#the early parts of it before he redeems himself. the parts before he realizes the truth of what really happened with his father
clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 7
WC: 1011 Masterpost
After the concussion, Danny started seeing Flash more. It was nice; it was actually really nice. It made Danny realize how alone he had been— how long he had been keeping to himself. When he could manage to be painfully honest with himself, Danny could admit that he had been isolating. He had turned down offers from coworkers and even a few neighbors to be social. It had just been too hard to fathom getting close to anyone when he was still hurting from the loss of Sam, Tucker, and, worst of all, Jazz.
Flash (the younger mostly, but even sometimes the older) didn’t really give him the chance to turn them down. Danny was sure that if he pushed that the heroes would have backed off, but Danny found that he really didn’t want to push them away. It was nice to have people who stopped to check in with him just to see how he was doing.
Questions from Flash the younger started out as post battle check-ups turned to ‘how was your day’s to whatever inane thing was running through the hero’s mind. And there was a lot that ran through the hero’s mind. (Danny tried not to dwell on the fact that he thought of that personality trait as adorable.)
“Dude, no,” Flash bemoaned, leaning against the van as Danny double checked his list that everyone on his team had fully reported in.
“I said what I said,” Danny insisted, head ducked to try and hide his smile. It was just too much fun (and too easy) to rile Flash up.
“No, I refuse to believe that you actually think Ghoulie Girls Two is better than the original game!” Flash said, gesturing wildly. As he spoke his words sped up until they were hard to follow. “The second game lost all of its soul! It was just fan service! Which, yeah, okay so One was fan service too, but it had heart! It had an actual story! Two’s story made no sense!”
“But it set up Three where the other OG creator was back on the project and Three was amazing,” Danny pointed out, tucking his tablet back in his kit.
“Okay, look.” Flash spread his hands. “I won’t argue that Three was amazing. Redeemed the series— pushed it ahead. Introduced Helena who is both amazing trans rep and just plain amazing. Lilly’s arc made me cry. All amazing. But Danny, my dude, you cannot say that because it set up Three that Two is better than One!”
Danny looked up at Flash, blinking innocently. “Well… maybe a little of it is just that I played Two first so it got me into the series… and, well, how much it offended you.”
“I— you troll!”
Laughing, Danny walked away to finish packing up with his coworkers. Being one of the early teams on the site was always hard, but it was rewarding work and Danny found he preferred it over the clean up jobs. They were lucky that there was no need for search and rescue that day; Danny would have felt compelled to stick around. As it was, Danny put out a call on his radio for his team to load up so they could head back. They would have a quick debrief, fill out their reports, restock their kits, and finally be able to head home.
Flash caught Danny before he could pile into the front seat of the van with a gentle hand on his elbow. When Danny turned to him, Flash backed off almost nervously.
“So, um, right. I had an idea? And I was wondering if I could pick you up at your place later tonight for it?” Flash asked in a blur of words.
It took Danny a moment to parse it all. “I— sure? Yeah, okay. I’m going to be a few hours though.”
“Really?” Flash asked, grinning widely. “Yeah! No prob! I’ll grab you at eight— no, nine. Bring a jacket! Bye!”
Danny was left blinking at the spot that Flash used to be, bemused by whatever had just happened.
Flash knocked precisely at nine. It was, in fact, so precisely at nine that Danny had to wonder if Flash had just been standing awkwardly outside the apartment for a few minutes waiting to knock or if the accurate timing was just part of the speed force.
“Hi, Danny,” Flash chirped with a nervous little smile. He was back in the separate mask, though he seemed to be wearing something not that different from his tight super suit under the large Cyborg themed hoodie. He had his Flash themed backpack again and it looked almost over filled.
“Hey, Flash,” Danny said, hoping his smile would calm whatever nerves Flash was having. “Do I get to know the plan?”
“Nope! I mean, not if you trust me? But like, if it’s bothering you to not know the plan I can totally tell you the plan so that you don’t worry, I just thought that maybe it would be a nice surprise, but maybe you don’t like surprises—”
“Flash,” Danny said, cutting off the rambling. “I’m okay not knowing.”
“Okay, okay cool,” Flash said after he took an obvious breath. “Um. Arms or piggyback ride?”
Danny glanced up from putting his shoes on. “Hum?”
“To be carried. I need to run us somewhere.”
“Oh, uh, back I guess?” Maybe it would make him feel less unsteady than being picked up.
“Okay!” Flash said. He bounced eagerly on his toes as he waited for Danny to put on his jacket and lock up. When Danny finally turned to him, Flash handed over his backpack, spun around, and crouched down. “So make sure to hold on tight! Arms and legs both.”
“Sure,” Danny said. He had no intention to even risk being dropped.
He felt a little awkward climbing onto Flash’s back, but the hero seemed perfectly comfortable with it all. Flash gave a little bounce after he was standing, as if to make sure Danny was secure, and then they were off in a blur of light and color.
AN: Aaaaah these two are just so fun to write! They're just so cute. I also always enjoy writing people just being nerds~
(I'm still not very well, so I've been using this fic as my warm-up then poking at LBFD as my brain allows.)
Stay delightful, darlings!
Due to the new post editor and a few other reasons, I no longer tag people. You can be notified in much the same manner by subscribing to the master post here.
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lovifie · 5 months
Her Royal Highness Pt.4
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Prologue — Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4
“Mornin’ Princess.” Soap is the first one to see you arrive at the courtyard. He looks at you with a cheeky smile as always. 
“Good morning, Johnny.” You greet him smiling as you jog a bit to stand next to him close to the light torch next to the door. 
The sun is still not meant to be out for another couple of hours, but because the castle is so far away from the next town, the king decided to leave so early to make it there by nightfall. Last night you packed all your most liked clothes for the travel, leaving out the warmest dress with the warmest cape you owned. But still, being used to being sheltered inside of the castle, the chilling cold of the early hours was enough to make you shake. Soap is quick to take notice of this because he adjusts your cape closing it around you and stroking your arms up and down to warm you up.
“Ar’ ye shaking cause ye cold or cause ye excited to finally be leaving the castle?” He asks smiling, his breath being visible but he remains apparently unaffected by the temperature. 
“Both, but mostly the cold.” You admit with a shaky breath. “Where is the Prince?”
“Aw, lovebird dyin’ to see her man.” Soap jokes faking a pout and earning a slap to the arm. “C’mon, I'll take you with him. Take my hand, o’ ye'll fly away.”
You stare confused for a second, wondering if he is joking again. That is, until he opens the door and you feel the cold wind. You quickly hold his hand and stand close to his back so he can shield you from the wind. 
If you thought it was cold inside of the castle, you were wrong. And the frozen wind reminds you, feeling like a thousand needles make their way inside your bone. Soap and you soon arrive at the carriage you assume you will be travelling with Ghost, and you pop your head over Soap's shoulder to check who’s there.
Gaz, Price, Ghost and Laswell look back at you. You notice Ghost looking at you up and down from behind the helmet he is wearing, but before you can say anything Laswell speaks.
“Good morning, Princess. Glad I could see you before you left, I was just explaining to Kyle some of the care required for your wound.” She says as she walks up to you and places her hands on your cheeks. “God gracious, child. You are freezing, get inside quickly. I'll see you when you get back.” 
She gives you a quick hug with a smile before going back inside the castle, to keep sleeping most likely. You try to turn to the carriage when the cape gets stuck on something opening and leaving you exposed to the cold. When you turn to check it, you realize that is a who and not a thing on what the cape got stuck.
“What kind of shitty cape is this?” Ask Ghost as he plays with the material in his hand. “No wonder you are shaking like a leaf.”
The tone of his voice is of annoyance, making you feel ashamed of having a completely natural reaction to the weather. But when you are going to complain that you can’t help it, he lets go of your cape and moves his hand to undo the clasp keeping his on. 
He takes it off himself and smoothly drapes it over your shoulder putting the hood over your head as well. The click of the clasp makes you look down at his hands, noticing they are so close to your face, almost touching you.
You look up from under the hood and make eye contact with him. The words suddenly die in your throat and blood rushes to your cheeks as he quickly adverts your gaze clearing his throat. “Get inside.” He says putting a hand on your lower back and opening the door. He lowers the hand a bit more and pushes you inside with a single hand on your butt.
You are met with a closed door when you try to protest and redeem yourself sitting down close to the door. You play with your hands as you wait for something else to happen trying to listen to anything outside. Keeping the cape close to your body you bend yourself to try and get your ear closer to the door. Almost touching it with your cheek, finally being able to hear the footsteps going away and the voices getting more and more silent.
“What are you doing?” A deep voice grumbles behind you and the surprise makes you stumble forward almost falling from your seat.
“Nothing.” You say quickly as you play with the fur on the cape trying to act completely relaxed with the fact he just caught you being nosy.
A low chuckle can be heard erupt from the Prince as he sits next to you shaking the carriage with his size. Even though you are sitting next to the door, his sheer size makes it impossible to not brush against your knees with his. He knocks twice on the door and almost instantly the horses begin to walk moving the carriage. Next, he sits even more relaxed on his side of the carriage, takes off his mask and crosses his arms getting ready to sleep.
Him taking off the mask mere seconds after beginning the travel was not the first thing you were expecting. So you can't help it but to look at his face, especially since he has his eyes closed and can see that you are looking at him. Surrounding his eyes is some kind of grease or black paint that blends up to his eyebrow. Blonde curls, long enough only to be able to tell they are curls, frame his face in contrast to the rest of him. 
He is handsome.
Your soon-to-be husband is handsome.
“Is rude to stare.” A brown eye opens and looks at you, making you whip your head to face the front of the carriage.
“Sorry.” You answer quickly. “Was just surprised.”
“Why?” He said closing his eyes again.
“Because you look good… I mean, you look fine, like, I don't know, I thought you had something you wanted to hide, but everything about your face is fine. Like, you are fine. You look good.” You start mumbling without knowing where to look and end up looking out the window. “How much longer until the next stop?”
A chuckle from the Prince makes you look back at him and when you turn your face you come face to face with him, being a lot more close to your face and keeping eye contact with you as feel one of his arms rest over your shoulder.
“You think I look good, Princess?” He said with his face almost touching yours, so close you feel his breath over your lips. His other hand comes to your neck and undoes the clasp on his cape, you stay making eye contact as you feel the fur fall off your shoulder. With a smooth motion, he manages to take the cape away from you, barely moving you. Then, as easy as he got on your face he gets away taking his cape back. He lays back again and pulls the cape over himself as a blanket.
“There are still at least 8 hours until the next stop, you should rest.” He says smirking and goes back to the position he was before.
You turn back to the door and hug yourself trying to keep warm, but you only feel the heat of your embarrassment.
There is shouting outside of the carriage when you wake up, so many voices but still unable to figure out what they are saying. Simon must have left the carriage before you woke up, and only his cape draped over you remains. 
The unmistakable sound of blades being drawn bolts you awake and you open the door stepping outside. All the men that came with the carriage, ready to attack whoever was brave enough to stop the convoy. 
“I have already said that you cannot get through the border, they are closed until there are explicit orders from the next in line. The King is dead, and the kingdom is mourning. So get back to wherever the fuck you are coming, and wait. What is so hard to understand?” The voice from someone you don't know says.
“And I, have already said that we are the next in line. So get out of the way, we need to make it to Auntry City before midday and we are going behind.” The King Price argues back. “So unless you want to get hurt, move!”
“If you want to get through, it will be inside of a coffin, Sir.” The guard says.
You can see the blade being drawn over the heads and it makes you gasp, surprising Ghost who whips his head back (covered with the mask again) and you see the shock in his eyes when he sees you. 
“Get back inside!” Ghost barks looking at you over his shoulder just for a second before looking back at the front, but you stay put, curiosity for knowing who is on the other side being too tempting. “Princess, get the fuck inside!”
At the mention of your royal title, begins a round of whispers and mumbles. You are finally able to see who the other people are, and you realize they are your late father's guards, positioned at the border of the town where the castle is located to make sure he knew who entered. 
You manage to make your way through the wall of men, and just when you are almost through a hand you recognise as the Prince’s, grabs your arm ready to throw you back inside the carriage. But before he can, you make eye contact with who, if you don't remember wrong, is the captain of the guards. 
His eyes widen in shock upon seeing you, and he quickly kneels before you, the rest of the guards following shortly. “My most sincerest apologies, your Royal Highness. We didn't know you were travelling with them, I ask in the name of my men for your forgiveness.” 
The same face of absolute incredulity is plastered on you and on the men around you. You quickly smile back at the king over your shoulder, almost like trying to say: “Look how much they like me! Look how different they are treating us now! Look how much I just helped you! Look how much they prefer me over you!”
You turn your head back to the captain kneeling before you, still looking down almost afraid to make eye contact with you again. You lay your hand on his shoulder and when he timidly looks up, you give him your most sincere smile. “Everything is forgiven, captain. You were just following orders.”
“Thank you, princess.” He answers fast, surprisingly relieved to have been forgiven. There is a voice of alarm in your head, that makes you remember what Laswell told you about your father being a bad king. 
The guard shouldn't have been so scared of you, you remember him. From so many years ago, you would hide behind your mother's skirt when he would come to update your parents on the new visitors. He would always give you a small smile. 
So it wouldn't make sense for that man to be scared of the little girl hiding behind his mon, and he should be scared of you now.
The guard picks up your hand for his shoulder and kisses it on the knuckles. He stands to his full height, the size difference making you feel uneasy about his fear of you. “Princess, allow some of my men and I to escort you into town. As an apology. In case you came into trouble of the remain of the travel.”
“There really is no need, Sir.” You say and you can see the guilt behind his eyes. “But I will accept your offer. Should we keep going, then?”
You turn around to look at the King, and for a second, you see something on his expression that you are not able to read, but the moment he realizes you are looking at him, his expression changes. It softens. 
“I will get my men ready, your Royal Highness.” The guard says, kneeling quickly before standing again and turning back to his team.
You turn back to the king, walking a couple of steps that separate you. You notice his gaze following you, and you keep eye contact until you are face-to-face with him. You motion him to bend down so you can actually be at the same height, and he obliges, curiosity taking the best of him. You move closer to the side of his head and whisper in his ear smiling: “Aren't you glad that I tagged along, your majesty?” 
Before he can answer, you begin to move back to the carriage; taking a quick last glance, you notice Gaz laughing softly just in time to see the King slapping his arm with a cheeky smile on his face. 
You sit on the carriage, closing the door and taking a deep breath. 
What the fuck just happened?!
Having to act as an actual monarch is not something you are used to, you have been trained to do so, but never really needed to do it. Mainly resorting to being your father's shadow and echo, always present but never in sight. 
And the braveness to talk like that to the king? Of course, you talk back to him in the castle, but that's different! In the castle, you can always run to Laswell or Farah, or basically anyone. But here? You are basically alone, with the King John Price, the Prince Simon, the knight Gaz and Soap and the rest of Price's guard. They don't owe you loyalty, they don't owe you anything. 
If the King told them, you will be dead in minutes, no second thought. 
“You ‘right?” The Prince asks when he sits next to you, again, too late to hear him coming and only noticing him when he is already seated and removing his mask.
“Yeah! I'm peachy.” You answer letting a sight escape your lips.
“Seems like it.” The Prince laughs softly but without pushing more. “We are a little less than an hour away from Auntry City. You may want to undo some knots.” 
You frown at his word and follow his gaze, noticing that he is looking at your hair. You raise your hand to reach the top of your head and notice the unflattering way it is sitting. And slowly it downs on you.
“What must have that guard think of the Princess? Coming out of the carriage she is sharing with a man, hair looking a mess, wearing said man cape…” The Prince chastises his tongue shaking his head in a disapproving manner. “What an improper Princess.”
“Oh, shut up!” You say feeling the heat get to your face as you hear the Prince chuckle. “It's obvious I was just sleeping.”
“You sure about that, luv?” He says resting his chin on his hand, index finger extended to hide his smile behind as he raises an eyebrow.
You whip your head around ignoring him, looking into the pockets inside of your own cape, you pick up the comb and start easing it through your hair. Once satisfied, you braid a couple of locks away from your face; as you braid them, you hold them with your lips to keep them from un-braiding themselves. 
You feel a pair of fingertips graze your lips, caressing your top lip slowly.
“I can hold it for you, Princess.” The Prince asks when you turn to look at him. Your jaw goes slack, mostly from the shock but still effective to let go of the braid letting it fall on Simon's hand. “Atta girl.”
If he says anything else after that, only he will know. Because the only thing you are able to hear anymore, is your blood rushing through your ears. Feeling your heartbeat on your throat, and warm simmer down your body to the bottom of your stomach.
Moving your focus to your hair, you braid quickly the rest of the little braids, leaving them on Simon's hand as you go trying to not touch him directly. Once satisfied with the amount of braids, you pick them back up and join them at the back of your head on a braid-like conjuncture, combing one last time the rest of your hair out of the braids. 
Looking down, you try to put the comb away, but once again, Simon's hand find its way around your neck. This time, grabbing your jaw to make you look away from you.
He hums as he draws circles on your jaw with his thumb and looks at your hair. “Quite pretty.” He admits and move your hair again to look back at him. “Quite pretty indeed.” 
There is a mischievous glint in his eyes that makes you feel trapped like a mouse in front of a cat. The air in the carriage begins to feel heavy, and the carriage itself feels smaller with each passing second. 
And almost like it was meant to be, the coachman stops the horses and the second the carriage stops moving, you jump off trying to take in the very much-needed air. 
“Damn, lassie, Ghostie here has ye losing yer breath?” Soap asks as he walks up to the carriage and sticks his head inside sending a wink to the Prince. “Cheeky bastard, can't wait for the honeymoon.”
“That’ll do.” The Prince says behind you smiling at Soap. 
You huff a breath looking around and that's when you notice the King looking at you and calling you closer. You walk up to him and look at his face, not seeing any of the anger and displeasure you have grown used to.
“Yes, your Majesty?” You ask, more curious than scared for the first time you talk to him.
“The owner of the local inn has heard about you coming and has offered us enough rooms for everyone. Simon and you in different rooms, we don't want any scandals do we?” He asks smiling softly. 
“I would very much like my own room, thanks.” You answer ignoring his innuendos. 
“Lovely, they are getting ready a feast for everyone. It seems like they are very excited to meet you, that's why we are spending the night here. Anything you want… ask anyone, I'm pretty sure they will be gladly to help.” He says pointing to the inn with his head. “Oh, and Princess… I wanted to remind you, that we are more powerful together than against each other, all right? Keep it in mind.” 
He picks up your hand, giving you a quick kiss on your knuckle without breaking eye contact and without another word, makes his way inside the inn. 
The first stop of the travel, and you are ready to go back home.
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facioleeknow · 7 months
hi!! saw that you're taking request!! how about something like jeonghan get annoyed by the reader because he thinks reader is too clingy lately so he decided to put some distance, end up with something bad happens to reader and he regrets everything he did? angst to fluff pls thank u so much 😭🫶
Hello, I hope you like this and I hope I did your request justice, I'm sorry for the delay it was a crazy week.
Tw: angst, not proofread, mean Jeonghan, men
Jeonghan was glaring at you. You brought him flowers, a beautiful and delicate bouquet made of pink and lilac flowers that complimented him wonderfully, and he was glaring at you.
 The new comeback was a success thanks to Woozi’s massive effort and the members enormous talent. God of Music was at the top of the charts everywhere and everybody was ecstatic, except your boyfriend apparently. His eyes bore into the side of your skull while you talked to Seungkwan and Vernon, making you fidgety and uncomfortable; even his members were starting to feel that something was wrong with the way he was basically stabbing you with his stare. This wasn't the normal jealousy that Jeonghan always showed when you were spending time with the members and not him.
“Come out for a second,” his stern tone made you slightly jump in your chair out of surprise, his slender fingers wrapped around your forearm tightly and pulled you away from the conversation hurriedly.
Outside of the dressing room Jeonghan loosened his grip on you and then let your forearm fall back into place. He let out a heavy sigh, his hand rose to pinch hard the bridge of his nose.
“Are you alright, honey?” you fussed, a hand coming to rest on his bicep. Jeonghan brushed your hand away and opened his eyes to stare at you. It wasn't a kind stare.
“Who told you to come here?”
Your words died in your throat, his tone was way too harsh and it did things, bad things, to your heart.
“I just thought it would be a good surprise, I'm sorry.”
You don't know what you were apologizing for but it was like a second instinct.
“God you're so clingy, I don't want you here, go home.”
His words shot right through you leaving you cold and empty. Tears started collecting in your eyes.
“Okay, I'll go home,” you whispered with a shaky voice. The bouquet you carefully selected fell on the floor (you actually had to suppress the urge to throw it at him but you were in public). Jeonghan’s eyes widened, realizing way too late what he had done but your eyes were on the floor and you couldn't see his guilty expression.
Everyone in the building was looking at you as you stomped out of the door and into the street. Your eyesight was blurry and your feet proceeded blindly along the sidewalk. Too engulfed in your own pain you didn't see the slightly uneven part of the sidewalk on your path.
Jeonghan went back into the dressing room with a face that spoke way more than words.
“You yelled at her,” said Wonwoo with a less than impressed face. Jeonghan sighed again and let himself fall on the small couch behind him.
“Hyung, you need to stop treating people badly when you're stressed, you know she's sensitive,”  Seungkwan side eyed him.
“I know, I know, I'm going to apologize right now.”
He took his phone out of his pocket and typed out a quick but meaningful text, hoping you would give him a chance to redeem himself but your answer never came.
Even after the show, no answer from you and Jeonghan was starting to worry. Anxiety bubbled in his chest with every breath he took. Just when he was about to ask Seungcheol if he could leave early to go looking for you, his phone screen lit up. It was you.
“Hello?” said Jeonghan urgently.
“I need you to pick me up,” you went straight to the point and didn't even greet him. Not good.
“Okay, where are you?” he asked while putting on a jacket.
“At the hospital. Hurry.”
Jeonghan's heart was at his feet, he had never driven that fast before but he still felt like time was running too fast. As soon as he entered the hospital he spotted you, in the waiting area with a cast on and a crutch. He jogged next to you, the same not impressed expression that Wonwoo always had on you as well, he must've taught you. 
“What happened?!” he asked a little too loudly.
“I broke my heel and then broke my ankle,” your voice was monotone. Really not good.
“You need to look where you're going baby,” he whined.
“I couldn't because I was crying, because someone thought it was fair to treat their girlfriend like trash,” you were definitely making a scene but you didn't care, you weren't the one that had to feel ashamed.
“Let's go to the car okay?” Jeonghan pleaded.
The silence inside the vehicle was defying.
“I'm sorry, I'm stressed and you know how I get when I'm stressed. I never meant to hurt you, that's the last thing I want to do, I would rather die than hurt you, baby. I swear that I'm working on it and it will never happen again. Give me one more chance,” his hand tentatively fell on your tigh and gave it a light squeeze. You just hummed.
“Will you forgive me?”
“Maybe if you buy me a milkshake I will consider it,” you mumbled. Jeonghan laughed, that cute laugh of his that always warmed your heart.
"One milkshake coming up."
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esperfruit · 24 days
Thomas & Friends Human AU reference sheets and bios part 2
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Darius Diesel
Age: 25
Height: 180 cm
Born into an infamous crime family as the nephew of the organization’s leader Adrean Diesel also known as Diesel 10. His parents’ plan was to raise him like a normal child until he was old enough to be introduced into the business but their plan was cut short as they were killed in a confrontation with the police when Darius was eight years old. Now in the care of Diesel 10, he was brought into the life of crime at an early age. It turned out Darius had a talent in deceiving others with his charisma, good acting and tricky lies. He was usually used to scam others or lead targets of the organization into traps. His success quickly earned him the nickname “Devious Diesel”.
Even if he is usually focused on trickery, he can also fight and has gotten into many brawls. His coaches for his training in combat are his two bodyguards, the twins Arry and Bert.
Receiving nothing but praise and admiration for his deeds let him become very prideful and arrogant. Meanwhile Diesel got into goth fashion and became interested in technology but only in the “fun” aspects like editing programs, filming and games, fully fascinated by their possibilities and history of revolutionizing entertainment. These were the only things he could spend his free time on as his abrasive, devious attitude and being in a criminal syndicate made it near to impossible for him to find any friends.
Diesel barely respected anyone with Diesel 10 being one of the few and it was more fear than respect as despite being praised and rewarded, Darius was still treated very roughly by his uncle and is fully aware of his cruelty.
When Diesel 10 learned about a powerful, mysterious entity called “Lady” on Sodor, he sent Darius there to gather information. On his first day Diesel wanted to make a good first impression to get on good terms with the people but was foiled by Duck, who humiliated him, that spiraling into a strong enmity between the two. 
Even after his true nature as a devious schemer was revealed, he didn’t give up on his mission. Now he also interacted with others unmasked what got him to face consequences for his actions, something he never did before, starting to wonder if he was doing something wrong.
Because he took too long, Diesel 10 sent Arry and Bert as support and later even arrived himself to find and catch Lady. The culmination of everything resulting from this was that Diesel was so shaken, he could not stay with his uncle and his organization anymore. With no place to stay, Sir Topham Hatt offered him a permanent stay under the condition, Diesel shows effort to redeem himself. It was way easier said than done because Diesel struggled changing his behavior, regulating his emotions and growing out of bad habits but he does show good progress thanks to the kindness and acceptance of Paxton and Mavis, an in-depth talk with Daisy, a deep connection he formed with the like-minded Sonny and his own determination.
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Scott “Flying Scotsman�� Gresley
Age: 49
Height: 206 cm
Gordon’s older brother and the current heir to the Gresley main family business empire. Polite, accommodating and proud, Scott takes his duties very seriously and always wears a bright smile in front of others. Scott loved all of his siblings and was devastated when he lost all of them but one, Gordon. When they were children, Scott always protected Gordon from Spencer bullying him and after the accident, he looked after his younger sibling even more than before. Knowing that they were the only two members of the main family left and just how dangerous that was, Scott supported Gordon going to Sodor, which would keep him out of the family crossfire while he himself took on the position of the heir.
Scott knew how to look out for himself and built himself a good and stable position with many trustworthy connections. His new position made him realize even more just how fundamentally dysfunctional and toxic the Gresley family was but he tried everything to fix as much as possible with little results. During all of that he also started to wonder if the accident that robbed him of almost all his loved ones may have been not an accident after all…
To make matters worse his relationship with Gordon had been crumbling since the accident and seeing his little brother change so much for the worse, deeply saddened Scott. 
The brothers rarely see each other and when Scott finally got some time to visit Sodor, he put on his most light-hearted demeanor and affectionately teased Gordon by calling him “Little Brother” like he always did. In the end the brothers were able to improve their relationship and Scott is happy that Gordon is surrounded by so many great people. 
To the contrary to Gordon, who always carries a frown but has great company, the ever so jolly and cheerful Scott is very lonely due to his position that keeps him busy and on edge all the time. He tries to get into hobbies to bring light to his situation, one of his hobbies being steam engines. 
The pinnacle of his passion for them was his purchase of the world-famous engine Flying Scotsman. It made world-wide news and people started to call Scott himself Flying Scotsman thanks to the ironic correlation between his name and that of the engine’s. He allows Flying Scotsman to still work for the public but Scotsman is still his private engine. Another glimmer of light was when he met Truro West, who was Great Western, part of a rival family to the Gresleys and ironically the owner of City of Truro. The two were practically meant to be mortal enemies but instead were very fond of each other, so much in fact they even got into a relationship they both kept secret to prevent a scandal.
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Spencer Gresley
Age: 42
Height: 206 cm
Second oldest son of the one Gresley branch family closest to the main family and Gordon’s cousin. Under his siblings, he holds the strongest grudge against his older brother Mallard, who became the heir to their business instead of him. Spencer fully embraces the elitist mentality of the Gresleys, thinking it’s his birthright to be better than everyone and to be treated that way. He is vain, cocky, pompous, egocentric and has zero tolerance for any form of opposition, especially the kind that questions his feeling of superiority. He dresses very extravagantly, and wears the so-called “Streamline” hairstyle, where Gresleys put their different-colored highlights to the forefront.
Spencer also is very short-tempered and can fall into fits of rage when being provoked, getting physically violent is nothing new to him. Ironically he loves provoking others by talking down to them, making them and their loved-ones feel worthless or showing off as a form of asserting dominance and for his enjoyment of picking on those he sees as worthless. he has a hidden, deeply sadistic and malicious side only very few people know about as he tries to keep it secret to protect his image. 
In order to increase his influence, he got close to the Duke and Duchess of Boxford and directly works under them, carrying the position with utmost pride and loves to brag about it. Spencer would do anything for power, engaging in shady businesses and cooperating with the worst kind of people to get his way. All of this being kept under the rug using his wealth and status to their fullest.
Convinced everyone below the elite is just an insect, everyone denying it being just as worthless and that you must win using every dirty trick in the book, even if it hurts others, Spencer embodies everything wrong with the Gresleys.
His cruelty knows no limits as he cheered for the death of the main family and being frustrated over the two survivors, loves abusing others to feel stronger and he is fully willing to kill another person with no remorse as he tried with Hiro. His malice especially manifests in the form of his undying and deep-rooted hatred for Gordon. From childhood on Spencer already loved picking on his cousin and causing him pain. He always hated Gordon for being the same age and height as him while in the same position as him but in the main family instead, for surviving the accident, his pompous attitude, stubbornness, charisma and for avoiding the Gresleys.
Spencer swore to himself to destroy Gordon and to take everything away from him.
One idea he had for that was to get into a relationship with one of his closest friends, Henry, and to break him right under Gordon’s nose. While just being a tool to hurt Gordon, Spencer did enjoy dating Henry in his own twisted way. Loving to exploit Henry’s insecurities to control and abuse him physically and emotionally. This only ended when Henry got help from his friends to end it with Spencer, much to the latters dismay, especially with Gordon’s involvement in helping Henry. Still, Spencer gets a kick out of reminding Henry of their past relationship every time they cross paths.
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Ryan Gresley
Age: 23
Height: 174 cm
Part of a Gresley branch family and Gordon’s great cousin. He grew up like every Gresley, under strict tutoring and attending a prestige academy. Ryan is rather modest and never liked those fancy, elite institutions and had poor grades on purpose that were just enough for passing the classes. Fully aware of how messed-up his family is, he tries his best to distance himself from them, openly avoiding any involvement with their businesses, following his passion on becoming a star track athlete instead. This leads to him being ostracized and ridiculed by his relatives, even his own parents and siblings.
Ryan is a very friendly, understanding and gentle young man, who just wants to live his life but also a massive pushover, who had almost given in on throwing away his dreams for the Gresley business multiple times but he persevered.
He decided to visit Gordon, another Gresley that wanted to distance himself from the family drama. They never met before so their first encounter was rather awkward and it also was during a stressful time on the island too. In that time Ryan also got into trouble with Thomas, who was in big trouble with Sir Topham Hatt himself. The two made amends and worked together to stop a pirate from stealing a treasure and became friends afterwards.
His kindness and his lack of a backbone makes him fall victim to the more mischievous people on Sodor, Bill, Ben and Diesel especially, Daisy also likes teasing him but it is more in an affectionate manner.
Ryan managed to bond with Gordon over their shared feelings of their family and he started to really admire him. He was especially touched when Gordon openly showed support for Ryan’s dream.
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Sonny Evans
Age: 24
Height: 178 cm
An orphan, who was taken in by a smuggling ring. Sonny was trained in combat from childhood alongside other skills needed in that field. He was sent to Sodor for a mission alongside his two superior’s Baz and Bernie, who treated Sonny very poorly during that time. Trained to never question his superiors, he took the mistreatment despite his inner protests. In order to get more information, he was ordered to apply himself to work for Sir Topham Hatt and succeeded. 
Many were suspicious of him as he was gruff, rude, a loner and had something sinister in him according to the people he reluctantly interacted with. However, he started to warm-up to the people, who treated him like a normal person and he liked receiving praise for normal, non-illegal jobs. But when the time of their mission had arrived Sonny was doubtful, fighting with his implanted teaching to always obey.
He was found by Diesel, who still had to figure himself out after he left the organization he was part of. It was Diesel’s words that got through Sonny and gave him the necessary push to finally turn on the smuggling ring. He helped arrest Baz, Bernie and other henchmen, who sneaked on the island over time.
Thanks to Diesel’s help, Sonny’s involvement was completely covered up and he was allowed to stay. Unfortunately, his reputation has been ruined and most do not trust him anymore. He has to prove to everyone he changed and must not allow himself any mishaps. Sonny formed a close bond with Diesel due to their similar backgrounds and the fact that Diesel at the time was the only one who still trusted him. It took some time and help from Diesel but he managed to regain everybody’s acceptance after all.
Sonny still struggles with expressing himself in a socially appropriate way and to form bonds with others but he takes his second chance at life very seriously and always tries his best to improve himself.
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Hiro Kawasaki
Age: 62 (at disappearance)
Height: 196 cm
A genius engineer from Japan carrying the title “Master of the Railway”, who visited Sodor many years ago to expand his horizons. He helped develop the island's railway system with his rich ideas, good advice and creativity. One night he went outside to get a clear head and spotted a mysterious figure in gold walking in the woods. The figure was so captivating, he couldn’t help but to follow it and find out what it was. The last thing he could remember was how he was veiled in a golden dust and fell unconscious. When he woke up he was found by a young boy named Thomas, who told him a golden whistle he had with him started to glow and Hiro appeared out of nowhere. 
Hiro soon learned he had disappeared from this world for multiple decades in a form of magical cryosleep and should long be dead by now. He also learned he is a paradox, someone who shouldn’t exist anymore but still does, a spirit from the past trapped in the present with a body given by gold dust. The most notable trait his body gave him was the inability to feel physical touch, including pain. It had its advantages but it made him feel his whole existence to be unnatural and wrong even more.  
Understanding he did not belong in this world anymore, he wished to return his soul to his home to rest. Shortly after Hiro was brought out of the hidden woods, he was introduced to the people of present Sodor. His politeness, calm and mature nature and dignified behavior made him very liked by everyone immediately, everyone but Spencer, who came to visit Sodor.
For reasons unbeknownst to everyone at the time, Spencer wanted to kill Hiro at all cost and almost succeeded if it weren’t for Thomas and the others protecting him, finding out that despite being a spirit, he still had a form of mortality. Hiro does not hold grudges and was ready to forgive Spencer and tried to make up with him regardless of everyone's protests. But they couldn’t become friends due to Spencer’s malice.
As much as he wants to go back home, he knows only on Sodor, where he was turned into a tangible spirit, he can find the solution to his problem. Meanwhile, he wants to accompany Thomas on his quest of unveiling the secret of the Golden Whistle as it can help them both.
Hiro offers assistance wherever he can using his wisdom and unbreakable spirit. He formed very close bonds with the people of Sodor, especially his little hero Thomas and the gentle giant Henry, who Hiro even surpasses in strength despite his age. 
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Bill and Ben Bagnall
Age: 12 (Bill is the older twin by 10 minutes)
Height: 140 cm
A pair of twins that arrived on Sodor with their father Boris when they were five years old. Both are very mischievous, love pulling pranks on others or giving snarky remarks that can become quite morbid even. They are such troublemakers that people like Gordon call them “little demons”. They do all of this due to their lack of maturity and simply because they find it funny. They go to the same school as Thomas and Percy, who are their upperclassmen but they barely interact as even these cheeky teens are annoyed by the twins. Bill and Ben love picking on those older and bigger than them but they are ready to form temporary alliances with those if it means they can get an even better laugh out of a good prank through it.
Their habit of actively not listening to any adult that was not their father or Edward had driven many of their teachers mad and they serve as a visual reminder on how Thomas used to be and not to return to that.
The youthful pair may do anything together but their equal hot-headedness leads them to get into argumentative feuds that have to be resolved by BoCo. They often get compared to another pair of twins, that being Donald and Douglas and are told to take them as inspiration on how to be. That leads to Bill and Ben developing a strong resentment towards the Scottish Twins which grows even stronger by the fact that Donald and Douglas seem to be completely unaffected by their pranks and remarks and even outplay the younger twins every time.
The two lacked any form of self-reflection or fear of consequences until one prank they played threatened to get their father fired. They did everything in their power to make things right again, even asking, more begging, others for help. After everything was fixed again and BoCo could keep his job, they apologized to BoCo under tears, who then embraced his sons in a tight hug. 
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Boris “BoCo” Bagnall
Age: 52
Height: 189 cm
Boris or “BoCo” moved to Sodor 7 years ago with his twin sons and quickly integrated himself with the community, getting along very well with Edward, frequently working with him. He is sensible, kind and has a good sense of humor. But he is also not afraid of speaking his mind and is very good at shutting people up with witty comebacks, something he had to learn when he had to deal with his mischievous sons. BoCo and Duck were the ones to make sure Edward would be welcomed back with respect when he was released from the hospital after his dangerous but heroic exploit. 
He also has clever ideas especially on how to make Bill and Ben behave for the moment or let them make up after an argument for example giving them tasks they could only solve together. Unfortunately he often has to take the blame for Bill and Ben’s misbehavior as they come to his workplace after school and cause trouble.
BoCo may be frustrated with their antics from time to time especially after the loss of his wife but he truly loves his sons and knows they actually are good boys.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
fool for you ~ jjk | final
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you have to decide if jeon jungkook is perfectly wrong for you.
✨ title: fool for you | ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader ✨ word count: 7.7k | ✨ rating: R ✨ genre/au: romance, light angst, fluff | college, fake dating, strangers to friends to lovers ✨ warnings: language, jk is a sweet dummy, but we love him anyway, jieun is just as insecure as reader and jungkook (yes, i'm trying to make y'all feel bad for her), confessions, taehyung's a good friend, time skip, jin's shoulders (you'll understand when you see the photo), yoongi shows up again, kissing, making out, marking, a smol, not so smol erection 🙈, groping, touching ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: okay, so, i'm just not happy with how this fic went T_T i literally have no one to blame but myself! the end of part 4 was actually never supposed to happen, but i wrote it in anyway *facepalm* i was stressed for days bc i'm like how do i redeem this cute, fluffy couple?? *sigh* but i tried my best(?), and i *do* explain why jk did what he did, and if you don't like it, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk what to tell you. anyway, sorry for the rant, but i just wanted to thank @here4btsfics for listening to me ramble about this fic and talking me through some plot points. ily. ✨ a/n 2: this is also not beta'd bc well, i'm impatient af. so if you see typos, that's why lol. ✨ if y'all want any cute or smutty (must be off anon) drabbles with this couple, just drop it in my inbox :) ✨ Any feedback, reblogs, and asks are appreciated.
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Jungkook was ashamed of his actions at the carnival. It wasn't fair that he kept the kissing booth from you. Instead of letting it unravel as it did, he should have told you the truth. He didn't want to do what 'old Jungkook' would have done to make Jieun jealous. Because you had nothing in common with her. You were thoughtful and generous. And he realized he was bringing out a side of you you didn't know you had until he showed up - and that wasn't fair.
But he did enjoy that you took ownership of him, dragging him away from the line of girls. That was sexy for him, but that's beside the point. He made a mistake and needed to make amends before it was too late.
So, he got up early and put on some decent clothing besides his standard oversized shirt and sweats. He double-checked his reflection in the mirror. Before opening the door, he tugged at the collar of the brown flannel and flattened the black slacks. However, he was greeted by none other than his ex.
"What are you doing here?" he deadpanned.
Jieun somehow looked like shit today. With barely there makeup, hair in a bun, an oversized hoodie, and leggings. "Can we talk?"
He stepped through the threshold, closed the door behind him, waited for her to continue, and was displeased to see her.
Jungkook eyebrows knitted together in confusion, thinking okay, then leave.
"I'm moving back to New York." Jieun had mentioned it when they were still together, but she never made the decision.
"'Kay, have a safe trip then," he mumbled, stepping aside from her. He had places to go anyway.
Jieun put her hand out to stop him. "Kook–we're going to leave things like this?"
Jungkook clicked his tongue. "What do you want me to say, Jieun?"
She shrugged. "I don't know…are you going to miss me? Us? The way we used to be?" Jieun had been kicking herself ever since she had slept with Jimin. She had no idea how lucky she was with Jungkook. She was certain she had lost him and could not get him back. She reasoned that the best way to let go of Jungkook was to start over in a new city, far away from all the pain and suffering she had caused.
Jungkook wasn't made of stone. He'd been with her for a year. Although their relationship was mostly physical, they had fun together. She was fun to party and sleep with, but he couldn't see himself with her in the future. Their relationship was never more than that. Was he to blame? Hers? Perhaps both. Could it be that they hadn't met the right person with whom to do all that 'relationship' stuff?
He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." Jungkook didn't want to be a jerk. After the fiasco with her and Jimin, many of her friends completely abandoned her. He could tell she was lonely.
Jieun chuckled, reaching for the fuzzy pink bunny keychain attached to his keys. "Remember when you tried so hard to win that for me?"
Jungkook peered at the keys in his hand.
"Was that our first date?"
Jungkook nodded.
"You spent so much money. And I swear that game's rigged, plus that guy wasn't letting you off the hook either," the two of you chuckled at the memory.
"And then at the end, when you won it, you said you worked so hard for it that you were going to keep it." She leaned over, trying to catch his gaze. "See, we did have fun together."
He wasn't sure where she was going with this. Maybe she needed some sort of forgiveness or closure from him to move on with a new chapter of her life.
"I know you hate me, Kookie—"
Jungkook interrupted. "I don't hate you." Even though she has hurt him, he does not believe he will ever hate her, and he will never in his heart hate anyone. "I was upset and hurt, but I could never hate you."
With the number of women Jungkook had dated, one would think he was a fuckboy, but he was quite the opposite. He was always true to the person he was dating, which was one of many lessons his parents taught him.
Jieun smiled half-heartedly. "Kook, you're only saying that because you have a good heart. That is one of the many reasons I will never forget you." She moved in closer, fiddling with his shirt collar. "I know you don't owe me anything, but can I ask one thing from you, and then I promise you'll never have to see me again?"
Was she really going to be out of his life for good? She'd been a menace since she saw you and Jungkook together. But, out of the goodness of his heart, he would trust her one more time. "What is it?"
"Can you kiss me like you mean it?"
Jungkook let out a scoff. "Are you kidding me?"
After everything she's put him through, she dared to ask this of him. Jieun was at the top, having everything handed to her on a silver platter. Only now to be at the bottom, searching for anyone to talk to her. So Jungkook was her last resort because she knew he had a good heart even though she had hurt him.
"I know it's stupid to ask of you, but I love you, Kook. I just…I just want to remember us–you like how we used to be, you know…before…." She paused, not wanting to bring up her infidelity again. Her guilty conscience ate her alive, sucking her in like there was no tomorrow. She knew she messed up a good thing when she asked Jungkook to kiss her, going in knowing he'd say no, but she couldn't help but try.
"If I do this, you'll stop trying to come between Y/n and me?" Jungkook didn't know for sure if she'd go back on her word. But considering she was moving back to New York, he was putting his faith and trust in her.
She extended her pinky, hoping he'd reciprocate. He hesitated but chose the kiss over the pinky promise. He kissed her but felt nothing because he didn't have feelings for her—it was you. Jungkook knew he'd have to tell you about Jieun's kiss. He knew telling you was risky, but he'd rather tell you the truth than a lie.
Jungkook pulled away, cupping her face, gazing into her eyes one last time. "Goodbye, Jieun."
Jieun began to back away. He quickly opened the door to his room, closed his eyes, and exhaled deeply. He now had to find the strength to tell you he had kissed his ex and then confess his feelings. He anticipated you to reject him and move on.
Jieun noticed you approaching as she walked to the hall entrance. Jealousy resurfaced in her body as she realized she'd never get back on Jungkook's good side. Jieun did what she was good at—-she mocked you, saying you'd lost. But she was only saying those things to make herself feel better, even though she was miserable. She was well aware that she couldn't compete with you. Jungkook had fallen head over heels when she saw you kiss him at the party. She wished you would treat Jungkook a million times better than she could.
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"I might kiss you," he whispered.
"I might just let you."
Every fiber of Jungkook's wanted to kiss every inch of you. Wanted to know your ins and outs, wanted to see what you loved, what your body craved, but he stopped himself. He thought, what was he doing? This isn't how he wanted to treat you. He wanted to treat you better than anyone he's been with before.
"I'm sorry… I'm sorry. I'm being stupid and selfish and thinking with my dick instead of my head," he said, pulling back from you.
You couldn't believe how much you wanted to kiss him despite knowing he had kissed his ex-girlfriend. You hadn't even bothered to ask why he did it. "We're both stupid," your voice trembling, "I just saw you kissing your ex, and now I'm about to kiss you as well. I should...I should leave," you said as you turned to unlock the doorknob.
"Wait–do you even want to hear my explanation?"
You sighed, turning back to him. "What's there to explain Jungkook? You'll always be with girls like Jieun, and I'm not in her league. So I understand if you want to rekindle your relationship with her. People like you deserve to be together."
"So, you won't even give me a chance to explain? And what do you mean, people like us deserve to be together?"
"It's nothing–I…should go before I say something I regret."
"I was kissing her goodbye!" Jungkook cried out because he felt you would leave before he could explain himself.
You shook your head and scoffed. "That's some goodbye kiss. Bye, Jungkook."
"Look, I know you don't owe me anything, but can we just talk about this?"
You weren't sure what else there was to explain. This all started because you decided to shoot your shot with Jungkook. Then agreed to be his fake girlfriend and ended up liking him because he seemed like a decent enough guy. But in the end, it was you who was a fool.
If Jungkook truly cared about you as a friend, he would have told you about the kissing booth. He wouldn't have kissed all those girls in front of you if he was a good fake boyfriend.
But unfortunately, he was neither of those.
"You wanna talk?" you took a step toward him, pressing your hand on his chest, pushing him back. "Let's talk."
Jungkook was taken aback by your sudden boldness. He walked backward until he hit his bed and sat down.
"You could've told me about the kissing booth–as your fake girlfriend, that was unfair. Why are we pretending to date if you want to go around kissing other girls? If you were sucking faces with other girls, Jieun might not have cared, but I'm not her, and I care. I understand you had unfinished business with Jieun, but did you have to kiss her too? I was naïve to believe I could be friends with you because I didn't know who I was kidding when I tried to separate my romantic feelings from you. And, despite my best efforts, I fell for you."
Jungkook had previously had girls confess their feelings for him, but this was different. This felt real---genuine. You sounded like you were speaking from the heart. He's never had a confession like that before. After hearing everything, a part of him wanted to flee. He was afraid of not being good enough for you, especially after his actions. You deserved better than anything he could ever give you. He had no idea what you saw in him.
You stared at Jungkook and then at the floor, waiting for him to say something. "Well, you said you wanted to talk."
He paused to gather his thoughts before moving toward you while maintaining his distance. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his hands were sweating profusely. He was never good at having deep conversations.
"I'm sorry for not telling you about the kissing booth. I did it to make you jealous, to see how far you would go for me. I know it's stupid—you don't have to tell me twice."
Your eyes caught his for just a moment before looking away.
Jungkook let out a sigh. "I'm also sorry about Jieun. I won’t try to explain it further because I should have said no to her. But I was on my way to see you before she arrived. I came to tell you how much I like you and how I'm afraid of being in a real relationship because I'm afraid I'll mess up. And getting to know you over the last few weeks has made me realize you're far too good for me. That you are deserving of better than anything I could ever offer. I understand if you don't want to be friends or see me again, but I felt you should know how I felt about you."
His doe eyes explored your face trying to figure out what you were thinking. "So, what now?"
You shrugged. "I don't know, Jungkook. This whole thing is a mess." He nodded. "Maybe we should just stay friends."
"You still want to hang out with me?"
"Not like how we used to. At least for a little bit."
You needed time to recover. To keep your distance from Jungkook. To regain your footing. Get in the right frame of mind because everything Jeon Jungkook has clouded your judgment.
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Everyone had final exams and presentations during the last week of school before the summer break. Fortunately, you only had one more exam before finishing your junior year.
It was a beautiful day to sit outside and study for your exam, so you did just that. You sat down beneath your favorite oak tree on campus, took out your world-lit book and notes, and flipped through your scribbled notes.
You looked up to see Taehyung running over to you. Great, now what? You thought. "Hey," you replied, thinking you should be nice.
"Where are you headed for the summer?" he asked, inviting himself to sit next to you.
You found it odd because he's never struck up a conversation with you before. "I'm heading to my Aunt's in San Francisco," you said reluctantly, wondering where he was going with all of this.
You set down your book and notes, glaring at him." Why are you here, Taehyung?"
"Damn–a guy can't be curious? Sheesh–what's got your panties in a twist?" Taehyung cocked his brow.
You deadpanned, waiting for him to explain why he was talking to you.
"Okay–I'm here to talk about Jungkook."
You continued to stare blankly at him. You needed to understand what Jungkook had to do with anything. It's been a week since you last saw or spoke to him. You two agreed just to be friends and nothing else.
Taehyung cleared his throat, adjusting his position. "I need you to take him back."
"What? What do you mean?"
"He's been mopey and lovesick ever since you stopped dating. It's quite sickening to see it unfold in front of my eyes. All he can think about is how much he misses you, how much he misses hanging out with you, how much he misses this and that. He literally wears your hair tie as jewelry around his wrist. When you think about it, it's kind of creepy." For a brief moment, he looked off into the distance. "Anyway–all this to say is, for the love of god, please get back together with him. I can't stand him being like this anymore. I'm gonna fucking scream."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his request. It's strange how the tables have flipped. You were head over heels in love with Jungkook, and now you were the polar opposite. Granted, you were still trying to suppress your feelings for him, but hearing him be so lovesick over you made your heart skip a beat.
"He didn't tell you, did he?"
"Tell me what? That you guys were fake dating? He told me what went down after the kissing booth. I told him he was dumb for kissing all those girls if he really liked you, told him he should've just been honest with you from the get-go."
Wow–you definitely weren't expecting this conversation when Taehyung sat down next to you.
"Did Jungkook tell you to say all of this?"
Taehyung gave you a funny look. "What? No. I came here on my own accord. Just because I like to party and sleep around doesn't mean I don't care about my friends. Jungkook has always been there for me when I needed him, so I'm returning the favor. You can accept it as is or continue to make assumptions about my intentions."
"Sorry," you mumbled, "I hope you understand why I'm cautious about everything. But you understand why, right?"
"I get it. Jungkook hurt you by not being upfront about his feelings, but it's never too late to start over again."
"You're a good friend, Taehyung."
He flashed a boxy smile at you. "I know."
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Arriving back at your dorm after dinner, you couldn’t stop thinking about your conversation with Taehyung. Your heart wanted to forgive Jungkook right away, but your head told you to slow down because that's how you got into trouble in the first place.
Your room was empty due to you and Lyla’s things being packed up and stored for the summer. Laying on your bed, a ding from your phone went off.
Jungkook 9:27 PM Hey. When are you leaving?
You 9:28 PM I’m leaving tomorrow. My flight is at 2.
Jungkook 9:29 PM Is it okay if I talk to you tomorrow before you leave?
You 9:30 PM Yeah. Meet me outside of my hall. Around 10?
Jungkook 9:31 PM Great! I’ll see you then!
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The following morning, you woke up extra early to prepare for whatever Jungkook needed to talk to you about. You stood in front of the mirror, telling yourself, 'No' several times.
"What are you doing, weirdo?" Lyla asked as she came in, brushing past you to get her toothbrush.
"I'm hyping myself up to say no to Jungkook."
Lyla snickered, putting toothpaste on her toothbrush. "Uh-huh. Good luck with that, babe."
"You're very encouraging. Thanks," you said sarcastically.
She placed a kiss on your cheek before beginning to brush. "You're very welcome!"
You could see Jungkook waiting outside your hall's lobby as you walked through it. One thing you liked about him was that he was always on time. When you opened the door, it creaked loudly, alerting him to your presence.
Jungkook peered at you, sending a soft smile. "Hey."
"Hi," you answered with a thin smile, standing next to him.
"You look beautiful today."
Jungkook looked effortlessly good. He could never look bad if you were honest. He could wear a garbage bag, and you'd be on your knees. Today, however, he wore a blue and white windbreaker with a white tee and ripped jeans. You wished things had gone differently for the two of you.
You crossed your arms and mumbled, 'thank you,' curious why he wanted to talk. Perhaps he was trying one last time to convince you to be more than just friends. You'd think about it, but that was your heart, not your head. You knew better, and you'd been practicing saying one word, two letters, and 'no' all morning.
"You wanted to talk to me about something?"
"Yeah, um, I know we're just gonna be friends, and I'm totally cool with that,  but I was wondering if you'd mind if I texted you this summer? Not all the time, but occasionally, just to check in on you and stuff?"
Okay, you thought. This is progress. You could do this–texting. It was pretty harmless, right? And it'd only be once in a while. Because one thing was for sure, you didn't want to go all heart eyes for him so quickly.
"Yeah, I think that'd be okay." Jungkook beamed when you said okay. "And where will you be this summer?"
"I'll be at my uncle's in Seattle. Gonna spend time with him and my Aunt. You should come to visit." You let out a chuckle, and then Jungkook realized what he had asked of you. "Sorry–I'm getting ahead of myself there."
"'S okay," you said. You found Jungkook's eagerness adorable. "Anything else?" You were hoping that was the only thing because you feared the longer you were in his presence, the more you'd want to give in to him.
"I hope you have a good summer," he said, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets and glancing at you.
"I'll talk to you soon?"
You nodded, watching him walk away ahead of you. "Jungkook!" He turned around, his doe eyes wide open. It took everything you had not to say everything that was on your mind, but you had to bite your tongue. "Have a good summer."
His dimple was deeply etched into the softness of his cheek, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile. He gave one last wave before departing.
When he was out of sight, you breathed a sigh of relief. Wanting to pat yourself on the back because you didn't let on more than you should. Your answers to his questions were short and concise, without hounding for more. Whew.
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~ One month later ~ 
Staying at your Aunt's was great. You loved San Francisco. It was a completely different vibe from southern California. The weather was breezy, the sun was always out, and there were many things to do in the Bay Area.
Halfway into the month and you hadn't heard anything from Jungkook. It's not like you were jumping at every notification when your phone buzzed, but he did say he would text you.
"Why do you keep looking at your phone?" Your Aunt Jo asked, peering at your screen.
You flipped your phone over to hide your lock screen. "I'm not," you countered.
"You're waiting on a boy, aren't you?"
Flashing a thin smile, you quipped back at her. "I'm not."
"He'll call you, don't worry so much. It always happens when you're least expecting it."
Your Aunt's had her fair share of men and women, and tonight was no different. The new guy she was seeing insisted on cooking for her.
"Aunt Jo–how do you meet these guys?" you asked, wanting to know her secret. The new guy, Jin, was young, tall, handsome, and a chef in town with a hot new restaurant.
"Friend of a friend," she said with a cheeky smile. "He's cute, isn't he?"
You couldn't help but give him a once-over. Those shoulders were big enough to land a plane. You shielded your mouth with your hand, whispering, "Super cute."
"Okay, ladies. Are you ready to try my famous dish?" Jin asked, bringing over two plates with seared scallops on a bed of quinoa, apple salad, and butternut squash puree. You'd never had anything this fancy before.
"Thank you, baby," Aunt Jo flirted at the handsome man, reaching for a kiss, which he reciprocated.
A ding from your phone resounded through the kitchen. You eagerly reached for it but stopped yourself.
"You're not gonna see if it's your boyfriend?" Aunt Jo teased before taking a bite of her scallop. She groaned at the heavenly taste.
It was going to bug you if you didn't check. You grabbed your phone and nothing but a measly email. You're not sure why you were getting so worked up. You were the one that told Jungkook you only wanted to be friends, but here you were, glued to your phone in case he texted.
You sighed, trying to get a grip. You had integrity and dignity, and you weren't going to break down just because a boy hadn't texted you.
So, instead, you opened up your camera, taking a picture of this beautiful dinner. Then just as Aunt Jo had said, another ding indicating a picture message was sent to you.
Clicking on the bubble, it was a message from Jungkook.
Jungkook 7:36 PM This corn dog isn't as good as the one we had at the pier.
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You 7:37 PM
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Jungkook 7:38 PM Where's the rest of the entree?!
You 7:39 PM wdym?? 😂 That's it!
Jungkook 7:40 PM You should demand to get your money back. You were scammed.
You 7:41 PM This is fine dining! My aunt's boyfriend made this. He's a chef at a place called Trestle.
Jungkook 7:41 PM Fine dining, hmm? You like that stuff?
You 7:42 PM Idk. Never really cared for the finer things in life.
Jungkook 7:43 PM I'm offended! What about me?
You 7:43 PM 😂 Are you trying to get me to compliment you?
Jungkook 7:44 PM 😎
You 7:45 PM 😒 You're okay-looking. You should see my aunt's boyfriend. He's mighty fine.
"Earth to my favorite niece in the whole wide world! Remember to eat! You've been smiling ever since you picked up your phone."
"Have not!" you protested.
"My Jin can attest to that. Can't you?"
"Jojo is right. You've been smiling like a creepy doll and have yet to try my food, and that's an insult to me," Jin teased.
"Let me take a picture of you." Jin turned to you, giving you a smolder and pouty lips. "Thanks!" you said, returning to your phone.
"Wait–wait! Jinnie, take your shirt off!" Jo cried as Jin turned back around.
"Aunt Jo!"
"If you're going to make this boy jealous, might as well do it right." Your aunt gave her boyfriend a pouty face and he willingly did what she asked. He tugged his shirt off, telling you to get his best side, which apparently was his back side. And well, you couldn't disagree. Jungkook would definitely be jealous of Jin's worldwide shoulders.
You 7:50 PM
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You 7:51 PM Blame my Aunt Jo. She suggested it. Anywho, time for dessert now. Byeee.
You have yet to hear back the rest of the night from Jungkook. It was good for you to be the first to end the conversation because, knowing you, you could text him all night, which would defeat the purpose of just being friends. You wanted to be cautious about becoming friends with him because it was all too easy to cross the line again.
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~ Two months later ~
Texts with Jungkook were simple, a little flirty, but nothing more than that. He'd send you random pictures of things he was doing or food he'd be eating, and you did the same. Harmless and cute. Distance from him was a good thing, keeping you from getting in trouble.
Your goal this summer was to explore new things to do and see in San Francisco. Your Aunt and Jin helped by giving you a bucket list.
On today's list was Alcatraz. You weren't a fan of boats, but it was the only way to get onto the island. The nice thing was you had a friend to accompany you on this trip. Yoongi made a surprise visit, checking out a doctorate program in the area. He mentioned wanting to check it when he was your TA, so you thought it'd be fun to explore with him.
Jungkook 1:11 PM Made it to the gum wall.
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You 1:20 PM 🤢 Don't get sick. Did you put one on there too?
Jungkook 1:21 PM 😎 Ofc I did. What's your view rn?
You 1:23 PM
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Jungkook 1:24 PM Fun. You have a visitor today?
You 1:30 PM Yeah, he's checking out another school here.
Jungkook 1:31 PM Cool. Have fun!
"Who's that? Lover boy?" Yoongi teased.
You glared, tucking your phone away in your back pocket. "I don't have a lover boy," you huffed at him.
"What happened with you two, anyway?"
You shrugged, not really wanting to go into detail about your whole ordeal with Jungkook. What happened, happened and now the two of you were just friends.
"Well, whatever happened, just don't be so hard on yourself. You both probably screwed up, and neither of you is perfect, so learn from it and move on," Yoongi said casually, moving on with the rest of the tour group.
Shaking your head, you chuckled at his words. He was never a man of many words but you appreciate him for caring about you.
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~ Three months later ~
You 10:27 AM
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What's good here?
Jungkook 10:30 AM
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What's good here? You're in Seattle? 🥲
You 10:32 AM YOU'RE IN SF?! 😩 This is like a missed connections ads lol
Jungkook 10:33 AM I guess this is what happens when all we do is send pictures, huh? 😅
You 10:34 AM Guess so lol
Jungkook 10:35 AM Have fun in Seattle.
You 10:36 AM Have fun in SF. I'll see you when we get back to school?
Jungkook 10:36 AM Definitely 💛
"What happened? You look sad," Aunt Jo mentioned when she saw the frown on your face.
"Oh, it's nothing," you stated with a wry smile, stuffing your phone in your bag. Today was not about you. It was about Jin.
"Were you expecting to see your boy while we were here?"
You rolled your eyes at her. No, you weren't expecting to see Jungkook because you assumed he'd be as busy as you were. Aunt Jo invited you to accompany her to Jin's new restaurant in Seattle, and you jumped at the chance. Okay, so you thought there was a chance you'd see Jungkook while in town. Unfortunately, luck was not on your side.
"I–no–I mean, maybe."
Aunt Jo stood before you, raising your chin and forcing you to look at her. "Sweetheart, it's okay to miss him or want to see him even though he hurt you. It's only natural, and you can't deny what your heart wants."
"Exactly–" Jin interrupted, "The heart wants what it wants," he said, kissing Aunt Jo's cheek from behind.
You debated if you should text him back, but what would it do? What would you even say? Hey, after thinking about it, I kind of wanna be more than friends? You were the one that initiated being friends again. What kind of person would you look like? Being super wishy-washy with your decisions. It was hard to keep your sense of worth when it came to Jeon Jungkook.
Throughout the rest of your trip to Seattle, you were good. You didn't text him besides when he would send you photos here and there of activities he was doing in San Francisco. You were proud of yourself for not giving in to your wants, and you stood your ground.
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Returning to San Francisco felt bittersweet because you assumed Jungkook had already left. You didn't want to ask where he was going next for fear of sounding nosy or needy. You'll just have to guess. Maybe he was already back in SoCal.
"Knock, knock," Aunt Jo said, holding your door open. "I know we just got back, but Jin invited us to a special event at his restaurant tonight. So get your cute little butt showered and dressed up, 'kay?"
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Free food? I'm there."
Aunt Jo whistled when you walked down the stairs in your outfit. The only semi-nice thing you packed was a black slip dress. Then you threw on a black leather jacket.
"You couldn't have chosen better shoes?" Aunt Jo asked, gawking at your pair of black and white checkered Vans.
"What? I wanted to be cute and comfy," you said, pulling the strap of your bag over your head, letting it drape across your body.
When the two of you arrived at the restaurant, you expected it to be packed, but it was completely empty. You got out of the Uber and waited for your Aunt to get out of the Uber. You turned around only to see her smiling like a lunatic.
"Aren't you coming?"
Jin called your name and waved you over as he exited the restaurant. You cast a glance in his direction, curious as to what was going on with them tonight.
"It's just you, sweetheart, have fun tonight!"
"We forgot to mention it's a private event for you," Jin grinned, sending you a wink. He stepped into the Uber, and then they were off, leaving you utterly confused on the sidewalk.
A high-pitched ding from your phone went off. Opening your bag, you checked your phone to see a text from Aunt Jo.
Aunt Jo 6:22 PM
Gonna stay at Jin's tonight.
Please be responsible. Love you.
Her text was cryptic and vague, leaving you even more puzzled. You sighed as you turned to face the restaurant and walked to the door. When you first walked in, the atmosphere was quite cute and quaint. Many tables had been cleared away, leaving one in the middle of the restaurant. Someone was sitting with their back to you, and when they heard the door close, they turned to see you standing there.
He got up from his seat and walked over to you. He was dressed in his favorite color, black. A black open button down, tucked into black joggers, black combat boots, and finished with a thick silver chain. The biggest bunny smile you'd ever seen on him adorned his pretty face.
"What are you doing here? How–how did you–"
"I might have done some digging, called around, and got ahold of your Aunt's boyfriend."
Your jaw opened and closed, amazed by how sneaky everyone was–including Aunt Jo and Jin. "So you planned all of this?"
Jungkook shrugged. "I had some help from your Aunt. She's a pretty cool person. Jin too." You couldn't stop smiling, and your cheeks were beginning to ache as a result. "Do you want something to eat? Because I'm hungry, and the food smelled delicious while I waited, "He smiled.
You nodded in response to his question. He extended his hand, and you accepted it without hesitation. When your hand found his big warm ones again, your heart raced at a million beats per minute. He escorted you to the seat across from him, pulling out the chair and pushing it in while you sat.
You felt so flustered and scatterbrained you didn't even hear when Jungkook called your name. "Hmm?"
Jungkook chuckled. "How was Seattle? Did you like it?"
"I liked it a lot. It reminded me a lot of San Francisco. Minus the gloom," you giggled. You mentally kicked yourself when you realized you had just giggled in front of Jungkook. It was too hard not to get all excited over this. So you took a deep breath to ground yourself and remember that he is just a boy–a friend–nothing more.
A server greeted both of you, handing you the menu. Everything sounded so fancy, and for half of the items, you needed clarification on what they were. Nevertheless, it was free, so you'd try anything.
After placing your orders with the server, the pair of you couldn't stop smiling at each other like young teenagers in love. It was pretty nauseating if someone were watching the two of you.
"Ahem… you're growing out your hair," you said, finally breaking the weird smiling contest between you.
Jungkook touched the hair resting on the nape of his neck. "Yeah, I thought I'd try it and never had it this long before."
"I like it."
Your compliment made him look away, a sheepish smile plastered on his face, showing off his dimple.
The rest of dinner continued. You both groaned at how delicious everything tasted. It's no surprise that people enjoyed fine dining, but you didn't enjoy the cost. But one rule Jin lived by was that he would not charge people an arm and a leg just to eat good food. He thought it was ridiculous and vowed never to do it again when he owned his own restaurant. And you thought it was very honorable.
As the last course came out, you ordered the coconut custard while Jungkook got the chocolate cake, one of each, so you could enjoy the desserts instead of picking one.
"How is it?" Jungkook asked when you took a bite.
"It's good," you swallowed, "but it might be too coco-nutty for me."
Jungkook set his fork down after taking a bite of his cake. He pushed the small plate toward you. "Here, take mine. I'll eat it if you don't like it."
"Jungkook, we're supposed to share! I can't let you do that."
"It's fine! I don't mind, honestly!" He pushed the cake further to you while taking the custard away from you. You felt he wouldn't give up, so you let him have it.
After dinner, Jungkook insisted on taking an Uber with you to make sure you got back to your Aunt's okay, and then he'd take off to his hotel for the night. As the car arrived at Aunt Jo's, Jungkook followed after, walking you to the door.
You turned to Jungkook. "Thanks for dinner. It was a lot of fun."
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't do much. It's all thanks to your Aunt and Jin for helping me set everything up."
"Yeah, I know, but you put a lot of thought into it too, and I really appreciate that."
He nervously toyed with his lip ring, letting it flip back and forth. "Um, well, I guess I should say goodnight, and I'll see you when we get back to school?"
Your eyes flickered to his. "Do you want to come in? My Aunt's gone for the night."
"Are...you sure?" Jungkook stammered.
"Yeah, we can watch a movie or talk."
"Uh, okay. Let me tell the driver. Be right back."
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The time was almost nine, so you opted for a nightcap. You grabbed a bottle of wine from Aunt Jo's cupboard and two glasses, setting it down on the coffee table before pouring one for you and Jungkook.
Jungkook quickly finished his glass which made you chuckle. Was he nervous? You didn't take him that type of guy.
"Why did you come to San Francisco?" you asked after taking a sip of your wine.
He chuckled. "Is it not obvious?"
You could take a stab at why he was doing this, but you needed him to say what he wanted.
"I'm shooting my shot," he said casually.
Trying to hold in a grin, you stopped it by devouring the rest of your wine glass.
Jungkook turned his full attention to you. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all summer–what you were doing if you were happy or sad, lonely. I wanted to call so many times, but I didn't know if I could. That's why I only sent texts since they were less intimidating."
"You could've called. I would've picked up."
"I know, but I didn't want to mess up being your friend 'cause I'm not good at this stuff, and I've never just been friends with a girl or even known how to date. But all I do know is you make me want to learn how to do all that stuff."
"To learn how to date or be my friend?
A beat passed before Jungkook answered, "Both, I guess? I just want to get to know you, so I wanna do whatever you wanna do. But that's if you want to..." he trailed off.
The buzz from the wine began warming up your cheeks, and the invisible walls you had up were starting to crumble. Jungkook's rosy lips looked too luscious not to want to try again. "I...really, really want to kiss you."
Jungkook gulped, unsure of what to do next. He didn't want to screw this up, but he also didn't want to pass up an opportunity to kiss you. His gaze shifted from your eyes to your cute nose, then to your lips. He lingered on your lips, trying to recall how they tasted. But it'd been far too long since he'd kissed you.
"I want to kiss you too, but I don't want you to regret it afterward."
You shook your head. "I won't." You shifted closer to Jungkook on the couch, your knee brushing up against his as you leaned in, waiting for him to do the same.
Jungkook brought his hand to cup your cheek, gazing into your eyes, wanting to confirm if this was really what you wanted. "Are you sure?"
"Positive," you said as you closed the gap and pressed your lips against his. His other hand cupped the opposite side of your face, drawing you closer to him. Your lips continued to explore each other softly and slowly as if time had stopped to allow you to discover what you had been missing.
You withdrew, only to find yourself straddling him. Jungkook's eyes widened as he realized the new position. However, he didn't mind it one bit. When his hands fell to grip your waist, urging you closer to him, your entire body buzzed. It didn't take long for Jungkook to become aroused by this heated make-out session, his cock twitching in his strained pants. You tangled your fingers in his hair, causing him to groan in your mouth while you smiled into his. Then your hand reached for the thick silver chain around his neck, gently pulling him as close as you could.
When he pulled away, you let out a quiet whimper. His lips began to trail wet kisses down your jawline, leaving soft purple bruises on your neck. His hands dragged up to your shoulders, where your dress's delicate straps lay. His fingers tinkered with them, debating whether to slide them down, so you decided for him. Your hand reached out to take the straps off, but Jungkook stopped you.
"Sorry, I'm sorry," Jungkook said breathily, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
"No...No, you're good. I'm sorry. I got a little carried away."
Jungkook leaned against the couch, shifting himself from beneath, hoping to adjust the erection straining in his pants. "As I said, I'm fine with taking things slowly, I'm not in a hurry, and I'll wait as long as it takes if it means I get you in the end."
It took everything in you not to want to rip off your clothes and his right at this moment. But he was right because you didn't want to fuck this up, either.
"You just know the right things to say, huh?"
Jungkook laughed and nodded. He leaned forward, asking for a kiss. "It's getting late, and I still need to pack for my flight tomorrow."
You slid yourself off of him to a standing position, adjusting the strap, just begging to fall. "Let me get an Uber for you."
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The following day, Aunt Jo knocked on your door, asking if you were decent enough for her to come in. She covered her eyes as the door opened. "We good in here? No cute, naked boy in your bed?"
You laughed. "No, Aunt Jo. No naked boy in here."
"Darn," she teased, handing you a cup of coffee. "I'm surprised he didn't stay over."
To be honest, it would have been far too easy for you and Jungkook to fuck without first properly establishing what you two were. Again, you tried hard not to rush into things with him, but it was difficult not to.
"He was the one who stopped it from going any further, actually," you commented.
Aunt Jo took a sip of her coffee, nodding slowly, surprised at your words. "Interesting."
"Well, at least you know he's trying to do things the right way this time, so that's gotta count for something?"
She was right. You'd wanted and hoped to do this thing with Jungkook correctly. Let's not fuck it up this time.
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Over the last couple weeks of summer break, you and Jungkook constantly texted, called, and video-chatted. You couldn't wait to get back on campus to see him again.
As you settled into your new apartment with Lyla, the boxes in your new room were piled high. You reached for a box on your tiptoes when you felt two hands snake around your waist and a kiss press against your shoulder. When you looked over, you saw a happy Jungkook wrapping his arms around you.
"Hi," he whispered into your ear before kissing your neck.
You mumbled a 'hi' before squirming away from his embrace, proceeding to finish your task before he rudely interrupted. Your hand reached into the box, holding onto the fairy lights you loved so much.
Jungkook sat on your bed, watching as you strung lights up on your wall. You crept on the bed, attempting to string the lights behind Jungkook, but he refused to move, so you crawled over him. When he suddenly leaned backward, pulling you on top of him, you yelped.
"Jungkook!" you cried, playfully hitting his chest, trying to break away from his hold, but he drew you back toward him for a kiss.
"One," Jungkook whispered, connecting his mouth to yours again. "Two."
"Why are you counting?"
He grinned from ear to ear. "Cause I owe you 100 kisses, remember?"
You rolled your eyes. "Forgot about that, and I paid good money for that, too," you laughed.
"Mm…I didn't," Jungkook pressed another kiss on your lips. "Three." He placed another on your jaw, causing your skin to burn hot underneath his lips. "Four."
"Jungkook," you whined, "I have so much to unpack."
"I'll help you later, but right now. I just wanna kiss you for a while."
You groaned. "Fine."
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Although your and Jungkook's relationship began in an unusual manner and had its share of ups and downs. You wouldn't have made the mistake of foolishly falling for someone other than him.
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yogurts-bullshit · 5 months
Alright so here's my take on the new Hazbin Hotel season.
Bad. ):
The only good parts were vox/alastors song and the first half of Lucifer's episode. THE WHOLE SHOW IS SO FUCKING LAZY. They stripped everything that made it good. It's not funny anymore, it seems like there was no thought put into it, the placement of the music doesn't make sense a LOT. Sometimes they throw in little throwback jokes to be like "hey remember the pilot? Remember when this show was good?"
And it's so FAST, like the whole thing with the extermination timeframe being cut in half felt like such a lazy cop out. To me in read like they don't think they are gonna get another season and so they knew they only had 6 episodes to shove in all those plot points. Or they just wanted instant gratification for everything and felt like because this show has such a big fan base already they just assumed they didn't NEED to introduce you to these characters, like you should already know they are and have a connection with them. Like Hazbin Hotel thinks because it has a popular pilot it's a legacy show like the Simpsons and doesn't need to introduce anything, you should know it all by now.
And goes by so quick but despite how much time we are supposed to see go by, these characters NEVER FUCKING GROW. They're supposed to! They have groundbreaking realizations about who they are and stuff, and then a second later they are THE SAME PERSON AS BEFORE. And then there is that whole scene in the final episode where Charlie is like "look! Angel Dust has redeemed so much!" But I really feel like he hasn't, and we haven't seen any redemption from him at all. Plus there was this whole song about the similarities between Husk and Angel (Loser, Baby), which don't get me wrong, I loved, but it just really revealed how much of fucking clones they are, which is SO FUCKING LAZY.
Plus all of the "big reveals to keep you hooked and shock you!!!" We're just things that people have theorized about for 8 fucking years since the first concept art was released. Like the whole "vaggie is an exterminator!" or "Husk was a Overlord!" The whole time I got the impression that this was supposed to be a big thing but I was just like... Yeah.... I know.
Oh and Zestiel was also dope as fuck in his 2 minutes for screen time, but I feel like I only liked him because he was acting like what Alastor was SUPPOSED to be, but they made him really nice I feel like. And I understand that Alastor is canonically supposed to be a nice, gentlemanly Mama's boy, but I feel like this show felt like since all of the leaks and lore and stuff released about these characters, it had to show that IMMEDIATELY so instead of that being a slow build up and reveal it dumped it on you instead of showing you who Alastor depicts himself as and it felt like a mockery to the depths of his character. The show didn't earn being able to show how kind Alastor is.
And I feel like that's the reason that I think the show is so lazy because, yes, it has all these big cool reveals and moments, but the show doesn't earn any of those moments. Like there are so many big reveals, like Charlie's big song about her daddy issues, that I feel like could have hit so hard! If we had mentioned her daddy issues more than 2 times beforehand. Or with the whole Carmilla (I might be spelling that wrong) thing with the angel. The angels death could have been such a big story and plot hook and even if they didn't wanna carry it into the next season, they could have made the reveal and big season finale thing. It just felt so weird that instead of it being something big, it was just this lady who we don't even really know, who walked into screen, sang about how she did it, and then we never see her again. Cause I mean like, say what you will about shows with lost of filler early on, but at least they build on everything. You get to know these characters and this setting so that when there are big reveals and songs and moments with them you really feel it. Instead in hazbin all of the moments just feel so unearned and underbaked.
Plus instead of just embracing the fact that there are new voices, they had all the new voices basically do impressions of the old voices, like Blake Roman was basically doing a poor impression of Micheal Kovach the whole time and it brought him down so much. Like, I like Blake Roman, he's a good voice actor, we didn't have to pretend he's Micheal Kovach. 
Really, honestly, I was thinking about it today, and Hazbin Hotel is a show about a bunch of dead people realizing that the heaven and hell system is messed up and trying to fix it and redeem themselves in the process. Y'know what else is a show with the same concept? THE GOOD PLACE. One of my favorite shows, very beautifully written, and every single point and moment Hazbin Hotel makes, The Good Place does 30x better.
so yeah, there's my Hazbin Hotel rant. Did not like the show, really pissed off about it, I'm gonna go rewatch the pilot, and then probably rewatch The Good Place.
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mavrintarou · 2 years
Lord Miya Atsumu [3 - end]
Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being sooooo patient with me. I have my exam to get my certification early October so I'll still be on down low until then. I promise, I have not forgotten these men that hurt our hearts.
Warning: the whole package, angst, fluff, smut & happy ending; mentions of blood & miscarriage Note: Thank you for hanging on to this bandwagon, I hope to have hit the spot for Lord Atsumu - I hope that I have redeemed Atsumu. Now... onto the next Lord :)
This is long.
Second part
Atsumu’s hair was disheveled, strands out of place, and he hadn’t bothered changing out of his kimono. Stains of blood marred its fabric, evidence of the chaos that had unfolded. Despite the circumstances, he adamantly refused to leave Y/n’s side.
“You must rest, my Lord.”
Atsumu’s eyes held a distant haze, fixated on his wife’s peaceful form. “How can I sleep?” he muttered, his voice heavy with despair. “Every time I close my eyes, I’m haunted by the echoes of Y/n’s pain.” He knew deep down that what he experienced was a mere fraction of the anguish she had endured.
When he shouted for his servants to call for the doctor, Y/n began to sob, writhing to escape out of his arms but he held her tight against his chest, “it’s okay… it’s okay.”
He gently carried her to the nearest room, his chamber, and carefully laid her on his futon. Her body curled away from him, instinctively seeking solace even in her unconscious state. With a tender intention to comfort her, he reached out, but his hand froze upon noticing the crimson stain that tinted his palm. A tremor coursed through him as he stared at the spreading redness that marked the futon. His vision blurred momentarily, but he shook off the disorientation.
“I – I need a doctor now!” he cries, “Y/n… Y/n it’ll be okay.” He brushes her hair with his other hand, “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry Y/n.” As her whimpers ceased, a chill ran down his spine, freezing his blood. He instinctively pulled her closer into his arms, only to feel her body go limp against his chest. The weight of her lifelessness pressed heavily on his heart, a devasting realization that pierced his soul.
As the doctor and midwife arrived, Atsumu was forcibly torn away and ordered to stay outside of his own chamber. He stumbled back, collapsing against the wall, his body trembling uncontrollably. The weight of the situation crashed down upon him, realization striking him with cruel intensity. The thought of losing Y/n engulfed him.
What seemed like hours later, the door to his chamber slides open. “My Lord…” He swallows the lump in his throat and stands up to enter his room. On a different futon, Y/n lays pale and sound asleep.
The doctor has given her some medicine to sedate her and heal her body from the miscarriage.
Dr. Ikuta bowed his head to the floor to Lord Atsumu. “My deepest apology, Lord Miya. I have miscalculated my Lady’s symptoms.” He explains that Y/n may have been more than ten weeks pregnant judging from the aftermath.
After the doctor’s departure, Atsumu remained in the same spot until sunset for the evening. He stares motionless at his wife who has not yet stirred.
Mirei sits a few feet away. “I will keep an eye on her, my Lord. Please rest.”
Atsumu looks over his shoulder, “it is all right, Mirei. You go rest too. I’ll stay beside her.”
Her maid sighed before leaving his chamber.
He laid down beside her, positioning himself to face her, his eyes drawn to her features. His gaze lingered on her face, and he noticed a beauty mark at the corner of her right eye, a subtle detail he had never fully appreciated before. With a gentle touch, he reached out, carefully pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. His thumb traced a tender path, grazing over her soft earlobe.
The corner of his mouth curved, a nostalgic smile forming as he remembers a childhood memory. He remembered how Y/n’s ears slightly stuck out more than other kids, and how she had always been self-conscious about it. She despised having her hair tied up, fearing it would expose her ears. Even as an adult, he noticed that she still kept her hair down, regardless of how sweltering the weather might be. It was a small yet significant detail that reminded him of the lasting impact certain insecurities could have, and he cherished her vulnerability all the more for it.
His knuckles grazed her cheek, “I’m so sorry.”
. .
Atsumu wakes hours later to an empty futon before him and jerks up. He scrambles onto his feet and out of his room, “Y/n?!”
“She is resting in her chambers, my Lord.” His personal servant answered quickly. “My Lady has requested to be alone.”
“Like hell,” Atsumu whispers under his breath, marching down the quarter to her room. “Y/n, I’d like to come in please.” He hears mumbling and takes that as a sign regardless.
He invites himself in and he finds his wife lying on her futon, her arms resting over her abdomen. She turns away upon seeing him. “I don’t want to talk about it… I just want to be alone.”
He let out a shaky breath, determined to ignore her request. Kneeling beside her, even though she kept her gaze adverted, he gently closed his large hand over hers, enveloping her small fingers within his grasp. It was a silent reassurance, a gesture of unwavering support, conveying his presence and willingness to stand by her side through thick and thin. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I wish I can –“
“Do you really think I care right now?” She snapped, looking at him with eyes full of tears. “Why can’t you just go away and leave me alone?”
“I won’t speak, I’ll just sit here with you,” he whispered softly, fully aware that his presence alone might not alleviate the situation. He understood his words might not provide the comfort she sought, but he had an overwhelming desire – a need – to be by her side. It was a silent plea, expressing his unwavering devotion and his willingness to support her, even if it meant silently sharing her pain.
She looks away, using her other hand to wipe her tears away. “I want to be alone.”
Atsumu scoots closer, taking her hand in both of his in a tight squeeze, “we should be together right now, I need you too, Y/n. I need you just as much. I may not know what to say… afraid I might say the wrong thing but what I do know is I want to be here with you.” His voice croaks, “please… don’t –“ he chokes, “don’t shut me out like this. It makes me feel as though I have lost both of you.”
Y/n remained silent, and Atsumu showed remarkable patience, a quality uncommon for him. He waited and waited, his steadfast presence unwavering. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, just asleep was about to claim her, she sensed him carefully placing her hand down. The chamber doors closed with a hushed whisper.
Days melted into weeks, and Y/n found herself confined within the walls of her chamber, hardly venturing beyond its boundaries.
She remained silent, uttering no more than a couple of words in his presence. Her responses were reduced to simple nods, shakes of the head, or one-word replies. Her vacant expression and hollowed eyes pierced his heart, tormenting him with the weight of anguish. He knew it was his fault, the source of her misery, pain, and suffering. The realization gnawed at his conscience, intensifying his own anguish as he witnessed the toll his actions had taken on her.
Mirei took pity on him and gave him reports about his wife.
“She cries every night, my Lord. She lost the child she had hoped to give you.” She sighed deeply, “what do you feel for her, my Lord?”
Atsumu swallowed before uttering, “I… I know it may look like I do not care or feel for her but Mirei… I do, I do care for her… I’m hurting as well. I want to say I’m sorry, but I know she won’t believe me or want to hear me at all.” His head dropped before his wife’s maid. “Please, Mirei, help me. Tell me how I can win her trust again. Win her heart.”
Atsumu was desperate to do anything within his power to bring her even the slightest sense of happiness. He searched for ways to please her, constantly seeking opportunities to ease her burden and alleviate her pain. Every action, every gesture, was driven by an unwavering determination to see a glimmer of joy return to her eyes.
He issued an order to his servants, instructing them to scour the land for out-of-season fruits that he remembered her enjoying as a child, as well as her favorite desserts.
Going to great lengths, Atsumu even made the difficult decision to sneak away for the day, reluctant to leave Y/n alone but sensing it was his only opportunity to regain her affection.
Arriving unannounced at his in-law’s compound, he was taken aback when Eunhyuk himself opened the gates. Atsumu’s brow knitted together in genuine confusion for a brief moment. “What are you doing here?”
Eunhyuk mirrored Atsumu’s puzzled expression, his gaze searching the man’s features as if expecting someone else. His mouth was poised to inquire about Y/n’s whereabouts, but before he could ask, a voice behind him interrupted him.
Atsumu’s attention swiftly shifted as he caught sight of his mother-in-law, prompting an immediate greeting from him. Breaking his gaze from Eunhyuk, he approached her with genuine warmth, eager to exchange pleasantries and address the purpose of his unexpected visit.
“Eunhyuk is now living with us until his family relocates here in the coming months,” she informed, a smile gracing her lips. “Didn’t Y/n tell you, son?” Her words hinted at surprise, implying that Y/n had neglected to mention this recent news.
Atsumu stammered, caught off guard by the revelation. “No – she did not but that’s all right.” He managed to reply. He had other things to worry about. “Mother, I am here today because I want to ask you what Y/n’s favorite dish is?”
With a soft sigh of relief, he departed from their compound, grateful that his mother-in-law hadn’t suspected anything amiss during his unexpected visit without Y/n. As her birthday approached, he saw it as an opportunity to leverage the occasion. He skillfully assured his in-laws that he wanted to surprise Y/n with a surprise meal, using it as a pretext for his presence in the area to acquire a thoughtful gift and surprise for her.
A few days later, Atsumu waits patiently, his palms were sweaty with nervousness. He sat patiently, anxiously awaiting Y/n’s arrival. As he heard her footsteps approaching, his head instinctively jerked up, his heart racing.  
When she entered the room, her feet came to a halt, and his breath caught silently in his chest. He observed her pupils scanning the room, taking in the decorations and the meticulous preparation he and his servants had put into creating this space for her. Before him, a table set up with various dishes, fruits, and desserts – each one her favorite.
“Happy birthday, Y/n,” he greeted her softly, the words carrying a mix of sincerity and hope, as he held his gaze fixed on her, his heart yearning for a renewed connection.
Atsumu’s eyes might have been deceiving him, but he could have sworn he detected a glimmer, a flicker of something in her eyes. It was a subtle spark, easily missed by anyone but him, yet a stirred a ray of hope within him.
She lets out a soft sigh and walks towards him, sitting across from him. “My birthday isn’t today.”
His heart soared as she spoke, her full sentence filling him with joy. Unable to contain his delight, a smile brighten Atsumu’s face. “I know, but I wanted to celebrate it early because I have a special plan in mind,” he explained, his voice brimming with excitement. “I hope to take you away for a few days, just for your birthday. We can go anywhere, anywhere you wish to go,” he added, his eagerness deep.
“Take her away where she can take her mind off this miscarriage. You will need to show her, truly show her that you care for her, my Lord.” Mirei’s words echo in his mind. He hoped she would go, and he would take her wherever.
Her shoulders relax as she sighs, “you did not have to prepare so much…”
“I tried to get everything you like because…” he scratched the back of his head, “honestly, Y/n… I am your husband, but I do not know what you like so… I wanted to prepare everything that you may like.” A sense of pride within him bubbled up as he addressed himself as her husband.
She brings her hands together and closes her eyes, “Itadakimasu.”
Atsumu quickly follows, whispering, “Itadakimasu.”
He couldn’t contain his happiness, watching her eat a little of everything.
A sudden realization clicked in his mind, prompting Atsumu to reach over and delicately place a piece of shrimp tempura onto Y/n’s plate. Ignoring her momentarily frozen chopsticks, he casually began to eat, as if it were an ordinary gesture that held no significance.
After taking a few bites, Y/n gently placed her chopsticks down on the table and place both her palms on the surface. As she locked her gaze with his, Atsumu’s breath caught in his throat, a momentary panic seizing him as he feared she might leave. Her words hung in the air, causing his heart to race. “Are you… full? Or do you want – “ he stumbled over his words, his voice filled with desperation to understand her desires and meet her needs.
“I’d like to go away…” she said quietly, her words causing Atsumu’s eyebrows to rise in surprise. He was already prepared to instruct his servants to pack their bags for a getaway, but her next words caught him off guard. “To my family home,” she added, her request sinking in.
A mix of emotions flooded Atsumu’s heart – relief, curiosity, and nervousness. With a determined nod, he mustered a reassuring smile. “Of course,” he replied, “sure we can –“
“I think I should go home for a while.” Her voice was firm, “just me.”
One of his chopsticks slips from his fingers making a loud clinging noise against his porcelain bowl. “What?” he set the other stick down, “I don’t think that’s a good idea at the moment… you need rest –”
“I can do that at my home. I like to see my family.”
Atsumu was truly dumbfounded. “Then… we should go together.”
“I want to go alone.”
Atsumu’s breath hitched, his heart racing as fear gripped him, hesitant to voice his true thoughts. Part of him wanted to deny her wish, to convince her they should go together, but he feared it would only further complicate their already fragile situation. He took a moment to carefully choose his word, aiming for understanding and compromise.
“I still believe that we should stay together, work through this together,” he began, his voice laced with sincerity. As he saw her look away, her shoulders slumping, breaking the eye contact they had established, a pang of desperation urged him to continue. “We can go away… anywhere you desire, as long as we’re together,” he added quickly, hoping to convey his willingness to support her wishes while reaffirming his commitment to their relationship.
Fear consumed his mind as he witnessed her pulling away, further detaching herself from him. The realization of the pain he was causing her weighed heavily on his heart. For the first time in his life, Atsumu felt a profound fear of losing her, a sense of helplessness gripped him tightly.
He watched in silence, his words stifled, as her palms slid off the table and rested in her lap. The silence between them became an unspoken acknowledgment of the growing distance, leaving him with a sense of loss and an overwhelming desire to find a way to mend their shattered bond.
“If I let you go… you have to promise to come back home,” he pleaded, voice filled with desperation. “here, promise to come back home here. To me.” Atsumu emphasized his request.
Three seconds passed, each one feeling like an eternity. Then, finally, she answered, “I promise.”
Relief washed over him as he heard her response, a glimmer of hope reigniting within his chest. In that moment, he held onto the promise she made, knowing that it was a small step towards rebuilding their relationship.
“I’ll give you two weeks –“
Y/n looks up, her voice barely above a mutter, and stated, “that’s not long enough,” she muttered, “I need at least four weeks.”
“F – four weeks a long time,” Atsumu gritted through his teeth. “Three weeks,” he countered, a compromise offered with a hint of reluctance.
She nodded her head slowly, accepting his revised timeframe. “Okay,” she replied, understanding the compromise made and acknowledging the need for a fair balance between them.
“Can I… send a letter every day?” Atsumu’s voice cracked, his words barely more than a whisper.  
A single tear slips from her eye, “I think we both need more space than that… it is best that you don’t,” she gently expressed, acknowledging the need for distance and the importance of allowing wounds to heal.
. .
The first week proved to be the most challenging for Atsumu. Faced with the ache of longing, he immersed himself in neglected family work, seeking peace and distraction from the overwhelming desire to ride off and bring Y/n back home. He poured his energy into the tasks at hand, using them as a temporary refuge, trying to push aside the impulse to act on his yearning.
“My Lord, your younger brother is here.” His servant announced outside the door.
Atsumu set his brush down and watched his brother enter his study. One look at him, he knew something was wrong.
“What’s wrong with you?” Atsumu and Osamu asked simultaneously, their shared concern evident in their voices.
They both let out sighs. Osamu approached, taking a seat across from his older brother, his eyes filled with curiosity. “I didn’t see sister-in-law, where is she?”
“In her room?” Osamu questioned, confused. “I came here to ask her for some advice…”
Atsumu expels a sigh, rubbing his eyes. “Home as in her family home.”
Osamu raised a brow, in suspicion. As a married woman, she wasn’t allowed to go back home without her husband. “So, you’re here… and she’s… there?”
“Yes, little brother. She has been at her family home for a week now.”
 The younger brother narrows his eyes at the older brother, sensing that something significant had transpired. “What happened?” he inquired, his voice filled with concern.
Atsumu explained everything, sharing the details of the recent events. As the story unfolded, Osamu could only roll his head back in frustration.
“I won’t say a word to mother and father, but you need to fix your marriage, brother.” Osamu said, “Y/n has always been the one to pick up your shit, and if you lose her… you will have nothing. You need to get her back and treat her well.”
“I know,” Atsumu responded, voice filled with defeat. “I need to get her back,” he vowed, determination resurfacing within him. His words carried a sense of commitment, a promise to himself and his brother that he would do whatever it took to mend their relationship and bring Y/n back.  
The room fell into a momentary silence before Atsumu broke it with a question. “Why are you here?” he asked.
Osamu let out a chuckle, “you see, brother, I too, am facing a woman problem,” he replied, a playful tone in his voice.
Atsumu rose from his spot and made his way over to a nearby cabinet, revealing a hidden stash of fine sake. Returning with the bottle in hand, he poured both of them a cup, the fragment aroma filling the room. Placing a cup in front of Osamu, he gestures for his brother to indulge.
“Well then, spill it.” Atsumu urged, a slight smile playing on his lips.
In that moment, they found peace in each other’s company, ready to offer support and advice as they navigate the complexities of their relationships.
. .
Y/n had believed that distancing herself from her husband would aid in her healing process, convinced it would be beneficial for both of them. Yet, instead of finding peace, she realized she missed him dearly.
Despite being surrounded by her mother, father, and Eunhyuk, she felt empty and alone. She had decided to leave Mirei, thinking she needed this time alone, but now she questioned if it was the worst choice she had ever made.
Regret gnawed at her, and the weight of her decision weighed heavily on her heart. She struggled to comprehend why she yearned for Atsumu, knowing that he had not been a source of comfort in the past. She couldn’t deceive herself into believing that his recent actions were expressions of love.
His recent gestures and words have been soft and gentle and it confused her as she grappled with contradictory feelings of longing for him despite the lack of emotional support she had experienced from him before.
The first week, her parents and Eunhyuk left her alone, giving her time and privacy. Not questioning why she had arrived alone without her husband. They let her be, waiting patiently for her to talk.
Her mother was the first to step in, asking only what is wrong with her child.
Y/n broke into a sob, spilling everything to her mother.
“Oh, my poor child,” her mother pulls her into her embrace, “I too know how it feels to lose a child.” Y/n learned a new truth, that her mother suffered a miscarriage when Y/n was two years old.
After speaking to one another, Y/n sniffles, head on her mother’s lap. Even as a child, when Atsumu made her cry, she would run to her mother who would comfort her, head on her mother’s lap and tell her everything will be okay.
“He came here, Atsumu, and asked me what kind of food you liked to eat.” She combed her hair behind her ear. “That was the first time I’ve seen Atsumu looking like that, desperate, eager, and determined as I explained how to cook a few of the meals I knew you loved. I knew something must have happened between you two, but I did not ask.” She peered down at her daughter, “every marriage will have its flaws and faults, but you must overcome it together, all right? Your father and I had many disagreements, and we would walk away but come back later to fix it. We had to because we loved each other.”
Y/n lifts her head, looking at her mother, “I love Atsumu, but I do not know if he loves me.”
“That man loves you.” Both women snap their heads to the voice by the door. Eunhyuk leaned against it, he had been standing there listening to their conversation for some time. “He loves you. I know it.”
Eunhyuk explained how that day when Atsumu had stopped by, the two of them shared a genuine conversation for the first time in their lives.
“Eun… Eunhyuk,” Atsumu addresses him by his given name, a sign of genuine sincerity. “I know I have not been nice… or fair with you and I want to apologize, from the bottom of my heart.” He paused, waiting for a response, but when Eunhyuk remained silent, Atsumu pressed on. “I acted childishly and called you mean names, and I sincerely hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”
Eunhyuk let out a sigh, his expression softening. “I forgive you, Miya,” he responded, his words carrying a sense of understanding and acceptance, the willingness to move past hurtful moments and strive for reconciliation.
Atsumu finds the courage to ask the next question, “you – you know my wife… Y/n the best. I have done her wrong and I want to make it right. How can I make it right with her?”
Eunhyuk lets out another sigh, “you do know that she has always been in love with you, right?”
Atsumu’s brows knitted together in confusion, unable to believe what he just heard. “No way,” he responded, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. His heart sank as he listened to Eunhyuk’s words, the weight of realization settling upon him. He sighed deeply at the weight of missed opportunities and the impact of his own blindness.  
Eunhyuk’s gaze locked with Atsumu’s, his eyes filled with a mix of frustration and concern. “Y/n has always looked at you, but you never looked her way,” he stated, emphasizing the depths of Y/n’s feelings. Eunhyuk recounted countless instances where Y/n’s attention was solely directed towards Atsumu, her concern and worry always evident. “Even as children, her eyes were always on you, not me,” Eunhyuk added, pointedly narrowing his eyes. “She might have been by my side most of her life, but her heart was always with you.” He let out a bittersweet laugh, “even when we spoke about our future, marriage, and children… deep down, I knew… I had a hunch that I was not part of her vision.”
Eunhyuk nudges Atsumu with a fist, “do you love her? Can you love her?” His words were direct, challenging Atsumu to confront his own feelings and confront the truth that had eluded him for far too long.
Without a doubt, Atsumu answered confidently, “yes, I do love her.”
. .
“What?!” Atsumu exclaimed in disbelief, his heart pounding as he struggled to catch his breath. After almost two weeks of agonizing separation, he reached his breaking point. Determined to show, tell, and prove his love for her, he had embarked on a journey, expecting to find her at his in-law’s home.
However, to his dismay, she was nowhere to be found. “She isn’t here. Where is she?” he asked urgently. The unexpected absence of Y/n left him feeling bewildered and anxious, unsure of where she could be or what might have happened in his absence.
Eunhyuk crossed his arms, a hint of amusement playing on his face. “You two are indeed fated lovers,” he remarked, his voice laced with a knowing tone. “Sometimes luck may not be on your side, but rest assured, she is on her way home to you.”
. .
“What?” Y/n exclaimed to Mirei, “Atsumu came to fetch me?!”
Mirei and the rest of the servants stood in disbelief, their expressions reflecting their astonishment. “You two didn’t run into each other?” Mirei questioned.
Y/n shook her head, “I took a route through the forest,” she explained, “I thought it would cut the travel time by at least half.”
Mirei giggles, “you two are funny, come, come inside – I’m sure by now my Lord has discovered you are no longer there and will return as soon as possible.”
Y/n shook her head again, “no… I’m going to wait here.”
Mirei gently tugged at Y/n’s sleeve, her smile warm and inviting. “Come, come, let’s change your clothes and see what my Lord has changed around here,” she suggested, her excitement evident. Y/n followed her into the compound of her own home, eager to discover the surprise that awaited her.
As she stepped further into the surroundings, a melodic symphony of wind chimes filled the air, their delicate tinkling sound intertwining harmoniously. Y/n’s eyes widened in awe as she realized that there were too many wind chimes to count; they adorned every corner, hanging gracefully from branches, eaves, and other structures. The ethereal music they produced created a serene atmosphere.
Mirei observed her Lady’s expression, her eyes softening witnessing the tears in her eyes. “My Lord said you loved windchimes and made them as a child, is that right?”
Y/n nods her head, unable to speak. “My sister… and I made them all the time.”
She walked through the rest of the compound, her gaze taking in the subtle changes that had occurred. She noticed various items had been placed or hung on the walls, transforming the surroundings into a space that felt inviting and comforting. Each addition seemed purposeful, carefully selected to infuse warmth and a sense of home into every corner.
She slid open the door to her chamber and stepped inside, her anticipation turning into surprise. Her single futon had been replaced with a much larger one, now accommodating two pillows. Y/n froze in the doorway, processing the unexpected sight before her.
Mirei, noticing her reaction, approached with her belonging and placed it gently on the ground. “Since you left,” Mirei explained, her voice carrying a touch of warmth, “he has been sleeping in here.”
. .
Y/n crouched down, picked up a branch she found nearby, and etched Atsumu’s name into the dirt as she waited for his return.
Her eyes scanned in the far distance, and it wasn’t until her ears perked up at the distant sound of horse hooves approaching. The rhythmic beats grew louder and faster, echoing in her ears.
Standing up, she turned her gaze to the right, hoping it would be Atsumu returning to her. Her heart pounded forcefully in her chest, the sound reverberating within her ears, blending with the intensifying sound of the hooves drawing near.
At last, like a bolt of lightning, Atsumu appeared on a white horse, riding with a speed that seemed almost supernatural. Y/n’s eyes widen in recognition as she realize it was Eunhyuk’s stallion, White Shadow, carrying Atsumu swiftly toward her.
Her heart leaped with relief and joy as she watched him draw closer. The sight of him on the majestic horse, his determination expression, and the wind-tousling hair evoked a sense of awe and admiration within her.
It was as if fate itself had conspired to bring them back together at that very moment.
As Y/n locked eyes with Atsumu from a distance, a rush of memories and emotions flooded her mind. At that moment, she recalled the promise she made to herself – the promise of love and forgiveness. The realization washed over her with undeniable clarity: she loved Atsumu deeply and wanted to be with him, to build a future together.
The sight of wind chimes, meticulously set up by Atsumu, added another layer of affection. It was a tangible expression of his love, a reminder that he had put thought and effort into creating a welcoming and comforting environment for her. She recognized the depth of his feelings and the lengths he had gone to demonstrate his love.
Her heart overflowed with love and forgiveness. She longed to heal their wounds together and to embrace the future that awaited them.
Atsumu pulls the reins, slowing the beast down.
Was she… waiting for him?
Was his eyes playing tricks on him?
Atsumu skillfully brought the horse to a stop, his hand gently patting its side as he whispered soothing words to the stallion. He swiftly dismounted and began running towards Y/n. His heart raced with his chest as he closed the distance between them.
As he approached, he noticed a sense of relief washing over her features, her face relaxing as if the weight of their separation had been lifted. In that moment, all the doubts and worries melted away, replaced with a sense of connection and longing.
Was that a smile on her lips?
Atsumu’s movement slowed, his eyes widening with astonishment when he saw her moving towards him. He had expected her to turn and run in the opposite direction but to his surprise, she was coming closer.
The world seemed to pause s she finally reached him, her momentum propelling her forward.  With an almost forceful impact, she collided with him, nearly knocking him off balance. Her arms wrapped around his waist, clinging to him tightly.
Atsumu’s heart swelled with overwhelming love and relief. He held her just as tightly, clinging to her.
“You fool, why did you come for me?” she looks up at him, her voice carrying a mixture of disbelief and affection as she cupped his face. Her eyes filled with a glimmer of tenderness, “I promised you I’d come back, didn’t I?”
Atsumu’s face soften seeing her face for the first time in weeks. Cupping her face gently in his hands, he spoke with heartfelt sincerity, “I know, I know you promised but I couldn’t bear the thought of being without you. I wanted to come and bring you back home, even if it meant dragging you back kicking and screaming.” Her lips curve into a smile, “am I dreaming?” he whispers, thumb brushing against her cheekbones. “If this is a dream… I never want to wake up.”
She shook her head, her eyes shining with tears. “It is not a dream. I’m here. I’m back,” she affirmed, the reality of their reunion sinking in.
His forehead gently knocks into hers and he closes his eyes, “I love you. I have loved you all this time and I was too blind to see it. To notice it. You have always been there for me since we were children, following me around and taking my shit. I was too stupid and took you for granted.” He opens his eyes, “I have opened my eyes now, I see you, I want you, and I need you. I love you, please… forgive me and give me one last chance, because I promise you with my life – one chance is all I need to make it up to you for the rest of my life. I am confident enough.”
She whispers his name, his given name. “Say it again. Say you love me again, Atsumu.”
“I love you,” he whispers, “I say it every day for the rest of my life.”
Her lips press against his in a soft light kiss. “I love you too, Atsumu. I have loved you for many years and many years to come.”
. .
“So, you moved into my chambers?”
Atsumu’s cheeks flushed slightly. “Yes,” he replied, a hint of bashfulness in his tone. “I wanted us to share a room, to be together under the same roof.”
Y/n’s smile widened, her heart fluttering with sheer happiness. She longed to be close to Atsumu, to share their lives intimately, which had been a deep-rooted desire within her. The realization that they were finally going to share the same chambers filled her with indescribable joy, and she could feel her pulse quicken in anticipation.
Y/n shifted onto her elbow, angling her body towards Atsumu, her eyes fixed on him in a tender gaze. The silence between them piqued his curiosity, causing him to scoot closer and mirror her position, an arm gently resting on her waist.
“You’re making me nervous,” Atsumu whispered, he couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement, eager to know what was on her mind.
A soft smile graced her lips, and she answered, “just how much I missed you when I was gone.” In a few hours since their reunion, she found herself constantly smiling, overwhelmed by love and happiness.
He lets out a groan, rolling on top of her but shifting his weight so he wasn’t crushing her. He pressed his face against her neck. “I’ve endured countless days of unbearable pain without you,” he murmurs, “those were the darkest moments of existence, and I will do everything I can in my power to never endure them again.”
Y/n hums, “me too.”
“I love you,” he mumbles against her skin.
“I love you too.”
He mumbles something else she wouldn’t understand.
“What did you say?”
He shifts himself so his head rests on her pillow, looking at her. He looked into her eyes, reading them before asking, “I… if when you… when you are ready to try… again…” he chokes on his words and turns his face into the pillow, muttering incoherent words.
She runs her fingers through his locks. “Atsumu, I like to try for another baby –“
He shot up so fast, lifting himself onto his elbows and over her. “Really?”
She nods her head, “really.”
“Would… right now… be too soon?”
Her eyes shifted to his loose yukata, and she reaches to tug it open. “Now would be perfect.” Instantly, she feels something hard pressing against her thigh.
Atsumu groans, “we should – maybe we should wait… see what the doctor has to say first…”
Y/n’s hand freezes, “how about I make love to you then?”
His face softens, “how can I say no to that?”
She pulls his face down to kiss him, tugging off his yukata as well. Once she feels the warm skin of his chest and shoulder, she runs her palms against the hardness of his muscles. She breaks the kiss and whispers hotly, “let me take top…”
His eyes widen and he rolls over dumbfounded at her sudden boldness. She swings her leg over and straddles his thigh, tugging open his yukata until he is naked. His cock is hard and thick, already leaking tiny beads of cum.
Tugging off her clothing, she scoots over until she is pressed against his cock, and she glides herself over and along his length, teasing and exciting him.
Her fingers press against his chest, and she runs her palm down until she reaches his nipples. Circling the skin around the bud, she leans down and swipes her tongue over one side before sucking.
Atsumu groans, his cock jerking against her pussy. “Fuck… where… where is this coming from?”
Y/n moaned, giving his hardened nipple one last kiss before going to the other side, “I’ve always wanted to do this but… you wouldn’t let me touch you.”
“Fuck… I’m so dumb. I’m yours… all fucken yours. Do what you want to me, Y/n.” He groaned, his hips buckling against hers, wanting some sort of friction.
Atsumu nearly cums when she reaches between them, pumping his cock with one hand.
“E – enough…” he begged, “I need to be inside of you before I make a fool out of myself…”
Y/n smiled, guiding his cock to her core, and lowering herself slowly. Her eyes squeeze shut, wincing.
“Don’t… don’t force yourself,” he uttered, as he felt the tightness of her walls slowly expanding as if remembering him.
She lets out a gasp when he fully slips inside of her. Looking down, she touches her lower abdomen, a hand running along the slight bulge. “I feel you… right here.”
Atsumu places his palm over hers, “right where I belong.”  She slips her hand from underneath and over his, pressing his large palm into her abdomen, making them both groan in unison. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.” He grabs her hips and guides her upward so that he can thrust slowly. “Kiss me, please…” She leaned over, mouth hungrily moving over his as he took control, thrusting slowly into her heat.
Her soft whimpers are music to his ears.
Breaking the kiss, he hugs her to his chest and rolls them over. “Let me make love to you now,” he rolled his hips, thrusting slowly.
Her hands rest on his shoulders, holding on to him as he rocks into her body tenderly. “A -Atsumu…”
His breath hitched, “yes?”
Her eyes open looking into his, “har – harder… I want it harder.”
Atsumu groaned, unable to deny her request, but he needed to remind himself that her body was still recovering. “Soon, love, soon, but not tonight.”
The disappointment on her face almost made him change his mind, but he didn’t give in. He kissed the disappointment away, rocking gently until he feels her walls flutter around his cock and her sweet whimpers echo the room.
Atsumu shudders and trembles as he shoots his seed deep into her womb.
They both embrace each other for the next few minutes in silence.
“I love you,” she whispers, combing his hair.
“I love you too.” He whispers, kissing her cheek. He sits up and before he thinks to pull out, he grabs his pillow before slipping his flaccid cock out that was still oozing cum. He slips the pillow underneath her hips, “just a trial.”
. .
[6 months later]
“You need to find her, Sa’mu!” Y/n exclaimed, reading the letter Osamu’s lover has sent to him.
“I know,” the younger brother groans, “I’m only hearing this now too, sis.”
Y/n rubs her five-month pregnant belly, “you must act soon Sa’mu. I can’t… I can’t even imagine going through this time alone.” She looked at her husband beside her, squeezing his hand, “I need your brother all the time. That means she needs you too.”
That was enough for the younger twin to leave immediately.
Y/n maneuvers herself in between her husband’s legs and place his palms on her belly.
“You think he’ll find her immediately?” Atsumu inquired, his palms tenderly caressing his wife’s belly.
Y/n hums softly before asking, “if it was us, would you find me immediately?”
“Fuck yes, I’ll hunt you down.”
Gently placing her hands on top of his, she reassures him, “he is your twin, I’m certain he’ll find her in no time.” She looks up at him with a smile, “our babies will have two cousins to grow up with.”
Atsumu pouts, “I was hoping our babies will be the grandbabies for a while but no ‘Samu had to go and compete with me as well…”
Y/n’s laughter filled the air, a joyful sound that danced between them. “What were the odds that twins would also have twins at the same time?” she mused, a hint of wonder in her tone.
He grinned, “Miya bloodlines, that’s for sure,” he boasted with a touch of pride. “We definitely beat the odds of that one. Leave it to the Miya family to bring about such extraordinary coincidence.”
“Sure, Miya bloodlines…” Resting against Atsumu’s back, she looks up at the chimes that are lightly singing from the fall winds. “Now what would be the odds if we both have the same gender?”
“Hmm, I don’t know about ‘Samu but I hope our babies are girls.” He kisses the crown of her head.
He holds one finger up, “one, they will be super cute because they would look like you, and two,” his other finger sticks up, “if they’re boys… and they were like ‘Samu and I… I’m in for a taste of my own medicine.”
Y/n throws her head back laughing, “I think you might be getting a taste of your own medicine, Mirei tells me that the way my belly is sitting, I’m having boys.”
. . .
E/n: I know I took a long time and I hope I cooked a good ending for you all. Now... onto Lord Osamu.
@erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @eadyladlegard @wolffmaiden @satoritendoucultsacrifice @yourgonvermenthooker @littlemochi @cloud-lyy (I hope this tagged you) @pana-dolle @basmamme (I hope this tagged you) @haitanifxn @mfreedomstuff @itsroseally @warrior-of-justice @jmnfilter @captainchrisstan @louschan (I hope this tagged you)
(I lost my note that had all you readers that requested to be tagged but it is gone! I went back to the last chapter and grabbed it there, if I missed you, I am sorry!)
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Why was Ozai so cruel?
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Fire Lord Ozai is the absolutely malicious and tyrannical main antagonist of the Avatar: The Last Airbender. In the series, he comes across as a cruel, ruthless, and a megalomaniac dictator. Which is why he is often considered as a 2 dimensional cartoon villian with no rich background compared to the other villains like Azula, Zuko (formerly), Hama; Amon, Zaheer...
We never really see his inner struggles or anything complex about his character at all. His only motivation is like "Evil for sake of being evil". That's why some fans complain about his character being too shallow and too cartoonishly evil. And this really stands out when we compare him to rest of the characters, and arguably, they're all more complex characters than Ozai.
But... is this really true?
Could there be something more interesting and tragic about Fire Lord Ozai's character? Do we only see the only a small part of the iceberg? Well, let's find out!
There's literally nothing we know about his childhood or his early ages. All we know is that he was married Ursa when he was 30 and Ursa was 21, Ursa was specifically chosen because she happens to be the granddaughter of Avatar Roku. So, they could have powerful heirs for the Fire Nation. And it actually happened because Zuko and Azula really are exceptionally powerful firebenders.
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Another thing we know about him is this panel,
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They actually look like a normal, ordinary family here and it hurts. They're on a vocation; Ozai and Ursa just sitting calmly, baby Azula playing with sand, little Zuko running to save a turtle-crab... And when when the wave washed over Zuko, Ozai ran to save him.
Could the whole thing be true or Ozai was lying? I personally don't think it was a lie, because Zuko seems to remember some rare memories of his family being happy once and coming to Ember Island all together. Yes, you can say that Zuko could be an unreliable narrator here since he kinda romanticized those memories... But again, it's what happens with memories. Don't we all remember our childhood as purely innocent and happy? Because we like to remember those happy times and often forget about the bad ones. But the bad times don't erase the good memories! Also, in the "Beach", when Azula came to comfort Zuko, she also seemed a bit depressed. It means she was also missing those happy and innocent times of their life. So no, Zuko's memory was correct and Ozai probably wasn't lying either. Their family had some good times once.
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Could it possibly be a redeeming quality for Ozai? Perhaps. However, we all know that it didn't last long. And we also know that Ozai was always sort of like that and Iroh comfirms it in "The Legacy of The Fire Nation" novel
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And something interesting here... Iroh admits he sort of blames himself for not being a better guide for his brother. Which makes me think... Did Ozai really ever have a positive influence on his life?
You can arguably say Iroh, but i'd disagree. First of all, there's a huge age gap between Iroh and Ozai. And Iroh was a general who was busy with fighting in battle, such as the siege of Ba Sing Se. So I imagine they didn't really have a chance to spend time together and bond as brothers.
Also, Iroh wasn't exactly a positive influence before the death of Lu Ten. He used to be more ruthless and hungry for glory. Yes, he still was a caring guy towards his family, but he only realized the terrible side of violence and terror after losing his dear son... This is when he finally developed empathy towards everyone, not only for his family. So I don't think he would be able to be a better influence for Ozai when they were younger...
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And if not Iroh, who could possibly be a good guidance for Ozai? Azulon? Pfft, yeah right! He definitely favored Iroh over Ozai, and was seen to be cold and harsh towards his son. So nope, he was an abusive father and far from being a good guidance.
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But... What about his mother? What happened to her?
The only thing we know about Iroh and Ozai's mother is her name, Ilah. And she was married to Fire Lord Azulon. There's literally nothing else we know about her. So, we don't know what kind of a relationship she had with Ozai either.
And that's why I have this theory in my mind! Could it be that Ilah died when she was giving birth to Ozai? And maybe that's why Azulon was cold and cruel to Ozai?
The death on childbirth was a common incident during middle age and in the earlier ages too. Unfortunately, it still can happen in modern world too... But thankfully, it's a rare incident now due the modern advantages.
So yes, it's very possible that Lady Ilah to die on the childbirth. Because we never see her in the series nor in the comics. If she was alive at the moment, she would totally show up on Ozai and Ursa's wedding. But she didn't, which means she was long gone, at least for like 20 years. But since neither Iroh or Ozai mentions her for once, we can assume that she died very long ago.
Could this be why Iroh turned out to be a caring and compassionate person towards his own family? Because he had maternal love and support? Well, he obviously didn't get that from Azulon (even though Azulon seemed to care for Iroh and Lu Ten in a certain level). And that might be why Ozai became a cold and cruel jerk, because he never had this kind of love and support in his life.
And it also explains Azulon's bad treatment towards Ozai, reminds me of how Tywin Lannister despised his son Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. Tywin hated his son Tyrion because he was a dwarf and also because he "killed" his mother in childbirth
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So maybe Azulon was going full Tywin on Ozai and blamed him for "killing" his own mother.
If that's the case, it makes a ton of sense for Ozai's character! Because he never really had a chance to redeem himself and grow up in a healthy environment. He was being told that he was a killer since he was born and accused with killing his own mother. I can totally imagine Azulon telling him that he is "An ill-made, spiteful creature. Full of lust and low cunning" (Quote from Tywin Lannister), or maybe even calling him a "monster"?
If this theory is true, then it makes sense for Ozai's character and why he became a brutal, ruthless and narcissistic person.
And let's not forget, narcissism isn't only a personality disorder but also a coping mechanism. Narcissists actually have fragile egos and low self-esteems. That's why they fake confidence and a false sense of grandiosity as a self-defense mechanism. The exact reasons of narcissism is not known, but researchers show that both genetic and environmental factors are in it. And it's very possible to occur because of a trauma or abuse too.
So maybe Ozai was crushed under the abuse and pressure of being "guilty" for killing his mother in childbirth, and he found comfort in creating a false sense of superiority.
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And this also might be why Iroh and Ozai became distant towards each other. Ozai was probably jealous of Azulon's nicer treatment towards Iroh. So he didn't want to be around him and see how their father treats him better, because it would remind him of the fact that he was the unfavorite child. And from Iroh's aspect, maybe he was devastated after the death of his mother and wanted to distance himself from Ozai for it? Yes, it doesn't really sound like something that the Iroh we know would do. But again, we really don't know the Iroh before Lu Ten's death, but he surely cared about his family so much. And maybe that's why he distanced himself from Ozai because he took away a part of his family? And because of Azulon, Iroh probably didn't have a chance to accept Ozai a part of his family at this point. And when he did, it was probably too late. The damage was done. Ozai already became a narcissistic jerk and a potential tyrant.
So, that's my headcanon about Ozai's evilness. You can agree or disagree with it. If you have different thoughts, please feel free to share them with me
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mocksart · 1 year
for your borrower au! how is Stanley treated in general before the narrator realizes he is sentient? what's the worst thing the narrator might do to Stanley in this time period? what is the softest moment?
sorry for all the questions, I just love this idea a LOT. g/t stuff is SOOO compelling to me :3
Hey, no worries, I love questions! If you can't tell, I also love this idea a lot lol
It is important to me to make it clear that the narrator is not intentionally cruel. He still sees Stanley as a living being with needs and wants.
Stanley is fed well - mostly seeds and grains due to his mouse-like appearance. This isn't wrong, as mice are also omnivores, though it does get a little boring. So basics like food and water are always available.
Of course, he is kept in a cage.
In my head, it's more akin to the ones rabbits are kept in, rather than mice or rats, but that's mostly due to me being more familiar with rabbits. Also the mental image of metal bars is more compelling to me than the plastic tubs that mice are usually kept in.
Standard bedding situation. It's less comfortable than his pile of fabric scraps at home, but it's not unbearable by any means.
The Narrator has a habit of talking to himself, and this turns into a sort of half-talking to Stanley as well. When he does directly address stanley, though, it's usually because he's frustrated with something Stanley is or is not doing. Plus, as in the game, the man is not above petty insults.
I've thought a bit more on it and I think it might be more fair to say that, rather than not realizing, the narrator can't admit that Stanley is sentient.
Subconsciously, he knows. He can see how smart Stanley is. How Stanley responds to his words. But he can't bring that thought into his conscious mind. Because the man has already done some terribly dehumanizing things to this creature. And admitting that this thing is a person would mean that he's an absolute monster. And he's not! Haha really, guys, he wouldnt do that!
The worst thing he does, especially early on, is leave Stanley alone. At one time, the borrower would have jumped at the opportunity to have some time to himself, just not like this. The basement lab is dark and lonely. Being in this environment for long stretches of time takes a toll on the borrower's mental health.
As time goes on, the Narrator does realize something is wrong. Subject 427 used to have so much more energy. It hardly tries to escape and barely protests when handled. He semi-correctly guesses that 427 needs some kind of enrichment.
He has Stanley for a few months before the borrower manages to escape. Toward the end of that time, he starts bringing Stanley up out of the basement (always in a container of some kind) to show the borrower around and talk to him about his old escapades. (This is where we learn that the narrator is quite well-traveled, and that he no longer leaves the relative safety of his own home.) And there are some genuine moments of connection that happen.
Much later on the narrator absolutely mortified by his own past behavior. The man never thought he was capable of causing harm like that, much less unthinkingly.
(He doesn't like to talk about it, a fact that Stanley uses to his advantage sometimes to get what he wants.)
The Narrator works hard to redeem himself as best as he can. He knows there's no way to fully make up for what he's done, but he tries anyway. Because underneath all his issues and traumas and poor coping mechanisms is a person who strives to be better. He wants it so badly. But for a long time it seemed like every time he tried, he just made it worse. So he stopped trying.
Being around another person, especially one who was absolutely not taking his bullshit, reawakened that part of himself that had been buried for so long.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hi! I hope you have a good time! I want to request Law x demi-god!male!reader if that's possible. Reader is careless as he's immortal and doesn't worry about getting hurt as weapons made by humans doesn't damage him at all, he's much older than Law but looks like around his age, he flirts with him sometimes to annoy him or because he wants to tease him but knows when to stop himself as he's used to having affairs with humans, so he doesn't want to cause any arguments in the relationship that they have. If you won't write my request it's fine, just let me know and early happy birthday!
-Law didn’t know what to do with you. You were exasperating!
-Just because you were immortal that didn’t mean for you to rush headfirst into everything with no regard to your safety and giving your poor lover a heart attack!!
-Not to mention all the other BS you do- you were a shameless flirt with Law, constantly throwing out pickup lines, anything to get him flustered, and you would do it in front of others, including his crew and out and public!!
-One of your few, in his eyes (especially when you annoyed him), redeeming factors was that you were very loyal, when others, men and women would approach you, trying to flirt, thinking you were easy because of how much you flirted, only for you to turn them down instantly.
-You have lived a long time, despite looking similar in age to Law, so you’ve had multiple relationships, but after going through heartbreak so many times by being cheated on, you refused to ever do that, once you found your partner for this portion of your life, unless they wanted to part, you were going to stay by their side and never let your gaze wander.
-Law had to respect you for that, as he had learned early on that you were immortal, after taking a cannon ball to your torso, only for it to bounce right off you after knocking the wind out of you. You told him after he got done chewing you out for being so reckless.
-You enjoyed the feisty doctor, he was intelligent, brutal when he needed to be, had a heart of gold as his crew all loved him, and he was just so much fun to tease and fluster.
-You loved getting him riled up, as it meant for enjoyable ‘punishments’ for you. You’re just counting down the days before he realizes you like your punishments in the bedroom because, to be honest, the only cruel thing he could do was deny you any sort of affection.
-Law was annoyed that his abilities don’t work on you, you’re impervious to any sort of harm, and that includes Devil Fruit abilities.
-The others in the crew all grew to adore you, after learning of your quirks and abilities, as you were unstoppable in battle, making you a dangerous opponent, and they initially thought you were either really brave or really stupid for flirting with the captain and trying to rile him up all the time.
-They later learned that you were doing it on purpose as you enjoyed Law’s reactions, and they enjoyed seeing their captain so flustered, but they would never say it out loud, because unlike you, they’re not immortal.
-You take care of Law, making sure he eats and sleeps on a regular basis, bringing him his food to his office, and if he needs sleep, you will rile him up, so he has no choice but to put you in your place which always makes him conk out afterwards. He has yet to figure out what you are doing. Key word: yet.
-You loved Law, you loved everything about him, and you were happy that he never told you to leave as despite the headaches and indigestion you give him, he does enjoy your company and he loves you as well, even if he doesn’t say it often like you do.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 3 months
Hey bro, if you don't mind me asking... What's the worst Yu-Gi-Oh take you've ever seen? I like seeing you rant.
God... I'm blanking right now but there are a Lot. There are just so many </3.
Later addendum: This went... all over the place. I have no clue what happened here but I stand by my opinions.
I realize I rant about Marik problems a lot (tis the tism) but I think the ones that actually tend to genuinely anger me the most in like a "oh, you genuinely did not read the same series as me" are the ones that attempt to villainize Atem over the whole series or make it seem like he only really cared about Yugi. That is just like. Blatantly incorrect.
First of all, I realize everyone really likes s0 "ooooOOO eDgY yAmI", but early manga Yami Yugi was only terribly violent for a few chapters. After that, he pretty firmly chillaxes, especially post-Death-T and definitely post-Monster World. And we are given a... pretty good reason for why he was like that originally! I would also be a little mad if I woke with no memories after being tormented in a labyrinth full of shadow demons for so long i literally could not remember being born and my first sight was someone trying to beat the shit out of the guy who was kind enough to release me from my Gay and Stupid Maze!
Literally guys, he's like a recently adopted stray kitten. He's just lashing out because he's scared. He's not evil you idiot he's 15 and incredibly incredibly confused and freaked out. Yes he still committed murder no I don't care we've excused other people for worse (take note of how these will often be the same people that uwuify marik or yb (but marik especially -> about to have a sub-rant its related i promise.))
ps. i don't get the marik thing he may be pretty but he is not a sniffling little kitten like people write him as (especially in comparison to his Big Bad Evil Personality and dangerous-bad-boy Yami Bakura who certainly never admitted to himself considering Marik slimy and weird and a dangerous asshole in canon no sir never). The man literally tried to drown Joey and (admittedly accidentally) got his own big brother fried like a fork in a toaster engineered by Elon Musk (and, I want to mention, he didn't seem to consider Rishid a genuine brother until much later after the psychological equivalent of multiple slaps upside the head). I think people just don't know how to write mental illness and/or emotions other than Horny or Sad and morals more complex than black and white.
This is actually part of I think a larger problem in the fandom with not tending to remember the whole storyline/point of yugioh was proving that people are not naturally evil and in fact often prove to be quite noble when they get taken out of a bad situation and worked on a little. Ppl don't quite get this outside of redeeming their favorite evil pretty boy so he can date around, so they either make everyone a sad little angel thats never done anything wrong in their life or a terrible demon whose surprisingly abusive qualities are only matched by his shockingly canon-inaccurate height and muscle mass increase. This is, imo, why people tend to do That to Atem. Either they interpret him as a perfect Good King that can do no wrong or, sadly more commonly, an evil serial killer that only cares about [EXPLETIVE REMOVED]ing Yugi and then pretty much nothing else.
Also, he was like... not a bad Pharoah from the exactly (checks notes) 72 hours he got to be one before dying a horrible torturous undeath. For the good of his kingdom, I want to mention. That was something he willingly undertook for the sake of his people. As far as autocratic dictators went, he was by all accounts a pretty nice one! Didn't even torture anyone to death! In fact he was so against the idea of torturing people to death we had to Specifically keep the bit where we were actually doing that secret from him!
also section B of this take then usually comes around to trying to prove he never cared about his friends other than yugi. And if I may be so spicy in the chat tonight. This is usually ooc puzzleshipping brain rot influencing critical thinking. Yes yes I get that your yami yugi 20k yandere fanfic (with a yugi that cries all the time for some reason and apparently refuses to just Take The Damn Thing Off) is hot but brother of mine that is not what Atem was like in canon. Like. At all.
First of all, even before Memory World he showed off caring about his friends. There was the whole "deadly yo yos" incident with Joey and then there was the not one but two Anzu hostage situations that he dealt with, one of which when there was literally no benefit to him or yugi to go and rescue her! In fact it put them in Active Danger to do so! And from what I remember, that was before even Death-T! So he has very much cared about his friends from the very beginning, individual of his aspect as an extension of Yugi's survival instinct.
Also. The whole point of Yu-Gi-Oh is the whole friendship is magic stuff. That absolutely applies to Atem as well. In fact it probably applies to him more so. The guy really depends on all of his friends for his sanity in a way that not even Yugi does. He likes Joey and he likes Anzu and he likes Honda (even with as little time as he got to shine RIP spiky haired king) and he likes Ryou! In fact one of the original conflicts in Battle City was that he cared about Ryou so much he wouldn't get rid of his age old archenemy because it would have hurt Ryou! But anyways. Anyways.
It feels like part of that can be blamed on the Orichalchos arc in the anime (which was certainly. An Arc. Not good not bad but a secret 3rd thing.) where they had him get incredibly depressed and ever so slightly unstable when Yugi went away. Which makes sense for him, but then people tend to overstate it to "Atem is inconsolable when Yugi isn't there to make it all better for him" and not "Atem feels incredibly guilty for falling under the spell of a literal magically evil-inducing rock and would likely feel similar if he lost really any of his friends in a similar manner."
"But steve. how are those last two things at all related to each other" WELL. YOU SEE. It always feels like people tend to make Atem evil and hate everyone else in order to justify a fantasy scenario where "Yugi" (read: writer's self-insert) gets to come along and redeem him and he gets to be their loyal attack dog. And you know what? I'm fine with that as a fanfic scenario! Let people have fun! Is probably very hot to people who are not stickily uptight bastards like me! But it annoys me like Hell when people try to canonize that particular bit of oocness.
Atem isn't evil. The poor boy is having his own problems. He's hanging out. He's doing his best. Leave him alone. He literally is just a teenage boy that likes to play games. Let him chill. Let him chill.
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sign-of-the-stars · 1 month
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Huskerdust: The soap opera
Angel and Husk lived around the same time period. Well what if they had known each other for a brief period in like the early to late 30’s? My idea of how that went was that Angel or him and his family were in vegas for a short period, and Husk and Angel hit it right off. Husk had a deep crush on angel, and was the one who endorsed his his love for dressing feminine, and possibly encouraged him to do it more. Well, that leads to either Angel’s family finding out, or he tries to come out to them for his feminine preferences, and/or being gay, and is essentially disowned. This leads to his deep fall into depression and use of drugs which leads to his death. I think Husk doesn’t know about this until he sees molly years later, and asks what happens, taking the guise of an acquaintance. Molly breaks down about how her brother was disowned, and later died form an od. Husk feels incredibly guilty, and this leads to his numbness to love, and him becoming and alcoholic and a “husk” of his old self. Though in death, niether of them quite recognize each other, only blurry memories and a empty hole that they want to be with their soulmate they knew in life. Husk remembers a bit more though, and eventually is able to put the pieces together, realizing Angel is in fact the darling Anthony he once knew. Husk feels terrible, blaming himself for all the terrible things that ended Angel’s life, and what caused him to eventually form a deal with Val, as Angel was I assume not mentally stable for the decades even before Val was around in hell. Husk then starts keeping his distance, not wanting to obstruct Angel’s progress toward redemption. Angel is hurt, assuming he did something wrong. Maybe molly is part of the ambassadors who are like helping with redemption, and Husk recognizes her, and they have a chat. He doesn’t exactly reveal who he was, but Molly eventually puts two and two together. Because you see, shortly before Anthony dies, He mentions to Molly when they had one last chance to secretly meet up, Anthony mentions a beloved man he met in vegas, and his likeless describes Husk to a T. Eventually, Angel gets redeemed, excited to reunite with his sister, mother, and sir pentious, but saddened that he wasn’t able to depart on good terms with Husk. Molly sees how sad Angel feels, and he admits to her that he loves Husk, and wishes he hadn’t done the cat wrong. Molly, hearing this, sneaks Angel back down to hell to see Husk. Husk, who has attached himself to the bottle again, is completely defeated, and tries to leave when he sees angel, but Angel shouts after him to explain what he did wrong. Breaking down, Husk then shouts back that this was all his fault, that he had endorsed Angel, and that led to his downfall. Angel is surprised, and shocked to learn who husk really was, and just runs over and embracing him. They both cry, and Angel says Husk had been the first person besides molly to ever truly see him for him. Then they kiss.
The end.
This’ll probably just float around in my head for awhile, not actually become anything so like if someone wants to explore this, do ping me bc I would like to see. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
2, 6, 15, 17, 22, and 25 for tuggofelees? I love your hcs for them
Hi thank you for the ask!
(And thank you so much, glad your enjoying them!)
2-Big spoon/Little spoon?
[Checks art portfolio]… yeah I clearly have no opinion on this XD
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(More art here: Missing-sock-art)
But in seriousness!
Big spoon: Tugger
Little Spoon: Misto
There’s a lot of reasons; it’s more comfortable, Misto runs cold, so it’s cozier being the little spoon. But he also feels incredibly safe in Tugger’s arms, hidden away from the world. It’s also reassuring to be held like he’s precious, and like he isn’t dangerous.
For Tugger’s part, he is very protective of Misto, and being the big spoon helps him feel like he’s shielding Misto from the world. But he also doesn’t like being confined or restrained while sleeping, so he prefers being the big spoon.
In CATS as cats, I do headcanon that Misto alternates between using Tugger as a heated bed and sleeping under him with basically only a black tail and maybe a nose sticking out XD
6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Misto: [looks at Tugger’s pants for a long moment.]
Misto: [Looks back at asker.] His laugh 😐
Tugger [grinning]: He’s got a GREAT ass
Misto does love Tugger’s laugh the most. When he first met Tugger, he was annoyed by his cocky attitude and self-centeredness. But when he laughed, like, properly laughed, it made him seem so warm and friendly and… jubilant. It was the first redeeming quality Misto decided he had.
Tugger Loves Misto’s magic. As Misto got more comfortable with it and with Tugger, he stopped controlling it so heavily. Now, his hair has a dusting of sparkles that shift and dance to reflect Misto’s mood. Tugger will entertain himself by trying to see how he can change Misto’s sparks by saying something flirty or funny. It also makes him happy to see how much more comfortable he’s gotten with his magic since they had first met.
15-Who wakes up first?
It changes. Both of them are night owls, neither of them going to bed before midnight or waking up before 9.
Tugger’s sleep schedule tends to be more erratic, sometimes staying up all night because partying/clubbing/hyperfixation, so then he’ll sleep until noon. But other times he wakes up relatively early because he’s excited about something, a concert, a trip, an event, etc.
Misto tends to be more consistent (he has his routines, his routines are important). He tends to go to sleep and wake up around the same times, though he’ll sometimes sleep longer if he exerted himself too much (magic, dancing, excitement, sensory overstimulation) etc. In more human aus, he loves Tugger’s concerts, but he will sleep 12-14 hours afterwards.
17-Who says I love you first?
Tugger. He falls in love first and realizes it first too, which sets off a crisis of identity for him. While he never identified as fully aromantic, arospec is a good description for him. But he’s also used to getting fixated on a person, but after sleeping with them, poof, feelings gone.
But sleeping with Misto when he’s using his magic- boy. Changes something in his brain chemistry.
He goes cold on Misto after he realizes, desperate for the feelings to go away. Which makes Misto feel like shit, honestly. But he can’t stay away for long, and comes back, though he tries to convince himself this is just a fling.
As for Misto, he is mortified when he realizes he’s fallen in love. Sleeping with the tom was bad enough, but FEELINGS?? Really?? But over the time they spent hooking up, he’s gotten to see the more authentic Tugger. He’s still cocky and irreverent and swaggering, but he’s also kind and mischievous and surprisingly clever. He trusts him. After the shock of realizing exactly what the warm-and-fuzzy feeling he gets when looking at Tugger wears off, he’s sad. He knows Tugger doesn’t feel the same way about him, knows he never will. So he carries on, compartmentalizing the relationship as purely physical, as a secret affair that can never become anything more.
When Tugger tells him he loves him, he is flabbergasted.
22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Misto is an okay cook but he needs a recipe, and NEEDS to follow it to a T. (This actually makes him a pretty good baker, if a slow one). If there is something wrong with the recipe, he will not catch it.
Tugger has the uncanny ability to throw a bunch of Stuff in a pan and make a phenomenal dish. King of pastas and stir-frys. But he is allergic to recipes. If he’s trying something new, he Might skim a recipe, but he Will change it depending on his mood. He is a terrible baker because he doesn’t care about any of the steps or ingredients or ratios.
Tugger mostly takes care of cooking, with Misto preferring to chop veggies and clean afterwards. However, baking is Misto’s domain. He WILL kick Tugger out if the kitchen, because his spontaneous “Vibes” style stresses him out so much.
25-Who needs more assurance? Answered here!
Bonus to make up for it:
24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Tugger XD
It’s not his fault Misto is so entertaining to fluster.
Thank you for the asks! They were good questions! 😁
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scalproie · 4 months
for OTP asks. SubScorp: 9, 17, 51, 60. KazJun: 25, 26, 33, 51?
me thinking about love: hahaha yesss this owns
me getting asks and now having to put my thoughts in words: wait oh god
Anyway. Subscorp:
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
A child of their own? Nah. Kuai has enough maturity to realize that while he is a good teacher, he would not be a good father, both bc of his lifestyle and his lack of experience. Out of the two it'd be Hanzo who'd be more likely to consider children, but he's already been burned once (eh.) and considering how hard it is for him to move on, it'd be years into the relationship before he would see himself raise a child with someone else again, and by that point he and Kuai would be too old. And besides he already has been able to place his paternal projection onto Takeda, so he's good.
17. Who’s more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Hanzo. I see Kuai as someone who is extremely in control of his actions, out of discipline, out of fear, take your pick. I see him as someone who will keep his emotions in check even if it causes him to yearn to death, him doing smth that intense out of passion, while not downright impossible, is very unlikely to me unless its under very extreme and unusual circumstances. Hanzo on the other hand. Hanzo feels. Hanzo acts. If a situation arise where he feels a strong need to pull his lover by the waist and kiss him (most likely in the aftermath of a battle, both covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies), by god he's going to do it.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Its looking for ways to spend more time together, like one forcing himself to wake up in the early morning to go sit in the gardens next to the other who wanted to hear nature wake up and feel the first rays of sunlight, or the other struggling to stay awake much later than he's used to at night because he does not want the interesting conversation they're having to end. Its making small meaningful gifts to each other as clan leaders that feel so personal to them bc they knew each other as individuals first before as figureheads. Its the small comments that they've managed to redeem their own clan in the other's eyes, and that said clan doesnt bring them pain as it once had because its embodied by the one who lead it and they have nothing but positive things to say about each other.
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Both. You get to sleep next to the one (1) person who does not suffer for the unnatural temperature of your body, and you both have potential nightmare-inducing trauma, and you have been denied intimacy for most of your life either bc it was forbidden or bc it was torn from you. I bet theyre both unconsciously clingy.
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
Sparring is an obvious one. Kazuya said himself that fighting is a huge part of his life and Jun's strength does not come from nowhere, what better way for them to bond than to clash their family's opposite style against each other? As for their personal ones, I dont think Jun would understand sneaker-collecting nor would Kazuya understand bird-watching, but Jun would indulge Kazuya should he chose to open up and share that interest with her, and Kaz definitely does not have the patience for bird-watching but I could see him at the very least see the appeal of forest-bathing, even in a self-interested way.
26. What are their vices?
Kazuya is a pile of vices in a purple snakeskin trenchcoat. Jun's vice is Kazuya. Her choosing to love him and wishing for his wellbeing while knowing fully well he is not a good person who has hurt others (and as of t8, by his own admission in the first chapter, only death will make him stop) is the only thing that stops her from being a perfect, morally correct character. But that does not make her a bad person and that does make the love wrong or any less real.
33. Who’s the better cook?
So you'd THINK that with Jun's infamous cooking skills, I would say Kaz, right? Wrong. I think Kaz never had any reason to cook a single day in his life but still has some rudimentary cooking skills for his own personal gain. They're equally bad but with their abilities combined they'd be able to cook one (1) decent meal.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
For Kazuya, it's literally just trying. His world begin and ends with himself, any positive actions he could take for someone else will usually only be done if he get some hidden self-interest out of it. So him doing anything small for someone else, because he find them worthy of being aknowledged (most likely for their strength, bc power is EVERYTHING to him), because he doesnt view it as a weakness to connect them to himself, because he views their happiness as beneficial for him, aka make him happy in return, is the loudest he can be that he loves someone. Like I dont even have to try with this one, that's literally just his t8 ending??? Like he is NOT the type to say "I love you" outloud in the first place but you can just see in his ending that holy shit, he loves Jun, he loves her. For Jun, it's coming back. Jun will try, but she will not return to someone whom she does not love at the cost of her wellbeing, it's literally the lesson she tells Jin: "Your wellbeing is important to those who love you, so for their sake, you have to take care of yourself". So her coming back to someone, her staying with someone, is the biggest proof of love I think you can get from her. And Jun is just as lonely as Kazuya? But its the way they deal with loneliness that make them such a match: Jun is someone who endlessly gives and Kazuya is someone who endlessly takes, but with Kazuya, Jun has something to get if she's staying with him, and with Jun, Kazuya has something to give if he wants her to stay. Ying Yang once again.
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Bark, Bite & Break Bones - Tyler Galpin x Van Helsing!reader | Part.2
Summary: Your daily life at Nevermore as Tyler’s supervisor has a rocky start; between his provocative behavior and the passive-aggressive students, you could really use a cigarette break. Over a strange and unexpected complicity moment between you and Tyler, you both begin to realize that things aren’t maybe what they look like. Maybe a therapy session could help? Good luck with that, Mrs.New therapist. 
Warnings: swearing, mention on bullying, underage smoking (reader is between 17 and 18)
A/N: The timeline is utterly chaotic, and you’re getting more information about who and what the reader did…not everything tho, I like to keep more for future chapters uhuhuh
[Masterlist] [Prologue] [Part.1]
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To say that your school year at Nevermore had a rocky start was the understatement of the century. First, the news of yours and Tyler’s arrival had spread like wildfire and now every student looked at you with either terror or hateful eyes. If not all of them knew of the Van Helsing legacy before, everyone was aware of that…family business of yours now. Younger students ran away when they came across you in fear you’d attack them, and older ones who already knew you from before your conviction had murder in their eyes. It wasn’t unusual for some of them to purposely bump into your shoulder in corridors, or try to make you trip whenever you were around. Great mood, really. 
Secondly, Tyler Galpin had set his mind to be the biggest pain in the ass to you. Even if he kept his act of the terrified redeeming good boy with everyone else, but as soon as your eyes met, he changed into a shit-eating grin immediately. Tyler was constantly trying to test your limits, to push away to see where he was breaking rules and how fast he could get on your nerves. Whether it was by starting to transform only a part of himself we no one looked at him, or burning holes at the back of one younger student’s head and cockily flicking his gaze back at you, taunting like he was about to attack them. Daring you to make a move first. He knew you couldn’t attack him without him doing something first; the familiar glimpse of your dagger was never far whenever he ever twitched the wrong muscle. But on the other hand, you also knew he wouldn’t try anything that would ruin his chances to stay at Nevermore. But he could. So these cold war games of who would break first and taunting the other, with the possibility of jumping at each other’s throat in the blink of an eye, went on since the both of you arrived at the academy. Tyler was obviously thrilled by this ongoing silent duel between the two of you, and about how he achieved to make at least some of the people believe how harmless and sorry he was. So you could only swallow the frustration you got from his behavior, and stay on high alert for any suspicious move; you knew that as soon as he'd get the occasion, he’d pick up your previous fight where it had stopped. 
The days were pretty much the same: you got up early, made your morning run in the school’s woods before everyone else was up, went back to your room to take a shower, got changed in the horrendous uniform and your real day began. You picked up Tyler at his room, went to breakfast then to your first class. Logically you were both in the same class so it was easier for you to watch over him. Then lunch, which you more than often spent in a secluded part of the quad in almost silence, a few snarky comments threw at each other occasionally. Then the afternoon classes, the time usually dedicated to extra-curricular activities and clubs being used as studying time (Weems had tried to suggest that either your or Tyler could join a club, you had cackled at her). The dinner, under the glares of the other students in the dining hall, and then dropping Tyler at his room door. If Ajax wasn’t here, you’d make a patrol around the dorm after leaving Tyler. Then, lights out and you could go to bed. This wasn’t much different from your days in the detention center, same routines except you were both the convicted and the warden here. 
Exiting the bathroom after your shower wrapped in a towel, you grabbed your pack of cigarettes and put one between your lips. At least here you just had to go to Jericho to grab some, and not make shady deals like you did with the inmate who smuggled some in juvie. 
Passing in front of your mirror, you winced at the bruises starting to form on your forearms and thighs in different colors, from yellow to deep purple. You were used to having some of those when you were younger and your grandparents pushed the fighting training sessions until late at night. You would come home exhausted and covered in bruises and scratches, knowing the next day would begin early with the same exercises. 
But now, those bruises were from hitting walls and ground when students ‘accidently’ bumped into you in the corridors or lockers room. People thought teenage boys could be violent, but teenage girls were definitely more cruel among themselves behind closed doors; and a lot of Nevermore’s female students made sure to make you pay for being here again. 
Of course, you could fight back but it would only give them more reason to hate you, and the slightest misbehavior could send you back to juvie. So you shrugged it away, and swallowed your anger. It was like a patience test of sorts. 
Before you could light up your cigarette, the familiar ding of a phone notification interrupted your search for your lighter. Turning up the screen of your phone, you read very anxious and apologetic text of Ajax who informed you that he had some plans for the night and that Tyler wasn’t asleep yet – you could almost picture hear his shaky and panicked voice through the text asking you if it was okay for him to leave the room while the big bad Hyde was still awake. For a moment you considered flipping him off. Your day was over after all, you were officially off-duty. But then you remembered how terrified the poor Gorgon looked every time you dropped Tyler at their room, and you took pity on him. Maybe you could do him a favor and allow him to have a night off. Swearing to yourself slightly, you quickly texted him back that you would be there in ten minutes. Sliding in some comfortable sport shorts, a tank top and an old hoodie, you grabbed your cigarettes and dagger for good measure before getting out of your room. At this time all corridors were empty, and by the time you arrived at their room Ajax was already fidgeting nervously in front of the door. 
“Hey,” you greeted, “change of guard, you’re free to go.”
The beanie boy jumped, startled by your appearance, “Ah, h-hi Y/N, I’m sorry for notifying this so late but I have plans with some of my friends and you see–”
Interrupting his nervous banter with a raised hand you chuckled a little, “At ease soldier, that’s fine.”
His eyebrow rose high in surprise, “Really?”
You shrugged slightly, “It’s my job. You volunteered to be a Hyde’s roommate, I’d said you’ve given enough of yourself already. Take the night off, you deserve it.” 
“Well- that’s really kind of you,” stuttered Ajax, not expecting such an act of selflessness from you. From someone who had been expelled from Nevermore for a severe fault from what he heard about, this was kind of abrupt. He didn’t know you that well when you were at Nevermore two and half years ago, and he only heard of the whole deal that got you expelled from rumors. The ferocious Van Helsing, monster hunter. 
You gave him a playful but harsh enough punch on the arm “Don’t tell this to anyone, I have a reputation to maintain. Go, your friends are waiting for you.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, and with a final grateful nod Ajax disappeared through the corridor. 
Swinging the door open you came in unannounced, “I hope you are decent in there because I didn’t bring acid to burn my eyes,” you called sarcastically. 
A chuckle came from Tyler’s bed, where he was lying on his back with a book in hand. “Don’t act like you wouldn’t like what you’ll see, doll.”
You snorted, “As if. Got any more badass scars under that shirt?” 
“Wanna check?” he retorted playfully. 
Rolling eyes at the already familiar exchange you plopped on the edge of his desk, twirling your dagger between your fingers. You had expected some more snarky comments, but it seemed that the both of you had enough for today, and for once you fell into a comfortable silence. Tyler casually read his book while you flipped through your phone mind-absently for a while, browsing your instagram feed to kill some time. From time to time you glanced at him, making sure he was behaving himself – or so you convinced yourself. After all Tyler was a rather pleasant sight to the eye, and you did have a thing for freckled boys and scars (even if you’d rather die than admitting this out loud). No matter how much you despised being back at Nevermore and how much of a prick Tyler could be, you had to admit that this job wasn’t so unpleasant; at least the monster you were in charge of was an eye-candy, that was a first. As Tyler reached for his water bottle on the night table, you stole another glance in his direction. But instead of being silently regaled by the way his shirt slightly rose up to reveal his midsection, the glimpse of blue-ish marks made you frown. That stare didn’t go unnoticed by Tyler who smirked at you. 
“No need to stare, if you wanted to see me without my shirt you just needed to ask sweetheart,” he teased with a shit-eating grin. 
Normally you would have countered with a witty come-back, but the realization of what you saw was very serious, “How did you get those bruises?” 
Tyler’s cocky expression turned into a scowl, closing himself – maybe in shame, “I fell during fencing practice, that’s all.” 
You raised an eyebrow, “No you didn’t.”. Fencing was relatively new to Tyler, he had only been in football teams before which made him one of the worst students in practice. But you were on heightened alertness during those classes, when he had a weapon in his hands and he could be roughened up by other students – his violent tendencies could wake up. “I watched you closely during fencing practice, you didn’t fall.” 
Tyler averted his gaze, trying to refocus on his book, “Must’ve escaped your vigilance then.” 
“Tyler,” you pressed, narrowing your eyes at him, “who gave you those bruises?” 
This wasn’t really a question now, nor a hypothesis. He wasn’t the clumsy type; it was unlikely he did that to himself. And he definitely had a couple of students hating him for last year’s events. Bullying was a logical explanation.
Tyler remained silent for a moment before muttering, “Some guys in the locker room, no big deal.”
A frustrated curse left your lips; god, those guys weren’t even brave enough to actually go against him in a fair fight. They were as bad as the girls who were doing the same to you – cowards. “Who?” you asked. 
“Don’t know their names,” he shrugged before peeking from behind his book with an amused spark in his brown eyes, “Why? Do you care about my safety, my knight in shining armor?”
This made you grin a little, but it quickly was washed away by your serious expression, “If that’s what it takes to prevent you from losing control and attacking other students, then yes.” 
A flash of hurt passed through his eyes; he was a job to you, that’s right. Unfortunately, you didn’t notice it.
“If that shit happens again, just say it to me,” you muttered, blood internally boiling at the thought of bullying. What a bunch of jerks. “I’ll take care of it.” 
“What, because it’ll make your job easier?” he snickered under his breath. 
“Yes,” you answered flatly. “And because you don’t have to deal with that; I’m here to stand between you and the school, that goes both ways.”. This admittance made Tyler’s eyebrows slightly raise in surprise; he honestly didn’t expect you to be willing to come to his defense, even if it was just for your job. 
The nicotine need hit again, giving you a welcomed occasion to cut short the conversation. Getting off the desk you crossed the room to get to the window, Tyler following your every move at the corner of his eye – which you noticed of course. Putting a cigarette between your lips you waved the pack at him. 
“Want one?” 
“Y/N Van Helsing, are you getting soft on me?” he cackled, but still with a hint of genuine surprise in his voice. 
“Don’t get any ideas,” you rolled your eyes, “I’m technically off-duty, I’m allowed to chill out.” 
Tyler eyed the pack for a second but then shrugged, “Not a smoker. But thanks for the offer.”
Opening the window slightly to let the smoke out, you searched for your lighter before cursing when you realized you had forgotten it in your room. 
“Shit, forgot my lighter,” you mumbled to yourself. 
To your surprise, Tyler immediately got up from his bed and went to Ajax’s side of the room. He rummaged through his roommate’s things under your perplexed gaze, before digging to the socks drawer and retrieving a lighter, holding it up in your direction. 
“Ajax has a hidden stash of weed,” he explained, while crossing the room back to you. 
Tyler approached you slowly, lighter dangling between his long fingers. On any other occasion you would have taken a step back instinctively, to have a better balance in case of attack; but this time, you were feeling…bolder. Playful, like you were willing to see how far this could go. Tyler seemed to have sensed this too, because he lazily grinned as he stood now in front of you, merely a few inches away. His eyes raked over your legs coming out from the sport shorts, traveling up slowly until setting on your own eyes, boring deep into them. Not dropping your gaze, you were so absorbed in his deep brown eyes you didn’t even realize pulling the cigarette off your mouth; Tyler definitely did. His eyes flickered to your lips ever so slightly, attracted by your movement and then fixated on them. The soft curve of your lips were so temptful, especially as you were standing this close to each other, breaths mingling with each other. Noticing the flicker of his gaze from your eyes to lips he tried so hard to keep discreet, a smile slowly took place on your face.
“See something you like?” you teased, but your tone was softer than your usual bickering. 
He hummed, “You definitely look pretty from here.”
“Close to you? You don’t look so bad yourself, tiger.”
“Under me,” he said slowly, and the deep tone of his voice sent a shiver down your spine. He definitely knew how to play. 
You chuckled softly, “If you want to kiss me, make sure to do it properly, lover boy,” you breathed out while unconsciously leaning closer, daring him, “or I’ll break every bone in your body.” 
Tyler’s lips – so tempting too – stretched into a lazy smirk, “You wish I’d kiss you doll, but I’ve learned a few things about touching you without consent.”
The grin you gave him covered for the dash of disappointment that went briefly through your eyes, “Good boy,” you said, putting the cigarette back between your lips.
He gave you a mocking nod and held up the lighter between the two of you, flicking it open to make a flame appear. Approaching it closer to your face, you leaned in, the tip of the cigarette brushing the flickering flame. From beneath your lashes, you carefully observed him as he lit it up wordlessly, his gaze equally intensely set on you. 
None of you tore their eyes away from the other until the first puff of smoke came out, which you blew out outside of the window, leaning back on the wall. The tension from the previous moment slowly faded away as you both slightly stepped aside, putting a little distance between you two – enough to not be entangled with each other’s presence again, despite your best judgment. 
For a few moments, you observed Tyler silently, pulling on your cigarette and exhaling the smoke slowly. “You’re a strange man, Tyler Galpin.” 
His scoff was lighter than his usual snarky ones, “How so? Because I’m polite despite being a murderous creature?”
It made you wince a little; you could tell your words had hurt him. Going from tension-filled flirting to cold professional observations was a low blow, even from you. But you had to put some distance before it could backfire at you.
“Never said you weren’t,” you countered with a shrug, “I’ve only read your files, they didn’t exactly scream ‘polite considerate boy’.” 
“What, so all outcasts are evil for you Van Helsings?” he sarcastically said. 
With a shake of your head, you exhaled some more smoke outside. 
“Where do you think I’m coming from, the Dark Ages? If you want to talk about conservative shit, call my grandparents, they’d gladly welcome you with a pitchfork and a torch.”
Tyler let out a lighter laugh, “So there’s problematic grandparents in monster hunters’ families too, that’s reassuring.”
“All of my family is problematic,” you said with a roll of your eyes, “even my progressist parents.”. At the raise of his eyebrows, you made a vague gesture of the hand, “They had a revelation or whatever, and decided that hunting down creatures was bad overnight. And since then they've been playing the little saints, preaching their good words about pacifism.” 
Crossing his arms over his chest Tyler leaned his side against the wall, giving you a perplexed look, “I don’t get it, I thought you didn’t see all outcasts as dangerous monsters who needed to be slayed?” he frowned. 
With a long sigh, you averted your gaze for a moment. To be honest this wasn’t a conversation you had been prepared to have. 
“I don’t,” you stated flatly, “most of my family’s only interested in carrying the legacy and killing all the living creatures because they’re supposedly evil. I’ve seen outcasts, most of them are literally just trying to get their shit together as much as humans do, they’re not necessarily a menace.”
“But?” pressed Tyler, still not quite getting your point. 
Instinctively, one of your hands went to reach for your upper back, rubbing the area over your scapula. If Tyler noticed it, he didn’t say anything. “But I’m being realistic,” you said quietly but bitterly, “saying that outcasts could never represent a menace is burying heads in the sand. Humans aren’t so different, I saw what both of them could do to people like me.”
“People like you?” repeated the curly-haired boy perplexedly. 
“Too weird to be a normie, too human to be an outcast,” you shrugged slightly. “I’m in-between both of those categories, and no matter what I do I’ll always make enemies on both sides.”
Your cigarette was almost over by now, so you crushed it down the edge of the window and tossed it in a trashcan before lighting another one. 
“Both my parents and my grandparents are trying to use me as a pawn to promote their views, but none of them have been on the field for a long time,” you scoffed bitterly. “This isn’t about having preconceptions about outcasts or you Tyler, this is about facts and what I’ve read about you.” 
He looked at you silently for a while, before nodding slightly in understanding. 
"You're not half bad than I thought," he admitted, "not quite the blood-thirsty killer after all."
A small laugh escaped your lips, "I could say the same about you, but you did some time in juvie too for a reason, tiger."
He shrugged slightly, "Six months, we all made mistakes." 
"Hey no judgment here," you said with an amused smile, "did my two years fair and square." 
"You did?" he said, taken aback. That surprised you, you thought that he had heard about it by now. Still, even if he was curious, he didn't ask any further. 
"I'm not the only one having misconceptions it seems," you said quietly. "I may have deserved that, but I’d be lying to say that my conviction had been fair. Don’t get me wrong, I won't deny I like being a hunter, but I'm not here today to slice every outcast's throat on the spot." 
"No, only mine," snorted Tyler. 
You shrugged before inhaling some smoke, "That depends entirely on you, pretty boy. I hunt real monsters who are actually a threat, can be you or the next asshole who decides to be cocky." 
“But you have already deemed me to be a threat,” said Tyler with a surprisingly tint of hurt in his voice, and you looked up at him to find his brown eyes filled with a mix of bitterness and sadness. “So why the big ‘not all monsters, not all Van Helsing’ speech?” 
You looked at him for a long time, before answering, “I told you, I’m only acting by what I saw and what I’ve read about you. If I only relied on books, I’d be more than a pain in the ass for you; Hydes without masters can be very volatile in their violence, I’d be a true stalker.”
“Like you’re not?” he scoffed, “what in my behavior gave you the impression I could be a menace again?”. 
His anger was legit, but you shrugged. “So far, you can’t say you weren’t kind of a provocative asshole.”
Tyler nodded his head, “Fair enough. Still wanted to kiss me though.”
“What can I say, I must have a knack for danger.”  
Crushing your second cigarette end on the edge, you caught a glimpse of a group of students outside, apparently chatting as they returned to the dorms. You recognized Ajax, the blue-eyed siren you remembered as Bianca Barclay, a blonde girl dressed in pink talking excitedly with them as a smaller pigtailed girl dressed all in black held her hand, standing still. Beside Bianca, you also noticed Yoko and another siren, talking quietly. As they felt yours and Tyler’s gazes upon them, the black-cladded girl and Bianca looked up at your window. Even from up here, you could feel their glares, almost hear their snares. You glanced at Tyler with the corner of your eyes, noticing how uncomfortable he somehow looked. Maybe he knew some of those students from before? 
“Looks like you have a fanclub too,” you noted out loud. He didn’t respond. At the same time, you received a new text from Ajax saying he’d be coming back to the room soon. “It doesn’t matter what I think of you,” you finally said with a sigh, “if you want to be an asshole that’s fine. You actually want to redeem yourself? Works too, frankly I don’t care. I’m only here to put myself between you and the students until the school’s board is satisfied.” 
“Am I supposed to thank you, then?” he asked with a boyish smile that actually made him look nice. 
You shrugged, but it brought a smirk to your face too, “If you want. I may not be the most enjoyable person to be around, but I sure am the closest thing to a somehow friendly face you’ll find ‘round here.”
Tyler let out a small laugh, “Ah yes, the blade to the throat had given that away.”
Walking away from the window your smirk boarden, “You pulled that on yourself, pretty boy.” 
Preparing to return to your own room, you collected your pack of cigarettes and checked the time on your phone. Doing that, you saw the Gorgon’s text informing you that he was entering the dorm. That was your cue. 
“Oh I almost forgot,” you said, as you opened the door, “we’re going to Jericho tomorrow morning.”
“What for? Is this your way of asking me out?” 
You rolled your eyes, “No dumbass, you have a required therapy session to attend to and I have to tag along.” 
Tyler groaned at the thought, and you were tempted to do the same. This would be a very long and awkward morning. So before closing the door you threw him one last playful smile.
“Good night, pretty boy.”
His grin made you think that maybe this would be enough compensation for the dreadful next morning. That was totally irresponsible of you, but you were off-duty. A little flirt outside of working hours couldn’t hurt, right?
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The court had required therapy sessions for Tyler – again, for what you had understood. Usually it was someone among the teachers that drove those who needed to attend the sessions, but given the situation, you were the one driving Tyler to Dr.Fern's office. The new therapist at Jericho was located on the border of the town, meaning that Tyler won’t have to face any familiar faces. Still, as you knocked on her door, you could sense his nervousness. The door swung open to a ginger curly-haired woman, around her thirties, round glasses perched on her nose and wearing a comfy yellow sweater under her jeans overalls. Her gold hoops and slightly tanned skin contrasted with her light gray-blue eyes, and her general relaxed appearance surprised you for a second. 
“Ah, you must be Tyler Galpin,” she cooed in a melodic voice, “you’re right on time, come in please.” 
You shared a dumbfounded look with Tyler before following her into her office. The place was rather simple but well-furnished and you had to admit, it was putting at ease. 
“I’m Dr.Caitriona Fern,” she introduced herself as she sat on a purple armchair, gesturing to Tyler to do the same; you decided to stay on your feet, and took a look around the office to identify the potential exit. “I’m your new therapist, it’s a pleasure to meet you Tyler.”
“Nice to meet you too ma’am,” he said politely yet nervously. 
She smiled warmly at him and turned her attention to you, “And you must be Tyler’s friend then. Principal Weems had informed me that you would be present during those sessions as well.”
“I’m not his friend,” you corrected, “I’m his babysitter, Y/N Van Helsing.”
Tyler glanced at you with undertones of hurt in his eyes; he knew you were acting so cold and distant because you were in public. But after the flirting and open-heart moment you shared the day before, it hurted slightly. 
Despite your snappy tone, Dr.Fern smiled warmly at you, “Nice to meet you, Y/N. I hope you’ll join our sessions eventually, it could be productive.”
You snorted, “Not a chance. I’m here to make sure you don’t end up gutted on your own floor like his previous therapist, nothing more.”
Once again, she gave you a sympathetic smile through your harsh words, “Is it thought? Maybe those sessions could benefit you for all this repressed sentiment of injustice you bury under all your sarcasm.”
You narrowed your eyes at her, and Tyler gasped. “How did you do that?” he let out in surprise. 
“I’m a really good therapist,” she smiled softly. 
Another second passed before you realized what it was about, “You’re a fae,” you said slowly, to which she answered with a humble bow of the head. 
“That’s right. I’m graced with empathic abilities, which made me indeed a good therapist. I’m surprised you identified me so quickly,” she added, still with a kind tone, “it’s hard to recognize fae, even for sharper Van Helsing minds.”
“Not that hard when you know what to look for,” you shrugged casually. 
Fae had a very specific aura, like a faint glow around them that reminded of sunset. The calming aura around them was also characteristic of the species, some people would mistake it for kindness. Internally, you cursed at Weems for not having told you that the new therapist was also an outcast. 
“Are you upset that I’m not human?” asked Dr.Fern, cocking her head to the side. 
“No,” you said flatly, “faes aren’t usually prone to manipulate people. Can’t say the same about humans or Principal Weems.” 
The therapist’s smile turned into a sorry expression, “Principal Weems must have her reasons.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, “this isn’t about me, begin your session and forget that I’m here.” 
Dr.Fern gave you one last smile because refocusing solely on Tyler and the two of them began to talk. Leaning on the window’s ledge, you crossed your arms over your chest and made sure to shut down your ears. Honestly you didn’t think that those sessions would do anything to Tyler; he was a cocky asshole who tried to fool everyone with a guilty act, but you knew better. He didn’t want to change, so no matter how kind Dr.Fern was, therapy sessions would be useless. So there was no need for you to listen to all of this bullshit, and hopefully the session would come to an end before you’ll even realize it. 
But a few words still caught your attention. 
“Why do you want to have those sessions, Tyler?” 
“I don’t think I really have a choice,” he said nervously. 
“Yes, but why do you want to actually participate in them?” pressed the therapist gently.
He thought for a moment, pondering about it, “I- I want to get better. I don’t want to ever be trapped in my own body like I don’t have any control over the Hyde like before, I…I don’t want to feel helpless again, not like that.”
You glanced at him from the window ledge, an eyebrow slowly rising in surprise. Such an open confession wasn’t what you had expected, even less so in the first session. 
“Does the lack of control over the Hyde frighten you?”. Tyler nodded. 
“A bit yeah. I mean- I know what I did, and I can’t lie about how violent I still can be – like to be even. But…I want to have some closure to be over with Jericho. I want to put all of this behind me, if that makes sense?”
The therapist smiled softly and nodded, “It does.”
Yeah, you thought internally, it does.
About twenty minutes later, the session finally ended and you couldn’t help but release a relieved sigh. God, an hour had never felt so long. 
“It was a good start,” deemed Dr.Fern as she got up from her seat, “I’m glad we had this session Tyler.”
“Me too Dr.Fern,” he said while shaking her hand – under your watchful eyes, you had completely refocused the second the therapist had moved. “See you at the next session.”
“Goodbye Tyler,” she said as he crossed the door; when you followed him, Dr.Fern stopped you an instant, “Don’t be so stubborn about him,” she whispered to you, “he’s genuinely relieved to have those sessions.”
For a brief moment, you were tempted to snap at her. But faes weren’t liars. Instead, you bid her goodbye and caught up with Tyler without a word. Maybe she was right, and there was more of Tyler Galpin that you had thought.
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A/N: writing flirty and cocky reader and Tyler is EVERYTHING AHHHHHH they’re feral babies I love them omg 
Also if I manage to get back to drawing again, maybe I’ll draw Dr.Fern and scared!Enid and Tyler uhuhuh  👀
The next chapter should be posted soon, because most of it is already written! (was supposed to be in this one but I have cut things differently) 
Thanks everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥ Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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“Yet by a bizarre and limiting paradox, the emphasis on women's duty of procreation carries no connotations of female sexuality. As women were denied any full part in the process of reproduction, so they were likewise denied any pleasure of participation in the act. In fact, the less they knew about sex, the better, decreed their fathers and keepers; and thus in another reversal of the old mother-centered ways of thought, the highest value shifted from adult womanhood and the pride of fecundity to maiden ignorance. Now the child-bride, the unspoiled female, not-yet-woman, became the finest type; and a small film of atavistic membrane, the hymen, casually deposited by evolution in the recess of every woman's body, was discovered to be her prize possession. Virginity came in with a vengeance as every budding patriarch suddenly realized his divine right to a vacuum-sealed, factory-fresh vagina with built-in hymenal gift-wrapping and purity guarantee.
So powerful was this fetish of virginity that a new ideal gathered momentum, that of preserving it in perpetuity. One early Christian father, St. Jerome, was active in persuading fathers to dedicate their daughters to nunneries at birth, while another, st. Martin of Tours, constantly compared the "pure ungrazed field of virginity" to "the field of marriage torn up by the pigs and cattle of fornication." As this shows, the Christian church had from its origins a particular problem with women's sexuality: "to embrace a woman" wrote Odo of Cluny in the twelfth century, "is to embrace a sack of manure." The "sack of manure" metaphor for women's bodies was an obsession with the early Christians: "If a woman's bowels were cut open," pronounced the monk Roger de Caen, "you would see what filth is covered by her white skin. If a fine crimson cloth covered a pile of foul dung, would anyone be foolish enough to love the dung because of it?"
Yet Christ was born of woman. The solution to this embarrassment was found only after protracted doctrinal councils, when the gruesome hilarity of debating how the divine seed could penetrate the Virgin's hymen, or how Christ could have emerged from her uterus without rupturing the said hymen with his sacred infant head, appears to have gone unnoticed. But one thing was clear. Our Lord, the Son of God, the Redeemer of Man, could not have been born from a sack of shit. The Christian fathers had to protect Mary's purity in order e protect his. The Blessed Virgin Mary, it was decreed, remained a virgin not only before the birth of Christ, but afterward as well. She was unravaged by the bloody mess and pain of childbirth; He was hermetically sealed off from any contact with her filthy and disgusting innards. Nor was this merely a Christian perversion. The compulsive drive of the patriarch not simply to occupy and possess a pure and unspotted vagina but also to emerge from one may be demonstrated from the fact that in addition to Jesus, Buddha, Plato, Quetzalcoatl, Montezuma and Ghenghis Khan all claimed to be virgin-born.
With womanhood reduced to its most immature aspect, man therefore saddles himself with the problem of her regulation and con-trol. What this boils down to, in every case, is a withdrawal of the previous freedoms of adult women, which then traps them in a permanently arrested state of adolescent dependency and as such fulfills all the prescriptions of the patriarch.”
-Rosalind Miles; Who Cooked The Last Supper? The Women’s History of the World
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