#it’s 4 am and I’m tired
azraeldigabriel · 2 months
So I just finished reading The King In Yellow, and I noticed something- most, if not all, of the characters affected by the book are artists. We know a certain someone who’s an artist too, whether or not he wants to dwell on it.
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woundedheartwithin · 1 year
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Kazama Kimichika: Kyojo Zero (2023)
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kyurochurro · 8 months
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“say, you think you could play that song I like again?”
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The hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon. (Spoiler: They mean gay.)
(Sketches & stuff under the cut)
Sketch 1 & 2
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Line art, BKG, & shading layer cause it’s cool
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istanchan · 9 days
I don’t really have solid analysis for why I believe this but I don’t think Great and Tyme are alive.
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The ending scene just felt so ominous with the skiff boat in the river.
I am probably just reaching but the boat and the whole scene itself reminds me of the Greek myth of Charon—the ferryman that carried the souls of the dead across to the afterlife.
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The river of Styx, was the barrier between the world of the living and the work of the dead. So it makes sense here for Great and Tyme to be stuck in this limbo for the final scene.
In addition, the ambiguity of their conversation coupled with their inability to understand how Great had found the place they were at, makes it even more convincing that maybe they’re not in a reality state.
They’re not alive, but they’re not dead. I mean after all that is what the whole 4 minutes concept represents in the show. It is the limbo between life and death.
The ending to me is actually perfect. Personally I love an open ending and what I loved here was it gave us an audience the opportunity to evaluate how we interpret the two main characters’ fate.
Did they survive and get their happy ending? Do they ultimately deserve a happy ending, after all they’ve done?
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rapidhighway · 2 years
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um. Hm..
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ournachojesus · 1 month
Hello, this is a Death Note time loop AU. Light and L are stuck in a loop, it starts with Light’s death in the manga. They are the only ones that remember the loops. After the loops start instead of it ending after both of them are dead it only requires one of them to die to reset. What I talk about at some points will be pretty dark (murder, torture, abuse, etc). Not all in this post (does include some of that already) but this AU in general. Since it will involve a lot on how their mental health declines and along with their already… morally interesting self’s I explore how they behave. This is my warning and I’ll make a warning for each post for this.)
Light and L are stuck in a limbo in terms of the Kira case. If either dies they both reset. It's a spiral of them both sometimes playing the game they did but on a much higher level on some cycles or on sight beating the shit out of eachother. First time and second time is obviously different, third to tenth time they work together, after twenty times it breaks down into the spiral. Once they hit loop fifty is when they finally show more obvious signs of breaking. Light is unavoidably killed by Ryku and L is just doomed by the actions of those around them. The death bells ring for both of them but after Light dies and the first reset happens, they no longer have to wait for the other. No loneliness in being the one alive or the one dead. Locked even further into this relationship of only being able to understand eachother. They are smart but not emotionally so (manipulation isn't the same as emotional intimacy or empathy), the resets make things far worse.
Some resets further down the line L just straight up kidnaps Light (before Kira suspects are even chosen) and keeps him till the death bells ring. Like, this would be one of the more psychologically more dangerous situations during the cycles. Along with Light's 'puppeteering phase' where he keeps using the death note on many loops to make L do things against his will then killing him. Both involve torture of taking the free will and autonomy of the other. Something the really messes with both of them since they crave to be atop things. To be able to understand and move the situation in their favor. In both incidents it’s at a time when both individually have breaking points. Since the other is basically burned out to the extreme due to cycles they can’t even use logic to figure out the why when these things happen. Other people? Sure, easy as pie. Eachother? Nope. Can’t get a read. That similar thought process thing they have has no way of happening when it comes to trying and understanding their own feelings.
They are both immoral and shattered characters. They weren't broken in the begging, just already in many pieces and no one took the proper time with either of them to actually make either of them have some emotionally healthy habits. Born with the need for a little more help and no one helped them. Intelligent children are just assumed to be more mature than their age. Regular children are unfairly expected to understand norms and the world when they’re just basically learning from scratch from everything around them, how do you think adults treat intelligent kids then? Pushing them harder, supporting them less. Light and L I don’t expect to act like everyone else, what I’m saying is that they lack empathy for other people a lot of the time because they weren’t given enough attention when being taught that. Kindness is something they think their both don’t, L with his work and Light with being ‘God’. The perception of kindness is warped. Sorry about that rant, back to the AU.
So, ya. It’s a burning pit of corpses in terms of how it goes down. I can go into more detail on the two incidents but I’d do it on another post if people wanted that.
Misa finds out basically everytime, like more people notice depending on how careless both of the boys are in that loop but Misa just figures it out each time. Rem helps with some of those times but it’s majority of Misa doing the heavy lifting. Why? Misa isn’t dumb and she has great luck. Luck and her general genius she already had when it came to interacting with people. Misa is a lost soul who depends her happiness on other people, I don’t know how she got this unfortunate codependency need from (probably some trauma). Anyway, she wants to help them but…
Light is mad, eventually L is to. It’s a lot of frustration of Misa not being apart of their loops but constantly finding out and doing similar things (aka the solutions she proposes or what she does to help. Reminding her becomes a hard task for them both with how things in their minds start to fall apart and her small comforts are numb since at some point they only feel like the only real people). They are trapped in a way where if they keep coming across something that doesn’t help then it just drives them mad. This would probably lead to a couple loops of them doing something horrible (like criminally so) to Misa and either Rem gets their asses or Misa’s good luck manifesting in another way.
Light and L would at some point do something to eachother (this means during the incidents since I left that vague and whatever other things) or other people like Misa. To highly intelligent people with crumbling sanity, shit morals, and highly messed up feelings/relationships? They are going to do things worse than just killing people. Being killed isn’t the worse thing someone can do to you.
About the real people thing, when you are the only ones that can change and grow? It feels like everyone else is an actor or NPC. While things can change for those around them based on their actions, no one remembers and the only reasons these new things happen is because of how the boys act. This wouldn’t seem super bad since you may be thinking I see L and Light as to people that don’t care. No, they do. They just have a hard time with it. It hurts and they don’t understand why. Their families (or people I’d say are close enough with them to be called family) can’t help, will never change with the, and are growing further from them as they start to lose the memories they had before the loops since it’s getting harder to keep everything in check with how long it’s going on for. Their emotional state also affects their memories. At some points they just huddle together, no crying or speaking. Just cuddling.
The longest they live is on the day Light originally dies, but getting L to the point is hard. Cause after the day he originally dies they had a hard time making plans on his survival. In later loops it’s not as bad.
At the end of the loops, what the ending would be? An end to the loops… I have two/three ideas on that but I’d need to see. I want to better organize the events that would happen, their mental health declines, and some other things. Picking an ending now when I’m still trying to figure out how Light becomes not a sexist? I need my details figured out first!!
Hope whoever reads this long AU idea post enjoys it. Posting more is unsure for me.
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juunpiter · 9 months
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I have had this song on my mind all day, I genuinely cannot stop listening to it on repeat. HeLp. It’s so Nathalie/Mayura-coded. Anyway— I had a story to go with this. HAD. I scrapped it so just take this half-assed drawing. The song will do the storytelling.
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canecone · 2 months
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And just like I said here he is in all his glory
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soapyoapy · 12 days
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watching all the recent sims videos while finishing my history class notes ✌️✌️
yes my notes are in comic sans. so are my psychology notes. i need to have my fun
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gingerbread2763 · 1 month
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Vallis Cineris
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creature-of-pizza · 1 year
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Get real
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ultrone · 1 year
more jock/fuckboy Amber PLEASE i'm begging you 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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You were heading back to the locker rooms after cheerleading practice had ended about half an hour ago. However, the coach asked to speak with you, so it took some extra time before you could reach the locker room. By the time you finally got there, everyone else had already left.
As you were placing your cheerleading uniform in your backpack, having already changed, a voice caught your attention from behind.
"Hey there," Ethan said, his tone dripping with flirtation.
Ethan was the co-captain of the football team, known for being friendly and well-liked by everyone. You used to think he was nice too, until a couple of weeks ago when you turned down his advances. Since then, things had become uncomfortable. Ethan's behavior had taken a strange and intense turn whenever you were alone, making you feel nervous and unsafe in his presence.
"Hey Ethan," you replied, forcing an uncomfortable smile while hastily packing your things to leave as quickly as possible.
"Didn't cheerleading practice end like half an hour ago? What are you doing here?" He asked with curiosity, stepping closer towards you.
"Yeah, practice ended a while ago," you answered, trying to keep your tone casual. "I just had a talk with the coach, so I got delayed."
"Oh, I see," Ethan responded. "Well, since I'm heading home too, I can give you a ride if you'd like."
"Oh, no, Ethan, don't worry about it," you said, your voice wavering slightly. "I appreciate the offer, but it's just a few blocks, and I could use the walk. It was nice seeing you though."
You made your way toward the door, hoping to exit the situation, but Ethan suddenly positioned himself between you and the door, blocking your path. Your heart rate increased, and you felt a surge of unease.
"Come on," he insisted, his tone becoming more insistent. "I don't mind at all. It'll be fun, I promise."
You tried to remain composed, but the situation was making you increasingly uncomfortable. "I appreciate the offer, Ethan, but really, it's okay. I'd rather just walk. I don't want to bother you."
You hoped he would understand and let you go, but the persistent look on his face made you even more apprehensive.
"You wouldn't bother me at all," he said, his hand inching closer toward your arm, disregarding your clear refusal.
But before he could make contact, a sharp voice cut through the tension, causing both of you to turn in surprise. "Don't fucking touch her," Amber's voice rang out, as she swiftly slapped Ethan's hand away from you. "Didn't you hear her? She doesn't want your ride. Back off."
Ethan seemed taken aback by Amber's sudden intervention, his expression shifting from persistence to annoyance. You felt a surge of relief that Amber had stepped in just in time to diffuse the situation.
"Hey, Freeman," Ethan responded, attempting to mask his annoyance with a smile. "Chill out, I was just offering her a ride, no big deal," he said nonchalantly.
"Well, she doesn't need one, so get the fuck out of here," Amber snapped back, her tone firm and unwavering. Ethan knew better than to mess with Amber, aware of her reputation. Reluctantly, he obeyed without further protest.
"See you around, Y/n," Ethan smiled at you, though it felt forced, and then turned around, exiting the locker rooms. You let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Amber's intervention.
Amber turned to you, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine care.
You nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, Ambs, thank you."
Amber's gaze shifted to your bare shirt, and she immediately took off her bomber jacket. "Here," she said, gently placing it on your shoulders. "It's getting cold outside. Put this on." Without waiting for your protest, she made sure the jacket was securely wrapped around you. The familiar scent of her surrounded you, bringing a sense of comfort.
She then grabbed your bag with one hand, interlacing her fingers with yours in the other. Tenderly, she placed a small kiss on the back of your hand. "Let's go. I'll drive you home."
You smiled and nodded in agreement. Hand in hand, you walked out of the locker rooms together.
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alexgadart · 3 months
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I don’t usually post pictures of myself here, but cause for celebration ! I’m officially recipient of a BFA! I majored in visual arts concentration in painting and printmaking
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Hide - RKS
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Hide your love, don’t let it slip away
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manny-jacinto · 2 years
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
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