#it’s most likely because you want to interact with more patients and audiences. These platforms make it so much easier to reach more people
healthproduct88 · 1 month
Slimming Success: My Positive Experience with
There are a lot of weight-loss supplements out there, and many promise the world but deliver little. I've been on my weight-loss journey for a while now, and I've tried a fair few products with mixed results. That's why I'm so excited to share my positive experience with .Feeling Fuller for Longe
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One of the biggest struggles I had with weight loss was managing hunger pangs. I'd constantly feel like reaching for snacks, and it was hard to stick to a calorie deficit. Since incorporating [Product Name] into my routine, I've noticed a significant difference in my appetite. The supplement helps me feel fuller for longer, which means I'm less likely to overeat throughout the day.Increased Energy LevelsAnother fantastic benefit of [Product Name] is the boost it's given my energy levels. In the past, feeling sluggish and tired was a common obstacle during weight loss. However, [Product Name] seems to have helped improve my metabolism, leaving me feeling more energized throughout the day. This newfound energy has not only aided my workouts but also improved my overall well-being.Aiding My Weight Loss GoalsWhile [Product Name] isn't a magic bullet, it's definitely become a valuable tool in my weight-loss journey. Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, I've seen consistent progress on the scales. The feeling of my clothes fitting looser and having more energy is truly motivating.Overall, I'm incredibly happy with the positive impact [Product Name] has had on my weight-loss efforts. If you're looking for a supplement to support your weight-loss goals, I highly recommend giving it a try.Disclaimer: It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
#healthyfood#Etactics | Revenue Cycle Software#The Best Health Hashtags to Use on Each Platform (More Than 55!)#Maria Clark August 6#2020#HealthHashtag_820.jpg#If your medical practice is on social media#it’s most likely because you want to interact with more patients and audiences. These platforms make it so much easier to reach more people#especially if they’re looking for self-diagnosis answers.#But there are intentional ways to categorize your account’s content so that it’s associated with the healthcare space. A common tool for do#HealthHashtag_ExpandAudience_820.png#Hashtags are words and phrases preceded by the hash sign (#). They revolutionized the social media space and grew so popular that they changed the name of the pound sign#think about that.#They identify related content posts. That way#users can search for a particular hashtag in what they’re interested in and find all posts that used that tag. Alternatively#they can click on a hashtag within a post and it will take them to the page of posts.#This helps users find similar content to what they’re viewing. It makes it much easier to expand your audience so more people learn about y#leading to more traffic to your page.#So now that you understand what this tool is#what are the best ones to include in healthcare practice’s posts? You’ll definitely want to use them considering that posts that include at#You don’t need to look too hard#because we’ve done the work for you. Here are some of the most popular health hashtags on each platform to get you more traffic.#Table of Contents#Instagram#TikTok#LinkedIn#Twitter#Conclusion#Most Popular:
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mojoflower · 2 years
So You Want to Tumbl?
There are lots of newcomers here these days, and I thought I'd spell out how to begin and what it means to ‘curate your own dash’ for folks who haven't grown along with Tumblr for the past decade.
If you're coming from a platform where content is fed to you, Tumblr can seem barren and intimidating in the beginning.  But that's actually a good thing!  What it means is that you will see what you want to.  If you're in a fighting mood, go find political discourse.  If you're feeling fragile, make your dash nothing but art and nature.
How to begin?
You’ve made your blog and picked out your icon (seriously, choose an icon:  otherwise you’re indistinguishable from bots).  Feel free to be anonymous.  Most of us are, and it’s wonderful to have a place that’s not tied to your Real Life.  Here you can be a fandom freak (like me!) and no one judges you and your boss will never find out.
Now seek out tags that interest you.  For example, I was just looking through #moss because I like peace and green things and old-growth forests.  (And, apparently, beautifully naked fae-men, heh.)
Now you follow that tag (if it's a popular tag, it'll say how many followers the tag has, which is beneficial to know if you're making a post that you want to reach all its interested audience) and posts with that tag automatically fill your dash. Voila, you have begun to curate your experience!
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Do Follow:  tags; blogs in that tag that you like; people who comment on posts in the blog/tag you follow that seem like they’re up your alley.  The more people you follow, the more varied and nuanced your dash is.
Don’t Follow:  people who make comments or posts that raise your blood pressure.  Topics that upset you.  Discourse that has you arguing in your head for the rest of the day.  PLEASE avoid toxicity.  Real Life is hard enough.
How to be Social and Interact
If you want to find your tribe and interact, it’s best to start following individual blogs.  (If you follow a blog, they have an opportunity to follow you back.  Simply following a tag is a passive, one-way street.)  To Tumbl is to be in a vast cocktail party, and you need to mingle and eavesdrop to find the things that galvanize you.
How to be seen and heard
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💬Comment on posts (please always stay positive and enthusiastic:  we really try to avoid toxicity).  You can read other comments (and reblogged comments) by clicking on the notes:
🔁Reblog posts you like, both to show your support and to show other people what kind of things get you excited.  Reblogging is essential to the tumblr ecosystem, because it’s the only way posts move around and get seen.  You can also “like” posts, but that's a much more passive way to interact. Also, reblogs and your own original posts show up on your blog and prove that you're not a bot.
Create your own posts and remember that the first 20 tags you use are essential, because that’s what gets you seen (and followed) by strangers.  Tags 21-30 are good for searching and archiving on your own blog, but they don’t count on the dash.  Instructions on how to Make A Post.
Participate!  Once you find your crowd, you’ll discover that there are always things going on.  For example, in fandoms, we’ve got writing events, art events, crafting and cons.  The more you try to be involved, the more new friends you’ll discover.  Tumblr allows for such an organic community.  One person has a thought, and many others build on that thought, creating something far greater than the sum of its parts.
There is no real algorithm beyond using those first 20 tags.  This may be discouraging to folks who are used to working an algorithm, but we like it fine here, because it keeps everyone real and keeps obnoxious social climbers/capitalists out of your face.
Be patient!  Just like in real life, when you find yourself in a crowd of people you don’t know, it takes a while to form connections.  Watch and listen, and learn to read the room.  Honestly, the thing that will win you the most friends/followers is honest enthusiasm about your space.
Don’t aim for the big names to become your new buddies.  You’re more likely to find a thriving coterie among other fresh faces.  Don’t assume that because they’re small or new they have nothing to offer you.  Often, this is the fire that keeps any given corner of Tumblr going.
Tumblr Etiquette
NEVER REPOST (without explicit permission).  Reposting is when you cut and paste from someone else’s content and then make it into a brand new post under your own blog name.  That is stealing and is very condemned.  Reblogging is when you use 🔁and the OP (original poster) remains attached to their post and continues to see and be in charge of interactions.  
Reblog in addition to Liking. A post that you 'like' is static. You are not helping it to get to a broader audience. If the post or poster is something/someone you support, then REBLOG that sucker: it deserves to fly!
Reblog and add your own content.  One of the best parts of Tumblr is that you can comment on a post, or even add to it in your reblog (as long as you’re not being a dick, okay?  Or changing the topic, which is known as ‘hijacking a post’).  Here is a wonderful example of the Tumblr ecosystem at work, where someone had a thought, other people had thoughts about that thought, and then a bunch of artists jumped in.  Tumblr posts BUILD COMMUNITY, and you can be a part of that conversation.  (Do try to refrain from reblogging with vacuous comments just because you want people to notice you rather than because you actually have something to add, though.  That’s just clutter.)
The most important part of “curating your experience” is learning to Block.
You can block individual blogs, Anons, people in the comments that you find upsetting.  Here's a post on How to Block.
Block entire tags or keywords if they are triggers for you.  (Here is a post on how to do that.) 
Blocking is self-care.  It is not a platform to demonstrate to the community how much you hate someone and how they should, too.  Usually the blocked person never even knows you’ve blocked them.  If they do something egregious (like tell you or someone else to kill themselves), then ‘Report’ them.
You can block something (like #US Politics) if you can’t handle it at the moment, and then unblock it later.  Block a friend if they’re spamming something you don’t like and then unblock them later.  It’s all good!  You are in control of what shows up on your dash.
But doesn’t this mean my dash will be single-topic and boring?
The simultaneous joy and pitfall in following individuals is that MANY blogs are not single-topic.  You will be exposed to all kinds of reblogs/ideas/other people from the folks you chose to follow, and can decide for yourself if you (a) want to be involved in that topic, (b) are indifferent to that topic, or (c) want to run from it screaming.
Also, the blogs you follow will move from hobby/theme/passion over time, and you can move with them, appreciate their new topic without vibing with it, or drop them altogether.
And THIS is how you curate your dash, my friends.
***Install New XKit extension.  It’ll make your life easier!
***Here's the Tumblr Help Center, where you can learn more details.
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seoexpertschennai · 1 year
Digital marketing activities and lead generation for doctors
As a healthcare provider, your probable patients are at varying stages in their need for your assistance. Some may be looking for a new doctor because they changed insurance or aren't happy with their present provider. Others may not yet have a prime healthcare provider but have chosen to be more active with their health conditions.
How do we gain results for medical practices?
Whatever the cause, they need to find a doctor and want to know who will best meet their demands. And with a strong lead generation tactic, those individuals could become your patients.
Lead generation is the step between intro and conversion. Once potential patients hear about your service, you continue engaging with them to improve their interest and motivate them to take the following action of calling you to make a meeting.
Why is lead generation important for doctors?
the same time. With SEO, PPC, social media, and diverse other tactics, you can reach audiences you never would've been capable of with traditional marketing.
Lead generation lets you focus your actions on prospects most likely to visit your training and encourage them to do so. As you increase attention and interaction, get a better sense of what they desire and need from a doctor, and build up their confidence and faith in your team, you can walk them through the steps to making an appointment.
Another critical advantage of lead generation for doctors is that it helps purify your overall marketing endeavors. Lead generation is a multistep method, and the pool of prospects gets smaller with each step. This may sound like an adverse effect, but you're left with only the most suitable leads as the pool narrows.
However, if a substantial number of site visitors results in a paltry number of new patients and positions, there may be a flaw in the process. Perhaps your initial course attracts the wrong audience, or your value offer isn't as strong as it needs to be. By breaking down the cycle, you can comprehend what works and doesn't and how you can improve.
How can physicians generate more leads?
There are many ways to raise understanding of your practice and strengthen its credibility. These methods can also be perfect lead generation possibilities if you know how to make the most of them. The following ideas will help you effectively transform your site visitors into leads.
Participate in local events
Health fairs, gatherings, and other events put you face-to-face with colleagues and prospective patients. Since you're already going to meet individuals at public events, make the most of these new contacts and turn these events into lead-generating options.
Your specific tactics will rely on the nature of the event. If you're participating in a health fair, offer free health tips to anyone who signs up for your newsletter. Hold a drawing and ask people to submit their business cards if you're at a conference. As long as there's a freebie for giving names and a means for collecting them, you'll be able to get leads and add them to your sales pipe.
Host webinars and other online events
In-person events are great for forging new leads, but they limit your target audience to the individuals who have time in their routine to attend. And once the function is over, so is your chance to collect leads. A webinar or an online event offers the best of both worlds because it keeps yielding leads long after the event.
Host an online presentation, Q&A, or other display and then promote it on social media and other platforms. Your first batch of leads will arrive from the individuals who sign up and watch in real-time. The rest will come from those who need to access the recordings and materials after the event. These leads will arrive over the next few weeks or even months. And although you'll finally stop seeing new leads, that just means you have the option to host another event.
Offer premium site scope.
Many people look for health tips online before going to the doctor. Many of them will ultimately visit one, especially if their issues are grave, but if you create content that helps answer their initial queries, they may consider making that appointment.
The content can be an interactive survey, a guide to signs and home remedies, or a Q&A about a specific condition. In many cases, you must offer this content for free on your site without any expectations.
But for precious data, you may "gate" your content and require an email address or other contact before visitors download the materials. Follow up with everyone curious about the content, and tailor what you say based on the nature of what they downloaded. This is mainly vital if you offer several downloads on your site. The email you send to an individual who selected one about flu signs will be very distinct from the one you send to somebody who chose a resource about skin diseases or backache. Our Best Digital Marketing Agency in Chennai- SEARCH RESULTS will help you there.
The leads you connect may not need your services directly, but they'll remember your name when they do.
Want to speak with an expert? Call us at +91 75500 75393
Want to generate more leads for your clinic?
Not all web users will be inquisitive in your practice, so it's worth your time to specify qualified leads and move them toward becoming patients. If you need help with your lead generation efforts, Search Results can help. Contact us now for more details about how our marketing team and create a customized lead generation strategy for your clinic.
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 Advancing & promoting your business on Instagram requires something more than just a presence. The social networking field is so vast that customers’ affections and loyalties tend to change frequently. Like everything else in life, this is also a competition where you need to stand out among millions of stories, photos, and videos posted every day.
It seems that a random shared image can get an enormous number of likes, comments, and engagement. While a cautiously created post can leave you penniless. If your knowledge and understanding are insufficient, you can always turn to psychology.
The Solution to successful marketing is creating an emotional attachment with your target audience, and you can achieve that through a basic psychological knowledge.
It’s a popular quote which we have heard it probably a thousand times, but have you ever wondered where it comes from? Have you ever given a thought as to what is the reason behind the Instagram’s enormous popularity?
That’s because we prefer images and respond much better to visual content than written. Even when we read words, what forms inside our brain are pictures, right? It’s proven that a human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than words. And what place is more suitable for using this powerful psychological element than the platform that has been made for sharing visual content.
Instagram promotes creativity, self-expression and individuality. But it’s still in our nature to feel a strong desire to do things that others are doing. In psychological terms, it basically means that people are more likely to do things when they see others doing them. This, in turn, makes us exposed to the outside influence.
You can easily take advantage of this behaviour by utilizing popular influencers in your Instagram marketing. These well-known/ well-established influencers will always make things seem more legitimate. Every other follower will feel the need to get their hands on it too. Partnering up with them will help build your company’s credibility and raise the level of engagement.
Every social media platforms encourage interaction. As a marketer your main goal should be to build a sense of community around your brand, making your followers feel like a part of the family.
If you want to use this method to your advantage you mustn’t allow them to feel ignored. You should make it a practice to like their photos and reply to their comments. It’s best to choose a part of the day or week for that task and make it a routine. In spite of that routine, you mustn’t sound like a robot because people connect to the human behind the brand, and not the brand itself.
Marketing your products out there and gaining new followers, likes, comments and engagement for your business pages and post is not a one day process.  The proven reason behind many successful business pages is that those businesses post regularly and consistently and wait patiently for results.
As a marketer, you should understand that patience is the key to success and should not expect your audience to react to them immediately like obedient pets. It’s a logical fact that more interaction is equal to a higher chance for better connections and engagements. You need to help people learn to value your products and you’ll achieve that by repetition, which is why it is one of the most important strategies is to post consistently. So get your calendar planned and start working, map out the schedule, and put marketing psychology and its tactics to use.
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chujingblog2022 · 2 years
Public Health Campaigns And Communities
Overview Of Public Health Campaign
Public health campaigns intentionally enlighten the populace about ways they might live better lives by fending against present health risks or promoting changes in behaviour (The Aspiring Medics 2020). Public health campaigns may, for instance, work to raise vaccination coverage, decrease teen smoking rates, promote teen safe sex practices, or encourage young children to eat healthily. Public entities, such as state and local governments, nonprofit groups, and for-profit businesses frequently deploy public health campaigns, which are typically promoted through considerable media coverage, such as radio, television, and print advertisement. In collaboration with other organizations like schools, companies, community groups, etc., it is planned by the local government.
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Examples Of Public Health Campaigns Advertised Through Social Media In Malaysia
“Stop Smoking” Campaign
Through social media, the Ministry of Health (MOH) introduced its "Stop Smoking" campaign. Young people between the ages of 18 and 30 were the initial target audience for the campaign, but it has now been expanded to encompass all Malaysians, regardless of age.
‘Clean Air Week’ Campaign
The #MalaysiaHealthCampaigns and #MyHealthForUMalaysia hashtags were used in Instagram posts to support the "Clean Air Week" campaign, which sought to educate young people about the hazards of second-hand smoke (SHS).
“Kita Semua Boleh” Campaign
The "Kita Semua Boleh" campaign of the Health Ministry uses social media to encourage healthy lifestyle decisions including eating a balanced diet and exercising often to lower the number of individuals who suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses.
Social Media Platforms Used To Share The Public Health Campaign With Our Malaysian Citizens
The most well-liked platforms on social media for spreading public health campaigns among Malaysians are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. On these social media platforms, the campaign's information is also available in several other languages. For instance, public health messages may be available on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in Malay, English, and Chinese, respectively.
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Advantages Of Using Social Media To Inform The Public About The Public Health
Social media facilitates the capacity to instantly contact a big wide range of people. Social media allows you to spread information and engage in discourse with a huge number of people, which may help messages spread quicker than conventional means. For example, it is simple for someone who has been impacted by a disease outbreak to share images and videos of the signs and symptoms they are experiencing online.
Furthermore, social media is a low-cost option to reach a big number of individuals with a message. It's also a good way to reach out to those who are already interested in health concerns. Social media can be utilized as a part of a larger communications plan or on its own.
Moreover, social media allows healthcare professionals to exchange knowledge, discuss problems with healthcare policy and practice, encourage healthy behaviours, interact with the general public, and instruct and communicate with patients, caregivers, students, and coworkers. Social media may be used by medical professionals to encourage patients, build a professional network, boost personal awareness of news and breakthroughs, and disseminate health information to the public (Ventola 2014).
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Dangers To The Public If High Reliability On Social Media For Public Health Campaigns
A high-reliability social media approach for public health campaigns poses the risk that it will be utilized improperly to influence people. For instance, if you want to utilize social media as part of a campaign to discourage smoking, but you also post on Facebook that "don't smoke because it will kill you," this might do more harm than good. Therefore, utilizing social media in this manner has hazards. There are enormous advantages too if they are utilized properly and ethically.
One of them is that individuals could put off getting medical help if they have a symptom or sickness if they fear that it will be posted online and spread among their friends, family, and colleagues. Infectious illnesses could spread more widely as a result of this. Concern has also been raised concerning the effects on people's mental health who believe social media sites have revealed their personal information.
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Social media is a great resource for spreading the word and connecting with people. However, false information may spread swiftly as well, particularly when there are no checks and balances in place. Providing accurate and current information about public health concerns is the finest thing we can do.
Reference List
The Aspiring Medics 2020, Public health campaigns, The Aspiring Medics, The Aspiring Medics, viewed 5 November 2022, <https://www.theaspiringmedics.co.uk/post/public-health-campaign>.
Ventola, CL 2014, ‘Social media and health care professionals: Benefits, risks, and best practices’, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, vol. 39, no.7, viewed 5 November 2022, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4103576/>.
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searchresultsposts · 2 years
Digital Marketing Activities and Lead Generation for Doctors
As a healthcare provider, your probable patients are at varying stages in their need for your assistance. Some may be looking for a new doctor because they changed insurance or aren't happy with their present provider. Others may not yet have a prime healthcare provider but have chosen to be more active with their health conditions.
How do we gain results for medical practices?
Whatever the cause, they need to find a doctor and want to know who will best meet their demands. And with a strong lead generation tactic, those individuals could become your patients.
Lead generation is the step between intro and conversion. Once potential patients hear about your service, you continue engaging with them to improve their interest and motivate them to take the following action of calling you to make a meeting.
Why is lead generation important for doctors?
the same time. With SEO, PPC, social media, and diverse other tactics, you can reach audiences you never would've been capable of with traditional marketing.
Lead generation lets you focus your actions on prospects most likely to visit your training and encourage them to do so. As you increase attention and interaction, get a better sense of what they desire and need from a doctor, and build up their confidence and faith in your team, you can walk them through the steps to making an appointment.
Another critical advantage of lead generation for doctors is that it helps purify your overall marketing endeavors. Lead generation is a multistep method, and the pool of prospects gets smaller with each step. This may sound like an adverse effect, but you're left with only the most suitable leads as the pool narrows.
However, if a substantial number of site visitors results in a paltry number of new patients and positions, there may be a flaw in the process. Perhaps your initial course attracts the wrong audience, or your value offer isn't as strong as it needs to be. By breaking down the cycle, you can comprehend what works and doesn't and how you can improve.
How can physicians generate more leads?
There are many ways to raise understanding of your practice and strengthen its credibility. These methods can also be perfect lead generation possibilities if you know how to make the most of them. The following ideas will help you effectively transform your site visitors into leads.
Participate in local events
Health fairs, gatherings, and other events put you face-to-face with colleagues and prospective patients. Since you're already going to meet individuals at public events, make the most of these new contacts and turn these events into lead-generating options.
Your specific tactics will rely on the nature of the event. If you're participating in a health fair, offer free health tips to anyone who signs up for your newsletter. Hold a drawing and ask people to submit their business cards if you're at a conference. As long as there's a freebie for giving names and a means for collecting them, you'll be able to get leads and add them to your sales pipe.
Host webinars and other online events
In-person events are great for forging new leads, but they limit your target audience to the individuals who have time in their routine to attend. And once the function is over, so is your chance to collect leads. A webinar or an online event offers the best of both worlds because it keeps yielding leads long after the event.
Host an online presentation, Q&A, or other display and then promote it on social media and other platforms. Your first batch of leads will arrive from the individuals who sign up and watch in real-time. The rest will come from those who need to access the recordings and materials after the event. These leads will arrive over the next few weeks or even months. And although you'll finally stop seeing new leads, that just means you have the option to host another event.
Offer premium site scope.
Many people look for health tips online before going to the doctor. Many of them will ultimately visit one, especially if their issues are grave, but if you create content that helps answer their initial queries, they may consider making that appointment.
The content can be an interactive survey, a guide to signs and home remedies, or a Q&A about a specific condition. In many cases, you must offer this content for free on your site without any expectations.
But for precious data, you may "gate" your content and require an email address or other contact before visitors download the materials. Follow up with everyone curious about the content, and tailor what you say based on the nature of what they downloaded. This is mainly vital if you offer several downloads on your site. The email you send to an individual who selected one about flu signs will be very distinct from the one you send to somebody who chose a resource about skin diseases or backache.
The leads you connect may not need your services directly, but they'll remember your name when they do.
Want to speak with an expert? Call us at +91 75500 75393
Want to generate more leads for your clinic?
Not all web users will be inquisitive in your practice, so it's worth your time to specify qualified leads and move them toward becoming patients. If you need help with your lead generation efforts, Search Results can help. Contact us now for more details about how our Digital Marketing team and create a customized lead generation strategy for your clinic.
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brakeedger31 · 2 years
There's A Proper Approach To Discuss Instagram Followers And There's Another Way...
1000's of pleased Instagrammers come again every day to get their free followers. You may be amazed once you start getting thousands of Instagram followers without spending a dime. Start gaining followers. We will never ask for your password. We perceive that not everybody is ready to afford followers. However as recently as yesterday (December 12), a new replace to Instagram revealed what to me is a disturbing development: beneath "View Insights" it now reveals how a lot of your impressions come from hashtags versus your followers. You may definitely create footage there and like in different various different social media, can easily share those images with regard to other people to view. They promise that they care about your safety on the market as nicely and actually have a cash-back assure, so there’s no love misplaced if issues don’t work out between you two. Getting began is easy - You possibly can have your account running in minutes with three easy steps and backed by affording pricing options and a 14-day money-again guarantee.
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An amazing beginner's possibility for rising your Instagram account with more followers, likes, and engagement. All in all, we think that this is a good site to achieve Instagram followers from. A lot of people today are turning to sites where you can buy Instagram followers to attempt to make a difference. One thing that stands out to us about this company is that they will aid you on different social media platforms as properly, so you don’t must limit yourself to just Instagram. The following company to buy Instagram followers from on our list is InstaMama. We actually can’t find anything about this company that we don’t like. We don’t want your password and also you don’t must login via Instagram to get top quality, focused, free Instagram followers. buy instagram followers love that their costs are tremendous inexpensive, so that you don’t must be earning the massive bucks to have the ability to afford them. Simply because the advertising instrument of both Facebook and Instagram are not linked doesn't suggest you cannot use the Facebook advertising expertise to target audience on Instagram. That is one Facebook characteristic that has actually changed the best way content material creators and pages interact with their followers.
They promise that the Instagram followers they ship their shoppers are above board, top quality, and real individuals. Instagram is Quick: this speedy social media sharing app is utilized by thousands and thousands of individuals day by day, which signifies that thousands and thousands of pieces of content material are uploaded every day. They also say that they offer real-time followers that rea premium and a few of the very best within the business, and in addition they provide quick supply in order that you can get on together with your Instagram development with out having to wait around for too long. They will make it easier to with fast buyer support, too, which in this industry is value its weight in gold. You may as well ask them open-ended questions or submit polls to know what content material they want to see and engage with them much more. They offer a vast range of focusing on methods which lets you pin-point your most supreme follower, and for local companies you may even goal by location or gender, these are simply some of the extra cool superior target options they've.
Lead Era: you don't just use Instagram for brand consciousness but you may even generate leads & flip them into prospects via Instagram. The customers of the social media platforms can gain more traffic than these web site designers who do not need a social media presence as much. This may make your posts discover-capable of people who are on the lookout for the content material associated to a particular trade or a brand. Post contents like health ideas, did you know articles, posts busting healthcare myths and so on to coach your patients. Creating an Instagram account and profiling will not be a tough process for freshmen, but it is a should to judge twice about what to publish on Instagram? Skweezer started selling my account immediately. With Skweezer get Instagram followers 100% free simply. They selected for Skweezer to draw the correct type of viewers, with out tough targeting. A strong social media advertising and marketing plan with the help of Medical Search engine marketing companies is significant to your healthcare business to enhance on-line visibility, entice the fitting audience, and improve leads and conversions. It does assist to advertise your account, however who's going to comply with an account that has 0 followers? All of it begins with the name you are going to decide on on your account, as your account identify is what the folks can be trying out first.
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ohnominamino · 3 years
An Essay on Love in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a movie about love in all its forms. From the love of family, friends, and neighbors, to the compassion we feel for people we have never met. The movie reminds us that love is something we continuously gain, lose, and choose, again and again. Which love is greatest? In my opinion, the answer to that question is left up to interpretation. In this essay, I will give my own personal interpretation on certain character interactions and what I believe we are meant to take away from their Rebuild portrayals. 
The character I will start with is one I’ve noticed the most outrage over from people who haven’t seen the movie and read out-of-context spoilers: Kaworu Nagisa. 
Kaworu is a beloved character among many Evangelion fans, especially those who are members of the LGBT+ community. He is a canonical love interest of Shinji Ikari and I want to reassure people that this final movie does not change that fact. However, it does not make the couple blatantly endgame either. This skirting around the couple might make some fans upset, and while their feelings are completely valid, I do not think they fully understand the difficulties faced by LGBT+ people in Japan, nor do they understand the way that romance is typically conveyed in Japanese storytelling. (I recommend watching “Is ‘Yuri On Ice’ Good Gay Representation?” by James Somerton for more about storytelling nuances.) 
What have we been shown about Shinji and Kaworu’s love? The good news is, anything you read into the original TV series and End of Evangelion is completely true for the Rebuilds— because Kaworu is the same Kaworu. This movie proves Evangelion is a single universe set on repeat, and that Kaworu and Shinji meet each other every loop, and in each, Kaworu is trying to make Shinji happy. Within the final movie, Shinji becomes aware of the loops and chooses to break the cycle and free Kaworu from his pain. 
What does the relationship between Shinji and Kaworu teach us? I believe the purpose of their love is to show the audience that first, in the words of Kaji, “love has no gender.” Second, I believe Kaworu’s love in particular is a warning about basing your own happiness solely upon another person. There are parallels drawn between Gendo/Yui and Kaworu/Shinji. Gendo could not exist without Yui, and so he was willing to destroy the world to be reunited with her. For Kaworu, it was not the destruction of humanity, but the destruction of himself that defined his tragedy. What’s important within the final movie, in my opinion, is that Shinji does not reject Kaworu’s love. With the insight he’s gained from remembering past loops, he sees Kaworu’s love and appreciates him, but he also sees his suffering and wants to ease it. He helps Kaworu into a new world where he can seek his own happiness and find balance in his life (something his father did not have). 
While Kaworu and Shinji are not seen as an explicit couple at the end of the movie, it’s significant to note that, when he sets Kaworu free, Shinji holds out his hand to Kaworu as a promise to stay together. Over the course of the movie, Shinji comes to accept his connection to others through accepting touch (in the form of hand holding and hugs from Rei, Misato, and Gendo); however, Kaworu is the only character in the movie who Shinji initiates physical contact with and that speaks to how much Kaworu means to him. This simple gesture, in my opinion, keeps the door open for Kaworu and Shinji to be a couple one day, after Kaworu has found more balance in his life. 
If I were to write an entire essay about Kaworu, it would be titled, “Out of the Coffin: How the Resurrection of Kaworu Nagisa Buries the Tragic Lovers Trope” because this movie truly does just that. 
Another potential love interest for Shinji for many years was Asuka; however, unlike with Kaworu, the nature of this relationship is not left up to interpretation by the end of the movie. Before her big final battle, Asuka tells Shinji, “I think I loved you back then” (regarding their time in middle school) and Shinji, during Instrumentality, tells Asuka, “Thank you for saying you loved me. I loved you too.” It is past tense. 
What does this relationship teach us? It’s a beautiful way of showing that we can love people, and grow and learn, and let go when we no longer fit each other. Letting go is an integral part of life. Whereas other Instrumentality scenes involve touch, Asuka’s, mirroring the ending of End of Evangelion, has a distinct lack of touch. Shinji sits with his arms around his knees and Asuka turns her body away from him. He gives her his thanks and he sends her off to find her peace. Asuka and Shinji teach us that it’s okay to grow out of relationships. You can appreciate what they were to you at the time they happened and move on. 
What about Rei? To be honest with you, this movie is less about Rei’s relationship with Shinji, and more about her relationship with the world. Rei teaches movie viewers about the simple pleasures of living. While Shinji is in mourning for the first quarter of the movie, Rei (as “Sokkuri”) is learning about crop growing and community, the wonder of babies and kittens, the joy of the bath after a long day of fruitful work, and the power of words and picture books. At the end of her life, she only regrets not having more time to spend with the people she loves. In Instrumentality, Shinji accepts her hand when it is offered to him, which I hope signifies he is ready to see life as she had come to during the final movie. 
Rei teaches us that we can love living and to not take our limited time for granted. 
Next, we move on to parent figures: Gendo and Misato. I think they both represent people ill suited to the role, who do the best they can despite it. Gendo, as mentioned for Kaworu above, is a warning about defining yourself by your relationship to another person (Ikari, afterall, is Yui’s name). He is also a lesson in how people mourn and how they can lash out. Misato, like Gendo, felt herself a poor parent, and while mourning the loss of Kaji, she gave up her child to be raised by other people, but, unlike Gendo, went forward to put all her energy into protecting humanity. Both of them reach out to hug Shinji within the movie and he accepts them where they are. 
While I wouldn’t say the movie shows that Shinji forgives Gendo, it does show his making an effort to understand and make peace with what others have done. For Misato, it is fair to say we can still hope for a better future, even when it feels like everything is crumbling around us. Her self-sacrificing love for her son and the whole of humanity is what enables Shinji to then save the people he loves (via the spear of Gaius). 
In the movie, we are also shown friendship. Touji, Hikari, and Kensuke are important members of their community who maintain open communication with those around them and respect others’ boundaries. They are patient and kind and represent the importance of being present. They teach us to meet people where they are and support them how we can, whether it’s giving them a warm meal or giving them space when they need it. 
There are many more characters that could be talked about, but today I am going to end on Mari. Mari’s love is physical. She enjoys being in people’s personal bubbles. She cuddles Asuka and helps trim her hair, she gets into Gendo’s space at college, and at the end of the movie, she reaches out her hand to Shinji to help him stand up from his seat. Upon first glance, some viewers might take Mari and Shinji’s final scene to be romantic, but the reality of it is this: We do not, and cannot, know what kind of love she is meant to represent in his life.
We do not know Mari’s relationship with Shinji because they hardly interact in the movie. She clearly cares about him, but in my opinion, it comes from a place of duty and compassion— Mari was friends with Gendo and Yui. She has been there since he was born. (If we take the manga to be canon, then Mari even had romantic feelings towards his mother. Her hairstyle and glasses are from Yui. At the end of the movie, Mari has changed her hairstyle, which to me implies she has moved on, and “getting” with Shinji would be a thematic break.)
Additionally, their conversation, while flirty, is very much one that implies they haven’t seen each other for a while. Mari is someone who is very physically affectionate. With everyone. If someone ignores that and focuses on the fact she gets into Shinji’s space and claims that’s romantic, they better acknowledge it’s possibly romantic with Asuka, who we see far more intimacy with. When Mari flirts, Shinji flirts back and her initial reaction is surprise, “Wow, you’ve learned to talk back!” Her purpose is clear. She is there to remove the DSS choker from his neck. 
Personally, I love that Mari is the one to close the movie, for the exact reason that we do not know her relationship with Shinji. For Mari to have an assigned role would be to say, “This kind of love is most important,” when the entire movie was spent showing us each love is of equal importance in the balance and building of our lives. (It’s wonderful to see those types of love embodied across the platform from Shinji at the end of the movie: Rei and Kaworu, who, just like in End of Evangelion, could signify the ability to connect with others and be loved.)
If you view Mari as a romantic love interest, then I think it speaks to the value that you as an individual give to romance rather than what the characters themselves are feeling. To me, Mari, the character who was created to “destroy Eva,” is a symbol of all love. When Shinji takes her offered hand and then pulls her to run into the new world, it’s a symbol of balance. The give and take of any kind of relationship. 
We are the product of every relationship we have ever had, from our parents to the people we once loved, from our friendships to any other person we want to stay connected to. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a story about these relationships. It is a story about love. 
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putschki1969 · 3 years
KEIKO 2nd album "dew" is NOT a commercial success on ORICON. It debuted on #29 and today it was ranked out on daily album chart. What's wrong with her álbum, she would promoted more?
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Uhmmmm, I don't know. I wouldn't say it's a flop just yet. Maybe not a hit but it reached a higher position than her 1st album "Lantana" so at least that's a good thing, right? The daily charts only show the ranks 1-30 so it's really no surprise "dew" didn't make it onto that list the following day but that's not to say that it completely dropped out of the charts. I think we won't know any details before they release the numbers for the weekly charts. Let's be patient a little while longer before judging the success of the album.
Nothing is wrong with her album per se, it's a solid release and according to many fans (including myself) much better than her 1st one in terms of quality and content. Avex stepped up their game by deciding to include a ton of MVs as bonus material - providing a proper incentive to make a purchase and at least somehow justifying the horrendous prices they are charging for the album.
Still, they could have done a better job overall. The promotion was pretty much limited to YouTube and while it is a good platform to attract overseas fans, it’s not the most ideal method to reach a Japanese audience. Just look at the comment section of her YouTube videos, a bunch of messages from foreign fans but hardly any interaction from Japanese fans. Keiko had no radio/TV appearances to promote the release, there were barely any appealing tokutens or an release event during the marketing campaign. These are the things that make Japanese fans buy physical copies.
Also, there is no denying that the albums (at least the LEs) are just way too expensive for what they are, even for Japanese standards. I have no idea what Avex are thinking charging such crazy amounts. Maybe it’s their way to ensure they will at least break even? Then again, they don’t even invest THAT much into the production, it’s obvious that they are saving money and going with the cheapest options whenever they can. So what exactly makes them do this?
And let’s just address the elephant in the room, many fans are just no longer willing to show support and pay for content. We live in a world where everyone wants everything for free. Often it’s not even because those people are struggling financially, it's just that they refuse to pay money for something they take for granted. At the same time, content creators are charging more and more to make up for losses which creates a vicious circle of course because it makes people even less likely to pay for said content.
The Oricon weekly album charts have just been released and unfortunately the result is rather disappointing. While she did debut at #29, she never made it into the Top 50 in the weekly ranking. She only managed to reach #52 which means she probably sold around 1,200 copies of her album. I cannot tell you the exact number because the details for the ranks 50 - 100 are not available without a paid Oricon subscription.
This makes her 2nd album “dew” much less successful than her 1st one “Lantana” which reached #32. I also checked out the Oricon digital album weekly ranking but no sign of Keiko there either. At least she made it into the Top 20 of the mora weekly album charts so lots of people seem to have bought the FLACs there.
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To put things into persepctive, here is a look at Wakana’s rankings which aren’t great either but not too shabby when you compare them to Keiko’s.
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Avex REALLY NEED to improve their crappy marketing strategy. This album deserved so much more. It’s a shame.
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becomewings · 3 years
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The Most Beautiful Moment in Life <I’M FINE>
     BTS Universe Story Highlights, pt. 1 / 4
» pt. 2
BTS Universe Story, a mobile game published by Netmarble, was released on September 24, 2020. While the majority of the app is essentially a sandbox and engine for users to create their own interactive stories, it also includes official and canon BU content. The first eight segments were introduced between the release date and December 2020, gathered under the title The Most Beautiful Moment in Life <I’M FINE>.
“I’m Fine” is half of the I’m Fine/Save Me ambigram introduced in the Love Yourself era. Notably, all of the BU content available in the game so far falls between events of the webtoon Save Me (also called HYYH0 in its logo) and The Notes 1—chronologically, that is, while bearing in mind that time resets to the morning of 11 April Year 22 whenever SeokJin fails to avert a tragedy among his six friends. I want to assure anyone who is unable to play the game that you are not missing any new, major plot beats from the overall BU narrative. Instead, the stories provide more insight into the motivations and consequences of SeokJin’s decisions in the earlier time loops, as well as more depth to individual characters and their circumstances.
The goal of this guide is to summarize each of the eight stories and highlight noteworthy details, especially if they are not yet present in other BU media. Within each story (which I often refer to as an arc, due to their character-focused nature), episodes must be played successively, but the stories themselves can be played in any order. I will present them over a series of posts in the order they are listed under the <I’M FINE> heading. The Prologue and NamJoon’s arc are free to play; the rest are paid content. Please note that due to the app’s Terms & Conditions, I will not include in-game footage here. The images in this guide are sourced from the official trailers/videos and the live action MVs as appropriate.
Content warning: contains references to death, suicide, suicidal ideation, child abuse, domestic violence, blood, homicide, depression, trauma, PTSD
This guide contains major spoilers and includes references to other BU media
Do not repost, copy, or quote without permission
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Game Mechanic
Before diving into the summaries, I would like to address the primary mechanic of the game: the user’s control of character choices at designated moments in the stories. It’s a primary marketing point that the player can influence the progression of the narrative, with a frequent in-app tip also declaring, “stories’ endings can vary depending on your choices.” The latter is not strictly true—and it cannot be true due to the structure of the game. Choices are presented within most (not all) episodes, but each episode is an isolated unit: episode 2 provides the same content regardless of what you choose in episode 1. Since the consequences of your decisions are not cumulative, each episode reaches the same ending, and each decision inevitably rejoins the “main” story path (effectively reducing the script size).
So what is the point of this mechanic? While the system is not nearly as complex as what major platform titles are capable of nowadays (I suspect due in large part to the story creation portion of the game), it does foster a sense of interaction with the narrative that isn’t present in static visual media like comics or film. The episodes with choices also have incentive for replay to discover the impact of changing a character’s dialogue or action. Sometimes the differences between the outcomes are inconsequential, but other times you unearth new details, interactions, or memories that are missing in the other path.
I say this partially in reaction to all of the comments and tweets I read for the game trailers and even Smeraldo Book twitter’s choose-your-own-adventure style teasers with The Notes 2 excerpts released last summer. Many users expressed excitement, through words or memes, about finally being able to give the boys the happy ending they deserved. I don’t fault anyone for wanting that happy ending—I wish for it, too. But no matter what the rather overzealous marketing has claimed, I don’t believe that the canon ending of BU is ever meant to be in the audience’s control. But I do feel that this mechanism fits the BU narrative. It echoes the “countless loops” SeokJin has experienced in an effort to save his friends, the choices he must make at every crossroad, and the butterfly effect those actions have on all of their lives. I think it is reasonable to interpret the simple branching paths in the game as alternatives SeokJin has explored across multiple loops in his struggle to find the “right” way forward. I’d love to hear if you have theories of your own!
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The prologue is a brief episode introducing SeokJin’s repeated struggle and failure to save his friends. He wakes up yet again in his bed on 11 April Year 22, the beginning of the time loop. After reflecting on the tragedies that keep befalling the others, SeokJin realizes that he has only tried to fix the problems he can see. He wonders: “Have I tried to understand the root of my friends’ misfortunes? How much do I really know about my friends? Maybe I was never brave enough to confront their real scars and the worlds they’ve been living in. But I need to do it. Because it may be the key to saving them all.”
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How to Offer a Hand
In this story, SeokJin attempts to prevent NamJoon’s arrest after he gets in a fight with a rude customer at Naeri Gas Station, his place of work. The first episode opens on the night of 11 April Year 22 with NamJoon curling his fists, glaring as crumpled bills lie untouched on the pavement. (The money looks similar to the shot from the I Need U MV.) SeokJin reaches for his shoulder, but NamJoon shrugs him off and strides away to punch the customer who deliberately dropped the bills for him to pick up. The gas station owner runs over at the customer’s furious shouts and orders NamJoon to apologize. He refuses, and police officers soon arrive and charge him with assault. No one listens to SeokJin’s protests that the customer started it first. The man sneers as NamJoon enters the police car. “Do you even have money for a settlement? Hey, you’re done for.” NamJoon is sentenced to prison again, and SeokJin hears glass shattering before the loop resets.
Rising from his bed on the morning of 11 April, SeokJin reflects on his failed efforts so far. He has hit the customer’s car, called for NamJoon in the middle of the incident, and stopped the fight himself, the latter of which caused his friends to avoid him later. The fight has even escalated; the details are unspecified, but the audience is provided an ominous shot of SeokJin speaking to a police officer alone at the scene. NamJoon is not the kind of person who would normally respond to that kind of provocation with his fists. SeokJin realizes that he cannot merely stop the fight but must discover and fix the true cause of it.
With this in mind, SeokJin heads to Naeri Gas Station during the day and tries to engage NamJoon. This is their first time meeting since they both returned to Songju, although SeokJin has experienced it in many loops already. “It’s been a while,” he greets (as he does at the end of the Blood Sweat & Tears Japanese version MV). Before SeokJin can dig deeper in their conversation, NamJoon is called away by his boss. SeokJin enters the small employee break room which serves as NamJoon’s living space when he’s not at the container, hoping to find some clues about his friend’s life. SeokJin locates something bundled in newspapers. If the player chooses to open it, he sees a strange shard of glass inside that may belong to a car or motorcycle headlight. He continues on, finding the book Cosmos by Carl Sagan and a notebook. SeokJin hesitates over the invasion of privacy but decides to read it since he needs all the information that he can gather. The journal entries detail NamJoon’s daily life since returning to Songju: his work at the gas station isn’t too bad despite the occasional rude customer; he purchased a book and hopes to get more in the future; he picked up a second job at a wedding hall to help catch up on bills; his brother NamHyeon got in trouble again, leading to more expenses; and his dad’s health has worsened, with hospital bills after an emergency surgery rising to levels that the family cannot afford. SeokJin knew that NamJoon was the de facto head of household due to his father’s illness but was unaware that it was to this degree. He feels sorry for NamJoon yet is also impressed by his maturity, for NamJoon never writes how difficult his situation is.
NamJoon arrives and asks what SeokJin is doing in the room. If the player chooses to answer “reading” instead of “just sitting there,” SeokJin privately observes that the conversation flows more easily when they talk about books. NamJoon says he must leave and declines when SeokJin offers to wait for him there. SeokJin knocks over a pile of books along with money and receipts as he stands. He thinks it is unusual that NamJoon picks up the books before the money. The books seem to be more than a hobby to NamJoon, holding special meaning. Walking to his car, SeokJin wonders if it is pride or determination not to falter that keeps NamJoon from journaling his grievances. He realizes that money is a constant source of frustration and misery to NamJoon, and that’s why he can’t stomach being insulted over the customer’s dropped money. SeokJin’s new plan is to prevent NamJoon from picking up the money. He also calls Palgok County Hospital and offers to pay the patient bill for NamJoon’s father. Anticipating that NamJoon will be angry if he finds out, SeokJin says the payer is Songho Foundation.
That night, SeokJin returns to the gas station with the excuse that he forgot to fill up earlier. The luxury car arrives with a honk, and NamJoon hurries over to assist. He shakes with anger when the customer drops the money on the ground. “Why aren’t you picking it up? You don’t want it? What’s with that look? Pretty arrogant for a part-timer, aren’t you?” goads the customer. SeokJin intervenes. Whether the player chooses to have him advise NamJoon not to pick it up or to order the customer to pick it up himself, the end result is the same. SeokJin asks the customer, “Why are you harassing a pitiful part-timer?” The customer drives away, and something about NamJoon seems off. His face is expressionless, not mad or humiliated. “SeokJin, you…” He stops. “Never mind. Thank you for your help.” The words sound difficult for him to speak.
SeokJin believes that he has saved NamJoon, although this ending feels sloppy. He continues on in the loop to rescue JungKook and later YoonGi, but uneasiness plagues him. Though he meant to help NamJoon with his actions, SeokJin wonders if he hurt him instead. On 5 May Year 22, he returns to the gas station and follows NamJoon when he leaves work early. NamJoon enters a bookstore, and SeokJin sneaks in after him to watch from afar. He overhears employees talking about NamJoon, worrying that he might dirty the pages of the book he’s perusing. NamJoon is too absorbed in the book to notice one of them calling for his attention. SeokJin recalls a memory from their school days when he found NamJoon reading alone in their classroom hideout: he asked why NamJoon read so diligently, and his friend explained that he found it comforting to empty his thoughts of everything else while focused on the book. In the present, SeokJin wonders how he forgot how much books mean to NamJoon. He sacrifices some of his food and transportation budget to afford them, but they enable him “to endure the weight of the world he’s forced to bear on his shoulders.” After realizing this, SeokJin wants to apologize for carelessly sympathizing with the reality that NamJoon has weathered alone.
The next episode is from NamJoon’s perspective, revealing his excitement over being able to purchase a book for the first time in two months. He wants to buy two but can only afford one. The employee at the register sighs and asks why he leafed through a book he wasn’t going to buy. NamJoon apologizes, and she mutters, “So dirty.” He notices his reflection, clothes worn and smelling of gasoline, and realizes she’s talking about him, not the book. He tries to shake off these depressing thoughts, but he is still not accustomed to this treatment despite experiencing it regularly at work. As NamJoon begins to exit the store, the security alarm goes off. The employees demand to check his bag despite his insistence that he didn’t steal anything. Their certainty of his theft angers him. NamJoon allows them to look through his bag, and they are suspicious of the like-new book in it which he brought from home. One begins to call the police until SeokJin appears, vouching for NamJoon by saying he saw everything. The employees accept that the alarm malfunctioned and excuse their suspicions as a mistake.
Outside, SeokJin asks NamJoon if he is all right. NamJoon is thankful but wonders how SeokJin materialized right when he needed him. “How’d you find me here?” he asks aloud. SeokJin explains that he happened to notice him while walking through the neighborhood. NamJoon wonders if it’s because they said goodbye on a weird note last time. He thanks him and turns to leave. SeokJin calls after him. “I’m sorry. I wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean to upset you that day at the gas station. It was a mistake to have called you pitiful. If my rash actions hurt you, I’m really sorry.” NamJoon accepts his apology, believing it to be sincere, and says that things would have turned out a lot worse if SeokJin had not intervened. Thunder rolls overhead, and NamJoon uses the impending rain as his excuse to depart. He declines SeokJin’s offer of a ride and runs home, feeling his friend’s eyes on him.
Before he can settle down to read at home, NamJoon receives a call from his cheerful mother. She thanks him for paying off the entire hospital bill. NamJoon is perplexed and asks what’s on the receipt, since he didn’t pay it. His mother wants to leave it be, but he insists that they investigate so they don’t get in trouble or sued. She reads that the Songho Foundation is credited as the payer. NamJoon calls the hospital, introducing himself as the guardian for Kim YoungMin, but they can’t transfer him to the administrative department at this time. Disappointed, he looks up the foundation’s website, unable to recall why it sounds familiar. He wonders why a scholarship foundation in the city would get involved with him. Spotting photos of a recent launch ceremony on the site, he recognizes a few people: Songju High School’s principal, the familiar-looking face of the foundation’s chairman, and SeokJin. First, NamJoon forces a laugh, and then it’s difficult for him to breathe. He thinks that SeokJin really had pitied him at that moment. The only thing keeping NamJoon going is the idea of getting through life on his own strength. Why does he have to live like this?
The last episode opens on 5 May back in SeokJin’s perspective. He is confident now that he has saved NamJoon, although it occurs to him that a better alternative may have been to simply pick up the money himself instead of stepping forward. (This decision is enacted in a later loop and depicted in the Euphoria MV.) While reflecting on what comes next to save his other friends, he receives a text from NamJoon. “What’s your account number? I’ll pay you back for the hospital bills. I don’t need your help. I’ll handle my concerns on my own.” Heart sinking, SeokJin wonders how he found out. With a sense of foreboding, he tries calling NamJoon, but no one answers. SeokJin texts him back, pretending that he doesn’t understand, and tells NamJoon to call him. SeokJin’s second attempt connects while he’s gathering his car keys to visit the container. “That’s enough. Just send the account number over text,” NamJoon instructs. SeokJin coaxes him to talk for a moment, and NamJoon asks flatly, “Are you going to apologize again?” SeokJin attempts to salvage the situation, but his friend turns cold when he insists that NamJoon is misunderstanding and that he just wanted to help. “So, why? Why are you helping me?! Yeah, you’re always a good person. You’ve done nothing wrong and I’m the one misunderstanding.” SeokJin apologizes again. NamJoon refuses his request to meet in person. “No, I thought maybe there was a reason for everything you did… But I guess I misconstrued it. I’ll pay you back, so I’d prefer if you stopped contacting me.” Long after the call ends, SeokJin stands holding his phone, feeling that the glass is going to break at any moment. He wants to believe that it’s not over, but hope is slipping through his fingertips.
The episode finishes in NamJoon’s perspective. On 8 May and 9 May, he accepts part-time delivery work and reflects on his three jobs. Whenever he thinks he’s at his breaking point, he focuses on his new goal of returning SeokJin’s money. On 10 May, NamJoon wakes up to his buzzing phone and is called in to work. On a scooter, he passes by a bus stop and notices graffiti. (This is the same bus stop, with matching graffiti, that appears in the Highlight Reel.) Mesmerized, he wonders if it’s TaeHyung’s. As soon as NamJoon looks up, the scooter’s brake fails, and he crashes. The shattered glass on the cold pavement reminds him of the headlight shard and the kid who looked like TaeHyung. (So the piece of glass SeokJin saw in April was really a memento NamJoon retrieved from the scene of the crash in the mountain town, where the delivery boy whom he privately called TaeHyung died. This event is described in NamJoon’s 17 December Year 21 entry in The Notes 1.) NamJoon’s vision grows blurry, and the distant sound of an ambulance doesn’t come any closer.
The arc concludes there, but it obviously marks another reset for SeokJin. It is interesting to note that in this failed loop, NamJoon suffers the same fate that he narrowly avoided in the snowy mountain town before returning to Songju.
Please stay tuned for the next Highlights post featuring JungKook and YoonGi!
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delicourse · 3 years
do you have any tips for someone just starting to post their art? what platform do you prefer?
this is hard to answer since i started out a while ago when these platforms worked a bit different! it also depends on what you want as an online artist. community? commission opportunities? different sites will have different things to offer there. since i’ve been on tumblr for the longest time, and only started with twitter once tumblr goofed up, those are the only sites i can compare for now.
so a quick summary; tumblr being dead is kinda true. i have well over 17k followers but you wouldn’t be able to tell based on post engagement. but! if you do manage to get some traction here i find it to be the best site to just chill on. people are very open and unfiltered with art comments through tags, and asks are also common if you seem open to them! tumblr used to be THE site for fanartists imho, both for fun social hangout and for earning money. while things dont “trend” anymore, i do think people still sometimes go through tags of fandoms they care about. no clue how one would manage as an original content artist though.
twitter is where i get new audiences and actually grow. majority of my commission inquiries are from there too. overall its a great place where using trending tags work well! tags relevant to who u are(there are specific tags for promoting minority artists for example!) tend to actually get a lot of likes/retweets/follows from other artists! i rarely ever partake (i should but i always feel so embarrassed lol), but based on the few times i have gotten in with the hip trends, they DO work. also the comments and social interaction feel WAY more public - GREAT if you like feeling like a PR agent! - but kinda stressful if you’re socially anxious(cringe) like me. also other artists tend to be way more likely to interact with you too, so building connections is easier! (even i’ve had artists in my DMs on twitter, an impressive feat considering that im extremely unsociable online. it makes me blush!!!)
the general advice most people give is to get artist friends/connections and support them and be supported in return and grow together. seems great and also healthy probably, the whole “social community” thing! but i never talk to people ever so i just posted real hard and it worked, it just takes some time. also be prepared; nobody blows up in a month. be patient and have fun, post art for the hell of it. be consistent! i grow most when i post daily or weekly! also; post art on many sites. really. there isnt anything to lose honestly. i limit myself to two only because if i see another notification im gonna lose it❤️
anyway good luck!!
#notmyart#process#long post#sorry for being long i shortened it as much as possible#hope the whole ‘building connections’ thing doesnt sound ghoulish lmao. making a good friend literally counts as building connections!!#ALSO: twitter is absolutely the new hub for discourse and drama#it never affected me because im built different and got thru 2015 tumblr without a hitch#despite literally having ‘course’ in my url making me look like a discourse blog apparently and actually posting v*ltr*n art LMAO#its all about what circles you engage in and what following you cultivate#another difference is follower engagement. tumblr followers rarely unfollow#they just stop interacting with ur posts. so u will eventually end up with a huge chunk of inactive followers#but twt followers? one pic that isnt an exact copy of the last artwork u posted and 10 followers are gone immediately. expect and accept it#dont take unfollows personally ever. people curate their online experiences to fit their own specific taste and thats okay!#also no clue why but i noticed ppl on twitter are mad thirstier. extremely so. it can be good or bad depending on what u want tbh!#instagram is also an art post site u can use. i just despise it since its a repost haven and people seem kinda rude#portfolio sites tend to be for those who are actually trying to make it in a real industry so i cant relate bc im not a gamer#deviantart exists too but its probably an incredibly niche site by now. i remember posting there when i was 14. it was mlp fanart 💕#i got like 800 followers and felt so so so cool
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simsroyallegacy · 3 years
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Anissa Crawford Speaks Out: That B*tch is Crazy!
Last night Lady Anissa Crawford, a Lunarian socialite best known for her stint as girlfriend to the teenaged Prince Nicky, broke her silence on her experiences with Princess Isadora of Castille. She gave an interview to famous late night talk show host Francesca Valentine, giving an in depth look into the early signs of Isadora’s troublesome behavior. The interview drew in millions of viewers to Late Night Tea with Francesca and started the trending hashtags #TheWickedWitch and #BurnIsadora after Lady Anissa let loose how the younger Castillian Princess would send people to harass the young socialite during her relationship with the Crown Prince. View the full interview under the cut!
Francesca Valentine (FV): Now that we’re back from the break, here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for this evening my dear viewers! Tonight’s special guest is a socialite we all know and love to hate, a woman who has dabbled in fashion design, modeling, and dating very wealthy men: Lady Anissa Crawford!
The audience bursts into applause as Lady Anissa walks onto the stage and seats herself across from Francesca.
Anissa Crawford (AC): Thank you so much for having me Francesca, I’ve always been a big fan of the show!
FV: It’s a pleasure to have you here, Anissa, though it feels like you’re always on my show one way or another.
AC: *laughs* Well, I’m always happy to give you something to talk about, dear!
FV: *smiling* Tonight you asked for this to be the platform from which you speak of events kept as secrets you’ve held close to your heart for many years now, correct?
AC: Yes. I’ve kept quiet all these years on the advice from my parents and lawyers but now that some of the truth has come out about Isadora I feel like I should share my experiences with her, if only to give the people a better understanding of what poor Nicky must have gone through and by extension Princess Minerva.
FV: It’s so brave of you to do this, Anissa, truly. Let’s start with having you explain how exactly you started your relationship with the Crown Prince?
AC: Nicky and I met at a Hartfordshire Academy sports event when we were both in our junior year of high school. I attended Hartfordshire’s sister school, an all girl’s private academy right across the street from the boys. We would rarely be allowed to interact with each other anywhere but sports events were always the exception.
FV: So you caught his eye?
AC: Actually, I started talking with one of his good friends at the time, Jack Pierson. I thought Jack was cute and wanted to get closer to him and so I started hanging out with his friends which included Nicky. Anyways, long story short Nicky and I got to be friends before we started dating; we actually didn’t realize we liked each other until he invited me on his birthday trip to Selvadorada.
FV: Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Princess Isadora on that trip as well?
AC: She was. Everyone who went on that trip were Nicky’s closest friends and family at the time. Prince Gabriel, her older brother, had been his childhood best friend since before they turned eleven. He’s always been close to him and Isadora – he treated her like his own sister.
FV: What were your first impressions of her at that time?
AC: The moment she realized I was a part of the trip – before Nicky and I even got together on it – she was glaring at me and complaining to her brother about an “outsider” travelling with them. She made several passive aggressive comments about that childish nickname jealous little girls gave me back in my teens: “Easy-A”. 
FV: What did HRH say about it? Didn’t he defend you against her?
AC: He pulled me aside and told me not to take it personally, that she did this to everyone who came into their circle of friends. Nicky pitied her because of her family situation, you see, and explained part of it to me. I pitied her too after that.
FV: Oh? Care to share?
AC: I don’t think I will, sorry, but that stuff was personal to the Castillian Royal family and I’m not comfortable airing the entire family’s dirty laundry to the world. Just know that she had a seriously messed up childhood and started taking it out on others. I tried not to let her hostile behavior get the best of me on that trip but when Nicky and I announced we were a couple she started to escalate her vicious attitude.
FV: How so?
AC: When no one was looking she’d trip me up, spill things on me, hide my things; those were just petty little kid things, honestly, and didn’t bother me too much. It was when she stole my phone and texted my parents the nastiest things – she was calling my mom wh*re and b*tch and even told my father that “I” had found out about an affair my mom was having with her assistant! – they both were so angry with me! What nobody knows about that trip is the fact that my father had me sent home early because of the cheating accusation.
FV: Was there any truth to it?
AC: Absolutely not! But at the time he honestly thought it was something I had told him in confidence, he had brought all of my siblings and my mom together for a dramatic family meeting where they started fighting over it. I had tried to tell them that it wasn’t me who said those things, that it was all a lie from that little brat but neither of them believed me. 
FV: What happened during after that?
AC: My parents thought I was acting out for attention and sent me to therapy. Funnily enough, it really helped me focus on my home life and school, which were things I didn’t care too much about back then. It even ended up bringing me closer to Nicky, who was so, so supportive to me during that time. Nobody ever believed me that Isadora was the one who was using my phone to “grab attention” from my parents though.
FV: Was that the only time you had contact with her? Or were there other incidents over the years?
AC: There were tons of situations where she would straight up shove me – she even “accidentally” caused me to fall down a flight of stairs at an event I had gone to with Nicky! I ended up only spraining my ankle but that was seriously messed up of her to do – she’s obviously had a homicidal streak in her for years. It’s honestly not a surprise to me that she’s behind the attempted assassination of Princess Minerva.
AC: She would also follow Nicky around all. the. time. Honest to Watcher, she was stalking him. She’d make sure to fly out to Lunaria every weekend to see him and would become furious when he didn’t include her in his plans. She would guilt trip him constantly into inviting her along on our “dates” and when it got to the point where I’d become angry with him over it he’d pull the “she’s like my sister” card and say he’ll make it up to me.
FV: And did he make it up to you?
AC: Honestly? Yes. He was an attentive boyfriend, despite the weekly Isadora interruptance. He always knew how to make me laugh, was patient when I had my infamous diva moments, got along great with my family, and really pushed me to be better. He also bought me some pretty great gifts. *laughs*
FV: The public was in an outrage over his spending habits for your gifts, no?
AC: *snickers* He did know how to spoil a girl.
FV: If you were getting along so well, how did it all fall apart?
AC: After Nicky and I went to separate universities, we kind of took a break.
FV: Kind of?
AC: We still had every intention of getting back together in the end, but I wanted to be free during my college experience and I thought he wanted the same. He ended up rooming with Gabriel and of course Isadora constantly came around under the pretense of “visiting her big brother”.
FV: Is that sarcasm I’m detecting from you Anissa?
AC: Damn straight. I don’t know exactly what happened but she got her claws into him. Made him think I had been cheating on him for our whole relationship, – I still believe it was her who was feeding the press “exclusive” interviews about my Easy–A behavior – she also fed him lies that I was just using him for his money. 
FV: You were constantly asking him for things though...
AC: I never asked him for much more than his love and time. He bought everything he knew I enjoyed because that’s the type of person he is. He’d give the entire world to the person he loves the most if he can, that’s what makes him such a great partner. I don’t know how Isadora poisoned his mind against me like that, it’s like she was a witch or something *laughs*.
FV: *laughing* Well, she’s certainly wicked!
AC: The last straw for me was after his graduation from UBrite when those photos of him and Isadora were published. I had traveled out to see him at the home he had been given as a graduation gift, hoping to talk things over with him and see if we could salvage or relationship but...*sighs*
FV: But what?
AC: Let’s just say it was too late for us. He began dating Isadora openly after we split and I vaguely remember saying some seriously nasty things when I was cornered about our split. I feel terrible for implying that Nicky was such a selfish man, that he was only with her to “get it out of his system”. He truly loved her then, I know that. He had always loved her to some degree, platonically as children and romantically after we grew into adults. I was devastated to hear about those abuse rumors – he didn’t deserve that, no one does, ever. I’m so happy she’s been exposed for what she is: a crazy b*tch. I hope they catch her soon.
FV: Will you be reaching out to HRH now that his eyes have been opened to Isadora’s evil ways? Is there a chance you could rekindle your romance?
AC: *laughing* Dear Watcher, no! That chapter of my life is over and I’ve fallen for someone else.
FV: Oh? Who is the lucky guy?
AC: *smirks* Oh Francesca, I don’t kiss and tell. Maybe you’ll see us together on my Simstagram someday...
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mochikeiji · 2 years
— ur menu, my dear
↢ back to navigation
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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byi + dni
↣ anyone is welcome to this blog. Please be responsible and proceed with caution, there are warnings in each written works I have done, look into it
↣ any kind of interaction in comments, dm's I do not always reply but I do appreciate it whenever they come greatly.
↣ inbox is mostly my go to interaction, but I sometimes do not reply immediately since i do not spend most of my time looking in them or socially awkward but i do love the witol talks !!
↣ any acts of hate speech or action/profanities towards audiences in comment section, ask box and dm's will not be tolerated and blocked/deleted immediately (ง'̀-'́)ง
↣ if i encounter something that is beyond comfort is an automatic block/delete. No trauma dumping, no discourse, anything that generally just makes me uncomfortable
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↣ when requesting, please specify what kind of scenario you desire along with the selected character
↣ in headcanons, whatever type of scenario there is i will decide what limit of characters i can do
↣ i prefer to take requests as suggestions at times when i feel like i cannot do it immediately
↣ like every one else, i have the rights to decline a request if i really cannot proceed with the idea, not comfortable or not fond of (+ the character)
↣ i mostly write for; fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut (but if there comes a time someone will be requesting an unknown genre, i will look into it)
↣ i accept nsfw but not; incest, watersports, noncon, dark content (this solely depends also if i want to expand my genres) reminder that when I write nsfw content, all characters are aged up
↣ please do be patient because i do not always have the time or right mind to always be active and be creative in writing
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↣ i am comfortable and mostly indulged of cute & soft type of reader and scenario. Most of my works are written that way
↣ I have trouble writing gn!reader and male!reader because I tend to specify the character physically, that is why most of my works are female!reader (but if i can, i will write. If not, then i stick with my style)
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take note
↣ as someone who writes stories, there is a high chance of me opening up to more types of styles and consideration.
↣ switch from different fandoms
↣ i am not looking to be a professional blog. I came here to write for fun and share my content. It's simple as that
↣ my writing style is; inconsistent
↣ this blog is not spoiler free
↣ if you happen to dislike my blog/works; for this matter i will not entertain because again, i do this for fun and a coping mechanism. I am here to enjoy my time, and you should too. Just block me and smile and wave boys
↣ if my works are spotted in any other sites or platforms, please inform me and report. Avoid copy pasting, reposting, modifying and translating without my consent. I only write in tumblr, no other sites.
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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞. 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫!
𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
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rpbetter · 3 years
Hey there, check out this pinned post first!
Thanks for visiting Roleplay Better, where I believe that you can fucking do better! That kind of language, however, is why it is important for you to read this post before proceeding.
This blog and its posts are meant for an adult RPing audience; be over legal, adult age in the USA, 18+. Do not interact by submitting, asking, reblogging, commenting, or liking unless you are over eighteen years of age. By interacting with RPB or me, Vespertine, you are assumed to be following this rule. If you are breaking this rule, you will be blocked.
I have that rule because this blog can/will/does address topics inappropriate for a younger audience. Those can include, but are not limited to:
not safe for work - violence, injury, sexual language, smut, substance use
“dark topics” and themes like violence, unhealthy relationships, mental illness, trauma, graphic injury, dubious consent, substance use, and so forth addressed realistically
foul, sexual, and otherwise “Adult” language
 unpopular opinions and approaches about writing, RP, fandoms
“negativity” since literally anything can be, and my whole point here isn’t about holding back; it is likely that, at some point, in some post or another, a shoe will fit you-you need to be mature enough to handle that without taking it as a personal attack on you
images and links that may contain things inappropriate for a younger audience
this blog is founded upon the idea that fiction has reflections in reality, but that fiction does not utterly equate to reality. You should write with realism, your characters should be people in their own right, and you should absolutely be addressing many popular topics responsibly, which is to say realistically. I do not support or otherwise condone purity culture, so while realism is a big deal here, fiction = reality arguments are a no
seriously, you have no idea how fucking salty I am! I try to be fair, reasonable, and mellow with everyone, but it can and does come out.
This blog tags for common, major triggers, but it is not for those easily triggered or particularly sensitive. By proceeding, you take responsibility for yourself...like a mature adult. I expect you to utilize blacklist, unfollow, and block. Tag format is simple, it is literally just the word in most cases, with “cw” and “tw” added to particularly common things. Example, a post containing a breakdown of forms of dubcon will be tagged #dubcon #dubious consent. If that was specifically of a sexual nature, since tumblr is unfriendly to using Not Safe For Work now, I will be using #notsafe for sexual topics. In the event that this needs to change, it will be posted about, the previous tag left intact, so that you may update your blacklist.
You are always welcome to send me an ask or private message requesting a particular trigger be tagged for you. I try to check blogs I see following, especially if I follow back, so that I can tag what you require. However, I’m a person, I’m an ND, ill, busy person though, I do make mistakes!
If you find yourself desirous of telling me to tag in a hateful way, don’t. You will not be responded to with an apology and kindness. Do not be rude, it’s uncalled for when informing someone of a problem or making a request.
I will run the blog largely on a queue, and will not be following many people back. This is not personal! I just like to try to provide content at many different times, have a life elsewhere, and I am so happy that you love your fandom, but it might not be something I’ve enough interest in to have on my dash.
Don’t tumblr message me. Use the inbox or submit.
Due to recent events, I am changing this rule. It’s hard for me to receive messages unexpectedly, and I hate to imply that I’ll be able to get to these quicker because it isn’t the truth. Quicker, better responses come from the inbox. However, there have been too many incidents lately in which people needed to speak privately and had to make that a request. If you’re having a problem and need to vent, request sensitive advice, etc.? It’s alright, go ahead and drop me a PM, y’all. I’ll get back to you as soon as I am able. Please, do not be angry with me if I respond to inbox things or my queue is running! You’re important to me, I just might not have the requisite social cognition and energy you deserve at that time.
Aggressive inbox messages will be responded to in kind. I don’t care if you are on anon or not, if you haven’t an ounce of polite communication skills, I won’t have them either. This is not a “we don’t publish anon hate” blog.
I highly encourage asks and submissions on any and all RP topics, and it’s perfectly alright to be salty as fuck in them, you can totally vent here, but don’t take out your frustration on me or be demanding of me. I am always happy to help with information, advice, or just a response to your venting-it’s important to know someone is listening. However, it may take me a few days to a week to get to you, be patient. 
If you are going to vent, leave out usernames. This isn’t a callout or burnbook blog. It’s fine to state characters and fandoms, but if this becomes a problem, it’ll have to change. I don’t want this becoming a salt blog for one or two fandoms I very likely can’t even stand. Practice the fine art of alluding to things, its good experience for your writing! Besides, RPC problems are RPC problems, I promise. It might feel like it’s just your fandom, but there is something relatable in all corners.
I will not overly police comments. Keep the slurs and shit out of it, though. If there is an issue going on pertaining to a serious instance of hate speech, or behavior I, personally, deem as too inappropriate and/or immature to be taking place on my post, I will step in. Otherwise, I expect everyone to be adults in the comments and reblogs too. If you want to argue with each other, that’s your business. If you want to argue with me, I’m not sorry in advance.
Addition to the above: this is not a blog in which it will be tolerated that commentators or those submitting with the URLS are targeted for callouts, shaming, or other instances of bullying. No, I cannot make those people stop bothering you by blocking them, but the least I can do is address that by shutting down their access to this blog and it’s posts by blocking on the URLs I have for them. And I will. Fuck that “we can’t be responsible for” shit. It’s my blog, it’s my content I’m putting out there, I’m not going to just ignore shit like what went down over on COAR, thanks. Not. Cool.
This is definitely not a place for:
people who think giving muses labels, including top/bottom “dynamics,” is a good substitute for character traits, personality, and development
those with no reading comprehension skills
folks dependent upon aesthetics and aesthetics-based purple prose as filler for actual writing
anti-original character/just wants to fuck a FC or canon character club, get the fuck out immediately
y’all who see writing as an obstacle to getting down to action, be that smut, drama, or fight scenes...it’s literally a writing hobby
politics, any manner of phobe or ism, violent/non-inclusive feminists, purity/rpc/fandom/content police of any manner, and exactly any manner of racism, sexism, or religious intolerance - I give not a shit if it’s popular to hate the straights, for example, I neither believe in nor tolerate reactionary classifying of any group as blanket-statement evil
people who are going to tack onto my posts shit like, “it’s okay, OP, you can say x character.” Trust me, if I were talking about one character, I fucking would name drop them, don’t bring me into your fandom drama, I doubt I know or want to know who that anime guy is who looks like 12 other anime guys to me.
About Vespertine
You can call me that, Vespertine. I’d rather you didn’t go with Vesper, but as it is unfortunately so likely to happen, I won’t feed you to the dogs over it either. RPB Mun is also acceptable.
I’m alright with either she/her or he/him, they/them is also fine. Apparently, that was big enough clue-in for the poor reading comp crowd, so while I feel it is not of importance, I’m nonbinary, yes.
Late 30′s, chronically ill but still working adult with neurodivergence. I’m both busy and Busy, and always sick. This limits my brain power and ability to be here. I have an active RP blog that I won’t be sharing to keep responsible distance. That is always going to be my priority, it is my primary hobby.
Please, don’t tumblr message me totally random things if we don’t have that kind of relationship! I’m too ill and busy, and it really fucks my nerves to have a bunch of messages/have to suddenly interact socially with people. Don’t do it. Use my inbox, use the submit, comment on posts. I cannot do random messages of “hey” and so forth.
I only do written RP, don’t expect me to understand much of anything from tabletop. I’ve RPed for the last 23 years consistently, on every platform from AOL chats to forums to messengers and here. I also don’t do RP in discord, so I’m sorry, but I can’t advise you much on anything with a word count, except to stop it for serious RP. Other than that, I promise you that I’ve seen the trends, the drama, the fandoms. I can give a lot of advice and perspective on a wide range of topics, situations, and characters! When I don’t have a clue at all, I’ll try to do enough research to give you an answer.
Do I come off as a horrible, strict asshole? I do! I’m not going to say that I am just a shy bean who is more scared of you than you are me. I’m not. I’m honestly feral, but have common decency, compassion, and sense. All of which are lacking in the general RPC. So, if you can inbox/common/otherwise interact with anyone else on this site, you can totally handle me!
Honesty and openness are policies.
And in the spirit of that, I repeat; you can fucking do better, tumblr RPC!
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vinyljacket2 · 3 years
Why It really is Crucial to Employ a Digital Marketing Agency
There are a lot of digital marketing agencies in Chicago that provide companies for enterprise owners. These firms cater to the wants of customers from various industries this kind of as the hospitality industry, technologies, e-commerce, and healthcare. A digital marketing agency has a staff of experts who operate together to present their customers with modern concepts for promoting campaigns that will be most efficient. The agencies in Chicago concentrate on providing providers that assist clients obtain their objectives by delivering innovative and special marketing ideas. These authorities work with each other to deliver good quality services that meet the needs of the customers and support them obtain their objectives.
If you are an entrepreneur who has a site, you can advantage from the support of these digital marketing agencies. The authorities at these agencies use the most recent web technologies to create a site that is interesting and effortless to use to clients. By making use of flash and animation, they are in a position to make the website much more consumer-pleasant. They can also design a web site that will make use of engineering that tends to make it easier for buyers to acquire merchandise. For a hospital or other overall health care facility, a digital marketing agency can assist boost revenue by using on the web marketing and promotional campaigns. The Chicago companies have digital marketing specialists who are capable of launching campaigns that contain spend per click campaigns, search engine optimization (Search engine optimization), and e-mail marketing. The authorities can also broaden their client base by producing internet sites in different areas around the planet. https://socialcali.com/digital-marketing-agency-chicago-il will boost their market reach and appeal to a lot more patients who are searching for treatment method at the Chicago area. A healthcare website can be created by making use of digital marketing agencies in Chicago. These organizations will aid to promote the providers offered by neighborhood hospitals by utilizing different media such as social network sites. They can also incorporate video messages that show the individuals interacting with the doctors on a virtual platform. This interactive method can entice new individuals, enhance revenue, and ensure that the Chicago healthcare amenities remain completely operational. A pizza shop may possibly want to include digital marketing companies in order to market themselves locally. The marketing business can set up a website that attributes their pizzeria's recipes and services specials. This will entice individuals who dwell near them and give them a explanation to come in. A digital marketing agency will know how to industry this pizza shop effectively simply because they have expertise in the discipline. This variety of marketing can make ample organization to improve profitability for a pizza shop. Chicago is home to a popular theater business. In Social Cali digital marketing agency chicago il to tap into its market place, digital marketing agencies in Chicago can develop several commercials that target a nearby audience. These adverts can be printed on postcards and positioned in magazines. The adverts can function the actors or actresses as effectively as pertinent details about the production. If a restaurant proprietor would like to broaden their menu, digital marketing in Chicago can support them attain their favored demographic. If a particular person enjoys fine dining, they could want to think about including a catering services. Nonetheless, if they will not have time to cook, they could want to think about purchasing a franchise. By purchasing a franchise, they can produce a new identify, change menus, and add in new goods. The digital marketing agency in Chicago can style the right ads for this circumstance. One of the most significant trends in Chicago marketing is focusing on the niche industry that on the web firms are reaching. Chicago has turn into 1 of the scorching cities in the nation to start off an on the web company due to the fact it is a hub for technological innovation. The internet makes it possible for anyone with a laptop entry to the planet to be ready to attain a broad variety of buyers. By hiring a digital marketing agency in Chicago, they can support their client realize success in this growing market place.
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himboskywalker · 4 years
1/2 Hello, this is long overdue but I wanted to write out a sincere thank you! For being so active with your followers and dedicated to your fics! And for taking the time to patiently answer all the questions you get in your inbox, even when 99% of the time it's "depends on the author" LOL. When I first discovered your work I wasn't immediately taken to it bc it was more intense than I was used to, but you're so great at introducing beginners to new topics and before I knew it
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❤️❤️❤️Thank you for this anon,I may have teared up a little. And I’m glad you took a liking to my writing even after the initial intensity lol I’ve been told I’m very much that way in real life as well so it’s a comment I’ve grown very used to lmao You guys are all wonderfully supportive and I’m so glad I’m in this fandom with a group of equally enthused and interactive people. I think the recent decline in fandom has in part been because of the shift to consumption of media. People are used to endless content because of the nature of entertainment and the internet and especially the like and move on format of Facebook and Instagram. Most of our social media platforms require a double tap and nothing else and I think that mindset has slowly bled into tumblr and fandom,the like and move on.
But as we all know liking content is not what fuels fandom. It is the interaction,dialogue and proliferation of content within a community. An artist’s work doesn’t reach a wider audience if no one helps that artist share their content. It’s no fun spending hours on meta posts and research and posting content if no one comments or interacts or shares that content with others. You all are wonderfully interactive,to such as extent I wish there were two of me sometimes and I am so happy and greatful for it. This community and the friends I’ve made have been one of my points of light in the last months,and I certainly know it’s that way for others.
Just keep being your wonderful selves and don’t be afraid to interact with creators,to engage and discuss and share love and joy,even across a span as big as an ocean. Support fandom content creators by giving a little back. When you read a fic on ao3,the author is always desperate for feedback and validation and don’t be afraid to engage with them. Believe me,you are not annoying creators by incoherently gushing to them. Don’t be afraid to tag the art you share,to comment on it and tell the artist that you like their style and work. And I’m not saying this for myself,I think the Obikin community specifically is wonderfully interactive and you guys have me thriving from feedback,but I mean in general,the community at large. A little love goes a long way for fandom creators❤️
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