#it’s october babey it’s always on
merrysithmas · 1 year
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rockwgooglyeyes · 2 months
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Ta-da!! All four of my Alien Stage OCs in stunning technicolor! (not necessarily stunning im just making a joke) but yeah here are the official colors/designs for my little guys when they're at the Garden!
Notes to add context to their appearances/backgrounds:
At the time of the current competition (season 39), Onyx is actually 20 years old, being about nine months older than Dian (Di's turning 20 on the 13th of October!). They're both comparatively pretty young though. Nausi is 26-27 and Yumi will be 18 during her season.
Nausikaa's eyes are no longer heterochromatic because I wanted Yumi's to be and I didn't want to double up. They're like . . . reptile/cat yellow now, which lines up with her other predatory features
Dian, Nyx and Nausikaa's hair grow naturally in reddish-orange, grey/black, and teal respectively, due to genetic modifications and specific breeding. On the other hand, Yumi's hair is naturally brown but her bangs are almost always bleached to keep up with her dual-toned image.
Yumi is the youngest, she'll be participating in Season 40, as she was in the same class as @alien-til-i-stage's Macbeth and Inna. She's babey (in presentation and age. do not ask her about the horrors because she knows them all too well)
Nyx is mixed Korean and European (maybe Irish because of his coloring?), Dian is Mexican/Filipino/Indonesian, Nausikaa is Egyptian/Greek, and Yumi is predominantly Korean (as in, she has some other ancestry but none of it is significant enough to be noteworthy)
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frothingatthemaw · 9 days
I should return the favour 🎉👁️🐈‍⬛🌍
adding your other ask into the one so it’s easier!!
🎉fav holiday: HALLOWEEN!!!!! i love you october and spooky month and fall weather and horror. halloween is for me <3
👁️eye color: brownnnnn. womp womp boring but yeah! brown babey
🐈‍⬛fav animal: I LOVE A LOT OF ANIMALS :( but my favs are cats and red pandas. look at this red panda pic i took at the zoo a couple summers ago
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i miss the little guy every single day. i almost cried when i saw them and could’ve stayed in that area for hours
🌍fav place: favorite place that i’ve ever been is florida. i went two times and just yeah. those trips were really nice. i wouldn’t wanna live there but i reminisce on it quite often. just in general is the uk. i’ve been obsessed with the uk since i was like 9 or something. it’s always been like a home i’ve never been to. which is quite weird but yup. there’s also this place in france called mont saint-michel. i would love to go to it someday. stunning place.
🌦️fav weather: i like rain! i don’t like high winds and loud thunder but i do love a good heavy rain. i also like when it’s sunny and warm out but you can actually breathe? and i also love snow. i think it’s very pretty although i actually hate snow and ita aftermath 👎
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airbrushfather · 11 months
12! 16! 32! 37! for the three things asks. unless this too many. then take your pick señor!
hello marsh! :) not too many, thank you for your ask!!
12. 3 apps you use the most
all for posting insane takes of varying qualities 🫶
16. 3 drinks you consume the most
-this is so embarrassing but probably monster 😭
-tea!!! proper builders tea. no faffing. yum
-peach squash my beloved
32. 3 months you enjoy the most
this is a fucking cool question
-june (the month of popcorn summer. also it starts getting warm but all the kids are still at school so i can enjoy it in peace)
-august (best month. warmb. always something going on)
-october (hall of ween babey!! fright nights!!!)
37. 3 languages you would love to learn
i am so abysmal at learning languages it will not stick in my brain ever!!! i wish i could tho
-french (would love to live in Paris. sigh)
-italian (as above but naples or florence)
-spanish (it's just useful isn't it. and my dad spoke spanish so it would be nice to be able to do)
thanks for your ask!! 🩷
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feekins · 1 year
here are my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read ch 5 of Trigun Maximum vol 6!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
I remember this chapter gets Heavy, so let's start with something silly - here after the title page:
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
it's not a translation thing, but I had to include a comparison so you can see that it's not, like...weirdness involving image compression or quality or whatever - it rly does say BUNCH GRASS SALOON there, and that just. tickles me. so much. it's so cute! and exotic-sounding, I'd imagine, if you live where anything that's everything that's publically accessible is desert.
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
now, getting into the 'meat' of this chapter, we have minor wording differences between translations for this all-important line. both make sense, but given the theme of this chapter (titled "Colorless Expression" in both translations), the Overhaul's wording choice is more fitting. das nuance, babey =u=
oh, another tiny thing that tickles me: when that kid tackles Vash, the Overhaul translates the name of the kid's 'attack' as "Flying Mid-air Crab Pinch" whereas Dark Horse calls it "Flying Volley Crab Pinch" - both very cute!
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
reading the Dark Horse translation, this bit of conversation always confused me - and it's moments like this where the Overhaul's is just. SO helpful. domfock has spoken on some of the translation choices that're made to clarify who's talking, and it looks like the above is one case of that. this happens a couple more times throughout the chapter, and I appreciate each and every one 💕
...oh. that church scene. haha. hellooooo, teenage me's religious trauma;;;;;;,
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FIRST: this bounty hunter's name is Justin, so in my head, he is forever voiced by Justin McElroy goofing around 🤣
SECOND: timeline stuff!!! we now know that this chapter takes place 10 years after Lost July (which happened in the year 0104), making the "current" date sometime in the year 0114 - 1 year after we see Meryl in Trigun Maximum vol 1 (on her birthday in February 0113), and 4 years after Jeneora Rock (which happened in October 0110)!
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SILLY THING: the label on the bottle reads "RED ROCK" - which also happens to be an irl soda company. it was founded in Atlanta a year before Coca-Cola was. also they make yummy grape soda =u=
SAD THING: I didn't get the significance of this part when I first read it as a teenager. I wasn't raised around alcohol - I thought this bit was just Vash being A Silly Lil Guy. reading this as an Adult who only very very very very very rarely chooses to consume An Alcohol, partially bc I know way too many ppl who struggle with substance abuse/addiction (ALCOHOL IS A DRUG)...Vash. 🥺
it goes right along with the "Colorless Expression" thing...
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*wounded animal sounds*
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something about we the readers knowing Vash's power is what did The Thing but that Knives is what triggered itgxxjgxjgjxg
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...oh, Overhaul. I hurt. using "people" thereby implying these townspeople don't even see Vash as a person... (you also gotta wonder - how many of these people were just in that church?) 🥲
then, there's an interesting difference in wording between the two translations after Milly asks Vash (in both translations) "How can you keep smiling like that?"
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"look" VS "do" - it all comes down to nuance.
all Vash is trying to do is keep going... 😭
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this post. just...all of this.
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lovelaceisntdead · 11 months
1, 3, 14, 16, 19, 31 <3
Thank you Lila 🧡
1. on a scale of 1-10 how spooky are you?
I'd say a solid 8. There's room for improvement but I'd like to say I'm up there
3. when does spooky season start for you?
Usually I'd say as soon as it starts getting cold but seeing as it was still 20 degrees in October this year it's been all strange.
14. dark, spooky fall or breezy aesthetic fall?
Dark spooky always
16. apple cider or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate, apple cider isn't really a thing here and I'm not really one for spiced drinks anyway
19. what’s the soundtrack for your fall?
Rocky Horror all day babey
31. do you enjoy haunted houses?
I've never been to a proper haunted house but I would like to one day, if I had friends that would go with me lol. There's a popular Halloween farm not too far from me that everyone I went to school with used to go to but I was never able to go.
spooky asks
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no but we need to know how teacher eren finally puts the pieces together and realises that that LIL SQUIRT /DEMON is his babey!! i imagine eren would first lose his shit and panic the fuck out, then after that feel so grateful (and maybe a lil turned on) that his sperm mommy is a hot catch! in fact the only woman he’s ever daydreamed of marrying. his sperm donation slip up couldn’t have worked out better 😌
"Nico, buddy so are you saying your mom used a sperm donor to have you?" "Yup," Nico tells him cheerily, kicking his legs out in the carseat, "Mommy did it all by herself! She says the only man she needs is me!" Eren does the math in his head, the time between when he dropped off his sperm at the sperm bank and when he took it back, nine months later, "Nico when's your birthday again buddy?" "October 4th!" Nico tells him excitedly.
The dates match up almost perfectly, and as he finally turns the corner onto the main road he has a very sneaking suspicion that maybe everyone isn't wrong when they assume Nico is his kid, he really just might be. To his immense surprise when he arrives at Nico's house Mikasa answers the door instead of his grandma, home for once after an early shift and she absolutely beams at Eren when she sees him. Nico runs up to hug her legs and she catches him happily, "Thanks so much Eren, I really appreciate it."
Eren is still in shock as he watches her, the most beautiful, perfect, amazing woman he's ever met and she could be the mother of his child.
He looks down at Nico, an almost carbon copy of him right down tot he bronze highlights in his chestnut coloured hair and the emerald green of his eyes, it's so obvious now. "Would you mind if I came in for a few minutes Mikasa?" "Sure," she tells him, shooing Nico off to wash up, "We can make tea." "I love tea!" Nico shouts, running off towards the bathroom, "I want lots of sugar in mine mommy!" Mikasa looks him over fondly before ushering Eren inside, "So what do you want to talk about?"
She leads him to a spot at her kitchen island where she sets her kettle to a boil and Eren swallows nervously, how does he even ask this? He's still in shock, the very idea, the possibility, the ridiculously slim chance that Mikasa might have used HIS sperm to create her child, that it could be their child. "I don't really know how to say this but umm Nico let me know you used a sperm donor to have him." "Yeah," Mikasa tells him honestly, unashamed of her pregnancy, "I was tired of everyone always asking me when I was gona settle down, so I just said screw it and settled down on my own."
She laughs a little, "No one was really thrilled about it, but why do you ask?" Eren is silent for a moment as he works himself up, attempting to ask the dreaded question but Mikasa is already jumping to conclusions, "Has he been acting out at school again? I know sometimes he gets like that about not having a dad, he feels left out."
Eren winces, Nico had acted out, but that's not exactly the problem here, in fact they might be remedying that problem all together with the answer to his next question. He takes a deep breath, "Mikasa, which agency did you use for your sperm donation." She gives him a weird look before shrugging, "I didn't use an agency, just that little sperm bank in town, it's cheaper, you know the Cryobank, I just picked a guy out of the catalogue and used him." Fuck. Her brows are furrowed as she tries to figure out why she's asking and Eren knows his next statement is going to be the nail in the coffin, "Do you umm, do you still have the papers you used talking about the donor?"
She nods, "Yeah, why would you--" And then she stops, her mouth parting in shock, a little squeak escaping her and Eren is already nodding to her unanswered question. She brings her hand to her mouth, shocked still, and Eren sighs, "I umm, I donated there, just once before I took all my sperm back but it was too late, they'd already used one sample."
Mikasa gasps, and Nico comes speeding down the hallway yelling about tea, running excitedly into his mother's legs before hopping up on the stol next to Eren. And never is it more clear than when he sits next to Eren, exactly who's kid he is. "Oh my god," Mikasa whispers and Eren sighs, "It's just a theory, the chance is so small but I'd like to do a DNA test just to check." "I don't even think it's necessary," Mikasa murmurs looking them over, "I think it's almost 100% chance its you." "What?" Nico asks excitedly and Eren has no idea how to tell him he's probably his dad.
"Nico go play," Mikasa tells him numbly and the little boy shrugs before running off. "I can't believe it." Eren sighs, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have pried, it's just so coincidental." "No, I mean, I'm not upset Eren," Mikasa turns to him, a small smile on her face, "You're not exactly the worst person it could've been." He cracks a smile, "I guess not. But don't worry I'm not going to swoop in and try and be a dad or anything, I just I thought I should tell you." "But don't worry I'm not going to try and be over involved." Mikasa's eyes dart up to meet his and suddenly the smile on her face isn't so sweet, isn't so innocent anymore, it almost looks hungry, sultry, "Why not? I think Nico would be happy to have a dad." And then she truly breaks him with her next sentence, "Or better yet, a little sibling huh Mr. Yeager?" Fuck. Mikasa with child, carrying his fucking child, pregnant with his seed, and they do it the good old fashioned way. Eren short circuits, because she'd look fucking stunning pregnant with his kid yet again, she did such a great job with the first one, he wonders how she'd do with a second Yeager kid.
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empress-of-snark · 1 year
Library Book Sale Haul!
tagging my book friends @televinita and @simplyshelbs16xoxo
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1. ‘Elizabeth: The Later Years’ by John Guy and 2. ‘All’s Well That Ends Well’ by William Shakespeare
I’ve always had an interest in Queen Elizabeth I, so this biography should prove interesting, and I’ve been slowly but steadily building up a collection of Shakespeare plays—this is one I haven’t read or seen performed yet!
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3. ‘Boo Who’ by Rene Cutteredge
This one felt vaguely Halloween-ish, which always intrigues me. It’s set in a town called Skary, whose primary claim to fame is being the home of a famous horror novelist, and the whole thing sounds very charming.
4. ‘The Black Cat Murders’ by Karen Baugh Menuhin
This one’s partially for my mom, who is always borrowing books from me and loves murder mysteries. It was described as ‘Downton Abbey meets Agatha Christie’ which is an immediate draw for me lol.
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5. ‘The Merman’ by Carl-Johan Vallgren
A dark, modern fairy tale about a pair of siblings who (presumably) befriend a merman? Sign me up, babey.
6. ‘Only Begotten Daughter’ by James Morrow
Not quite a re-telling of the Gospels, more like a… sequel, I guess? God (female in this version) sends another child to Earth—this time a daughter who lives with her human father in 1990’s New Jersey. The summary makes it sound like a dark comedy maybe, which is an odd choice, but I’m definitely interested.
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7. ‘Stalkers’ by various authors
A collection of short horror stories that I’ll be saving for October!
and finally, 8. ‘Hallowe’en Party’ by Agatha Christie
Checked this one out after finishing up at the sale. Since the trailer for Kenneth Branagh’s latest Agatha Christie adaptation (A Haunting in Venice) recently dropped, I thought I’d read the book it’s based on! This one’s actually been on my radar for a while, I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Trailer looked spooky, so I’m really looking forward to it!
Total cost: $5
That’s it for this trip, but I might head back on my day off next week and see what else I can find!
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even wip asks u havent done yet !
4. Last sentence written? “She handed them to her mother as golden sunshine gleamed through the rusty trees above.” - last sentence of my latest fic that i shall be posting tomorrow :”)
10. A wip 12 year old you wrote. when i was 12 i handwrote kid sherlock fic in a journal. i genuinely do not remember what it was about. i just like exploring the angsty little childhoods of my blorbos, and i always have apparently
16. Post a plot twist to a wip of your choice, but don’t say what wip it’s in. i sincerely could not come up with anything for this lmao. i’m not a plot twist person, i’m a boring domestic fluff person 😔
18. Have you ever co-written a wip with someone before? emily @freakwiththeknifecollection and i have been co-creating a whole universe for a couple years now. sometimes we do actually sort of co-write a plot or storyline. most of the time though we’re just tossing in new headcanons when they come to us and it’s really funnnn :3
20. Are you more likely to write fanfiction or do you prefer original stories? definitely fanfiction. i’d like to write an original story too but it is harder by a long shot for me
24. What platform do you post your work on, given the chance you finish the work? ao3 babey!! also sometimes here but my writing gets very little attention here. and i know it’s not about that but it is nice when people actually read your stuff lmao. and that happens on ao3!
28. When was the last time you used pen and paper to write down a wip? that journal when i was 12. i have occasionally written notes in a different journal for my original story but not actually writing the story. just thoughts/ideas
30. Have you ever done a self insert? nah
32. Without counting, how many wips do you think you have? hundreds, im sure. i just write down any little conversation or moment that crosses my head. majority of them don’t get past that stage lmao
34. How many prompts are in your inbox right now? 58 LMAO. 58 prompts spanning 3 years afjdkfj. it’s nice to have them though bc sometimes i go back and see one and i’m like oh yeah!!!! good idea!!! but yeah. 58
36. Have you ever coloured your docs for your wips? i don’t even know what this means. i color code my google drive folders ? is that what it’s asking? no i do not color the docs themselves
38. A wip you did for a friend. i think one year on dean’s birthday i wrote a cute scene for emily.
40. What should you be writing right now that you’re excited about? not so much writing but editing and preparing my newest fic!!! i love it dearly i just wanna post it on october 1st because it’s very autumn-y. but i need to read through it again and find an excerpt for the summary box.
WIP asks!
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lightyaoigami · 2 years
for the ask game!! are there any fandoms you're ashamed of being in 🤨🎤 and if not ashamed lets get a little bit spicier (i know this isnt in the ask game but im curious): are there any fandoms you belong in that you absolutely cant stand?
oooo paris youve put me in the hot seat...i don't have one that im currently in that im ashamed of but i was a h*rry p*tter fan until the evil one showed her evil ways. even before the Big Bad stuff came out the whole fandom just didn't feel right for me and felt like idk cringe in a bad way? im a very cringefail person like fundamentally in my soul but this was the wrong kind of cringe for me. way too much attachment to and defense of the source material which is always bizarre for me. like who cares, as far as i know, the source material is my playdoh babey!!!!
and as far as fandoms im in that i can't stand, FUCKING FIGURE SKATING. people online can be cool but when i went to skate canada in october (also let me say on the record that im heartbroken that i didn't meet my favorite canadian quicktime while i was there) -- the other fans at the event were so WEIRD and PATRIOTIC and it made me wanna scream. there are so many racists and homophobes and just general bad vibes in sports fans especially in an individual sport that is so eurocentric and wealthy. HOWEVER there are a lot of cool people with good opinions on this webbed site but in person was a very different energy and i saw a different side of it.
questions to make you hate me
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salt-hag · 2 years
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I posted 1,926 times in 2022
84 posts created (4%)
1,842 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 616 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 63 posts
#kdrama - 51 posts
#dracula daily - 49 posts
#cdrama - 29 posts
#tvn little women - 28 posts
#our flag means death - 28 posts
#wwdits - 25 posts
#pokemon - 25 posts
#little women - 21 posts
#love like the galaxy - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#this feeling doesn’t happen as much when i’m watching kdrama - then i only watch a female lead to punch a male lead if he’s a real asshole
My Top Posts in 2022:
Between the king’s affection and now extraordinary attorney woo, park eun-bin has become one of my fav kdrama actresses. If she has a million fans I’m one of them etc etc
46 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
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Jonathan sitting down after his panic attack on May 8th:
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61 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Tvn little women has (as of ep 4):
Art hoe vibes. The sickest opening credits I’ve seen in a while.
Childhood trauma
A very awkward birthday party to set everything up
Three fucked up sisters who love each other with a fierce desperation
Women 👏 who 👏 are 👏 terrible 👏
A cute man in sweaters who can cook
A very suspicious man who is handsome and always around when there’s trouble
Murder mysteries and red herrings
Jason Bourne-esque “you are surveyed and could be attacked at any moment” suspense
Interior design and set porn. The contrast between austere wealthy living spaces vs cluttered poor living spaces
Plant hoe aesthetic
Questioning whether or not to sell your soul for stability
Money, money, money, must be funny, to live in a rich man’s world / late stage capitalism babey
61 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Ok I’m reading lore Olympus for the first time (love it) and here’s a small offering of my collection of new reaction pics/fav moments so far
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See the full post
162 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
209 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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starbuck · 2 years
top five months and why!
ooh, love this one!!
1. March
My birthday month, so it’s always been special to me! And it’s waterfowl migration, which is always a joy. I also like that spring is coming, but the bad parts (mosquitos and pollen) haven’t started up yet. 😂😂
2. October
SPARROW MIGRATION, BABEY!!!!!! Also some late warbler migration at the beginning there… Truly Months Of All Time birding-wise… And it’s finally starting to get to a tolerable temperature for me (anything above 65 degrees Fahrenheit is too hot in my book 😂😂).
3. September
WARBLER MIGRATION!!!!!!! I fucking LOVE Fall Migration, it’s so chaotic… There’s so Much happening and you never know what you might see!! 10/10.
4. May
SPRING MIGRATION!!!! Also a very fun time, but everything is also singing which is both lovely and stressful because you have to know your shit!!!! Luckily, I get better with warbler songs every year! Next May I’m leading a bird walk at my patch, so wish me luck!!
5. November
The last dregs of fall migration… Gone, but not forgotten… Personally, I’m still holding out for a Golden Eagle at my patch this year, and it’s FINALLY getting Properly Cold, which is great!!
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cry-stars · 3 years
I can’t believe I finally finished my Shirnyx story, ahhhh....
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ultraviolencced · 2 years
i have covid again :)
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eight-tea-cups · 3 years
Hello hello!!
You seem quite nice and I wanted to send in a request!!
Some platonic Samhain with a reader who just kinda takes him in as their own kid? They know whats under the mask and that he's thousands of years old but still carries him around and babies him like a child. Even going Trick-or-treating with him for candy!
I just wanna treat him like my own kid-
Please make the reader more gender neutral or even male if possible!!
Sam with a parental reader!
Hello! Thank you so much for requesting! I hope it’s okay that I went along with the gender neutral reader. Let me know how this is!
Sam is babey. I don’t make the rules
Warning: swearing and murdering.
-Ever since you were a kid, you’ve loved Halloween! It’s your favorite holiday!
-you were taught that there was certain rules to the holiday, and not to break them. Lest you upset someone. *cough*
-you first meet Sam when he comes trick or treating at your door. You think he has an extra cool costume (despite being a tad creepy, but hey, tis the season), so you give him a large candy bar you had for extra cool kids.
-“Hey bud! Nice costume”
-he said nothing and took the candy you held out to him. He stared at the candy for a little bit, and then shoved it into his burlap bag.
-you waved him goodbye as he trotted down the stairs. And you thought nothing of it.
-you saw your neighbor peeking out the window, so you also waved to them. They gave you the finger and left the window. They hadn’t been the most delightful neighbor since you moved in. And they especially hated Halloween.
-you shrugged and turned back inside.
-later, you went onto your porch to bring in your Jack-o’-lanterns to make sure nobody would smash them or blow them out.
-you heard a noise to your left, so you looked over and OHMYGODHWHATTHEFUCK
-you watch as the creepy kid that trick or treated earlier hopped down from the CEILING and then proceeded to shank your crotchety old neighbor with a sharpened lollipop.
-as your neighbor fell, Sam stood up, and he looked outside. His eyes met yours.
-he simply waved, and you waved back.
-that’s how you met Sam!
-he came over to your house. He didn’t attack you, but he was just curious. When you offered him another piece of candy, he was sold.
-you’re his favorite human now.
-you’ll catch glimpses of sam throughout the year. Sometimes he’ll just straight up appear in your house. Be prepared to turn a corner and Sam is just there.
-whenever he does pop up, it’s always when you aren’t busy. So you get to spend some time with your favorite demon!
-when your parental to him, he thinks it’s kinda funny. The fragile human is babying the demon?
-not to say he doesn’t enjoy it. He really does. Sam’s a bit of a sucker for attention.
-naturally, in October he becomes more active
-take him to a pumpkin patch and let him pick out a pumpkin! You’ll get some weird stares from the workers regarding Sam’s appearance, but it’s worth it to see Sam happy.
-he’s okay at carving pumpkins as well, surprisingly, although he may need some help from time to time. Don’t forget to help him with the eyes!
-would like scary movies, if you let him watch them. You’re afraid they might be TOO scary for him. (Even tho he murders people)
-if you bake sweets for Halloween, like cupcakes or cookies, he likes to watch. He’ll sit on a counter swaying his feet, waiting for you to need him as a taste tester. Watch him though, he might eat some batter.
-when Halloween itself rolls around, he’s gonna spend time with you before he goes around enforcing the rules.
-with you dressed as your favorite character, you both set out on a neighborhood, ready for collecting sweets.
-you take Sam’s hand, and start leading him around. You know he doesn’t talk, so you say please and thank you for him.
-every time, he’s gonna show it to you before he puts in into his bag.
-a bit later, you ask him if he’s tired, and if he would like to ride on your shoulders. He doesn’t really need to, but he accepts anyways.
-you are now parading around the neighborhood with your favorite demon on your shoulders.
-Later, when you’ve hit every house, he leaves you to be, so he can do his job.
-he makes sure to save you your favorite candies
-Sam is a playful, mischievous demon. But in you, he found a friend. :)
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shittyelfchild · 5 years
It’s officially busy season 2019 and I want to die already
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