#it’s jersey friday that’s why he’s wearing jeans
kitty-lattee · 1 year
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FOOTBALL DANYON!!!!! (plus his emo bf)
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roosterforme · 2 years
Batting Practice Part 4 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You get a little bit of time alone with Bradley, and now you want him even more. When he asks you about Frank, you realize you need to tie up some loose ends. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing (eventually 18+)
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Everett was beyond excited for his first tee ball game, and he insisted on wearing his jersey to school on Friday. He wanted to wear it to bed on Friday night as well, but you made him change into pajamas. 
"What time does my game start?" he asked for the millionth time.
"Sweetie, I already told you. Tomorrow morning at 10:30. And that's why you need to get in bed and get a lot of rest."
After six bedtime stories and a cup of water, he was finally dozing off to sleep, and you were about to check your work email. 
But when you looked at your phone, you saw a few texts from your sister and a text from Bradley.
Bradley Bradshaw: I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'm probably allowed to spend a little extra time with the Team Mom. Maybe you'll keep your Kitten claws tucked away and let me buy you something from the snack bar after the game?
"Oh my god," you whispered as you sat on the edge of your bed. You lay back and literally kicked your feet up in the air as you wrote back to him.
I'll keep my kitten claws away if you buy me an Icee and a soft pretzel.
Then you sat up and gasped before running downstairs to the kitchen. Everett's tee ball schedule was hanging on the refrigerator where you and he could both see it. You took it down, sending a magnet flying in the process. You were right; Monday's practice was dress up day. The kids were supposed to come to practice in costumes, and there was a note encouraging the parents to dress up as well. 
With a squeak, you found the magnet and hung the calendar again before running back upstairs to your room. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Sounds perfect. And maybe you can fill me in more about what else Kittens like to eat and drink. For future reference.
You buried your face in your pillow to keep from screaming too loud. You felt like you were seventeen again and about to get asked to prom by Kyle Jenkins. Except this was even better. 
You sent back a cat emoji before you opened your Amazon app and searched for what you needed for Monday. 
You found a cat ear headband and a cat tail to make an adult cat costume. Then you dug around in your closet for something to pair them with. You had black jeans, but couldn't find a suitable top. After a few minutes of searching, you added a black bodysuit to the shopping cart along with some washable face paint. Before you could second guess yourself, you charged everything to your credit card with next day shipping, and started to get ready for bed. 
You needed to be well rested for Everett's game. And for the snack bar.
Bradley took a quick shower while his coffee brewed. The bathroom was right next to the kitchen and living room, and his bedroom was the only other room. His apartment was kind of small, and he kind of hated it. 
Last night, he had spent hours thinking about bringing you back here, but it was so boring and bare, it made it look like he had no personality. Then he started thinking about what your place might look like. Then he started thinking about what your bed might look like. Then he was just imagining you in a nondescript bed with him, and he started touching himself. 
He wasn't really surprised. You were such a treat to look at, and he was more attracted to you than he had been to the last dozen women he had hooked up with combined. There was just something about you. The combination of wholesome mom vibes were mixing with the way you responded to him when he called you Kitten. It was a lot for his brain to process how sexy he found those two things when put together. 
For a brief moment he thought about masturbating again in the shower, but he didn't have enough time to indulge in that like he really wanted to. 
He quickly toweled off and finished getting ready. He sipped his coffee and scrolled through his text messages with you, being extra careful not to spill anything on his white baseball pants. 
God, you were so flirtatious. That little kitten emoji threw him last night. 
He rubbed a hand across his mouth and mustache and grabbed his gear for the game. He'd never make it through the day if he didn't try to stop thinking about you. 
He arrived at the field early and started setting things up with Bob, but he kept glancing around, looking for you. And if Bradley thought you looked good when you came to practice directly from work, that was nothing compared to how you looked today.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned as you made your way across the assigned field with Everett in his blue jersey. Your jeans were tight, and you had them paired with a Padres shirt and cap. 
When you looked over at him, you smiled and mouthed, "Hi, coach."
Bradley handed the cones he was holding to Bob and headed directly for you.
"Hey, we still need to mark off the outfield!" Bob called after him, but Bradley didn't pause until he was next to you.
"Kitten," he whispered as you took Everett's cleats out of his bag.
You glanced at him over your shoulder, and Bradley made sure you could tell he was checking you out. 
"Coach," you whispered back just as Everett launched off the bleachers. 
"Coach Bradley! Are we playing against the orange team?" he asked, pointing to the kids in the opposing uniforms. 
"We sure are. Those are the Tiny Hawks. Much less intimidating than a Tiny Eagle," Bradley said, adjusting his cap. "You ready to play? We're going to need our top power hitter if we have a chance at winning."
"Yeah!" Everett yelled. 
"Start warming up for the game," Bradley said, patting him on the shoulder as he ran toward Bob. Then he turned toward you and smirked. You were chewing on your bottom lip as you looked up at him like you were about to kiss him. "You look cute, Kitten. And on that note, I'm going to go cool down for the game."
Your laughter followed him as he went to meet with the referee. When the game started, he could hear you cheering loudly for Everett, your voice reaching his ears over everyone else's.
The game was honestly pretty exciting for a bunch of first graders hitting a ball off a vertical stick. Everett had two hits and even made it to third base during one inning. And whenever there was downtime in the game, you still got to look at Bradley in those tight, white pants. 
The moms behind you started whispering, and you were trying not to laugh. 
"I'll bet Coach Bradley could bench press me. His biceps look like fire hydrants." 
"Tara, he's got to have a girlfriend. There's no way something that meaty is still on the market."
Then Everett hit the ball so hard, another player on his team scored a run. "Go Everett! Run!" you shouted, jumping out of your seat and cheering. 
Bradley turned around and smiled at you as Everett won the game for his team. You waited for the kids to shake hands with each other, and then Everett gave Bradley another high five before running to you.
"Mommy!" he shouted as you caught him in your arms. "I'm a power hitter! Just like Coach Bradley said!"
"You really are! You were amazing!"
Then he wriggled out of your arms and said, "Can I play on the swings with the other kids?"
There was a good view of the swings from the snack bar, and now Bradley was heading your way with his gear bag slung over his shoulder and some dirt on his white pants. 
"Yeah, Ev. Just stay on the playground."
Bradley stopped in front of you. "I have a little team business I'd like to discuss with you, Team Mom. Would you join me on a bench near the snack bar?"
You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh. "Sure, Coach Bradley." So you turned and walked next to him for the first time; Everett was usually tucked in the middle when he walked you both to your car. Bradley was so tall when he was right next to you that you had to tilt your head up to talk to him. The other moms were right. He was definitely something to look at. 
"Congrats on your perfect winning record, Coach," you told him, earning a deep laugh that made your lips part as you sucked in a breath.
"Thanks, but I guess I should really be thanking Ev. He won us the game."
You just smiled and glanced at your son as he played. "He's doing so well. I can't believe it."
Bradley just shrugged as he led you up to the window to order some snacks. "He's talented, and he's fast. Does...his dad practice with him?"
You glanced up at him and shook your head. "No. Danny barely sees him at all."
A crease appeared on Bradley's brow and he immediately looked kind of angry. "Why not? He's not local?"
You snorted as you gave him a pitying look. "He lives in Mission Beach. He's just not interested."
"What the fuck?" Bradley asked, earning a glare from the woman who was trying to take your order at the snack bar. 
You just nudged his arm as you ordered your soft pretzel and cherry Icee. He ordered himself a soft pretzel and a lemonade and paid before you could get to your wallet.
"I already told you, it's my treat," he said, grabbing both drinks while you grabbed the pretzels. "Now I need you to explain to me how Everett's dad lives in San Diego but never spends time with him. I don't understand."
You just shrugged and sat down on a bench in the shade. "It's just one of the many reasons Danny and I are divorced. He never showed much interest in Ev, even when he was a baby."
Bradley settled in next to you and handed you the Icee. "I mean... babies are kind of scary. But Everett is fucking great."
You just looked at him, his pretty brown eyes flashing with anger and annoyance. 
"Yeah, Ev is the best. We're better off without Danny."
Bradley took one of the soft pretzels from you and ate half of it in one bite and chewed it up.
"Does that mean you're single, Kitten?" he asked without hesitation. "Been wanting to know."
You grinned at him as your phone vibrated in your pocket. "You've been wanting to know?" You ignored a text from Frank and set your phone down on the bench between your thigh and Bradley's. 
"Come on, Kitten. Just tell me. You're playing with me like I'm a ball of yarn."
Your grin gew as you nibbled on your pretzel and tried to figure out what to tell him. Essentially Frank was nothing. Inconsequential. In fact, he was really irritating you at the moment as another text came through after you'd already told him you were busy this weekend. 
"Well," you started. But now Frank was calling you. As you tried to ignore the call, Bradley looked at the screen.
"Who's Frank?" he asked, looking up at your face with a forced neutral expression. "Someone you're dating?"
"No," you replied, scrunching up your nose. 
"So you're single?"
"Good. Because you've got some salt on your lip," he whispered, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb. Without giving it a second thought, you licked the salt from the pad of his thumb. Bradley froze with his eyes wide, staring at your mouth. "Jesus, Kitten."
Your face had the decency to grow warm as he leaned in a bit closer and whispered, "Next time I'll kiss it away."
You let out a tiny squeak as your phone started ringing again. 
"Damn it, Frank," Bradley growled as he scooped up your phone and answered it. "This is Kitten's phone. How can I help you?"
"Bradley!" you gasped, lunging for the phone as he switched ears. You watched him sip his lemonade as he looked at you, keeping the phone firmly out of your reach. 
"Yeah, I hear you, Frank. But she's at a tee ball game right now. Want me to relay a message?"
"Give it back," you scolded him, reaching for it again.
Bradley shook his head, but you just climbed across his lap to get your phone, your chest pressed against his. But now he was holding your phone out in his massive hand with his arm extended, and smiling a few inches from your lips.
"Bradley!" you said with an exasperated laugh. "You're terrible!"
"And you're wonderful," he replied as you anchored one hand around his neck and reached for the phone. You planted your right knee between his thighs and reached, but he finally relented by handing the phone to you.
"Frank?" you asked a bit breathlessly when you had the phone to your ear. You were touching Bradley in the weirdest assortment of places, but neither of his hands were on you. You wished they were. 
"Frank, I'll see you on Monday," you said, paying no attention to what he was saying before ending the call. 
"Who's Frank?" Bradley asked again, his breath ghosting across your cheek as you eased yourself off of his lap. But his hand came up to your waist to hold you in place and your eyes met his.
"A guy from work. Who doesn't know how to take no for an answer."
"What the hell does that mean?" Bradley's voice was tight. 
"Oh, just that I told him I'm busy this weekend, but he's still bugging me." You swallowed hard. You were going to need to completely end things with Frank. Soon. Because as you eased your knee over Bradley's thigh, you had to fight the urge to kiss him. You never craved kisses from Frank. "But maybe he'll leave me alone now that you answered my phone."
You were sitting on your knees on the bench facing Bradley when he turned toward you and asked, "Do I need to worry about Frank?" 
Your lips parted in a silent smile, and you laughed. His eyes looked a little hurt as they met yours. 
"You don't need to worry about anyone, Coach."
His face eased into a soft smile. "Have you given any more thought to that Phillies game, Kitten? It's my treat if you and Ev want to go."
"That's not necessary," you insisted. But you wanted to go in the worst way. 
But if you told Everett that this was even a possibility, he would ask about it nonstop for the next month. Letting Everett spend time with Bradley outside of tee ball was just asking for trouble. Spending time by yourself with Bradley outside of tee ball was probably just as bad. 
"I know it's not necessary, but I'd still love to take both of you." 
His eyes were so sincere. You had never been interested in a guy who you allowed to be around Everett before. But Bradley was in two categories: Everett's Coach and a guy you really liked. And it would be impossible to separate the two now.
"I want to say yes...."
"Then say yes," he replied. "And you should say yes when I ask you out on a date without Everett. And you should say yes when I ask you if I can practice tee ball with him since his dad sounds like such a tool."
You felt soft inside. "All of that sounds nice, Coach. And I do the best I can with helping him practice, but I don't know that much about baseball."
"I can teach you," Bradley said softly, stroking your knee through your jeans. "Over dinner? What do you like to eat, Kitten?"
"I'm not picky."
"What's your favorite?"
You kind of shrugged. "Cheap burgers and expensive champagne."
Bradley laughed. "I love that, too."
Then Everett came over and squeezed onto the bench in the small gap between your knees and Bradley's thigh. "I'm starving," he whined.
When you checked your phone, you were surprised to find it was a lot later than you thought. "Ready to head home for lunch?"
"Yes," he said, and just when you were about to remind him to thank his coach, Everett threw his arms around Bradley's neck.
"Thanks for making me such a good player."
You watched Bradley return his hug, something you couldn't ever remember Danny doing. 
"I didn't do much, kiddo. You're a natural," Bradley told him with a smile. 
"I don't know what that means, but it sounds good," Everett said, standing up and collecting his gear bag. 
"Thanks for the snack," you whispered as Everett took your hand and started pulling you toward the parking lot. 
"Bye, Kitten."
Bradley watched you walk away, looking like a real treat in those jeans. The bench was suddenly too quiet and lonely without your attention for him to bask in. So he just sipped his lemonade and tried to figure out how to make you feel more comfortable. 
Clearly you were hesitant to tell him who the hell Frank was. That was a potential problem. But Bradley had to smile at the memory of Frank sputtering in confusion when he answered your phone. 
Frank was going to have to go.
You also needed some reassurance about Everett. Bradley genuinely liked your son, and he could picture himself tossing a ball around the park with him. If he wanted to play real ball in the fall, Everett was going to need to get better at fielding. He seemed to love baseball as much as Bradley did at that age. And honestly baseball was the one thing that really helped him deal with losing his dad. 
It was funny how Everett reminded him so much of himself, but Bradley thought perhaps Everett had it worse than he did. Nick Bradshaw was just gone from Bradley's life by the time he was in first grade. Completely wiped away. No chance of ever seeing or talking to his dad again. But Everett's dad lived a scant five miles away from this bench and never spent any time with his kid. 
"Fucked up," Bradley mumbled to himself. Especially since you and Everett's dad had been married. Who does that shit to their family, divorced or not? Bradley had to roll his shoulders to help himself calm down. 
If it was okay with you, he would take Everett to the park one day. He thought they would both have fun. 
As he finished his lemonade, his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a text from you.
"Okay, Coach. Take us to the Phillies game. We both really want to go with you."
He smiled and opened the internet tab where he had been looking at tickets. He bought three seats in the outfield and took a screenshot of the receipt. Then he texted you the image along with a promise.
"I really want to go with both of you, too."
Bye, Frank. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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seeingivy · 1 year
the scouts
roommate eren x f!reader 
eren’s hometown friends have a lot to say. vis a vis you. 
**find the series masterlist here
content warning: galliard slander, irritable bowel syndrome, mikasa don’t gaf, connie and sasha are thieves, lying??, carla yeager being a sunshine, eren being a cheeky little shit, laxatives 
an: alright. feast my children. pls keep ur little memes and drawings and funny comments coming bc I love them (and they incentivize me to write chapters faster so I can seem more of them LOL) - also @togemayo and @rebeccawinters your connie and reiner cameos have ARRIVED, love you da mostest 
previous part linked here
“There’s no way in fucking hell you called me about this. I am a grown man, with a child. I’m above stupid shit like this.” 
“Fuck you, Galliard. Pieck would help me with this, you know that.” 
“Then call her. I’m going to block you.” 
“You don’t think I tried that? I would never willingly talk to you, like ever. Please, Galliard, just tell me what to do.” 
“Twerp, you’re giving him a necklace, not proposing marriage. You’re not going to look desperate if you walk to a fucking soccer field and just to give it to him.” 
“Okay. Are you sure?” 
“I’m hanging up now.” 
“Like really. You’re not just saying that, are you?” 
“Don’t call me unless you’re dying. And even then, you better have tried every other person you know before you ever dial this number again.” 
Static. Fucking asshole hung up on you. 
Eren has a soccer game today. He’d let you know early on in the week that he wouldn’t be here to make breakfast for you on Friday because his family and a few of his hometown friends were coming to watch the game. Apparently, this game was a really big deal - some type of rivalry type thing with another university. 
You weren’t going. Obviously. You had stopped going the second Hitch took your jersey, because it was too embarrassing to think about going now. I mean what are you even supposed to wear now? And what’s the point of going if Eren’s with her and she’s going to be there? 
Yet here you are, waiting in the line outside of the stadium. Everyone around you is decked out - forest green shirts, face paint, streamers - and you can already tell that this game is way more intense than the ones you had been to. In the past, it would be you and maybe five other people in the stands, spread out doing homework. But this game looks like it’s going to be packed. 
All the more reason to do this. 
to jean-boy
you: hey. are you at the game today? 
jean-boy: yeah. on the field with min. they’re all warming up. 
you: i didn’t realize this game would be such a big deal lol. 
jean-boy: yeah. I think everyone’s kind of anxious. eren hasn’t made a single goal all morning and he’s getting more pissed each time he tries 
you: doesn’t help that he left his necklace at home 
jean-boy: the key necklace? did you bring it? 
you: yeah. that’s why im here. i remember he said something about like he always loses games or gets hurt or something when he doesn’t wear it. thought i’d bring it so i don’t have to help him to the toilet when he breaks his legs or smth. 
jean-boy: meet me in the back. ill let you in so you can give it to him. 
You awkwardly wait in the back of the stadium, teetering on your heels as you wait for Jean. You’re just giving him his necklace. It doesn’t mean anything. He won’t know that you like him because you’re just giving him his good luck charm. You’re being a good friend. Anyone in your position would do this. 
“Hi Jean.” 
“What are you wearing?” 
You look down, only now paying attention to the outfit that you were wearing. You didn’t think it was that bad - black jeans and a blue cardigan. 
“Why? What’s wrong with it?” 
“You wore the rival's colors.” 
“Okay? Arrest me, Jean.” 
“No, it’s like a thing. You can’t wear the rival's colors. Armin and Eren are going to make you change the second you get on the field.” 
“You guys are so superstitious. It’s just a shirt.” 
He shakes his head as you both walk through the door, pacing across the turf as he sets out to look for Eren. All the players are running on the field, kicking balls in between each other, hitting them into the nets. You spot Eren at the end, his head in his hands as he talks to Armin on the side. 
“Hey. Found him. You can go back, I’ll just give it to him and leave.” 
He nods, leaving your side as you make your way over there. You walk up just in time to catch the end of Armin and Eren’s conversation, your ears burning. You shouldn’t have come. 
“How do you know you love Annie? Because, sometimes I think I love her, Armin.” 
You can pretend like that one didn’t sting. You clear your throat, the two of them turning their backs to look at you. You watch Eren’s eyes nearly boggle out of their sockets as Armin drops the water bottle he was holding, at the sight of you standing there. Armin awkwardly walks away as Eren walks up, his eyes still flashing in shock. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“What happened to hello? How are you? My name is?” 
“How much did you hear?” 
“None of it. Did I miss something important?” 
You see his shoulders relax, pushing out a sigh of relief. First he calls you his best friend and then he can’t even tell you he thinks he might love Hitch?
“Yeah, you almost heard about my murder plot. It all started that fateful day, when I let you move into my apartment.” 
“That was months ago. Surely the opportunity must have presented itself. Knife to the back in the shower…smack me across the head with a frying pan…” 
“I’m playing the long game. You’ll never see it coming.” 
You both laugh, with you rolling your eyes as the silence settles around you too. You can see the stands filling up at your sides, the anticipation building in the stadium. 
“Um so-” 
“What are you wearing, Y/N?”
“We’re not doing this, Eren.” 
“You have to change. Like now.” 
“I’m not walking around in my tank top, Eren. It’s cold. And I’ll leave anyway, I just came to give you this.” 
You hold the key necklace up, dangling it between the two of your faces. You watch his eyes light up as he takes the necklace from your hands. He then cups your face in his hand and presses a kiss to your fucking forehead, before putting his arms around you and spinning you in the air.
“Oh my fucking god, thank you. You brilliant, brilliant girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ve been missing goals all morning.” 
Your brain is malfunctioning. You’ve literally picked up Eren from parties in the dead of the night and he’s barely even said thank you when you did that. This is all it takes? A fucking necklace and he gives you a forehead kiss? 
He sets you down, still flashing you a bigger than big smile as he latches the necklace on. 
“You’re not missing goals because you weren’t wearing the necklace.” 
“Yes. I was. We’re not having this argument right now, especially when you’re wearing that. I have something you can wear.” 
You hear Armin walk up, holding two jerseys in his hand. 
“Way ahead of you. She can wear mine or yours. Everyone else put their spares in their lockers already.” 
“Mine. Thanks Armin.” 
“Don’t tell me you believe in this too, Armin?” 
“Just put it on. If you don’t, Eren will blame you if the game goes wrong.” 
Armin walks away, leaving the two of you standing again. Eren’s holding the jersey out in front of you, waiting for you to put it on. 
“Full disclosure. I will blame it on you, if we lose kitty.” 
“It’s just a color.” 
“No. No, it’s the principle. Think about it. My girl can’t be wearing the rival colors on our sides of the stands. That’s just a bad omen..like we’re asking to lose the game or something.” 
My girl. 
“I’m leaving, Eren. I just came to give you the necklace.” 
He puts his hands on your waist, spinning you around to turn you towards the stadium, where everyone was sitting. He leaves one hand on there, his other sliding down to your wrist. 
“What are you doing?” 
He lifts your hand up, shaking it in front of the stadium. 
“This isn’t the time for a puppet show, Eren.” 
“Look at the second row, towards the middle.” 
You squint your eyes, scanning the entire row. And then you fucking see it. Eren’s parents and his brother. He’s making you wave at them. And they’re doing it back, nearly jumping to return the gesture.
He spins you back around and he fucking smirks at you. 
“You waved at them. Now, they’re going to expect you to go sit with them. For the entire game, mind you. Meaning you’re staying, so you should put it on.” 
“Unless you want to leave my mom hanging?” 
“Give me the jersey, Eren.” 
He flashes you a winning smile, clearly delighted with his victory. You unbutton the ends of the cardigan, slipping it off and switching it with Eren’s jersey. He reaches forward, pulling out the ends of your hair that were tucked into the jersey as you smooth it against your clothes. 
“Win your game or whatever. Without the help of your stupid necklace.” 
“Planning on it, peaches. Necklace and all.” 
He pokes the side of your cheek and flashes you one last smile as he runs back onto the field, right in front of the goal. You watch as he centers the ball in front of him, kicking it into the net on the first try. He turns to the side, pointing at you after making the goal, as he mouths four words.
I told you so. 
You tap Zeke on the shoulder, the three of them turning their heads towards you. 
“Hi. Mind if I sit with you guys?” 
The three of them jump up - Grisha shaking your hand very excitedly, Zeke crushing you in a hug, and Carla cupping your face in her hands, pressing a kiss on both of your cheeks. 
So this is where Eren gets it from. 
“We’re so excited you came, sweet girl. We were hoping you would find your way over here when we saw you on the field.” 
You nod, Carla squeezing your hands in hers (another thing Eren gets from her, you’re sure of it). You settle in the seat next to Zeke, brushing your sweaty palms against the ends of your pants. You can see the game is starting as they all take their places on the field, Eren giving the four of you one last wave. You look at the group of people seated directly to your right, the four of them waving back at him too. 
And then you remember. Eren’s hometown friends came down to watch his game. 
You take in the sight of the four of them. You can recognize the girl at the end, farthest from you. Mikasa - Eren’s childhood best friend, the two of them and Armin were inseparable. The two in the middle you recognize as well, from the polaroid that Eren had in his wallet. They’re both arguing with each other - with him pulling her hair and her elbowing him in the sides. The fourth boy is entirely unrecognizable to you - broad shoulders, short, messy blonde hair. 
You tap him on the shoulder. 
“Hi. You’re one of Eren’s hometown friends, right? My name is Y/N. I’m his roommate.” 
At the sound of this, the four of them turn their heads, turning to face you. 
“His roommate? Since when?” 
“Yeah. We’ve been living together since the start of the semester.” 
“Reiner, there’s no way in hell right? He kept going on and on about how he was going to finally have a bachelor pad this semester.” 
“There’s no fucking way. He literally hated having a roommate. Remember when he threw up on Samuel’s bed on purpose when he was drunk?” 
Mental note, Reiner’s the one with the blonde hair. The three of them turn their heads towards Mikasa, who's still watching the game. You’re not sure when she showed up, but Annie’s sitting at her side - the two of them linking their arms together as they sit. Right. She must already know Mikasa since her and Armin have been dating for a while. 
“Mikasa. Did you know about this?” 
“He may have mentioned it once or twice to me, Connie.” 
Buzzed hair is Connie. Connie and the girl in the middle open up the space between them, gesturing for the two of you to sit between them. You don’t miss the look they give each other as you sit down, the two of them smiling deviously. 
“I’m Sasha.” 
“And I’m Connie.” 
“It’s nice to meet you guys, really.” 
They both smile, linking their arms with yours as they start staring at you more intently. 
“Say. Do you mind answering a few questions for us?” 
“How did Eren become your roommate?” 
“I kind of had these sucky roommates last semester. They kind of didn’t mention that they didn’t want to room with me anymore so I kind of switched around at staying at my friends place while I tried to look for an apartment. I couldn’t find one after a week and I met Eren at Armin’s and he offered.” 
You watch the three of them, Reiner leaning over now, widening their eyes at you. 
“He offered? To house you, a woman, another person, in his apartment, willingly?” 
“I mean, I think so? I think he might have felt bad or something. I’m not really sure why he did it.” 
“I might have an idea.” 
At Reiner’s comment, the three of them start giggling, like they’re all in on some joke you’re not quite sure of. 
“Do you like Taylor Swift, Y/N?” 
“I do, Connie. Is it that obvious?” 
You feel Connie shaking your arm, nearly jumping out of his seat. 
“Me too. What’s your favorite album? Favorite song? Folklore or Evermore?” 
“Probably, Reputation. For the song, I think maybe Sweet Nothing? And definitely Evermore over here.” 
Reiner reaches over and smacks Connie on the back of the neck, mentioning he was getting off track. Off track of what? 
“Say. Have you ever…played Taylor Swift for Eren or something?” 
“Um, not exactly playing it for him but I kind of have a tendency to sing in the shower sometimes. But also, he did willingly watch the Reputation Stadium Tour without me prompting him to, so I think it’s growing on him.” 
At this, Connie and Sasha lean over, their faces a few feet from yours. 
“I fucking knew it. That playlist is about you.” 
“What playlist?” 
You watch Reiner pull out his phone, opening out his Spotify app. The three of them are still smirking - the same way Eren did when he trapped you into staying at the game. 
He hands you Eren’s Spotify profile, with exactly one playlist on it, called peaches. The picture is the one from when you and Eren went to see Kenny in the city, only your hands in view as you pet the cat the two of you saw on the street. 
You scroll through the playlist, with well over a hundred songs - most of them being Taylor Swift. They are organized by album, a few songs picked out from each one. Meaning, Eren went through each album and picked out the songs that he liked. Just because you said you liked Taylor Swift. I mean, it did have to be about you. It is called peaches. 
“So. Is it about you?” 
“Uh, yeah. I think so, Connie. Those are my hands. And he calls me peaches, because of my shampoo.” 
Mikasa leans over, interjecting in the conversation. 
“Did he make you switch it? The shampoo?” 
“Uh, no. I think he likes it?” 
Mikasa leans back, sharing a look with Sasha. 
“Is that a big deal or something, Connie?” 
“Kind of. Eren got really bad food poisoning from some peach flavored concoction Reiner made him once in high school. The smell makes him want to like vomit.” 
“It wasn’t a concoction, it was a protein shake. How was I supposed to know that dragon fruit was basically a laxative?” 
“We all told you. Like six times.” the three of them respond, rolling their eyes. 
Sasha and Connie unlink their arms from yours, turning their attention back to the game. The four of them interject once in a while, lost in their own conversations, but your head is still buzzing from the one that you had with them. 
Eren has a playlist. That he made for you. He spent hours probably - listening to each song, picking out the ones he liked. 
“Say. Did Eren ever mention us?” 
“Hm. Well, I knew about Mikasa - Armin and Eren have both mentioned her. And I’ve seen a picture of the two of you before, Eren has one in his wallet. But no Reiner, never mentioned you.” 
“We have his wallet.” 
Reiner taps Zeke on the shoulder and pockets the wallet from him. Sasha and Connie reach over, pulling out the dollar bills first - equally dividing the cash between the five of you and stuffing her share in her pocket - before returing it to Reiner, who pulls out both polaroids. 
This is when you realize your mistake. Because the polaroid of you kissing his cheek is still in his fucking wallet. You watch Reiner pull it out and hold it out in front of Connie and Sasha, the two of them shaking you in their arms as they all scream in your ears. 
“You guys are so cute! We fucking knew it. When did you start dating?” 
At the sound of that, you see Carla turn her head out of the corner of her eyes, slightly shuffling over to see what you two are talking about. And then your mistake gets even worse. Because then Carla runs over, kissing you twice on the cheeks again and literally bursting out of happiness at the news. 
“Oh, I’m so happy for you two. I knew something was going on. And I even told Eren, he better get a move on because a girl like you doesn’t stay single for long.” 
“You would be shocked, Mrs.Yeager.” 
She takes her hands into yours, squeezing twice again. Fucking Yeagers and their hand squeezing. It’s almost impossible not to like them. 
“Take care of our boy, okay?. He’s really sensitive and emotional, which I’m sure you know already but he means well. Really. And let him take care of you too. He’s told me that you’re a little bit more closed off at times, but he would never hurt you. He cares about you, so so much. It’s you two, on the same side, always.” 
And you can’t do it. You can’t tell her the truth because…she’s just so excited. So happy for the two of you. The way she’s holding your hands in hers, kissing your cheeks, doting over you. She’s so excited that it’s you. You don’t want to be the one to tell her that her son has no interest in you. 
So you don’t. 
“I will. Take care of him, I mean.” 
She smiles widely again, crushing you in your arms as he gives you another hug. 
Now you have to find Eren. And tell him that you just told your mom that the two of you are dating. 
You find him at half-time, outside the locker room. He’s lying on the bench with two of his teammates, ice packs pressed to each of his foreheads. 
He immediately sits up at the sound of your voice, pulling the ice pack off his head as he stands up. He gestures towards the walkway, the two of you walking back down to the stadium. 
“Everything okay, kitty?” 
“Uh. I might have messed up.” 
He stops, turning to face you. 
“What did you do?” 
“Promise you won’t be mad, Ren?” 
“I could never be mad at you. You know that.” 
Right. Okay. Just tell him. That’s when you start rambling. 
“Well. I met your friends - they’re really nice. Connie and Sasha stole some of your money, though. And Reiner was basically telling me about how he gave you Irritable Bowel Syndrome with a peach smoothie he made you, which is weird because you call me peaches but they were insisting that you hate them. Right, so I told them that you keep a polaroid of them in your wallet - because it’s so cute and I would want to know if I was them -  and then they pulled your wallet out and the other polaroid was still in there. And then your mom saw and she was just being so…so sweet that I didn’t have the heart to tell her we weren’t really together.” 
He’s staring you down. Green eyes, forehead scrunched up, lips in a straight line. Stop paying attention to his fucking lips. 
“So. Let me get this straight. You told my mom that…we were dating?” 
“That’s it?” 
“I thought you killed someone or something. That’s not a big deal.” 
“How is that not a big deal? I just lied to your mother. And told her that we were dating.” 
“Yeah. I’d probably do the same thing if I was in your position. She probably gave you that whole lecture right, about how we need to take care of each other, how I’m all sensitive and emotional?” 
You’ve got to be kidding me. 
“Yeah. How’d you know? 
“She gave me the same one after she met you. Even I didn’t have the heart to tell her I wasn’t dating you. I just told her I liked you, that’s all.” 
“Oh. Okay. I was like freaking out about it.” 
He locks his fingers with yours, squeezing twice as the two of you continue to slowly walk. 
“It’s okay. I’ll deal with her. She just really likes you, that’s all. They all do.” 
“Okay. You sure it’s okay? You’re not secretly mad at me right?” 
He looks over, giving you a lopsided grin, the one that makes your heart skip a beat. 
“Really, kitty. I could never be mad at you. And I know you. There’s nothing nefarious going on up here.” 
He takes his fingers, tapping on your forehead. 
“How do you know? This could all be a part of my secret plot to be the new Mrs. Yeager.” 
You nudge into him, making him stumble to the side as you both make it to the front of the stadium. 
“And why’s that?” 
“Because. You wouldn’t need a secret plot if that’s what you wanted.” 
He taps the end of your nose before lifting the bar to run back on the field to finish the game, leaving you more confused than when you arrived here.
Stupid Galliard. He always gives terrible advice. 
next chapter linked here
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Perfect To Love Part 10
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 3,641
Part 9 ←→ Part 11
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For once Steve wanted to be the one to avoid Beth but he knew it would be best not too. That she asked him to go to this football game even after she admitted that he had hurt her. So he stuck to his word, told the kids they had to come, and Nancy that he would see her later. Now he was bundled up in his jeans and a hoodie, parking his BMW in the dark parking lot, and walking towards the stadium lights with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He felt sick from nerves and he knew he was acting funny. That was why Dustin had hounded him the entire way there about why he was in a mood. He couldn't tell him, he didn't think he could ever admit those words out loud. The kids and Steve spotted the girls standing below the stands, waiting for them with happy smiles. Beth flicked her eyes between Nancy and Steve, unsure if this was even a good idea after all. Where Steve was just grateful to see Eddie had decided not to come.
"Hey guys" Beth said once they reached her and before she could aknowledge any of them saying hi back Steve had her in a bonecrushing hug, his arms tucked under her arms, and head shoved between her neck and shoulder. It was almost as if he was trying to cover himself with her completely. Steve was, he wanted his hug to convey every apology he could muster and hope she could feel it, feel his guilt and need to comfort her.
"Alright, get a room" Mike huffed, heading towards the stands. Lucas and Dustin giggled but Max glared at them making them instantly stop. He had been moody considering El was now thousands of miles away and he didn't get to hug her like that when he wanted.
"You okay?" Beth nervously asked, sensing his guilt. She knew it, he was leaving her for Nancy and he felt guilty about it. That would be the only reason he was acting like this, like he was so apologetic towards her.
"Yeah, could we talk after the game?" his eyes turned serious and she gulped before nodding, realizing this would be the end of it. All in one day she was going to find out Colin liked her and Steve didn't anymore. She told herself she should be thankful, that she got to experience this at all even if it was only for a little while. She never imagined one boy liking her let alone two. Little did she know his guilt was from knowing what he did to her. She had never expected him to remember.
“Of course Steve” she told him trying to not seem so solemn. Steve didn’t notice, offering a soft smile as he locked his hand within her own and walked her up the stands. He wanted all those assholes to see and never ever hurt her again.
Beth had this image of herself as a little kid. Not necessarily popular but well liked, friends with most of her class, getting to go to friday night football, snuggle with a cute guy in the stands or wear one of the players jerseys as she cheered for him. It was an American dream in a sense. It was so vivid, the way the stadium lights illuminated her features and the big tiger in the center of the turf stared back at the stands. Maybe she was going to be a cheerleader, who knows? That dream was crushed the first day of freshman year. So even though she was a senior and Steve was more than likely dumping her tonight at least she got this one moment. Walking up the silver metal stands, dream boy Steve Harrington holding her hand, everyone looking down, sharing whispers that were more than likely mean, but Beth didn't care because she was at a football game with a cute boy and her friends, and for the next two hours she was going to enjoy it.
That was exactly what she did. She ignored every shared glance between Steve and Nancy, cheered for the team as loud as she could, and laughed with her new group of friends. Dustin told her all about his girlfriend Suzie, Mike felt comfortable enough to share about El, and Lucas snuggled with Max on the bleachers. Beth was glad they had that, something she always wished she did for four years straight. It didn't matter that the football team was always mean to her and that she only had these friends because of Robin and Steve. She got to enjoy it when a shiver chilled her spine and Steve was tucking her under his arm, pulled so close she could smell pine and boy. She loved it, she could never get sick of it.
"I can bring you home Mike if you need?" Nancy was telling her little brother as they decended the stands.
"Lucas and Dustin were going to come over if that's okay?" he asked back and Nancy nodded, quickly looking over to Steve. Beth realized it was probably hard to avoid your ex when your friend group worked as a family unit.
"I can take Max too if you guys want some privacy" Nancy told them, glancing between Steve and Beth and Beth felt her stomach drop. Nancy knew Steve was dumping her for her. She wanted them to have the privacy to do it.
"That would be great, thanks" Steve said and Beth tried to pull herself together. She wanted to save face, to stop handling things like a fat, hurt, crying girl. She was going to be adult about her first real break up even if they weren't offically together at all and hadn't even kissed.
"Who's going to drive me?" Robin pouted and the kids all giggled, forgetting that Robin was just like them when it came to needing to be driven around.
"We'll put you in the trunk" Nancy teased and Dustin looked at Steve, waiting to see if he would argue.

"Steve, I thought everyone had to wear their seatbelts?" his arms crossed, challenging him to challenge Nancy on her squeezing everyone in her car.
"What Steve doesn't know won't hurt him" Nancy said, ruffling the hat on his head, and pretending the brunette boy wasn't standing there. Beth found herself laughing even though Steve wasn't putting up a fight. Normally he'd stick his ground but apparently he needed to be alone with her so badly he didn't say a word.
"Be good for Nance" Steve pointed at them all as they walked away. Nance. Beth hated that he said it so easily, that if fell off his lips with respect, that they had history. She wished she was still bitter and didn't learn that Steve was now a good guy. Protecting those kids like they were his own. She wanted to be loved by him like that. Then he was glancing down at Beth, a soft smile splayed across his lips. "You ready?"
Beth wanted to say no. She wanted one more minute before he told her something silly like 'I'm sorry I ever started things with you, I've always loved Nancy, I'm going to fight to get her back' but Beth knew her time was already limited, there was no use begging for more now. "Yeah lets go"
Steve purposely parked next to her, that way they could walk together no matter what happened. Now in the dark parking lot he wasn't sure this was the place. Then again he didn’t want one of the places they shared a happy memory tainted by this, by his terrible actions. It was better to do it at the school, where the memory was held in the first place. "I don't even know how to start"
"I get it's hard Steve" Beth found herself saying, the now mainly abandened parking lot dark, the moonlight casting down on their skin. Steve leaned against the hood of his car, his hands still in Beth's and holding her close like she was going to flee at any moment.
"It's not like this is a conversation everyone has" Steve started to shake his head, not catching on that they were talking about two completely different things. Beth found herself being strong, ready to have this conversation.
"It's okay Steve, just say it. I'm ready" Beth urged him, taking a step closer even though if he moved just an inch he could feel her tummy, catch on to her actual size, realize it wasn't flat but jutted out and it would bother him.
"I don't know if I'm ready" he whispered and Beth sighned, her head hurting from fighting off tears but she knew she wore a pained look. She'd pick and choose her battles, she was done shedding tears over not being good enough. Starting right now.
"It's okay, just say you're picking Nancy and we can both move on" Steve's eyes widened as he looked at her, shock and confusion flooding through his features, thoughts running a mile a minute. Beth just figured he was confused as to how she knew.
"What?-" he started to blurt but was cut off by the slam of a car door, Colin Matterson stood now free of his uniform, hair wet with sweat, and an awkward look on his face. Beth hadn't been able to look at him since this morning. Even if he did like her, he never had to be as vile as he was. She was growing though, becoming a butterfly, and with guys like him you had to kill them with kindness. Just as Steve started to stand, ready to tell him to take a hike, Beth cut him off.
"Good job tonight Colin, that touchdown was impressive" Beth spoke into the air and Steve swore he saw the smallest smile on his face from the praise. Beth waited for something mean, prepared to take it like a big girl but it never came.
"Thanks, glad you guys came to support us" and just like that he was in his car, igniting the engine, and pulling out of the parking lot. Steve flashed Beth a confused look but before he could ask the memory of what she had said hit him and he decided to table it for a later time.
"I am so not picking Nancy" he said, regrabbing Beth's hands and pulling her flush against him. She wanted to panic about him feeling her, all her curves, the weight of her, but his words were making her ears ring and now she was more confused than ever.
"But I saw you outside, you were holding hands and hugging. I just assumed..." Steve was shaking his head, almost laughing at the mix up but he needed her to hear him, to understand.
"She was just giving me advice, I wanted to make sure I didn't screw things up with you and no one is more honest than your ex girlfriend" he said, an amused smile on his face. Beth let it settle that he had went to her for advice, not to reignite the spark. Her heart eased for just a moment before speeding up again, because what did he need advice about?
"Then why did you need to talk to me?" she wore a puzzled expression, trying to figure it out and Steve visibly winced, squeezing his eyes shut like the memory of his original conversation pained him.
"I remember B, I remember all of it" the words gut punched her, the memory of how mean his voice was that day. How unecessary all of it was. How it ruined the rest of highschool for her, she was never comfortable in her own skin ever again. Unwillingly she took a step back from the boy, not allowing herself to feel his comfort because he had hurt her. Steve's heart broke when she did.
"You remember?" she whispered, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that he actually remembered, from all those years ago, the pain and discomfort of it all.
"Please let me start by saying how sorry I am. I regretted it the day I did it. I don't even know why I went along with Tommy, I knew he was a dumbass. I guess I was just scared" but Beth was shaking her head, dropping his hands as she tried to process what was happening. This had turned completely from the conversation she had expected to have. She wasn't tough enough for this one yet.
"I was excited that day" Beth didn't want to make him feel any worse but her mind had returned to fifteen year old her. Scared, excited, ready to grow up and have the best four years of her life. She knew she was different but nobody had said it out loud yet. She never would've thought someone saying it could hurt her so much.
"Beth" Steve was reaching for her but she was still shaking her head, fighting off tears because of how badly the memory hurt her.
"I thought I could rule the world, make new friends, try out for clubs and sports. I spent the whole first day hiding in bathrooms and crying" Steve flinched as she admitted this. He remembered being over it by third period, having buried the memory so deep he couldn't even remember it.
"I know baby, I know. I should've defended you, apologized years ago, but the reason I forgot wasn't because I didn't care, it was because if I let myself care too much I'd hate myself. It is no excuse but I was a stupid teenager, the guy I am now would beat the shit out of the guy I used to be" Steve said, arms finally locked on her. She didn’t fight him as he pulled her into a hug, hand smoothing down her hair. "If it helps I do hate myself for it"
"I don't hate you, so you shouldn't either" she told him, smiffling into his chest. She hated how warm he was, how him touching her made her skin tingle, how he made her love him when she vowed to hate him forever. She didn't hate him though. That made all the difference.
“Just know I’m so sorry, I’m going to spend the rest of my life making up for it. I’ll even try and make Tommy and Carol apologize” Beth snorted, it wasn’t pretty but she didn’t care. She squeezed him tighter, heart warming over because he remembered for her and he wanted to make things right.
“That would be useless, Karma will get them with time” she told him and Steve grinned before kissing the top of her head. That was when she remembered.
I can’t kiss you unless I feel your true intentions behind it.
She knew he remembered too. She could tell because the air was heavy just like it was in the car that night. When he was so close all she could think about was him. Not about her weight, about her loneliness, only him. A guy who saw her for what she was and not for the things that made her less. A guy who wanted to kiss her exactly as she was. A guy she had been waiting for, for a really long time.
“You said I could kiss you once you knew I meant well” Steve whispered, his fingers tucking her soft curls behind her ear. She shivered as they continued to trail down her neck and bump against her collarbone.
“Well that, and…” Beth didn’t want to say it. She was hoping she’d have sometime while he tried to remember to come to terms with her size. Convince herself that being fat didn’t bother him.
“And what baby?” he asked, a hand cupping behind her neck and the other wrapped around her waist.
“And when I knew my size didn’t bother you” Steves heart broke, thinking she felt she wasn’t worthy of being kissed because she didn’t think she was attractive. This was that tough line he didn’t want to screw up. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing.
“Baby, your size never bothered me. It didn’t that first day of school and it doesn’t now. If it did I would’ve never bothered getting to know you in the first place” his words eased her heart, a warmth flooding through her stomach and up to her chest. She realized she was starting to like him way more than she ever planned on.
“You mean that?” she asked into the chilly air, the small street lamps barely hitting them in the darkness of the parking lot.
“I mean everything” he told her, eyes flicking down to her lips. He wanted to memorize how they were curved, how the top lip was smaller than the bottom lip but that might just be because her bottom lip jutted out naturally, a permanent pout that looked so gorgeous on her. He also never wanted to forget the perfect pink color, a color he swore he had never seen before. He wondered for a moment if it would change when her lips met his own. “Can I kiss you?”
“I trust you” and Steve knew that meant yes. That she had forgiven him in someway even if the wound still hurt. His head dipped down and he watched as her eyes fluttered closed, a nervous breath visible in the cold.
Steve smiled before completely ducking down, his neck bent nearly as far as it could to meet her height. He slid his hand up her neck, fingers tangling through her hair as he guided her up to meet his mouth. They were right there, angled perfectly against each other and Beth let out a small gasp as his lips brushed her own. Just as Steve went to take a breath in he pressed his lips firmly against her own. Taking all of her in. She tasted like cherries and he realized cherry was now his favorite flavor. Beth wasn’t quite sure what to do, she had never been kissed, but slowly she mirrored Steves movements. Slowly she closed her own lips around him and found herself smiling. Steve grinned right back, smiles pressed against each other as he drank up all of her that he could.
Beth’s arms were tangled around his neck, Steve moving his arms to wrap around her waist as he kissed her like an innocent teenager would. They didn’t need anything more, just a simple first, lips locked and discovering exactly what the other person felt like. Beth knew she could do this forever, just her and him in this dreadful parking lot. The exact parking lot that had been many firsts for them.
“I better get home” Beth spoke after they broke apart for air, foreheads still pressed together as she breathlessly chuckled.
“Yeah, me too. Drive safe for me?” Beth nodded and he grinned before pecking her lips once more and guiding her to her car. Closing her in he offered one last smile and wave before the corvette engine was revving loud enough they wouldn’t be able to hear each other.
Beth couldn’t wipe the smile from her face even if she tried. It was like it was broken. The whole ride she fought herself to drop the corners of her mouth and yet they wouldn’t go away. It didn’t even matter that her cheeks were hurting, she was so happy she was beaming. Her first kiss, and it couldn’t have been any better. She was shocked she even made it home because she was completely dazed out, remembering how sweet he had kissed her, how he tasted like peppermint. She was so busy thinking about it she found herself pushing open the door to her home and falling against it as soon as it was shut.
“A good night?” Beth heard the voice ask, it sounded too far away for it to even register.
“Hmm?” she hummed, still beaming as she remembered every touch, how pillowy soft his lips were.
“I asked if it was a good night?” snapping out of it she shook her head as if to clear the memory of Steve just to see her father in his easy chair with an amused smile.
“It was a great night” she recovered, pushing off the door and all Alan could do was snicker before turning back to the TV.
“You better get upstairs before your mother sees you” Beth furrowed her eyebrows and he turned to see her confused look. “I can see ‘I just got kissed’ written across your forehead. So unless you want her hounding you with questions you better get going”
“Oh” Beth blushed, now embarrassed her father had figured it out. She needed a better poker face. Quickly she started for the stairs.
“It better of just been a kiss or I’ll have to kick his ass” he told her as she moved up the steps and quickly she nodded.
“Understood sir” she told him and Alan just shook his head as his daughter disappeared upstairs.
“Teenagers” he muttered under his breath before chuckling.
“Oh did I miss Beth?” Allie came from the kitchen and Alan gave her a quick smile. Covering for his daughter.
“Yeah she was pretty tired so she went right to bed” he told her and she nodded before moving to sit beside him.
“I’m glad she’s finally getting out there” she told him and he nodded, reaching to grab his wife’s hand. She knew what she meant, that they had been worried she would never make friends. Now here she was, coming home love struck from kissing a boy. Who would’ve thought.
“Me too, as long as she doesn’t get hurt”
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop @a-lil-bit-nuts @i-came-as-bostonian @krazyk99 @thunderstomp-and-tequila @cumslutforaemond @futuristicbirdtraveler
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miekasa · 3 years
mie….could we please get college au eren headcanons👉🏽👈🏽
Of course. I’m always thinking about his big head anyway <33 might as well put it good use.
One thing he learned in college is how to make his hyperfocus/fixation episodes work for him; that’s why he schedules all his classes as close together as possible. He’d rather have class back to back for 5 hours, than have it spread out with hours in between lectures, because that increases his changes of cutting.
You can always tell when he’s in class and/or what class he’s in by how much he responds to your messages. If he doesn’t text back at all, he’s in a class that hard or one he enjoys, or both. But if he’s sending you iMessage games, then you know he’s in his elective that he couldn’t care else about (and is probably cheating in someway somehow lmfao). 
He usually puts his phone on dnd when he’s in a class that’s important, but you’re in his favorite contacts, so your messages always ring through. What if it’s an emergency and you need him for something? Advanced Roots of Human Biology can wait. 
Some days there are one or two our breaks between his lectures, that’s just how the scheduling works out. When that happens, he usually sneaks into one of your lectures, or goes to your place to take a nap. Your roommates have become accustomed to him, honestly they’ve been considering giving him a key. 
Once, he didn’t realize that your lecture was basically a seminar, with you, the prof and maybe six other students. He still stayed lmao, and the prof was so amazed by his dedication, that she didn’t even mind. Occasionally, you’ll catch the two of them talking after lecture. It’s pretty cute the way she’s adopted him into the class even tho he’s not on the roster. 
You... have to show him where the library is lmfao. He genuinely has not stepped foot in one until you bring him to one. He likes it tho lmao once he gets used to it. 
Speaking of which, do not give him standard directions to find your classes on campus because all you’ll get is, “Babe, I’m gonna keep it real with you, I’ve never heard of the ‘West Quad’ a day in my life. What building are you near.”
He usually comes to see you in the library after all his lectures are done for the day. Sometimes he does homework, sometimes he’s just fucking around on his computer, sometimes he’s just bothering you. When you have to leave to go to class, he stays behind to watch your stuff so you don’t have to pack everything up and come back. 
Very protective when it comes to keeping your seat for you. No, you cannot take that chair to your table you good for nothing freshman; it’s reserved for you. 
He’ll drag you out of the library if you’ve been cooped up all day, tho. Eren will use his height and his strength against you to get you up. Placates you with kisses when he sees your angry expression, and promises to buy you food.
He takes your backpack for you when you’re walking together,m. His backpack is frustratingly light all the time, even during midterms. You swear all he’s got in there is a pencil and some flashcards. 
If you have night classes, he sticks around to walk you home after, especially in the winter when it gets dark faster. If he’s not already on campus, he’ll walk/drive back to meet you; he just doesn’t like you going home alone. Even if your friend/roommate is in the class with you, Eren will walk or drive the both of you home for his own sanity. 
He plays sports, so he usually has practice most evenings, but he’ll find a way to make time. If practice was particularly brutal, he’ll probably crash at your place.
He loves it when you come to meet him after practice. His whole face lights up and he waves obnoxiously, before he gathers up his stuff and all but sprints towards you. You get a cold water bottle to the face, or a bit of water splashed on you usually, which he takes immense amusement in. 
He knows it’s not possible for you to make it to all of his games, and usually it doesn’t bother him much; you’ve got your own life, and work to worry about. All he asks is that you wear his jersey, or any item of his sports apparel/merch on game day (he’s partial to hoodies).
By the time junior year rolls around, he’s not all that interested in attending parties that aren’t hosted by your friends; so, unless it’s at Connie, Jean, or Reiner and Bertholdt’s place, Eren will usually decline. Even team parties, he’s not crazy about unless it’s to celebrate a championship or something. He’d much rather celebrate with you. 
He does get excited about hosting parties though, and he and Jean become pretty damn good co-hosts. They don’t throw ragers, and that’s probably why Eren likes it so much. It’s usually your friend group and a couple plus ones, some good music, games, weed, and take-out. 
He’ll buy you coffee whenever you ask for it. The first time, he just orders something plain, not really knowing the difference between anything; but give it two or three tries, and he’ll get it perfect. He becomes so good that he can order you something new/different and you’ll love it. 
That’s kind of the start of his own coffee addiction, and more often than not, when he buys you a cup, he’s on his second or third of the day himself. The flavor has really grown on him, okay. 
He much prefers your apartment, but on occasion, he’ll ask you to come to his. You’ve been studying for so long, a change of environment should do you good, he claims. He’s a fucking liar tho because that’s all Eren Talk for “I do genuinely want you to come over, but my plans are to coerce you out of doing your assignments and doing me instead.”
Lmfao he adds you on Apple Watch Rings just so you can see him close his rings every day and laugh at you. Even if yours get closed by virtue of walking around campus or working out or whatever, his numbers are stupidly high because he fucking has practice at least 4 days of the week. 
Of course when you’re running on a soccer field for 2 hours every day, you close your Move Ring five times, Eren. Leave the rest of us alone. 
He buys you guys matching accessories for your keychains. It’s something pretty cute, and slightly random, but it reminded him of you. It also serves as a reminder to himself to take his fucking keys with him when he leaves his house. 
He sleeps like a fucking rock, so do not let him fall asleep in the library. Waking him up is a mission, and he’s never happy to be woken up. He looks kinda cute tho. 
He schedules dates for you and his friends. Usually by accident, but hear me out. Sometimes he’ll make plans with Armin, then forget that he has class or a test or something; so his solution is to text you, “hey, i forgot min and i were supposed to go some aquarium tomorrow but i have a midterm so here’s the pdf of my ticket, go with him for me, thanks babe love u” then, boop, you and Armin have an aquarium date Friday evening. 
The same thing happens with Mikasa, though, she usually catches the scheduling conflict before Eren does, and invites you out herself. You and Mikasa hang out quite a bit anyway, so it comes to the point where she tells you when she’s gonna hang out with Eren, so you can make yourself free for when he inevitably remember he has a game that day. 
Mikasa is most amazed that you’ve put up with Eren this long lmao. You’ve certainly lessened her Eren & Armin babysitting hours, and for that she’s eternally grateful. Also, she’s just happy to have another close friend. She loves Eren and Armin, but they’re not the most social beings, and she was literally their only friend besides the other for all their childhood PLEASE she’s so happy you’re around. 
It’s Mikasa, however, who babysits you and Eren whenever you both get too drunk. Says you guys are two peas in a pod (affectionate<2)
If you tell Eren something important that happened, like an internship you got, or a good grade in a class, or something, he usually relays that information to his mom pls. He texts her every day, and if she doesn’t ask for an update on you first, he gives her one.
Carla calls you sometimes, too. At least once every few weeks, just to check on you herself. She really likes you for Eren, and is grateful someone is willing to put up with her hotheaded son. 
Eren’s always using your fucking chapstick. Always. You know he has his own, so why he needs to use yours is beyond you. Finds time to make some dumbass comment about how it’s an “indirect kiss” every time he uses it too. Like bro, we’re dating, and have had many direct kisses why are you like this.
He posts on Instagram every few weeks or so, but you’re on his story every few days. Usually, it’s just a video of you minding your business and doing your work while Eren slowly zooms in before making some loud noise to surprise you, all so he can get your reaction on video and laugh at it. He’s annoying. 
He’s a bit of a copycat when it comes to the products you use. He’ll buy the same brand of pens as you (for that matter, all of his school supplies mirror yours because what does he know about the difference between A4 and A5 notebooks?), put a little hand sanitizer on his backpack like yours (and a lotion, too, for good measure), he even copies your Starbucks order until he finds one he likes for himself. It’s one of his love languages <3
If you’re wondering where your eyelash curler went, Eren stole it to try it on himself, hurt himself, vowed to never use it again, went back because he wanted to “do it right and not give up,” liked the results when he didn’t pinch his eyelid, and now it’s his. 
That being said, stop trying to put your Fenty lipgloss on him, it’s never going to happen. Eye makeup, maybe, only if you sit in his lap and he can have his hands on your ass while you do it. 
What he does love is letting you do his skincare. He will set aside dedicated skincare nights, he adores it. Easily one of his favorite things ever. 
You have his wallet. Not because he’s your sugar daddy or anything (although, if you want something, he’d definitely let you use his card to get it; and even if you bought something without asking, he wouldn’t think twice about it), but because he put it in your bag once and never took it out. 
When you tried to give it back, he just shook his head and told you to keep it, “I have my ID in my phone case anyway, and you’re less likely to lose it. Plus I put all my cards on Apple Pay, so I’m good.”
When you do make it to a game of his, he’s all over you when it’s over. Not in a cocky athlete boyfriend kind of way; in a very sleepy boyfriend kind of way. He’s usually got ice on at least one part of his body, and he’s got half his body weight on you as you walk to the car. 
By the time you guys get back to your place, he’s practically sleep walking. The only thing on his mind is taking a hot shower to soothe his muscles, and heading to bed. The aftermath of game days aren’t all that bad though, because even if you didn’t show, you’re always there to kiss him when he’s home and massage his shoulders, and cuddle him to sleep; and that’s his favorite part. 
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blanksbae · 2 years
Love in Aisle 23
Not beta’d, all mistakes are mine (I wrote it at like midnight and gave it a review this morning). I’ve been stuck in my soft, fluffy feels lately. Totally fiction…you know the drill/rules regarding that. 
Don’t ask about the title- I was drawing a blank, haha
Tagging: @calermakar08 @brenbrissonsgf @thombordy @driverpicksthe-music @erikports @1-800-iluvhockey @hockey-lover86 @huggybearr @ethancale @blankyblanks @barzyismyhusband13 @bordestapa @cobrakaisb @njdhischier @ice-hockey-is-pretty-cool
You had severely underestimated the amount of food you needed for the party. How these boys could eat so much was beyond you. You found yourself going to the store; Thomas had insisted on going with you. 
“Thanks. You didn’t have to come.” You said. “You could have stayed with the boys.”
“I didn’t want to.” He said, cheeks flushing a little. “I need to be away from them sometimes,” he admitted, “and I wanted to spend a little time with you outside of just hanging out with the boys.”
“All you have to do is ask.” It was your turn to blush. You had developed a crush on Thomas the first time he’d walked into the English class you both shared, and you’d met up at one of the hockey parties (the one where Blanks had gone into overprotective dad mode and sent you to his room early in the night, after you’d tripped over your feet after two drinks. You had actually done it cause you were staring at Thomas, but you let Nick have his moment. The next morning, when you came downstairs, Nick had sat you down and had a very serious discussion about what was on- and off-limits.) but you’d been too shy to make your move. Thomas had been too. 
But here in the produce aisle at 9 PM on a random Wednesday, everything changed. “Um, would you like to come out with me after the game Friday night? Not with the boys, just you and me?” Thomas rubbed his neck and blushed as red as the tomato you were holding.
“Sure. Yeah, that would be fun.” You said, flushing red as well. “Should I wear anything special?”
“Jeans are fine.” He paused. “Would you wear my jersey?”
“Yes.” You could feel your face flaming as well. “I’d love to.”
“Alright. Let’s go. The boys are probably wondering what’s taking so long.”
“Oh, come on, you and I both know they’re engrossed in Chel or passed out on a couch or bed somewhere.” You chuckled.
“That’s why we need you. You keep us in line and take care of us.” Thomas said, placing a couple cases of Gatorade and water into the cart. 
You grinned. “I do. I like taking care of you guys too.” You loaded everything into the car and got home, where true to form, almost all of the boys were sound asleep; Matty and Truss were the only two awake.
“Did you guys figure it out?” Matty asked. You softly chuckled as Thomas flipped Matty off, and Truss said, “I think that’s a yes.” You made your way into the kitchen to put everything away. Thomas went to sit by Matty and Truss.
“We like her. Don’t run her off or hurt her.” Truss said.
“That’s not in the plan.” Thomas said. “I like her too. A lot.”
“We’re glad you made your move.” Matty said as you came into the living room. Truss got up so you could sit next to Thomas. “We’re going to bed. Don’t stay up too late kids.” Matty said.
“We won’t. I’ll send him to bed at a decent time.” You chuckled.
“Yeah.” Thomas agreed. “She’ll take care of me.”
After Truss and Matty left, you leaned into Thomas’ side for a minute. “You should go to bed too. We have class in the morning, and you have practice.”
“Will you stay?” He asked.
“Sure. I’ll sleep on the couch.” You said.
“No, take my bed. I insist.”
“Thomas, I can’t make you sleep on the couch. I can’t sleep in your bed.”
“Y/N, please. I insist. There’s a lock on the door. That way you can have some privacy and not have a house full of hockey boys staring at you when you first wake up.”
Dammit, he had a point there. “Fine. But I’m making you all breakfast in the morning.”
“Please.” He kissed the side of your head. “Goodnight.”
In the morning, you were over the stove making breakfast when Matty came downstairs, chuckling as he saw Thomas sleeping on the couch. “Good morning. Banished him to the couch already?” He chuckled.
“No.” You turned around. “He wouldn’t let me sleep on the couch and told me to sleep in his room.”
“That’s Bords for you.” Matty grinned. “He likes you. Don’t break his heart, ok?”
“I’m not going to if I can help it.” You said. “I like him a lot too.” 
Thomas woke up to the smell of eggs, bacon, and coffee. He walked in to find you at the stove. He placed a kiss to the back of your neck as he slid his arms around you. “Morning.”
“Good morning.” You said. You would have been embarrassed by the affection, but it felt nice. “We have class in an hour.”
“Will you walk with me to class?”
“Yes.” You said. “Go tell the rest of the boys breakfast is ready.”
“Yes dear.” He chuckled, laughing as your cheeks turned pink.
“Don’t.” You pointed your finger at Matty., who was laughing and opening his mouth to speak.
“I won’t. It’s nice to see this side of him again.”
“Yeah.” You had been there in the post-breakup phase, and you never wanted to see him like that again.
After breakfast and getting all the dishes in the dishwasher, you went and took a quick shower and then you were on your way to class, wearing one of Thomas’ sweatshirts to hide the fact you were wearing the same clothes from yesterday.
It was game night, and you were a little nervous. Sure, you’d attended games before, but never wearing Thomas’ jersey. You knew the girls were going to talk, but let them. You were the one he wanted, not them. He hit into the glass in front of you and smiled; you smiled back.
They had won in overtime, and when he bowed out of the celebration, the boys looked at him. You came up at that time and he pulled you into his side for a hug. 
“You can go celebrate with the boys. We can do our date later.” You said.
“No.” Thomas said. “I want to go out with you. Just you.” He said, leaning in, “I’ve been looking forward to it ever since you said yes.” He whispered in your ear. “Boys, have a good time. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
They all cheered (they loved you) and let you guys out without too much ribbing. You let Thomas grab your hand as you walked to the little diner on the outskirts of campus. “Good game.”
Dinner was nice, and he walked you back to your dorm. “Can we do this again?” He asked as he stood on your porch as you got out your house key.
“Yeah. I’d like that a lot.” You grinned, kissing him goodnight on the cheek. “Goodnight Thomas.”
“Night, y/n.”
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cjsinkythoughts · 4 years
Ocean Eyes, Cherry Lips, Ivory Keys
Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2747
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol, I think that’s all
A/N: This is a headcanon I’ve had for a while that I’ve been wanting to write about 40s!Bucky, pre-War. I kinda want to write a series about it, so that might happen. For now, enjoy this little tidbit I’ve written, with the prompt of Occasion for HBC’s Lucky in Love Day 18! (This isn’t beta’d so please excuse mistakes.)
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He’s something of a celebrity. A living legend. A God amongst humans. Starting as a kid in Brooklyn, his fanbase rapidly grew, expanding to Queens, Manhattan, even parts of New Jersey, just in the past few years.
You don’t get it. So what if he’s got cool blue eyes, soft chocolate hair, and a charming smile? Who cares if he’s got smooth moves and even smoother words? He’s just a man - a human being - with flaws just like everyone else. A talented and gorgeous man, who has all of New York wanting to fall to her knees to please him, but still just a man.
James Buchanan Barnes.
Most everyone knew his name, but there was a lot of mystery surrounding the actual character. 
You just don’t see what all the fuss is about. You’ve never personally met him, or even seen him, but you know people who have. Your friend’s cousin even claims to have danced with him once. Not that that would be hard. You hear he’s never danced with the same bird twice, and, considering most start dancing in their teenage years, that’s a lot of dames.
It’s not that you’re not curious about him - if he’s actually as dashing as they say - but you’re not about to stop your life for him like some of your friends. They’re obsessed with getting his attention. With seeing if they’d be the one. The one to finally chain him down and tame him. The one he’d go steady with.
It feels like that’s all you ever talk about anymore. It was amusing at first, but now it’s just getting annoying. It’s been three years since that day in March of 1938, when your roommate ran into your room, plopping down onto your bed, before ranting and raving about the new ocean eyed piano player at her favorite bar. And since then, he’s been in your life without actually being in your life.
Speaking of, here you are. Listening to Lucy, MaryAnne, and Jean gushing over the man, trying to enjoy your milkshake.
“I heard from Sally that Thomas said that he knew the brother of one of his friend’s in high school!”
“That can’t be true! I heard from Billy, who heard from Martha, who was told by Ben, that he only had, like, one friend in high school.”
“You’re kidding, right? There’s no way a man like that had only one friend.”
“I hear he does boxing and that’s why he’s got a body sculpted like a Greek God.”
“Oh my God! MaryAnne!”
You rub your temples, resisting the urge to roll your eyes as the three burst into fits of giggles. If you have to hear one more word about-
“I heard he’s going to be playing at Georgie’s on Friday!”
Gasps echoed around the table. “No way! Georgie’s?”
You raise an eyebrow, this actually intriguing you. Georgie’s is a popular little hole in the wall, on the edge of being a speakeasy, which doubles as a pub and a dance hall in Brooklyn. It’s one of the best hang outs for kids like you and your girls, but it isn’t very high class. Maybe that’s why it’s one of the best. “Isn’t Georgie’s a little���cheap for him? He’s been playing at the best bars and restaurants for a while now.”
“It’s a classic in Brooklyn. Near his home, probably.”
“Do you think he lives near there?!”
“Ooo! Maybe we could find out!’
You scoff. “That,” gesturing to Lucy with your glass, you take a sip of your milkshake. “Is called stalking, my friend.”
Jean waves towards you dismissively. “I think he lives near Tin Pan Alley. That’s where he plays the most, after all. Georgie’s was probably just an old hang out for him and his pals.”
“Wait, wait,” you shake your head, a thought popping into your head. You turn to Lucy, confused. “How’d you find out he’s playing at Georgie’s anyways? Isn’t part of his whole act not telling anyone where he’s playing?”
Giving you a smirk and a wink, Lucy shrugs. “I’ve got my connections.”
You roll your eyes again, turning your attention back to your milkshake. “So?!” MaryAnne squealed. “We’re going on Friday, right?”
“Hell yes!”
“Not.” You mumble, causing the other three to stare at you incredulously.
“I’m not wasting my Friday night going to see some fella you all have a crush on. Especially when he might not even be there.”
Your friends groan, exchanging glances. “And what’re you gonna do?” Jean crossed her arms with a pointed look on her face. “Sit down and read a book like you always do?”
You huff. “I like reading, sue me. I don’t get a lot of time to myself. You know that new girl’s been gumming up the works and I’ve had to stay late to fix her mistakes all week.”
“This is exactly what you need, then! Come out, have a drink, jive a little-”
You look up at that, an amused kind of smirk on your lips. “Jive? Me and my clumsy ass?”
You all laugh. “Okay, so maybe not dance, but c’mon! It’ll be snazzy, you’ll see!”
“Fine, fine.” Standing up with a sigh, you collect your things, smoothing down your dress with your hands. “I’ve gotta scram.”
“We’ll see you on Friday, right?”
You give a small smile, shooting them a wink. “I guess I can make it.”
Friday comes a lot faster than you anticipate. You dress up; a navy blue dress going to your knees with white, heart shaped buttons and a bow around the waist. The shoes you’re wearing are your nice black and white Mary Janes. Lips painted deep red, and hair pinned back in loose curls, you glance over yourself in a mirror. You’ll admit; you look damn good. You don’t wanna go, but you might as well try to have some fun since you are.
It’s a cool evening, early May meaning the summer humidity hasn’t hit just yet. You didn’t even think about bringing a coat, but you start to regret the decision as you start walking. MaryAnne, who you actually room with, already left, being way too excited to stay put.
It doesn’t take you long - you live on the border of Queens and Brooklyn - but your feet are more sore than you’d like when you arrive.
“I knew you’d come!” Lucy grins, coming up besides you and linking her arm in yours. MaryAnne comes up on your other side and does the same to your free arm.
“Where’s Jean?”
“Where do you think? She already found a Joe to swing with.”
You laugh. “Of course she has! So is your dreamboat here?”
The grins that are immediately on their faces answer your question and they quickly drag you inside.
It’s hot and crowded and dim. Skirts with their beaus, guys with their broads, swinging and dancing to the lively music of the band on stage. Smoke from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars is evident in the air as they neared the bar portion of the building, mixing with the boisterous sound of laughter and chatter.
“Everyone’s talking about it! He’s here, but he hasn’t played yet. We’ve been trying to catch a glimpse of him, but we think he’s in a back room.” The dramatic sigh MaryAnne gives makes you laugh a little.
“Okay, khaki whackies. Let’s get a drink.”
You, just as you thought would happen tonight, are left alone at the bar by your friends who quickly found partners to dance with. A few men asked you, but you have never been a good dancer.
You’re lost in thought, running a finger gently around the rim of your cup, when a voice sounded besides you, pulling you out of your thoughts, a slight rasp to the otherwise mellifluous voice.
“You gonna drink that, doll, or just stare at it all night?”
You raise an eyebrow at the jest, turning your head, only to have your breath hitch. What a specimen. Ocean blue eyes, fluffy brown curls, cherry pink lips. A white dress shirt is pulled over his broad chest, gray dress pants hugging thick thighs, matching suit jacket across wide shoulders. He has a blue, black, and white plaid tie around his neck and you can see the edges of his blue suspenders under his blazer. He’s put together, but it’s nothing special, a normal Sunday best suit, that much you can tell.
“Uh, not all night.” You look back to the drink, before looking at the clock with a hum, tilting your head playfully. “Maybe another hour.”
He chuckles, gesturing for the bartender. “Tell me this, sweetheart. What is a beautiful dame like yourself doin’ drinking alone?”
“I’m not very good on my feet, I’m afraid.” You laugh nervously, taking a sip of your drink.
“Don’t come here often, then?”
“Only for special occasions.”
“What’s the special occasion this evenin’, sugar?”
You shrug. “My friends dragged me here. They’re practically in love with this guy who’s supposedly playing the piano tonight. James Barnes. Have you ever heard of him?”
He chuckles, a grin pulling his lips upwards. “Yeah. Yeah I’ve heard of ‘im. Not a big fan yourself?”
“I’m sure he’s fine. I just don’t understand the fascination with him. Let the man be.”
“I agree.” He hums with a nod, grabbing the glass of whiskey the bartender set in front of him. “I actually know him.”
“Really?” You look at him in interest.
He tilts his head with a smile towards you that makes you melt. “Yeah. He feels the same. He just likes playin’. That’s all. He didn’t want all the attention. He gets enough without that.”
You raise an eyebrow, finishing off your drink. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m Bucky by the way.”
You eye his hand, grabbing it after a second, letting him bring your knuckles to his lips. “Y/N.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, mama.” He shifts his body more towards you, running a hand through his hair. “You said you ain’t fond of dancin’?”
Shaking your head, you quickly defend yourself, “no, no. I like dancing. I’m just not very good. Got two left feet.”
He smirks, tongue poking out to run over those plump lips of his. “Well, with the right partner, it doesn’t really matter.”
“Are you asking me to dance, Bucky?”
“Not if you’re gonna say no.” He responds with a toothy grin, leaning his elbows on his knees.
You sigh and shake your head. “I’m afraid tonight’s not your night, pal. I just can’t seem to get myself in the mood.”
He hums, leaning back. “Is it the music? Too fast for you?”
“I wouldn’t mind if they slowed it down some, I suppose.”
He smiles cheekily. “I can help with that. Hold on.”
You grin at him, nodding. “I’ll be here.”
Watching him stand and make his way over to the stage, you quirk an eyebrow. He seems to know the band well, if the handshakes and the claps on the back have anything to say about it. He says something to the lead, who nods with a grin, shooting him a wink. Bucky laughs, but you can see a tint of pink dusting his cheeks, making you wonder what they were saying.
He makes his way back over as the band shifts tones, the animated swing changing to a slow jazzy number. Bucky beams at you, holding out his hand as he approaches. “Care to dance?”
You purse your lips, narrowing your eyes, but taking his hand anyways. “How’d you do that? Do you work here?’
“Uh…somethin’ like that.” He states vaguely, leading you to the dance floor with the other swaying couples. Pulling you as close as appropriate, his hands resting politely on your waist, he starts moving you side to side. 
“That’s not ominous.” You place your hands on his shoulders, following his lead as you stare at your feet.
He chuckles, hooking a finger under your chin to lift your gaze. “I’ve gotcha, doll. I won’t let you fall.”
“I’m going to step on your feet.” You explain.
“Nah. You’re doin’ great. You just need to get outta your head. Relax a little. Tell me something about yourself.”
You hum. “Like what?”
“Uh, okay…I have a roommate who is one of the girls who begged me to come, I’m a secretary - I know, boring - and…I dunno. I like reading.”
His eyes lighten at this. “Reading? Whaddya like to read?”
“Different things. Depends on my mood. I’m re-reading The Hobbit for, like, the twentieth time right now.”
“I love The Hobbit.” Bucky grins, making you smile back. “I read it almost as soon as it came out.”
“Me too! I was planning on reading it tonight but,” you gesture around. “Here I am.”
Bucky lips pull up softly, his hold on your waist tightening ever so slightly as he pulls you closer. “Well, as much as I love that book, I’m glad you came out tonight.”
Giving him a little tease, you tap your chin thoughtfully. “Eh…I think I’d rather be at home.”
He pinches your side gently, making you squeal and squirm. “That hurt, sugar. That physically hurt me. C’mon, mama, your gonna say you aren’t havin’ a good time?”
“I just met you ten minutes ago.”
“Well, sweetheart, if you think we’re movin’ too fast, I won’t introduce you to my folks just yet.”
You laugh, blinking up at him. “That’s very thoughtful of you, Buck.”
The two of you rock for a little while longer, before the band stops, announcing they’re taking a break and a special guest is going to play a little something.
“Maybe James Barnes is here.” You say, a bit of intrigue lacing your tone, trying to see through the crowds of people who started gathering around the stage to catch a glimpse of the charming pianist. “I see why he would be over the attention.”
“Yeah.” Bucky sighs, almost sadly, giving you an apologetic look. “Listen, I’ve gotta go work for a bit, but I’ll be right back.”
You smirk. “So you do work here?”
“Um…kinda. You’ll see.”
You raise an eyebrow at his words, but he’s kissing your knuckles and walking away. You frown, but can’t think more on it when three young women are on you, babbling about their dates.
“Who were you dancing with, Y/N? He was cute!”
You roll your eyes, feeling yourself heat up, and not because of the many bodies in the vicinity. “Just…some guy.”
“C’mon, c’mon! We’ve gotta get a good spot to actually see him!”
You huff, letting the drag you through the crowd, shoving their way towards the front just as a familiar deep voice spoke. 
“Thanks for comin’ out, everyone. I hope your havin’ a good night. Let’s get this hop started, yeah?”
Your eyes widen when you finally catch sight of the man sitting at the piano with a polite smile on his features. He catches your eye and shoots you a wink, before his fingers start flying over the keys. The beam that he gets while tickling the gleaming ivories, his azure eyes lighting up, and you can’t fight the smile you get. He looks so relaxed, so invigorated, that it makes you happy just watching him.
“Oh my God! Weren’t you dancing with him?!” Lucy shook your shoulder obnoxiously, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, mesmerized with the way he played like it’s the only thing he wanted to do with his life. Which, as you remember his words, ‘he just likes playin’. That’s all.’ you figure it is the only thing he wanted to do with his life.
You just danced with James Barnes…and he’s just as perfect as everyone says.
You’re still trying to wrap your head around it, your friends jumping around you, trying to get every little detail of him from you, when your heart skips a beat and your brain malfunctions. Bucky had started up another song, slower and more intimate, and he’s looking right at you. 
You find yourself doing something you never thought you would; you’re swooning over James Barnes, smiling like an idiot, heat blooming up your neck and flaming your face. And yes, he’s just a man - a human being - with flaws just like everyone else. But he’s a talented and gorgeous man, who has all of New York wanting to fall to her knees to please him.
And now that includes you.
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hockey-x-imagines · 3 years
Made to Last || Pt. 11
A/N: Please don’t hate me for this part. My sister only read a small part of it and was pissed. I promise you’ll see happy Tyler soon. I’ve started part 12 so it should follow close to this post. I hope you like this part. Feedback is always welcome :)
Song Inspo: Made to Last by Issues, and Josslyn by Olivia O’Brien
Warning: Cussing and more angst 
Paring: Tyler x Reader
P.O.V: Reader
Word Count: 3295
It took a shit ton of convincing and some borderline bribery. But Jamie and Alex managed to get you to go to their home opener while they were visiting. The 2 months after they had gotten you to agree to their plan, you spent a lot of time sorting through your feelings. There was also a lot of going back and forth on whether you still wanted to go out to their game. 3 weeks before you were supposed to fly to Dallas, you panicked. You thought going to the game was a bad idea.  It wasn't until the Tuesday before you were supposed to fly out, you realized you were willing to put your heart there again. You missed Tyler, and that had you willing to give him a chance to fix his mistake. Your final decision was not only were you going back to Texas for the game, but you were also going back for Tyler.
A 20-hour drive gave you plenty time to overthink the path you were going down. You refused to think of all the things that could go wrong, you refused to let your guard to be all the way up. Although you knew there was such a small chance for something to go wrong, you weren't able to lower your guard all the way. The excitement you had over surprising Tyler and seeing the team, canceled out the doubts and worries.
You pulled into Jamie's driveway around 11, you made a few stops from New Mexico to Dallas. During the drive you had made your own plan that required a stop at Victoria's Secret. You didn't care what that plan said about you, as long as Tyler had no problems with your choice, you wanted him back in every aspect possible.  When I pulled in Tyler's car was in the driveway, that made you panic just a little. You didn't want the plan Jamie, Rads and you worked so hard on to fall apart now. You dropped a text to Jamie letting him know you were here, and to let you know when Tyler left.
Maybe 10 minutes later you got the all clear to go back. You filled Jamie in on the drive and where your feelings for Tyler stood. Waking up Friday morning, your nerves and excitement had you feeling some type of way. The closer it got to game time, the louder that stupid voice in your head got telling you this was a waste of time and that you weren't someone that could make Tyler happy in the long run. Every time so thought like the popped up you shut it down really quick. You were not going to let yourself psych yourself out. You didn't come all this way literally and figuratively to give up.  
One of the parts of the plan you were the most difficult was seating. You refused to sit in the section for family, so he got you a ticket on the end of the row their bench was on. Jamie told you not to worry about buying a jersey or anything, he told you Rads, coach and he had already decided what you were wearing. Jamie had snagged Tyler's warmup zip-up and gave you a locker room long sleeve coach had given him for you. You paired those with a pair of ripped jeans and white vans. You did your makeup as normal and left your hair down and straight.
You went unnoticed during the first period. You didn't see that 91 jersey at all, maybe you had just missed hi. During the second intermission both Benn and Rads had hit the glace almost directly in front of you. Jason, Luke and few other players had noticed both men hitting the same spot. Curiosity had them skating out to see why they did that, when the saw you their faces lit up. Seeing their faces, you realized just how much missed these guys. Jamie was the first to notice the swarm of players in front you. He quickly pulled them into a huddle. You didn't know for sure, but you had a feeling he was telling them to keep their mouths shut about who they saw. Each player skating to the bench nodding their heads. During the first have of the second periods you hadn't seen Tyler on the ice at all. You worried that something happened that had coach pulling him from the game. He finally stepped on the ice during the second half of the period.
You could feel eyes on you, you look over to the bench where you see Jamie pointing at you and talking to coach. You give coach a small wave before turning to watch the game. When you turn your gaze back to the ice you notice a set of brown eyes staring at you. The same brown eyes that you tried so hard to forget, and the same eyes that has once haunted your dreams. You looked away first breaking eye contact.
Actually, seeing him sent you into a panic you hadn't expected We had won the game. As soon as the buzzer went off you left the arena as fast as you could. With your truck in sight, you slowed down to a walk while digging for your keys.
"Y/N," Tyler called your name, and you froze. You had hopped you would've been able to make your escape. You knew there is no way he was able to change and get out here as fast as he had. You turn to look at him and see him in his pads, he had just taken his skates off.
"Why are you out here in your pads you ask?"
"I knew if I wanted to at least try to talk to you I had to catch you before you left," he was right, you hadn't planned on leaving initially. But now you were thinking about leaving, "please wait for me, I need to talk to you," he pleas.
"Okay," is all you were able to say. He turned to go get his clothes on. While you sat there, your thoughts got the best of you, and you left. You hadn't left town yet. You were driving around aimlessly trying to convince yourself you that it was okay to stay. You kept trying to shove the bitch in your head to the side and tell yourself you wanted to come to him.
You only stopped when you pulled into his driveway. There were 2 cars in the driveway, you hadn't thought you drove around long enough for him to get home. You knew one of the cars was Tyler's the other you didn't recognize, maybe one of the guys came over. Not thinking twice, you knock on the door. You waited 5 minutes before walking in. As soon as the door opened you were tackled by the three dogs, you heard footsteps walking towards you. Looking up, there was a blonde, who you assumed was Nessa, walking towards you. You wished you could say seeing her was a surprise, but it wasn't, no what shocked you was her adjusting her outfit. Your chest felt like it was being crushed. The sting of tears has you wanting to run, you weren't able to, your feet wouldn't move.
"You must be Y/N." Her smirk has you feeling sick. All worries that Tyler didn't want you were confirmed. It had been 2 months since the last time you had talked. Things change, maybe you waited too long to make up your mind. "As you can see, he's moved on. You're not the person he wants anymore. It's not surprising, I mean he didn't want you in the first place. You weren't able to make him happy, you weren't here to pick up the pieces you left. I've been here the whole time. I've picked the pieces up and put him back together."
"You must be Nessa," you fake a smile. "It's nice to finally meet the girl who thoughts you could replace me." Something about what she said didn't sound right, maybe you didn't it want it to be true. Either way it didn't sit right.
"I've finally put him back together. I finally got him to forget about you," she snaps, " I've never been able to see what he saw in you. You're nothing special, especially compared to me. Do both of you a favor and leave. Let him go. He doesn't love you, and you know he never did. You don't love him, if you didn't you wouldn't constantly hurt him."
"The last time I heard Tyler, or anyone talk about you, they were telling me what a crazy bitch you were, granted that was 2 months ago. I highly doubt you changed in that short time. What they didn't mention you were delusional. " She's too defensive, then again if you were in her supposed situation, you would be to.
"Tyler would never call me crazy or a bitch. He loves me. His friends and family love me. It's quite pathetic you would come crawling back to him when he clearly never wanted you in the first place. You should respect yourself a bit more, don't you think?"
"Oh honey, I have to be honest with you since it's obvious no one else has the balls to. Any guy that says he's interested in you beyond just fucking you is full of shit." To think anyone respects you, is quite sad. As for Tyler loving you, I just can't see it."
"Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not true," she snaps. "Why would I still be around if he didn't have feelings for me and didn't respect me?" You knew you saw Tyler's car in the driveway, you're starting to wonder where he is.
"Yea maybe you're right, maybe he loves you." You sigh. "I'm going to pretend there is a nice person somewhere inside you-," You can hear Tyler's voice moving closer to the living room.
"Dude I really don't know what I expected, I was just hopeful. Let me know if you hear from her," Tyler gets off the phone as he enters the living room as. "Y/N! I thought you took off," he looked relieved. Nessa rolls her eyes. You feel your chest loosen, his reaction to you standing here gives you some hope.
"Baby this crazy bitch broke into your house. You need to tell her to leave," she whines. The urge to hit here is starting to rise.
"Nessa I've told you several times we never were anything and I don't want you around. You cause more problems than your worth, and no one likes you, including me," he huffs.
"Uh that's fucking bullshit, and we both know it. You love me. You always have me come celebrate after games," she winks. I clench my fists. I'm waiting for Tyler to say something else, but he doesn't. There goes your hope.
"I'd hate to interrupt your celebration," you unzip his jacket, "so I'm going head out. There's a few people I want to see before I head home," you set his jacket on the couch. You hope he's going to stop you from walking out that door again, but he doesn't. With your back to them the tears start to fall.
You drag your feet as you walk to your truck, hoping Tyler would stop you. He didn't. You sit in your truck for a good 10 minutes watching his front door, silently praying he was going to come out. He never does. Hesitantly you pull away from his house, watching your rearview mirror hoping you'll see him. You don't. You were too late. What did you really expect? You ran away, after he showed you before how much you meant to him, why would this time be any different? You didn't think it was possible for you heart to break any further. Boy were you wrong.
"Hey Y/N," Jamie answers.
"Hey, uh I just wanted to let you know I was leaving," your voice breaking. Shit. You hadn't even made it off his street before you had to pull over.
"What happened?"
"I panicked and left the arena, then I ended up at his house and Nessa was there, they seemed to have occupied, when I had walked in.  Her and I got into it, she said he moved on. After he said he ended things, she said he was full of shit, and she was there to celebrate the win. He didn't say anything," you sniffle, trying to get a hold of yourself, "He let me walk out. I drug my feet, I sat in my truck watching the door for 10 minutes, he didn't come after me." At this point you were ugly crying again.
"You've got to kidding me." You weren't sure if he was in disbelief or if he was pissed. "You're sure he didn't come after you?"
"Jamie, I told you just a couple months ago I didn't mean shit to him. I was stupid for getting my hopes up. He didn't even try to stop me from walking out the door. I can't do this shit, I didn't think it was possible for my heart to break any further," you cry. You felt yourself shattering yet again. "I was so fucking wrong. Don't worry, I won't disappear like I did before, and I won't shut you out again. I just can't do this."
"I'm sorry I pushed you to come out Y/N," Jamie sighs. It really wasn't his fault, you're the one that agreed to come out.
"It's not on you, I had been hopeful that he did have some sort of feelings toward me. I'm going to hit the road, I think I might be holding up traffic," you tell him. There were headlights right behind you.
"I'm really sorry. Please don't leave tonight. At least stay with me so you get some sleep," he pleas.
"Okay, I'll stay for the night." You know it would be smart to sleep before starting the drive home.  You wait for the car behind you to pull around you before you start your truck and pull out into the road. The car doesn't move, so you roll down your window to wave them by. Still, they don't move. From your rearview mirror you see the driver's door open.
"You've got to be kidding me," you let out a groan. You were able to roll the window up not more than a quarter of the way before your door is pulled open. "What the fuc-?" you were cut off Tyler's hand undoing your seatbelt. As soon as he gets it undone, he pulls you out of the seat. "Tyler what the hell are you doing?" You ask looking up at him. He doesn't offer a response, instead his lips crash down on yours. You give in for all of 3 seconds before pushing him off.
"You don't just get to kiss me, and everything will be okay," you say stepping away from him, "you have literally let me walk out of your life willingly. You fucking destroyed me! I came back because I wanted to work things out. I thought maybe Jamie and Rads were right, I wouldn't go as far as you loved or love me, but maybe just fucking maybe you slightly cared. I got my hopes up, and that's not on you. But once again I'm wrong." The tears are flowing down your cheeks. " I'm sure it's on me this time, I took too much time. God this is fucking bullshit. You get a quick fuck, and I tore apart again. I really hope she's worth it, I can't do this shit. Get out of my way, I'm going home." You try to push him off, he doesn't budge. Of course, he doesn't why make this easier on you.
"Are you done?" Tyler asks. You look at him in disbelief. Did he really just ask you if you were done? The nerve. Without a second thought your hand connects with his face, the force of the slap stinging your hand. "Why the hell did you slap me?" he asks rubbing his cheek. You shrug.
"You deserved it. Now move, I have a long drive to get started." Your patience was almost nonexistent. He still doesn't move. "Please move, I just want to go home. Please." Your words came out as a whisper.
"I'm not letting you run again without listening to me first."
"Fine, say what you need to say so I can go." You really didn't think this was how coming back to him would've gone.
"Do not ever assume you know how I'm feeling. You were not here to see the after math of YOU walking out on ME! I couldn't come after you because you fucking disappeared. You made it impossible to find you. I never got the chance to tell you I'm sorry or the chance to make things right between us. Y/N I fucking love you more than anything. I need you in my life. I can't fucking breathe without you. I do not in any way blame you for leaving me. Can I tell you why I said what I said? No, I can't. I've regretted those words since I found out I said them. I will not lie and say I haven't jumped off the deep end fucking and drinking. I don't know what to tell you or how to ask. Please give me another chance."
"Don't you have a girlfriend waiting for you? I'm sorry I hurt you, I really am. We both know I'm not someone meant to be in your life, I've never fit in. I love you more than you know-" Tyler dropping to one knee cuts you off. He can't be serious.
"Marry me. Not right now, hell you don't have to give me an answer." His voice breaks as he begs you to stay.
"Did you really just ask me to marry you?" You weren't sure how to react. "You just let me walk out the door literally. You didn't say goddamn thing about anything I heard Nessa say other than you ended things. Am I joke to you? Is the relationship we had a joke? How could you ask me to marry you?" Him proposing in the middle of this shit show pissed you off. "I've listened, now please move so I can go home." You honestly couldn't tell if Tyler was devastated or if he was pissed. He walked back to his car in silence.
"I'm not going to stop. We are going to end up together." With that he turned back to his car and got in.
You didn't think this is how this trip was going to go. You didn't think this was the reason you'd be driving home. You had hoped you'd be going home to pack somethings and come back. You were pretty sure Tyler was pissed at you, and you didn't care if Jamie would be. You weren't going to stay in Dallas tonight.
You probably should've at least texted Jamie letting him know you had left, but you didn't think about it at that moment. You were trying to determine whether you were hurt or pissed. The last thing Tyler told was on repeat. You didn't know if he meant what he said. You hoped he did. You weren't running away. You needed to sort shit out, and you wanted to be alone to do it.
"Hey, I'm sorry I left how I did. I'm home and alive. I don't plan on being gone long." Jamie didn't answer his phone, so you left a message.
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seraphdreams · 4 years
Tumblr media
warnings : smut, fem!reader, drunk sex, suna being a bit of a jerk at the end, college AU
wc - 2.8k
a/n - this was originally gonna be a football!au but i got lazy and changed it back to volleyball
There’s cheering heard from the end of the hallway in the spacious university. Loud whooping and chants were heard as your classmates ran up to the commotion. You continued walking foreward at your steady pace, avoiding the crowd. “Look! The volleyball team is back!” You hear a student exclaim. You pause in your tracks, throat suddenly dry. You swallow, eyes growing wide as you lock orbs on the tall newbie the volleyball team welcomed. His eyes were like a fox’s, narrow and uninterested.
The way the jersey he has on enunciates his long toned torso, has you in awe. He seemed not to care about the praise and applause he was getting but instead taking out his cloth and wiping his forehead with the towel previously draped around his neck.
Your white haired best friend came up to you from the herd, suddenly looking at you in confusion. waving a hand in front of your face. A trance, is what you’re in. Just a split second of eye contact with what you’d describe as the prettiest man you’ve ever seen had you flustered. His allure was so daunting, leaving you almost speechless.
“Hey, Y/N. Hello? Guess what?” You snap out of your thoughts, looking up at Kita. He was also on the football team. His hair was drenched in sweat and face flushed pink. You cock your head to side, a response to his question. “We won the game, and that new second year is amazing!” He continues. “New second year? The one you were just thinking about? He’s....amazing? Is that why he was getting so much attention?” You think to yourself. Once again you were brought back to reality by Kita, clapping his hand to get your attention.
“Oh! Sorry, i was just wondering, when did he get on the team?” You question, straightening up at the loud clasp of his hands. The team finally got through the hallway, walking past you and Kita. He looks to the side, noticing the slow walking brunette. As soon as the man is in the same radius as Kita, he pulls him by the arm, yanking him into the conversation. He was slightly crouching under the shorter’s grip on his arm.
“He’s been on the team for a few weeks, this is Suna Rintarō. He scored us 12 points at tonight’s game.” Kita announces, Suna straightening up as Kita’s grip loosens. Your heart beats faster, feeling as if it’s going to burst out of your chest. “Hi, i’m Y/N” You say in a soft voice. He raises his eyebrows in affirmation, looking at you deep in your eyes.
Kita observes your body language, the way you held your hands behind your back, squeezed your thighs at the look Rintarō gave you, and licked your lips as you looked up at him with “innocent” eyes. Kita whispers something in his ear, Suna walking away a few seconds later. “It’s kinda late, isn’t it? Want me to walk you to your dorm?” Kita progresses. You nod your head and walk side by side out of the now empty hallway.
“‘Samu, i’m telling you, that’s my shoe!” You hear a loud voice from the outdoor courtyard. You spot Atsumu, obviously fighting with his twin. As you and Kita crept closer on your commute to the dorms, he scolded, “Twins! Cut that out!” Osamu and Atsumu halt then straighten out their clothes, scoffing at one another. “I swear they still act like they’re still in high school” Kita says with a chuckle. Pretty scenery of the campus went by as you and Kita continue to chat on your way to the dorms.
It was your second year of university. Kita’s been your best friend since your first year of highschool when you decided to become the manager of their volleyball team. He was so nice and a great person to talk to about whatever, always listening and giving the best advice. You both grew closer as the years progressed, instantly becoming best friends.
You’re in the same grade as the twins, having been with them since your first year as well. They were your source of entertainment and gossip. That’s why you were a bit confused how they never told you about the rookie. “Looks like we’re here.” You say looking at the room number on your dorm. Warm arms wrap around your shoulders as Kita pulls you in for a sweaty hug, flashing a smile at you before leaving toward his own dorm. “Ugh Shinsuke!” You joke opening the door to your room and carefully stepping in.
After a long shower, you work on your school work, still in a towel. You decided to finish a few math problems, chewing at the end of the pen. There was no need to do work now, it was the Friday and the you could relax all weekend, maybe drink some wine. You check your phone. A message from Osamu catches your eyes.
There’s a house party a few minutes away. Wanna come with me?
A party didn’t seem to bad at the moment, you were already showered and hadn’t gotten dressed, having fun won’t hurt. You text him back a “sure”. You weren’t necessarily a party person, only clinging to the people you knew, but maybe you’d step out of your comfort zone. You search through a mess of clothes piled on your chair, stuffed in your drawer, and under your bed, until you found the perfect outfit. Something short. You put on makeup, spraying loads of setting spray to make sure you don’t sweat it off.
You slipped on your shoes and pranced to the door and down the hallway. You look both ways frantically, waiting to see a familiar face. Finally, you see a silhouette of the twins walking towards you. Atsumu held keys in his hand, jingling at every step he made. Once they were visible and in a close enough distance, Osamu cleared his throat. “We have to wait for someone else.” He stated. “Who?” You ask in curiosity, thinking it could be Kita or Aran.
You hear a door unlock from the back of the hall, the man was walking slowly looking down at his phone.
From where you were standing it looked like he was wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans. “Suna! Hurry the fuck up!” Atsumu yells. He looks up from his phone and slowly jogs up to him. You felt your heart pulsate the same way it did before. “Suna was coming? Why didn’t Osamu tell me?” you ask yourself. Once Suna caught up with the group, you all walked out the dorm hall and down the stairs.
It was a long quiet walk from the courtyard to the student parking lot, Suna being on his phone and the twins not speaking.
Atsumu found his car and unlocked the door, him driving with ‘Samu in the passenger seat and you and Suna in backseats. You strapped yourself in, everyone else following suit. Osamu hooks his phone up to aux cord, playing his playlist.
The rod was about 15 minutes long. ‘Tsumu pulls up to a large house on an almost abandoned street. There were lights flashing, seen from the windows and reflecting outside. You could see people outside with drinks in their hands, laughing at whatever nonsense they were talking about.
You look over at an unamused Suna, still looking down at his phone. “Who’s the designated driver?” Osamu questions. Atsumu raises his eyebrows and turns to his twin, eyes lighting up. “No. I don’t trust you” His twin replies, sitting back in the seat, arms folded. “I promise i’ll stay sober ‘Samu!” He pouts childishly. Osamu scoffs in response unbuckling his seatbelt. The group treads out of the car. You fix your outfit as you close the door to Atsumu’s black 2019 Dodge Charger.
You walk behind the group, keeping your eyesight fixated on the broad back of the brunette in front of you. Atsumu opens the door. You’re greeted with loud music, a blend of different bodies, and on your far right, tall stairs with a few people sitting down at the front. Nobody you knew was there except for the company you came with. You walk to the least crowded place, the drink table. You weren’t really a heavy drinker, but a shot or two wouldn’t hurt in helping you loosen up. The air suddenly smelt of a heavy masculine scent.
“Do you know what you’re drinking?” The deep, quiet voice says. You turn your head, meeting his chest then looking into his eyes. It was Suna. You nod and point to the label written on the bottle, “vodka”. He chuckles, a breathy laugh erupting from his throat. You smile at his expression, a little confused.
“What?”. He sets his drink down on the counter and puts his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. “You look a little bit lightweight, and there’s a lot of alcohol in your cup.” You scoff, putting the cup to your lips, inhaling the green apple taste, shuddering at the burning sensation that comes afterwards. The boy you thought was quiet wasn’t as quiet as you thought.
You lock your eyes on the snake tattoo that wrapped around his lower neck then disappeared under his shirt. He caught your examining eyes then looked over your head, a hungry Osamu stuffing his face with hors d’oeuvres. “What does that tattoo mean?” You ask. Rintaro inhales, then takes a sip from his drink. “I forgot. I got it when i was really high” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. You look up at his slit-like eyes, they glowed green, obvious evil intent behind them. You look down at the now empty cup in your hands. “Damn, you finished that fast” He says, eyes wide as he peers at the red cup in your hand. He finished the drink in his hand soon after, as to one-up you.
The conversation went on for what felt like hours. You grew more and more intoxicated as the minutes passed. The bass in the music throbbing in your head. Everything that came out of Suna’s mouth sounded slurred. You nodded at every noise you could comprehend. In the blink of an eye, he was no longer in front of you. You felt a large hand wrap around your waist, tugging on the fabric of your shirt. You felt swaying motions behind you.
The heartbeat of the figure prodding aggressively against your head. The music was slower, sensual even. You try to reach for your phone in your bag, haziness fogging over your mind. A hard grip on your arm knocks you out of your daze. You felt hard pulling, trying to look up at who was dragging you up the stairs. To your surprise, it was Rintarō. As you ascend up the stairs, you pass rooms. Suna checks the locks on each of the doors then opens the door of finally unlocked room in the middle of the hall.
The room was dark with only the pale moonlight shining through the window, insinuating the unholy bright green glint in his eyes. He motions for you to lay on the bed. You do as told, not sure why.
He kneels in front of you, wrapping his rough hands around your thighs and spreading them away, face to face with your cunt. He groans at the sight. “Are you a virgin?” He questions, snapping you out of the lust that was growing in your core. You shyly nod your head. “Do you want me to continue?” He solicits, looking up at you. You nod your head slowly.
He wraps his limber fingers around the waistband of your bottoms, pulling them down along with your underwear, a string of slick connecting your garments with your warm body. Another groan slips from his mouth, “So pretty.”
He attaches his lips to your clit, sucking and licking the bud. You arch your back, fisting the sheets beneath you. His gaze into your eyes like needles piercing your skin, sharp. He uses his skilled tongue to lap around your slit, dipping in and out. The cries you let out are loud, causing him to slow down his pace. He removes his lips from your cunt. They were glossed in your slick. He licks his lips then presses a thick finger into your hole. You yelp in surprise, gasping as he brutally finger fucks you. You tangle your hands in his dark brown locks, crying out words like “please” and “fuck”. He slips in another digit in no remorse for your poor tight cunt. The way he curls his fingers inside you while thumbing your clit has you in pure ecstasy.
You hiccup as you feel your orgasm pooling through you. He sucks the creamy liquid you left on his fingers. A vexatious smile on his face as he stands up and towers over your small frame.
“I want you to take all of me.” He demands. You look down at the growing bulge in his jeans the back up at him. You whimper at the sight, scared for your hole. He leans over to meet your eyes. He places sloppy kisses on your lips, using his tongue to part your lips. You scratch at his back as he deepens the kiss by pressing his tongue against yours. You kiss back letting him take control. He runs his lips down your jaw, meeting your neck.
He sinks his sharp canines into your neck harshly sucking on the flesh. He leaves little love bites all the way down to your chest. He stands back and looks at your abused body, proud of the work he’s done. He slides his shirt over his head and tosses it on the floor next to your bottoms. The snake tattoo you previously seen before looks more prominent now, more dangerous. You lean back, spreading your legs wider as he pulls his cock out from his jeans. He strokes a few times before aligning it with your drooling cunt
He slowly glides the tip in, sucking his teeth at the way you clench around the fat head. You wince at the pain. He tries pushing in once again, you getting tighter at each advance. He reaches his hand over to your thigh, rubbing the skin in small circles. “Breathe.” He whispers in spite to soothe you. You deeply inhale then exhale. Suna pushes halfway through, groaning at the feeling. An image of your smile flashes through his mind, the way you made him feel warm. “Hey?” He questions. You look up at him, confused by the childlike grin on his face.
“What’s red and shaped like a bucket?” Rintarō jokes. You shoot him a confused look. “i don’t know.” You say. “A red bucket.” The laugh you let out was quickly cut off by a sharp inhale. He thrusted his full length inside your cunt. “Sorry” He apologizes apathetically. You mewl at his dangerously fast pace inside you. It hurts but the pain was soon overridden by pleasure. He rubs your clit in harsh circles. You slip your hand under your shirt to play with your nipples.
A soft moan escapes from your core. The bliss was immense, leaving you breathless as he continued to bruise your cervix with his terribly accurate thrusts. You couldn’t take too much of it before you felt your core heat up. The pleasure ran through your whole body, attacking all of your nerves. You felt numb, mumbling and babbling unintelligible words.
“Good girl, you take me so well” He praises, pressing down on the bulge visible in your stomach. You moan at his words, trembling from the orgasm that’s about to crash through you. “Su-“ You try to let out. “I’m gonna cum!” You mewl, trying to sound as audible as possible. You wrap your hands around his wrist while arching your back. Hot liquid splashes his lower abdomen, coating his cock with your cream.
“Fuck, you squirted” He gasps, chasing his own high. The overstimulation leaves you tired and unable to respond to his thrusts. His thighs tense as he nears his orgasm. He sprays his warm seed in your cunt, painting the walls white. You both pant as you catch your breaths.
He tucks his cock back into his pants and grabs his shirt on the floor, putting it on. He tosses you your bottoms. “How does it feel to be bred your first time?” He mocks. The green glow in his eyes came back, more vibrant than ever. He leaves the room, leaving you to clean yourself up. You laid in the bed for a while, a text from Osamu waking you up from almost dozing off.
Come outside, we’re leaving
You trot downstairs, collecting your things and meeting the twins at the car. Atsumu looked to be out of it completely, Suna recording and laughing. It seemed like you and Rintarō became strangers again, he didn’t acknowledge you at all. Osamu was driving this time. You opened the door and sat on the seat, seeing Suna glued to his phone once again. There was complete silence the whole ride back, except Atsumu talking to himself.
You leaned your head back on the seat and fell asleep.
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kozumekenza · 3 years
on my mind :: three
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:: suna rintarou x f!reader :: playlist :: masterlist ::
:: taglist: open :: wc: 2.0k ::
After a drunken one-night stand with your ex, you thought you could get him out of your life for good. Unfortunately, the two of you can’t seem to keep away from each other. Why can’t you leave each other alone? And more importantly, why is he still on your mind?
tw: alcohol, profanity, talk of sex, gets a little bit nsfw at the end (heavy kissing)
author’s note: I officially have an update schedule and final chapter count for this! It will update on tues/thurs at 6pm pdt, with a final chapter count of eight. I’m also planning on writing a few bonus chapters that are nsfw to add a bit to the story, but they won’t be a “necessary” read and will also be able to be read as one-shots. Thank you everyone for reading and for all of the support so far! 
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After the disaster that was your phone call with Osamu (the audacity of Miya Atsumu), the rest of your day went smoothly. You met the rest of the players (you were thrilled to see Aran) and went home at the end of the day, feeling pretty good about your new job. If everything between you and Suna stayed a secret, then everything would be fine. 
Unfortunately, you forgot to account for the fact that you were surrounded by a bunch of men (boys, in your opinion) in their twenties, who thought more with a certain appendage on their lower halves than they did with their brains. This convenient fact was made apparent on Wednesday afternoon, during a routine stretching break. 
You were hovering around Atsumu, Aran, and Suna, working on Aran’s shoulder with one earbud in, humming along to some pop song with the other ear not-so-subtly listening in to the boys’ conversation. 
Suna sat his water bottle down and turned towards Aran. “Dude, I had the best and worst fucking night on Saturday. I told ‘Tsumu already, but d’ya wanna hear?”
You kept your head down, focusing on your task while praying that Aran would say no. Apparently, Atsumu had kept his promise and didn’t tell anyone but his twin brother, because Aran nodded his head. You internally cringed, sneaking a glance at Atsumu out of the corner of your eye. The smug bastard had a grin on his face and even had the nerve to look at you and fucking wink. He was lucky that you were already willing to keep this a secret at all costs, or else you would’ve slapped that look off of his face. 
“Alright, so I went out Saturday night to get drunk before practices started, and I met this sexy chick at the bar. I don’t remember much, ‘cause I was fucking wasted, but I took her back to my place.”
Aran held his fist up for a fist bump. “Score, dude!”
Suna rolled his eyes, “Yeah, that’s what I thought at first too. Except I woke up the next morning, and she was gone. Left her bra and skirt at my place, but get this, she stole my fucking National Team jersey!”
Atsumu was uncharacteristically quiet, but Aran filled the silence with a “Damn, bro.” You winced at Suna’s storytelling, yet internally thanked the universe that he didn’t remember that it was you.
“Yeah, the managers are gonna kill me when I ask for a new one. It’s all good though, ‘cause I’m pretty sure the sex was fucking amazing.”
You couldn’t help the choking sound that left your throat and the coughing that followed. Suna handed you his water bottle as you sat down, a concerned look on his face. Meanwhile, Atsumu was fucking laughing. You greedily drank from the bottle, shooting Atsumu a glare. 
After thanking Suna and handing the bottle back, you walked over to the bench to prepare for the second half of afternoon practice. You did not want to stick around them for any longer and listen to any more of Suna’s narrative. 
A large arm slung itself across your shoulders, and you threw an elbow back without looking. Atsumu clutched his ribs and winced as you turned around, seething.
“I can’t fucking believe you, Miya Atsumu. First you wink, then you laugh?”
He stood back up, grinning. “It’s not my fault that it’s so funny.”
“Miya Atsumu! My failure of a love life is not funny.”
“So you admit that he’s a part of your love life?”
“Shut the fuck up, Miya.”
Luckily, there was no repeat of the events that occurred Wednesday, at least that you heard. You steadily avoided Suna, not wanting to hear him talk about the “hot chick that stole his jersey” again. Your avoidance plan worked fine, until he began seeking you out. He started stopping by your office when you weren’t there. Iwaizumi always relayed the message to you when you passed him, mentioning the “tall middle blocker that keeps looking for you”. It wasn’t until Friday, when Suna somehow injured his ankle, that you had a moment alone with him. As you worked on wrapping his ankle up, he surveyed your office.
“I’m surprised you still have any photos with me.”
His words made you pause your work, following his eyes to the framed photo on your desk. It was a photo of you, Suna, Aran, and the twins, taken just a week before you left with no warning. “Why?”
“Well I know we didn’t end things on the best of terms. I thought you would’ve destroyed anything to do with me by now.”
You hummed thoughtfully and resumed your work. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
He looked at you quizzically. “What do you mean by that?”
“I’m an athletic trainer for a volleyball team because of you, Suna.” You watched his knitted brows. “When I fell in love with you, I also fell in love with volleyball. It was the only piece of our relationship I allowed myself to keep when I left.”
He looked at you as if he was seeing you for the first time. “I never realized.”
“That was my intention.”
He sat back once again and allowed you to finish the wrap. “All done. You know the treatment plan; be careful, ice it, rest often. Let me know if it keeps bothering you.”
Suna stood up, testing the wrap. “Thank you, y/n. It feels better already.”
You gave him a small smile.  “You’re welcome, Suna.”
He walked towards the door, but stopped before opening it. “You know, I was serious about my offer the other day,” he turned to face you, “If you’re free tonight, we should grab drinks.”
You carefully considered his offer. You did miss having Suna around, and it couldn’t hurt to reconnect. There didn’t have to be anything romantic about it, you could just get a friend back. On the other hand, the last time you drank with Suna, you ended up in his bed. However, if you exercised a little self-control, you were sure it would be fine.
“I’m free tonight.”
He smiled. “Great. Send me your address, I’ll pick you up at eight.”
You watched the door shut behind him as he left. This was either going to be the best or worst decision you ever made. 
It was the worst decision. It was 7:30, and you still hadn’t figured out what to wear. What were you supposed to wear when you went to a bar with your ex-boyfriend turned (maybe?) friend, who you accidentally slept with last week? You texted Yachi, but you knew Friday nights were her date nights with her girlfriend, Kiyoko. Still, you prayed that she would answer and prayed even more that Kiyoko was with her. Kiyoko always knew what to wear. 
Your prayers were answered when you received a text approving an outfit you had sent only a few minutes ago. Thank God for Yachi and her friendship. You quickly redressed and finished your makeup before the doorbell rang. You threw on a pair of heels and opened the door to find Suna on the other side, a shy smile on his face. 
“Hey, y/n. You look really nice.”
You grinned at him as you shut your door and locked it. “You do too.” It wasn’t a lie; Suna looked amazing. You had forgotten how well he dressed, as you were always seeing him in practice clothes. He wore slim-fit gray jeans with a loose black button-up. You could see a gold chain peeking out from where the top was unbuttoned, and if you weren’t so dedicated to not sleeping with him again, you would have jumped him right there in the hallway. 
You walked side by side to the same bar you had met in last week (although you didn’t mention this), catching up with each other. He talked about his experience on his pro team and how he felt when he received the letter from the National Team, while you told him about your college experience and moving to Tokyo by yourself. It felt nice, normal even, to be able to simply talk with Suna. It was something neither of you were very good at when you were together, and it was refreshing to know that the two of you could simply chat with one another now. 
The two of you sat at the bar near the dance floor when you arrived. You sipped on a martini and listened to Suna talk about everything that you had missed in the eight years you had been apart. You had expected your conversations to be awkward, but they flowed naturally and never stopped. Before you knew it, you were on your fourth drink and all of your self-control had been thrown out the window.
“C’mon, Suna, I wanna dance.” You grabbed his wrist in an effort to pull him off of his barstool and onto the dance floor with you.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, y/n? You’ve had quite a bit to drink.”
“Of course I’m sure!”
Suna began to stand. “Okay, I just don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.”
You turned to look back up at him. “How could I regret any of this?”
He looked shocked at your words, but before he could formulate a response, you were pulling him to the center of the dance floor and reaching for a shot from one of the waitresses. 
“Drink with me, Sunarin!” You didn’t know what switch had flipped in your brain (yes you did, it was the alcohol), but suddenly, all you wanted was for Suna to get drunk and ignore the rest of the world with you. He obliged you and took a shot, not even grimacing at the taste of straight liquor. 
You began to jump around in time to the pulsing beat, Suna watching you, but not dancing. You allowed him to simply watch with dark eyes until you were both on your third shot, and then you had enough.
“Sunarin, I wanna dance with you.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, even sticking your bottom lip out for good measure. Drunk you had no shame, whatsoever. He seemed hesitant, but you grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips, pushing your chest flush with his. You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck and played with the ends of his hair. 
“I missed you.” The words fell unbidden from your lips, and although there was some part of your brain that told you that you were making a big mistake, you ignored it and listened to your heart. “I really missed you, Sunarin.”
You looked up at Suna through your eyelashes and felt his breath catch. “You don’t call me Rintarou anymore.” His eyes were filled with longing and sadness, and you looked away so that you wouldn’t drown in them. 
“Formalities, I guess.” The emotion in his eyes disappeared and he hummed, grabbing both of you another shot. After setting the glasses down, his hands found their way back to your hips. You didn’t want his eyes to look blank like this, but you didn’t like the sadness either. You wanted Suna to be happy, you wanted him to want you. So you threw all caution to the wind.
You pulled his head down towards you until your lips were only centimeters apart and whispered to him.
“I want you, Rintarou.”
He pressed his lips to yours in a scorching kiss while pulling your hips closer. You grinded on him to the beat of the song while trying to keep up with his passionate kisses. It was a mix of tongue and teeth, full of enough longing to make up for the eight years you had been separated. 
He began to kiss down your neck, pausing long enough at your ear to whisper a proposition.
“D’ya wanna go back to my place?”
You considered it for a millisecond. You knew, in the back of your mind, that this was exactly what you were scared was going to happen. You also knew that you wanted this more than anything else. 
You nodded your head, and Suna entwined his hand with yours and pulled you out onto the streets of Tokyo.
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taglist: @sunasexual @call-me-lulu @ntimacy @circleglasses​ @porcolie​ @keikotaro
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
WinterFalcon Week prompt 3 (Aug 21) : Fake Dating
Here’s the plan: Get into Stanford by adding class officer to his application. Become class officer after becoming popular. Become popular by dating a football player. Date Bucky.
Rated T: coming out discussions
We Live Such Fragile Lives
"What's this?" Sam asked, staring at the blue jersey suddenly in his hands.
“It’s my jersey,” Bucky said like that answered anything.
“Yes, I can see that,” Sam agreed. “Why do I have it?”
“Because it’s game day. Girlfriends, er...partners, wear jerseys on game day and then give ‘em back after the last bell for the game.”
“Okay, well, we’re not actually dating,” Sam reminded him and held out the jersey. “So you can keep this.”
Bucky pushed it back to Sam. “If you want people to think we’re dating, you have to wear the jersey.”
Sam considered if class president was worth all of this. And then he remembered the way his parents looked when that Stanford letter came in.
Your file was referred to us by an educator … We’re very interested in your case … Your academics are outstanding … Your projects are original and just what we’re looking for … Keep up the good work, fill out your resume with a few more leadership roles your senior  year … We’ll be interested to meet with you in the spring .
“God, this is so stupid. And possessive,” Sam said as he pulled off the t-shirt he’d come to school in and yanked the jersey on over his head. It was itchy and smelt like bad detergent and also Bucky’s room. Kind of papery, kind of boyish, kind of cologne-y. But the jersey had been in the bottom of Bucky’s backpack so that was probably to be expected. “Look at me, I belong to a football player. It’s my one claim to fame in this school. It makes me worthwhile,” he continued to drawl sarcastically, shoving the ends of the shirt into his jeans.
“You shoulda tried out for the team,” Bucky said and when Sam looked over at him, he was appraising Sam appreciatively.
“I don’t know the first thing about football,” Sam pointed out and smoothed a hand over his stomach self consciously. “I don’t even know what position you play.”
“You can’t tell?” Bucky popped a hip out. “I’m a tight end.”
Sam rolled his eyes and threw his shirt at Bucky’s face. Bucky laughed and tossed it back. “Hey, all the guys and...partners eat together on Fridays, so you have to sit with us at lunch.”
“Oh my God, you’re a cult.”
“Hey, you want the popular vote. Gotta hang with the popular crowd.”
“Not that kind of… That’s not what popular vote… I said class president is a popularity contest. I coulda just as easily hung out with your crowd and been seen the same way.”
“Nah,” Bucky said. “Being friends with a football player and being girl--fuck-- boy friends with a football player are not the same thing. Ask Steve. It hasn’t earned him any extra points.”
“ Steve did not toss aside his morals and start eating lunch with your empty-headed friends.”
“Lunch is not a moral issue.” The warning bell for first period rang and Bucky stepped over to lay an exaggerated kiss on Sam’s head. “I’ll see you at lunch, babe,” he said as the first students trickled into Sam’s AP Bio class.
Again, Sam pressed his hand to his stomach to calm the butterflies losing their mind within it.
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seeingivy · 1 year
meeting the parents 
roommate eren x f!reader 
you swear you know the family sitting next to you at eren’s soccer game, you’re just not sure from where
**find mini-series masterlist here
an: ty for all the love on roommate eren!!!! this part was super super rushed and not AS proofread lol but I just wanted to put the idea out there to set it up for some other stuff :DDDD 
previous part linked here
“Is there something I’m supposed to wear to your soccer game? I’ve never been to one before.” 
You feel Eren get up from his bed, which you were currently sprawled on. You’d spent more time in his room as of late, his bed being more comfortable to watch movies on than the couch. The night you had slept in his bed felt like it breached any sense of normal boundaries between the two of you, this was the new normal. I guess touching each others scars can do that to someone. 
In the middle of the movie he had picked out for today, which was a stupid nature documentary that was putting you to sleep, he had invited you to come to his first home game, which was on Friday. 
He was trying to convince you - telling you Annie would be there, that there are snacks, and Jean and Armin will be too since they were part of the game. You’re positive he doesn’t understand the pull he has on you, because you’d agree to anything the second he asked. 
After you agree, you can’t help but feel your heart twinge at the smile spreading across your face and you fight the urge to poke his dimples. You love his dimples. His smile lines. The softness near his eyes. You shake your head, directing your gaze back to the forest on the screen as you avoid the fluttering in your chest. 
After your question about the clothes, he nearly jumped up, rummaging through his closet to find something for you to wear. After a few minutes, he throws the shirt at you, which lands square in your face, knocking you over. You pull the shirt off your face, sticking your tongue out at him as he joins you back on the bed. 
You keep a respectable distance when you sit together on his bed, obviously. You can’t even look at him without exploding. And whenever he touches you, all you can think about is his soft, nimble fingers running across your skin in the night, touching all the parts of you that were hurt. 
But every once in a while, Eren will brush his hand against yours while reaching for his phone, fix your hair behind your ears because you ‘look like a garden troll’, and claim you have a stray eyelash on your face just to press his fingers against your cheek. 
You think it’s an excuse to touch you, that it can’t all be a mistake, but you’re also well aware that Eren can make you a little delusional. You ignore the validity of the situation all together. The less you think about his fingers on your skin, the better. 
You hold the shirt up, inspecting it. Your throat drying when you realize what it is. His jersey. 
“Eren. I can’t wear this.” 
“Why not?” 
“I don’t know. Aren’t you supposed to wear it while you’re playing?” 
“I have another one. Plus, all the girls wear jerseys to the games. Annie’s wearing Armin’s honorary jersey.” 
Annie’s not a normal girl, she’s Armin’s girlfriend. All the girlfriends wear jerseys to the game. You turn to face him, an uneasy expression pressed on your face. He rolls his eyes, his hand making its way to the top of your head. He sticks his fingers into your scalp, applying soft pressure. 
“Why are you thinking so hard? It’s just a shirt. I can find you another one if it bothers you that much.” 
He’s right. It’s just a shirt. To him anyways. It might mean something else for Annie and Armin and every other girl but for you guys, it’s just a shirt. 
You shake your head, agreeing to wear it to the game on Friday. 
The game rolls around and you’re currently seated in the stands alone. You have superstitions to thank for that. 
Armin doesn’t play in the game, but helps the coaching team strategize where to put the best players. Hence, the honorary jersey Eren mentioned earlier. Armin’s been around the sport since he was a kid and knows all the players' strengths well enough to help assist in making plays. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it - Armin’s never the one at the center of the play, but definitely the mastermind behind it. 
However, Armin claims that they can’t win unless he’s wearing a very specific pair of blue shoe laces. Eren explained that superstitions mean everything to the team, even to him. Apparently, he refuses to play if he isn’t wearing his key necklace. Because, he’ll lose without it. Armin’s the same with the shoelaces. 
Annie was currently tearing apart Armin’s apartment, trying to find the shoelaces before they could start the game in a few minutes. Which left you alone in the stands reading the book you brought to kill the time. You’re not much of a soccer or sports fan - so you had contingency plans in place. You’re just here to support your friends and because Eren asked you to come. 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, pulling out your earphones to acknowledge the nudging. You find a tall, blonde man standing over you, gesturing if he could sit next to you. He has two other people with him, a man and a woman with dark black hair, who have to be one of the player's parents. You give them a smile, nodding your head that they could take the seats next to you. 
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” 
“Yeah, I have to read it for an assignment.” 
At the sound of his voice, you take a moment to really seep into the man’s features. He’s got blonde hair, thin circular framed glasses, and a full sported beard. If you had to guess, you would say he’s somewhere in his late twenties, just based on his looks and demeanor. You have a feeling you’ve seen him somewhere before, but you can’t really pinpoint where from.
“This is an interesting place to complete an assignment. What brings you here?” 
You shut the book closed, squinting your eyes around on the field till you find Eren running up and down the track. The game starts in a few minutes and he’s warming up before he takes his spot at the goalie stand. 
“That guy. He’s my roommate. I came to see him play.” 
The man nods, craning his neck to find who it was you were pointing at. You sit in silence, not interacting with the man or the other two people till the middle of the game. Annie still hadn’t returned, but they were surprisingly winning the game. It was neck to neck the entire time, Eren’s team barely scoring over them each time the whistle went off. 
You feel the fingers tap into your shoulder again, the blonde man staring at you. 
“I’m going to go get water from my stands for my parents. Did you want anything?” 
You can’t ignore the growling in your stomach and the dryness in your throat - you had been screaming for a better half of the last hour. You never knew sports could make you so passionate. You dig for your wallet in your pocket, pulling out way too much cash for a simple bottle of water. You reach for his hand, squeezing it twice before speaking. 
“Thank you so much, really. It’s very kind of you to ask me. If you could get me a snack, that would be great. Here’s the money for it, you can use it for your parents' water bottles too.” 
You place the bills in his hands, turning your neck back to find Eren running on the field. You feel bad, but the only thing you can focus on is him. He’s so coordinated, like a figure skater on the field. Watching him lace the ball through his feet to avoid other players taking it from him felt somewhat hypnotic - but you think that’s more about how Eren looks and is, rather than how he’s playing. 
As the blonde man turns to leave, the woman slides into his seat, leaning over to talk to you. She has golden brown eyes, which are warmly peering into yours. 
“You’re really into the game. You’ve been following it really closely.” 
“I never thought I’d enjoy it so much. This is actually my first time coming to a game.” 
“What made you decide to come today?” 
“Eren Yeager. He’s number eleven, running on the right side of the field. He’s a really good friend of mine and he asked me to come. He cares a lot about the game and I care a lot about him, so I just had to come when he asked me.” 
She presses her hand over yours, squeezing tight. You can see her eyes glimmering at your words, though you’re not entirely sure why. You can’t place it but she seems familiar too. You’re having a weird sense of deja vu from the game all together. 
“You’re a sweet girl, really.” 
You smile back, your heart tingling at her words. You’re distracted by everyone cheering at the field, craning your neck back to find Eren. You watch him sink the ball into the net, jumping to your feet at the sight of him stopping, a smile shining on his face as he watches the scoreboard turn in his favor. 
You swear you imagine the next part, but the looks everyone around you give you tells you it was real. He turns to the field, squinting till he finds you settled in the bleachers. He points to the net, signaling at the score he just made, and then points at you, a smile pressed against his face. You’re not sure what it means entirely, but what you are sure of is that his stupid smile was going to make your heart explode one day. 
Eren wins the game. Obviously. You watch his teammates lift him into the air, shuffling him to the end of the bleachers. You run down the steps, your cheeks sore from smiling so hard. You watch the players let him go and he meets your eyes, slowly walking over to meet you. 
You basically run at him, tangling your arms around his neck. He lifts you up, spinning you around for a few seconds before setting you down. You can feel his arms shaking, which you’re sure is the adrenaline from the rush of the game. 
“Ren. That was so fucking cool. You’re so cool.” 
You can see the corners of his lips quirking up at his words, a warm look in his green eyes. 
“You’re amazing. You move so fast, I could barely keep my eyes off of you.” 
“You can’t do that anyways.” 
You smack his shoulder with the side of your arm, rolling your eyes at him. He’s not wrong. 
Before you can bite back, he looks past your shoulder, waving at someone behind you. You turn your neck to find the three people you were sitting with from before walking up, swinging their arms around Eren. 
You watch the man with blonde hair put his hand in Eren’s hair and affectionately shake his entire head, while the man and the woman envelop him in a hug. You’re thoroughly confused. 
“You know them?” 
“Do you know them, peaches?” 
“Peaches?” you hear the black haired man say, turning his eyes towards his wife and son. 
“Yeah, we were sitting together during the game.” 
He turns his neck, narrowing his eyes at the three of them.
“How did you guys know it was her?” 
“She has Yeager printed on the back of her shirt in huge letters. It wasn’t that hard to figure out she was the girl we were looking for.” 
The three of them turn to you, all of them smiling brightly. Eren pulls you closer, swinging his arm around your shoulder as he turns to face you. 
“Y/N. These are my parents, Grisha and Carla, and my brother Zeke. They really wanted to meet you and I was going to introduce you to them after the game but they had other plans.” 
You can feel the gears settling into place in your head, the deja vu feeling making sense. The picture Eren showed you when you were sick, when you became friends - it was of them. His family. You just didn’t recognize them right away because they were way younger than they are now. 
You press your hands to all of theirs, the dread filling your chest. They knew it was you the entire time and you had no idea. Is that rude? Are they going to tell Eren you said that you cared about him?
“I’m really sorry I didn’t recognize you. Eren showed me a picture and I thought I knew you guys from somewhere, but the picture he had shown you was so old.” 
“He showed you a picture of us? He basically refused to show us any of you, he’s so secretive.” Carla responds, the shock pressed on her face.
“Just threaten him. He’ll give in eventually.” 
The three of them laugh, your heart tingling at the sight of their laughter and smiles. Okay, okay. Not too bad. They don’t hate you, that’s for sure. 
“I have a feeling he only does that for you.” 
You quirk your eyes at his dad, Grisha he said, and shake your head, dismissing the comment. He’d do it for anyone. You just know how to do it. You hear Annie and Armin calling you from the other side of the field, something about taking a picture of them. 
You shake all of their hands another time, giving them your brightest smile before letting your legs drag you to where Annie and Armin were standing. 
“No grandchildren till after graduation.” 
“I get it. She’s really cute, she’s sweet, it’s probably easy when you sleep in a bed together every night. But no grandchildren.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend. And she doesn’t sleep in my bed.” 
Eren feels Zeke smack the back of his head, turning back to glare at him.
“You get stupider as time goes on. That poor girl likes you so much.” 
Eren shakes his head, looking over at you from across the field. You’re crouched on the ground, taking a picture of Annie and Armin who have their arms tangled around each other. Of course, you’re crouching on the ground to get the best angle. 
Annie’s pressing a kiss to his cheek and he ignores the fact that all he can think about is you doing that to him. 
“No, she doesn’t.” 
“She told us she cared about you. A lot. And mind you, she thought we were strangers. She wasn’t trying to impress us as your family or your loved ones, she literally was just telling us, like she’d tell any other stranger who talked to her. She likes you.” 
Eren feels his dad come behind him, pressing dollar bills into his open palm. 
“It’s her money. Make sure you return it.” 
“She offered to pay, didn’t she?” 
They all nod, confirming his suspicions as he glances back over to you. Kindness was like breathing to you and he envied, admired, and loved it about you all at once. You were so...you sometimes, it hurt him. 
Eren gives Zeke one more shove for good measure, before stalking over to the field where you’re standing. He reaches over, pressing his fingers into the side of your shoulder. You turn over, your stupid doe eyes staring into his again. 
“Need something, Ren?” 
“I want a picture with you. Ask Annie and Armin to take it.” 
He doesn’t miss how your face lights up at the request and he curses your sweet little heart for making him like you more. 
Sometimes he feels like he can’t help it, like you could breathe and he’d love you for it. The way your nose crinkles, your chest rising and falling as it fills with air, he could love anything, even a stupid physiological act, if it was you. 
You hand Annie the camera, reaching over to press yourself against him. He reaches forward, squishing your face in his hand as Annie takes the picture. You run over, snatching the phone from Annie’s hand to swipe through the pictures. You accidentally land on the picture of Annie and Armin first, Annie pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Oh my god, I thought that was us for a second Ren. Imagine.” 
But he doesn’t have to. There’s already a picture of you two like that - you pressing a kiss to his cheek - from a while back. You just don’t remember it. 
next part linked here
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koushisatori · 4 years
I’m not telling, that I’m hurting
matsukawa x f!reader
genre: a slight bit of angst, and then a slight bit of fluff
warnings: hm, maybe the slightly suggestive last sentence <3
word count: 5.8k
note: pls accept my ugly baby, my brain fried itself writing it  (09.12. finally beta’ed my ugly baby hehe)
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remember how I said Kuroo is a chill boyfriend and is quick to show that he dislikes something, openly seething and brooding?
Mattsun is even more laid-back in general, there's probably a picture of him next to the word in the dictionary
BUT he also hides it super well when he doesn’t particularly like something
Like, you're probably not realizing that he’s upset or angry until he decides to be very, very obvious about it
and even if he can't hide it (bc it's not only one thing bothering him but more, extremely rare) he won't talk about it on his own
Which is not only exhausting for you but also straining on your relationship at those times
There are two different kinds of pissed though
It isn’t something he wears openly but he gets jealous pretty fast
you’re beautiful, smart, funny and friendly
you’re everything he wants in his significant other and he’d do anything for you, but he hates how there are truly people out there thinking they could be better for you and ask you out 
ofc they want a piece of your attention, he understands, it doesn't mean he that he can't hate it
Bc..maybe (and he would never admit it) he was a bit more insecure than he let on, hiding it under a perfectly trained appearance, all lazy smile, and sarcastic comments
this is his usual state of being pissed, and it’s exclusively reserved for and directed at others
After you officially became an item, it got better - it’s not hard to see that you two were a package deal match made in heaven
back to the day, you started dating:
you two weren’t yet a couple yet but you both were pretty obvious w your wants
There was that unspoken push and pull battle between you regarding who would give in first and ask the other out officially
That moment, you were standing next to Matsukawa holding his hand  which is amazing come on, his large hands engulfing yours is a blessing
(‘’Mattsunnn, my fingers are so cold, will you warm them up?’’ – ‘’That’s a lame attempt of an excuse, Y/N,’’ he had said while taking your hand anyway ‘’you could have that every day, you know, all you have to do is ask me first’’ – ‘’In your dreams, Issei ~’’ ) 
it didn’t stop that one guy from his class, so arrogant and sure of himself, from coming up to you, completely ignoring Matsukawa, and asking you out?? 
Mattsun did not like that AT ALL
If glares could kill, you’d have to visit your boyfriend in jail every week <3
you just gaped at the other, it was hard to believe that this guy was serious but…he waited for an answer
moments of staring were followed with you both simultaneously - he, hiding his annoyance with sarcasm, you mildly concerned for the others health - letting out a ''What the hell''
Before you could tell the other guy that you're not the slightest interested, Mattsun answered for you
''It's sooo cute of you to ask me, but I think it would be unfair of me to agree and just leave Y/N hanging like that…additionally, I only have one hand holding hand available and…'' he sighed deeply, lifting your still firmly intertwined fingers, his brown eyes boring into the other guys ''I have to hold her hand for her for…probably forever, so you're…a bit late.'' 
Letting him pull you away, you giggle ''You know you kind of declared us as offical, a couple, for everyone to hear.'' - ''I absolutely did not do such thing, I'm now simply eternally attached to you and your hand, that's a difference.''
You won that round nonetheless bc him telling the other off was THE gossip for the next week
Your best friend gave you the glorious idea to attend his game at the end of the week in his volleyball shirt but tease him a bit until then about wearing his friend's one 
''You know I should totally ask Tooru if he would lend me his jersey, just to make that jealous bitch in my class shut up and stop pestering me simply for actually knowing him.'', ''Have you seen Iwaizumi's biceps? Please tell me that you wouldn't totally support our strong ace…and maybe open a cult just for his arms. Let me drop all of my life duties real quick, I'm meant to be a good housewife.''; ''Taka-chan said he'd pay for my lunch the whole week if I'd come to your game showcasing his number, you wouldn't mind right?'' 
The thing that had happened and you riling him up all week ended with the other kind of anger which is the silent treatment, completed with a very cold shoulder (which is also, in all honest, his specialty)
him punishing you with silence the whole Thursday as well as Friday morning
He avoids being alone with you, answers messages as short as possible, spends his lunch starring at his food, and not making eye contact
(he's still watching you, just bc he is currently annoyed with you after deviling him so much, doesn't mean he stops wanting to kiss your pretty face until your lips are swollen and your cheeks dusted in pink and red)
The worst is that he KNOWS that you're teasing him but he can't help it okay, you found his achilles heel  </3
Anyways, of course, when the opposing team arrives and they warm-up, you want your…not boyfriend but close enough boy friend to stop moping around (Makki begged you: ''please do something, he won't clown the others or joke around with me, all he does is sulking'')
Even without Takahiro coming up though, you would have gone to him before the game but it just makes it more adorable and hilarious bc he is a bit dumb there, I mean?? The only hand you're holding (and love doing whenever possible) does not belong to either Makki, Iwaizumi, Oikawa, or anyone else for that matter
It wasn't an easy task to discreetly rob him off of his other tricot but you managed
So, while they were doing their warm-up drills you - with Hanamakis help - sneaked into the gym
wearing HIS number on your back and front, together with a pair of jeans that he had complimented on dates before (they make your backside look amazing and you can't tell me that he does not appreciate a nice ass)
After you teased him with the others for so long, he immediately perked up when Hanamaki playfully wolf-whistled at you from across the gym, adding an ''You look amazing, Y/N-chan. Wanna get some food later?'' 
(Makki and you - overdramatically calling each other Taka-chan & Y/N-chan whenever possible to mock Oikawa a bit as well - ended up being best friends. bonus: you both LOVE to irritate Mattsun every now and then since he really only looses some of his composure in relation to you)
glaring at his best friend, Matsukawa strode over to you and dragged you right out of the gym again
then, a few minutes of silence
him checking you out kind of hungrily, longingly (trying not to be obvious about it, too)
before you finally relent and pull him down, standing on your tiptoes
To flick his forehead with all the strength in your fingers :)
‘’The fuck, Y/N.’’
''You are a fucking morron, Issei, and you hopefully know that.'' you sigh, pressing your lips against the point your fingers had hit against to sooth it
Avoiding your gaze - hiding his excited blush - he answered with a noncommitting grunt and a shrug
''you better win this game, and warm up my hands right after, you let them turn to popsicles while not doing your job for nearly two days only bc you were petty''
The smile that now curled his lips while nodding was genuine
not the sarcastic one or the teasing smirk he wore usually for everyone to see
a small, very pleased, and very happy smile, one he offered rarely and only to you
After the game - and having to watch other people ogle your nicely hugged curves even with you wearing his shirt and yelling his name for at least 2/3 of the time - he swept you off of your feet by openly and rather dramatically kissing you all Disney-like (earning some gagging noises from his friends) and asking you out in the same over-the-top kind of way
Don't worry though, he usually only gets frisky 1. when you two are alone
2. when you both decide to annoy the others (but that's more of a show and lots of unnecessary nicknames and sounds - honestly please have some decency children are watching) 
and 3. when he becomes insecure jealous
You know if it's the jealousy burning in him
he's attempting to not show it to you
Yet his grip on your waist is a smidge stronger, his slightly amused expression a bit too tight, too strained to be natural, and he's uncooperative…more than usual
This specific thing happened, just now
 ''Mattsun…'' you murmur, struggling to turn around in his vice-like grip. 
You tried to loosen his arms around your waist a few times while ranting about the mathematical problem and the upcoming test you had, hoping he would offer you his help. To no avail. He probably didn't really realize that he was squeezing you to death or tuning you out. This is why you resorted to wiggling around in his hold until you were finally facing your huffy boyfriend. One of your hands on his biceps and your other playing with the hair in his neck in hopes to calm him down a bit.
''Who spat in your breakfast this morning, you're usually not that grumpy,'' you continue softly, your tone between teasing and worry. Even though you and Hanamaki enjoy riling him up you both always make sure to stay inside a certain limit. Nothing you couldn't solve with an apology, sweet kisses, and genuine assurances that it was nothing more than a joke. In the end, he is the only person that causes your heart to beat faster. The one you like…love. You knew that you loved him for some time now, the desire to have a perfect moment to announce it is the only thing keeping you from saying it out loud.
The shrug you receive wouldn't do it though. Him tending to let it consume him until he snaps is not good. Not for him, and for the relationship of the both of you as well. ''Issei, come on,..'' you gently prod, ''…tell me. Stop living up to your name and talk to me,''
There were a lot of reactions you expected. Another huff maybe, his usual 'Nothing' or even the true reason for his behavior. What you did not expect though was his annoyed groan and him nearly growling at you. ''Y/N, fucking leave it. Stop sticking your nose into my business. Don't you get that I don't want to talk?!''
For a second your breath hitches. The annoyance…slight anger in his voice startling you. ''Jesus fucking Christ, fine,'' you curse - now irritated yourself. It caught him off-guard enough due to its rareness of you cussing out loud. At least enough to push against his chest and free yourself off of his hold, successfully stopping him from just hiding his face away in your neck. ''If that’s what you want, fine. I'm sorry for worrying about you, Matsukawa.'' you say provokingly before you let out a small sigh, ''I'll go to class, maybe Hajime is back from chasing the Captain and can actually help me with math…listens to me, to begin with. Not mope around to the point of ignoring me for some unknown reason.'' with that said you turn around on your heels and leave him standing.
You know he would eventually come around in the next few hours. You hope. Mattsun wasn't or rather isn't angry with you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been as close to you as he had been but his inability to merely talk with you about what was and is bothering him proves to be one of the few reasons that are able to drive you up the wall.
Mathematics being mathematics, the problem wasn't just simply explained within those ten minutes before class started.
If things were normal, you wouldn't be as bothered as you are right now though. Issei would find a way to get it into your pretty little head. He knew how to explain and what to transcribe for you to get the idea behind all those letters and lines scrawled between the numbers.
The problem is that you usually did this in the calmness of your rooms on the weekend. As it seems though, did most people get the problem from the get to go and the teacher decided to write the topical test in your afternoon class today instead of next week, so she could begin with the new thematic on Monday.
Alas, you're fucked.
Not only would you get the worst grade in your whole mathematical carrier but you also couldn't ask your boyfriend, and listen to his deep gentle yet teasing voice explaining stupid equations to you with him being so infuriatingly upset over whatever.
 To your luck, Iwaizumi offers to be your knight in shining armor in extreme times of need. (He tried to convince you to just go to Mattsun because ''He's head over heels for you, don't tell me a stupid fight holds you both back from being insufferable together, Y/N'' - ''We can't be fighting, when he doesn't talk or listen to me.''.) Sacrificing a free hour and his precious lunchtime sitting on the school's rooftop with you, he explains the procedure over and over again. 
After what felt like a whole notebook full of wrong exercises and another one with their corrected versions, the structure of the problem does finally make sense to you. Now cheerfully humming, you look over older tasks you didn't get before when he decides to speak up.
''Y/N?'' Iwaizumi asks, his voice completely calm and…soothing?
''Hmm…'' you hum letting him know that you're listening while correcting another exercise.
''Mattsun will relax once we won that game, okay? Don't be so hard on him.'' His words caught you off-guard, which leads you to look up, question mark clear on your face. ''It's against Akumahebi? The ones that provoked and insulted him so underhandedly last time? Hit all his nerves spot on?'' he adds questioning.
Lips forming a big 'O'. You remember today's opponents vividly.
Seijoh first played against them at the end of your second year, a few weeks after you and Mattsun had started talking with different intentions than throwing terrible pick up lines at each other. Foremost for shit and giggles but actually starting to have hope that the other might mean it.
They stood at the other side of the net and began with their unsportsmanlike strategy by haunting him. ''Imagine thinking someone so mediocre could be rightfully on the field next to players like your ace, could compete against someone like Iwaizumi Hajime.'' or ''The only reason you're on the field is your height, the first years will take over your spot sooner than you think. You are replaceable after all.''. There was no obvious reason for them to pick out Issei but they did. Hissing different things under their breath. You guessed that it's because he always looked so unbothered. As if nothing could wilt his stupidly attractive lopsided smirk.
Afterward, the four of you had a hard time convincing him that those snakes knew shit. That he was on the team for his skills, his amazing blocking, and strategical thinking ability, not his height. That he would be a regular until he left the volleyball club and that he was respected by all of his kouhais.
''Shit,…them? Really?'' you jut our your lower lip. ''He didn't tell me...but I also didn't ask.'' you admit guiltily. ''Well, then I have to cheer extra loud for Issei, I think.'' A triumphant smile stretches across your face, gripping the collar of your uniform with one and pulling up the collar of the jersey underneath with the other. Enough to see the Seijoh colors to come to light. You had stolen it out of your boyfriend's bag two days ago after he went to the bathroom and had hidden it in your desk drawer until today. You nearly forgot to put it on after you accidentally slept in this morning, so you kind of just threw it over your head while hoping to not fall over trying to get into your tights. ''I'm ready to scream at the top of my lungs for my favorite player,…'' you say before you at least partly bashful add ''…no offense. You are my second favorite star player, Haji.''
At that, Iwaizumi simply laughs and playfully pushes against your shoulder. 
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Later that evening you found yourself wearing one of Issei's ridiculously large pullovers and sweatpants, sitting wrapped up in blankets on your couch in the living room. Your chest hurting from swallowed and choked up sobs. Even though your parents weren't home when you arrived and wouldn't be for the next two days, enjoying a long-planned short vacation, you didn't allow yourself to cry. A gory horror movie on-screen meant to distract you from your thoughts ends up being nothing more than background noises while wallowing in self-pity.
At one point, Oikawa and Iwaizumi stood at your door - even though you hoped that it would be a certain boy you loved - worried glances boring into your skull from the first second on, and never ceasing.
You didn't even know if your team won or lost. It wasn't like you asked them either.
All you cared for is Issei. Issei, who seemingly decided that he would stop caring for you.
Iwaizumi-senpai and Y/N-senpai would make an adorable couple, don't you think?
You leaving him to make true on your words intensified the insecurities that had just started to brood underneath the surface a few days ago. He couldn't help it, but he definitely would not share those silly thoughts with you.
Issei knew they were wrong. But that didn't stop them from invading the darkest corners of his brain.
You have to agree that Y/N-san and Iwaizumi-san seem really close.
Overhearing the first years giggling about his girlfriend and one of his best friends being a cute couple amplified all of it. Also…he realized just now…since when do you call Iwaizumi by his name? When did he allow you to call him Hajime?
''Have you seen him smile like that with another girl? I, for my part, haven't seen that smile off the court where he can do the thing he loves the most.'' 
 ''Oh, stop, Y/N-senpai has a boyfriend! Don't you know? I feel uncomfortable speculating about something like that.''
 '' 'Course, I know! I just say that, if I were in a relationship with someone, I'd want my boyfriend to be a bit more…relationship-y about it, you know? Like, yeah, they hold hands and they hug. But all they do besides this is banter meaninglessly…more like friends, not like a couple should behave! Iwaizumi-san, though, even without being as close to her bodily, gives off more intense boyfriend vibes than this other player.''
''His name is Matsuka-'' 
‘'And, Y/N-senpai calls him Hajime, I think she even said Haji once, isn't that cute?!''
''Stop it, stupid! You shouldn't be so loud with your words, you might spread something accidentally. And just because she gives them nicknames doesn't imply anything. I'm also giving you nicknames! And, she looks happy with Matsu-''
‘'Yeah yeah, but you don't like me like that. Anyway, just think about it! Would you really say no to someone like Iwaizumi-san though…? What I'd give for him to at least look at me like that. If I were Y/N-sa-''
''You aren't, can we go now, don’t wanna be late for class because of you again.''
 Iwaizumi did seem to feel extra relaxed around you. And you seemed to like his presence as well. 
What if those first years had a point?
For the second time that day, he growled.
No, there was nothing to doubt or think about. It wasn't unusual of you to use their names. You literally started calling Hanamaki 'Taka-chan' within 10 minutes of knowing each other. Making friends was easy for you, and that you and Iwaizumi were in the same class with Oikawa probably just strengthened your bond with each other to endure the Captain's antics.
Issei nodded to himself, decidedly ignoring the little whisper of doubt in the back of his mind for now.
''I am not jealous.'' The black-haired student repeated this sentence in his mind over and over again. His best friend wouldn't do such a thing as 'stealing you away', nor would you leave him like that. People should shut their mouths. Mind their own problems. And because of him definitely not being insecure jealous, there was nothing he had to tell you.
Around lunchtime, Matsukawa decided to make good on his words and apologize to you. He would explain that he just felt on edge due to the game against this specific team, you would forgive him and then things would be back to normal…hopefully. The problem was, that he couldn't find you. Not in your classroom nor with your friends, who didn't have any idea regarding your whereabouts as well.
The dark-haired blocker was about to send you a message to ask you to meet him before your last lesson and his volleyball practice when he hears your beautiful laugh coming from the staircase right in front of him. Pressing himself to the wall he watches you coming down from the school roof with Iwaizumi, jumping into his arms with a blinding smile and running off to your class a second later.
''Would you really say no to someone like Iwaizumi?  ~ Imagine thinking you could compete against someone like your ace.''
With the greasy, suffocating feeling of jealousy burning in the pit of his stomach, he storms off in the other direction.
 Right before warming up for the game in the afternoon, he heard you chatting with Hanamaki in front of the locker room while he was changing. And while the door opened - Kyoutani walking in and Oikawa leaving to fullfil his captain duties conscientiously - he looked at his strawberry haired friend and your back. For the split second he could see you, he realized just how much having you around all day means to him. His eyes wandered. Over your softly shining hair. Slowly outlining your in Seijoh-colours clad shoulders, down your arms to your elbow where they are bent to cross in front of your chest to hold your jacket and uniform pullover. Then down your back and-
With an annoyed huff, he found himself throwing his locker door in its lock, bending down to pull up his knee pads more aggressively than necessary. Ignoring the curious looks and whispers from his teammates he simply grunted out an Ok, when Makki came in telling him that you would be waiting for him.
Issei 💗👁️👅👁️: go, I'm not coming to see ya', don't need ur encourgmnt or you now You: Mattsun, what's wrong, honestly, you're scaring me Issei 💗👁️👅👁️: sure You: come on, I wanna support and show who's my favorite player Issei 💗👁️👅👁️: hilarious, stay, go home, idc
"Hey, Y/N-chan, what I meant to ask you earlier…why were you wearing Iwa-chan's shirt." Oikawa carefully questions, his perfectly shaped eyebrow shooting up to emphasize his words.
"I diD wHAT NOW?" - "She did what?!"
Without wasting a second you jump up from under your blanket mountain and sprint up the stairs to your room to look through your hamper.
There it was, that goddamn tricot. A 4 looking right back at you instead of a 3 or 2. It brought every process of thought to an halt.
"But I- 2 days- what, I got this- I was in-" you stop again, slowly turning your head to Iwaizumi, pointing at him. "Since when were you missing this?"
The ace immediately straightens up under your intense gaze. "Three days? No two? Since our last practice, I guess. Kyoutani and Yahaba had some…problems and fought it out in the locker room. But I…wasn't missing it! I thought that it might be in the laundry by accident.'' he answers hesitantly.
You blink. A few times. Nod. And then a loud laugh starts to bubble out of you, interchanging itself with heavy sobs, forcing you to fold into yourself  and hide your face in your hands.
With a worried expression, Oikawa kneels down beside you. ''Y/N-chan…are you okay?''
"He's so fucking dumb, Tooru, why do I even love him? And I am, too!" You hiccup pitifully. "Makki and he switch numbers from time to time, in case you haven't realized. They say it's because it doesn't really matter in the end, it’s fun to confuse others and the worst that could happen is that they forget to wash it before the other wears it,'' you add, a little laugh escapes your lips before your voice breaks in favor of a hiccup again. ''I guess they were about to do that again but with Mad Dog on the loose, the chaos was enough to mix up all the shirts on the bench completely. And since I stole this one secretly out of Issei's bag when he went to the bathroom and quickly hid it to surprise him today, I accidentally grabbed the wrong one instead of his without realizing it."
You gasp for air, your stuffed nose making it difficult to breathe properly. "And then you have to play against this team, out of all possibilities, it's them! So, of course, he's already fed up, and then I'm wearing Hajimes number who he already kind of feels inferior to on the court, where he's the ace and vice-captain first and not his best friend, due to this stupid fucks picking on his insecurities. Fuck!"
For a second you bury your head in your hands again. "No, you know what, fuck this. I don't need him to bury that shit in himself again, or to have stupid thoughts, or leave me because of it'' you furiously hiccup, standing up. ''I can go over, too, and put that behind us.''
 The first time you actually took a second to breathe and evaluate the situation, you had already rung the bell at the Matsukawa family house. Thrice. For good measure. (And so he knew that there's no way out, that you wouldn't leave.) After waiting for solid 5 minutes - knowing that he'd usually reach the door in under a minute, one if he had napped before, you glare at the window above. A strawberry pink colored patch of hair peek out from underneath.
''Alright, if that's what you want'' you grumble. Going over to the trellis and climbing up on it onto the small canopy before finalizing your unauthorized entry by narrowing your furious eyes at two unbelieving faces. Well…he should never have dared you to try to enter his room like this for a joke in the first place when you first became friends. Now, he would definitely not escape you.
''Open. Now. I will break this dumb window, if that's the only way to get you to talk to me, Issei.''
In the end, minutes of starring later, Hanamaki relents and opens the window. ''Thanks,'' you say sweetly before you chop at the strawberry haired boy's side. ''Y/N-chan, I thought we had something special,'' he wheezes, holding his side.
''We have a talk later, Makki, this was only for not opening the door now'' you say, promptly throwing him out of your boyfriend's room. Your voice seemed to sound scary enough for him to leave rather freely. Or at least it made clear that there was no space for buts. That this was a talk between Mattsun and You. Alone with your boyfriend, you turn around to face Matsukawa. To glare at him.
''What do yo-'' - ''Shut up, Issei. You're going to listen and talk to me right now without filter.'' you hiss. While he tried to keep his cool demeanor, the black-haired boy swung his legs off of the bed to sit properly and not slouch, wanting to listen to you. Wanting you to explain…probably.
''Issei, you morron, you deserve the hardest forehead flick in the history of forehead flicks! What were you thinking?! Why didn't you just tell me that it was them you had to play against today? I would have done everything for you to feel better. I would have been understanding of your mood because I know what they did, but no. You decide to be jealous instead? Of Hajime out of all people? Give me a statement and I will refute it within seconds, whatever you want. Come one, test me. And I dare you to shrug just once,...just once!, and I will - even though I lo-. I will freaking kick your dumb ass to the moon..''
A snort, unfairly attractive and so very Mattsun, leaves him. ''As if you could reach that hig-'' - ''Thin fucking ice, Matsukawa.'' 
With a sigh, he scratches the back of his neck. ''Why were you saying you want to 'support' your favorite player when you were wearing Iwa's shirt? I mean I can’t prescribe who you like, I guess, it’s your decision...but,...hah,...maybe don’t make it sound...I dont know.'' Issei asks straight away, watching the ground between you. 
''Because certain volleyball players I know like to change jersey numbers after practice. And because of Mad Dog-chan being on the hunt for Yahaba's head, a very specific already mentioned player took the wrong shirt with him, which ended with me accidentally stealing said wrong shirt.'' you vaguely answer, watching him tense up. ''Now it's my turn. Why are you so specifically bothered by it being Hajimes?''
 ''I…it's-'' looking up, he met your eyes already narrowing again. You expect him to say 'It's nothing'. No, it was important to say it now, even if it was embarrassing. ''I heard people talking,...saying that he'd be better for you than me. That…that you liking him that way is just a question of time. And while I was sure that that's not true…I asked myself…am I really what Y/N wants? Are you bothered by the way we are in public? Are we couple-y enough for you? I was on my way to apologize when I saw you both coming from the roof. You seemed so happy, so excited. I started to worry…that if he was to ask you out…would you truly choose me? Do I make you look and feel as happy as you seemed to be earlier with Iwa?''
 Him not meeting your eyes bothers you. How could he understand if he's not looking? You slowly walk over, giving him time to say stop or move away from you…but he doesn't. Standing between his legs you gently cup his cheeks and make him look up into your eyes. Make him see.
''Let's start somewhere…thank you for being open and honest with me. Okay, firstly, I was on the roof with him so he could explain math to me. I didn't want to sit in a classroom and let others hear how troubled I was by what seems to be one of the easiest mathematical equations in existence. And since I was occupying his lunch break, Haji at least wanted to have some quiet for eating if he sacrifices his time like that.'' you chuckle slightly before you meet his eyes again.
''Secondly,...Issei,'' you murmur now, caressing his cheeks gently. ''why would you believe things about our relationship coming from people that don't take part in it? Hm? They don't know us. They don't get to spend nap time with us, arcade and ramen dates, or movie nights. They don't see how you treat me away from curious eyes and ears. We aren't any less of a couple just because others have a different opinion on how couples should be to the public eye.'' you say, your undertone loving and warm. ''It's not Iwaizumi who I love. I have chosen you because you are the one. I love you.'' you emphasize the words. You never imagined the moment to be like that, but it feels right to come clean with the depth of your feelings now. His cheeks heating up in between your hands is an extra treat.
''I love you when you smile all lazily at me after sleeping. I love you when your voice drips with sarcasm and mischief. I love you when we argue over who has ultimately won the worst pick-up line contest - which is me by the way.'' you grin, shushing his protest by resting your thumb on his lips. ''I love you even when we fight. When you get jealous and grumpy. I love you even though you regularly tell Taka-chan how you'd sell me to Satan for a corn chip, just to mention this stupid bird meme. I love you to bits, you sweet but silly idiot, and I'd chose you all over again if I was to wake up in another parallel universe. Because I know, that you'll always treat me right. Because I'm sure that you feel this, too.''
While you were speaking, your boyfriend's arms slowly but steadily started to move past the last bit of resistance, wrapping them loosely around you and pulling you tighter with every said word.
''I mean it when I say that I get why you felt so uneasy today. However they do it, they manage to crawl under your skin. And that's human, Issei. To be overwhelmed, anxious, or insecure. But please, don't risk us falling apart by letting it eat away on you silently.'' You whisper.
''Y/N, I'm sorry…and I promise to try and talk when I feel bothered again. And-'' A surprised squeak leaves your lips at the sudden movement of your boyfriend. ‘’I love you, too.’’ Giggling, you look up to the dark-haired blocker, who is now towering over you, caging you in his arms. ''You look so irrestistable in my clothes, you should wear them more often.'' Issei continues, the smirk on his lips finally being close to the one he usually wore, eyeing you still wearing his way to big pants and sweatshirt. Then, Mattsun finally - Finally! - leans down to kiss you thoroughly, seemingly keen on making up for the wasted time. Nibbling on your lip, tasting and teasing you, eliciting sweet little sounds that sound oh so much like heaven. He had missed this the whole day.
Deciding to give the both of you a second to breathe, he leans back enough to study your now glowing expression. You lick your lips, watching a suddenly burning interest flaring up in his eyes due to the breathlessness in your voice. ''I have a proposition, you know.'' You begin, softly tracing his features with your pointer finger, smiling innocently. ''If you don't want people to doubt our closeness in this relationship…maybe you should show them just how good you make me feel when I have you all to myself, hm?'' You murmur with a seducing tone, watching him process your words, his slightly heated gaze not leaving yours.
Him diving right back in and whispering a litany of 'I love yous' was answer enough.
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miekasa · 4 years
random boyfriend eren hcs (modern/college au)
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↯ pairing: eren jaeger x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern/college au, himbo eren supremacy as per usual, but can you imagine eren, armin, and jean living together in one house bye
↯ notes: this is me once again trying out this headcanon format, also because i have lots of thoughts about eren (being normal) and going to college lmao
↯ more notes: sorry i have to repost this again tumblr is being dumb ://
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Not a frat boy, but definitely lives by the mantra “work hard, party harder.”
Likes going out to frat parties and keggers first year, but calms down as time goes on. Sophomore year is more house parties and occasionally going downtown to clubs. By the time junior year rolls around tho, he and Jean are thee party hosts. Homecoming, Halloween, Pre-Thanksgiving break, you name it, those two have a reason to throw a party for it
But party doesn’t always mean absolute rager. Sometimes it’s just drinking with your friends, playing pong, and absolutely crushing Jean at uno. 
At parties with lots of other people, Eren really doesn’t let people fuck around with you, or any of his friends really. Once almost got into a fight because he watched a guy out his hands on yours and Mikasa’s waists to “move around you.” As if. 
Wears his key necklace around all the time, obviously. So he gives you a necklace with a lock on it, with both of your initials engraved on the back. 
Nobody really notices it at first, since the chains are long and the necklaces are you usually tucked inside your shirts. But one day, ever the observant one, Armin catches a glimpse of yours resting on top of your shirt. Cue squinted eyes looking back and forth between you and Eren before—eureka! “You and Eren have matching necklaces!!!”
Plays sports, not for a scholarship but just for fun. Gets very pouty when you can’t make it to his games; and gets extra pouty if you show up, but you’re not wearing his jersey.
On the flip side, gets very giddy when he sees you in the stands with his jersey on and very ostentatiously scoops you up into a hug after the game is over.
Literally does not know where the library is until you show it to him. Any of them. Help him.
The worst person to study with if he doesn’t have any actual work to do. Will bother you and prefer to gossip than to let you do your work in peace. If you need an actual study buddy, you should try Mikasa.
Drunkenly hits on you a lot. Scratch that, he hits on you regardless, drunk or sober, despite the fact that you’re literally dating him already.
Literally reserves at least two nights of the week to have dinner with Armin bye and you couldn’t even interrupt them if you tried.
Waits for you outside of your classroom if you’ve had an important presentation or something. Not always with anything cheesy or loud, but just to be able to cheer you on and congratulate you after.
Hates the act of going grocery shopping, but loves going with you. Also because you force him to buy things other than Anytizers and Kraft Mac and Cheese.
Steals your hair ties and scrunchies to put his hair up. Does not fucking give them back, and denies having them, even if they’re piling up on his wrist.
Will drive you anywhere and everywhere. He is your personal Uber. Even if you don’t want him to be, he would rather die than let you get into an actual Uber—and if it’s late at night? Forget it, Eren doesn’t care if you’re 45 mins away, he’ll come get you.
After you stabbed him with your pen for drawing in your notebook (with your very pristine notes), he started leaving sticky notes inside of them instead.
They’re all super random, usually incoherent, and sometimes just drawings, and you’d never tell him, but you keep every single one.
Cuts class a lot, but not to the point where he’s failing. Just when he feels like it’s deserved, you know? Like, if he attended lecture for a class all week, he deserved to skip Friday’s lecture. As a treat.
He’s embarrassing. Endearing, but so embarrassing. Like, singing in the middle of the street embarrassing. Asking you to do a TikTok in public embarrassing. Why do you even love him.
Moves off-campus during junior year and rooms with Jean and Armin in three-bedroom house. So, he’s never actually lonely, but he’s a little crybaby and will whine to get to you to come over.
LOVES sleeping over at your place, though. Because you live with Annie and Mikasa, so your place is always clean and always smells good. Plus Mikasa and Annie are usually busy, which means you get more privacy at your place.
Mikasa honestly just starts making breakfast for Eren in the mornings when he does sleep over, and Annie is so unfazed by his presence.
Jumps at the opportunity to join in on your girls wine-night or skincare-routine night. So what if it’s him and three other girls drinking red wine with face masks on and talking about Anne Hathaway movies while playing Monopoly Deal? It leaves him pleasantly buzzed and his skin is absolutely glowing, suck his dick, Connie.
Likely doesn’t understand a thing about your major/program but listens enthusiastically when you talk about it anyways.
His lock screen is the only selfie he’s ever convinced you to take with him. (That’s okay because he has many screenshots of your snaps for safekeeping and blackmailing).
Tries to get you to exercise with him. If you’re into that, then great. If you’re not, it’s okay, he always has time to stop and take a mid-workout thirst trap to send your way. Because he’s annoying like that.
Once accidentally replied to the whole class instead of just the professor on an email asking him to be a g and bump his 89.9 to a 90. Embarrassing. (The prof did raise in the end tho, so maybe he really does have some charm to him).
Has to wear reading glasses when studying for a long time/or at his computer for a long time, and even though he doesn’t like them, you think he looks super cute in them; so he wears them more often than usual. 
Calls you asking for the most obscure school supplies/stationary. “Babe, hey, you wouldn’t happen to have a spare 4x8 poster board laying around now would you?” 
Mind you this is at, like, 3am, 12 hours before the poster board in question is due. 
Speaking of stationary, is an absolute little shit and steals your good pens. He’s partial to the sparkly ones, if he’s being honest. They make his notes look better, fuck you, Jean. 
“Eren, give me back my purple 0.4mm pen.” “I don’t know what that is, sorry.” “Eren, I can see it in your hand!” 
Brings you snacks while you’re studying. If you’re really trying to crack down and be serious, he won’t even bother you. Just bring the snacks, bring you water and boba, kiss your little forehead and be on his way.
Has a polaroid camera he got as a birthday gift, and uses it to sneak pictures of you whenever you’re not looking. He keeps the good ones hung up on a sponge board in his room.
He has a few.... riskier ones too, but those are for his eyes only.
Loves to pick out your nail color when you get your nails done. Honestly gets a little pouty when you don’t ask him lmaoo
Purposely leaves his clothes around so you can wear them. Isn’t subtle about it in the slightest. Sometimes leaves them with a note: “Please wear this, you’d look cute as fuck. Thank you. —Management.”
(slightly nsfw below)
Is not too proud to ask you for risqué snaps. Not necessarily full nudes, thought he doesn’t object to those.
Will literally give you hickeys out of boredom. Will pull you onto his lap and start kissing your neck because he has nothing better to do. Also because it leads to sex 7/10 times. The other 3 times, it’s because he falls asleep with his head in your neck lmaoo
Might have once fucked you with one of his lectures playing in the background, but you’ll never tell.
He really likes phone sex. He’s shit at being quiet, so he can only really do it when Jean and Armin are out of the house, but there’s something about only being able to hear your moans to get off that really does it for him.
He’s kind of goofy and absentminded sometimes, so sometimes you’ll be mid-sex and he’ll look at you like “Hey, did you finish your assignment, it’s due tomorrow right?”
And honestly, you kinda wanna be upset, but then you start thinking—“Did I finish my assignment?” And then you realize you did and nod and he’s like “Ok, cool,” kisses your forehead and resumes where you left off.
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creampuffqueen · 3 years
Just Like This | Chapter Two
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a/n: Hey friends! It's been a hot second, but here's chapter two! This chapter is about a high school football game, but written by someone who has never attended a high school football game as a student (I was always performing haha) I also have no idea how football works and yet wrote Rayla explaining it to Callum! So please forgive any inaccuracies lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3846
Warnings: Dirty jokes/innuendos, language
Read on Ao3
Friday, October 5th, 2020
Callum’s house, 6:02 PM
Rayla leaned on the horn of her car with a snicker, face splitting into a wide grin when the front door of Callum’s house opened. He was still putting his jacket on, and his mother followed him out, fussing.
“Have fun!” Sarai called as Callum clambered into the passenger seat, face red.
“Bye Mrs. Prince!” Rayla shouted back, waving goodbye as she put the vehicle in drive. Callum just groaned, putting his face in his hands and shaking his head.
“God, my mom’s embarrassing.”
“No, it’s sweet,” Rayla assured, “At least you know she cares.”
Callum quirked an eyebrow, but didn’t press at the statement hidden in those words. Instead, he turned his gaze out the window. “This isn’t the way to school, Rayla.”
“Duh, I’m not stupid,” She snarked back, “We have to go pick up Andie and Callisto. I just didn’t tell your mom, because technically I’m only supposed to drive with one other person, but I don’t really care about that rule.”
“Fair enough.” Callum opened up the glovebox, rifling through all the trash to find the CDs stored beneath. Her car was old enough that the radio still used CDs rather than just connecting to a phone. He found one that seemed good, and put it in the player.
At the next red light. Rayla took her eyes off the road to glare at Callum with full force as Taylor Swift’s voice filled her little car. “Where did you even find that?”
Her best friend gave a knowing smirk. “It was actually at the top of the pile. Which is weird, since you supposedly hate Taylor Swift.”
The light turned green, and Rayla was forced to look away, though her ears still burned. “I never said I hated all her music. Just the new stuff.”
“Oh, so you’re a country Taylor fan?”
“If you don’t shut up and change the music before Andromeda gets in this car I swear to god I will throw you onto the concrete.”
Callum responded by nonchalantly tossing his legs onto the dashboard. “What, like we don’t all already know you’re not as badass as you pretend to be? You’ve got a reputation to hold with us?”
“I hate you.”
He dragged a hand through his fluffy brown hair, leaning further back in the seat. “No, you love me.”
Rayla gave him her middle finger, even as her face seemed to suddenly catch fire. If only you knew.
Thankfully, she pulled up outside of Andromeda’s house just in time. The other girl could diffuse some of the sudden tension, and maybe in a few minutes Rayla could look back at Callum without her head going all fuzzy.
“Hellooooo fellow sexy people!” Andromeda crooned as she plopped into the backseat, “How are we all feeling this fine evening?”
Glancing behind him, Callum’s eyes widened at the other girl’s outfit. She was completely decked out in the colors of Katolis High School, red and gold covering her entire body.
“I thought you were just wearing that getup for the first game?”
Andromeda shrugged. “Why not for every game? It’s fun.” She tugged at the red and gold jersey emblazoned with the number eight, then twirled her silvery hair tied into two pigtails with red ribbon.
“Let’s go get Callisto,” Rayla suggested, pulling out of her friend’s driveway.
“Perfect,” Andromeda replied.
As they drove, Rayla continued to speak, “Ground rules: you and Callisto keep your hands to yourselves in my car. I don’t care what you do at the game, but I’m not having any bodily fluids on my nice seats. Am I clear?”
“You and Callum with your ground rules,” The other girl sighed, “But fine. You two clearly think way worse of us than we actually are, though.”
Rayla and Callum shared a grin between them. Andromeda and Callisto were great on their own, but ever since they’d begun dating freshmen year they’d starting getting all handsy. Rayla knew, because Andie shared everything with her, that they hadn’t gone all the way, not yet.
Key word: yet.
And god help her, they were not going to complete their yet in her backseat.
It wasn’t long before they pulled up to Callisto’s house finding them similarly decked out for the Friday night game.
“Well now I’m feeling underdressed,” Callum snorted, glancing at the couple behind him. True to their word, they were keeping a perfectly respectable distance, but everyone knew it wouldn’t last.
“You’re wearing red,” Callisto suggested awkwardly, gesturing to his read scarf. “Just not the right shade.”
“I’ve got extra ribbons for my hair, if you want some, Rayla,” Andromeda offered.
As they pulled into the stadium parking lot, the sun rapidly setting behind them, Rayla turned back to her friend with a grin. “Yes please. You’re so good at hair, Andie.”
The group piled out of the car, Callisto and Andromeda holding hands, as expected. Callum turned to her with a smile and offered his arm. Nudging his side affectionately, Rayla hooked it with her own, desperately trying to keep her face from reddening.
Soon enough they were inside the stadium, and Callum had let go of her arm to pull out his phone and ask where the rest of their friends were. Rayla’s phone buzzed, probably from the group chat, and she opened it up to find where Claudia, Ram, and Skor were sitting.
Claudia: We’re on the far right of the bleachers
Claudia: Kind of near where the band is sitting. We’ve got a really good view close to the top
Ram: Hurrrrry
Andromeda: stfu ram, we’re coming
Ram: If Callisto’s with you then you’ll certainly be coming ;)
Andromeda: I’m going to obliterate your tiny twig ass
Claudia: ANYWAY
Claudia: My friend Nyx from theater class is here, is it okay if she sits with us? Maybe not for the whole game bc she says her friends are coming but just for the start
Their small group began to make their way to the far side of the stadium, where Claudia said they were, while Andromeda still had her nose in her phone. Probably insulting Ram, if Rayla had to guess. The idea of another person staying with them bothered her, if she was honest. They already had their friend group; they didn’t need to add anyone else.
Callum: Yeah sure, it’s fine
With a slight sigh, Rayla followed her friends up the steps of the bleachers until Claudia came into view, standing up and waving. Callum bounded up the stairs, a wide grin on his face. When he reached her, Claudia gave him a quick hug, then released him to reach for Rayla.
“Everyone, this is Nyx!” After hugging everyone, Claudia turned towards her other friend to introduce her. Nyx was sitting casually on the metal seats, and she gave a cheerful wave.
“Hi Nyx,” Everyone seemed to chorus in unison, making the other girl chuckle slightly.
Soon everyone had settled onto the metal bleachers, waiting for the game to begin. Tonight they were going against Neolandia, a longtime rival. The other school had a bit of a reputation for playing dirty, and everyone had resolved to keep a sharp eye out during the game for any instance of foul play.
But every thought about the impending football game flew from Rayla’s head as Callum leaned against her side, his soft hair brushing right below her eyes.
“Aren’t you cold?” He asked, giving a pointed glance to her bare arms.
“I probably will be later,” She admitted, taking in her outfit. Jeans, Converse, and a red and gold t-shirt wouldn’t do much to shield her from the cold when the sun went down.
“Just tell me and I’ll share my jacket,” Callum promised with a good-natured laugh. Rayla’s eyes widened a bit. Was he serious?
She was jolted from her thoughts by a sudden tap on her shoulder. Andromeda sat behind her, several hair ties and various ribbons clutches in her hands.
“Braids or pigtails, Rayla?”
“Er…” Slightly unsure, she took one of the red ribbons from her friend’s hand and twisted it slightly in her own.
“Braids,” Callum finished the sentence for her, “Your hair looks good in braids.”
“It really does look good like that,” Andromeda hummed appreciatively, dragging Rayla to sit closer to her so she could brush her fingers through her silver hair.
With the motion of Andromeda rhythmically combing her hair, Rayla allowed herself to relax in the familiarity of her friends. All around her they talked idly, Claudia’s snort-laugh punctuating sentences, Callum’s voice cracking providing plenty of entertainment.
The buzzer rang to begin the game just as Andromeda tied off the second braid, flicking both of them over Rayla’s shoulders so she could see them better.
“Oh, they’re so pretty!” She leaned back to give Andromeda a hug. “Thanks, Andie.”
“GO SOREN!” Claudia screamed suddenly, causing Rayla to nearly topple backwards into Andromeda’s lap. Everyone around them flinched, and they got a couple dirty looks from the other spectators.
Claudia didn’t seem to care, though. She was standing, cheering ecstatically for the blob moving down below, who must have been Soren. At some point she’d acquired pom-poms. From where, Rayla had no clue.
Callum and Rayla shared a look, neither of them lasting very long before bursting out laughing. If Claudia noticed, she didn’t show it, and kept cheering in the stands for her older brother.
“Woohoo!” Andromeda pumped her fist, though she didn’t stand up and join the junior girl. Instead she scooted over on the metal seat to sit next to Callisto, nearly tossing herself in their lap. Her partner just rolled their eyes and wrapped an arm around Andromeda’s waist.
Claudia’s cheering eventually faded into the background, letting Rayla focus on the field. They were rapidly taking yard lines, but it was only the first quarter. Things could change. Though she sure hoped not; if they were going to lose a game to anyone it had better not be Neolandia.
Then, on the next play, someone tossed the ball high and far, and Rayla was on the edge of her seat, and it was getting closer and closer to the endzone-
“TOUCHDOWN!” Claudia roared, sweet demeanor evaporating in the spirit of the game. “WE GOT A TOUCHDOWN!”
“We got a what?” Callum glanced up from his sketchbook. Both Rayla and Claudia whipped around to glare at him, neither realizing he’d brought it out. In an unspoken agreement, Claudia distracted him with a piercing stare, giving Rayla just the opening she needed to snatch the book from his hands.
“Hey!” The other boy yelped, but it was too late, and Rayla was already sprinting down the steps of the bleachers, sketchbook in hand.
“You’ll get it back after you watch the game!” She shouted from below, sticking her tongue out to blow a raspberry.
“Oh, very mature Rayla!”
“Come watch the game!”
His pout was absolutely adorable, and Rayla flushed at the thought, waving the stolen sketchbook high in the air. “Come watch with me!”
Finally, he relented, though not without a fair amount of complaining and cursing as he traipsed down the bleachers to get to her side.
“You are an evil person.”
She giggled, tucking the book under an arm. “I’m the weirdly sexy villain on a kids’ TV show.”
Callum just sighed. “Not funny.”
“Excuse you!” Rayla shot back, giving a dramatic wail, “I am the funniest person in this entire school!”
He made a weak grab for his sketchbook, but Rayla simply danced out of the way. “Nuh uh, no sir. You are going to watch the game with me.”
“But I don’t even know how football works,” Callum complained, gesturing to the field. The timer was paused, and Katolis was ahead, though not by much. It was going to be a tight game.
“Then I’ll teach you. And you’ll have fun, and learn to enjoy football, and we can all be a big happy friend group and you won’t have your face buried in a sketchbook.”
“For the record, I like having my face buried in a sketchbook-”
“Nonsense!” Rayla exclaimed, “You’re going to have fun. Without this old thing.”
“Alright, alright,” Callum sighed, “I’ll put it away. Can I please have it back?”
Rayla finally relented with a triumphant grin. “Let’s go back up top; you can see way better. Plus we’re near the band so we get to hear their stand tunes up close and personal.”
They arrived back at their seats just as the timer started again, and Rayla began her intense rundown of the inner workings of football. Callum tried to pay attention, but she could tell everything was going right over his head. Finally, she just settled for, “Cheer whenever our side is cheering, and you’ll fit right in.”
In the time it took to explain the first quarter had nearly ended, with Neolandia pulling ahead. Claudia was doing an elaborate pompom routine to rival the cheerleaders down below, even involving Nyx for parts.
“Gimme an S! Gimme an O! Gimme a R-E-N! What does that spell!?”
“Soren!” Nyx finished, and Claudia waved her pompoms triumphantly. Rayla watched them both with slightly piqued interest, flicking her ribbon-braided hair back and forth over her shoulder.
“Rayla, Callum-” She was pulled from her thoughts by Skor’s booming voice as he walked near them. “First quarter is over, we’re going to get some snacks. Come with?”
“I’m starving!” Callum chuckled, “It’s definitely time to stuff my face with junk food.”
“There’s the football game spirit!” Rayla cheered, clapping her friend on the shoulder. “Let’s go consume sugar-rich foods in unhealthily excessive portion sizes!”
The small group left Nyx and Claudia to their pompoms, and Callisto and Andromeda to… whatever it was they were doing. Perhaps trying to fuse their faces together? Whatever it was, it was gross and making everyone want to leave for a minute.
Beneath the bleachers was crowded with students and parents alike. Callum linked one hand with her, offering the other to Ram, attempting to keep from losing their group in the crowd.
It was a struggle to keep her face neutral. All her thoughts suddenly surged away from her head, instead focusing on that single point of contact. Were her hands sweating? God, she hoped they weren’t. She hoped she wasn’t the only one feeling too many emotions to count.
In the line for the snack bar (or, what she hoped was the line, as it was too crowded to properly tell) Callum didn’t meet her eyes, but his grip was firm as he pointed out the menu. Ram and Skor stood nearby, having foregone holding Callum’s other hand. Rayla wasn’t sure if she was happy for it or not.
“If we pool our money we can get a hot dog for everybody,” Skor suggested, “And maybe some popcorn too.”
“Yeah,” Callum agreed, “Let’s get a few popcorns and we can all share in pairs. Like you two, Claudia and Nyx, me and Rayla, and then the two leeches.”
“If they ever come up for air,” Rayla snickered, and she was greeted with Callum’s resounding voice-cracky laugh, and he truly turned to meet her eyes.
“Wanna bet they’ll eat it out of each others’ mouths?”
Rayla pretended to gag, “They’d better not.”
“Oh! Wait! They’ll eat the hot dogs like in the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp!” Ram snickered, and his suggestion was met with varying levels of disgust.
Finally, it was their turn to order. As they all gathered up their food Rayla could hear the buzzer on the field and more cheering from their side, so she hustled her friends back onto the bleachers.
Just in time, too. On the field, the ball flew into the endzone, and the entire Katolis side erupted into cheers. The band started playing a tune, and the cheerleaders began a mini routine.
“THAT’S MY BROTHER!” Claudia screamed over the roaring of the stadium, bouncing so hard Rayla wondered how she hadn’t simply flown away yet. Andromeda was standing on her seat to cheer, Callisto’s arm wrapped her around her waist to keep her steady.
“Gold! And red! We’ll knock ‘em dead!” On the edge of the field, the cheerleaders chanted carrying it throughout the stands. The band kicked into a higher gear, playing the school’s iconic fight song that had everyone clapping to the beat. Out on the field, Rayla could spot Soren’s blond head among the other players, pumping his fists in triumph.
“So I’m assuming we did something good?” Callum shouted over the din, wading through the throng of people to sit back down on their metal seats. One of his hands was still attached to hers, and Rayla had no intentions of letting go any time soon.
“Yes, dummy!” She giggled back, pointing to the scoreboard. They finally were able to reach their seats, and plopped back down while the cheers began to fade. Callum had been holding one of the bags of popcorn, and he placed it between them so they both could share. Ram and Skor passed out the rest of the food, and the group all relaxed once more.
When the game was finally up and running again, Nyx turned away from Claudia’s intense one-woman cheer session to face Rayla and Callum, plopping pieces of popcorn in her mouth. Her eyes, one blue and one amber, honed in on Rayla in such a way that an embarrassed flush crept up her cheeks with little warning.
“You two look cozy,” She remarked with a smirk. Rayla’s face burned hotter, and she resisted the urge to scoot away. Callum blinked in surprise, glancing between Rayla and Nyx.
“Callum’s my best friend,” Rayla replied, though it sounded lame, even to her. “We’ve always been close.”
The other girl just smiled broader. “It’s so cute. At least you guys are way more subtle than those two over there.” She gave a pointed glance behind them, and Rayla didn’t even have to turn to know that Andromeda and Callisto were making out. Again.
“Oh, uh, we’re- we’re not dating…” Callum said awkwardly.
“You’re not?” Nyx blinked up in mock surprise. “I mean, you’re sharing a popcorn, she’s practically in your lap-”
“I am not!” Indignantly, Rayla shot a glare at the other girl.
Nyx just rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, lovebugs.” Reaching for more popcorn, she turned back around in her seat to chat with Claudia some more.
“Well, she’s something,” Callum muttered under his breath, “Going out and assuming things.” He met Rayla’s eyes, then looked away just as quickly, like he hadn’t meant to be heard. “I mean, us dating?”
Rayla’s whole face was on fire. Scratch that, her whole body was on fire. Was she having a panic attack? Is this what a panic attack felt like?
“Crazy, huh?” The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. The two teenagers shared an awkward laugh that did nothing to lessen the tension, then went back to eating their popcorn.
Rayla didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.
The rest of the game was a blur she hardly remembered, points and scores blending from one to the next. On the outside she was smiling, laughing, cheering. On the inside she was empty.
Before long the last buzzer had rung, and Katolis had won the game by the skin of their teeth. The band played their final tune, and everyone began to vacate the stands.
With the crowd that had come to the game, it took a while to make it back to Rayla’s car. They said their goodbyes to their friends while they walked their separate ways, promising to see them again on Monday.
It was pretty late, nearly 10:30, so the chatter that had filled the car on the way in had lessened now. Andromeda and Callisto were even talking, rather than engaged in a lip-lock. In the passenger seat, Callum once again had his feet up on the dashboard, and was sketching by the light of the stadium floodlights as they waited their turn to leave the parking lot.
When they finally exited, the talking stilled even further. There was no sound in the car save for the radio, and the quiet scratching of pencil lead on paper.
Callisto was dropped off first, Andromeda not too long after. And then it was just Rayla and Callum, alone once again.
She pulled into his driveway and put the car in park, letting it idle while he gathered his things. He reached for the door handle, but something stopped him. He turned back to face her.
“Rayla, I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” She echoed, “For what?”
Callum scratched at the back of his neck. “For making things all awkward. You know I’m not good being put on the spot like that, but I just made things worse and I’m sorry.”
“You mean about Nyx?”
Rayla shrugged. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. It’s her who should be sorry, assuming and being an ass and all that.”
“Still.” Callum glanced down at his sketchbook, still open. After a moment’s hesitation, he reached down and tore out the page. Rayla only had enough time to furrow her eyebrows in confusion - Callum never tore out pages of his sketchbook - before the page was in her hands.
It was a picture of her. She was smiling, and her hair was braided with ribbons. It was a picture of her just tonight.
“You’re my best friend, Rayla.” She glanced back up to see Callum’s earnest expression as he spoke. “I don’t wanna let something stupid come between us. Whatever Nyx said doesn’t matter, okay? We know what we are.”
“Yeah,” Rayla said, punctuating the sentence with a half-hearted laugh.
“Okay,” Callum chuckled, “Glad we’re on the same page. We communicate, you know?” His grin was real as he stepped out of the car.
“See you on Monday, Rayla.”
She waited for him to reach his front door, making sure he got inside safely, before she pulled away. She was so exhausted that she drove all the way home nearly in a daze (which would have been way more unsafe if she hadn’t just been driving through a neighborhood).
It wasn’t until she was back at home in her own driveway, car turned off, that everything truly hit.
If he hadn’t been clear before, he was crystal now. He may as well have outright said, ‘I just see you as a friend and I’ll never see you as anything else’. Maybe being so upfront would make things easier, and keep her from clinging to stupid, false hope.
Rayla refused to let herself cry. Don’t cry, not over him. He’s still your friend. Take what you can get.
So she got out of the car, went inside, and went to bed. And maybe she cried, just a little.
No, you love me, he’d said with that adorable little grin of his.
Okay, maybe more than just a little.
a/n: AHHHHHH I feel bad for Rayla and I PUT HER THROUGH THIS PAIN. They never even got to share Callum's jacket because Nyx made things awkward :(
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mcwriting · 4 years
The Marriage Project (7)
IT’S FINALLY HERE! MY FAVORITE CHAPTER OF THIS SERIES!!! Consider it a little Christmas gift from me to y’all :) there’s plenty more to come, but I loveee the vibes of this one so much
Story Masterlist
Word Count: 3491
Warnings: Some language but I’m pretty sure that’s it
% approximately the end of the 2nd week of October %
You stood on the Holland’s front porch Sunday afternoon holding a rust red jumpsuit over one shoulder and your volleyball bag on the other. 
It was nippy out, probably 50-something fahrenheit, but you’d tucked your long sleeved jersey into some black sweats and tossed on your letterman. You had decided to wear your favorite jersey, which was black except for the stripe down each sleeve in your school colors and the white words and number on the torso.
Since you were taking pictures, you straightened your hair again and put on some light makeup to complete the look.
Paddy opened the front door, looking star struck.
“Oh, hey Paddy. How are you?”
He stared up at you, flustered.
“I, um. Good?”
You gave a big smile.
“Good to hear. Mind if I come in? It’s kinda cold out.”
“Oh, yeah. Sure.”
He stepped out of the way and shut the door behind you. Inside, Tom was running around frantically, grabbing various clothing items and stuffing them in a bag. He noticed you as he passed by.
“Hey, y/n. Sorry, just trying to get all my football stuff together. It just came out of the dryer.”
You watched in amusement as he rushed back and forth. Nikki came and stood next to you.
“I love my sons, but they can be a real mess sometimes,” she joked. “Let's go put your things in the car while he gets himself together.”
You set the bag in the back of her SUV and hung the jumpsuit hanger on a loop to prevent it from wrinkling. You were talking in the garage when Tom burst through the door, a duffel bag on his shoulder.
“Okay, sorry. I couldn’t find one of my cleats,” he explained, tossing his own bag in the back. He didn’t yet put on his uniform since the pads would get uncomfortable, so Tom just wore some jeans and a tee for the ride.
“Y/n, do you want to hop in front? I’m sure Tom wouldn’t mind,” Nikki said, raising her eyebrows at her son.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind either way.”
“It’s fine. We can just switch on the way home,” Tom replied. You found it odd that he didn’t press but assumed it had something to do with his mom standing nearby.
With that, you loaded up and started the hour long drive. The time passed quickly as you conversed with Nikki, telling her about your plans for after high school. In the backseat, Tom dabbed a little bit of his mom's foundation over the still-discolored parts of his cheek.
Eventually, you got to a small neighborhood and pulled up to a cute cabin. As you and Tom retrieved your things from the trunk, an elderly couple appeared on the front porch.
“Hey, mom. Hey, dad,” Nikki began, hugging them. She gestured to you, “This is y/n. You might recognize her from Tom’s soccer games and some academic things, she’s on the girls team and very smart.”
You blushed at the compliments.
“Why, yes, I have seen you. It’s nice to meet you, dear. Just call us grandma and grandpa,” Nikki’s mother said as you were shaking hands with her husband. 
She walked up and enveloped you in a hug. As you awkwardly wrapped your own arms around her, you looked over her shoulder to find Tom shrugging sheepishly at you.
She pulled away, holding you at an arm's length.
“Well you are just the prettiest thing, aren’t you?” You blushed at her kindness and thanked her. “Now what are we all doing standing around out here? Come on in! I made cookies while you were on the way so they’re still warm.”
She ushered everyone in, Tom holding open the screen door for the group. Tom directed you to a spare room to set down your bags and hang your jumpsuit while Nikki got her camera things together.
You were sat around the dining room eating cookies discussing the afternoon’s timeline. You and Tom would take your sports pictures, then everyone would eat around five, and then you’d go back out in regular clothes for golden hour at around six.
After a few minutes, Nikki finished getting her lens ready.
“Okay. Tom, why don’t you go put on your football uniform and meet us down at the dock. Y/n, do you need to get anything else for your volleyball pictures?”
You answered yes, walking with Tom to the room to grab your volleyball shoes and ball. You were waiting to take off your sweatpants until you got outside for two reasons: it was cold, and you felt weird about walking around his grandparents’ house in only spandex shorts.
The dock wasn’t far, you could see it from the top of the wooden staircase built into the side of the hill the cabin sat on.
You and Nikki conversed as you walked down, discussing ideas of poses and where you’d stand.
You shimmied out of your sweats once you got to the dock, draping them over a metal chair covered in dead leaves. The cold air gave your legs goosebumps, but you sucked it up. You were just glad you’d remembered to shave your legs above anything else. 
Nikki directed you around some trees, had you toss your hair over your shoulder, and took a few pictures with you in your letterman. It had been about 15 minutes when Tom came down in his football gear, helmet and ball in hand.
“Oh, perfect. Tom, would you mind tossing some leaves for me? I have a neat idea for a shot.”
She had you stand in front of the water and palm the volleyball as Tom sent a handful of leaves in the air around you. You tried a few with a serious expression and some while laughing. After a few more shots that included you sitting on the dock, she had Tom jump in next to you.
“Okay, y/n, I want you to stand with the ball on your right side like that, and then Tom, get on her left and hold the helmet by the facemask,” she pointed around, guiding you. “Good! Okay now y/n, put your weight on your left leg and Tom, raise your chin. Serious faces people!” 
There were clicks and flashes as she continued to direct you in slightly different poses. One cool shot had each of you palming your respective sports balls in front of you.
“Okay, are you good with those, y/n? Is there anything else you want in your jersey before I start working on Tom’s?” 
You shook your head and gestured for her to move on with Tom’s pictures. By now your legs were used to the cold, so you refrained from putting your sweats back on, instead just standing behind Nikki watching Tom model like he’d been doing it his whole life.
Oh right… he has
His mom and he worked together well, as if they were reading each other’s minds. 
You studied the way Tom looked. After all these years, you’d never really looked at him intently enough to see the way he filled out his uniform so well. 
His biceps bulged when he moved his arms to flex for a couple shots, and the tight pants and pads around his legs gave the illusion of massive thigh muscles. As you looked back up, his necklace caught your eye. 
He hadn’t tucked it in completely, instead letting it dangle over his jersey, the red “ruby” glinting in the afternoon sunlight. You smiled at the fact he’d left it on, then looked down at your own hand. You’d forgotten to take yours off, too.
Would it be noticeable in the pictures? Was there a possibility family members would start asking if you’d secretly gotten engaged when you eventually shared the shots online? Maybe, but you decided it wasn’t a big enough deal to worry about. Some had already pestered you Friday at dinner.
You didn’t realize how long you’d been out there when a cowbell began ringing from above you. 
“Oh! That’s mom. Dinner must be about ready. Let’s head back up. I think we got enough, Tom,” Nikki explained.
She started heading up the stairs as you grabbed your ball and sweats, and Tom was waiting for you at the bottom, holding his jersey and pads so he was only left in a compression shirt on top. He started up a few steps ahead of you. 
Woah. His ass looks really nice in those pants was the first thought that popped into your head when you looked up. Oh wait. Shit, what am I saying?
You tried to avoid looking as you continued up the hill. By the time you reached the top, Nikki was already entering the house and Tom was again waiting for you. You passed right by him when he spoke up.
“You’re really gonna go in the house like that?”
You stopped and turned back to face him.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you really want to walk into the home of my elderly grandparents with your ass hanging out?”
Right. The whole point of the sweats.
You set the volleyball down while you pulled them on.
“Now I’m not going to say that I minded the view or anything but-” you slapped him in the chest before you tugged on the waistband, hopping a little to make them sit just right and tightening the strings, then picked your ball off the ground.
“Don’t be talking about my ass that way! Nasty.”
“Sorry, sorry, I had to say it.” He put his hands up in mock surrender.
“Well if you’re gonna say that, then I’m allowed to do this,” you said, right before giving him a light slap on his own butt and darting to the house.
“Ohhh, I’ll get you for that!” he cried, following you in.
You were both chattering as you entered the dining room, where Nikki and her parents were setting up the tableware.
“Alrighty, we have some roast chicken and potatoes and green beans tonight. Hope you all enjoy!” the older woman said before sitting down. The smell made your stomach growl quietly.
You all made up plates and chowed down. Tom’s grandpa sat at the head of the table, with his wife and daughter on his left, and Tom and you on the right.
You and Tom were talking about school things when his grandma addressed you.
“So, y/n. How long have you and Tom been dating?” 
You furrowed your brows, then looked between Tom and her, an awkward tension filling the room.
“Um, grandma… she isn’t my girlfriend,” Tom said for you. You gave him a light squeeze on the thigh to signify thanks.
“Oh! Oh my goodness I had no idea! You two just seemed so close that I just assumed you were together. Sorry about that!”
You talked a little bit longer as you finished dinner, but now things felt a little uncomfortable. 
What were we doing that seemed couple-y? Could they see our little spat outside?
You took your plates to the kitchen before heading back with Tom to change into your other clothes. Since it was already almost six, you both just changed in the room, backs to each other.
You slid out of your sweats and tugged off the jersey, leaving on the spandex shorts under your jumpsuit since they didn’t show through. It was sleeveless, so you needed to change into a different bra. You glanced behind you quickly to make sure Tom was still turned around.
He was, but he was butt ass naked. You turned back towards the wall quickly, eyes wide. You assumed it had to do with the fact he wore a jockstrap under his uniform, but dear God did he have to take off everything at once?
You were scarred to say the least.
You ripped off one bra and fumbled to put the other one on before sliding the shoulder straps of your outfit on all the way. By the time you were done, Tom was at least wearing jeans and tugging on a white tee.
You finally slipped on some wedges and refixed your hair in the mirror. 
“Ready to head down?” you asked.
“Why don’t you go on without me. I’ll be down here in a few. I need to restyle my hair,” he explained, sliding his own letterman jacket on. 
You accepted that and headed back outside and down the steps where Nikki was waiting, shooting pictures of the lake.
“Oh, I love that color on you, it compliments the autumn theme well,” Nikki said as you began taking pictures. Eventually Tom appeared, too. He had another shirt in hand for when he was done with his letter jacket.
You let them take those pictures real quick, and then Tom changed, buttoning up a flannel that’s colors matched your own outfit. You were sitting on the dock balcony posing when Tom appeared next to his mother, who noticed the coordination immediately.
“This is amazing! Tom, go stand in front of y/n and cross your arms, and y/n, drape an arm over his shoulder… uh huh just like that… yes that’s good!” she directed you.
Tom helped you hop down after a few different shots and you went to stand with Nikki as she took more photos of her son.
The sun was setting quickly, so she was about to call it a night.
“Okay, you two, I just need you to get together for a couple final pictures. Act like you like each other for at least a few minutes.”
You couldn’t help but snort as you stepped up next to Tom, him putting an arm over your shoulder as your arm snaked around his waist. She was taking pictures when Tom muttered out the corner of his mouth,
“Your hand’s a little close there.”
Knowing exactly what he meant, you slid your hand down his back, resting it on top of his butt.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you feigned innocence. 
He gave you a look that said “I’m onto you,” so you did what any rational person would do in that scenario. 
You squeezed his buttcheek. 
It must have scared him or tickled or something, because he about jumped from his skin, jaw dropped.
“Oh I’ll get you for that now!” he exclaimed, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder.
You squealed and laughed and kicked your legs as one hand traveled along your waist tickling you. In the chaos, you didn’t notice the rapid clicks of the camera shutter. He kept you off the ground for a few more seconds before finally setting you down carefully.
“Rethinking that now?” he asked, eyebrows raised in amusement as you stared up at him, pouting. 
“I’d do it again just to see your jaw hit the floor honestly.”
He rolled his eyes when some lights around the deck kicked on, not adding much brightness to the darkening sky.
“Well that looks like our cue to wrap things up. The lights going up the stairs won’t be much better, and I don’t want anyone to fall,” Nikki explained.
Once again, she headed up first, leaving the two of you somewhat alone. Now that it was dark, the air made you grab your upper arms and shiver.
“Here, put this on,” Tom said, holding up his letter jacket.
“Oh, I’m fine. It’ll only take a minute to get to the house.”
“No seriously, you look like you’re freezing. Plus, I won’t have to carry it,” he joked.
You rolled your eyes and snatched it from his hand, sliding your bare arms into the sleeves. His jacket was at least a size bigger than yours, so it basically swallowed you. He chuckled.
“Come on. I don’t want you getting lost up the stairs since you’ve practically disappeared under my jacket.”
He put his hand between your shoulder blades, guiding you to step ahead of him as the darkness began to set in.
You’d changed back into your sweats and put on a tee and your own letter jacket and were now loading up Nikki’s car to head back home. 
After walking back to the house, you had all sat around and visited a bit longer until realizing it was half past nine and there was an hour’s drive ahead of you.
“Come back anytime, dear. You were a real delight,” Nikki’s mom said, squeezing you into another hug. 
“Thank you, grandma. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Will you be at Tom’s senior night here in a few weeks? I’d love to see you there,” she said, holding your hands in hers.
“Yeah, I always try to go to the games. I’m hoping to be on homecoming court this year, too, so fingers crossed.”
“Oh, sweetie, if they don’t vote you queen, I’ll personally come count the votes myself,” she joked, shaking her head. 
You laughed and after final goodbyes, climbed into the back seat, expecting Tom to go up front. Instead, he slid into the other side of the back row.
“You can sit up front, Tom. I’m happy to stay back here,” you explained, showing that you’d already buckled in.
“Oh it’s alright. I’ve already sat down, we can both stay.”
You again found it odd that he was willing to do so, but didn’t push the matter.
Having spent most of the afternoon with Tom’s family, you hadn’t looked at your phone much as not to seem rude, so you immediately began responding to snaps and scrolling through social media.
Tom, on the other hand, was watching Tiktoks. 
“Hey, watch this,” he said, unbuckling his seat belt and sliding into the middle spot next to you, refastening himself in.
“You could have just given me your phone,” you said, eyebrows raised.
“Like I could trust you with that.”
He handed over an AirPod and you watched together, laughing. He continued to scroll through his for you page while you looked on. 
After a while, your neck became strained, so you resorted to leaning your head on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything, instead only tilting his cheek to rest on your head as you continued in silence. 
A little bit later, he left the app and went to Spotify, turning on a playlist containing songs with soft beats that made you sleepy. 
You didn’t realize how tired you really were until you were being shaken awake by your nemesis, sitting up straight in realization of what happened. 
“Hey, we’re about to pull into my neighborhood,” he whispered. You just nodded in response, trying to compose yourself.
Nikki pulled into the garage and you began collecting your things from the back.
“Y/n, would you like to stay in the guest room tonight? It’s almost eleven and I wouldn’t want you to feel unsafe going home.”
You thought about it for a moment before realizing you had no extra clothes and well… Tom.
“Oh that’s alright, my house is only 10 minutes away. Thank you though,” you told her as the three of you entered the home. 
Nikki said her goodbyes and disappeared up the stairs for the third time that day, once again leaving you and Tom alone.
“Why don’t I walk you to your car?” Tom offered, opening the front door. You unlocked the car and Tom opened the back door for you to set your things in it. You were about to leave when something popped into your mind.
“Thanks again for clarifying to your grandma earlier. I didn’t want to break her heart but I wasn’t sure how to let her down nicely. She seemed so excited,” you explained.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m pretty sure she would have asked any girl the same question. But she really did like you, grandpa too. He doesn’t quite show it like her.”
“That’s sweet. I enjoyed hanging out with them this evening, and the food was incredible.”
“She does make some of the best food you’ll ever eat, but you should taste grandpa’s grilled steaks. Those are a real treat.”
“Well, you’ll have to bring me again some time. Oh, and thanks for letting me use you as a pillow in the car. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
You knew your face had turned pink, but you could see Tom’s redden as well.
“Don’t mention it. I actually ended up sleeping for a little bit, too.”
A silence fell around you, so you eventually said your goodbyes and hopped into your driver’s seat. 
You watched in your rearview mirror as Tom stayed standing on his sidewalk until you had driven a few yards off, eventually meandering back to the house.
There was a familiar flutter in your stomach as your lips turned up into a smile.
Maybe he’s not as bad as I always thought.
A/N: omg I’m so happy to finally post this y’all have no idea. Hope you enjoyed! As always, feel free to send asks about anything or just say hi!
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