#it’s a secret 🤫
just-a-tiny-goldfish · 10 months
Orellia is gunna invite the rats at the water plant into Julia’s apartment
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galaxymagick · 2 years
221028 Taekwoon 💭 update  
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stardewey · 8 months
HOW DID TOU FIND ME ‼️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
✨ Willy Wonka ✨
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lazywriter-artist · 6 months
I like how I was able to clock your transformers fan status by how you draw your buggy admechs (machinespirited's main)
It’s true 😔😔😔, the transformers to AdMech pipeline is real and I am proof—
Literally just bought me a nice new transformers calendar the other day too smh smh, get outta my brain
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pinksparklegirly · 9 months
I’m sad ❤️ just needed to tell someone 🤫
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 10 months
I’ve decided that my @pedrostories secret Santa fic is going to be Fuckin’ Cute.
That’s all.
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sameoldrigmarole · 10 months
We need to talk about Friend-zoning
No one will read this, but I need to get it off my chest. Friend-zoning needs to stop.
In the recent past, I changed jobs. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. However, to an ex-coworker, this apparently made me a target.
I’ve known this boy (I call men, men, when they act like it) for 4 years. I’ve never treated him any different than any other person I’ve worked with. Because I wasn’t a raging bitch to him from the start we just have a “connection”.
It started with him texting me when he was drunk. I’d blow it off and tell him to sleep it off. It progressed to texting me at a work function I was invited to while his wife was on his arm (did I mention he was married?). I again asked him how many drinks he’d had and when he insisted he was being sincere I, gently but firmly, told him we would never be more than friends.
The way he turned so quickly. “I really feel a connection with you and I know you feel it too.” Strike one was telling me how I should feel. He only knows me through work. He’s never seen the real me. Honestly strike one should have been trying to hit me up when he’s MARRIED. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Then he tried to imply I wasn’t interested in men. Like there’s no way in the world he could ever be turned down, I must be a lesbian. Sir, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. I’d honestly prefer a woman to speaking with you at this point. But I’m asexual. I don’t give a shit about anybody, but that’s none of your damn business and I don’t have to explain myself to you. Not to mention he’s 13 years my senior and MARRIED. Strike two.
I SAID NO. But when has that EVER been enough.
He started texting me in the middle of the night last weekend. I realized the day was coming where I was going to have to be professionally mean. I didn’t respond to the texts stating that he wanted to see me “can you get away?” As if I’m the one that’s sneaking around. He texts again two days later “why didn’t you text me back?” I was sleeping and I don’t owe you anything! He had the audacity to tell me there was no way I was asleep. Boy! I’ve made every decision to NOT have you in my bed. Are you seriously trying to tell me why I didn’t respond.
And you’re thinking. Why entertain this? Why don’t you just tell him to fuck off? Well, the industry I’m in, I can’t lose the connections I have at my old job. Not in a bad way at least. So I’m doing everything I can to not turn this into a bad situation for either of us. I’m not trying to ruin anyone’s life here.
TODAY he texts me while I’m at work in meetings all day. “Let’s go get a drink tonight.” I didn’t respond right away. I’m at work. I don’t have time for the bullshit. If no one’s dying, I’ll talk to you later. This fucker texts me an hour later saying “I’ll take that as a no, sorry I won’t bother you anymore.”
Strike three.
One thing that people don’t know/understand about me, I do everything I can to make time for people. I’ve always felt like I’ve bothered those around me. Call it childhood trauma or whatever. This was possibly one of the worst things someone could say to me. I go out of my way to make sure people don’t think I’m bothered by them. This was my tipping point. It infuriated me and I don’t take things sitting down. I put it out there. Told him I wasn’t going to apologize for not getting back to him when I was at work. I’m neither his wife or girlfriend. I owe him nothing. I’ve now said multiple times that this wouldn’t go further than a friendship and I’d hoped that he would respect me enough to accept that and not accuse me of being bothered by him when I make time for people when it’s genuine. And I told him that saying that and treating me this way hurt and I don’t deserve it.
He went off. Apologizing if I misunderstood him and telling me that he would appreciate it if i stopped speaking about it because it’s getting around the office. Boy! I’ve spoken to you. Sorry if you can’t stop running your mouth. And what’s with the gaslighting. I have the receipts. There’s no misunderstanding what you were doing.
But back to the main topic. The whole time he accused me of friend-zoning him. Because I was friendly? Because I listen when people talk? I never asked for anything from him. Never lead him into thinking that this was anything more than friendship, but I’m doing him wrong because I didn’t give in and go out with him? I cared more about my female coworkers than I ever did about him, but I’m the problem because he’s delusional?
Stop saying you’re friend-zoned. YOU misinterpreted a situation. It sucks. It doesn’t feel good. But just own up to it!
We are not to blame for your hurt feelings if we didn’t know or reciprocate them in any way.
I refuse to be villainized because I didn’t go along with a predators schemes. Because that’s all this was. He was trying to manipulate me into doing something that I didn’t want to do. Does that make men feel better? Having a girl give you a sympathy lay because they feel bad for you? Does that not make you feel as small as you are?
Get yourself out of the damn friend-zone and grow the fuck up.
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sandyjarrell · 1 year
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Got a fist DnD session in about an hour!
So here’s alll of my character concept drawings; her name is Bree and I love her,
Can you guess her traits?
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anastasiaskarsgard · 2 years
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When someone you know in real life wants your Tumblr name…
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Shhhh 🤫
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askdarlinwolf · 2 years
heyyyy weird question you gotta name for your darling? Just askinggggg for research purposes
ooc: like an actual name? yeah, first, middle, and last. i love my darlin so they get a whole name
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spenglerssweetheart · 2 years
Am I writing a Halloween fic? Maybe maybe not
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bttmr97 · 8 months
Dirtiest dream you’ve ever had?
* *** ***** **** ** ** *** *** * *** ** *** ******** ***** * *** ******** ***. *** ***** ** ***** * ***** 🤭
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blackseafoam · 1 month
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9florwax · 1 year
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