thank you for this ask, anon! it was fun doing a quick run through of all of these.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Memories 2016: Disc 3
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So I asked awhile ago when I said I was going back to watch every memories DVD they have released so far, if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2016. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were only 4 DVDs in this one. Part 1 with the first 2 discs is already up and on my masterlist. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go!
Disc 3:
Epilogue: Young Forever MV MAKING Story:
They are doing their jacket shooting for the album and they look so cute dressed up for their little prince concept out in Jeju. Yoongi's look is probably my favorite for this one. Loved the units! TaeGiKook, Jihope and NamJin. Jihope wrapped up in blankets together to avoid the cold while waiting their turn was adorable. And when Hobi just turned around and bent over in wordless invitation for a piggy back ride to Jimin! Namjin taking some of their photos curled up in the bottom of the hot air balloon basket. So cute! JK obsessed with the ATVs lol crashing Jins solo shoot. Picking up Namjoon for a ride. Randomly showing up with Jimin on the ATV too. He loved that thing
Campfire photos, Jimin roasting and eating a marshmallow, captions "Jimin eating marshmallows in a sexy way" 🤣 everyone staying super huddled together the whole time to try and share warmth
JK half sleeping through his day 2 solo shoot. Lmao someone let that boy nap! Jin and Suga too! They are so sleepy! Lmao JK sleeping through the first few group shots and Tae next to him adjusting him and propping him up in his sleep. Why is it always Tae having to help a sleeping JK through photos 🤣
Shooting the MV, Jin saying he is giving emotional acting (kills it) and then cuts to JK clowning him in an over dramatic collapsing in emotion against the fence fashion 🤣 why are they like this!?!
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Yoongi clicking tons of pictures of Jin. Jin joking about a "Suga's sight" revival (I wish!). So cute though. They gave Jimin a wet hair look and be said he would be showing us "wet emotion." Please 😂 Jihope sharing a jacket and doing a 4 handed fight against JK before doing some type of dance together while both in the same jacket! Lmao how?! I would would kill for just a little bit of Hobis energy levels please. Just a bit.
Save Me MV Making Story:
BTS members, groaning, worried, complaining. Freezing their butts off huddled together in ponchos being pelted by rain and worried about being able to continue the MV. Then there is Namjoon, do you think there are crabs here? Hurrying around the beach looking for crab holes. Lmao the caption "no one knows why he is looking for crabs." Please he was so excited. The contrast was great.
Rehearsals in the raincoats. Their good cheer is truly amazing. I would be grouchy as heck if I had to film in the freezing rain and dance on wet sand 🤣 role models, the lot of them. And Jimin now inside JKs jacket. He really is just stealing everyone's jackets isnt he?
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Jin, we have to run and dance but the ground is sinking 😭 Hobi saying it's the toughest day. Everyone saying Save Me and that it fits at least. Lmao they are amazing for sticking it out and working so hard. And they might be cold and wet and ready to be done, but at least they all look AMAZING and the killed it for the MV.
The way you can hear the Staff giggling behind the cameras watching bts run around to get in and out of shots for the one take. They did it so many times! Yoongi even crashing into the camera director once he was running too fast 😂 their professionalism is top tier!
The way they all ran off so fast and so happy to be done when it was over. Lmao they worked so hard. And Jimin just going "let's go get dinner," picking up Tae and running away with him. Lol loved it.
Fire MV Making Story:
Tae was sooo nervous to crowd surf and Yoongi was so nervous about holding hands with a man literally on fire and Jin was so nervous about singing while standing in front of an exploding car... but they all nailed it! Although a small part of me was also incredibly amused by how hard they all jumped everytime something exploded
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When Jimin messed up the choreo by accident he immediately went over to hug JK and laugh while hiding in his shoulder. Lmao so precious. That is his safe place. You can't change my mind! Sope were super cute during their scene too, joking about being drunk on ARMYs love.
Yoonkook being super cute with a crazy handshake. It looked similar to one of Taekooks many handshakes! Maybe they taught it to him 🥺 that's so cute.
They work soooo hard. I swear. It's incredible getting to see it. Especially with how all 7 complaining that this was their hardest choreo and knowing what they are doing now?! Love to see that growth 💜
WINGS Short Film Making Story:
"Jin the beauty." They aren't wrong! The way he talked about how it was weird to film alone and that he missed his members 😭 they really are family. And the giggles when he kept pulling away from lighting the petals on fire too fast!
Yoongi saying that he likes solo shoots because it's peaceful and quiet, just for the editors to call him out on how he kept looking around for all his members the whole time. You missed them, it's okay to say so 🥺😂
JK switching between Uber cute and giggly and over the top silly. Immediately to intense emotions and crying was giving me whiplash!
Namjoon in a tank top IS the concept. Thank you. Lol he is so cute though, loving his fake bird tattoo and accidentally breaking the prop phone booth. Whoops!
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And Jimin's concept was dancing, wet hair and apples. And I'm really not okay. That was 2 minutes of his incredible choreo, watching him fall into a bath tub 5 times and get patted dry each time and smile sweetly into the camera. And omfg he killed his dance too. As always.
"Do I look sexy today?" Always Hobi. His acting was top notch and snickers should be sponsoring them for all the advertising they got from the BU! Lol and then at the very end, we see Jimin again, there to support his hyung and see the set 😭😭
2 of my favorite things are Actor Tae and Tae with puppies content and this gave me BOTH! He had probably the most complicated short film to do and he nailed it. All the extra actors in his too. He is so cool.
WINGS Jacket Making Film:
Such a good shoot. SO MANY GOOD PHOTOS. Namjoon and Hobi praising JK through his solo shoot. Jimin jokingly complaining that he is taking a long time. NamKook being an adorable unit together and teasing Jiminie over his bird drawing. Teasing is part of the tannies love language. Lmao
Jin standing on Jhopes socked feet for better circulation (?) LOL and then Jimin doing the same. Jihope doing a little dance together with Jimin on his feet, followed by Jhope tickling Jimin. Their giggles 🥺🥰
Bangtan in bed concept is FINE. Totally fine. Lol jikook next to each other and JK puffing out his chest super far and acting silly to make Jimin smile. MY HEART 🥰 and Tae legitimately falling asleep 😭🥰
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Jimin kicking a sleeping Tae out of the bed so he can do his unit shoot with Suga. Where they take wow level photos even though they bicker the whole time. Teasing over Suga's black hair or the way Jimin is breathing 🤣 why are they like this?! And a Tae2Seok unit is so powerful for the world to properly be able to handle!
Jimin calling Hobi without honorifics for their unit shoot and Hobi jokingly scolding him for it. Lol why is it that Jimin always gets wet in these shoots? Jimin ended up in the bathtub full of soapy foam 😂 everyone else got to be in an empty and dry tub. And yoonjinmin all piled into one tub together feels like it should be an edit, but it's not. Lmao
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Intro: Boy Meets Evil MV Making Story:
He was soooo so nervous about how advanced and tricky the choreo was and what the results would be. I hope he knows how amazing he is all the time. He killed it and I loved seeing his confidence grow in how well he is doing after every take.
When they change up the set to the smashed floor, Hobi: "the floor is all smashed! ... I don't know why..." 🤣🤣🤣 I loved getting a bit more insight and background into how he wrote this song though too.
Watching 4 staff members circle Jhope throwing paint at him to color his pants was an experience 😂😂
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It's hard to put into words watching his perfectionism. Hobi worked so insanely hard for this intro. Literally danced the entire day, had dinner then did it all again. You could tell he was in literal pain multiple times from working so hard at such a complex dance. But he never stopped smiling and wow. what a video he created with all that hard work!
Blood, Sweat & Tears MV Making Story:
Not even 2 minutes in and RM has already broken a mirror 😭 lmao a rant later over how he doesn't know why he always breaks stuff, just to cut to Jimin watching on in Supreme disappointment lmfaooo
Any member wearing a low cut shirt and you will find Hobi there talking about it 😂 "ooo RM I can see your belly button!" Lmao okay Hobi, thank you for the commentary!
Yoonmin filming their scenes together first, killing it even though they both felt awkward with their individual shoots, giggling over the blindfold and then Jimin getting to go home early since he was done!
Namjoon struggling with his solo shoot. Lmao coughing on the smoke and saying he hated the way the drink tasted. The fire freaking him out 😭 lol. But it turned out so cool and you would never be able to tell in the final cut!
Hobi jumping at the water explosions 🥺 JK having lots of fun during his solo shoot, but hating all the feathers floating everywhere at the end. Lmao his face of disgust picking them off him was great
Jin kissing the statue, Jimin sitting the the side with the cameras with his coffee smirking. "This is my favorite scene." 😂
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Yoongi not able to stop laughing and jumping around awkwardly when he was supposed to cover his eyes. Lol leading to a demand in partner switch ups 🤣 which is how we got the iconic TaeJin BST pair up I guess!
Jimin immediately putting hands on his knees and breathing heavy after director called cut and Jin seeing him and placing a hand on his neck and leaning over to check on him 😭
I love seeing their excitement (especially Yoongi's everytime a shoot is finally over!
Agust D MV Making Story:
YOONGIIIII 😭😭 That's it. That sums up my feelings 😭😭😭
He looks amazing. He misses his members too and I just 😭😭😭 plus can we all take a moment and talk about WHY he is always tied up for his mixtape shoots? Yoongi?! The girl who tied him up... what a job you have! Lmfao
The happy food smiley Suga is at such odds with the fvck you energy of Agust D when thet are filming. I love it.
The way they literally put the trailer on a fork lift to shake it around for certain scenes with him inside. The dedication!! He was sooo tired though. Someone let him nap!
The way that they literally safety strapped him to the roof of the car and went for a drive to film him on top of the trailer for those scenes!
Give It To Me MV Making Story:
No one should look good after a car accident. Even with all those fake wounds, I call a foul. Unrealistic expectations for the rest of us if we get injured, thanks. We can't all be a badass.
The way he was falling asleep wherever he was as soon as the camera stopped rolling. Lmao on top of cars while getting makeup touched up included 🥺
The way he does his little arm swinging happy dance but in a "I'm so tired someone save me" type of way. And the professionalism when the cameras are on for the MV? Top notch!
And the happiest smiles when he gets told he is done and gets to go home. Lol ugh, I could talk about forever about both these songs, these music videos, the visuals, all of it. Deserves their own post honestly.
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And that wraps up Disc 3! I'm already looking forward to finishing it up with Disc 4 which looks like behind the scenes of their tour! This was amazing and their hardwork, as always, is so highlighted and soooo admirable. In conclusion, I love them. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts! 💜
(None of the gifs are mine)
39 notes · View notes
jungkookiebus · 5 years
Overprotective | jjk
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Genre: bf2l, smut, angst Pairing: jungkook x reader Rating: M Word Count: 6.6k Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING: there is domestic abuse, mostly mental, but there is mentions of physical, Jungkook beats the shit out of someone, if violence bothers you DO NOT READ THIS, cunnilingus, unprotected sex. Summary: Jungkook had been your friend for long enough to know that something was wrong and seeing you spiraling in your current relationship had him on edge. It all comes to a head at a house party when he witnesses the abuse firsthand, throwing him into a blind rage that has him throwing your boyfriend into the front lawn.  Author’s Note: Angry jjk in the ON mv got me in my feelings. Thanks. @bulletproofbirdy​
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“Are you coming tonight?”
Jungkook sat on the edge of your bed scrolling through his phone.
“Hm?” he asked absently. You looked over to see his face illuminated by the eyesight ruining blue light of his phone. It highlighted the scar on his cheek. He scrunched his nose as he sniffed but didn’t look away from his phone.
“The party. At Hobi’s,” you said as you began removing your clothing and pulling dresses off hangers from your closet.
He finally looked up as you were pulling a gold dress up passed your hips and adjusting the straps on your shoulders.
“Are you really going to wear that?” he asked while gesturing his phone at you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Seems like overkill maybe.”
Jungkook was your best friend of almost seven years. Seven years filled with happiness, sadness, and sometimes downright aggravation. Like now.
“It’s not that kind of party, _____, it’s chill.” He paused for a second and chewed his lip. “Is Cheol going to be there?”
You suddenly stopped mid-waist as you were pulling the dress back off. Jungkook had seen every which version of you there was to see. His favorite was high _____ trying to get to the bathroom before she wet her pants. Any shyness you had around Jungkook in the beginning was replaced by blind trust and a totally comfortable space around him. You had met Jungkook at a very similar party. He had tried to hook up with you and you had turned him down with such drunken gusto that he was immediately taken with you romantic or not. Later that night when your friend had, naturally, left you to go with some guy, you were stuck on the front lawn, mascara running from cry laughing at Jin’s dumb jokes, missing a left shoe, and a little hopeless. He sidled up to you as you scrolled through your contacts trying to figure out how to get home.
“Need help?” he asked after clearing his throat.
You had looked up at him, sneered, and went right back to scrolling.
His eyebrows shot up into his hair in amusement, a small smile forming on his face. He then leaned down closer to you and was looking at your phone screen.
“Can I help you?” you had slurred as you hid the screen against your chest.
“Let me get you home. Your friend obviously left you.”
You bent over, eyes crossing as you imitated the Spongebob meme.
“YoUr FrIeNd oBviOuSly lEft YoU. No shit Sherlock.”
You hadn’t expected him to start laughing so hard. Soon, he was unable to breathe, red faced as tears streamed down his face.
“What’s wrong with you?” You hadn’t expected him to answer. His laughter had him clutching his stomach in mock agony.
“I think I’m in love with you, let’s go,” he had said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you along behind him.
And that was how you became friends with Jungkook. It had all started with a pass that turned into hanging out and playing video games every weekend, to sleepovers, and then to practically living together despite having your own apartments. Your current boyfriend was not happy with the fact that Jungkook was with you most of the time.
“He’ll be there.”
You saw him bristle.
“Why do you like him?”
“Jungkook, not this again.”
Time and time again, Jungkook had seen you come home a little broken. At first, he thought maybe it was a tiny argument. You’d shrug off any concerns he had and told him you were just tired. He would watch you as you walked, shoulders slumped, and disappear into your room. The next day you would be perfectly fine, talking to him as if things were just as they should be. Then you started coming home, eyes puffy from crying and wiping your nose on your hand. Again, he’d ask you if everything was okay. ‘Just a little fight.’ He started to worry, but you told him everything would be okay. Months passed and you became withdrawn. The life left your eyes, your smile faded, and you started to spend more time at your apartment alone or with Cheol. Whenever he would go to your apartment in search of you and Cheol was there, he would either find a way to get rid of Jungkook or sulk behind you when Jungkook pushed passed him. Either way, Jungkook knew he was isolating you from him. Any attempt to talk to you would turn into an argument.
One day, you came into Jungkook’s office with a busted lip, fresh tears that were drying over the others, and holding your arms across your stomach defensively. He had jumped up from his chair and rounded his desk, reaching behind you to slam the door before grabbing you by the shoulders.
“Who did this to you?” he demanded. Anger was hot in his veins. He was shaking with it.
You began to cry harder as your head met his chest and all he could think of doing right now was keeping you as safe as possible, whatever that meant. He held you tightly, encased you in his arms, probably for the first time in months, he realized. You seemed smaller, skinnier, and all around weaker. His hand came up to your head and he noticed your once shiny, sleek hair was now lackluster and thin. Something else was wrong here.
“Please,” he whispered, “tell me what is wrong.”
“Cheol…,” you had whispered. But that was all he needed to hear.
“I’m going to kill him.”
You were suddenly defensive. Pushing him away you stepped back.
“It was my fault,” you stuttered. “I shouldn’t have tried to argue with him. Really, Jungkook, I deserved it.”
His heart shattered into a million pieces. His once beautiful, full of life best friend was falling into the clutches of abuse and she was pushing him away.
“Let me help you,” his voice wavered as he tentatively held out his hand.
“I don’t need you, Jungkook,” you had spat bitterly.
Before he had any more time to react, you were out of his door, and down the stairs. He had wanted nothing more than to chase after you, but he knew if he wanted to keep some type of watch on you, he’d have to back off.
And he was right. A few weeks later you texted him telling him everything was okay, and you wanted to hang out again. You still looked dull and sad, but he tried his best to stay out of your business in order to keep you close.
You pulled a black dress from your closet and started to pull it on.
“Things are better. Really. We talked it out and he’s gotten better.”
All Jungkook could do was scoff. Once an asshole, always an asshole. That’s what he really wanted to say but he opted to just stay silent.
“Don’t come if you’re just gonna be a grouch the whole time.”
“Fuck you, I’m going,” he said as he laid back against your bed.
“Be nice.”
“I’m always nice. Unless someone wants to start shit with me, I’m going to behave myself.” He went back to scrolling through his phone. “And wear that one.”
He didn’t once look at you, but you sighed and decided you were tired of trying on clothes anyway as you continued to get ready. Thirty minutes later and you walked up to the front door of Hobi’s house together. As soon as you stepped inside Cheol was at your side, grabbing your upper arm and leading you towards the kitchen for drinks. You looked back at Jungkook who was still standing in the doorway, eyes locked with yours. You saw fear and sadness there. All at once you felt angry, but his fear was shared. You were angry that Jungkook didn’t trust you, angry that Cheol treated you poorly, but would then be so loving…it was your fault somehow.
“Let me get you a drink,” Cheol said, releasing your arm. He didn’t hold you as hard as usual. That was good. He probably wasn’t mad that you walked in with Jungkook.
“How was your day?” you asked. He never asked you first. He either waited for you to say something or he would immediately jump into something that had happened to him. Nine times out of ten, when you started to talk about your day, he would cut you off. It got to the point where you didn’t even try anymore. That’s when you would text Jungkook, or call if Cheol left, and he would listen and try to give advice the best he could. He’d always end the conversation with a ‘I love you. Please tell me if you need help.’ You would halfheartedly affirm him that you would before hanging up. You were too embarrassed to let Jungkook into your real life now. If he knew, he’d try to get you to leave. You were happy. The bad days weren’t as often, but they didn’t exactly go away either.
“Ah, you know,” he said while he made your drink, but never looked up at you. He never did. “Just another day with those bastards that think they can tell me how to do my job.”
According to him, everyone at his office were idiots, yet he rubbed noses with them every day. You just hummed to let him know you heard but didn’t offer any words. He never wanted advice and he sure as hell didn’t want to hear about you.
“Let’s go,” he said while handing you a drink. He turned without a backwards glance, expecting you to follow dutifully. Which you did. He walked up to a circle of his friends and began chatting immediately, ignoring the fact that you were even there.
You sipped awkwardly on your drink as you scanned the room. You were very much on the outside of the circle, cut off by shoulders that were all above your head. You’d have to duck in between them if you wanted to say anything. Not that they wanted you to contribute. That’s when you spotted Jimin. About that time, he also saw you and began to wave emphatically. You met Jimin at the coffee shop you frequented before classes and you both soon were on the same coffee schedule, expecting to see the other every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You’d stand in line together and talk about your weekend, classes, and whatever came up. You found out you had a similar friend in Hobi a couple of weeks into your friendship and soon began seeing him at his parties. You considered Jimin a good friend and his infectious laugh always brought a smile to your face. His eyes disappeared as he smiled harder, waving you over. Of course, you went on your own accord. Cheol didn’t even notice that you had walked away.
Minutes passed, you weren’t counting because when Jimin was telling you about some ridiculous group project he was in, time didn’t matter. Without noticing, Jimin had nonchalantly draped his arm across your shoulders as he laughed and talked. You didn’t think anything of it and neither did he. His face was red from the alcohol and he was laughing so hard, drool escaped the corner of his mouth, causing you to double over. He was still attached to you as you both bent over in laughter. On your vacant side, you felt four sharp fingernails dig into your upper arm. You yelped as you were yanked away. Jimin stumbled back in surprise but kept his footing.
“What are you doing?” Cheol seethed. His eyes were on Jimin and if looks could kill, Jimin would be dead and turned to dust on the floor.
Jimin’s eyes shifted to your terror filled ones. You willed Jimin to relent. Please don’t say anything, you begged internally.
He didn’t even spare Cheol a look as he looked directly at you.
“_____ are you okay?”
This time Cheol looked at you. You could feel the anger roiling off him. It heated your skin and made you dizzy. Your knees were locked and cutting off your blood supply. The room swirled a little as you shrank in fear.
“And what were you doing?” He almost spat in your face. His fingers dug harder into your arm and you felt the first tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“Please not here,” you begged as you tried to pry his fingers from your arm.
That only made him angrier. People were starting to notice and look at you. Jimin was sobering up quickly and was about to say something again when you heard it.
Your mind was hazy as your thoughts raced, trying to figure out every possible solution to this situation. It was a growl? Roar? You weren’t sure what it was at first, but it was loud. Someone was very, very angry. You could hear them yell, deep and guttural, somewhere close by.
“You fucking son of a bitch, don’t fucking touch her!”
That’s when Cheol’s gripped was ripped from you. He was still holding tightly, and his fingernails dug painfully into your skin, but he soon lost his grip and you were sent to the side. When you could catch your bearings, you righted yourself to figure out what the hell had just happened. Jungkook stood, fists clenched and the knuckles on his right hand a bloody pink. You had never seen him with that look before, at least never directed at you. Hatred. Pure, unadulterated hatred is how you would describe it. His eyes were black, and anger burned there. Suddenly, his soft features you loved so much were sharp and menacing. This was a Jungkook you didn’t know and one you didn’t wish to encounter again. His chest heaved as he breathed hard, trying to contain himself as Cheol scrambled up from the floor and launched himself at Jungkook. You screamed as he collided with Jungkook’s chest, shoving him backwards, but Jungkook was good on his feet. He managed to keep his hands on Cheol’s shoulders, stepping back in time with him as his back connected with the closest wall. Cheol tried to take a swing at Jungkook, but he was too drunk to aim correctly. Jungkook dodged him easily before he landed a punch to his stomach. He stumbled backwards, coughing, but either the alcohol or sheer stupidity had him standing up somewhat tall in the face of a fuming Jungkook. Jungkook clearly had not been drinking as he stood his ground steadily, waiting for Cheol to make a move.
“You want that slut,” Cheol sneered, pointing a shaky finger at you. “You can have her. I used her all up anyway.”
You thought that Jungkook was going to explode like a star and take everyone with him. His gaze darkened as he surged forward, grabbed a stunned Cheol by his collar and literally swept him off his feet with one kick of his foot, and began dragging him through the house. The crowd parted like a fog around a car, immediately closing in on them so they could see what Jungkook was about to do. The crowd piled out of the front door after them as Jungkook drug a kicking Cheol down the front steps. You tried to push passed all the people, but the crowd was closing in and you were desperate to get outside. When you were able to make it out the front door and to the porch you saw Jungkook drop Cheol on the front lawn before sitting on his chest. You saw his fist raise and before you could intervene as you stumbled down the steps, you heard the sickening crack as he connected with his face.
You could not believe this was happening right now. Jungkook had really lost his mind.
“You don’t love her, stupid mother fucker,” Jungkook growled as he grasped his shirt in his left fist and raised his fist once more.
You winced and turned away as Jungkook yet again, connected with Cheol’s face.
His fist came back into the air, bloody, skin split, but he didn’t even seem to notice as he directed his anger on Cheol.
“And you’re sure as hell never touching her again.”
This time, the hit sounded wet. When you looked back, you could tell Cheol was out cold.
“Jungkook, please!” you called out. At the sound of your voice Jungkook froze and seemed to snap out of it. He turned and looked at your pained expression as you begged him to stop. He dropped his hand and looked down at Cheol’s bloody face.
Hobi came running from inside the house, leaping off the porch in one bound and was pulling Jungkook off him.
“What the fuck, Jungkook?!” Hobi was looking from him to Cheol to assess the damage.
Cheol’s friends were now surrounding as Hobi pulled Jungkook away from the scene, sternly telling him he needed to leave before another fight broke out and he called the cops.
That’s when you knew you had a decision to make.
Cheol lay completely still in the grass, left eye swelling, and blood pouring from his bottom lip. If you guessed correctly, his nose was probably broken too. You were finally able to see him for who he truly was; a manipulative bastard that never loved you but wanted you to himself. He was ugly inside and out and all it took was seeing him finally being reduced to nothing. Gone was the “tough” exterior of Cheol. Your eyes met Jungkook’s from across the yard. He still looked angry, but you saw fear there too. He saw your eyes flicker to Cheol again and he knew you were trying to decide between the two. He didn’t know what he would do if you didn’t at least act like you were going to walk his way. But you had already decided. Cheol had his “friends”. They all fussed over him now deciding who was going to take him to the ER. None of them even turned to find you. You walked past the group and straight into the arms of Jungkook.
“Let’s go home,” he said shakily. His adrenaline was ebbing, and he was starting to feel the repercussions of his actions.
Ten minutes into the thirty minute walk and you were reduced to a sobbing mess. The night and all the things leading up to it were easily being stored away as they happened, as your brain always did to protect you. But now that there was a whole added element of worry you weren’t expecting, you didn’t know how to feel so naturally you began to panic. On top of that, your feet were starting to bleed from your heels. The entire time, Jungkook was next to you, arm around your waist as you walked. He was the one that needed help walking, not you, yet here he was making sure you were okay.
“Hey, everything’s okay,” he whispered as he stopped.
Your body felt spent as if you had stayed up for hours on end; exhaustion finally settling into your bones. After the initial shock had settled, you suddenly feared for Jungkook, knowing what Cheol was capable of doing.
“Jungkook…,” you cried. You reached down and pulled your heels off. On top of being frustrated, scared, and tired your feet were in so much pain you could barely stand it.
He looked down and sighed.
“Oh, baby…,” he said sympathetically.
The sentiment made your heart skip a beat, but it was something you could think about later. He waited until you were upright before he scooped you up bridal style.
“Jungkook, you don’t have-,” you started before he cut you off with a ‘shh’. You looked down at his bloody knuckles, the skin very angry in some spots where he split them open. He paid no mind as he held you close, and you let your head fall against his shoulder. His breathing was steady as he carried you and he didn’t say a word the whole way. In no time, he was buzzing into your building and carrying you up the stairs. He only sat you down at your door so you could fish out your key. Once inside, he ensured the door was locked and the window leading to the fire escape.
“We gotta clean up your hand,” you said almost robotically as you moved on instinct towards the bathroom.
“____,” he said while reaching out to stop you and you flinched.
For the second time, you broke his heart as you jumped as if he were going to hit you.
“It’s okay,” he reassured as he ran his hand down your hair.
You started to cry again, but this time you didn’t feel as if the panic would consume and kill you. You felt bad for Jungkook.
You didn’t say anything as you guided him to the bathroom and he sat down on the edge of the tub as you pulled a first aid kit out from the cabinet. You sat on the toilet, knees to knees, as you grabbed his hand and sat it on your thigh. Grabbing a washcloth, you held it next to his hand as you carefully poured peroxide over the cuts. He watched you intently as you focused on the work at hand. In the moments Jungkook had you away from Cheol was when that fake exterior would start to melt little by little. When you were around Jungkook, you relaxed and were yourself. He’d see old pieces of you come back from time to time and he felt like he got his best friend back, until you went home to him. He felt angry again as he thought about what Cheol took away from him, what he took away from you, but he kept it to himself as you reached for antibacterial cream and some butterfly band-aids.
“What were you thinking?” you finally whispered.
You were still working slowly, paying attention to each knuckle.
What was he thinking? Part of him was blinded by anger and the other part knew exactly what it was doing. He wanted to beat the shit out of Cheol, had wanted to for quite some time. This time he was able to witness him put his hands on you, so he felt justified.
“I didn’t like seeing you get hurt,” he mumbled. He was embarrassed now, but he didn’t regret what he had done.
“Oh, Jungkook,” you sighed as you reached for some gauze to wrap his hand.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too.” This wasn’t out of the ordinary for Jungkook to say, but the air felt different. There was a tension you could taste, and you felt Jungkook struggling to say something.
“I could be so much better to you.” He sounded as if he were going to cry. “You don’t deserve to be treated that way, _____. Please tell me you’ll leave him. I’m scared for you.”
You felt him looking at your face now and you were almost afraid to look at him as you put the final touches on his hand. His eyes were pleading when you finally looked at him.
If you couldn’t love him back, he at least wanted you to promise him that you’d leave the asshole.
He was right. All this time when he tried to keep you close and you pushed him away, he was in fear for your life. The person you thought should care for you could not care less, and the person that loved you the most was a phone call away and your best friend. You were blind to what you had when Cheol made himself the center of your universe. But Jungkook was loyal when he didn’t need to be, always there when you needed to fall into his arms no matter how much it hurt to see you walk out of his door.
Many nights he’d cry knowing you were going back into the clutches of Cheol and he was helpless to do anything. He’d daydream about killing Cheol or waiting for him to get off work and punch him in the face as he tried to get in his car. Yes, he was thinking extremely, but he was afraid.
Tonight was the last straw for Jungkook.
“I’d never hurt you, ____,” he said, lowly, defeated.
You loooked at the front of his jacket, focused on his buttons as you tried to distract yourself.
“I love you, too,” you murmured.
Jungkook leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, then to your temple, and the top of your cheekbone. Your eyes fluttered shut as he softly placed his hands under your jaw, holding you gently, fingers barely grazing your skin as he kissed across your nose. You leaned your face into one of his hands and he took the moment to tilt your face upwards as he placed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I want to show you what love should feel like, _____,” he whispered against your lips, but he wasn’t touching you.
You shivered. It had been so long since someone treated you this way and honestly it scared you. If you mess up something would he be mad at you? You felt as if you were always doing something wrong.
He seemed to feel your apprehension and sighed, not out of frustration, but a sadness he couldn’t seem to shake. Cheol had effectively beaten you basically to nothing, mostly mentally. He wanted to be angry again, but he needed to hold back for you.
He placed his lips softly against yours, not expecting anything from you. He let you take your time as you kissed him back. Happiness began to bubble in his chest as you reciprocated his feelings.
This felt right. Jungkook wasn’t rushing you. He didn’t expect anything from you. He wasn’t demanding you to pleasure him. He let you lead as you kissed him. It heated fast as you sat a little straighter and wrapped an arm around his neck. His arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer, but the limited space in the bathroom and your legs kept him from getting much closer.
He stood swiftly, bringing you with him and guided you to your room, working on muscle memory as he focused on you the whole way. You felt shy under his gaze since half the time Cheol didn’t even want to look at you. He studied you as if you would fall apart at any moment. His fingers intwined with yours and he was gentle. He didn’t reach for your wrist or your arm or grip you so tightly that his fingers dug into your skin. You began to relax little by little as he stood you in front of your bed. He reached for the hem of your dress and looked at you for permission. You nodded slowly as he started to pull the dress up passed your hips and you raised your arms to help him. He stopped and removed his jacket and then his jeans followed by his shirt, putting you on equal ground.
“Are you okay?” He seemed genuinely concerned as he kept his movements slow, not wanting to startle or rush you. He ran his hand softly up your arm and squeezed your shoulder gently before pulling you into his warm embrace. The skin on skin contact comforted you and it brought back memories of nights snuggled up next to Jungkook before Cheol came into your life and ruined that. For the first time in months you didn’t feel scared or useless. Jungkook’s actions said it all.
He held you there for a few moments, ensuring you were okay. He knew you were vulnerable and didn’t want you to think he was taking advantage of you.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.
You felt a small sob get stuck in your throat.
“You’re wonderful, and smart, and the most adventurous person I know. Remember the first we did something together out of town? You convinced me to go ghost hunting at that abandoned hospital and all we found was a family of raccoons and a homeless guy.”
He laughed as a you giggled a little, sniffing, and smiling as you remembered Jungkook’s screams when the raccoon walked up behind him.
He ran his fingers through your hair and massaged the back of your head as you leaned against his chest.
“I love the way you look in the morning when you first wake up, like a steamed bun.”
You laughed again.
“Or the way you sing in the shower. I must say you have improved over the years. I love when you put my blanket in the dryer before I come over and it’s cold out. Those ham sandwiches?! I don’t know what you put on them, but I’d fight a kid over one if I had to.”
Your laugh was music. This is what he wanted. He wanted all of you. He wanted you to know that all of you was worth having, that you meant something, a human being deserving of love. He had loved you for years, but your friendship meant more to him than his silly feelings. Seeing you suffer made him regret not saying anything sooner.
“Can I show you?” he asked.
You knew what he meant. He didn’t have to say more as you pulled him into another kiss in affirmation. He reached behind you, snapping the clasp easily, and slid the straps of your bra down your shoulders, letting it fall. He had seen you naked hundreds of times for various reasons, but never this. Now, you were in front of him giving yourself to him and he was elated to get the chance. He cupped your breast lightly and squeezed a little, testing your limits. You moaned and leaned into him, nipping at his bottom lip. He moaned into the kiss as you buried your hands in his hair. He then wrapped his arms around you, gently laying you back amongst the blankets without breaking the kiss. He kissed the underside of your jaw, nipped gently at the skin of your neck, and placed small kisses to your breast before wrapping his lips around your nipple. Your skin tingled as he sucked gently and ran his tongue over it. Your whines spurred him on as you held on tighter and arched your back into him. He caressed every inch of skin he could reach. The soft gauze tickled across your skin as his hand glided down to your thigh. He directed his kisses between your chest now, kissing down your stomach. He was worshipping your body the way it was meant to be. He noticed some older bruises sprinkled across your skin and made sure to kiss every single one, soothing your anxiety. His fingers caught in the band of your underwear and pulled them down. Using the back of his hand, he pushed gently against your inner thigh and you spread your legs for him. You felt shy, but all once wholly comfortable. He had seen the best and worst parts of you, what was one more thing? This felt intimate in a different way, on a deeper level. He understood your body before he even got to touch you. Hands gripping the insides of your thighs, he kissed along the flesh there.
Some years ago, you were standing in the kitchen washing dishes, wearing one of Jungkook’s discarded shirts, and a pair of shorts. He had walked in to give you a glass when he looked down and ran his finger up a stretch mark on your thigh.
“I like these,” he had said with a smile before walking from the room.
The memory warmed you now as he placed wet kisses to the dimpled and marked expanse of your thighs. He blew a stream of warm air over your wet center and you moaned and shuddered. You tried closing your legs so you could feel some friction, but he kept your thighs apart with a firm hand. He moved his hands further up your inner thighs, almost cupping your sex as he flattened his hands and spread you to get a better look.
“You’re fucking beautiful, ____. You know that right?”
He watched your face twist as he teased you. Knowing that you wanted him had him grinding his own hips into the blanket. No. He wanted to feel you around him before he reached any sort of end. He licked up your center and you moaned gutturally, grabbing at your own breasts as you bent your knees to frame his head. He kept you spread as he covered you with his mouth, tongue dancing along your clit. Your juices mixed with his spit and his chin practically dripped with it all. He had never tasted anything better. The sounds you were giving him were like an orchestra of angels. He wanted you to feel his adoration as he ate you out with fervor. He dipped his tongue inside of you and soon his name was rolling off your tongue like raindrops.
“A-ah, Jungkook,” you sighed as he inserted his middle finger inside of you.
You swallowed him in a velvety wetness that had his cock twitching amongst the cotton, and he ground his hips, moaning into your cunt as he thought about you swallowing his cock. You cried out as his moans stimulated something inside of you that had you teetering on the edge of a cataclysmic orgasm. Cheol never bothered to do this to you. He either used your mouth or your cunt, whether you came or not. You couldn’t remember the last time you had an orgasm. Jungkook was moaning more now, working his finger up inside of you, and suckling at your swollen clit. You felt as if you couldn’t breathe as your body tensed, orgasm hitting you with a force you hadn’t felt in a while. He continued licking and lapping at you as if he wanted every drop, nudging his perfectly sloped nose into your sensitive clit.
“P-please,” you stuttered. You watched him through half closed eyes as he took a few long licks up your cunt before licking his own lips and smiling at you. He reached for your hands, intertwining your fingers as he kissed up your stomach again.
He let go of your hand to push your hair off your sweaty forehead and placed a kiss on the end of your nose.
“Please what?” he asked you before placing a quick kiss on your lips.
“Make love to me?”
His eyes slid shut slowly as he replayed the phrase a thousand times in quick successions. He was kissing you again. Passionately. He grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed the head up and down your slit, coating the tip. You moaned and circled your hips wanting more of him. He pushed in slowly, face nestled into your neck, committing to memory every feeling he was experiencing right now.
“I love you so much, ____,” he murmured against your skin.
Your fingernails dug into the skin of his back, the other hand tangled in his hair and holding him against your chest.
“Fuck, Jungkook, oh my god.” You were gasping as he stretched you and reached places Cheol only thought he could. “I love you.”
He pressed into you further as he brought his stomach down to yours. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his ass trying to get him even deeper. He grunted as he began to slowly thrust into you, concentrating on not coming too soon.
You ground your hips upwards, rotating just a little with each thrust. Your hand slipped along his back as sweat formed on his skin. His breathing quickened as he thrust faster and faster. His fingers were intwined with yours, your hand on the pillow above you while his other arm was reached underneath you and holding the hair at your nape.
“F-fuck-k.” You had him stuttering as you squeezed around him. For years he wondered what you felt like, jealous of any guy you were dating but too chicken shit to ask you out himself. Now you were here, still trusting him to protect you, and giving yourself fully.
“I want you to come, baby.” He gripped your hair hard and you moaned. Your fingers tightened in his and he felt so euphoric he wouldn’t even have cared if he didn’t get to come, but you had him so hungry for you that he wasn’t sure how much longer he was going to last. He released your hair to bring his hand between the two of you and pressing a couple of fingers against your clit.
You gasped loudly as he began to circle your clit slowly and then faster and faster. Your toes curled inwards and you dug yours heels even harder into him as he snapped his hips against you quickly. He skillfully moved his fingers on your clit while biting the space beneath your ear. You were seeing stars before your eyes rolled back and you were forced to close them. You could swear that your body was checking out. You felt high and Jungkook was your drug of choice. He felt you tighten around him and he could practically feel your impending orgasm.
“That’s it, baby, come on my cock. God I wanna make you feel like this forever.”
The sincerity in his voice, his cock brushing every erogenous zone there was, and his fingers sent your orgasm soaring. Electricity seemed to flow from where you were connected to your limbs where your fingers and toes tingled.
“Oh, fuck,” Jungkook breathed as he quickened his thrusts. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.” His voice almost became a whine as he thrust harder and harder, hand gripping your waist, and singing praises about you against your skin.
You felt his cum as he filled you up. His moan was long and deep, thrusting, and milking himself inside of you. You were his now and he wasn’t letting you go.
When the stimulation became too much, he stilled inside of you. His breathing started to even out and soon the only sounds was your soft breathing. After a few minutes had passed and you had suspected him to be drifting, he sat up and looked down at you.
“Let me protect you,” he said softly, voice trailing off at the end.
You believed him. You relaxed for the first time in what felt like months. You could finally be yourself with no repercussions and Jungkook was adamant in making you feel as loved as possible. You tried to hold back your tears but the dam broke when he looked at you so lovingly.
“Baby, _____,” he cooed as he used his thumb to brush away a few tears.
You clung to him desperately, feeling as if he were to let go, you’d be exposed to more harm. He shifted to his side and pulled you into his chest, drawing his legs inwards to curl you even closer to him.
“Don’t leave me,” you whispered. He could hear the fear laced in your tone. His heart ached and tightened in his chest.
“Never,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
It wouldn’t be easy getting you back to the carefree person he once knew, but he was willing to take the time. Being there for you had always been his focus, so a little setback was all he needed to be with you that much more. His wish was for you to get your confidence back, to see you dancing in the kitchen while making pancakes, and to see that sparkle in your eye when you looked at him. It would take time, but for you, he was willing to wait an eternity.
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