#it would obvs be after liberation
Spankings, I’m afraid. She wasn’t so sure she liked them all that much but she could feel how despite the first few being non sexual in nature, they made Gale hard, and that aroused her in its own way. He’s got a very specific way he makes love to her after such discipline, it’s very slow but hard with a great deal of reaffirming eye contract which makes her cum like a girl possessed, his whole attitude being like he’s pinning his newly tamed prey down after not just the attack but then the devouring.
i NEED u to write all this
Muahahahahha, the sheer amount of pandemonium this has created, I’m giggling like a maniac.
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aristotels · 3 months
How would a "proletariat artist" that doesn't already work for a big name studio even be expected to earn an income after a proletarian revolution, assuming they don't just take up a different career path and do art strictly as a hobby from that point on? (Sorry if this ask got sent twice, my internet's glitchy today)
well, jobs for artists wont just disappear over night, art is very much neccessary. there will still be need for design, for entertainment, all kinds of things. proleteriat isnt expected to just live and work.
if you wonder what happens to independent artists, theres also no need to worry. i do live in a capitalist country as do most of us in this hemisphere, but i have something called "independent artist" status, which means my art is supported by the state, and i had to go through a whole ordeal to show that i, to quote, contribute to the culture of the country. i am expected to constantly work on art, i have a duty to participate in public exhibitions, and so on. in return my healthcare and my pension are covered by the state. i am also relieved of taxes which means that i get a good tax return. all of this is not much because, well, its still a capitalist country.
also my country supports art through frequent grants; grants for novels, writers, movie scripts, productions, art exhibitions, etc. i cant live solely off that, but obv, in socialism things would be a bit different and art would be more affordable to the proleteriat to enjoy, and it would be funded because art is not a luxury but a neccessity to the public life. whats the point of a 6 (or less) hours workday if you cant go see a movie or a play or read a book after it?
in fact id say that independent artists would be MUCH better off under socialism. i dont have to worry about my pension or healthcare, i am able to apply for grants and that way fund myself. i make nothing from commissions and the capital market is terrifying; if i relied solely upon that, i probably wouldnt be able to make art. so far the grants i got from the state have been the most reliable ones.
and this is all in an ex-socialist country so i assume that under socialism it could only improve. it would be a liberation for the artists, not the opposite. i think its clear to say weve all seen soviet animated films, works of their painters, then yugoslavian sculpture and animation which received the first short animated oscar in europe. i rly dont understand why my fellow colleagues are so terrified that they keep siding with the burgeoisie interests which are the ones keeping them in their chains. art doesnt stop and it wont disappear.
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M6 reaction to MC squirting?
I told you I wasn't dead so here I am
So welcome to my new
Headcanons about squirting, obv called
Julian acts surprised, but given how much care and concentration he put in his fingerwork today, and the ill-concealed smirk on his face, you know that he was so looking forward to see you wet the bed -and himself-. He's delighted at your embarrassment, it comes as a sweet, sexy little vengeance after you tormented him and pulverized his willpower since... well, since you started dating.
Lucio will definitely brag about it. He won't mention your name -he's a gentleman, after all!- but in a matter of days all the night people and partygoers of Vesuvia will know about the count's last success. Nobody knows the one they're talking about it's you, and every time you hear their words you have to keep a straight face and sit with your legs tightly crossed. It's simply your favourite game.
Portia lets out a victorious trill as soon as it happens. She won't brag about it, but will keep going on with her "subtle innuendos" every time there's water around. Of course she is not subtle. Is equally embarassing and sweet.
Nadia isn't surprised. She is clearly the most experienced at this. She smiles at you and cuddles next to you - and to your surprise, she pulls out a couple of towels to clean the mess. She never lets any servants clean up after your activities, she thinks it would be disrespectful to do so, both to them and to the both of you. And seeing her taking care of the cleaning is strangely hot...?
Asra kisses you on your forhead, but you see him with a... vial? To collect it???? "Powerful magic component", he says. Refuses to elaborate. Proceeds to prevent any further question by giving you another orgasm.
Muriel doesn't seem to even notice. Raining out, raining in, what's the difference? Furs are waterproof and the fire is lit anyway. His attitude is pleasantly liberating.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
I have been wondering what you think the girls would study in college (if they were teenagers in 2021 and no crash happened) (including Jackie obvs)
oooo! This is actually such a fun idea!!! I'm also adding Laura Lee bc she deserves it and I love her! I also kinda went into what they would do with their degrees after school
What would the Yellowjackets study and major in college (no crash)
tw: religious themes with Laura Lee
✰ So, Jackie is a hard one. She's the kind of girl who goes into school thinking she's got the world figured out, only to realize that no, she doesn't, and get hit with quite a rude awakening
✰ She'd go in choosing something rather ambitious, having a hard time with it, and possibly taking a gap year to figure herself out
✰ Ultimately, I could see her as an early education major. She didn't think it would be something she'd enjoy, but to her surprise, she does, and eventually, once she graduates she becomes a kindergarten teacher at Wiskayok Elementary
Laura Lee
✰ Laura Lee Is so dedicated to her religion, and I have to have respect for that. But I could easily see her going into youth ministry with a degree in theology and possibly a minor in religion studies
✰ However, I could also see her minoring in music because of her piano! While she doesn't like her teacher much, I really do think Laura Lee enjoys the piano itself and I could see her leading a youth choir in her church
✰ She's definitely working in a progressive church. personally, I think she was raised to be more conservative, but in a world where she gets to go to college and grow more away from her family, she developed her own opinions and becomes a far more open person, viewing god as someone far more excepting then what she was initially taught
✰ I fully see Lottie going to college knowing from the start that she wants to study teaching/education. She'd go back and forth about wanting to teach little kids and older kids, but she'd ultimately settle on teaching middle schoolers
✰ I could see her being an English teacher or possibly a history teacher! She loves connecting with kids and giving them a voice and lending an ear, especially with them being at such a frustrating age
✰ I can also see her minoring in French! Yes, Lottie isn't supposed to be good at French, but I think that's a complete lie. If her school doesn't have a French program, she'd 100% start an after-school club or run summer classes for students interested in learning
✰ I could see Misty sticking with nursing, but she's also a giant theater kid. She seems like the type to go to a small liberal arts school for musical theater or improve with huge dreams of acting on stage
✰ I really think she'd find a great community in a theater/arts program because even though she's always gonna be a weirdo, she'll definitely find more weirdos to be her friends (this is coming from someone who has theater majors as friends)
✰ This could be some of my own self-projecting, but I think she'd get really involved in the nightlife of college and eventually frequent the drag scene with her friends. She's also always going to rocky horror. Ultimately that's how she realizes she's gay
✰ I think the only way Natalie is going to school is on a full-ride scholarship, but even then, college doesn't seem like her thing. I could see her following one/some of the girls to their college campus to screw around and figure herself out, living some of the college life without actually going to school
✰ Natalie would try to pursue a music career, no questions asked. She's shown to have a love for music and she already looks like a rock star, so it just makes the most sense for her. She'll crash on couches, eventually getting her own apartment while she writes her own music and I think she could eventually really take off
✰ she'd get a band together and eventually tour, writing music kinda along the lines of classic rock and grunge with some riot girl in the mix. Think pearl jam, foo fighters, and le tigre (all great groups that I highly recommend)
✰ Shauna is 100% getting a Literary Arts degree, no questions asked. Or an English degree with a focus on creative writing
✰ She gets to explore herself, take her semester abroad in Paris like she'd hoped, and eventually she becomes a New York Times bestseller for her works of poetry
✰ She'd also delve into fiction and I could even see some of her work getting turned into limited series or films eventually. She's quite humble and lives a quiet life, though she enjoyed being in the spotlight for her work
✰ I still think Tai would study law and become a Lawyer and potentially still go into politics. But part of me kinda wants to say she'd take an interest in environmental science and possibly become an environmental lawyer?
✰ I really don't know why I thought of that, but I think it would be really interesting for her. I think she'd still end up with Simone and Sammy and she'd go to New York for work a lot of the time
✰ If she did run for office again, she'd have a heavy focus on environmental conservation. I could also see her getting into National Park works
✰ So, originally I kinda thought Van would be a dropout, which sounds bad, but I was thinking about her store. But then I realized that she'd only got her store because she was stuck trying to relive her life before the crash, so no crash, no store
✰ Ultimately, she's a film major. She's either getting a film studies or production degree. Van loves movies and would want to get involved with that world, creating movies like what she grew up watching, like The Goonies and Alien
✰ She absolutely hates remakes and remasters, so if she's directing or writing her own films, they're going to be originals that still hold the nostalgia of the 80s and 90s
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duxfemina · 3 months
Hey just went through your previous ask.
But honestly consider that if you are women in your early to mid 20s rank the ancient romans which of them would be least to most creepy on your journey.
Thank you for establishing that my theoretical life here is that of a woman of rank. So I'm my head the scenario is my litter or whatever I was traveling in has broken down and it's just me and the two slaves who were with me (real me would never have slaves obvs upper class Roman me pretty much would have to)
Octavian - one look at this man and my skins gonna break out. I'm baby faced IRL so his creepy ass would mistake 24yo me for 14 and he had a thing for underage girls so he's probably gonna try to take liberties. This isn't gonna end well for me I fear. Especially if I'm somebody's wife because if it's not teenage girls his next favorite amorous target is other guys' wives. 1/10 the only reason 1 is there is just in case I actually get to escape this scenario without him forcing himself on me.
Sulla - depends on if it's party boy Sulla or Sulla on a military mission. Either way I'm gonna either get basic courtesy but very brusque at best or at worst I'm getting r*ped and left on the side of the road, potentially without even the protection of my servants who he'd probably steal 3/10 if he's in a good mood my vehicle may get repaired but the prospects aren't great
Julius - Julius would follow the same route as Agrippa except if he found me attractive or thought my family was of strategic influence then he'd spend the whole time trying to seduce me. Which depending on how footloose and wild of a Roman lady I am here, I might do, especially if I think it will bring political advantage to my own family because that's all Romans care about. But if I turned him down emphatically enough he'd probably take it well enough and leave me in peace and then he might not be as considerate as Agrippa but he wouldn't be outright rude because he never knows when he might need favors from my fam. 7/10 on safe vibes.
Cicero - he'll be perfectly safe just very self important and remind me how indebted I am to him ever after this event. 7/10 I'll be safe, he won't be pervy, he'll just be annoying and pompous
Antony - he'd offer his assistance, invite me to the party he's having, invite me to travel with him, try to seduce me, but if rejected he'd take it just fine and give me a couple amphora of wine for the road 7/10 he might get handsy when he's drunk but other than that he's gonna be a gentleman about things
Brutus - he'd offer me what hospitality he could, even if this is Liberators Era Brutus and he's scant on supplies or something he'd still do his best to uphold the reputation of his family for hospitality. Definitely not creepy, dinner with him might turn morbid though so 8/10 simply because he might be a little too passive to stop the men under his command from behaving unseemly
Agrippa - would stop, offer his protection and assistance. He'd probably talk to me about his kids and treat me to a nice dinner and then if I wasn't headed the same direction as he was he'd send me on my way with a detachment for safety and protection or have his men repair my chariot or whatever I was traveling in. No creepy vibes whatsoever 9/10 on safe vibes
Aurelius - he would be very courteous and help me out and even restock my provisions and set me up with a whole new vehicle rather than even delaying me to wait for repairs 10/10 this man is not creepy in the least
Gnaeus Pompeius - Magnus is magnanimous as heck. He's also very traditional. He would treat me with respect and honor and be extremely courteous. If this is Pompeius the married man he wouldn't even think of flirting with me because he was notorious for his monogamy in marriage. If it's bachelor Pompeius he might be making observations on my suitability as a spouse but he's not gonna make any forward moves. He'd talk to my family about it afterwards if he was interested in marriage. 10/10 I'm gonna be safe and sound and if any of his men made inappropriate comments he'd be the most likely of the guys on this list to admonish them for it
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more-better-words · 9 months
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good (wedding) night!
Some spice below the cut, obvs.
They ended up staying at the reception for a few hours, mostly because of the food. Chef had outdone himself with the spread. "I am unsure," T'Pol said, taking a bite of cake and watching their crewmates, "if our presence is even truly required."
"Any excuse for a party, I guess," Trip chuckled, stealing some of her cake. She retaliated by liberating one of his biscuits.
But it wasn't just any party - it was their wedding reception, so they were toasted by the senior staff (everyone agreed that Malcolm's toast was actually the best, something Hoshi would never quite be able to forgive him for), and cheerful congratulations rained down on them both. So they slipped away a few times to talk in private, and once just to allow T'Pol to drink her tea in peace. Finally, they made their true exit, but since they were on a small starship, there was no honeymoon getaway awaiting them, just the use of the guest quarters.
Which was more than adequate under the circumstances, as T'Pol's quarters were packed up in anticipation of her imminent departure. In thirty-six hours, she would leaving for Earth to begin her new assignment, and Trip would be left waiting to join her. He was trying not to think about that.
"So," he asked, "any regrets yet?" She gave him an amused look.
"None thus far." She sat and began to remove her shoes, looking thoughtful. "It was a very pleasing wedding."
"Nothin' fancy, nothin' over the top, nothin' too...cultural," he agreed.
"Only the culture of Enterprise," she said. "Which is fitting, I think."
He nodded in happy agreement, trying to stifle a yawn. His success only lasted a moment before it returned, hugely and with a vengeance. She watched him with gentle sympathy. "It has been an eventful day," she said. "We should get some sleep."
"Not yet!" he protested. At her confused expression, he exclaimed, "It's our weddin' night!"
That didn't help. "And?"
"Well...it's traditional for the married couple to...celebrate privately after the wedding."
"To have sex."
"But you are tired," she said. "As am I, in all honesty. It has been a long day. What is the significance in having sex tonight as opposed to any other night?"
"For one, you're leavin' the day after tomorrow!"
"Which would indicate that tomorrow would the logical time to have sex."
He stared at her. "Are you really logic-ing me? Now? About this?" She returned the stare, intent on her quest for understanding.
"Is this another marital superstition? Is there some ritual significance to sexual contact within a certain number of hours of the wedding ceremony?"
"No! It's just-"
This was going awry, she realized. Time for a different tack. She touched his face, her palm to his cheek. "Trip," she said softly, "you know that I enjoy every form of intimacy we share." He nodded. "So is it not logical to share the intimacy of sleep tonight, when we will have all of tomorrow to do with as we please?"
He squinted at her, mouth pursed hard, because he disapproved of her logic but could not actually dispute it. The he yawned again, and gave up. "You're right," he said dejectedly.
She lowered her hand, the better to put her arms around him. He leaned into the hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. "It will be worth forebearing," she murmured.
Statistical probability seemed to be on her side. "Yes."
They stood together quietly until he was attacked by another yawn. She nudged him towards the bed. "At least I am still gettin' to sleep with you," he said, pulling off his shirt.
He lay down, holding his arms open for her, and she contentedly settled against his chest. Sex (at least with him) was extremely enjoyable in ways she had been frankly unaware of for the majority of her life, and gaining that understanding had been extraordinarily rewarding. It was only with the growth of their relationship that she had come to understand how meaningful it could be to experience and share that kind of physical pleasure. But the same could said of this intimacy as well - the peace and security of being close to him, listening to him breathe, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. It was easy to fall asleep like this, safe in her husband's arms.
Her husband.
What an excellent phrase.
She didn't so much wake as slowly drift back to consciousness, senses beginning to prepare reports on the state of reality. And the first she received was of the location of Trip's left hand, resting on her hip, fingers slipped into her underwear between the fabric and her skin, thumb hooked on the waistband.
She opened her eyes, and found they lay facing one another, because his face (his beloved, eminently touchable face) was only a few centimeters from her own. And perhaps she stirred or made some small sound she wasn't aware of, because he opened his too. "Hey, beautiful," he murmured. He seemed to realize where his hand was and gave his fingers an experimental flex. "Huh. Dunno how I managed that."
"I have no objection."
"Hmmm. That's good." He let his hand drift, following the curve of her hip around to hold her ass, and she sighed softly at the sensation. There was only one logical response to it, which was to close that gap of centimeters, touch his cheek, and kiss the lips so close to her own.
It was a slow, meandering kiss, one with no real destination in mind, simply enjoying the mutual movement of lips and tongues, indulgent and luxuriating. They had nowhere to be, and no obligations but to each other, nothing to do but give and take.
By fractions, by degrees, it deepened; his hand slid down the back of her thigh, taking her panties with it. She made a little involuntary noise of approval, deep in her throat, and hooked her leg over his hip, pulling him closer. He was hard, and he groaned against her lips as she ground on him, trying to find purchase to have him in her. But the angle wasn't quite right, and at any rate, he was still wearing underwear, a problem that rated immediate action.
"Workin' on it," he muttered. The instinct to remain in contact fought with the necessity of a changed position. She used the leg she'd half-wrapped around him to roll them both. With her on her back, it was easier for him to shed his underwear, kicking it into the floor almost spitefully, as if its continued existence was a personal insult.
"Now where were we?" he asked, eyes traveling over her hungrily. In response, she pulled him over her, wrapping both legs around his hips. He chuckled a little breathlessly. "Right. Good call."
She inhaled deeply as he entered her, her eyes fluttering closed. He dropped to his forearms, his breath warm in her ear. "God, T'Pol..." he sighed. "Baby, you feel so damn good."
"Likewise," she whispered.
He smiled faintly, his breathing and his movement matched, the tempo of each slowly building, his eyes fixed on her face. She would never get tired of the way he looked at her - he'd always said he's gone out into the stars to see what amazing things were out there, yet the wonder in his eyes now said there was nothing more amazing than her. Logically speaking, that could not possibly be true, but she would never tell him he should not.
Her breathing was becoming more and more erratic; she could feel the delicious tension of an impending orgasm building within her. Soon it would reach its crescendo, and then release, like stepping off a cliff in zero gravity. She gripped his shoulders tightly, and knew that he knew. "I've got you," he whispered.
And he did - he was deep inside her, holding her close as her body bent against his. The crescendo, and the release. He let out a long, very deliberate breath, shuddering slightly as the movement of his hips increased, a seemingly automatic response. His head dropped, resting against hers, whispering her name as another shudder racked him.
"And I have you," she panted softly, taking his face in her hands and kissing him deeply as he came.
They parted slowly, the separation coming grudgingly. "Good morning," she breathed. He smiled.
"Mornin'," he said, still catching his breath. He gingerly rolled onto his side next to her. "Okay, you win...that was worth the wait."
"Better to be well rested," she said, feeling validated. He stuck the very tip of his tongue out at her.
"You don't hafta be smug about it," he retorted, then smiled again, stretching. "That was really good, though. That was...yeah." 
"Your descriptive powers are overwhelming."
"Oh, that's what overwhelmed you earlier?"
She narrowed her eyes at him, but she would have to let him have that one. "Fair point," she said. He replied with a teasing smile, reaching out to pull her close to his chest again. 
"Here's a hypothesis for you," he said. "Married sex may be more fun than the other kind."
She considered the proposition. "That will require significant testing to prove or disprove."
"Well, you know me...I'm a big fan of scientific rigor."
"Some sort of rigor, at any rate," she said, and he grinned a pleased, cheeky grin. There was something in the expression, something so beautifully Trip, that she couldn't help but stroke his face, fingertips drawn down to his jawline. "That could be a study that will require a protracted timeline of inquiry. Many years, most likely."
"Take your time," he said, his eyes warm. "I'm a very willin' subject."
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seattlesellie · 1 year
this is super random (also this is my first msg to u hi <3) and i’m honestly asking this generally to anyone else who also happens to read this, but recently i’ve realized my sexual orientation and come to the conclusion that i’m like REALLY attracted to women (as a woman myself ofc). so obv this made me also think abt how someday i’m gonna have to tell ppl close to me abt this but i’m literally losing my mind cause i’m NAWT vulnerable especially w/ my parents 😭 and also i just now was watching a tiktok live that was full of homophobic ppl and whenever i see that on the internet, it makes me wanna go deeper in the shell (or closet lmao) that i already am in. like it makes me realize how many horrible ppl there are that won’t accept smth so simple (i’m also very emotional as u can see 😍) so like tbh i’m not sure what i’m seeking here but ig i’m just curious if u or anyone else has felt like this/what helped u come out? like it’s so hard for me to be open and as someone who recently graduated and is going to uni, in a completely diff country alone, i’m gonna have more freedom and if i were to date another girl, it’d feel unfair to my parents if i didnt say anything prior abt my identity. ik they’re also very supportive, which i’m thankful for, but i just HATEEE vulnerability. idk man :( it’s also very weird finally realizing more abt myself. it makes me SO happy yet so so so scared? aarrghh idk sorry abt this long message, u seem like the nicest person and this place feels safe, so i just felt like i could ask/find some kind of relatability. 💗 sorry again for this long ass rant LOLS 🌟
okokok im gonna tell u my coming out story because i can awfully relate to this ?? n adding a read more cos this is so long sorry <333 🤧
literally knew i liked girls my entire life and like suppressed the shit out of it. would try and date guys all throughout highschool and would feel so terrible afterwards… but like you, i was super uncomfortable with that type of vulnerability and also barely had any gay friends, let alone any gay female friends. so i spent my life just thinking im gonna be in the closet forever !! until i met my now ex gf, she would constantly be sleeping over— but i did the classic thing of telling my parents she was just my new best friend, until one day my dad was like… be so fr rn are you two dating. like you said, my parents are also very liberal and supportive (especially my dad), but still— it made me panic and drop a mug and deny deny deny !! then, after being together for like 6 months it was incredibly hard to hide it, and obvs she felt super uncomfortable bc i was super closeted and she was super out. so i kind of had to come out to my parents (i hid under a blanket and told them i have an important thing to say n then they already somehow knew). my parents and i literally never talked about these things like my mom didn’t even know about my first kiss or literally NOTHING about me, we didn’t have that type or relationship at all so i can relate to u so hard !!but like here’s the thing— i don’t think it would be unfair to your parents, this is your story to tell and you should do it when you feel comfortable enough, and if it takes you dating a girl for that then so be it. you shouldn’t worry about other peoples feelings about this, as this is yours to tell and not theirs! as long as you’re in a safe environment, coming out can truly be such a big fucking relief !! like that absolute weight that drops out of your chest is so so freeing. if the people who are close to you love you— they will accept you. if they won’t? truthfully, they don’t deserve u and never have. about the homophobia, its always going to be here, unfortunately for us hateful and bigoted people will always exist, and that can be extremely stressful and painful, which is why surrounding yourself with people from your own community is so so important and necessary. uni is such a good place to do that !! so many new people to meet and especially queer people to surround yourself with !! i super understand your fears but the good things that happen after you come out— that feeling of no longer needing to hide yourself is so so worth it 💗💗💗💗
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warningsine · 4 months
As the Cannes Film Festival kicked off its 77th edition on Tuesday, France’s film business has become engulfed in a reckoning over sexual harassment and abuse that activists say is long overdue. The #MeToo movement is hitting the country roughly seven years after it took Hollywood by storm — as the wave of allegations against Harvey Weinstein, long a fixture at Cannes, inspired women across the industry to speak out against executives, artists and movie stars who abused their positions of power.
“For reasons I can’t explain, it took much longer in France than in the U.S. for women to dare to speak out, and maybe it also took longer for women to be heard,” Iris Knobloch, president of the Cannes Film Festival, said in an interview with Variety. “I think that for many societal evolutions, Europe is still a little behind the United States. We’re catching up a little later, and it’s not even just a French issue.”
To be clear, in recent years, other French entertainment industry figures have faced sexual misconduct accusations, and there have been intermittent moments where the movement appeared to be gathering force, for instance, in 2019 when actor Adele Haenel spoke out against sexual assault and abuse in the biz, and when the Cesar Awards went through a complete overhaul. But the scale and intensity of the current wave of allegations is unlike that the country has experience before.
But Cannes itself has sometimes struggled to keep pace with where society was headed, failing to strike the right tone when it comes to welcoming problematic performers and filmmakers. Last year, for instance, the festival opened with “Jeanne du Barry,” a historical epic starring Johnny Depp, despite the fact that he was accused of abuse by ex-wife Amber Heard. Depp denies the charges and won a defamation trial against Heard, but the decision to highlight one of the actor’s films in such a prominent spot sparked protests. This time, Cannes is taking pains to avoid similar controversies, with festival director Thierry Frémaux telling reporters in a Monday press conference that the festival wanted to host an edition “without polemics.” Instead, Frémaux said he wanted to keep the focus on the films.
It’s an understandable objective, but one that might be impossible to pull off. After all, one French figure after another has been hit with allegations of impropriety. France’s Time’s Up era began in December when a video of Gerard Depardieu making crude and misogynistic jokes while on a trip to North Korea aired as part of a TV documentary. Two months later, “Ridicule” actress Judith Godreche filed complaints against directors Benoit Jacquot and Jacques Doillon, alleging sexual assault. Godreche’s short film “Moi Aussi” will kick off Cannes’ Un Certain Regard section. And the president of the National Film Board, Dominique Boutonnat, who has been accused of sexual assault charges by his godson, has been slammed by two investigative stories in French newspaper Liberation, and faces a criminal trial next month. A subsequent petition to remove him from office has garnered 2,704 signatures in just two days.
At one point, it seemed as though the festival itself might serve as a stage for the next wave of bombshell allegations to drop. In recent weeks, rumors started to swirl that the French outlet Mediapart was putting together an explosive report that it planned to publish during Cannes in which it would share accusations of abuse concerning several prominent film industry figures. But it seems like those rumors were unfounded. “For the last several days, certain [media outlets], including serious ones, suggested the existence of supposed ‘list’ of presumed authors of sexual violence which Mediapart was about to publish,” the news organization wrote on Monday. “It’s false, obviously. On the eve of the Cannes Film Festival, the media spectacle is pathetic.”
France’s #MeToo moment arrives as the social justice push seems to be facing new obstacles in the U.S., where the movement originated. In April, the Supreme Court of New York overturned Weinstein’s rape conviction, ruling that the judge in the case unfairly allowed women whose allegations were not part of the case to testify on behalf of the prosecution. Weinstein remains in jail because he was separately convicted in Los Angeles, and a New York retrial seems likely. But the decision has been seen as a setback and a reminder of the legal hurdles that need to be overcome for accusers seeking justice through the court system.
But at a press conference on Tuesday, hours before Cannes’ opening night ceremony, Greta Gerwig, the “Barbie” director who is serving as jury president, made it clear that despite the recent setbacks, the #MeToo movement has led to meaningful reforms.
“I have seen substantive change in the American film community,” Gerwig said. “It’s only moving everything in the correct direction.” 
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kivaember · 6 months
Do you have any head canons or ideas for what O'Keeffe was up to when he was working for ALLMIND or how they met? I was wondering what you thought about their relationship to one another since you're the biggest O'Keeffe fan I'm aware of!
pulls up a plastic garden chair and sits down
o'keeffe was pretty content with his position within arquebus
he was initially hired as the head of its intelligence department, but when the vespers were spun up, he was placed onto it alongside snail to act as a balancer to freud (who was the first and only vesper for a while... but that's it's whole separate post and fic)
then he met flatwell
flatwell, the rubiconian spy that had infiltrated schneider via a compromised executive vouching for his citizenship
o'keeffe had him pegged immediately, but he'd been bored for a long while and smth about flatwell intrigued him so he decided to do the long game with him
oops he caught feelings
flatwell and o'keeffe had a very unique relationship for several years: consensual exploitation of one another, with a dash of feelings neither of them would ever admit to or voice.
gradually though, o'keeffe started to want more... which surprised him, bc he'd been so apathetic with his current lot in life that he'd forgotten how it felt to ever want anything or look forward to smth, he'd just been going through the motions, surviving bc it's the only thing he knew to want
anyway bc of this he totally blew it with flatwell
pointing out that flatwell's ambition to liberate rubicon was a lost cause, he tried to convince flatwell to abandon rubicon and actually build a proper life for himself in arquebus, with o'keeffe. he'd go far! he could be head of intelligence too! he wouldn't want for anything!
flatwell... did not take this well
anyway tl;dr they had a big blow out argument, and flatwell broke off their arrangement and left. o'keeffe just lost the one thing that had actually penetrated his apathy... but he just kept doing what he was doing, bc he didn't know how to do anything else
she actually does have contacts beyond rubicon, and not long after flatwell had left, she saw her chance to snag a vitally important contact and candidate within one of the big corpos
she was pretty upfront with him: she's an AI stationed on rubicon, and it seemed that the coral wasn't completely gone, and she also had a proposition for him...
with o'keeffe already emotionally low, at the time coral release sounded like the only thing open to him: he could be with flatwell again, not conventionally, but it was better than whatever he was stuck in right now. it'd even give flatwell what he wanted (just not in the way he actually wanted)
so he worked closely with allmind, feeding her info on arquebus and other company movements as well as the PCA (he was still intelligence after all), which allowed her to prepare accordingly on rubicon and whatnot
flatwell actually contacts o'keeffe (in my The Flag fic) to ask him to look after rusty for him, which o'keeffe reluctantly agrees to for old time's sake. he can't help but notice similarities between rusty and flatwell, and it makes him feel all kinds of ways
tl;dr getting to know rusty kind of makes him questioning the coral release plan, but he sticks with it still...
at this point, o'keeffe has a realisation that the coral release plan isn't the way to go. he knows rusty escaped alive, and that steel haze ortus was completed, and it looked like flatwell's ambition actually was going to come true. it took a lot of hard work and grit to get there, but flatwell's desire for a free rubicon actually looked like it was going to happen, as he wanted it
so, he decides to do like flatwell does, and takes a chance...
Ofc in canon this is when 621 kills o'keeffe when he betrayed ALLMIND, but obvs in APV this goes very differently... but anyways yes. uh. that is my VERY abridged rundown of o'keeffe and allmind's meeting and stuff.
their dynamic was always very professional. allmind knew o'keeffe wouldn't fall for any flattery or underhanded schemes, with him it was best to be upfront and blunt, which worked at the time mostly bc she knew how emotionally rattled he was, even if o'keeffe was pretty good at hiding it. once she had that hook, she knew she could reel him in without having to mince her words about anything...
anyways, i hope you enjoyed this lengthy response... i enjoy talking about my headcanons and characters and esp about apv ;o; even questions about my 621 uwgh...
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sobeksewerrat · 1 year
☆~~Elvina The Cock-Kicker~~☆
prolly gonna update or change this later (updated: 25/5/24 [d/m/y])
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Uh, hello! Name's Elvina (I also go by AnDrew/AnDrea! And Argo aswell, but you need permission from me to use that one), but you can call me whatever lol
(There is also Eara'as, but who cares-)
Update on 24/2/24: Fuck it I am naming myself Adam too. Yes, after the guy from Hazbin. Sue me. It is one of my favourite names now.
-> لو انت بتكلم عربي و عايز تكلمني بيه ممكن تقلي ربيع او مروان برده!!
I'm an amateur artist and writer; currently trying to graduate as soon as humanly possible (and high school has been kicking my ass)
My tagline is "kinda bored ngl"; seriously it's been in the bio of every social media account I have ever owned since 2019 at some point or another it's actually insane, WHY AM I SO BORED?!?
this intro post pretty much only looks good with the "Vampire" theme, if you don't have that, then it sucks to suck, i guess.
☆I have a full Rules post but these are some others not included in that or TL;DRs.
-> I block very liberally, but I never just randomly block a mutual (unless it is a joke like in the freakblr war or they did sth horrible). I have severe anxiety so I tend to just block anybody who I feel is aggressive (intentionally or otherwise) or weirds me out.
-> I have a really broken sense of humour and I post a lot about inside jokes and stuff with my mutuals. I know I can't stop you, but if we're not mutuals or you're not involved in whatever inside joke I am talking about please dni with the posts. Once a joke of mine blew up and I deleted the original post and made my friends delete their rbs so people would stop seeing it.
-> I tend to forget to tag TWs properly. If I forget to tag sth, please inform me!!
Special Interest (persumably): The Music Freaks
Hyperfixations: Ace Attorney, Luca(2021), The Stanley Parable, Story Thieves, Scott Pilgrim , Hazbin Hotel , Avatar: The Last Airbender
Danganronpa V3 [yes, V3 specifically.I don't interact with the fandom much]
Mark and Friends/The World of Mr.Plant
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Blue's Story (Victaton)
Big Hero 6
Diary of A Wimpy Kid (mainly the Dysfunctional Perspective fancomic)
Al Kabeer (not a fandom technically but who cares)
Jackson's Diary
Aurora (red osp)
Riordanverse (including KC and MCGA)
Unfamiliar (Lavendertowne)
Helluva Boss
Obey Me!
Buncha other stuff that I am too lazy to name (might edit as i post about them)
Fandom Stuff to Tag Me In!!
My Kins!!
Random Bullshit:
fav colour is red
Professional Faggot since 2018 (legally)
Aro/Ace (achillean)
Agender / Aboy (transmasc, pronouns: he/him)
Basically just your local pathetic trans boy with mommy AND daddy issues (the whole package!)
Born in spooky month, loves spooky month
OCD, ADHD, self-diagnosed Autism
Biochemistry nerd. I didn't mean to be one but there was just something very intruiging about toxicology. Blame Lavendertowne.
Massive multi-shipper (also i like crackships, A LOT)
Coffee, vimto and soda addict (blame cockitchy ouma)
Fav. fictional chr. of all time: ✨Manfred von Karma✨(PW:AA)
Drew and Milly kinnie (TMF)
I am Drew irl, all I say about him is canon, I even run the rp blog, don't question me
Menace to society, according to all of my irl friends, and just people who know me (just ask my freakblr mutuals, they'll tell you).
Minor, obv.
Never truly grew out of my Gacha phase
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Other Blogs
Artfol: sobeksewerrat (not super active there lol)
Wattpad: ElvinaHS
AO3: sobeksewerrat
Have a great day/ night!!
Your favourite god,
Sober Skewart 🐊🍻
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artistotel · 10 months
Okay but Hamas are literally islamist and want a sharia society, as far as I know? Palestinian groups for women's liberation have a lot to say on the matter. I'm as pro palestine as they come but let's not pretend that Hamas doesn't have their own agenda.
they dont want sheriat society, look up their charter.
also, im a communist, and PFLP and DFLP (marxist parties, thus obv opposed to sheriat law) are literally fighting alongside hamas. this isnt some hamas-only war, its a war for palestinian liberation and freedom of palestinian people and it has multiple factions. they are all coordinated, hamas is just the biggest.
would i prefer to see a marxist group leading the resistance? yes. however im sure palestinians can figure that out AFTER the settler state has been diminished. for now theyre all in it together.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Also, it occured to me, sometimes what's labelled anti-feminist is actually anti-capitalist, and what's lauded as feminism is nothing more than the upholding of the existing systems of power/patriarchy/capitalism, etc. Case in point: girlbosses.
Omg no because you are so right for this!!! I read a few books the other summer about the whole neoliberal anti-care anti-community thing and how it's been detrimental not just on a government level but also on a family/personal relationships level.
To try and sum all three up briefly it was basically that a lot of left wing movements such as feminism have kind of been hijacked by neoliberalism which in the west has been the predominant societal structure? Since the 80s and that capitalists have been able to use feminism/pride/etc as things they can profit. Like you said about girlbosses, girlbosses are an example of women being welcomed into capitalism, not for equality but because they represent an opportunity for profit etc. It's why we have rainbow capitalism and stuff.
But also neoliberalism and also, more traditional left wing movements have championed the "destruction of the family" which is a dog whistle so stay with me here okay. From a "leftist liberal" perspective this could mean like "fuck the nuclear family anything can be a family" which is GOOD. From a neoliberal perspective the destruction of the family is more sinister, like the destruction of a family unit, the destruction of community. Get the mothers out of the house and into work too (yay feminism) so that the state can raise the children with their morals which are strictly capitalist, profit centered "morals" rather than family teachings of nurture and mutual care.
It also talks a lot about how we view care in the west, how caring for people is seen as a mother/woman's job, therefore as worth less. But also as a "basic human instinct we're all capable of" which isn't true and acts as justification to pay nurses/carers/teachers/nursery staff less and less (until we can't afford to live, sad times)
Now, once upon a time feminists were demanding pay for stay at home mother's and home makers, because without them who would actually put food on the table etc. Society wouldn't function without them so they should be paid for their labour. (Fun fact most unpaid care labour is done by women)
However when girlboss feminism/neoliberalism kind of took over the feminist and other social justice movements, people all kind of agreed that it was beneath women to be mothers, an evil patriarchal expectation and that women should be allowed to participate equally in capitalism by becoming a ✨girlboss✨and obvs that just left women having to be mothers and work a full time job and still not have time for themselves. Like we just dumped all this extra on them and gave them nothing in return other than the opportunity to play a card in the shite game that is capitalism.
Like I personally think that all this bimbo/coquette/tradcath mom shit is entirely a response/ cry against girlboss feminism and the unfair expectations now placed on a lot of women who don't want to be a career woman etc.
I could go on about this forever btw because there's way more to it, like how we don't build infrastructure for parents, how it isn't a requirement to have baby changing facilities in public venues, how there's no safe places for prams in public/ public transport isn't designed for people with prams or babies. How it's still really easy to push a woman out of her job on the because she's going to have kids. How it trends on twitter all the time like "ban kids from restaurants/the cinema/pubs/swimming pools" etc.
As a society we're really anti anyone who can't look after themselves including children. Also against anyone who cares for children. But it's just neoliberalism with the dial turned up to 11 and it's really fucking sad. Every year someone gets mad at the birth rate declining but no one does anything to support those who want children.
Also just as a disclaimer here I'm not saying that every woman should have or want children. Some women want to be career women and they should be able to, feminism was always supposed to be about equality and giving women the voice and the tools to achieve what they want. Feminism shouldn't have taken its antimotherhood turn and it shouldn't take an anti career woman turn either. It should and always should have been about letting women have the freedom men have to do what they want to do in life.
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runawaymun · 2 years
Yeah as a member of the lgbtq+ community, i think the smut and marriage question is complicated to say the least.
On one hand, I find anyone who is willing to write smut about their community but not willing to be married in it to be full of internalized homophobia. As you mentioned, a lot of self loathing. I struggle with some internalized homophobia because of society and society’s perceptions and expectations of queer people and of the lack of healthy love and representation of us so I definitely get it.
But on the other hand, (imo) while there’s something to be said in cultures and communities who cannot be open with their sexuality or face death, shunning, violence, etc., OP sounds more like they’re just trying to adhere to their faith. Which is understandable to a certain degree, especially when it’s a big part of their lives, but in the end, Christianity is a choice, any religion is a choice and sexuality and gender identity is not. You can choose not to be Christian if you feel that your holy book doesn’t believe in your safety and existence (it doesn’t obv because the current bible is just mistranslation after mistranslation for the original language so it’s not as accurate as people would think). And to think that your religion is the only way and the only religion is religious supremacy and is a very common belief in Christian communities (and others, as well. It’s especially common with Abrahamic faiths).
Even if it’s someone who is queer, the vibe is very similar to those very commonplace straight women in fandom who watch yaoi or men who watch lesbian porn but won’t let us marry or adopt children because we’re “deviants destroying the fabric of society”. I’m not trying to be mean (and I genuinely hope this doesn’t come across that way) but that’s how it feels to other queer people, especially if they’re not Christian.
And I know it’s complicated and I know it’s hard. Society as a whole doesn’t love us and support us. But we should also do our best to support ourselves, too, I think whether that means finding a more liberal or welcoming church or delving into the first translations of your holy book or something else. Just know there’s options and that you can love yourself and enjoy a life with a person you love, OP.
oh hey it's good to have you in my inbox!! <3
I agree with you so I'm not gonna add anything except to gently say that for queer Christians, for us, especially those who were raised in the church like nonnie and I...there isn't a sense of our sexuality or our faith being more integral to our sense of self then the other. That's what makes this so hard. So yes, Christianity is a choice and being Queer isn't. But oftentimes our faith is where our families are, our entire support system, our communities, our personal histories, and our values of right and wrong. And when you grow up being taught that homosexuality is a sin full-stop, and then you get a bit older and you have to deconstruct that...well then you have to deconstruct your entire life. Possibly your childhood. Your entire paradigm, possibly. And that's really fucking scary. If this thing that I was taught is wrong, what else is wrong, is anything I believe real? I guess that's why I'm being so cautious about this whole thing. Especially because I have no idea about nonnie's age or home situation.
I do think everyone should experience an honest existential crisis at least once in their life (preferably way more than that). It's really healthy. And I absolutely encourage nonnie to please -- don't be afraid to go down that route. Like my bud here said, there are options and you can love yourself and have a life with a person you love.
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ravenkinnie · 2 years
Hard agree that Jinx and Ekko's characters work best when they are on opposite sides instead of Jinx joining him and becoming a genuine part of the 'good' side. Like its not even just because that seems like a pipe dream due to their history. People are also really reluctant to accept or cant grasp that Jinx....has very low empathy.
like some fans heard the 'I just want to help!' quote and reads it as Jinx having the inner desire to help people, which isn't wrong, just incomplete understanding. Powder wants to help to prove herself someone worthy to save towards Vi, not out of a good, chivalrous heart. That especially does not apply to the person Jinx is now. Her area of care and empathy just extends to close family anyway, and most of them are dead.
She'll probably understand or even commend Ekko's motives to bring healing and hope to Zaun, knowing how good-of-heart he is, but outside of that appreciation, the ideal and what the firelights stand for would mean nothing to her.
YES YES YES like jinx probably internalized some of vanders, vis, or silcos ideals ofc but she is not primarily driven by ideals at all, she is driven by her emotions, her relationships to people, her own internal world and I love that about her as a character. you're exactly right, jinx has low empathy, she cannot imagine other people's emotional or mental states and she just doesn't do it. I think she would believe in zaun and liberation of it based on obv, her own oppression as a zaunite and silcos influence but her and silco are a complete opposite to ekko in their approach to this, I just don't think this could be reconciled
but even ignoring jinx, pushing her and ekko together in the narrative of the show just doesn't seem like the best choice for his character? in ekkos perspective jinx and silco have been draining zaun for years together, I don't know if he could just overlook the amount of damage they caused but also I don't think he should, it's okay to leave characters who have strong emotional bonds snd history at odds with each other, that can be good writing too. based on the reddit AMA the lil savior moment he had with her was only months after silco took her in, there's been years since then now and they are just completely different people
also this is a pivot but djjdjdjdj what you say about jinxs empathy extending to close family I wanted to say that vi is a bit like this? not in the empathy sense because vi is genuinely an empathetic kind person but her protectiveness over her family (mostly jinx bc well. ekko is doing fine JDHHDHDJ) puts this tunnel vision on her where that becomes such a heavy drive. like I've seen people drag her over her reaction to that kid dying in the shimmer factory but I love it sm because a) she does react she just doesn't have as strong of a reaction as jayce and I love that contrast between them because yk. a kid dying for a cause in zaun is probably a more common sight than it is in piltover. b) that is such a fantastic flaw to give your 'good' character, the way even kind people can have their failings. I think it adds dimension to her character and vi honestly sometimes doesn't get the credit she deserves in fanon for being a dimensional character with her own shortcomings and value
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I remember my first real protest was during the Occupy movement. I was seventeen and obvs couldn't go to New York even if I had the health for it, luckily I had a liberal, borderline leftist and poor father who was also fed up with all the economic bullshit who could drive me to the solidarity protest in Indianapolis.
I was so excited. I made a protest sign that was painted over an old Hillary '08 sign we still had, with some years-old wall paint from a can we had after my mom repainted the bathroom, and some of her Apple Barrel acrylics. It talked about how I was worried about my future as a poor and sick (and gay? I don't remember if I put that on the sign) young person. This was still when I would be still denied health insurance since I've been diagnosed sick since age 8, and we didn't know what would happen to my Medicaid when I became an adult the next year.
Knowing what was going down in Zuccotti Park, my father took me to Lowes to buy some (much too small) zip ties as a symbolic gesture should we be arrested. "I brought my own!" I would defiantly say when the police arrested me. My father made a sign too, but I don't remember what it said. Anyway, the first day of Occupy Indy, we got up early (a chore for me in those pre-coffee days) and loaded up our signs into the truck and started the hour and a half drive to Indianapolis. My father said we couldn't participate in the planned overnight campout in front of the governor's mansion because of my health problems, but that we'd go back to Indy every day. My mom didn't come. She was worried that, since she was a immigrant (from Europe), she would be in more legal trouble than us even if she did have a green card.
Anyway, Occupy Indy was a complete cluster fuck. It was–and I say this as a white person and that I am in no way No True Scotsman'ing to set myself apart from this–completely white led and led by middle class whites, mostly women, who had no real stakes in the game and were essentially LARPing social justice. We were divided into groups, all of them led by white women of varying stages of adulthood. Mine was led by a middle aged white woman. This was immediately after the Obama government drone-striked anwar al-awalki, an American terrorist part of al-qaeda. Yes he was a terrorist, but he was also an American citizen and at the time even American terrorists were supposed to have due process, unlike their foreign counterparts. The drone killing of al-awalki and his sixteen year old son were loudly decried in the U.S. and abroad as extrajudicial killings.
Anyway, an older, taller Black man, with a sparse grey beard, in our group started talking about this, how if the Obama administration and the U.S. government at large could kill an American citizen, no matter how terrible, without the American having any legal protection or chance to prove their innocence, what's to stop the American government from killing or arresting any citizen, home or abroad, with no due process? Indeed, not too long after this Obama signed the National Defence Authorization Act 2012, which allowed for the indefinite detention without due process for any American suspected of terrorism, with no legal protection and almost certainly a one-way ticket to Gitmo. To my knowledge, that policy is still in effect.
Anyway, our middle aged, middle class white woman "leader" literally told this Black man to shut up, that it wasn't part of the conversation or protest at large. I could tell he was angry, but what could a Black man, even an older Black man, do to go against a white woman who could very easily claim he was threatening her? I didn't understand that fully, it probably took me until the murder of Mike Brown to fully comprehend that notion, that a Black person could be taken down with no recourse just because a white person felt threatened by their presence. But still, I was angry. I had been listening and nodding along to the man because I, having been a news hound since I was 8, knew about the drone strike and the abhorrent politics and illegality of it. I wanted the man to talk about it, because what he said was a warning that indeed came true.
I didn't speak up. I like to think I would have, had my now-self been there instead of my timid seventeen year old self. But maybe I would still be just as likely to kowtow, however reluctantly, to the middle-class white person who was our self-proclaimed leader. The Black man, whose name I never knew, on top of being angry also looked as disappointed as I felt. He walked away from the group and I didn't see him again. I wish I had followed him, either to leave the protest in disgust too or to keep talking to him, but I did neither.
Anyway it just for worse from there. I don't even remember what the woman said after that, it was completely meaningless and hollow. Eventually after our group discussions (where the woman dominated the entire "discussion" and nobody else spoke out), we all formed a crowd again to hear a younger middle class white woman speak at the podium, where she thanked Indianapolis P.D. for keeping us safe and for keeping order. This was at the same time the Zuccotti Park protesters were being brutalized on the daily. I don't remember if Occupy U.C. Davis had already happened, where the officer john "Sargent Pepper" pike had brutally pepper sprayed in the faces a group of protesters who had been peacefully sitting down. I don't remember what this other white woman, a college student, said, it was just as meaningless as our group leader's talk.
I do remember at some point the crowd started to get a little riled up and started chanting at the police officers "protecting us", and the crowd was pushing me along and I was a bit scared, either of potential police brutality or a crowd crush. But then some older white man dressed straight out of the hippie movement started singing "Give Peace A Chance" and that was enough for the crowd to disperse.
Anyway my father and I were so disgusted by the "protest" that we left well before the march to the governor's mansion and stopped for a bite to eat at some restaurant I don't remember before making the drive home, and we didn't go back.
This regaling of the story isn't about Poor Timid White Person guilt, or as said above a No True Scotsman "I'm the real white ally" thing. I wanted to talk about it because I've seen a lot of discussions about white/upper class/upperclass white people co-opting protests in the name of a being allies (some of which I didn't reblog because they were image-heavy and difficult to caption), and it reminded me of this. Hell, even in Zuccotti Park itself, the encampment was divided through the middle within a week or two between the poor and disenfranchised who spent their last few dollars to get to New York City to support the movement they believed could make a change, and the middle and upperclass protesters who had less to lose when N.Y.P.D sent in N.Y.F.D to destroy the encampment and everyone's tents and possessions.
Anyway, I kept following Occupy Indy's facebook page for a while afterwards. Within a year it gear shifted to Tea Party claptrap before I unfollowed. Make of that as you will.
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roobylavender · 2 years
i was going thru old posts & found where you said you only like zootara in the specific context of like... zuko dissolving the monarchy + devoting himself to reparations & it's an unrequited love think and lost my mind bc it was exactly what i felt but had never seen anyone say! i HATE any kind of firelady katara content but still find zootara’s dynamic fascinating. anyways from this i was wondering on if you had wider thoughts on katara, on both how she exists in canon and anything you'd change
i think re-watching avatar when they dropped it on netflix a few years ago was eye-opening for me in a lot of ways like sooo many of my opinions radically changed and not even necessarily in a way where it was an outright polarized switch but more like.. added depth to how i felt. which makes sense bc i mean i was seven years old when i watched the show and i'm twenty five now lmao. but with katara i kind of found myself on the fence between the two camps that were so vehement about justifying why katara worked better with either boy that i think they more or less forgot about her. like i don't entirely disagree with zootara shippers that katara's role being so diminished in post-canon was irritating but at the same time that's not something it makes sense to blame kataang being canon on. kataang is probably one of the most obv ships ever in retrospect like the buildup was so palpably there and katara was never going to choose anyone else but aang. but i also think it can be admitted that her post-canon storylines were just.. super boring? and that it had to do a lot with bryke being resistant to radicalism in their material in general. keeping the gaang together or taking them on group adventures for marketability purposes was obv impt but i feel like katara was one of the members who like really needed to do her own thing after the war was over. like there were so many times in the series where it seemed like she was having her moment to shine and there would always be some caveat or wedge to throw so she could move on with the gaang and for central narrative purposes i get that but why did that have to apply to whatever she did after (also this doesn't even get into the fact that bryke's liberal politics affected her individual storylines so much like the jet and hama stuff. very bad vibes). like i already said i think kataang was pretty much inevitable and the build up in seasons one and two and even the confusion of feelings between them at the start of season three were great but i also don't think they needed to be in a relationship by the end of the series personally like it felt so rushed and honestly very corny. like they're thirteen and fourteen years old they have so much time. i like the gaang a lot as a concept but the overwhelming feeling i was left with when the series was over was that the fallout of the war would be so significant it wouldn't realistically make sense to have them all in one place like there are so many things each of them would need or want to do. and ig bryke kinda acknowledged that like the gaang did have some individual gigs. but it all felt so tame. katara was potentially the most radical member of the gaang i really do not think she would have ended the war being in some honeymoon phase she would have been ready to get working on uprooting all of the bad and where they'd found it and aggressively reconstructing the society she worked so hard to try to save. but also on the most simplest note i could leave here i genuinely think every avatar character needed therapy / soul searching more than they did romance by the end of the series so ig this is my very roundabout way of saying that..
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