#it tastes so bad
cylonalyna · 3 months
I tried American chocolate for the first time in my life and... Why does it taste like it went bad... Like rotten eggs or puke or something like that?
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spotlightstory · 3 months
Scientists Call for Warnings, Ad Bans on Ultra Processed Foods
Minimal Process: shelled nuts, washed vegetables, fresh items used to make home cooked meals
Processed: tinned fish, frozen vegetables, cheese
Ultra Processed: many breakfast cereals, packaged snacks, sugary beverages, chips, frozen meals
Researchers say ultra-processed foods that are high in fats, starches, sugars and additives now make up 73% of the U.S. food supply, even though they are linked to health issues like diabetes, obesity, cancer and depression. Scientists say these foods should be regulated with tobacco-style warnings and advertising bans. Trish Cotter, global lead for the Food Policy Program at Vital Strategies, joined CBS News to discuss ultra-processed foods.
"Ultra Processed foods are things you can't make in your kitchen. They use edible ingredients that are pulled apart and put back together using industrial processing. They add to it a cocktail of additives, emulsifiers, colors, flavors and the end result is something that is hyper-palatable. There's a texture that's attractive. These products are ready to eat; ready to heat and unfortunately they are taking up too much of our diet."
[politely saying factory food is created to be addictive, full of chemicals and it leads to major health problems]
When she started naming chips, packaged food ready to heat, like lasagna....the announcer cuts in and ends the interview. BAH! Protect the advertising $$$.
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Callout post to my partner for letting me taste this new Cola flavor that is "Raspberry Spice" and this shit is straight up cough syrup from 1958.
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werewolfetone · 1 year
They make migraine medication taste like that so that when you take it your mouth suddenly is so unpleasant that you temporarily forget that you've got a headache I think
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euphorial-docx · 2 months
sugar free greek yogurt is demonic
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ultra-swag · 3 months
tumblr do NOT cheese grate an apple and put it in a mug with a lemon la croix and then add smarties to it worst mistake of my life
(@mintymimby was there to witness the lomng journey of what the fucks i had wjhile drinking it[love you for that pookie/p])
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flateric420 · 3 months
oral b needs to stop changing up their formula or whatever
I bought a whole toothpaste for it to taste like lemon, and then I had to go back and buy a different toothpaste which tastes like cinnamon
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wishful-seeker · 5 months
Oral ketamine plus allergy nasal spray is not fun.
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master-jarrus · 5 months
It's my birthday!
I can legally drink now
Not that it matters cause alcohol sucks
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nekrobiom · 5 months
got unflavored whey protein concentrate..... there are literal tears in my eyes
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Espresso chocolate does NOT taste good after eating smoked oysters. Note to self i guess
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Me, pouring my concoction of lemon, orange, cinnamon, ginger, and honey tea, eyes watering: Lord Apollo, I'm BEGGING you, CURE ME
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equinquinox · 2 years
guys im sobbing I made potatoes except idk jack shit about cooking how did I make it taste like seafood HELP
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shadowbugtidbits · 2 years
There was once a point in time in which people tried to farm Shadowbugs for their meat. Yes, people would try to actually kill them for their meat.
As you can imagine, Shadowbugs are quite beefy and have enough meat to feed a whole villiage.
However, Shadowbugs are incredibly powerful and will fight back (especially if you try to take their babies). Their meat is at least delicious, right?
Umm, no. As it turns out, Shadowbug meat tastes absolutely horrendous. Its flavor can best be described as a mix of charcoal and expired milk. So, it's not even worth all the effort.
Because of these factors, people stopped trying to eat Shadowbugs. Turns out they're built for companionship, not eating.
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cantarella · 2 years
happy new year from italy🥂 remember that prosecco is the worst drink ever
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firecurls-27 · 2 years
🍺 beer
Beg your pardon?
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