#it’s just like. draco apologism combined w a need to punish harry?
padfootastic · 2 years
like, i like draco and all but the way so many of his fans twist his actions to portray him sympathetically and turn harry into the villain is so weird. *especially* in postwar fics. or the AU slytherin!harry ones.
it’s probably really weird that so much draco/harry gives me the same rancid vibes as remus/sirius but alas, what to do.
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Faking It - Pt.1 [F. W.]
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader; Fred Weasley x reader.
Part 2  || Part 3
Summary: You’re a Slytherin dating Draco Malfoy and life is pretty normal until Fred Weasley decides that the best prank against Draco involves you; this won’t end well, will it?
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*gif not mine
[y/h/c] = your hair colour; [y/e/c] = your eye colour.
Warnings: cheating, I guess
Words: 2k+
A/N: This might be my most non-canon fic ever since I don’t even know which year this fic passes on, so forgive me if you guys like it more when it’s faithful to the books. This is a series, so be free to ask if you wanna be tagged. 
Fred Weasley had a plan, and according to him, it was going to be the best prank he had ever thrown.
He had come with the idea after a match of Quidditch where Harry got severely injured by Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin's Seeker. Harry Potter kept claiming he was alright and Madam Pomfrey assured that it was just two weeks of wearing a plaster on his arm, but that was not enough for Fred. He was tired of Malfoy and his friends — and with his whole family since Harry pointed out that it was Draco's father who got Ginny in all the trouble on her first year.
George came to him, asking what they were going to do — the younger twin suggested dung bombs, but Fred thought that was too simple and they could get caught easily.
So Fred spent the whole weekend walking around Hogwarts, wishing for an idea to pop out. He even went to the library, and that was not something he usually did. However, the idea came just before he opened the first spellbook he saw in one of the shelves.
Not so far from him stood y/N, concentrated on the book she had in hands. The idea came instantly.
Y/N was a Slytherin one year younger than him that was most known to be Draco Malfoy's girlfriend. Fred could understand why Draco would pick you. You looked spicy, especially right at that moment, when you stood focused and bit your lower lip when the book got interesting.
Your (y/h/c) hair was in a high ponytail that made you look remarkably powerful. Generally, the twins avoided pranking you because, differently from your boyfriend, you were good at finding out the guilty, and you'd caught the twins many times before. Your (y/e/c) looked up from the book, and Fred quickly turned away, scared of what you'd think of him if you saw he had been staring.
What Fred didn't know was that you knew he was staring; you knew that since he had first laid eyes on you. You were expecting him to look away, but since he seemed unwilling to do so, you were about to use extreme measures. It wasn't needed though — once you laid eyes on him, he had turned his back on you.
Fred walked away from the library, running a little when he was out of your sight. The plan had come to him — he just needed to work out the details, and, for that, he'd require his brother.
George was in the courtyard, sitting on the floor with Angelina. She placed her head on his lap while he played with locks of her hair. They seemed peaceful, and Fred wondered how long would it take for both of them to accept they were in love. He expected he wouldn't have to take her for a second Ball — Fred took Angelina the first time to make his brother jealous, and George finally realized that he might like Angelina more than just as friends at the end of the event.
Angelina knew the troublemakers the twins were, so Fred wasn't worried about spilling the beans in front of her. He sat next to his brother and started telling George his idea.
"I've got the greatest prank ever — and the best part of it is that it can have thousands of other pranks while the biggest one is happening."
George stopped playing with the girl's hair and looked to his brother, expecting Fred to continue explaining.
"There's only one person that knows Malfoy's every step, only one person that can tell us his entire schedule," he proceeded.
"Potter?" George suggested, and Angelina gasped, holding a laugh. It was true that the boy who lived had some obsession towards Draco, but George didn't think he could know Draco's whole schedule.
"No, silly — Y/N," Fred answered, raising a brow as if he was saying something important.
"As if she's gonna tell us," George remarked, avoiding his brother's angry looks, and turning back to play with Angelina's hair.
"She could," Fred continued, "if she liked us enough."
"And how you're gonna make her like us?" George wondered, facing his twin again.
Even Angelina seemed curious as she looked up at the boys.
"Not both of us — just me," Fred raised a brow again, hoping his twin would get it, but he didn't. Fred sighed. "I'm gonna seduce her."
That was it. Angelina and George cracked up, laughing so hard and loud that the girl had to get up from George's lap so she could breathe properly.
"Yeah, pretty boy, I'd like to see you compete with Draco," Angelina said, still giggling.
"Was that suppose to mean?"
"Oi, Fred! Look at you — worn-out jumpers, same sneakers every day, you don't even brush your hair, I think..." Fred was offended by the remark and Angelina apologized, but she wasn't very serious when she said sorry. "I just said that because look at her and her boyfriend — have you ever seen those two without being formally dressed?"
"She's right, mate," agreed George, "Draco is always in his best suits, and he combs his hair in the right direction and everything."
"You are saying she couldn't fall for me?" Fred wondered out loud, looking down at himself. Yes, he was wearing one of his oldest jumpers that were far from formal, and his hair was a mess; however, that was just because it was Sunday. Or at least, that was what he told himself.
"I'm saying you're not her type," Angelina said, "and neither she's yours."
"Well, I don't have to fall for her, Angie," Fred pointed out, tilting his head while he said the nickname she hated so much. She didn't bother with it though, she probably knew the damaged her comments had made to his ego. "She's the one who has to fall for me. And it's just a prank — it'll last less than a month."
"It'll take longer than that to make she fall for..." Angelina almost insulted him, but she stopped, "you."
"Yeah, mate. Girls take longer to fall in love," George added.
"So I'll start tomorrow right away," Fred promised, more to himself than to the pair in front of him.
Y/N could be a pretty girl, but she was still a disgusting Slytherin that spoke ill of everyone around her, especially people from other houses. He'd have to be very careful around her, so he could avoid his disgust to come out.
"That'll be something I'll like to see," Angelina laid back at George's lap.
"You won't see it, Angie. I'm supposed to be her love affair, get it? No one's to know," Fred smirked, but Angelina just rolled her eyes.
George shrugged, paying more attention to the surrounding than to his twin.
"Well, if it works, it'll be much easier to prank Draco," George finally gave in, after thinking about it for a minute.
"That's the spirit, little brother!" Fred shouted, tapping his twin's back before leaving.
*** After a stop at Harry's dorm — Fred needed to take a quick peek at the Marauder's Map —, he left the Gryffindor's Tower and started rambling around towards where he knew he would find y/N.
He was wearing his best trousers combined with his newest white shirt — that one was actually part of the school uniform, but since it had no symbols on it, Fred thought it'd be enough. He combed his hair two times before he left his room, and he was not wearing sneakers, the first time in almost forever.
One would think he was dress to impress, and that was the truth. It was the first Monday night after he and his brother talked about pranking Draco Malfoy and dragging y/N y/L/N with him.
You were wandering around the dungeons, a privilege you held ever since the last Prefect was sick. Professor Snape pointed you out for the replacement, at least until the real Prefect got better, much to Mr Filch dismay. He did not like you, not even a bit, mostly because you and your boyfriend use to walk around, joking with every student that came to your encounter.
Although now you were a Prefect and therefore allowed to walk around, you avoided meeting Filch, because you knew he'd find a way to punish you. And that was what you were doing when you saw him.
You were not yet sure which Weasley twin that one was, and it was harder because of the way he was dressed. You had never seen the twins like that — so dressy. Of course, you'd seen people more formal than that, but for the Weasleys, that was too much.
His hair, differently than his usual style, was slicked back and his hands were carefully positioned inside his pockets. Was he heading to a date? You wondered.
"Mr Weasley, would you inform me where are you going after the curfew?" you asked, walking towards him.
He raised a brow, smirking at you.
"Wouldn't you like to know," he commented, and you noticed that besides well-dressed, he was also wearing a rather strong perfume. Very manly.
"Yes, I would, because I'll have to report it to your Head of House," you explained, smiling confidently.
You stared at him, but your eyes wandered to behind the tall red-head. Mr Filch seemed to be coming in your direction. You gulped, not knowing what to do. Punishing the Weasley would give you a week of special treatment from your Slytherin's friends, but was it enough being caught by the caretaker?
You had no more seconds to think.
"Come with me, Weasley, and walk quickly."
You hoped he was following you as you ran towards the secret passage not so much far away from where you two were chatting. You pulled the curtain aside, walking in a small compartment and you heard the curtain being pushed back at the place while you turned around, facing the Weasley, closer than you two had ever been before.
"Straight to the point, aren't you, y/N?" he said, smirking down at you. His perfume had filled the place, and you started breathing slowly to smell it less.
"Don't play smart, Weasley," you frowned, "We'll be leaving soon."
"As soon as Filch disappear?" he asked, and you rolled your eyes.
Whichever twin that was, he probably was as used as you to be running away from the caretaker.
"So you don't wanna be catch by him either," you smirked, crossing your arms.
"I'd much rather be caught by you," he said, trying hard to suggest second intentions.
"Would you now, Weasley?" you rolled your eyes again. It was so easy to find that family repugnant. "Don't think I've forgotten you're past curfew wandering around. I'll have to report you."
"You do that, baby."
"Don't — Don't call me 'baby'!" you shouted, slapping his arm.
He wasn't hard by your action, which surprised you. You were usually rather strong, at least, Draco hated when you tried to slap him.
You two stayed in silence — he didn't dare speak again, and you had no idea what to say. It was an uncomfortable moment, one that you were not used to. The place you two were hiding was rather small — and you knew it very well as you used to go there to kiss Draco when you two weren't official yet. You thought what would he think if he caught you there with a Weasley, and the thought scared you.
"You think he's gone?" you asked.
"Hope not," replied the twin and frowned.
"Be better, would you?"
You pulled the curtain to open just a bit and took a peek around.
"We're free," you warned, just then noticing how closer to the Weasley you were. How stupid was your idea of looking out for Mr Filch when the boy was closer to the curtain? Merlin, you looked ridiculous now, almost supported by his body.
You adjusted your posture, getting away from the red-haired boy as fast as you could and gulped.
"You go first," you signalized with your hand.
"What if he's still out there?"
"Then you'll get caught, wouldn't you?" your rhetorical question echoed around the small space and the boy finally walked out. You followed.
You took a last peek around.
"Well, Weasley, that's it. I'm gonna report you now."
"I'd gladly tell everyone the two minutes we spend together behind this curtain, y/N," he said, smiling, "You known, in case someone asked how I got caught."
Oh, shit, he was up to play dirty. You sighed; there was nothing you could do. If Draco heard about it... Oh, Merlin. Besides, you didn't even know which Weasley was that, so what would you tell McGonagall? "I saw George Weasley walking around, past-curfew" and then she'd say "That's a lie, honey, he was talking with me in detention all night." Reporting the boy was fated to fail from the beginning.
"You are free of charges, Weasley. But don't get used to it. I'll report you next time I see you walking around."
"If next time you see me, we spend another two minutes in a small hidden spot again, then I'd be happy to be reported," he smirked and started walking away from you.
You were exploding in anger. Who that boy thought he was? Was he really trying to — argh, the word disgusted you — seduce you? Did he think he could?
In the middle of the night, you let out a dry laugh that cut the silence rather loudly. Just what you needed — another reckless boy to cause problems in your life. Wasn't Draco enough?
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