#it’s Luke as a stock photo
restinslices · 7 months
Come get y’all juice
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new-anon · 2 years
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do you ever get so art blocked you bust out 3 redraws 1 day????
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fondfamilies · 2 months
OH i just thought "i wish tara & luke could interact i feel like they'd be so fun to watch together, a dynamic duo smart & secret-keeping-able but also emotion-led" BUT THERE ARE!! there are so many seasons with the 2 of them!! i hope they interact lots yippee
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devildomwriter · 9 months
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They Get a Puppy For Christmas | Brothers • Others
You Gift Them Christmas Shirts | Brothers • Others
You Make Them Matching Christmas Pajamas
Their Favorite Christmas Song
A Christmas Song They Hate
Wrapping Presents
They Get Tangled Up in Christmas Lights
They React to Elf of the Shelf
You Decorate Christmas Cookies
You Make Gingerbread Houses
You Make Them Matching Sweaters (But They’re Really Itchy)
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
Hallmark Movie Marathon With Them
Building a Snowman
You Introduce Them to the 12 Days or Christmas Tradition
Secret Santa
Secret Santa the Sequel *coming soon*
Tubing With Diavolo
Christmas Photo Fiasco
Diavolo Wants to Play Santa
Christmas Shirt Mix-Up
Mephistopheles Christmas Interview
Omswd x Reader
Under the Mistletoe
Children Listen to Hear Sleigh-bells in the Snow (Brothers)
Children Listen to Hear Sleigh-bells in the Snow (Others)
I’ll Have A Blue Christmas Without You
One Little Thing, A Ring | Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V
Believe in What Your Heart is Saying
Keep it cookin in the pot, soon you got hot choc-o-lat
To Sing a Love Song as We Stroll Along
Heavenly Sleep
Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding
Heavenly Sleep
All Seem to Say, Throw Cares Away
Baby It’s Cold Outside *coming soon*
City Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks, Dressed in Holiday Style
All Around Us, Frozen Halos
Hang Your Stockings and Say Your Prayers
Hang Your Stockings and Say Your Prayers
All is Calm, All is Bright
O Hear the Angel Voices
Riding Through a Winter Wonderland
Deck the Halls With Boughs of Holly
Good Tidings to You
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause
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irish-dress-history · 7 months
Photos of 16th-17th century Irish clothing
Extant garments in the National Museum of Ireland
Notes: The garments in this post are all bog finds which means their current color may not be their original color. Although some of these items were found with human remains, no photos of human remains are included in this post.
Killery Cóta Mór (great coat) and brogues:
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photos by hayling billy used under non-commercial, share alike license
The Killery outfit comes from an adult male bog body found in Killerry parish, Co. Sligo in 1824. It includes a cóta mór, triús, a brat, and shoes which are on display in the museum, and a sheepskin biorraid (conical hat) which fell apart shortly after it was found (Briggs and Turner 1986).
Killery triús (trews):
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photo by hayling billy
Killery outfit with and without brat:
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The outfit is generally dated to the 17th c. (Dunlevy 1989). It matches Luke Gernon's 1620 description of Irish men's winter apparel:
"in winter he weares a frise cote. The trowse is along stocke of frise, close to his thighes, and drawne on almost to his waste, but very scant, and the pryde of it is, to weare it so in suspence, that the beholder may still suspecte it to be falling from his arse. It is cutt with a pouche before, which is drawne together with a string."
Additional photos of the outfit: cóta front, hem, buttons, and brat.
Shinrone gown:
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photo by hayling billy
The Shinrone gown was found in a bog in 1843 in Co. Tipperary near Shinrone, Co. Offaly. Unlike the Killery outfit, there were no human remains or other items found with it (Briggs and Turner 1986). The ends of the sleeves and possibly also the bottom of the skirt are missing. The sleeves would have had wrist cuffs or ties that allowed them to be fastened around the wearer's wrists. It probably also had loops or rings along the U-shaped center-front opening for lacing. It is typically dated late 16th-early 17th c, based on its similarity to a circa 1575 illustration by Lucas DeHeere and to the dresses described by Luke Gernon in 1620 (Dunlevy 1989, McGann 2000). It could be older however, because Laurent Vital described dresses with this type of sleeve in 1518.
Copyrighted, better quality photos: left front, right front, back Additional details: side-front, front waistline
Tipperary Cóta Mór:
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photos from Dunlevy 1989 and hayling billy
Another Cóta Mór. This one is from Co. Tipperary, exact find spot and date unknown. Like the Shinrone gown, it was not found with human remains or other items (Ó Floinn 1995). It is probably also from the 17th century (Dunlevy 1989).
Additional photos: front, side, front buttons, front detail, side
Brat and hats:
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photo by hayling billy
I haven't been able to find any clear photos of the label on this display, but based on the excellent condition and the presence of the leather tie, I think this is the Meenybradden woman's brat.
Closeup of the tie:
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The Meenybradden woman is a bog body found in Meenybradden bog, Co. Donegal in 1978. The brat was wrapped around her as a shroud and secured with the leather tie (Delaney and Ó Floinn 1995). No other garments or artifacts were found with her, although she may have been wearing a linen garment such as a léine when she was buried. Linen tends to not survive in bogs. The Meenybradden woman has a calibrated radiocarbon date of AD 1130-1310, but some archaeologist have suggested humic contamination from the peat may be throwing off the dating. Her brat is identical in cut to others from the 16th-17th centuries (Delaney and Ó Floinn 1995).
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Meenybradden brat laid flat. (photo from Delaney and Ó Floinn 1995)
Wool hats:
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Hats from Boolabaun, Co. Tipperary made of wool felt which has been cut and sewn to form the shape. They have togs of unspun wool worked into them giving them the appearance of faux fur. Dunlevy suggests a 15th-16th c date for them (Dunlevy 1989, McClintock 1943).
Wool cloak:
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photo by hayling billy
The museum label says it's from Glenmalin bog, Malinmore, Co. Donegal, but I think this may be a mistake. According to Ó Floinn (1995), the artifact with accession number 1946:416 from Malinmore, Co. Donegal is a bale of linen. Ó Floinn's table also gives accession number 1946:416* for a group of clothing from Owenduff, Co. Mayo which includes a gown, a jacket, and a cloak. If the cloak in the photo is actually the one from Owenduff, it is probably from the 17th c (Dunlevy 1989). Alternatively, someone might have misidentified a wool cloak as a bale of linen. The museum label dates this as late Medieval to post-Medieval.
*Either Ó Floinn made a typo or this is a mistake in the museum records. Museums are not supposed to give the same accession number to 2 different artifacts. In the NMI's defense, 1946 was probably a messy year for everyone.
Briggs, C. S. and Turner, R. C. (1986). Appendix: a gazetteer of bog burials from Britain and Ireland. In I. Stead, J. B. Bourke and D. Brothwell (eds) Lindow Man: the Body in the Bog (p. 181–95). British Museum Publications Ltd.
Delaney, M. and Ó Floinn, R. (1995). A Bog Body from Meenybradden Bog, County Donegal, Ireland. In R. C. Turner and R. G. Scaife (eds) Bog Bodies: New Discoveries and New Perspectives (p. 123–32). British Museum Press.
Dunlevy, Mairead (1989). Dress in Ireland. B. T. Batsford LTD, London.
Gernon, Luke (1620). A Discourse of Ireland. https://celt.ucc.ie/published/E620001/
McClintock, H. F. (1943). Old Irish and Highland Dress. Dundalgan Press, Dundalk.
McGann, K. (2000). What the Irish Wore/The Shinrone Gown — An Irish Dress from the Elizabethan Age. Reconstructing History. http://web.archive.org/web/20080217032749/http:/www.reconstructinghistory.com/irish/shinrone.html
O’Floinn, R. (1995). Recent research into Irish bog bodies. In R. C. Turner and R. G. Scaife (eds) Bog Bodies: New Discoveries and New Perspectives (p. 137–45). British Museum Press.
Vital, Laurent (1518). Archduke Ferdinand's visit to Kinsale in Ireland, an extract from Le Premier Voyage de Charles-Quint en Espagne, de 1517 à 1518. translated by Dorothy Convery and edited by me. https://irish-dress-history.tumblr.com/post/721163132699131904/laurent-vitals-1518-description-of-ireland
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
Some notes on Tales of the TARDIS: The Pyramids of Mars (some finale trailer spoilers included)
We don't get as much interesting stuff in the framing device here, for obvious reasons, but there's still some stuff to talk about.
Surprised they still used the stock backgroud / TARDIS cgi for this Tales of the TARDIS episode. I would have thought they would have something new/more specific to the next episode.
I'm very interested in the decision to have Fifteen and Ruby here. Out of universe I get it, what with Elisabeth Sladen being gone, and who knows if Tom would have able/willing to do something with a different actor (and who would you bring in even if he were? Luke?). But the in-universe placement is interesting. I would have assumed it was just a framing device, but we know we're going to see the Memory TARDIS in the finale. I'm guessing there will be a scene with them in the Memory TARDIS where Fifteen briefly explains what Sutekh is, and the Tales of the TARDIS bookends will basically be a deleted scene that fits into that?
There's actually some evidence for this. As we zoom in, the TARDIS doors seem to be open, which might fit with those trailer scenes of the Doctor looking out at Earth, plus the one of him screaming. However, Mel was there in the trailer, so I'm guessing we're going to be in and out of the Memory TARDIS quite a bit next episode.
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I noticed those subtle camera glances from Ncuti as he's talking about Four and Sarah Jane :)
People have already commented on it, but I like the anti-colonialist reframing of the story.
As for the omnibus story itself, the editing was generally good. I don't know the original serial enough to spot everything they did, but I did kinda miss the Victoria reference at the beginning.
Interesting decision to replace the Time Corridor effects with the modern Time Vortex. Kinda makes sense in some ways, plus probably helps explain how Sutekh ends up in the Void without needing other stories. Super missed opportunity not using the graphics from the Season promo photos though, which people pointed out as being very reminiscent of the time tunnel.
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As someone always eager, usually in vain, for 'canon' to fit together, I'm super intrigued by the mention of Sutekh having "evolved into a Titan" since Pyramids. (Interestingly, the iPlayer titles capitalised this. I found it a bit interesting, since in the context of gods, it immediately bring to mind Greek mythology, but that would be an odd choice to combine with the Egyptian/Christian inspired Sutekh.)
(Actually small critique of the iPlayer subtitling. I don't really need accessibility features, but had them on as I didn't want to miss anything. The new Doctor Who content has made some big bounds with accessibility, with the BSL and audio description options, but I was a bit disappointed with some of the subtitling line changes from the actual spoken words, even if I get why some lines might have been changed for clarity from Four's meandering language. It had quite a big effect on the dialogue though, in some places. I can see what people on here mean when they advocate for accurate subtitling.)
Anyway, back to the evolution thing. I hope this might be explained or eluded to next episode, given the decision to re-air an episode with such a distinctly different Sutekh.
Between the time tunnel leading to the far future, plus the fact he originates from the Dark Times, maybe the idea of him being the 'oldest one' isn't as crazy as I thought? After all, beings like the Toymaker, if they are the 'Time Lords' of the previous universe, are presumably only around 14 billion years old in the present day, if their original species had lifespans similar to the current Time Lords.
That being said, Four says he 'lived for 7000 years'. No idea if that's about his lifetime up until this point, or how long the Doctor thinks Sutekh survived in the Time Tunnel. If the prior, it's possible it doesn't include his time imprisoned. If the latter, maybe that's how long he was stuck in the tunnel before he escaped to the Void, with his disappearance causing the Doctor to assume he died?
Meanwhile, maybe the "Mother/Father/Other" thing is more about taking that kind of role in providing understanding of N-Space to the Great Old Ones, like in the Titan Comics storyline, than an actual parental connection? I don't know, that one's going to both me if we don't get more information tonight...
The only other possibility, which admittedly I kind of like, is that Sutekh is somehow an incarnation of The Beast (in the same way the Doctor might be the Other/Red Guardian), who really is old enough to be such a thing. If so, maybe he's awakened to that power/knowledge since last we saw him?
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asgoodeasgold · 7 months
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Meet our new Inspector Morck in Department Q 💥💥💥
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Matthew Goode at a Freud's Last Session special film screening in London, 28 Sep 2024 with Stephen Campbell-Moore, Meg Thomson, Rhys Mannion, Oscar and Luke Massey, and Enzo Elocchi
📷 Yaffa Meskell/Shutterstock
All the pics here:
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in-death-we-fall · 2 years
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Face To Face
Fred Durst isn’t on their Christmas card list. But Angelina Jolie is…
Words: Daniel Lukes Photos: Scarlet Page
(google docs) Thanks @incredizort for sharing your collection!
Joey Jordison’s presence in glam-metal side-project Murderdolls was always bound to garner more than just a passing glance; not least because the exuberant drummer shocked everyone by deciding to make his post-Slipknot debut in stack heels and a whole lotta make-up. But since releasing their debut album, ‘Beyond the Valley Of The Murderdolls’, this summer, the horror-punk quintet have (sic) the past few months creating merry mayhem out on the road, rapidly building a colourful cult following in the process.
Today, the Murderdolls Roadshow has hit London – the Forum in Kentish Town, to be precise – and a group of diehard fans have gathered outside the venue to catch a glimpse of their heroes. For six diehard ‘Dolls fans, however, Christmas has come early. Louise Condren and her brother Michael, Michelle Peppiatt, Rebecca Brazil, Matthew Murray and Richard Williams are currently sitting in the venue’s upstairs bar, where they’re about to begin interrogating the glam-goth six-piece (sic) about subjects as diverse as drugs, Anjelina (sic) Jolie and, of course, a fat man with a white beard and red coat.
After hands are shaken and pleasanteries (sic) exchanged, there’s just one thing to do: get this party started…
Michelle: How do you feel about having so much success so quickly? Ben ‘Ghoul’ Graves: “We’re the hottest thing since sunburn, the greatest fucking band on planet Earth, so it wasn’t really a big surprise to us.” Acey Slade: “We’re doing something different. A lot of people are turning their noses up, but at the same time a lot of people are buying it. It’s like heroin.” Wednesday: “Joey’s had a lot of success with Slipknot, but it’s really weird for me, it’s kind of a new thing. To come to another country and there’s kids dressed like you, and imitating your whole thing, and they know every word to a song that you wrote in your bedroom when you lived with your parents, it’s such a great feeling.”
Matthew: Who would you most like to fuck on a cold Christmas morning Wednesday: “To fuck? On a cold Christmas morning? These are good questions.” Acey: “It’s a very generic answer, but I’d probably have to say Angelina Jolie.” Wednesday: “I’d say Santa Claus.” Ben: “Have you heard of a girl over here called Lindsey Dawn? She’s from the UK, she’s very hot.” Acey: “That’s not what you said earlier, Ghoul. You said for Christmas you wanted to find a midget in your stocking. That’s what you said.”
Richard: Whose roast turkey would you most like to carve this Christmas morning? Wednesday: “Whose what?” Acey: “Is that a variation of the same question? If it’d get me laid, I’d say Angelina Jolie again.” Wednesday: “I don’t know. I don’t know how to carve a turkey anyway.” Acey: “He only carves chickens. One time he carved a squirrel, for class.” Wednesday: “I don’t know. That’s probably the most difficult question I’ve ever been asked in my life.” Ben: “Hugh Hefner. I’d love to spend Christmas at the ‘Playboy’ Mansion.” Wednesday: “Of course you would.”
Michael: If you were the five wise men, what would you give to baby Jesus? Eric Griffin: “Drugs!” Wednesday: “Drugs and a couple of shots of Jägermeister. I’d like to breastfeed baby Jesus.” Acey: “I’d give him a butterscotch enema.”
Matthew: Which rock star looks most like Santa Claus? Wednesday: “Jerry Garcia. Michael MacDonald. You guys probably have no clue who that is.” Ben: “Who’s the one they said Wednesday looks like?” Wednesday: “Mortiis! Like a dead Santa Claus. Or maybe one of his elves. Rob Zombie looks kinda like Santa Claus a little bit.” Joey: “Cancel that. We won’t get that tour.” Wednesday: “He’s got his beard. I’d love him to bring me presents. That’d be the coolest Santa Claus in the world, bringing you shrunken heads and all that. Jellied brains.” Acey: “Or go-go girls, or a leather face mask.”
Richard: If you had Fred Durst hanging by his bollocks what would you do to him? Eric: “Nothing, I’d just leave him there.” Wednesday: “That’s pretty harsh torture in itself. I think we’d all swing on it to make it a little bit worse.” Joey: “We’d throw sliced ham at him.” Acey: “I’d pour honey on his nutsack, and then let ants eat it off.”
Louise: What do you guys think of the UK music scene? Wednesday: “Well, we’re a local band here now, since we’re always over here. It seems to be pretty cool.” Acey: “I like the music scene here better, truthfully. It just seems that people are a little bit more open-minded, you’ve got bands that a little bit older like The Wildhearts and we’ve always had good support bands like AntiProduct and The 80s Matchbox B-Line Disaster, who are really cool.”
Rebecca: How have your families taken to your career paths? Joey: “My parents have always supported me from day one. I’m still the same person, my mom still makes me take out the trash and mow the lawn. She lives in her Murderdolls and Slipknot gear. She wears it every day. She’ll go to the grocery store and these kids’ll come along and go, “You like Slipknot?’. And she’ll go, ‘Oh yeah’. Now she gets free groceries.” Ben: “My parents have always been very supportive of whatever I’ve done. I’m not going to sit here and say that my childhood was traumatic and I hated my parents and all the crap that other bands come out with, because that’s just not true.” Acey: “My mom’s very proud, very very proud of me. My dad, on the other hand, disowned me. So fuck him.” Eric: “My mom came to see us and she wore Devil horns.”
Matthew: What are the three most important things you take on tour with you? Ben: “Our make-up. Our clothes. And rubbers.” Eric: “Spoken like a true ghoul!”
Michael: Your songs are quite sarcastic, but are any of them based on real-life experiences? Wednesday: “No, not at all. I think the only song on the album that had any personal theme, was ‘Dressed To Depress’. The bands that I’ve always grown up on, I didn’t want to go to a concert and be reminded of the bullshit in my life, if I hated school or was angry with my parents. I’ve always compared our band to a TV or a movie or something, you get lost in it. Bands that keep singing about bad childhoods or trauma or politics, it gets old after a while.” Ben: “I think it’s more about escapism than real life.” Wednesday: “So no real grave-robbing stories yet? (listens to music playing in the background) Oh God, is that Nickelback?” Ben: “How would you know that? That’s bad that you know that.” Wednesday: “I know, I’m sorry.” Eric: “I think that there’s a lot of kids that really relate to us, and feel like they have a lot more in common with us than with their parents or their friends at school.” Ben: “Or Nickelback.”
Richard: If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing now? Joey: “I would just try to get as close to anything musical as possible, by being a tech or working in the studio. Music is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do since I was really young – I’m just lucky I get to actually do it now.” Eric: “I think I’d probably open a strip club. A brothel or something.” Ben: “If I wasn’t doing music, I’d probably be doing something art-oriented.” Acey: “What do ghouls do? What is a ghoul?” Ben: “What’s a ghoul? That’s a good one.” Wednesday: “Don’t you rob graves and beat on poor people?” Acey: “I would maybe be a manager. I mean, I can barely manage my own life, so that would be kind of a tough one.” Eric: “In all seriousness it’s an impossible question to answer because music is more of a life than a job. Our whole lives just revolve around music. It’s part of who we are, so I can’t even imagine not being able to play music.”
Louise: What object will be on the top of your Christmas tree? Wednesday: “I have a Jack Skellington doll on the top of my Christmas tree at home. I always do that every year. I don’t want Santa Claus, or an angel, or a star or anything stupid like that.” Acey: “I got a fake tree that I’m going to spraypaint black. It’s one of the little ones. I’ll spray it in my apartment and get a buzz painting it.” Ben: “I didn’t have a Christmas tree last year, so I’m not sure.” Acey: “That’s because you’re a ghoul.” Wednesday: “What about getting the ghoul and painting him green and standing him on our bus. His hair is like pipe-cleaners…” Acey: “And he’s already got balls hanging…”
Richard: If you could be on an ideal tour, who would be supporting you? Wednesday: “I would love to have AFI support us. That’s probably the only band out right now that I can listen to all the time.” Acey: “Andrew W.K. would be pretty cool. He likes to party.” Wednesday: “We played a gig with Andrew in Japan and he’s a really cool guy and has a lot of fun and I really respect what he’s done and that would be a cool tour.” Ben: “The Donnas, but I think they’re afraid to talk to us.”
Matthew: If you could choose one person, who would you like most to resurrect from the dead? Wednesday: “Vincent Price. I’d just love to have dinner with that guy and just talk to him.” Acey: “Joey Ramone.” Ben: “Brigitte Bardot.” Wednesday: “(correcting his bandmate). Bardoo.” Acey: “Bardow!” Kerrang!: Brigitte Bardot is alive. Eric: “You fucking ghoul. I told you we were stupid.” Ben: “The one Anton LaVey had an affair with then – what was her name? Jane Mansfield.” Wednesday: “Next question!” Ben: “Yeah, let’s move on.”
Michelle: What would your ideal Christmas presents to each other be? Acey: “I’d buy Joey and Wednesday Les Pauls. The Ghoul? What do you buy a ghoul? Wednesday: “A box of magnums. I’d buy Joey a 12-pack of Corona with the lemons… All: “The limes!” Wednesday: “The limes already in ‘em. I’d buy Acey shares in Starbucks franchise. I’d get him a coffee-smelling kimono, or a fucking scarf, so if he couldn’t find coffee it (sic), he’d just inhale it.” Ben: “I’d buy Wednesday a big bucket of KFC.” Acey: “I’d buy him a chicken ranch.” Ben: “Actually, I lost my mind back in the summertime, I’d like to open up a present and get that back.”
Michelle: Acey, was it a strain for you joining after Tripp Eisen left? Acey: “You know you were asking what I would like on Christmas morning? Well truthfully, and for the first time in my life I really have everything that I want. And I’m not just talking shit – I’m in a band that’s gone around the world, that I love, I got a computer – so what more do I need? Some more ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ toys! They hate me, by the way.” Wednesday: “I’ve known Acey for a long time, before he was ever in Dope or I met Joey. So, it was kinda weird how everything worked out. Us starting a band together was a long time in the coming.”
Rebecca: What is the most rock ‘n’ roll Christmas you’ve ever had? Joey: “I think this one will probably be the most, since with Slipknot, the band’s not heavily indulging in everything, and it’s not like the more free-spirited atmosphere I have with these guys. We’re playing a New Year’s Eve show in my hometown, so we’re just going to probably get drunk and get ready for the show. What do you think about that answer Wednesday?” Wednesday: “It was great.” Joey: “Thank you.”
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Spotify Playlist Link
Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: A Dance With The Devil
It had been four days, nearly a week since Luke had last seen Katherine. They had worked out a plan for rendezvous: Katherine would keep the Camaro parked at a specially marked spot in the woods, about a mile from the camp. He still hadn’t gotten the chance to go and meet Katherine yet, which he found himself strangely disappointed about.
But, he had finally gotten himself an excuse to leave Camp Half-Blood for a short while. Luckily, he’d walked down the hill for about half an hour to find that Katherine was waiting by the Camaro, per the note he’d left on her windshield on his last patrol of the camp.
“Sandy!” Luke joked, seeing her in a black cafe racer jacket.
Despite coming from completely different backgrounds, and being completely different people, they still had music and movies in common.
“Tell me about it, stud,” she rolled her eyes. “So, what’s new with you? What’d you get?”
“Some weapons, shields, and stuff to help us in the Underworld... What did you get?” he asked in turn.
“Just some odds and ends I needed to stock up on,” Katherine stated. “Here. I had these made.”
Luke looked at her curiously as she handed him a stack of driver’s licenses she’d made using a photo she’d asked him to have taken by one of the children of Apollo who specialized in fake license photos.
“Whoa. Where’d you get these?” he asked her. “I know a few people who can get fakes made, but I’ve never seen anything this convincing.”
“I told you, I have my contacts,” she shrugged.
He carefully examined the fake licenses, looking at all the smaller details. Each license used its own fake name, and listed an eerily accurate height of 6’1”.
“Really? I’m 21?” Luke raised an eyebrow.
“We gotta let off some steam at some point,” Katherine reminded him.
“You’re sure you don’t wanna become part of the camp?” he asked. “It’d make things a lot easier.”
“Nah, I like living out of my car,” she reminded him. “I like the privacy.”
“Yeah, something tells me living in the Hermes cabin with me, the other Hermes kids, and all the other minor gods’ children and the unclaimed doesn’t exactly sound like a step up,” he admitted, not fond of the idea himself.
“Oh, we’d be sharing a cabin?” she joked, a playful grin on her face.
“Well. There is a rule that specifically states that a male and female camper can’t be left alone in a cabin,” he quipped, open to the banter.
“That’s not very progressive,” Katherine pouted.
“Not everyone’s as forward-thinking as us,” he offered.
“I could think of a few things we could look forward to,” she chuckled, her deep voice resonating.
“Like what?” his ears practically perked up in surprise.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she smiled. “Luke, I’d love to stay and chat, but I gotta meet up with a guy.”
“What, for more Celestial bronze?”
“No, credit cards,” she elaborated, “I have a few stolen ones, but they’ll only last me so long ‘til the owners notice. I have a guy that does fakes that pass.”
“Where the hell did you find all these guys?” Luke frowned.
“Networking, sweetie,” Katherine said dryly. “I gotta go. Let me know if you come up with an alibi.”
“That was what I was gonna tell you. I got them to give me in-and-out privileges without question,” he explained.
“What’d you tell them?”
“I told them I have a sick aunt back in Connecticut,” he said nonchalantly.
“Good one. Sick relative’s always a sympathy-getter. I gotta go. My guy’s waiting,” she climbed into the car.
“Meet me here tonight. At 8. We can leave then,” he told her.
“Alright. See ya,” Katherine drove off without a second thought.
Luke watched her drive off, already feeling an uncomfortable silence filling the air as she left. Katherine did come with plenty of silence, but somehow, to Luke, it was a preferable silence. He knew a lot of people at the camp, having been Head Counselor of Cabin 11 for years and lived there for even longer, but there few people at the camp he genuinely cared for, especially close to his own age.
Katherine Montalvo was one of the first people he’d ever met who actually understood what he had to say. She was also one of the first people he’d ever actually felt he was safe telling.
It was only a few minutes before 8:00 when Katherine arrived at her designated parking spot down the hill from Camp Half-Blood. She waited exhaustedly as Luke came down the hill, backpack slung over his shoulder and duffel bag in hand. The first thing he noticed about her was that her long ebony-colored waves were now confined in a surprisingly girlish French braid that fell in one sleek twist down her back.
“I’ll start the car,” Katherine nodded in approval.
“What happened to the Camaro?” Luke questioned, realizing she was now driving a silver Pontiac.
“Ran into some trouble. Don’t ask,” she sighed.
“Not asking,” he smiled. “Where to first?”
“I’m ready to head to Central Park,” she replied as they both climbed in. “What are your thinking?”
“I’m ready to go,” she sighed, irritably throwing off her jacket toward the backseat.
Luke watched her as she did, eyes playfully widened at the sight of her toned shoulders, which weren’t hidden by her hair for the first time he’d ever seen. Maybe, he thought, this might’ve been what school dress codes were warning against.
“Just gotta head to the store. I haven’t had the chance to grab more food.”
Luke didn’t ask her any further questions as she drove them to the closest convenience store, knowing better when it came to Katherine. He got out of the car with her, following her into the store. He noticed a large motorcycle parked outside, wondering who it belonged to.
Naturally, his question was quickly answered once he walked into the store and saw a large, surly biker with short black hair dressed in all leather. He eyed him cautiously, wondering if he’d prove to be any sort of problem.
Luke kept an eye on him as he walked behind Katherine.
“What kind of chips do you want?” she asked.
“Get whatever you want,” Luke told her, chipping in with some of the cash he’d brought with him.
“Spicy peanuts?” she called.
“Spicy peanuts,” Luke nodded insistently. “Never thought that would’ve been something I’d need.”
On the way out, Luke watched Katherine’s back, not appreciating the strange way the rough-looking biker was eyeing them. He stiffened as the man approached them, quickly tapping her arm to signal to her.
“Hey,” the quite literally giant man said gruffly.
“What do you want?” Luke asked him, not trusting him at all.
“Calm down kid,” the man said passively, “I’m not macking on your girl.”
Luke turned to the girl, a confused expression on his face. “Of course you’re not, I don’t think anyone has since 1987,” he scowled.
“Luke, shut up,” she sighed, switching her attention over to the man, “What do you want?” she questioned impatiently.
“You two kids are Half-Bloods, right?” the thirty-something year old biker asked.
Katherine’s eyes widened as her hand instinctively went to her lipstick tube in her pocket.
“What do you know about that?” she murmured.
“A lot,” he promised them. “I’ve made quite a few of ‘em myself. Say, sweetheart, you look real familiar to me.”
“I promise you, you don’t know either of us,” Luke said coldly.
“Wasn’t talking to you, blondie,” the man said, slowly creeping towards Katherine. “Oh… I do know you. I met you when I was hanging out with my girl. I knew it! I could never forget that face!”
“Katherine, do you know this guy?” Luke asked, his concern deepening.
“Luke,” she said under her breath, “This is between us.”
“Wait a minute, your name’s not Katherine,” the man said, his voice deepening dangerously as he examined the tall, thin girl. “No, that’s not it… It’s Rose, or Lily, or something, right? Some kind of flower?”
Katherine said nothing, just standing there awkwardly as the main tilted her chin up to get a good look at her.
“Daisy. That’s it,” he purred. “Daisy Montalvo. That’s your real name. I remember you… the scared little girl living on the street. Boy, you seem to be doing pretty good for yourself now. You got a car, and a boyfriend…”
Luke watched in horror as the once strong and confident Katherine practically flinched at the mention of the name. Had she really lied to him about her name? If she had, he had no idea what sort of thing about her past she could’ve been hiding. After all, she’d already told him she’d killed a person. If that was even true.
“Katherine, we need to go,” Luke urged her, not liking the sinister energy between the two.
“Beat it, kid, I wanna talk to Daisy here,” the biker interjected angrily. “You still have that lipstick my girlfriend gave you?”
Katherine nodded wordlessly as Luke looked at her in surprise.
“His girlfriend gave you that spear?” he asked her. “Who even is this guy?”
“Ares!” she whispered, shooting him an angry stare. “Lady Aphrodite gave me that spear. This is Ares, alright?! Now shut the fuck up before you get us both killed!”
“Listen to your little sweetheart, Duke,” the god of war warned him.
“You’re Ares?” Luke asked him skeptically.
“Mm-hmm,” the man crossed his arms, not-so-subtly flexing his arms as the pupils of his eyes were replaced with bright orange flames.
Luke didn’t question him any further.
“Now, Daisy. What have you two gotten yourselves into?”
“Nothing,” Katherine responded coolly. “We’re just passing through.”
“I don’t buy it,” he insisted. “You two are up to something.”
“We’re not up to anything, Lord Ares,” Luke promised, not necessarily sure how to address the immortal god.
“Relax, I didn’t say I wasn’t into it,” he reassured them. “How would you two like to earn a gift from me?”
“Like what?” Katherine asked cautiously.
Ares, the god of violence, bared his jagged, less-than-white teeth in an almost animalistic grin.
“Anything you want,” he promised, leering like a cartoon villain.
“Swear it,” Katherine said immediately. “On the River Styx.”
Luke remained silent, fearing that Ares would lash out at her, which he was definitely known for doing. Luckily, her gall only seemed to amuse the war god.
“I’ll tell you what, girlie. I’ll make you a deal. We can both swear it on the river, that if you do the one thing I ask you to do, without your little bodyguard here interfering, I’ll get you whatever you want, wherever in the world it might be,” he chuckled mischievously.
“Deal,” Katherine decided with finality.
“Hey,” Luke warned, lightly grabbing her arm, “I don’t like this…”
“Hey, you know we could use all the tools we can get,” she reminded him.
“But do you really wanna do whatever he wants you to do?” he asked.
“Yeah. I do. Because it’s up to me,” Katherine told him.
“Why do you wanna help us?” Luke asked.
“Because. Whatever it is you two are doing, I’m sure my dad’ll love it,” Ares laughed heartily. “I love family drama.”
“I swear on the River Styx that if I accept your deal, and do as you say in exchange for what I want, Luke Castellan won’t interfere in any way,” Katherine vowed impulsively. “Now you swear.”
“Hey!” Luke exclaimed, not particularly thrilled that his full name was invoked in a sacred promise on the River Styx.
“That’s the Daisy we know and love,” Ares laughed, his laughter somehow cold and scorching at the exact same time. “You’ve got spunk, kid. I’ll give you that… I swear on the River Styx that, if you do what I’m about to ask of you, I’ll procure and give to you whatever existing object you want,” he granted, seeming satisfied.
Luke was in awe of Katherine’s trust in the god of war of all people, feeling as if she had some sort of death wish. He couldn’t imagine someone as smart and strategic as Katherine putting their faith in this pompous 80’s movie villain.
“Then quit fucking around and tell me what I have to do,” she stared up at him, eyes spiteful and insinuating.
“Katherine!” Luke exclaimed for the umpteenth time. “Shut up?!”
“Holy shit, you’ve got a mouth on you, kid, I love it!” Ares raved. “Nobody talks to me like this! Shit. Alright. First, I gotta get us to where we actually need to be. Here.”
Before Luke and Katherine knew what was happening, Ares had made a point of snapping his fingers and transporting the three of them, in addition to their vehicles, to an undisclosed location. He looked around in confusion, not recognizing the suburban neighborhood they were now standing in, in the dark.
“Where are we?” he asked, surveying his surroundings.
Katherine, however, didn’t seem confused at all.
“What are we doing here?” she looked up at the god, seeming even more on edge. “I said I’d never go back here!”
“That’s the catch, girlie,” Ares reminded her with a grin. “I never said the task was gonna be easy.”
She sighed, realizing she was in a bind. “You know what? Fuck it. Just tell me what you want me to do,” she gave in.
“Is—Is this where you used to live?” Luke asked her.
She refused to answer the question, not taking her eyes off of Ares.
“What do I have to do?” she demanded.
“Simple,” he began mischievously, “Go in… And get that teddy bear.”
Even in the dark, Luke could see Katherine Montalvo’s face go pale as he finished speaking.
“Why do you want me to get that thing?!” she yelled. “I don’t want it!”
Luke had no idea why she seemed so opposed to the simple request, but something told him that the answer to that question was something long and twisted.
“I know you don’t,” Ares taunted her, “That’s why I want you to.”
“You’re sadistic,” Luke cut in furiously, “She’s not playing your sick game!”
“Like hell she isn’t!” Ares shouted at him, fiery pupils reappearing and igniting the darkness. “She wants that prize! She’ll do anything for it!”
“Stay out of this, Luke. I’m doing this for us,” Katherine promised him, her demeanor softening to appeal to his reasoning. “Just let me go in, and get what he wants me to get. Don’t intervene; I swore on the River Styx. You don’t wanna know what happens if you make me break that promise,” she urged him, genuine fear in her eyes.
“…Okay,” Luke agreed shakily, “I trust you.”
“Good,” she nodded, seeming relaxed by the promise.
“But I’m coming with you,” he insisted.
“Fine by me,” Ares said indifferently. “I can make us both invisible. All you gotta do is go in, and get your teddy bear, Daisy.”
“Fine,” she spat, turning to Luke. “I’ll be fine. I promise. Just don’t do anything, and everything will be okay. I’ll get us what we need to find him.”
“Okay,” Luke nodded, feeling as if he were saying some sort of goodbye, “I trust you.”
He said the words a second time, not knowing what else he could say to urge her to make it back.
Chapter Five
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a-casual-egg · 9 months
I hope I'm not the only one who prefers how oxventures used to be edited. The editing where you see the character art interacts with each other and stock photos. I genuinely enjoy seeing it a lot, and not seeing it with the more recent episodes upsets me. It almost seems like character art is getting phased out, and that kinda scares me.
It started with oitd when they just had the neutral character art next to a square of the person playing their pc. Then, with their "previously on" segments, they give us more of the characters, showing us different expressions and clearer references for drawing them. However, it also feels very limited. I know seeing the ox crew in their costumes is very fun, especially with Andy's dramatic acting as Edvard but I think seeing the character art dragged around the screen like how oxventures used to be edited would be just as fun.
Then, with oxventure deadlands, the character art rarely makes an appearance. It's so divorced from the show that a casual viewer might not have ever seen it. I think that sucks because character art really helps people visualize the characters. Especially when the characters look different than the actual person playing them, like with Nate and Johnny, Delacy and Luke, and Garnet and Jane, to name a few. (There isn't much difference with Garnet and Jane, but Garnet's hair is red, not black like Jane's.). In fact, you could argue you have to go out of your way to find the oxventure deadlands character art. You go to an oxventure (Halloween? I believe) special video to actually see the oxventure deadlands character art.
I do love seeing the ox crew in their costumes and them interacting with each other irl as their characters, but there's an enjoyment I get from watching the art of the characters interact. To me, the character art is the characters and the players dressing up as their characters is just a supplement to help get the players get into the mindset of their characters and to help the audience understand who is playing who.
If it's not obvious, I very much dislike the less and less appearances and uses of the character art. I get it's probably quicker to edit and get the videos up without doing all the editing of the characters. I also get that it's cheaper to pay for one group shot of all your characters than five characters with multiple different expressions. It's just that I feel like the decrease of character art and the silly little editing of the characters in the videos takes away stuff from the experience. I think a big part of that for me is the silly whimsy of the editing Andy did with the character art. It really helps bring the story to life for me. To be honest, it does a better job than soley watching real life people sit at a table and talk.
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alien-hybreed · 6 months
OVERTIME - Part 1: Extended Hours
Mike hates his boss, Laura. Mike secretly has a crush on his co-worker, Rhiannon. Laura has never been anything but rude and demanding. So when an argument keeps Mike at work with Laura instead of leaving with Rhiannon, he's fired up.
Fired up enough to do something stupid, like hate-fucking Laura.
But there's something different about Laura besides her sudden interest in Mike. Something otherworldly, something monstrous...
"Mysterious radio transmissions reported by several of the world's-" Click "Inside sources saying that it may have originated from beyond our solar system, there are concerns-" Click "The unusual reports of shooting stars observed across the city last night-" Click "Saw several properties damaged by the debris-" Click "As authority call upon citizens to-" Click "Keep well away" Click After cycling through several different news channels, Rhiannon finally settled on a community television channel that played very poorly recorded covers of popular jazz songs over stock photos of scenic photographs. It was dull but not half as dull as the 10pm news.
"You gonna leave it on this one this time?" Snapped her co-worker, snatching the remote from her. "I dunno Luke, am I?" She playfully retorted, playfully nudging him under the counter. Mike watched the two from the burger bench as he frantically tried to wipe the station clean. It was yet another quiet week night, Mike hated those. Because they were short-staffed, uneventful and tedious? Sure. But mainly because it meant watching his best friends flirt with one another. Jealousy was a terrible thing like that. Mike had a crush on Rhiannon, had done since he first met her working here.
They'd started at the same time, fresh out of high school, trying to make ends meet. Almost five years later and they were still here despite always talking about moving on to better things. Rhiannon was still working in this fast food hell hole because she didn't know what she wanted to do next. Mike was here because he didn't want to give up on Rhiannon. And Luke? Well he slept with almost every woman that worked here. Except for...
"You two! Will you close your mouth's and your registers already?" Snapped the whip-crack sound of their Store Manager's voice from the back office. Laura was a tyrant. A short, pretty woman with long blonde hair in a tight bun and piercing blue-grey eyes. Laura was only a few years older than them, but she behaved like she was decades above them and perpetually irritated by anything that didn't meet her unrealistically high standards. Mike had given up on trying to be friendly to her a long time ago. As far as he was concerned, she'd never even tried to be civil with him or anyone else outside of head office for that matter.
Not five minutes later, Rhiannon and Luke were at it again. Mike winced as he saw Laura come striding out from her office, scowling as one of her trademark tantrums was clearly threatening to break free.
"Pick up the pace Mike" She snapped as she stormed past him.
"Bitch" murmured Mike under his breath. Laura shot him a filthy look over her shoulder as if she'd heard him. Not wanting to get bogged down in a screaming match with her this close to getting out, Mike averted his eyes and scrubbed harder at the toaster he was cleaning.
Mike could hear her shouting at Luke and Rhiannon, her voice getting louder the more they protested. Finally, there was the loud crash of a metal tray getting hurled at a wall followed by Laura stomping back past Mike. She always did this once she started throwing things around. She'd walk off only to come back moment's later, twice as pissed. The only way to stop her was to be immediately working on what she'd demanded or she'd just get meaner. Mike knew better than to attract any attention to himself. Despite that, Laura glared at the bench he'd cleaned earlier.
"Not good enough, get your act together Mike!" She snarled. Mike went to respond but she was already lashing out at Luke and Rhiannon again.
"Alright love birds, you're fucking done. Go the fuck home. Mike and I have got this." She bellowed, stomping her feet for emphasis. "Oh what the fuck? No! No way!" Snapped Mike, throwing his scrubbing brush at the floor. Rhiannon tried to say something but Laura cut her off. "Home. Go. We've got this." "I don't think so, that's bullshit" pouted Mike. He knew full well there's no way he'd get out in decent time, Laura was always more hindrance than help when she started cleaning anything herself. She'd have Mike redo everything, for what? His friends flirting?
"Mike. Not asking. You'll get it done. You two aren't working so go the fuck home" Roared Laura. Taking the hint, Luke and Rhiannon dived for the staff room to get their things and make a run for it. They had an outland they'd seen Mike and Laura fight enough to know they needed to get out while they still could.
"Well I'm asking, Laura. How the fuck are we meant to get all this done!?" Snapped Mike.
"Well you won't get it done any faster arguing!" Shouted Laura as Luke slipped out the front door, followed by Rhiannon. Rhiannon paused on the way out to mouth 'Sorry' to Mike before ducking out.
"So what, they do less work and they get to leave early?" Replied Mike, raising his voice to match Laura's.
"Right! That does it! You, my office. Now!" Screamed Laura, going red in the face.
"What!? Now!?" Mike was no stranger to Laura's 'disciplinary meetings'. He was angry enough at the prospect if staying back. Throwing a half hour of Laura high-roading him about due process and performance improvement plans, sounded like hell.
"Yes! Office, Mike! Now!" She shrieked, stomping her feet again. Mike rolled his eyes and shuffled towards the office. As he stepped into the office, he turned to face her and huffed. "Honestly Laura, just let me get back to cleaning or we'll be here all night?" Pleaded Mike. "I'm counting on it" snarled Laura as she shoved Mike, pushing him backwards. Mike stumbled, falling into the office chair behind him. Before he even knew what was happening, Laura was sitting in his lap. Her legs were around his waist, her hands seizing him by the neck and shoulder as she clamped her lips around his. Mike tried to push her off him, but her grip was surprisingly strong. Her tongue darted between his lips and began stroking the insides of his mouth. By the time she finally pulled her lips free, Mike was gasping for air.
"Yeah" She whispered, her voice dropping to a husky whisper "We're gonna be here a long time" at that she pulled Mike's hair, yanking his head to one side as she pressed her lips to his neck. Mike frantically looked around as if suspecting a prank. Laura's tongue was stroking the side of his neck and Mike couldn't help himself as he leaned into it. Laura was a lot of things, but unattractive wasn't one of them. Maybe this late shift wouldn't be so bad at all... Mike winced a little as he felt her tongue grow rough, something about it almost felt like it was pricking his neck... At that Laura stopped and pulled away, briefly releasing him to start unbuttoning her the shirt of her uniform.
"Clothes. Off. Now." She commanded as she pulled her shirt over her head and cast it aside. "Shouldn't we go somewhere more... y’know" Panted Mike as he tried to catch his breath while marvelling at the sight of her. The swell of her breasts straining against her bra, the flatness of her stomach... why was she working here when she could have been a supermodel instead?
"I said clothes off. Now" she growled, gripping his chin tightly. Mike nodded and began tearing at his pants while Laura pulled his shirt over his head. Given how slender arms were and how little physical work Mike had ever seen her do, he couldn't get over how strong she was. He let out a sigh as her hands roamed his chest, tracing along the line of his collarbone and stroking his sides. He kept trying to reciprocate and touch her but she kept pushing his hands away.
"Clothes. Off." She growled, baring her teeth as she swooped in to press her lips to his throat again. Mike had got his pants to his knees before he'd become distracted but he knew she wanted more than that. While kicking his legs to work his pants down to his ankles, he slipped free of his boxers. His cock springing out to press against Laura's pants, already fully erect and ready for what must surely come next. Again Mike felt the prickle on his neck as her tongue pressed against it. His vision blurred a little as Laura stood up and stepped back to admire him. "Yes. Yes this exactly what we want, isn't it?" She said in a husky whisper, slowly unzipping her pants to let them fall to the ground, dramatically revealing her slender legs and a waistline that made Mike's heart skip a beat. A tiny black thong was all that stood between Mike and her womanhood.
"So what are you waiting for? Come and get it" snarled Mike. This changed nothing. He still hated Laura... didn't he? "Oh, I will" chuckled Laura. Maybe it was light off the nearby computer screens, but Mike swore there was a green glint in her eye when she said that. Laura turned around and unclipped her bra before cinching her thong down slowly, bending over to tease Mike with the sight of her ass and a glimpse of her pussy.
"Stay where you are" She commanded, stepping backwards and lowering herself into Mike's lap. "I'm not looking at you until we're ready" "I'm ready" said Mike as her ass cheeks slowly slid around his cock until it sat neatly between them, pointing up at her lower back. "Not yet. Until then, do exactly as I say" She snapped. "You can touch my legs now" she murmured. Mike immediately slid his hands over her thighs. She took a deep breath and arched her back, reaching behind her to grab Mike by his hair. Mike squeezed gently as his hands slid up and down her thighs. Slowly, her hips started to flex, making Mike's cock slide back and forth between her ass cheeks.
"Unf... you're still such a bitch" grunted Mike. He felt her other hand come to rest over his left hand and gently guide it towards her crotch. "You love it" She sighed as she ran his forefinger across the folds of her entrance. "I really don't. You're a fucking bitch, Laura" whispered Mike, not sounding quite so sure of himself as he felt his finger slip into her slit. God, it was wet. So warm, soft and so fucking wet. Was that normal he wondered? How badly did Laura need this? "Oh and you're such a good boy?" She scoffed with a slight chuckle. "You will be once I'm through with you..." She groaned as she pressed Mike's finger to her clit. Mike went to speak but instead she pulled his head so close that it pressed his lips to the back of her neck. "Kiss me like you want to kiss her" She said with a lusty sigh. She knew about Rhiannon? Of course she knew. Laura was perceptive, there's no way she hadn't clocked it a long time ago. The thought of Rhiannon being here instead was more than enough to make Mike give her exactly what she wanted. He began working his lips around Laura's neck until he was passionately sucking and biting at it. Laura shuddered and began gyrating harder, bucking back and forth between pushing down on Mike's finger and continuing to massage his shaft with her ass.
Mike couldn't deny this was the hottest thing he'd ever done with a woman. The kitchen staff had often joked Laura was probably the kind of woman that fucked like a real dirty porno, but he'd never expected that to be quite so close to the truth. Satisfied she didn't need to hold his mouth in place, Laura stopped pulling his hair and seized his right hand and moved it up to cup her breast.
"Good isn't it? Go on, feel it. Don't act like you haven't thought about it, I've seen how you stare at them" She stated firmly. Mike did as he was told, kneading the luscious mound and slowly slipping his fingers around her rock-hard nipple. Mike's left hand no-longer needed any guidance from Laura as his forefinger swirled around her clit, his movements guided by her soft moans of ecstasy. He slipped another finger in to join it and Laura didn't object. If anything, her moans and movements began to intensify. Mike desperately wanted to plunge his cock into her while he still had the chance, he could feel it wouldn't be much longer until he came but there was no way he could get his cock into position in time. Laura had him firmly locked in position, was this her plan all along? To get him off and humiliate him for not going the distance? Again, Mike surprised himself by not being turned off by it. Maybe letting her win this one could turn things around between them? Mike could feel the pressure swelling up from his balls into his shaft. Any moment now... Mike felt something brush against his shaft, as though she had just licked it. He didn't have time to hesitate or think how strange that might be, he was already spurting cum over her ass and lower back. His fingers squeezed as his nerves briefly overloaded from the sensation. Laura let out a long, orgasmic moan that became a haughty chuckle as she slowed to a halt.
"Mmm... still thinking about Rhiannon, Mike? Or was that for me" She huffed as she caught her breath. "Sorry... I..." Mike stammered as he tried to apologise for his brevity. Laura slowly turned to the side and slid her leg around his waist once more. "Shhh..." She whispered, gently pressing a finger to his lips "I know you can do more. I'm counting on it." She purred as she pressed her chest against his, passionately kissing Mike. He tried not to flinch when again her tongue felt like it was making a prickling sensation on the inside of his mouth. "I asked you a question, Mike" She gasped between kisses. "Was that for Rhiannon?" She growled. Mike genuinely didn't know the answer. Laura was always horrid to him. He felt nothing but loathing for her. And yet... "Maybe... maybe not... no..." he rasped, clearly unsure of how best to answer such a loaded question. He still liked Rhiannon, didn't he? He couldn't be developing feelings for Laura, surely not?
"I thought so. Because you're a good boy now, aren't you?" Replied Laura, sliding off him and slowly moving to sit between his legs. "Would Rhiannon do this?" She purred, slowly dragging her tongue along his shaft, mmming and moaning as she flicked trails of cum into her mouth. Mike was fascinated as he watched her, the control she had over her tongue and how long it was... it was giving him some truly wicked ideas of what he'd like to see her do with it. Mike threw his head back and moaned.
"That's right..." She whispered seductively "Naughty, isn't it?" She continued, moaning between licks. Again, where her tongue touched him he felt his skin prickle. Weirder still was that his cock wasn't going down at all. Had she spiked his drink in the staff room? Is that what this was about? How else could he still be up? Again the light from the office cast a strange reflection in her eyes, making them seem almost entirely bright green, her irises glowing like the red eye effect on an old photograph.
"You're going to be naughty, but only when I tell you to Mike" She growled before sheathing his whole cock in her mouth. Mike whimpered as he felt a second, smaller load of cum burst into her mouth despite his best efforts to hold it back. Laura just chuckled as she stood up, licking her lips clean as she did. Mike also tried to stand up but he felt too tired to really work his feet, making Laura snicker as she watched him.
"I didn't say we were done, Mike" She growled, her voice dropping lower than he'd ever heard before. Her eyes still looked weirdly green and red, was Mike sure that was a reflection? "I said we were going to be naughty" She growled even lower again as she jumped on him. The chair squeaked and cracked as she landed on him, her legs straddling him as he felt her vagina slide up against his shaft.
"Do you still want Rhiannon?" She whispered into his ear while deliberately grazing the head of his cock with her folds "or just me?" "You..." Gasped Mike. "Only you..." he groaned as he leaned his head against her shoulder, exasperated by the whirlwind of emotions he was feeling. He'd spent so long obsessing over Rhiannon. But Laura felt right. Laura was controlling, powerful but also so sensual and proficient.  He'd never really thought too much about being submissive, but Laura made it feel so natural, so soothing. "I just want you Laura, please, while I still can..." he begged, imploring her to push down and take him into her depths before his erection would surely begin to wane. Laura shushed him and drew him into another passionate kiss. His hands slid up her sides and back to cling at her shoulders as he settled into it.
Maybe it was the exhaustion kicking in, but when she finally pulled away, Mike could have sworn Laura suddenly looked bigger. She was five foot six, but now she seemed taller than that, her legs and torso were almost the same as his and he was six foot. That couldn't be right? He didn't get to dwell on that before she shifted his attention elsewhere. Bracing herself on his shoulders, she rolled her hips forward, expertly guiding his cock into her sopping wet pussy. Mike gasped as he felt something long, wet and warm coil around his shaft and pull it deep into her. At that, Laura seemed to make a deep rumbling sound, she was purring like a cat.
"Hey, what just..." Mike protested, trying to put their tryst on pause for a moment. He felt the same sharp prickling sensation as before, but this time it was running up and down his cock. He was cut off from speaking further as Laura pressed her lips to his again. Mike bucked his hips and shivered with delight as he felt his cock moving in and out of her.
"That's all you need to worry about" She stated, gently clawing at he back of his head as she gyrated in his lap. "That's all you want, isn't it?" She moaned, licking at his ear as she spoke. Mike felt like it was a struggle to respond, he just tilted his head and let her keep licking. Eventually, she leaned back, burying his cock deeper in her. As she did, Mike's hands roamed her body. He lovingly caressed her sides and kneaded at her breasts, his fingers homing in on her nipples to playfully pinch and pull at them. All the while the stinging sensation around his cock intensified. It now felt like there were at least three separate lengths caressing and coiling around his cock as it throbbed inside her. But instead of concern or shock, Mike only felt more invigorated by the strange sensation.
As Laura leaned back  she ran both her hands through her long, golden waves of hair, sweeping it back behind her. As she did, her hair seemed to disappear while head seemed to be growing longer.
"What's... happening... to you..?" Panted Mike, surprising himself with how willing he was to keep fucking her despite what he was seeing.
"Remember that day I was off sick?" Snarled Laura, her voice growing unnaturally deeper once more. Mike remembered. Right now he felt bad for enjoying that day. He didn't want to enjoy not being around Laura. Not anymore. He loved Laura, he just couldn't see it at the time. There was also something else bouncing around in the back of his head. The news from earlier... something about meteorites...
"I got better" growled Laura as her entire mouth seemed to split open down the middle and open out sideways as a second set of jaws slowly slid into place behind them. The secondary jaws weren't split like the others but were lined with sharp teeth and fangs that looked more like the teeth of a cat. Mike bucked up harder. "You really did" he rasped as he gazed up at her in slack-jawed amazement. Her skin was shifting into what looked more like the scales of a snake, yet it was turning bright blue like some sort of tropical bird or fish. The scales were smooth to the touch and felt incredible on Mike's skin where she touched him. Her torso seemed even longer, she was surely six foot six now. Mike watched in awe as the back of her head elongated and swelled, becoming a two foot long, semi transparent tube. He could see through it to the elongated skull beneath which also seemed transparent like it was made of glass. Beneath, throbbed her brain, glowing with the same eerie green light as her eyes. There was something else in there, like snakes writhing between the pieces of her brain. The lips on her outer mouth curled into a ferocious grin as dozens of tentacles rapidly sprouted from the underside of her head, cascading around her back and chest as if it were hair that went down to her waist.
Part of Mike wanted to scream, part of him wanted to cum. He'd never been so aroused before. Whatever Laura had been before, however he may have once felt towards her. He loved her so completely now, no matter what she looked like.
"Our little secret" She snarled. It almost sounded like two voices speaking at once, Laura's feminine, human voice and the deep, guttural growling from before. She crossed her legs around Mike and the chair, locking him in place. Mike bucked up as hard as he could, the wet slurp of his cock in her and the sound of her thighs clapping against his was music to his ears.
Several tentacles draped across Laura's breasts slowly began to coil around Mike's arms as she shrieked and gasped. The warm, wet feeling of the tendrils felt like an incredible massage on Mike's skin that served only to make him buck harder. Mike splayed his fingers out nice more to squeeze her breasts as her nipples began to extend into tentacles of their own. Writhing around his wrists and snaking up his arms, these tendrils were different. Ribbed like vertebrae and ending with point tips that made his skin prickle wherever he touched them. She was incredible, the sensations she gave him were like nothing he'd ever felt before and he craved more.
"Can I... be real naughty?" Implored Mike "We'd really like that" growled Laura, again with the two voices speaking as one. At that, Mike pulled his arms back, using the grip of her tendrils to pull her close to him until their bodies pressed against one another. At that, Mike gave her a slobbery kiss, sliding his tongue past her outer mouth and into the jaw behind it. With all his might and no doubt a little assistance from Laura allowing him to, he pushed his legs to stand up, planting Laura on the desk without breaking contact. The desk creaked under their weight as Mike furiously thrusted into her, the tentacles around his shaft constricting and pulling every time he bean to slide out from her.
The two of them giggled and moaned as they kept this up for several minutes. Mike's eyes glazing over the longer he kept thrusting. Laura shrieked and hissed, stretching out her legs and flexing them to let Mike press his cock deeper in her than ever before. All the while Mike continually muttered how much he loved her and would do anything for her. Such enthusiastic devotion seemed to please Laura, her eyes fluttering and loud moans escaping her every time he did so.
Finally, Mike began to shudder. He clutched at her body as he felt a tremendous climb begin to race through his exhausted form. Laura tensed, tightening her tentacles around him as she sank her claws into his back and crossed her legs behind his back once again.
"Laura... I'm gonna... ah! Fuck! I'm cumming!" Mike gasped struggling to breath. "Do it. Fucking do it. Fuck me harder. Give me every drop, don't fucking stop!" Shrieked Laura in both her voices. Unable to refuse her, Mike dug deep and thrust so hard and fast that he began to drop with sweat. Laura's encouragement became unintelligible moans and roars as Mike's cock rammed into her. Finally, his whole body rocked, his hips spasming as he shot several thick loads of his seed into her before collapsing on her in an exhausted heap.
"I love you... I fucking love you Laura" he Droned, barely awake as he tried to snuggle against her. She chuckled, a low throaty sound as her grip on him began to tighten. "We're not done yet, lover" She purred, Mike groaned, not sure if he could muster the stamina for another fuck like that. But Laura had something else in mind.
The tentacles around Mike's cock continued to constrict, holding his cock inside her as it dribbled the last of his cum. Meanwhile, the tentacles from her nipples snaked their way up his shoulders and plunged into his mouth. Mike's eyes widened as the tentacles thrust their way down his throat. He tried to move but between how low his energy was and how tight Laura's hold on him was, he couldn't budge.
"Mmmf! Mmmhmm!" He tried to ask her what she was doing as he gagged on the rapidly swelling, ribbed tentacles. "Shhhh I've decided I'm keeping you because you're such a good boy..." She purred in a sultry whisper, gently caressing his cheek and temple with her clawed hand as she he'd him. A reminder of their newfound love, combined with the chemicals from her many stings throughout the night which were now flooding Mike's system, seemed to ease him into doe-eyed compliance.
The nipple tentacles began to undulate, pumping thick, viscous fluid into Mike. A warmth blossomed inside him like nothing on this earth and he relaxed completely into her grip. His lips slowly began to suckle at the tendrils as the warmth spread through his entire body. A sharp agonising twinge of pain was shooting through his bones and his chest ached as his ribs began to swell, straining at his skin as it began to turn pale blue and scaly. Mike groaned as his hair began falling out in clumps, the back of his head aching as it began to extend into a semi-transparent tube, half as long as Laura's. Unlike Laura, his ribs, spine  collarbone, hips and the bones on his forearms began sprouting through his skin to form a clear, glassy exoskeleton. His mouth remained the same, but his teeth grew long and sharp while his tongue seemed to grow long and narrow.
Laura happily purred as she watched him transform. The chemicals she was pumping into him were rapidly mutating every cell in his body, every fibre of DNA into a hybrid like her. Memories and knowledge of their species were artificially created in his altered brain, just like Laura had experienced when the alien parasite bonded to her. He would still be Mike, just like she was still Laura. But now he would think differently, feel differently. No human inhibitions to hold back his love for her. He would be a devoted, loyal drone for his queen and he would enjoy it.
Finally, his feet swelled to twice their size, toes becoming beast-like claws while his ankles thickened and his thighs swelled with tight, corded muscles. Satisfied the transformation was completed, Laura retracted her tentacles from his mouth and loosened her grip on Mike.
"How does it feel, my love?" She whispered "Better" growled Mike, now he too sounded like a second, monstrous voice spoke in time with his. "And who do you love?" She asked with a lusty moan "You. Only you." Growled Mike. "Show me" She commanded as her vagina began to relax, letting Mike's cock slide out with a thick, wet, slurping sound. He shuddered as he straightened up and slowly crawled off Laura, his chest heaving with every breath he took. With the utmost reverence for her, he gently placed his hands on her thighs as he slunk backwards. Lowering himself to squat between her legs, he looked up at her, savouring the sight of her as she stretched out to her full length. Even with his own monstrous enhancements  she was easily head and shoulders taller than him.
Laura's mouth's twisted into a wry smile as she watched Mike's eyes roam her body before settling on her pussy. Smeared with a mixture of his cum and her own juices, the three tentacles inside her pussy slowly wriggled where they were protruding from between her folds. Mike couldn't remember ever seeing a more beautiful sight.
"You want to taste me" She stated, her voice as firm as the muscles in her legs that Mike was lovingly massaging. Mike nodded slowly, his awkwardness being a mixture of reverence for Laura and adjusting to the size and balance of his elongated head. Laura tilted her head back and sighed as her pussy tentacles retreated into her. Mike leaned in and slowly pressed his lips to her folds. Laura let out a gleeful hiss, her outer mouth flexing outwards as she exhaled. Mike delicately prised her folds apart and began slithering his tongue up and down her slit. Laura shuddered and gripped the desk tightly as Mike began sucking at her, his head bobbing as he worked his tongue in and out of her. Hours ago, Mike wouldn't have dared go down on a woman he'd just pumped a load into. But this was different. No longer human, he didn't care about where their fluids came from, all he cared about was pleasuring Laura. He relished the slime oozing from her vagina as his lips pressed harder against her, after all this was the taste of their bodies combined. He yearned to be inside her again,  to create more of this delicious substance, to give her as much of it ad she could ever need and never stop. But he stayed where he was, massaging her vagina with his lips and tongue like she wanted, his mouth openng wider with each gulp as instinct drove him to prepare for something that would happen next. He did not understand ths sensation but accepted that he existed for Laura and would welcome whatever she would do to him. After all, he loved her with ecery fibre of his monstrous being.
Meanwhile Laura was stifling an urge of her own. As Mike's tongue pressed at her clit and writhed between her vaginal walls, her eyesight was growing strained and blurry. Her  claws and tendrils flexed involuntarily as herbody began to shiver. A delightful buzz was flushing through her abdominals as internal organs began to shift and squeeze. Was this how her orgasms would feel from now on, she wondered? There was so much about her new form she didn't fully understand, she just knew it felt good and right, that she wanted more and for it to never stop.
She could feel her vaginal tentacles straining not to plunge into Mike's mouth. She wanted something more than a climax. She struggled to keep her eyes open as she watched him hungrily lapping at her slit, it pleased her to see him so compliant and submissive,  yet so full of vigor. She wanted her tentacles in there, she wanted to force his throat open and sit on his face. She twitched her hips as she felt a set of mandibles unfurling from within her pussy. She wanted to snap at him with them, clamp them around his cheeks and hold him there... For what? Somehow she knew that if she did that, it would bring their tryst to a halt. There was something else slithering into place, ready to glide down his throat... No! that part must come later, she couldn't waste it now. Not without plenty of seed first... she had to intervene before Mike drove her over the brink of climax.
"Get... Get up!" She Panted, her twin voices gasping as the sensation wracking her body nearly made her lose composure. She wanted to let loose, to fuck with reckless, animalistic fury. To sit on his face and cum. But she wasnt ready yet, her drone had plenty to do for her first and if he was to do that he, she had to be in charge. Mike pulled free and stepped back, his maw dripping with their combined juices as he stood up like a soldier awaiting orders.
"As you command" he growled in a monotone voice, his arms hanging limp by his sides as he awaited further instruction.
"Good boy" She purred as she hopped up, giving herself a moment to stop shakiing as she regained her composure. Slowly, she prowled around him, running her hands over his smooth exoskeleton. "You are my drone now. The first of my beloved" She whispered "Yes my love, as you command" replied Mike in the same monotone, his twin voices so close to matching each other in tone and pitch. "I need your seed..." Continued Laura "Amongst other things, it nourishes me. Sustains this... our... my true form." She caressed herself as she spoke, her eyes fluttering as her hands slid over her crotch and up her chest. She hadn't known this until she said it but now it made perfect sense to her. She hadn't 'eaten' since she first became like this and she had not yet created any drones to sate her appetite. No wonder she'd felt so compelled to convert and fuck Mike, she was starving. Not that she minded, he'd proven to be an excellent choice.
"You do want to sustain me, don't you?" She purred, staring longingly at Mike's cock which now sported a segmented sheath of bone plates around its shaft. As she spoke, an erection swelled it once again, causing a fleshy length to begin extending from it. "I live for you" drawled Mike, excitement creeping into his voice as he anticipated another round of monstrous lovemaking.
"Yes, you do" chuckled Laura, pushing him to the ground. Wasting no time to pounce on him, straddling his waist as he lay beneath her. With a triumphant roar, she rammed her hips against his, impaling her womanhood on his hard, bony cock. Her hips bounced faster than she could have ever managed as a human. Mike tried to grip her thighs but she seized his arms by the wrists and pinned them to the ground. Mike didn't protest, instead he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Relaxing his entire body except for his waist which bucked against Laura's just as hard and fast as it had earlier. He began to purr as her vaginal tendrils coiled around his shaft, the prickling sensation of their microscopic stingers serving only to further invigorate him.
For nearly half an hour she road him, briefly pausing when they would both begin to shudder and hiss as a thick load of cum would pour into her. Each time, Laura would fight off the general to move her hips to his face and let her mysterious fourth pussy tentacle do what it wanted. The niggling urge grew stronger every time, but she kept her composure and resumed fucking Mike cowgirl-style. She was still Laura and she was still in charge.
Eventually, even her superhuman stamina began to wear thin. She had feasted upon the seed Mike had pumped into her, but her body still needed to process it. Most of it would be used as an energy source, while a portion would be used for her reproductive functions. But neither of that was possible without rest. Coming to a shuddering halt as a final spurt of cm shot onto her, she looked up at the clock on the wall. Three AM. In a few hours, the sun would be up.
"It's time to go home, my love" She crooned as she slowly slid off of Mike. The thought of needing to leave the safety of the office seemed to be causing Laura's body to change again as she slowly got back on her feet. Her body was rapidly shrinking. Her inhuman features melting back into her skin while her slimy sweat seemed to congeal into regular human skin. Her head ached as it slowly compressed back to the size of a regular human skull, thick waves of blonde hair sprouting from it as it did. If it weren't for Mike locked in his monstrous form beneath her, an intruder would have mistaken her for her regular, albeit naked, human self. Finally, with a gasp, her eyes returned to their normal blue grey.
Wasting no time, Laura got dressed as fast as she could and gathered up the tattered remains of Mike's clothes and stuffed them into her backpack.
"Carefully now. I'm taking you to my car Mike, but you can't eternity anyone see you" She whispered, stroking his chest as she did. "Careful... as you command" he drawled in his monotone. "Yes, Mike. We're going to our home" She stated, affirming their course of action. "Home..." he happily purred. "Yes, our home" She chuckled, taking his hand and leading him towards the door "I need to sleep and you need to build a nest..."
* * *
The next day, when the opening shift arrived, there was no shortage of complaining. The place had been left in a mess, only half the cookware and workstations had been cleaned, some even still had last night's leftovers going off in them.
When Rhiannon and Luke arrived for the closing shift later that day, everyone wanted to know why they'd half-assed the close. Let alone how Laura had let them leave with it so blatantly unfinished. The conversation was awfully repetitive. "Laura sent us out, it was just her and Mike, ask him?" "Mike's not in today, nobody's heard from him?" "Well... ask Laura?" "Hah good one" or "Ask Laura? Seriously?"
The two of them couldn't help but worry how bad Mike and Laura must have fought if he wasn't in and Laura had made no comment on it. As they put their bags away in the staff room and moved towards their registers, Laura stepped out of her office. Perfectly normal, human Laura, her face in its characteristic frown. She snapped at them as abruptly as she had appeared.
"Luke, I'm going to need you to stay back late tonight. There's a lot we need to catch up on..."
Continued in Part Two - Home Time
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invisibleraven · 9 months
Haunted Holidays
December 25: Family <-AO3 link!
Merry Christmas all!
Ray had one rule when the band made it big; they always came home for the holidays. No ifs, ands, or buts. No matter what else they were doing, or where in the world they were, Christmas time was family time. They had rolled their eyes but agreed, and had stuck to the agreement ever since.
At first it was just Julie, since the rest of them had their own families to spend time with, though they all migrated over to the Molina house at some point and didn’t really leave after that. But Ray didn’t mind, regardless of blood, they were all still his kids, and he’d rather have them here with him than out on the streets or getting into trouble.
Then Ray found out what Reggie was going home to and insisted he just stay with them from here on out. Went so far as to make himself a foster parent should Reggie ever need it, and by the next holiday season Reggie was emancipated and living with them full time.
The next year he found out about Luke running out on his parents, and squatting in their garage. He gave the boy a good talking to, but once he saw that Luke was determined to not go back, he urged him to at least let his parents know he was safe, and that he was always welcome. Things would always be tense with the Pattersons’, but they could at least rest easy knowing their son was somewhere safe, and loved.
By the next year, Julie, Luke, and Reggie were together as well, so Ray figured it was better for them to stay in the house where he could keep an eye on them rather than not. Plus it meant he didn’t have to look further into adult adoption and let the guys figure out a way to make themselves Molinas another way. He’d keep a hold of the family heirloom rings just in case.
Alex and Willie followed soon after-they usually stayed with Willie’s foster dad, but he often travelled for work, so any year they didn’t want to follow him, they were welcome to spend the holidays with the rest of the band. That became more and more frequent over the years, with both boys coming to become honourary sons to him, and he was as much of a dad to them as he could be.
Flynn and Carrie were the last to join. Flynn because she genuinely did have a good relationship with her family, and usually only came over for a gift exchange with Julie more than anything. Carrie had taken her time coming back into the fold, and it wasn’t until she and Flynn had worked themselves out that Ray really thought about her spending her holidays with her rockstar father up in that big mansion, or perhaps alone when Trevor was working or on some retreat. Ray would bet it was more so the latter rather than the former.
So that was how he found himself with a houseful of people for this year's celebration. Three couples, plus himself and Carlos, and he was sure Victoria would stop by at some point, probably with food. Which wouldn’t be unwelcome given the number of people.
Ray decided to get the house ready before they arrived; cleaning and getting the decorations up, but he left the tree for when Julie was home, since that was her favourite thing. He picked up groceries for the week, then went back for extras, and a few snacks to hide away for himself. Plus things he could stick in their stockings; candy, socks, guitar picks, pens, and hair stuff.
He already had presents sorted, even though all of them insisted he didn’t need to get them anything. But he couldn’t have nothing under the tree for them to open! So he got everyone their traditional matching pyjamas, those were non-negotiable, but he also got everyone a book, plus a nice photo in a frame for each of them to do with as they wished.
Ray hummed as he placed the last gift under the tree, hoping Julie would get here soon so they could put the ornaments on. Wondering if this time next year she’d be wearing a ring on her finger, the guys had been hinting about wanting to ask for some time now. Maybe a few years down the road, they would all come home with a bevy of kids. Ray would like that, having children around to celebrate the holidays with. To be an abuelo to them all, regardless of blood.
“Raymond! I’m here with the food!” Victoria called out.
“You know where everything goes!” he called back, then went to help because he’d catch hell if he didn’t.
Soon enough Carlos was home, and the three of them got to work cooking, doing any last minute wrapping, and playing phone tag with the crew flying in.
“Flynn says their flight is delayed, but she and Carrie will be here by supper time,” Victoria confirmed.
“Alex and Willie are driving down now, ETA two hours,” Carlos said, barely glancing up from his phone.
“Julie says they have a stop to make along the way, but they should be here soon,” Ray said. “And asked if we had room for two more.”
“Who did they adopt now?” Victoria asked, good naturedly.
“It’s probably Kayla and her new partner,” Carlos said. “Julie said they weren’t sure what they were doing for the holidays.”
“Well the more the merrier!” Ray declared. “Carlos, help me dig up some more chairs por favor.”
Soon enough, the doorbell rang, and Ray smiled. Everyone knew to just come in, but they delighted in letting him answer the door, welcoming them home for Christmas. And as soon as he opened the door, he got an armful of Julie, hugging him tight. “Feliz Navidad papi!”
“Feliz Navidad mija. Where are the boys?”
Julie gestured to where Reggie was getting the bags, and Luke ws helping someone from the back of the car. An older woman and man that Ray instantly recognized. “He reconnected with his parents?”
“They’re trying,” Julie whispered. “And he wanted to celebrate with his whole family. You don’t mind, do you?”
“As long as everyone is civil and respectful, of course not,” Ray assured her. “But if Luke goes missing out to the garage for a bit, I won’t question it.”
Julie hugged his side briefly before letting go to help Reggie with the bags, so Ray could get a Reggie hug in. He then greeted Emily and Mitch warmly, insisting they weren’t intruding and were more than welcome. He grabbed Luke into a side hug and whispered his pride into his ear afterwards though, and by the man’s smile, Ray knew Luke had needed to hear that.
The rest of the crew arrived shortly, with warm welcomes all around, and Willie said if he knew they were allowed to bring parents he would have dragged Caleb along. They all laughed at the thought of Caleb Covington coming here for the holidays, but Ray told Willie to try next year, they’d make a big thing of it.
They ate and caught up, had a round or two of carols, and some snacks-nothing fancy, but it was a lovely night. “Alright gang, presents are at nine sharp, be here in your jammies, or be square!” Ray declared as he went to head off to bed after they finished the tree. “Emily and Mitch, you are more than welcome to come back, even though I’m afraid I don’t have matching Molina family pajamas for you.”
“Maybe next year?” Emily suggested. “We’ll be by for dinner afterwards though, I’ll bring a pie.”
“Oooh, I do love your pie,” Luke said. “Come on Ma, I’ll drive you and Pop home.”
Maybe Ray waited up to ensure Luke got home safe that night-but the hug he got in thanks more than made up for the lost sleep. Plus the next morning was a lazy affair-no need to get dressed, just warm up the cinnamon buns, start the coffee, and wait for the kids to get up.
It wasn’t a grand Christmas, nothing over the top, but Ray felt warmed by the spirit of the season as he watched his family gather together, exchange gifts, laugh and love together. Plus he spied the diamond now sitting on Julie’s left hand, and the slim bands on both Luke and Reggie. He wasn’t going to say anything-he was sure they wanted to wait until everyone was here. He could be patient.
So Ray sat back, drinking out of one of his many World’s Best Dad mugs, content as anything, and happy to enjoy Christmas with his family.
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bacchicly · 6 months
AKA Chapter 3 - Mountain Air (originally posted on Fanfic.net in 2021)
OR read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54640615/chapters/138581950
Summary: What really happened after Luke and Penelope gave Phil is his puppy!
NOTE: Thank you to everyone who reads this and especially those who leave comments! This chapter has mixed POVs and is set just after 13x07. It is just lots of lots of connection and lovely fluff...nothing particularly smutty for those who are here for mostly that. Don't worry more will come. Hope you enjoy!
Neither Penelope nor Luke have stopped smiling since they left a very happy but tired Phil and a happy but even sleepier Lou.
After the big reveal at Phil's physical therapy appointment, and once it was established that Lou was going to ride home with Phil in his usual pre-arranged taxi, they had made a quick plan to rendez-vous at Phil's place. Luke and Pen had then spent a more than just a few hours helping Phil set up his house as a doggie paradise. While Luke installed a doggie door to the backyard and made sure there was no way the puppy could escape the small yard by mending the fence in a couple places, Penelope and Phil got to work finding the perfect places for the about a million things that they had brought in from Luke's truck.
There was enough food for Lou's first week (similar to Roxy's diet but modified for Lou's puppiness), organic dog biscuits, food and water bowls, a slightly sparkly but still butch doggie placemat, a crate for home, a travel carrier, a grooming kit, two different pooper scooper contraptions, a rainbow of differently patterned poop bags, several themed leash / collar sets, doggie booties for rain and different ones for winter, a doggie raincoat, a doggie winter coat, three doggie sweaters in progressively bigger sizes, one doggie Christmas stocking, no less than five different doggie beds, and at least one of one of every type of doggie toy available at the local pet store.
Luke and Penny had basically conducted a raid of the establishment earlier that day before picking up Lou as arranged with a local breeder. The two FBI agents had been like kids in a candy store - laughing and joking - eventually each were pushing an overflowing cart. Penelope swears she saw Luke skip a few times... and the result was that Lou may be the most recent winner of "dog with the most things" award. The eyes of the lady at the checkout had been as big as saucers as she rang up the giant bill; which was then paid for by Luke with a laugh and flourish of his charge card.
The last thing they presented to Phil was a gift certificate for puppy obedience lessons and another equivalent to three doggie spa sessions with a local groomer. Penelope had, of course, checked that both businesses would be fully accessible to Phil whether he was in a wheelchair or not. As they left, Luke promised to drop in tomorrow to see how man and puppy were doing - while Penelope programmed her cell number into Phil's phone and demanded to be texted doggie photos DAILY.
Luke places his hand on Penelope's lower back as she boosts herself into the passenger seat of his truck. Not only could he not seem to stop touching her today - a palm to her lower back, his fingers on her elbow as he guided her to the truck as she carried Lou, an arm slung over her shoulder as they stood watching Phil get to know his new buddy - he knew he couldn't remember a better day. He was so glad he had gone against his first instinct to do it all himself - even when his first Google search for a puppy came up snake eyes - and had instead asked the BAU's resident tech genius and all around expert in pet things to help him. Together they had been able to find the perfect puppy for his best friend. Plus, on top of the joy of finally feeling like he had done something good for his best friend, doing it with her made the whole experience extra incredible.
As Luke jumped into his side of the car, he looked over at the beaming blond and felt his heart beat a bit harder. He really didn't want the day to end. So as he is backing out of Phil's driveway he asks...
"Hey, I'm starving - do you want to go grab something to eat before I drop you home?"
"um...I should probably get home...I need to feed Sergio...and um turn in."
"We don't have to work tomorrow - or at least hopefully - let me say thank you for all your help today. If you want we can stop by your place first and feed Sergio... and..." he glanced at the dashboard clock "..in fact, um it's later than I thought it would be...Roxy's due home in less than an hour...how about we feed Sergio - then pick up some food and go back to my place? Pretty please? With sugar on top?" He reaches over and squeezes her knee over her skirt "You can choose what we order...I just really don't want today to end."
"I get to choose what we order? And we stop in to check on Sergio? And I get to see your sweet girl?"
"Scouts honour, Chica."
"Oh alright. You've caught me in a weak moment."
She puts both of her hands over the one he's put on her knee. His insides do a giant somersault.
He can't help but glance at her quickly as he asks:
She nods and grins.
He flips his hand on her knee over so he's holding her hand.
She's laughing and nodding now. She intertwines her fingers with his.
He squeezes her hand and smiles at her quickly.
"Cool. We'll eat."
She's squeezes back and smiles and nods some more.
They both look straight ahead grinning ear to ear.
After a few minutes she turns her head cheekily...
"I'm still never going to stop giving you crap."
They laugh and hold hands all the way to her place.
Sergio is on the top of his new super glam cat tree. It's clear from the fur all over it that it is a well used and loved addition to the apartment. He opens one eye when he hears "Ok we've got 15 minutes to devote to Sergio then we gotta split if we're going to be back in time to meet Roxy's sitter!" from down the hall outside the apartment "So no dillydallying Ms Garcia!" then there's a much more feminine and familiar "I bet I am faster than you! Race you to the door!" then a deep "You're on!" followed by a squealed "Wait! Alrighty Mr. Super Special Agent...1,2,3..." then a low-ish kinda squealy "Hey!" then a high breathy giggly "Go!" and then the sound of running heeled-footsteps and Penelope's screaming laugh in the hall... .
Now Sergio picks up that the deep human voice is also laughing and there are more footsteps - no heels - "Tickling is cheating! Oh no you don't! I'm going to get you Penelope Garcia!" It sounds like she's being chased down the hall but in way that Sergio might describe as kitten-ish since she sounds to be enjoying it.
Next thing Sergio knows, there is a thump against the door and her laughter gets more and more wild and breathless "Stop it! I need to find my key!" more giggling and then "Stop! Stop!" "Ok, Chica but no more cheating in foot races!" then a triumphant "Found it!" and the key can be heard in the lock.
Humans! Sergio stretches but stays on his perch so that he can be ready for whatever mayhem Penelope has brought home. Although it had better include dinner and an ear scratch or he'll have to think up some suitable revenge.
The two humans practically fall into the apartment when the door opens. His Penelope, of course, addresses him right away as is proper and crosses to reach up and scratch his head. Sergio notes that the man is the one who delivered his current throne - so he supposes he's allowed to stay for at least a few moments.
"Hey Sergio! Good day, little man? Scritch then dinner?"
Sergio meows assent, so she gives one last round of ear scritches and then heads to the kitchen. Sergio, for his part, starts to make his way down the tree - pausing to sharpen his claws a bit on one of the posts and then again to let the man stroke him a couple times.
"See how much Sergio loves his tree you got him? I still don't know how I will ever thank you enough, Luke!"
"Penelope - first of all you have given Roxy like a billion things and second of all even of you had never done anything nice for me or Roxy ever before today - which we both know is not the case - I'm pretty sure you've paid your debt today!"
"Today was wonderful. I should be thanking you for letting me a part of it! Who knew giving puppies to good homes would be my jam?"
"Survey says...ding ding ding ding..In number one place for "Penelope's Jams", that was our number one answer, folks!"
"Oh shush."
But their eyes catch and they are both smiling again at each other for a long moment.
Luke is the first to break the moment and asks:
"So...can I do anything to help? Do you need to change or grab anything before we go out again? We've got..." he looks at his watch "exactly 7 minutes until we should be back on the road."
"Um if you could refresh Sergio's water - I'll just run and make sure his box is tidy and maybe I'll just throw on something a bit cozier? We're just going to hang out eat and maybe watch some TV or um something right?"
"That was what I was thinking."
He's got that look that she'd begun to think of as his heart-eyes again...but she doesn't want to think too hard about it. Today has been too special - so she smiles and spins off to make sure Sergio has nice clean litter. She doesn't have much time - so she can't freak out or fret too much about finding the perfect outfit. She wants to be comfy and sure a bit cute...but also she doesn't want it too look too much like she's trying...honestly she has no idea exactly what is happening between the two of them - which would normally freak her out - but for some reason it's not. She quickly settles on a nice lacy copper and teal underwear and bra set...trying not to think about why that pair appeals to her in this moment - then a favourite pair of pink polka dot fleece pants and a lilac t-shirt with a wide neck that shows her bra strap. The front has a line drawing of a winking cat and coppery purple curly letters shouting out "Cats are better than people - but you're alright". She puts on a comfy but cute pair of runners - they will probably take Roxy for a walk - does a lightning quick hair accessory and glasses change - both frames and hair bow are coppery and teal and sort of steampunk inspired but not over the top - and gives herself a quick once over in the mirror - perfect. At the last minute, she bites her lip and then makes a decision. She grabs a little wooden box from the drawer of her bedside table.
She's back out in the living room in 6 minutes and 30 seconds flat.
"Ta da!"
She does a little pirouette, grabs her purse and slips the box in quickly, then chooses a coat, bends over to give a quick but loving goodbye pat to Sergio, and then, as she heads for the door, calls over her shoulder to a staring Luke Alvez with a wink:
"Whatcha waiting for, Newbie? We don't want to be late! To the truck! No dillydallying now, Mr. Alvez."
The evening was pretty much the definition of awesome perfectness. They arrived at Luke's house just moments before Roxy and her sitter, ate an amazing meal ordered from an amazing Thai place she loved - and Luke even ordered all vegetarian without her even needing to remind him that she didn't eat meat. They had all then taken a walk around the neighbourhood and when the three of them got back - man, dog, and woman - sat together and watched a new movie none of them had seen yet. The movie was definitely what Spencer would call a film not a movie - and turned out to be as engaging, thought provoking, and even funny and sweet as the previews had promised. During the movie - ahem film - she had rested her head on his shoulder and put a hand on his thigh. He had put his arm around her shoulders - his fingers drawing circles on her upper shoulder just under where the neckline crosses her arm.
As the credits roll, Luke marvels at how in this moment everything felt very - what could describe it... adult and comfortable seemed to be in the right ballpark. What was it about her that made him feel so particular about words? It had felt like they were a couple today - an old married couple who forgot their cues and got annoyed and forgave small transgressions and touched and smiled and laughed and worked together as a team. He was still very aware of her and how sexy she was - how part of him was having a total body freak out party just because she was in the room ...not to mention he was touching her. He was still very aware of how much he wanted to do things with her - but another part of him felt a different type of joy that left him at peace and whole. There had been hints of this before between them - but nothing compared to what he was feeling now. So what was next? What to do with all of this?
He didn't know but for some reason he also wasn't in a hurry to solve the riddle. He was ok with letting things be. That didn't mean what he was feeling wasn't intense or even a bit scary - but it did mean he was willing to trust this strange new in-between.
Penelope was having similar thoughts. The fact that her mind felt calm and clear in this moment - comfortable rather than anxious was novel and gently addictive. She too was aware of his body and strength and her fierce attraction to him that stemmed from the realm of physical but was coloured with many more layers. Today had been momentous - she had known for awhile that Luke was a truly remarkable - respectable - man, but today she had seen that it went even deeper. Oh, she knew neither of them were perfect, but somehow they made a very good team. They seemed to balance each other and bring out the best qualities they each had to offer. She was in awe of this man for what he brought to the world: the battles he had faced and the heart that he was still willing to open. She knew it was love she was feeling - but she wasn't quite sure yet what type of love. After all didn't she love every single member of her BAU Family and Luke was part of that.
One thing she knew was that there wasn't the panicky showy insecurity that often ran through her with potential romantic partners...the feeling that she usually took as evidence she was interested in someone. That feeling had raced through her when she first met this man - this man she was comfortably and without fear sitting beside - it was those feelings that had caused her to fight or scurry away whenever he was near.
No, that near-panic-easily-confused-as-lust-or-love-or-anger-or-danger was no longer what she felt around this man...but she wasn't sure what it meant - except she knew it was somehow sacred and precious. So what to do? What would adult Penelope do now?
Finally the last of the credits have run and the screen goes to black. They sit there for another few minutes not moving or speaking. Just being with each other and their thoughts. Penelope surprises even herself when she looks up at him - pulling back slightly so she can see his eyes - and speaks quietly and confidently but in a voice that is still true sparkly blue Penelope:
"I did a thing."
To be continued...
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vintagelasvegas · 5 years
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Las Vegas Park Race Track, 1953
The track went bust after just 13 days of live racing in 1953, a failure of what was intended to marry the Las Vegas gambling and entertainment destination with the Thoroughbred racing boom. The site later became Las Vegas Country Club, Westgate, Regency Towers, and part of Las Vegas Convention Center.
Joe Smoot founded Las Vegas Park in ‘49, and acquired 750 acres from the estate of Leigh S. J. Hunt at $750/acre. The architects were Arthur Froehlich and Paul R. Williams. Construction began in summer of ‘50, and by the following year the business was bankrupt.
Smoot pleaded not guilty to a grand jury embezzlement indictment. In federal court, failing to produce receipts or canceled checks for $500,000 in missing money, he said: “You ever try to pay a politician with a check?”
Las Vegas Jockey Club, a new corporation headed by Lou Smith and Al Luke, emerged as the new owner and operator in early 1953. The park opened September 4, 1953. Their only season was married by faulty ticking and betting equipment. The stables were vacated in Oct. ‘53. Joe W. Brown bought the track following its second bankruptcy.
• Photos of Las Vegas Park Race Track
Las Vegas Turf Club was the second organization to use the track for horse racing. Their Dec. ‘54 season had poor attendance, as low as 400. Ten years later in ‘64 & 65, Las Vegas Park was used for the last time for Nevada Racing Association’s Thunderbird Downs. (The name Thunderbird Downs was also used for the half-mile track a short distance away at the Thunderbird Hotel.)
Throughout the 50s, the track – alternately known as Joe W. Brown Race Track – was also used for convention events and automobile racing: American Automobile Association Championship (‘54), NASCAR Grand National Championship (‘55), and the USAC Grand Prix (‘59). It was the race track seen in the movie “Viva Las Vegas.”
Part of the property was sold to Clark County in ‘57 for the construction of the Convention Center. Joe W. Brown’s estate sold the remaining property to National Equities Inc. in ‘65 for the creation of what became Las Vegas Country Club. National Equities sold some 60 acres to Kirk Kerkorian for The International Hotel; 20 acres to Clark County for an expansion of the Convention Center; the southeast section was saved for what would be come Regency Towers.
• Video: construction and opening of Las Vegas Park in 1953
Photos: Las Vegas News Bureau; Keeneland Library Thoroughbred Times.
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Sources. Work to Begin on Las Vegas Park Stand. Review-Journal, 5/26/50; B. Dow. “Sports Snorts.” Review-Journal, 7/21/50; Vegas Park Story of Accomplishment. RJ 9/4/53; Big Car Race. Review-Journal, 5/23/54; Vegas Race to Preview 500 Dash? Review-Journal, 11/7/54; Sad Ending: Turf Club Scratched. Review-Journal, 12/6/54; Vegas Track Mark of 95 MPH Might Fall Under Stocks. Review-Journal, 10/16/55; Home Show Opens Tonight at the Race Track. Review-Journal, 6/12/57; 250-Mile Grand Prix Set for Vegas Today. Review-Journal, 11/29/59; J. Price. “A Dream of Horse Racing that became a Nightmare.” The Nevadan, 2/6/66; R. Miech. A sad saga: horse racing in Las Vegas. Las Vegas Sun, 4/29/2008; J. Lowe. The lavish Las Vegas racetrack that went bust in 13 days. Thoroughbred Racing, 2/25/2019; J. Warren, 2021. The Path of the Shield.
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Fuck canon Luke Castellan crawled out of the doors of death and went about helping demigods even though he could never return to camp half blood.
Instead, he makes an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere his new home. He spends days renovating the building, turning it into a safe place for demigods who needed a place to stay.
He stocked the building with plenty of food, medicine, ambrosia, nectar and weapons. He buys 20 bunk beds just in case. Making sure that any demigod who came to him would have everything they needed to survive.
He spends his days traveling the country, seeking out newly discovered demigods and helping them find their way to the safety of camp half blood and even camp Jupiter on a few occasions. Luke doesn’t like the idea of the eight year boy who still needs help tying his shoes joining an child army but there isn’t much he can do. He always hugs the demigods he is dropping off, offering words of encouragement and reassurance. Luke knows what it was like to be lost and alone, and he didn't want anyone else to feel that way.
He keeps a corkboard in the kitchen, not unlike the one in the Hermes cabin, filled with photos of the kids he had helped. Some of them he had taken himself, while others were sent to him by the kids themselves. It has pictures of graduations, birthdays science fairs, one kid even sent Luke a photo of Annabeth and Percy’s wedding.
One kid a son of Nemesis who reminds Luke so much of Ethan sent him a picture of all the new cabins for the minor gods. Luke is so grateful to Percy for keeping his promise.
Luke's work goes unnoticed by the gods and most of the demigods at Camp Half-Blood. As far as they know Luke Castellan was still dead, his sacrifice was the end of his story. But for Luke, it was only the beginning.
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isaterriblebore · 1 year
StEx Appreciation Month Day 6: Buffy
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Favourite Actor Rebekka Gibbs, Roni Bruno, Camila Piper, Renee Chambers, Michelle Musty, Emma Katie Adcock, Serina Mathew
Favourite Songs/Scenes Girls Rolling Stock!!!! But I also love her in the races too!
Favourite Costumes Original Bochum costume!
Favourite Ships Ashley/Buffy for sure!
Headcanons I headcanon her to love reading. Her idea of a good night is getting cozy and reading a book she’s been wanting to read!
Unpopular Opinions I prefer brunette Buffy… however I love the short blonde wig they gave her in the 2010s of Bochum!
Photo 1: Clare Maynard - Bochum 2013 Photo 2: Roni Bruno - London 1999 Photo 3: Camilla Piper - UK Tour 2012 Photo 4: Kathy McIvor - Bochum 1994 Photo 5: Danielle Lockwood - Bochum 2017 Photo 6: Michelle Lukes - Bochum 1997
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