#it’s hard to do because i hate seeing marik in pain. i hate seeing any of my f/os in pain by extension
ectoplasmer · 1 year
i love my boyfriend i love my boyfriend so mych he is so soft and warm and comfy and pretty and
#so bbing into my hands YOUR HONORRRRR#wishing i could bury myself into his arms i am so so normal. let me be completely surrounded by the dumb impulsive dramatic nerd please#still rereading the manga at a snails pace because i have the attention span of a fruit fly#but i got some progress in this weekend so i’m back up to mima and mai’s duel#and. i reread the flashback segment of jou and rishid’s duel. it was very hard to do i won’t lie >_>#it’s hard to do because i hate seeing marik in pain. i hate seeing any of my f/os in pain by extension#and i hate having to actually read what he went through and it’s made worse by how he’s literally shown *shaking* right before the ritual#like. sobs. this poor baby :( he was so tiny…#paced the kitchen for like twenty minutes just to stall even though it’s only three pages long. i’m normal#anyway hand in hand with that. i’m reminded how much of a jerk he can be agdjdhs#new found respect for rishid this read through (even though i definitely already had some before this)#like marik. my love. politely. things would not have gotten this out of hand so quickly if you let the duel end with selket#politely (x2). rishid getting struck down by a god was your fault too >_<#gosh and it’s the whole thing after when everyone is in the medical room with rishid#and they’re talking about how marik ‘abandoned’ him when things got tough#jou talks about how he was the one able to stand first because he had the support of his friends and he didn’t feel alone#that he ‘had friends waiting for him’ while rishid didn’t#and like ??? something about that messes me up so bad because i know he’s right and i know it’s pretty messed up behavior from marik#not that there was much he could do to be there with rishid since. yamima situation but#i don’t know. some part of me still adores that part of his character#the early parts of it before he redeems himself. the parts before he realizes the truth of what really happened with his father#that drive and that recklessness and eagerness to get revenge even at the cost of the ghouls and his brother#it all still comes from some place where he thinks he's doing the right thing even if it's primarily for *himself* rather than the clan#that's always been something i've loved about him. he's so stubborn. he's so determined. he does the stupidest things because of it but#i still adore him all the same for it. i adore him even more when he takes responsibility for it later#i don't remember battle city messing me up this bad but i teared up like five different times during this one duel so. *shrugs*#asghghg i love going back and rereading or rewatching episodes of him... lets me get a better grasp and sometimes a different view for him#just. picks him up and shakes him YOU GIVE ME SO MANY EMOTIONS!! some more negative than others!! but i still love him so so much#probably partially because of that lol. anyway i'm gonna go and. space out thinking of him probably okay bye#with you i feel alive
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She hurried to the room he must be occupied. But luckily for her, just as she rounded a corner, she can see the said Egyptian teen walking down the hallway.
Catzi bit her bottom lip while observing him. He was holding the Millennium Rod in his hand and he could easily be dangerous to her. However, she had her Wand in case he did try something. Deep down in her gut, she believed he would never hurt her. Making up her mind, she hurried after him.
“Marik…” Catzi whispered once she was near and this almost made him jump.
Whenever it was out of fear or surprise, it was hard to tell. He looked down and saw it was only her. Relief swept over him though he also was confused,
“Catzi? What are you doing here?” Marik questioned, turning to face her.
“I came to look for you.” She replied, a deep frown on her face,
“Why? Shouldn’t you be with your friends?” He questioned, and started chuckling, “After all, if they find out you are talking to me, it could mean trouble.”
“I don’t care. Look, Marik…” Catzi sighed, taking a deep breath and looked back up with her pleading brown eyes which made him frown, “I came to you because I want you to stop what you’re doing.”
A pause and Marik glared at her, “You’re wasting your time on that.” He said, his tone slightly cold.
“I am not.” She retorted and he shook his head,
“You are. You have no idea what I went through. I have to get back at the Pharaoh for everything he has done to me and my family.” Marik swore, looking off to the side,
“But he’s my friend! I can’t let you do that, Marik!” Catzi began and she watched him laugh harshly,
“You can’t stop me, Catzi. Neither you nor my sister. We’ve been through this before.”
“I know we have but...I don’t want to stop believing. Those letters you sent me…” she began and Marik gave her a look,
“Why are you bringing those up?”
“Because you sent me those! They were honestly the only letters that...well actually made me flustered and I never had that happen to me.” Catzi confessed and this made him look at her in surprise,
“They did?”
“Yes! I can tell you were being genuine in them…” Catzi stepped forward and gently grabbed his hand that didn’t hold Rod.
Taken aback at her sudden touch, he turned and found himself looking back into her large eyes,
"Marik please...I know you're not evil. Don't do this..." She said once more.
For a moment, it seemed like he might consider it. After all, his feelings for Catzi were getting stronger, especially with her trying so hard to make him change his ways. However, the years of being stuck underground and the painful memories of when he received the tomb keepers initiation flashed through his mind once more.
He had been planning this for years. His father was killed after all and he can’t just let that go in vain.
Closing his eyes, he turned away and painfully pulled his hand from her, "I have no choice..." He said, trying to hide the depressing tone in his voice,
"But you do! You can change your mind!" Catzi argued, since she saw the look in his eyes.
"No I don't. I must beat the Pharaoh and his Queen so I can obtain the power I need." Marik spat back seeing how stubborn she was.
Catzi glared as well, trying her best not to be angry with him. Deep down she couldn’t exactly blame him but she also didn’t know the whole story on why he wanted to kill Yami and take his power. She let out a sigh in an attempt to cool her anger.
"Besides...why haven't you told any of your friends who I really am? Especially how I erased one of your friends' minds to keep my identity a secret." Marik questioned with a glare,
"Because...I am hoping you will reconsider. I know you're not evil, Marik. Please...I'm begging you for one last time. Think about what you’re doing." Catzi pleaded once more, and this time tears began to form in her eyes and she gently put her hands on his arm, “Killing someone is not to be taken lightly. I may not know the whole story on why you went on a revenge path but...I really want you to stop this…”
Marik felt his heart ache seeing how she was on the brink of crying. He hated seeing her upset. It hurt even more knowing this girl, despite not even knowing him fully, was still trying to make him rethink his actions. He was very tempted to hug her and reassure her.
However, his anger was too strong. To forget or more like ease his aching heart, he turned away from her and painfully pulled his arm free from her hands,
“… I have to… To free my family…” He finally said softly.
There was a long pause. Catzi could tell that Marik was not going to stop. She had really hoped he would at least reconsider. But it seems like he won’t. Not even for her. And it hurt her deeply.
Finally, she spoke again, "I guess I can't stop you…” she looked up as he still kept his head turned away from her, “And if you’re worried about me telling my friends about you...I won’t. I believe you’re still good, Marik. I only hope it won't be too late..."
Catzi lowered her head before she turned around and rushed down the hallway. She quietly sobbed, her heart aching.
Marik finally looked and watched her disappear down the hallway. A part of him wanted to run after her, but he remained where he was. He slowly turned and lifted the Millenium Rod to his chest. He held it there in thought.
She doesn’t understand what I went through… I know what’s right for my tribe and family… Because I… I need to do this…
This little tidbit is a quick look into what is going to come. I know. It's been awhile since I drew something with Loneshipping. Believe me, I haven't stopped shipping them. Sometimes I tend to avert my attention to my other OTPs. :D But it's great to come back to these two. I really do love them so much. T-T The idea of Catzi trying to get Marik to not keep going on a revenge path would certainly make him conflicted. And it's to also show how kind hearted and true Catzi is. Despite her being such a hot head, she really is forgiving. I really don't have anything else to say other than I really did like how this pic came out. CX Ah I get feels from these two...
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vivinightingale · 4 years
You know what I wanna see with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Boys? Having to deal with their s/o putting themselves in danger! The boys throw themselves into the ocean, nearly get crushed to death, almost fall off a building, escape being burned alive or having their legs cut off. It's time for them to have the tables turned!
My my how the turn tables-
Warning ⚠️ this one contains abuse on Marik Ishtars part. If you are uncomfortable with it please skip it.
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Yugi Muto:
You knew how cruel Domino high can be, with the constant bullying and corrupt teachers no day was ever easy. Especially for your boyfriend Yugi.
You didn’t know what it was, but a lot of people that it was okay for them to hurt him, and he would take cause he is too nice to say anything.
Well one day you had enough, and as this gang of bullies went to throw a punch at him you stepped in and took the blows for him.
When the dust settled and they were gone you were left bloodied and bruised on the floor. Yugi was quickly at your side call his friends to help take you to the nurse.
The poor guy was sobbing and trying his best to help you when his friends finally arrived. He has never been so heartbroken in his life and hated himself for not being able to help you.
Yugi doesn’t remember what happened after that, but he heard the next day that bullies were nowhere to be seen.
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A battle against PaniK was no easy feat considering he was to wipe people out the competition.
So watching you duel against his was hard for Yami, and it got even worse when the fire was spewing beside you.
He wanted nothing more to step in and take over the duel for you but he couldn’t. It got worse when with every second the flames licked at your legs the more burns you got.
By the time the duel was over you were covered in burn marks and no star chips. Yami called out your name as he rushed to you his friends not to far behind him.
He clutched your form as hot angry tear ls ran down his face. “I will not stand for this PaniK!” He glared up at the taller man.
“We will duel and you will give back Mai’s and (y/n) star chips!”
The battle didn’t last long as Yami wiped the floor with and took the star chips back, but to make sure PaniK would never do something like this again he sent him to the shadow realm.
He then went back to your still resting form and kissed your forehead gently pained that he let something like this ever happen to you.”
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Joey Wheeler:
His fight with Marik was more devastating then he cared to admit. When he thought he had the upper had it was taken from him.
You watched from the sidelines and felt your heart wrench with every hit he took, and it got worse when Marik summoned Ra.
When Marik called his final attack you could take it anymore. So in an act of desperation you climbed up the stage and blocked the attack with your own body.
Joey and the group watch in horror as you took the blow from and Egyptian god. You clamped your jaw down hard and stood firm till the attack was over.
As you fell Joey caught and called out to you. Tears fell from his face as he tried to wake you up. It was announced that Joey was disqualified due to your interference, but he didn’t care he didn’t have the time.
He quickly picked you up and took you to the doctor. He kept trying wake up on the way there is voice frantic and pleading.
When the doctor came to the conclusion that it was a coma is when he sobbed hard. How could he let something like this happen to you? He should have stopped you!
He stayed with you all night and for most of Yugi’s duel, and when you finally woke up was he hugged you tightly “Don’t you EVER do that again!”
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Tristan Taylor:
With as many fights as he has been in due gangs you would think that you would be use to seeing him hurt.
But you never were with hit took the more you worried about him and his health. So you tried to talk him out of it.
He promised you that he would stop fighting, but that was easier said then done. Especially since the gangs wouldn’t leave him alone.
You watched as he was caught in the middle of another fight, and you weren’t a fighter yourself so the best you could was yell at them to stop.
But that wasn’t enough. So as Tristan was nearly wobbling ready to take another hit you stepped in and acted as his shield.
The punch to your stomachs hurt but you stood firm. You weren’t gonna let the man you love be hurt anymore.
Luckily for you, you shocked the attacker and that was the opening Tristan needed to knock the mans lights out.
As the two of you hobbled home Tristan slung an arm around “it was brave of you...but please don’t do that again...”
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Duke Devlin:
The fight with Nezbitt was anything but easy. He played to their weaknesses, and attacked the weaker link.
With that being said that left Duke to fend for himself and the other two, and that made you worried and upset for your boyfriend and friends.
You got so worried that you offered to take Tristans place after he fell, because they were desperate for more bodies Nezbitt accepted.
You blocked and helped your boyfriend and serenity to the best of your abilities, cause you to lose more life points.
Duke tried to yell at you stop, that he was willing to take the blow for the two of you but you weren’t having any of it.
So when Nezbitt aimed a huge attack at duke you knew what you had to do to keep him safe. You use you monster to block the attack knocking out your LP
All you remember is waking in an electronic cats body. You followed Tristan and found your friends and boyfriend.
After the events Duke held your face in his hands and kisses you roughly “please I can’t lose you... don’t do that again.”
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Seto Kaiba:
You didn’t know if you believed Noah’s story, but you didn’t like how he was using Mokuba against Seto.
The battle between Seto and Noah was getting scary and you didn’t like the look of it. You were there with Yugi’s group of friends as they commentated on what was going on but you could hear it.
When Mokuba finally came to his sense you were so happy that you were in tears, but that was short lived as Noah Aimee his sights at the brothers
Fearing what was gonna happen, you ran past them and held your arms out taking the blow that was meant for them.
Seto and Mokuba watched in horror as you were turned to stone as Noah laughed in the background. “To think someone actually wanted to protect you Seto.”
That was the last straw for the young CEO. He sent Mokuba with Yugi and his friends as he glared at the deck master in front of him.
“Your games end her Noah.”
When you woke up Mokuba ran up to crying your name as he hugged you, and before you could ask Seto pulled you both into a protective hug. “Don’t do something so stupid again”
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Bakura Ryou:
Bakura was never much of a fighter, and he never claimed to be. So when this tall guy tells the poor boy he wants to fight for stealing his girlfriend he is a bit shaken up.
He was gonna simply ignore it and move on with his day till he got a not in his locker stating that they had you.
He couldn’t allow anything to happen to you, so he went to the set location that the boy wanted to meet at.
Seeing you with someone else hold your hands behind you back made him furious. Glaring at the boy he tried to resolve the misunderstanding but it was in vain.
Though Bakura was agile and quick the boy still landed hits on him, and terrible hit they were.
You watch from afar as Bakura and the guy faught you wanted to stop it but didn’t know how. So you watched in tears.
When Bakura took a nasty hit and was on the ground was when you were able to break free from you captors and block anymore hits from landing on Bakura.
You took a few hits of your own but eventually the bully got board and left yelling at Bakura to leave his girl alone. All the two of you could do was hold each other till everything was okay again.
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Yami Bakura:
Everyone knew this man cared for nothing but himself and his plan. So when they learned he an s/o they were all surprised.
They way everyone found out was not the normal way either. One of his duels got really physical when joey learned he would be sent to the shadow realm if he lost.
Yami Bakura isn’t use to fighting so when took blows from Joey they were hard blows. You tried to call to Joey to stop, but your voice didn’t reach.
So as a last resort you ran in between them and block Bakura from the punch. Unfortunately for you he hit you hard enough to send you to the ground.
At the sight of your fallen form Yami Bakura grew angry and hostile. The shadow grow angry as Yami Bakura came up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt.
“You will pay for the crime you committed against (y/n)”
You don’t know how the battle ended but you woke up in the arms of Yami Bakura carrying back home.
“You will never pull a stunt like that ever again.” Was all he grumbled as he held to close all the way home.
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Marik Ishtar:
Living with his father was never easy, especially when he got angry when Marik didn’t want to do as he was told.
Marik suffered many beating from his father, and you witnessed every one of them, and you hated it.
So one day Mariks father was yelling at him, and you noticed his hand raise to strike a blow at Marik you stepped in and took the hot for him.
Marik gasped at the sight of your form on the floor, your face red from the blow. However, your act of your courage gained you a beating of your own.
After you were take back to your room to recover from it. A litt but after Marik sneaked in to see you.
When he saw the state you were in he immediately began sobbing .
“Why would you do that! You know how harsh father can be!”
You didn’t say anything as you smiled at him. Marik didn’t like that response but stayed at your side till you were better once again.
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Yami Marik:
The battle between Yami Marik and the Pharaoh was coming to a close, and you were terrified of the outcome. You didn’t want to lose the man you loved.
So out of act of desperation you instered yourself in to the duel and used your life points to power Ra.
Most of you was in the shadow realm as you watched Marik best the Pharaoh and claim his victory. So in turn you were very weak and ended up passing out before you could see the aftermath
You don’t know how long you were out, but when you woke up again you were laying down on a very comfortable bed with Yami Marik right beside you.
You heard shuffling as Marik grip around you tightend slightly. “You have served me well doll, but don’t ever do that again or I will leave you there”
You nodded knowing he only said those words out of worry. You snuggled up to him and fell back asleep dreaming of the rest your lives together.
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asagimeta · 6 years
In Defense Of Seto Kaiba..... From Someone Who Used To Hate Seto Kaiba
@youfancymemaddearie said she'd hear me out on why Kaiba isn't The Actual Worst, so for this I'm mostly only going to be using the material I'm personally familiar with because things like context and translations and stuff could get warped otherwise, wich means roughly the first half of the dubbed anime, but I might pull other things here and there that I feel like I know well enough to have a grasp on via things like wikipedia and other meta (it's a long story as to why I never finished the anime so I won't bother getting into it here)
The manga, being a separate canon, is going to be pretty much ignored for this, except for one breif instance where I feel it's necessary to compare something from it to how the anime did it
So, the thing is, for most of my life as a YGO fan (15+ years as of 2018), I bordered between a really weird love and hate of Seto Kaiba, I loved him the way that I love a good villain, the way I love Hannibal Lecter let's say, he's entertaining and I always liked having him on the screen but as a person I really hated him, because.. why wouldn't I? He's an absolute dick to everyone around him with the exception of Mokuba, and even Mokuba doesn't exactly get the cuddly treatment most of the time, he spends the beginning of the series toeing the line between outright villain and anti-hero, and the amount of low-blows he hits and lack of care he has for people who are trying to help him- or people in general- is pretty terrible, atleast... that's how he's presented on the surface and that's how I felt for close to fifteen years
And then I started writing him and the little bastard forced me to change my opinion
Firstly, it's established from the beginning that Seto's actions in stealing Grandpa Muto's card and tearing it up (not to mention giving him a heartattack) aren't entirely his own, Seto had an evil possessing him at the time that, wile manifested from his own feelings, was no less a different entity, it took him over, just like Marik's dark self took him over, it's well-established in YGO that you can be so overcome with pain and anger and negativity that an entirely different spirit manifests and takes over your mind, a process that- wile reversible if caught early enough- is really something that can only be reversed by magic, like a shadow game or a mind crush
Since this is the thing that Atem removed from Seto's mind in episode one....
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The actions he took prior to being mind-wiped can't be held entirely against him, as he was not consciously in control of what he was doing at the time, much like the actions of Yami Marik can't be held entirely against Hikari Marik, you can sure as hell blame Marik himself for alot of the things he did during Battle City, but things like the duels against Mai, Joey, and Atem, wherein it was blatantly clear that it was his evil half in control and his good half didn't have access to the controls (made even more obvious by the Yami Duel wherein both spirits had to sacrifice parts of their lighter selves/hosts for losing life points) are impossible to hold entirely against him
We also see that everything is Not Ok after the mind-crush, given that Seto passes up the chance to do his all-time favorite things (dueling, winning, and showing off) on the grandest scale yet when he decides to skip Duelist Kingdom, he claims it's because he doesn't know how to handle being defeated, and wile that may be partly true, it's pretty canonical that it was because of the mind crush (why else would they bring that hideous glob of evil around to duel Yugi/Atem once more?)
And, here's where the manga reference comes in, when you take into account that in the manga, he was in a six-month long coma after the mind-crush- and, mind you (ha), Duelist Kingdom is the turning point where the manga's canon starts to get closer to the anime's- it's really hard to believe that Seto's existential crisis is based on losing and not based on having evil forcefully removed from his soul by an ancient Egyptian spirit who's out to have a good time and was really feeling attacked at the moment
There's really no convenient place to inject backstory, so I'll do it here in the hopes of flowing more easily into the rest of Duelist Kingdom
Seto has been taking care of Mokuba since they were extremely young, he's essentially more like a father to him than a brother, and he had to learn early on to defend him - and that meant getting rougher, getting tougher, getting meaner, and when it came to Gozaburo- who's just about as abusive as one can get and really puts the word "pressure" to good use- that meanness has to amplify, it's made clear that Gozaburo wouldn't tolerate anything less than perfection and ruthlessness and if that was how Seto had to survive, that was how he had to survive, he spent most of his formative years under that kind of hand so naturally he was forced to form that way....
But as someone pointed out in another post somewhere, we can see by how well adapted Mokuba is just how much Seto has taken on in protecting him from that kind of corruption and evil, Gozaburo never really wanted Mokuba around so the pressure he put on him compared to Seto was definitely minimal... but that doesn't mean he wasn't just as abusive, and the fact that Mokuba spent the majority of his life with no parents of any kind and has relied pretty much solely on Seto as a parental figure- both in the way of necessities like food and shelter, as well as for emotional health- and yet has come out of it as a generally upbeat, positive, gentle person, really shows that Seto has to be doing something right, otherwise, it doesn't make alot of sense for Mokuba to have no shreds of bitterness, resentment, or negativity in him (again, going by the anime only) And further, to show the outstandingly deep devotion he does for Seto- utterly unwavering and full of not only loyalty, but genuine love and affection- proves that Seto has done something right somewhere, Mokuba never shows a single ounce of fear or hesitation towards him and never gives a second thought to hugging him, following him around, or getting involved in his personal affairs, if Seto had ever given him reason to be afraid of him (IE: abusing him or simply not stepping up to protect him when Gozaburo was abusing him) I find it really hard to believe that Mokuba would act so completely care-free with doing things that Seto may find unpleasant
Mokuba is Seto's entire world, he flat out tells Yugi that Mokuba is "everything to him", not money or power or success- Mokuba, wich is already something that speaks volumes about who he is as a person, and the extremes he goes to in order to protect Mokuba are .... pretty fucking extreme
When I was a kid, I thought that the "attack my Blue Eyes and you might just kill me" stunt he pulls on the rooftop at Pegasus' castle was a really filthy trick and was probably my primary reason for hating him as much as I did- and let's be honest, it IS a filthy option to resort to.... but as an adult, I understand it now, and can't place blame on him for feeling so completely backed into a corner, he wasn't trying to trick Atem, he was being sincere, I mean.... filthy and sincere... but still sincere
He would rather die than lose his brother, he was so desperate that he was ready to let someone kill him/commit suicide because he was out of options, and in that perspective, it's alot easier to understand why he did what he did, I don't excuse it, but I do understand it, and really, when it really boils down to things, can anyone say that they'd sooner let the only person in the entire world that they love die, for someone who they don't even like? The true crime of this entire thing isn't really that Seto was desperate enough to resort to suicide and emotional manipulation to win.... it's that he and Atem were both so stubborn and downright stupid that neither of them thought to actually communicate about why Seto needed to win in the first place, despite him saying repeatedly that he needed to save his brother and Atem saying repeatedly that he needed to save "his" grandfather, neither of them paused long enough to say "... We have a common goal, let's work together, or at the very least, come to a compromise" before resorting to such desperation, no one on this planet can seriously tell me that Atem wouldn't have jumped at the offer to save Mokuba if Seto had presented it to him, though, to be fair, I'll never understand why he didn't just offer to save Mokuba along with Grandpa in the first place (plot convenience really)
Although communication is an enormous problem with Seto and is one of the main reasons why he's always such a complete prick, he has a tendency to talk in code and to cover up what he means with what words he chooses to use, most likely because he A. Wasn't exposed to other children between the ages of 8-14 and before that most of his exposure was negative, and B. Was taught brutally that even the tiniest sign of compassion or understanding is weakness, and even the tiniest weakness is going to get you severely punished, he was already closed off to people during his stay at the orphanage, this just cemented that experience further
(And as a quick note, he acquired a company at 14-years-old, he was still a baby and running this God foresaken thing by himself, had no parental figure, still raising his brother ALONE, and let's also talk about how this 14-year-old BABY turned a weapons manufacturing company into a gaming company in less than two years, as he was sixteen during episode one of Duel Monsters)
To mention also: When faced with the fact that his company, that he had worked so extremely hard for, and that means so much to him, was being sold to Pegasus and he was being kicked out, where was his focus? Still on Mokuba, his brother was ALWAYS the absolute forefront of his focus during the entire Duelist Kingdom arc and his company played a very small second fiddle in comparison, I'm not sure if he even brought up the company more than once or twice during the entire arc, that's ... a little shocking all things considered
Additionally, despite how cold, untrusting, egotistical, and downright mean he can be, he outright thanks Yugi for rescuing Mokuba- twice- within the first season, once after Duelist Kingdom and once after Legendary Heros, that's kind of an enormous thing as Seto doesn't hand out gratitude easily.... though, speaking of gratitude we definitely have to confront the Joey-shaped elephant in the room
The way he treats Joey early on IS deplorable, he doesn't exactly treat any member of the Nerd Herd well, but things are especially prickly with Joey, and I'm unclear of the reasons for that- I don't think canon ever gives one- but I think of all of Seto Kaiba's ill moments, the way he treats Joey all the way up to late Battle City is without a doubt what I cringe at the most, he early on drives Joey so low into the ground that it gives him NIGHTMARES and is so ruthlessly horrible to him during that first encounter at Duelist Kingdom that I think, to date, it's the Kaiba thing I cringe at the most, I definitely don't excuse that behavior, and it burns me up like a firey demon when he refuses to thank Joey for being the one who ACTUALLY saved Mokuba, yet turns around and thanks Yugi instead, I'm also not exactly pleased with the fact that he tried to keep Joey out of his tournament but I really chalk that up mostly to Joey not having anything Seto wants and not being a duelist he respects vs outright cruelty, remember that for Seto, Battle City is ALL about getting the god cards and drawing out rare hunters, Red Eyes is Joey's rarest card but Seto never seems particularly impressed by it, and that coupled with him not respecting Joey's skills- as he believes he rode Yugi's coat tails through Duelist Kingdom- makes some sense as to why he wouldn't want him participating (outside of just disliking him) it would be counterproductive
The thing is, Seto DOES slowly shift out of "I legitimately hate your guts and am going to make sure you know it" and into "I'm going to pick on you because it's fun when you fight back and it's just how we communicate now", Battle City is a big turning point in my personal opinion, the second time Joey and Seto duel is still full of terribly mean words but the vibe is very different, from where I'm sitting, it feels alot more like an "I'm pulling your hair because I like you" type of thing and alot less like outright bullying for the sake of bullying, the fact that Joey doesn't take any of it to heart and just fights mean quip with mean quip the entire time is solid proof to me that the relationship is just mutual antagonism now and not so much outright bullying
Speaking of Battle City... there's alot of growth for Seto there, he works with Yugi and Atem frequently, at times by force (to save Mokuba) but at times because he wants to, he agreed to help Atem find the rest of the nerd herd before getting any word that Mokuba was taken because he wanted a duel for Atem's Slyfer card... even though all logic dictates that they probably would have faced eachother during the finals anyway and there is was literally no reason for Seto to follow him around begging for a duel like a five-year-old except for A. Impatience (not untrue) and/or B. Just .... wanting to, he could have so easily said "Find your own freinds, I'll get that Slyfer in the finals either from you or whoever beats you" but instead he spends his valuable time and energy tracking down Joey via his duel disk, and after all is said and done and Mokuba is safe...... he still helps Atem, he claims it's because he doesn't like owing people but that's never prompted him to go out of his way for Yugi and the others before (post Duelist Kingdom and Legendary Heros, Mokuba is the one who lets Yugi use the arena at Kaiba Land for his duel with Rebecca, here Seto has built up two favors that he owes and yet never says a word or makes an attempt to return them, so why does "owing" someone push him to keep helping Atem in Battle City when it didn't before? Either his "I don't like owing people" philosophy is new- wich is still charector growth- or he just wanted a reasonable excuse to keep helping Atem because he knew it was the right thing to do) Speaking of the right thing to do, when they DO track down Joey and Tea`, Seto is... surprisingly inactive during the duel, he has plenty of perfect opportunities to stop the duel somehow, and, if he was REALLY feeling cruel, to just outright steal Slyfer (wich Atem tossed aside when he started the duel) and get rid of both Atem and Joey by interrupting and making the anchor sink, yet he carefully keeps his distance until the timing is right for him to save Tea` because he doesn't want ANY of them to get hurt, not the rival he can't defeat, not the "third rate duelist" he supposedly hates, and not even someone (Tea`) who he barely knows
This is the same guy who gave an old man a heart-attack and used it as blackmail in episode one
Additionally, Seto immediately leaves after saving the day, that all-important duel that Atem owed him that he had FINALLY won? It didn't happen, Seto was still nagging him about it even after saving Mokuba, yet when it came time for Atem to FINALLY pay up he just..... walked off and said "nah see ya' in the finals", maybe he knew how exhausted Atem was and didn't want to duel him at half-power, maybe he was personally too tired to bother with it (although dueling to Seto seems to work the same way twenty-five cups of coffee does to a normal person so I doubt this) or maybe he just didn't feel like making Atem come through on his deal anymore, it doesn't really matter, it's all growth
And let me also point out that Atem wouldn't even have Slyfer if Seto hadn't given him a freaking pep talk in order to win it, Seto could have just as easily waited for Atem to lose and then dueled the mime for Slyfer- and that probably would have been smarter honestly, since Atem is the only one who has a history of defeating him- and yet.... he chooses to put energy into helping Atem instead
I feel like it's kind of understated that in the Battle City finals, Seto actually has a doctor and an infirmary on board the blimp, he claims that anyone who can't handle dueling at high altitudes and with raging winds isn't worth his time so what is the doctor and full medical bay doing there then? If he was that worried about Mokuba alone he would have had a much easier time just telling him not to go above deck, and if it was about law suits I tend to believe he wouldn't have people dueling on top of a freaking blimp in the first place, so he either anticipated Marik's shadowy shenanigans coming up (wich is a POOL of charector development on alot of different levels) or he anticipated accidents, people getting air sick, issues with the high altitude and what not, and figured that he'd better be completely prepared even for things like that wich are relatively small and not really needing of the tricked out medical bay (he had atleast one LIFE SUPPORT machine in there so obviously it went above and beyond just a first aid kit) Also, I know I said I was using the dub for this, but it's come to my attention that in the sub Seto is alot less of a jerk than he is in the dub about landing the blimp- originally, the ONLY problem is that the controls are screwy from the Noah incident (wich, by the way, is an enormous Thing all on it's own about Seto all on it's own, it's basically a showcase of Wow Was His Childhood Fucked Up, Let's Rub It In, and it's made clear just how impacted he was by his father and his father's company throughout, from the importance of his duel with Lecter being weapons-themed to his final duel with Guzaburo and saying "I won't be burried by you Guzaburo", giving up his chance to defeat Noah because he refused to hurt Mokuba, and the gem of telling Mokuba that everything he's done has been for him and a better future for them) and speaking of moments where the dub fucked up, I find another important gem during mid-Battle City when Tea` mentions that Seto actually lowered the price of duel disks "so everyone can play", that sounds alot less like a strict businessman and alot more like someone who just wants to offer kids the same escapism that he had when he was their age to me, a similar motivation I'm sure to why he opens up Kaiba Land
This is sadly where my "I'm greatly familiar with this material" knowledge comes to an end, as I only saw roughly half of the Orichalicos arc and that was too long ago for me to remember most of the small details in (plus I tend to kind of ... try to wipe that arc off the books considering that I find it to be a butchery of.. alot of things..)
Seto Kaiba is a complicated charector, he's very prickly and definitely an asshole- that's not in question- but I think he's really a very soft person when you peel back the initial layer, he's very good-hearted at his core, he just has an incredibly hard time expressing that- and for VERY understandable reasons, for all of his selfishness and egotism, he pours absolutely everything about himself into protecting his brother and gives alot of himself to trying to make things better for people (turning a weapons company into a gaming company may have been his dream but it was also an outlandishly hard task to accomplish and one that ultimately was better for the world, for example) there are moments where this all shines through but he tapes masks of coldness and insults and dueling metaphors over top of it because he just sincerely doesn't know how else to handle things, he IS, after all, still a 16-year-old child when the series begins, and I think he's only 18-19 at most when it ends, in the grand scheme of life, he's still practically a baby and has been thrust into so much adulthood that most 40-year-olds would have jumped ship already, he takes on the responsibility of his brother and his company and being a half-ass decent person (in so far as, you know, not blowing up the world or anything) without ever once complaining about it or trying to shrug it off or giving it ANYTHING but his all, and when you earn his trust and respect (as Atem and Yugi do) you get alot of loyalty and trust back- the shenanigans he goes through that he doesn't explicitly have to are good showings of this, and all of the ruthlessness his shows are purely survival instincts at their highest, he's had his company nearly taken away from him FOUR. TIMES. between Duelist Kingdom and the Orichalicos arc, FOUR. SEPERATE. TIMES. and I have an outstandingly difficult time believing that those were the first or last times that some crusty old men thought that a teenage C.E.O. would be easy prey to steal a multi-billion dollar company from, he's probably been white-knuckling that company since the day he took it over and I don't see that ending any time in the near future
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shadowofthelamp · 7 years
A Civil Conversation
Marik has a talk with his other self, who’s a bit different after his return from the shadows once Zorc was defeated. (This is the start of my post-canon death- and angst-shipping au.)
(I don’t have DID and I’m sure the research I did for this doesn’t cover everything, so don’t hesitate to tell me if I messed something up. Also, Marik didn’t mention possible integration because he’s preeeeetty sure Yami Marik would be pissed he even brought it up and he’s already walking on thin ice.)
Word count: 1547
Rating: There’s swear words but no violence.
Please give feedback!
The tomb was mostly quiet.
Tombs tended to be, of course, but his memories of this particular one usually involved noise. Crackling fire, sizzling metal and flesh, strained screaming into a rag.
Blood splattering unto hands and ancient stone.
He twirled the Rod between his hands, fingers twisting the spherical top by the wings.
He was used to the quiet, now. When he’d first returned, there had been some excitement- vomiting, shrieking, tearing up pillows. But when the fear had faded, the resentment and anger had set in, and without the magic of the Rod to draw energy, he couldn’t force thoughts into Marik’s head.
Marik had locked the door ages ago, and there wasn’t much to do anymore, except pace and explore and try to siphon off whatever emotions he could grasp at for energy.
So often now it was guilt. Guilt wasn’t nearly as fun as anger or fear.
There was noise now and then, but it was always just out of reach. Muted screams, padding footsteps, a rush of fire that died out before it reached him. It didn’t take long to realize that it was always just out of reach, and it was useless chasing it.
So when he heard a door creaking at first he didn’t move from the slab he was resting on.
Marik. His voice wasn’t as common as Rishid’s or Father’s or Ishizu’s, but it popped up every once in a while.
“Are you in here?”
He pulled the end off the Rod and stuck out his tongue in concentration, trying to aim the sharp point at the torch by the entrance before chucking it as hard as he could. It struck the metal holding the torch up, giving off a long ‘CLAAANG’ that vibrated through the room and down the hall.
A wave of his hand and it was back in his grip, but by the time the sound faded, footsteps had replaced the metallic ring.
“I’m not leaving until we talk.” A shadow began to creep up the wall.
“What do you want?” His voice echoed bitter, and he slid off the slab, once again unsheathing the blade.
The footsteps froze, and he snorted. “Oh, don’t shut up now that I said something.”
“I’m… just here to talk.”
“So start talking. I don’t have all day.”
Main Personality finally found the proper entrance and walked in. His hair was pulled back into a braid, and he was in a leather vest, but otherwise he looked the same as he always had. A few paces put them within an arm’s width of each other. To his credit, Marik didn’t step back, but the hot breath on his face made him narrow his eyes.
“We need to work this out.” Marik’s vision darted down to the Rod in the other’s hand.
At that, a grin spread across his face. “What, you finally decided that you need me? After all these months, you know that you-”
“I’ve been going to therapy.”
Marik might as well have turned into a sphinx for all the words sunk in. As it was, all he could do was widen his eyes and spit out “If you came for an apology, you can fuck off,” as his fingers tightened around the cool metal of the Rod. “I’m not sorry for any of it.”
“I haven’t.” Marik had both hands resting at his sides.
“Then why? The last time we talked you shoved me back here, screaming you never wanted to see me again. You’re as much a mess as ever. More than ever- at least before, you had a point! Now you’re mucking around, trying to figure out how to be a good person, because you’re ashamed that you were devoted to something that didn’t kiss the Pharaoh’s ass-”
“The Pharaoh has already passed on. I don’t give a rat’s ass how you feel about him anymore, I couldn’t bring him back if I wanted to.” Marik took a deep breath. “I’m not here to argue with you, I’m here to offer a truce.”
“I’m not interested in your scraps. I survived six years-”
“You survived six years on shadow magic and me being a completely unrepentant asshole.” Marik said flatly.
That got a barking laugh. “So you do still have some life in you, Main Personality!”
“If you let me finish, I’m here because I want to talk. To… apologize.” The word was dragged out, foreign on his tongue for so long.
“Oh, this I have to hear. What, you’re sorry you locked me in a box? Sorry you didn’t kill that miserable bastard of our father earlier? Sorry that you were never as strong as me?”
“I’m sorry I made you.”
In an instant, the blade was raised to the side of Marik’s neck.
“You’ll want to choose your words carefully.” He hissed.
Marik swallowed. “I mean, I’m sorry that I’ve been using you as a dumping ground for all the garbage in my life since we were ten.”
“I’d rather be hated than pitied.”
“I don’t pity you, I’m trying to empathize with you!” Marik grabbed his wrist, narrowing his eyes. “Do you even know what we are?”
“Fucked up?” One side of his mouth quirked up into a smile.
“Yes, but-” Marik suddenly paused, and let out a little laugh. “Yeah, we are.” Another breath in and out, and he sobered up. “But there’s a word for when there’s more than one person in somebody’s head because of childhood trauma. That’s us.”
“Do enlighten me, dearest Main Personality.” The sardonic comment was accompanied by a roll of his eyes.
“We have disassis- no, wait. It was… dissociative identity disorder.”
“So knowing what it’s called fixes everything? You really have slipped.”
“It generally lasts a lifetime.” Marik took a step back, careful not to poke his neck on the point of the Rod. “And you were mostly fueled by the bad stuff I couldn’t handle, so…”
“Let me guess. If you heap rainbows and drool glitter it’ll fix me.” One could practically taste the sarcasm in the air. “I still don’t regret anything I’ve done, and that’s probably an important component.”
“I’ll let you out.”
That gave him pause. “Aren’t you worried I’ll hurt someone?”
“Of course I am, but we’re not going to do that right away.”
“Admitting you’re scared is-”
“Weak?�� Marik raised an eyebrow. “Now you sound like Father did.”
Within two steps he had Marik pinned against the wall, one hand twisted into his shirt and the other holding the blade between his eyes, torch flickering against his skin and hair. “If you ever say that again, I’ll rip your throat out and feed it to Ammit myself.”
“Words make me weak, but you can’t handle the truth. You hated him so much you became him.”
“I’ve never tried killing someone within a soul room,” He snarled. “I’m dying to find out what would happen.”
“You’d fracture. There would be more of us to worry about.” Marik replied. “We’re getting off topic.”
“What makes you think I’d want to make any kind of truce with you? With enough time I could force my way back up.”
“Because if I willingly give you freedom, then maybe you’d see things my way. I want to help you. It’s my fault you’re like this.”
“I happen to like how I-”
“You think I didn’t?” Marik glared at him. “I knew exactly who I was. Marik Ishtar, leader of the Ghouls, the one who would enact 3000 years of vengeance for the Tombkeeper lineage. But I realized that anger and hatred only gave me a list of regrets as long as the Nile and an absence of a purpose. I changed, and you can too.”
Slowly, the blade began to lower. “I tried to kill you. You really are going to just forget that?”
His lips tightened, before they began to curve up into a smile. “I’ve done worse.”
“What are you going to make me do?” Half a step back, allowing Marik a bit of room to stand up straighter. He took a moment to brush off his vest.
“First off, you’re going to come to therapy with me. It’s an absolute pain in the ass but it helps.” He stuck out his tongue at that, but Marik kept going. “Secondly, we’re only going to switch who’s fronting in the living room at first. There isn’t anything you can use as a weapon, and Ryou’s agreed to stay with you so you don’t try and hurt me.”
“Bakura’s host. The one that had the Ring?”
“Oh, the one with the white hair. He was odd. Fine, I can agree to that. Anything else?”
“That was as far as we got.” His eyes drifted upwards. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised this is your soul room.”
“What’s yours?”
“My apartment from when I ran the Ghouls.” The answer came quickly. “We’re both stuck in the past.”
“Like a fly in a web.” He reached for Marik’s shirt again, but Marik faded away before his hand could make contact. He was left grasping at air.
For the first time in a while, he sighed and grabbed the torch, walking down the hall of the tomb and away from the ritual room.
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xthexrevenantx · 6 years
ѩ Җ ᚡ ෴ ☢
Yet another rmunday meme || ѩ Җ ᚡ ෴ ☢
ѩ: Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play?
YES! ;A; 
Many, many, many where do I even begin? Is it okay if I just start crying instead? D8 Nnnngggghhh Also honestly.. I shouldn’t even be playing YM… I should actually just play as myself since I feel I’m the only person I can, personality-wise, tap into.
Here’s a list:Villamax from Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. YOU DON’T LOVE HIM, YOU’RE WRONGDiviot from Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy because why the fuck not he’s basically the same as YM and his voice is also pornEcliptor from Power RangersCyclopter from Power Rangers (the blue robotic guy)Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.Zaheer from Avatar: The Legend Of Korra.Bolin from Avatar: The Legend Of Korra.Riddick from Pitch Black.Remfire from Biker Mice From MarsDonatello, Leonardo and Raphael from TMNT.Also Karai… Angel.Altaïr from Assassin’s Creed 1/bloodlines/Revelations.Claudia from Assassin’s Creed IIRyou Bakura, Yugi Moto, Tea Gardner from YGONath don’t tell me you didn’t see this coming. Also can I steal your Chiyoh?Bigwig from Watership Down. …Lets do Keehaar also.But all these characters are out of my reach and even if I could, I suppose most of the fandoms they are from are either dead or they are not highly wanted characters(?) There’s also plenty I’ve forgotten, I’m sure, so these are really on the top of my list.
Җ:   What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing? *Points at the friend asking this* Do I need to anymore go on, on how much I adore your writing? Because I absolutely will. My-ohh-mai, dejaouija… HOLY FUCKING SHIT I can’t even begin how flawless dejaouija writes out action mixed with setting mixed creativity mixed with…. FFFFFFFFfffff 
And then there is me writing like “fill in spoken sentence.” Said YM “another said thing” He continued saying. I need practice. I need practice very badly ^^; And then there’s many people that I fawn at their writing don’t think I’m ignoring you, I see you all on my dash and I love 8DD
Ohh.. It’s a ‘what?’ and not a ‘who?’
Umm… Well… Then I guess I want to bring more attention to Marik because he deserves to be loved by all. And I want to empathize on all the other aspects on him that have been completely neglected. Cuz it pains my heart that he’s just simply shoven away as this.. Idk.. Simple one layered character that doesn’t get more than a thought or two spent on him. And I just know that he has more to offer than the show lets on.. Whether he himself even knows it or not. 
I’m exposing this asshole for all his greatness >D
ᚡ:Random fact about the mun?Eeehhhh…. I’m really bad at these things cuz I really don’t do much other than roleplaying a psychopath and loving buns…So I don’t really know what I can add to that.. I love doom.. But it’s in my about mun info I think… I am the most terrible person when it comes to holding a conversation but I think I already said that somewhere as well…
I used to collect stuffed animals since the day I was born, and it was a shared hobby between my brother and I (who is four years younger than me) so when I was 14/15 we used to visit the thrift store and buy loooooooooooooooots of stuffed animals for like… 10 cents.. or 40 cents.. really.. the most expensive ones were like 2 euros.. And we did that for quite a while. Those days are past now and I’ve kept only the ones that mean most to me.
Still, I have 8 garbage-sized bags full of them.. I’m donating 20 bags to children in far away poor countries.
෴:  Tell us about your dayThank you! But nothing to say, really. I spent all my day in bed listening to music and just.. Not doing anything cuz period’s giving me a hard time hating on me so I haven’t been able to eat all day or so the slightest at all :\ I have a spastic bowel and it’s something chronic and it tends to get irritated when I’m on “those days” so whenever that is the case, which it is now, I’m in for a very unconfortable three days @.@
I also think Appa is going to be down with something again, he’s been sneezing and trying to clean his face all day and his nose looks rather runny. (Also this is from 3 days ago)I took Appa out, yesterday, with Fluffa’s buggy since I didn’t want him to miss out on the nicer weather being kept in my room all day because of his health continuously going up and down. He’s doing much better now, his nose was so dirty but it looks fine at the moment.
☢:When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?Uhhhh…. I think that was with my birthday two years ago? I went to see Jurassic World with my sister cuz she always insists we should go to the movies but I don’t really like the movies because you have to wait so long for the movie to actually start and also people in your seat… It’s rather a hassle so I prefer to watch movies from TV using DVD.
I only make special exceptions if it’s about a character I love or a subject. Such as dinosaurs, or Riddick…
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
In the White Light - Prideshipping fanfic Chapter 21
Also on AO3.
This will most likely be the darkest chapter in the entire fic, complete with lots of crying and cussing. Fair warning, Rex and Bandit King Bakura are going to suffer a ton in this chapter. This is the last chapter with significant Shrimpshipping. I promise the Prideshipping will get more significant from here on out!
For me, the characters' suffering is exacerbated by the horrible PMS cramps and bloating I had while writing this chapter. I also often get the flu when I forget to brush my teeth for a while and I think I feel one coming on (I just brushed my teeth this afternoon). Not helped, of course, by my intense work schedule. T_T Yet strangely, I feel more on a roll than ever!
Also, the title of this chapter is homage to one of my favourite yaoi manga, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan, by Ayano Yamane. I forgot to mention, too, why Kaiba refers to Rex as "rabbit stew." That is homage to one of my other favourite yaoi manga, Crimson Spell. Also by Ayano Yamane.
Chapter 21 – To Heaven or Hell
“So now that we know your real name, we need to head back to the palace,” Téa proposed. “Kaiba could be in trouble…”
“I… I don’t think I want to go.” Yami Yugi moped while hugging his knees. “Besides, Kaiba is more than capable of fending for himself.”
“Come on, man, you’re the king for cryin’ out loud!” Joey pulled Yami Yugi off the ground. “You’re gonna let one little lover’s quarrel make you shirk your duties?”
“Ya’ know what, screw what Anubis said! He’s dead! And anyway, did rich- I mean, Kaiba actually say that he’d rather be president of KaibaCorp than be your wife?”
“…You know, you’re right, Joey. It may be hard, but… This isn’t the first time that we’ve quarreled, and it certainly won’t be the last. As any good partner should, I need to learn to communicate.”
“Pharaoh!” Téa smiled.
“What are you guys doing just standing there?” Yami Yugi summoned his Curse of Dragon and got on it.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” Joey mounted his Red-Eyes Black Dragon while Tristan joined him.
Tristan waited until they were nearly at the palace to speak his mind. “Say, guys? I noticed that those shrimpy brats weren’t with us the whole time.”
“Rex and Weevil, you mean?” asked Yugi.
“I just hope they’re not causing trouble at the palace…” Téa remarked. “Knowing those two, they’re probably- Oh my! The duel’s still going on?”
“Looks like a tag duel!” Tristan exclaimed, and his expression changed when he saw the half-shifted Weevil. “Whoa, it’s Spiderman!”
“Pretty sure that’s not what Spiderman is supposed to look like, Tristan.” Joey squinted. “Is that… It can’t be! Bug boy can transform like rich boy can?”
Red shadows and flames engulfed Weevil. He expressed no pain as he grew taller, becoming a gigantic spider that Yami Yugi remembered. “It’s that spider from the vision quest!”
As Weevil trampled onto the battlefield, charging towards Yami Marik, Rex looked to his Duel Disk. The Dark Effigy had disappeared, replaced by an even stronger monster card. “Weevil…” His gaze turned up to the beautiful creature his boyfriend had become. “This form… is amazing…”
“Aaaaaargh!” Four spider legs pierced Yami Marik’s body, and he died almost instantly.
“How do you like them apples?” Rex smirked at his only remaining opponent, who had uncharacteristically taken on a somber expression. “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue? Or should I say, spider got your tongue?”
“I thought I recognized you two!”
“Yeah, we’re the ‘brats’ who gave you back your Millennium Ring!”
“I’m talking about the past, you fool! You do remember the pharaoh’s vision quest, do you not? Doesn’t the spider look familiar?”
“Wh-What?” The truth finally clicked for Rex. “Now that you mention it, my rabbit form looked a lot like that rabbit, too. But what are you getting at?”
“I’m saying that just like Kaiba here, the two of you also had past selves. …Back when all of the High Priests were still alive, I used to be one of the royal family’s most hated enemies. They… They killed them all… They killed everyone in my home village of Kul Elna, just to make some fancy schmancy artifacts called the Millennium Items!”
“Bakura…” In a moment of weakness, Yami Yugi couldn’t help but feel sorry for the man.
“This is what started my war against the royal family. I wanted to steal the Millennium Items so that I may become pharaoh and overthrow the old one. And by my side the whole time were my most trusted thieves, Sia and Hu. As a bandit, I couldn’t bring myself to have compassion for another, not until those two orphans came into my life. Hu was an outspoken young man who had the ability to persuade anyone. Sia… He had a gift for writing and strategizing. He was my only equal in wits – so much that I had even named him as successor.”
“What happened to them?” Even a complete dimwit like Rex could feel empathy towards the Bandit King.
“In my desperation to destroy the royal family, I found another individual who hated the royal family as much as I did. His name was Anubis. I pleaded for his aid to kill the pharaoh, and in exchange, he asked for two strong individuals…” Bandit King Bakura’s breath hitched a few times. “So I offered to him Sia and Hu. But his experiments failed, and my only two friends had died… They died for nothing!”
“…” Kaiba couldn’t stand to look at Bandit King Bakura; even he felt tears coming on.
“And now… Now, I finally get to see them again!”
“What do you mean, ‘again?’” Weevil stood down.
“You…” The Bandit King continued to cry as he looked at Weevil and drew his next card. “Forgive me for what I’m about to do, Sia… No, Earthbound God Uru!”
“I… I’m a god?”
“That will be ‘was’ in a few seconds!” Bandit King Bakura played the card he just drew. “I play my spell De-Spell to destroy Archfiend Palabyrinth! Now history repeats itself!”
“What do you-” Weevil could say no more as his body and soul quickly began to fade. “Aaaaah!”
“You…” Rex fell to his knees and cried when Weevil had died. “YOU FUCKING BASTARD! What did you do to my boyfriend?”
“I got rid of the Field Spell he needed to survive… Hu, I’m sorry.”
“My name is Rex Raptor, you motherfucker! I’ll fucking make you pay!”
“Hey, calm down, rabbit stew!” Kaiba intervened, then turned to the Bandit King. “Bakura, in case you forgot, there are three duelists present right now! And right now, you’re looking at the one who’s going to kick your ass!”
“Priest Seto… No, I will be the one to kick your ass. You and your ilk… You took everything from me… You and the pharaoh will suffer in hell!”
“Please, like I haven’t been told to go to hell before,” replied Kaiba as he drew Polymerization. “I activate the special ability of my White Stone of the Ancients in my Graveyard to add a Blue-Eyes from there to my hand! Then my Assault Wyvern destroys your Battle Fader!”
“Rr...” Bandit King Bakura didn’t have any monsters on his side of the field or his hand.
“Then I tribute my Assault Wyvern to Special Summon the other Blue-Eyes in my Graveyard… Now, Blue-Eyes! Attack the Bandit King directly!”
“This physical pain… It’s nothing compared to what my people and I have suffered because of people like you!” After Rex didn’t draw anything that he could summon, the Bandit King slammed a monster onto his Duel Disk. “I summon Ally of Justice Quarantine in attack position! Good luck trying to Special Summon your light monsters now, Priest Seto. And…”
“Ah!” Rex had few words as the Bandit King’s gaze fixed on him.
“Good luck to you, Hu, in the afterlife… Ally of Justice Quarantine, attack Hu directly!”
“N-Nooooooo!” Pain seared throughout Rex’s body. “Weevil… Baby, wait for me… I’m coming… to join you…”
Rex’s death was the final straw for Kaiba, and he didn’t hold his tears back any longer. “Do you like torturing others, you monster?”
“Me? A ‘monster?’ Speak for yourself! Aren’t you the one who ‘destroys innocent souls’ every day? Even more so now that you are only one of three people who have retained their shapeshifting abilities to the modern world? And you plan to do it some more after you officially break up with the pharaoh and return to KaibaCorp? Also, you have no right to be sad about Hu’s death when I’ve known him for so long! Or… Don’t tell me that you’ve grown attached to someone other than the pharaoh or your younger brother?”
“Shut… up…”
“Make your next move! It will be your la-”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Kaiba drew the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon. “I can’t summon my ultimate beast yet, but I can get rid of your Ally of Justice Quarantine with my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”
“I won’t be defeated… Not by someone like you! I play the spell Jam Breeding Machine, and a Slime Token is summoned to my side of the field!”
“That’s it? A tactic that Marik tried on the pharaoh, and failed? Then I’ll set a monster and destroy that Slime Token with Blue-Eyes!”
“You’ll… never…. Aaaah! I play Pot of Greed! Then I’ll use De-Spell to get rid of Jam Breeding Machine so I can summon Brain Golem using the new Slime Token as a tribute!” Brain Golem, attack that set monster!”
“…What a dumbass you are, Bakura.” Kaiba didn’t bother to look at the card he just drew. “You just destroyed my last White Stone of the Ancients, which I banish to add the last Blue-Eyes White Dragon I need to my hand! Then I’ll activate the spell Polymerization to Fusion Summon my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”
“That’s your ultimate beast?”
“No, my ultimate beast is…” Kaiba laid the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon onto his Duel Disk. “Myself! Behold the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon for the few seconds you have before it blasts you away! Shining Neutron Blast!”
Yami Yugi watched the final move of the duel, still floating from afar on his Curse of Dragon. “Kaiba… My love, well done.”
“So this… is how it ends…” The Bandit King looked to his arm; already, his hand had been consumed by the shadows. “I’m… finally dying.”
“What, you still have words for me, even now?” Bandit King Bakura gave a half-hearted chuckle. “What is it?”
“It’s about Anubis… I thought I’d let you know that the pharaoh defeated him himself.”
“He… He did, huh? Thank…. you…” So were Bandit King Bakura’s last words as his body and soul were no more.
Yami Yugi could hide no more, and ordered the Curse of Dragon down to Kaiba while his companions followed. “Kaiba!”
“Ph-Pharaoh…” Kaiba wasn’t prepared to face the man he loved. “And the rest of the Dweeb Patrol, too. You were watching the whole thing, weren’t you?”
“Er, most of it,” Joey answered. “We saw everything from when Weevil turned into a spider onwards.”
“Weevil… Rex…” Yugi, being the softhearted young man he was, cried. “They’re… dead, aren’t they? I know they were thorns in our sides the whole time, but… they really gave it their all in that duel! They didn’t deserve to die! Marik didn’t either!”
“Yugi…” Téa had begun to cry too, and before she could really break out in tears, she noticed Marik’s body glowing. “Hey! What’s happening to Marik?”
As soon as Téa took a single step forward, Marik not only moved, but he groaned. “Ugh…”
“Shit! That creep is still alive!”
Joey prepared to summon his Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and stopped when Marik managed to get on his feet. “What do you mean ‘creep?’ Where am I?”
“Hey, easy there!” Tristan ran over to Marik, and helped him walk to where everyone else was. “So… You’re the real Marik, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am. My ‘other self’ is gone for good this time.”
“Wait, Marik. Before you continue…” Yami Yugi pointed to two beams of light descending from the sky and hitting the ground in front of them.
“Aaaaaah! More enemies!” Téa scrambled about, nearly slipping on a sand dune.
“Guess again, Téa.” Yami Yugi waited for the light to dissipate, and was certainly surprised to see Rex and Weevil again, both in half-shifted form.
“Ugh…” Rex’s vision was still blurry, but not enough to obscure his view of Weevil and his eight spider legs.
Though he was just as weak, Weevil had strength enough to give his boyfriend a hug. “Rex! Oh, my beloved… You’re alive…”
Rex returned the hug, pressing his rabbit paws into Weevil’s back. “Weeves, baby… I’m even happier that you’re alive, despite the hell we’ve been through.”
“I will go anywhere, my love, as long as it is with you. I’ll accompany you to heaven or hell.” Weevil stroked Rex’s rabbit ears. His upper spider legs trailed from there to Rex’s back, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Um… Do we really need to see this?” Tristan’s eyebrow twitched.
“Well, I kinda knew those two were together,” Joey remarked, rubbing the space underneath his nose. “After Duelist Kingdom, they were inseparable.”
“I’m more interested in how they’re still alive,” spoke Yami Yugi. “Perhaps in a Shadow Tag Duel, if a duelist dies, they will come back to life if their partner wins.”
“Speaking of Duelist Kingdom…” Weevil spoke when he had broken the kiss. “I’m sorry that I was such an embarrassment back then.”
“Don’t worry about it, man.” Yugi shook his head. “That’s in the past.”
“Was I… Did I do good today?”
“Weevil Underwood, you were damned awesome out there!” Joey bent down to ruffle Weevil’s hair. “I wish I could turn into an awesome spider… god… thingy too!”
“You see?” Yami Yugi squatted to Weevil’s eye level. “If you just believe in the heart of the cards and see the errors of your ways, you have the potential to be a great duelist.”
“And if it wasn’t for you, my evil persona would still be plaguing me,” Marik added with a bow. “I am forever in your debt.”
“…Yeah, I’ll have to agree,” Kaiba hesitated. “You’re quite the worthy rival to the pharaoh. After me, of course.”
“K-Kaiba…” Weevil could feel light tears in the corners of his eyes. “Thank you… so much… for saving Rex… Not even all the cards in the world are… worth as much as him…”
Joey waited a while for Weevil to say something else and grew concerned when he didn’t receive a response. “Weevil! No… No! Not after you just came back to us!”
Kisara and Mana knelt down to check for vital signs. After confirming that Weevil – along with Rex – was indeed alive, Kisara spoke, “Relax, Joseph. They’re alive. They’re just out cold and in need of rest.”
“Hahaha…” Joey wiped away his few tears. “I-I knew that!”
“Mana, you and Kisara will take these two to the palace’s infirmary.” Yami Yugi ordered. “The two of you will be responsible for caring for them. We’ll follow in a little bit, after I’ve told Kaiba what I’ve learned today.”
0 notes
olivieraa · 7 years
so... I’ve been having a weird... two or three days
I didn’t wanna talk about this bc I didn’t wanna make it public for reasons, but then I thought, I’ve never held back before KNOWING this is my blog and that was my ORIGINAL reasons for ever making a tumblr
its my diary
just... happens to be public to some people
its nothing major, my anxiety is just kinda all over the place and I’m not liking it
so okay, regardless of if you ever comment on, like or reblog any of my posts, I think anyone following any time up until 2016 and still is following me, is very well aware of the name Diana
she is my ex best friend who... well, I hate now
she fucked me over big time and it took me years to get over it
I was at the best I ever was when it came to thinking about her mid-late 2016. in which, I was barely doing it. barely thinking about her
I’m just gonna disregard 2017 and what happened then and we move on now to 2018
but to mention 2017, I planned on going back to my Joey RP blog, which is how I met her back when I was 19 (25 now)
I’ve always been conflicted about going back, for many reasons, one being “do I even WANT to roleplay again??? am I even into that anymore???”
but I was never able to answer so I thought maybe if I gave it a chance again then I’d know
but I’m a perfectionist and had to wait for the right time
buuuut as of the past few days I just had cravings to read some old rp’s
one’s I especially remembered
and basically, I got slapped SO HARD in the face but this nostalgic, familar feeling I got when I was online not just roleplaying with her, but talking to her on skype at the same time
I dont like to lie, ever, so I’m not gonna say “I was SO over her and then this happened”, I was just at a good place where I wasn’t thinking about her often, so still not completely over it
I’m too passionate to be over something that was special to me. when something is special, I rememer it for life cause its special and important
which... she was
I thought re-reading them would be fun and it is in some ways but also painful? I guess???
and lemme tell you, I’ve gone over in my head a 100 times on why Diana is a terrible person and the cons outweigh the pros, yet... the pros come to mind more often and I have to tell myself, “no, remember this! and this!”
I could get really deep with this if I want but my posts end up too long when I go into detail, so I’ma leave it at that
maybe this is another reason I should never go back on Joey - cause I’ll always associate it with her. I cant even watch certain movies cause of her, ESPECIALLY if they’re Gerard Butler movies (Phantom being a big one), and it was so hard to watch Junjou s3 when I watched s1 and s2 with her back when we were friends (despite already seeing and being a fan of it before then) and we could see how “FloJo” the main couple were, in... a million ways, and so when Junjou s3 came out, I kept thinking “omg... I cant even look at these as their own characters, I just keep seeing FloJo”
in a way, she did fuck up Ba-kura for me as well. definitely the abridged but I’m THANKFUL that LK has been on s4 the past few years and there’s been little to no “Florence”
EXCEPT for that time he did a Let’s Play and Florence usually says a line or two while Marik dominates the whole ep, but in one of the eps Florence played the game himself and had a LOT of lines and literally all I could see was Diana’s version talking and I hated it
it sucked because her Florence became so developed that I was never able to see him in the real abridged version since he’s... not developed at all
I even told her if I personally had to fuck one of them, it’d be the real one cause I liked her Florence with Joey, but I wouldn’t go near him with a ten foot pole. blegh, not my type lmao
she... well, I was gonna say “was my type” but, I don’t have a type. I just know what I don’t like
but I liked her and she liked me and then she just threw me away like I was old news literally the days she got a job tbh and I just
I hate her
I kept mentally slapping myself wondering how I couldn’t be over a person who I never even met irl, but that connection between us was there the second we talked, NOT something that happens to me ever, especially since I move and had to make new friends every single time and then leave them and make more new friends
with her I imagined SOME sort of future
if I had one wish in the world to do with her, it’d be to just ask her to tell me as honestly as she can
“why did we stop being friends. WHAT did I do wrong?”
cause if I did do something wrong, that’s one thing. tho I would have liked to fix it
but I didn’t do anything wrong, so my belief has always been “she found something better”, and when I looked back, I realised that’s the person she is, she’s done it to people before, how could I not have expected it to happen to me?
so I’d mostly just want that to be confirmed
to know I was right
but yeah I’ve been reading the rp’s each night and it... I feel like a masochist cause it hurts but I keep... fucking doing it
(also I can totally see where my writing needs improvements!)
I dont know if Joey is gonna be a thing or not
I’ll make the decision by the end of the month
it was 6 years ago Feb... 2nd I think it was? that I created him
so I’ll know then
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riyuyami · 7 years
I was looking over my notes for a fanfic I’m writing, and I found that I wrote this scene out already. Well, I decided to post it up, but I also expanded on it with a post-event scene, and then it turned into something super yuu-jyo-ish.
Jounouchi watched as Rishid dropped to the ground by the bright lights and lightening of the angered Sun God Ra. He heard a scream, but he didn't pay much attention to it as he watched the attacks rain down on him and the unconscious man, until he saw one aimed right at him.
He had no time to run.
In a second, Jounouchi felt as if the sun itself was inside of his very body as soon as the light touched his stomach. He didn't scream, he didn't know what was going on, did time stop? Did the world stop?
What did... what was happening?
Was this really the power of an Egyptian God, or the effects of the Solid Hologram System?
It was strange, almost as soon as he felt it, the feeling of the sun seemed to vanish.
Then he felt something again in just two seconds flat.
A horrible pain shot right up his spine, to the base of his skull, but then he felt it go down his back, down his left leg, to his foot. There was the same pain in his left arm now, a terrible tingle, like a billion, red hot pins were stabbing him in his nerves, everywhere that the lightening and light of Ra has touched him.
Before the terrible blissfulness of unconsciousness overcame him, the blond heard the screams of Yugi, calling his name.
'...Yugi, I-I can't... go out... not like this...'
Then he knew no more.
Jounouchi looked at the golden God Card in his hand, staring at the dragon-bird in the image. “So this is the infamous Ra, yeah?” He mumbled, glancing at Yugi, who held the other two Gods. They were sitting in Yugi’s room, it was Sunday, just a few days since Battle City came to an end.
Golden eyes turned back to Ra, staring at the image brought up bad memories of when the copycat card was played, and the real Ra attacked. He had... yet to tell Yugi of the full damage of the attack.
Hell, he hadn’t actually told anyone. When they were told to go to bed on the airship, Jounouchi snuck off and spoke with the doc tor, asking for him to exam the damage he knew was there from the attack.
It was worse then he had thought.
The attack left a large scar up his back and down his leg and arm. Starting at the spot where he thought the beam of light went through his back when it shot him in the stomach, was a large, reddish-pink scar. It was circular, with branches of scar tissue coming from it, looking like the fucking sun, of course. But then a long scar when up his spine, up to the hairline of his neck. Another branch went down his shoulder, down the back of his left arm to his elbow. Another went down his back, down his left leg, all the way to his foot.
The shot to the stomach left more of a rash, it was slowly going away, but his back was scarred for life.
He was surprised Yugi hadn’t noticed his elbow, seeing as he was in short sleeves today. Jounouchi wondered if he should even show Yugi the scar.
“You don’t like Ra, do you?”
Blinking, Jounouchi looked at the smaller boy. He saw a look in Yugi’s eyes that he couldn’t read. “What do you mean?”
“You were attacked by Ra, the Sun God, twice. You took two dangerous attacks from him. And because it was actually him... you were attacked by the sun...”
Jounouchi frowned, shaking his head. “Nah, I don’t hate him or anything, but he’s not my favorite. I’ll admit, Yugi... it was pretty fuckin’ scary.”
Yugi looked at him, wanting him to elaborate. “Ya see, the first attack, with Rishid... I got struck with a sunbeam, and when it made contact... it felt like the whole fucking sun was inside of my body for a second. Everything was on fire. But then it was gone, and I felt fine.”
“There’s a ‘but’ there, isn’t there?”
The blond sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I felt something, in my back, the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I’ll admit, it hurt a hell of a lot worse than the damage Marik did to me with the phoenix form. Just... I felt like all my nerves were in hot oil, that I was boiling in my own skin, it was the worst pain, it even felt like I was burning to a crisp. Then... I passed out, but before then, I heard your voice, you sounded like the world was coming to an end in that moment.”
“I saw you collapse! I thought you had died...!”
“Heh, yeah, but that didn’t happen until the next day.”
“...” Yugi made a face and Jounouchi bit his lip, yeah, probably best not to joke about that. He knew Yugi took it pretty hard, really hard. The spirit of the puzzle had told him after their duel that he had never seen Yugi cry like that before, he never looked so broken in his life.
It... actually hurt Jounouchi to hear that, he knew Shizuka was devastated, but he didn’t know that Yugi had been so traumatized by the idea that his best friend had almost left this world for good.
But Jounouchi understood that pain, most than Yugi probably realized. 
When the Black Clown game shop was burning around him and Yugi, then the smaller duelist was so determined to save the puzzle... Jounouchi honestly thought that this was it, this would be the last time he would see Yugi alive.
When he found the puzzle finished, but Yugi unconscious, barely breathing, barely alive, he thought the world around him was gone and that anything good in his life was taken from him in one fell swoop
Looking down at his friend, he saw the dark skin on his hands, the dark marks of burn scars from hot metal he had clutched for dear life in the fire. He knew the back of Yugi’s hand has small burns still from where the fires licked at him, and even on parts of his face, small, faint patches of burns.
Jounouchi had them as well, he carried scars from that night as well, but Yugi didn’t seem bothered by his blemishes, by the permanent marks on his skin. Yugi had no regrets, they were a sign of his survival, and he told Jounouchi once that he wore them as a symbol of his bond with him and with the spirit in a way, something to remember of the night, to have forever.
“Yugi.” Jounouchi spoke softly. “Ra left a mark on me.”
Yugi blinked, noticing Jounouchi began to remove his shirt. He blushed, about to ask what he was doing, but the words died in his throat as the sight of the large, slowly healing scars he saw. “J-Jounouchi...”
“From Ra’s first attack on me, heh, he didn’t leave me any wounds from the second one though. I haven’t really shown any of you guys these scars, I’ve been... scared. But I think you should see them, Yugi. I want... I want you to know what they meant to me.”
Turning to face him better, Jounouchi put a hand on Yugi’s shoulder, looking him right in the eyes. “Yugi, I carry this scar on my back as proof of my friendship with you. I told you I’d help you take on Marik, and I did. I survived an attack from the strongest of the God Cards, I got back on my feet because of you and our friends, but... mostly cause of your support. You let me save you from the fire that almost killed you weeks ago, and this time, you saved me from a fire.”
Yugi looked at him, eyes wide, before he smiled, putting his own hand over Jounouchi’s, his more scarred hand from the chain. “Just as I carry my scars with pride, you should as well.”
“Hehe, yeah.” He grinned at the smaller duelist, quickly grabbing him into a one-armed hug.
“I gotta admit, Jounouchi, your scar does look reall cool. Looks like the sun is on your back?”
“You think that too? I think it looks kinda bad ass.”
“Yeah! It’s proof that you fought the freaking sun, and won!”
“Oh shit, you’re right! Haha! I am Jounouchi, conqueror of the sun! Bet Kaiba can’t even say he has done that!”
“Nope, I bet he can’t.”
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