#it’s impossible in this au for humans to have animal traits but neither of them know that
cyncerity · 1 month
Karlnapity doodles??? 🥺 The bbs <3
ok so i kinda went crazy here cause it’s almost 2 am and i said “hey there’s an idea i’ve had for going on 3 years that i keep saying i’ll animate and never do.” so i finally did.
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this is for a very very old au, it’s actually the first au on this blog and has 1 story; which is karlnapity. I won’t go into all the lore and stuff but i’ll link that story here for those of you who weren’t here in 2021, it’s how they ended up together in this au <3. Basis is Sapnap is a human, Quackity is an avian, and Karl is an Ermine hybrid borrower.
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delimeful · 4 years
not always what they seem
finished g/t space au commission for @legendsgates ! it was super fun to work on, i hope everyone enjoys!
warnings: dehumanization, treating people like animals, abduction, miscommunication, remus being remus, deceit, misguided but good intentioned light sides
“Hey, kid, wake up.” 
Virgil groaned, shifting to his side. It was still dark, why was someone bothering him? 
“There you go. It’s a great day outside, open your eyes already.” 
Wait. He lived alone. Who was talking to him?
Visions of chatty burglars or insane door to door salesmen breaking and entering flashed before his eyes, and he jerked upright with a gasp, eyes flying open. 
Darkness. He couldn’t see a thing. “What?” 
Virgil nearly poked himself in the eye in his haste to check his face for a blindfold. He should be able to see plenty; there was an annoying streetlamp just under his apartment window. Had he spontaneously gone blind? Had he been kidnapped? Was he in a trunk, slowly suffocating to death? 
“Hey, calm down. Everything’s going to be fine, don’t pass out on us now.” 
A burst of unhinged, echoing laughter nearly cut off the end of the sentence, and chills ran down Virgil’s spine. “Oh god. Look, I take terrible care of my body, you don’t want my organs, I promise.”
There was an aggrieved sigh nearby. Virgil hesitantly reached his hands out to feel the space around him. It didn’t feel like a car trunk. He was sitting up just fine. 
“I don’t think we’re being trafficked, but if we were, you’d be pleading your case to the wrong guy. I’m in the same situation as you.” A dull knocking accompanied the words. “Unfortunately.”
Virgil carefully turned his body to face the direction of the voice, squinting in case he could make out any sign of an attack. “...Right, sure. Care to fill me in on what-- what exactly that situation is?” 
The stranger only seemed sardonically amused at the bite in his voice. “We’re trapped in a room. There’s glass walls dividing the room into sections. There’s a little bit of light coming in through the roof, your eyes will adjust soon. That’s all I’ve got. Remember anything from before you woke up?” 
 Virgil shoved down the rising panic, rising to a tentative crouch with his arms outstretched for balance. He’d been… What had he been doing? “I… I don’t know.”  
Another sigh. “Yes, I assumed so.” The outline of a silhouette seemed to be coming into focus. Unless Virgil was just imagining things. “Thank you so much for being helpful.”   
He bristled at the tone, but before he could respond, another giggling laugh reverberated around them. 
“Don’t fret so much, figments,” a new, somewhat nasally voice said cheerily. “I’m sure your terrible and inevitably gory deaths will only hurt for as long as the dream lasts.” 
Virgil took a long, shaky inhale. “What the fuck.” 
“‘The fuck’ is Remus, the third occupant in our room. As far as I can tell, he believes this is all a hallucination brought on by sleep paralysis. Best to just ignore him,” the first stranger advised dryly. 
“I’m still ignoring you back,” ‘Remus’ returned in a singsong. Virgil almost couldn’t blame him. He’d really rather wake up and realize this was all a dream, too. 
He wasn’t going to bet on it, though. He stumbled forwards, feeling the walls for a door, a switch, anything. 
“Do you think I’m an idiot?” the unnamed stranger scorned. “I’ve already checked everything that could be checked. Nothing’s going to happen--” 
His voice was cut off by three quick, consecutive beeps from somewhere above their heads. Virgil turned his head this way and that, searching for an intercom or mechanical device nearby. “What’s that?” 
Neither stranger answered, and Virgil realized that this was something new just as one side of the room began to slide upwards like a garage door. He raised a hand as bright light poured into the room, backing up as far as he could. In the corner of his vision, another person was doing much the same.
Something large moved outside the room, its shadow falling on them and making it a little less difficult to see. 
Unfortunately, what he was seeing was impossibly horrifying enough to be real.
A huge figure, like a giant from a children’s fairytale, was visible from the torso up. It was wearing something close to a full body hazmat suit, its inhuman face visible behind a pane of red-tinted glass. Piercing red eyes were placed just slightly too far apart, and a shiny black shell covered the bottom of its face like a curved medical mask.
It leaned closer, and Virgil recoiled harshly enough to slam his back into the corner of the room. The eyes settled on him for a moment, before flicking over to the other occupants. Adrenaline surged through him, but there was nowhere to channel it. He couldn’t flee, and there was no way he could fight. He was helpless.
In the section next to Virgil, a short man dressed in formal wear stood carefully still. He was meeting eyes with the monster, his expression neutral and still. Where Virgil had felt like a deer in the headlights, this man acted more like a snake assessing prey. The only sign that he was unsettled was the white knuckled fists at his sides.
The monster made an unsettling sound, like a hum interspersed with clicks, and then turned its attention to the only human still laying on the ground, presumably Remus. A few rigid plates along its forehead twitched downward, and it chittered at Remus. 
Virgil caught what looked like mandibles protruding from under its face plate, and felt lightheaded. 
“Remus, I suggest you look alive,” the snakelike man muttered, attention still locked on the huge creature. Remus didn’t respond, though whether it was because of the monster or because he was still ignoring them was anyone’s guess.
A moment later, the monster reached up with a limb, the suit glove doing nothing to conceal the creature’s spindly, clawed fingers, arranged like an osprey’s talons. It tapped the glass between them, and Virgil was abruptly reminded of a child at an aquarium. The ‘room’ they were captive in was a mere box to this being. An enclosure.
Remus finally sat up, stretching lanky arms as though it was a normal morning. He cocked his head at the monster, squinting. “What are you looking at, you big bitch?” 
Virgil inhaled sharply through his teeth, but the monster didn’t react beyond its forehead plates shifting back up, and before long, it was looking down at a strange grey cube, flicking talons along its surface like it was a touchscreen. 
In his section, Remus had unfolded to his ridiculous full height, and was ambling up to the wall separating them. He smiled, something about it vaguely unhinged. “Hmm, hallucinations aren’t supposed to be this expansive! It’s almost like we’re actually here, captured by giant monsters that are probably going to stick us in a blender for a morning smoothie!” 
The snakelike man rubbed his temples, still holding onto his composure. He didn’t dignify the gory statement with a response, but Virgil was more than happy to. 
“Hey, it was Remus, right?” Virgil asked, and he saw the man nodding enthusiastically in the corner of his vision. “Please shut the hell up.” 
“Never been very good at that!” 
Roman glanced up from the data sheet, watching as the new specimens wandered about and made little noises at each other. He couldn’t help but hum a bit at the sight; the little animals were so charming. 
“Roman!” a familiar voice trilled, and he turned to the lab’s entrance, clicking in greeting at the sight of his partners. Though he’d been uncertain about working with beings from other quadrants at first, they’d managed to overcome most of their original hurdles and now worked smoothly together. There was nobody he’d rather have as his research team, even with the disapproving twitch in Logan’s ears. 
“Dear friends,” he returned, gesturing widely and making all the specimens freeze up again. “I swear I haven’t opened a single sect, only gazed upon our newest finds. You’re going to love them Patton, they have the strangest little noises.” 
The Nilh wasted no time in scampering forwards, just barely prevented from bumping the enclosure by Logan’s tail tugging him back slightly. “Oh, they’ve already started communicating with each other? What about body language, did you have the vidfeed on?”
“Yes, and of course,” Roman gestured with a pointed flourish, “I have also followed procedures and had the cam on since I entered the lab, treasured nerds.”
Logan’s hand flicked in an exasperated gesture, but his ears were no longer angled down, so Roman counted it as a win. Patton tugged the Glanrim closer by the tail, using his multitude of hands to push him into his spot. “Look, Lo! I think this one is threat displaying at me! They’re all acting so differently, it’s going to be so exciting to figure out what sort of sounds they use!” 
Despite his professional demeanor, Logan’s eyes all widened with excitement as he bent slightly to inspect their samples. “There’s quite a variety in patterns and sizes as well,” he observed, voice low and resonant. The little creatures all seemed to stiffen at it. “I would almost believe them different species entirely if not for the similar body structure.” 
“They’ve even got little primitive outfits, see?” Roman pointed towards the calm one in the middle, eyeing the seams. “There must be a bonding purpose for it, like how some mammalian animals will use pigment-dyes for enhancing appearance to attract mates. The real question is, how did they all end up looking so different? Which one is closest to the traits that make one desirable?” 
“I don’t see any reason we can’t find out!” Patton responded brightly. “We’ve got three samples, one for each of us, so what say we each get started on recording all the information we can!”
“We only have three specimens, so it’s important that we don’t push too far with any of them. This is only preliminary work,” Logan cautioned. “That said, I agree. The sooner we begin, the better.” 
“I’ll take the yellow one!” Roman immediately chimed in, his wings vibrating slightly inside his suit. 
“There’s three of us, and three of them, so of course they’re going to eat us.” Remus remained blithely oblivious to Virgil’s glower. “It’s lucky there’s not one more, otherwise we’d have to rock-paper-scissors on who gets torn in half.” 
Of course, this was the moment that the monsters stopped their odd, chitter-click-buzz noises to turn back to the container, and the first monster, the red one, began to fiddle with the side of the glass. Virgil started to breathe heavily as there was mechanical clicking around them, and then the ground under their feet shifted slightly. 
Without another second of suspense, Red reached under the box and slid the middle section out like a book from a shelf. The man in formalwear went with it, stumbling slightly and pressing against the glass for balance. 
“Oh hey, you got the freaky insect one,” Remus said, waving cheerily. “Hope your death is really cool and gory! Try not to make it cooler or gorier than mine though!” 
“Very helpful,” the man hissed through gritted teeth, his eyes slightly panicked. Virgil stumbled forwards to the front of his section as though he could reach the other human through the glass, terror chilling him. It was a pointless gesture, but as he was carried out of sight, the man offered him a nod anyways. 
Remus seemed to be unfortunately correct about them being split up, since next the one with the six arms and rocky skin pried the tall man’s section out and left with it as well. That left Virgil with the last one, a monster whose face was covered in neat fur and long whiskers. It looked at him with way too many eerie slitted pupils, and Virgil couldn’t help but compare it to a predatory big cat. Maybe several predatory big cats.
Its gaze was nothing compared to its size, of course, and Virgil couldn’t help but drop to a crouch, curling in on himself as gloved hands curled around the glass box he was stuck in and lifted it with ease.  
The floor of the box was transparent, and he stared at the dizzying drop to the floor the whole transferring process. When there was finally solid ground beneath him again, he looked up and found that his box had been placed on a sterile, shining counter. 
Before he could get much of a read on his surroundings, a shadow darkened the floor around him, and he barely got to flinch before cool fingers were descending on him, lifting him from the box. 
The hold was firm and clinical; his arms pinned to his sides, and a finger under his chin to prevent biting. The pressure on his throat was just slightly too much, and Virgil let out a choked cough, struggling to breathe through his panic. 
Thankfully, it only lasted for a moment. In the next, he was released, and his hands and knees met a solid surface. He scrambled to his feet, glancing around. 
The bad news was that he was out of the relative safety of the glass box. The worse news was that he appeared to be in a warped version of a hedge maze, walls and corners twisting around him. The worst news was that the monster was still present, and now it was manipulating some kind of square device. 
A heartbeat later, the walls around him started to buzz ominously, making the hair on the back of his neck rise up as he pictured every Saw movie he’d ever seen. 
“Fuuuuck this,” he muttered, shifting to his feet and starting down the nearest path. He alternated between making sure he didn’t get too close to the walls and making sure the monster hadn’t moved or otherwise acted suspiciously. The creature was watching him unerringly every time he looked up, and having all those eyes on him didn’t help his increasing unease at all.
As he turned a corner, he was faced with something new, and automatically ducked away in case it was going to start shooting at him. The small orb continued to sit in the middle of the path innocently, at just the right height to take out someone’s achilles heel. 
Virgil shuddered and turned around, backtracking to the last fork in the path. He wasn’t messing with monster traps, no fucking way. 
Above him, the monster seemed to sigh slightly.
“... just too timid,” Logan was saying when Patton re-entered the main area of the lab. “The specimen didn’t engage in a single puzzle during our session, not even one.” 
“What a puzzling situation!” Patton chimed in, carefully slotting his own specimen unit back into the container. Inside, the little creature continued to make a bizarre assortment of calls, not even in Patton’s direction. 
Logan exhaled shortly. “Am I to assume that your insistence on wordplay means that you had greater successes than us?”
“Well, you could go with that, but you know what they say about assuming!” he replied, tucking a pair of arms behind his back as he wandered over to the others. “The little guy seemed pretty aggressive, so I tried to see if there were any specific threat calls I could make out, but… it almost never repeated. Either they have very complex body language that I’m missing or my little friend is a few sticks short of a tree!”
The other two looked disheartened, and the linguist glanced over at Roman. “You two didn’t have any luck, either?” 
“No. My specimen barely participated in the trials I set up, and so I haven’t discerned what level of intelligence we are working with yet,” Logan gritted out, ears flat.
Patton tilted his head slightly. “Not even the treat ball? Most sentient life forms have no trouble with that one.” 
“No, no interaction at all. It may be worth looking for more compelling bait…” 
Roman cut in, antennae flicking in displeasure. “Anyways, mine was uncooperative too! I was trying to get a few samples of their outer shells to see what the fabric is constructed of, but it was so resistant after just one layer that I started getting worried that maybe removing any more would actually harm it.” 
“Good. Better not to risk damaging them.” Logan turned to the units, nose twitching as he thought. “There are other non-invasive tests we can try, but results might shift if we try different samples for different tests.” 
Roman click-buzzed in complaint. “That could take forever, though! We’re supposed to be coming up with significant research, not trading specimens around!” 
“Maybe, instead, we could observe all of them at the same time,” Patton suggested, getting both of his teammates’ attention. “After all, isn’t controlled engagement with multiple specimens one of the tests?”
Roman and Logan exchanged a look, before the latter inclined his chin, slowly. “It’s worth an attempt, at least. Just watch carefully for any signs of aggression. They can’t harm us, but they could certainly harm each other.”
By the time the monsters finally decided to put them all in a penned-in space with each other, Virgil was almost too exhausted to be worried. Almost.
He shuffled away from where the three bizarre creatures were looming over them, but carefully remained out of grabbing distance from the other two humans. He wasn’t stupid; he barely knew these people.
“Aliens,” Remus greeted them, holding his hands up in an exaggerated pose. “I’ve totally cracked it.” 
“You’ve totally cracked,” Virgil shot back, but most of his attention was on the well-dressed man. Or, formerly well-dressed, since now he appeared to have had all top layers except his undershirt removed. “Hey, what happened?” 
“Oh, is it not obvious?” the man hissed, arms crossed tightly. “I’ve been robbed. Clearly, this must all have been an elaborate mugging for my blazer and button up.”
Remus cackled. “Yeah right! That suit is cheap as hell!”
The man rolled his eyes, and Virgil couldn’t help but notice the way he was shaking. It didn’t seem like a fear shake, not with this man’s demeanor. “Okay, but are you okay? You seem, uh, cold.” 
“Of course I’m not cold. Why ever would a half-dressed, anemic man in a glass box be cold?” the man snapped. One of the aliens moved slightly, and their gazes all flickered up for a moment. 
Once it became clear no grabbing was happening, Virgil sighed lowly, pulling at his zipper and shifting the sleeves of his hoodie off. “You’re kind of a bitch, huh?” 
The man snapped his head around, opening his mouth to deliver a scathing retort, but Virgil interrupted him by tossing the hoodie at his face. “Excuse m-- oof!”
“Don’t spill anything on it,” Virgil muttered, ignoring the man’s perplexed stare. “You can pay me back with your name.” 
“... It’s Dee.”
“Did you see that?” Patton bounced on his toes, tugging at Roman’s talons. “It gave away it’s covering!” 
“Astonishing,” Roman replied, not tearing his eyes away. “Is it a social hierarchy thing? Did you see any familiar dominance displays?” 
“I… didn’t, actually,” Patton replied, face scrunching in perplexion. “Maybe this one is less attached?” 
“No.” They both turned to Logan, whose eyes had gone wide. “It was an act of assistance. The yellow specimen was shaking, likely from temperature exposure due to losing some of it’s covering. It was… kindness.” 
“Woah, what?” Roman clicked, antennae perking up. “But that would mean--” 
At Patton’s cry, they all watched as the other specimen seemed to attack, almost jumping forwards to intervene. At the last moment, Patton’s arms pulled them back. “No, wait!” 
Though the small, gangly creature had flopped onto the shorter one, the action seemed to elicit no pained cry or battle screech, only mild grumbles as the two readjusted in their impromptu pile. The one that had given away its covering made a face before carefully folding into a sitting position as well, a seat that kept it between the aliens and the other specimens. 
“These specimens were all pulled from different locations,” Logan half-stated, half-asked. Roman nodded, eyes wide. “They can’t be nestmates. What in the galaxy is this?”
“They’re sapient,” Patton blurted, a hand pressed to his mouth. “The sounds, they’re too complex because they’re not calls, they’re words. Language.”
“Language? But, the planet was said to only contain primitive lifeforms!” Roman protested, wings flaring up in agitation. “You’re telling me… Oh man.” 
“The heat sharing, the communication, even the extreme caution shown in unfamiliar circumstances,” Logan spoke slowly, as though warming up to the idea. “It… does seem to be a potential explanation.”
They all looked back to the tiny bipeds, now seeing their every action in a new light. 
“Well, there’s only one way to be sure,” Patton said, lifting up a hand and waving it slowly in a generic friendly gesture. “We’ll just have to figure it out for ourselves, using our own judgement.” 
After a long moment, one of the specimens-- no, aliens-- waved back. 
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Owl House AU Ideas, ZA FIFTH!!
Hello all, once again, I am BACK with an AU! It is a crossover with the popular superhero franchise, DC COMICS BABY!! WOOT! Specifically, this is a crossover between Earth 16, setting for the Young Justice Comics and Show, and The Owl House setting in the form of the newly formed Earth 53! Give ‘em some love folks, round of applause! Sorry if I’m hamming it up too much, just feeling really amped.
The premise is partially inspired by a crossfic over on ao3, can't really recall the name right now, that involves the Anti-Monitor's Anti-Matter wave occurring; The Owl House-Verse gets wiped out and subsequently resurrected as part of the DC Multiverse, with Amity somewhere in the mix due to being taken off the board just before her world is destroyed. In this idea, something occurs that results in the Boiling Isles and its connected Earth to be merged into the DC Multiverse; the shockwaves result in mass alterations to the two world's shared history as the Boiling Isles and Human Realm become the new Earth 53 (I know that the DC-Verse isn't restricted to just 52 worlds anymore, the name is mostly for dramatic effect). The biggest difference between this and similar premises is the idea of Earth 53 coming from OUTSIDE the Source Wall, an extreme anomaly in the DC-Verse Space-Time Continuum, if not an outright impossibility, that has resulted in "Errors" forming across the worlds. Amity is the one of the only ones who clearly remembers life before the merger, and the changes, both to the world and to herself, have been jarring. She who was once the heiress-apparent to a magical household of considerable influence was now the marginalized third child to two of the meanest lawyers in Bonesburough, friendless and adrift. In a world where humans, witches, and demons live alongside one another, and magic is a rare commodity hoarded by major cities and governments, where is her place in it all? And, more importantly, where is Luz?!?
Boscha: Unlike her canon self, DC Boscha is a tough girl who grew up on the streets, fending for herself at nearly every turn; she was eventually taken in by the Park family, one of Bonesborough's most well-known, if not necessarily influential, families, growing close to the daughter of the family, Willow Park. Boscha often acts as Willow's bodyguard and confidant, providing both protection from anyone trying to harass her, and a shoulder to lean on when she needs it. She has a small crush on Willow, but hasn't realized it for what it is yet. Boscha is a conduit for the Strength Force, granting her immense physical strength, durability, and geokinesis. Despite her immense power, Boscha is largely unskilled with her abilities, often being limited to the most basic interpretations of her powers. Willow: This version of Willow grew up as part of the lower Upper-Class, straddling the border between the Middle-Class and High-Society circles, gaining renown for her skill with plants and vegetation in general. While just as kind as her Canon self, DC Willow is somewhat jaded, often having difficulty opening up to others for fear that they are trying to get something from her or manipulate her. Willow suffers from a mild form of Narcolepsy, falling asleep when sufficiently stressed. Willow has a strong connection to the Green, gifting her with a powerful bond with all plant life; unlike other Conduits and Avatars for the Green, Willow refuses to fully connect with it, channeling her nature as animal, and as such of the Red, to retain her self. This unique state of being both apart of yet separate from the Green offers Willow a few abilities that other, similar, existences lack, with her greatest ability being the power to forcibly merge an enemy with the Green, essentially turning the Nature Dimension into a prison for them, though the technique is only fully effective against enemies who wield the Green themselves; non-Green Empowered individuals can only be held for around a month to up to a year before the Green rejects them and spits them out back in the Physical Plane, often sickly and in need of food and water, though not desperately so. An unusual quirk of Willow's is that she often adopts a demeanor similar to a religious figure, using formal speech and an extremely serene and calm demeanor; no one is sure, not even Willow herself, if it is an act or if she is genuinely being altered in some way by using her powers. Gus: Half-human, Half-witch, this interpretation of Gus often feels uncomfortable in his own skin. The only time Gus truly feels at ease is when he is immersed in water. At the age of Eight, Gus when swimming and nearly drowned, only surviving due to a sudden surge of the Life Force resonating through the world. As a result of his exposure to the Life Force, Gus possesses similar abilities to, yet still distinct from, those of Atlanteans. Gus cannot communicate with sea-life, but they are unusually docile in his presence, with even the most vicious of sea life being harmless to him. Gus can distort and manipulate the water in his body, and the water vapor in the nearby air, to create illusions and mirages. Gus tries to disguise his discomfort by hamming up his more excitable and comedic traits. Replacing his obsession with humans, this version of Gus is near obsessed with Magic, instantly going into Fanboy mode at the site of Amity's spells (note: Gus is capable of distinguishing magic from similar phenomena on his own, a holdover from his past self having magic, though his current self is unaware why he can do so). Skara: A popular girl, Skara sits at the front of the pack, yet also has a reputation of being kind and accepting; as she attends one of the most divisive schools in regards to Human-Witch-Demon relations in the world, this often results in her being forced to play mediator, much to her own distress. Skara can't stand seeing anyone upset or feeling left out, going out of her way to include others, even if it means she herself ends up left out. Skara is incredibly skilled at both Music and the Bow, serving as an expy of both Black Canary and Green Arrow, in that she wields a harp/bow combo capable of launching sound arrows. Skara is a nascent magic user, though her skills are highly unrefined and geared near-exclusively towards those based on sound. Edric and Emira: The twins are a study in contrasts as opposed to their canon similarities. While they still possess their sense of mischief, Edric has been groomed to be a respectable gentleman, at least in terms of appearance, while Emira is essentially an out and about rebel, bucking authority and rules at every opportunity. Edric thinks of himself as suave and charming, but to most everyone it just comes across as adorable and childish; a little kid thinking he's an adult. Emira is confrontational, aggressive, and possesses a reputation for being a punk, though she often takes a stand against bullies and thugs. The two often argue, but both fondly remember the days when they were more similar and got along more. The two share Speed Force powers, Negative for Edric, Positive for Emira, yet neither is compatible with their respective bodies, as Emira is more attuned with the Negative and Edrice with the Positive. To counteract the damage their abilities do to their bodies, they channel each others' Speed Force for their sibling; a side-effect of this sharing is that they cannot utilize the super-speed common to all Speed Force Conduits unless they work in perfect sync, but otherwise possess all the standard abilities of their respective forces. Jerbo: The quirky child of the local funeral director, Jerbo is highly skittish, often jumping at random and having a meek personality, he is slow to trust others. Jerbo has always possessed a fascination with the intricacies of life, death, and the cycle between them. This fascination ultimately culminated in him developing a connection to the Green! However, an accident disrupted the process, causing his connection to degrade and allowing a connection to the Grey and the Rot to enter in its place. None of his connections are particularly strong, but using them in concert allows him to leverage powers and abilities far above his technical weight class. He often uses his powers to necromantically command plants and bacteria, building intricate "Rot Golems" to fight with, in a manner similar to his Canon Plant Golems. In addition, Jerbo often uses his Rot powers to accelerate and regulate the decay of already dead plants and animals to create fertilizer and revitalize the environment. Viney: An adventurous free spirit, Viney has a genuinely compassionate soul, going out of her way to help out however she can. Viney has a deep sense of empathy, particularly for animals, serving as a first look for local pets before their owners decide to take them to the vet or not. Viney cannot stand animal abuse in any form, often protesting groups that have shown histories of shady animal practices whenever she can. Viney wields a connection to the Red, which she leverages in a manner similar to the powers of B'wanna Beast, as well as healing. Viney often serves as the team's emergency medic, as she lacks her canon-self's medical training. Barkus: An actual dog as opposed to his Dog-Witch Canon self, Barkus never the less can communicate with others. Barkus wields a connection to the Sage Force, granting him far higher levels of intellect compared to other animals and the ability to speak. Barkus possesses numerous mental abilities, including fortune telling, telepathy, and a mild-level of mind-reading. Barkus has a cool head, often serving as the voice of reason for the others, as well as an extra set of eyes and ears, as his nature means few people expect him to be a spy. Eda Clawthorne: Suffering from a weakened immune system and chronic pain, most people are often surprised by how spry and active Eda is. Eda possesses a genius-level intellect, often providing intelligence and resources for the team as well as a mentorship role. Eda enters the field as the "Knight Owl" (Not to be confused with Nite Owl), operating a highly sophisticated battle suit outfitted with a mix of advanced technology and magic to possess an answer to virtually any scenario. While adopted a cold, highly-serious persona when in the field, Eda's real personality isn't all that different from her Canon self, albeit more responsible and less criminally inclined. Eda often spends her time either monitoring the companies she owns portions of or searching for Lilith, who has been missing for several years in the new timeline generated by the shift into the DC Verse. Eda isn't a straight-lace though, she does have numerous connections and contacts in the underworld, she just isn't a flat-out criminal-hermit anymore. King: Not much different from his Canon self, merely lacking his delusions of grandeur and megalomania, he is often grumpy and sullen, prone to the occasional fit of rage over being treated childishly or being babied. He possesses incredibly potent magic, often being in charge of upgrading and repairing the team's gear that requires it, yet lacks the stamina and technique needed to use it in combat. Lilith Clawthorne: Fully remembering the prior timeline, awakening years before Amity, the shame and guilt over her past mistakes drew to her an Ultraviolet Ring, transforming her into the Ultraviolet Lantern of Sector 2814. Lilith's stalwart will allows her to dominate the ring, often bringing her into fellow members of her Corps who have been subsumed by Umbrax, Lilith has dedicated herself to using her shame over her past as fuel for her desire to aid others and protect them from the self-destructive darkness inside of everyone, often acting both as a fighter against evil, but also as a councilor to those she encounters on her journey who are suffering from their self-destructive impulses. When on duty, Lilith manipulates her uniform to disguise her appearance and voice, preventing others from identifying her true identity. Lilith constantly strives to better the lives of others, both as way to make up her past deeds, but also to ensure none feel the suffering she felt in her selfish foolishness.
This is to explain how Luz fits into the story beyond being a Maguffin to drive the plot. Also, because I don't want to drag it out any further and to cut off as many questions and clarifications on world-building ahead of time as I can... I have decided that, while still connected to the wider DC Multi-Verse, this particular idea is set on Earth-16, the earth of the Young Justice show and comic, and the newly formed Earth-53 of the merged Human and Demon Realms. At the time of the shift into the DC-Verse, Luz had been attempting an experimental spell that combined all of her, Eda, and Lilith's knowledge of Magic in order to see if they could fashion a new portal, or, if that proved impossible at the time, use the data to help further develop a cure for the Clawthorne sisters. Whether the spell worked, or did anything really, is unknown, but the reaction of the world shifting caused Luz to be flung across the Verses and Earths of the 52, before she ended up in the care of none other than Klarion the Witch Boy, specifically his fully villainous incarnation from Young Justice. Needless to say, due to Luz's connection, however faint, to the Titan, as well as her unusual magic, Klarion decided to see what fun he could have with her (not in a sexual way, just to clarify to anyone even accidentally thinking about it). This version of Klarion is a full-on Lord of Chaos, and a particularly malevolent one at that, with a wide variety of mystical relics at his disposal for his games and experiments, and just before finding Luz, he came across the most interesting toy of all, a staff that fuses magic and technology, something rarely attempted and often backfired, but he had found one that worked! Luz was not in good shape when Klarion found her, her body and mind damaged by the journey, her very soul mangled. Deciding to pretend to be a nice guy, Klarion used his resources to heal her, but what fun would it be to just up and fix the girl, hmm? Taking inspiration from the staff he had so recently found, Klarion set out to find relics and devices of magic and science both to repair Luz, just to see what mixing them all together would do, and it wasn't like he cared if she died if something went wrong! Low and behold, he managed to find a fragment of the Black Lantern-Corrupted Firestorm Matrix that composed Deathstorm, and a tiny piece of the divine lightning that granted Black Adam, and it WAS the lightning of Adam as opposed to Captain Marvel, and using these pieces, along with some chaos assisted spells for flavor, he worked his magic, pardon the pun. Now, before anyone says anything about these powers making Luz OP... they really won't. She only has a fragment of the Firestorm Matrix, a corrupted one at that, so she has none of the proper abilities of a Firestorm, nor does she possess the abilities of Black Adam, as awesome as that would be. Rather, the mixing of these forces, along with her magic, resulted in the formation of Catalyst, a psionic spirit born of her own mind. Catalyst is largely elemental in nature, lacking the mentality of a human, or any mortal being for that matter, content to sit in the back of Luz's mind, only emerging when something truly dire acts against Luz, as well as passively blocking any and all mental attacks against her. The part about only emerging against dire acts is rather literal, Catalyst will only intervene if Luz is close to death or about to suffer a fatal blow, and she lacks any ability to distinguish friend from foe, preferring to wipe out anything and everything in range to ensure Luz and her's safety. A benefit to the changes induced by Klarion's manipulations is that some of Luz's innate biological potential has been unlocked, but only a little. Luz absorbs information insanely fast, capable of memorizing a 1000 page document in its entirety on a single read through, and her muscle memory develops abnormally fast, making combat training very effective for her, though training is far from mastery, as she doesn't automatically gain the experience needed to make full use of any skills she may acquire. Luz is now naturally drawn to imitation, subconsciously copying Batman and Robin's walking style to minimize noise on instinct alone. Luz does gain some benefit to the Matrix merged with her body, along with the lightning, as her body now naturally acts as a conduit for divine and mystical forces; spells and divinity naturally flow in and out of her without effect, though the magic of Chaos and Order can easily disable her, particularly that of Klarion and Doctor Fate. For offense, Luz can cannibalize her internal energy stores to manipulate as light, electricity, and flames, though not all at once, and she currently doesn't remember how to eat, as the Matrix breaks down anything she can recognize as food and converts it directly into the nutrients, vitamins, and biological materials she needs to live, though she still needs to drink like normal. Luz possesses genuinely inhuman reflexes and mental processing, as she can easily track and process Kid Flash's movements, though anything faster than him gives her a massive migraine to watch. Luz has a limited ability to adjust her body, capable of making herself very fast at the expense of being more fragile, or very strong and durable yet incredibly heavy and slow. Luz suffers severe amnesia, though her personality is basically identical to how she was previously, merely missing the experience and social knowledge to reign in her most dangerous impulses, which she couldn't do very well to begin with, let's be honest, and cannot recall anything other than the fact that she is fluent in both English and Spanish, loves a series of books called the Good Witch Azura, and the names of her friends, though not how she knows them or that they are her friends (I think it is telling that she remembers the people she cares about more than she remembers herself). After Klarion healed her, he promptly dumped her back on earth to fend for herself; after regaining consciousness, Luz basically ambled around acting on whatever impulse struck her, no matter how insane, random, or dangerous, with her antics, combined with her inability to stop herself from using her powers, catching the eye of Cadmus, who promptly took her captive and stuck her in the sub-levels with Superboy. Something of importance to note, the Matrix that is currently helping hold her body together is tainted by the power of Necrom and his perversion of death; as it stands, every time Luz uses her powers and abilities in anyway other than to "eat" she shortens her lifespan, with the rate gradually, almost minutely, but inevitably speeding up. If the problem, and by extension a solution, isn't discovered soon, Luz will die, and her corpse will become an out-of-control vessel of extinction. In part due to the alterations made to her being, Luz views Superboy in a manner similar to a brother, and often tries to run interference between him and Superman to ease the tension and help them get along. Luz's attire upon awaking is composed of a skin-tight, black, sleeveless bodysuit with three silver lines running across it in a manner similarly to an atom model, centering on an orb affixed just above her right breast, emblazoned with a silvery-blue version of her light glyph, not that she currently recognizes it. Luz can disengage her Matrix, which disappears in a crackle of mystic lightning, and return to her civilian state by concentrating hard enough, doing it by accident after being released from Cadmus along with Superboy by the Team and the Justice League; the bad part was that she didn't have any clothes on after dismissing the Matrix, as Klarion didn't particularly care if she was clothed or not after he was done repairing her. Her codename, until she can recall her real name, is Thunderstorm!
Luz originally doesn’t quite remember how to use magic, but after waking up groggy and needing a light one morning, she, by pure accident, draws and casts one of her light glyphs off of pure muscle memory. Her reaction?
Luz: I can do magic? (Looks at the spell floating above her head) I CAN DO MAGIC!! (Cheers)
To explain, due to lacking the presence and power of the Titan, Luz’s spells are now cannibalizing her lifeforce for fuel, which vastly accelerates her life-drain. Of course, this is Luz, if she can use something to help her friends, even if it endangers her, she will, much to the concern of her friends and teammates. As Luz’s lifespan shrinks, she gradually experiences increasing symptoms of hunger, followed by occasional aches and pains that grow in frequency and intensity, before evolving to full-on fits of debilitating agony at its most advanced stages. Luz isn’t concerned about her condition, once she finds out about it that is. Why? Because she has faith that a solution can be found before she is ever in any real danger, and if not? She would gladly giver her life for her friends and the safety of the people... that’s just the kind of gal she is.
As always, feel free to ask questions, comment, or use the idea as you wish.
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determined-magi · 3 years
Facts about beast!mages:
They are the result of the mages being unable to stop the physiological side effects of LOVE on their bodies, having neglected that side in search of stopping, or handling, most of the hostile-genocidal aspects of it. This means their magic, having gone haywire, had turned their bodies over time to look more monster-magical creature like, as well as behaving likewise.
This is due brain trauma-damage from the process, as the brains aren’t supposed to have the shape they do in within such skulls, resulting in severe pressure until such places also changed and adapted on a slower rate, resulting in severe brain damage, as well as re-wiring of the normal pathways and a reboot of how it works. This has, much like the skeleton blaster beast option of the beast-monster!verse, resulted in severe amnesia, not total, but they will never be capable of remembering all, nor due to the changes and damages be capable of restoring their mind back to what it was.
Initially, their body had a 50/50 to 25/70 ratio of matter-magic composing it, meaning they were, in a way, similar to monsters. However, as months passed, this became an even between 80/20 to 90/10 ratio, as most matter was regained from hunting and consuming both people and animals, the former being a result more often out of conflicts with humans, rather than them actively hunting them, unless their hunts were unsuccessful several times, and they were starving.
It is over those few times that they hunted humans, however, that there were more negative tales about monsters, and then legends of people never returning from the mount or deep forest near it. However, they weren’t constant nor active cannibals-man eaters.
When harmed, they won’t bleed blood, unless when low on magic or dead. Instead, they will bleed vibrant magics the color of their soul, whilst their flesh is tained pure black due to magic burns, caused by their noxious magic developing a partial harm to them from all the attained LV they had from the war.
Likewise the blaster beast skeleton counterpart, they don’t really talk much, so much as they convey what goes on through their heads via their magic, as some Elementals may have possibly done once, before developing languages or means to communicate with others. But this doesn’t mean they are incapable of understanding speech or have the mental capability of a toddler.
They are also much more reactive towards things, much like a feral wild animal, and will react extremely while doing so on first experiences. Only growing milder over time with social interactions and developing back the experiences about interacting with other beings outside of a pack-like dynamic.
Along this, their bodies are roughly two to three times the size of a human, since they kept growing up and changing for about roughly five hundred years to reach the mostly animalistic physiology, as their magic had trouble getting past recognizable humanoid traits, given they didn’t have the biological nor magical genetic coding to make full changes and turn into an exact copy of their magics’ aspects. Which is also why they suffered brain damage.
Despite a lot of trouble and grief, this is perhaps one of the forms where they seem the most at peace, along their Blaster beast skeleton counterpart, as well as an in-development Feral Au I might add some-time later down the year or next year.
Also, much like Sans GB’s, or their blaster skeleton beast monster forms, they are capable of shooting magic energy lazers, however these lack their counterpart’s buff of damage based on the enemy’s LV. And it often has an end similar to Shin Godzilla’s breath, meaning it ends by becoming the elemental magic their souls are anchored towards. Fire mainly for Bellegur with a bit of electricity, a mix of light and fire for Thanneth, a mix of light and electricity for Rhowen, Electricity for Agarwaenor with a minor for light, Light with earth for Braigon, Light with minors on ice and water for Gilrin; and a mix of electricity, fire and earth for Thannor.
Also, when low on magic, in this form the mages get easily and badly sick, since the balance within their battered bodies from their noxious magic is broken, meaning there isn’t a magic to neither heal nor damage their bodies, leaving it running barely on its scarred internal state. Which means they are running on heavily scarred tissue, which for organs isn’t the best thing to run on. They can heal that scar tissue though, it is not impossible, but it will be hard too.
Also, they are PERMANENTLY changed, they can’t really go back to a full human body. Meaning they’re stuck as this middle ground between the different categories of creatures, and they can only be identified as human through their magic’s being notably human in nature, but not behavior, as well as their soul, everything outside of that is unrecognizable. And they can’t shape-shift back into a human shape, at most they can have some human traits, but most of their body will retain inhuman traits.
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kindcstguardian · 4 years
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Name. Osana Najimi Age. Verse dependant, mostly portraited as 17. Date of birth. January 1st Zodiac. Capricorn Sexual orientation. Bisexual demiromantic Location. Japan Occupation. Student, J-pop fan. Voiceclaim. Brittany Lauda.                                                    → Physical traits ♡ Eye color. Honey Hair color. Orange Height. 5'10.4 / 178cm Body. Well-built.
                                                  → School profile ♡ Class. 2-1. Personality. Lovestruck &&. Tsundere. Self-defense. Peak physical strength.
Main verse. Tag. 「 V00 ; Osana / ⁿᵒˢᵉ ᵇᵘʳⁱᵉᵈ ⁱⁿ ᵇᵒᵒᵏˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ ᶠⁱˡˡᵉᵈ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢ 」 
Osana is another highschool student in Akademi High, former president of the martial arts club after her embarrassing defeat against Masuta. Her grades are a bit above average except from physical education and biology which are her highest grades.
Rival verse. Tag. 「 V01 ; Osana / ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵘʳᵗ ᵐᵉ 」
She has a crush, and Heavens help her. Of all people, she developed a crush on Yamada Taro    her childhood friend. Despite being midly scared of ruining their friendship with her romantic affections, she is not giving up. In fact, Osana is willing to try and be more honest, offering to prepare bentos and even purchase gifts with a part-time job.
Friendship. Tag. 「 V02 ; Osana / ʷᵉ ᵃˡˡ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃ ᵇⁱᵗ ᵒᶠ ʰᵃᵖᵖⁱⁿᵉˢˢ 」
Aishi had a valid point—after all they had done for her, it would be selfish of her to keep the person they love away from them. After all, Osana was also scared of destroying all those years of friendship. This way was better, remaining strictly platonic.
Lowest atmosphere verse. Tag. 「 V03 ; Osana / ʷʰᵒ ⁱˢ ⁱⁿ ᶜᵒⁿᵗʳᵒˡ ? 」
She’s terrified. Osana witnessed a trail of blood and her eyes followed it until she spotted the dead body of Midori Gurin to which she panicked, yelling for help and rushing to find Taro because his safety was her priority. Besides, other students had seen the body as well and were calling the authorities and taking pictures.Scared of what was the fate of Akademi High, Osana is closer than ever to Taro due fearing something bad might happen to him. If someone wanted to harm him, then she would not hesitate to sacrifice herself. 
Senpai verse. Tag. 「 V04 ; Osana / ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ 」
Swapped AU, 18 years old. Osana Najimi is in her last year of Akademi High, so many memories and moments she will hold dear to her heart before taking exams and applying for college. She has yet to think in what she wants to do after graduating and it’s quite troubled about that for which she will be mostly reading reference books and talk constantly with her teacher. Love is not on her priorities and she had long ago moved from her initial crush on her childhood best friend, Taro Yamada. However, much like every other student, she ocasionally craves for romantic affection but tries to brush it off.
College verse / 19 years old.   V05 ; ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵒ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱ'ᵐ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ
My candy love. Tag. V06 ; ᵗᵃˡᵉⁿᵗˡᵉˢˢ ᵃʳᵗⁱˢᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ
Eldarya. V07 ; ᵗⁱᵏ ᵗᵒᵏ ⁻ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ˢˡⁱᵖˢ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵐʸ ᶠⁱⁿᵍᵉʳˢ 
FengHuang descendant, 19 years old. After a stressing day at college for a first-year, she decided that it was for the best to take a long and relaxing walk in the park—disconnecting herself from the dorms and constant crushing atmosphere. Yet she was beyond wrong and stepped somewhere she should not have; currently waking up in the middle of a forest with glowing flowers and mixed animals like mutants.
Doki doki literature club verse. V08 ; ⁱⁿᵏ ˢᵖⁱˡˡᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵐʸ ᵖᵃᵖᵉʳˢ
After a year in academy high, she was transferred to another school in a different city. Basically, she moved away and while she keeps in touch with both Yamadas, it’s not the same.The reason she had to move was due issues with a stalker.Being the new student left a bitter taste in her mouth, but Osana had to deal with it. After all, what’s the worse that could happen?
Monster Prom verse. Tag. V09 ; ˢᶜʳᵉᵃᵐ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ⁿᵒ ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉᵐ
Banshee species, 21 years old. The redhead could have lived her whole life not knowing she was a banshee—therefore, she blamed Akademi High for making her discover this of herself. After predicting the death of several students, Osana was transferred.    She came to the realization of her heritage when her parents bursted into her room when pass three in the morning she started to scream, believing there was an intruder but instead they found her daughter sitting on her bed, eyes rolled to the back of her head while she kept screaming until windows shattered. What shocked them both was that as soon as that happened, Osana went back to sleep as if nothing bad had ever happened.    Afraid of what could become of her without proper guidance, they send her to Monster High unknown for them that it was a disaster and laws did not exist. Neither logic.
Mystic messenger verse. Tag. V10 ; ᵐʸˢᵗᵉʳⁱᵒᵘˢ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏᵉʸ
22 years old. Despite her parents being against Osana taking a gap year, she could not handle another year going under all that pressure and try to reach those social expectations that seemed beyond impossible for her.She knew better than anyone that a break was needed or else she would lose it. However, it was never in her plans to be misguided to an empty appartment and fill the role of a deceased person.
Raph, wreck the internet. Tag. V11 ; ⁽ ᵖᵘᵇˡⁱᶜ ᶜʰᵃᵗʳᵒᵒᵐ 
Coded to look and be seventeen years old, Osana kept aging despite not actually growing up “physically”.Because she comes from a game that has been and currently still is under development, she might glitch from time to time especially because she is the first rival to be programmed.
Android verse. Tag. V12 ; ʰᵒʷ ᵐᵃʸ ᴵ ʰᵉˡᵖ ʸᵒᵘ?
Loosely based on Detroit: Become Human. Lovesick is a company who created androids for people who were struggling with mental illnesses and required a twenty-four hours seven days a week watching service along someone who would have all knowledge in synthoms and be able to help with the recovery, plus prepare meals, keep everything clean in case the person itself was not capable of doing so, etcetera.    Because such task was time-consuming and drained most humans if not everyone’s energies, this androids were programmed. They even have bodies resambling humans, including synthethic organs, to put their humans in charge at ease.    Each model has a default personality to make them resamble more a human—as well as they are perfectly capable of being empathic and feel emotions although not as strongly as humans ( or that is assumed ).
Miraculous Ladybug verse. Tag. V13 ; ⁽ ᵇᵉ ᵖʳᵉᵖᵃʳᵉᵈ ⁾
Ox holder. Some punks were bothering an old man in a park and Osana wasn’t about to watch how they beat up an elder person, where was the respect nowdays!  Sprinting her way towards them, she used without much thinking her bag to knock one down before positioning herself in front of the man, acting as shield.    The situation quickly unfolded to a full-combat in which she knocked out the three guys and was panting heavily but even then, she turned around to ask the elder if he was alright only to find a small box on the floor instead of the man.    Huffing, she grabbed the box as a token and carefully read a puzzling note: Ox miraculous — Holders: they are persistent but stubborn, cautious but hesitant, moody and quick-tempered but caring with a fragile soul.    The redhead did not understand the meaning behind those words until she got home and wore the strange jewel inside the hexagonal box, a blue choker of sorts with five pale yellow spikes. Unbeknown to her, a magic creature appeared in front of her.    After a mild-breakdown of not understanding this responsability, Osana became the miraculous holder of the Ox, with her kwami named Stompp. and currently protects a part of Japan under the name of Lán-acier. Her transformation phrase is ‘Stompp, break through’ whereas her de-transformation is ‘Stompp, throw back’ and her weapon is a hammer that, much like Chat Noir’s baton, has length-changing feature and a split one—in this case, when her hammer is split in half, they apear to be two dull axes. Note. her hair is done in a braided updo hence why it appears as short.
Percy Jackson & the Olympus  Tag. V14 ; 
Daughter of Ares, 17 years old. Being chased by monsters at age ten, Osana learnt the truth about her biological father whom was a Greek God—Ares, God of War. Her mother was able to see through the mist.    Joining the Camp Half-Blood, she learn combat fighting skills and surviving ones; although she, sadly, learnt as well that most ( if not all ) Ares kid were rebels without a cause and liked to cause arson just because. In that aspect, Osana usually stays at Athena’s cabin and feels she should be a daughter of hers due having more ‘noble’ aspects of combat and civil conduct when it comes to battle.    Habilities she possesses as daughter of Ares: - Physically Enhanced. beyond stronger than average, fast and agile due to having the physical structure, upper body strength. - Telumkinesis. expert in all weapon usage and she may even have some degree of magical control over them. Osana does not have a weapon of preference. - Weapon Conjuration. She is able to transform any object around her into any weapon and/or tool through sheer concentration. - Weapon Curses. She is able to place curses on her opponents weapons. - Odikinesis. She has limited control and influence over the emotions of war (such as hate and rage). She would unknowingly use this ability to induce violent fights with others. - Powerful Scream (limited). Able to generate a powerful scream capable of causing her opponents extreme pain and discomfort. - Pyrokinesis (limited). Able to generate heat and fire to a certain degree. However, compared to Hephaestus’ children, her powers are inferior.
「 Najimi Osana / 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 ┊ xʙᴄʀɴɪɴɢ-ᴏᴜᴛ 」
「 Najimi Osana / INQUIRY 」
「 Najimi Osana / MUSINGS 」
「 Najimi Osana / VISAGE 」
「 Najimi Osana / INTROSPECTION 」
「 Najimi Osana / HEADCANON 」
「 Najimi Osana / ROMANCE 」
「 Najimi Osana / MUSIC 」
「 Najimi Osana / CRACK 」
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