#it’s short and stupid and i’m sorry
How do you feel about kakashi finding/meeting other uzumaki refugees after kushina’s death? Would he want to help them?
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She looks scared. Then of course, why wouldn’t she? He can tell from the swirl on the top right of her t-shirt that she’s not just anyone.
She’s an Uzumaki. Someone who has lost their entire clan. Her home.
“Here,” he holds out a soldier pill in offering. It’s not much, but it might help her get back onto her feet. “Take this.”
“Why?” She stares up at him with brilliant brown eyes, searching his face for something. “Why are you helping me?”
It’s the right thing to do.
You beed help.
“I’m a Konoha shinobi,” he answers, pushing the other responses back into his mind. They’re too personal. Tell too much about him and his beliefs. “We’re allies.”
She huffs.
“Allies,” the word flys from her mouth with anger. “Where were my allies when Uzushiogakure was attacked? When my clan was massacred!?”
Her words scream at him to step back, but he ignores them. He won’t be detoured from helping someone because of their hurt.
If there’s anyone in the world who understands how much help a person needs when they’re at their lowest, it’s him.
“Leave me alone,” turning her back to him, she sits herself down and crosses her arms over her chest. “Leave me to die here, just like Konoha left my clan to die.”
He could leave.
There’s still a scroll to get back to his village and a mission report to fill out. He could run off without a concern and spend his evening hanging out with Gai or Yamato.
He could do anything else.
But he doesn’t.
Sitting down in front of her, he stares at her back and waits.
It doesn’t matter how ling it takes, he has enough patience to last him a lifetime. When she’s ready to accept his help, that’s when he’ll leave.
With her by his side.
Until then, he’ll wait.
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Hello!!! I love with your writing!
I was wondering if you could do a trope where the villain and the hero are dating as civilians, but when the hero and villain get into a huge fight, where hero is badly hurt, villain takes off there mask to reveal there lover!
“Fuck.” The villain had noticed it earlier, right before everything had gone to shit. A part of the hero’s mask had been destroyed. With blood streaming down their face, the villain hadn’t recognised them right away but when they had, they had pulled their punches.
They had wanted to throw up. To wake up from this horrible nightmare. But there was no escape.
Not when the hero was fighting with their bare hands and a primal hatred that was alien to the villain.
“Fuck, no. No. No.” The villain took off their mask and the hero’s eyes widened. They were barely breathing. “Please.”
The villain pulled them onto their lap and when they realised the hero wasn’t fighting back anymore, they were truly terrified. They were moaning quietly, sounding more like an animal than a person.
“I’m so sorry,” the villain whispered. They pulled their lover close to their chest and wished both had stayed home tonight. Wish they had put on a movie or fallen asleep in each other’s arms. “What have I done?”
Quickly, their sobs followed. Should they call an ambulance and risk revealing their lover’s identity? The villain knew the hero would never forgive them but even if this meant the end of their relationship, even if the hero hated them and wanted them dead, they had to save them. They had to save their hero.
With shaky fingers, the villain managed to take out their phone and dial the number. When the hero’s fingers dug weakly into their arm, they knew the hero didn’t want them to do this but the villain had no choice.
Their trembling voice could barely name the street they were on when the operator asked them for any kind of information. Not only their broken bones but also their rising panic attack made it difficult to think clearly. Once the person on the other end promised them an ambulance, the villain dared to hope.
Eventually, they hung up and prayed the next minutes would go by fast.
However, they only seemed to stretch like chewing gum.
“I swear, I didn’t know it was you. I — I would have stopped, I would have never done this—” the villain said between sobs. They took the hero’s hand and looked at them, the exhaustion deeply carved into the both of them. The villain didn’t know which bones exactly they had broken and which effects that was forcing. “Please, if you can hear me, please just…you’ll get help soon, I—”
The hero’s eyes stared at them, almost as if they were dead already. They didn’t talk, they barely moved. All they were seemingly able to do was recognise the villain and simply stare. It was heartbreaking.
It had been such a stupid fight. Something about some codes, the villain couldn’t even remember.
“I love you,” the villain whispered. “I don’t care that we’re enemies, I still love you.”
The hero didn’t answer.
So, the villain pressed a kiss to their forehead.
“I love you,” they repeated. “Please don’t leave me, please, I’m begging you.”
Their hands were holding onto the hero as if they were a lifeline. If they lost their lover now, if they lost the only person that could calm them down from panic attacks, the only person they didn’t have nightmares with, a person so unbelievably kind and soul-cleansing — if they lost them now, the villain feared they would shatter like a porcelain dish within seconds.
Was there even a purpose without their lover?
Wasn’t this the hero’s world and the villain was just living in it?
“I can’t do this without you,” the villain said. “Please.”
When the hero was still unresponsive, the villain checked their pulse.
Their eyes widened.
And then the villain started with CPR.
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garlikstiks · 2 months
i’m having another stupid aftg/tsc thought. you guys know that tweet about basketball shorts in the 2000s? do that to the exy uniforms. the boys knees must be covered and nothing can be shorter than an 8 inch inseam
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corpsentry · 7 days
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gotten by the d gray man manga, which i caught up to for the first time since i last read it in 2016, and its cast of angry stupid gay people. perhaps i am writing fanfiction again. or perhaps i am looking for a job, who is to say
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mooseonahunt · 6 months
Guess who’s back only two days later.
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artheresy · 6 months
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RAAAHHH I finally figured out his stupid stupid hair, I adore this pathetic sopping wet cat I need him to take a nice long nap
And I will be drawing him more I can tell you that for sure
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✨ glitter just broke her nail! That was the last straw you guys! I’m becoming a serial killer now ok? 💖💖💖💖💖☺️☺️☺️✨
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pansy2005 · 10 months
it’s so crazy how like. i KNOW that the reason i am fat and, am fat in the specific way that i am, is just that i lost the genetic lottery. i know this. i KNOW that i am always going to be fat and nothing short of a full blown eating disorder or surgery would ever change that. i know these things. and yet every few months i will cycle through the old well maybe if i did this or that or only ate this or ran ten miles and did 600 burpees every day or whatever the fuck. it is so deeply ingrained in our culture that fatness is a character flaw, a simple lack of effort and discipline.
and i KNOW, objectively, scientifically, that is bullshit. but it is still so deeply ingrained in me.
i know that i have so many more fun and interesting and important things to do than dedicate my time to making myself tiny and fuckable and miserable. i know from my own experiences and from watching people i love suffer that it is so much better to just be fat and happy. but it STILL consumes so much of my thought and time with the guilt and the shame and the self-loathing and wanting so badly to be anything else.
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princess-adronitis · 4 months
Pet peeve : people assuming that because you’re a tall girl you care about a guy being tall … or that you are settling if you don’t mind if a guy is shorter than you .
Or that you are forced into liking shorter guys because shorter women have “taken all the tall ones”
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was I the only one that thought season 2 of green eggs and ham was a total let down oooorrrr
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tanjir0se · 2 months
I am going to create a genya and sanemi plotline that is so *grabs them both by the ear and retraumatizes them into being friends again*
Phew I’m so glad canon isn’t real and it can’t hurt me
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starlooove · 3 months
I’m sorry I’ll never care about someone who hasn’t read shit saying canon sucks like how would u even know? Twitter user “TimRocks<3” told u so?
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rosenallies · 6 months
hii could you write a phone sex au prompt involving denali crying mid hug with rosé? 🥺
“Oh, hi, honey- oh!” Rosé said, surprised to find Denali waiting by the front door for her as she arrived home, even more surprised when she threw herself at Rosé, plastering her in a tight hug that Rosé had welcomed despite her surprise.
“Did you miss me or something?” Rosé chuckled, resting her chin on top of Denali’s head, raking her fingers through Denali’s curls.
Denali only whimpered in response, tightening her grip on Rosé’s torso like she was petrified Rosé would disappear.
Rosé opened her mouth to speak but before any words could come out, the dam had seemingly broke in Denali and her soft whimpers gave way for hiccuping cries, salty tears wetting Rosé’s favorite cardigan.
“Oh, Nali,” she cooed softly, lifting her partner into her arms, effortlessly carrying her to the couch where she sat with Denali still clutching tightly to her, “why the tears, baby? What’s the matter?”
Denali didn’t respond, Rosé only felt her body shudder against her as she let out a shaky breath.
“Don’t wanna talk?”
“Mm-mm,” Denali mumbled, shaking her head.
She got like this sometimes, where words felt too hard and all she wanted was to be comforted, to be held in a tender bout of silence. It had been happening ever since she was a kid, something would upset her and she’d retreat into herself, only communicating with gestures or a shake of her head. Emotions had a way of draining Denali sometimes and that was her way of conserving energy. Rosé understood, she always did, so when Denali got like this she didn’t waste her own voice trying to force Denali to use hers, much like her mother did when she was young. Rosé knew that when Denali was able, she’s tell her about whatever was upsetting her and let her help in other ways, but for the time being, Rosé knew exactly what Denali needed.
“That’s okay, sweetheart, just let mommy hold you, is that okay?”
Nodding, Denali sniffed and tucked her head in the crook of Rosé’s neck, making herself tiny in Rosé’s lap.
“Good, that’s my good girl,” she said, kissing Denali’s temple, “take all the time you need, mommy’s here.”
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hylianane · 1 year
I have so many emotions about how if Sanji is going to he represented by any animal it ABSOLUTELY has to be a goat it makes me want to tear at cardboard with my teeth
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whiskeyswifty · 2 years
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sexyleon · 1 year
working from home out of the kindness of my heart when I’m fucking suffering from the illness and the medicine fighting for reign over my body all so that my boss will get mad at me if I don’t do absolutely all of the tasks assigned to me as if I shouldn’t just be on bedrest is??????? I should just turn off everything and go to sleep
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