#it’s not even used by Finnick and Annie but yet we know
Correct me if I’m wrong but through the entire hunger games trilogy, the only person to literally say the words “I love you” is Gale.
Katniss and Peeta don’t ever say these words to each other or to anyone else (like Prim, Mrs Everdeen, Haymitch etc.). I think Katniss at one point in book 1 says she’s sure that Prim is possibly the only person she loves. Peeta says he knew when he was a goner for her in the first book and because they’re “playing” at love, Katniss from then on talks about how Peeta loves her. There’s a bit towards the end of the first book, right as Katniss is thinking of the poison berries, where she talks about Peeta talking about how much he loves her but we don’t actually hear him say it, she just recounts it in her sort of daze. But neither of them say the words “I love you” to each other (or others).
But yet, we know at every turn that Peeta and Katniss love each other and care so deeply about each other. They don’t need to say the words because it’s understood, often through actions and also Katniss’s internal thoughts. We also can tell that they love the people around them, their families, Haymitch, Gale, Finnick etc. We don’t need to hear them say they words “I love you” to know that they love these people and each other. And at the end of Mockingjay, the “You love me. Real or not real?” moment let’s us know that Peeta is not asking her to say those words to him. He’s asking her to confirm something he already knows to be true.
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lost-in-beacon-hills · 10 months
It just hit me how sad the moment Katniss first talks to Finnick is.
He's doing his usual act trying to win over the women he meets when the topic turns to the Quell. He tells her that she could have gotten a lot from the Capitol. Money, fame and all the stuff she could ever want.
She asks about what he does with his money and he tells her he doesn't bother with money.
She kinda dismisses him and says "then how do people pay for the pleasure of your company?" (CF movie). She's annoyed and wants to be left alone but still. She unknowingly jabbed the knife in and twisted. I don't know if Finnick knew she wasn't being used by the Capitol yet but imagine how that would have felt. To be asked how you get paid for? If not money then what is it they pay for your body with?
We know he had a particularly hard time with it. He was so young and doing it to save Annie. We know she didn't know and hadn't meant to but I get the impression that movie Finnick felt hurt by it. Immediately after he gets kinda withdrawn and snarky. He makes a jab back about how she's right that her secrets are shared before she even knows and tells her he's sorry she had to cancel the wedding.
It's a beautiful scene to watch Sam Claflin did a fantastic job as Finnick. And I think just realizing how Finnick would have taken that line (if he didn't know that Katniss wasn't being sold as well) adds something extra to the scene. It aged very well.
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avoxrising · 10 months
The Feral One • Ch 11
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
I had such a hectic day but decided I wanted to stay up late and upload anyways. Prepare yourselves for a plot twist!!!
Content Warnings - Mentions of suicide/torture
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How long had you been here? Weeks? Months? None of that mattered to you. You were happy here.
The capital doctors had fixed you. No more meltdowns over people touching you; no more urges to kill. You were finally healed.
You don’t know why they took the route of healing you while they tortured the others, but who were you to complain? They had made you whole again. Maybe they thought that making you realize the stability you had lived without for the past five years would be a form of torture. Maybe they thought it would make you sad. It didn’t. It made you the happiest you had been in a long time.
The only thing that would make you happier would be seeing Finnick. You know he’s not in the capital. Peeta said he saw him on the screen the other day while he was doing an interview, so you know he’s alive. You just hope you’ll be reunited soon.
Hopefully he will come here and they can fix him too. He may not show it, but his games and the years after have left him with a lot of scars. If he comes, you’ll make sure he gets the same treatment you received.
The power here keeps flickering out. Peeta says it’s cause the dam in District 5 was destroyed. Apparently Finnick and Katniss are in District 13 and the capital sent bombs. Peeta warned them and got extra torture because of it.
Johanna is silent outside of her screams. Whatever they’re doing to her sounds horrible. You don’t want to find out.
“Y/N!” Peeta whispers loudly to you. His room is across from yours and you can hear each other under the door.
“What?” you respond.
“I overheard them talking about you,” he states. “The peacekeepers were talking about your treatment.”
“What about it?” you ask.
“I didn’t hear all of it,” he explains, “and it’s hard for me to know what’s real nowadays, but they said something about a timer going off and how they would make you crazy again. We have to get out before they hurt us.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask him annoyed. “They won’t hurt me. Snow promised.”
Just as Peeta goes to respond, the lights cut out again and peacekeepers enter the hall. They usually set up extra guards when the power goes out in case anyone tries to escape. Why would you escape? You like it here.
It must be an hour later when panic sets in. You hear a hiss coming from the hall and what sounds like people falling over. You don’t have time to think, however, before your door is opened and a canister of smoke is thrown into your room. Peeta was right. They are going to hurt you.
“Did you always love her?” Katniss asks Finnick as they wait for the rescue team to return. All communication had been cut off but the two were still holding onto hope that they would return safely.
“No,” he chuckles. “I guess she snuck up on me.”
“How?” Katniss asks.
“After her incident in the capital Snow killed her family,” he explains. “I moved in with her because she wasn’t stable enough to live on her own. We were scared she was going to kill herself and selfishly I couldn’t let the one victor I had brought home at that point die.”
Katniss nods her head in understanding and Finnick continues.
“I don’t know if I’d even call us friends when I first lived with her. She wasn’t thrilled I moved in and found me annoying, yet I was the only one she would talk to. She wouldn’t even speak to Mags,” he states. “Before Annie’s games my nightmares got worse. I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night completely disoriented. Instead of running or turning violent she would stay. Whenever I woke her up she would come to my room and sit near me till I fell asleep again. Something just clicked at that point and I knew I couldn’t live without her. I still can’t.”
“I never even told her I loved her,” he sadly says to Katniss.
“She knows,” Katniss responds. “And I know she loves you too.”
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maggiecc · 10 months
When the World Shifts (Finnick O'dair x reader)
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Finnick O’Dair x reader
TW: It's about the Hunger Games, so murder, talks of death, Annie has panic attacks
This first part does not use Y/N, for the next part should I include it, or continue to disclude it?
No Betas, we die like Vikings.
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4:TBD
“On the third quarter quill game, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors in each district.” Snow continued his speech, but you stopped being able to hear it, his words turning into static.
“No, No, No” You hear Annie mumble. You turn to look at her as she starts to shake, and her mumbles turn to screams. She had covered her ears with her hands and squeezed her eyes shut “NO, NO, NO!”
You wrap her up into your arms, stroking her hair, whispering words of comfort all while you felt the same. You too wanted to scream but screaming would do you no good and you knew this. You cannot afford to fall apart, not now, not with Annie here. The announcement of the quarter quell, that the 75th Hunger Games would be made up of victors meant your safety from the games was gone. You didn’t want to believe it, that it was possible, but Annie’s tears were enough proof for you to believe it.
Before you could think about reentering the games, you both jumped at the sound of a door slamming shut and footsteps running toward the room you sat in. You knew who it was, you wanted to get up and run to him, but you knew you could not let go of Annie. She clung to you as if you were her lifeline, and perhaps you were for the moment grounding her to remind her where she is something she cannot always tell. As the steps got closer you tried to think of what you should do, or say but there was nothing. The sound of the door being ripped open caused Annie to jump getting ready to fight an instinct all the tributes held. The other 2 victors of District 4 had entered. You turn to try and grab Annie but before you can grab her someone else beats you to it. Mags had her in her arms and started to sink to the ground with her as her cries continued. Finally being able to pull your focus from Annie you turn to look at the man who had yet to leave the entryway.
“Finnick,” you whispered the tears finally starting to fall “Oh Finnick.” You ran to him as he opened his arms to grab you. As you reach him you wrap your arms around him, and he mirrored you, one arm around your waist and one holding the back of your head, lacing his fingers through your hair. Your head was pressed to his chest and you could hear his heart racing, it was the only thing you could hear, even drowning out Annie who now was just whimpering in Mags’s arm. Your tears began to soak his shirt but neither of you cared about that. You did not know what to do, or what to say, so you just let yourself be held and pretend for a moment everything will be okay.
The night of the announcement was a whirlwind, the District 4 tributes all stayed together, few words were spoken that night, but many tears were spilled. You all held each other, only leaving to make tea, or grab tissues. The next morning when you awoke you noticed you were short a person, Annie and Mags rested together but Finnick was gone. You felt your breath quicken as you ran out of the room.
“Finnick? Finnick?” You tried to keep your voice low, you knew if you woke Annie and she heard you calling for Finnick she would panic again.
As you turned the corner you heard a response called from the kitchen “In here love.” 
“Finnick you can’t just leave like that!” You scold him, voicing raising by accident. You take a moment to close your eyes and breathe, knowing you need to remain calm in the coming days, working yourself up would not help. “When I didn’t see you, I got nervous I, I”
“I’m sorry darling, I wanted to get the food ready before everyone awoke so we could eat it again you all wouldn’t have to worry” He explained. 
You let out a soft sign, “ Alright well I’ll help you finish to make it go faster. Annie and Mags will be up soon.” 
The two of you start to move around the kitchen together, moving in tandem to finish the breakfast he had started. It was simple food, only toast, and eggs, all of you so sick to the stomach over the news you would not be able to eat anything else. As Finnick worked on the eggs you put the toast in and started to boil water for tea.
You turn to look at Finnick trying to gather your thoughts “Finnick we need to start”
“Not now,” He cut you off “Let's eat breakfast first and wait until Mags can speak with us too.” 
You silently nod, noticing his purposeful exclusion of Annie, and although you knew why it still hurt to think about. Annie had been doing so much better before the news broke, and thinking about how she was reduced to her state right after her games hurt you. She was like a sister to you, and seeing all her progress dissipate was almost as bad as the news itself.
You both simply look at each other for a moment, both thinking the same thing but neither of you speaking it. The silence is broken by the kettle’s whistle, both breaking your eye contact to return to your kitchen task.
Eventually, you both gather the food and drinks onto a tray and carry it back into the room with Annie and Mags. You place the tray down on the table and go towards the duo. You first wake Mags, giving her a light tap which wakes her instantly. She never fully sleeps anymore always being ready to jump awake at any noise or movement. She looks at you and her eyes soften, expressing all she needs to say. Next was the more difficult one, you put Annie’s head in your lap and start to hum as you stroke her hair, slowly getting louder and louder. Eventually, she jumps awake instantly screaming squeezing her eyes shut.
“Annie, Annie, it's me” You plead to her
“No, no no!”
“Annie please open your eyes, it’s me, it's us.” You continue and eventually, she opens her eyes and sees you. She stops trying to break out of your arms, but her shaking does not stop completely. You then get her to sit up, keeping her between Mags and you and Finnick puts the plates down in front of all of you. 
The silence continues as you all eat the food. It's difficult to swallow the food, every bite feeling like it is going to come back up, but you know now is not the time to starve yourself, not with the games looming overhead. Once you were all finished eating, you started to pile the plates but before you could bring them to the kitchen Mags took them from you to walk them back.
“I can,” you try to stop her, but she shakes her head to you. As Mags leaves you stand and then help Annie up. She was clearly still tired and although you have all been together, you don’t blame her, she had been tense the entire night. You bring her to the couch in the room and hold her hand until she falls back asleep. Once she was done you slipped your hand away from hers and let out a soft sign.
“We have to talk about this,” You tell Finnick, now that Annie is asleep you know you can no longer avoid speaking about the games.
“I know,” he replied, feeling the same weight as you. Mags then walks back into the room, and you all look at each other.
“What, what, what do we do?” You ask, looking at the other victors, unsure of where even to begin.
“We need to figure out who is going in.” Finnick responds “I am the only male victor, but the three of you have an equal chance of getting chosen.”
“We can’t let Annie go back in, she wouldn’t be able to handle it” you begin to explain “And Mags, no offense, but you cannot go back in there. You look so young for 80 but the other victors could be in their prime”
“No, you can’t” Finnick tried to argue but you cut him off.
“Finnick one of us has too, and I am the only one who stands a chance, you else? Annie can’t and I won’t let Mags.” He begins to open his mouth to argue but you don’t even give him the chance. “Finnick, please don’t argue with me on this, I won’t change my mind. Annie will need someone with her here, and I am the most capable in the arena.”
Finnick looked at you, battling with you without words until he eventually lost. 
“Fine, but we stay together and you cannot put yourself in any unnecessary danger”
“Okay, and the same goes for you, we get out of this together.” You put your pinky out.
“Together” He responds, wrapping his pinky with yours.
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messedupfan · 4 months
The Hope of a Free World: The Mentor
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Summary: After confronting Finnick about the rebellion, you are given the task of mentoring him in the 75th Hunger Games.
A/n: So a little explanation here. You do not have to read both "The Mentor" and "The Tribute" but you do have to read "Prologue." This is sort of my version of a Choose Your Own Adventure because I saw this going both ways when the request was made. You are absolutely welcome to read both versions of the story, but thought I'd let y'all know that you don't have to. I also forgot to warn y'all before but I'm a huge Everlark fan. If you stan Everthorne, not the fic for you.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, mentions of forced prostitution, rebellion, mentions of torture.
Masterlist | All Stories Taglist | The Prologue
When the announcement of the Third Quarter Quell declared that the tributes would be pulled from the existing pool of victors, you were itching for a drink. No, you were itching for the drug you take when you have to entertain a client you don’t like. You wanted to feel numb. You didn’t want to think about having to experience the anxiety of a reaping once again. 
You don’t alter your mind to escape the harsh reality. As much as you want to. It still plays with your mind even though you knew this was going to happen. Finnick warned you that this is what their meeting in the Capitol was about. As soon as the broadcast is over, Finnick storms into your house and pulls you out. It needed to look real since your house was most likely bugged. You can hear Annie’s cries from the house they shared as he walks you over. She doesn’t know what’s going on, it’s for the best. According to Finnick, this was the only home in the Victor’s Village that had all of its recording devices removed. He made sure of it. 
He threw you on the couch as he began to pull on his hair and mutter to himself. He was really good at putting on a performance. “Mags,” he left and returned with the older woman a few minutes later. That was everyone Annie knew that he could trust in the district. 
Finnick doesn’t say anything coherent, mostly muttering to himself. He gives Annie a heavy dose of sleep syrup and he carries her to bed when it kicks in. “Okay,” he starts as he sits in front of you and Mags. No longer putting on the panicked act for Annie. Now she knows he’s talking to you and to Mags. That’s all she needs to know. “Here’s the plan, we’re going to train with each other to fight. But I’m going to need you to stop being anti-social. You haven’t mentored a winning tribute yet and I’m going to need your help in there.”
You nodded even though you hated that your contribution to the rebellion had to be talking to other people. “Well, I thought Mags was going to be there with me,” you remind them nervously as you fiddle with your medallion. 
Mags and Finnick exchange a look and your eyes bounce between the two as they both shake their heads. “Sable can’t be trusted. We tried to recruit her without her knowing but she is stuck in her ways. The Capitol hasn’t hurt her the way it has us. She wasn’t ever… desirable in their eyes so she doesn’t know what Snow does to us.” You scowl and shake your head. Even without being prostituted, you’d hoped that a fellow survivor of the Hunger Games would see that this wasn’t a way of life. “Annie… she isn’t an option. Mags is going to have to volunteer in order for this to work,” Finnick concludes. You nod. 
“Looks like we have a lot of work to do,” you say with a sigh.   
It was more than just combative training and learning how to charm sponsors. It was also learning about your escape out of the Capitol. Wanda even paid a heavy price to be allowed to see you one last time before the reaping just to show you the way the two of you, and anyone else you need to rescue, are going to make it out of there when the arena gets shut down. You couldn’t believe it when you found out that she was part of the resistance. But when she revealed that her motivations were the same as yours, it all made your heart flutter. Neither of you have felt free enough to say the words. Even without hearing her say those three words, you could hear it in the silence. You could feel it on the way home. You didn’t need much more than that for the time being.   
At the reaping your heart jumps with anxiety as your name is called. You stand forward as you wait for the process. Volunteers only occur after the reaping winner is introduced to the audience. You make sure to hold your head up high and only drop it when Finnick inevitably volunteers in your place. 
There is no time allotted for goodbyes. Which Finnick would have been okay with had they not denied Annie to join. She wasn’t mentally fit to take on the role of a mentor and according to the head Peacekeeper that escorted you, Finnick, and Mags to the train; it was an order given by the President that this year, they only needed one mentor for the tributes. You were still meant to mentor because you hadn’t successfully found your replacement. 
Finnick was nervous the entire ride to the Capitol. He knew that it was possible that Annie wouldn’t be allowed to mentor. She was exempt in the past since she was more unstable than others. They developed a system to give her the best life possible but she still held a reputation for not being all there mentally. He hoped that his allies in District 4 would be able to get her out of there. But there was no guarantee. 
You tried your best to comfort him but there wasn’t much you could do that wouldn’t give away the mission. That wouldn’t give away their private relationship. You didn’t want to risk exposing them, even if there’s a possibility that President Snow already knows. You weren’t going to do anything that will haunt you to believe it was you who confirmed his suspicions. 
Through the training period you are constantly meeting with Haymitch to gauge whether or not he’s been able to convince the Mockingjay and her boy with the bread to team up with your tributes. The three of you nearly jumped for joy when Haymitch informed you that the young woman chose Mags. None of you expected her to want to team with Finnick. His job was to focus on gaining Peeta’s trust. She wasn’t going to team up with anyone without his approval. 
Next came the time to shmooze the people in the Capitol placing bets and offering their support as soon as the Hunger Games started. You put every donation into your communicuff so you could eventually afford a gift to send. You pretended to accept many drinks and because you had been drunk plenty of times in the past, you knew how to play the part. Not as well as Haymitch of course. With Haymitch’s help, the two of you were able to get a few parachutes with supplies here and there but the prices are much higher this year since it’s a Quarter Quell and everyone wants to help their favorite former victors. You get lost in the act of cheering on your tributes on the screen and manipulating people into placing their money into your pockets. 
On the day that Beetee tells his remaining allies in the arena that he has a plan, you are promptly reminded why you're there to begin with. That’s when you started to get nervous. Knowing that you had to escape without being seen. If you failed, it could mean the end of you and you weren’t ready to sacrifice yourself for the cause yet. The whole reason you joined was to safeguard a future with the woman you loved. It was hard for you to focus, you were so on edge. You jumped every time someone approached you to hand you money to help your team. Any movement had your eyes scanning the crowd for a white suite with a black tinted shield on their helmets with guns pointed at you. There never were any. They remained on the other side of the doors that surrounded the room. The paranoia was eating you alive as if you were in the arena once again. 
When they started wrapping the tree with the wire, Wanda finally appeared from the sea of Capitolites. You didn’t know if she was ever in the room before that day but you were more than relieved to see her. “We have to go,” she whispered urgently as she grabbed your hand. You didn’t process fast enough to move so Haymitch tossed a drink in your face.
“I am so sorry, I can be such a clutz,” he grabbed you by your bicep. “Move,” he muttered as he smiled in the direction of the curious eyes that landed on the pair of us. “Nothin’ t’see here folks!” He slurred with a sloppy grin. He was drunk for so long that everyone bought the act. 
You began to move and follow Haymitch and Wanda. Haymitch was staggering so the two of you walked out of the area with him leaning on the both of you. The Peacekeepers almost didn’t pay the three of you any mind. 
Effie Trinket, the escort for District 12, trailed behind the two of you and she almost spoiled the escape as the Peacekeepers stopped her then asked the three of you to stop as well. “Excuse me, I am the only one with the key to the District 12 penthouse!” The Peacekeeper then asked why she couldn’t take Wanda’s spot in carrying Haymitch to his room and before you could stutter on a response, Effie was quick on her feet. “And risk flattening my feathers,” she scoffed as she clutched her pearls, “I think not!” The Peacekeeper apologized and let all four of you go.
At the first checkpoint, you and Haymitch discard your communicuffs so they can’t track you anymore. But that meant that the four of you had to move faster. They were made to alert authorities when prematurely removed. 
There was a little bit of a hiccup in the plan when a man approached Wanda, appearing out of nowhere. Stalling the four of you while he pulled her to the side to talk to her. You send Haymith and Effie off to continue to the rendezvous point as you stay back to ensure that Wanda gets there as well. The man's name was Vision, you overheard her when she asked him to let her go. There seemed to be some sort of history there. He looked like a government official. You couldn’t really tell what his significance was. But when he grabbed Wanda again and threatened to expose her, you did what life in the academy at District 4 raised you to do. He didn’t hear or see you coming when you came up behind him and snapped his neck. 
Wanda’s eyes widened but she shook her head and got back into focus. “Let’s go, we have to get out of here now.” You nodded and followed. When you got to the tunnel you were surprised to see a few of the other mentors there as well. You figured that they were on the side of the Capitol since their tributes were but each of them revealed their crackers with the mockingjay symbol on them. You did as well. There was a head count before every person could eat them to get rid of them. 
In the small gathering of people with a mix of mentors, camera crew, and what appeared to be Avoxes, Wanda recognized another man and this time she ran into his arms with tears in her eyes. You almost began to think that she had fooled you into believing that you were more than a purchase for her until she pulled away from him and you could get a good look at him. 
There was a small conversation once about him. Wanda had pictures of him all over her home and you once asked if she was married. She laughed at first but her expression fell as she realized you were holding a picture frame in your hand. She took the frame and placed it face down on the shelf as she muttered, “He was my twin before he became a traitor.” That was the last time you ever asked about him.  
Seeing her beam at him through her tears told you all you needed to know. Even if you were the reason she continued to be part of the rebellion, he was the reason she first sought them out. You couldn’t wait to be able to talk freely with her in District 13. You knew that there were many sides of her that you had yet to explore and you couldn’t wait to get to know her on a much deeper level. 
Once everyone boarded the stolen hovercraft you took a deep breath as you hoped that the plan in the arena went down as smoothly. But even if it didn’t, you knew that this was just the beginning of the new world. 
District 13 was strict. Each day you had a schedule tattooed on your forearm and you'd face harsh consequences if you didn't obey it. The meals were tasteless and the portions were less than you had gotten used to since becoming a victor. The training regimen was beyond what you were used to but it was the only thing about the district that you enjoyed because it was the easiest adjustment. Not to mention the times you got to spar with Wanda were some of the best foreplay the two of you got to experience. 
Unfortunately the two of you didn't get nearly as much time together as either of you hoped. Since you weren't married, they wouldn't let the two of you share a living space together. So she lived with Pietro, while you lived on your own. It was frustrating but you weren't willing to marry her over a distaste for the living arrangement. You wanted to wait until the country was free and so did she. 
The schedule allotted thirty minutes for family time. A decent break between the education and training for most of the citizens of District 13. You suppose it gave time to remind those who forget, what they are fighting for exactly. You and Wanda used that time to learn the sign language that the Avoxes use as communication. Wanda felt so disconnected from her twin because she couldn’t communicate with him the way she used to. Pietro was very patient and helpful when it came to the private lessons between the three of you. 
“I’m happy to have him back but,” Wanda sighed as she laid in your arms. “I wish I had done something to protect him.” 
You frowned as you lightly caressed her arm. You looked at her for a moment and admired her natural beauty. In District 13 appearance wasn't a priority the way that it is in the Capitol and certain districts. Wanda didn't need the wigs or the heavy makeup in order to fit in here. She finally got to be her true self. “There was nothing you could have done for him. If you had tried, you would have ended up just like him. You might not have even gotten here,” you tried to comfort her. 
Wanda sat up and faced you, “I um,” she looked down as she started to trace patterns on your chest. “I'm the reason he got in trouble in the first place.” 
You made a face, “How so?” 
“Vision,” she started and looked at the wall beside her. “The man you killed during our escape. He, uh, we were engaged. He worked in the government and he knew powerful people.” You nodded to show that you were following along when she did finally look at you. “And he witnessed Pietro committing an act of treason. He wasn't going to turn my brother in while we were engaged. I didn't know that he had seen Pietro do something illegal.” You rubbed Wanda's back as she spoke. It was clearly a difficult topic for her. “Vision never did anything out of the kindness of his heart. And he had a bit of a darkside to him that at a certain point, I couldn't handle anymore. So I broke off the engagement. He didn't even ask me to reconsider. He just showed up at my apartment the next day with a warrant and several Peacekeepers.” She closed her eyes as tears started to slip out. 
You shook your head as you wiped her tears. “If you had agreed to marry Vision, do you think you'd have been alive today?” Wanda thought for a second before she shook her head. “I think Pietro would tell you that you made the right decision. In fact, I'd put my money on that being the first thing he tells you when you can understand him. I mean, he was so incredibly happy to see you again. If he didn't care about you, he would have held a grudge.” 
“I suppose you're right,” she sighed as she rested against you again. The two of you fell asleep shortly after. And you were right. 
Pietro was eventually given a communication tablet because during a strategy meeting, he had written down brilliant ideas. President Coin and commander Boggs both agreed that Pietro needed to be able to speak up in a way that everyone could understand. Beetee developed a chip that was implanted in Pietro’s head. So the words appear on the tablet as fast as he can think them. He was even given options to either have it turned off completely or partially. Like if he wanted to have a private conversation, he could turn the voice option off and hand the tablet to the other person. And if he wanted to keep his thoughts private, he could turn the tablet off completely and not worry about a single thought being recorded or heard. 
The first thing he told Wanda was that he doesn’t blame her for what happened to him and that he is proud to see her as a happy and free woman. She sobbed and held onto him for the duration of the family time break.  
Finnick wasn't successful in retrieving both assets from the arena which made the progression of the rebellion slow down. He was able to get the girl out but not the boy. Johanna claimed that the girl was annoying before, but without Peeta she was insufferable. You couldn't imagine what she was going through. You were grateful that you weren't in her shoes. That you had Wanda with you. 
You tried to stay out of everything that concerned the Mockingjay and being a face of the revolution. You figured that the girl would snap out of it and realize that it was bigger than her. But eventually they started to look at you and Johanna. Finnick was willing to participate until the night that Annie was executed on live television at the District 4 Justice Building with four other confirmed rebels. The ones that were meant to help her escape the district. He tried to join her in the after life but you found him in time and got him to the infirmary.
You cried in Wanda's arms that night for the loss of your friends. You knew that Finnick won't ever be the same. 
So the responsibility of the propos fell onto you and Johanna. She was great at acting for the camera. You remember that’s how she was able to win her first games. No one thought the shy dainty girl from District 7 stood a chance in the arena until she got her hands on an axe. 
Most of her propos were filmed on a soundstage. She had a blue baton and fought against the soldiers dressed in Peacekeeper uniforms. Then she'd recite the lines perfectly. But there was something missing. You couldn't put your finger on it. But she wasn't inspiring. She was impressive. But she didn't have what Katniss had. And neither did you. 
You were a little more clumsy in your propo performances. You'd miss your marks and fumble on your lines. Luckily, with enough takes they were able to scramble something together. But it didn't have the fire it needed. It wasn't enough to inspire people to risk their lives for a cause that started to feel like it was dying. 
“It's not dying, it's just,” Wanda fails to come up with another term after you've expressed your concerns with her. She holds your face in her hands as she climbs onto your lap. Her eyes traveled along your face. She was searching for something. You didn't know what. “I can help you with your lines. Just, get me clearance to be with you during the day. You can do it. You can keep this revolution alive. I've seen that fire in you. You just need to have the right motivations.” 
You smirk, “I’m assuming that you believe that's you?” Wanda smacks your shoulder and you laugh as you kiss her cheek and trap her as she tries to escape your arms. “I'm kidding. I love you,” you said as you gazed into her eyes. Wanda froze in your arms. It was the first time you'd said the words out loud. She didn't know what she expected to feel when she finally heard those words from you, but she didn't expect to feel so much at once. She felt joy, she felt love, she also felt a deep fear. 
With tearful eyes, she leaned in and kissed your lips. “I love you too,” she whispered against your lips. The two of you made slow and passionate love that night. Telling each other how much you'd felt for each other. 
Wanda was right, with her as your director, you had the proper motivations for your filming. Plutarch was ecstatic with the new footage and things in the districts started to get rowdy again. People began to get motivated again. 
Things in District 13 started to feel a little more claustrophobic with the successes of your propos. Strangers would thank you and request autographs. Women would invade your personal space. Wanda would step in their way whenever she was around but she couldn't be by your side twenty-four seven. 
One of the times that a girl tried to kiss you, you were able to slip away and ran into an open vent to hide from her. That's where you found Katniss curled in a ball muttering to herself. “Sorry,” you said when she was startled by your presence. “I didn't mean to scare you, I just…” you cleared your throat and fiddled with your medallion. “I thought people here in Thirteen would have more boundaries than those in the Capitol but I guess horniness is a universal problem.” You tried to joke and you only got met with her glare. 
You nodded once and took a deep breath as you braced yourself for what you might face when you climbed out. But then a nurse started to call for Katniss. The girl curled up further and you instinctively blocked the nurse's view of Katniss with your body. “Sergeant, you shouldn't be in here,” the nurse grumbled. “Is Ms. Everdeen in there with you?” 
“I'm offended by that question. She is a married woman, and way too young for me,” you acted out dramatically. “I don't know if you’ve noticed, but I prefer someone a tad older than me. Don't tell her I said that though. She likes to keep her age a secret. But I mean come on simple math-” 
“What are you doing in there?” The nurse asked sharply as she interrupted your rambling. 
You hold up your medallion and the light of her flashlight bounces off of it. “I tripped walking and had to look for this,” you explained. “It's one of a kind. Couldn't risk losing it.” 
“Well since you've found it, you can leave. This is a favorite spot for the Mockingjay to hide. No one has seen her for hours,” the nurse explained. 
“Well, you're going to have to look somewhere else because she's not here,” you stressed as you stayed in your position. You were afraid if you moved, you would risk exposing that Katniss was also inside. 
The nurse turns off the flashlight and leaves. You listened to her heavy footsteps and waited until you couldn't hear her. “Why did you do that?” Katniss startled you. 
You yelped and held your hand to your chest as you dropped your coin. “Shit, Everdeen. Warn a person,” you patted the ground and your heart didn't stop racing until your fingers wrapped around the familiar metal. “I did it because I get needing a breather from all of the chaos out there. Besides, since you're out of commission, the rest of us have had to fill in for you. Let me tell you, I do not envy you. But I do sympathize with you.” 
“What are you talking about?” Katniss scowled at you. 
“They need a face of the revolution. Panem needs your face but they've been settling for mine and Jo’s,” you elaborated with a small laugh. “Let me tell you, I think I'm steering people in the wrong direction. I've had people approach me for a good time more than thanking me for trying to keep this revolution alive,” you shook your head as you stared at your medallion. 
“I have had to endure listening to the nurses gush about you,” Katniss muttered. You snorted. “I almost wished I could go back into the arena. It wasn't as painful.” 
“Believe me, no one wishes they could return to the arena more than I do,” you said quietly. “If I could've warned my younger self, I probably would have told him to not win,” you admit. Then you sigh. “But then I wouldn't have gotten to experience all of the good things I've managed to experience in my life.” 
“Ah, I've heard that you were quite popular with the citizens of the Capitol. I'm sure there's no regrets there when everyone wants to sleep with you, and has,” Katniss replied sarcastically. You're sure that she thought it was a harmless remark. She had no idea the weight of her words. So you gave her some grace. 
“Trust me Katniss, there's plenty of regrets there,” you said as you looked at her. “You're lucky to be ignorant to the true life of a victor. Especially someone as desirable as you.” 
Katniss rolled her eyes, “I'm far from desirable.” 
“A lot of my buyers would disagree,” you scoffed. 
“Buyers?” Katniss questioned but you couldn't explain it. So you shook your head. 
“Let's get you back to the infirmary,” you said as you offered her your hand. “You need to get better,” you said with a soft tone. 
Katniss stared at your hand as the red emergency light shined on it, then looked at you with tears in her eyes. She shook her head. “I don't deserve to. Not when Peeta…” she couldn't finish her sentence and you nodded. 
“You can't save him if you don't get better,” you tried to encourage her. “If you want them to arrange a rescue mission, you have to give Coin what she wants.” 
“Coin?” She squeaked out in confusion. 
The corner of your lips stretched up slightly. “She's the president of this district. Alma Coin is her full name,” you inform her. 
“Oh,” Katniss nodded. Then she accepted your hand and the two of you left the space. But once the two of you were in the hallway, Katniss wouldn't move. “I can't go back. I… the hallucinations… I can't.” 
“Hallucinations?” You frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“The drugs, I don't know. Whatever they use to sedate me. It's,” Katniss failed to continue then was interrupted when Gale Hawthorne spotted the two of you. 
“Katniss, there you are,” he said as he jogged down the corridor. As he got closer he slowed down and scowled at you. “I knew you weren't picky but I didn't think you were a predator,” he glared at you as he pulled Katniss away from you. 
“Gale,” Katniss snapped at him as he stood between the two of you. “Leave Y/n alone. We weren't doing anything. Let's go.” 
“Stay away from her,” Gale nearly growled at you. At the moment you refrained from laughing but later that night, you and Wanda couldn't stop laughing about it. 
A couple of days after that, while you were sitting with Wanda and Pietro in the mess hall, a blonde girl in her early teens dressed as one of the nurses tapped your shoulder. It took you a moment to recognize Primrose Everdeen but after she claimed that her sister requested to see you after lunch, you were able to put the pieces together. Wanda encouraged you to go so you did. 
When you met with Katniss, she wanted you to catch her up to speed with everything that had been going on. She didn't know who she could trust but she didn't think you'd lie to her. Gale treated her like she could break at any second. She didn't care to see her mentor or her district escort. Prim would go on and on about her day whenever she tended to Katniss, she didn't have any important information. The girl was in medical training. You seemed to be the best option. 
And you proved to be. You would sit by her side for thirty minutes each day, catching her up on any information that you thought she should know. She appreciated the honesty. 
She eventually got discharged from the infirmary. At her first meeting with Coin and Plutarch she requested that you were nearby. She was in there for about five minutes before she stormed out of the room. A week later, she was being dropped off in her home district. Plutarch's way of reminding the Mockingjay what's at stake. You were left behind to train, not that you minded. You weren't ever good at being a mentor. You don't know why you had the misfortune of being the one to find her that day. But the teenager seemed to have attached herself to you like a lost puppy. 
When she returned from District 12, she asked you to help her with a list of demands. She said her sister suggested it and that was the first time you wished that you were in her position. During the lunch hour, she sat with you and Wanda and Pietro. Wanda was hoping that Katniss wouldn't recognize her since she's almost positive she offended the girl while doing her job when she had a job in the Capitol. Luckily, Katniss never put it together. Pietro would chime in with a suggestion or two and Katniss was grateful for the input. After her meeting with President Coin she confirmed that she accepted her role as the Mockingjay.
Eventually Katniss began to rely a lot more on others. She developed a closer relationship with Johanna to the point that she requested to be roommates with her. You laughed when Johanna told you that Katniss wasn't as bad as she originally made her out to be. With Katniss needing you less, you were able to allocate time for Finnick. He was in horrible shape from losing the love of his life in such a horrific way. 
“I'm kind of glad she's dead,” he'd said one day as he focused his attention on his rope. “At least she's not being tortured. At least it's all over for her. She suffered for a long time. She's not in pain anymore.” It hurt you to hear the lifeless tone from the man that brought life to so much. He was the one to remind so many that through tragedy, there was still so much good. He's the one that snapped you out of your darkness. He had suffered so much for so long and he never let it show until Annie was executed. His words hurt for many reasons. That Annie was also your friend who could be quite funny and lively when she was stable. That she was someone anyone with a heart wanted to protect whenever she wasn't. 
At the mention of how she suffered, you recall a day at the market. It was just you and Annie. She was rattling on and on about some recipe she was trying to remember. She was slightly frustrated because she couldn't remember a certain ingredient. When you began to list off any ingredients that you could think of, a fake spear nearly hit Annie in the face. It would have made contact had you not caught it in time. The kids that were messing with the toy were very apologetic until Annie started screaming. People around began to panic as Annie had a melt down and all you could think to do was to shield her away from everyone. Others who were sympathetic to her condition helped you get through the crowded market while you carried her. It took her a month to snap out of it. You stopped by to check on her each day and Finnick allowed an hour visit each time. She would sit in her bed and stare blankly at the wall. She wouldn't speak. She'd hardly blink. You then knew that there was no such thing as a victor. There were only survivors. 
Sitting with Finnick was a lot like that. He wouldn't talk much and when he did speak, you almost wished you hadn't been there to hear it. 
On the day that Peeta was finally broadcast in an interview with Caesar Flickerman, Katniss rose up from her table where she was sitting with her mom and sister. She had a look you'd seen many times from Finnick and Annie and you felt that same protectiveness. She shouldn't have had to experience that moment so publicly. You pulled her out of the cafeteria and took her to a private area to watch Peeta's interview.
There weren't a lot of areas with private television access but you were able to shoo people out of a control room to allow Katniss the privacy. You stood outside the door to prevent anyone from going inside. You didn't run inside until you heard her screams. You wrapped your body around her and taught her how to breathe again until she calmed down. 
Shortly after that, Katniss started to do her propos. You asked Wanda to help direct her because she was so helpful with you. But when Effie caught wind of the possibility of a replacement, she swooped in. Unfortunately for her, Katniss wasn't an actor. She gave terrible delivery of her lines and her body language was too stiff. Even with Wanda’s notes, Katniss's performances were silly. Then they tested adding you and Johanna to help carry the weight. The two of you read the lines and Katniss was only meant to be seen and not heard. But it still wasn't enough. 
It wasn't until Haymitch walked in with his sarcastic claps that the team was able to put together what gave the Mockingjay her flare. She had to be in action. Her emotions had to be raw and real. Not with silly weapons and pretend fighting. Coin was resistant to letting the stars out into the front lines but Commander Boggs and Plutarch were able to convince her. 
Wanda wasn't too thrilled about you going out to fight either. The last thing she wanted to do was risk losing you. “I know that it's important but,” Wanda stands in the corner of your living quarters. “You have to swear to me that you're coming back here in one piece.” 
“Wanda, it's going to be safe,” you said as you crossed the room and took her face in your hands with a light touch. “You heard the details of the mission. They're only sending us to a refuge hospital in District Eight. We won't encounter a battle. We’ll be far from it. Besides, I hear Beetee has whipped up some badass weapons that aren't just for show.” She cracked a smile and you kissed her. The two of you leaned your foreheads against one another with your eyes shut for a moment as you held each other's hands. 
“Come back to me,” she whispered. 
“I promise, I always will.”
The following day Beetee invited you, Katniss, Gale, and Johanna to his laboratory where he presented the new weapons for each of you. For Katniss he had a sleek black bow that hummed with life whenever she held it in position. She used a normal arrow to practice and according to her, the bow helped her with accuracy. Not that she had a problem with that according to Gale. He was given a crossbow that seemed to have similar features to Katniss's bow. The bows came equipped with two types of special arrows. One had explosives and the other had fire. 
Johanna was given an especially sharp axe with nanotechnology that reshapes itself in order to stay that way. She was given a special glove with it. If she threw it too far, she was able to call it back to her no matter what it was stuck in or how far away it was. She thought it was a dumb idea at first and she was scared to even test it out since she couldn't trust that the axe wouldn't land in her hand the wrong way. But after a couple of run throughs, she couldn't wait to be given the chance to use the weapon. 
Next you were given a special trident. There was a second one made just like it for Finnick and it hurt you that he wasn't healthy enough to be doing this with you. After all, he was part of this long before you were. 
“The metal used for your trident and Johanna’s axe aren't of this planet. There isn't a metal stronger than this,” Beetee explained as you questioned why the trident was so light. You'd never wielded a trident so light since you were a child. You'd believed you were duped until you cut a test dummy's head clean off with barely a motion. 
“Why aren't our arrowheads made with the same material?” Gale asked with a scowl.
“It's the rarest metal on earth, bigfoot,” a man appeared seemingly out of nowhere as he tapped away on a tablet. “Explosives aren't enough for you?” He shakes his head. “We only had enough material for the Mockingjay suit, the axe, and the tridents.” 
“Wait, you mean to tell me that Katniss gets a special suit and the rest of us are vulnerable?” Johanna asked next. It wasn't fair.
“Take it up with Cinna. Oh wait, you can't,” the man said in reference to the designer's death. 
“What does Cinna have to do with this metal?” Katniss asked. 
“It came from his ancestors. He said the metal was called vibranium. He only had a limited supply of the pure metal and he had enough of its fabric to make the Mockingjay armor. I only fulfilled his dying wishes,” the man said. 
“Meet Tony Stark, everyone,” Beetee introduces the man. “He is almost as intelligent as I am.” 
“Charming,” Tony rolled his eyes at the man. “If you don't mind, some of us have real work to do.” He took the trident from your hands. “May I?” He said as he walked away without a response from you. He walked around the lab and took apart the rod. You figured that whatever he was up to with the weapon was only going to benefit you. 
The trident ended up being very useful in District 8 when the Peacekeepers attacked the hospital. 
Arriving at District 8, the group was brought inside a formerly abandoned warehouse. The entrance hall of the building was lined with stacks of casualties. You nearly threw up at the smell. Gale did have to step aside to vomit. Paylor commented that everyone will get used to the smell. You couldn't believe these were the conditions for those that couldn't make it to District 13. You had no idea how good you'd had it in that district until you walked into the main area of the warehouse. 
It was full of sick and injured and dying men, women, and children. Those who weren't at risk of losing their lives were tending to those that were. It was eye opening. This was the cost of war. It made you queasy again. You nearly fainted. But you didn't want them to waste any of their supplies on you. So you continued to stand tall. 
The first sighting of Katniss had the people stunned. They hadn't seen her until that point. No one outside of Thirteen had. An elderly woman asked her about her baby after she agreed that she was going to fight. You hadn't thought about the fact that Peeta had shocked everyone on the night of the interviews with the news of their private nuptials and baby announcement. It appeared that Katniss might've forgotten about that as well but she recovered quickly. She stated that she lost the baby. 
Shortly after that Cressida, a director from the Capitol, was raving about the footage she got of Katniss and of the rest of you meeting refugees and handing them supplies they needed. Plutarch thought it would be more effective if the team was sent with gifts and not just gifting the injured with the presence of the Mockingjay. You and Johanna were whispering inside jokes to each other about how Gale didn't look at Katniss like they were related. Then the jokes turned into claims that the rumors of their home districts incest problems might not be rumors. Gale heard that one and turned around to say something. That's when the first bomb hit. The team sprung into action to get out of the building and that's when everyone saw the hovercrafts with the Capitol emblems on them. Katniss and Gale moved to get higher in order to shoot them down with their special arrows. You tried to shoot them down with the standard issue machine gun they provided you in case something like this happened but it was just a waste of bullets once an arrow took one of the crafts down. 
A squad of Peacekeepers appeared and were firing their weapons. As you dove for cover, Johanna threw her axe. The weapon cut off three heads of Peacekeepers before it got stuck in a cement wall. On your hip, your trident was closed into a simple rod. You pulled it out and clicked a button that allowed it to expand out and reveal its sharp metal. You accidentally tapped another button and the blades became electrified. 
“Cool,” Johanna muttered as she watched your weapon become even deadlier. She caught her axe in her hand and together the two of you charged at the Peacekeepers. Taking multiple down at a time. Not stopping until the last one was gone. Unfortunately, even with all of the effort to stop the attack, the makeshift hospital was gone. 
You were devastated by the sight. As was Katniss. She gave a harrowing speech into the camera as a Capitol ship burned behind her. She pointed to it and shouted, “If we burn! You burn with us!” 
Wanda ran into your arms as soon as you stepped out of the hovercraft.
“I heard there was a attack in Eight. I thought, I thought,” she shook as she failed to finish her sentence. 
“It's okay,” you whispered as you held her just as tight. “I'm okay.” 
Katniss watched you and Wanda. She remembered having a similar feeling in her first games when she heard the cannon go off and she couldn't find Peeta. Again when his heart stopped in the second games. She felt it recently when she saw Peeta on television for the first time since they'd been separated. She looked at Gale and wondered if she'd feel that kind of fear if his life was at stake. She knows she'd be afraid to lose him. But would she feel the same desperation she felt for Peeta? She didn't know. She did know that she the first impressions of you that she had before were completely wrong. She thought that, much like Finnick, you were just another victor that used their fame and riches to sleep with everyone and anyone. There was a lot of coverage of it in the years since you'd won. But watching the way you were with Wanda. She realized there was something a lot more to you than that. 
“When you said your buyers would disagree,” Katniss started as the two of you walked around the woods. She was in an argument with Gale because of what Peeta was being forced to say on television. Katniss still wanted to hunt but she wasn't allowed to without at least one other person with her. She invited Johanna but she said she'd rather be burned alive because at least that torture ended in death. So she asked you and you didn't feel up to dancing in front of another camera so you agreed. “What did you mean by that?”
“I shouldn't have said that to you,” you said as you kept on walking. 
“Well you did and I want to know what that meant,” Katniss pressed on as she followed. 
“Why? It's not important,” you tried to move on from the subject and when she asked again you stopped walking. You turned to her and sighed. “Katniss, what I'm about to tell you isn't… It's not something you'll be able to easily forget. Are you sure that you want to know?” 
Katniss nodded her head, “Yes, I need to know. I can't stop thinking about it. Why would you have buyers?” 
“Because of Snow,” you stated with a shrug. “I wasn't the only one. There are, sorry, were other victors that were auctioned off to the highest bidders. Those that were found to be… desirable in the eyes of Capitol citizens or officials were forced to comply. Snow allowed us access to certain drugs that took the edge off, made the meetings bearable. But if we ever resisted, he would kill someone that we cared about. It happened to Finnick. It happened to Johanna. It happened to me. So, Katniss, when I say that you are lucky. I mean that you are lucky,” you stated before turning and walking on. 
“I don't get it. Why would he do that?” Katniss eventually asked after a while. She had gone silent after your speech and you felt bad for your snarky comment. You hardly knew what she had to endure, she was from a poor district. She'd been in the Hunger Games twice. It wasn't a fair statement. 
You shrugged at her question, “To remind us that we're still just as powerless as we were before we won? I don't know.”
Katniss stopped you from walking further and turned you to face her. She scanned your face with her eyes then she hugged you. “I'm sorry you had to go through that,” she said against your chest. You responded to the hug by wrapping your arms around her and rubbing her back.
“It's over now,” you stated before pulling away. 
“How did you manage to find someone to love through all of that? How did you allow yourself to open up to someone that way?” Katniss asked. 
You smiled as you thought about the first time you met Wanda. “Love isn't something that you find or that you decide whether or not to accept. Not when it's true. The kind of love that I have with Wanda, it snuck up on me. I never expected it and I don't think she did either. I tried to fight it, of course. She did as well, I mean I might've been a victor but I was still from the districts. Falling for me was a giant risk for her. Not just career wise but her life was at stake as well. But eventually neither of us could deny it,” you shook your head. 
“Wanda isn't from District Four?” Katniss asked dumbly. 
You laughed, “She's going to kill me when I tell you this because she thinks she might've offended you when she was doing her job but no, she isn't from Four. She's from the Capitol. She used to do the gossip segment for Capitol TV.” 
Katniss's eyes widened in recognition. “Now I remember her. Wow, I cannot believe I didn't recognize her. She's so human now.”
You nodded, “Yeah, she hated her job but it's what more than paid the bills.” 
“It must’ve been difficult to protect that love,” she sympathized. “Talk about star-crossed lovers,” she muttered. 
You stared at her for a moment as you considered asking all of the questions that had been swarming your mind long before you even met her. “You and your cousin?”
Katniss sighed through her nose as she looked at you, “He’s not my cousin. He – I don’t quite know what he is to me right now.”
 You nodded and bit your lips. “You and Peeta,” you started and Katniss’s eyes darted to the ground, “What, uh, was any of that real?” 
Katniss shook her head then she nodded then she shook her head more. “I don’t know. I’ve told myself a dozen times that it was just about survival but… I don’t know.” You nodded. You understood how complicated feelings could be. “Snow didn’t make it any easier.”
You frowned as your eyebrows knitted together. “What do you mean?”
Katniss took a deep breath, “He told me that if I couldn’t convince him and the rest of the country that my moment with berries was an act of love and not an act of defiance… he’d well, he made it seem like he’d kill everyone I cared about but instead he just sent us back into the games.” She looked off to the distance. “He wanted to avoid all of this.” She shook her head again. “I thought he was crazy. I didn’t think that my decision to save the person that saved my family and I when we were preteens would cause all of this.” 
“Katniss,” you started, you wanted to tell her that there was so much more to this. But it wouldn’t be much comfort to know that every person has just been a pawn in these games. “Let’s just focus on hunting. That’s something that does a lot more good than bad, right?”
Katniss nodded as she started walking again. 
After that the two of you were able to kill two giant elks. It took a lot to carry down to the kitchen but somehow the two of you managed. The two of you were sharing a laugh when a broadcast of Peeta came onto the screens in the cafeteria. He looked worse than the first time they showed him. Katniss covered her mouth at the sight. You shut your eyes as you tried to push away the thoughts of what they could be doing to the poor boy. It wasn't fair. 
He was once again calling for a cease fire. Well the first time he was asking for one. This time he was begging for Katniss to stop. You shook your head at his words. You have no idea what you would do in his position. 
The next propo recorded was Katniss's idea. She wanted to show Peeta what happened to their district. So the film crew went out to District 12 to film Katniss and Gale. You and Johanna were forced to go just in case there was another attack. It would look good for the cameras. 
Katniss and Gale walked around what was left of their home district, which was nothing but ashes. Bodies were melted together and you could imagine their despair as they tried to run out of the district. Katniss told the cameras what building used to be where in what used to be the town square. She stood on what once was Peeta Mellark's childhood home. Gale then told the cameras how the bombing went down. He claimed that the Mellark's had no chance to get out of there as some of the first bombs hit around the bakery. 
The footage ended up saving many lives. They intercepted another interview with Peeta and he looked much worse than before. He heard Katniss's song as Beetee and Tony disrupted the broadcast and warned her that everyone would be dead by the morning. The footage ended with Peeta being knocked out with the butt of a rifle. The camera fell as his blood splattered on the floor. 
The district had to evacuate even further into the Earth. They had a bunker just in case the Capitol tried to bomb the already underground district again. You stayed with Wanda and Pietro as the bombs shook the planet. It was hours before the walls stopped shaking. It might've been all night but without any way to track the time, it didn't really matter. People just wanted it to stop. 
Once the hovercrafts were cleared, a team of volunteers were sent to rescue Peeta. Gale was the first to volunteer, you were the second. Despite Wanda’s protests, you had to go. You had to help especially after Katniss had a meltdown. She was just like Annie. You couldn't save but maybe you could save Peeta. You couldn’t help Finnick, but you hoped you could help Katniss.
The mission wasn’t easy. You knew it wouldn’t be. Peacekeepers were everywhere. If you hadn’t had a weapon so special, you don’t think you’d have made it out alive. Getting out of the Capitol was nearly impossible but somehow the team managed to get out with only a couple casualties. When you returned, you had to face the wives and husbands of those that didn’t make it back. You don’t think you’ll ever forget their screams for those they lost. Just another reason to wake up in the middle of the night. 
Wanda wouldn’t open the door when you went to visit her. At breakfast the next morning she wouldn’t look at you. At lunch she sat close to you but still refused to address your presence. By dinner, she decided to forgive you for volunteering to go on the possible suicide mission. She hugged your bruised and cut up body and glared at you when you winced. 
“You wouldn’t be in pain if you’d of stayed,” she said and you smiled as you kissed her scowl. 
“I love you too.” She rolled her eyes as she continued to lean against you. “I told you that I’d always come back.” 
Wanda sighed deeply, “I hate that I fell in love with someone that’d risk their life to save the world. But I can’t ask you to stop.” She moved your overgrown hair behind your ear. “That hope in your heart is what made me fall in the first place.”
“You really set yourself up for failure didn’t you?” You asked with a grin as you also moved locks of her hair behind her ear. 
“Gag, I’m trying to eat here,” Pietro’s tablet went off and he quickly fumbled with trying to turn it off as you and Wanda laughed. 
With Peeta in the infirmary, Katniss began to ignore her schedule. She spent her training hours in his room. She didn’t want him to feel alone since none of his family made it out. A friend of his, Delly Cartwright, did make it to District 13. She was visiting when Katniss wasn’t. Peeta was in terrible shape when he was rescued. It was months before he was well enough to be released and in that time more districts became free from the ruling of the Capitol. 
You were only sent to other districts when they wanted to film supplies being distributed to them. To show that District 13 cared. You felt off about it but it kept you off of the frontlines where you could be safe. And since the Mockingjay was refusing to do much outside of helping Peeta back to health, there wasn’t much else expected of the Star Squad. The nickname for the squad of victors that always had the cameras on them. 
You would visit Finnick when you could in order to get him to eat after he’d nearly starved himself to death. You were kind and paitient with him until one day you unleashed your frustration with him. 
“I’m so sick of your pity party Finnick!” You shouted after he just went on and on about wanting to be dead. “Do you know how much medical supplies they’ve wasted to keep you alive? You’re not even grateful!” You started to pace the room.
“I never asked them to -” he began to shout back.
“Well too damn bad! They did! I promised Annie that I would always be there for you and I’ll be damned if you make me break that promise!”
“She’s dead! What she wanted doesn’t matter anymore!” 
“Of course it matters!” You shouted back just as desperate. “Finnick, she loved you. And you loved her! She's gone and you're still here. It’s not fair. None of this is fair. But if you were out there, you would see how selfish you've been! If you had a conversation with ten people here, you'd find out that more than half of them have lost the loves of their lives and they are still fighting!” You shook your head at him. “I've been patient with you but you're pathetic. And I can't keep doing this anymore,” you left the room. 
You didn't see him again until a few months later when he walked into the training room. He looked healthier than the last time you'd seen him. Finnick wouldn't go near you but you didn't mind. You preferred that he hated you. It meant he was alive. 
“We need something to celebrate,” Plutarch said as he eyed Katniss and Peeta. The two were always seen together. If you spotted one alone, the other wasn't too far behind. You teased her about it during training once and she jabbed you in the ribs with a baton. You stopped teasing her whenever there was a weapon around. “We were thinking of a wedding…” he kept moving his eyes towards the clueless teens. 
Katniss shrugged when she felt his eyes on her, “That's not a terrible idea. Who's getting married?” You shook your head as you failed to hide your amusement. 
“You're not serious?” You look at Plutarch and Coin. “You're going to force those kids to fake their marriage a second time?” 
“Well, seeing as they already claimed-” 
“Wait us?” Katniss finally caught up. 
“I don't know guys,” Peeta started. 
“Hear us out-” Plutarch tried to explain again. 
“Ugh, please stop,” Johanna cut in with a roll of her eyes. “It's already been done. We can't keep spinning this broken record. I'd sooner gouge my eyes out than attend their wedding.” 
“That's not-” Katniss frowned. 
“No one was asking you, Johanna,” Plutarch finally got a full sentence in. 
You looked over at Wanda as you considered volunteering. She met your eyes and subtly shook her head. You sighed and turned to the table. “What about Johanna and…” your eyes scanned the room. You smirked as they landed on the glowering raven haired grey eyed man sitting across from Katniss and Peeta. “Gale,” you grinned. “Cressida has said that he has a face for the camera. And come on, what’s more unifying than a miner from Twelve marrying a lumberjack from Seven?” You could have sworn that you saw smoke coming out of Gale's ears. “Shows that we're all the same.” 
“That's not a bad idea,” Finnick chimed in. 
“Screw you, where'd you come from anyway?” Johanna snapped at her friend. 
“I'm just saying, no one would expect it,” Finnick shrugged. 
President Coin leaned forward on the table. She looked at each face then she said, “No. It has to be the Mockingjay.” 
“Why?” You challenged her. 
“Excuse me?” Coin stared at you directly. 
“Why does it have to be her? She's a kid,” you doubled down. “If you make them get married, you're no better than Snow.” The room went silent. No one has challenged the president so openly before. They weren't sure what they were supposed to do. 
“We'll do it,” Katniss said. “Don't punish Y/n. I've confided in them a lot and they're only trying to protect me.” She defended you. “Which I appreciate,” she turns to address you directly, “but it's not necessary. Besides, what's another fake wedding?” She looked at Peeta who appeared to be very displeased by the news. 
“Excuse me,” Peeta rose from his seat and left the room. Katniss stood up and Haymitch stopped her. 
“Let him be,” the older man said gruffly. She sat back down as she watched the door. 
“Perfect!” Plutarch clapped his hands. “Perfect! We'll get a move on. We only have a couple of weeks to pull this off!” He gathered his notes and walked off with his team. 
You didn’t want any part of the fake wedding because it made you uncomfortable. The thought of making the two teenagers continue to put on a show when they still didn't know what they wanted. It also made you look at the president of District 13 differently. When you first arrived, you thought she wanted true change. As you got to work under her for an extended period of time you began to question if she was just as power hungry as Snow was. 
Unfortunately, you couldn't stay away from the wedding party. Since District 12’s traditions weren't something that were celebratory or entertaining enough. They are private and intimate. And there isn’t enough in District 13 to spare for a Captiol type wedding. It was too risky to hold it in the woods which is something that comes from the District 7 traditions. Finnick offered up District 4 traditions which are a little more extravagant than District 12 but were doable compared to District 7 and Capitol traditions. That brought on your involvement in the whole endeavor. You kept trying to pass responsibilities off to Finnick but he was having to catch up on training since it’d been close to a year since he was rotting away in the infirmary. 
Wanda thought your wedding planning persona was cute. She’d never seen you throw yourself into something so much before. Considering that before the rebellion she only saw you for a few hours every few months, she was happy to learn about any side of you. She kissed your cheek when you were doing a seating chart that made the most sense visually.
“Is this how you'll be when we get married?” Wanda asked as she leaned her head against your shoulder. 
“Oh, we're going to get married, are we?” You retorted as you erased a name from the chart and wrote it somewhere else. 
Wanda rubbed your other shoulder as she smiled. “Of course we are,” she kisses your cheek again. “I don't join rebellions for just anyone, you know?”
You made a face. “I thought you did this for Pietro.” She walked in front of you and sat on your lap as she wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“What happened to him made me realize how unfair the system is and I wished I could do something to change it.” She held your face in her hands and played with your hair as she held your eye contact. You loved getting lost in those enchanting hazel green eyes. “I didn't get involved until the night I realized I loved you. I remember it so vividly, I nearly thought my heart was going to explode out of my chest.” She grabbed your hand and held it over her chest. She shook her head. “You were fast asleep but for a moment I couldn't tell if you were breathing. Then I imagined that you died and just the mere thought,” her eyes teared up and you reached up with your free hand to cradle her face. “I never thought I was capable of loving someone as much as I love you.” 
You felt yourself getting choked up by her confession of love. “I, wow,” you reacted with tears on the brim of your eyes. “I had no idea you felt so deeply about me.” You pressed your hand against her chest. “I am lucky that you trust me with your heart.” You leaned your head against hers and closed your eyes. “I hope I'm worth all of this death and destruction to you.” 
Wanda nuzzled against you and pulled you closer to her at your words. “You are worth the hope of a brighter future. That's what I'm fighting for.” The two of you held onto each other for a long time. You got lost in the moment with her. You felt your  heart beat in time with hers. Even though she didn't want to marry you at the time, you felt as though your souls connected that day as a promise of forever. 
At the wedding, everyone read from scripts that Effie and Plutarch wrote together. It was a cheesy and silly wedding. There were moments that made the event feel real. Like when Peeta teared up as Katniss was walked down the aisle by her sister, Primrose. Or when Katniss got choked up and went off script at the start. Not a single word she said was fabricated. Peeta didn't read his lines either.
The unifying kiss lasted a bit longer than it should have. It made you happy to see that Katniss was making a complicated situation a little less complicated. She looked happy. So did Peeta. So did everyone else. The celebration after felt real. People danced and sang. You and Wanda got to have a moment on the dance floor as well. You held her so close as the two of you swayed together at a slow song. You moved with her as the dance became a little more elaborate and the music became upbeat. There was laughter where there used to be quiet whispers. It was a bright occasion. 
Which was nice to have the memory of the celebration when the war began to take a turn. The Capitol had yet to be overturned. They began to draft as many able bodied men and women to become Peacekeepers in order to infiltrate the more radicalized districts. Attacking when they least expected. 
In Thirteen, they began to release soldiers that passed their final exams to districts the second they passed. At a certain point it began to feel like they rigged the system in order to send the troops out as fast as possible. There were, however, certain soldiers that couldn't leave for a reason or another. Like Pietro was an asset to the war room which they kept him locked away in for the majority of his days. Or if a soldier had a certain medical condition that prevented them from leaving. 
You didn't feel that you were ready when you finished your exam but you sat in your living quarters as you stared at your assignment. Wanda walked in after her exam and sat on the bed with you. She laid her head on your shoulder as she frowned down at your papers. “That's what one of those looks like,” she muttered. You made a face as you noticed she was empty handed. 
“You're not going on a mission?” You asked as you moved your arm to set your hand on her hip. 
“No,” she said as she nuzzled into your side more. “I didn't pass. I, um, I guess they found… something,” she shook her head and pulled away from you. “I have a medical condition that prevents me from going.” 
Your eyes widened with fear. “What’s wrong, Wanda? Are you going to be okay?” 
Wanda smiled with tears in her eyes, “I'm going to be just fine. Don't you worry about me. I-” She was interrupted by a knock. 
Commander Boggs stood at the door with two other soldiers. “I'm here to personally retrieve you. It seems as though the Mockingjay made plans of her own yesterday. We leave in a half hour. Say your goodbyes now.” He stepped away and shut the door as a courtesy. 
You turned to Wanda with a pounding heart. You didn't want to leave without knowing that you would be coming back to her. “Wanda, I love you. I can't lose you. Please tell me, this medical condition isn't serious.” 
Wanda held both of your hands in hers. “Y/n. I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I will tell you everything when you come back to me. Because you will come back to me, right?” 
You nodded and pulled her into a tight hug. Then you kissed her lips and memorized the way her soft lips felt against yours. With your eyes closed, you leaned your forehead against hers and whispered, “I will always come back to you.” You promised just as Boggs knocked on the door to signal that it was time. You pulled your medallion out of your pocket and handed it to Wanda. “This has always been my good luck charm. I want you to have it.” Wanda shook her head but you put it in her hand and closed her fingers into a fist as you stood up to leave. You reminded her that you loved her. She told you that she loved you as tears streamed down her face. 
The Star Squad was assembled and meant to be safe from any combat. The group was meant to be filmed not to engage in real battle. The team wasn't even supposed to exist but with Katniss cutting her honeymoon short and sneaking off to the Capitol on her own, Coin was forced to make it look like that was her idea. You couldn't be mad, Katniss wanted Snow dead. Everyone did. But you were a little upset that she didn't include you in the plan once you found out that Peeta and Johanna helped her escape. 
The team moved through the rundown Capitol with precaution, using a device nicknamed the Holo. It mapped out and scanned for PODs, which were unpredictable traps planted throughout the streets. You couldn't believe what had become of the once vibrant city. You knew where Wanda’s home was from where you stood, no matter where you were. You remember taking long walks with her through the city during your time with her. The two of you were always in some ridiculous disguise to allow for privacy. 
She would race you when she was in a playful mood. The two of you would accidentally knock into others with childish snickers. Other times, you would spot a cheesy gift at one of the many stands at the market. You would buy her something that you knew she'd hate in order to share a laugh then surprise her with something she'd love. You eventually found out that she kept both types of gifts in a box under a floorboard under her bed. 
It was one of the signs that let you know she loved you. 
You think about her when Homes and Mitchell are blown up. The explosion was loud and had your ears ringing. Gale had to grab you by your vest to get you running as guns were firing. The team ran to hide in three different buildings. Katniss and Gale used their explosive arrows to blow up the Peacekeepers vehicles before they could use their explosives against the Star Squad. 
Boggs and Jackson were able to get everyone directed into a single building and reconvene. They agreed that the best course of action was to retreat back to base but Katniss cut in with her personal mission, claiming it was Coin's assignment. “I was sent here to kill Snow. Coin wants us to broadcast the entire thing in order to get the Peacekeepers to surrender,” she wasn't convincing but no one was in a position to argue when the team was closer to the Presidential Mansion than they were to safety. 
Boggs didn't challenge her. He agreed to follow her lead. He projected the map of the city to show that the number of PODs had grown. The best chance was underground. Pollux, a former avox turned rebel cameraman and soldier, volunteered his knowledge from the years of experience he had working in the sewer system of the Capitol.
You had to pretend that the water that you sloshed through was the ocean that you once played in as a child. “Thinking about home?” Finnick asked you as he nudged your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” you responded, “you?” 
He nodded his head, “although this smell isn't making it easy. I miss that sea salt smell. I didn't mind tasting that air.” 
“Aw man,” you shook your head as you remembered the crystal blue sea. “When all of this is over, the first thing I'm doing is taking Wanda to Four. She deserves a nice beach day after everything she's been through.” 
“I think we all do,” Finnick added. “But don't worry, I won't be too needy when I come along. Not like you were.” His joke hit you harder than it was meant to. It felt like a different life. You invaded Finnick and Annie's home because you couldn't be alone. You joined them on their dates whenever you needed the company. Annie took care of you whenever she was capable of doing so. She was such a great person. She didn't deserve to go the way she did.
“It's okay, I deserve it,” you patted his back. He hugged you from the side while the both of you continued to walk through the sewers. You missed him so much while he was lost. You were happy to have him back. You hoped that one day he would move on because that's what Annie would have wanted. 
The team eventually found a dry space to rest for a few hours. You were the first on the watch rotation. You were jumpy. There was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that warned you. In the moment, you ignored it. When you fell asleep after you woke up Boggs, you continued to ignore the feeling. 
Then you woke up to screams and being shoved. Katniss was shoving you awake. Everyone ran out of the dry space and ran through the tunnels as they were chased by mutts. You tried to shoot at the mutts but you couldn't slow down enough to aim. Directions were being shouted out and in the hysteria the team members that weren't being mauled by the faceless creatures ran into an area that was meant for maintenance workers. Several of them ran up a ladder to escape. Just as Katniss was about to climb, a creature took her down which sent you and Peeta running to her rescue. Finnick was shouting from the opening for everyone to hurry. 
With your trident you were able to fend off the creatures in front of you but it was Johanna that managed to protect you from behind. Katniss and Peeta managed to get the creatures away from them with Gale's help as well as yours and Johanna's. Katniss ran up the ladder first, followed by Peeta, then Johanna. It was you and Gale that were next when another wave of mutts came rushing through. You tried to climb up as fast as you could to allow Gale the time to climb but both of you were caught by the wave. Just as you were being pulled up by Peeta, your legs were caught by a mutt and had you dragged back down. 
If it hadn't been for your special trident, you wouldn't have made it out of the sewers alive. You managed to save what was left of Gale. His right leg was shredded and gushing blood. The two of you crawled through the tunnels together and managed to catch up with what was left of the team. Katniss looked relieved but the feeling didn't last long as a bullet fired and hit Gale in the head. You had been the one holding him up as it happened. His blood and his brains painted your face. 
“Run!” You shouted as more Peacekeepers appeared. Katniss was in shock, you had to grab her as you ran through the parking garage. Deadly light beams flashed from the ceiling at random. The first one took down Messalla. He turned to dust as fast as the light touched him. “Run!” You screeched at the top of your lungs again as the floor shredded behind the Leeg sisters. Leeg 2 tripped over herself and fell into the blades. Leeg 1 turned as she heard her sister's cries, that split second of hesitation took her life. 
Finally, the lights stopped as did the blades and the remaining members of the Star Squad were running out of the death trap and into the dark streets of the Capitol. There were digital and physical posters everywhere of the rebels' faces, including yours and the other former victors. There didn't seem to be a place to hide. The adrenaline coursing through your veins had you jumping at every sound as you tried to think of where to hide. 
“I know where we are,” Cressida said breathlessly, “I know where to go.” She guided the team to a clothing shop. A woman with tiger-like features answered the door and rushed everyone inside. She brought the team of rebels into the basement. You took careful steps as you observed the space with your weapon drawn. Cressida, Castor, and Pollux were already standing around the basement. When you deduced that it was safe, you collapsed on the last step. 
You woke up with a gasp of air, startled by the delicate touch of the woman that was hosting you. She had been stitching a gash on your bicep when you woke up. You frowned as she retreated. You knew her but you couldn't remember how before you slipped back into unconsciousness. The adrenaline had deserted your body, leaving it exhausted without an ounce of energy. 
“Wanda,” you muttered as you felt someone cradling your face in their hands. You leaned into the touch and forced your eyes open, anxious to see the love of your life. It was Johanna that you saw instead. She was wiping your face with a wet cloth. “Oh, it's you,” you muttered as you shut your eyes again. 
“Shut up, you know you're happy to see me,” she said softly as she continued to clean your face. “Finnick made it. So did the two love birds. Cressida and her bugs are alive too,” she quietly informed you.
You tried to swallow a lump forming in your throat but the emotions hit you too hard to hide them. “I couldn't save him,” you said through your tears. Johanna nodded as she continued to clean Gale's blood from your face with a frown as tears built up in her eyes. She cared about you a lot and it hurt her to see you fall apart like that. You stopped crying and sat up as you felt guilty for the display of emotion when everyone in the room had lost people. You weren't even close with Gale. It just sucked with how hard you fought to keep him alive and just when you thought you had, he was gone before you or anyone could do anything. 
You looked around the room and saw Finnick cleaning the blades of his trident. Cressida, Pollux, and Castor were tinkering with an old model of a Capitol television. Katniss and Peeta were holding each other as they slept. Her nose was red and her cheeks were stained with tears. You were certain were shed for the loss of her former hunting partner and best friend. 
“When do you think we'll continue?” You asked Johanna with a mouth full of a sandwich she'd handed you. 
She took a slow breath as she considered her answer. “When the next opportunity presents itself. We're in too deep to turn back now.” You nodded as you chewed. 
Pollux cheered as he managed to repair the television. A mandatory broadcast that invited all Capitol citizens to Snow's mansion gave the opportunity to infiltrate the mansion. But it was only safe for two people to go. You were the first to volunteer. Katniss was the second. Peeta protested but Katniss was able to convince him that it had to be her. His prosthetic leg was broken, he couldn't take your place even if Katniss wasn't able to talk him down.  Finnick almost talked you out of going but he didn't see the point.
“When Wanda asks, I tried to take your place,” Finnick said as he helped you get dressed up. 
“Oh if I ever tell her this story, you did take my place,” you joked. He patted your shoulder as he agreed with a grin. He adjusted the holster with the trident inside so that it was still hidden but gave you easy access. Then he handed you a stolen Peacekeeper rifle and helped you hide it under the heavy coat. “If this goes south, tell her I'm sorry and that I love her,” you told Finnick with fear in your eyes. 
Finnick sighed, “Things will go south if you think like that.”
“Promise me that you'll tell her,” you stated firmly. He agreed to deliver the message. “And make sure that when all of this is over and we come out on top that she is taken care of. If they still give us our winnings, make sure she gets mine. And that she can have my place in Four. Make sure that you disable all of the bugs,” you speak urgently as if you don't tell him these things now, no one will ever know your last wishes. 
“Y/n,” Finnick looked you in the eye with worry, “Should I take your place? You have a life to start after this. I don't. Maybe I should-” 
“There's no time,” Tigris warned as she rushed away from the windows. “You and Katniss have to leave now.” 
You nodded and turned back to Finnick, “I'll be fine I just want to make sure that Wanda is taken care of just in case.” Finnick nodded as he agreed to ensure that Wanda was taken care of. 
“But you're going to come back, and you're going to take care of her yourself, okay?” Finnick encouraged as he hugged you. You closed your eyes as you stood in his arms before you stepped away and turned to see Katniss and Peeta saying their goodbyes. They shared a kiss and you looked away as you felt like you were imposing in a private moment. 
“Katniss, we better go,” you said as you put your hood over your head. She nodded as she stepped away from her twice faux husband. 
Together, the two of you walked out into the crowded street. You kept your head down enough to not get noticed but not so much to have your view obstructed. You and Katniss got pretty close to the gates, it made your heart pound so hard that you could hardly hear anything. But with each step closer, you grew more confident that you'd be able to pull this off. Then you saw Peacekeepers were pulling hoods down. In a panic, you and Katniss turned around only to find more soldiers pulling hoods down. So you both turned back towards the pit before the gate where they were separating children from their parents. 
You lost your confidence as you couldn't figure out where to go from there. You were both trapped. Then guns started firing. “It's the rebels!” Someone shouted and you pushed Katniss ahead of you to get her closer to the gates. Your hood fell and Peacekeepers charged towards you. With all of the innocent civilians around, you didn't want them to get caught in the crossfire so you dropped the rifle and pulled out the trident. 
You fought off the Peacekeepers as you saw rebel trucks rolling through the crowd. A small boy ran up to you and kicked you in the knee as you fought off Peacekeepers. The small distraction allowed a Peacekeeper to get the upper hand on you as he took your trident from you and tried to stab you through the chest with it. But because of the programming that Tony and Beetee did to the weapon, the blade disappeared before it could harm you and the part of the staff that he was holding heated until he dropped the weapon. You caught the trident as it fell and stabbed him through the chest. 
You pulled it out and rushed to find Katniss when everyone stopped as Capitol hovercrafts loomed over the pit of children and dropped parachutes as if they were gifts from sponsors. The children reached out to them in excitement. You had just found Katniss when the parachutes exploded. 
The two of you fell back and you hit your head hard on a broken piece of concrete. Everything went to black as you heard nothing but screams. 
When you woke up, you were in a hospital. It was white and bright. You'd been in there before but not in District 13. This was the hospital in the Capitol. Your heart picked up with fear until you realized that your hand was being held by Wanda as she slept in a chair by your bedside. 
Your heart rate on the monitor slowed down as you calmed. You wiggled your fingers to try and bring circulation back to them. As you did, you felt the familiar shape of your medallion pressing against the palm of your hand. Wanda sat up as she felt you move. “Oh thank goodness!” She cheered as she finally saw your eyes open. She leaned in and kissed on the mouth then she leaned her forehead against yours with closed eyes. “You came back to me,” she whispered. 
“I promised, didn't I?” You replied with a raspy voice. 
She laughed through the tears that started to fall in her relief. “You can't make that promise again because you're never leaving my side again. Do you hear me? Never,” she demanded as she pulled back to look at you. Her eyes danced as they scanned your features. “Our child needs you almost as much as I do,” she said in a broken whisper. 
“Our what?” Your eyes widened at the news and then it clicked for you. That's the condition she was in that she couldn't leave Thirteen on assignment for. Wanda nodded as she wiped her tears. 
“We can talk more after the doctor sees you,” she said as she hit a button on the wall. You couldn't believe the news. You couldn't believe that the rebels had won. You had no idea that when you were knocked out by the concrete that you would be waking up in a new and free world. It was not how you saw the war ending, but you didn't mind. You were happy it was over.
The rebels won but President Coin didn't. She wanted to implement a version of the Hunger Games with only Capitol children. Any child born in the Capitol or from a female Capitol citizen would be eligible in the first reaping. First. That word led you to believe that there would be future games. That made your future child eligible. You voted against it. But unfortunately, the votes for it outweighed those against. You hadn't realized that Katniss was angry about the loss of her sister until you heard about Prim’s death. 
Then at the ceremony where she was supposed to shoot President Snow with an arrow, her aim went a bit higher and instead pierced President Coin in the heart with her arrow. A rush of people fled towards the stage to aid Coin as she fell to the front of it. Snow laughed himself to death as he choked on his own blood. Katniss was about to eat a nightlock pill before Peeta took it from her. She was then taken into custody. You couldn't see her for days while a committee discussed her fate. 
You did speak to her character when the committee brought you in for questioning. In the footage of the day, they caught a moment between the two of you when she looked at you and you looked away with a disappointed expression. They used that to accuse you of knowing that she planned on killing the president. You revealed Coin’s shocking plans for the future Capitol Games. You didn't go into the details of the disagreement, you only revealed that there was one. 
She was sent to District 12 on conditions that you weren't clear on because they were highly confidential. But there were rumors. When you got the chance, you visited her to find out what she was thinking when she voted to have a new version of the Hunger Games and what she was thinking when she shot Coin instead of Snow. You had so many questions for her. But, when you found her in her home you decided that it didn't matter what her motivations were. She was lost in her grief. Peeta lived in the home he was awarded after their games and he said that he checked on her when she allowed it but there wasn't much else he could do for her other than keep her alive until she was ready to live again. 
You thanked him and offered your support whenever he or she needed it. Then you returned to District 4. There, you and Wanda were helping the district rebuild. She loved it in the district more than either of you thought she would. She was able to bond with the community better than she did when she was in the Capitol. Even her twin brother, Pietro, found a life for himself in District 4. 
The two of you didn't marry until after the baby was born. Well, babies. Wanda gave birth to Tommy and Billy in the new District 4 hospital that you helped build with a team of men and women and other non-gender conforming persons. They were the first boys to be born in the new world. The first baby to be born after the war was over was a girl. She was born a couple of months before the twins were born. 
You cried as you held your sons in your arms. Not only because there were so many close calls that almost prevented you from experiencing the moment. But because without the war, without the games, without all of the hardships, those boys wouldn't exist.  You never thought that you'd ever be grateful for the suffering you endure until you held your boys and thought of them as the reward. 
For the wedding Pietro and Johanna each carried one of the babies. Johanna was your best woman and Pietro was Wanda’s man of honor. Each baby had a ring that was attached to a pillow. Finnick officiated the ceremony. Many were in attendance, including a much healthier Katniss and Peeta. You attended their own private wedding ceremony a few years later. Surprisingly, a sober Haymitch Abernathy with a ring on his marital finger and a smile as he sat next to his wife, Effie Trinket. She didn't think Effie Abernathy had the same ring to it. Your wedding wasn't televised and you were grateful for the privacy as you and Wanda celebrated the union with the people that mattered in your lives. It wasn't a show for strangers to tune into or to be inspired by. It was just a fun night that celebrated love. 
Life was good.
But life wasn't good throughout the entire country. There were still people that weren't entirely happy with the changes that were being implemented. People were losing jobs. Not everyone had a home to return to and those that did had expected an upgrade for their troubles. Things weren't moving at the pace that everyone wanted. You carried a guilt for having such a peaceful life that you chose to get involved in anyway that you could.
“I have to go to the Capitol next week,” you sighed as you told Wanda with a frown while you laid with her in bed. 
“What for?” She asked as she sat up. 
“I have to meet with the head of the housing department to discuss a few things and offer my help,” you stated vaguely, you were tired and comfortable. You hardly had the energy to go into detail. 
“You have to be careful when you're there, I've heard that crime rates are high right now,” Wanda warned as she settled back against you. “Apparently there’s a group of former Peacekeepers that weren't too happy about losing their positions of power. They've been targeting people from the districts that live in or even visit the Capitol.”
“Please, I've survived an arena and a rebellion. I can handle a bunch of bigots,” you muttered. “But I hear you,” you kissed her cheek. “I'll be careful,” you promised with your eyes closed. “I love you,” you whispered as you started to fall asleep. 
Visiting the Capitol opened your eyes to how bad things had gotten there. It wasn’t the lively city it once was. It looked like any other district before the rebellion and before the rebuilds and renovations. You only saw so much from the back window of the vehicle you were being driven in. But it was more than enough to get your guard up. Your meeting went well with the woman in charge of the housing and other restorations throughout the districts. She was very receptive to your idea’s on the kinds of houses that people should be living in as well as the kinds of fundraising efforts that can be done and the jobs that could be made in each district. She loved the proposal you had put together and when the meeting was over, she invited you out to celebrate. You should have declined but you knew how important networking was for the project. She brought you to one of the more high end bars in the Capitol. The buildings that surrounded the bar were covered in tags and there were tents for the homeless across the street. You couldn't believe it had gotten so bad. 
As you celebrated with the woman, she introduced you to prospective investors. You chatted with many people throughout the night until you were ready to leave. But when you stepped out, the car you called for wasn't there. You looked around confused and that's when someone snuck behind you and pulled a sack over your head. 
You fought against them but more people came along. You couldn't see which made it difficult to tell how many people there were as you tried to fight them off without a weapon. Which one of them had. They hit the front of your knee hard enough to have you collapse to the ground. You were almost certain that they had shattered your kneecap. The group of them kicked and hit you from every direction until you stopped moving. 
Two of them lifted you up by your arms and dragged you to a truck. They drove you to the center of the city and strapped your wrists against the new Mockingjay statue. They burned the old Capitol emblem into your abdomen, then they left you to be found in the morning. 
By the time they brought you down from the statue, there was no saving you. 
Finnick found out from the news that morning. He ran over to your house to try and stop Wanda from turning on the television but he was too late. He walked into the home and found her screaming on the floor as her brother held her. The image of you hanging on the Mockingjay statue was still on the screen. Finnick dropped to his knees and cried into his hands. 
Johanna found out in the home of a woman she'd met the night before. She ran out and got on the first train to Four to find out if the broadcast was just a scare tactic. It was the only thing the news showed all day. But she kept telling herself that it didn't even look like you. That it had to be a fake doll or something. But when she got to Four and found the home of distraught loved ones, she had to accept what she refused to believe. You were gone for good. Your six-year-old boys ran up to her with scared and confused expressions. They didn't know yet. She took them to their room to distract them until she could find out what Wanda was planning to do. 
Peeta was in the hospital when he found out. He asked the nurse to shut off the broadcast while Katniss slept. He shed silent tears as he held their daughter. He was supposed to call you the day before to tell you the news but he thought it couldn't hurt to wait a day. He didn't inform Katniss of your brutal passing until she was discharged from the hospital the next day. She was furious about the delay. 
Haymitch read about the incident in the newspaper. He sat up in his lounge chair, getting ready to tell Effie but she walked into the living room with a tear streaked face and fell into his lap. The older couple held each other tight as they mourned the tragic loss of their friend. 
President Paylor wasn't putting up with the violence in the country from that point. It wasn't the way you imagined making a difference, but your death was not in vain. It opened the eyes to the public and to the government how society was failing. How things hadn't changed enough. Harsh laws were implemented to put a stop to the hate crimes that were being done throughout the country. Rewards were given to those that turned in the murders that committed the acts. It was a sort of witch hunt but the end result was a peaceful Panem. 
When it came to finding the group of people that murdered you, it took a couple years longer than your wife liked. There was a trial. And when they were appointed guilty, Wanda put in the request to be the one to take their lives. It was denied. She wasn't allowed to attend their execution. Finnick did, for her. She needed to hear that they were gone for good from someone she trusted. 
When he returned to Four that night, he confirmed that each of the people had been executed. Wanda broke down and cried in his arms because it didn't change anything for her. You were still gone. She was still angry. 
“You should have promised to come back to me,” she whispered to your grave stone as she kneeled in front of it. “You always came back when you made that promise.” She weaved your medallion between her fingers as she spoke. The action made her feel close to you. She watched you do it for many years. She thought she'd watch you do it for the rest of her life. Although you would have loved to have more time with her, you were grateful for the time that you did have with her. Because your death made a safer Panem for her and your loved ones. 
Though significant sacrifices were made, in the end, you wouldn’t have changed a single thing. 
Or would you?
The Tribute
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Active Authors Masterlist (3)
Part 1 / Part 2 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
ipsygrace :: ao3, ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Peeta's Games: The Hunger Games from Peeta's point of view. This follows the original work as closely as possible and much of the dialogue is taken from the original and owned entirely by Suzanne Collins. (@igsy-blog)
JHsgf82 :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: What's Mine Is Yours: Peeta's POV. Post-Mockingjay/Pre-Epilogue. A pregnant Katniss is feeling sick and scared. Peeta does his best to care for her while dealing with his own fears. Response to the Fluff Drabble Prompt: “This was my lap. Now apparently this is your lap.” (@jhsgf82)
JLaLa :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Two Wrongs: “Katniss, you’re my best friend and I love you but seriously-marry you?” A marriage for the unmarriageable. Modern Day AU, set in San Francisco. (@jlalafics)
katnissdoesnotfollowback :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Wrapped in Red: Katniss is trying to be a good friend to her recently divorced pal. She really is. But this holiday season, fate, her own feelings, and Peeta’s daughter have other plans. An advent style Everlark story. (@katnissdoesnotfollowback)
katnissmellarkkk AKA VanillaCottonCandy  :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Gravity: But he just stares at me for a long moment, his smile never wavering, then admits simply, "I'm just so happy that I threw you that bread." I feel my chest constrict, both moved by his words and exhausted from even standing inside this place again. And my eyes overflow then and all I can manage to say is, "so am I." / Katniss and Peeta, growing back together through a series of snapshots. Set Post Mockingjay. (@katnissmellarkkk)
LemonLuvGirl :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Both of Us: An alternate ending to Catching Fire in which both Peeta and Katniss are rescued from the arena during the Quarter Quell. Our lips collide with gentle urgency, two half conscious minds struggling in the murky waters between sleeping and waking, layered with a need for comfort and something more. We kiss until he pulls back, panting, angling his hips away from mine. I know what he’s trying to avoid. He doesn’t want to scare me. But the thought of his body reacting to me isn’t nearly as scary as the idea that we almost never got to have this. (@lemonluvgirl)
LilyMaid :: ao3, tumblr, ff.net
Popular Fic: The Awkward In-between: Days after winning the 74th Hunger Games Katniss recognized her life was changing, not just her home. She was already mourning for that old life, when things were difficult, yet so simple. With a tightening in her chest and a fear she didn't understand, she wondered what would be left. Cannon Divergent AU- pre Catching Fire (@wistfulweaverwoman)
loungemermaid :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: no grave could hold my body down (I'll crawl home to her): Finnick makes his way back to Annie, alive but in several pieces. He loses his right arm and leg to the lizard mutts in the sewer. While Thirteen can patch him up, he's going to have to go back, back to the Capitol, if he's ever going to get better. As it turns out, Peeta has to go too, has to try and pull his fractured brain back together. They help each other keep it together. Finnick is there to help when Peeta can't remember what's real and what's fake, and Peeta helps Finnick cope with limb loss (@loungemermaid)
MegaAuLover :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker: Canon AU- Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger? (@mega-aulover)
melissaeverdeen13 :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: give you my wild: a look into katniss and peeta's life as they grow back together after the war; their experiences with friendship, love, and parenthood. (@jenniferiawrence)
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kahlanmars · 1 year
BAD FEELING part. 32
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32. Epilogue
«If we are late, I swear to Panem…» You murmur, because Haymitch has to put on a shirt and to stop kissing you.
«What are you going to do? Tell me.» He challenges, and he is right because you won’t do anything. The sight of your man is alluring, especially when he can’t keep his hands off of you.
«We have to celebrate baby Finn.» You pout, trying hard not to laugh because he looks like a teenager.
You are in Four, all of you, even Katniss who had a special permit for Finn’s celebration, and you are overjoyed. You really missed your friends, and you spent most of the holiday gossiping with Perla and Lora and, well, the other part kissing and smooching with your non boyfriend.
You won’t see him for a whole week, because you are going away with Effie and Portia at the end of the holiday. It’s time for your internship to begin, now you are healthy enough and you feel stronger than before. You spent two months in bed, revered and served and you enjoyed it when you stopped being in pain (You will deny it, but maybe you could have stayed up a week before. Or two. But you didn’t have to cook or clean and when the sex strike was revoked, well, it was like a paradise. A holiday. And he never questioned why you were able to help the reconstruction in the district and not him at your home.) 
Haymitch took the change well, if “Well” means trying to take you to bed every five minutes and kissing you in front of everybody, which is huge for him. You are not going to complain about the sudden affection. 
You know he would have preferred having you behaving like a despotic queen from your bed but at home, instead of your usual self in Capitol City, even if he won’t tell you. But once a week he can see you and after the internship you will return. 
«Only Finnick could call his son “Finn”. Egomaniac.» 
You snort but you are fast to use his distraction to wear your blue dress before he decides to rip it out. Finn is an adorable baby, always with a smile on his face and Finnick is so happy he glows. Both him and Annie are so tired they have to stop the conversation and enjoy five minutes of nap sometimes, but when they watch the baby, the look on their faces tells you it’s worth it.
«Annie chose it. And stop the charade, you are happy for him. He is another of your children. That makes you a grandpa!»
The shock on his face is definitely worth the joke, but when he attacks you, he knows you’re ticklish way too much, you squeal and laugh. 
«Say that again.» He dares you, pushing you onto the mattress with his weight. The temperature in the room changes quickly, in a moment his strong hands are wandering around the zip of your dress and you suspect you are going to be late after all. You normally hate to be late but you are going to be in Capitol City tomorrow morning, so you want to indulge yourself a little.
«You are the hottest grandpa in town.» You taunt him, your voice lower and seductive now, and you eagerly accept his kisses and the hand that goes under your dress. It’s been almost a year now, and yet you are still crushing hard on this man. You love him, of course, but you are also in love. You prepare yourself for hours to be beautiful for him, you cook his favourite meals for special occasions, and you love when he reads to you with his deep voice. You even love when he feeds the geese, calling the animals with the names of the people you really know. The most quiet one is Peeta. 
«If I’m a grandpa, Gorgeous, you are a grandma.» He whispers against your ear before kissing your lobe. 
«Oh no, I’m the sexy young girl who seduced you, don’t you remember?»
«WE ARE GOING WITH OR WITHOUT YOU.» Perla shouts from the other room. She is not a patient person, and since you are in her house you have to follow her rules. And maybe you are not the easiest hosts ever. You always sneak out to make out and you giggle in dark corners.
«We are coming!» You answer her, and you threaten Haymitch with a finger on his face. «Don’t even try to sneak away.»
He snorts. «I would never. I love a party for someone who doesn’t even know how to poop.»
You wrinkle your nose. «You disgusting, disgusting man.»
He presses a rumorous kiss on your ear just to spite you. «And yet you love me anyway.»
The party looks like something that a family would do. Jellyfishes made on paper decorate the room, and sparkly fishes are printed on the windows. You are cutting the bread for everyone - the dreadful sea bread from district four - humming a song from Twelve, while Effie and Portia are fussing over Finn who sits on Annie, Peeta and Haymitch are playing chess, and Lora, Perla, Katniss and the others are on the couch, chatting. Mags is on a rocking chair, half sleeping, half listening.
The only people who are at home are Marjorie and Ivy, and Holly. Holly and Marjorie are closer than ever, especially since she is with Ivy now. Holly loves children and Ivy is a treasure of a child, you too spent a lot of time with her, telling her stories and fairytales. 
Katniss is doing better, you think. She speaks with Prim everyday on the phone, she refuses to talk with her mother - her mother never calls her, tho - and she is in your house on a daily basis with an excuse or the other, looking for Haymitch. You wanted to tell her it’s not a problem if she wants to see his adoptive father, but he stopped you, claiming she would stop showing up because she would have been too embarrassed. 
Peeta returns to the district today after six months in the Capitol hospital, and he will be with Katniss for the first time. He is not stable yet, but the doctors say he is ready for the next step.
As for Haymitch, he is really trying to stay sober. You threw out all the alcohol in the house - actually you sell the closed bottles, because why not - and you asked Finnick not to buy it for the party. He is learning how to live without booze, and sometimes it’s so hard, but your man is strong.
It’s a miracle you are all in District Four. After Coin was killed by Katniss and you were shot, the girl risked her life. District Thirteen didn’t want to let her go. Haymitch and Plutarch fought to keep her alive, and Coin was replaced as president by Command Paylor, the leader of the rebel forces In District Eight. You quite like her, she is not a fame or power hungry person, she wants what is right. She decided to pardon Katniss for her action, she voted against the new Hunger Games and she destroyed the arenas. She built memorials, and now she claims Capitol City is a new city with her. You don’t know if you believe her, but she is helping the districts as well with the reconstruction, so she is surely better than Snow and Coin, and for now that’s enough.
«Tomorrow we will go shopping, darling girl.» Effie announces. That’s another thing you have to clear up, because you don’t have any money and you have no intention of using Haymitch’s. You are thrilled you’re going to be in Effie’s home, first because you are really curious about her house, and second because you are going to live with your friend. You would really miss Effie.
«She doesn’t need clothes, isn’t she there to make clothes?» He asks, more to engage a banter with his friend than anything else.
«She needs to mingle. A perfect fashion choice will make it easier.» You have three dresses. Two for every day and one for special occasions, that in the District were weddings, funerals or the Hunger Games. You also have a pair of trousers, a nightgown and a coat, and it’s more than most in Twelve. 
«Maybe I can wait for the first month?» You taint. After the first month you will have a salary, and after a part for Holly, you could spend the rest to “mingle”.
«I have an announcement.» Lora says, so proud. It’s so good to see Lora happy, in the mess that is the war you forget that she is nineteen. This girl with big wide eyes is the youngest among you.
«Tell us!» Perla encourages her, and maybe she needs it because she rarely speaks in the group. She is witty and funny but nobody knows it, except for Chaff who was her mentor and a little bit of a father figure, like Haymitch for Katniss.
«I’m moving to Capitol City too. I don’t know what to do, but I want to travel, and I don’t want to stay in my district, so…» She declares, torturing her fingers. She is nervous, but you are so happy.
«So we'll be together!» You finish for her and you go to hug her. «But where are you staying? In a hotel?»
«Well, I have some news too…» Perla stands up, and Cinna becomes crimson. «I’m moving to Capitol too… because we are moving together.»
«Us three! Again!» You hug them in a group hug. The trio is together again, and now for the first time it’s not for a suicidal mission or a killing machine television game. That counts as progress.
«Yeah, well, I still have my family house here, but… yeah.» You feel calmer already, you are not alone in a new city. Effie and Portia are beyond generous, but they are home there. Perla and Lora can feel what you feel, it’s a new adventure for them as well.
«For six months, right?» Haymitch asks you, hugging you from behind. 
«Six months.» You promise. 
«You are long gone, my friend.» Chaff intervenes. «This one ruined you.»
You tend to forget Chaff is there, and you feel mean because he is one of Haymitch’s best friends.
«He is not ruined!» Annie protests, «He is in love.» 
And now you know your man would want to scoff, but if it’s Annie who talks he is gentle, like with Lora. 
«Isn’t that the same thing?» The eleven victor adds. 
«Shut up.» He murmurs before kissing you again because he refuses to be embarrassed.
«Hey, do you want to go for a walk?» Haymitch asks you while you are putting on your coats, after the party ends. You think Finn liked your present, an enormous stuffed animal (a dolphin) you sewed yourself. You needed to spend time while you were in bed, and it was worth it when the kid saw it. 
You are not that happy to leave. Maybe District Twelve is nowhere to be great, but you miss your home. And it will be rare from now on to be all together, and even if you like what you are going to do, and you are overjoyed Perla and Lora will be with you, you will live in Effie’s house so you will be with her, but this is good. This, a family dinner with everybody. Finnick and Annie are living their dream with baby Finn (and they love it, they are born to be parents and you bet you are celebrating the birth of another baby soon), you want to be there for them. For Finn too, you are ready to be a cool aunt. You want your mommy near you, and she took the fact that you’ll live with Effie Trinket very badly. She feels threatened by her presence, like she is another parent or something, but for you Effie is more like an older sister.
And Haymitch… you are not ready to see him once a week, maybe twice a month sometimes. You are so used to always being in his arms, to talk to him about everything and now you have to talk to him through the phone. No kisses. No hugs. No cuddles even if he claims that “he doesn’t cuddle”. No “Come to bed, sweetheart” and you will read side by side until one of you begins to kiss the other’s neck. 
But it’s your dream, you will become a good tailor, you will learn so much from Portia and you will return to Twelve. 
«A romantic walk? With you?» You repeat in disbelief because he is not the romantic type at all. He is the one who refused to light candles - because you are not sixteen - at your first proper date in the house - because he doesn’t date. At the first mention that if he doesn’t date then you could date other people, he stated that you were his. And then he cooked your favourite meal for dinner.
«Does it have to be romantic? Can’t it be just a walk?» He complains and his voice is rough and annoyed, but he squeezes your hand tight. 
«Well it’s a walk with your girl and there’s the ocean so…» And the sight of Four is really stunning. The ocean is so peaceful you almost don’t miss the meadow, but after the shark in the Games you don’t like to be in open water. Doctor Aurelius claims you need to overcome your fear, but then again Doctor Aurelius didn’t see a mutt white shark in front of her and you need time.
«If you don’t want to, we can just go back at Perla's.» This is not his usual answer, it’s rough even for him.
«No, no, let’s go.» You wince. «Are you nervous?»
«Perfectly fine.» He lies. That liar. He can’t say that he is sad because you move to Capitol City.
«Not thrilled that I go?» You try. 
«You can go, babe, I bought you the ticket.» Babe. He uses the term “Babe” or “Babygirl” when something is wrong. You don’t like them and he knows it. 
«I know I can go, thank you for the permit.» You jump into his arms. «But you can be sad too. I’m sad. Are you sad?»
«…Maybe.» He admits.
«Good. That means you love me. And that also means that every weekend will be precious.» You whisper against his lips. «And I will sew a lot of lingeries…»
The annoyed glimpse in his eyes is replaced by pure lust.
«Don’t put so much effort on them, I’ll rip them out every time.» He closes the space between your lips in a passionate kiss that definitely doesn’t belong in a street, it would be better in a bed. You can’t help it if he flirts like that.
«Walk.» You remind him, licking your lips.
«Walk.» He agrees. 
«If Katniss needs me, or Peeta, or my mother, please call me.» Or if you need me, you want to say, but you know he wouldn’t appreciate it. You are a little anxious about the alcohol stuff and the survival guilt.
«No one will need you, Sweetheart.» He kisses your hair «Go and have fun.»
«I’ll try.» You promise. You are a little worried about your mother, and… you are scared, of course.
«Is Effie okay with the visits? I don’t want her thrilling voice to wake me up in the morning every week.»
«I think so, yeah. We can stay in a motel sometimes, or with Perla and Cinna.»
«Yeah, no. Not Perla.» 
You almost burst into laughter at his tone. When you were in a coma, Perla was the one friend who stayed with you the most with Lora. Haymitch and Holly were arguing about everything, she said, and while Lora has a sweet temper and a great patience, Perla is hot blooded and frequently snapped.
«You don’t like my friends!?» You try to sound accusing. 
«I don’t mind Lora. Perla on the other hand…» His expression says everything.
«Oh c’mon. She is great.»
«You just say that because she has blue eyes.» 
«That’s not true. She also has great boobs.» You see his glare, «What? It’s true.» It is true. Perla is stunning. Sparkling blue eyes, legs for days and you are not blind, you can see her cleavage. You are in love with Haymitch but you are still bisexual, it’s not your fault you have eyes.
«That’s it, I’m going to lock you up in the highest tower.» He shakes his head. 
«Oh, with a dragon to guard me?» 
«No, you would manage to turn it into a pet in a week.»
«I don’t know, it would be fun to be a damsel in distress…» You trace patterns on his chest with your fingers. «And you are so hot as an evil king.»
His eyes darken and he takes you in his arms to kiss you again. «If we keep doing this, we will go back now.»
«No, I want my romantic walk. No more flirting with you.»
«It’s not a romantic walk. It’s a walk. Go to Perla if you want your romantic walk.» Yes, she is the right person for a romantic anything. You are sure she prepared the “Moving to Capitol” thing for weeks before talking about it with Cinna.
«You are not jealous at all, congrats! You know I only want my man.» You indulge on his lips again, taking his arm close to you. «Plus, she has a boyfriend.» 
«He is far too old to be called “boyfriend”.» You chuckle at his displeasure for the word. He fixed on this thing. You secretly call him your boyfriend with the girls, but when he hears that he grunts. 
«And what is she supposed to call him?» You laugh. 
«I don’t know, partner?»
«Do I need to call you “Partner” too?» 
«’Was hoping “Husband”.» 
You turn around and he is handing you a little red box. Not on his knee, of course, and his expression is kinda annoyed, like he really doesn’t like to be in this situation.
This situation, asking you to marry him. A marriage. A wedding. A wedding and a toasting. And a life with him, forever, and nobody could say anything. 
«Oh my…» Daisy Abernathy. Daisy Pinecone Abernathy. It suits you, you think, maybe you can sign your dresses as DPA, or Daisy A. Pinecone, and the kids in the district will call you Mrs. Abernathy. 
You, a married woman. With Haymitch. You can only imagine it. Haymitch is not the kind of guy who asks you to marry him, you are speechless. 
You put your hands on your mouth and you are completely speechless. He opens the red little box and inside there is a ring. 
Well, of course there is a ring, but it’s the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen. It’s very simple, but it is made of gold and there’s even a little diamond on it. You have no idea where it comes from, there are no diamonds in the district. Well of course there are in the mines, but not on rings.
«Doesn’t need to be tomorrow.» He clarifies. «Or a Capitol thing. We go, we sign, we do a toasting and that’s it.»
«You are crazy.» You only manage to say.
«That’s the smart thing to do, you know if one of us is sick the other can take a decision and you could have my money if I die, things like that.» 
You try hard not to laugh. «You propose and then you talk about dying? Right now?»  
«Usually people say yes or now.» He is sounding a little nervous, and you remember you didn’t actually say anything. 
«Yes! Yes of course, yes!» You jump into his arms and give him a deep passionate kiss. The world stops turning just for a moment.
«Daisy Abernathy.» He whispers against your lips. «Sounds good, mh?»
«Daisy Pinecone Abernathy.»
Yes. Daisy Pinecone Abernathy.
Your name.
THIS IS THE ENDDDDD. I'm so saaad and happyyy we got to finishhhh.
I want to ask you, would you like a sequel? I think I'll do it, but if you are not interested I can post it only on AO3.
taglist: @crimsonincursive
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 year
Between Tridents and Knives-Finnick Odair
Chapter One
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Summary: Fawn Viridis, victor of the 68th games from District Four. That's where she got to know Finnick and they fell in love for each other fast. Snow put no time between them announcing their relationship at the end of her victor tour and beginning to sell their bodies together to the capitol. Now it's been six years of trying to live in solitude together in the victors village. Then the 75th quarter quell is announced. Both are worried for each other as they're reaped. Things change of course, Fawn isn't ready to let her lover die for Katniss.
This Work Is More Based On The Books Rather Than Movies.
Word Count: 2,069
C/W: Mentions of violence, blood, and trauma.
Series Masterlist!
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“Fawn,” Finnicks voice was small as he choked on his own blood. A spear in his chest as he bled out.
“No, Finnick stop it.” Fawn held her hands over the wound trying to stop the bleeding. Finnick laid on a beach in an arena, blood soaked sand around them. A dead fellow victor nearby who just speared Finnick.
“Fawn just let go, there can only be one of us.”Finnick was trying his best as the blood seeped down his chin. Fawns hands covered in blood.
His blood.
“Finnick stop saying that, I can fix this.” Fawn grabbed a part of the pants she was issued and ripped a chunk off stuffing it into the wound.
“I love you,” Finnick let out a long breath. As she added more pressure her light brown bangs fell into her face. She pushed them aside, soaking her hair and her skin in his blood.
“I love you too.” Fawns voice was desperate as she grabbed another chunk of her pants holding them tighter.
“Finnick?” panic ran through her body as she saw his chest not moving.
She grabbed one of her knives from the slots in her belt and held it under his nose. Not fogging up he definitely wasn’t bleeding.
“Finnick!” Fawn screamed, shaking him.
“Fawn, Fawn.” Finnick sat up grabbing onto her. She shot awake with a gasp tears streaming down her face, “I’m right here.” Finnick held her in his lap stroking her shoulder length sandy brown hair.
“I’m sorry,” Fawn sobbed into the loose, thin gray sweater he wore. They’d announced the third quarter quell during the mandatory broadcast that night.
President Snows’ voice echoed through her head, "On the 75th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."
“Fawn,” Finnick kissed her head, wiping her tears away with his thumb, “It’s not guaranteed our names will get drawn.”
“For you, sure. It’s between me, Mags, and Annie. I’m the only one out of the three of us that has a chance to win. But if we both go in, one of us has to die…” Fawn rubbed her eyes moving further into Finnick as he laid them both back down.
“Annie can’t mentally handle that, Mags will for sure die in the blood bath.” Fawn sighed as she met the eyes of Finnick. His seafoam green eyes
“Sweetheart,” Finnick pushed some of her bangs out of her eyes, “We don’t know what's going to happen yet. There's uprisings going on here, maybe something will change. The capital's people will be too sad and upset thinking about their favorite victors going up to kill each other.”
“We can hope,” she yawned. She was tired but if she shut her eyes she’d see Finnicks lifeless body, the small boy they had mentored last year getting blungened within the first few minutes of the 74th games, having to get up close with her opponents in her games.
Fawn sat in their kitchen as her stylists prepared her doing a soft makeup look on her face. A soft pink blush to highlight her cheek bones and give her color, soft sparkly sunset orange eyeshadow brushed onto her eyes to bring out her green eyes with a dark red lipstick on. The stylist came in with a cream colored sweater and deep blue ocean-like pants.
“You and Finnick will match with the sweaters.” She spoke quietly, she had to style the three female victors of district four. She handed the carefully folded clothes to her then the stylist laid her necklace on top. A choker-like style of brown and white shells around it, a small blue heart pendant in the center. After she won her games Finnick gave it to her. She wore it almost daily but now the stylist is basing outfits around it.
“Thank you Nava,” Fawn gave her a sad smile as she went to her room to change. Everyone was somber, no one wanted to see any of the District Four victors go. Especially Fawn and Finnick.
Fawn was reaped for the 68th games at the age of 17, Finnick was her mentor that year. He also was freshly 17, both of them knew of each other. They were in the same grade and attended school together. Fawn also worked for Finnicks fathers fishing company. When Fawn was young, probably 9 or 10 she saw a girl in the games who threw knives. Since then she was hooked. She started taking kitchen knives from her parents and throwing them at trees for practice. Then it became a hobby, or maybe a way to keep her worry down that if she was ever reaped she had a way to defend herself.
Then she was reaped.
She remembered the way the girl next to her rested her hand on Fawns shoulder when they called her name.
She was just hoping anyone would volunteer. But no one did. She shakily walked towards the stage with peacekeepers following her. She looked at her family as her mother began to cry, her father comforting her. But no one was there to comfort Fawn as she stood on the stage as the district four escort pulled a boy's name from the reaping ball.
Fawn kept to herself during her training. She didn’t really show what she was good at in training. Finnick taught her that, then during her private with the game makers she managed to pull a 10. She did a near perfect display of knife throwing in an interactive training session.
But while she was training she could admit she was distracted.
Distracted by him.
She knew of Finnick but didn’t really know how charming he was.
They were able to grow close quickly, he would offer small touches on her. A hand on the small of her waist, taking her hand in comfort.
The night of her interview with Caesar she portrayed herself as this gentle girl from district four. Her brown hair still long at the time tied into space buns down at her neck to give her a more young look.
She wasn’t stupid if by some crazy miracle she won she would most definitely have her body sold to the capitols people. Just like Finnick and Cashmere.
Finnick told her that after the opening ceremony so many people were lined up to sponsor her.
Then she was in the games and as she proved to herself she was lethal. The arena was desert-like with lakes.
Killing within the first few minutes of the blood bath. That had plenty surprised, the plates were on the edge of a sand pit with the cornucopia in the pit. They had to strategically slide down then there were two sets of stairs to escape. Fawn did a few killings there.
The capitol was fast to name her the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Her partner was fast to join the career pack of district one, two, and him from four.
She decided being alone was her best chance. She saw the district one and two tributes as unpredictable, they could snap at any moment and kill each other. Fawn took up a small hiding spot by a lake. It took her about two days to find one. Each lake had a different quality, poisonous electric, stuff like that.
She lived off of fish she caught in the only safe lake and sponsors. During the day she would seek out areas looking for other tributes. She quickly was sought out by the careers.
By the end of the ten day mark it was just her, district four partner, a girl from 1, a boy from 2 left, the boy from four, and a girl from 8. That was the feast day. For the last two days there were no deaths, just people hiding out. Caesar announced that the bags in the cornucopia would have the district numbers on them.
So before sunrise Fawn made her way to the cornucopia and hid in there. A strategy advised by Finnick. It happened most years.
By dawn the career pack came into view. There was only one bag for four, she was going to take it.
The boy from four came running at the cornucopia as she put her hand on the bag as she emerged from the cornucopia.
“Let go,” he let out a hiss as he put his hand on it.
“Sorry,” was all Fawn could say as she grabbed a knife from the holister on her chest and threw it into him. His eyes went wide as his hand came close as he hit the ground. The canon going off not long after. She grabbed it and ran for the stairs. She had no time to think or mourn or how District four would take it.
She heard footsteps behind her as the girl from one readied to throw a spear at her. Fawn grabbed another knife throwing it at her just as threw the spear both of them dodged the opposers weapon and Fawn lunged at her taking her down at the legs. She hadn’t had to have any hand to hand combat yet and the games.
They both rolled each other around trying to scratch or grab at anything.
Then Fawn was able to wrestle her so she had the girl from One pinned over her as they laid on the stares. Fawn spent no time slicing her throat then rolling her off as soon as the canon went off.
She ran back and opened up her bag. A fresh set of a dozen throwing knives and a bag of dried fruit. that night in the sky saw, District One girl, The boy from four, and the girl from eight.
It was just her, the boy from one and the other boy from 2 left.
Wonderful two careers to take on, on her own. It had gotten hotter in the arena and the lakes started to lose water and fish. She was disoriented; they also had to be as well.
She decided that night she would get a good night's rest, eat half of what she had left and go out tomorrow to hunt them down.
Fawn walked through the sand dunes looking for other tributes when she heard a canon go off and she flinched.
This was it, the capitol's finale. They would probably release some kind of mutts to drive them together. Fawn could feel her heartbeat in her ears. There was a 50/50 shot now that she could make it back home and be with Finnick. He heard a male scream and a series of barking. She began running for the cornucopia sliding down the sand carefully. She was able to see the other tribute and the mutts as she climbed onto the top of the cornucopia.
The mutts barked and jumped at it as the boy climbed on top. Then the mutts all ran towards a glowing circle. Leaving just the two of them standing there.
Fawn could feel every twinge, tingle, bruise, everything as they stood there staring each other down. He wielded a sword and she grabbed out one of her longer knives.
They fought, fought hard.
Rolling off the top of the cornucopia both of them getting swipes at each other. Both bleeding off into the sand as they were both hanging on by hopes and prayers.
Finnick was the only thing she could think about as she grabbed a knife flinging it at the boys hitting him in his calf.
There’s no way she could beat him in hand to hand combat. He had height on her and he was much stronger. She just had to land the perfect shot with a knife.
Then she did, she threw one right into his neck as he wielded the sword up to slash it into her. He coughed up blood as he fell back dropping his sword. Fawn pinned his shoulders down with her knees and grabbed the sword slicing his throat wide open. The canon went off and the trumpets sounded.
The adrenaline stopped and she fell into the sand clutching her side that bled. Claudius Templesmith came over the speakers, “We present to you the winner of the 68th Hunger Games: Fawn Viridis!”
103 notes · View notes
clatoera · 1 year
Always Remember We’re Burned for Better Chapter 15: If I’m On Fire, You’ll be Made of Ashes Too
...Hey y’all. Sorry I sucked again and didn’t post for 17 days. I had a literal breakdown over boards and worked 70 hours a week two weeks ago and! Yeah!  Here we are! Back to full length chapters too so! woo. 
Direct quotes from Mockingjay are not mine!
TW for Glimmer’s speech at the end (Finnick’s speech in the book/movie) 
Title from My Tears Ricochet (T swift of course)
As always. thank you to my besties, who I feel bad tagging every week, but I don’t feel bad tagging @kentwells ever so!
Anyway...let's do it. 
“We’re never going to lose these ‘mentally unstable’ bands if you keep taking a swing at everyone who looks at us wrong.” Finnick flicks a shred of bread in Cato’s general direction, sure that no one would see him dare to waste food, even if that food was a glorified crouton. “You know she isn’t here for you to impress, right?”
“Leave him alone, Finnick.” Glimmer sighs, tired of yet another version of the same conversation. Cato’s unhinged. Glimmer’s unstable. Cato’s a loose cannon. Glimmer’s not to be trusted alone. “Gale deserved it, anyway, he’s running his mouth that the two of us are together-“
“And we would never.” Cato stabs the slightly sharper end of his spoon into the tray of lunch, having lost his privileges to any further utensil when he threatened to carve out Gale Hawthorne’s eyes with the spork he had just been upgraded to. “No offense, of course, Glimmer.”
“Oh, none taken! You were never my type anyway.” She offers over her full fledged fork and goes back to ripping up the stale roll to toss back at Finnick. “Besides , they were starting the same rumors about me and you Finny, that's not a rumor we need Annie to hear when we get her back.”
Such is how they, as the surviving victors, had decided to talk. It had to become when we got them back, not if. False hope or not, it was all they had to get them through day to day life in the hell hole that is District 13. It was a light at the end of an impossibly long tunnel that was the other side of this great war.
“I’ve had worse. He doesn’t even leave a mark.” Cato brushes off, taking Glimmer’s offering with an appreciative nod. “His only value is fawning over Fire girl anyway.”
“He keeps her stable enough. Which, you know you aren't getting any closer to getting them back by going after her personal attack dog, right ?” Finnick warns, noting how Katniss sits a safe distance away from Gale at their assigned table entirely across the room, firmly lodged against her little sister’s side.
“I find it hard to believe she cares about Peeta if she’s so easily moving on.” Glimmer huffs before she rests her left elbow on the table and her chin in her hand. “I’ll never be able to love someone else. And I don’t want to. You’d have to kill me before I'd just…move on that easily. She changes her man more often than she changes her braid.”
“Oh he wants her, but she doesn't feel the same.” Finnick assures, fingers falling into a familiar pattern of braiding his napkin. It was obsessive and unintentional, but it kept him in one piece. “She feels like she owes him, I think. For getting her family out…”
“And he left Peeta’s behind.” Cato reminds, a tone in voice that could nearly be disgust if someone really wanted to call it such, if they really wanted to look for meaning in the way he refers to the families from Twelve. “Seems like a low blow, leaving behind the family out of jealousy.”
He’ll deny it, fervently, to anyone who even suggests it, but there's something about the bombing of District Twelve right off the face of the map that settles inside him wrong. Sure, they were an outlying district, but wasn’t that the whole point of Panem? All the districts contribute to a greater good, providing some sort of service to the others. Twelve and Two, while plenty different, are both the mining districts after all. Maybe the mountainside villages of Two make the shantytowns of Twelve all the more desolate, but at their core, were they really that different in what they provided to the capitol?
If twelve was so expendable..what really makes the others any different?
Glimmer is the next one to renew the lease on her ‘mentally unstable’ armband, and lose their utensil privileges, when she actually uses a fork and goes after the same insufferable district twelve boy for having the audacity to insinuate that her relationship was fake.
“You two are wanted in the conference room.” A guard, maybe twice their age, announces at the door of their cell– room, okay fine it’s a room, but it may as well be their prison cell.
Glimmer shoots Cato a hesitant look– noone has ever wanted them in a conference, noone has ever given a single fuck about what they have to say about anything that happens to or around them.  At this point though, what would the benefit of executing them be?
“Sorry, Conference call isn’t on my schedule for the day.” Cato holds up his left arm, with their printed schedules tattooed in for the day. Not that either of them followed them– ninety nine percent of their time was spent inside these four walls of this room.  “Maybe if you factor it in we’ll consider–”
“It is not an option. You are expected promptly. Failure to attend will be seen as a direct act of discompliance and will have severe consequences.”
Cato tightens his jaw before he slips his feet over the edge of the bed, nodding to Glimmer to do the same. The narrowed look of her green eyes in his direction tells him all he needed to know– she can imagine the same consequence as him, which isn’t a direct threat to the two of them at all.
They say nothing as they follow this armed man, weaving through halls and up elevators, a route they could not re-create on their own even if they combined their brain power with the intention to do so.
The door has a keypad, opened only with a scan of the guard’s eye rather than any code they can memorize and exploit later.
Glimmer glances out of the corner of her eyes as she is ushered into the room a step in front of Cato, fully taking in the physicality of the guard as she passes him. They could probably take him, if one dispatched the gun from his hands and the other got him down.
Glimmer’s mental notes were tossed to the wayside when she saw the contents of the room.
Around a conference table sat Miss Mockingjay herself, Finnick Odair, a newly sober Haymitch Abernathy, Plutarch Heavensbee, Beetee, and a gray haired woman Glimmer could vaguely identify as the president of District 13.
Her eyes must betray her absolute distrust in the members of the room, as the guard behind her grabs her by the shoulders and goes to push her to the table, when Cato’s hand encircles one of the man’s wide wrists.
“Don’t touch her.” He warns, though it comes out as a warning growl. Cato would fight, that much he had proven over and over during their months long stint in the pit of hell that is District Thirteen.
“Now there’s no need for any of that–” Plutarch interrupts, and with a wave of his hand Glimmer’s shoulders are released and she steps forward on her own accord. “Please, sit. You two were invited here as guests for this conversation..”
“Oh, Guests? That's what we are here now? Guests?” Glimmer quips, but settles herself down in one of the conference chairs furthest away from anyone else, anyone who could reach up and grab at her. Guests, sure, of the local psychiatric lock down unit maybe.
“You have both been extended a generosity by District Thirteen under our protections. And you were both granted an even larger generosity under Miss. Everdeen’s Mockingjay deal. It would behoove you both to listen to the expectations that are required of you both.” The gray haired woman begins, addressing them both. However, it is like she sees through them both, refusing to look either in the face and instead staring through as if they are beneath her, unworthy of her attention.
Something about her steely gaze and underlying threats in her tone feels familiar to Cato, and for the briefest second it is like he is back in President Snow’s office being given an ultimatum with Clove at his side.
What he wouldn’t give to have her at his side now.
“...requested of you.” Plutarch intervenes, holding out a hand to stop the president from continuing on with what Cato assumes would be demanded. “We believe that having two victors from previously Career districts openly on the side of the Rebellion could help the cause, especially in District Two.”
“And before you start with the ‘we aren’t on the side of the rebellion’ crap,” Comes from Haymitch, who is more sober than either of them have ever seen him, looking dare they say well shaven and clean, “Remember who the Capitol has. If you think they’re being treated well out there… you’ve got another thing coming. This is how we get them back.”
“The faster we bring in the districts, the closer we are to Annie. And Clove. And Marvel. And Johanna and Peeta.” Finnick offers, also somehow miraculously looking healthier than he has since their time in Thirteen began. He had mentioned being allowed outside with Katniss for a few hours– the sunlight did him some good, clearly.
“It is expected that you will do your part to help this Revolution.” The cold voice of President Coin cuts through the warmer tones of past victors and a gamemaker, staring right into the center of Cato’s face. “If you give us cause to believe that you would in any way be a threat to this cause, we would have no choice but to remove that threat, and the threat your respective partners would present as well, once we got our opportunity.”
The threat is not even veiled, but before Cato can give her the rise and reaction Coin is prodding out of them, Katniss herself chimes in.
“That’s not part of the deal. The victors are pardoned. All of us.” Her tone is not the young girl who won the game, or the girl who gave everything for the sweet little sister that even Cato couldn’t hate, no, that was the voice of the leader of this rebellion. The power and insistence of someone with a lot more pull than she’d give herself credit for.
“Everyone is doing some part,” Plutarch interjects, attempting to assuage the underlying power struggle between the President and the Mockingjay. “Katniss is going into the battlefields, she’s shooting rallying calls on the front lines. Finnick has agreed to begin doing special features on fallen tributes from each district. Pulling on the heartstrings of every district one by one.”
“Glimmer, you were very popular in the capitol, maybe you could reach them.” Haymitch suggests, with a wave of his hand. “Smile, toss your hair, whatever it takes..”
Before Glimmer can snap back in response Cato takes over, despite how she deserves to say whatever the hell she wants at this point.
“How are you even getting in? Doesn’t Snow control the airways?” Cato leans back, arms crossed over his chest firmly, a stance of both disbelief and judgment. “Do districts even have televisions for this to get across?”
“I am responsible for the creation of a lot of the airways.” Beetee explains, wheeling his chair over to access a remote before clicking on the screen. “Here’s what we have so far.”
They watch the reel of Katniss in District Eight, as a hospital is obliterated in the background. They watch her on the front lines rediscovering District Twelve, and most notably, they hear her voice filling the air as she sings a song of rebellion and lovers running to their conjoined deaths.
“...maybe your talent should’ve been singing, not Fashion.” Glimmer comments, though there is no sarcasm or venom in her own tone. It’s a compliment, a genuine one, when she says, “you have a lovely voice, Katniss.”
“Peeta thought so too.” Katniss admits, finally making direct eye contact with the career girl for the first time. “It just..it wasn’t for everyone else.”
“Look at that, this government can exploit you, too. It’s not just the Capitol!” Glimmer snorts, shaking her head before glancing at Cato out of the side of her eye.
His jaw is locked, his knuckles nearly white from how tightly he is squeezing his fist together. Something in the conversation had successfully gotten to him, and while the source of all of his self control is locked in a cell in the captiol, he somehow manages to hold himself back for once.
“Katniss…let us talk. Alone. Finnick too.” Glimmer requests, glancing between the other two young victors in the room. There’s only four of them left, maybe only four left in the whole world for all they know.
Now is the time to make new alliances.
“Absolutely not.” President Coin interjects, shaking her head furiously. “The safety of Katniss is too important–”
“They won’t hurt us.” Finnick assures, giving a knowing nod to Glimmer and Cato both. There is an understanding, an agreement, amongst the victors. “Let us talk.”
Haymitch puts his hands up to prevent any further debate or questioning. “I say we give them ten minutes. We can wait right outside the door for them, come in the minute we hear a raised voice for something being thrown.”
“Ten minutes.” Plutarch agrees, and that seems to convince Alma Coin to eventually agree as well.
“You get exactly ten minutes. Nothing more.” She pushes herself back and the elder men at the table agree, shooting Glimmer and Cato a look of diluted venom, not quite a snake but maybe a scorpion instead.
The immediate second the door is closed, Glimmer lets out a shaky breath. “I don’t like her at all.”
For the first time ever, Katniss smiles at Glimmer, in a wordless agreement. Maybe the leader of the rebellion couldn’t say it, but the unhinged victim from District One certainly could.
“What the fuck is going on out there?” Cato immediately presses Katniss, the only victor who has seen beyond the perimeter of thirteen and into the real world.  “Who’s fighting, is there an actual war happening?”
“All of the Districts have joined, except for District Two.” Katniss begins, oddly at ease with two of the people who were most determined to kill her. “Two provides the army, I guess–”
“Peacekeepers, yeah.” Cato agrees, giving an unsurprised nod. That was always the other option– you either went in the games and won or the high level of training guaranteed a higher rank in the peacekeepers upon graduation. There were the outliers, training partners who resented each other for not getting into the games, who married and tried to combine their mediocre genetics to create a victor child. That had not been successful, possibly ever, but every year there were one pair who tried it. “Two won’t be easy.”
“....even One is in the war? On our side” Glimmer pipes up, for the first time verbally acknowledging that yes, she is with the Mockingjay, too. “That’s a loss for the Capitol, they rely on us for..just about anything they enjoy.”
“It was you and Marvel, Glimmer.” Finnick reaches forward to grab at the remote, shuffling through additional propos as they talk, an audio buffer to protect their conversation from the inevitable listening ears just outside the door. “It had to be everything you said before the games. They had enough of sending their children to be trafficked. They’ve sent enough luxury goods, their sons and daughters aren't going to be added to the list of their hottest commodities anymore.”
“....do you know if Cash and Gloss are…”
“We don’t. But what we do know is that the Capitol is completely cut off from everyone but Two.”  Katniss adds, looking between the two.
“You two need to see this.” Finnick interrupts, before he settles on a hidden file of a recording deep in the depths of a desktop folder . “They already think Katniss hasn’t, and I know they kept this from you two. You’re a liability when you’re angry.”
“What do you mean they’re keeping something from us, they keep everything from us, what else could it be-” Glimmer is cut off by her own gasp of shock, when the screen lights up with a scene in the President’s mansion. Peeta– looking far worse for the wear, fifteen pounds lighter than he had been just a week ago on the recording, with deep dark circles under his eyes– is flanked on either side by two other victors.
Their other victors.
Glimmer is on her feet first, a look of pure horror on her face as she reaches out to the screen to touch the ghost of Marvel’s face.
Like Peeta, he is easily fifteen pounds lighter than he had been when they were lifted from the arena. And though the collar of his shirt doesn’t seem to conceal bruises the way Peeta’s does, he looks overall limp.  Lifeless. As if the fight has been sucked right out of him. Most notably to Glimmer, of course, is his eyes. The shining blue of his eyes lacks the joy and brightness she had come to find her home in, the one constant source of comfort ripped from them both.
“What did they do to him?” Glimmer whispers, frantically looking around the duration of the screen for any other clue. “Are they starving them? What are they doing to him?”
Clove does not look as distinctly ill to the untrained eye. Always small, the drop in weight is not as blatantly apparent on her. Sure, the darkness under her eyes is abnormal, but anyone would see it as a normal response to lack of sleep and stress. There is some purple discoloration at the top of her black dress, that may even be passed off as a shadow rather than bruising.
But when she slightly tilts her head to the side, Cato recognizes in an instant the way the corner of her lip twitches downward for the slightest moment. It was a tell, a tell only to someone who had spent the majority of his life pulling from her.
Clove was never one to show it, not in the academy, not in the games, and surely not for the nation.
Cato, though, knew her tells and her secrets more than he knew his own.
“What the fuck did they do to her.” Cato pushes himself to a standing position immediately, his voice barely above a whisper. For all he can growl and scream, there's something almost more haunting about the way he whispers in this moment, like a man possessed. “Why the fuck did he touch her–”
“It’s a message to us,” Finnick has to explain, as Katniss locks her gaze on her feet and never at the screen. “They don’t say anything, Peeta does all the talking, but look at them. It’s a message, Cato. You’re here, you are guilty, and she is going to pay for it.”
Katniss does not look up, she can’t stomach to watch the violence that has occurred to Peeta yet again. Peeta, who has suffered for the crime of loving her, for the crime of being too good.
“I’m going to kill him.” Cato snarls, and though it isn’t said it is immediately understood who he means.
“You’re going to have to fight me for it.” Katniss chimes in, though she continues her lock on the floor while Cato and Glimmer keep their eyes locked on the screen.
“Why aren’t they speaking?” Glimmer half whimpers, unable to tear her eyes away from the remnants of her loved ones on the other side of the screen. “Why aren’t they saying anything!”
“Because Peeta’s the mouthpiece. Peeta is to the Capitol what Katniss is here. They started this rebellion, they have to represent it. They’re a message to you two, and you two only.”  
“...has there been any sign of Annie? Or Johanna?” Glimmer tries, though her heart is with the dulled eyes of the man she loves on the screen.
The silence that follows provides the answer they needed, without ever needing to even be said.
“...I’m in.” Glimmer agrees in an instant, backing away but not breaking her gaze. “Whatever you need from me, I’m in.”
“We have to get them back.” Cato begins, though he has also moved to a standing position right in front of the tv. “I’m going to get her.” And though he’s made the threat before– and been shot down at the idea– the demand has new meanings. They need to get them and do it fast.  “....I don’t know what I can say or do on these stupid videos. I have no big story. I don’t think I’m much help…”
He wants to argue, he wants to come up with an excuse as to why he’s no use, but he can’t. He’d do anything for that psychotic girl, walk to the ends of the earth for her, if it meant she was safe in his arms.  
“Fuck it, I’m in.”
They never planned to die by being suffocated alive in the tomb that is the bowels of District 13 in a bunker, if they were dying it was in glory in the games or at their own hands on their own terms.
Cato, Glimmer, and Finnick were resolved to their own tiny corner, much like the lunch table, where none of the other citizens would dare come near them.
Cato sits on the floor, the heels of his hands digging so deeply into his eyes that it stung. If there were any light– which there is not– Glimmer would have been able to see the way he is digging into the skin of his hairline, like he wants to peel his skin from his skull.
It had been a nightmare to get him to agree to come under ground after the disastrous interview.
Peeta had been flying solo in an interview yet again, though Clove and Marvel must’ve been nearby. When whatever trance Peeta was in broke, he had warned them of their impending death, and the feed cut out as fast as the Capitol could manage.
Not fast enough, of course, to drown out the blood curdling scream in the background of Peeta’s broadcast. It would have been ambiguous enough, with no face to the name of an anonymous woman, until the single word she managed before the broadcast cut came across clear as day.
Him. She was calling for him. Screaming for him, really, and here he was. Unable to get to her. Unable to help her.
“She called for me.” Cato repeats, over and over and over again, bordering a state of catatonia and hysteria as he refuses to get off the ground.
“I know.” Glimmer sighs, a half hearted agreement. There was nothing she could do, to ease his comfort. It was clear as day– Clove had screamed his name from deeper inside the President's mansion,  and it was clearly a call of desperation.
Clove would kill her if she called it a cry for help, even if for all the world that is exactly how it sounded.
While it could have been a warning, like Peeta had given. A dead girl walking calling out in warning you too, Cato, he’ll kill you too. It could have been confirmation of what Peeta was saying.
No matter what her intention, it did not change all Cato could hear.
She had been his longest friend before she was his world, his longest ally, and they had always had each other’s backs. That was a plea rooted deeply in their childhoods, deeply in the core of who they are.
That was not a cry of a desperate girl, that was not the scream for her lover. That was a scream and cry for her partner, the one person in two she was supposed to be able to rely on to be there if she got in too deep of trouble.
And he failed her.
Not as her life long best friend, or as the man who married her.
He failed her as her partner.
He is only pulled from his self effacing spiral by the feeling of something soft brushing against his calves.
He nearly flinches when he realizes it is the tail of a soft little animal against his legs, and not some sneak attack.
A purring noise immediately betrays the creature as Katniss’s sister’s cat, the only pet in all of thirteen. The little thing didn’t like Katniss and so it already earned a bonus point in Cato’s book, and he thinks of his own little sister every time he sees the little blonde that belongs to the girl on fire. He gives the cat a half-hearted pet, remembering how desperately his sister had begged their parents for a cat for her fourth birthday, and how he nearly bought her one with his winnings a few years prior.
He lets himself think of the dog he and Clove will never get to have and begins to give the cat a more diligent pet in honor of the future they have lost.
He failed her. He failed her. He failed her.
He’s lost her.
The four of them, the surviving, youngest victors, are led above ground before anyone else is given clearance.  It of course had to be deemed safe before they let precious Katniss Everdeen step foot above ground.
“What the fuck.” Is the first thing Cato thinks to say, when he takes in the surrounding destruction. Where as he had expected the smoke and ash, nothing could have prepared him for the blanket of white that littered the smoking land. For a second he wonders if it is snow, if somehow a nuclear winter has fallen upon them, but the warmth of the air pushes that idea right out of his head. He’s acutely aware of the team of videographers focused in on Katniss, priming and prodding her to make some statement about surviving an attack by the capitol.
There is a soft crunching under his foot, and when he sees the slightly luminescent spray of white rose petals under his heels, he realizes (though he does not understand) that they are walking in a sea of white roses. He is about to pick one up, to run the unnatural petals between his fingers, but he is immediately startled by the  panic coming from Katniss just over the rocks.
“He’s going to Kill Peeta. I can’t do this–”
Cato steps forward, over the edge of the rocks to catch a glimpse of Katniss, as she slowly starts to unravel before the cameras.
There is a woman with a half shaved head with a camera in the girl’s face, prodding and poking at her to brag about the survival of the center of the rebellion against a direct attack from the Capitol, but Katniss is fading fast at their insistence.
“He’s going to kill him, because I’m the Mockingjay. I can’t do it.” Katniss utters as she staggers away, trying to avoid the cameras shoved in her face and their persistence.
Haymitch Abernathy takes her by the shoulders, and leads her out of the way of the Camera, but it isn’t enough for Cato.
Because if they’re going to kill Peeta, they’re going to kill Clove too.
He pushes the camera out of the woman’s hands, not enough to break but enough to be indisposed just for a little while.
“She isn’t fucking doing it,” Cato reaffirms, hand still resting on the camera equipment, not breaking it but not opposed to doing so.
Finnick leads the camera crew away before Cato can make any permanent damage to the equipment or the war effort.
“Why the fuck didn’t you let me go, I’ve been threatening to go for months and you left us behind!” Cato pushes firmly in the middle of Haymitch Abernathy’s chest, cornering him into the wall. “I should be there! It’s my fucking job, she’s mine.”
“You couldn’t be trusted not to go off on your own, Cato.” Haymitch explains, gently placing his hands on the young man’s shoulders.  “It was impromptu, there wasn’t time to get you properly trained.”
“Properly Trained? I gave my entire life to training for this! I know what i’m doing–” He snarls at the older victor, and without Enobaria and Brutus here to cool him off he might just carry through on his most intrusive of thoughts, the ones that say to crush the man’s skull against the concrete wall. “I’m better trained than anyone in this hell hole.”
“You aren’t reliable. You’ll throw the whole mission to get to that girl, they couldn’t risk it.”
“Let me make something so incredibly clear. I will throw any mission, I would throw this entire district, I would let this rebellion burn to the ground if it meant getting to her. I do not give a single fuck about any other person in this entire district, but her.” Cato drops his grip on Haymitch, letting the man relax against the wall. “If they leave her behind, I am going to kill every single one of them. That’s a promise, Haymitch. I don’t need a sword or a knife or a gun or a fork. I will kill them.”
“That's exactly the problem, Cato”
“What is he doing..” Glimmer whispers, wiggling her thumbnail between her bottom front teeth. Her nails bleed from her biting to the quick, watching as Finnick commands the attention of the camera and the media screen behind them.
“It’s to distract while they’re in the training center,” Someone, Glimmer doesn’t care who, informs her.
Listening to his words, with his allusions and language with only insinuation, she wipes the blood of her fingers on the sad gray of her clothes, and steps forward.
“Put me on.”
Beetee quirks his head at her, and Plutarch gives her an unsure look, not quite trusting she knew what she was offering to do.
“Finnick has it.” Plutarch assures with a patronizing half smile, before redirecting his attention to Finnick and the broadcast going out to all of Panem.
“We were told to do our part, this is mine. Put me on.” Glimmer once again insists, this time walking herself right into the eyesight of the camera.
They cannot stop her when she steps in directly next to Finnick, as he recalls stories of secrets shared as late night pillow talk, as the exchange for his service.
“Stop sugar coating it.” Glimmer demands, stepping into the light of the camera.
The girl presented to Panem is a far cry from the beautiful bombshell of a victor she was once paraded around as. Once perfectly manicured nails bleed from the quick she had bitten them too. Once perfectly shiny, bouncing curls fall in two half braided pigtails, with crinkled waves going the length of her hair, frizzy ringlet curls framing her eyes. There is no perfectly winged eyeliner, eyelash extensions, or expertly applied blush.
She is not a shimmering shining prize, but she is still Glimmer.
“Finnick is so considerate as to give you a filtered version of what happened to us. I’m not. We weren’t just ‘sold’ to the highest bidder. I was brutally, violently raped. From the time I was fifteen years old. I have been held down until I screamed, and I have bled and begged people to stop. My sister, my brother, Finnick, Marvel..and countless others. We are not being rented, we are being violently abused. There is a trafficking ring of Victors. Starting from our childhood. I was fifteen. Fifteen years old! Finnick was Fourteen! We were children!” Glimmer catches Katniss out of the corner of her eye, who has a whole new layer of horror painted on her features. Katniss nods at her, to keep going, because if she is enraptured so is the entirety of the capitol.
“It doesn’t stop there! My entire life has been this. I’ve been sent to procedures where I don’t even know what they did to me! I’ve been drugged unconscious for days! I have sat in bath tubs full of my own blood, and woken up in sheets so wet with it that I couldn’t stand the next day! We lose our childhood to the games, but we lose our innocence to them! Seven years. Seven years of horrific abuse, and if I didn’t? Then my parents die. Then my older sister and brother, who already did all of this to protect me. They go after the people you love. Call this what it is. It is violence and it is abuse.”
Together, Glimmer and Finnick offer a passionate plea.
Finnick exposes name after name of a capitol official and bought him, listing the secrets of each and every one. Between stories Glimmer accounts graphic details of a girlhood lost, of specific moments of begging for death after fighting so hard for her life. Finnick exposes the President himself and his history of poisonous treachery, while Glimmer recounts the long nights and the aftermath of such horrific, harrowing moments of her young life.
Ultimately they lose the broadcast until Katniss steps in and directly asks for the President himself.
Glimmer steps out of the light, and realizes for the first time that she has tears running down her face, uncontrollable and unstopping.
Cato can’t help it, when he grabs her and pulls her in what could pass for a hug. He’s seen Glimmer as, well, Glimmer, for a long time. A career victor from One who had gone through a little too much at the hands of the capitol. Something about her now, though, goes deeper than that. She is someone’s little sister, someone’s little blonde sister who was robbed of the sweetness his own was so remarkable for. He is all too aware that he may never see his own again.
She is a brotherless sister and he is a sisterless brother, who would give just about anything to make sure his little blonde baby sister never even knew the kind of horrors Glimmer experienced even existed.
He watches over Glimmer’s head, as Katniss pleads her case to the president directly.
“You asked me to convince you I was in love with Peeta. Haven’t I at least done that?” Katniss questions, and there is an earnestness in her voice that even Cato cannot ignore.
Maybe she had convinced them all.
The next words Cato picks up on send a chill to the very root of his spine.
“Don’t you think I know your friends are in the tribute center? Cut them off.”
If his blood could run cold, it would have. As the feed cuts out, and Katniss begins to spiral- “He was taunting me, he knew the whole time!”-- and the reality starts to come from Beetee– “we can’t communicate with them” it all falls into place. The seemingly unbroken communication, the opportunity to plead directly with the president of the country..it all made more sense as reality set in.
It was a trap.
They were never getting them out.
“They’re dead.” Glimmer whispers, pushing him back and turning to face the screen. Her sob catches in her throat before she even realizes it is coming. “They’re dead, we aren’t ever getting them back!”
The four of them are corralled into a single, padded, locked room on the same level of the command center using various levels of sedatives.
Hours pass, maybe. They can’t be sure, in their windowless room, with some drug coursing through their system.
Finnick rocks and ties his knots, and Katniss has gone catatonic, resting her chin on her knees, humming that creepy death song from the propo she filmed what seemed like ages ago.
Glimmer lays against a wall, tears freely flowing from her eyes, matching the level of helpless she feels deep in the core of who she is.
Cato paces. Whatever they calmed them down with has started to wear off in him, based on his sheer size alone.
“When did you know you loved Annie?” Katniss nearly whispers to Finnick, voice and face flat in affect. “Was it immediate?”
“No. It was gradual. She snuck up on me.”  Finnick nearly smiles, but then passes the question on to Glimmer. “What about you? When did you know?”
“We were friends for a long long time at first. I would sleep in his room a lot. Nothing ever happened and then..well It was actually during Clove’s games. I looked at him one morning and I realized that I wasn’t afraid when I was with him. He was right there, right in front of me the whole time.” Glimmer nearly smiles, but the tears do not stop. “Come on Cato, like we weren’t all there.”
Cato stops, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand for a moment. “We uh..we were fifteen. We trained together since we were ten, you know? She was at my house with my baby sister and I realized that I knew exactly how many freckles she had on her face. One hundred and forty seven. That isn’t a normal thing that you notice about someone.”
There is a soft silence that befalls them, as if it hits them at once that they are giving eulogies to the love they have lost.
“....It was on the beach in the Quell. That's when I really knew.”  Katniss offers without prompting, the softness in her voice confirming what they had slowly grown to accept.
Somewhere along the line- during the quell, apparently– life began to imitate the art of the star crossed lovers' performance.
Time passes slowly in thirteen.
How long exactly, none of them know.
The door swings opens without so much as a knock, and Haymitch lets himself into the room of sedated, miserable victors, before he announces:
“They’re back.”
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
Who was the most lucky and un-lucky person from The Hunger Games trilogy?
Why do you pick them? Please give reasons.
You can interpret the luck and un-luck thing however you want.
Thank you :)
Honestly, is anyone really lucky? Definitely not anyone reaped- Peeta, Prim, Haymitch, Lucy Gray, any other victors or tributes- and Katniss, because it was her sister that was reaped and come on now.
Definitely not anyone who died- Cinna, Sejanus- or anyone who had both, mainly Finnick and almost Peeta.
Nobody from District 13, given the infertility illness and the fact their whole place was bombed and stuff.
See I may say Gale, but honestly he didn’t get the girl (L) and he was born in the districts, which just isn’t too good.
So, we need someone from the capitol, who hasn’t died, who also came out on the winning side of the war, and who hasn’t had anyone close to them die.
In my opinion, in this crazy world where everyone has unlucky things happen to them, in the grand scheme of things, Cressida is the luckiest.
Let’s look at the facts, Cressida was born and raised in the Capitol, meaning she grew up with a life of luxury or at least a better life than anyone in the districts. She was an up and coming film director, and got to keep her line of work and probably her passion despite switching sides in the war.
She didn’t grow up in District 13 and wasn’t affected by the infertility illness, yet enjoys the benefits of it without experiencing the hardships of the districts who take refuge there.
Anything that makes her worse off than other capitol citizens is her own choice so not luck based, and she’s still quite happy in d13. She also chose the winning side, so she’s able to live after the war and know that she helped contribute to it.
Now a little disclaimer I don’t know everything about her backstory, so if I have gotten details wrong please feel free to point them out!!
Honestly, I would’ve said Sejanus is the luckiest person if he hadn’t gone and died. Getting Coriolanus as a confidant was SUPER unlucky of him.
But also…he was able to move to the freaking capitol, he had a good career lined up for him, and any troubles he got in could be quickly covered up by money. Of course that doesn’t really count as luck then, but still. Plus he got the district 2 boy, and even if that’s orchestrated by his father, he’s still lucky to have him (in general, he’s unlucky that it happens to be Marcus). He also gets saved from the freaking hunger games arena !! With a few scratches!!
It’s honestly a wonder he was able to die, because up until that point he was pretty lucky.
Now…the unluckiest. Luckily for us we have a list to go off of!
My biggest ideas for unluckiest are Finnick, Peeta, Haymitch, Annie, and Prim. For others who have died, there’s a certain point I consider them lucky for doing so.
For example, any of the tributes from the 74th or 75th hunger games. They were lowkey lucky to die before having suffered so much more, and other characters have had more things happen to them that are unlucky because they lived. So the other characters I just mentioned are more unlucky if that makes sense.
And for Cinna, while dying was unlucky, that was pretty much the only unlucky thing that happened to him and it wasn’t even all luck based. He chose to make Katniss a mockingjay and knew the consequences.
However, with Finnick, he had a bunch of unlucky things happen to him before he died (his own choice by the way, so I don’t really consider it lucky/unlucky). He was reaped at 14. He was, however, lucky to get the trident.
Then he was reaped AGAIN for the 75th games, so even if all of those were staged by the capitol I still consider it unlucky.
Then, he was saved! Yay, lucky, but the woman he loves wasn’t and he goes a bit insane. Not very lucky. But, hey, at least she wasn’t hijacked. Of course he then dies before ever meeting his son, but hey at least he had a happy wedding first.
So, while he was definitely unlucky, he had a few lucky things happen to him.
I also considered Annie, because I think this is the opposite for her. She was lucky, but had many many many unlucky things happen to her.
She watched her district partner get beheaded- unlucky, but at least she survived the flooding after. It’s lucky she knew how to swim!
Then, she met Finnick. Very lucky!
Then, she was reaped. Unlucky, but good thing Mags volunteered for her. Lucky.
Then, she was taken by the capitol. Unlucky. But she reunited with Finnick, and married him. Lucky.
Then…she had a baby with him. Lucky. Then he died. Unlucky. But at least she has a support system. Lucky.
So while she was definitely unlucky, I’d say she had enough luck to balance it all out.
Before moving on to Prim & Peeta & Haymitch, let me talk about Katniss and why she isn’t the luckiest or the unluckiest.
She wasn’t reaped- her sister was, and she was the one who made the choice to go to the games. Yes yes very said but not inherently unlucky for HER.
Then, she got fairly lucky during the hunger games, too. The tracker jackets nest. Meeting Rue. Even though she had that little run in with the fireballs, she then got the ointment. She was also lucky that Peeta confessed he liked her.
She was also chosen for d13, and while she did go a bit insane too that Peeta wasn’t, and then met him hijacked, Peeta is definitely still unluckier. It’s lucky she at least still had Gale there (not very lucky for me though).
Now, Prim.
She had one freaking slip. Out of thousands. That was chosen for the hunger games.
She had Katniss as an older sister though, and never had to work to provide, because Katniss provided for her. Lucky.
Then, she was saved by Gale during the bombing of district 12. Yay. Lucky.
In d13, she just barely made it into the bunker, WITH her cat. So also lucky.
Do you know what’s really unlucky though? Becoming a young medical person and then being blown up. The Everdeen family is not good around bombs fr. It was very unlucky she was allowed to go to war at all, and it was very unlucky she then DIED because of it. I count her dying as unlucky in the same way I do Finnick. They both still had so much to live for.
While Rue was also unlucky, due to all of her slips that were probably in the reaping bowl, it was less unlucky. She was also lucky to have met Katniss, and was lucky to die before the capitol tried to do things with her after. It wasn’t exactly lucky she died though, let me clarify, just not UNLUCKY.
So, I stand my ground Prim was fairly unlucky.
Now…my two biggest competitors for unluckiest…Haymitch and Peeta!
Haymitch. He was not only reaped, but he was reaped in a Quater Quell!! C’mon now. Then, he was lucky to find that little glitch, but it cost him his family and his girlfriend. The fact he refused to be sold also didn’t help, but I don’t see that as much as a luck thing but still he’s unlucky about the family and girlfriend thing.
Then, he gets two victors! Katniss and Peeta! Two in one. Lucky. Then Peeta is hijacked. Unlucky. And then he’s also reaped again. Oof.
It’s mainly the whole 50th games things. Like damn. That’s just fairly unlucky.
Now, a lot of people will probably disagree with who I think is the unluckiest. Feel free to, and debate with me but not argue in the reblogs and replies! I love that /srs!
But…Peeta. Even though everything turned out alright.
First off, getting reaped. Yikes. Always unlucky.
Then, getting stabbed and almost bleeding out and then that wound getting infected. Unlucky, but at least he has his crush, Katniss, so that’s lucky.
Yay, he’s out, and on tour. Oops. His speech kills a man. I count that as unlucky, because while he chose to say the stuff it was just unlucky the old man was there to hear it and interpret it in a rebellious way that got him killed.
Oh, and also his crush doesn’t like him back, even though he thought she did. How unlucky.
Ok, here’s a second games. He isn’t reaped. How lucky. But then he gets in there anyways (his choice so doesn’t count, remember), and then he isn’t saved by d13!! VERY VERY UNLUCKY BECAUSE HES THEN KIDNAPPED, TORTURED, AND LITERALLY HAS HIS BRAIN REARRANGED TO KILL THE WOMAN HE LOVES??
Then he’s rescued! Yay, lucky, even though the capitol let him get rescued. Yay he’s back, and now that he’s rehabilitated some, he’s sent back out to war to possibly kill Katniss. How unlucky.
And yes, he does end up with Katniss in the end after years of work and therapy. Lucky. But as a whole, if almost anything could’ve gone unlucky for him it did.
So, I think that Cressida was the luckiest, with Sejanus as a fairly close second, and that Peeta was the unluckiest, with mostly Haymitch but also Finnick and Annie to be honorably mentioned.
Let me also give a shout-out to Coriolanus and Lucy Gray, because while I don’t think they’re either the unluckiest or luckiest they’re still worth mentioning.
Coriolanus was born into wealth, lucky, but then got super poor, unlucky. He was a mentor, lucky, but got the d12 girl, unlucky, but it turned out to be Lucy Gray, lucky.
Then he got expelled, unlucky, and sent to d12, lucky because he gets to see Lucy Gray again. I’m not going to count the rebel stuff as either, because it was mostly his choice to get so involved although it could be argued he didn’t HAVE a choice, so generally unlucky for that and the whole thing with Sejanus combined because that was also his choice.
Let’s also mention he became President and got an internship and while that was achieved by choice it still requires SOME luck that he wasn’t caught, yk, killing people.
Generally lucky I’d say but still unlucky.
Then Lucy Gray is the opposite, unlucky but still lucky. She has the whole thing with Billy Taupe, unlucky but lowkey a choice, and then gets reaped, which even if it was planned is still unlucky. But she wins, lucky, and meets Coriolanus which starts out as lucky but turns unlucky.
So nothing too out of the ordinary honestly I just thought that, like Katniss, they were worth mentioned about why I didn’t choose them.
So yeah! Thanks for the question, @curiousnonny , and as always feel free to debate not argue in the reblogs and replies!
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ivanajpeg · 1 month
Where Annie is feeling a bit silly and Finnick just let's her be
Note 1: English is not my first laguage, If you see any mistakes please let me know. Im always trying to improve
Note 2: This is the last day of the odesta week, I really had fun doing this even though my writing is not that good yet, I learned a lot during this week to improve it. I hope we have another odesta week with other promps to experiment with.
Hope you enjoy this last day of the odesta week <3
"Annie, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Relax, everything is going to be fine"
Annie and Finnick were sitting on their bed. Annie was pretty bored today, so she proposed to him to let her do his makeup. Just for the laughs.
Finnick said yes just because he thought she would do something simple, until he saw everything she pulled out.
"You really need all that?"
"Yep, I need all this to make you look pretty"
Finnick sigh and let her start. Annie started narrating everything she was doing.
"Okay, so ill start preparing your skin"
"Preparing my skin?"
"Preparing your skin" Annie started applying different skincare products, she was having a lot of fun "now... well, this might hurt" Annie pulled out things to shave his eyebrows.
"Annie, we said makeup only, what is that?"
"I just want to shape your eyebrows, everything is going to be fine... I think so" Annie started shaving his brows carefully "Done, see? it wasn't that bad"
Annie applied the first layers of makeup. She applied a foundation way to white for hims, a concealer even whiter and a bronzer. Annie couldn't stop laughing meanwhile Finnick looked at himself in the mirror.
"Ann I look like a ghost, what is this?" he said laughing "is this really your skin tone?"
"Well you like being under the sun more than me, besides it looks like sunscreen doesn't work on you"
"And you used a concealer even whiter"
"That's how concealer work"
Annie continued doing his makeup, she used a blush she just bought, she didn't knew how pigmented it was.
"Hahahaha, you look like a clown" Annie was almos crying from laughter.
"Annie! It looks like someone just punched me! Is new right? because the one you use doesn't look like this"
"Yes, it's new, sorry" he kissed him on the cheek, he rolled his eyes playfully.
Annie applied the powder to him.
"Now I know why you take too long to do your makeup, I'm not gonna lie, I like watching you do your makeup, it's relaxing"
"It actually is, I like it a lot"
"I know, and you always look so pretty"
Annie blushed and gave him a peck.
"Which color you want for your eyeshadow?" She asked him, showing him all her eyeshadows.
"I want blue eyeshadows and glitter, like the sea" he said playing along "and add big lashes"
"Big eyelashes... I'll try, I've never been good at applying those"
Annie started painting sea waves on his eyelids with the eyeshadows and some eyeliners. She also used little stones.
Finnick looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, for him, Annie had so much talent doing this kind of stuff, he was sure he would let her practice with him more in the future.
Annie was very concentrated while applying the eyelashes, at the end she managed to do it and she smiled proud of herself.
She moved on to his lips, he chose the lipliner, the lipstick and lipgloss.
When Annie finished with his lips, he kissed her cheek.
"Finn!" Annie smiled while seeing the lipstick stain on her cheek.
"You always do it, it was time for my revenge" They both smiled and she finished the look.
They took a couple of silly pictures before removing his makeup. Annie was very happy for her masterpiece and Finnick was happy looking at Annie's beautiful smile.
He would do anything in his power to keep that smile on her face.
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lythea-creation · 4 months
Broken Toys - Johanna Mason x fem reader (Chapter 21)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
word count: 2.259
“How's Johanna doing?”, Katniss asked me during training.
The others could not keep up with our shooting skills.
“She's mostly asleep”, I enlightened her. “I feel guilty. I should stay with her instead of training and going to war. She trained so hard to join the battle and now she's not allowed to and to top it all I leave her behind again to fight alongside you. The last time I did that, she ended up in the Capitol”, I burst out and missed my shot.
Katniss took my gun from me. “Maybe you should put that aside when you're upset”, she advised me. “Did you talk with her about it? Honestly is it possible for you to talk to her without it ending in a discussion?”
“Johanna can be considerate. But the sedatives are suppressing her emotions. She can't think clearly. I barely recognize her right now.”
“I know what you mean”, she mumbled.
“You were right when you said that the 76th Hunger Games would be different”, I stated.
She sent me a questioning look.
“We're up against more opponents and not against children. Everyone has decided to fight and hasn't been forced to. There can be more than one survivor and this year we can turn into true victors not just survivors.”
“And Snow is a tribute too”, Katniss added with a smile.
“Exactly. He may have won all the previous games, but his torments have only strengthened us more. It's like he trained us himself to beat him in the end.”
I grinned at that thought and continued training.
My group was actually really good.
Katniss was almost as skilled with her gun as she was with bow and arrow.
Gale was using a special crossbow and Finnick had gotten a special trident from Beetee. It had several special functions. One of them was allowing Finnick's trident to fly back to him, when he pushed a button on his wrist cuff.
Jackson, a middle-aged woman and Bogg's deputy, was able to hit targets we could not even see with the target tube.
The sisters Leeg, both in their twenties, who we called Leeg one and two were looking so similar in their uniforms that I had difficulties identifying them.
Two older men, Mitchell and Homes, did not talk much, but they could shoot everyone the dust off their shoes within a fifty meter distance.
Though other groups were good as well and I was not sure why we were called a special unit, until Plutarch announced that we had a special task of getting filmed.
Three victors in one group. It made sense now. That Katniss did not really protest made me suspicious and I suggested that she was not going to stay with the star unit, how we were called now.
Katniss had always had troubles with taking orders and preferred to act on her own. With her in my unit, I would definitely participate in the battle. So I did not bother myself too much with this special task.
At dinner I noticed that Annie was even more clingy toward Finnick than usually. I could not blame her.
“Don't worry, Annie. We'll look out for each other. After all we're still allies, right playboy?”, I used Johanna's nickname for him.
“Sure, newbie”, he teased me back.
“Will I ever lose that status?”
“When whole Panem is enveloped in summer and the snow has vanished”, he joked making me roll my eyes with a smile.
After dinner Annie stopped me to talk to me alone.
“I won't stop Finnick if you want to ask me that”, I clarified.
She shook her head. “No. I'm … pregnant. You're the only one who knows.”
I enveloped her in a hug. “Congratulations!”
We smiled at each other.
“I can't tell him. It would hold him back. But since the last meeting a few days ago, he seems so unsettled. He tries to hide it, but it only worries me more. Do you know anything?”
I took a deep breath. What was I supposed to do now? Lying to her felt wrong. I had not told Johanna yet, too.
“We volunteered for the next Hunger Games”, I burst out before I could change my mind.
“What?” Annie became pale.
“If we win, this will be the final games. Snow is a tribute, too. Katniss, Finnick and me. We're still allies. We're a great team and experienced. We'll figure a way out of this. Annie, we can all win”, I tried soothing her.
“But you should talk to him”, I added. “Finnick should know that you're pregnant, but still support his determination to fight. It'll motivate him even more to return. And I promise you to look out for him.”
She nodded. “Thanks, (f/n).”
When Annie left, I felt exhausted. Telling her had worked out pretty well, but Johanna would be a different story. Due to the sedatives I did not even know which reaction to expect. And telling her the truth in her state only to leave the next day appeared cruel to me. But to keep it a secret was not fair either. Honestly I was surprised that I had not broken down yet.
“Hey, Jo”, I greeted her.
For once she was awake and she was looking better rested.
“Tomorrow's the day”, she mumbled back, her eyes locked on the bundle of pine needles she was holding in her hands.
“I'm sorry.”
“You know that I hate pity”, she spat out glaring at me.
But I simply shook my head. “And you know that I don't pity you. I'm sorry because I didn't tell you the whole story.”
She cocked an eyebrow at me.
I closed the door and sat down on the chair. “The streets in the Capitol are covered in pots triggering different attacks. It's like the arena. Therefore Katniss, Finnick and I are calling it the 76th Hunger Games.”
I could not read the expression on Johanna's face. It looked like she was about to cry. “Another round of games, huh?”
She started laughing like a maniac. “If I weren't a victor myself, I'd be shocked. But Snow's always surpassing our worst expectations.”
“Jo, I ...”
“No, it's alright. I'm bloody angry, but I won't hold you back. I heard them calling you the best sniper of Panem. Make Snow pay!”
I mirrored her grin and leaned in to kiss her.
To my surprise the nightmares left me alone this night. Probably because they could not keep up with reality anyway.
The next morning I said goodbye to Johanna, Annie and my family.
I had not told my family what I was about to face once again. The fourth Hunger Games with a family member participating in only five years. I did not want to provide these news to them. It was worse enough that I was going to war.
A hovercraft brought our group to district 12. Then we were transported by a freight wagon stuffed with countless soldier in gray uniforms.
It took us several days until we arrived at the tunnels, which led through the mountains toward the Capitol.
Six more hours of marching later the field camp of the rebels was finally in sight. The rebels had dispelled the peacekeepers, who had regrouped more at the center of the city leaving countless temptingly empty streets between them and us. At least seemingly empty. After all we knew about the pods we had to overcome.
After three days our group threatened to die out of boredom. We had nothing to do but to film more videos of us shooting at random things. After all we could not purposely destroy the pods in front of the camera if we did not want Snow to know that we had the holo.
Whenever an actual sniper was needed the raised hands of Katniss, Gale, Finnick and me were completely ignored.
On the morning of the fourth day Leeg two suddenly hit an unidentified pod triggering an arrow rain. One of the arrows hit her head killing her before the paramedics could reach her.
Plutarch promised us a quick replacement. It infuriated me how he was talking about the death of a person like a destroyed part of a machine. But he was always keeping the end result in mind and was ready to sacrifice lives for that. A person without such a determination could have never been a gamemaster in the first place. So I could not blame him.
But when I heard Leeg one crying inside her tent at night, it broke my heart.
I made my way over to her and got inside without waiting for approval.
“I know how it is to lose a sister”, I whispered.
Her teary, broken eyes bored into mine. Was that how I had looked after Rue's death?
I hugged her the whole night in a desperate attempt to comfort her.
Plutarch had not lied as he had promised a quick replacement. On the next evening Peeta arrived earning a mixture of shock, confusion and rejection from our group.
What was Plutarch thinking? Instead of chains Peeta was wearing a gun!
Boggs immediately took Peeta's weapon and called the command center.
“It won't change anything. Coin sent me here herself. She thinks that the propos need more thrill”, Peeta declared.
Suspicion filled my entire being. Did Coin want to kill us, especially Katniss after all?
I thought back to the memories I had off her. How she had saved my family to make me concentrate on the riots in 11. Back then she had appeared as my savior, but actually she had just used me due to my role as a victor and Rue's sister.
Then the fact that she had threatened Katniss that the deal of sparing the captives would be off if Katniss made one mistake.
And when I had requested, almost pleaded her to rescue the captives, she had proclaimed it as too risky and dangerous. But it had not been a problem to rescue them when Katniss could not keep up with her role as the mockingjay anymore.
Coin had not once acted out of kindness or sympathy. She had always done everything to achieve her goal, no matter what. She had pushed us to our breaking point without a sense of empathy. We were mere pawns to her.
Why had I not realized that sooner? I had jumped from the game board of one person to another.
Katniss was unpredictable. Due to Katniss all victors had become a threat to Snow and now Coin considered us a threat as well. Because she could not control us. Because we were desperate. Because we knew what it meant to take risks. That you could only win that way.
I had never wasted a thought on what would happen after the war. Like I had never wasted a thought what would happen after my previous games. In the end I would have never been able to foresee any of that anyway, but now I could not help but wonder.
Coin would declare herself as the leader of the rebellion, the supporter of the mockingjay who had done everything to free the country. I did not like the thought of her as the new leader of Panem. She was manipulative and reckless like Snow. She had achieved it that we had supported her.
Were we jumping from one misery to the next right now?
The whistle announcing dinner ripped me out of my thoughts.
The atmosphere was terrible. Katniss was extremely hostile toward Peeta. I could not blame her for that. After all her gentle and caring fiance had tried to kill her and insulted her the whole time after that. But it was not his fault either. It had not been him talking and acting.
After dinner the temperature decreased and we were all freezing. Autumn was not the best time for camping. As our tents were not keeping the cold outside anyway, I decided to sleep under the stars.
Finnick trotted over to me and opened his sleeping back with a bright smile. “Come over”, he encouraged me.
“You want to share your sleeping bag?”
“I want to share both of our sleeping bags and our body temperature. I know that you're also freezing.”
I hesitated.
“Come on! Johanna isn't here and Annie wouldn't mind. I'm a happily married man”, he persuaded me.
I laid down next to him and put my sleeping bag over us. Honestly it was comforting.
“Did Annie tell you?”
“Yeah. I still can't believe that I'm becoming a dad.”
“Hope you're not mad at me for telling her the truth.”
He shook his head. “She deserved it just as much as I deserved it. But we should sleep now. We're in the arena again, remember? We have to guard over Peeta in the early morning”, he reminded me making me smile slightly.
“At least we don't have to worry about food and water supplies”, he added.
“And now that Peeta is here I don't think Katniss will leave us behind”, I noted. “And she can be sure that we're her allies. So hopefully our alliance should not crumble this time.”
These games would be different. It was either win or die. Though I was not sure who the true enemy was anymore.
Next Chapter
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periwinckles · 2 years
Please sort The Hunger Games characters into Hogwarts Houses :
For reference (according wikia)
Hufflepuff : Loyalty and hard working
Gryffindor : Bravery and chivalry
Ravenclaw : Wit and learning
Slytherin : Cunning and ambition
You can include as many characters as you want/can.
And you can give a reason why do you sort that character into that house.
Thank you so much 😊
This is going to be long. I do not apologize.
I'm starting with this because they're easy to spot. Their trademarks are bravery and chivalry. Chivalry is not a common word nowadays, but ultimately it throws us back to this notion of honor, of giving your life to someone or something (think knights devoted to their kings).
Griffindors are brave, but they have something (someone) that moves them to be brave. Katniss is the obvious example, laying out her life for Prim in the first book, for Peeta in the second. This is her most dominant trait. One thing I realized was griffindors all grief quite similar to each other. When Katniss thought she lost Peeta, and later when she lost Prim she shut down almost completely, like a light turning off inside of her. Why? Because her reason (Prim/Peeta) to be brave was gone. You see the same pattern in Finnick. He's a brave man, above all, who won the games while only 14, and was submitted to atrocious things and he endured it all for love. When his reason for being brave was gone, (while Annie was being held by the Capitol) he almost loses it. Many of you might disagree but I feel like Mrs Everdeen is one too. She was very brave to leave her life on the merchant quarter and to marry Mr Everdeen. She was brave because she had someone that moved her to be brave. When that someone was lost she shut down.
I'm still not sure if Haymitch is a Ravenclaw or a Griffindor. He's very similar to Katniss, and again in his coping mechanism he shows the griffindor's weakness. Once their reason to be brave disappears, they give up, or close to it.
SLYTHERINS are cunning and ambitious. Most of you won't argue me for Snow or Coin or even Plutarch, so I'll dive deeper into the other two. Finnick once said that no Victor won by chance except Peeta. But there are different ways to win the games. Let's take Haymitch as an example. Haymitch was brave, and fit, yet you never see him actively pursuing other tributes to kill. He is very smart and ultimately that's what saves him, but he is always only trying to defend himself. Beetee makes a trap that kills eight (?) tributes in one go.
Gale's character is quite similar, it's not by chance that Gale is so good with traps. He is also ambitious, and that is why I'm putting him here and not Gryffindor. You see, once the war was over, do you really think Gale would step down and move back to Twelve for a simple life raising geese? Even if it wasnt for the Prim issue, I doubt he would do it. He was always angry with the Capitol, the peacekeepers, even the merchants, not just because of what they did, but because they had what he couldn't have. (This is why I think he really would never pursue Katniss romantically, if not for Peeta demonstrating his affections. Haymitch himself says that "Peeta made her desirable by showing he desired her." I think Gale only wanted her when others showed they wanted her too, but I digress. ) The merchants were mostly harmless to him, but they had more than him, and Gale wanted more. And that's what defines a Slytherin. It's someone that wants more. Ultimately he got it.
(I don't believe all Slytherins are evil, even though the examples I gave are all characters I dislike.)
Wit and learning. No character comes to mind as an evident Ravenclaw. I feel Prim might be one, but
we never saw a grown up Prim, so I'm not sure. Wiress is probably one too, but she's a minor character and we don't know that much about her to know for sure.
Haymitch is my best guess. He wins his games by wit. Same with the 74th, if not for his strategy, P and K would have never won. He's a strategyst (he likes to play chess) and he's always "playing the game", up until the end. Still not sure if he's more Ravenclaw or more Gryffindor.
HUFFLEPUFFS are loyal and hardworking. (They might have other traits, but this is what defines them.) Hufflepuffs can be compared to gardeners (the head of house is an herbology teacher!). You need a lot of patience to be a gardener. To plant a seed, to water it, to weed everything around it and to watch it grow. Its hard work, with your eyes on the long run. I believe Delly is one. She is a loyal friend, not afraid to step up when Peeta needed the most, when others (Katniss) lost all hope in him. I see her work with him in D13 a lot like gardening: weeding out what's bad and nurturing the good. Its hard work without an immediate reward. But she doesn't give up on him and neither does Prim.
Thom we know very little about, but he's close to my heart. The few times we see him he's Hufflepuff all the way. Sticking to Gale when he was whipped even though that might come back to bite him later. Being part of the crew that come back to rebuild, from scratch, going through the rubble and ashes... That's hard work (one Gale, Katniss and Haymitch would never endure).
At last Peeta is the most Hufflepuff that has ever hufflepuffed on this earth. He's loyal to himself and his beliefs ("I don't want to be a piece in their games") and most of all to Katniss ("always").
He's always portraited as a devoted worker. At the bakery, either carrying bags of floor or doing delicate decorations. After becoming a Victor he actually has a talent (we don't see other Victors actually devoted to this). When they find out about the quell he's the one who's diligent in training (yes, he wants to save Katniss, but she wants to save him too, still I don't see her prancing around with workout drills). If you're still not convinced, you see him planting the primroses in the end (again, hufflepuffs are gardeners.) And we had three books telling us how he planted a seed in Katniss heart, weed out everything bad that tried to choke it (her erroneous notions about him), watered it (quiet moments away from the cameras) and he did what gardeners do best. He waited.
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avoxrising · 9 months
The Feral One • Ch 26
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
A second chapter today as promised
Content Warnings - injury, surgery, mention of psych eval
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An hour feels like forever as you watch the one you love slowly fade away. You’re passed out again by the time Peeta returns with a medic.
“I could only find one,” he pants, trying to catch his breath. “There were a lot of injuries due to the bombs.”
The medic kneels down to take a look at you. Your blood was still black, worrying the entire group.
“Please,” Finnick pleads. “You have to help her.”
“There aren’t enough of us right now to handle this,” the medic shakes their head. “Half of our unit died to the bombs this morning.”
“Can you radio for someone? Anyone?” Finnick asks.
The medic was able to call for an armored vehicle to come pick you up. They didn’t have any medical supplies but they could drive you to the hospital.
Finnick holds your limp hand the whole way, refusing to let you leave him.
It’s been 12 hours with no news. The doctors immediately rushed you into surgery when you arrived, not even letting Finnick come with you.
Finnick sat alone in the waiting room of the hospital. Peeta had been taken in for a psych eval and Katniss was in the ICU. Boggs was dead, the Leegs were dead, Prim was dead… (Gale was unfortunately not dead)
A gloomy aura hung over the capital that day. The rebels had won but at a high cost. Finnick didn’t know what he would do with himself if you didn’t make it.
“Finnick,” someone states as they nudge his shoulder. The blond looks up to see Johanna in front of him.
“Jo…” he replies. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard what happened…,” she starts. “I needed to be here. They flew me out from thirteen.”
“Thank you,” Finnick hums as his friend sits beside him.
The two of them sit in silence for hours, Finnick periodically dozing off in his chair.
Johanna nudges him awake when the doctor comes out.
“She made it through surgery,” the doctor states, causing the victors to let out a sigh of relief. “She’s in a medically induced coma for the time being. She’ll need to have another operation in a week to remove the mass in her brain.”
“What mass?” Finnick asks.
“The timer…” Johanna mutters.
“We don’t know exactly what it is,” the doctor explains. “We do, however, believe that it’s the cause of her sudden illness. The doctors are in contact with Mr. Latier to devise a safe plan of removal.”
“Can we see her?” Finnick asks.
“I’m afraid she’s in a quarantine until her immune system rebuilds strength,” the doctor responds. “We need to check you for injuries but after I can set up some chairs outside her room for you.”
Physically, Finnick was fine. The doctors gave him some fluids and treated some cuts but released him soon after.
He wanted to help you in any way he could. The hospital was running short on blood so he donated some. Unfortunately it couldn’t go to you but Johanna’s blood was able to.
The doctors did a full body scan on Johanna and determined she was clear of any capital additions, meaning she could donate blood and tissue to you. She spent every moment with Finnick, only leaving to grab him some food.
Mags and Annie called daily from 13 but weren’t able to come to the capital yet. District 13 was working on assigning the victors places to stay in the capital until Snow’s execution but they weren’t ready. There was still a lot of cleanup to do.
Beetee flew in two days before your scheduled surgery. He showed Finnick and Johanna the brain scans and explained in technical terms how they were going to extract it without triggering any reactions.
“My hacking abilities allowed me to gain access to the experiment database of the capital’s military lab,” he explains. “A similar experiment was done on some rats around 60 years ago. Luckily we do not believe removing it will cause any further damage to her system.”
“What was it designed to do?” Johanna asks.
“I believe the experiment was designed to trigger a rabies-like reaction in the subject; resulting in their death. However, I hypothesize that the process did not complete itself in her due to the amount of blood she lost. The reaction is transported via the bloodstream so it ceased when there wasn’t enough blood left to continue it,” he explains. “She’s lucky she got here when she did. The doctors told me they’ve never seen someone that low on blood survive for that long. I’m optimistic that once we gain access to the medical equipment in the military hospital she will heal fairly quickly.”
“Thank you,” Finnick responds.
“We’re victors,” Beetee states. “We look out for each other.”
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heavensbeehall · 7 months
"Mockingjay", Chapter 11
Part 2: The Assault
Chapter 11: Katniss obsesses over the concept of "what it will take to break me" during her three days stuck in the bunker. She makes Buttercup chase the light, a fun game with all cats. And realizes that she is Buttercup and Peeta is the light. Snow is torturing Peeta solely to taunt her. He has no rebel information. There is only one person who really understands what she is going through: Finnick. Annie wasn't kidnapped because she had information. Finnick gives her his rope that he uses to distract his mind. Coin wants them to film something to show 13 is fine. Gale is weird. Peeta saved lives with his warning. Snow has dropped roses for Katniss because he's a weirdo. She cannot say the line "13 is alive and well and so am I" probably because she is not well. She is having a panic attack.
So now that "The Mockingjay" can't perform--they finally decide to try to rescue Peeta and the others. They really treat her like some kind of circus animal that performs for crowds or something. (Boggs is the one who finally arranges the mission. He didn't let Haymitch volunteer but Gale did.)
-- I wonder when exactly Snow was convinced Katniss loved Peeta. He says he's not convinced in "Catching Fire" but I don't think that's true. He was just trying to keep Katniss busy until he could subdue the districts however he has done it before. (She thinks he figured it out when Finnick did during the Quarter Quell.) Clearly she risked her life to save his multiple times in the first Hunger Games. I think he's just jealous that Katniss and Peeta's trauma bond evolved into an actual relationship but Snow never got to fuck Lucy Gray.
-- So Plutarch's hovercraft seems to have picked people up in order of their importance to him, right? Katniss was first (or at least she was in the movie). Then Finnick and Beetee. They make sense. Beetee is clearly doing the job of entire teams of tech people. And Finnick seems to have been an active operative in the Rebellion. Anyway I would really like to know if Plutarch would've picked up Johanna or Peeta next and if he would've picked up Enobaria at all if he had more time.
He attains celebrity status with his evening game of Crazy Cat. I created this by accident a few years ago, during a winter blackout. You simply wiggle a flashlight beam around on the floor, and Buttercup tries to catch it. I'm petty enough to enjoy it because I think it makes him look stupid.
Katniss is still beefing with this cat like Snow is beefing with her.
The pain over my heart returns, and from it I imagine tiny fissures spreading out into my body. Through my torso, down my arms and legs, over my face, leaving it crisscrossed with cracks. One good jolt of a bunker missile and I could shatter into strange, razor-sharp shards.
Katniss is very dramatic sometimes. I shouldn't laugh but it's very teenage angst! (She is 17 afterall.)
I carefully extricate myself from my blanket and tiptoe through the cavern until I find Finnick, feeling for some unspecified reason that he will understand.
"unspecified" meaning "because he is basically in the exact same weird-ass situation that I am"
"You did warn me, though. On the hovercraft. Only when you said they'd use Peeta against me, I thought you meant like bait. To lure me into the Capitol somehow," I say. "I shouldn't have said even that. It was too late for it to be of any help to you. Since I hadn't warned you before the Quarter Quell, I should've shut up about how Snow operates." Finnick yanks on the end of his rope, and an intricate knot becomes a straight line again.
I think all the adults should have told her this immediately instead of manipulating a teenage girl into doing what they want just because she isn't wordly weary yet.
"Want a sugar cube?" he asks in his old seductive voice. That's how we met, with Finnick offering me sugar. Surrounded by horses and chariots, costumed and painted for the crowds, before we were allies. Before I had any idea what made him tick. The memory actually coaxes a smile out of me. "Here, it improves the taste," he says in his real voice, plunking three cubes in my cup. As I turn to go suit up as the Mockingjay, I catch Gale watching me and Finnick unhappily.
Gale, I have had it up to here with your bullshit. I know you are a teenager too and are jealous but this girl has been misERABLE for weeks and she smiles once and you aren't HAPPY about that?
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rappaccini · 8 months
... alright nobody asked for this but i have been thinking and i'm gonna throw my hat in the ring re: the whole ~what hunger games story should suzanne collins write next~ debacle.
and the answer is yes and no. yes, there's a lot of story to explore, but no, people are going about it from the wrong angle.
first, these are ya novels. no matter what, they must have a teenage protagonist because that's the age category the hunger games series belongs to, and these stories are intended to teach teenagers about war. so there can't be any more books about snow, katniss, or any character over 18 (or under 13).
and i do agree that since we've met all the victors from 12 and seen a capitol perspective, the story would have to move somewhere else. i disagree that we need a protagonist we've seen before. no finnick, johanna, annie, beetee, the list goes on. no. we're done with them. we need something new.
we don't even need one from every single district. in fact, you can sort them into a few categories based on common culture, industry, and the strategies of the victors they tend to yield.
career frontrunners: 1, 2, 4. victors rely on sponsors, alliances and weapons training.
tech-based darkhorses: 3, 5. victors are inventive and intelligent.
urban longshots: 6, 8. victors seem to mostly survive by pure luck.
rural darkhorses: 7, 9, 10, 11. victors use knowledge of specific tools and weapons (offense), and potentially their environment (survival skills).
(for the record i'd place 12 somewhere between urban longshot and rural darkhorse; 12 is a rural district, but like 6 and 8 it teaches its tributes few useful skills for the games, but katniss picks hers up because of her woodscraft and hunting, like the rural districts would for their tributes.)
so. the protagonist would have to be new, a teenager, and from a type of district we haven't seen yet.
now when would it take place?
first, it'd be useful to outline the eras of hunger games/panem that we currently know of.
1-11: the early games/post dark days. the games as a punishment instead of a spectacle. performed in a single arena, over in less than a day on average, exclusively a show of force, with winners from 1 and 2 on average, 4 and 11 occasionally, and heavily favoring male tributes. 10th and 11th being the implementation of a host, sponsors, mentors, interviews and muttations, and then a victory tour and prizes for the winner.
12-24: experimental age. fine-tuning of the games as a spectacle. this is likely snow's tenure as gamemaker, when volunteering begun, the career programs in 1, 2 and 4 were established, and also when tributes begun to be treated as celebrities and the games started being televised in the districts.
25: first quarter quell. probably marking the shift in snow from gamemaker to politician, as he went into politics while relatively young; and a way to destabilize the districts internally (... and put down stirrings of rebellion) after a generation of recovery from the war.
26-49: interquell. by now the capitol's fully recovered from the dark days, the rebellion's been fully wiped out, and the games are a pageant that a generation have grown up with, so tributes-as-celebrities is normalized, meaning they're probably being prostituted at this point, if not earlier. the career districts are tradition by now. this is likely when snow quit gamemaking for politics and rose to power.
50: second quarter quell. we know what it is and who won it. by now snow's become president. also, force field tech exists but is worse, and arena engineering seems to have been perfected.
51-61: golden age. the tradition's fine-tuned, victors are numerous and established enough to start networking with one another while in the capitol.
62-74: late games/pre-second rebellion. most memorable tributes from the 75th games from these years. these were the games katniss is old enough to remember, and this would've been the time that victors were starting to prepare for a second rebellion.
75: third quarter quell/beginning of rebellion/final hunger games.
so. we don't need to see any games before #12 and after #61. or #50. cross everything before 11 and after 62 off.
(odds are, they'd probably be a simple number to remember to match the others. tbosas was about the 10th, and thg was about the 74th because collins knew she was writing a trilogy and that catching fire's games would be the 75th so she subtracted one. so in reality, we're probably looking at the 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 55th, or 60th games as real contenders. but i digress)
back on topic: we don't need anything before 11 or after 62. we know the broad strokes of what the games were like during these periods, we have examples of victors and their strategies, and more importantly, we know what the political climate of panem was like.
this is important because the hunger games aren't the point of the story. they're the bait to reel you in for a story about war.
collins has gone on record saying her intent for the original trilogy was to discuss just war theory. under what circumstances is it just to declare war? see hunger games and catching fire. how do you wage war justly? watch katniss and gale butt heads in mockingjay. how do you end a war justly? see katniss turning on coin to prevent the rise of another dictator. even the love triangle is meant to show katniss literally flirting with different ideologies.
tbosas was written in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election and made to show how a young man from the imperial core with problematic views can transform into a future tyrant, and how a lack of jus post bellum and the trauma of war itself can perpetuate the cycle of violence.
when you ask yourself 'what hunger games story should we see next?' you should be asking 'what aspect of war should we use this games to explore?'
we don't need 75 books about 75 hunger games. we need one story set in each era, using the games, the political happenings around them, and the culture of the protagonist to discuss an aspect of war.
so. what aspect of war is applicable to each era of the games, and what story could be used to tell it with what kind of protagonist?
12-24 (most likely 15 or 20): how the oppressed can devise ways to rebel within the system, like, arguably, creating the career program... and how that system can be perverted by the powerful, like turning the careers into celebrities and fostering a culture that fetishizes the games within the districts that came up with that program to try and protect themselves, thus breeding loyalists. show us a career who begins with rebellious sympathies, turns into a loyalist after the capitol decorates them in riches (and to cope with their actions), and goes home to perpetuate the cycle of violence.
the 25th: how the powerful shut down and sabotage solidarity among the oppressed by forcing them to turn on each other... like voting each other's children into a death pageant. show us a district starting to consolidate and rebel that implodes on itself after the tensions within the members are inflamed by voting certain children into the games, and the lack of trust and solidarity when the victor returns to a community they can't trust.
26-49 (most likely 30, 35, 40 or 45): since this is the age of snow's political rise and the first time the games would've been an established institution, this would be a good time to show a pedigree career becoming disillusioned, either through their ordeal in the games, or even as a victor being exposed to capitol exploitation or mentoring a doomed tribute and watching them die or win at an awful cost.
51-61 (most likely 55 or 60): how to refoster solidarity in order to begin a resistance movement. the founding of the second rebellion and the initial involvement of the victors in connecting the districts and meeting capitol sympathizers would've likely happened during this time. let's see how.
there's even a pattern emerging. like how tbosas rhymes with thg, we now have two more mirrored stories to work with.
the war story: indoctrination into a regime and radicalization against it. the destruction of a resistance movement and its rebuilding.
you could even go so far as to mimic the tbosas/thg genderflip and make each mirrored story alternate between male and female protagonists.
or tribute and mentor perspectives
and the games' victors having strategies that are opposite to each other-- if the thg-tbosas mirror is hunter in a performance and performer in a hunt, what's the mirror image of a career who wins via brute force and capitol favoritism? one who wins thanks to the mercy of another tribute, or willingly gives up victorship to someone who'd never have won otherwise.
but that's getting too specific. i'll stop it here.
anyway. that's how you do it. no nostalgia. no characters we already know. build out the world and explore the central theme.
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