#it seemed like it wouldn't but something clicked and now it is? we'll see...
mothram · 6 months
4 notes · View notes
muwapsturniolo · 1 month
♱ 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 ♱
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Pt.01 Pt.02
IN WHICH…A virgin meets the new priest of her church, Father Matt, and her world of all things holy begins to crumble.
WARNINGS… NSFW AHEAD! Religious figures, god is mentioned, Demons, religious abuse, mentions of exorcisms, paranormal activity, making out, fingering, blow jobs, pillow humping, breath play, cum eating, rough sex, virginity mentioned, voyeurism, masturbation, blood, orgasms, death, innocent/nieve!reader, asshole!matt. IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!
This is a long one, like I'm talking 5k sum words. I hope y'all enjoy.
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The dark.
It was something many people, both children and adults alike feared
They hated not being able to see their surroundings correctly, to see the color in their life. They hated being alone in what seemed to be an endless descent into a void.
Y/n was the same..
She hated the dark, always has.
However it wasn't the dark that necessarily scared her, it was the fact she knew she wasn't alone in the dark.
When she was younger, she had imaginary friends, they were her only friends. During the day they were nice to her, playing tag with her outside, and holding fun conversations about rainbows and unicorns, but as it got closer to dusk,
They began to change.
Their faces would sink in, and they'd start making clicking noises and whispering. They would creep around her home and tell her to do bad things. She'd beg them to stop, fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she did so.
They wouldn't listen, instead they'd get violent.
When nighttime fell, they would grab her feet in bed, attempting to drag her off the safety of her mattress. They would scratch at the walls, screaming as their talons left marks along the pink wallpaper.
She'd curl into a ball, tears rolling down her face as she prayed for god to stop them, but god didn't listen. Her prayers only seemed to enrage her imaginary friends, their screams getting louder as their actions became more violent.
But the only time they'd stop was at 3 AM.
Their screams would suddenly stop, their violent actions coming to an end.
And it was always because of Matt.
He was a ghastly pale boy, his skin being a stark contrast to her warm soft brown skin. He had a round face and sandy brown hair, his blue eyes were piercing.
And he always had a smile on his face.
He'd crawl into bed with the young girl, wrapping his small arms around her and whispering in her ear.
"It's ok Y/n, you'll understand eventually."
She was confused by his words, not understanding what he was talking about. But she never had time to dwell upon it, her eyes falling shut as sleep overtook her.
She was always able to fall asleep quickly when Matt was there,
He was comforting...He was her savior.
But that was yanked away when her parents held her first communion, crowning the girl a child of god and letting her consume the blood and body of Christ.
Her imaginary friends no longer appeared, Matt was gone.
Oddly, she missed it, the nights in which she used to fear and learned to love were taken away in the blink of an eye and she hated it. She would tell her parents how she missed Matt, how she missed the conversations they held at night.
To say her parents were frightened would be an understatement. They accused her of being promiscuous when she didn't even know what promiscuous meant.
They accused her of being friends with the devil.
Instead of just understanding she was a child with an active imagination,
They locked her in the hallway closet.
They wouldn't let her out for a week, ignoring her screams and pleas to be let out.
She was scared, hurt, confused...She didn't understand why she was being punished this way.
So when she was dragged inside her home, soaking wet from the storm outside, and her mother opened the closet,
She lost it.
She screamed as loud as she could, kicking, screaming, and fighting for them not to lock her in that closet again.
"Please! I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" She pleads helplessly to her father. Her glossy eyes stared into her fathers deep and stern ones, hoping he would have a change of heart.
He didn't.
Her body fell backward as he shoved her into the small space, her head hitting a shelf. Ignoring the pain in the back of her head, she scrambled forward, attempting to stop them from closing the door...But it was no use.
The door slammed shut, trapping her in the dark.
Her fists banged against the door, her screams raw and ear-piercing as she begged them to be let out.
but they don't listen.
Her screams eventually come to a stop, turning into soft and raspy whimpers, still pleading for forgiveness under her breath.
They ignored her, giving each other a look before heading to their bedroom to hopefully get some sleep.
A few hours had gone by, and Y/n managed to curl into a ball on the floor, her fingers dancing in the sliver of light casting from the hallway underneath the door.
Her eyes were dead, her throat sore from all the screaming and shouting she was doing earlier.
Suddenly, she feels a presence.
She tense, her fingers stopping all movement.
She thought that it was one of her parents coming to let her out of the closet, but that thought was thrown out when she heard a clicking noise.
The same clicking noise from her childhood.
She scrambles to sit up, her back touching the door as the hairs on her neck stand up.
Her eyes dart around in the darkness, her pupils straining, trying to find what she was looking for.
But she couldn’t see, it was dark.
Her breathing is harsh, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries to figure out if her mind is playing tricks on her. She comes to the conclusion that she was in fact hallucinating, and tries to calm down, but that changes in a split second.
The clicking noise happens a centimeter away from her ear.
She lets out an ear-piercing scream, throwing herself further away from whatever was trapped in the closet with her.
It happens so quickly, the clicking noises and screaming multiplying.
She's instantly brought back to all the times she would lay in bed at a young age, screaming for her imaginary friends to stop torturing her.
"Stop it! Please stop! Let me out!" She sobs.
She curled into a ball, her hands over her ears as her eyes clenched shut.
She looked like a child, a scared child.
The screaming and clicking goes on forever, day and night, not that she could tell the time.
All sense of time had been thrown out the window.
She doesn't know how long she was in the closet, the door never opening until eventually,
It did.
The screams stop immediately, the quietness seeming so loud.
Y/n opens her eyes, blinking profusely as she adjusts to the light she hasn’t seen in days.
Once they do finally adjust, she sees a hand outstretched toward her. She follows the limb upward and her eyes land on Matt.
Her savior.
He has a warm and welcoming look on his face, contradictory to the shadows standing behind him.
“It’s ok Angel-” He voices softly as he sees her frightened eyes and splotchy cheeks.
“Take my hand,” He urges.
Hesitantly, the girl takes his hand, no longer wanting to be in the closet. As she rises to her feet her legs begin to shake, weak from being trapped in the closet with nothing to eat or drink besides a single water bottle and a loaf of bread.
Matt wraps an arm around her waist, a neutral expression on his face as he supports her shaking frame.
“Look at you, so weak and scared. They had you in there for six days.” He coos.
Suddenly her parents appear, making her flinch back in fright. She was scared they were going to put her in the closet again, trapping her with the demons.
“Did you do what I asked?” Matt questions with a straight voice. Both adults nod, their eyes casted on traumatized Y/n.
“Yes, Father…They are in your car.”
Matt hums in thanks and looks down at Y/n, “let’s go Angel.”
Her parents watch as she’s pulled out of the home, mumbling a prayer to themselves that their daughter be saved, and whatever demon inside her banished so she can live a full life.
Matt opens the passenger side door, helping her get situated in the car before walking over to the driver's side.
His eyes land on her parents standing by the door.
As they hold eye contact, they can’t help but feel a chill run down their spine. They watch as an eerie smirk makes its way onto the Father’s face.
Matt watches as her parents are yanked backward, the front door slamming shut.
He chuckles and settles into the car, starting the engine and pulling off down the street.
Y/n sits quietly in the car, her eyes dull and face grim.
Matt side-eyes her but says nothing, continuing the drive to their destination. Midway through the drive, he reaches into the backseat and places a brown paper bag in her lap.
“Eat. You need the energy.”
Y/n stares down at the paper bag full of food, her stomach grumbling at the sight. However, she doesn’t dive in.
“F-for what?”
Her voice is raspy, her throat dry from all the screaming and crying she has done. She lifts her head and looks at Matt who’s already looking at her with a devious smile.
“Your exorcism.”
Her heart dropped along with her head, more tears falling from her eyes. She had completely forgotten that she was supposed to have an exorcism…She didn’t need one. There was no use in trying to beg him to listen, she figured his and everyone else’s mind was made up. Her hands shake as she begins to eat the food, the sandwich tasting rotten as she tries to wrap her head around what her life has come to.
Eventually, they pull into the lot of a rundown motel. The dim and half-lit sign read “ Cameron Motel”.
Weeds were growing all over the parking lot that had a few dirty cars parked. The building itself was baby pink with baby blue trimming that had graffiti all over it. Some of the windows were boarded up and others were broken.
She was so busy staring at the beat up building, she didn’t realize Matt had gotten out the car. She jumps when her door opens, her head turning and looking up at a stoic Matt.
“Get out of the car Angel.”
Her breath hitches but she does as told, hugging herself as she stands in front of him. He grabs her arm, and quickly drags her towards the entrance.
Despite the eerie and dark aura of the motel, she can’t help but find an appeal to it. She knew that if the building was taken care of, it would look beautiful.
Yet, she still finds herself crossing, her index and middle finger drawing a cross that catches her head and chest, to both her shoulders.
As they enter the dingy building, her nostrils immediately begin to burn with the smell of asbestos and formaldehyde.
She coughs a little as she takes in her surroundings. Just like the outside, the inside was decaying right before her eyes.
She’s taken out of her examination by a girl in her bra and underwear running past her, the girl laughing and squealing as a boy chases her in his boxers. She jumps in shock and presses herself closer to Matt, her cheeks warm from seeing the girl so exposed.
Matt ignores her obvious signs of being flustered and keeps walking.
As they walk down the dimly lit hallway, she hears all sorts of things behind closed doors.
Screaming, crying, moaning, and tv static.
The occupants of the motel seemed to have a very different outlook on life.
But who was she to judge? She was the one here for an exorcism, not them.
They approach a door at the end of the hallway, the room number reading 333. Matt pushes the door open and to Y/n's surprise, the room isn't as dirty like she thought it would be.
A king size bed sits in the middle of the room, adorned in clean white sheets. The floor is carpeted with no stains, and there is a tv sitting on a stand across the bed.
Matt gently pushes her inside the room and closes the door, throwing the bag on his arm on a nearby chair. She stands awkwardly in the middle of the room as Matt walks around. Her head is cast downward but she can see him removing his blazer.
He throws it down on the edge of the bed, soon sitting next to it and facing her. He examines her timid frame and hums to himself.
They sit in a pregnant silence before he finally speaks, "Take that bag with you into the bathroom. Get yourself ready."
She eyes the bag on the chair and finally looks back to Matt, "W-whats in there?"
"Just take the bag, and get ready," he demands. She nods and timidly grabs the bag, holding it to her chest as she makes her way into the bathroom. She sets the bag on the counter and unzips it, all her movements stopping when she sees what's inside.
She pulls out a razor and some type of women's shaving cream, shampoo and conditioner, and the final product,
A white dress with a thin pair of white satin underwear.
She takes out the white dress, holding it up by the shoulder straps, and examines it.
It looked like her usual nightgowns, except more provocative.
Her cheeks warm at the thought of seeing herself in the dress, Matt seeing her in the dress. She sets the dress down and looks back at the shaving products. She's a bit confused at the idea of shaving considering her mother and father never let her do so, telling her that children of the lord don't need to shave, and if she does shave she's a Jezebel.
But that's what she is right? That's what her father has deemed her as,
A Jezebel.
With that, she strips herself of her clothing, climbing into the shower, and cleanses herself. With never having shaved before, she takes quite a bit of time getting rid of the hair on her body, especially in other areas.
She climbs out of the shower and dries off, rubbing a vanilla-scented lotion into her skin and slipping on the dress, underwear, and knee highs.
She stares at herself in the mirror and examines herself.
Although she's exposed, looking whorish as her father would put it, she likes what she sees in the mirror. She loves the way her brown skin is a stark contrast to the white dress, and how soft and plump her skin is.
She has a glow...an Angelic glow.
She slowly turns towards the door and hesitates as she reaches for the handle. She's a nervous wreck at the idea of Matt seeing her so exposed, no one has ever seen her in such a state since she was a baby.
She debates on locking herself in the bathroom, but she knows that's not logical. With a fast-beating heart, she slowly opens the door, her left hand clutching the rosary that hangs in the valley of her breasts, tucked into her lingerie.
She steps out of the bathroom, her eyes landing on Matt who's still sitting on the edge of the bed, but now he's smoking a cigarette. He doesn't look at her, keeping his eyes on the TV that's playing nothing but static.
"F-Father?" She addresses shakily.
Matt says nothing as he stands up from the bed, walking over to the window and drawing the curtains shut.
"Sit in the middle of the bed, on your knees, palms turned upward," he demands, loosening his tie. She tenses but does as told, her heart beating wildly as she anticipates what's to come.
Matt ashes out the cigarette, throwing his tie somewhere in the room as he finally turns to her.
She watches as he looks her up and down, his eyes staying on her chest with an unrecognizable look in his eyes. She flinches when he finally makes eye contact with her, her head dropping downward almost instantly.
"What did you see?"
She looks up in confusion, not understanding the question. Matt moves to the foot of the bed, standing tall above her.
"In the closet, what did you see?"
Her breath hitches at the question, scared to tell him the truth.
As if he's reading her mind, he tells her to tell him the truth.
Matt hums, taking a step closer to the bed. "Shadows...and what were the shadows doing?"
"Sometimes they would j-just stand quietly...staring at me. O-other times they are whispering, screaming...clicking."
Matt says nothing for a moment, staring at her with such an intense gaze she feels something in her lower abdomen. "And how long has this been going on?"
"S-since I was five... but it stopped when I was 7, when I first had the body and blood of Christ." Matt's eyes turn into slits, his posture becoming tense.
"Your parents told me about your imaginary friends, how you explained they would go bump in the night but would stop. Why and how would they stop?"
Matt's words become quick, almost as if he's excited, anticipating her answer.
"T-they would stop at 3 AM- The devil's hour." Her heart drops as he cuts her off, her eyes wide in fear.
"The devil's hour, anytime between 3 and 4 AM when demons, ghosts, anything considered hellish are their most powerful. They can cross borders between realms, speak to the living, touch the living." His words hint at something, something Y/n isn't picking up.
"T-they were demons?" She whispers softly, her hands that were still facing upward shaking and beginning to sweat. Matt smiles at her, that devilish smile that she finds herself often thinking and dreaming about.
"I believe so...So tell me, why and how they would stop." He urges once more. "I um...They-they would stop when he appeared..."
"Who's he?"
"Ma-" She stops herself as her mind begins to connect the dots. The boy who she deemed her savior, the one who showed up at 3 AM and made the things that go bump in the night disappear. The boy who would cuddle her at night and hold small conversations with her.
She wasn't sure at first, but as she started to analyze his features, everything from the head down, it was the same person.
He was standing in front of her...In all his glory.
Matt's grin grows tenfold as he sees she's connecting the dots.
"Did you miss me, angel?"
She thought if she ever saw the boy she considered a friend again, she would be jumping for joy, but instead, she crawled backward towards the head of the bed.
She was scared.
Her hands shake as she covers her mouth, the reality setting in.
"Y-you're the Devil!" she accuses softly.
Matt chuckles and turns toward the mirror behind him, still holding eye contact with the frightened girl.
"Devil? No. A product of hell itself? Yes."
Y/n feels her whole world crumbling. She couldn't wrap her head around how her life had come to this, why she was the one picked for this?
What could she have done from the time she was born, to be deemed of this fate? Was this her punishment for what she had done in a past life? Was this punishment for using God's name in vain when she was younger?
"I told you when we were younger that one day you'll understand, that time is now." He grabs a bottle of wine and pours himself a glass, taking a long sip before turning around and leaning against the dresser.
"You see, your mother wanted a baby, and with your father shooting blanks, she was never able to have one. Despite calling herself a woman of god, she made a deal at the crossroads with my father, the devil himself. She was dumb, crying and begging for a child so bad, she didn't care about the repercussions that came with it."
Y/n feels as if she's going to pass out, all this information too much for her to handle.
"So she made the deal, the deal to give her little baby girl to one of the devil's sons. Me."
y/n quickly shakes her head, refusing to believe the truth. "Y-you're lying! You're a liar! She would have never done that!" She shouts, tears running down her face. she begins to pray, hoping that god will listen and make all of this stop, hoping that he will save her. Matt grows angry, throwing the glass of red wine on the floor as he crawls onto the bed. He grips her jaw tightly, getting in her face.
"Stop praying! God can't help you, he was never able to help you!" He bellows, the whole room seeming to shake. She opens her watering eyes and Matt relaxes just the smallest bit. He removes his harsh grip on her jaw and wipes her tears away.
"You're pretty when you cry Angel, so pretty."
He inches closer to her face, his breath fanning softly. " You're mine Angel, you always were-" His hand drops from her face and down to her shoulder, his fingers fiddling with the straps of her dress.
"-You know it's true, I know you feel the connection. I kept you safe when we were younger, making all the bad stop."
Her thighs tense as his other hand grazed the freshly shaved skin, his fingers dancing along the hem of the dress.
"I've only made you feel good, I showed you how good life could be in both your daydreams and at night. I broadened your mind, I gave you pleasure."
She gasps softly at his last words.
"T-that was you....My thoughts a-and the moment in the confessional?"
He nods, a soft smile on his face, "that it was. I knew you'd appreciate it, you never felt a sense of belonging following that path. You knew they were lying, sex isn't bad, touching yourself isn't bad, and reading whatever you want isn't bad. You enjoy those things, I want you to enjoy those things. I want you to be free, I can give it to you. you just have to trust me...Do you trust me?"
She comes to the conclusion that he's right, he never lied to her. he's only ever broadened her mind, gave her what she craved, lusted after.
He was her savior.
He was her god.
"Tell me you trust me Angel, grant me the access to give you freedom." she looks to her right, watching his hand toy with the thin string on her shoulder.
She doesn't know what he means by freedom, but she wants to be free. She knows there's more to life than her small town and the path of God. She wants to experience things, she wants to create memories,
She wants to live.
With dried tears on her cheeks, she looks back up at him.
"I trust you."
That's all Matt needed to hear before his lips crashed against hers, hungry and ready to devour her. Y/n is caught off guard, never having kissed anyone before. She doesn't exactly know what to do so she lets Matt take the lead.
Matt doesn't care, he knows of her innocence, and he loves it. In fact, it's a turn-on for him, knowing that he is the once who's going to ruin her.
He pulls away from the feverish kiss, trailing his lips down her jaw and to her neck. His hands rest on her waist, his knee in between her thighs and lightly rubbing against her core. He grabs her hand and places it on the tent in his pants.
He can feel her tense, he can hear her heart thumping wildly.
It drives him wild.
"You have me so worked up Angel, this is all for you. You did this." He holds her hand as he guides it in an up-and-down motion, moaning softly in her ear, expressing the effect she has on him.
It gets her hot and bothered, that tingly feeling she usually feels in between her legs when she usually thinks of Matt expanding. Matt chuckles, his lips brushing against her ear as he gently ruts into her palm.
"I can smell you Angel...you smell so sweet, delectable, divine even."
Y/n pants heavily, her body feeling electric. It felt just like her dreams, so real, intimate, right.
It felt right.
Every inch of her body that he touches feels hot, her muscles flexing at the soft yet heavy touch.
He leaves multiple hickeys along her neck and collarbone, sucking and biting at the skin in a way to claim her.
He pulls back and and yanks her towards him by her thighs, he stares down at her, appreciating how her curls fan out across the white pillows, adoring the marks he created on her body.
She was Angelic.
He pushes her legs apart and looks down, grinning wildly as he sees the wet patch in the underwear. His finger tickles her inner thighs as he takes his time getting to her core, her chest rising and falling harshly.
"When you touched yourself, did you think of me?"
He chuckles as she turns her head away from him. "I know you did, I know of everything you dreamt of. How you imagined my fingers plunging into your mess of a cunt, how you imagined my tongue lapping at your folds."
He rips the underwear off with ease, her eyes widening in shock from the action and now being exposed. She tries to close her legs but he shoves them apart.
"And my personal favorite, was me fucking you so hard, you kept begging me to keep going. Is that what you want Angel? You want me to be your God and fuck you?"
She nods sluggishly, drunk off of his erotic and intoxicating words.
She gasps softly at the foreign feeling of his fingers trailing through her folds. It was nothing like how her fingers felt, it felt better. Her eyes flutter shut as she relishes in the newfound pleasure, only for them to fly open when two fingers are slipped inside of her.
Matt instantly begins to thrust, curling the slim digits in efforts to break the girl. Her jaw drops as her eyes roll back, the lewd squelching noises make her back arch.
"You're so tight-shit- can barely move my fingers Angel. I can't wait to have you wrapped around me." He grunts out as he watches her walls clamp down on his fingers. She's already making a mess and he has barely done anything.
He takes his fingers out and smears her mess over her lips before slowly pushing them side her mouth.
She does as told and sucks on his fingers, finding herself addicted to her own taste. Matt smirks and slips them out of her mouth, trailing the saliva down her chin to her chest. He wraps his fingers around the rosary and yanks it off, the beads flying all over the bed.
A metaphor for her being stripped of her innocence.
Before she can fix her lips to say something, Matt’s lips crash against hers once more. Her arms wrap around him, her eyes closed as she kisses him back as if her life depended on it.
Matt rips his button-up off, throwing it somewhere in the room before he starts to unbuckle his belt. Once he manages to take his pants off, he pulls away from the kiss and forces her on her knees, a pillow being pushed in between her legs.
He pulls his boxers down making her eyes widen in shock. She's never seen male body parts before, ever. She looks up at Matt, an unsure look in her eyes.
"Go on, put it in your mouth," he persuades, eager to finally feel her mouth on him.
"I-I- don't k-know ho- Yes you do." He cuts her off, his hand wrapped around his own member and jerking himself off. She watches with wide eyes, unintentionally grinding against the pillow in between her legs.
"Put it in your mouth, lick on it like you do your ice cream cones." Matt's mind flashes back to the park, watching her walk away from the ice cream stand licking and sucking on her vanilla cone.
He wanted to claim her that day in the park, taking her under the tree for all to see, but he couldn't, he had to wait.
Y/n hesitantly moves her head forward, giving a small kitten lick to his tip. Matt's whole body shudders, the urge to fuck her mouth too strong.
He snaps.
He fists a handful of her hair and pushes himself in her mouth, groaning loudly as she gags and chokes around him. Her eyes clenched shut as the salty tears streamed down her face. "Fuck-look at me Angel," he grunts as her throat contricts around him.
She manages to open her eyes, her tears flowing even faster.
"Keep em' open," he says beginning to bob her head up and down. She does her best to follow his orders, her mouth opened as wide as it could go. She figures out that she should breathe through her nose instead of her mouth, the air flowing into her lungs easier. However, that was short-lived when Matt pinches her nose, preventing her from breathing. Instead of bobbing her head up and down, he thrusts his hips harshly, enjoying the choking and gargling noises coming from the girl on her knees.
She tries to breathe through her mouth, but it's proven difficult with the speed at which his genitalia is abusing her throat, and yet
She loves it.
She shamelessly ruts against the pillow between her legs, chasing that euphoric feeling she felt not too long ago in the confessional. She knows if her parents saw the ludicrous acts she was performing on a male, they would have a heart attack. But she didn't care, she loved how warm she felt, how safe she felt.
She loved being used.
She looks up at Matt, watching how beautiful he looks with his head thrown back and jaw slacked. It's an image that will forever be burned inside her brain.
Suddenly his thrusts stop, a warm and salty liquid filling up her mouth. He pulls himself out of her mouth, watching as his semen leaks past her lips. Instead of telling her to swallow, he wraps a hand around her throat and kisses her.
He moans into the kiss, lapping his own fluids out of her mouth.
He lifts her back onto the bed with ease, crawling over her panting and dazed form. He settles in between her legs, already lining himself up with her clenching hole.
Y/n doesn't know what's next, she's still trying to catch her breath, but she doesn't have much time to dwell on it once Matt shoves himself inside her. A strangled yelp leaves her throat and her hand flies to his abdomen, attempting to stop him or at least slow him down.
But Matt does neither, instead, he begins to pound into her relentlessly.
"I-It b-burns!" She yelps, trying to stop his brutal pace. He ignores her cries of pain, his eyes trained on the blood seeping out of her cunt, coating his cock and painting the hem of the white lingerie adorning her body. He lets out a deep and animalistic growl, his grip on her thighs tightening at the sight.
"You love it-fuck- you love the burn. It feels so good doesn't it Angel? You love the way my cock stretches you out, the way it fills you up so good you can feel it in your lungs,"
It's as if he's warping her mind, forcing her to believe his words,
and that's because he is.
With each word he speaks, the burning pain becomes pleasurable, her eyes rolling back in ecstasy. Her arms drop to the sides of her head, her body too weak to move on its own.
Small noises and nonsensical babbles exit her throat, her mind dizzy and fogged by the pleasure she's receiving. She couldn't believe that this is what sex feels like. She couldn't understand how something so heavenly could be considered a sin when it's so euphoric.
She begs and pleads for him to give her more, to make her feel alive.
"P-please! Please please ple-Oh God!" She arches her back when a certain spot inside of her is stimulated. Matt lets out an airy laugh, his hips still driving into her at an inhuman pace,
"That's right Angel, beg for me, beg for your God."
In the height of her pleasure, she begins to feel..odd. Almost as if there are people in the room with them. She manages to focus her eyes behind Matt, and what she sees shakes her to her core.
The shadows, the shadows she has become all too familiar with are watching, watching Matt ravage her. There's a bunch of them crowding the room, their bodies blending into each other as their groans of excitement fill the room. Matt can sense her panic, watching her eyes dart around erratically.
"It's ok Angel, they have to watch," he rasps out, his movements never ending.
"Don't look at them, look at me." He demands. However, she doesn't listen. She can't pull her eyes away from the faceless shadows, captured in a trance by their dark aura.
And that's when she starts to notice other things.
The paint on the walls is peeling, deteriorating right before her eyes. The room begins to reek of death, the smell so pungent she finds it harder to breathe. Particles of dust float in the air, a hazy film coating her eyes.
The room becomes scorching hot, suffocating the girl as a thin layer of sweat covers her body.
Y/n heaves as Matt continuously ruts into her, her chest burning as it screams for oxygen. Too much is going on for her to comprehend, the world moving slowly yet spinning so fast.
Her eyes finally avert back to Matt, her mouth open as no sounds leave her mouth. She sees the eerie smile that plants itself on his face, the dark look in his eyes. If she concentrated hard enough, she could even see the small horns coming out of his head and the pointy tail swaying behind him.
She sees the truth, she sees him for what he is.
The spawn of the Devil himself.
She feels as if her soul is leaving her body, every limb and muscle vibrating. Her jaw goes slack as she feels a sharp pain in her chest, as well as a pleasurable feeling in her lower region. Her eyes roll back as her whole body shakes violently, a metallic taste coats her tastebuds as she begins to cough and sputter out blood. The red liquid stains matts face as well as the white lingerie, before eventually coming to a halt.
Matt finds himself experiencing his own release, throwing his head back as he paints her gummy walls a pearlescent white. He groans as he pulls out of her, his dick falling limp as he crawls backward off the bed. His chest rises and falls quickly as he pulls his pants up, buckling his belt.
He pants as he stares down at her lifeless body, analyzing everything about her deadly appearance. He walks over to the side of the bed, brushing one of her curls out of her face, trailing his fingers through the blood splatter on her face.
"So pretty even in death, an angel plucked of it's wings."
he scoops her up bridal style and holds her close to his chest, her arm dangling as her head is draped back. The door to the room opens, revealing a dark abyss that still holds a blinding light.
He walks over to the door looking down at the dead girl in his arms, the shadows in the room whispering amongst themselves eagerly.
"you'll rise like a phoenix from the ashes, in all its beauty. You'll gain new wings that will set you free. You'll finally be mine...My wife."
He kisses her forehead softly and walks through the threshold of the door, into the darkness.
The door slams behind him, leaving the room empty.
The dingy structure of the motel begins to shake in the wake of the door slamming. The lights begin to flicker, cracks appearing in the ceiling. it's not long before the old and moldy building crumbles in on itself, leaving no trace of Matt and Y/n, or the other tenants and their caricatures of intimacy.
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𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d @@babyalliah-777 @sturniololol @oliviasturniolo21 @ariithereyet @blahbel668
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What would happen if fast food reader tried to quit?
"I quit!"
Fourty minutes in - that's a new record. You're in the middle of a transition with a customer when the newest in a line of new hires comes storming from the back, apron and badge on hand.
"In the single hour I've worked here I've been yelled at till my ears bled, pelted with plastic balls, saw my reflection drown itself in the toilets, and had my wallet and keys stolen."
"I'd say you had an okay start...." You pause for a moment, centered on the task at hand. ".....So will that be cash or card?"
Your coworker stares at you like you've grown antlers which probably wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've seen, but still up there in rankings.
"You're staying?!"
"I can't quit."
Pity flashes briefly in their eyes. "Being jobless is better than whatever this is, but I'm sure there's something else out there."
"You don't understand. I literally can't quit."
Your ex-coworker scoffs. "I know the job market is pretty rough these days, but come on..."
Sighing heavily, you carefully remove your apron- folding and setting at atop the counter along with your hat and badge. Glancing apologetically at the customer, you mutter.
"I quit."
Really, it only took the first syllable for what happened next, but it felt weird not to finish the sentence.
The entrace doors swing to a loud shut. Music playing over the speakers descends into static. Caution tape peals and tears from the walls as management's door pries it from position. Darkness oozes from the cracks as a body presses against the frame. A hand reaches out - pointing behind you.
Your ex-coworker and the customer scream. You look over your shoulder at your manager's grinning face as they grip your shoulders.
"Please don't touch me."
Your manager laughs. "Oh, you and your silly jokes. So, I hear someone isn't having the best time. Your little friend is free to go, but you are a valued member of our team, Y/n. Anything we can do to make you stay?"
Your manager hands their head in sadness, immediately perking back up as they remove their touch from your shoulders. "I see..... Well! We'll all miss you dearly, but we respect your decision. Allow us to give you a portion of your severance in hand as thanks for your service."
"Please don't."
The lights flicker as the freezer door slams into the adjacent wall. They continue to flicker with every heavy click of hooves on titled floors. The hulking figure ducks beneath menu signs, narrowly missing its curving horns getting stuck as it rises to full high. The reds of it beady eyes cast you in eerie glow as it stares - pupils shrunk as it turns. It seems to blink away tears as it snorts.
In a flash, the store mascot picks your ex-coworker by the throat and slams them to down on the counter. It reaches for its belt, sorting the sharpest cleaver of its artillery and sporting it against its prey's neck. Your coworker shrieks and flails, ceasing all movement as warm blood runs down their neck. As your eyes meet, you remain perfectly calm - brows raised in a sort of "I told you so look".
They pathetically beat at the goat demon's arm. "What the fuck.... what the fuck?!"
Your manager clicks their tongue. "I do apologize, but it's in their contract. Money is important, but we value something more here. As payment for self-termination from our team, Y/n here is to receive the beating hearts of everyone in the building in loo of breaking our own unless... they've changed their mind."
You shrug. "Long as you're still cool with my taking cash from the registers."
"Wonderful! Lambchop, could you please let the spoiled meat go? I'm afraid they won't be any good trying to posion our dear Y/n like that and I doubt they'll even make it out of the parking lot."
Your coworker scrambles for the door as soon as they're freed. Their blood, which you refuse to clean, paints the front door seconds later. Your manager sighs.
"Now that that's out of the way, please see to comforting Lambchop. You know how they get when you threaten to leave."
You look over at the mascot would bleats softly as they knock their head gently against the side of yours. You pet their horns as you throw your hat back on.
"Come on, Choppy. You can feed me fries in the breakroom."
Lambchop throws you over their shoulder and heads for the back as your manager takes their leave as well - leaving the customer alone in the main lobby.
"They... never gave back my card."
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randomshyperson · 2 months
Hope you get rid of this writers block soon ✨
How about hand holding no 34 with Wanda 🥺
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
prompt: holding hands while driving | warnings: none.
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When you suggested taking the lead, it had much more to do with the crestfallen witch in the front seat than the retired Avenger's possible fatigue from driving for a few hours. Don't let Barton hear you say that.
Wanda gave you a brief smile as you took the driver's seat, and unfortunately, your attempt at conversation ended up being disastrous because you simply didn't know what to say to her.
Losing her country, and her brother, and growing up in a civil war only to be dragged from battle to battle her whole life doesn't seem like something you can fix, no matter how many bad jokes you say to try to make her smile. Still, you think you should keep trying. Because Wanda is so special, she's so sweet and clever, and you enjoy her company so much. She deserved all the good things life had to offer, even if she didn't believe it.
You end up getting so distracted by your own thoughts that you don't notice that Wanda has been stealing glances in your direction for a good few minutes until she finally calls you.
"Huh, sorry, I was distracted." You mumble, glancing at her quickly before focusing on the road again. "We'll be there in the morning if you're wondering."
She's looking at you funny. Maybe you mumbled something. It wouldn't be the first time you've let your thoughts slip away. It doesn't recall you that Wanda didn't need you to speak to know what you were thinking, and focused on the road, you didn't notice the brief red flash of her eyes either.
"I wasn't." She retorts, perhaps more harshly than she'd like. You don't know, but Wanda hates how she's a disaster whenever she tries to talk to you. But still, you never seem to mind her clumsiness. You laugh weakly, nodding. She uncrosses her arms, her nervous fingers gripping the seat. "I mean... this trip isn't so bad. And I wouldn't mind staying in the car a little longer."
You hum thoughtfully, clicking your tongue afterward. "I get it, I guess. The car feels safe, right? While we're here, no one on the team is fighting, nothing is falling apart. It's calm. It almost feels like... well, just a trip between friends." The tables have turned a bit, and now it's Wanda who feels the sudden urge to comfort you. You, who have been nothing but kind and considerate, who are watching your entire family fall apart because of a mistake she made in Lagos, even though everyone keeps telling her it wasn't her fault. 
"Maybe we should stay here." She murmurs, and at the same time, you both glance in the rearview mirror, where Clint and Scott are sleeping in the backseat. "Maybe we could just not leave." 
"We already left, Wands." You sigh sadly. One of your hands goes to the gearshift, there's a small curve in the road. "I did it, in Berlin, when I refused to fight my brother. And you did it, when you agreed to leave the Tower and get in this car." You say, one hand resting on the seat. "Maybe it's finally time for us to be proud of our choices and start standing up for what we believe in. Not just as a team, but as individuals." She knows you're talking about the accords, but she doesn't want to think about it again. Because for the past few weeks, everything has been a mess and within a few hours, she has the feeling that there won't be any more Avengers. So Wanda stops squeezing the seat and decides to squeeze your hand instead. You look at her immediately, before turning your attention back to the road. She makes a motion of pulling away, seeing your shoulders tense, but you adjust your grip to intertwine your fingers together. Her heart skips two beats in a row, but even with her voice cracking, she speaks; "You're right. We should honor our choices. And our feelings." There's a soft blush on her cheeks, which when you notice it in the rearview mirror, spreads to yours. 
You nod in agreement and don't let go of her hand anymore.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Girlfriend ficlet with Lucy pretty please 🩵🩵
girlfriend ficlet
"luce! we need to go or we'll be late man." you yelled out, rolling your eyes and tapping away at your phone. "aih alright alright, perfection takes time y'know?" your girlfriend finally joined you with a cocky smile.
"your confidence is as always, nauseating." you gagged, the taller girl chuckling and pulling you into a kiss. "i know you only act like ya hate it, when really it turns ya on baby." the defender mumbled into the kiss with a grin.
"sorry hang on-" you pulled away and again fake gagged. "such a child." lucy clicked her tongue and shook her head, shoving yours to the side. "ah! your perfection takes time? my hair takes longer, hands off the merchandise bronze." you warned wagging a finger at her.
"not the kind of merchandise you're slingin that i like to have my hands on anyway stanway." the brunette smiled with a wink, grabbing your bag for you. "didn't you just yell at me we were going to be late?" lucy teased holding her hand out which you accepted.
"hey its not me whose going to have issues with you being late." you chuckled, your dinner guest the one you knew would be causing problems if any.
your girlfriend retorting something back in spanish knowing you wouldn't understand you rolled your eyes and smacked her.
"we get it, you live in barcelona!"
"god man we said seven, its nearly seven thirty! not only do you corrupt me little sister but you're a bad influence on her time management lucy." georgia scowled the moment you arrived at the table.
"older sister! thank you very much." you pulled your younger sister into a hug as she stood to greet you. "older but smaller, big little sister!" georgia teased patting your head condescendingly. "don't you encourage her!" you warned your girlfriend with a sharp glare as she chuckled.
"gonna have to do a bit more than laughin at my jokes to get back into me good books here lucy." georgia warned, though you relaxed a little when she hugged the taller girl and all three of you sat down.
"its been a year now georgia, get over it." you rolled your eyes playfully, conversation flowing easily as you tucked yourself into lucys side despite the teasing from your sister.
"so, did you make a decision yet?" georgia asked only a half hour into the meal. "christ gee i haven't even had my entree yet! lay off man." you sighed, your contract with city due for renewal once again as you'd only signed on for one year extension.
you felt lucys fingers trace absentminded patterns on your shoulder, the brunette already knowing your answer and that georgia wasn't likely to take it all that well.
gratefully she didn't ask again, clearly picking up on the vibe that you weren't ready to talk about it and not wanting to ruin the time you did have together.
with a small hamstring strain you'd been ruled out of games and proper training for two weeks, so you'd flown to barcelona to see your girlfriend each weekend in between your rehab program.
conveniently barcelona had drawn bayern for their group stage of the uwcl and it almost seemed divine timing that you were actually able to watch, some of your teammates teasing that you were faking the injury to watch the match.
taking your seat the following afternoon you were wedged between lucys brother and mother, having already been absolutely berated by your sister over facetime earlier this morning for your outfit choice.
also ribbed by your older brothers who'd made the trip too you were grateful to be sat in the home section and away from their constant teasing you were bringing shame to the family in your bronze jersey.
the game started off with both teams coming out swinging, no goals conceded on either end by half time, lucy finding you and her family in the crowd and sending a grin and a wave in your direction.
your sister on the other hand caught your eye and flipped you the bird, something you were certain would be circulating twitter in a matter of hours.
you and lucy hadn't officially come out as dating but you also didn't shy away from 'soft launching' as leah had taught you it was called, and you allowed the rumour mill to circulate, no doubt in your mind your appearance here would only send it haywire.
the second half kicked off and from the very first touch it was apparent the barca girls had come out with a vengeance, bagging three goals in the first twenty minutes all with different scorers, your girlfriend assisting two of them.
the game finally ending with barcelona reigning supreme winning five to nil you were up on your feet as the stadium let out a thunderous cheer and the girls did their laps, a smile curling on your face watching your sister and girlfriend walk together, pushing one another around and joking with a grin.
after georgia had found out the two of you were dating she hadn't taken it well, getting over the initial shock and refusing to speak to either you or lucy for three whole weeks.
eventually leah and keira had gotten in her ear and spoken smacked some sense into her, reminding it was your life and your choice and your happiness, and she'd be a bad sister to stand in the way of that.
so to see them back to normal joking around and hugging flooded your body with relief, an immense weight off your shoulders of months of being the only connection between them, their new clubs meaning besides international duty they hardly saw one another.
eventually the crowd was dispersed leaving all the girls and their respective friends and families, you sat up on the barrier as lucy stood in between your legs, hands splayed across your thighs as you spoke with a few of her friends and teammates.
"so, am i wrong to hear we might have to see more of you soon chica?" mapi grinned as you pinched your girlfriends hip sharply and she winced. "maybe." you answered with a sly smile before grumbling in lucys ear about how she had a big mouth.
"you don't normally seem to mind my mouth though babe, especially when it serves you." the brunette mumbled back, stretching so her lips grazed your ear and she squeezed dangerously high up your leg as you blushed bright red and smacked her shoulder.
"well if that is true then maybe lucia will stop looking so miserable and going on and on about how much she misses you." alexia smiled, accent thick but you appreciated their efforts to speak english with you as a few of the girls laughed and lucy shot her a glare.
"we should go see my family luce, i think gee's done licking her wounds." you murmured as lucy nodded, turning her head to peck your lips and pushing herself up as mapi wolf whistled sending the two of you a wink.
you laughed as lucy rolled her eyes and helped you down, taking your hand as you waved the girls goodbye before the two of you crossed the pitch to where most of the bayern girls were spending time with their own families.
"well well well, the little traitor returns." sol grinned as you punched his shoulder and both you and lucy made the rounds greeting your family, keira also speaking with georgia a few feet away.
"just tryin out the colours before the big move then aih?" sol of course had to open his own big mouth right as georgia and keira returned, the blondes eyes widening at your brothers words.
"the what?" she sent you a glare as you smiled guiltily, sinking into lucys arms as she held you from behind, really using you as more of a human shield than trying to offer you any sort of comfort.
"surprise?" you smiled, biting your bottom lip as keira sighed and pinched her forehead and georgia let out a laugh. "so, barcelona then? officially?" she asked, scarily calm as you nodded.
"won't be announced until the summer, the contracts all but signed." you admitted as georgia nodded, seemingly processing as you started to relax a little assuming she was taking it better than you'd worried.
you were wrong.
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atarathegreat · 11 months
Inciting Incidents
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Featuring: Keisuke Baji, Nahoya Kawata, Shuji Hanma, Sanzu Haruchiyo
Genre: Very dramatic, very "Worldstar"
Synopsis: Fuck Around and Find Out
Damn him if he hadn't seen the way this other girl was trying to one up you. She was always trying to cling to him and the others, talking louder than you, interrupting you, and trying to keep the attention on herself. Keisuke hated when the girl would invite herself to a captains meeting. Sure, you went, but that's because the other captains and even the commander and vice commander liked you and valued your opinion. No one had any idea who this girl was, just that she showed up one day with Emma and never. Fucking. Left.
Keisuke stood at the head of his division, Chifuyu just behind him, with you standing very still in front of him. His arms wrapped firmly around your neck, with your hands hanging from his wrists, giving him the perfect opportunity to whisper in your ear. "That girl is here again." Keisuke grumbled, his chin on your shoulder.
"Okay?" You whispered back, "Why is that our concern?"
He shrugged, "I've noticed she thinks she can talk over you."
The way you giggled made him curious. Did you truly not care to notice? "Take it easy, Keisuke. So what she wants attention?" You looked up at him.
He rolled his eyes, "She hangs off all of us. Me included."
A sly grin covered his face as you tensed. Now he was going to burrow deep and make you angry. "She's very vocal when you're around. Like she wants to be more important than you. Apparently, so I've heard, she thinks she can get all our attention and we'll fall for her."
Your chest filled and deflated slowly, Keisuke knew he had you.
"She talks over you so-"
"Enough, Keisuke." You cut him off, your eyes glaring over to where the girl and Emma were sat, "I've heard enough."
For everything you were, you were not patient.
Everyone went silent as you walked across the courtyard of the shrine to the two girls, placing your hands on your hips as you stood before the problem.
"Uhh, can I...help you?" She raised an eyebrow at you.
No one moved as you smiled. They knew that smile, and it was a bad omen. "No. But, let me help you." You said it so sweetly, as if you were going to fix her hair so she could impress someone, "Enough trying to be seen. No one here is impressed and no one here cares. You're annoying and rude."
She spat back at you, going on some rant you didn't care to listen to. You didn't want to yank her around by her hair, but damn if your hands weren't itching to have the strands clenched in them. It was when she called you yesterdays whore that you finally gave in, curling your fingers in her hair and jerking her from the bench.
It was a shrine after all, so you had to take her down to the parking lot.
The captains, vice captains, commander, vice commander, and Emma followed you down the steps. She was thrashing around, you being the only thing keeping her from falling, "Stop whining. You asked for this."
It wasn't a day for you unless Nahoya had slammed somebodies septum into their brain. And so far, he was seeming pretty calm.
"Hoya, are you okay?" You looked up at him, his usual smile plastered on perfectly. Nahoya looked down at you, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
Truly, you had no response. If you said he was acting strange because he hadn't busted a guy up, he'd pick some rando walking by. Definitely something you wanted to avoid. Instead, you shrugged and continued to walk in silence with him.
It was nice to see him so calm and quiet, a juxtaposition from his usual demeanor. Souya would never believe you.
"Take a picture with me!" You pulled out your phone, flipping it open and clicking on the camera. Nahoya took the device, strapping you to his side and clicking a quick picture of you both smiling, "There, babe. Why, though?"
"Just wanted a picture of us." You leaned into him as you walked, discretely sending the photo to Souya. Nahoya hummed, leading you carefully to keep you from bumping into anything.
Until some dude decided it would be a good idea to shoulder check you, making you drop your phone. Nahoya's smile dropped, "Excuse you."
Nahoya managed to clear a clean fifty foot radius as he dragged the guy all around. By the time your boyfriend felt the guy had enough the poor sod had a black eye, busted lip, a gash in his cheek, and a broken nose. Seeing him fight always made you a little shaky, adrenaline wasn't your thing.
"Excuse your bitch."
Double Shit.
"Alrighty!" Nahoya wiped a small splatter of blood from his cheek, "Let's go!"
Hanma was already having a shitty day. There was nothing for him to do after ditching school, and you weren't on board with leaving class to hang out with him. So, he did the only thing he could do. Hanma showed up to your class.
Your teacher paused his lecture as a commotion was heard just outside the door, but you knew whose laughter was drilling through the door. "Y/n, isn't that your boyfriend?" The girl next to you whispered. You wanted to disappear into the ground, and wished for death the second Hanma threw the door open.
Naturally, your teacher went to keep this random boy from entering the class. "Excuse me, young man, I'm conducting a lecture right now." He was a kind man, he'd have more luck with the soft tone, but this is Hanma we're talking about. You saw the way his eyes went from shining to bored all over again, but when he saw that your teacher was shorter than him, that familiar glint returned.
"See you after school!" You hissed to the girl beside you, jerking your bag from the floor and rushing forward.
"Baby! There ya' are!" Hanma hugged you tightly when you were close enough, "Wanna go for a ride? Me and you?"
It gave Sanzu a sense of superiority to have you in his lap at his little meeting, the most trusted of his division sat around him. He'd picked out your outfit that morning, the shorts and tank top allowing him to see as much of your body as he wants as you scrolled through whatever apps on your phone. Sanzu wasn't too concerned about what you were doing, he could see it and your facial expressions gave away whatever you were thinking.
"Sanzu, sir?" One of his men cleared their throat, pulling his attention away from you, "I hate to interrupt your moment, but this meeting is very important..."
The man was silenced by the glare Sanzu sent to him, "Then speak about the meeting. You should already know I've been listening."
And he had been, he was extremely aware of the shipments he was going to be getting and when. Sanzu kept up with all of it outside of these ridiculous meetings, he didn't want to waste time if there was something getting stolen or a truck was going to be late. After all, he had to make sure things ran smoothly for Mikey.
"My darling." Sanzu relaxed, "Tell this moron what's been discussed so far."
Without looking up from your phone, you droned on, "Three shipments arrived in Shibuya at three in the evening, two of six arrived in Tenjiku and it's suspected the other four are being delayed due to tracking issues. Two men were caught in Musashi with seven pounds of the shipment, and they were promptly disposed of." Then you mocked the man, "Sanzu, sir, this is a very important meeting."
The man, the one you'd mocked, stood abruptly, "No woman-"
Sanzu stood and settled you in his seat, "Rest easy, my darling. Don't look up."
The only time Sanzu "The Mad Dog of Bonten" Haruchiyo was calm, was when you were involved. He swore to himself that you would never see him go crazy, and he'd always kept to it, and he knew you would listen to whatever he said. None of the other men moved as he slammed the older guy against the wall, "Finish your sentence. Now. No woman..."
"No woman should speak up like that..." The man was practically pissing himself as Sanzu's grin spread. Two hits in and he was already spitting out teeth, but Sanzu didn't stop until the man was unconscious.
"Darling, what's our rule?" He asked, not turning to you. He didn't have to, he knew you kept your eyes on the phone.
You chuckled, "I'm free to speak as long as I don't interrupt you."
"Good girl."
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Always have but never hold
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a/n Right... I just have so much love for all of you and the support I've been getting on this... mind blowing! I hope y'all will enjoy this!😭✨🤍
warnings: cursing, mental health struggles, puking and angst just the same sweet angst.
Carmen knew something was off. The moment you stepped out of the office. You were there, but your mind was elsewhere. You looked almost dazed. Fighting some battles Carmen didn't know of. So even if the heat of the kitchen was burning all around him, Carmy stopped. Striding away from his spot as he crosses the distance between the two of you. You flinched only when his fingers were slowly creeping against your upper arm. "You okay? Are you good?", he asked through the clicks of the pots.
Yet what brought all of the oxygen out of Carmy was the way you looked up at him. It was a look he had never seen on your face. Never directly at him. There was no way he could even describe that look. Sadness? Yet it didn't seem deep enough. Anger? The flames were barely sparkling. Disappointment? It looked more like a never-ending orb of nothingness. You were looking at him, but you might as well be looking through him, behind him.
"Darling", Carmen breathed, and you swallowed quickly, nodding your head. "Well, well. Where do you need me?" The tone of your voice nearly chilled Carmen's blood. Once again, there were no emotions that twisted through it. And that scared him because he did not know what was going on. And he wished he knew, "Are you sure?", he asked softly, moving to touch your face, but you slipped past his fingers. Humming as you step deeper into the kitchen, Carmy bit down on the frustration that suddenly blossomed within him. Trying to keep it down. At bey. To put a leash on it so it wouldn't come out clacking its teeth at you.
He turns back to you, calling out your name once more. The moment your eyes are on him, Carmen rubs his fist over the left side of his chest. Do the same thing, he begs in his mind; do the same thing. Calm down my mind. Tell me this is something we'll talk about in the privacy of our home. You watched the gesture. Watched. Nodded your head a couple of times, but the nods didn't even look like a nod of agreement. Just a look at something. Someone who wasn't fully there.
Maybe it was stupid that you didn't just address it. You knew you should have. Isn't that what grownups do? Get to the root of the problem and solve it. They don't run away from it. But you couldn't. A twisted part of you wanted to wait for Carmy to say it himself. Bring whoever Claire was himself. You had watched him pick up his phone during family. Fork still in your hands. You had left the messages open. It would have been the first thing he saw when he opened it. You waited for him to get uncomfortable. Frown maybe. Stager at the sight of it, but he didn't. Instead, a light smile softened his features. A fucking smile. The only person you'd seen him smile at was you. No one had received a single smile here in New York from Carmy. And here your form of reality was being crushed right in front of your eyes as you watched him eagerly type the reply.
Now you're here. In your bed. With what you now struggle to pinpoint as your boyfriend sprawled beside you, hand over your stomach, light snores leaving his mouth. You knew you could have. The phone was right there. You could unlock it. See what Carmy had to say in reply, but you couldn't bring yourself to. From the very start, trust was something you valued. Both of you did, or at least you thought you did. You both were the victims of late nights and schedules that overlapped. You had tried putting up a spreadsheet of your work and class times so you could cross over the free slots. Did it work? No, but you two had laughed over it at four am while eating shit gas station ice cream cones Carmy had bought.
"Do you believe in happily ever afters?", your head was hanging off the side of the couch, and your legs were up against the back cushions. Carmy was twisting a bottle of beer in his hand. This conversation was so random. You two had just started exploring the beginnings of the feelings blossoming within your chests. Here is the tiniest living room in New York at odd hours because that's how life was back then. "No", he said almost immediately, making you turn your head towards him. "Why not?", Carmy chuckled nervously, "There's no such thing as never-ending happiness". You had struck up a big fight there about that with him. "But would you want that? An ending like that?", you were ready to agree to disagree. Tiredness was already making you delusional. Carmy halted his answer here and took the last sip from his bottle before saying, "I think people are selfish. They want to have things constantly, but they never hold onto them in the end".
You wished you had let those words sink into you back then. Let the weight of them press into you. Because you had brushed it off way too soon. But that was the first and only time you had gotten so close. Truly get to the core of Carmy. Fuck sex. It brought bodies together. Minds too, if the bodies were truly in sync. But you can have sex with someone without even knowing them fully. The bliss of it all covered up the voids of the unknown.
Always have, but never hold. The words spun and spun in your head. Who was this man lying beside you? Did you know him? How long has he been seeing someone else? Was he even doing that, or were you being paranoid? You looked down at his sleepy face, so calm and without a single frowning line. Your fingers mindlessly ran over the scars and little freckles on his face. All these little, tiny details that had imprinted themselves in your brain. That you remembered in the back of your head. That you would remember even if he changed his mind and started loving someone else.
Bile rose in your throat, and you tried to breathe through it. But the thoughts kept on coming, snapping at the sides of your mind. Over and over and over and over and over. Bringing waves of nausea. And then it overflowed. You reached for the blanket, ripping Carmy's hand off your body as you rushed towards the bathroom. The dinner came right up, or at least the total of two bites you had managed to swallow, even if Sydney was nudging your side playfully, trying to lighten the mood and get you to eat something more. Then the acid rose next. Making the gagging more unbearable. You felt hands pulling your hair away from your face, and you jumped at the sensation. You knew it was Carmy, and it only made the tears that much more painful.
"Breathe through it; try not to gag aimlessly", Carmy's voice was soft, tired but soft, as he ran his hand up and down your back. "Do you still feel like throwing up?", he asked after flushing the water. Your body felt clammy. Cold but on fire at the same time. Your forehead was pressed into the side of the toilet seat as you tried to breathe. Tried to get the nausea away, yet moved to gag once more. But your mind was singing the same tune over and over. I'm so glad I got to see you again. I miss your silly face already. Your body trembled; the cold bathroom tiles soothed the nausea, yet your bones were catering from within, it seemed. Carmen didn't rush you, and for that, we're thankful. One more jab and you might just break.
Carmen was worried. He got woken up by your sharp movements, and the moment the gagging filled the quiet space, he was up. He wondered if your offbeat mood the whole evening was just the beginning of what was happening now. Maybe you were feeling off. Maybe there was something wrong with the food he gave you. But fuck, what if he poisoned everyone who ate? What if people, the customers, will be piling outside the restaurant tomorrow morning with papers in their hands, wanting to file reports? What if they sue him? Carmy would lose the last thing that tied him to Mikey. He couldn't. No, but what if... Another gag pulled Carmy out and back to the present.
"Do you want some water?", he leaned in to take a better look at your face, which was covered in beads of cold sweat. You shook your head, but Carmy still filled one up, "Wash your mouth at least; it'll feel better". You pulled yourself away from the toilet, palms pressed to the cold ground. Carmy pressed a quick kiss to your shoulder, watching you. His gaze burned your skin and face, but you didn't have it in you to say anything about it. Your head lulled back, and Carmy quickly moved behind you, catching it on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Do you think... should I get a doctor?", his tone sounded so much more panicked now as he ran his fingers over your skin. Things like this frightened him; you know about that. He was scared that any form of illness was going to take away the last and maybe only thing he truly cared about. But you shook your head.
You didn't have it in you. You could explain. Tell him it was panic and anxiety that had dragged you here, but you couldn't bring yourself to it. "No..", you whispered just as another sob slipped past your lips, and your hand instantly came to rest on Carmy's. "Just... hold me", you blurt out, breaking completely after that. All the nerves flowed freely down your cheeks alongside your tears. "Hold me, Carmy", and he did. And it's selfish. It's wrong, but you curl into him. Wrapping your whole body all around him. Clinging to him like a child. Letting his heat pour into you. Welcoming it. Trying to take handfuls of it in case he decides to take it away eventually. Rob you of the only happiness you had.
The days after that were a blur. You didn't leave the bed, and Carmy once again says nothing. He did slip back home early, sometimes even making midday stops. Bringing food that you rarely touched. Going as far as bringing home flowers, something he hadn't done since the first weeks of you two being together. You wondered if he ever noticed that you always kept and dried some of the petals from the bouquets that he gifted you. Now you just stared at the delicate, barely blooming things on the kitchen table while they stared at you. Until it got too heavy. Too real, and you dragged yourself back to the bedroom.
It had been close to a week when you found yourself walking the same old streets leading to the restaurant. The numbness had subsided. You managed a basic conversation with Carmen without bursting into tears. That was enough for the guilt of not doing enough in the restaurant and not helping Carmy grow. So after an hour-long shower, you quickly pulled your hair into a messy bun, threw some old baggy jeans on, pulled one of the older Carmy's hoodies on, and headed out.
"Get out of my way", Sydney's voice rang out even through the chaos of the kitchen assembly. A shiver ran through your body. What a hellhole this was if it had turned that girl into a shouting mess within days. "Fuck off, leave me alone", she barked, and you quickly stepped forward. Raising a warning finger at Tina, who was about to speak up. "Are you sure?", Marcus's gentle voice filled your ears. "I'm fucking sure! You ask Carmy if he was sure. You don't", the full force of Sydney's voice sent ripples through the place. What had happened here to make everyone so on edge? "So stick to your shit", she spat back at Marcus, who stood dead silent there.
You loved the guy. He was as sweet as a honey bun. Not a single bad bone in his body. So you gently rested your hand on his back, running it up and down in a comfortable manner. His eyes fell on you, and like a wave of relief, a wave of ease flowed through them. "Y/N", he muttered as you smiled at him softly, letting him wrap you up in a side hug for a moment. "Step out, chef", you murmured, patting his chest. "I'll take it from here", Marcus only nodded, giving Sydney one more apologetic look before slipping out of the freezer.
When the doors were barely open, you turned back to Sydney, who was standing there looking as on edge as you had felt all of this time. You reached your hands towards her. "Come here", you mumbled, inviting her into your embrace. She bit down on the inside of her cheek, shaking her head no. But you still stepped forward, wrapping your arms around her gently, and her frozen figure instantly let up. "Fuck, shit, I'm sorry", she muttered as a couple of tears fell from her eyes. "Yeah, not a big deal. Breathe for a minute, mhm?", you said softly, giving her time to feel it out. Give her enough breathing space. "This place sucks ass", she sighed, her head resting on your shoulder. "Tell me about it", you breathed out with a light chuckle.
"Fuck Carmy too, and I'm sorry, but fuck him", the amazement in her voice you had heard before when she talked of him was long gone. "He put so much shit on, wants me to do so much, but then.. then he takes off running", pulling away, Sydney runs her hands over her face in frustration. Then she stops, looking at you for a moment, and says, "I thought he was running to you, so I...", she must have seen the expression on your face because Sydney's voice died down, and she just nodded her head. You lowered your eyes to the floor. Ran off. Claire, no doubt. In a rush. Probably all excited. Probably even glad that you weren't around here much.
"You look like shit,", Sydney breathed out, "Sorry, but...", she shook her head, and you couldn't help but let out a laugh. "No, no, I saw myself in the mirror before I left. I know I look amazing", you air-quoted the last word, and Sydney snickered alongside you. You sat there for some time. Just letting the rare moment of silence surround you. "You don't let them kill your spark; you hear me", you said, turning to Sydney and gently tapping her thigh, "Throw shit back at them, but don't let them take away what you love most". Her eyes watched you, just like the first time you told her that you were proud of her. Just this time she leaned over, embracing you in another hug before muttering, "You don't know how much this means to me". But you knew. Because you knew how much it meant to you and how many times you hoped that someone would say those same words to you. But just like St. Frances's prayer went, Where there is darkness, let me be light.
"I'll be back as soon as possible", Carmy's voice rang through your apartment as he was getting ready to leave. He had opted for one of the later mornings. Drank coffee with you and ate at the same table. "I want to go to that market with you", he said while putting on the shirt. "We can", you muttered back, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over your chest. "Stop by to eat before we go", Carmy stepped closer to you, hands resting on your hips as he looked at you.
"We'll get through this", he muttered, leaning against you. "I love you; take care of yourself today", he said, cupping your face in his hands. Carmy pressed a kiss on your forehead. Your hands sneaked beneath his shirt, fingers dancing on his naked skin, which was always way warmer than yours. You hesitated for a moment. Not sure if your decision was the right one. "Can we talk tonight? I want to talk about this. What's going on", your voice was barely a whisper, but from the way Carmy's eyes glistened, you knew that he heard you just fine. He smiled softly at you, kissing your forehead once more before bringing you closer to his embrace. "We'll talk later," he said, "Talk about it all if you want". You followed him to the door, holding onto his hand until Carmy had stepped far enough away from you, his fingers slipping through yours. "Be more gentle with them today", you called after him. Carmy looked up from the staircase and said, "Heard, chef".
You had found joy in cleaning the space for the time. Going as far as unpacking all the kitchen stuff from the boxes. A light smile on your face as you slowly filled out the empty shelves and drawers, sorting everything out just like you knew that Carmy was going to love it. Maybe that's another part of what's been missing—this sense of stability and belonging. You never wanted to stay in New York for long; sure, Carmy was doing wonders there, but you had hoped that you two would move to a smaller, less crowded city after you were done with your studies. Finally, start something new for yourself. Life sure altered those plans, but you also helped it get worse. Those boxes could have easily been unlocked weeks ago. You just mentally told yourself not to.
You had just finished cutting up the empty boxes when the doorbell rang. Strange, you thought as you looked at the clock. It was way too early for Carmy to be home, and you weren't even supposed to meet here. Maybe he left his keys and wallet? Something for the restaurant? You dropped the box cutter to the side, getting up quickly and paddling towards the door. "What did you...", but your voice died down almost as soon as it started. You blinked a couple of times, "How can I help you?".
The girl shifted awkwardly, backing away so she could look at the number above the door before she took a second glance at you. "I'm looking for Carmen", she said, a smile spreading across her face. "I think this is the right apparent, but... He never said someone lived with him". You clenched the door handle in your hand so hard that your knuckles turned white. "Let me guess, Claire?". you said through gritted teeth. She smiled so brightly that, for a split second, the urge to punch her was burning bright within you.
"Same old, can I come in?", she pointed to the still somewhat ajar door, "I can just wait for him inside; I won't bother you". You clenched your jaw. You weren't even sure what you were thinking. If she knew where he lived. If he had told her that. Was he hoping you would get out of the apartment sooner to do your daily walk to the local gallery and he could just be here with her? "Of course, make yourself at home", you yanked the door open, moving to the side.
"So you two are roommates?", she asked so innocently, making you let out a chuckle as you watched her move around the place. "Yeah, it might be just that", you said bluntly, still unsure of what to do next. "And you two? How do you know him?", you asked after a while, your tone more than bitter. Her face softens as she sits down on the little, run-down sofa. "Childhood sweethearts, been Claire Bear ever since", she chimed, and you could swear you heard your heart breaking. A nickname. He had even given her a nickname. And she must have been his first, meaning that all you two had... Everything Carmy said was just between you and he was a lie. You blinked quickly a couple of times.
"How sweet...", you muttered, turning away from her, as the first tears rolled down your cheeks, but you quickly wiped them off. "You know...", you said, turning back to her. Letting yourself glance at how stunning she was. "Good you're here; I was just moving out and had to run", you blurt out. "I'll leave you here with the keys if you don't mind", plastering the fakest smile, you watched her nod before you darted towards your bedroom. Yanking the first box in front of you open, shoving random stuff into your bag. Kicking random stuff out of your way. You wanted to scream about how stupid you were. Was that why Richie hated you? He must know about her. All of them. All of his family. Maybe they even think they are together, and then who were you, some random bimbo showing up uninvited?
You thought about just walking out like that. You didn't own any of them anything. Especially not her, but you still halted, "Do tell Carm that I'm proud of him; he did a good job", and with that, you slipped out. Rushing down the stairs.
You barely saw where you were going through the tears that were now flowing freely down your cheeks. Was taking the car a bad idea? Yes, but you needed to get as far away from all of this. Another person honked at you, making you swirl the steering wheel in the opposite direction. You weren't thinking straight; you knew that. Equally, as much as you know that you shouldn't be driving now. You weren't even sure if you could stop where you did, but you were beyond caring. Quickly shuffling through your bag, you reached for your phone. You wiped your eyes messily as you tried to find the right caller id.
There was no one here. You didn't have a family here. There were no friends you could crash at. This wasn't your city. You should have never come here in the first place. "Bunny, bunny, bunny", the smooth voice quickly replaced the calling sound, and you clapped your hand over your mouth to stop the sob from slipping through your lips. "Long time no call. I was starting to think you had forgotten about me", it called out, you shook your head even if no one could see it. Your insides felt like they were going to explode. The line went silent. You tried to speak up, but you just couldn't get a single sound to escape your throat. "Bun?", it called out again, much more concerned this time. Just how you wished someone would have been considered for you ever since. That broke the last string within you, making you let out such a heartbreaking sob that you felt sorry for yourself at the moment. You just cried there until you could finally pull yourself together enough to mutter, "Luca".
Taglist: @nishinoyahhh @thewulf @shewasthelimit @chatitajens @azxulaa @hidingfromtex @randomhoex @hopplessdreamer @lostinheavensworld
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rius-cave · 6 months
You've said from your lick.comic that Lucifer becomes attracted to Adam not long after and Adam is basically dealing with gay panic.
How long after that do they sleep together and how does it happen??
Ooohhh nonny
It wouldn't take too long after it. Hmmm, in fact, I have a comic planned down the line that fits very nicely as a continuation, I might tweak the script a bit to fit it better, so we'll see.
However that comic is gonna be kinda dub-cony and with some coercion so I'll propose an alternative if that's not your thing lol
After the events of that comic, Adam is effectively UNEASY around Lucifer. He can't even look him in the eye, he's actively avoiding him. He's apologized (begrudgingly) to Charlie and he's actually behaving well with the hotel gang.... Except when Lucifer is around. He gets pissy, short-fused, snappy, etc.
Lucifer meanwhile has the spark of attraction ignited inside of him, he looks at Adam with... Not uninterested eyes, but he has a much better hold of himself, he doesn't really act differently or is trying to seduce him further, it's just kind of in the back of his mind for now.
However he IS getting pissed off at Adam's attitude and how he's CLEARLY avoiding him. He briefly wonders if it's because he's just being a fucking brat.
This goes on for AT LEAST two weeks until Adam says something stupid and tries to flee from Lucifer's presence again and Lucifer is like "okay that's it".
Lucifer pulls Adam to a room with just the two of them alone and they have this discussion:
"okay, this is getting ridiculous. Fucking spill it."
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Let me go already!"
"Not until you tell me what's got your panties in a twist. Come on it's been weeks."
"NOTHING! Goddammit-! This is fucking stupid!"
"Adam I'm not an idiot, please just-"
Lucifer tries to grab his arm but Adam flinches away from it.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME! YOU-!" he yells, loudly, and there's a very obvious blush on his face.
Lucifer looks at him, really looks at him, and then it all clicks for him.
"Holy shit, are you telling me-"
"No fucking way," Lucifer's face starts breaking into a smile. "For real? That little teasing got to you this bad?"
"Ohoho, this is so rich! Who would've thought!" Lucifer smirks, getting closer to Adam and adopting a much more flirty demeanor. "That the so called Dickmaster would want a piece of lil ol me?"
"Hey, no judgement here, you should've just told me you needed to get laid that badly instead of piss and moan for days. Really buddy, it would've made things so much easier."
"LIKE HELL IT WOULD! I don't want you near me! Get away from me!"
Lucifer cocks an eyebrow but doesn't flinch, he starts circling Adam, as if he was prey. Adam just follows his shadow, still trying to hold on to his little secret. When Lucifer speaks again, it seems to come from everywhere at once.
"If you insist, I'll leave you alone for now. But really Adam, you just say the word and I'll make you reach Heaven again. I'll make you see more stars than you ever knew existed. See more colors than there are in the rainbow."
Adam gulps, and he panics internally when he realizes that he's starting to get hard. However, Lucifer doesn't seem to notice because then he feels Lucifer squeezing his ass, eliciting a yelp from him, and then next thing he knows Lucifer is back at the door frame, all the tension in the room dissipating.
"My door's always open! Well then, pal! Hope ya get your shit together! Don't make daddy mad~" he adds that last part with a velvety tone, and then disappears.
Not a full 24 hrs pass before Adam is knocking quietly in Lucifer's door (his new temporary room in the hotel) and Lucifer greets him with a smirk. They close and lock the door behind them. The end.
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bagely · 3 months
they gay and shit
The light entered the room hitting the face of the half-awake Missa on the bed, who squeezing his eyes and yawning gave the alert to his husband who entered the room and had woken up a few minutes ago.
Philza sat up in bed grabbing Missa by the cheeks and caressing his face, to which Missa unmoving with closed eyes accepting the affection.
"You leave" Missa said.
Bringing his hands now up to his husband's hair , philza smiled tiredly "Chay called me."
"Oh, is he okay?"
"Yeah, his floatie deflated."
"What?" missa seemed to snap out of a trance and his eyes widened.
"I sort of suspect lullah" Said Philza serene at the matter, and more concerned about the silkiness of his husband's hair.
"His own sister" Missa spoke in a dramatic tone "So young, and on the wrong path..." removing Philza's hands from his hair as it was beginning to bother him.
A disappointed grimace appeared on Philza's face as he was interrupted in his petting "It's a murder we'll solve tomorrow," he reached for Missa's hand again interlacing his fingers "and you? Why did you wake up? Bad dream?"
Missa surrendered to his insistence moved closer to him and leaned his head against his neck. He clicked his tongue as he remembered his dream "My first death."
"Your only death." Philza corrected him gently.
A silence formed, perhaps because of how overwhelming the subject matter was for Missa or the fact that his body wanted to succumb to sleep more and more strongly every minute.
"I'm exhausted." Missa replied, finally beginning to stroke Phil's hands returning some of his affection.
"It's 4 o'clock in the morning I wouldn't expect more."
Missa lifted his head willing him to lie down once more and as they parted they stood for a moment looking at each other. The light was lacking but still Missa felt Phil's eyes sparkle. "Give me a kiss" Missa said in a soft tone.
"Weren't you sleepy?" Philza asked, in a tone that bordered on suggestive and carefree.He grabbed Missa's neck, Together their faces giving each other a little smack on the forehead.
"Don't go around thinking cochinadas."
Philza stopped a giggle inside, even in that darkness holding him so close he could see her ears turn red. "I'm not thinking about anything."
"I want a ring." Missa said, the play between their hands still going on.
"You never gave me one."
"You hadn't asked for it." Philza replied.
Missa pulled away, holding his gaze on him "I ask you for something and you'll just give it to me?" Philza nodded immediately at what he had said with a goofy grin "I want... a castle in the stars."
"When I get to them I'll make you one there." Phil replied dropping down on the bed.
Missa followed him, positioning himself on his abdomen or a little higher and giving him kisses on the cheeks. There was zero response from philza to this, he simply moved his feet so that every part of both of their bodies were touching each other
"You're tired too.." Missa commented stopping their kisses, as if he had just realized something.
A tired chuckle came from Philza. Missa could feel his chest rise when it came. "We have two children I'm always tired."
"Then sleep."
"You sleep first."
Missa interlocking his hands again, he felt strange being now the one who was trying to get attention " sometimes he asked me.." He paused as if he had started talking without knowing how to finish the sentences. " if... maybe reality is a dream."
"That would be sad, I can't imagine without you guys. Without you." Philza replied, Missa could feel each of his heartbeats act faster as he said that whole sentence.
Missa could feel himself blushing even though it wasn't something new to know, maybe it was the time and the dream that intoxicated them, and made it feel like that was the first time he heard things like that from his husband " Mi alma, your soul."
"What's that?"
"It seemed appropriate." Missa replied.
"Go to sleep." Philza replied, moving over and dropping Missa to the side of the bed. They were still quite close though and their hands were still clasped together.
Missa wondered for a second, until he remembered his most important piece of information "Are you blushing? You always blush if I speak Spanish" He said, and to test his theory by bringing his hands close to him, and bringing his face close to his separated by their noses.
"Not true." Philza immediately replied.
"It's wrong to lie to your husband." Missa joked.
"Shut up." Replied Philza, releasing his grip.
"Uh?" Missa started to move away.
Philza proceeded to gently grab Missa's neck to pull him up to him. Imparting a kiss to him, with a force almost measured in his own tiredness. Slow just like the morning that seemed to take ages to appear. When they parted they stood with foreheads pressed together and noses brushing "Didn't you want a kiss?"
"You blushed." Missa replied.
"I'll get your ring for you tomorrow, sleep."
Missa nodded, though he doubted if Phil had seen it. Snuggling almost on top of his husband, he eventually gave in to sleep.
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ot9snumber1 · 8 months
im here!
yk me and bondage we just go together..
sub!momo getting tied to the bed bc she lost a bet of who could go the longest without touching themselves, sana and mina playing with her until she gets whiny and crying mess because of overstimulation..
I LOVE YOU!! always the first to save me <3
YES OMG :( misana intentionally made the bet with a drunk momo because they knew she would never ever last. even if sober momo swore she would never lose a bet (jihyo's competitiveness totally rubbing off on her), there were some things she just couldn't resist.
just as they thought things couldn't get any better (or worse, for momo), mina was out celebrating a friend's birthday and sana was out for another graff photoshoot.
in short, momo didn't even last a day.
sana was the first to tease her, sending her a selfie from the dressing room. she was only wearing the lingerie set mina bought her a while back with a very expensive necklace accentuating her cleavage. too bad you're not here, love. would do anything for you to eat me out rn :(
momo takes deep breaths and takes a cold shower. she just responds with a thumbs up emoji, making sana laugh. momo isn't a fool. she knows when she's being tricked. even if mina tried to get her to break the bet, too.
i don't think i ever sent this to you. thought you'd like it.
momo thinks she could implode at any given moment now. she stares at her phone, frozen as she stood still in the doorway to their shared room. mina was Evil. capital E.
the video mina sent seemed to be hastily recorded. the phone must've fallen over before mina hit record, because all she could see was the ceiling of the bathroom. not that she needed to see anything, anyway. she recognized the scene almost instantly.
"ah—fuck, fuck me right there!" mina moaned. momo felt herself blush, unable to click off the video. it was when momo had bought her current favorite strap and couldn't even wait until they got home to test it out.
momo takes another cold shower, but that didn't help either. her girlfriends were just far too stubborn to let her win just this once.
we'll be home soon <3 sana texted. momo felt happy at that, dreaming of being able to cook for them again, cuddle, kiss, et cetera.
until sana followed her message with a video of mina sucking on her tits.
that was momo's last straw.
"f–fu—ah!" momo whined as she inserted another finger into herself, barely being able to hold her phone. she tried to focus on rewatching the video over and over—but just the sound of sana's sultry voice commanding mina to do what she wanted was sending her into overdrive.
they wouldn't find out, right? if momo was just careful enough...
sana laughs maniacally when she steps into the bedroom. she didn't even need to walk closer to see the big damp spot on it. "mina!" sana calls out as she ran down the stairs to reunite with her girls. "i think our little momoring owes us something."
momo's heart drops. she'd never been more scared and turned on at the same time.
momo tries closing her legs again, the feeling of sana's fingers in her and vibrator on her clit just felt like too much. sana slaps her thighs lightly, forcing her to hold them open. "take it, slut. isn't this what you wanted? to be used?"
sana returns to overstimulating momo while mina pinched and sucked at her nipples. momo let out a high-pitched whine, tears streaming down her cheeks. "mff—fuck! please, i'll be a good girl i swear—"
"should've thought about that earlier, no?" mina teased. "you know how she is." sana hums, smiling in satisfaction when momo cums for the umpteenth time. "can't think about anything but fucking and being fucked."
both sana and mina laugh at that. "yeah. our baby is just a filthy–minded freak, hm?" mina coos as her fingers trail down to replace the vibrator sana held against her clit. "shit!" momo cried out, throwing her head back and wanting nothing more than to hold their wrists in place. (too bad her wrists were the ones being held in place. there was nothing prettier than sana's necktie restraining momo from doing anything but cry, in mina and sana's opinion.)
"answer." mina says lowly, slapping her cunt. momo whines again, her voice raspy from how much she's screamed so far. "y–yes! j–jus' a freak for you two."
sana chuckles again, curling her fingers in momo. "atta girl."
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gassydumbjocks · 21 days
Its Good To Be A Man
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Tyler close the door and throw himself to the sofa, exhausted after a day of work thanking it was finally over. He worked at a pretty good company, but being the only gay guy in his department and having to deal with homophobes and sexist co-workers was sometimes too much for him, so he thought about watching a movie or a tv show maybe to relax and sleep.
He started to look up in his VHS Cassettes' box and soon noticed that strangely, a new one was there, it didn't got any cover or stuff, and just had written "Its good to be a man" as the only title on it, he found it weird, but then supposed perhaps that his dumb jock of a roommie got it and put it with his stuff "I've told him not to touch my things like a million times, when is that brute gotta learn"
He had to admit the curiousity was hitting him, it was probably a home made video recorded by Connor and his gross buddies, but boy... after all, he was gay, and all of Connor's friends were toned ripped jocks from the gym (with a brain of a peanut size, but hot after all)
Thinking "maybe its just their excersizes routines... guess it wouldn't hurt to see" feeling a bit of a lust mood running in his body "ok, just a couple minutes...but i swear, if its just them having a belch off, im burning this" he said.
Putting the tape in the tv player, he clicked to put the video, and all of a sudden, the typical static sound shows, then a simple white screen, making Tyler raise an eyebrow, before what seemed to be a variety show intro plays, a smiling man in a suit which he supposed was the host, along a bunch athletic shirtless men with dumb expressions who followed next to him appeared in screen.
"Good to see ya again my brothers!" The host announces "this is your program where you learn how to be real MEN", as if it was a cue, the stud-bodied-like guys all grunted and beated their chests, like they were gorillas making a chanting "Uh!, Uh!, Uh!" and flexed their arms, making the audience laugh loudly, with those cocky grins Tyler knew so well, he rolled his eyes.
Making the host laugh aswell, he patted one of them in the back "That's what i talk about" he joked "Alright folks, tonight we'll indulge into an intense session of what it means to be a man, these guys here will serve as examples in showing you all stuff boys MUST do to become the alpha macho men they truly are" he adds, then, smirking, he takes a small device from his suit pocket.
"This little thing here made sure to leave them empty headed and obey any manly command given to them, just as it'll make sure to do the same for you, ma boy" he suddenly announces.
"...The hell?" Tyler said, arching his look again as he watched them "is this some bullshit hypnosis crap or?..." he asked
"That's right, dudes! Lets begin" the host shouted. "It's time to show off around what you're made of! We'll do something primal, no pun intented" he joked "We'll now do the first category: BURPING!, so, let's hear those nice bassy burps!" he says, turning to the group of jocks, as he pressed a button of that device.
Immediatly, they started to release loud and deep monsters of burps, at unison, as if they were in trance, still with those dumb expressions, and Tyler could swear he saw how one of them got his eyes crossed with a complete fool face.
Even worse, Tyler felt a strange urge to burp himself too. He tried to resist, but the feeling was overwhelming, he rubbed his gut hoping to calm it down, but he just letted out a loud, embarrassing belch, blushing immediatly
"Wha-BOOOOUUURRP?- Is happening?!" he said between belches, a little ashamed.
"Excellent!" the host cheered. "This is what i call a manly symphony!, but we also know there is another way to do that, right?" He asks the public with a mischevous grin "FARTING is a big part in the bonding among men, so, we just have to, let it rip right?" He asked again, as he pressed that little button.
Some of the guys turned around to show their butts, other simply proceed to lift their legs, but they all did the same, at the command of "letting rip" they instantly started a worthy orchestra of simultaneous farts, each sounding grosser and deepest than the last one
Tyler was grossed out and sick, he wanted it to stop, but as he bend over a bit over to approach the tv, his butt felt the need to drop a massive, and nasty monster of a deep fart, the loudest he've ever letted out, he could feel his butt vibrating at that one, sitting normally again, horrified and trying to cover his butt with his hands.
"This-BOOOOOOOUUUUURRRRRPP!" He belched "Is a nightmare!..."
That last fart seemed to do something on Tyler, he kept one second silent before, turning his head to the tv again, now with a dumb and foolish grin adorning his face "hahaha, dudee, i need to quit the bean dip next timee" he said in a lower, more manly voice.
"Whew! Guys! Ok ok its enough! Hahaha" The always happy host said, as he waved his hand to make the smell go away, as the dumb bunch of men kept blasting bombs out of their butts "Geez, dont anybody here think on turning on a lighter" he said bursting in laughing, making Tyler laugh too at the stupid joke.
"But for now, this is all we got for today's emmision, bros, we're glad that you could come with us in this, stinky, foul and manly lessons that every man needs to apply in his everyday, till the next program! Boys? Would you like to wave goodbay?" he asked with a grin.
The camera showed each of them, now it was sure they all had that same cross-eyed look and dumb smiles, like Tyler did, the staff offered a can of a kind of soda to one of them, which he drank in a single gulp, before removing it from his lips "GOOOD BYEEEEAAAAUUURRRRRP!" A massive belch came out, as he succesfully burp-talked, gaining again the laughs and applause from all the people in the set.
Meanwhile with Tyler, at the same time he also relaxed his muscles, and lifted a leg as he felt some pressure in his lower abdomen, he knew very well what that meant "Bombs away!" he said proudly, before the smelly, big and long fart made its way out of his crack.
"Hahah!" he chuckled "i think i just ruined my undies"
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cielwritings · 4 months
Hello thereeee, I just randomly thought of this request but modern Ciel x reader where the reader wears Jirai kei clothing, since it's known about mental stuff people usually give them glares assuming bad stuff about them because of stereotype, if you do it please remember to take your time and not rush for you own mental health ♡⁠
! Ciel with a S/O who wears Jirai Kei !
Oh i love this style!! i never knew it had a name!
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Being from England, he doesn't see it often. Though, he'll occasionally see small bits of it. You were really the only one he saw dressed up completely in the attire.
He didn't mind it. To him, it looked like a feminine style with some comfort in it, while also being fit to wear outside. He sees no issue, so he doesn't comment on it.
Though, you seemed sad one day, wearing something out of your usual. You wouldn't tell him what was wrong, instead simply asking for his affection and reassurance. He ordered Sebastian to figure it out.
It didn't take very long. Sebastian knew it had something to do with your clothes, so he asked Nina and Grell. Both of which came to the same conclusion. Either you weren't happy with how you looked in it (whether it be because of yourself or a third party), or you just had a bad day.
Ciel, hearing this, liked to look over your shoulder. He'll catch you scrolling on social media, paying closer attention to your notifications. These comments you were getting were.. odd.
What the hell is a femcel?! What are they talking about you doing... drugs? Wearing long sleeves meant you're hurting yourself? What?!
To Ciel's knowledge, you weren't any of that. Even if he had no idea what a femcel was. Sebastian told him to not worry about it...
"My lady," Ciel spoke, hearing your phone buzz in your pocket at dinner time. "Do you mind... handing me your phone? I would like to take a look at what's bothering you."
At first, you had no idea what he meant. "The buzzing doesn't bother me. I can put it on silent if you need."
Ciel shook his head, "That's not what I meant, my dear. Allow me to show you."
So, you handed him your phone. He immediately opened your instagram after painful navigation. You felt your heart go to your stomach. Suddenly, you had the urge to excuse yourself to the restroom, though you didn't.
"These are nice photos," he points to a few of your posts where your outfits were especially 'extra'. Lots of accessories, more makeup, and the occasional energy drink in hand.
So, he clicked on a photo. More comments than likes. He clicks the comments.
"Hm," he hums, finger to his chin. "What does this mean?" he gestures to a comment. Some oldhead commented a knife and laughing emoji. The meaning was obvious, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"It's nothing." "Oh? What about this one?" he points to another comment, which referred to you as someone who did 'street parties'. Some comments under them were gifs of anime girls with gross bedrooms.
You just looked at him nervously. He sighs, your silence saying more than what you could ever say.
"I'm having Sebastian cleanse your account. Everyone who leaves a negative comment will be blocked, deleted, and your account will be set to private until I state it's alright otherwise."
It was a drastic measure, but clearly you weren't happy with what everyone has been saying. "While Sebastian does this, we're going to finish our meal and go to the city. We'll be buying you some new clothes. Don't think I've noticed your attempts at burning and shredding the old ones."
Your face flushed, and you nodded. Sebastian took your phone with a reassuring smile, and promptly left after Ciel gave the go-to.
Ciel kissed the corner of your lips, stabbing your fork into your food and lifting it to your mouth. "Enjoy your meal, now."
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d1xonss · 9 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 25 ~ The Herd
✧ Paring : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 5.2k
In this chapter ~ The hour grew late as the search for the man continued, splitting up into different groups to cover more ground. Though something seemed off about the whole thing, not only leading to the sudden realization of what truly happened, but the unexpected herd of walkers making their way right for the farm. Leaving the others little to no time to escape.
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"I saw him head up through the trees that way before I blacked out. Not sure for how long." Shane informed, raising his hand up to gesture in the direction.
It had felt like we had been walking for hours, or at least to me that's how it felt because we were hardly getting anywhere at all. Shane was very brief when he told the story of how that asshole got out, obvious holes in the plot and missing information. He kept stuttering over his sentences, not daring to turn and look any of us in the eye as he went on and on.
But my mouth stayed shut and my eyes stayed down as we looked for tracks in the mud. Though every once in a while I found myself glancing back up at the other two men that stood on either side of me, seeing if they were buying this or if they had an actual steady head on their shoulders.
"Couldn't have gotten far." Rick tried to convince, "He's hobbled, exhausted-"
"And armed." Glenn quietly reminded.
Rick turned to look at us, "Well, so are we." he said as he pointed to the obvious weapons in our hands, "Can you two track him?" he suddenly asked Daryl and I.
Daryl shook his head almost immediately, "Nah I don't see nothin. You?" he asked me.
All I could do was wordlessly shake my head, even though I never glanced up to look them in the eye, just in case of the slight chance we missed something. But there was truly nothing, not in this area at least. It almost seemed like Shane was leading us in the complete opposite direction with how little I was able to make out through the leaves.
"Hey there ain't no use for tracking, okay?" Shane said as he clapped his hands together to get our attention. "He went that way. We pair up, we spread out, we take him down, that's it."
There was something about his tone, the shakiness of his voice, it brought my attention back towards him along with Daryl who was now looking towards the man with narrowed eyes. If anyone would back me up on his weird ass behavior, I knew it would be him because of how well he could read people, reassuring me almost that I wasn't reading too much into it.
"The kid only weighs bout a buck twenty-five soakin wet...yer really tellin us he had the jump on you?" Daryl asked.
He only scoffed dismissively, "I say a rock pretty much evens those odds, wouldn't you?" he asked.
"No, I believe it." I spoke up, "Wouldn't be the first time someone's knocked you in the head." I said, a smirk slowly growing on my lips.
His head snapped to me as soon as it clicked in his head what I had meant, beginning to walk up to me with a raised finger in my face. But he barely got the chance before Daryl slightly stepped in front of me and Rick placed a hand on the man's chest, stopping him from moving further as he lightly pushed him back a few steps.
"Alright, hey, knock it off." Rick snapped before turning towards me, "Rose, take Daryl and Glenn and start heading up that way. We'll take this side."
I looked at him cautiously and a bit in shock that he trusted Shane that much, stepping away from Daryl to really look at him, "You sure?" I asked with concern lacing my voice.
He stopped momentarily to look down at me, visibly hesitating on a question that should've been simple for him to answer. Biting the inside of his cheek subtly, he finally gave me a nod, "Yeah." was all he said before placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it lightly.
He then turned around quickly and walked off with Shane in the opposite direction, leading the way further from us as Shane followed slowly behind him, nearly dragging his feet. I watched them walk away for a few seconds longer than I meant to, the nervous feeling I had only seeming to grow. I wanted to call out to him. To tell him that I would go with Shane instead, or the three of us could go together, anything to prevent him and Shane going somewhere alone. But I didn't. Just because I had a bad feeling about this didn't mean he was going to stop if that meant tracking Randall down.
Just please don't die Rick, seriously.
After that whole interaction, and the three of us turning around to hesitantly make our way further into the woods, no one said a thing. It was completely silent between us, but it didn't surprise me considering the situation we seemed to find ourselves in. The only way it somehow got worse, was the sun setting and leaving us completely in the dark.
Though we had a bit of luck on our side as we finally seemed to find some tracks to follow. They were messy and faint, but still it was something. And it was a chance I was willing to take considering none of us could see five feet in front of us, nothing but the dim moonlight shining down on the path we found. Silence continued to fill the air as we focused, too worried about the things we might find along with what we couldn't control.
But occasionally I found my eyes continuously landing on Glenn a few different times, knowing that I hadn't spoken to him all day. Subconsciously, I just wanted to give him some space so he could process Dale's death, but I also wanted to remind him that I was here for him like always. Now probably wasn't the best time to do that, but the guilt of not speaking to him since yesterday was getting harder for me to ignore.
"Hey...how're you doing?" I asked quietly, nudging my arm with his.
He looked up from the ground shrugged, "Oh you know, just peachy. Trying to find a potential psychopath is just a casual Sunday for me."
My eyes slightly widened in response as I kept my lips sealed. He didn't yell at me, but he certainly wasn't happy judging by the sharp and sarcastic tone he used. So I just didn't respond, only keeping my eyes down as we followed the narrow tracks.
But he then sighed and stopped, pulling my arm to stop with him. "I- I'm sorry. It's just that a lot has happened in the last few hours and I guess... I guess I'm just overwhelmed. I didn't mean to...snap at you."
I gave him a small smile, "It's okay hon, you don't have to apologize, I get it. I just wanted to give you your space today since... you know."
"Yeah I know, thanks. It actually helped to be alone for a little while." he replied.
"Good." I said simply.
He smiled small at me in obvious appreciation, before we turned to walk faster and catch up to Daryl who continued to make his way down the path. Though when we finally spotted his figure again through the darkness, he had completely stopped, staring down at the ground in clear confusion. My brows furrowed as I stepped up to stand by his side, his eyes immediately looking towards me as he gestured to the ground.
"You seein this?" he asked.
I tried squinting through the darkness as I looked down, seeing we seemed to have come across two sets of tracks now instead of one. I only nodded my head in response to him, watching as they only got messier as they went on through the leaves.
"Wait what? What is it?" Glenn asked, confused.
"There's two sets of tracks, so that means Shane followed him a lot longer than he said he did." I answered.
Daryl nodded before looking up towards the nearest tree, stepping up and around the roots poking through the dirt to get a better look at the odd mark he had somehow spotted on the trunk.
"Fresh blood on this tree." he stated, "M' thinkin somethin went down." Daryl spoke again as he looked at the tracks.
Glenn let out a breath of air as he scanned our surroundings nervously, "This is getting weird."
I shook my head with a scoff, "It's been weird ever since Shane told us what happened."
Daryl then stopped to look at me, "Ya don't believe him?"
"Hell no. He's been acting so different and...unhinged lately. It's hard to believe all the bullshit that comes out of his mouth." I replied.
His lips pressed together as he nodded, agreeing with me like I knew he would since the beginning. He wasn't stupid, and hell neither was Rick, both of them knowing damn well that his lies were starting to not make any sense, his story not blending together well. But with knowing all that, I still didn't understand why Rick willingly went off alone with him. Perhaps he had some kind of plan.
Or maybe he was just trying to convince himself that he was the crazy one, but the truth was he was far from it.
But the three of us suddenly froze, the faint sounds of branches snapping nearby was enough to send our hearts jumping. In an instant we all split off as quietly as we could, hiding behind some nearby trees to get away from the thing that caused the loud noise to rip through the night. My back was placed up against the bark of a tree as I held my breath, noticing quickly how far we were scattered away from each other.
I couldn't make out their figures in the darkness, they had to have been too far away for that, though I still tried to peer around at my surroundings without making any noise. But it was so dark I couldn't see shit, I could only hear what was happening around me, the snapping noises only growing louder as the culprit made itself more known.
But I then took a chance, peeking around the tree once more hesitantly enough to spot a lone walker stumbling its way through the woods loudly. I let out a breath of air as I placed my back up against the tree once more, shielding myself from the creature before it could see me as I quickly pulled out a knife from my hip. I was prepared to throw it at its head but when I looked back, it was gone. My eyes widened as I fully stepped out, looking around frantically before my stomach dropped.
There was screaming.
I quickly sprinted in the direction without hesitating, and I saw the walker had Daryl pinned up against a tree, while Glenn was frantically looking for his weapon that had somehow gotten lost in the pile of leaves. I then rushed forward towards the walker, stabbing it in the back of the head as its body fell limp not even a second later. The moment it was dead I felt like I could actually breathe, stepping over the body as Daryl shoved it off of him. My hands instinctively went up and landed on either sides of his face gently as my eyes scanned him frantically for any type of injuries.
"Are you okay? Are you bit?" I asked worriedly.
He just stared at me and placed one of his hands on top of mine before saying, "M' okay." and gave me a reassuring smile.
I sighed in relief and almost brought him in to kiss him, but then I remembered Glenn was about three feet away, probably watching this whole interaction with confusion written all over his face. The realization slowly set in as I cleared my throat, awkwardly pulling my hands away and stepping back over towards the walker to pull my knife out of its head.
Though I paused. I recognized the clothes, the hair on top of his head, only seeing the man a handful of times yet I had a sudden funny feeling. So, I pulled my weapon back out before hesitantly flipping the walker over onto its back, getting a good look at its face only for my mouth to drop seconds later. I was right. It was Randall.
I felt the two of them come over to see what I was staring so intently at, both of them freezing at the same time upon seeing who it was. After a few seconds, Daryl leaned closer to the body and began to lift up the fabric of his clothes, inspecting him for any bites when he suddenly realized something.
"Got his neck broke." he muttered.
He then flipped him back over on his stomach and lifted his shirt and pants. "He doesn't have any bites." I voiced out loud as my eyes scanned the body too.
"Yeah, none that you can see." Glenn said.
"Nah she's right...he died from this." Daryl responded.
Glenn's eyebrows then pulled together in worry, "How is that even possible?" he asked.
But neither of us had an answer for him. Neither one of us had a good enough reason as to why this man somehow came back to life when he wasn't attacked. Not by anything dead anyway. But clearly something terrible happened to him, something that we could all silently assume had something to do with Shane.
We all just quietly turned around and walked back towards the house, knowing know that the threat was eliminated. Daryl was walking a little closer to me then he usually would in front of someone else, but I didn't mind at all. I knew subconsciously he was still worried that there was somehow something else out there, waiting for the moment to pounce. The feeling was completely normal and valid, especially when we're walking in the woods when it's pitch black outside. But hell, I felt it too.
It seemed as though right as I had that thought, a sudden gunshot was fired from our right, a good distance away yet still so close to where we were. We all practically jumped out of our skin upon hearing the loud noise, pausing our movements as we waited, listening for something else. I looked towards the direction of the shot but didn't see anything from where I was, the many trees still blocking my view. Daryl was the first one to make a move after only a few seconds, his hand landing on my lower back as he gently pushed me towards the house again so he could just get the fuck inside.
The house slowly began to come into view, the three of us only picking up our pace once we saw how close we were getting. We stomped up the porch steps quickly and swung open the screen door, only to see the remainder of the group sitting anxiously in the living room as they waited for all of us.
As soon as they heard us come in their heads whipped around to face us, an immediate weight clearly being lifted off of their chests as Beth made a beeline towards me the second she saw me. She wrapped me in a tight hug, almost causing me to fall back at the impact, hearing the sigh of relief leaving her lungs.
"You're okay?" she whispered.
I nodded and squeezed her back, "I'm okay." I said before pulling away, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as I did a scan of the room, "Rick and Shane aren't back?" I asked.
Lori quickly shook her head, "No, we thought they'd be with you."
"We spit up to cover more ground." Daryl stated, "Y'all hear that shot too?" he asked.
The rest nodded, "Maybe they found Randall." Lori guessed.
"No...we found him. He was a walker." I said.
"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel asked.
"The thing is he wasn't bit, his neck was broken." Glenn stated, moving over towards Maggie to take a seat next to her.
"So he fought back." Andrea assumed.
"Thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other, and Shane ain't no tracker so he didn't come up behind him. Nah, they were together." Daryl informed the group.
Lori's face only contorted with more worry, before suddenly getting up from the wall she was leaning against, walking up towards Daryl to speak quieter to him, "Will you please go back out there and find Rick and Shane, and figure out what on earth is going on?"
"You got it." he replied with a nod of his head.
"Thank you." she muttered gratefully before turning back towards the others.
He instantly headed towards the front door to head back out into the darkness, but I was quick to follow as I gently let go of Beth. I watched as he was just about to push the screen door open before my voice suddenly stopped his movements.
"You're not going alone." I stated.
He turned around to face me, nodding at me once, "Never been able to say no to ya before." he winked.
My eyes narrowed at him as I lightly nudged his shoulder with mine, gently pushing past him to head out the screen door and onto the porch. His footsteps followed behind me, but I stopped dead in my tracks, not even making it past the first steps before something in the distance caught my eye. A huge herd of walkers were scattered everywhere across the fields, heading right towards us from the other side of the woods. My eyes widened as I glanced over at Daryl's face, only finding him standing there with his mouth slightly parted at the sight just beyond the trees.
"Guys!" I yelled as quietly as I could so they could somewhat hear me, without drawing more attention from the walkers.
The group made their way out the door hesitantly seconds later, staring at the sight in front of them in awe. Nobody knew what to do, a big herd like this would rip us apart instantly and I could feel the fear radiating off of every single person.
"Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel demanded quietly.
"I'll get the guns." Andrea said, pushing past everyone to get back inside.
I moved around the white pillar to try and get a better look at how many there really were, hearing Glenn say, "They could just pass like the herd on the highway, should we just go inside?"
"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs that I don't know bout," Daryl said, "Herd that size will tear the house down."
Suddenly Lori came back outside in a rush with widened eyes, "Carl's gone." she breathed barely above a whisper.
I whipped my head around, "What?" I asked.
"He was just upstairs; I can't find him anymore. He's supposed to be upstairs. I'm not leaving without my boy." she said, tears building in her eyes.
"We're not, we're going to look again and we're going to find him." Carol reassured her as she gently pushed her back inside the house to search again.
Andrea then came back outside quickly with the bag of remaining guns we still had, throwing them on the floor up for grabs. I instantly picked up a handgun, checking the chamber before putting it behind my back and digging to find a shotgun, loading it as well as everyone else.
"I got the number, it's no use." Daryl informed the others after a few moments of silence.
"You can go if you want." Hershel suddenly spoke.
"You're gonna take them all on?" I asked the man.
He began to shove as many bullets in his pockets as he could, "We have guns, we have cars." he told me, keeping his eyes down on the task.
Andrea loaded her gun, "We'll kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm."
"You serious?" Daryl asked Hershel.
"This is my farm, I'll die here." he said with a nod before walking off around the backside of the house.
"Alright," Daryl huffed, "As good a night as any." he said before hopping over the railing.
I wordlessly followed the others as we all made our way towards the many vehicles still lined up on the side of the house near the grass. We would try to kill off as many as we could before they could make it too close to the house, but if worse came to worse, the others still left inside would make a fast getaway if they had to. I hoped it wouldn't have to come down to that, losing the only place that we had left that was safe, but just glancing at the number of walkers, we hardly had enough bullets to make a dent. But we had to try.
I walked right up to the light blue truck and swung the door open, tossing the shotgun in my hands onto the passenger seat inside before attempting to climb in right along with it, but someone caught my arm from behind me. I turned around swiftly to see Daryl looking at me seriously, trying not to show the obvious panic he felt in the pit of his stomach.
He cleared his throat a bit before looking down at his hand that still tugged loosely on my arm, swaying a bit nervously from side to side, "Be careful...ya hear me?" he asked.
I nodded at him, "I will. You be careful too."
He stared at me with unsure eyes and didn't remove his hand. I could tell he was struggling to let me go and I was only finding it harder to do the same exact thing. Too much could happen out there, but I didn't want to think about that. For both of our sakes I wouldn't let myself do that, I couldn't. I only pushed some of the hair out of his face before leaning in a bit closer to speak again.
"I will see you again." I said quietly, whispering it in the air like it was a promise.
He didn't say another word, biting at his bottom lip slightly before quickly bringing me in for a bone crushing hug. My eyes fluttered closed as I sighed, hugging him back tightly because if I'm being honest, I didn't even believe my own words. I wanted to, but it didn't guarantee the possibility that I would see him after all of this.
T-Dog frantically rushed over to the other side of the truck, opening the driver's side, "Rose, you riding with me?" he asked breathlessly.
I finally pulled fully away from Daryl and nodded my head back at him. He hopped in upon seeing my confirmation, starting the truck as I gave one last long look at Daryl before I jumped in right behind him. He slowly shut the door for me the moment I was inside, beginning to walk away slowly towards his bike, but not without looking back in my direction a few times. Though when he finally made it, he quickly started it up and revved the engine a few times, driving off towards the barn to lead the way for the rest of us.
T-Dog dove fast following the man, swerving through the grass as we booked it across the fields, seeing Glenn and Maggie following in a car right behind us. Once we were close enough, I rolled down the window and aimed the shotgun shakily in my hands, firing at the closest walkers. T-Dog eventually pulled to a stop when we made it up to the fence, putting the truck in park so he could get out and start shooting too.
The old wooden barn was flooding with flames, lighting up part of the night sky as it only grew higher and higher, black smoke filling the air. Some of the walkers were drawn to the orange flame, but that didn't stop the rest of us from firing one shot after another to those who paid it no mind.
I kept shooting and reloading, watching the ones I had hit go down hard like rocks until my shotgun suddenly clicked, signaling it was out of ammo. I tossed it down carelessly towards my feet, pulling out the handgun behind my back to keep shooting as much as I could, though it was hardly making a difference. Many more of them were still emerging from the trees, only being drawn in further to all the noise we were making.
But something seemed to pull my attention away from all the monsters, their hanging jaws and dead eyes, more movement from up above caught my eye. Though my mouth fell open in shock when I noticed it was Rick and Carl at the top of the barn, slowly inching their way across the thin piece of wood that was just above the walkers clawing at their feet. The barn was slowly crumbling, slowly losing its strength to stay upright the longer they were up there with no way of getting down.
I shut my eyes tightly and cursed quietly under my breath before not wasting anymore time, instinctively hopping out of the truck without a second thought. I ran as fast as I could towards the barn, slipping past the lingering walkers and ignoring the calls of my name behind me. They needed help, and I wasn't going to let anyone else die.
As I got closer, the two of them were attempting to make it down another level so the jump wouldn't be as intense. The fall would've surely left them with a few broken bones, and that was best case scenario. I rushed up to the side just in time to see Rick sitting down, slowly inching off the side to land on his feet on the dirt below.
His ankles buckled the second they hit the ground however, him slightly groaning in pain at the impact it caused before he stood back up to his full height once more. Although the moment his gaze caught mine from a few feet away, he instantly did a double take upon seeing me there with them.
"Rose, what the hell-"
"Get him down, I'll cover you." I interrupted him before turning around and shooting the walker that was right about to grab me.
"Carl jump!" I heard him yell from behind me, only hearing him grunt again at the impact of Carl falling directly into his arms.
The walkers approaching us were falling to the ground, one after another, until the gun in my hands clicked just like the other. I sighed heavily in annoyance before shouting at them that we needed to move, pulling them along to follow me back to the vehicles. I began to take a knife in each hand, stabbing a single walker in the head while turning around to get another that was getting too close to Carl. Not slowing down or stopping as I tried desperately to lead them back to safety.
Rick knocked a few of them in the head with the butt of his gun, signaling that he was out of ammo too, just trying to stun them long enough so we could rush right out of their cold reach. He kept Carl close behind him the entire time, following my movements as we inched closer and closer towards the fence that was still just somehow out of reach.
But then somehow it happened. Walkers began to take more notice to us quickly, ignoring the ongoing fire that they had lit and were now slowly surrounding us. I fought with everything I had, trying to keep them as far away from Carl as possible, but I couldn't. We didn't have enough time or weapons to fight them all off. And I wasn't losing anyone else.
My eyes quickly scanned around the small herd of walkers beginning to corner us, before I spotted a small opening to where they could easily make it out. But it had to be now.
Without another thought, I shoved them towards the space, stabbing the walker just about to reach them as I backed up, "Go! Get out of here!" I yelled at them.
"No Rose!" Carl yelled back, reaching for me desperately from just behind his father's back.
"Rose-" Rick started to say but I interrupted him.
"There's no time to argue, I'll cover you! Just get to the others I'll be right behind you!" I shouted and shoved them further back.
Rick shook his head in protest, his lips parted to speak, but didn't have time to think as more were coming closer. I watched him shake his head more aggressively before quickly turning around, taking Carl's arm and started running towards the house. The kid fought back with everything he had, screaming my name and trying to pry his father's grip off of his arm as he tried to make it back to me, but Rick wasn't budging. He just kept moving, not looking back for the main fact that he couldn't bring himself to.
I pushed down my emotions upon hearing Carl's screams, and just fought as many walkers as I could, dodging under their arms every chance I got. There were a lot of them though, and I was starting to run out of options. But I began to run further from the house to lead them away back towards the trees, that way I could take a few at a time instead of all of them at once. I avoided them as I sprinted through the woods, drawing the rest of them as far away as I could before even thinking about turning around.
I began to fight with every ounce of energy I had left, stabbing each and every one of them in the head as the bodies seemed to pile up around me. Everything hurt and was sore to the touch, blood and guts beginning to coat my clothes with how many were left. But I still didn't stop. Not until the last one coming at me was dead and laying on the dirt with the others.
It felt like hours had passed once I stabbed the final walker's head that was coming towards me, my hands falling on my knees as I hunched over, catching my breath like I had been running a marathon. I slowly looked back up once I had calmed my racing heart, noticing how far away from the house I truly was now and cursed under my breath. And I swear I saw in the distance, cars beginning to leave the farm behind, leaving me behind right along with it.
I wasn't angry, because I would've done the same thing. They didn't know if I was alive or dead and they had to protect the others, I understood that. The only thing clouding my mind now was finding them somehow, seeing them all alive and breathing. I was utterly exhausted, everything aching as I still slowly made my way back up towards the house to try and track them. That is until I realized there were still a shit ton of walkers still surrounding the place in the fields, watching the burning barn fall finally and collapse on itself.
I didn't have time to process the loss of the farm as I decided to take my chances in the woods, avoiding the small herd that still lingered near. I only thought about one thing as I ran further from the remaining chaos. Where the hell the rest would be if we ever got separated like this? But then a sudden idea popped into my head. The highway. We all knew the way, we all knew right where it was so it just made sense.
A new sense of determination came over me as I suddenly didn't feel that tired anymore. I had to find them.
~ Thanks for reading!
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homestuckreplay · 5 months
pied in the face by my clown father
(Pages 91-96)
John and Dad's Strife continues, even while we can no longer click the buttons. What I love about this scene is how well matched they seem to be - the narrator says 'Looks like DAD will enjoy the prankster's gambit on that exchange, as is usually the case.' (p.92) but honestly, I think that's unfair to John. He's holding his own, equipping his disguise again just in time, stealing the pie tin from Dad so he can't magically fill it with another cream pie - and, well, the finishing move with ejecting Sassacre's was a lucky break, but maybe it's luck John can learn from for future encounters.
Speaking of Sassacre's, this is the third time where the weight of the tome and its ability to crush something has been relevant. On page 32, 'Good grief this thing is huge. It could kill a cat if you dropped it.' When we learn about John's nanna on page 52, 'A tall bookshelf. A ladder. An unabridged COLONEL SASSACRE'S.' And now its far more harmless, yet thematically linked, activation of the smoke pellets. It's a shame John already allocated hammerkind to his strife specibus, because Sassacrekind would probably be really effective, and very appropriate for his character. I have a lot of questions about the limitations of the strife specibus, and this raises a new one - is John capable of using any item as a weapon if it isn't a hammer? Could he hit someone over the head with Sassacre's still, or eject it from his sylladex to crush them? Or is he completely unable to damage someone with it, and can only use it as defense or utility?
Items being ejected is also a new use of the sylladex - I kind of assumed that the inventory just wouldn't accept any more items once it was full, [thanks to @tenaciouschronicler for the correction - we did actually see this already! silly me forgetting the tutorial so soon] but high speed blasting away the item on the last card is much funnier. It's also more helpful, as John can access the items on both the first and the last card, so long as what's on the last card isn't especially fragile. I wonder if John will be less angry at his sylladex now that it's actually helped him out. Probably not - his hatred seems to be more irrational than that, and he's not going to be in a good mood now that he's stuck with this giant cake - but we'll see.
Are we finally going to get Sburb tomorrow? Is John's path to the game and back to his computer undisturbed? Or is some other nefarious obstacle going to get in John's way once again?
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
Growing Together
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Mishka: Kolya?
Nikolai: Hmm...?
Mishka: I need help reading this.
Nikolai: You haven't asked for help with your reading for a long time.
Mishka: That’s because my English is good enough now to read most of the things I want to read by myself. But, I think this might be English for smart people.
Nikolai: You're a smart person.
Mishka: A smart person who still hasn't managed to pass his intermediate English reading and writing test yet.
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Nikolai: I guess it's a good thing you decided to go back to language school. Don't worry. I'll help you. What are you reading?
Mishka: You have to promise not to laugh.
Nikolai: I won't laugh. What's it about?
Mishka: Babies.
Nikolai: Babies? Why are you reading about babies?
Mishka: This is the part where I don't want you to laugh.
Nikolai: Okay.
MIshka: Promise?
Nikolai: I promise. It's okay, sweetheart. You can tell me.
Mishka: Okay. It's just... I've been thinking. After we get married, do you think we could...? Could we... have a baby?
Nikolai: Well, I'm pretty sure our anatomy doesn't work like that.
Mishka: Obviously it doesn't, but there's a way we could have a baby with some help.
Nikolai: Are you talking about adoption? Or like, a surrogate or something?
Mishka: No. Science babies.
Nikolai: You mean, the alien thing? I remember when Natascha and I were kids, there were all kinds of stories about men getting abducted from towns near the desert, and I think everybody our age or older remembers the day we found out they were here. The aliens, I mean.
Mishka: It's not abductions in the desert any more.
Nikolai: So I gathered.
Mishka: They have an official website, but it's confusing. I have to keep switching between it and the translator, and it's making my head hurt.
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Nikolai: Let me see.
Mishka: Here, look. I don't know what this means. I know 'extra' but what's the rest of it?
Nikolai: 'Extracorporeal gestation'. Not going to lie, I don't know exactly what that means either. If I had to guess, though, I'd say it means growing a baby outside the body, but that's... weird. Not to mention it kind of doesn't make sense. Click on the link, and we'll see if they explain it.
Mishka: *clicks link*
Nikolai: *reads* Uh... yeah. That's creepy.
Mishka: Oh! That's fascinating.
Nikolai: You think it's fascinating?
Mishka: Look, it says, 'this process allows couples who cannot reproduce naturally to have a...' *points* What's this word?
Nikolai: Biological.
Mishka: 'a biological child'. How is that not fascinating? Imagine us having a baby who's a perfect combination of both of us.
Nikolai: A baby grown in a lab?
Mishka: He'd still be ours.
Nikolai: He?
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Mishka: Or she. Even if they do come from a lab, they'd really come from us, from our DNA. So it'd be no different than a man and a woman having a baby together the usual way.
Nikolai: It seems different to me.
Mishka: I meant the end result. But anyway, the lab isn't the only way.
Nikolai: I'm afraid to ask what the other way is.
Mishka: One of us could do it. I clicked the other link first, and it said something about how they inject it into a person's body and it grows inside.
Nikolai: You know what you're describing, right?
Mishka: Having a baby?
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Nikolai: Yeah, having one. You're describing pregnant men. I don't know about you, but I don't want to do that. I need my body to be in top condition, or I can't do my job.
Mishka: It wouldn't have to be you. I don't have a job. I could do it.
Nikolai: I don't know. I'm not sure I like the idea of you doing it either. What if it's dangerous?
Mishka: It's been approved since the nineties. I think it's safe. If it wasn't, don't you think the government would stop them?
Nikolai: I guess, but...
Mishka: Please, Kolya? Don't just say no. Can you think about it, at least?
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Nikolai: I will, but I want you to give it lot more thought as well. This isn't something we can jump into blindly, you know.
Mishka: I know. I've already been thinking about it a lot. I really want us to have a baby.
Nikolai: Have you thought about what having a baby inside you is going to do to your body? Or how it might affect your mental health? You've been doing so well lately, and I'd be worried about you struggling again.
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Mishka: I... I'm trying not to think too much about that part. It's a little scary. I've just been thinking about the outcome.
Nikolai: You need to consider the process too, and we both have to be sure this is something we really want.
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Mishka: Are you… Is that your way of saying you really don't want a child?
Nikolai: No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm not against us having a child. I just don't know if we're ready, or if this is the right way.
Mishka: I'm ready.
Nikolai: Okay, but I don't know if I'm ready. I like kids, but I've never pictured myself as a parent.
Mishka: You'd be a good parent. You're great with all your students.
Nikolai: There's a big difference between kids I interact with at the rink who I can give back to their families after a couple of hours, and a brand new baby whose entire life is going to depend completely on us taking care of him. That's terrifying to me, if I'm being honest.
Mishka: Him?
Nikolai: *smiling* Or her. Listen, I’ll tell you what. Give me a chance to read all the information on the website and try to get my head around it. Then, maybe I can explain any parts of it you didn’t totally understand. We can discuss it again after that, all right?
Mishka: Do you mean it?
Nikolai: You know I’m not in the habit of saying stuff I don’t mean.
Mishka: So, we might be able to start a family after all?
Nikolai: We're already a family.
Mishka: You know what I mean.
Nikolai: All I can promise at this point as that I'm going to learn as much as I can about this whole science baby thing, and then we'll revisit the idea of growing our family afterward. And if we ultimately decide science isn't for us, there's still adoption.
Mishka: Really?
Nikolai: I told you I wasn't against us having a child, but that doesn't mean one of us has to literally have one. They wouldn't be biologically ours, but you're not your parents' biological child either, and look how well you turned out thanks to them.
Mishka: That's true. Our parents saved me and Vika from a bad situation, and we had an amazing childhood with them and our brothers and sister. If it wasn't for them adopting us, I don't know if we'd even be around.
Nikolai: If that's the case, then I'm in their debt because I can't imagine a world without you in it.
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Mishka: Thank you.
Nikolai: I don’t know what I did, but if this is how you’re showing your gratitude, then you’re more than welcome.
Mishka: Thank you for taking me seriously. For loving me, and just… wanting me.
Nikolai: You’re the only one I want.
Mishka: Not everyone would.
Nikolai: Their loss. Anyway, they can’t have you now, even if they did want you. You’re mine, and I’m going to take you seriously and love you and want you forever.
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Mishka: *whispering* Say it again please, that I’m yours.
Nikolai: You are mine, Mikhaïl Vasiliev. And I’m yours. No matter what. Forever.
Mishka: I love you
Nikolai: I love you too.
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Mishka: You know what my mother says? She says love multiplies when you have a child.
Nikolai: Does she?
Mishka: Mm-hmm.
Nikolai: She has six, so I suppose she should know.
Mishka: I’ll be happy with one.
Nikolai: *amused* I’m going to agree to this in the end, aren’t I? To us having a baby.
Mishka: You don’t have to. If you don’t want to do it, I’ll understand, but it’d make me even more happy than I am now if you do. I… I’ve daydreamed about it, you know. Just a little bit.
Nikolai: Why do I get the feeling that’s an understatement?
Mishka: Okay. A lot. But, can’t you imagine how it’d feel to watch someone grow and to help them learn everything about the world? And how nice would it be for you to come home from work to two people who see you as the center of their world instead of only one?
Nikolai: Is that what your mother means by love multiplying?
Mishka: Yes, I think so.
Nikolai: It does sound nice.
Mishka: It probably won’t be wonderful and perfect all the time, but I think the good moments would definitely outweigh the bad ones.
Nikolai: Let’s think it over, like we agreed. Maybe we can get some advice from our parents, and maybe from Stan and Milena too. I’m getting the message that you really want this, but I haven’t given it nearly the attention you obviously have, and if I’m going to get on board, I need to know exactly what we’re getting into. Does that sound like a fair plan?
Mishka: Yes, that’s fair.
Nikolai: Good. Now, let’s try to get some sleep, okay? We’ve got a lot to do tomorrow. I promised Milena I’d come over and help her get their extra rooms ready for Ginger and Sebastian. They’ll be here in a few days, and don’t forget your friend Sam will be here tomorrow afternoon.
Mishka: Right. We have to meet Sam at the airport. With everyone arriving, it makes me realize how close our wedding is.
Nikolai: We should probably focus on that first, and then the baby stuff later.
Mishka: You can. I still might multitask.
Nikolai: *laughing softly* Of course. I should’ve expected that. Go ahead then, future Papa. Multitask all you like.
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Well Saga clicked the like button and she's already seen most of this, but... A little bit of first draft of some xcomau Pac and Mike backstory (from the period between escaping prison and being recruited by the army). I say little bit. I'm not supposed to be working on this fic at all, but its a sizable middle chunk.
He is conscious, just about, and curled around Mike. The air is thinner, now, but still tainted green; he keeps his hoodie tight over his mouth, and keeps fabric stretched over Mike's slack face. It won't stop the poison, but with less in the air hopefully it means they will outlast it.
It will disperse. It has to disperse. A bit of time. All gases disperse with time. It's making him dizzy now - it's easier to breathe up here on the third floor than it was on the street, at least - and sick, and his vision is fading, but give it time. Just a little time.
It burns, but it is not as though he has not been burnt before.
Pac just… He just needs to hold on… And protect Mike. Keep Mike safe, that is all…
The world is darkness and silence, and then it is tinted some colour Pac cannot quite pin down, and there are loud footsteps and louder voices. They speak Portuguese, and yet… Pac cannot quite manage to understand it.
He presses himself tighter over Mike. Mike's breathing is worse, but he's still breathing.
How long has it been? It's easier to see now, but how long has it been?
And then there's another loud sound.
Pac barely understands what is happening, except that he is being pulled away from Mike. He kicks and he fights, but he has always been too weak, and the toxins have sapped his strength. Despite his best efforts, his hoodie is being peeled from his face, and something pressed to his face.
And then they let go.
Confused - terrified - he holds his breath and throws himself over Mike. Someone swears as the thing falls, only for it to be back a few moments later.
They do not take him away from Mike this time, though. As long as he has Mike, as long as he has Mike, then they're going to be okay… He just…
Pac clings to Mike across their bond, pulling the blur of drugged oblivion close and protecting him. Wrapping him in his own reality, in his own mind, even as Pac's desperate nails dig so deep into the unconscious Mike's arm that he bleeds.
And yet, Pac still does not breathe, frozen and eyes wild as he watches a figure reaches around his head, pulling a strap -
Oh. It's a proper mask. A gas mask.
Pac nearly rips it from his own face - Pac is conscious, Pac can breathe, Mike needs it, Mike need it, he needs it so, so much more than him - stopped only by hands grabbing his. He struggles and fights, until a second pair of hands place another gas mask in his hands. He ignores whatever the two figures say, grabbing it himself and expertly affixing it to Mike's face.
All that practice is good for something, it seems.
Only then can he relax a little, still huddled over Mike's unconscious body, still clinging to the drugged haze where Mike's thoughts should be, but relaxed a little.
Mike is still breathing, still there, wrapped in his mind; it should be a little easier, now that charcoal steals the poison from the air.
"Hi, we're sorry for scaring you," one figure - a police officer, a woman - says. "We weren't expecting to see anyone this close to the impact."
Not anyone alive, she doesn't say.
Or maybe outside the bodies have been vaporised too.
Pac wouldn't know, not when they followed their first instincts - ran and scrambled and hid just like the rats that they are.
"Is your friend…?"
She's treating him like a terrified child. Pac will take it, over many other options.
"He's breathing," Pac tells her, only to find himself coughing every could of words as his body adjusts back to the oxygen. "It's… thank you- for the masks; we'll give them- back, when its gone."
The other figure is a man, also a cop, and he waves a placating gesture, the woman looks curiously at them.
"If you don't mind, how did you survive it? You must have been pretty close here."
"There's three poisons," Pac is very sure of that. This time as he talks, he forces his breathing to remain deep, and even, and everything his instincts scream against. "One knocks you out, one is paralytic, the third does… it made more of those things. From people. I'm not… the mechanisms… Mike recognised the taste of the paralytic fast, so we didn't bother trying to get away. Covered up best we could, and got indoors. Sealed up. Hid. Its not… not perfect. But the dose isn't as bad. He's still breathing. He… shouldn't die. The gas particles… he shouldn't die. But… We got off the street, so we didn't get the third one. They're good at chasing, and following screaming, but not finding you if you're quiet and still. We're not a danger to you, I promise, we're no danger to you!"
It's as the cops glance at one another that Pac realises that that is not information most people would know. He and Mike do - similar chemicals are common in less ethical security systems - but…
Fuck, fuck he's being looked at now. Mike's still out of it, and he himself is still not all there. How can he…
"Sorry, er, sorry. I'm-" fuck what was the name on that id. Doesn't matter. "Department of biochem. Used to be. But…" he gestures at his leg. "Didn't have lifts, and still can't walk somedays. Mikey quit with me when they couldn't guarantee ground floor labs."
It doesn't seem to make the two any less curious, though something in their expressions shifts.
"We've got a medical post set up nearby," the woman says. "We can escort you-"
"I'm not leaving Mike," Pac cuts across her, the one thing that really matters. He says it, clings to Mike's sleeve, breathes a moment. Still here. Still here. Mike is still here. "And, I don't… I just woke up from it. I don't think i can stand."
His eyes flitter between the pair.
"We can carry you to the truck downstairs. One of the medics will take you from there," the gentleman says.
He doesn't trust it. Pac does not trust it. It's easy - too easy. THis pair wear police uniforms. They don't know who he is, the fake ID exists in the government databases, but it's too fucking easy. They shouldn't, he shouldn't… Are they recognised? Do they realise? He can't… What if they hurt Mike while he can't defend himself? You beat people if you catch them running, right?
It's risky, so risky, if he could just… Just pick Mike up, then they could run. Avoid these cops, and disappear back into the now ruined city.
But… his body is still riddled with pain, and breathing is still a struggle, and Mike probably needs actual medical attention. He… shouldn't stop breathing. If the paralytic was going to take his lungs, it would have already. But… if it does… its a weird one. It might. And if it does, he needs a hospital. Needs help until his liver breaks all the poison down. Pac… its a weird poison. They should probably both be near help, just in case. The full symptoms aren't known. With how quickly they set in if they aren't dead yet it's not likely, but with so many unknowns… They should try be near a doctor.
It's just…
They can escape again. If they need to, they can escape again.
Still torn, but desperate and with Mike unable to help form a decision, Pac nods. The woman helps him up, while he watches the man scoop Mike into his arms. He's gentle enough, though, even careful with his spine; the only grounds that Pac can find to object is the screaming desperation to have his soulmate in his arms.
It's hard, staying conscious with the poisons inside his body.
He makes it half way down the first flight of stairs before his legs crumple, and the woman swings him into her arms.
He makes it to seeing Mike placed next to him in the truck before he passes out again.
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