#it’s also. 2am. and i’m getting over a cold. so. apologies.
cowboy-alfred · 6 months
been thinking a lot about punk!arthur…
whether that’s human au or not…i think a canon au would almost be more interesting…
arthur turning to punk in the 70s…what values would he ascribe to it? ik no one agrees with how nations relate to their governments (whether they’re complicit, or if they’re even consulted, comes to mind especially), but how would this arthur feel about the queen? would he subscribe to the same punk that the Sex Pistols subscribed to? all shock and no actual value? smiling and having tea w his queen in the day and going out at night in homemade crust pants (which. ok. i think he could genuinely pull off the homemade look. he’d for sure MAKE his clothes and patches and stuff)?
i love the look of punk!arthur & punk (generally) is v superficial in its politics (all rage and shock but no actual solid politics outside of explicitly political bands) (anyone that says you can’t be conservative and punk knows nothing about the history of punk as a subculture) so he’d fit right in, i think. having political patches that he knows the meaning of and vaguely hypothetically agrees with…saying punch nazi’s and meaning it but the important part to him isn’t in being a safe person for Jewish people to talk to, but in violently picking fights in public.
(does that make sense? the same sentiment that’s behind “rb to make a terf mad” and not “rb to make a trans person feel safe. feel loved.” the importance isn’t placed in the marginalized group. the importance is in the violence and hatred that’s socially acceptable to flaunt. anyway,)
would he feel himself hypocritical? bc for all i say that punk is generally un-political, there is SOME politics that are agreed upon generally—at least, if you’re not a skinhead. and the british monarchy Being Bad is one of those things. would he clench his teeth hearing people say fuck the queen?
or would he 100% be fully on board. genuinely believing every moment of anti imperialism, of protest, of anger. and then a decade later he’d take out his piercings and cut his hair properly and shove his crust pants and battle jackets in the back of some closet, wipe his hands and go back to his government job. which is worse, do we think?
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analogwriting · 8 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 14: Magnesium
Killer x gn!reader word count: 3.3k a/n: ayeo fuck kese amirite???? this isn't the chapter i was crying over btw also i definitely have this queued to post at like 2am bc i feel like that's my brand so i'm deffo passed out rn cause i open LMFAO next
Dead? He told everyone you were dead? Now you were even more confused than before. Why the hell would he say something like that? It only drove the question more - why the hell did he want you out of the picture? Is that why Eustass seemed to go off the deep end? Cause his level of recklessness did just suddenly spike out of nowhere. Was that when he received the false news? 
Your head was spinning but you had to focus on the task at hand. While you were running, you felt something land on your shoulder and you stopped. It was a bird - not any bird, but Myra’s bird. One she sent when she had urgent news. You couldn’t help but be nervous.
You untied the letter attached to its foot, opening it carefully and reading it. As the words sunk in, you started laughing. Was she fucking joking? “C’mon, My. You could’ve told me that from the beginning.” 
Dear y/n,
I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this in person - I just didn’t know how. So, I set up a fake mission to get you to find your brother. You always seemed hesitant to leave our island - to leave Lily and I, so I figured this was the only way to get you to reunite with him. I knew you would keep putting it off, claiming that you needed to get stronger. I hope you forgive me for lying to you.
There is no flower that we need for a breakthrough - there’s nothing in Wano that we need. I just knew your brother was there and knew you were missing him. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
My sincerest apologies,
At the very bottom was Lily’s name written as well. You were sure she just wanted to feel included. You smiled fondly at the letter. “Oh, My. I could never be mad at you.” You pulled a pen pad and pen out of your pocket, writing a quick response before sending the bird off again. Impressive it was able to find you in all this chaos, honestly.
You made sure to let her know you weren’t mad and thanked her for everything. The whole thing was just hysterical. Myra was terrible at talking about feelings of any kind. A lot of people claimed she couldn’t feel normal emotions like a normal human, but she just couldn’t express them. She was rigid and came off cold, but you knew better. She had her own way of caring.
Obviously. She arranged a whole fake mission just to reunite you with your brother. You tucked away the letter, knowing you’d probably end up just keeping it. A keepsake along with the knife. Huh, maybe you were getting sentimental. Eh, whatever.
Well, now what? You spend a considerable amount of time looking for this damn flower that didn’t exist. And your brother is probably long gone from the place that he was at. 
You suddenly felt something jump on to you from up above, yelping as you tumbled to the ground with whatever it was. After a moment of rolling around and a few scrapes with something sharp, you pinned it to the ground.
“Dive!?” Your eyes widened as you saw the small woman struggling against your grip. “Get fucking off of me!” She cried. Confusion took over your features. “Dive! It’s me!” 
“No, it can’t be! You’re dead!” She eventually stopped struggling. That’s when you noticed her lip quivering and the tears in her eyes. “Who are you and why do you have their face?” 
You stared at her for a long moment, processing. Right. Kese told all of them that you were dead. You let out a small sigh, sitting back and letting her go. “It’s me, Dive. I don’t know why Kese told everyone I died.” She sniffled, glaring at you.
“I don’t believe you.” She slowly sat up, wincing. You noticed a cut on her arm. “Here, let me tend to it.” You reached out and she pulled away suddenly, seemingly to distrust you. You frowned. 
“Dive. I promise you. It’s me.” You tried to think of something to help your case, then you remembered. You lifted up your pant leg, showing her a clear bite mark scar. “When we met, I startled you so bad that you bit the shit out of me. I couldn’t walk right for a week.”
Dive’s eyes widened and tears started falling. “It really is you!” She threw herself into your arms as she sobbed, burying her face in your chest. You held her there, comforting her. Fuck, why did Kese do this? What the hell was his angle? 
After Dive calmed down enough, she pulled away. “So, are you coming back with us?” A soft smile spreads across your face and you nod. “Of course.” She grinned widely. “Good. Everyone is going to be so fucking happy you’re alive.”
You stood up with Dive, looking around. “I heard the captain is fighting Big Mom with that other pirate captain - we should go find them!” She pulled you down the hallway and you followed behind her. 
“Dive?” The both of you stop as you see Heat and Wire coming out of one of the many hallways that seemed to be in this maze of a place. They both tensed when they saw you. “Dive…get away from them.” You groaned, rolling your eyes. This was getting old fast. Sure, you understood why everyone was cautious but you were getting annoyed and honestly you couldn’t wait to kick some ass. Well, specifically Kese’s ass.
“No! It’s really them! The-”
“For all we know, they could be some kind of devil fruit user.”
You looked at Wire as he spoke, thinking for a moment. “Remember when we were kids? There was the snapping turtle incident? You know? The one where it bi-”
They were both over in moments, covering your mouth with their hands. “Okay! Okay!” You couldn’t help but start cackling behind their hands. They let you go, staring at you for a moment. They took you in and you sighed. “You’re making me uncomfortable,” you grumbled.
You suddenly felt them both wrap their arms around you and you yelped, almost taking a tumble to the ground, but catching yourself at the last moment. You patted their backs, keeping your own tears back. Mostly because you just missed the shit out of everyone. Besides, you knew these two for such a long time and now seeing them after being gone…
“Alright, alright,” you said, sniffling and pulling away from them. Now wasn’t the time to be sentimental - there was a wholeass war going on.
“We don’t understand…” Heat said, shaking his head. “Why would Kese tell everyone you’re dead?” Wire was just as confused. You shook your own head. “That’s what I’m going to try to figure out.” You sighed, putting your hands on your hips. You supposed you understood getting you off the ship…actually…no you fucking didn’t. Why has he been out to get you since the fucking get go?
“When the captain received that letter…” Wire frowned. You blinked. “Letter? What letter?” He looked at you. “Kese gave it to him. Apparently there was a letter sent by the lab you were at, saying that you had died on a mission. It included some newspaper clipping as well. There was a picture of you and everything.” 
Your eyes widened. A picture? How the fuck did he pull that off? Why was he going through such lengths to do such a thing? Nothing was making any fucking sense. 
“The captain went on a rampage after that,” Dive chimed in with a frown. “That’s when he ended up fighting Shanks. Shanks had tried to stop his rampage and the captain lashed out at him and…well…” She shrugged, assuming you knew the rest. You frowned, indicating that you did, in fact, know the outcome.
“Killer also seemed to change quite a bit. He wasn’t the level headed vice captain we all grew up with. Seemed to not have much care for what happened to him. It grew reckless… He kinda stopped cooking too. It was…” Heat shook his head. “Bad.”
You stood there, shocked. Bewildered. Dumbfounded. So, your guess was right. When your brother started to grow more reckless, that’s when he received the fake news. Also, you weren’t expecting to hear all this about Killer. Stopped cooking? You just couldn’t imagine it. But…you just couldn’t fucking figure out why. It was so weird, so confusing. What would Kese gain from all this?
“It’s so fucking good to see you,” Heat said with a large smile, hugging you again. You patted his back and smiled. “It’s good to see you guys too. I just wish you all didn’t think I died. That’s definitely making everything much harder.” You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you pulled away from Heat.
“Well, let’s head to wherever Tungsten is now. I saw him earlier, but at this point I’m not sure if he’s fully convinced what he saw was real - same with Killer.” Their expressions were bored into your skull. Well, Eustass’. But you knew that Killer must’ve felt the same way. You could just feel it.
Wire nods. “Follow me.” And you do. You slowly find more and more crew members on the way, all of them absolutely overjoyed to see you. Gig nearly crushed you when he picked you up, sobbing as he hugged you. You almost died for real. That would’ve been incredibly awkward - surviving death allegations only to die by affection.
The only people you were missing at this point were Killer, Bubblegum, and Pomp. And the man of the hour - Kese. Though, someone mentioned he was watching the ship. Everyone seemed to be in agreement that they weren’t going to say anything to him and just let you and Eustass deal with his ass.
Eventually, you made it to the room where Eustass was fighting Big Mom. You arrived just in time to see him summon a behemoth of some kind of a machine. Your eyes widened as you watched the scene unfold before you. You’d never really watched your brother fight before, but you knew it wasn’t to this calibur. 
“Holy fucking shit,” you mumbled. “Impressive, right?” You looked over to Heat and nodded. “Yeah. When the fuck did that happen?” He shrugged. “This is definitely a newer one, but this was the only good thing that came out of…everything that happened. Awakened his devil fruit n’ all.” Your own face darkened. You still couldn’t believe that Kese just…lied to everyone. About something of that caliber too.
You needed to see this letter. To see this…picture.
While Eustass was fighting, you started patching everyone up. The lot of you stayed out of the way and you figured there was a better way to pass the time besides just sitting and watching. The fight seemed to be almost over anyway. With the amount of yelling and big attacks happening, you knew the fight was drawing to a close. 
“Aren’t you worried, y/n? You seem rather calm about the fight right now,” Wire said. You looked at him, shaking your head. “Says the man who never shows any kind expression.” You snorted before answering his question. “I’m not worried in the slightest though. I have faith in my brother. They’ll win.” 
It wasn’t long after that that he had done just that. They won. You head over to your brother with the rest of the crew, cries and shouts to be heard. You stop next to him, kneeling down and smiling. “Good job, Tungsten.” You started to patch him up quickly. He just stared at you. “You…really are back, Bigs? It wasn’t a sick delusion earlier?” You shook your head. He let out a breathless chuckle as he seemed to process it, staring up at the ceiling.
“They’re really back, captain!” Dive chimed in. You saw as tears welled in Eustass’ eyes and he covered his face with his arm. “I can’t fucking believe it,” he mumbled in a hoarse voice. You didn’t say much, just working on patching him up. You knew he was more than likely crying, but he wasn’t about to display that kind of emotion. You let him be.
Suddenly, you heard a command come from a large dragon that came crashing from above. Was that Kaido? He was a fucking dragon? An order came to attack your brother and the other captain from the other crew. You stood up, pulling out your own blades as people began to run towards the lot of you.
“Like fucking hell I’ll let them hurt you.” 
Though, not much was able to happen before a large hand came down, grabbing Kaido and yoinking him right back out of the ceiling. You blinked, looking back at your brother who was sitting up. He looked just as confused as you, shaking his head and shrugging. “Luffy - I’m assuming.” You blinked. The Strawhat guy? Man, you really were missing a lot of important pieces of information right now, but you weren’t about to dwell on it.
It seemed everyone was distracted after that. A few people tried to come after Eustass, but you took them down with ease. You saw him stand up at the corner of your eye. “You better sit the fuck back down, Tungsten!” You turned around and glared at him and he returned the sentiment. “I’m fucking fine - chill out!”
“You just took a fuckin’ beating. You don’t need to be standing!” You marched back over to him, letting the others worry about what stragglers tried to attack. 
“But I won!”
“Well, that’s not what I fucking said is it?”
“What the fuck are you getting on about?”
“I’m here to patch you up, no matter the damage. Now just accept my generosity before I let you bleed out!”
“Why are you fucking yelling at me?!”
“I’m not yelling!”
Just like that - the two of you are back to your old ways of arguing. To anyone else but the crew, it probably looked like yet another fight was about to break out, but to your crew members, they couldn’t have been happier to see the sight before their eyes. They all had smiles on their faces and some of them were even laughing about it. “Finds out y/n is alive and the first thing they do is argue. They’re really related,” you heard Wire muse.
“Why the hell are you mad at me!” You shouted, drowning out background noise.
“I’m not mad - I’m just shocked!”
“Well what? What could you possibly have to say now? More yelling? You’ve done enough of that!”
“I’ve got two years’ worth of scoldings to catch up on!”
“What the fuck does that mean!”
“It means-”
“Alright.” A third party interjects as you suddenly feel yourself being lifted off the ground. “Killer!” you shouted, immediately beginning to squirm. Eustass just laughed at you. “Ha! Serves you right for yelling for no reason!”
“Just ‘cause ass is in your name don’t mean you gotta act like one!” you shout from over Killer’s shoulder as he carries you away from your brother.
“Oh my fucking god - there are two of them,” you hear a voice say. Your eyes land on Trafalgar Law who looks absolutely horrified at the scene before him. You flip him off. “Mind ya business, asshole.” 
“Real threatening coming from the person being lugged around like a sack of potatoes.”
“Why you fuckin- Killer let me at him!” You start struggling only to feel his grip on you tighten and you immediately give up.
“Absolutely not.” 
He does, however, finally put you down once there’s distance in between you and your brother. You dust yourself off and straighten yourself out with a sigh before folding your arms. You looked at Killer with a small glare. “I was just trying to help,” you grumbled. 
Then you heard it. You fucking heard what haunted you from your encounter in the snow. You tensed as the laugh rang through the air and your head snapped up, looking around for that deranged swordsman.
It fucking hit you like a fucking freight train.
Your eyes widened as you slowly looked at Killer, whose shoulders were shaking along with the haunting laughter. “Killi?” Your voice was soft as you slowly walked towards him. He stepped back and you paused for a moment. You looked over to your brother whose attention had also been grabbed by the sound of Killer’s new haunting laughter. It seemed to reverberate in a way that stuck with you.
It was hollow and emotionless. Not like the genuine laughter that it used to be. This was not the laugh you had fallen in love with. It was a twisted ghost of something you once enjoyed.
“Killer, what happened?” Before really thinking, you outstretched your arm towards his helmet but he quickly grabbed your arm - which happened to be the bandaged one and you hissed softly, pulling your arm away. He paused in his own movements as well.
His own hand reached out and took your arm gently, looking at your bandages. “Did I do this?” You looked at him, confused. Wait…was that shot in the dark theory you had true? You assumed he was just affected by whatever that swordsman was infected with. Was Killer and that swordsman the same person?
“No? It was some crazy swordsman in-”
“I did this…” You could hear the realization in his voice as it also hit you, but you’re still in denial. There was no way they were the same person. The dead look in his eyes. The look of bloodlust and just…
“Killer, no-”
“I did.” He ripped off his helmet and you gasped - mostly just out of shock from his sudden movements. You looked up at him with wide eyes. The bandages were gone, yes. But that smile, that haunting, empty smile stretched across his face. It looked absolutely painful. You reached your hands up towards his face and he pulled back, that damn cackle ringing out from him.
You caught his face in your hands anyway, brushing his hair out of his face to get a whole view of him. “What did they do to you?” Your voice was soft as you looked up at him. You watched as he cackled, the smile and the noise not matching the pure sadness his eyes were portraying. You saw the tears forming in his eyes. He was clearly in pain. Surely it wasn’t comfortable to have your face stretched and contorted in such a way permanently.
There had to be something someone could do about this.
Before you could say much more, Killer pulls away, putting his helmet back on his head. Eustass joins the two of you and you look at him. “What the fuck happened?” Your brother blinks as the blame of your conversation was pointed at him. He just holds up his hands in a surrender-like way.
“It wasn’t his fault, y/n…” You look back at Killer. “I’ll…explain later.” You stare at him for a moment before looking at your brother who also has a dark expression on his face. You nod, looking back at Killer. “Fine. I’ll let it be - for now.” “We have something to take care of anyway.” The two of them nod, knowing exactly what, or who you are referring to.
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2man222 · 2 years
Some personal shit I need to write down that’s been bothering me for a a little while. Feel free to ignore.
I’ve been feeling so bottom-of-the-barrel lately like I really want to spend some personal time with this person but they would rather spend time with just about anyone else and they’re only ever interested in spending time with me when people that they like more than me are also around. And they only ever talk with me after like 2am when everyone else has gone to bed and I’m the only other person around. I just want a more personal friendship that doesn’t rely on other friends being around I just want to be seen and appreciated as an individual and not as the least important or enjoyable part of a larger group. I don’t always have the energy for talking to more than one person at a time and I feel comfortable around this person when it is just us in the VC. I feel like I’m also able to be myself a bit more and be funny and enjoyable to be around instead of going silent when I can’t contribute to a group conversation. I don’t understand why they have no issues making plans with other people and having that personal time with them but the second I suggest just talking one on one or watching a movie that I think they would like or playing games because I want to spend time with them but I don’t want to be in a large group call, I just get ignored or I’m given some kind of excuse as to why they can’t spend time with specifically me. There’s just something nice about asking if someone wants to spend time with you and they’re just open to it and appreciate the offer even if they aren’t able to at the time (I feel like often times if people actually want to spend time with you, they will reschedule or assure you that they’ll be around another time). I’m just tired of being treated like some kind of exception friend that isn’t allowed to make any sort of plans cause I’m just not worth the time or something. I understand time is very precious and it’s very difficult to make everyone happy and dedicate your time to everyone. I also understand they aren’t always in a social mood and I’ve been very respectful and accepting of when they say they just want to spend time doing their own thing because I know they can get like that sometimes and I’ve come to understand that a lot more about them. I’m just sad that I’ve just never had the chance to spend personal time with them that wasn’t the result of everyone else going to bed and then them leaving the call shortly after. They won’t let me make any sort of plans with them and it makes me feel repulsive. It hurts when I send messages and certain things I send are selectively ignored and I get short and cold responses back when they don’t interact with anyone else like that. And the part that hurts the most is that I’ve been by this person’s side through so much and I’ve helped them through some incredibly difficult personal things they were going through over the last couple years even when things were going terribly for me. EVEN when they were treating me incredibly poorly and lying to me and breaking multiple promises to me a year ago (which they’ve since apologized for and acknowledged that the way they treated me was awful and they’ve been a lot better about that since), I still stood by them and made sure they knew I would still be there for them despite all of that. Even after they would constantly blow me off for this other person they were obsessed with for a year and that other person ended up treated them like shit and completely leaving their life without a word, I was there to support them through that and be a shoulder to cry on. I was always there to offer my help and reassure them that I’m always there for them but lately it just feels like they’ve forgotten about how much we’ve been through together and they just value the attention and support of others a lot more than what I’ve offered and continue to offer. Did they get too used to relying on me for support that now it just doesn’t have any impact and they need to hear it from someone else? Did they get so used to talking to me and hearing my voice in the past that it’s all just white noise now? Why do they have such a hard time saying my name when everyone else’s name comes out so naturally in conversation? Why is it that most days when I say their name, I’m given a hesitant “what” but if anyone else does, they’re over the moon? I really have no idea what happened and I really don’t believe I’ve done anything to warrant being treated the way they’ve been treating me lately (I’ve been told this by multiple of our mutual friends that they seem very unappreciative of my support) but when I bring this up to them, they just tell me “that’s just how I am” even thought I can see as clear as day that’s only how they are with me. They don’t act like this around anyone else. I’m told that I’m over-analyzing things and made to feel like my concerns and feelings aren’t valid and that it’s all in my head. I’m not delusional, I can recognize when I’m overanalyzing a situation and I wouldn’t be feeling like this if there wasn’t truth to it.  I just want things to be simple and enjoyable and I want the opportunity to show this person that maybe I’m worth their time instead of going back and forth on them relying on me when they have no one else left and then when someone other than me finally gives them the attention they’re looking for, they treat me like a last resort. I don’t want to just leave them be and ignore them until they finally “crawl back” for my attention or whatever because that’s manipulative and I would never do that to anyone let alone someone I care very much about. I want there to be a mutual and organic friendship that’s personal and isn’t reliant on other outside factors. I’m sure this seems silly and I know if I’m being treated like this, I just should stop caring as much but I really do care about this person with my whole heart. They’ve been there for me in the past when I was going through some of the worst experiences of my life, they found a friend in me over the person who introduced me to them when that other person ended up completely ditching the both of us, and we’ve shared a lot together and I wouldn’t have gone through all of this effort and heartbreak and spent so many nights crying about how I’m practically worthless to this person most days if I didn’t think they were worth the effort and all the good times we’ve shared in the past. I love this person very much and I would consider them to be one of my closest friends and again I know they would say the same thing about me but lately I really don’t feel like that’s coming back to me in the same capacity when that very much used to be the case. I just miss when my friend loved and appreciated me as much as I love and appreciate them and I’d do anything at this point for them to see me in a better way again but it feels like nothing I do or say to them matters as much anymore and it’s been hurting me so much. I just want things to get better but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or say to push things in that direction anymore.
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vampireantihero · 2 years
The 2023 Great Fridge Debacle (Newsletter)
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I’m back with a bit of a story, some plans, and the weekly schedule as promised. As you can tell from the title, the upcoming story involves refrigerators. I’ll get to that in a moment. First, let’s talk about this weeks’ plan.
Here’s this week’s daily schedule:
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As you can see, this is a lighter week. I’m really putting my pedal to the metal and trying to make progress on the mood and composition class despite big mental distractions and busy-ness that keeps getting in the way. So, the Twitch streams say we’re going to be working on the mood and composition pieces, but I’m hoping to be further along than what these topics suggest. What I’m planning for is that I’ll be past that point before the Twitch stream is scheduled. However if I’m not past that creative mark by the time the Twitch stream is supposed to go live, then we’ll be working on that thing during the Twitch stream. I’ve been working rather slow the last month or so because of 1) taking the time to do studies in the mid-afternoon in order to improve my skills and 2) fighting a pretty intensive art block from all of the personal stuff happening. You know I’ve been open and honest with you all, and I’ll continue to do the best I can with the energy and resources I have.
Next week, I’ll go back to planning new merch and getting stuff up into the Redbubble store and the website store. I’m once again thinking about whether or not to source limited run prints of some of my art, but I’ll talk more about that once we get to that point. For this week, I want to get the class to you all. My goal is to have it finished by the end of the week, but I don’t want to write a long message apologizing if I don’t hit that goal, so we’re planning a different, easier video for the end of this week. I’m hoping to start uploading Youtube videos at least once a week for you all, so this is my push towards that goal. If I wind up not getting the video done, then I know that’s too ambitious and I’ll stay at bi-weekly uploads. I’m trying to find a balance, still.
The 2023 Great Fridge Debacle
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In other news, let me paint you a picture depicting a harrowing tale of overwhelm, unplanned purchases, and luck amidst insane misfortune.
Alright, so maybe not that dramatic, but it was definitely a stressful situation that I don’t ever want to repeat again. As I mentioned last week, my theatre troupe is back in full swing, and we’ve been having rehearsals. That means I work from about 9am to 5:45-ish, eat, and then we’re at rehearsal by 6:30pm and usually there until around 9:30pm. So on Wednesday, we get home from our rehearsal and I decided I wanted some ice cream. I go to pick up the carton, and the bottom is just… Liquid. Straight defrosted ice cream. Cue the panic. We go into the fridge and try to adjust the temperature. Our fridge is only about 15 degrees below room temperature. So, we made a snap decision. I bought the cheapest fridge that fit our needs that could come in the shortest time window.
Luckily, Lowe’s was having a sale that happened to be ending at 2am the next morning. Luckily, they offer haul away service. Luckily, we live in Wisconsin, so it’s cold outside— it was about 20 degrees that day. Also luckily, my husband can be forgetful over certain things, and we had some frozen jugs outside full of water from the summer months when he typically gardens. So, we grabbed some of the jugs, wiped them down, and put them in the fridge/freezer. And get this — it actually worked. None of our food spoiled. It was interesting watching the techs bring the new fridge in and take the old fridge away, because they had to take the doors off to get it inside. I’ll have it sitting on my credit card for a while. Where our fridge lives in our kitchen makes it so that one door won’t fully open. But that’s all okay— we have a working fridge.
Ultimately, it’s only March and I’ve had enough excitement in a negative way to last me the next five years, but I’m hoping that the rest of the year has this weird string of luck for us. I don’t know what the cards hold for the future, but it’s alright. This week, I’ll leave you with this — no matter what the universe throws at you, if you handle it with grace and stride, and lean on your support systems, things will be okay.
Take care of yourselves. Drink your water. Do what you can. I love you all.
(Just a reminder that if you want this blog post directly to your mailbox, you can sign up for my newsletter here.)
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tetsvhoe · 3 years
in which they say things they really don’t mean
character/s: kuroo tetsuro x gn!reader
genre/s: angst to fluff, no more clickbait for the fluff part
warning/s: drinking obviously, also for future characters in this series if ever
gwen’s notes 🤍: thought about this one night it hurt so good i couldn’t stop thinking about it i may or may not merge my other angst to fluff requests into this series ty ty wrote this shit at 2am i apologize for the mistakes
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kuroo tetsuro has been drinking considerably a lot more than usual and you think nothing of it even as he pairs it with avoidance. he’s probably overwhelmed with work, you tell yourself. you trust him even as he’s out all night with bokuto and other friends from high school and you trust that he will tell you what’s been bothering him whenever he is ready. you are in for a surprise when he does.
you answer a phonecall from bokuto at an ungodly hour in the night, only to be greeted back with his struggling grunts and grumbles.
“so sorry to call you this late,” he pants. you hear kuroo slurring his words in the background, something about wanting to do more shots. you slip on a pair of fluffy slippers and make your way to the closet to change your clothes as you listen to bokuto’s incident report. “i don’t think i can get kuroo back home safely. do you think you can drive here to come pick him up?” he sounds apologetic and expectant.
you chuckle lightly into the phone as you quickly pull a sweatshirt over your head. “i figured this would happen. i’m on my way, just text me the address.”
bokuto, a whole professional athlete, barely manages to haul your boyfriend out of the bar and into your passenger seat. you each take one of kuroo’s arm over your shoulder and all but drag his long lanky legs across the pavement. you begin to question how you’re supposed to get him out of the car and into your apartment later on, debating on whether or not you should just leave him to sleep in the car if all else fails.
kuroo is slumped against the door, his limbs a tangled mess in the tight space which is usually for you. the drive home is quiet save for his soft snores. as you reach to turn the music volume down, he stirs awake, snuggling his head against the misted window.
“what are you doing here?”
you spare him a momentary glance, an amused smile on your lips. “someone had a little too much to drink and couldn’t get home,” you tease.
“i could have gotten home just fine,” he grumbles.
“i’m sure you would, baby but i feel much better picking you up myself.”
“seriously,” his voice is suddenly cold and stern, making you do a double take while you navigate the road. “i can take care of myself. i don’t need you hovering over me all the damn time.”
your heart unexpectedly lurches to your stomach at his ill fitted sudden outburst, but you steady your breathing and hands on the steering wheel. you wonder what could possibly be plaguing his mind for him to act this way, still giving him the benefit of the doubt. “what has gotten into you, tetsu? you must be tired. we’re almost home‒”
“you know what’s gotten to me,” he slurs, cutting you off. he lifts his head just to quickly shoot you a vindictive glance, something uncalled for and completely throws you off guard. “is the realization that you’re too fucking clingy and i have no idea how much more of this i can take.”
the air in your lungs is knocked out of you, tears leave a trail of warmness down your cheeks before you could even try and stop them from flowing. you grip the steering wheel tightly in your hands, voice breaking as you reply. “you’re just drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying,” it sounds like a lie when you hear yourself say it, for you more than for him.
he scoffs, eyes fluttering close again. “these thoughts didn’t just occur to me now that i’m drunk. but i am only now drunk enough to finally say them.”
you harshly bite on your lip to contain the sob you felt coming and nod wordlessly. afterall, what more could you say to that?
kuroo didn’t get much sleep in the hot and stuffy car on top of feeling like his head was being hammered in. whether you left him there because you couldn’t get him out or perhaps because of what he said, he knew he deserved it nonetheless. he drags himself inside and is surprised to find you cooking in the kitchen. you can barely look him in the eyes, and he pads awkwardly towards you.
you aren’t sure how to approach the situation or if he still remembers what happened last night so you figured you could gauge the situation yourself. now you know that is so much harder than you made it out to be.
kuroo remembers. he remembers all of it so vividly and a part of himself wishes he just blacked out and forgotten because he still hears your cries and sniffles at the back of his head.
“good morning.” he’s the first to try to initiate a conversation as he casually slips into a chair, and you fake a smile painfully. “sorry you had to pick me up.”
“it’s fine.” that’s the last thing you should be worried about.
“i had one too many drinks.” just keep believing i was drunk out of my mind and didn’t mean anything i said.
you almost topple over the pan when you feel your heart twisting in your chest again, feeling the need to steady yourself by gripping the edges of the counter until your knuckle turns white. kuroo notes that you look like you’re almost about to pass out so he pushes himself off the chair and rushes to hold you against his chest. you recoil at the touch, your eyes suddenly stinging.
“sorry i‒” you breathe, focusing your gaze on the ground. “i can’t‒i don’t want to be with you right now, i need air.”
he tries to run after you out the door but decides against it. he’s left alone with his thoughts in the barren apartment with a half-cooked breakfast you still made for him despite last night and almost loses his mind thinking about how you’re going to come back only to leave him. he was stupid and hypocritical.
you cautiously slide back in after you somewhat gather your thoughts during a long walk, not wanting to confront him yet out of sheer exhaustion, but he bolts to the living room when he hears the door open, halting when your eyes flicked over to him. what now? he thinks to himself.
“you’re back,” he announces but says it more like a question. you give him a small nod. “can we talk?”
“last night.”
“oh.” your mouth fall slack and you nod slowly while you kick your shoes off, he knows. “okay.” your voice is quiet and your gaze low, never quite landing on his eyes.
he didn’t know what to expect but the sheer lack of anger and overall reaction from you scares him.
“i remember saying a lot of nasty things to you last night,” he starts off, fiddling with his hands as he watches you take a seat on the couch. you don’t encourage him to continue, nor do you cut him off to reply, you just listen blankly. “i didn’t mean any of it and you were right, i wasn’t really thinking because i was drunk‒”
“you said you didn’t get those thoughts when you were drunk.”
“i know‒”
“how long have you been feeling that way?”
kuroo’s eyebrows furrow and tears brim his eyes when you finally look at him and he can’t discern the emotion behind your eyes. “a little over two weeks.”
“why didn’t you talk to me about it then?”
he finds that he can’t take the weight of your gaze so he looks at the floor instead. “i was afraid that i was feeling that way, i took it out on you last night. i’m sorry.” you hear soft sniffles and though you hate seeing him cry, you didn’t have it in you to console him with your own heart still spasming painfully in your chest. “are you going to leave me?” he stutters between soft sobs, voice small.
you sigh, fighting back your own tears. “well i don’t really know what you want me to do, tetsuro‒”
“please don’t. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean it, i know i’m being difficult and stupid and rash but i’m going to make it up to you, i promise.” he walks over to you and lays his head on your lap, not minding the warm tears that wet your clothes.
“i think you’re all over the place, one moment you’re pushing me away the next you’re begging me to stay. i’m confused,” you mumble adamantly. “i never want to break up in the first place, you know. but when you go and say that… i don’t know, i think i need time to process my feelings.”
“i’ll give you all the time that you need,” he persuades, looking up at you with teary eyes and trembling lips.
“you have to learn you can’t just say those things and then take them back.” your hands gently comb through his hair absentmindedly.
he tightly wraps his arms around you and buries his face onto your lap. “i know, i hurt you so much and i am so sorry. i’ll learn from my mistakes, i won’t ever do that or talk to you like that again,” he pleads like a little kid.
“don’t mess this up,” you sigh. your heart still thumps in your chest. you’re unsure if you can survive something like that again, but he promises you wouldn’t ever have to go through it again.
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Alone Time [Werewolf!Yamada Ichiro]
(You guys can also have this as a treat... a nice 2am treat. afab reader but no pronouns used)
Ichiro’s tail swished nervously behind him as he fumbled around with the dishes, his mind on anything but doing the rest of his household chores. Part of it was caused by both Jiro and Saburo being away, he had made Saburo promise to call him once his class reached their destination, but the other part of it was because he had been bold enough to ask you to stay over. He had even made it known his brothers wouldn’t be present which you had giggled about but said nothing more on the topic, agreeing that it would be nice to have a night in together.
“Hi!” You’re happy to be greeted by the excited werewolf who quickly lifted you up into his arms, squeezing tightly as it had been quite some time since you’d seen each other. His hand lingered on your lower back for longer than normal, as though he didn’t want to pull away at all if he could help it, but the sensible side of him won out as he pointed to the kitchen.
“I’m cooking but you can relax if you want.” You noted that the living room was cleaner than it normally was, no soccer balls around though there was a vacuum positioned in the corner filled to the brim with wolf fur. Did their tails shed that much? Poor Ichiro, it must be an endless cycle having three wolves living under one roof.
“I’ll sit with you in the kitchen if you don’t mind. I like watching you be all domestic, it’s cute. Should we get a hairnet for your tail?”
“I’ve never had any issues with-” Ichiro noted the way you were smiling at him, “Oh, you’re just messing with me, huh? I’ll remember that.”
Dinner was served shortly after and you weren’t lying about liking domestic Ichiro, thinking it was quite sweet to see him making you a plate and putting it down in front of you before sitting across the table. He even took the dishes to clean them before you could offer to help, saying he had invited you over to take a break and that he didn’t expect you to lift a finger. Your insistence was a little stronger than his stubborn need to do it all so you ended up drying and putting the dishes away as he scrubbed, pleased when everything was said and done so you could both relax together.  
You managed to make it through exactly one movie before you began to feel sleepy.
You stretched, yawned, and his response came quickly.
“Should we go lie down?” You knew his request didn’t have ulterior motives, at least not in the moment, because as soon as he realized what he said his mouth hung open like he didn’t believe he’d just said that. You gave him a knowing smirk but didn’t tease him out loud, knowing he was probably beating himself up over it now.
“Sure. Lead the way, casanova.”
Ichiro hopped up off the couch and nearly forgot his manners with how quickly he was trying to leave the situation, turning before you get up to offer his hand. You thank him and take his hand, noting it’s a little sweatier than it was when you were holding it before. His anxiety is palpable and your own nerves are starting to build, knowing there’s nothing technically stopping you from having your way with each other. You had thought about it, God knows you had thought about it, and though you can’t speak on Ichiro’s own naughty daydreams you were sure there was something running through his mind with how stiff he had been acting tonight.
“Let me borrow one of your shirts, won’t you?” His eyes widened at that and you heard a shocked noise that you weren’t quite sure came from Ichiro. He stared at you a moment longer with his flustered expression before he fully processed your request, heading over to the dresser and fumbling through until he found a long, comfortable shirt suitable for bedtime. You made sure to brush your hand over his as you took it from him, shooting him a coy smile and thanking him. You admit that you’re starting to feel eager yourself as you remove your clothing, slipping into the t-shirt—And only the t-shirt.
Ichiro’s distracted as you walk out of the bathroom, mid-changing as he hadn’t expected you to be so quick. You’re disappointed that he’s wearing pants but you’d never seen him shirtless before, eyes scanning his back and soaking in all the scars that were left there. There were big and small, healed to the best of their ability; werewolves had a supernatural healing element to them so the wounds that caused scars to grow were ones either gained in adolescence, when the healing factor was much slower, or the wounds were near fatal in nature thus taking longer to heal. Your footsteps are quiet but Ichiro’s ears twitch in your direction, whipping around to face you. His eyes are on your face for only a moment before dropping to your bare legs, noting that his shirt was a little long on you but still left plenty for him to admire.
“I didn’t mean to leave you shirtless! How will you keep warm now?” You grabbed the shirt out of his hand, tossing it in the direction of the dresser as he certainly wouldn’t need it tonight.
“But wolves don’t get cold- Oh…” Ichiro was so intelligent normally but it seemed his mind was elsewhere, all your come-ons causing him confusion until you gave him a look that said ‘think about that a bit more’. He leaned in to kiss your cheek, slowly leaving a trail of kisses anywhere he could reach, helped by you tilting your head to the side to give him more access to you.
You tried to muffle your groan as Ichiro’s sharp teeth grazed against your neck, him purposely repeating the action to see if it was just a fluke. When you give him the same type of response you feel him press closer to you, his tail beginning to sway again to show how he happy he was (though it was obvious he was trying to control it as well). You gently touched his chest after you pulled away from him, fingers grazing the scarred Chuuoku brand on his skin, something that made him look away. You’re worried that you’ve agitated him at first but he grabbed your wrist as you went to pull away, pressing your hand to his chest and looking into your eyes.
He was giving you permission.
Your finger traced over the brand on his chest again, feeling guilty that you were looking at it when there was the rest of his beautiful body to admire. It was hard not to think about the burning pain that had been inflicted on him, that each and every scar must hold a sad story behind how he’d received them. You knew he had been a bit of a punk when he was younger but that seemed to be the type of lives werewolves lived, especially the ones with no parents to guide or protect them. He hadn’t talked about his father much but there was a bitterness there, a betrayal that had wedged itself deeply into Ichiro’s heart and had been the reason behind him breaking up their pack to begin with.
It wasn’t time to worry about that now.
If anything, you wanted Ichiro to forget his worries, at least for now.
You crawled into the bed first, flashing him the fact that you weren’t wearing underwear as though he needed another reason to snuggle in beside you as soon as possible. You teasingly turn to face the wall but are pleased when Ichiro pulled you flush against him, his dick hot and hard on your ass. He’s trying not to rut his hips but it’s hard, just like him, and he’s restraining himself in fear of his strength accidentally hurting you. The plan had been to allow you to set the pace, to take control so that it’d be less likely an accident like that would happen, but it seemed useless now.
His attraction, his burning desire, it was too much for him to handle.
“I guess being tempting is just in your nature,” He whispered against your neck, hands running up your leg until they caught the end of his shirt; he lifted it up, slowly, slowly, until it was at your waist, leaving it there and going down to squeeze your hip. He’s started to move his hips in a steady rhythm that was turning him on more, thinking about how soft you felt against him. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Oh, is that right? You’ve met a fairy, right?”
“They have nothing on you.”
“Ooh, I’d be careful with that.” You turned your head to look at him, eyes taking a second to make out his face in the darkened room. “The fae don’t take kindly to being outdone. You might have put us both in danger.”
“I’d do anything to keep you safe.” Not normal bedroom talk but you’d be lying if that didn’t make your chest tingle, or perhaps that was just because his hands were now sliding up your stomach, cupping your chest but making no other moves just yet.
“Oh, my hero…!” Your teasing gets you everywhere, his hand rearranging itself so his fingers could gently pinch your nipple. You moaned quietly to show him that you appreciated what he was doing, arching back against him to temporarily stop his hips from moving. He’s breathing a little heavier now, which is why his next request isn’t a surprise.
“Turn around.”
His lips crashed against yours the second you did so, his hand on the back of your head as his tongue forced its way past your lips. He’s still a little clumsy when it comes to navigating such a passionate kiss but you can tell he’s putting his all into it, allowing you to explore his mouth as well; you couldn’t stop yourself from running your tongue over his canines, squeaking as it feels like you sliced your tongue though there’s no coppery taste to accompany the slight pain. He pulled away quick, a panicked look on his face as he opened his mouth to apologize.
“Shh…” You pressed a finger to his lips, “You don’t have to say sorry, baby. There’s something I want to do…but be careful of those fangs, alright?”
The only sound in the room is the shuffling of blankets as you pushed him onto his back, moving the blankets out of your way and stripping yourself of his shirt. He gets only a glance of your chest but you can tell he’s licking his lips at the thought of sucking on them, thinking he could have his way with them later when you were done with your request. You carefully positioned yourself over his, lowering cautiously as you didn’t want to totally smother him (at least not yet). Ichiro’s impatience is finally shining through and he throws caution out, strong arms wrapping around your thighs and pulling you down on his face.
Werewolves had been stereotyped as being voracious eaters and Ichiro wasn’t proving them wrong, the way his tongue was working you over being more than enough proof that he was one. You’re trying to keep yourself quiet despite knowing you don’t have to but that’s not good enough for Ichiro, no, he has to hear your voice full volume or he doesn’t believe he’s doing a good enough job. He teased your clit with his tongue, sucking, licking, going back and forth between the two as you grinded down on his face. He felt a certain thrill at how rough you were being now that you were close to the edge, being far less careful than you had before as you rode his face, desperate to come yet not really wanting the moment to end.
He would be sure to request this later, seeing how irresistible you acted when he ate you out.
You nearly pulled away from him before you came but he felt the muscles in your legs beginning to move, holding you down before you could take this delicacy away from him. You cried out his name as you came on his face, whimpering at the delicate licks he continued to give your clit as you came down from your orgasm. He could probably spend the entire night down there if you allowed him but there was another part of him you were hungry for, something that couldn’t be put off any longer.
You spend a second teasing his cock, licking up and down the vein on the underside of it as it seemed to drive him craziest. There was another stereotype about werewolves that was proven correct but you couldn’t think about it for too long, straddling his waist this time and sitting down on his length (but not allowing it to enter you). You’re slick as you moved back and forth, the head of his dick hitting your clit every time you moved forward, and you took pleasure in seeing the internal debate on Ichiro’s face. What would he do? Would he sit there and take it like a good boy, or would he let out that inner carnivore and show you who’s boss?
You’re pleased it’s the latter, legs spreading as the positions are reversed and you’re now underneath him. He lets out a growl that makes you bite your lip, his eyes on your chest once more before drifting up to your face. He leaned down to kiss you as he lined himself up with your entrance, pressing himself inside of you and waiting an extra second before going deeper. He’s thick and burning hot but it feels too damn good for you to complain about it, your body growing used to the feeling of his thick cock inside you. You’re distracted by his mouth on your chest again, tongue expertly playing with your nipple; his one hand cupped the breast he was playing with while the other held onto your hip, helping him bring your hips to meet his as he thrusted.
The pace he set was rougher than you thought he was capable of yet it still felt good, you could feel his desperation for your touch leaking through. Your hand ran through his hair, tugging as you ordered him to slow it down as you would come to quick if he kept the pace up; he didn’t listen at first which meant finding another weak spot, your hand reaching down in the dark to squeeze his ass, rising up to touch the base of his tail. He let out a whimper at this but finally obeyed, showing he still had a little good boy left in him. You wanted to memorize the way it felt to have him inside you, to have him planting kisses all over your neck and chest, to hear his begging as he didn’t know how much longer he’d last going at this pace.
“Try not to break me in half,” You grinned at him but he didn’t process it, knowing he was given permission to pick the pace up once again.
You’re pressed into the bed as Ichiro fucked you hard and fast, desperate to snap that thread, to finally come after all the hard work he had done to make this a nice night. He deserved this, you think, he deserved to feel good and you were happy that you were the one to do it. If it wasn’t you he wouldn’t be satisfied, Ichiro knew that without the love he felt for you this would just be empty pleasure but his heart felt so full as his lips pressed against yours and he came with one last thrust.
“I love you…” He gasped out, face buried in your neck as he dropped some of his weight on top of you, just enough to create a pleasantly snug sensation. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“I love you too, Ichi, don’t get so worked up.” You ran your fingers through his hair, scratching his ears in appreciation and trying not to laugh at the feeling of his tail wagging. “I love you so much it’s unbearable.”
“You think you have it bad, I’ve been thinking about sending my brothers out on a fake job just so we could be alone…” Ichiro sighed as he rolled off of you, knowing that the clean-up would be next but not quite finding the energy to move yet. “That would be bad, right?”
“…I mean, if they’re gonna follow in your footsteps you could at least call it training. Then it won’t feel like you’re lying.”
“…You’re right, that’s a way better idea.”
“That’s what I’m here for!”
“…Thank you for coming over tonight,” Ichiro’s voice is back to being a whisper, “We should get cleaned up.”
“Carry me to the bathroom, won’t you? I can’t guarantee my legs work right now.”
Ichiro laughed.
“Anything for you.”
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bunnyywritings · 3 years
what the hell is going on?
masterlist - next chapter
word count: 1k
[a/n: i lied...i started writing and it just felt right so uh surprise!! this is a shoji x reader fic...the agenda continues. anyways, i apologize for the quality, i’m trying to get back into the groove of writing. well, enjoy chapter 1 of this mess.   -yours truly, bunnyy  -`ღ´- ]
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“You know what, that is a great question Denki...that seems like a question for your Hero Laws professor.” Midnight clasped her hands together awkwardly, quickly muttering,”I’m sure Shota would love that.”
You snickered from beside Kaminari and elbowed his side.
“Anyways! That’s it for today class. Please make sure to turn in your ethics case study by tonight. I’ll probably be up till 2am, so that’s your deadline. Now get out of here.” She grinned as everyone started to pack their things. 
“Hey! Sero, Mina, and I were gonna grab some coffee before English. Wanna come with?” Denki looked up at you from his seat as you situated your laptop in your bag and tossed it onto your shoulders. 
“Uhh yeah, sure.” He glanced down at his watch. “I’m pretty sure Shinsou is still on his shift anyways.” 
So the both of you waited by the quad fountain until a familiar head of pink har came into view. 
“You know...when you say ‘be there in 5 minutes’, it’s usually overcompensation for ‘I’m literally right around the corner.’ Not ‘I’m halfway across campus!” You scoffed, all in good fun. 
“We were not ‘halfway across campus!” She rolled her eyes, using over dramatic air quotes. “It literally took us-” She paused to look down at her phone. “Three extra minutes to get here!” 
“Yeah, three whole minutes (Y/n)!” Sero joined in. 
You hooked your arm around Mina’s,“Well let’s go then!” 
“What’s the rush? We have like half an hour before Mic’s class?” Sero asked as he fell in step with Denki. 
The blonde smirked.
“It’s because a certain someone is working at the cafe today!” He watched in amusement as a blush burned your cheeks. 
“Oh shut up Kami!” 
“REALLY?!” Mina gasped. “WHO IS IT?” 
“It’s no one, really-!” You clambered to come up with a response. 
“Ohh my god! It’s Shoji, right?” Sero smacked Denki’s arm. “It has to be! Aizawa basically scolded her for drooling all over him!” 
“I did not drool, Sero!” 
“Then why are you so red right now!” Mina squealed in laughter. 
“I-It’s hot today...that’s all.” 
“Sweetheart, it’s about 55 degrees today. It drizzled this morning and you’re wearing a jacket. There’s absolutely no way you're hot right now.” Sero sneered, 
“No, no. She is hot.” 
“Denki don’t even-” 
“Hot for Shoji!” 
“Ugh screw all of you!” You pouted, placing your palms over your cheeks in a desperate attempt to cool off. 
The topic quickly changed over to Midnight’s Ethics essay. 
“It’s been a week, how have you not started?” 
“I find I work best under pressure.” Denki shrugged ‘matter of factly.’ 
You scoffed in disbelief. 
“Yeah, and I’m a giraffe with a unicorn horn.” 
The four of you entered the campus cafe, the warmth making your nose feel a little fuzzy. 
“Hey guys! Welcome in!” Kirishima flashed a toothy grin as he waved at you all. On bar, just behind the counter, you could make out a familiar head of purple hair. Shinsou looked up from the milk he was frothing and made quick eye contact with Denki before focusing his attention to the pitcher in his hand. What you didn’t miss was the faint blush on his cheeks. 
As you all approached, you could also see Midoriya making a few drinks as well. 
“Hey uh, where’s Shoji?” Sero leaned against the counter, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“Oh Shoji? He just went to grab some ice.” Kirishima gestured to the door that probably led to the back of the cafe but, as if on cue, Shoji walked out with the bucket in hand. Seemingly noticing all the eyes on him he paused and waved with his free arm. 
“Hey everyone, how’s it going?” 
“Good, just chillin’. Ya know?” Denki answered slyly. 
“Sounds good.” He nodded before he made eye contact with you. “Hey! You’re usual, right?” 
You just stared, wide eyed before Mina reached over and tugged on your sleeve. 
“Oh right! Uhh hey!” A nervous grin found its way to your lips. “Uhm yes, yes my usual would be great...t-thanks.” 
“Great! I’ll get right on it.” And with that, he turned to continue whatever he was doing. 
After we all paid, we sat at a table to wait for our drinks. 
“Oh man, he’s whipped.” Sero shook his head. 
“Can we not start this again?” You facepalmed. 
“I’m just saying.” He raised his hands up in surrender. “He didn’t know anyone else's usual, and we’re all here about the same amount. Just admit it.” 
“I-” You were cut off by your phone ringing. Frowning, you pulled it out of your pocket, quickly answering it. “Hey Iida, what’s going on?” 
“Are you anywhere with a tv?”  Glancing around, your eyes landed on the tv a few feet away from the table. 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Turn it on, go to channel 6.” Then he ended the call. 
“Oop, okay...bye?” 
“What’s up with Iida?” Mina quirked an eyebrow. 
“I uhm, I’m not sure. Hold on.” 
Getting up, you made your way to the counter. 
“Hey Eiji, do you have the remote for the tv?” 
“Huh?” He looked up at you before glancing under the counter. “Yeah. Knock yourself out.” 
“Thanks.” You muttered, taking the remote from his outstretched hand. 
“What’s going on?” Denki was visibly tensing up at the worry clearly on your face. 
Ignoring his question, you got a little closer to the tv and turned it on, skipping channels until finally finding number six. 
“A news channel?” You muttered, confusion deepening. 
“-multiple cases of violent cannibal attacks spreading throughout Seoul last night. Authorities are still baffled at what could possibly cause these attacks. The public has been informed to be vigilant and stay calm for the time being-” 
The reporter was cut off by the emergency broadcast playing through the speakers, colored bars replacing the broadcast. 
“Attention students, this is headmaster Nezu speaking. Please stay calm and stay in doors. If you are not inside a building, please enter the nearest one and enter the safety of a classroom. If you are in the dormitories, please lock your doors and stay in your rooms until further notice.” 
You could feel the anxiety rise through your body, fingertips shaking, heart beating, cold sweat starting to form on your brow. The tense atmosphere grew when screams could be heard outside. 
Everyone’s head snapped to one of the wall length windows, a student had just tackled another to the ground and...tore a chunk of their neck….with their teeth...
There was blood everywhere. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Denki covered his mouth in shock. 
Without missing a beat, Shoji and Kirishima ran to the doors and locked them. Bringing down the metal security gate and securing it in place.   
“What the hell is going on?!” 
The remote fell from your hand and clattered to the floor. Your knees giving out and meeting with the hard tiled floor. Hands buried in your hair as the panic gripped your lungs, squeezing all the air from them.  
Yes Mina, what the actual hell is going on?
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bokuroskitten · 4 years
HI HI okay I’m begging for poly Daichi & Suga with a fem reader! Literally anything you want I just love these two so much
Anything you say anon? I hope this is what you were looking for. The dynamic between Daichi and Suga is very soft to me. But after writing this, I can definitely picture something much spicier. Enjoy. ❦
Soft Touches and Whisky Breath 
➝Genre: Fluff, SFW, a moment in the shower ➝warnings: showering, alcohol consumption  ➝Character(s): Daichi Sawamura x Sugawara Koushi x Fem!Reader
Shhh, baby, you’re gonna wake the neighbours.” Daichi spoke, his brows furrowing in concern as he stood behind his drunken partners on the stairs, afraid that the two idiots might topple over. You had to clamp a hand over your lips and it still couldn’t conceal the giggles that bubbled from your gut. “Sorry sorry... tell Suga to stop being a silly goose then.”
“A silly goose?? What kinda insult is that lovey?” A laugh spilled from the grey-haired male then, his arm snaking around your waist to whisper close to your ear, despite the whiskey that dripped from his breath. “I know you got a dirtier mouth than that~”
“Suga~!” You were giggling all over again, cheeks turning dark as a hiccup slipped it's way between laughter. Daichi wanted to be annoyed, considering his partners were making a scene in the stairwell leading up their shared apartment, but it had been a while since the three of you had such a good night. You somehow all managed to have the night off, conveniently on the night when Kuroo was holding a party at his new home. Considering Daichi wasn’t much of a drinker he allowed You and Sugawara to drink while he drove.
Maybe he regretted it just a little bit right now as one of their floormates poked their head out the door, eyes narrowed at the loud couple. But after he waved an apology and pushed his partners to their door, he couldn’t help but smile. Seeing both of you so stress-free, just enjoying one another was rare now while you all had full-time jobs.
As soon as Daichi opened up the apartment door he ushered you and Suga inside, letting out a little sigh as Suga pulled you close to him, humming one of the songs that played earlier in the evening. “Alright, drunkies. Let’s head to bed, shall we?”
“Awwww no way~! It’s still early!” You whined, arms clinging to Suga as he suddenly spun the two of you around, his humming getting a little louder. Daichi sighed again, that little grin still on his lips as he dropped the house keys onto the counter. “It’s 2am baby, it’s not early.”
“I could dance the night away with our sweet girl~” Sugawara spoke, the flirtatious side of him always coming out by tenfold when he was drunk. That sent you into another giggling spree, only to be silenced by the press of Suga’s lips to your own. Although Daichi watched it fondly, he knew his partners would regret staying up so late in the morning. So instead, he approached the pair, easily pulling the two of you into an embrace that had them both groaning.
“As cute as the two of you are, it’s still bedtime. Let’s shower first then sleep Hm?”
“Ooooo~ we’re all gonna shower together Daichiii~” Suga was quick to pick up on such a topic, his arms finding their way to loop around Daichi’s broad shoulders, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I like the sound of that~” Daichi scoffed, easing Suga’s arms away from his neck to push him towards the bathroom instead. “Get your head outta the gutter Mister.”
But he also noticed the little twinkle in your eyes as well, the rise of blush on your cheeks as you gripped at the fabric of Daichi’s shirt, didn’t say anything and just followed along. While Suga was pouting and claiming “a shower without sexy time is no fun” Daichi slowly eased his hand into yours, bringing you closer to his side so he could kiss the top of your head. “I think little miss has her head in the gutter too, but just won’t admit to it~”
“I do not!” You spoke with a pout, your cheek digging into Daichi’s side in an attempt to hide some of your blush. Sugawara wasn’t having it though as he took hold of your arm, pulled you into the bathroom and right up against his chest. He basically purred against your lips, his hands travelling dangerously close to your rear. “Cmon Bunny... share your naughty thoughts with me~”
“S-suga~!” You whined but didn’t pull away, rather you let him litter kisses along the skin of your neck. Daichi rolled his eyes, pulling off the black T-shirt he wore before gently taking hold of your hips, freeing you from Suga’s grasp despite the little mewls you released. “I’m only doing this because I don’t trust the two of you to shower alone.”
“Mhm Daichi, and I wanna see you naked so— “Suga was just peachy with himself as he easily eased off the button up he wore, sending a wink Daichi’s way that actually had him a little flustered. “Jeez...” he murmured, deciding to focus on you instead and grab at the zipper at the back of the dress you wore. “Lemme help you, baby.”
“Thanks, Daddy~” Daichi had paused mid zip then, flush rising on his checks as the title slipped past your lips like it was nothing like it wasn’t what you called him in the bedroom. His eyes travelled to Suga to see if he had noticed but he didn’t, rather he was testing the shower water, goosebumps rising along his naked calves. He finished unzipping you with a bit of a shaky sigh, easing the dress off of your shoulders and bringing his lips down close to your ear.
You might have been drunk, but it was still so damn cute when you called him that.
“You’re welcome, baby girl.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your ear lobe that had you giggling. Once the dress was pooled at your feet you easily kicked off your panties as well, a little shiver travelling up your spine from the air hitting your now very much naked and cold body. Sugawara pulled you towards the bath, bringing your hand under the tap to see if the water was “steamy enough for their steamy shower time.” And your giggles just amplified.
Daichi was beginning to think bringing his partners for a shower wasn’t a good idea, as his desires were suddenly getting the better of him watching the two of you ease into the shower, the warm water making Suga’s natural hair a darker grey, slowly drip down his pale shoulders. Taking in a long breath he quickly stripped himself, decided that maybe things should be speedy in the shower.
“You two okay?” He asked when he stepped in behind you, having your form between himself and Suga. You turned towards him with a smile, your dampened face pressing into his bare chest as you murmured.
“Thanks for taking care of us Daddy...” that time Sugawara definitely heard, the smirk that curled on his face making Daichi wanna put him in his place. But rather than making a sly remark he just nodded, his palms sliding over your naked back and leaning in to press a kiss into Daichi’s shoulder. “You’re the best, Sawamura.”
The gesture made the tips of his ears turn pink, eyes widening a bit before a pleasant smile came over his face. There was a warmth that fluttered in his chest as he looked down to his partners, as his thick arms wrapped around the both of them to somehow pull them closer to him. Rather than saying anything he just pressed his lips to Sugawara’s, keeping you pressed between the two as they shared the intimate moment.
The kissing continued until you burped against Daichi’s chest, the action making both boys burst out into laughter, a laughter that almost had Suga toppling in the slippery tub. Deciding that things were only going to get dangerous Daichi decided to speed things up, easing soap over both of his partners to get them cleaned quickly.
There was laughter and drunken and sly touches shared, but nothing too crazy happened before the three of them were all out of the bath, wrapped in cuddly PJs and finding a place in their shared bed. You were already beginning to doze off, the hot water and booze finally getting to you as your face pressed into Suga’s chest. With your eyes fluttering closed Daichi watched with a gentle smile, one palm holding up his head while his other rested on Suga’s waist, gently pet along it.
“I’m so glad we got to spend the night together...” Sugawara mumbled, his palms cradling the back of your head as he slowly met Daichi’s gaze. “We really do love you, Dai.”
“I know baby...” Daichi responded, pressing a kiss to Sugawara’s forehead before he watched him settle into the pillows. “Get some sleep okay drunkies....” When there was no response he chuckled gently.
“I love you.”
tagslist: @3-rachass @cuddlesslut @heaveus @dababes @andnimee @natnat646 @darlingdracomalfoy @midnightsun30 @lostgirl12345 BOLD couldn’t be tagged.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 8: Mornings and Neckties
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“Don’t you love me anymore?” Kuroo asks. You cup his cheeks and pull his face closer since he was backing away. There’s sadness in his eyes, anyone can tell that. “You’ve just been so distant lately. I understand that it may be because you’re busy with work, but I don’t know. You just feel different ever since that Yuta guy walked you home.”
“Yuta has nothing to do with this. I told you I stopped talking to him after that night,” you sigh, letting go of his face.
“If it has nothing to do with him, then it must be something else.” Kuroo sits on your desk that is behind him. “What is it love?”
“Let’s talk about it at home.” You try to shrug the topic off but he tugs on your hand, pulling your body to stand in between his legs. The warmth of his hand is contrasting with your cold one.
“I want to talk about it now,” he says as firmly as his hold on your hand. You take a deep breath in before maintaining eye contact with him. Your mouth opens and you don’t even know what you’re saying. All you know is that you’re finally letting out your pent up anger and frustration that is caused by his toxic traits and your unsteady relationship.
What amazes you is how calm Kuroo is. He is listening to every word you’re saying and isn’t showing any foul reaction. His fingers run up and down your forearm to calm you down, abling you to speak properly.
After your final complaint, the room falls silent. Not knowing what to do, you lower your head and tears fall out of your eyes. Kuroo’s hand travel to your lower back, his fingers drawing small circles. You’re getting ready to flee the room because he isn’t saying anything to you. The silence was deafening and hurting your ears. Just when you are about to leave, he speaks.
“I know for a fact that if I apologize, it wouldn’t be enough. I won’t make any excuses and take responsibility for the hurt I’ve caused you. If you want to leave, I won’t force you to stay with me or ask for another chance. But if you do give me a chance, I’ll make sure you don’t regret your choice.”
“If you’re worried about our parents, I can talk to them. You don’t have to suffer from our relationship just to prove that you’re a good daughter.” Kuroo’s arms are wrapped around you. It’s tight. His hold is tight. He’s savoring every moment because this might be the last time he gets to have you in his arms.
Kuroo is acting calm, but deep inside, his heart is shattering and his thoughts are all over the place. He’s trying so hard to choose the right words to tell you. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s okay with letting you go or he’s forcing you to stay. All he wants at the moment is not to be selfish and choose you over his pride.
Kuroo doesn’t believe in gods or anything spiritual, but right now, he’s praying that you choose whatever makes you happy. Of course he hopes that you stay, but your euphoria matters more.
Leaning your head on Kuroo’s shoulder, you cry harder. What makes him think you can leave him? You could have left on the first year of your marriage when he never said a thing to you. You could have left when he said he will never fall in love with you. You could have ran away when you saw him sleep with another girl. You could have ended your relationship when you found out he was in love with Alisa.
You were given all the reasons and chances to leave, but at the end of the day you always choose to stay. Today, as foolish as you can be, you’ll stay again.
“I’ll stay...” you mutter in between cries. “Who’ll fix your necktie before you go to work if we break up?” You try to lighten up the mood and it works since Kuroo chuckles. Your husband plants a long kiss on your temple, eyes closed shut. The tears he had been holding back finally falls, his hold getting tighter.
But you don’t see it. You don’t see how he’s crying for you just like you’re crying for him.
“Thank you for staying.”
Your relationship has gotten better ever since the two of you talked. Kuroo wasn’t joking when he said that you won’t regret your choice if you ever stay. He has been nothing but a good spouse to you since that day. Literally, the best out there. Sometimes you wonder if he would’ve become like this, too, if you told him earlier.
Right now, he’s cooking breakfast while you wait at the dining table. You agreed on a rule that the two of you eat together as much as possible. If his lunch breaks allow, he comes to your office just to eat with you. He even brings desserts for your coworkers.
Kuroo has also implied that he drives you to your workplace everyday, and he fetches you wherever you are at whatever time. You got off work at 2AM? Kuroo’s still picking you up. You have an event that ends at 5AM? He will wake up just to make sure you get home.
Your husband doesn’t forget to bring you flowers, too. Sometimes it’s a big bouquet, some other days it’s a single stem. It’s a different flower every day since “it all has different meanings.” Red Camellias because “you are the flame in my heart. White Clovers because he wants you to think of him and him alone. Yellow Jasmines because he said and you quote, “you are grace. You are elegant. Be the Jasmine to my Aladdin.”
Others will think that it’s overbearing, but you don’t mind at all. You love seeing the tall man wrapped around your tiny finger. You are happy to see the real him. The dorky, caring, competitive Kuroo Tetsuro.
“What do you want to eat for lunch later?” Kuroo asks you as the two of you start eating your first meal of the day. “I only have a half day today, so I have time to buy lunch.”
“You’re getting bolder each day,” Kuroo chuckles at your teasing remark. “Do you have plans after work?”
“I have to buy something at the mall. And then maybe we can eat dinner at that restaurant your sister recommended.”
The two of you eat and then prepare for work together. Every morning, you share the mirror and laugh at each other’s faces while you brush your teeth. You make fun of his hair and attempt to put it down, but of course it doesn’t. He chooses your blush and lipstick and applies it on you. Those are all part of your new morning routine. But it doesn’t end there.
“I’m starting to think you’re purposely tying your necktie the wrong way so I can fix it,” you point out as the two of you stand in front of each other at the doorway, your fingers skillfully fixing the grey textured tie that matched his black suit.
“Maybe I am,” he answers, and you don’t see the playful smirk plastered on his face because you were too busy on fixing the garment. Even with heels on, you’re still shorter than him. And Kuroo loves that fact. He loves how he can see your brows furrow in seriousness. He loves the way your fingers move. He loves the domestic feeling the moment is exerting. Aside from seeing your face first thing in the morning, this is his favorite part of the morning.
“And it’s done.” You slide your palms over his shoulders and chest, flattening the creases of his suit. Your hands stop on his shoulders and you look up to him, smiling proudly. Kuroo leans down for a kiss which you gladly accepted.
Kuroo pulls back, but his hands are still on your hips, not allowing you to move away from him. “Thank you,” he tells as he stares at your face as if he is gazing at the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
“What?” Unused to his stare, you giggle out of confusion. But he continues to stare. “If you’re just gonna stare at me, we’re both gonna be late for work.”
Kuroo doesn’t say anything and leans back again to peck on the side of your mouth, barely touching your lips. Then, he proceeds to kiss your cheek. After that, he nibbles on your jaw. Next, his lips travel down to your neck and he gives a short but sensual kiss on the skin. His slowly graze from your neck going all the way to the back of your ear.
Meanwhile, your knees are getting weak and your brain is steaming inside. Your cheeks are burning up and you can feel the whole zoo in your stomach. He has that much impact on you. ‘This is too much for a Wednesday morning.’
You’re back to your senses when he plants one last kiss on the back of your ear before his breath fans over it.
“I love you,” Kuroo whispers.
The tiger in the Aladdin film, Rajah, was originally a circus tiger as a cub, who found his way into the Sultan's palace after escaping the touring circus group during a visit to Agrabah. He was discovered by a then-young Princess Jasmine, who assumed the cub was a gift from her deceased mother.
Neckties were not originally used for the sense of fashion; they were so thick that not even a strong sword could penetrate it.
Neckties are the most famous gift given on Father’s Day
Those who collect ties are known as grabatologists
There are 177,147 ways in which you can tie and necktie.
It takes approximately 110 silk worms to make one high quality silk necktie.
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wincestation · 3 years
Just Tonight
Prompt: Stanford Era
Pairing: Sam x Dean
Summery: Inspired by the song "Just Tonight" by The Pretty Reckless. Sam drunk-dials Dean in the middle of the night and tells him he needs him, but after a year apart, is one night enough?
Word Count: 2,059
Written For the SPN Trope Round Robin 2021 (@spn-trope-round-robin) - Round 3 (Remix/Inspired By).
A/N: My first SPN writing challenge ever! I really enjoyed this one. Hope you do too! also, @stanfordsweater your brand is in there for a moment ;)
Read on ao3
Sam’s world is narrowed down to the sound of the dial tone. He waits in the cold, his breath forming visible little clouds. Finally, someone picks up on the other end.
“Sam.” he sighs heavily. “It’s 2am. On a Wednesday.”
Good, Sam thinks. He’s in the same time zone as me. “Dean, I need you.”
“What?” Behind Dean’s voice, Sam can hear the engine of the Impala rumbling to a halt in the background and the familiar sound almost makes him cry. “What do you need me for?”
That question has too many answers, and Sam can’t think straight, he just knows he’s cold and alone and tired and he needs his brother. “I need you to take me home,” he says in a pathetic, tiny voice, leaning against a tree to keep his head from spinning.
Dean tries to sound sympathetic, Sam knows this, but his words come out patronizing. “Can’t you get a cab or something? Or... walk?”
“Dean, please.”
“It’ll take me forever. I’m in bed.”
“No, you’re not. You’re in the car.” He feels sick. Dean never lied to him before.
His brother might be thinking the same thing, because he doesn’t reply.
“C’mon, De, please.” Sam is begging but he doesn’t care, he’s the one who left, he’s the one who hurt Dean, and if Dean wants him to beg, he will. He’ll do anything. “Start the car and take me home.”
“You’re drunk.” Dean says in disbelief.
Sam slides into the Impala and slouches against the seat. “And a bit high,” he confirms.
“It’s like I don’t even know you anymore,” and Sam knows he meant it as a joke, but he can’t say anything because the lump in his throat threatens to overflow if he does. He gives Dean the directions and leans his head on his brother's shoulder, ignoring the voice of reason that screams at him to stop making a fool of himself.
If Dean minds, he doesn’t show it. He drives slower than usual, as if he doesn’t want this ride to end, and for a few minutes, Sam lets himself feel a little hope.
The car stops too soon. “Looks like we’re here,” Dean says. It’s an unnecessary comment just to break the silence and Sam drags his pounding head away from his brother’s shoulder.
When he doesn’t move, Dean adds, “Need me to walk you inside?”
Sam nods. “Please,” and Dean agrees, because he could never say no to his little brother.
They both blink when Dean turns on the living room light. Sam groans and sinks into the couch while Dean looks around.
“Nice place. How can you afford - “ he stops abruptly and Sam raises his head.
Dean is holding a framed picture of Sam and Jessica, both smiling happily at the camera. She’s wearing his Stanford sweater - the one he has on right now, in fact. Dean looks at him and Sam knows he noticed that. “Didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Sammy.” his voice is bitter and he puts the picture down as if it was burning his fingertips. “So you two live together, huh? Where is she?”
“She’s - not here.”
“Is she out partying on a Wednesday, too? When is she coming back?”
Sam winces. He doesn’t want to talk about Jessica right now. “I don’t know,” he says.
Dean turns to him with a cold smile. It’s the smile that Sam fears most - the one that doesn’t show his teeth, doesn’t reach his eyes. “So you invited me in, for what? So we can wait here for your perfect little girlfriend and - “
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Sam cuts through his words. He stares at Dean angrily. “Not anymore.”
Dean looks genuinely surprised. “What, she… left you?” Sam nods. “Like, for good?”
Sam pauses for a moment. “She’ll come back eventually.” Before the cold smile can return, he clarifies, “To pick up her things, I mean.”
“Oh.” Bitterness gone now, Dean looks a bit lost in the middle of Sam’s Stanford living room, and Sam almost laughs. Dean was always better at dealing with broken bones than with broken hearts - but it’s not like Sam himself was any better. The memory of the last time he saw his brother starts to creep back at him, and although he banishes it away, it kills any chance of laughter.
“So…” Dean starts, looking at Sam, as if he wants him to say something. When he doesn’t, Dean continues, “Unless you want to cry into your pillow while I stroke your hair...”
“No - don’t go.” Sam blurts out.
Dean just stares at him. Eventually, he says, anger underlining his words, “So you want me to stay, and, what? Get you through your hangover, help you get over your breakup with college Barbie? Is this what you meant when you said you needed me?”
Sam’s too hazy to properly respond, can’t even see straight. “Just tonight, Dean, please.” His hands reach out to the edge of Dean’s jacket and he grabs handfuls of the leather, bringing Dean as close to him as possible, trying not to sob his next words, throwing any inhibition away. “Please, De, need you to stay with me.” He knows his eyes are probably leaking. He doesn’t care. He looks up to his brother’s face, trying to memorise it so he can remember it tomorrow, because right now he can’t decipher what that look of his means.
Dean grips Sam’s hands and holds them for a moment. “Just tonight.” He says at last, and lets Sam drag him onto the couch and wrap himself around him. The anxiety that bubbled up in him is settled down, and Sam allows himself to relax into his brother's arms; even if it’s just tonight.
The light hits Dean’s eyes and he blinks furiously before finally making out his surroundings. A moment later, last night’s memories come back to him and he sits up, completely awake.
He can hear the shower running. His nose picks up the scent of coffee - and toast, too. His watering mouth is what makes him get up eventually, and when he does he feels his clothes stick to his skin, a reminder that he slept in them last night. Sam did, too. They didn’t even bother with as much as kicking off their shoes before drifting off to sleep - together, legs tangled, arms holding each other close.
Because that’s normal, right? Nothing says “Hey, Sammy, I missed you” like a casual brotherly spooning, Dean thinks grimly and sits at the kitchen table.
He nibbles on a slice of toast while contemplating his next move. Sam is bound to leave the shower soon - it’s taking him forever, what a princess - and Dean has to be ready when he shows up. He let himself slip last night, lost in the face of Sam’s desperation, that genuine need… But he shouldn’t have stayed. He should've tucked Sammy safely into his bed, say goodnight and drive the hell away from this stupid prissy college.
Dean braces himself when he hears the water stop. Any moment now, Sam will enter the room, apologize for calling him up, and send him on his way.
Dean is already thinking of a way to tell his father about this (cuddling excluded, of course) when Sam steps into the room, casually rubbing a towel over his wet hair, completely naked.
“Dude, what the - “
“Oh - shit, Dean, I thought you were still asleep.” Sam flashes an embarrassed, apologetic smile as he wraps the towel around his waist. Dean feels heat creeping up his cheeks and tries his hardest to repress it, seriously, it’s supposed to be Sam who blushes like a girl, while Sam sits in the chair in front of him and grabs a piece of toast.
Trying to keep his eyes away from his almost-naked brother, Dean stares at the clock on the wall, trying not to think of it as counting away his time. Finally he asks, eyes still fixed on the clock, “Don’t you have classes or something?”
Sam shrugs his shoulders. “Professor is sick,” He says with his mouth full. “Want me to show you around campus later?”
“Show me aro - aren't you going to apologize?” Dean snaps, moving his gaze back to his brother. He lets more anger into his words than he intended and he curses himself for it, but it’s too late to back out from this conversation now.
Sam swallows his food, troubled, and sets the rest of the toast aside. His hands drop to his lap, where he plays with the towel, until finally he says, “I’m sorry, Dean. I shouldn’t have done this.”
Disappointment starts to bloom in Dean’s chest like blood stains through a t-shirt and he pushes it away violently. This is exactly what he was getting ready for, so how come he still has any glimpse of hope? “Yeah, you shouldn’t have.”
“I was just so - “ Sam won’t look into his eyes, and traces of last night’s desperation start creeping into his voice. “When you told me all those things, I, I panicked. I was already pretty unhappy for a while - you know me and dad, always butting heads - and that was kinda like a final push or something.”
Dean has a weird feeling in his stomach. “Sam, what are you talking about?”
“I’m trying to apologize, Dean. Please, just let me finish.”
“For drunk dialing me last night and dragging my ass out here in the middle of the night,” Dean says, not asking, trying to convince himself that this is all the conversation is about.
“What?” Sam looks at him. Dean notices tiny tears hanging from his lashes, like fish caught in a net. “No. For leaving you.”
The silence thickens while they look at each other. The clock keeps ticking away in the background.
“I told you to forget everything I said,” Dean says eventually. His voice is hoarse even to his own ears.
“But that’s the thing, Dean,” Sam speaks quietly, “I just couldn’t. Even here, all those miles away from you, I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. I tried to put it all behind me, find a girl, build myself a normal life… But I couldn’t.” His eyes are focused on the towel and Dean’s head is working overtime to make sense of this.
Sam sniffs. “I know I hurt you.” He says in a small voice. Dean sees right through him - sees his teary-eyed baby brother, who simply did something he isn’t proud of and now aches for his forgiveness. “I said things I regret.”
“Called me sick,” Dean reminds him, mercilessly. “Said I needed to go see someone to fix everything that’s wrong with me.” Many other things were said, too, but those are the only ones he can bring himself to repeat.
“But that’s the thing, Dean,” Sam lifts his head at last and meets Dean’s eyes. His eyes tell Dean he’s right - this is his best, desperate attempt to fix this. “I don’t think you’re sick anymore. I think I know how you feel.”
What is he saying?
“I tried not to, tried to run away from it. But nothing else was enough, no one else was.” He’s visibly crying now but he continues, and Dean realises Sam needs to say those things, not just to him but out loud, to make them true, to make sure there’s no turning back. “De, you’re my big brother. And I love you. I don’t care if people think we’re sick, okay? I want to be with you - “
Dean doesn’t know how he got there - he doesn’t remember getting up - but he’s kneeling next to Sam, reaching up to brush away the tears, and it’s hard to reach his face because when did his baby brother get so freakishly tall? “It’s okay, Sammy. Don’t cry.”
“Mean it, Dean. I need you. I can’t - not without you.”
Dean stands and hugs Sam’s teary face to his chest. “Not going anywhere, Sammy. I’m right here with you.” Sam wraps his hands around his big brother and they melt into each other, bright morning sunshine and the smell of burnt, forgotten coffee, and little drops of water and tears mixing together and they don’t know where Dean ends and Sam begins but that's exactly what they're craving, wouldn’t have it any other way.
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98prilla · 4 years
I Won’t Say I’m in Love
I had an idea at 2am that Janus sarcastically asks Roman to marry him during arguments, but each time he asks he means it a little more until he realizes he’s completely in love with Roman, until he can’t stand the rejection anymore and runs away because Roman would never believe him if he admitted his feelings, only for Roman to come after him and propose instead. 
This isn’t quite that, though it is in a similar vein. I started with that idea and it evolved into this. That being said, if anyone wants to take the original idea and run with it, feel free, just remember to tag me!
         The first time he asks, he doesn’t mean it in the slightest. They’re in the middle of an argument, him and Logan against Roman and Patton, Virgil staying out of it, either because he didn’t have an opinion or he didn’t want to get involved.
           “Roman, you’re absolutely charming right now. Won’t you marry me already?” He snaps, breath hissing in and out, and everyone freezes at his comment. Roman’s face has gone red, from anger or embarrassment, he can’t tell, but the longer the silence goes on, the more he feels his own shame at his words burning at his throat. “sorry. That was… out of line.” He mumbles, adjusting his capelet.
           “I apologize, also. You are correct, I have not been my most… chivalrous, this afternoon. Perhaps… perhaps we should all take a break, to calm down. Then we can work out a… compromise?” Roman says, face flushing redder at the question in his voice. The moment is broken by Virgil slow clapping from the stairs.
           “Wooow, both of you apologized and Princey suggested a compromise? It’s a miracle!”
           “Yes, thank you, Virgil. Your sarcasm had been duly noted, and disregarded. Now. Don’t come get me when we’re ready to start over.” He comments, popping back to his room before anyone else has time to comment.
         The second time, he’s had a bad day. He feels heavy and disjointed, not all there, not all focused. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, he just knows he didn’t sleep well and he can’t seem to get comfortable, so he forces himself out of bed and down the stairs, dragging his blanket behind him, before collapsing on the couch. It’s almost 1pm, far later than his usual first appearance in the commons since the whole wedding debacle, since he was accepted, truly, since he was welcomed.
           He doesn’t remember drifting off, but he shoots awake as he feels a hand on his shoulder, letting out a small groan, having flung his arm over his eyes at some point.
           “What on earth could possibly be important enough to disturb me for, Roman?” he asks, wincing at the pounding that has started near his temple.
           “Are you okay?” He snorts at the question, rolling his eyes as he halfheartedly glares at Roman.
           “Just peachy.” He snarks, and Roman backs away, hands in the air. He can feel Roman’s eyes on him as he left the room, and sinks deeper into the couch. He’s surprised when a moment later, Roman returns from the kitchen, sitting down next to him.
           “Alright. Here you go.” He looks down at the table, a bit confused.
           “What… is this?” Roman looks at him, lip quirked up in a half smile.
           “Well that, is a glass of water. And that is something for the headache you’ve got cooking in your noggin. And those are crackers, since you have not eaten anything all day.” He looks slowly up at Roman, eyes narrowed.
           “I am not sick.” Roman’s eyebrow raises.
           “I did not say that. You, however, just did.” He groans, sinking even further into the blanket, so his eyes are just barely visible.
           “I do not get sick.” He mumbles.
           “Of course not, bananaconda. Now take the medicine.” He sighs, but complies, drinking the rest of the water and nibbling at some crackers as well. He barely notices Roman getting up, coming back a moment later with a Gatorade, and dimming the lights. He breathes a sigh of relief as some of the pain dissipates.
           “God, I could marry you right now.” He mumbles, finding the Gatorade is cold, and he lets Roman rest a cold rag on his forehead.  
           “I think the fever’s getting to your head, Jan.” He doesn’t reply, just hums and closes his eyes, trying to squash down the warm, fuzzy feeling starting to grow in his chest.
         The third time he doesn’t say it. He’s in his room, relaxing in his plush desk chair. He’d been doing a color by number, choosing whatever color he wanted for each number instead of going by the recommended color chart.
           He hears a knock on his door, and gets up, confused when he sees no one there. Then he looks down, and sees a small gift basket, wrapped in a red ribbon with a small card printed with Roman’s logo. He rolls his eyes, and brings it inside, smiling as he unpacks it.
           There’s a collection of lotions, each of which smells deep and heady, just the kind of scent he loves. There’s also a few moisturizing oils, for his scales, which he’s a bit grateful for, he can tell his shed is about to start and making his own was a bit of a hassle. He laughs at the small snake plushie, but drapes it across his bed’s headboard anyway, smiling fondly as he leans against the bed for a moment, before his eyes widen and he nearly slaps himself.
           No. no no no, he cannot do this, he cannot do this to himself, he will not be so stupidly naïve.
           He is not in love with Roman.
         The rest come in small moments of delight, of happiness, moments where he forgets to deny himself what he cannot have, when he cannot squash the fondness inside of him, when he forgets to push down the silent, useless emotion he refuses to give credence to.
Playing Mario Kart, and he exploits every loophole and shortcut, strategically laying bananas, somehow always avoiding the blue shell when he is in first, slowing down enough someone passes him and gets hit instead, Roman cursing his skill, every time demanding another round, both of them grinning and sweating by the end of their tournament.
Roman gets up early one morning, makes breakfast. When he comes into the kitchen, Roman slides a plate of waffles, covered in homemade whipped cream and chocolate shavings in front of him, along with a coffee filled with the perfect amount of froth, a heart patterned on it. His own nearly stops, breathless.
            “Morning sleepy serpent.” He mumbles something, heart stopping at how beautiful Roman looks, still in his pajamas, hair sleep mussed, but eyes bright, light from the window shining onto him as he turns back to the stove, flipping pancakes, humming, then singing, belting out showtunes. He catches himself almost sighing at how sweet Roman’s voice is, before he snaps out of his trance, just barely getting his emotions under control as Patton comes barreling down the stairs, summoned by Disney and the smell of pancakes.
         It’s a late night, they’ve had a movie marathon and the others all turned in hours ago, giving up one by one, Virgil the latest to leave. He is debating the morals of Disney characters, tearing apart the heroes and defending the villains.
           “How was he to know that toys are alive? He was using his creativity, to combine and make new, original, toys! If he hadn’t been traumatized by Woodie and Co, maybe he would have ended up an engineer instead of a garbage man.”
           “Ugh, fine! You have me on that one. It’s technically Pixar, anyway.” Roman mutters, and he laughs. “Since you concede there, I’ll give you Scar.” Roman looks at him, eyebrows raised in confusion.
           “Seriously? I figured you’d defend him to the death.” He shrugs, yawning.
           “Mostly due to the cut song where he tries to… let’s generously call it ‘woo’, Nala, which is why she leaves to find help in the first place. Plus, he never really wanted change or peace, he just framed his alliance with the hyenas in that manner to gain control. Besides, everyone knows it’s better to be loved than feared. If you really want complete control, make every choice seem like their own, make every action seem benign or like a favor. Get what you want by making it seem like what the people want.” Roman is staring at him, agape, and he flushes.
 He winces, because of course he ruined this, they were having a moment, and he ruined it. “… I’ll give you Ursula, if we’re counting cut scenes. She was technically overthrown and banished by Triton, though she did nothing wrong. Her vengeance is a bit extreme, but she at least had good reason for it, and really only wanted what was always supposed to be hers.” Roman answers after a moment, and he nearly sighs in relief, though he gets the feeling they were both talking about more than just Disney villains.
           He’s absolutely mortified, and not at all the least bit pleased when he’s awoken the next morning by Virgil, smiling smugly at him, having fell asleep, head resting on Roman’s chest, Roman’s arm around his shoulder, a blanket pulled up over the two of them. He certainly strives to make sure it never happens again.
He's a mess. A miserable, stupid, mess. He can't stop thinking of Roman, can’t stop striving for his smiles, the soft, fond one he receives in moments of quiet, the bright, mischievous one that brings out his dimples, the small, confused one when he didn’t understand why he was pulling away. His laugh, loud and ringing, the nicknames bestowed upon him at every chance, the small, subtle touches that sent his heart racing and his mind into overdrive and he was burning, aching, from want.
 The desire to run his fingers through Roman's hair, to feel his hands around his waist, to kiss him until they were both silly from it, to say every sweet word and guileless truth about how absolutely perfectly stunning Roman is, to defend him and his ideas, to protect him from his own self doubts and negative thinking, to repair every crack he himself had made in Roman's armor, to apologize a thousand times until the side knew he absolutely truly meant every word of flattery he had ever said.
 He hisses at a knock on his door, drawing back into the shadows. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone, he doesn’t want to see anyone, he just wants to wallow in his misery until this wrenching heartbreak goes away and leaves him alone! It’s no use, wanting something he can’t have. He won’t lie to himself and say otherwise.
 “Kiddo? You okay?” Patton, who can probably feel his emotional distress from miles away.
 “I'm fine.” He forces out, wrangling his voice into some sense of normalcy, wincing at the acrid lie on his tongue. He can feel Patton's hesitation, but the fatherly figure sighs.
 “Alright. But Jan? If you decide that you’re not fine, you know I’m here for you.” Then Patton walks away, and he’s only mildly surprised to feel wetness dripping down his cheeks.
 “I’m fine.” He whispers, curling in on himself, choking on tears. “I’m perfectly fine.”
Day three is when it all falls apart. He hasn’t left his room, he hasn’t moved much from his curled up spot on the floor, and it hurts why does it still hurt?
 He thought if he just stayed away, if he put distance between himself and Roman, if… if he detoxed it would go away, these pesky, useless feelings would go away!
 But they haven’t. They’re still pounding away with every beat of his heart, and he’s half convinced it would be better to just rip the stupid thing out than let it make such a fool of him.
 He knows limits. He understands them, he knows how far he can push the others before they start to break, he knows how much to push to make them give, he knows how far he can push before things start well and truly crumbling to ruin, and he knows, better than any of the others, his own limits.
 He knows what he can and cannot have, he knows how to be selfish without taking too much, and he knows this is something he cannot take, something he will never be given. He’s still the serpent, after all, still the liar, still the deceiver, still the snake in the grass, waiting to strike. He’s said I love you a thousand times to Roman, meant it more and more with each iteration, but he knows he doesn’t deserve to be loved. Not by Roman, whom he had broken so badly not so long ago, accidently, yes, and he had apologized, but still. He’d known how fragile the ego was, how tightly he was clinging to the final thread, and he’d still cut the strand without a second thought. He’s not to be trusted, least of all by himself, even his own heart has turned against him.
 “Janus? Can I come in?” He freezes at that voice, it makes his stomach sink and his pulse race and he feels a strange sense of vertigo.
 “No.” He says, as deadpan as possible, as much emphasis as he can, and he can almost see the frown on Roman’s face.
 “You haven’t been out in three days. Are you sick again?”
 “I’m fine, Roman, go bother someone else!” He spits out, anger creeping into his voice, because Roman is the source of this festering wound, even if he doesn’t know it. If he’s angry, he won’t be sad, angry he can do, angry he can fake as well as anyone.
 “no you’re not. I’m coming in.” He curses, lunging to his feet, but the door is already open before he has even a hope of locking it, and he and Roman stare at each other for a silent moment, before he looks away, biting his tongue. “Jesus, Jan. What happened to you?” He winces, knowing he must look a mess, knowing his hair is tangled and wild from running his hands through it so often, his face is a mess of dried tears and dark bags, his clothes are rumpled and wrinkled and his normally immaculate room is a bit dusty.
 “Nothing. Now go away.” He demands, turning to stalk to his desk. He feels a hand on his shoulder, warmth blooms down his arm, and he inhales sharply, turning and actually slapping Roman as he stumbles back, barely aware of the tears streaming down his eyes, because this is so goddamn hard. “Don’t. Don’t touch me, Roman.” He spits, venom in his voice, eyes sharp and fangs sharper. He hates this, hates playing this part again, but he needs Roman to leave.  
 “ok. I’m sorry, I should have asked.” He chokes on his bitter laughter because damn it, Roman is the perfect gentleman, isn’t he? He’s stepped back, hands raised in the air, the only thing on his face concern, not anger, or fear, or pain at the handprint still red across his cheek. “please, Janus. I know you’re hurting. I just want to know why, I just want to help.” He laughs this time, a wild, harsh sound.
 “That’s cute, Roman, but this isn’t one of your fairy tale quests where you rescue a damsel in distress. This is real life, with real problems, and maybe, for once, you should let it get through your thick skull that this ISN’T ONE YOU CAN FIX!” He screams, letting his words be cold, letting them be cruel, as he crumples to the floor, heaving, gasping in air through the shaking sobs squeezing tight his chest. “you can’t fix me.” He whispers, not caring if Roman hears, because what’s the point? He’s a pathetic, mewling lump, and surely after that display Roman will leave, warned off by his extremeness.
 “Janus.” He flinches at his name, whispered so softly, so gently, almost holding the thing he wishes more than anything his name would contain, coming from Roman’s lips, but that hope is a lie, a deceitful, monstrous lie, just like the rest of him. “why do you think you’re broken?” He doesn’t answer. He won’t answer, he won’t say it aloud, not now, not when Roman will see how much he actually means it. He squeezes his hands into fists, forcing his chin up, forcing himself to glare at Roman.
 “You should leave. Before I answer that question honestly.” He bares his fangs in a snarl, gold covering his pupils, racing throughout the room, lighting it up with a thousand pretty little lies that echo in Roman’s ears, telling him exactly how worthless and useless and pathetic he is, and he hisses for good measure, standing and sauntering over to Roman, leering at him.
 “I’m the dragon guarding the tower, I’m the hydra fighting Hercules, I’m the snake here to lead you astray, I’m the villain, I’m the bad guy, I stand against everything you’ve ever believed in, little prince. You’d be so easy to dispose of. Then who could stop me, hmmm? No one. I could kill you right where you stand, and no one would ever know a thing, my greatest performance would be replacing you. Or do you forget what I am, Roman, what I well and truly am?” He stands back, fangs sharp as he grins, letting out a dark, sinister laugh, one that reverberates off the walls, and something is breaking inside him, something is cracking and crumbling and he hates himself, hates every moment, but if Roman hates him, too, then he’ll just go.
 “Janus.” Roman says again, so soft, and his grin falters, his mask slips for a moment before he rights it, scowling as Roman steps forwards, undaunted, something strange in his eyes, something soft and worried. “you don’t have to do this.” He stumbles back at Roman’s words, shaking his head.
 “I know you’re afraid. That’s why you’re doing this, you’re scared, and that’s ok.” He’s shaking his head, eyes squeezed shut, trying to push back the tears.
 “I know you don’t mean it, Jan. And I won’t run away just because of a few threats. I want to help you, I want to be there, I want you to trust me enough to tell me what is hurting you so terribly… please.” He feels Roman’s hand on his, and he jerks back, hitting the wall, eyes snapping open, breath coming in short gasps, and he wraps his arms around himself, shaking.
 “STOP IT!” He shouts, voice breaking into a million pieces, and the gold vanishes, his façade crumbling, only raw emotion left in his voice. “Stop caring, stop asking to help, stop acting like you’re my friend, stop being kind, stop being so fucking nice to me, stop getting inside my head, stop making me feel happy being near you, stop sending butterflies winging through my stomach, stop making me smile, stop making me laugh, stop being so fucking incredible that I can’t help but love you!” He screams, jabbing his finger into Roman’s chest with every word, tears falling down his face as he finally says it, all the fight draining out of him as he collapses, empty, caught by Roman, who lowers them both gently to the floor.
 He doesn’t have the will to pull away from Roman’s all encompassing embrace. He doesn’t have the strength left to silence the tears, to force Roman out, to go back to being alone.
 Shame curdles in his stomach as he breathes in Roman’s scent, lilacs and sweet summer breezes, as he melts against Roman’s chest, as his hands fist the fabric of Roman’s shirt and he sobs, hopelessly sobs, because this is an empty victory. Once he manages to pull away, he’ll see the pity and disgust on Roman’s face, and this, this will be well and truly over.
 “I’m s-orry. I’m so, s-so s-sorry, I didn’t mean f-for this to happen, I h-hoped it would just go away but they won’t, and I’m s-sorry…” he gasps, shaking, exhaustion cresting over him, and despite himself the ache is being soothed, because Roman is holding him, and then he just feels sick at his own selfish want.
 “Oh, my little mocking jay, why didn’t you just say something?” He laughs at that, throat raw and scratched.
 “because then you’d know. And it would all be over, anyway. You don’t love me, you could never love me, I’m not nearly good enough for you, I’m not good at all, really. I’m not… I’m not what you want, Roman. I can never be what you want me to be. And I just… I just keep hurting you.” He whispers, heart shattering a little more as Roman pulls back, and he closes his eyes, taking a huge breath in, trying to control the crushing, plunging depths of his despair.
 “Janus. Who says you aren’t already exactly what I want?” His breath catches at Roman’s words, at the tenderness they hold, at the painful hope blooming in his chest. He trembles as he feels Roman rest a hand on his scaled cheek, gently stroking the scales with his thumb.
 “don’t lie to me, Roman. Please, I can’t… it already hurts so much, I can’t listen to you lie to me.”
 “Does it feel like I’m lying, dearest?” It doesn’t. It really doesn’t. Slowly, he opens his eyes, meeting Roman’s worried, soft… loving… gaze. “I love you, Janus. You’re funny, and smart, and I love your sarcasm, your half awake morning bedhead, how you gesture when you’re passionate, how all your emotion lives in your eyes.” Roman murmurs, a small, warm smile on his lips as he moves his hand, stroking back a stray piece of hair. “I love you for so many miniscule reasons it would take me a thousand thousand years to list them all. I would have told you sooner, darling, but I didn’t want to pressure you, not while you were still settling in.”
 “Roman…” he says weakly, he’s so flat out tired, so worn down and hollow and empty that he doesn’t even know what to say, what to feel, except this warming in his chest slowly spreading to the rest of him, making him feel lighter than he had in ages.
 “come here, dearest.” Roman says, and he can’t help but collapse into Roman’s lap, letting the creative side pull him close, pressing his head against Roman’s chest, more tears slipping out as he feels Roman gently stroking his back, cradling his head, murmuring soft assurances and words of gentle warmth, and repeated, wonderful, ‘I love you’s’ that ring true every time, and all he can do is keep clinging to Roman, praying he doesn’t wake up from this dream.
 Then Roman tilts his chin up, his pulse jumping at the touch, then Roman’s lips are on his and he melts at the explosion of warmth and color and light sparking in his mind, and he’s pressing forwards, desperate, and Roman is soft and warm and perfect and it’s everything, it’s everything he’s wanted for so, so long now.
 When they finally break apart, he’s breathless and flushed and the broken emptiness is almost gone, almost fully replaced with hope and love and light, and he laughs as Roman sweeps him off his feet, holding him bridal style as he showers his face in small kisses, each one making him flush redder and redder, until he yawns, despite himself.
 “Oh, I’m sorry, are my affections boring you, pretty little liar?” Roman teases, and he grins, nuzzling against Roman’s chest, letting out a soft breath that seems to untie the last lingering knot in his chest.
 “Obviously. What a trial.” He mumbles, feeling Roman stroking his hair again, realizing his eyes have slipped closed.
 “When did you last sleep, mi amor?” He shrugs, he doesn’t know, honestly, and now that Roman is holding him, it’s the only thing his body wants, it takes everything in him not to just fall asleep now. “alright. Let’s get you to bed then. We can talk more in the morning.”  
 “stay. Please.” He asks, nearly begs, eyes flying wide with sudden fear, suddenly sure that if Roman walks out the door, he’ll wake to find he was dreaming, because there’s no way this is real, no way Roman loves him.
 “of course, little hisser. I wouldn’t dream of leaving my beloved alone and unprotected from any foul nightmares that may come his way.” Roman soothes, sliding into bed with him still in his arms, immediately spooning gently around him, and he shifts closer, closing the little space there was left between them, until their legs are entangled and his forehead is resting in the crook of Roman’s shoulder, and Roman’s arms are around him, and he’s still holding tight to Roman’s shirt, feeling him exhale against his cheek.
 “I love you, lovely. Now get some rest.” And finally, he does.
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vigilvntes · 4 years
Bruises - Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader (Star Wars)
A/N: the way i had the opening of this in my drafts for ages and then at the big time of 2am i decided i wanted to rewrite the whole thing and get it published ;) i’m so much more motivated to write than usual when i should be doing uni work but oh well more kylo content for you guys <33 inbox is always open for requests while im actually writing so feel free to send and i hope you enjoy <33
Word count: 1900+
Warnings: mentions of minor injuries. 
You walked out of the casino, wincing as the harsh evening winds hit your bare arms. The dress you wore did little to nothing to protect you from the weather, but the last thing you expected to be doing was leaving the venue in search of your date.
Canto Bight was never your favourite place. In your opinion, it was filled with sleazes, who only came to the city for three things: money, booze and sex. However, you were the daughter of a noble family and despite your wishes, your family often sent you along to the gatherings they were expected to attend, assuming that you would fit in with the crowd more than they would. They thought you’d enjoy the party, enjoy the alcohol, even the attention you often seemed to draw to yourself. How wrong they were.
However, there was always one saving grace to evenings like these: Commander Kylo Ren, of the First Order.
The two of you weren’t official, as much as you would like to be. You understood that he had work to do, with his grandfather leaving big boots to fill, he barely had time to sleep, let alone date. But for some strange reason, you were different. You caught his attention, and he made sure to make time for you, whether that meant attending parties and events with you, or simply going out of his way to visit you, if only for an hour. 
Truthfully, you had spent many nights lying awake, tears in your eyes as you thought about your future, which you hoped would be with Kylo. Would he eventually ask you to be his girlfriend? Would he want to marry? To him, those questions would seem trivial, of no importance. He loved you, and would find ways to show you. But to you they meant a lot, and you were hoping for some kind of answers sometime soon. 
You shook your head as you made your way over to the short wall which surrounded the casino, leaning on it, using your elbows to keep yourself propped up as your head rested in your hand. Your gaze flitted between the city and the body of water beyond, which seemed strangely calm despite the mean winds. For a moment, you forgot about the cold, forgot about why you had even come outside in the first place as you watched the waves slowly made their way towards the shore. 
Your peace was soon interrupted.
A pair of hands snaked around your waist from behind and you let out a yelp, turning around quickly to face whoever had touched you, ready to defend yourself as much as you possibly could. Until you heard that familiar, smug chuckle come from behind a mask. You knew exactly who it was before you.
You rolled your eyes, “Way to make an entrance, Commander.” Despite your annoyance, you truly were happy to see him. Immediately you pulled him towards you and wrapped your arms around him, smiling into his chest as you felt him return the gesture. 
Eventually, you pulled away and narrowed your eyes at the man. “Don’t think you’ve gotten away with it. I still have a bone to pick with you.”
Despite how hard he tried to hide it, you heard him sigh lightly underneath the mask and mumble a disgruntled, “Go on.”
“First of all you’re late.”
“(Y/N), I had bus-”
“I’m not finished.” If anyone else spoke to him that way, they would surely be punished. But not you. He allowed you to put him in his place, mainly because he couldn’t ever bring himself to snap at you, but also because he found you too cute when you were pissed off with him.
You took his silence as a go ahead to continue with your rant. “You’re late. Your clothes are ruined. Your helmet still has smoke coming from it. Do I need to continue? How did you even get here? Where have you been?”
“Like I said-”
“Take it off.” You demanded. You were sick of hearing the robotic voice coming from the mask already. You wanted to speak with Kylo, not Commander Ren. 
An almost stunned silence washed over him and he replied to your demand with a quiet, “T-take it off?”
“The helmet, genius. Take it off.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, but eventually he reached his hands up and pulled the helmet from his head, revealing a mop of dark, curly hair, which had grown longer since the last time you saw one another, and just as you had expected, new cuts adorned his face, almost nicking the gauze of the scar he had attained during the destruction of Starkiller. But what really caught your attention was the black eye. 
He simply stared at you, waiting patiently for you to react, prepared to accept anything you threw his way. But for a moment you said nothing, all you could do was sigh.
After a minute, you moved closer to him and reached up, your fingers tracing the scar on his cheek, offering him a small, sympathetic smile, “If I remember correctly, the invitation said black tie, not black eye, Ren.”
Kylo couldn’t help but smile at your comment, and you were glad to hear his deep voice, which you had missed so dearly, reply with, “I must have read it wrong.”
“You wanna tell me how Kylo Ren, Commander of the First Order, has ended up with a black eye?”
His smile dropped at your inquiry to know more about his injuries, and your smile followed suit as you realised exactly what had happened. “It was them, wasn’t it?” You asked.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Kylo. It was the Scavenger and her Resistance friends, wasn’t it?”
His silence said everything. He pushed his tongue into his cheek and looked away from you, almost embarrassed. And truthfully, it was quite embarrassing. He was Commander Ren. He was feared. Respected. Yet he couldn’t even manage to capture and kill a scavenger girl. 
You turned away from him, moving your attention back to the sea, crossing your arms. He knew you were pissed and he’d have to talk his way out of this one somehow. His silence simply wasn’t enough.
“(Y/N). I’m sorry that I turned up so late.” You didn’t even move, let alone reply, so he continued. “And I’m sorry about the state of my attire.” No reply. “And.... I would also like to apologise for the state of my face.” He wasn’t usually one to apologise to anyone, but a genuine apology from him was the only way for him to bounce back from his fuck up’s.
You tried your hardest to keep your composure, but one of the most powerful men in the galaxy apologising for his face was enough to bring a smile to anyone’s lips. “I guess she got you good, huh?”
He came to your side after hearing your joking retort, “You could say that.” He found himself thinking this too often, but if anyone else had mocked him this way he most likely would have destroyed a wall or two. He knew you would never think of him as a failure, or an embarrassment, as many probably did. Your light-hearted jabs at him were mainly for your own comfort. To make light of any bad situation he often found himself in.
You sighed, leaning your head onto his shoulder. You hated how quickly you could melt back into him again, but you couldn’t waste any more precious time you had together being angry or upset, “I just worry about you,”
“I know. But you shouldn’t,” He mumbled. “I can be reckless. I throw myself into danger. But I also come back fine.” He knew to you those words would probably mean nothing, but he was trying his best to comfort you. 
“You make it so hard not to worry. I mean, this war you’ve got going on... It’s so much bigger than you, or me, or the Scavenger girl. And truthfully, I’m scared. Terrified, actually. For you, for me. For my family. For everyone, really.” That was the first time you had ever admitted your fears to him. There was no way he’d give up his title, give up the First Order, but you hoped he’d provide you with a little reassurance that things would be okay. 
His grip on you tightened, not so much that it would hurt you, but enough to know that he felt every word you spoke. “You know I wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you, or anyone you care about. I care about you too much to hurt you like that.” He stepped in front of you and knelt down, taking both of your hands. “As for everything else, I can’t make any promises. No one, not even the Supreme Leader knows what’s coming next. All I can ask is that you trust me enough to make the right choices.”
His words, for some reason you couldn’t quite decipher, felt like they held some hidden meaning. Like he was planning something drastic, or he knew something drastic would happen in the future. But you took these thoughts with a grain of salt, choosing not to press him any further, and instead choosing to trust him, as he asked of you. Squeezing his hand lightly, you offered him a small smile, “Of course I trust you. I’d trust you with my life. Just... Do what’s right. And if it doesn’t feel or seem right then... Don’t.”
He nodded and stood up slowly, “Of course.” After a few moments of peaceful silence shared between the two of you, as you processed each other’s words, he broke it. “You’re going to have my head the next time I see you, I know, but I have to go.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “You have to go? As in you’re not staying?”
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am, and I know I said I’d join you for the night but given how today went, I’m not even supposed to be here.”
“Oh, and where exactly are you supposed to be?” You knew the answer already, and you knew he’d probably be in some deep trouble, you just wanted him to say it himself.
Once again, he pushed his tongue into his cheek before replying with, “The Supremacy.”
Bingo, you thought to yourself. The Supremacy. The Supreme Leader’s ship. And Kylo chose to go out of his way to see you first, prioritising you over his master. You couldn’t help but feel flattered, even though your plans for the night had been ruined. You gave him a small smile, “I suppose because you came to me first, and because I’m almost certain the Supreme Leader is gonna give you a harder time than I ever could, I’ll let this one go,”
“I appreciate that.” He leant down and pressed his lips to yours gently, and when he pulled away, he left another on your forehead. “I’ll see you soon, I promise.”
As you watched him walk away, towards the steps, you wished you could go with him. Be by his side, be able to see him everyday. Even though you knew that wasn’t exactly possible at the moment, you couldn’t help but ask. Before you could stop yourself, you had called his name, and he, already a few metres away, had turned to look back at you. 
He knew what you were going to ask, and this time his answer was more hopeful than it had been before. He couldn’t tell you what was to come, but he hoped it would work for the both of you.
“Kylo I-.... One day, will you take me with you?”
He nodded his head slowly, and spoke only one word, “Soon.”
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generous1ty · 4 years
Hi! Can I request the #31 angst prompt with Hajime and with she or they prounouns? I'm a sucker for angst lol <D
aaaasgsjdkkd i am also a sucker for angst and love producing it-- and you chose Hajime so this is going to hurt. :)
update on the Prompt Event: sadly, i couldn’t get all the requests done today(i was busy getting the house ready to move). but, i’ll be slowly working on them until they’re done! apologies to anyone sending requests, as i’m currently prioritizing prompt requests right now.
thank you for requesting! lots of love. </3
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Bullet to the Heart
Angst Prompt 31 with Hajime!
link to the prompt list!
genre: comfort angst warnings: swearing, yelling, affair/cheating accusations, just angst in general </3 word count: 1.5k
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the house you stayed in felt more like a “living space” than a “home”.
Hajime Hinata was partially the reason why things were so different; late nights out, drinking with friends, the silent treatments, the cold shoulders... but even so, you could hardly complain-- avoiding any contact with him, leaving packaged foods you cooked on the table, locking yourself in a different room than the one you both slept in.
it was so different from when you both first moved into the house.
you could reminisce about the times when you were both deeply in love-- trying so desperately to make things work, even though the odds were against you both. you could remember his smile, the way he’d longingly stare at you and reach for your hand, whispering in your ear,
“we will make a future for ourselves.”
oh, how you wished those words still played now.
currently, you and your partner were at the dining table, eating in silence. it had been days since you had last talked-- you don’t even remember the last conversation you had.
despite how rough things were, he had still decided to come home early. it was definitely a good thing, right? improvement in your relationship, a sign that he wanted things to get better, right?
Hajime’s pale-green eyes had looked at you, his hardened stare softening at just the sight of you. he had missed you, but was going through things all wrong-- he knew that. he knew that yet his actions still continued-
why was he doing this? he’d often ask himself that. was he looking for excitement? adrenaline? the rush he had felt back in college? he had settled down with you, but things just never felt right anymore.
his frown was apparent-- not that you noticed-- and he had swallowed his food to speak, “i... decided to come home earlier today.”
god damn it, Hajime.
his act of communication had startled you, but your gaze did not meet his, “yeah...”
talking to him seemed hard now. although you longed for his touch, his voice, the loving stare he’d give you even if you were doing nothing, you couldn’t even manage talking to him-- something you’ve wanted to do for so long.
“....i’ve been stalling at work, lately. i’m currently picking up coding to manage online affairs,” he continued, trying to ease the unnecessary tension and get a conversation going.
you peeked up at him, finally looking him in the eyes, “coding..?” you had managed to push out, “isn’t it complicated?”
you had given a soft chuckle, something he missed hearing. his mouth perked up into a small smile, happy to contribute to the discussion.
“it is,” he admitted, feeling comfortable to complain and expose a weaker side to you that he hadn’t been able to do in a long, long time, “it makes my head pound most of the time.”
ah, his smile. it had widened as he talked, and made your heart flutter uncontrollably. yes, this was it. this was what you needed. a heart-to-heart, a simple talk.
the smile that had made its way on to your face had subtly died down, sighing, “...what went wrong? why are we like this now, Hajime?”
your focus had been on your hands, gently cupping the empty plate in front of you. what had gone wrong? what in the world happened that you felt the need to isolate yourself from him? ignore him? avoid him? why did you feel like this interaction would be the only conversation you’d have with him until the routine started over again?
“i... don’t know,” his voice had interrupted your thoughts, painfully reminding you that you had initiated this conversation. whatever happened next was your fault, “but, why don’t you know? you’ve been contributing to this-- this stupid charade ever since it started!”
your eyes squinted, brows furrowing, “what-- what the hell, Hajime?! if you hadn’t started drinking with your coworkers or going out at night without me knowing, maybe i’d feel more comfortable around you!”
you just raised you voice at him-- you just raised your voice at him. you hadn’t done that before.
your heart beat loudly in your chest, hands trembling as your vision started to blur. what? what? was this your fault?
“you never even came to check up on me, where else am i supposed to go?!” he raised his voice, throat burning from the friction.
he never once though that he needed to-- not around you, at least. why was he yelling? why did he feel hurt?
“fuck, [Y/n]! how do you expect me to talk to you when you’re never there for me?!” he stood up, the chair behind him screeching against the marble floor, “i obviously needed to go somewhere else, right?”
you grit your teeth, letting out a shaky breath, “how is this my fault?! if you had just talked to me then maybe things would have been alright-- but now we’re in deep shit because your actions-- not mine!”
Hajime made a sharp inhale, his heart practically jumping out of his chest. him? this wasn’t because of him, was it? his actions, things he did-- it couldn’t have been just him, it was-
“if i’m so unbearable and uncomfortable, maybe you should just go to your mistress-- fuck her until 2am, why don’t you?” your voice trembled with your hands, standing from your seat and leaving the kitchen.
the room, you needed to go to the room. you promised yourself you’d bring that up when you both were better. you promised that you’d talk about it in full detail once you and Hajime had fixed things. not now. not now.
“what--” Hajime’s eyes had peered at your back-- and you could feel it.
was he glaring at you? angry that you had found out about him and his affair? was he balling his fists in anger, waiting to blame it on you as well?
“you heard me,” you growled, “if i’m so hard to deal with, just move out an-and live with the woman you’ve been so intimate with every fucking weekend!” you couldn’t help the stutter in your voice, your breathing so erratic that it hurt your chest.
you couldn’t stop the tears that dropped down your cheeks-- almost as much as when you found the shirt with someone’s perfume and smudged lipstick on the collar.
it hurt. it hurt knowing the man you moved in with to start something amazing had suddenly found something amazing with someone else-- behind your back, at that.
"look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said." his voice rumbled, your eyes that avoided his gaze had finally looked at your lover, eyes shut as if he were thinking, “go on, i’ll listen.”
“the woman you’ve been sleeping with,” you repeated, “just go live with her since i’m so despicable.” you muffled the sob that threatened to spill out, stuck on the stairs because of this conversation.
as he opened his eyes and started to walk towards you, your heart had dropped.
was he going to pack his things? was he finally leaving? you were so surprised he dealt with you for so long-- so if what you were thinking of was really what he was going to do, you couldn’t help but agree.
but instead, his arms wrapped around you; tight, loving, longingly. he was upset, you could feel it in his embrace. but, he still loved you. despite your harmful words, your accusations, he was holding you as if you were leaving-- not him.
he let out a shaky breath, “i don’t have a mistress.”
“that night, this woman from my company tried to hit on me-- she was really close to me that night and tried to initiate something by kissing my neck. we didn’t do anything, i stopped her before she could touch me anywhere else,” he sounded so sure, his hold on you tightening, “i promise this is the truth-- so please... if i don’t leave, please don’t go.”
you both had fallen on to the floor beneath you, arms around each other, thankful for the other’s embrace.
you had never felt such anxiety-- such shock before that night, and you never wanted to experience it again. you were apologetic for avoiding him, accusing him, belittling him. you had never once thought of listening to him or greeting him to see what was wrong. you had been wallowing in your own self-pity that it was embarrassing, but he felt the same.
it was heartbreaking you’d accuse him of something that shallow, but he couldn’t blame you. he was wrong for not talking to you and taking another way out, simply going out to drink and letting the alcohol carry his worries away. he was sorry for going out and coming home late, leaving without notice, drowning himself in self-pity as well.
you both weren’t perfect, that was a fact. you were both human, imperfections that still needed to grow and make decisions. those decisions will be hard, and it’ll feel as if you’d be backed away into a corner.
but at least you wouldn’t do it alone anymore.
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n0r14k1-k4ky01n · 4 years
hello! this might be a bit of a weird alsk but can i request headcanons for the crusaders x reader having a vibe session at 2 in the morning? maybe they just had a rough day and decided to listen to loud music at 2am and dye their hair to make them self feel better. the reader is a bit less verbal about their emotions so they just kinda vibe to music? thank you for your time, have a nice day/night/evening!
!!! First ask, woo!!! This is actually so adorable, I love it- I'm gonna say this takes place after the Egypt trip (in an everyone lives AU, of course) so no one is pestering you to sleep for obvious reasons, lol. Also, I wasn't sure if you meant for this to be romantic or not, so I made it kinda ambiguous. You can interpret it how you like tho!!
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Crusaders Having A Vibe Session With The Reader At 2AM!!
Jotaro... Probably doesn't sleep very well anyways.
He hears you up and moving at 2am, gives a quiet yare yare as he realizes he's not gonna get any sleep tonight, takes a few minutes to mentally prepare, and goes to check on you.
He finds you as you're waiting for the dye to set, raising an eyebrow, but not reacting much otherwise.
He's used to nonverbal communication, not to mention observant as hell, so he can tell pretty easily that you're not doing so hot.
"... Bad day?"
You just nod in response. He sighs and sits himself down next to you.
This is a rare opportunity to lean on him without being pushed off. He might even put an arm around your shoulder.
He's gonna help you with the rest of your hair if you ask, but only if you explain how, and let him pick the next few songs. He has a very specific music taste, it's a wonder he's been listening to what you put on with only a few snide comments here and there.
... But he'll still take your music taste into account too. Don't point it out, he'll deny it and get grumpy.
When all is said and done, you're definitely gonna fall asleep first. If he's up, he's up. He won't move you (other than off his shoulder) but he'll shut off the music, and if you left your phone unlocked, there's a good chance he'll shut off any alarms you have. He's sure you need the rest, even if you might get pissy that he did something like that without asking.
As long as you're feeling a bit better, he couldn't care less if you're upset at him.
Either he was already out cold by midnight, or he stayed up playing videogames. Regardless, he's gonna hear the music at some point, and go out to check on you.
He shows up before you've actually dyed your hair, a more confused than he is annoyed.
"Y/N, why on earth are you up this late...?"
"You don't have room to judge, Nori."
He catches on that you're not doing so hot, and sticks around, trying to fall into a comfortable silence with you.
... The key word here is "trying".
He feels really awkward being around people in the first place, especially one-on-one. Add in the fact that there's nothing but the music to keep him from overthinking...
He's piping up every little while with a fun fact about something or another. He doesn't actually know what to say, but he can't stand the silence, so that's his way of trying to fill the void. He doesn't mind if you don't respond with much more than a nod, just acknowledge that he said something and he's fine.
He let's you pick all the music. He likes just about anything, and besides, you're not doing so hot. It's the least he can do.
He'd also absolutely help you dye your hair, and he already knows how. He's definitely looked into dying his own, but is too worried it won't look better than what he already has, or that it won't look good enough to be worth the time/effort/money.
Once again, you'll probably fall asleep first. This man has trained himself well in the art of "I'm doing something, sleep can wait". An Epic Gaymer™ of the highest degree.
He'll probably try to move you to your bed, but unless he can very easily pick you up, he's just gonna leave you there. Maybe shift you so you're lying down. He just really doesn't wanna accidentally wake you up.
I'm gonna start this one off by saying I'm so sorry, I have no idea how to write for Avdol-
Probably still up when he hears you. One of my personal headcanons is that he opens his shop in the evening and shuts it down in the day, since tarot stuff seems to be a lot more popular with the night crowd, so he's on a bit of a weird sleep schedule anyway.
Immediately concerned. He's pretty good at picking up on other people's emotions.
"Y/N, you look down. Is there anything I could do to help...?"
Just ask him to stick around and he will. He might even make you some tea, if you like it. Or like, hot chocolate. But no coffee unless it's decaf, he's not about to let you stay up later than you need to.
He's okay with the silence, actually. Will open his arms up for a cuddle, if you want. He's such a good space heater cuddler.
He doesn't really know how to help you dye your hair, but he'll try if you tell him how! Honestly, just let him know what you need in general, and he'll do it in a heartbeat... So long as it's not gonna backfire in the long run, like caffeine, or starting a big task/project (it's the middle of the night, for Pete's sake).
Might suggest listening to quieter music after you've finished with your hair, in an attempt to help you wind down and maybe fall asleep.
... But it's a 50/50 as to who actually falls asleep first. If he manages to stay up, he'll try and carry you to bed. If he can't, he's gonna wake you up and tell you to go properly lay down. He feels bad about disturbing you, but it's better than letting you sleeping funny and get a sore neck.
See, Polnareff needs his beauty sleep. He's out at a reasonable time, 11 at the very latest, and your music absolutely woke him up.
He's gonna stomp out of his room grumbling and groggy.
"It's 2 in the damn morning, Y/N, what the hell...?"
Not the most observant of the bunch, so for him to clue in, you'll either need to look like death, or straight up tell him you feel like shit.
Any hint of grumpiness or sleepiness is gone in an instant, replaced by a small gasp and so much worry.
This man is absolutely going to help you with your hair. Hell, if you let him, he's going to try and give you a full-blown spa experience. Face mask, nail painting, he might give you a massage!! Please indulge him, it's going to be so nice and he's going to be so happy he could help. But, if not, he's more than happy to just sit with you.
However, unless you specifically ask him to be quiet, he's going to talk your ear off. He won't mind if you don't respond, he's more than happy to just blabber about anything that crosses his mind.
Hell, even if you do ask him to hush, he's gonna struggle with it. He never stops talking, the absolute dork.
He'll suggest songs he thinks you might enjoy, and will sometimes ask if you can skip one or two that he really doesn't like, but for the most part you have free range over the music.
He's going to try so hard to stay awake, but he's used to a full 8 hours or more, so he's falling asleep first. Though, when he wakes up, he's gonna remember what happened last night and apologize profusely for passing out on you. Oh, and compliment how nice your hair looks in the natural light, of course.
Another early sleeper. When he was younger, he'd stay up until the wee hours of the morning with no problems, but nowadays he's pretty consistent about passing out at 10 on the dot. Your music woke him up, which is impressive, because he sleeps like a rock.
Manages to be less grumpy than Polnareff when he comes out, but not by much.
"Geez, Y/N, could you please save all the noise for the daytime?"
However, he's still got his paternal instincts, and as soon as he gets a good look at you, he's gonna know somethings up.
He's gonna insist on helping dye your hair. Hell, if the dye is temporary, there's a good chance he'll ask if he can dye his too! He doesn't see why not, and besides, it might get you to smile.
That's his main goal here, actually. He'll try not to talk too much, but similarly to Kakyoin, he's not great with silence. The difference is that he's gonna fill it with terrible dad jokes and over-the-top stories rather than fun facts. But if you really want him to shush, he'll try his best. He'll get quieter the later it gets anyways. He just wants to make you happy.
Expect him to hum along to any songs he knows, but he won't ask you to play anything specific.
Absolutely going to cuddle you if you let him. He's a very good cuddler/pillow.
Although he's probably really sleepy, absolutely refuses to fall asleep first. As soon as you're out, he'll shut off the music and carry you to your bed, no matter if he struggles with it or not. Tucks you in, pats your head, the whole nine yards.
... And then he goes and passes the hell out too. He's an old man, leave him be.
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bloodwrittenballad · 4 years
The four times JJ almost said “I Love You” and the one time he finally did.
A/N: first fic on tumblr ayyy uh let me know what you think??
Warnings: uh some fighting n injuries, underage drinking and lots of pining. also probably just pure shit writing, this isn’t proofread it’s deadass 2am i wrote this up randomly and really fast i’ll probably just end up deleting it but anywho enjoy and be kind please bye
The first time:
It was a nice day, the weather warm and sunny, and what better way was there to spend it on the HMS Pogue with your best friends. The five of you spent your time in the marsh swimming and drinking the beverages that Kie had so graciously brought along.
It wasn’t long before you all became pretty tired - or intoxicated - and sprawled around the HMS.
You laid next to JJ, your head in his lap as he lazily played with your hair while he and the others talked and teased one another. He looked down at you every so often, taking in your features while you just kept your eyes closed and bathed in the warmth of the summer, and the urge to say those three words grew bigger each time.
But, instead, he just brushed it off and laughed at whatever joke John B had said, though in reality all he could think about was the day he’d finally get to say what he’s been longing to for years.
The second time:
The party was in full swing, filled with a numerous amount of kooks, pogues and tourons, but all he could focus on was you. Kie had drunkenly begged to dance with her and you being you, couldn’t refuse the offer. He watched as Kie squealed and dragged you by your arm, smiling to himself as he watched you clumsily trip, but soon you were dancing confidently to the beat of the song, lost in your own little world.
His eyes didn’t leave you for a second as he watched you move, your eyes soon catching his and you smiled that beautiful smile of yours, beckoning him over to you. At first JJ just shook his head playfully and stayed standing where he was, but once you pulled the puppy dog eyes and pouted your lips, he couldn’t resist.
And before he even realized, he was twirling you around to the music, blind to the world around him as he focused on nothing but you and the way you looked so effortlessly beautiful and carefree.
He swore to himself in that moment that he’d never loved someone as much as you, but as much as he wanted to say it, he couldn’t bring himself to.
One day, he told himself. But not today.
The third time:
The whole gang was hanging out at the Chateau. The weather was a little more on the cloudy side that day, but it didn’t stop you guys from having fun. Especially you and JJ, who you were currently running away from. “Oh I am so gonna get you!” He yelled, his whole body soaking wet from the bottle of water you dumped on him seconds prior. You squealed as you ran, JJ not far behind.
It wasn’t long before he caught up to you, which wasn’t surprising considering he was taller than you. He tackled you, pinning you down on the ground and laughing as he did so. “Say you’re sorry!” He demanded in a mocking tone, “never!” you chuckled along. JJ raised his brow, turning his head to John B and said “pass me a water bottle.”
Dread instantly filled your entire being as John B played along and grabbed the cold water bottle from the cooler. Your eyes went wide as he began to walk over, slowly stretching his arm out to pass the bottle to JJ, who was about to take it before you screamed out, “okay I surrender! I’m sorry!” you apologized. JJ smirked, “apology accepted, princess.” He chuckled before getting off of you, pulling you up with him.
Him arm was around your waist and you shoved him off, flicking him your middle finger and walked over to Kie, not before playfully spitting out “I hate you!”
JJ bit his lip, deciding weather to retaliate by finally saying it, but instead he just scrunched his nose and said “I hate you most!”
He’d get around to saying it one day.
The fourth time:
You couldn’t believe you were actually here, but somehow Kie convinced you to be her guest at the Midsummers party, and who were you to leave a friend in need? Especially when Kie so desperately pleaded for you to go, not wanting to be alone with the Kooks for a whole night. Thus, bringing you to where you are now, sitting at a table with people you didn’t know, drinking a drink that tasted like privilege and ignoring the glares from Rafe and his goons.
You were really starting to regret coming now, if not for the uncomfortable dress and the judgmental stares, it was because you were in distress over the whole situation with JJ that occurred the day prior, when Shoupe arrested him.
Your heart ached for the boy whilst your mind worried for him, wanting nothing more than to just have him here, safe with you by your side.
Little did you know, that silent little prayer was going to be answered just seconds later when said boy suddenly came crashing out of the house, being dragged by a security guard. He was rambling, making a scene and you laughed that angelic laugh he loved so much, which caused JJ to immediately find your smiling face in the crowd, which made him break out into a smile of his own. “Y/N!” he cheered, winking at you. “C’mon, ladies, power hour at Rixons let’s go!” He beckoned for you to follow his lead, so you did.
You got out of your chair and bounced up to the boy, waisting no time in throwing your arms around him and hugging him so tight, afraid he might’ve disappeared from your arms if you didn’t. Tears sprung in your eyes as you spoke in soft whispers, “I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose you, JJ.” you mumbled into his shoulder, causing his to squeeze you back even tighter. “That’s never going to happen, princess.” he whispered. “You’re never going to lose me, I’ll always be here.” JJ promised, over and over, saying he wasn’t going anywhere.
And that was true, he wasn’t. Because he still had to say those three little words, and until he finally gets the chance, there’s no way in hell he’s letting you go.
The one time where he finally says it:
No one really knows how or why Rafe and Barry found you guys, but they did. And neither of them were happy. Barry didn’t waste anytime in attacking JJ, making you and Kie scream. You tried to rush forward, stop Barry and help JJ, but Rafe was quick to grab you and throw you on the ground, delivering a painful kick straight to your stomach. You groaned out in pain, curling into yourself as you cradled your stomach.
That didn’t stop your assaulter from continuing, Rafe repeating kick after kick as you laid on the floor, helpless and bloody. Pain surrounded your entire being now, and you could faintly hear yelling throughout the buzz of your ringing ears, but as to who was yelling and what they were saying was a complete mystery to you, but your guess was JJ.
He was the only thing that went through your mind before you blacked out entirely, the world fading to nothing...
When you finally came to, you saw JJ hovering over you, his face even more bruised up than before, and it was contorted into a look of pure concern, though he tried to mask it with a smile once he saw your eyes open up and a broken “JJ” left your lips. “Hey, pretty girl.” JJ cooed, “don’t talk or move, alright? Just stay still baby and we’re gonna get you help as soon as possible, yeah? Yeah, you’re gonna be okay. I’m gonna make sure of that, everything’s gonna be alright. And I’m gonna make sure that no one ever hurts you like this again, okay? Ever. I love you, you know that? So I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure that you’re alright.”
In the midst of his rambling, he didn’t even realize what he said until you cut him off, “I love you too, JJ.” you whispered tiredly, smiling softly at him with all your strength. It was then that the realization of what he said sunk in, and what you said, and that the words he’d been dying to say and hear, had finally been said. JJ looked deeply into your bruising eyes, which he still found so beautiful even when purple and swollen, and that’s when he knew, there would never be a love stronger than the one you two had.
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rosewater-chlxe · 4 years
matter of time | ashton irwin
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✖ Summary: After a reckless night of finally leaving your toxic relationship, you roamed the street searching for some kind of hope. That’s when you stumbled across a car with a certain hazel-eyed stranger and took a chance; throughout a now much warmer moment in time, you learned his name: Ashton. 
✖ genre ; fluff, comfort, angst (happy ending)
✖ warnings ; mention of abuse/manipulation
✖ requested - yes | no
a/n: this is heavily inspired by ‘drive’ & matter of time (interlude) on superbloom, and written for comfort <3
The sound of your apartment door slamming felt almost relieving, yet somehow still reckoning in your blur of a mind; as every memory started flashing like headlights in the corners of your head, your vision became less and less useful. Those saltwater tears falling from your cluttered eyelashes started hitting the cold pavement below you as you felt a piece of you shatter within each step you took. 
You checked the time on your phone, 2am. 12 unread texts, 4 unanswered calls. You wanted to run, but where would you go? You wanted to drop the phone held in your hand and make the screen unreadable. You wanted to take a flight back home, but with what cash, with what luggage? 
The words that terrible, monstrous man had spoken echoed in your ears like a broken record; Your now ex-boyfriend. 
After all that time of him telling you that you aren’t good enough; that you need to listen to his every single syllable, every dreadful sentence he dare spoke, you finally left. All of that heartache and rage for what? Every night alone, every day stuck in his shadow, only as a silhouette; every time you looked in the mirror to see nothing but shades of violet, yellow and blue on your skin. Every single breath you took was held in, and now your lungs aren’t sure of how to handle all of the fresh air. 
You didn’t have your mind set on moving to California, but that night terror of a man made every single decision. You wanted nothing more than to take a breather and sit at your actual home for a while before the move, but it was almost instant. The apartment with him was never a home; barely a living space.  
The street you walked upon was empty of people; only houses with their lights off. Quickly you noticed a car behind you, playing music at the loudest volume. The car pulled into the driveway ahead of you; there were two people left in the car, but only one left the front passenger seat. A dark haired man wearing a green hoodie with the word ‘empathy’ written on the front entered the house as the car backed out of the driveway once more. 
Though when the car backed out, the driver waited. You cautiously continued walking and as you were about to pass the car, the passenger seat window rolled down all the way. You stopped and looked in to see a stranger with the kindest smile you had ever laid your eyes upon; the man had dark, wavy, medium length hair and hazel eyes. He was dressed in a satin, black button down shirt with black jeans that had rips near his knees. 
You were timid and incredibly cautious as you took a quick look around in his car, searching for any warning signs or red flags; you found not a single one. You glanced at the paused song on what was most likely his playlist. Lullaby by The Cure. 
Finally, as the man before you speaks, you snap out of your own thoughts. 
“I apologize if I seem like some creepy lingerer, but I seen you walking by yourself and it’s 2am,” he spoke, “are you okay?” he questioned with a kind, welcoming tone. You watched his eyes glance at the tear stains covering your cheeks, and you noticed his eyebrows slightly furrow. 
“My name is Ashton by the way, and It’d be no problem to take you where you need to go,” he said followed by a small pause, “though if it would make you more comfortable I can call my friend Sierra to help,” he finished. 
Your exterior softened as you realized you had no reason to even have the smallest concern about this so-called Ashton, realizing he’s a genuine person just by the few sentences he’s said to you. 
“Are you sure? I could just walk by myself, I’m sure you need to get home-” you questioned before he quickly interrupted, 
“Positive. I wouldn’t want anyone wandering the streets of California this late, hop in!” he enthusiastically answered, making sure you felt as if you could trust him. 
You entered the car, feeling more comfortable than you ever had in the apartment though you were next to someone you had never met before. The aroma in the car was coming from Ashton himself, his cologne so vibrant in scent that in lingered wherever he was; your senses were filled with the smell of dozens of flowers in the sunshine during the summer. The scent was the first thing that had given your soul warmth for what felt like the first time in years. 
“Thank you for being so kind, it truly does mean the world to me,” you said to him in a genuine tone with a sigh of relief, “I’m Y/N.” 
“What might you be up to walking around here at 2am, Y/N?” he asked as you watched him turn his right turn signal on, glancing over you with a slight smile. 
“That’s a very long, dreadful story,” you said with a hint of bitterness and forced laughter, still being sweet as you smiled at him. 
He smiled with a bit of sorrow in his eyes, realizing something bad must have happened. He studied your facial expression and body language for any signs to find a light, almost unnoticeable bruise on your wrist as well as your timidly fingers dancing upon one another when he asked; he had a slight frown as you fidgeted. 
“I don’t know what happened and I’m sure it’s none of my business, but I’d like you to know that you aren’t alone though it may feel that way. It’s the sappy shit everyone says and I don’t know if you wanna hear it, but it does get better with time. You just gotta give it a chance y’know?” he said to you in now a more calming, comforting tone. 
You felt tears well up in your eyes once more, not remembering what this kindness felt like; it was completely unfamiliar to you, yet it made you feel like you were home. 
“Thank you, Ashton. You’re a very lovely human being,” you said to him with a soft smile, “to sum up the entire thing, I have- had been with someone who wasn’t the best, or wasn’t really good at all to me for way longer than I should’ve been. People always underestimate how hard it can be to leave situations like that.” 
He let out a soft sigh as he stopped at the red light in front of you; he tapped on the steering wheel as he thought carefully of what to say. He adjusted his bracelet before turning to face you; it was dark, so he decided not to comment on the outline of tears falling from your cheeks. 
“I know that what happened in the amount of time you were with him couldn’t have been easy, probably quite difficult -- and though you don’t deserve going through what you did nor should it have happened, painful lessons can be the perfect tool to grow; to proceed to the next better chapter of your life.” He said to you, truly believing what he was saying rather than just telling you things for reassurance. 
You could almost feel the liquid gold that flooded through his veins; the flowers that bloomed in his lungs as he took each breath. Those raven curls fell perfectly along his forehead and right above his eyes, creating such a highly-saturated feeling as you lingered in his atmosphere. 
“You’re a beautiful person,” you accidentally let out the repeating sentence in your head, “I mean you’re very sweet,” you attempted to fix your slip up through clumsily placed stutters. 
Ashton chuckled with a bright smile on his face, and you could feel every sunbeam exuding from his emotions. His hazel eyes were the softest you’d ever seen, yet they had such potential to be utmost intimidating. 
“I think you’re admirable as well, Y/N,” he replied with the sweetest of honey in his tone.
As he pulled into his driveway, reality set in once again. He carefully studied your reactions to see any hesitance or uneasiness.
“Remember, if you aren’t comfortable staying at my place, Sierra lives a few streets away and it wouldn’t be a bother at all to take you there,” he warmly reminded you. 
“You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met, I promise I’m comfortable; you are, right?” You responded with a small smile, awaiting his reply.
“Of course,” he nodded, getting out of the car and opening your door. 
When you finally entered the well-lit home, you noticed a variety of things: the instruments, the little vintage musical references scattered along the walls, the open notebook sitting on the coffee table; every little trinket revealing more of his personality. You also finally got a more in-detail look of his features. You noticed his tattoos, and as you closely examined each one you yearned knowing the story behind them; you took note of his laid-back demeanor and the smooth ways in which he carried himself. 
“You’re a songwriter?” You questioned, hoping your analysis was correct.
“I am actually, more of a drummer though,” he joked, making you let out a light laugh. “Would you like anything to drink or eat? I can grab some more comfortable clothes for you if you’d like?” he considerately asked, giving you a warm smile.
“I would love that, thank you so much; and a water would be great,” you timidly replied, tapping the ends of your fingertips nervously.
“Of course, is there anything else you need? Do you wanna talk about anything?” he asked in a very sweet, quiet tone as he noticed your anxiety.
“Thank you so much, I’m honestly just really exhausted,” you stated, knowing you were actually quite awake; you just needed to let everything out alone as always.
“I understand darling, there’s a spare bedroom upstairs -- I’ll go get the clothes, just make yourself at home,” he kindly said to you, internally questioning your stability. He noticed every single flinch and facial expression of sorrow; this, let alone, filled him with devastation.
You made your way up the stairs, passing photographs on the wall of him and three other men; one of them being the man you seen get out of his car earlier that night. You faintly heard Ashton open the fridge and grab a water, knowing he’d be coming up with you soon. You stopped your curious gazing and entered the spare bedroom; It was mostly empty with a few light decorations, a nightstand, a dresser, and a bed with pale green, silk sheets. You sat down and patiently awaited his arrival, looking down at your swaying legs. 
You heard his light footsteps as he entered the room with a small smile on his face, handing you cozy clothing and a water; he gave you an oversized, black hoodie and grey sweatpants. The clothes smelled of his cologne, which brought you some sort of unexplainable comfort. 
“If you need absolutely anything, I’ll be right downstairs, okay? Have a lovely sleep, sweet dreams,” he softly spoke, leaving the room and carefully shutting the door behind him. 
As quickly as the door closed, tears began to overflow in your eyes; streams of the coldness you felt in your once known monster’s arms went down your cheeks like rivers. The ache in your chest felt like no other; you felt empty and severely heavy at the same time. The room was silent, but the static in your body became blaringly and deafeningly loud. You wanted to scream so hard that your vocal cords would no longer make a sound, and by the silent sobs you produced it was almost as if you did. 
Then it stopped. 
The static stopped playing, and you were brought back to the moment you were in rather than the past; you heard faint acoustic guitar strings that sounded like a home you’d never felt. You heard singing, but the lyrics through the walls weren’t as clear as you wanted. You heard the raindrops from outside mixed with Ashton’s honey-drenched voice, and that let alone turned every single tear filled with sorrow into softly spilled tears of rosewater. 
You sat up from the now wet pillow, and changed into the clothing he offered you. You carefully opened the bedroom door and sat down on one of the stairs, listening from just the wall keeping the two of you distanced. 
He sang,
“From the ground up, don't you burn it down Everybody's got the chance to turn it around Rebuild it like a vase, or a shattered crown Dive into the ocean and you'll never drown Darkness shows up, don't you let it grow The light will shine in, then your heart will know That all of these things That cause us pain inside Will come and go When the roses bloom and the record don't scratch Close your eyes, don't you ever look back Painful lessons are a perfect tool Schools in session and the number one rule  It’s all just a matter of time,”
after he finished the last few lines, he set down the guitar and wrote down the last few words he sang in his notebook. At this time, you were now leaning against the doorframe admiring his every thought being expressed through the look in his hazel eyes. 
“You’re very talented,” you softly spoke not to startle him; though still, for a second, he had wide eyes as he glanced up at you. 
“I thought you were asleep,” he lightly laughed, “I’m sorry if I’ve waken you.” 
“Not at all,” you smiled to quickly reassure his concerns, “I’m exhausted, but I don’t think sleep is an option,” you admitted; “Honestly, the most calming thing I’ve heard in years is what I just did.”
You watched as the heat on his face began to match your own; suddenly, an idea came to his head.
“I hope this isn’t crossing a boundary or anything, but if you’d like, you could lay down next to me? I mean, I could continue if you’d want that.” He timidly asked, looking for any hesitance in your demeanor. All he seen was a glimpse of hope in your eyes as you joined him on the sofa. 
You laid your head down on the opposite side, almost curling up into a ball. As he started playing the first few notes and singing the opening lyrics, you already felt yourself peacefully drift off into sleep. You felt safe. You felt warm, and secure. The newness of every single little feeling in your heart made it’s way to every corner of your body as you had your last conscious thoughts.  
A few minutes after Ashton realized you had fallen asleep, he couldn’t resist the sweet smile spreading across his face. He softly set the guitar down and grabbed the blanket laying on the couch, covering you up with it. He placed a gentle kiss on your head and started walking out of the room, but stopped when he reached the doorframe.
He turned around once more and sighed to himself. He glanced at the staircase then back at you; he shook his head in disbelief of his emotions, and laid down with you. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Y/N.” 
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