#it was her video on her abusive ex that help me realize I was groomed and encouraged me to get psychological help
queeraliensposts · 4 months
Illymation: Don't be a dick to fat people.
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ninelivesastrology · 6 months
tw: abusive friendship, grooming, stalking, sexual abuse, suicide mention
My villain origin story is never dating a woman ever and having a woman in the spiritual community pretend to be my most loyal, most caring friend for two years just to groom me for financial reasons definitely related to hard drugs and try to break up my relationship so she could eventually make me the victim of her wildly dehumanizing and violent (no exaggeration, dealbreakers) kinks.
The post friendship break up abuse was so bad, too, like she was obsessed and reaching out to my ex abuser behind my back to help him abuse me the last year we were friends because she was obsessed with him sexually and physically assaulting me, to the point she told other people about it in the community. She wasn't the only one either. When your friend befriends your violent abuser who has naked photos and videos of you, it's extortion. She posted covert threats online for months, including threats to take her own life because I wouldn't speak to her and death threats because I reported my ex for the same reason Tumblr cracked down on pornography.
The way people manipulate you just so you can't reject them or fully revoke their access to your life is scary. You didn't want to be their sex slave and human ATM machine and they don't have the chance to extort you, now they have to push you to suicide out of spite. "If I can't have you, no one can."
Every wlw hates the Predatory Lesbian stereotype with a passion and I'm right there with them since I actually was the victim of someone like this. I went back into the closet and revisited the concept of asexuality like I did every year for the last five years only to realize it really did fit me and everything I love is just oversexualized to hell. Highly femme, love make up, piercings and tattoos, dresses, heels. Name it and people treat you like their personal sex doll.
I would get this gut feeling as an asexual, like given the chance, people say and do anything to lower my defenses so they could "masturbate with my body" and take out their sick fantasies (not exaggerating!) on me. I'm not a person to them, I'm just a "body" or a sexual conquest and then they'll get bored and discard me, but not before isolating me, abusing me and then blackmailing me. That's exactly the feeling I get when I think of this manipulative person. I was never ever human to her. The body always knows.
I'm only speaking on this now because people in the spiritual community are just people. They're not harmless because they know their Moon sign or what the root chakra is.
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im increasingly getting more and more worried about how the erins treat their female characters. they treat a good majority of important female cats like absolute trash, and the ones that aren't story relevant are just baby machines. Daisy could have had so much potential, but they threw her in there as a nursery lockdown queen. How many times has Background She-Cat Number 5 Billion had a litter, only for those characters to have One (1) piece of dialogue w the main character, then die off screen, only for their offspring to continue that cycle.
How they treat Squirrelflight is absolutely horrible and concerning? Like fuck me, barbra, yes they're fictional fucking cats but holy shit the abuse that Squirrel goes through and NONE OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS REALIZE IT is just shocking! They see BrambleSquirrel arguing for the third time that week and go "oh such a sweet and adoring couple". The erins just absolutely HAD to have their dumb romeo and Juliet ploy w antag's son and protag's daughter so goddamn bad, that they didn't take into consideration that maybe the antag's son, who was primarily raised around oppression and just being an awful person, plus the grooming Tigerstar 1 did with his children-- was most likely going to be a toxic pos.
Call me out for being stereotypical or whatever, but they would have been so much better letting Squirrel choose someone else instead of forcing the narrative around a toxic couple w power imbalance all the time. Wasn't Bramble already a fully grown warrior when Squirrel was born?? And no one found it concerning? We are up in arms about Dustpelt and Fern-face (cloud??? dont remember her name hdidhsjdhd), but I am looking at BrambleSquirrel who's just as bad. We have already watched Moonkitti's video, and it actually genuinely helped me out of a toxic situation because I realized the red flags with a now former friend, so I don't need to explain too much on BrambleSquirrel. Nothing that we ain't haven't already talked about.
Plus the shit she's going through as of right now? Please, Erins. Just let her go. I'm putting her into a purrito blanket and no one can have her until y'all learn to be NICE. There could have been so many other choices for her, why'd you have to choose the bastard?
Plus the message this is going to send to the kids that may read these books? "Oh, ur a girl? haha sucks to be you, guess you'll be a baby machine OR get tortured by an ex! :)". Like THAT is the message you want to send to kids?? You wanted to have Squirrel almost sent to the DF because she told a lie that would have protected the lives of three innocent kits, but then let fucking murderous asshole incel Ashfur into Starclan??
"Oh he loved too much!!!! that justifys attempted murder!!!! :] but you protecting some kids from a life of unjust oppression and subjectment is HORRIBLE!! >:[" yellowfang please check yourself and get out of whatever relationship you're in. raggedstar is not a good person, if i remember correctly. It's very possible you're being manipulated as well.
i ended up rambling too much, but that's okay. i think. idk. I just,,, i have very strong emotions about how they treat the female characters fheihskdbskdn
exactly, i am very concerned with the writers’ morals and their safety like
y’all think this is okay?
are y’all okay?
did someone hurt you
especially kate who says bramblestar could never abuse squirrelflight because he’s too “honorable” and has said she’d marry bramblestar if she could marry a clan cat, and she’s the one that wrote squirrelflight’s hope
like is she okay is this a cry for help
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
UA Idol | Chapter Nineteen
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
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Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Language, cancer, talking about a past emotionally abusive relationship, mentions of sex, rlly awful older guy doing rlly awful things to a minor, sad Hitoshi Shinsou, mentions of alcohol
A/N: This one is literally the longest chapter I think I’ve written in my life ever. I know it’s still kinda short compared to what other people put out, but I’m really proud of it! Also, it is a little angsty, but I figured adding some background info was a must. I hope y’all enjoy it! Also, yes, I will also be uploading tomorrow as well, so woohoo. This is my Christmas gift to y’all hehe :)
Much to your disappointment, you eventually had to leave Hitoshi and Denki’s room. It just got “too late.” Of course, you would have loved to stay and just chill with Hitoshi, but Denki and Mina cannot know, and you guess you’ve been around him a bit too long for a friendly situationship. Maybe. You don’t really know what the boundaries for this situationshhip are when it comes to hanging out with each other. Whatever, though, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you need to get all of your preparations for your song all together immediately so you can make it easier for the band and sound and lighting designers. 
So here you are, six in the morning, not sleeping, no, of course not. You’re too busy making a basic beat that you can show the band, sketching out some ideas for a light show, and counting each and every vocal cue that might need to be prerecorded and played. Of course, Mina is unconscious in the bed next to you, but that’s because she’s singing Positions by Ariana Grande, so a backing track will do perfectly, and the minimal dancing she’ll be doing will all be done by her. Besides, the two of you talked about it for a long time about her song and she’ll be one hundred percent fine. You, on the other hand, were just an anxious mess about the entire situation about to go down. Much to your expectations, you got a text notification from none other than Mr. Hitoshi Shinsou. Man doesn’t sleep, and the fact that he got so much sleep earlier today really fucked with him. 
‘what are you doing right now’
‘trying to write down my lighting cues, why?’
‘come to the hotel roof, it’s a lot calmer and peaceful up here’
You can’t help but smile. Leave it to Hitoshi to be up ridiculously early. Then again, it’s not like the two of you really had anything to do tomorrow. Not anything big, anyway. It mainly consists of just telling the band and everyone everything, so going up to the roof wouldn’t be a bad idea. You grab your laptop and a notebook and head on up. Sure enough, Hitoshi is sitting near the edge, mindlessly strumming his guitar, and just gazing off to the ocean. “You should really get some sleep, you know. I mean it’s nearly 6:30 in the morning.” You tease as you sit down next to him. He smirks, shaking his head. “Sorry, I refuse to listen to someone who is also up at this hour by choice. So, politely fuck out of her with that shit.”
You gently push his shoulder with a chuckle before he starts strumming away again. “So, what’s up? Why are you awake at this hour?” he glances over at you and you sigh. “I’m just stressed about everything. I already have gotten super behind on schoolwork because of this and like yeah, technically I could just drop out this semester and go back for next but it’s just… super complicated and if I don’t get through to live shows… what am I gonna do?”
“You’re going to get through, kitten. I know you will. You’re amazing, stop doubting yourself.” 
“You’re just saying that, Toshi.”
“No, I’m not. I’m being 100% serious.” He stops playing his guitar as he looks at you, a dead serious expression on his face. You sigh, shaking your head. “Thanks. I just always assume the worst, I guess.”
“I know you do. But based off of past experiences, it makes sense,” he says, looking away from you and back out at the ocean. You two would probably see the sunrise together. Romantic. You pause for a moment, before speaking again. “I never actually tell you about what happened with me and my ex, did I?”
Hitoshi pauses now. You never did tell him everything, just enough. And he kind of pieced together some things because of the songs you wrote about him, but he would kind of love to know more. Not like love, but he would like to know who the motherfucker who broke your heart was. “No. Just that he was older than you and the absolute worst.”
“Ah, yeah, well, that’s the basics.”
Hitoshi looks at you. “Would you want to tell me?”
You hesitate before nodding your head. “Yeah. Yeah, I would.”
“Then, I’m all ears.”
You nod, looking out at the stars before beginning, “So… when I was seventeen, I met… him. He was much older than me, like our relationship was not legal, which looking back on it now, I’m like, ‘wow (Y/n), you are such a dumbass for that,’ but I was young. I didn’t know that it was bad, so… yeah. But I certainly found out. At first it was great, I had an older boyfriend, I was edgy, everything was amazing. And then… well… I know now that it was gaslighting. Following that was manipulation, there was… a lot of emotional manipulation. For example, you call me kitten, or (Y/n) or my nickname. He would call me dumbass, stupid, loser, bitch, slut, all the bad things. And it wasn’t in an endearing way. It wasn’t like I’d do something stupid and he would laugh and be all, oh you’re such a dumbass. No. It was for everything. He would also treat me like a child. I was young, yeah, but he acted like he was all knowing, and I didn’t have any experiences with anything at all. Which, granted, I had very little experience, but… still. It was demeaning. It made me feel small and worthless, and he’s the worst for it.”
You pause for a moment, glancing over at Hitoshi. You see his eyes fixed on you; jaw clenched. You can tell he’s kind of… pissed at this guy. Which makes sense, I mean the two of you are now romantically involved, so why wouldn’t he hate your ex. It only makes sense. Especially since he was a dumpster fire of a human being. You look down at your lap, continuing on. 
“I fell in love with him, though. That’s why I let it go on for so long because I was like, well, we love each other, so everything will be fine. And that’s partially why I lost my virginity to him. I mean, that was… a whole other ordeal. Once again, I was seventeen, he was very much older, it was just… it was very illegal and bad and well… yeah. And when I was like, ‘oh, but you’re older than me isn’t that bad?’ he was all, ‘age is just a number, baby. We can do whatever you want,’ and my naïve ass fell for it. And from that moment on I thought there had to be something special about me. And well… after almost two years of us being together, I found out he was cheating on me. And it kind of destroyed me in a way. And… yeah. He’s the worst.”
Hitoshi is silent for a moment. Only because he doesn’t trust what might come out of his mouth. This man lied to you, manipulated you, hurt you, cheated on you???? What the actual fuck is wrong with him. Not to mention the whole grooming thing he did to you. What the fuck was that. “Well, I’m just going to let you know this now.”
Hitoshi starts talking but pauses to turn and face you completely. “If I ever meet this guy, I’m beating the shit out of him. Badly. And then I’m going to ruin his life by letting the police know that he coerced a minor into having sex with him. That’s what your whole ass song Seventeen is about, so it’s not like it would be a random story.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that, but I think he’s out of my life now. Sometimes he tries to slide back in, but he hasn’t tried for six months now, so yay. All time high record.”
“Next time he contacts you let me know and I will literally send him a video of me like, going down on you or something. I’ll flip him off the whole time.”
You laugh at that but can’t hide the flustered feeling you get from the thought of Hitoshi doing that. You wouldn’t complain if he did do that, though. “My knight in shining armor.”
“You know it,” he says, flashing a smile at you. You roll your eyes, laying down on the ground. He watches you for a bit, just staring at you as your eyes are closed for a while. “But in all seriousness. I’m really sorry that happened to you. He’s definitely the worst and you did not deserve to go through that. I’m sorry you did.”
“It’s… well, it isn’t really okay, but that’s okay. It’s okay for something to not be okay, you know?”
“I know… I definitely know that. And I’m really sorry that asshole completely ruined an emotion like love for you. You deserve so much better.” You open your eyes at that, giving him a sad smile. “Maybe I’ll get over it someday. But yeah. I wish he didn’t do that, but he really did. I guess I’m just afraid of getting hurt again.”
“I understand completely,” Hitoshi nods, staring back out at the stars meeting the ocean. Suddenly his phone buzzes, causing him to look down at it. “Oh, yeah. It’s like 10:45 over in Japan right now,” he mumbles, unlocking his phone to message his mom back. “Oh? I didn’t realize you were so popular that even in a different country your phone would be blowing up,” you tease him, and he chuckles before giving you the middle finger. “I’m not, my mom is just worried I’ll get alcohol poisoning and die here.”
“Don’t tell her about last night, she’ll shriek.”
He smiles, knowing that she definitely would. That’s when he realizes he’s never really told you about his mom. And that’s just not fair since you basically just poured your heart out to him about your shitty ex. Time to let you know. “She definitely would, and then the nurses would grill me out next time I went to see her.”
“Oh, yeah. I never told you, did I? My mom basically lives in the hospital at this point. I mean, not really, but she has to be there a lot for the chemotherapy treatments. She was always a sickly woman, but six months ago she was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. And, well, they gave her at least three years.” Hitoshi pauses for a moment. The news still makes him emotional, so he’s fighting back the emotions surfacing in him right now. Or at least he’s trying to, but you make it really hard. Especially since you’re immediately wrapped around him. He lets out a shaky sigh before giving you a teary smile. “It’s not okay, but it’s okay for it to not be okay. My dad passed away when I was seven because of an accident on the job, so my mom raised me. Even when I made it nearly impossible, she was always there. So, yeah. It’s… it’s hard. It was hard losing someone I loved when I was a kid, and it hasn’t gotten any easier.”
You don’t say anything at first, just gently push his head into your shoulder. You gently rub his back as you two sit in silence. You know that he’s crying silently, so you just stay there before you break the silence. “I’m here for you, Hitoshi. You can always talk to me about everything going on.”
He nods, setting his guitar to the side, and fully wrapping his arms around you. You run your fingers through his hair to try and help him out. You’ve had a shitty relationship, but that can never compare to Hitoshi’s situation. You could never imagine losing people you loved. At this point, it seems like that emotion just does more harm than good for everyone. No wonder the two of you never want to deal with it again. You’re afraid of getting hurt by someone you love again, and Hitoshi is afraid he’ll lose someone he loves since it seems to keep happening. 
The two of you stayed like that for quite some time, until you noticed the sky beginning to lighten up. “Toshi, look. The sun is rising.”
He pulls himself out of your arms but makes sure to keep one of his around you as he pulls you closer to him. You lay your head on his shoulder and he lays his head on top of yours as the two of you watch the sun rise over Los Angeles. You never thought you would ever see this sight, but it’s certainly beautiful. “(Y/n?)”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For listening. And for comforting me. I haven’t really been able to talk about it with anyone.”
“What about Denki?” you ask, shifting your head and looking up at him. He lets out a chuckle. “I’ve talked about it with him, yeah, but I don’t know. It’s nice having a change of pace and being able to talk to someone else about it, y’know?”
“Yeah, I know. The only person I ever talked to about my guy problems is Mina, so it was really nice talking to you about this stuff.”
He grins. Even though he just reminded himself of the fact that his mother is sick, just the mere fact that you were there with him was enough to make him feel a little bit happier. “What do you say we go to bed now? It’s seven in the morning and we have work to do tomorrow,” he mumbles, and you nod. You would be lying if you said you weren’t tired. Hitoshi stands, extending his hand to you which you happily take. “Too bad we can’t sleep in the same bed again. Mina and Denki will definitely know something is up,” you say with a sigh as you gather up the things you brought to the roof. All of it went untouched, but maybe that was for the better. You were stressing out too hard and your notes probably weren’t even comprehensive. He grabs his guitar and frowns. “Yeah. That really sucks, I like having you with me while I sleep.”
“And I like having you with me,” you say, opening the door that took the two of you to the roof. You both walk silently to his room first since it’s on a higher floor, and he quickly gives you a peck on the lips as a goodnight… er, good morning? Doesn’t matter, he disappeared into his room as quickly as he did it, just leaving you grinning in front of his door like an idiot. 
You quietly walk into your room, being extra careful to not wake Mina even though she wouldn’t wake up if you screamed directly in her ear. You settle into bed, hugging a pillow close to your body and pretending it’s Hitoshi. It does help that your pillow still smelled like him from the night before, too. Lavender and Eucalyptus. Not a scent you ever expected to find extreme comfort in, but here you were. 
Waking up was confusing, since you literally had no idea when you even fell asleep. You wake up around 10:30, exhaustion immediately making itself felt. “You didn’t sleep because you were stressed last night, huh?” Mina asks, sitting on her bed with her headphones on. You shake your head no, letting out a big yawn as you do. Mina sighs, shaking her head before shutting her laptop. “Do you need to sleep in more? I can call Denki and we can go give our information to the band and designers if you would want to sleep in.”
“No, I need to get my information to them earlier rather than later,” you mumble, pulling yourself out of bed and going over to get clothes on for the day. “Whatever you say, but I’m definitely not coming back to the room afterwards and I’m definitely forcing Denki to go to the beach with me because I don’t really want to go alone and I know he’s weak and would never be able to turn me down, so knock yourself out when I’m gone. Literally. Please.”
You laugh at that but nod regardless. That would be very nice, being able to just take a nap while she was off sitting in sand and staring at scantily clad women on the beach. But before you can look forward to that, you need to go tell the band and designers what you need for soundcheck tomorrow and then for the actual performance. You grab your laptop and shove it in a backpack as well as your various notes and look at Mina. “Are you coming too?”
“Oh, definitely. Of course.”
“Great. Is Denki coming?”
“He and Shinsou are already there, actually. Guaranteed it’s because Shinsou dragged his ass there before he had.a chance to protest, but we gotta go.”
You both leave your room, Mina calling an Uber as you make sure you have everything to make this exchange as easy as possible for all parties. “Okay, (Y/n), but seriously. What is up with you and Shinsou? Like, you don’t just fall asleep with someone while drunk, you know that, right?” she asks as the two of you wait outside for your ride. You roll your eyes. “Yes, you do. Especially if y’all are very close friends who happen to both be tired as hell and drunk as hell at the same time.”
“Oh, please. He was literally doting on you the entire time we were at the club. He definitely wants something more with you.”
“No, he really doesn’t. We already talked about all of… that stuff after you and Denki left the room and we thought we were dying. We were just drunk, and he wasn’t doting he was just making sure his friend was okay getting drunk in a new city in a new country.”
Mina narrows her eye at you from suspicion but decides that the story checks out and lets out a dramatic sigh. “I just want you to find someone, you know? I feel like it would help you with everything going on in your life.” “I don’t need someone else to be doing well, Mina. Believe me, I’m just fine on my own.”
“I know, I know. But still. It wouldn’t hurt to see you happy in a relationship.” 
Your Uber arrives and the two of you hop in. You stare out of the window, trying your hardest not to fall asleep in this car as Mina chats the driver’s ear off. Luckily the drive isn’t too long, and you both head inside the theater you’ll be performing at. You walk over to the band, showing them everything you need. You even give examples of what you’re looking for, playing the guitar to get them familiar with it, the piano, bass, drums, all of it. And they are very grateful for it, because they have a shit ton of other contestants that they have to do this for, and not all of them are as nice or ready as you are. You thank them before going over to the designers and showing them the idea you had come up with for the performance. You let the sound designer know that your friends would be singing back-up and how you would like their microphones to sound throughout the performance, and then you move on to telling the lighting designer what you think would look cool. You spend at least twenty-five minutes just talking with them and bouncing ideas back and forth until you all settle on a light show and sound. You thank them again, and then turn to go back to the lobby. 
You find Mina outside talking with Denki and Hitoshi, and as soon as she sees you, she waves you over. You walk over to them, giving Hitoshi and Denki a small wave. You were even more tired now than when you woke up, so talking exudes too much energy that you really need to save. “I told you she didn’t sleep at all. She’s definitely not going to the beach with us,” Mina says to Denki, her tone dripping with an ‘I-told-you-so’ attitude. Denki groans. “But we never get to do anything fun with (Y/n)! Not since the club.” “Are you saying hanging out in your room all together last night wasn’t fun?” Mina challenges and Denki goes silent. “Oh, yeah, I guess it was.”
“Listen, Denki, I think you should just let (Y/n) go home and take a nap. She obviously needs it,” Hitoshi cuts in, masking the concern he’s feeling for you with a dry tone and no expression. “I know, I know. Go back to the hotel and take a fat nap, (Y/n/n). I wanna hang out with you later today, alright?” You nod, getting your phone out to call an Uber back to the hotel. “I already called one, (Y/n/n), you can just ride with me,” Hitoshi says, and you nod. “Aw seriously? You’re not coming either?”
“Denki, I also did not get any sleep last night because I have insomnia, I would also like to just relax for a bit.”
“Okay, fair. But I mean it! We’re all hanging out later!” “Okay, but no drinking. I mean it. We have soundcheck tomorrow.”
And with that, the Uber arrives and you and Hitoshi pile in. “We are going straight to my room and passing the fuck out because I had a horrible time trying to sleep without you last night, alright?” Hitoshi literally pouts, causing you to laugh. “Okay, okay, calm down. I’ll stop in my room to change into something more comfortable and then-”
“Nope. You’ll wear one of my shirts and a pair of sweatpants that I own, and we will go to sleep as soon as possible. We’re going straight to my room though, because if Denki and Mina burst into any room it’ll be yours.” “Fair point. Okay.”
He wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer to him as your Uber driver winds through traffic. You arrive at the hotel pretty quickly, and you both head on up to his room. He throws some clothes at you and you go in his bathroom to change before coming out and curling up under his covers and into his arms. He pulls you closer to him and pretends like he wasn’t just affected by seeing you in his clothes, but boy oh boy he was. He would like to see you like that more often, to be honest. But he probably wouldn’t, and he knew that, he just kind of really hoped he would. “G’night, Toshi,” you mumble, falling asleep immediately. He chuckles silently, carefully and gently tracing patterns on your back. He got very lucky, and he knows it. Even if you two aren’t dating, he has a cuddle buddy and a music buddy and a kissing buddy who he really really likes. And not like in just a romantic way because he definitely does and he’s doing his best to make sure that feeling doesn’t turn into… something more, but also like in just the fact that you allow him to be himself. It’s amazing, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world. He falls asleep fairly quickly, too, and you two take a cute little four-hour nap. 
You wake up at two in the afternoon to see Hitoshi already awake and staring at you. “Good morning, kitten,” he says, his ‘I just woke up’ voice very much evident. “Morning,” you mumble, burying your head back into his chest. You feel the vibrations of his laughter in his chest, and grin. “When do you want to actually get up?” he asks, going back to rubbing your back. You shrug. “Probably soon. It is the afternoon, so.”
“Yeah. You’re right there. Do you maybe want to go meet up with Denki and Mina? Go grab some lunch and stuff?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not.”
The two of you get up, Hitoshi changes while you stretch out a bit then you head down to your room so you can actually appear presentable as well. You throw Hitoshi’s clothes in your suitcase, saying you’ll give them back to him later but honestly? You had no desire to give them back. They were too comfortable, and they smelled too much like him. They belonged to you now. He had a hunch that was what you were doing, but he honestly didn’t mind. He brought more casual shirts and sweatpants with him on this trip anyways, you could keep them if you wanted to. And you wanted to. And he lowkey wanted you to, too. You text Mina, asking where they are, and she answers right away. “Looks like they’re at some beachside restaurant, let’s go,” you say, calling an Uber yet again to get to the restaurant. 
When you arrive, Mina and Denki are already a few drinks in, so they were far too excited to see the two of you. Luckily, there were sober people there to make sure they don’t try to annoy the two of you into drinking. Kirshima, Bakugou, Jirou, and Momo are all there, too. Four new people are there as well, the boy with the messy green hair, the really cute brunette girl, the guy who looks like and definitely is a stoner, and the edgy guy whose hair is dyed half white and half red. You two are introduced and you learn that their names are Izuku Midoriya, Uchako Uraraka, Hanta Sero, and Shouto Todoroki. You learn that Sero and Kirishima became friends after getting stuck in the elevator together. You also learn that Uraraka is friends with Jirou and Midoriya and that’s how he and Todoroki ended up coming. Another thing you learn very fast is that Midoriya and Todoroki have fat crushes on each other, but apparently, they aren’t dating yet. It’s kind of cute watching how flustered they get with each other, honestly. You end up hanging out with all of them for the rest of the day, occasionally getting filmed by a UA Idol camera crew going around to catch what the contestants are doing on their days off. It was actually really fun. You got to know these new people and you really liked them, they were super cool. And it was a nice way to destress. 
You never expected to make so many new friends, all from different places. This competition is giving more opportunities and friendships to you than you expected it to, but hey. You were NOT complaining about it. It was also funny to see the different dynamics everyone brought to this little hang out. Bakugou would call everyone and extra or a dumbass, but when it came to Kiri he was softer and somehow gentle with him. It was hilarious to hear him call Midoriya a piece of shit waste of space and then immediately go mom mode because Kirishima said something he ate made him feel a little bad. And then Midoriya was equally as hilarious. He was this cute little positive boy covered with freckles and smiles, but the minute that Bakugou would be rude he would somehow insult him on his biggest insecurities without batting an eye. You don’t know how he did it, but if it weren’t for Kirishima and Todoroki you’re pretty sure they would have gotten into a fist fight. Uraraka was very similar to Midoriya in that regard, whereas Todoroki was very bad at picking up social cues and kept a cool and calm demeanor through anything. Of course, Jirou and Denki were flirting the whole time, but the way she flirts is by being mean, which Denki lowkey loves. And Momo and Mina are getting along very well, they’re kind of exact opposites which makes them work nearly perfectly. 
Just hanging out with them was ridiculously fun, and you really hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time. Based off of all of their performances that you had seen, they all would be able to get through to live shows. You just wondered if you would be able to pull of getting to the live shows. Luckily for you, every time you got lost in thought, Hitoshi would subtly squeeze your hand to pull you back into reality. At this point, you don’t know what you would do without him. And that scares you too. Not because of the growing feelings you have for him, because they aren’t there, duh, but because if he makes it through and you didn’t, you would have to go back to Japan without him. And that’s the worst thought because you know he’ll make it. And you know Mina and Denki will too. You’d like to believe you will, but will you really? Your phone suddenly buzzes, and you look at it to see a text from… Hitoshi?
‘kitten, the anxiety is radiating off of your body. just relax, okay? i know you’re nervous but everything will be okay, i promise. besides, everyone at this table is here for you and feeling the same nerves you are. for now, just try to relax and enjoy this time. oh, and i’m also buying your food. sorry not sorry’
You grin a bit, especially since immediately after you read it you feel your other hand get squeezed in reassurance. He really knew how to make you feel better. And even going into the next day, he was constantly reassuring and helping you. And you were doing the same for him. Soundchecks were now going on, and while you were nervous, you weren’t as nervous anymore. You had watched Mina go already, as well as Denki, Kiri, Bakugou, and Uraraka. Now, it was Hitoshi’s turn, which meant you were up there, singing harmonies with him. His soundcheck went really well, they set everything for him, and he was good to go after two runs of his song. Then you were up. Now don’t get it wrong, even though you were less nervous doesn’t mean you weren’t nervous at all. Quite the opposite, actually. You were still worried things would go wrong, but you know that if that’s a thing then it’ll get fixed. You just really care and want everything to be okay. And it was! Soundcheck went really well, the lighting show was great, your microphone was adjusted, the band knew exactly what to do, you knew exactly what to do everything went perfect! And you were very happy about it. 
“I told you everything would be fine,” Hitoshi says to you after your soundcheck is over. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him. “I can’t control my nerves sir.”
“I know, but I still told you everything would be fine. Do what you did today tomorrow, and you’re guaranteed a spot in the live shows.”
“Well, thank you, but you do know that same statement applies to you, too, right?”
“Mmmm, no I could have done better.”
“Hitoshi Shinsou, I swear to GOD.”
He laughs at your tone and the look on your face, putting his hands up in defeat. While the two of you were talking, Midoriya leaned over to Mina and asked the golden question that everyone wanted to know. “So, are they a thing?” “I wish I knew Midoriya,” she whispers, and Denki joins in. “They won’t let up on the idea that love is bullshit, so here they are, dating without actually dating and ignoring any and all assistance we try to give them.”
“Huh… is this what Todoroki and I are like?”
“Yes.” This time Uraraka butts in, sending Midoriya a glare. He instantly turns bright red, causing Denki to bite back a laugh. “Just ask him out, bro. You know he’ll say yes,” Denki says, patting him on the back. “Yeah! And that way, the three of you can join the groupchat we have devoted to spying on them and plotting to get them in a relationship!” Uraraka snaps her head towards Mina so fast that she probably should have gotten whiplash from it or something. “That’s a thing?”
“Why am I not in it yet?”
And that’s how Uraraka got in the group. But not Midoriya. He only got in after he asked Todoroki to be his boyfriend. Now there were two secret operations going on, and both parties were literally completely oblivious to everything going on between each other. Funny how that works. 
For you and Hitoshi though, the focus was mainly on the competition. The final round of Hell Week was tomorrow, after all. No matter what happened, your lives were definitely about to change.
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discoursecatharsis · 5 years
i'm a bit out of the loop, everyone says how shitty of a human onision is there like a full list/explanation of all his crimes/shitty behavior? i already know he had a relationship with a minor so yikes
Ooh boy, it’s A Lot. He’s had a relationship with at least two minors, actually.
This person did a timeline of his abusive behavior, there’s a google doc linked in this tweet.
The doc is over 100 pages though, so I’ll try to summarize as well to make it a bit shorter (though it’s still gonna be long so it’s going under a “read more”).
The tl;dr:
Basically he treated his first wife like crap, and was very creepy towards his wife’s younger sister. Divorced his wife for a 17 year old when he was ~25. Dated another women in her 20s during a break-up with this 17 year old but she caught onto his manipulative behavior quickly and dumped him after 3 weeks. He got back with the 17 (now 18) year old but they break up for good a little later. Soon after, he enters a relationship with ANOTHER 17-year-old (his current spouse, named Kai). Kai identified as a woman at the time and went by the name Lainey, but now is a transguy and goes by he/him pronouns. When Onision is 31 and Kai is 22, they enter a polyamorous relationship with an 18 year old girl.They treat her like crap, and she eventually breaks up with them. There were other girls (in their late-teens or early 20s) who came close to being in a relationship with them after that. During this time, Kai had a 16 year old “friend” who lived with them, Kai had power of attorney over her because she didn’t have a good home life. That girl has recently come forward with allegations that Greg and Kai began a sexual relationship with her shortly after she turned 18 last year, and that Kai was inappropriate with her while she was still underage. Basically they groomed her to be a third person in their relationship. Other Youtubers have come to support her and bring awareness to it to get Onision off of Youtube, some of Onision’s ex’s have come out of the woodwork with their stories, and even Chris Hansen has gotten involved.
Now onto the full list of his shitty behavior.
cw: descriptions of abusive behavior, including sexual abuse
Let’s start with his first wife, Skye:
They met in high school. I believe they’re either the same age or he’s a year older. They got married shortly after they graduated high school because he was in the military.
Onision (whose real name is Greg) left the military and started Youtube and Skye joined him in making videos together.
During their marriage, Skye said that Greg would shame her for not wearing shorts under her skirt, said that would lead to her being raped. He also insulted her for having long hair (said it made her look “Amish”). She also said that he wouldn’t let her hang out with friends or family because that’s less time/attention she’s spending with/giving him. That THEY were abusive for taking her away from her husband. He also had possession of the one phone in the house, so she shouldn’t call her family easily. He wouldn’t allow her to have a full-time job because he wanted her help making videos for the Youtube channel.
A few years into their marriage, Greg started talking to a 16 year old fan name Shiloh. They became friends and talked on Skype for hours a day. Skye begins to feel depressed.
One day out of the blue, Greg presented divorce papers to Skye and said he was leaving her for Shiloh. She was in tears, obviously upset,and he made her sign some “divorce contract.”
Skye eventually is able to visit her family, where she immediately breaks down and tells them what happened. Her sister helps her collect her things from Greg’s home. The “divorce contract” she signed was later thrown out in court because it was signed under duress.
After they divorce, Skye rightfully demands alimony. The courts grant her this. For YEARS after though, Greg emails her, complaining and begging her to bring a stop to the payments. He even threatens to take his life at one point. She ignores him and he continued paying (though with complaints and accusing her of being equivalent to a slave owner and a lot of other dumb crap).
While that was going on, there were also some incidents with Skye’s younger sister, Alicia.
Alicia alleges that when she was 15 and Greg was 18, she got drunk and Greg tried to kiss her. She dodged him and walked away to a friend. For years though, Greg had told a story in videos that she tired to kiss HIM and he acted like he was so noble for dodging HER kiss.
After divorcing Skye, Greg emailed Alicia constantly asking her to film videos together. Very clearly coming onto her though and wanting to hook up. He got so bad, she eventually lied to him and told him she was leaving the country so that he’d leave her alone and stop messaging her.
She had taken some boudoir (nude) photos that Onision searched out and found online. He saved them to his computer and showed these photos to at least two future girlfriends and admitted to pleasuring himself to the photos. Alicia was understandably creeped out by this when she found out.
Now back to that 16-year-old, Shiloh
She’s 17 at this point. Onision is about 25. She thought she had just been speaking to Onision as friends, so she was blindsided when he showed her divorce papers over Skype and said “I’m leaving my wife for you.”
She’s from Canada and was a pretty successful up-and-coming pop star up there at the time. She’s in the states for a show or something, and he drives to meet her. He goes to her hotel and they immediately have sex, she said that he didn’t even give her time to say “hey how was your trip?”
They enter a relationship quickly. There’s a lot that happens, as Shiloh has recently reappeared online and given her side of events. Basically, like Skye, he also isolated her from family and friends. Made her drop her singing career to help with his Youtube channel.
She said that Greg is very sexual and they would be intimate a lot. She said they’d have sex multiple times a day and that he’s very rough. He would hurt her during these times, and since this was her first sexual relationship, she didn’t realize that it wasn’t normal, and apparently he never checked in on her or never asked her if she was okay with the things they did. One time during sex, he stopped, took her to the bathroom and shaved her head without her consent, called her some degrading names, and then continued. She found this very humiliating and de-feminizing.
She has a seizure one day and loses a bit of her memory. She’s frightened and doesn’t know where she is. Instead of calling 911 for an ambulance, Onision films it and uploads it to his channel.
She has another breakdown at some point and ends up in the mental ward of a hospital. He doesn’t come to get her, her mom does. She went back to him for some reason.
She gets pregnant and suffers a miscarriage. The fetus never passed though, and she gets sepsis a few weeks later. Greg never cared, straight-up told her that he wasn’t going to pay for the medical bills. She goes home to Canada to get medical treatment, and her mom takes her passport to prevent her from going back to him.
She’s bullied online by Onision’s fans and disappears from the internet for years afterwards. She’s only recently begun to have a singing career again.
Next is a woman named Adrienne:
First, she wrote a letter about everything she went through if you want to read it, it’s a doozy but I’ll summarize it in bullet points cause it’s long. https://onisiondrama.tumblr.com/letter
This relationship happened during/in-between one of Greg’s break-ups with Shiloh.
Adrienne is in her 20s, closer to Greg’s age, maybe just a year younger. Also a fan of his that starts talking to him. He expresses interests in her and they start dating.
Long story short, Adrienne eventually realizes that Greg is crazy obsessive. He gets annoyed if she doesn’t answer his Skype calls or if she hangs out with friends too much.
She agrees to meet him in person anyway. He flies down to her state, and again just like with Shiloh, immediately initiates sex as soon as they get into the hotel room. There are questions of if he forced himself on her, because she said “no, no, no” but he continued. He even came in her when she said not too, and bought her plan B the next day.
He was very adamant about her moving in with him. He pressured her into quitting her job and re-homing her pets, which she was hesitant about. She agrees though and moves in with him.
Moves in very briefly though, as he throws a tantrum because she wasn’t paying attention to him or something. She catches on to his controlling behavior and leaves and breaks up with him for good.
He goes onto his Youtube channel and slanders her, and also leaves like 13 voice mails on her phone while she was at work.
All of this happened in the span of like 3 weeks, mind you.
Many believe the reason this relationship was so short-lived is because, with Adrienne being older, she didn’t fall for his abusive, manipulative tactics as easily and had more knowledge and confidence to leave him before things got bad. Notice this is the only relationship Greg enters where the partner is NOT in their teens at the start.
Next up is Laineybot/Kai, also now his accomplice in these crimes. Just this year, Kai came out of trans and uses he/him pronouns now. But when Kai first entered the picture, he went by the name Lainey (with the Youtube channel/name Laineybot) with she/her pronouns. During his transition, he also identified as nonbinary at one point and went by they/them pronouns. So excuse me if I make any mistakes and accidentally misgender at times when referring to Kai in past incidents.
Onision started talking to and dating Kai when he was 17. Like his other relationships, Kai was a fan of his. Kai’s family didn’t approve of their relationship.
Kai graduated high school and his parents sent him to college to live in a dorm… or so they thought. Kai went behind their backs and moved in with Greg (who had moved down to Kai’s state).
Shortly after Kai turned 18, they got married in court. Kai moved up to Greg’s state with him.
Kai got pregnant very soon after. They have two kids now. With the second pregnancy, Kai said that Greg wasn’t very enthusiastic and I believe Kai drove himself to the hospital when he was in labor. Some husband Greg is.
Greg also would get into frequent fights on Twitter with Kai. Example: Kai once made a tweet talking about a fun memory he had with his mom. Greg jumped in to say “your mom also did (bad thing) to you.” Kai told him to stop and he didn’t. In the public eye on twitter, so damn childish to shame your spouse’s parents and not stop when asked.
Kai is also complicit in grooming allegations that I haven’t gotten to yet. So Kai is just as bad if not worse than Greg, but also a victim of his too too. I personally believe he wouldn’t be like this if he had never met Greg. It’s too late now though.
Next in line is Billie. When Kai was still trying to figure out his identity and was switching between identifying as a woman and non-binary (and still going by Lainey at this time), Kai expressed wanting a girlfriend, which Greg supported. In comes a girl named Billie.
Billie is a newly 18-year-old Instagram model. Onision is 31 at this point and Kai is 22.
Basically Billie started as a girlfriend for Kai, but Greg weaseled his way into their relationship.
It was really gross how Greg would talk about how “beautiful” it was for “two women to make love” too (keep in mind, Kai’s experiencing dysphoria and has doubts about identifying as a women at this point, so I’m sure that’s nice to hear from your husband /s). He has this clear obsession with threesomes and polyamorous relationships, specifically f/m/f. It’s obvious that the dude just wants a harem of attractive women at his beck-and-call and doesn’t really care about his spouse exploring their sexuality.
Lots of ups and downs with Billie. Basically I think they had an agreement that they would only do intimate things together with all 3 of them. But at one point Kai leaves to run errands or visit family or something and Greg and Billie sleep together. Kai is furious but blames Billie instead of, y’know, his husband, as if it doesn’t take two to tango.
They blamed Billie a lot for being a homewrecker. Never blamed the much older responsible adult Greg, no, they blame the 18 year old.
Greg almost leaves Kai for Billie. Kai is pregnant with their 2nd kid at this point, and Greg literally almost signs over his kids to leave Kai for an 18 year old. Billie had enough though and left for good.
Billie smoked weed and Greg didn’t like that and shamed her for it. Apparently Billie smoking weed betrayed Greg and Kai’s trust, and Greg wanted Billie to be punished for it by… being tied up in his basement (”because it’d be hot” he said), shaving her head, and getting a tattoo as an “apology.” She declined and he shamed her for it.
Another reason Billie left them is because Greg wouldn’t allow her to see her family when she wanted. Greg tried to justify this by saying “Lainey only sees her family twice a year.” Another example of how isolating he is.
After breaking up for good, Billie called Greg “the worst person I’ve ever met,” Greg went on twitter and revealed very personal information about Billie, something an ex did to her. Billie was distraught as you can imagine, that her personal info was made public for all of twitter.
Next is Sarah. Sarah is the victim of the grooming accusations. She’s the person who first came out with all this a couple months ago and got the ball rolling.
Sarah was 14 when she started talking to Kai (who was going Lainey at the time). Just a fan who reached out and they became friends.
Sarah didn’t have a good home life, and expressed this to Kai. Kai invited Sarah to live with him and Greg. She accepted the invited and Sarah moved in with them. Her mom signed over “power of attorney” to Kai (so that Kai could take her to a doctor and stuff). Sarah was 16 at this time.
Sarah was around during the relationship with Billie, just to help with the timeline.
Outwardly Sarah appeared to just be friends with Greg and Kai, but recently she revealed things were not on Just Friend levels.
Sarah alleges that she and Kai would cuddle in bed together. Kai also spoke to Sarah sexually too, like telling her about how Greg was like in bed. As a 22-year-old, you do NOT discuss that stuff with your 16-year-old friend, that’s so inappropriate.
The biggest allegation: while she was still underage, Sarah and Kai  exchanged nudes. THIS is where the possible criminal charges come in, because Kai very well could go to jail for possession of child porn.
Greg was always cruel to Sarah when she was 16/17. It’s clear in videos when they had outings to like a trampoline/gymnastics place that he would bully her. He says that he treats teenagers badly so that they “won’t like him like that” but it’s really freakin’ weird. As an adult, you should be able to interact with teens WITHOUT bullying them “so they don’t fall in love with you” (? or something) wtf?? If a teen expresses interest in you, you shut that down, it’s not that hard, you don’t have to bully them and make them hate you.
When things were going south with Billie, Sarah said that at one point Greg said to Kai “why don’t we just wait for Sarah (to turn 18)?”
Sarah says that after she turned 18, they did start being sexual with her. Onision is 33 and Kai is 24 at that point. The three of them were watching a movie one night, when Sarah looked over and saw Greg and Kai having sex. Greg asked Sarah to join them, and she did because she felt pressured. 
They continued being sexual with her. She and Greg were intimate together, just the two of them at one point when Kai was out of town.
Sarah released a screenshot of a conversation between Greg and Kai where they were arguing over Sarah’s virginity (it’s so gross ugh)
The allegations first came out much earlier this year, from a friend of Billie’s who witnessed Sarah’s interactions in the home and felt something wasn’t right. Greg forced Sarah to release a video statement saying that the allegations were bogus and that Kai is innocent. That was back in like January or February. Recently Sarah released a “blooper” of her filming that statement where she was crying and saying she hated that she had to do this as more evidence that she was forced, along with texts of Greg instructing her on what to say.
Sarah hasn’t released much more details than that, but it’s clear that they groomed her so that they could engage in a sexual relationship with her as soon as they were legally able too.
And that only covers the major people in Onision’s life. There were other teenagers  also. To put it shortly, there were girls who were mainly texting Kai, almost like Kai was luring them in as “candidates” to be the 3rd person in their relationship. Lots of teenagers (mostly 17-19 year olds, maybe one 20 year old) that Kai more-or-less led on into being a relationship with just him, only for the teens to be blindsided with “btw, Greg gets in on the relationship too.” And Greg did indeed worm his way in, either through DMs or physically. Very skeevy. One of these people named Regina also exchanged nudes with Kai when they were underage. I believe they’re pursuing legal charges for that. Sarah said there are other girls who were never made public also. Greg may not be able to be charged with any crimes here, as he’s always very careful to skirt the law.
Outside of relationship troubles, he’s just a shitty, greedy person.
He treats his pets badly. A former friend took his guinea pigs because he wasn’t taking proper care of them. They get new dogs as if they’re fashion accessories.
Apparently he’s an awful father too and Kai does most of the parenting. People in their life have said that Greg doesn’t even talk to his youngest kid because she can’t speak back to him… she’s freakin’ TWO. She’s a toddler, ofc she can’t talk, how do you expect them to learn to talk if you don’t talk to them?
He’s very money-hungry. Youtube’s adpocalypse really did a number on them, but they were living WAY above their means. Had this mansion of a house, a second house that he used for filming, two teslas, and lots of expensive crap. They had to “downgrade” to a slightly smaller mansion and self the second house and sell the teslas (he recently bought another one though). During this time, he basically guilt-tripped his audience for not giving him money, said that fans who didn’t pledge to his Patreon weren’t “true fans.”
Dude is a really shitty person all around. He’s had this coming and I really hope this is finally his downfall. I first heard of him during the Shiloh incident and a little into his marriage to Kai, then he dropped off my radar until the Billie incident and I was like “how is this guy still around and still allowed to treat people like this?!” and have been following this train wreck ever since.
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