#it was waaaaayyyyy too long on me
lavendulafaerie · 11 months
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My practice look and final Halloween look from this year. I had so much fun creating this costume!! I almost wish I had gotten someone to help me do a photo shoot.
Anyway, here’s my take on Nimue, the Lady of the Lake.
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lilscast · 7 months
my live action atla notes i took while watching (as a fan since #forever)
ep 7
-the gaang doesnt feel very gaang to me they feel so stiff together
-but wheres momo
-also, with the large lack of appa throughout the season it makes me think abt how theyre going to go about appa getting lost in season 2 when theres barely any appa screentime and they dont show how much aang loves appa or how much katara and sokka love appa. when it occurs its going to be hard to sympathize for them when appa rarely shows up in the whole first season
-the northern water tribe IS SO BEAUTIFUL
they ate w the set design
-it might be just me but i feel like theyre making azula look so weak waaaaayyyyy too early on i mean shes not even really ACTUALLY introduced until s2 and the whole parental validation thing for her right now just seems unnecessary and it might affect how people view her as a villain next season bc shes supposed to be crazy wacko evil
-im still mad about how aang and katara didnt learn waterbending together earlier on
-we’ve lacked so many moments of the three together being happy☹️
-yue and sokka spoke in the spirit realm??? whatttt
-this is a littleeeee weird…. i wish sokka and yue met at the bridge and she freaked out yknowwwww
-ok so no katara and aang sneakin waterbending LAMEEEE
-why has aang still literally learned NOTHING!
-“thats what it means to be a family” where.
-hi momo i feel like i havent seen you in so long
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Propaganda under the cut!
Baxter Ward
That Boy Needs Therapy
He ghosts you after the end of step 3, even if you try and date him.
look i love my boy, but baxter literally dumps you outside of your childhood home, shuts the door in your face even if you’re sobbing in the middle of the street, and then ghosts you for five years and then pretends he doesn’t care about you when you meet again. this is even if he’s aware that he’s your first love (if you chose to make him that). he literally says that you have bad taste in men if you choose to date him again before you’ve talked anything over shshhshssbb. love him but he needs a therapist waaaaayyyyy more than he needs a partner.
This man needs therapy and he needs it, like. Yesterday. He sets you for for a summer fling, repeatedly fumbled the bag because he doesn't actually want a temporary relationship but he's too insecure to keep a long term relationship so his no-strings-attached, temporary summer fling with the MC ends up being extremely romantically loaded and then he continues with his initial plan of just completely cutting the whole thing off at the end of the summer and doing so in the cruelist, nastiest way possible if you don't just have your MC accept that he's never speaking to you again (he reacts the same way no matter which option you pick. Two of those options are 'gently asking if you're breaking up' and 'saying you're ok with breaking up but want to keep in touch'). For the record, he plays off your relationship as being basically nothing and says that you two are essentially strangers because you only knew each other for three months and, when your MC brings up how your friend's brother is in a long-distance relationship, he says that it's probably not going to last and that there's nothing more to say about your own relationship. Then, after saying some more heinous shit, he closes the door on you and fucks off for five years When he comes back, you'd assume he'd at least be extremely apologetic, if not outright determined to make amends in some way. Instead, the start of your reunion has him playing hot-and-cold with your relationship, one moment insisting you're a client and nothing else and reminising about baking cupcakes at 2am with you the next. Then, I forget the specifics but I think you get this if you part with him badly and are still upset but essentially, you can try to get Baxter to talk about your relationship and that leads to him very condescendingly taking a break and then, in a scene that the game directly compares to the prior break-up scene, makes out that you're being unreasonable for being upset and wanting to talk to him after what he did to you. And then, in the most bizarre case of emotional whiplash I've ever experienced, a day passes and he's inviting you and your friends out to bowling (a thing you did together five years ago) and it's like that talk never fucking happened. What the fuck.
Anomen Delryn
Obnoxious, holier-than-thou dick. "Oooh look at meeee I'm so good and righteous, of coooourse you want to sleep with me". Attacks other members of your team. Smug, punchable face. Ugh.
Abusive controlling misogynist who gaslights the main character and has all the charm of a rotting potato.
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miniscrew-anon · 7 months
A small exploration into my Blorbo (Four)
Writing Add to Cart made me do some deep thinking about his character so here they are.
Stormy once wrote that “Four does have a proper bedroom in the Castle Town townhouse, at Time’s order insistence. He keeps his door locked at all times, and he’s in there to sleep only three-ish hours a night. None of the other boys have seen the inside of his bedroom”.
And that influenced my writing a lot with Four because there are so many interesting implications there. 
For one, you would think a guy who values his privacy and space as much as Four would love to have a proper door instead of living in what is kind of a common area (garage). But no, apparently he didn’t want one. Presumably he would have preferred to stay in the garage. Which is so weird because there’s so little security in a place where anyone could walk in at any time. 
So I took that to mean that Four values the emotional distance he gets by keeping to himself in a separate part of the house, even if that means being physically less secure. And clearly that hasn't changed even after HSH1. And considering Four’s trust issues are so severe he locks and blocks his door with furniture when he feels vulnerable (<- careful, that one's NSFW), that means a lot. We’re talking about a guy who showered at the gym for Weeks when he first moved into the townhouse - that’s Next Level trust issues. This guy’s trust issues have trust issues. 
So my HC is that Four hasn’t really settled into living there like everyone else has - mentally and emotionally speaking, he’s got one foot out the door already. He’s not planning to leave or anything, but subconsciously he’s still treating his spot in the house like it’s temporary. So he’s still in that mindset of living waaaaayyyyy below his means (you never know when you’ll be out on the street again so you better save every rupee) and the idea of owning things is uncomfortable (it's just one more thing you’ll lose when you have to run again). Even something as basic as having his own room, something that should make him feel more secure, just puts him even more on edge (it feels like a broken promise in the making - he’s never felt secure so this feeling has to be fake too). 
Four is and has been in survival mode for so long that he just can’t shake it off. And it’s this strange sense of “I can’t get comfortable here because this won’t last” that keeps all this distance between Four and everyone else. Worst part is that a lot of it is subconscious - Four doesn’t really think Time will kick him out. But he also can’t shake the nagging feeling that it is going to happen. He’s perpetually waiting for the other shoe to drop, even if he doesn’t realize it. And that constant insecurity really fucks with his head.
No one really knows about it either. Twilight, who is the one closest to him, is only close enough to make Four feel like he doesn't have to be "The Responsible One". Which is a good start. But considering everything they've all been through together it doesn't look good for everyone to rank even lower than that. Everyone else must be on, like, friendship level 1-3. And that's not nearly enough to unlock his tragic backstory.
And Four is really good at seeming fine - he’s quiet and mostly polite. He doesn’t broadcast what he feels and he stonewalls like no one else. And no one looks too closely at him because of this. There are other Links with louder, more obvious problems and that lets Four fade into the background. The guys might be able to tell that there's something wrong, but no one's close enough to identify exactly what it is. And he doesn't feel close enough to them to share, either.
Add this to everything internal that Four deals with, you just end up with a guy who's so blocked off that no one even knows where to start. The guys can't even get their foot into the metaphorical door of Four's feelings because he welded it shut years ago.
And so I think that it's going to take a powerful external force acting upon the household to finally force something to bend or break - and it'll either be Four's silence or the other guys' willingness to stay out of it. (Probably the guys tho. I'm pretty sure Four would literally rather die than speak up at this point.)
Good thing everybody else in that house is fully willing to throw down for him, even if he himself doesn't know it.
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clonesupport · 2 years
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Wip Whenever
Thank you to @strangefable @natesofrellis and @captastra for tagging me!
y’all…….it’s been a minute since i wrote this much ok- i spent like three hours last night writing, and i’m actually looking forward to writing the rest sO THIS IS A BIG MOMENT FOR ME AHAHAHA
this is the first thing i’ve ever written for ronnie and max, shocking i know, this story is how they first admitted their feelings to each other, the first time they did the sex👀👀 hehe anyway warnings: a literal fist fight-, mention of blood, swearing
That was Max’s breaking point, he lost all his cool the moment her retort left her mouth as he stumbled back from her shove. He huffed before he drew his arm back blinded by rage, throwing a swing at her face, nailing Ronnie straight in the jaw causing her to stagger back a step as her hat flew to the ground. It took everyone a second to register what had just happened. The hull went silent, the crew stared wide eyes and jaws agape in shock. Ronnie felt for her jaw where Max had hit, a numbing ache swelling under her touch. Her eyes snapped back up to the man before her, his own expression in disbelief in what he had done. “Shit- I’m, I’m sorry-“ 
Max bit his tongue as he uttered his attempted apology when Ronnie fist came in contact with his cheek. The strike rattled his brain as bent over from the force, tasting iron in his mouth. “You fucking bastard.” She spat as she loomed over him, fists tight as she stood intimidatingly before him. Her glare pierced through him like a bullet through glass. Ronnie took a couple steps back, rubbing her reddening knuckles then her bruising face, “I could sack you for insubordination, if you think about it.” She spoke, her back facing Max as he stood upright, “But I’m feeling generous,” she turned back around, face stern with suppressed rage, “so consider this your trial. They’ll be your jury,” she nodded to the crew who seemed weary of what their captain had in mind, “and I’ll be your judge, you fucking convict.” She practically growled before changing her stance, fists coming up to cage her head protectively as she shifted her weight on her now bent knees.
“Hey boss, as cool as this might be, are you sure about this? I mean as much as I want to see you hand Vic’s ass to him, wouldn’t it be best to work things out another way?” Felix chimed in from the side, half anticipating an epic fight and half cautious of its outcome.
“Yeah come on you guys there’s gotta be a better way to solve this.” Parvati’s weary voice adds on.
“Hey, I say go for it. As long as I get to place bets, mine’s on our sleeping beauty.”
“Really Ellie? I thought you were a doctor, aren’t you suppose to help prevent harmful situations?” Parvati’s nervous voice is quiet as she replies to Ellie’s comments.
“And ruin the fun? No way, I’ll just patch em up when they’re done, gives me something to do. So who’s betting on Mr. Plan over here? Come on guys we can’t all bet for the captain, that’s not how betting works.”
Max had realized what his captain was asking for, ignoring the crews comments as Ronnie’s eyes watch his movements like a hawk. He gulped though his anger still boiled unsatisfied as he tasted his blood in his mouth. As much as he didn’t want to, a part of him was yearning to accept her challenge, and so he did. He squared up to match her, his eyes lingering on hers as she watched him with a menacing glare. “Age before beauty, asshole.” She sneered. Max felt a tinge of annoyance from her quip, if it was a fight she wanted then how was he supposed to deny her.
hehehe anyway i've thought about the "fist fight leads to sex" trope waaaaayyyyy too much with these two, it's about damn time that i wrote it TwT
i tag @socially-awkward-skeleton @confidentandgood @sstewyhosseini @galaxycunt @roofgeese and anyone wanting to share a wip
update: i finished it👁️👁️
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
New skill slowly unlocking: making animated gifsets from Media(R)
[x] Stills successfully captured from flickscorp
[x] Vid-clips successfully captured flickscorp
[x] Filters applied to vid in photoshop (not being hardcore with editing here, just making sure I understand how it is done based on my knowledge of working with stills/images/photos/paintings in photoshop)
Still to do:
[ ] Actual edits that have aesthetic value (or are useful for illustrating points in upcoming written media-meta)
[ ] Creating sets that can be uploaded to tunglehell
[ ] Creating that witcher side blog I have been threatening to make and posting n00b goodness plus actual media meta.
Looks at clock: yeeeeeesh, that was a waaaaayyyyy too long "lunch break" for an obscenely generous definition of lunchtime. Time for me to do something I am supposed to be doing. It is Thursday after all.
(leans forward to see where I put that brand new portable USB-C drive)
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
It is burn-to-the-ground Anon and OMG! White lotus! You are speaking my languageeeee!
My MC's gonna be such a green tea, soooooooooo green that make everyone doubt themselves and make that white lotus goes *surprise pikachu face*. I’m guessing that MC had read the novel and knew all the betrayal and shitty things beforehand Right? Right!?
And wth Tysten/Trista, I can’t believe you’re so much worse than I thought you would be. About the servant, I’m gonna deal with you first. I’m pretty sure that white lotus is practicing how to be a victim behind close door, just because 🙄
Also, my sincerest condolences for original host. All the betrayal, all the lies. Don’t worry, my MC got chu. I’m gonna burn everything to the ground, and then burn those ashes again. Maybe spend time with Nyssa/Nyala (dating the villian and screwing the protagonists is the best part) too, but mostly the revenge and burning things🔥
👀👀 oh my. Forgive me burn-to-the-ground Anon. Most of the plot is impaired. The MC only has the memories of what happened in the past to the original host. But before the original host was left for dead in Ostror, Yesenia and Trysten/Trista showed the original host their true face. (If I wrote the enter backstory for the book that MC fell into... it would be thousands of words without a single code. Huge walls of text so I cut it down a bit. And made the original host memory impaired.)
🤧 for the servant who tried to poison the MC.... I created four choices. *evil laugh*
force it down Neosho throat. 😏. (Neosho is the name of the servant).
Kick her.
Pretend as if you know nothing.
Pour down the bathroom sink.
Burn-to-the-ground Anon your answer is incorrect. 🤭. But you'll find out soon enough.... waaaaayyyyy in Arc 2.
And the original host is in a better place now. She was sent somewhere where she'll be happy every single day. Anon I tell you. MC is already in a fact a green tea. Hey! Anon when MC apologized to Trysten/Trista and begged them not to ignore them anymore. I almost believe the MC myself and I'm the one who's writing! 👀. I said to myself. *that lying son of a bitch!*
I know *everyone* hates Trysten/Trista but I am honestly going to say, you all should romance this sleezebag, if it's even once!.... their route is one of self destruction. I plan to go all out. Every RO has something different to offer! Lots of flavour. Yum!
For one of the choices. Nothingness asked the MC how they felt about this. The MC outright told nothingness that they're going take revenge for the original host. Nothingness unemotional voice asked. "Even at the cost of your soul being tossed into oblivion?"
Burn-to-the-ground Anon I see chu! I would advise you not to do that. 😏. Nyssa is a cuddle bunny but their dark side has been activated long ago. Their paranoia knows no bound. In chapter one we've been introduced to my home boy Cadmus. To the sleaze bag Trysten/Trista. Now I plan to write Nyssa/Nyala intro and Our instructor. (My MC needs some detention in their life instructor!)
I don't plan to restrict my players all that much.... when I am rewriting all these chapters more words and choices will be added. For now I want my readers to enjoy the process just as much as I did.
Also another spoiler for you my excited friend. The original owners father *was* a servant of the original owners mother's family.
I hoped I answered all your questions! Have a good one burn-to-the-ground Anon!
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deep-sea-anemone · 1 year
Ugh. I need to find a new anime with a half decent dub to watch. I was enjoying One Piece but it's slowed down WAAAAAYYYYY too much. It's boring now- seriously, how long can they draw out a single fight? ( people warned me about this ahead of time though, so I'll just switch to the manga instead). But everything else I either hate the dub or is too in depth for me to only half pay attention to.
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helsaguy · 5 years
10 Favorite Male Characters.
Rules: Tag 10 favorite male characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 different people.
P.S. That tagging is optional.
Tagged by @asaturninegirlspassion thank you very much. And @galaxygolfergirl​ you got to me first C.D.! I was going to tag you too! lol
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1. Wallace “Wally” Rudolph West (DC Comics, Justice League/Unlimited, Young Justice, etc.)
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2. Beast/Prince Adam (Disney)
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3. Kratos (God of War)
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4. Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)
5. Hades (Greek Mythology)
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6. Tygra (Thundercats)
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7. Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)
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8. Zub-Zero “Kuai Liang” (Mortal Kombat)
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9. Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
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10. Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Uncharted)
I tag: @makayla-angelic @magentacravat​ @elmo-c​ @iceburnsblog​ @myscalesofjustice​ @rebeldisney​ @deuxdani​ @ravinewreyn​ @youngjusticeslut​ @defyinggravity-elsa-rp​
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Can you pls write a klance piece with the summer rain prompt?
Aaaaaahhhhhhh sweetie I’m so sorry that this took so long D: Like, I actually didn’t even know where the post this came from was on my own blog.., Like, I would have done this days ago if I had only found the fucking post sooner
(the prompt is from here)
It was completely Lance’s fault that they were stuck out in the rain.
Or, at least that’s what Keith was trying to tell himself. In truth, it had been, at least partly, or even possibly entirety, his idea to go watch the sunset with his boyfriend on that beautiful Tuesday night.
But, he hadn’t anticipated the weather to turn so quickly.
“Didn’t you check the weather before asking me to come out with you?” Lance whined and shook his head, sending water droplets everywhere as they ran. It didn’t exactly do much for him in the situation, considering the sky was still dumping its soul down on the pair.
Keith ducked his head and ran a little faster, crossing his arms tightly to his chest to try to keep some of his rapidly depleting heat. “No, why would I?” he retorted, not even looking over to Lance. “The sky looked pretty! And I wanted to share the once in a lifetime sunset with my boyfriend, so, I’m sorry!”
Lance huffed, and started running faster to meet Keith’s increased pace. “Sweet as that is, darling, we’re now drenched and we’ll probably get sick.”
“Probably.” Keith admitted dryly.
Suddenly, Lance pointed off to the side where a small gazebo was. “There!” he exclaimed, turning sharply. “We can hide in there ‘till the sky stops pissing on us!”
Keith swerved to avoid running into Lance, and ran after him into the structure.
As soon as they were both out of the weather, Keith breathed out a sigh of relief while Lance instantly took his shirt off to wring it out.
Keith let his gaze linger on Lance as water droplets dripped down his chest towards his shorts, before focusing on wringing some of the water out of his own clothes.
“Damn, the weather changed fast outside.” Lance muttered as he let his shirt settle over his chest again. “I mean, the sunset was definitely pretty and all, but wow.”
“No kidding.” Keith agreed softly, and stepped over to Lance, immediately latching himself to his side and inching his fingers up and under his damp shirt. “Mmm, you’re warm.”
Lance flinched when Keith’s cold fingertips met skin, but quickly accepted defeat and wrapped his arms solidly around his shoulders. “This shocks you?” He asked dryly.
“Good, considering your self-proclaimed theme song is ‘Cold As Ice’.”
Keith pouted and glared up at Lance through his wet bangs. “Because of my lack of emotional attachments, not because of body temperature.”
“I dunno, you’re pretty mushy for a guy who claims to have no heart.” Lance said softly, and pressed a kiss to the top of Keith’s head.
Keith felt himself go lax beneath Lance’s ministrations, knowing that it only proved Lance’s point further, but he didn’t really care. It was nice, damnit, and Lance already knew that he was weak to anything Lance said or did.
They stood there, wrapped up in each other for a few long moments in the quiet, the only sound between them coming from rain pattering against the roof above them. It was peaceful, even if only a few minutes ago they were scrambling to get in from the rain.
Lance’s eyes were distant as he looked out onto the rain coming down, not truly seeing it. Keith knew how much Lance liked the rain, normally through a pane of glass, but even he could admit to seeing the appeal of being caught out in it in a figurative sense.
Suddenly, Lance perked up before looking down to Keith with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Wanna go splash in the puddles?”
Keith looked up at his boyfriend incredulously. “Puddles? Weren’t you the one complaining five minutes ago about the piss-poor weather?”
“Yeah, but that was before.” He dismissed, waving a hand about. He wormed his way out from Keith’s grasp, and started walking backwards out of the gazebo. “C’mon!”
With a pout, Keith crossed his arms over his chest, watching Lance back away for a few steps. “’Before’, he says.” he grumbled, but followed Lance anways, just like he always does.
As soon as Lance stepped back out into the rain, he let his eyes fall shut with a smile, head tilting back to let the rain run down his face. Keith couldn’t help but smile along with him at the sight. After a moment’s hesitation under the awning of the gazebo, he stepped out into the rain too.
Lance immediately reached for Keith’s hand, twining their fingers together as he pulled him closer. As soon as Keith was tucked up against him, his free hand came up to brush Keith’s damp hair away from his forehead before placing a swift kiss there.
Keith’s cheeks flared at the attention, but a smile betrayed how he really felt about it. He knew they must have looked ridiculous, standing together in the pouring rain, soaked through to the bone and smiling all the while.
But he couldn’t imagine himself anywhere else. He considered himself lucky that he could share these types of moments with Lance, the boy who loved him back just as much.
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Neon’s Birthday Surprise to Kurapika
A/N: I wanted to write a short tease fic long ago during Kurapika’s birthday but then I was bombarded with project deadlines. But then I saw Neon fanarts with her in a pink polka dot lingerie and the fact that Strange Bedfellows fic is taking waaaaayyyyy too long for them to fuck. 
After a conversation with @anotherworldash I figured, meh, just write it before heading back to studying!! I might expand on this on AO3 but maybe later. 
Here is the link to @anotherworldash 's fanart of Neon in the polka dot lingerie and the link to the Korean twitter fanart of Neon in a similar lingerie.
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Kurapika sighed and slouched in his chair. He was exhausted. It was a long day filled with meetings with the mafia community and he can smell the tension in the air from a mile away - they weren’t used to him as an outsider trying to take part of the control. What’s more, the day wasn’t done yet. He recently got hold of another someone who owns a pair of the Scarlet Eyes, and he’ll have to research their background and ruminate his approach. 
How am I supposed to bribe a whole board of directors? Will giving them a sum of money be enough? But they’re rich. Should I threaten them? There must be a way for me to-
There was a knock on the door. 
“Come in,” he said. 
Neon came in, wearing a beige coat - too baggy for her petite figure. He raised an eyebrow. What on earth is she doing in his office and at such a late hour? She smiled sheepishly at him. When she said nothing, he decided to break the silence: 
“What is it Neon?” 
“Uhm...” she nervously played with her hair, “what time are you gonna sleep?” 
“Not anytime soon, there’s another thing I need to take care of,” he replied. She pouted. What is it now? 
“Look, you can go to bed first. I’m afraid I will have to stay up late,” he added. 
“No....” she whined. Oh, the surprise is going to get ruined! 
“Can you just... not... do any work? Please?” she pleaded, walking nearer to him, such that the office table was the only thing that separated them. She tried her best to pull up the cutest eyes. 
“I can’t. It’s work,” he said. 
“Work, work, work! Hmph, that’s all you ever think about,” she huffed, slamming her palms on the table and leaning forward. 
“Neon, if I don’t work, we won’t be able to get by,” he reasoned. 
She tilted her head. “Not even taking a break? Not even at this time?” she glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room. Quarter past midnight. 
“I’ve stayed up longer than this, this is nothing-”
She then giggled, unexpectedly. “You forgot what the date is today, didn’t you?” she asked, winking at him. 
His eyebrows shot up. Oh. April 4th. His 19th birthday. 
“I just think...” her shaking hands fumbled on the buttons of her coat, “we should... celebrate...” 
He froze. Blood rushing away from his brain. 
Before him was his wife, dressed up in pink polka-dotted lingerie and stockings that complemented her blue hair and matching eyes. She hummed, pleased with his reaction. She leaned forward, “so... what do you say...?”
She then caressed the chains on his hand. His heart palpitated real quick. 
“I’m going back to bed now...” she gave a mischievous smile and withdrew, and bent down to pick up the fallen coat to signal him to follow her to their room. 
From where he stood, he was in full view of Neon’s curvy hips. He mumbled a curse in his language subconsciously - it was too soft for Neon to hear.
She was about to take a step-
She shrieked when she realised that he had his arms wrapped around her waist. She could feel his anticipation on her back. That was quick. 
“Did you lock the door?” he asked, his chin resting on her shoulder. 
“Yeah... why?”
“Then there’s no need for us to go to bed,” he mumbled, in a lower tone. 
She was confused. Why not? 
She felt him nibbling the back of her neck. 
She realised that he was going to unwrap his present here. 
P.S. Sorry if there are typos or grammatical errors - I’m not proofreading this. 
It’s funny how I was trying to study but I ended up typing some KuraNeon soft porn OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BRAIN. 
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hoe-biwankenobi · 3 years
Dripping with Gold - Anakin Skywalker (1/2)
Apparently this is going to be the first SW fic I share. This is an interesting turn of event as I didn’t plan on having it done before my approx. 100000 WIPs, but honestly I like it, I truly do. So uh, enjoy!
PS: There WILL be a part 2 as there was a piece of dialogue I really wanted to get out there but couldn’t fit in this one. Stay tuned!
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Dark side!reader
Word count: 3304
Warnings: kinda emotional manipulation ngl, me liking evil monologues waaaaayyyyy too much.
Summary: “The dark side surrounds you. Your eyes, they’re--” There was a slight tremor in his voice and his breathing visibly accelerated. The anger that had momentarily flared in his eyes was gone now, leaving its place to a helplessness that made your heart ache. “This isn’t right, I’m dreaming, you couldn’t have--You led everyone believe you were gone, you led me to believe you had left me behind--”
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The cold rain hit your face like ice shards as you laid on your back, motionless and in pain. You were surrounded by rocks and darkness, barely touched by the dull light of the day that began to dim already. Your breath was ragged and your limbs were numb to your command, even your voice wouldn’t respond to you. You tried to scream, you begged the force to let you call for help, to give you back control of your arms to at least attempt to flag a passing ship--any passing ship, but nothing came out of either actions. 
You didn’t know how long you had been there, or really what had happened. You had been on a training flight with your Master when your ship was shot down, you didn’t even know by whom. The crash had been rough, and the last thing you remembered before waking up in the crevasse was the ship breaking in half and propelling you in the opposite direction of your Master. It could have been any time measure really, but the dryness in your throat and your cramping stomach led you to believe you had been there for at least a day. You weren’t bleeding an awful lot, but you definitely had broken bones.
Nobody was coming for you. You had felt your Master’s force signature twice in the distance already, and no matter how hard you tried to project to him, he never answered. You were too weak, probably, and if it had really been an entire day, it meant he had abandoned the searches already. That much was the Jedi way, to be ready to let go at any time. You should have accepted it, after all, you lived by that code too, but something about the slow, agonising death alone in the cold that had taken a hold of you left a bitter hatred linger in your heart.��
Hot tears started to stream down your face, stinging your wounds and mixing with the burning ice of the rain. You wanted to scream, not for somebody to hear you, but to let out the choking pressure that gripped your chest with vicious hands. Despite your shivering in the cold, your muscles were burning with anger and fear of the tethering edge you were dangling from. You both wanted to run away from this planet, and to close your eyes with nightfall and never wake up. 
Then, a shadow settled over your still form. You could barely see who it was. 
“Master Ki-Adi?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, almost inaudible over the battering of the rain. 
“You must be mistaken, young one” An unknown voice replied as the figure crouched in front of you. “My name is Darth Tyrannus, but I can assist you all the same”
You willed yourself to snap out of the unpleasant memory with a snarl, hitting the armrest of the chair you were sitting in. The dark tapestry of the old temple you claimed for yourself on Jaguada greeted you back in the real world with a growing headache. If you started to have visions of the past, especially ones tied with the Jedi, it meant they were closing in. Yet, it felt strange to have this one in particular, one that was so intertwined to the dark side before you even turned. 
You knew who was coming for you. 
You couldn’t help but smile at how brilliantly your own fortune had turned. Out of all the Jedi that could have made the trip, it was the exact one you wanted to see more than anything. If you concentrated enough, you could feel his force signature slowly spread around the barren lands of Jaguada as he got closer to your location.
The last time you saw Anakin, you were both 17 years old inseparable padawans. He didn’t have a lot of friends at the temple, mostly due to him being trained outside of the regular padawan learners classes. You weren’t very outgoing either, so more often than not, you ended up hanging out together. It however became more than friendly interactions after a few years, and you found yourselves in love despite the Jedi code. His name alone brought memories of warm embraces and sneaking around between training sessions, something neither the Jedi or the Sith could ever make you let go of. Now, Anakin was the only vestige of your heart that was still rooted in the light side.
But you knew. You knew there was a darkness that clung to Anakin, there had always been. A frustration, a recklessness, an anger, an all encompassing fear of loss; you knew it wouldn’t be as hard as any other Jedi to convince him he didn’t belong on the light side of the force. Most importantly, you knew you could do it. You were almost certain his attachment to you ran deep enough to remain alive even after four years apart. 
You had followed his progress from afar, his slow descent closer to the dark side from his reaction to your death up to this moment in the Clone Wars after countless losses and traumatic baggage. You weren’t the only one either, you knew the Sith were interested in him as well, but you were determined to get him first. You wouldn’t let Darth Tyrannus, or worse, Darth Sidious get their hands on him first. 
You had been Dooku’s apprentice for a time after he had pulled you from that shipwreck. He taught you the ways of the dark side after giving you the push you needed to turn, but soon enough, you began to grow displeased with the Sith. There were always talks of a masterplan for which you were never privy, and you knew Darth Sidious did not like your presence by Dooku’s side. The Sith, whom you were told weren’t as restrictive as the Jedi, turned out to be exactly the same in the end; the never ending rule and the cycles of power designed to keep you kneeling only pushed you away in the exact same fashion as the Jedi. 
Your Master’s betrayal was the final straw. You could still vividly remember the harsh red glow of his blade greeting you in the middle of the night, your instincts jolting you awake and using the force to protect yourself. He had been sent flying so hard and so fast that the north wall of your quarters had collapsed on impact, partially burying him in debris. You knew you were stronger with the force than him at that point, but his experience far outweighed yours, so you grabbed your lightsaber and disappeared into the night before he could get up and resume the fight. 
Your journey to Jaguada hadn’t been easy, but you managed to evade the Sith and take residence on a planet that once belonged to them, to add to the irony. You were left alone in your retreat in the margins of the only city in the never ending desert, none of the occasional smugglers and scavengers brave enough to approach the temple. Your only visitor in two years was, in fact, the Jedi that had just crossed the threshold of the temple. Moments later, Anakin stood on the other side of the large, empty room, and your breath caught in your throat. While there was no doubt it was really him only by his strong and distinct force signature you’d recognize everywhere, it was like he was another person entirely. 
You observed him intensely as he did you, taking in how his features had gone from boyish to absolutely handsome, and how his larger shoulders and intimidating posture projected the image of an accomplished warrior instead of a teenager. His eyes, as beautiful as ever, were locked with your golden ones as a thousand emotions passed through them. Short lived relief, shock, disbelief, hurt, all of which were translated in echo in his force signature.
Then, your name was spoken softly, as if he wanted to make sure it was really you.
“Anakin” You simply replied, giving him a smile. “It’s good to see you again”
He didn’t return it, no, instead, his gorgeous features contorted with incomprehension and pain. “You’re a sith. All this time, you were a Sith”
Your smile dropped and your expression hardened. “I am most certainly not” 
“The dark side surrounds you. Your eyes, they’re--” There was a slight tremor in his voice and his breathing visibly accelerated. The anger that had momentarily flared in his eyes was gone now, leaving its place to a helplessness that made your heart ache. “This isn’t right, I’m dreaming, you couldn’t have--You led everyone believe you were gone, you led me to believe you had left me behind--”
“Anakin” You called his name again, standing up from your chair and taking a step towards him. The way he backed away hurt more than any lightsaber wound. “I never meant to leave you behind. All I’ve wanted for the last four years was getting back to you, but I couldn’t, I wasn’t ready yet for you to see me like this”
“What happened?” He asked under his breath, still guarded against you.
“We crashed the ship, Master Ki-Adi barely looked for me before leaving me to an agonizing death” You couldn’t hide the bitterness of your words. “Then I was found by Count Dooku, who showed me the ways of the dark side”
He took a step further away.
“I’m not one of them anymore, Anakin” You repeated, tempting a step forward. “I couldn’t--I wouldn’t stay with them, the simple mention of them brings a bad taste in my mouth. I left to make my own path, one where I don’t have to bend to pointless rules, where I don’t need to break my back to please, where I am free”
“Then come back with me to the Jedi Temple” He said, his eyes shining with something alike to hope. “If you renounced the Sith, you--you could return home, finish your training, become a Jedi again”
You couldn’t hide your sorrow. “I won’t return”
“The Jedi Council will understand--”
“I know they would” You cut him off gently. “But I don’t want to. I am not willing to give up my freedom for the people that left me to die alone. You are the only good thing left for me there, and I want you by my side, but not there”
“Don’t” He warned, his hand reaching for his lightsaber on his belt. “Don’t play this game with me”
You unclasped yours as well, but before he could ignite his, you handed him the silver hilt. His arm faltered at his side as he stared in confusion at your lightsaber, like he wasn’t sure if it was a trap or not.
“I’m not playing any games, Anakin” You insisted. “I have no desire to fight you. My heart and my life is yours, it has always been”
Before you could blink, the saber was gone from your hand and a blur of blue and red crossed at your throat. You however remained calm, meeting his conflicted gaze through the harsh purple hue from the lightsabers’ juxtaposition.
“Give me one reason not to bring your back to Coruscant as a prisoner now”
“Bring me, don’t bring me, it doesn’t matter” You replied. “Whatever you choose to do with me won’t quiet down the little voice in your head that knows you don’t belong with the Jedi either. I know about what happened to your mother--”
“You don’t know anything!” His voice rose up as the sabers inched closer to you. His teeth were gritted and his jaw locked tightly. “The dark side is lying to you, I won’t let it lie to me too”
“Is it? ” You raised an eyebrow. “They didn’t let you go help her when your instinct told you she was in danger. They frowned upon your actions when it was theirs that led to her death. I know what you did to the sand people who took her, and I think they deserved it”
His grip faltered, but he still held you trapped between the sabers. Pain, so much pain reflected in his eyes in a storm of emotions.
“And do you think what they did to your padawan was fair?” You added, and while you could definitely see a reaction through the shift in his expression, he remained unmoving. “Yes, I know about that too. They were ready to punish her for a crime that wasn’t her doing, they didn’t trust her because they didn’t trust you”
“Please stop”
“You need to open your eyes, Anakin” You spoke softly. “The Jedi are not what they were. They became politicians, they care more about appeasing the public opinion than upholding real peace. They will let civil war rage on, they will let people die because politics say they can’t be involved. They will let slave merchants go on their business because it benefits the Republic, in the end. Do you see how wrong all of this is?”
He retracted the blades of the sabers, letting his hands fall at his side, and you took the invitation to get closer until you were standing right in front of him. He didn’t push away from you or make a move to get away as his head seemed deep in troublesome reflection. 
“I am not bound by these rules” You whispered as your hand gently cupped his cheek, bringing back his eyes to yours. “Neither should you have to be. You are strong, the strongest Jedi to have ever lived, and you are destined to be so much more than a bell boy for the Republic. You could end wars, you could end slavery, and I want that too. Alone I can’t do much, but it will be possible with you by my side. There will be no Masters but ourselves, no code but our own. Nobody ever again will have to suffer as we did once we bring our justice to the Galaxy”
“I… I can’t do this to the Jedi order” He muttered, leaning into your touch. His words lacked the conviction he was trained to uphold, and while you knew you had to carry him to the edge just a little bit longer, you couldn’t help the triumphant feeling washing over you. He was so close to falling, it was almost euphoric. “I can’t do this to Obi-Wan”
You slowly pressed your forehead to his, closing your eyes at the more than familiar feeling of having him this close. Memories of stolen moments in the Temple away from prying eyes flooded your mind and soaked into your force signature in the form of a warm, all consuming wave. His arms around you, your hands caressing his neck, bright eyes reflecting the sun rays hitting down on you, hidden confessions and promises of forever. A single warm tear rolled down your thumb on his cheek, and that’s how you knew he was seeing the same images. The love you had for each other was tragically beautiful, but it wouldn’t have to be anymore. 
“Do you still love me, Anakin?” You finally said, your voice barely over a breath in the wind. 
“The Council would never let us be together” You slowly reopened your eyes, but his were still tightly shut. “They would expel us. They’ll never understand what we have, they’ll never understand what we mean to each other. I love you with all my heart, Anakin”
His breath hitched into a sob as you were met with his blue eyes glistening like crystals. 
“Stay with me” You offered once again. “Nobody will be able to take me away from you again. I’m already more powerful than Dooku, and you are more powerful than Sidious himself. There will be no fear, no pain, no hiding”
He just kept staring into your eyes as the remaining of the little resolve he had melted away like ice under a flame. The whirlpool of emotions he was projecting all over the room was intense and vivid as it swirled around you, and that’s when you felt it: a tipping in the force. It was clear and strong, and you knew this was it. He had made his choice.
“I don’t want to feel those things anymore, I want what you said we could have” His voice cracked. “How do I get there? Please tell me how”
“Kiss me”
A breath escaped his lips as he cautiously closed the small distance to press his lips to yours. You took the first slow moments to relax against him, savouring the feeling of wholy having him back to you. Your hand found the back of his neck and his hair that had gotten longer since his padawan days, tangling your fingers through his loose lock. The kiss turned a bit more hasty and aggressive as he began pressing into you, like he too realized you were his without being scared of the consequences. You finally broke away to breathe, meeting his eyes again where you could observe a newfound determination. 
“Let go of all that slows you down, Anakin” You panted as the distant sound of lightsabers hitting the ground reached your ears. “Tell me what you want”
“I want everything” He mumbled as his nose trailed impatiently on your cheek. “I want to stop the people who bring suffering to the galaxy. I want to hunt down slavers and let them know what true fear is, I want to free the galaxy of tyranny. And I want to love you through it all, I want you with me”
“Then it’s yours” You smiled. “It’s all yours. All you have to do is take it. Embrace it”
In a heartbeat, his lips were back on yours with a passion you had never felt in him before. His hands circled your waist and pulled you impossibly closer to him, his fingers pressing hard enough for you to feel it through your robes. You could barely keep up with his pace as he took full control of the kiss, bruising your lips with his furious pace. He was letting go of four years of pain, four years of stress where the world kept taking away from him without giving anything back. Now it was his turn to take.
He backed you up to the throne-like chair you had been sitting on earlier until the back of your knees hit the seat, but you flipped the positions around and gently pushed him back into it and broke away from the kiss. He slowly opened his eyes, a golden-like yellow matching yours greeting you instead of the blue you were used to. You took a moment to admire him as he sat back in his throne like a born king laying his claim on the world. He was even more handsome like this, with that little smirk on his face and power exuding from every fiber of his being. He reached for you and you straddled him, resting your hands flat on the dark tunic covering his chest. His left hand raised to engulf yours over his heart and gave it a little squeeze.
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” 
“Indeed it does” He teased, looking up and down your form on his knees. Then, he lifted his right hand and brushed his gloved thumb over your lower lip, eyeing his motion with what resembled fascination. “I feel it. The dark side of the force, I mean. It’s… stronger. Untamed. Pure”
“It’ll make you even more powerful” You smiled as he looked back into your eyes. “You can do anything now, it’s your choice, nobody can stop you”
He slowly grinned back at you.
“Then what are we waiting for?”
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lavenderbang · 3 years
Watanabe Haruto x reader
Genre: fluff, comedy, skater Haruto!
Warning(s): none really
Summary: Your boyfriend is trying to teach you how to use his long-board
A/N: I’m writing a short fic for once, as I didn’t think of too many plot details for this. I just had the idea for this as I was going to bed and now I am obsessed with the idea of a skater Haruto bf so I hope you enjoy!
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“Ruto, I can’t!” You complained, holding onto you boyfriend’s shoulders for support; Your legs wobbled as you tried to stay balanced on his long-board, not being able to let go of Haruto.
It was a beautiful sping day and Haruto thought it would be a nice day for the two of you to go to the park near his house. In the shade from the trees, you had both had a picnic date and you read to him while he had his head in your lap. It was a nice, relaxing time until the giant baby started feeling energetic and wanted to teach you how to long-board, as it as something he enjoyed. Starting on the path through the grassy field, Haruto had been trying to help you for twenty minutes now, but you were barely able to stay on the board.
“You’re doing fine!” Haruto chuckled, holding onto your arms and leading you down the path. You wiggled at the hips, trying to stay centered as you moved one the board; this however made you even more unbalanced and you would have fallen on your face if Haruto wasn’t there supporting you. You leaned into him and got off the board, huffing in frustration.
“I’m too bad at it!” You sighed, letting go of Haruto, “I can barely stand on it while it’s moving; My balance is waaaaayyyyy off...” Haruto smiled at you and patted your head sympathetically.
“Just try one more time.” He coaxed, holding onto your hand, “I know you can do it!”
“Fine,” You agreed with a grin, “But only because you’re my favorite.”
“It would be a bit disappointing if I wasn’t your favorite.”
“Quiet, I have to concentrate.”
“Okay, shutting up now.”
You giggled at your boyfriend and stepped back onto the board. You felt like you could stand by yourself at this point. So you didn’t grab onto Haruto immediately. He beamed at your progress before putting his hands on you waist, standing behind the long-board.
“I’m going to push you now, slowly.” He explained, before shuffling forward until the wheels began to move, “If you loose balance, just lean back on me and I’ll catch you.” 
You nodded, feeling a bit anxious. As you moved slowly down the path, you felt a bit off balance, but overall stayed up. You put your arms out like an airplane and it seemed to help you wobble around less. Haruto began to speed up, walking at a normal pace now.
“Doing okay (Y/N)?” Haruto asked from behind you.
“Doing fine Ruto,” You replied, leaning a bit to the right before centering out again, “I think I’m getting better.”
“I’m going to go a bit faster now okay?” Haruto confirmed, pushing the small of your back with the heels of his palm and speeding up his walking pace. With his support, you didn’t feel scared or unbalanced; even though you were going faster than you ever have before, you knew Haruto was there to catch you if you fell.
Until you turned your head and he wasn’t there. He stood a couple feet back, encouraging you with a proud smile and a thumbs up. You panicked for a moment before chuckling at your boyfriend, who had probably planned this part the whole time.
“You’re doing great!” He cheered, “But focus ahead of you!”
“I’m doing it Ruto!” You exclaimed, turning to look ahead at the path. Feeling the speed of travel and the wind blowing in your face gave you a rush of adrenaline, “I’m a skater now!”
“Yeah, that’s my baby!”
This was all fine and well until you saw the path turned up ahead.
“Ruto, how do I turn?!” You asked urgently, speeding up to the curve due to a  decline in the path.
Haruto followed after you, trying to keep up with you before responding, “You have to-”
“I don’t know how to turn! I’m going to crash!”
As if it was a spell, just as the words left your lips you rolled straight through the curve and Haruto’s long-board caught on the edge of the grass. You fell forward, landing in the soft grass. Moments later Haruto was over you, kneeling by your face.
“Are you okay?” He asked, worry evident in his tone. You looked up at him with a blank stare.
“Fine.” You responded and blinked a couple times, “I at least landed in grass.”
“I’m sorry I let you go,” Haruto apologized, “I thought you could do it on your own.”
“I did do it on my own Ruto. Didn’t you see how far I went without you holding me?”
“You’re not... mad at me for letting go of you?”
“I’m a skater, and it’s not really a skaters nature to be mad.”
You finally smirked at your boyfriend, who looked relieved to say the least.
“I’m very proud of you.” He confessed, holding out his hand to help you up. You took it and pulled him to the ground jokingly. Taken by surprise, he laid beside you and laughed at your antics, glad to see you weren’t hurt.
“next time I won’t fall off.” You said with determination, turning your head to face him.
“Next time?” He asked, lopsided grin appearing on his face.
“Well, I have to learn how to turn!” You explained in a teasing tone, trying to be serious for the bit, but cracking a smile anyways. Haruto let out a small chuckle before sighing sweetly.
“I love you,” He said softly, placing a quick peck on your lips.
“I love you too.” You replied and grabbed onto his hand before getting up, “Now, lets go again so I can practice turning!”
You picked up his board and scurried back up the path. As he watched you leave, Haruto could swear his heart burst because he knew at that moment you were everything to him.
A/N: Weird way to end the story, but I think everything else is pretty good. I finished this in one sitting (not surprising it’s short), but I probably won’t post this until way later due to scheduling stuff. Anyways, please give love to Watanabe Haruto and have a wonderful day/night. If you liked this, you can always give it some love and follow me for more content :)
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sydneymckay · 4 years
One Gate Closes, Another Opens | {Geldar}
*Winces when he gets mad.
*But then I'm just assigned the impossible Jamie mission again.
*That's not so bad. Waaaaayyyyy better then getting my head cut off.
(("Right.. Sorry.."))
*I erase everything on the tablet except Nalea's message in case there's any evidence. Then realize that probably seems suspicious too, so I decide to just keep it. Whatever. I don't think he wants to see it anyway, he already knows what it says.
*Well, it wasn't like I had anything on this old hive to pack, since I left all my potential pet specimens and my hybrid back on that god forsaken station, so I just take the two tablets and get into a dark.
*I briefly consider taking the fancy one, but the fear of infected germs keep me from doing so, so I just grab a nice good old fashion one.
(("Bye Tib'beer'is... Good luck with him.."))
*I try to think of anyone else I could say bye too for possibly a very long time if not forever, but they're all just hybrids and drones on this ship that I don't have any connections with, so I just leave the hive.
*I consider stopping by Big Mama's for new food samples for the foodies before just going home to sleep, but decide I'll wait till tomorrow for shopping for the munchkins. I'm beat, and I might want to enjoy myself when I get there.
*I hope Nalea's doing okay...
*I take off and go find the nearest planet to dial there gate, I fly through to my home's space gate and fly down through the turbulence of the solar winds, to my ice wasteland.
*I land the dart and step out into the cold. I rub my arms and see my breath already feeling my temperature drop from what it was in the dart.
*I open the canopy and gaze out at the sky. It was always so clear, since there was no light pollution except my small shack.
*I liked it. I.. got to see the lights of the aurora and the stars..
*Blinks away the flash backs of an endless black void of no stars and shakes head trying to clear the thoughts.
*I hear my feet crunch against snow, and I bat away the primordial Ziroyuki's flying over my head.
*They're persistent though.. Apparently, I've been away too long.
*I open my door and quickly shut the door as the repeatedly smack into it, like the stupid little butterflies that they are.
*I can't help but feel sorry for them though... They.. Remind me of old times.. Times I.. Shouldn't remember.
*I sigh at the thought.
*It's dumb considering the Ziroyuki's I knew where never these primordial versions.. They where all humanoid and advanced.. But.. Even so.. I still feel connected somehow..
*Rubs tired eyes trying not to think of my alternates kids.
*Besides, at the very least, their presents, besides the space gate, is enough so that I never get visitors.
"I'll feed you in the morning, if you behave!"
*I snap at them.
*That's a lie. I'll feed them anyway even if they don't, but I at least want to attempt to teach these little butterflies not to try to bite the hand that literally feeds them, since their too moronic to feed themselves.
*I set the tablets down on the table then, go off and lay down in my little alcove.
*I wrap myself in blankets trying to cocoon myself and slowly let the hard craziness that was today, exhaust me, and drift me off the sleep.
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malisonquill · 5 years
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So uh, here’s a random idea I came up with!
An AU where Rex decides to make himself part raptor for some reason! I think (because it’s a terrible pun xD) I’m gonna call it the Roarsome Rex AU. Mostly I just did this for the cool design :P But a couple friends and I came up with some ideas as to why and how this would happen. Which I’ve put bellow! 
So first off, this is mostly just for fun so, you’re probably just gonna get some doodles and nothing like the whole fic I’m doing for my other Rex Brickowski AU xD
But anyway! He’s how the story of this incredibly feral man goes!
First off, why does he make himself part raptor?: 
Well he wants to be physically stronger, so he’s not weak like he used to be. So he ends up genetically altering himself to be half raptor. Not sure whether he intended to just give himself the strong muscles and this whole looking like a raptor was an accidental bi-product, or if he intended to look like this from the offset. Either way he’s a bit shocked by it at first, but then thinks it’s really rad.
How does being part raptor affect him?:
Well obviously he looks very different! He’s a lot stronger. He’s got claws, razor sharp teeth, a tail, and maybe a slightly rougher skin texture all over. Also raptor/ cat-like eyes. Which mean his pupils are slitted most of the time, but if it’s really dark, or he sees something he really likes, they go wide like dinner plates. He will deny he does this, cause he’s a big scary dinosaur and would never do anything so cute!
His behaviour is also affected. Living with the raptors for so long, and being part raptor himself, means he gains some of their traits. (More than he consciously wants to admit.) He’s more aggressive, he likes to bite things (both as like an angry thing and a friendly/ playful kinda thing, cause that’s what the raptors do).
He can also roar, growl, etc and fluently speak and understand raptor. Sometimes he’ll do this with others (like Emmet) instead of talking normally cause he forgets that others can’t understand him, and he’s just used to the raptors for company.  
Oh yeah, and he purrs too. His eyes go wide and he wont stop purring if you can successfully pat him. Just like his raptors, he secretly loves attention like that.
How does him being part raptor affect the events of the movie?:
Well he still rescues Emmet, though when the mask comes off, Emmet assumes he’s an alien. Rex rolls with that cause it’s easier to explain things that way. 
Lucy is waaaaayyyyy more shocked when Rex appears with Emmet. But Emmet’s like “Lucy! Look at my cool new friend! He’s like a raptor, isnt that awesome?!”
And there’s this bit that @piece-of-resistance came up with!:
Lucy convinces Emmet not to destroy the wedding and he ends up realizing the same thing as Lucy. So he’s like Rex they’re not our enemies :) but mutant Rex is so angry and frustrated he jumps out of the ship and breaks the cake and creates a chaos everywhere and then takes Emmet with him.
On the ship, Rex explains everything to Emmet, but he still wont change. So Rex then like, forcefully tries to change/ mutate him to be a raptor too. And Emmet’s friends have to rescue him before it's too late. (Will they be a bit too late? Who knows. 👀 (He would make a very cute orange raptor person...) )
Their friends have to fight the raptors on the ship, but Lucy makes it through them all. Meaning she has to fight raptor Rex to get her Emmet back. It’s very a  heartbreaking thought, especially when she realises who Rex was and how much he’s (literally) changed himself ;-;
She beats him and frees Emmet, and because he’s been rescued and realised everyone can be friends and stuff, Rex starts to fade from existence...
But I’m a sucker for happy endings! So maybe they reach out to take his hand and he just, magically doesn’t disappear. Idk. 
But now they have to deal with redeeming a scary raptor man and help him become not evil, and regain some of his lost humanity.
 Idk, just the idea of him wandering around Syspocalypstar going about his everyday business, but everyone around him being super confused/ freaked out is funny to me xD
Anyway, that’s most of what I got! 
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fandom-butterfly · 4 years
TV Meme
Tagged by @verecunda. Cheers, sis! :D
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Wallace & Gromit 2. Chernobyl (HBO miniseries) 3. Attack on Titan (Yes, I count animes as TV shows. Whatcha gonna do about it? ;P) 4. Ghosts (BBC series) 5. Yu-Gi-Oh!
Who is your favourite character in 2? Valery Legasov. Seriously, you can’t help but admire the guy, fearlessly putting himself in harm’s way just to discover the truth about the cause of the reactor’s explosion so he can save as many lives as he can, completely going against the paranoia and corruption of the Soviet government to try and get the truth. He willingly dealt with a lot of danger, both from the radiation and the constant surveillance from the KGB, with only one goal in mind; to save Europe. I don’t think many of us would be living today if not for his bravery and determination. Thank you so much, Comrade Legasov! You are a true hero! -salutes-
Who is your least favourite character in 1? Would probably have to say Piella. It’s heavily implied that she had abused Fluffles. Bad enough that she was a serial killer, but anyone who willingly tortures and torments their doggo is definitely beyond all redemption in my book! >:(
What is your favourite episode of 4?  TBH, kinda stuck between Happy Death Day and Moonah Ston, simply because of all the feels I get from Pat and Robin in their respective episodes. :,)
What is your favourite season of 5? I like Season 5 best. I know it’s badly animated compared to all the previous seasons, but I loved all those episodes back in ancient Egypt. :)
Who is your favourite couple in 3?  Well, apart from Levi/myself (Heehee… XD), the closest thing I have to an OTP in this anime is Ymir/Historia. So touching to see how they’re always there to support each other. Also, so cute how Ymir’s always so protective of Historia. I wish they could together. -sniff sniff-
Who is your favourite couple in 2?   Vasily and Lyudmilla Ignatenko. Their love story is probably one of the most heartbreakingly tragic ones I’ve ever seen. Though I wish she could’ve obeyed the doctors’ warnings of not to touch him, I can’t help but understand why she didn’t. That was her husband, who she loved after all. I’m so touched how Lyudmilla stuck by Vasily during his stay at Hospital No.6, taking care of him, even as he gradually deteriorated as he got weaker during his final weeks. During their last scene together, it’s impossible to be grossed out by how badly disfigured he’d become, you’re too busy breaking your heart over these two characters deeply in love spending what little time they have left together, as she still sticks by him through his agony. I think that’s when she tells him she’s pregnant too, the last happy news for him to receive before he passes. Vasily’s burial scene at the end of episode 3 is just too tragic for words. Lyudmilla’s face as her husband is bagged up, nailed into a wooden coffin, sealed inside a zinc sarcophagus which is then lowered into a ditch outside the cemetery, along with the other firemen who arrived at the reactor and received lethal doses of radiation, which is then filled with concrete. I just can’t even begin to imagine just how heartbreaking it must be to see the one you love being sealed up and permanently entombed like that, knowing that’s the last time you’ll ever see them, can’t even get a normal burial because their body is still dangerously radioactive. Then her baby had to go and die four hours after being born, due to the high levels of radiation she’d received from her dying husband. I mean, first your husband, now your baby too! No, that’s gotta be too much! Happily, despite being told by doctors she could never have another child, she now lives with her son in Kiev. So hopefully, despite her whole heartbreaking experience that was depicted in the show, she’s doing okay now.
What is your favourite episode of 1?        Kinda stuck between The Wrong Trousers and A Matter of Loaf and Death. Trousers, purely for nostalgia as that was the one I’d always watch as a toddler and Loaf and Death for Gromit/Fluffles OTP feels. X3
What is your favourite episode of 5?    Waaaaayyyyy too many to choose from. XD
What is your favourite season of 2? There is only one season. :P
How long have you watched 1?    Since I was born practically. :D
How did you become interested in 3?   I saw WatchMojo’s “Top 10 Saddest Anime Deaths” video on YouTube, which included the death of Carla Jeager in the very first episode, being eaten by a Titan as her son, Eren (the main character) helplessly watches while being carried away to safety. That scene gave me some serious chills, so I guess you could say it was a morbid fascination for me. Then as I watched it, I became engrossed in the story and always loved watching the adrenaline-pumping scenes of our main characters fighting Titans, even though such battles could get jaw-droopingly violent and depressingly tragic at times. These days, I just watch it for the sheer love of seeing the smexy badass that is Levi Ackerman. XD
Who is your favourite actor in 4?  The whole cast. XD
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?  …No, that’s too hard. They’re all such different shows.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?  Attack on Titan, simply because that has more episodes than Wallace and Gromit. ;P
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Funnily enough, I actually had a dream once were I could see and speak to all the ghosts in that show, just like Alison could. XD
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?  Um… no. XD
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?  Um… I dunno. Possibly Piella Bakewell and Victor Quartermaine? Maybe they could pair up through their shared hatred for Wallace? I dunno. They’re both scumbags, so… X
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?  I’d probably have to say Attack on Titan. Sorry YGO, but you simply cannot beat a story in which our characters have to learn to fight to survive and protect their loved ones in a dystopian fantasy world.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?  Chernobyl doesn’t really have a theme tune to speak of. Ghosts, however, has a very cool myserteous and gothic vibe to its opening theme. Does that answer your question for you. ;P
I tag: IDC, whoever wants to do this. XD
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