#it’s the way c can’t even let the person he’s the most possessive about be tender with him 🪦 bye
maidenvault · 5 months
Okay listen I never thought much about Crosshair/Hunter until I read this fic and the parts involving them kind of changed my brain chemistry. If anyone has recs for Crosshunter fics with that level of angst please tell me so I may destroy myself.
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Before I posted the existence of Dusty, iv gotten a few asks asking for an obsessive Robbie smhhh- and I was gunna do em but I completely forgot whoops LMAO so here’s some doodles cause art block is REALLY bad today
cw obsessive/possessive behavior
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Unlike Howdy whose obsessiveness would most likely stem from typical sickly love, Robbie’s wouldn’t necessarily always be about love, mostly more so companionship- having a friend. Like, he’s a REALLY lonely guy, and normally in his normal version, he doesn’t let it get to him. He’s a very positive person and enjoys and appreciates what little attention others gives him, no matter if it’s positive or negative, he’s just thankful to be there-
so a more obsessive version would c r a v e attention, seek validation and endlessly yearn for companionship. It doesn’t matter if he even likes the person, as long as they give him some sort of attention, a acknowledgement of his existence, he will cling on to it for dear life, REFUSING to let go even if it’s hurting the other (and possibly even himself). If it was love, it would still be as sever, just making more justifications in his little bug brain to not lose that person.
He wouldn’t really be the type to be like “If I can’t have you, nobody can”, he’s fine as long as he feels validated and included in whatever you are doin’. But when he’s ignored, he’s terrified. There’s something wrong- either he did it or someone else did, and he would try RELIGIOUSLY to find a way to fix the “problem” no matter how small it is. He’s terrified and severely paranoid of being alone and forgotten again.
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graysdarling · 25 days
〡𝓖. hawthorne ˎˊ˗ sfw headcanons.
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- summery: sfw headcanons about our favorite boy!
- warnings: idk none
- words: 2.1k
- voicemail: this was requested by @kit4strophe here! i love gray twirls hair
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
grayson would be the type of guy to definitely show affection. not the big kind, but the small kind. holding each others fingers while you get the groceries, feet touching underneath the table while you talk to avery and his brothers, a few hands around your waist from time to time. he’s the kind of guy to think that the smallest of touches mean a lot.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
oh, it would take a while to be his friend. he has major trust issues and is not the most friendliest person out there. (not that he cares.) though, when you kick down those walls of his, he would be that kind of best friend that’s sensible. stopping you from making mistakes, helping you study, looking out for you. he would totally be overprotective of you. he sees you as family, how could he not? (it definitely isn’t because of another reason.)
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle)
the shock you would feel whenever you see that he actually likes to cuddle. not that much, of course, but in those perfect nights when he can’t sleep and you want to help him sleep? he’s as close to you as possible. hell, half the time he doesn’t even realize he was pulling you closer to his chest and digging his face into your neck. he’d never admit it of course.
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
once he sees that you’re the one for him, he’d want to settle down. he won’t care where, as long as he’s with you, he’s fine with it. he’d also be the one cooking and cleaning. you’d want to help, and sometimes, he’d let you. but other times? nope. he wouldn’t want you to do all of the cleaning and cooking when he was right there. especially if you don’t know how to cook. he would never let you in the kitchen after what happened last time.
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he would not want to break up with you. the thought of being away from you physically pains him, so whenever he had to break up with you? what, are they trying to kill him now? if he had to break up, he wouldn’t be the one ending the relationship . it would have to be you. the words couldn’t even come out of his mouth. on the other hand, if he had to break up to protect you, he’d be selfish. make you hate him so you could move on quicker. even if it breaks his heart, he would do anything for you.
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
he doesn’t know how to react to marriage because of his mother. for half, he thinks that marriage is important and wonderful. the other part of him thinks that marriage is useless. but, if he heard from avery that you want to get married, you better bet that he’s—about to have a panic attack. hey, can you blame him? after that, he’d totally be okay with marrying you. anyone else? hell no. but he began to realize that your name with hawthorne at the end of it was starting to sound good.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
i could go on a full on RANT about how this man seems like he’s sharp and rough. he wants to be. but with you? he’s just a lovesick puppy. he takes care of you, like you were his most prized possession—which in his eyes, you were. (in the most non-sexist way.) at first, he treated you like that because he was afraid. afraid if he was too rough you would leave him. but now? it’s just an instinct. he likes to be gentle with you. sometimes he’s rough, but that’s rare.
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they it what are their hugs like?)
grayson isn’t the type of guy to hug you twenty-four seven, but, he is the type of guy to give you the most amazing hugs ever. at least you think so. back hugs and tight hugs where he bends you back a bit are his go-to.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
grayson says i love you in different ways. when he squeezes your hand three times; i love you. when he puts a hand on your knee whenever you’re anxious; i love you. when you’re lying your head on his chest and his arm is around your waist; i love you. when he started to try when he actually says it, it would be on a date. a month after you two got together. it was perfect—the two of you were on a walk, leaving a date. you just looked too beautiful underneath the trees while the lights shined against your face—it slipped out.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do if they’re jealous?)
i don’t see grayson as the type to get jealous. hell, he barely gets jealous. he knows you’re loyal and he knows his worth. but, the few—very few—times he is jealous, he’s quiet jealous. he doesn’t say anything vocally, but he does touch you more. a simple hand around your waist or on your back. most of the time, that was enough. that, and with death staring at the dude who decided to try to hit on you.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
he has two types of kisses. long, passionate ones that make you breathless and lean into him, or short, small ones that make you giggle and smile. he doesn’t have a particular spot where he likes to kiss you, but he’s fond of forehead kisses or just real kisses.
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he’s literally so nervous and doesn’t know what to do around children. he only likes a few type of children. when he’s with those, he’s soft and gentle, making sure not to treat them harshly or to make them sad. definitely spoils them. he tries to hide his frown whenever he has to leave them, but you totally see past his fake face.
m = mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
peaceful, calm. he’d spend a few minutes just staring at you, looking at your sleeping face. he wouldn’t wake you up, though, and instead he’d get up and do his morning routine then make breakfast for the two of you. (he denies whenever jameson or xander asks if he could have some) and then wake you up so you could have some.
n = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
perfect. at least he would think that. it depends on what the two of you are feeling, but most of the time, you’re forcing him to watch another episode of your favorite movie series with him before he forces you to go to bed. when you’re not feeling that, he’s trying skin care with you. don’t want to put face masks on? he’s setting a bath for the two of you. other nights, he takes you on dates. whether it he to a fancy restaurant or a simple picnic date while looking at the stars; it’s perfect.
o = open (how would they start to reveal themselves? do they say everything at once or start slowly?)
oh, with grayson, definitely slowly. just some facts about him here and there, letting you slowly get to know him while he comes out of his shell that he (secretly) desperately wants to come out of. (even though he says he’s fine with not talking to anyone) whenever you start to remember the facts and reminders he told you about himself, he practically felt him fall faster for you. maybe, one night, when it’s just the two of you, he’ll come clean and tell you everything.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
it takes a lot to get grayson hawthorne angry, but when it comes to you, he’s like an overprotective dog. it might not seem like it, but whenever someone tries to walk all over you or talks shit about you he’s already planning their downfall. now, with you, you’ve never seen him angry before. playful angry, yes, or maybe a bit annoyed, but not full on anger.
q = quizes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention or do they kind of forget everything?)
he never forgets anything. if he feels like he’ll forget, he’s taking pictures. pictures that make him feel like he was there again; the way your laugh sounded like in his ears, the way you smiled, everything. he sometimes brings up the details that you told him and whenever you look at him with wide eyes, he just looks at you curiously. of course he’d remember everything about you. he was your boyfriend. what was he, a thirteen year old boy?
r = remember (what’s their favorite moment in your relationship?)
definitely the date he took you on before the two of you had your first kiss. he took you to one of those fancy restaurants—but one that wasn’t too crowded because he knew how you get with a lot of people—and turns out, he’d already made a reservation for the two of you. he would push out your chair so you could sit in and push it back in for you, like the gentleman he is. he’d be the one ordering (if you want him to) and of course he got your order right. if you were a picky eater, he made sure that anything that you didn’t like wasn’t on your plate. then, after eating, naturally, he payed and grabbed your hand as you got up. once you got into his car, he couldn’t help but to feel excited. he would take you to his favorite place, the place that only the two of you know about. your place. and he thought that that place would stay his favorite forever.
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
like i said, grayson is like an overprotective dog. he’d make sure that you weren’t doing anything that would get you hurt and would not take the shit people say about you. your life before his. though, he couldn’t lie that it does make him happy whenever you want to protect him too.
t = try (how much effort would they put in dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
are we talking about the same person here? this is GRAYSON HAWTHORNE. of course he’d put so much effort into the dates, just to see you smile. you’re going on a date? boom, reservation, music, ect ect. you want it to be small? boom you’re watching the stars with him. your anniversaries are coming up? the bed’s filled with rose petals and on your bedside table? a large bouquet filled with your favorite flowers with bags underneath it. barnes and noble, dior, the whole thing. half assed dates or presents are not in his vocabulary people!
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
overthinking, sometimes not telling you things. also kissing you a lot. definitely a bad habit.
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
when he was a kid, he was insecure. that trauma was with him growing up, which only added on-to his everything about me needs to be perfect mindset. but with you? insecurities gone. of course, sometimes he’d be worried about how he looked in front of you—does he look bad? is it too much? do you find it embarrassing?—but with one smile of yours and words, immediately gone. he was safe with you and he knew that.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
yep. do i need to say anymore? of course he would. you’re his world in his eyes and without you? absolutely destroyed gone dead gone.
x = xtra (a random headcanon about them)
GRAYSON HAWTHORNE LISTENS TO ASMR PEOPLE. well, at least he used to. it stops him from overthinking at night and lets him actually sleeps. when the asmr doesn’t work, he swims. (he never tells anybody about it though, you just found him listening to it on accident)
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like in a partner)
emily laughlin.
z = zzz (whats a sleep habit of theirs?)
he literally needs physical touch to sleep. he doesn’t know why, but ever since the two of you got together, he can’t sleep without you. just light finger touches? he’s already asleep knowing you’re by his side. you aren’t there? he’s staring up at the roof, practically counting the seconds before you come back from your trip.
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 @reminiscentreader @nqds @never-enough-novels @imaseabear @tornqdowarnings @flowers-for-em @alwaysthefangirl @luvv-danielle @sheisntyou @inmyheaddd
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Oh man 😂 A speed date with Gohan that turns nsfw? Sign me up please. (Yes I’m that easy)
You’re amazing as always 💚
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warnings: smut, mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, possessiveness, speed dating word count: 1.1k pairings: Son Gohan x Fem!Reader summary: Thinking you'd not be connecting with anyone at the speed dating event, a certain half-Saiyan catches your attention and eventually shows you just how connected you two can be.
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You can’t believe you let your friend talk you into this. Sure it had been a long time since you were on a date. Even longer since you’ve gotten laid. But it didn’t mean you had to actually go to this dumb speed dating event. You aren’t even really sure why you had said yes, but at the time it had seemed like a good idea. Now that you’re here and seeing everyone, you aren’t really sure it’s that good of an idea.
The conversations aren’t all that good. They are all supposed to last about 5 to 10 minutes, but you barely click with anyone. Most of the men seem to be so focused on one thing and it’s clear what it is. Even some of the women you try to talk to aren’t any better. It frustrates you because all you want is to be able to form a connection with an actual person. 
One of the guys you match up with seems to already have his expectations about you and how this speed date is going to go. He’s buff with his chest puffed out, and he’s got the kind of smile that is so white, you can basically see your reflection in the shine.
“So after this, we’re gonna be getting some drinks. You know the exclusive bar down the street? Yeah, my buddy owns it.” He’s trying so hard to impress you, but you aren’t very much feeling those vibes.
“Is that so?” You ask, your tone isn’t very enthusiastic.
He smirks, “Oh yeah! Been buddies with this guy for so long. He’s really my best guy. He’ll even cook us up some steaks and we can go back to my—”
The buzzer is sounded and you are so relieved. That conversation was getting way too ridiculous. You can’t believe someone like him is actually thinking all this bragging could even work. You’re so quick to pull away from the table, you almost slam into someone. When you look up to apologize, you see the cutest smile ever.
“Hey, that’s okay. You’re my next date, I guess.”
Your eyes widen. It was true. This was the next man you would be chatting with. For the first time since the night began, you finally felt a bit of a connection. A spark of sorts. You and the man you almost ran into sit at the table, and you can hear your last date trying to get your attention. Yet you decide to pay him no mind at all. What matters is the man in front of you.
He’s cute. Very cute. In a nerdy sort of way. You can tell he’s the intellectual type by his attempt at dressing up a bit for this event. It’s just a very casual speed dating event, and yet he is wearing a sports jacket and a tie. You can’t help but be attracted to the fact that he actually decided to put effort into this even if it was just meant to be something casual.
“I’m Gohan,” he introduces himself as the buzzer goes off to announce the time has started.
And from that point on, you and Gohan connected like nobody else in the room. You were right about him being nerdy, but he is also humble and kind and sweet. He’s got your attention, but you’re also his number one priority. It’s almost like the two of you are alone in this room and this is the only date going on.
You’re both having such a good time neither of you really hear the buzzer going off to announce that the speed date is over. Neither of you seem to care when the next pair of people meant to try and connect to you come over to your table. You and Gohan have matched up well and neither of you really want to continue trying to connect with anyone else.
“Wanna go have a drink?” You ask him, and you smile as his cheeks turn pink.
“I’d love to.”
At the bar down the street, which was neither exclusive nor was it owned by that other guy’s buddy, you and Gohan continue your conversation from earlier. One drink turns into two turns into three. You’re both sufficiently buzzed by this point. You know you want to kiss him, but you’re not sure if that would be too forward at this point.
Within a few moments, Gohan has you in the bathroom and the door is locked. A fire is present in his eyes that you didn’t expect. His hand is clamped on your mouth as his other hand is busy sliding down your pants and into your panties. You shudder as his long fingers expertly stimulate you. You’ve never met anyone who could so easily make you feel this way without even really getting to know you more than this.
“You look so damn pretty like this. I bet you’ll look even better when I fuck you.”
His words cause your tummy to erupt with butterflies. You whine against his hand. He maneuvers you to be bent over the sink. You try your best to keep quiet as he pulls your pants down and shoves your panties to the side. You try to look behind you to see how big he is, but he grips onto your hair.
“Just be a good girl and keep quiet, yeah?”
No longer is this man shy and sweet. It would seem that there is a whole other side to him, and it’s exciting you in ways you didn’t even think possible. His large hands spread your legs even more for him, and he doesn’t give you a warning as he pushes into you. You gasp at the stretch. Nobody has ever filled you up like this before. You’ve never ever ever felt a cock this big inside of you. Immediately you’re white-knuckling the counter of the bar bathroom as Gohan starts at a rough and rapid pace. His heavy balls slap against you with every rough thrust.
“You know, when I saw you talking to the last guy before me…” Gohan says between ragged breaths. “ I was starting to get pissed off. How dare he think he could take you away from me?”
You’re shocked to hear these words from him. You’ve only just met and yet he’s being this possessive? It really turns you on, and you feel yourself clenching around him as he continues to explain his feelings to you.
“Awh you like that?” Gohan asks you. “That’s good. Because I have no intention of letting you go.”
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Levi A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (9 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
tags: punishment, humiliation Every once in a while you need to punish him, either he spent way too much on otaku merch or he's been missing classes too much, whatever. You'll usually sit on him & tease him as he tries to play on his PC. He knows what you're doing & he begs to feel you, please he'll 'do better' he says. Unfortunately for him his poor cock won't get that sweet relief exactly. he can beg & whine all he wants & rub desperately against you but he's still gonna have to cum in his pants.
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
It was clumsy & cute. The poor otaku was so nervous, he couldn't believe he could bag such a baddie. Someway somehow even with the nervousness he still felt calm with you, if that makes any sense. He was more worried about you than him & he just wanted to make you feel good. especially when he came rather quickly before the 1st round. Anyway, the nerd is packin' & those hands & tongue work skillfully. ...You definitely went a few good rounds into the night & left each other a mess before finally taking a sweet bath together. After, you guys cuddled under a warm blanket & watched a lighthearted anime. ♡
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
tags: Possessive, Love bites/Marking, Scenting Sweetie, he's the avatar of envy. When it's extreme, there's no hiding it, he gives in. That sweet shy nervous otaku? Gone. He's bringing & giving grand admiral energy, he's giving 'one of the powerful lords of hell.' Sure he could summon Lotan or use something else if he wants to, but all he really needs is to say "Go away" in a icy cold voice & glare that makes thousands of soldiers shiver. You almost feel sorry for any bastard that tries to make him jealous. Even after they leave though, he wants nothing more but to mark you with visible love bites & rub his scent all over you. He made it easily known to his brothers to not touch what's his.
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
It happens frequently hehe. You tend to stay over a lot to watch a marathon or play games. Levi's libido is strong, he's always down to fuck in the morning, it brightens his spirit. Watching you take his cock & filling you up right before school is the perfect way to start the day. It's especially motivating when he knows you walk around the entire day with his cum between your legs, he cant wait to come home & fuck you again. (If he can wait that long)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
You know what I'm not gonna lie, I think he'd be just a tad disappointed at first. Of course he reminds himself a lot of porn is fake anyway & then he really tunes in to the small delicious sounds you do reveal. The faces you make. The little bits you let him hear are still so very fucking hot & sexy. He's the one making you sound like that either way~
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Ah...Levi is easy. He's not very good at hiding it. A flushed face and a small sheen of sweat to him. He gets a little extra irritable as well. The biggest sign is the tent in his pants when he's around you. Sorry, but he doesn't hide it very well, it's obvious when he looks like he's trying to hide something when he tries to cover up down there. (I wonder if he does it on purpose?)
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
Do you realize what you've done? The first time you sent him a video, he got instantly hard & couldnt stop cumming to that video. Unfortunately for him he kept getting hard any time he thought about it that week, it was embarrassing walking around with a constant erection. His first few videos in response were a little clumsy, but it turned you on. He was a loud moaner & he loved to whimper. Little whiney pants when he was getting close always did it for you. He made sure to take better video, especially audio when he learned you really loved his moans. ♡
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
tags: overstimulation The only thing on his mind is getting you off the entire night until you're crying & begging him to stop. Until you're drained. He knows it's about the two of you celebrating but...you're his life partner now! He's so grateful you chose him out of everyone. Please let him worship you tonight, lay back & let him handle it. He promises he's enjoying this as much as you are. Promise.
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
tags: double dicks, creepy!pervy!levi I'm not going to lie to y'all, Levi's a freak. (Okay we knew this) He watches all kinds of porn, both real & hentai. I'd say it's nearly an every day thing, it's hard taking care of two monster cocks & he needs to empty his balls. His favorite? POV hentai vids. Especially ones that look like you... Perhaps he has a few commissioned hentais where they look like the two of you...
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
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museandwriting · 10 months
Ganondorf Fluff Prompts
A - Affection (how do they show affection to their s/o)
Ganondorf’s love languages are listening, time spent together, and gifts.
He may not always have the chance to spend time with his lover, so he sends small gifts when he can’t.
When he does have time, he’s perfectly content to just sit in a room with them, each doing their own thing. Cuddles are always welcome, however.
B - Best Friend (what are they like as a best friend?)
He’s a bit reserved, but always encouraging. Always ready to test your limits and his own, as well as always for adventure.
Surprisingly mischievous.
C - Cuddling (do they like to cuddle? And how would they do it?)
He is a giant, and warm. You could climb into his lap and be swallowed up in his embrace.
He greatly enjoys having his lover in his lap as he reads.
D - Domestic (do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning)
A king he may be, but he’s no slouch.
Cooking and cleaning are vital life skills, and he’s made sure to learn them well.
While his food might not be the fanciest, it’s properly cooked and tastes pretty good.
E - Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’s blunt and could be mistaken as cruel. But he won’t put it off.
If it must end, let it end.
F - Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He will settle down and marry, but it will take a while.
While he is a bit more open to polyamory, he’s still possessive of his lover.
Good luck getting into a throuple.
G - Gentle (how gentle they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is a reserved man by nature.
In public he’s more closed off. Polite, even tempered.
In private with his lover, he’s still reserved, but more open. More willing to be physically affectionate, to say sweet words.
Words that he truly means.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
In public the most you’ll ever get is a pat on the shoulder.
In private, at least with his lover, he’s still not too inclined to hug, but much more willing to.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes Ganondorf a very long time to say the words ‘I love you’.
When it finally does happen, it’s when they’re alone, after a round of passionate lovemaking, whispered reverently.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
He can be jealous, but it takes a while to get there.
Giving too much attention to someone else is a surefire way to make him jealous.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
In public Ganondorf’s kisses are quick and chaste.
Unless he’s making a point, then it can be a full on makeout session.
In private he’s much more passionate, but surprisingly gentle.
He favors the neck, lips, and thighs.
L: Little Ones (How are they with kids?)
He’s good with kids.
Not the most playful, but not strict as hell.
He’s more lenient with kids, and encouraging.
M: Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
His mornings are rarely spent leisurely, he’s a king and he has duties to attend to.
Hygiene, then breakfast, then onto his duties.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Many nights are spent working, but when he finally does come to bed, if his lover is still awake, he’ll spend time with them.
Talking, cuddles, it may lead to lovemaking.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes quite a while for Ganondorf to open up.
He’s more private as a person, and has trust issues for obvious reasons.
But be patient, don’t push, and he will open up.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has an amazing amount of patience, it’s vital as a king.
You can’t be rash.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget?)
Amazing memory, you’d be surprised by how much he can recall.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Ganondorf’s favorite moment is just after he says ‘I love you’ for the first time, with his lover sleeping soundly in his arms.
He stays awake a while longer, watching their peaceful face, feeling light and warm.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ganondorf is very protective.
As the spouse of a king, and Ganondorf specifically, there is always great danger.
He would destroy kingdoms, the world, if it meant keeping you safe.
While it stings his pride, he is tolerant of needing you to protect him.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, and gifts?)
Dates with Ganondorf are extravagant, he goes all out.
Anniversaries are more private but still very lavish.
Gifts range from simple I-thought-of-yous, to insanely expensive.
U: Ugly (What would be a bad habit of theirs?)
He’s the King of Evil. That should explain itself.
But no, seriously.
He is willing to do anything to fulfill his ambitions, and he has a large ego.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He isn’t vain, not really, but he does like to look his best.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
There is a strange sense of emptiness without his lover, once he’s fully accepted that he does truly love them.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
He has a sweet tooth the size of Texas and prefers tea over coffee.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is a surprisingly light sleeper and snores like a train.
Prefers to sleep on his back, and somehow his arm will end up thrown over his head during the night.
Usually sleeps naked.
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joels6string · 2 years
Joel Miller NSFW Alphabet
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Rating: E, obviously
Word Count: 2.3k
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A – Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Despite his hardened exterior, when it’s just you and him Joel softens tremendously. After getting you a towel and a glass of water, if the night is still young he’s good to give you at least one song on the guitar as you listen with a smile in a satiated haze. After, he wraps you up tightly in his arms, kissing whatever part of you can reach as you fall asleep, whispering or singing softly knowing it helps keep the nightmares at bay.
B – Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
Joel’s favorite body part on himself is the one you like best. Sometimes, it’s his hands after watching him work all day, other times you marvel at his biceps and the way they stretch out whatever shirt he’s in, but most times it’s his chest and the unequivocal comfort you get when you bury yourself in it. His favorite part on you is a tie between your thighs and your hands. There’s no better feeling than knowing you trust him enough to open up and let him nestle between them at your most vulnerable, his fingers digging into the warm, plush velvet around his waist that could only be felt on a woman. But your hands and the soothing way you comb them through his graying hair or scratch his back after a long day are also unrivaled.
C – Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Despite how irresponsible it is in a post-apocalyptic world he wants nothing more than to cum inside of you. That primal urge kicks in when you’re writhing beneath him, and you can’t help but beg him for it sometimes. Watching him leak out of your slit as you pant, fully spent and glistening with sweat is almost enough to get him ready to go another round.
D – Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Joel Miller is possessive as all hell. While he respects you too much to interfere in matters unless you need him to, when he catches the residents of Jackson taking an eyeful of what is his he can’t help but clench his fist at his side and try not to let that darker side of him come out again. He’s lost just about everything else, you won’t be another.
E – Experience (how experienced are they)
He’s experienced and he knows it. There’s not a doubt in his mind that he knows how to please a woman. Because of this confidence and the trust he’s built with you, it leaves him comfortable enough to try new things and experiment even if it’s out of his normal comfort range.
F – Favorite Position (this one goes without saying)
It depends on the day, but doggy will always work him up fast, typically quicker than he would like. Your ass so gorgeously on display presented to him like a gift, how deep inside of your cunt he can get from here, it’s still overwhelming even after all this time. However, sometimes he needs it a little more intimate and for that, there’s nothing better than getting you into his lap. The way you pulse over him as you whimper, your chest pressed to his, arms around his neck, and the easy access he has to kiss you long and deep with his hands tangled in your hair, there’s nothing like it.
G – Goofy (are they serious in the moment or not?)
There’s no stopping the gruff, gravelly chuckle when either something goes amiss or you’re begging so pathetically for his cock his cheeks flush as you tear down his overbearing modesty. It’s always followed by a soft, sweet kiss no matter how rough it was going beforehand.
H – Hair (how well-groomed are they?)
We’re in a post-apocalyptic world, folks, personal grooming has little standards beyond being clean. Plus, you like it, it’s part of his allure.
I – Intimacy (what are they like romantically in the moment?)
He loves watching every twitch of your face as he brings you to bliss, it’s all he cares about. If he’s facing you, he’ll press his forehead to yours as you ride over the wave, breathing in your haggard breaths and whispering soothingly to you, “That’s it, sweetheart.” When he’s behind you, his hand is running up and down your back as you writhe, his arm wrapped around your middle to keep you upright and give you the freedom to go fucking boneless in his hold.
J – Jack Off (do they masturbate?)
When he has to be away from you for any extended period of time, he has to. Settling in Jackson has let his drive free from the survival mode it had been put on and the effect you have on him is too great for him to deny anyway. His hand is no match for the feeling of you wrapped around him, but the memory of your wet heat paired with firm, fast strokes can get him off quickly enough to not put him at risk out on patrol.
K – Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise kink: While he loves to lavish you with every praise under the sun, nothing hits him square in the chest quite like you praising him. Doesn’t matter if it’s just you greeting him with a simple “Hey there, handsome,” or if you’re commending how well he’s stretching you out, it affects him all the same. He loves to know he’s wanted and loved, something he was denied for so very long.
Anal Play: There’s something about the way you mewl when he touches your ass that ignites a fire in him. He loves to watch his thumb disappear into your tight little hole as he fills as much of you as he physically could, always reminding you how good you are for him. He hasn’t dared fuck you there yet though, he knows he wouldn’t last.
Breeding kink: He can’t. And he knows he can’t. But that doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment he won’t grunt out “You wanna give me a little one, darlin’? Thinkin’ bout you all round and swollen, you’d be so damn pretty.” You always agree.
L – Location (where do they like to do it?)
Joel prefers to have you in the bed you share. That space is sacred and yours, and he can take his time with you giving you exactly what you need. He loves your sounds and there you don’t have to subdue them. However, that’s not to say he doesn’t like to drag you somewhere discreet when you’re at a function or get-together and have his way with you, hand over your mouth and legs wrapped around his waist, the thrill of being caught fueling you both.
M – Motivation (what gets them going)
The obvious answer is you, but the way you throw yourself into his arms when he’s back from patrol or a supply run in front of the whole damn camp does more for him than just about anything. The way you never shy away from showing every soul in Jackson that you’re his and he’s yours sends a jolt right to his cock that can’t be matched. That, paired with the tightness of your grip around his neck because you missed him that damn much.
N – No (something they won’t do, turn-offs)
Degradation. He’ll dirty talk you to euphoria and back, but degrading you as a woman and as his partner is a hard no. He just can’t get there, even if you’re both well aware it’s a ruse. Enough people have seen the dark side of him and he wants it nowhere near you. Plus, he loves you too damn much to even consider any form of unkindness.
O – Oral (preference on giving or receiving, skill)
While he adores the sight of you on your knees swallowing his cock down without inhibition, he’d prefer to be on his knees for you. The way you smell, taste, sound, and feel when his head is buried between your thighs can get him off alone. There's nothing like you surrounding and overtaking every one of his senses, the way the entire god damn world drowns away while he brings you to bliss is the perfect reset. Some mornings he wakes you up with his tongue lapping at your folds and leaves it at that, heading off to work with your juices still dampening his beard and a cocky smile on his face.
P – Pace (fast and rough or slow and sensual?)
Both, depending on the day. Sometimes he needs to just fuck you into the mattress from behind, leave you a whimpering, quivering mess fucked so cock dumb you can’t form a coherent sentence. Other times he just needs you close for as long as he can possibly have it, slow kisses and gently rocks up into your heat, your hands exploring his broad chest and shoulders as he enjoys the warm, smooth skin of your back, a heat the intimate connection that he only shared with you brought blossoming in his chest.
Q – Quickies (their opinion on them)
They’re fun every once in awhile, but he still prefers the proper thing. He wants to build you up until you’re ready to burst, watch your pretty face contort and feel the heat of your sighing breath on his neck as he figures out exactly what you need from him that night. He’s learned every inch of your body and he likes having the time to explore all his favorite parts to his heart’s content.
R – Risk (are they game to experiment?)
If you want it, he’s willing to try it at least once. He’s discovered a few new kinks this way and established a few hard no-go areas as well. He’d never admit it to Tommy, but the night you asked to slip a finger into his ass while you sucked his cock had been the best orgasm of his life, a practice that still continues to this day.
S – Stamina (how many rounds can they go? how long do they last?)
Joel’s an older guy, his graying hair and beard prove that, but thanks to his active survivalist lifestyle he’s been able to maintain his stamina pretty well. He’s always up for one round, but foreplay is the name of Joel’s game so sometimes it can go on for an hour at least. Most nights, if you’re both up for it, he can go a second after you suck yourself clean off his cock, but he’s exceptionally thorough and typically you’re both fulfilled and satiated after one.
T – Toys (do they own toys? do they use toys on their partner or themselves?)
If you had managed to find one in this hellscape of a world, he’d hope it was a butt plug. The thought of him taking you from behind with one nestled into your ass so that he could gently fuck in and out of you and watch your little hole stretch around it in place of his thumb made his chest rumble. 
U – Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Joel loves to tease. Edging might as well be his middle name. Nothing gets his cock hard quite like bringing you to the edge and pulling you back before you could tumble over, the way you’d shriek his name as you begged and pleaded for relief is like a drug. He’d use every weapon in his arsenal to have you sweating and babbling like a fool, the only thing on your mind you badly you wanted his cock. “I’ll give it to ya, darlin’. Almost there. Gimme just a little bit more.”
V – Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Whatever sounds Joel makes in bed are just for you. He’s quiet, mostly little grunts and breathy sighs outside of his usually filthy mouth. Somehow, the husky whisper he uses to praise you works even more for you than louder affections, the way he’s adamant to keep your intimacy a private affair swelling the love you have for him more than you thought possible. 
W – Wild Card (a random headcanon)
When you asked him to choke you one night, he thought he would hate it. But as it turns out he quite enjoys lightly squeezing his large hand over your neck, marveling at just how much of it his palm swallowed whole along with the way your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he gently cut off some of your airflow, his hips battering into yours at a ruthless pace. “Shit, you like that, don’tchu?” 
X – X-Ray (what’s going on under those clothes)
A lot. Joel is long with enough girth to have stung the first time you had him despite his exceptional warmup techniques. He knew, and he was slow and gentle the first few times, giving you the chance to acclimate to his size before getting as rough as he could be with you now.
Y – Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
After years of quick fucks in abandoned buildings that were few and far between, having a regular sex life again was like putting a kid into a candy store. Once you’d gotten to Jackson and it was safe enough for you to both let your guards down, he could barely keep his hands off you. That’s died down slightly now that the urgency was gone, but he still prefers to fuck you before bed every single night. Plus, it helps him sleep better.
Z – Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Unless he’s too exhausted, he prefers that you fall asleep first. It’s safer that way, he can take one last survey of the room with you safely encased in his arms up against his chest. He loves to listen to your deep, easy breathing and peer down at the way you look at your most peaceful, the worries of the day washed away from your perfect features. 
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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kit-walk3r · 1 year
Pre-death Kyle Spencer SFW alphabet
Trying something new again! Enjoy 💓
Warnings: It’s Kyle so obviously there’s references to parental sexual abuse :(
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kyle’s really affectionate, he loves to hold you hand when out and about and will also do the casual arm over the shoulder. In private he likes to be close to you too and is always reminding you how much he loves you through little touches and such. He’s not exactly possessive but when he’s around his frat bros he’s extra affectionate to remind them that you’re taken and for them to not try and make a move on you (because he knows what they’re like).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Kyle’s pretty easy to talk to so you’d probably meet at some college party and just get talking about the most random things and before you know it you’ve been talking for like 3 hours and realise you really like each other’s company so continue on from there. I feel like Kyle would be the type of friend who you could not speak to or see for a while but once you meet up again it’s as if no time has passed and you continue to get along great.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves a good cuddle! Especially when he’s drunk. When he’s drunk he can’t seem to let you go, his arms are constantly around you and holding you, no matter where you are. If you’re in private chances are that you’ll be wrapped up in his embrace one way or another, whether you’re watching a movie, doing homework or just talking. You can’t seem to let each other go.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Kyle would want to settle down eventually but I think he’d want to take it slow. He’s only young and in college so there’s no rush, but he does want the domestic life one day. He did a lot of cooking and cleaning growing up after his dad left so you can definitely rely on him in the domestic life.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Kyle would probably invite you over to his place (when his frat bros aren’t there) to do it and would want to have a proper conversation. He wouldn’t want to do it in public in case things got heated if you didn’t take it well but also to save you any embarrassment if someone overheard. He’s very gentle about it and is still considerate of your feelings.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Kyle would happily get married but he’d want to wait a while and not rush into things. He’d definitely want to finish college first before even considering it. Even if he’d already proposed he’d want to wait until he had a good job to tie the knot so that he could afford to give you the wedding of your dreams.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Kyle is very gentle both physically and emotionally and he is always checking to make sure that you’re okay, that you’re comfortable, that you’re happy etc. It’s his top priority. He’s always gentle when touching you, even during sex, because he wants you to feel as comfortable and safe as you can do.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
If Kyle’s having a bad day, whether that’s getting a bad test score or something more serious with his mum, he will always come to you for a hug. He says that your hugs are the best remedy in the world.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Kyle would originally want to wait for the right moment to say I love you. He knows he loves you, but he wants to wait until he’s sure that you feel the same since he doesn’t want to face the heartbreak if you don’t. I feel like Kyle is the type of person to plan a nice date to build up to saying I love you but would then let it slip out accidentally in the most random moment.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Kyle can get a little jealous if he sees his frat bros flirting with you (because we all know they would) but he has faith in you so tries not to get too upset or angry. He’ll probably say something to them afterwards, remind them that you’re his partner, but any negative feelings about the situation would not be aimed at you in any way.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I feel like Kyle is quite the quick peck sort of guy. Like he’ll always be giving you a quick kiss on the cheek or forehead (or nose 🥺) as part of his way of showing love and affection. He’ll do it at the most random moments where you’re not expecting it. That doesn’t mean that’s he’s not on board for a good make out session though! If you’re in private he’s always ready to have one.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kyle probably did a bit of babysitting when he was in high school so he’s relatively good with children, but mostly older children. Hand him a baby and he’ll be pretty clueless but let him hang out with a couple of six year olds and he’s great and they love him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Kyle are kinda lazy. He’s still just a guy in his late teens/early twenties so can take a lot of coercing to get up in the morning. If you want him to get up early you usually have to tempt him with something (sometimes it’s bacon, sometimes it’s ‘other things’)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Curled up in bed watching a movie is how your nights usually end up. Chances are Kyle will end up asleep before the movie is over, cuddling you tightly. Every time Kyle will be like “I won’t fall asleep this time, I promise” but get to half way through the film he’s sleeping. You’ll try and wake him up and he’ll just be like “I am watching it, I’m just resting my eyes” before falling back asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Obviously Kyle has a pretty big and awful secret which would take a lot of bravery for him to reveal. It takes a while for him to reveal it but when he does it all comes out at once and he gets quite overwhelmed when he says it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kyle’s pretty good at not getting angry at you, another thing he wants to avoid because of how his upbringing was. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible in your relationship so doesn’t want to do anything to sabotage that. However, he can lose his patience with other people a lot easier if they do something wrong/he doesn’t agree with, especially if it involves you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kyle likes to think he remembers everything about you but in all honesty he forgets a fair bit of stuff but doesn’t realise that he’s forgotten it? Like he straight up won’t even remember they you’ve told him it so to him it. He remembers the main things like your birthday, anniversary etc. but you could tell him something more trivial and he’s straight up forgotten it within a month.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He’ll always remember how kind and accepting you were when he told you about his mum. He was worried about telling you in case you thought he was gross and that you wouldn’t want to be with him anymore but you just sat and listened and held him and reassured him that none of it was his fault and that you still loved him and he’d never felt so safe with someone in his life. That’s his favourite memory.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Kyle is obviously going to be protective, given the trauma he has gone through. He never wants you to feel vulnerable the way he has for a big portion of his life. He wants you to feel safe and protective. He knows that you can probably take care of yourself but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to be there for you to make sure that you’re never scared or hurt. And there will sometimes be days where he needs you there for him, where he’s having a really bad day and he just wants you to hold him close and tell him everything is going to be okay and be the one to protect him. You protect each other.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Kyle would try and put as much effort in to make things special, but given that he’s a college student and from a poor area he doesn’t always have the money to do so. Sometimes this can make him feel a little useless, like he can’t treat you to nice things, but you remind him that expensive things don’t matter and that you’re happy just being with him. When it comes to anniversary gifts he will often try and make something for him and even though chances are it will end up being a mess you love it anyway because you can see how much love and effort went into it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Sometimes Kyle can be a little closed off if he’s having a bad time, even after he’s told you about his life. This will be one of the only times he’ll snap at you but is then super apologetic and upset with himself afterwards.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kyle’s not overly bothered about his appearance but he does like to make sure that he looks neat and tidy, for example he will always make sure his hair is brushed and not a complete mess. However, if he’s got somewhere important to be he will put in the time and effort to make sure he looks smart and presentable to give off a good impression so that people will have faith in him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You make Kyle feel safe and loved, so without you he would definitely feel like a piece of him is missing. You’re his safety blanket, the person he can go to if the world is getting a little too much for him. He needs that.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This is kind of sad but Kyle can’t have a girl be on top during sex unless he’s 100% comfortable with them and trusts them completely because of the things that happened with his mum. That position has too many bad memories for him :(
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Kyle really doesn’t like impatience in a partner, or someone who wants to rush straight into things. Kyle likes to take things slow and steady until he’s fully comfortable so someone who doesn’t have the patience to work with him is a no go. He also just doesn’t like rude or insensitive people in general and just wishes everyone would be respectful of one another.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Once you start sleeping over you realise Kyle can be very clingy in his sleep and likes to hold you close. Sometimes he likes you to hold him close instead. You don’t start sleeping over until he’s fully comfortable in your presence on an intimate level so at this point he feels both in your arms and with you in his arms and struggles to sleep any other way.
Hope this was okay! I always like trying something new on this blog and I’ve seen a lot of these so thought why not! Should I do more of these?
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Eriks nsfw alphabet? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease🙏
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Only since you asked so nicely darlin’s
NSFW Alphabet: Erik Destler
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Usually you are the one doing aftercare for Erik. He’s really fragile and vulnerable and wants nothing more than for you to lay with him until you both fall asleep. As for what Erik prefers for aftercare if you really push taking care of him, he’s usually pretty thirsty afterwards, so water is a must! Besides that he probably just wants to bathe with you, plus kisses and cuddling until you absolutely have too get up.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I’ll be real with you, Erik absolutely despises his body. It takes a lot of effort on your part to even get him not too wear his mask and wig around you, but if he absolutely had to pick a part, he would say his neck and throat. Reason being, Erik knows you love all the sounds he makes, and most of his charm comes from his musical voice. (Also his neck is really sensitive, and he loves it when you to leave hickeys there!)
As for you, he honestly doesn’t have one because all of you is equally perfect in his eyes, and so the closest you’re going to get are the parts he hyper-fixates on the most. It’s a tie between your chest and your thighs, but if you’ve read my other stuff I think you saw that coming. Erik likes sucking on your breasts whenever you fuck him (and even when your just cuddling tbh) because of his mommy issues, and he can’t explain the thigh obsession, but Erik does know that he would gladly suffocate between them at any given time.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Eriks favorite place to cum is inside you, he’s just really possessive and the thought of you willingly letting him mark you so intimately brings him to tears even after it becomes a normal thing for you two. Eriks a complete and utter sucker for you cumming on his tongue though. It astonishes him that you want his face between your thighs, but Erik knows he couldn’t stop eating you out even if he tried. His cum is a slightly off pearl color and is very thick in consistency, also, he cums a HUGE amount, it’s honestly unreal.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Also- watches you constantly, even while you’re asleep. Erik has laid on the other side of your bed and fucked himself without your knowledge because he’s so desperate for you to touch him and give him affection, and the fact he could even slightly simulate what it would be like made him unbelievably happy.
If you manage to get your hands on any adult toys, you can bet Erik finds them and puts them in his mouth, moaning because he’s getting a taste of something that was inside of you or used sexually by you in some way.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Virgin. No experience whatsoever. That being said, Erik does have erotica books and has a grasp on anatomy, so he’s often fantasized about all the ways he could pleasure you and is a very quick learner based on your reactions!
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The face off is his number one because that way he can be completely surrounded by you and can see your face, but if he has to pick another, Erik honestly is open to anything as long as he can see your face and you’re as close to him as possible.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Eriks serious. He’s bearing everything he’s insecure about for you and is giving you all the control in the bedroom, so he wants this to be a very romantic situation, but just because he’s serious doesn’t mean he isn’t expressive. In fact, he couldn’t hide his reactions from you if he tried.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I headcannon that as an extension of his birth defects, Erik has very little body hair to begin with. However, the amount that he does have is either shaved entirely off or is cut very short.
As for his preference for you, Erik actually prefers it if you don’t shave just to please him. He likes the fact that you know he loves you so wholly, and that you know he knows he thinks you’re perfect just the way you are. If you want to shave for you though, he doesn’t really care.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Erik wants everything as romantic as possible, he’s pulling out all the stops. As for how he is in the moment, Erik can’t take his eyes off you. You’re his angel, he thought he would only ever be able to experience moments like this with you in his fantasies, but here you are, loving him, touching him, kissing him, ah- Erik’s crying again.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Before he met you, he actually didn’t masturbate, like, at all. All of his emotions and sexual frustrations were let out either in the form of music or murder. Ex. Angry? Murder and organ. Sad? Organ. Anxious? Organ. Horny? Organ and a glass of wine.
After meeting you, but before you were in a relationship, he masturbated at least once a day for several rounds at a time and always with well loved items he stole from you.
In a relationship with you, Erik’s masturbating every time he can’t actually have you fuck him, which depends on your sex drive, but if he had it his way Erik would let you ruin him everyday.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
MOMMY KINK- He’s so embarrassed about this, so it’s up to you to get Erik to fully express himself, but once he calls you mommy he can’t stop.
BREEDING KINK- Erik loves cumming inside you, and he has a small hope that maybe one day you’ll agree to bear his children.
PRAISE KINK- He’s so insecure, you praising him is enough to push him over the edge sometimes tbh. His favorite is when you call him a good boy! <3
idk if this counts but-ORAL FIXATION-Erik needs some part of you in his mouth at all times! His favorite is a tie between ‘nursing’ on your chest or eating you out, but a close second is to suck on your fingers.
He has a few more, but I’m running out of room to elaborate so I’m just going to list them
Marking kink(giving and receiving), scent kink, auralism, voice kink, edging(receiving), and overstimulation(receiving)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Specifically your bedroom, it feels more intimate that you would let him into your living space, and Erik’s basically in heaven being surrounded by everything that’s you. If he’s kidnapped you at this point though, his bedroom.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
I kid you not, anything you do is a turn on for this man. But I suppose let’s go over a few specifics.
Making out with Erik will turn his brain to mush in the best way, making him needy for you and you can feel his prominent arousal against you.
PUT HIM IN YOUR LAP! Erik gets embarrassed that this is simple enough to get him aroused, and he always ends up burying his face in your neck.
On the flip side of that, straddle his lap. Watch him fall apart and fidget nervously before letting out gasps as you roll your hips against his.
Ear and neck kisses all the way, those parts of him are probably the most sensitive of Eriks entire body, besides his genitals of course. For an added affect, start leaving hickeys all over him, he loves it.
Out of pocket, but you singing erotic songs or anything that makes your voice husky/teasing has him on his knees and worshipping you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Erik does not like degrading you or having you degrade him, he’s too insecure and he would rather perish than let anyone, including him and yourself, say anything negative about you.
Can’t handle bondage, it reminds him of his time in the freak show.
NO PAIN PLAY, the closest you’ll get is that Erik’s fond of you putting your hands on his throat, not choking him, but the featherlight pressure helps him stay grounded.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It’s impossible to find someone who loves giving oral as much as Erik, he’s honestly obsessive about it. He’s not especially good at oral immediately, because virgin, but because of his knowledge in anatomy he knows where the clit is! And don’t worry, Erik pays attention to every little reaction you give no matter how blissed out he is, so he’s quick to make mental notes on what you do and don’t like. Can and will cum just from eating you out, in between your thighs may as well be Erik’s second home.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Erik likes a healthy mix of you being rough and you being gentle. This is because he loves the pleasure that comes with you being rougher, but he also loves the gentleness and care you treat him with. It’s the best of both worlds in his opinion.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not a fan, he wants to spend all of his time with you and make intimacy last as long as possible.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
While Erik is willing to try new things with you, he is not one to take risks. He doesn’t want even the smallest chance of someone seeing you or you and him getting hurt.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Erik doesn’t have much restraint when it comes to keeping himself from orgasming, no matter how hard he tries. He’s just so sensitive, he can’t help it!!! But Erik can cum at least six times before needing to take a break, and even then he uses that break to eat you out more than likely.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Erik owns no toys, and after you start to have sessions with him, you probably won’t need any either. Even if you did keep some around, Erik has the toxic mindset that your toys mean he isn’t making you feel good, so he gets jealous.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
While Erik himself isn’t one to tease, he absolutely loves it when you tease him. The anticipation sets all his nerves alight, and when you finally give him what he’s craving he wants to absolutely worship you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Erik’s ungodly loud, and there’s never a shortage of sounds, he honestly sounds straight up pornographic. Pretty little moans, whimpers, sobs, and whines? He’s got you covered. You better hope nobody occupies the rooms next to you, or you’re gonna get several noise complaints. (If he hasn’t kidnapped you that is)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
You know Erik has a thing for your thighs, but did you know he also likes thigh riding? The minute you so much as hint that he can grind against your thighs, Erik’s crawling into your lap and moving his hips against you with wild abandon, his arms wrapped around you so tight you would think you were going to disappear.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Erik’s about seven inches long, maybe a little longer, with an average girth. He’s honestly not very veiny, but he has three prominent ones on his shaft, one on the underside that goes from his tip to his sac, and two nearly identical ones on the left and right sides of his shaft. His dick and testicles are the same pale shade of porcelain as the rest of him, but his tip is notably pinker.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He’s down for you to fuck him senseless anytime of anyday. Erik honestly has the sex drive of someone much younger than he actually is, but he prefers to try and hold off until before you both sleep because he finds he feels more relaxed and comfortable in your arms. But if you want to fuck him multiple times a day, Erik’s in heaven.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Falls asleep almost immediately after exchanging more kisses, and Erik’s clinging to you tightly, even in sleep.
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vylad243 · 6 months
I HAVE A NICKNAME HELLS YEA I’m using that on AO3 now lmfao
That answer is literally the cutest thing ever I could scream I love it so much
I love the fact that no one is aware of Vox’s actual ranking and the fact that Vox has no idea how much they actually like him. Do you think they, the sins, would ever petition for him to get to go to other rings? Especially since the sinners are put at the top ring to be easier to exterminate and they might wanna avoid that? Maybe they just try for at least a day trip? I can’t imagine it would be easy especially since Lucifer isn’t the most fond of him but I also imagine he wouldn’t break the rules, if it’s in his power, just for one sinner anyways
But also awwwwww I’d love to hear more about what each sin thinks- even if we haven’t met some yet. If you have time/feel like it of coarse! I’m just very curious and love this little universe 👀
I got an image in my head of Ozz as that meme with the guy holding the sword and the cat with the cat being Vox 😂😂 as an artist I feel contractually obligated to make that a thing now wait a minute-
I'm glad to hear you like the nickname 😭 I thought Obby was fitting for some strange reason
The sins want Vox to be able to visit other rings, but they're been unsuccessful in find a way to let him pass through the boundaries. They've never had a sinner like Vox before so they don't know which way they're supposed to go. Does he need special permission from everyone? Just Lucifer? From the whole Royal family or some type of blood sacrifice?
The reason they haven't really put in the effort yet is because Vox hasn't really expressed interest in travelling the other rings. They don't know that Vox isn't aware of his status , so they assume that he's content where he is. Vox, on the other hand, is very interested in exploring the other rings, but he assumes he isn't allowed too and he doesn't want to ask just in case it would be viewed as disrespectful
Once Vox discovers his high ranking, he will actually explore the other rings of Hell to see how his power is holding up and if he needs to change things. VoxTech would expand to the other regions, and Vox would supply jobs to the hellborn sinners. They would be under Vox's protection too- so the likelihood of them being injured or killed by others gets lowered. Papermint would also get an exception as Vox's assistant, but he would only be allowed to travel with Vox or with written approval from Vox
As for the sins!
Mammon views Vox as potential for money. Vox is incredibly rich and knows how to play into people's wants and desires to fuel his own powers and needs so Mammon respect him, but doesn't like him because Mammon things he should be the only one who is rich and in charge of people's money. Mammon doesn't mind Vox as a person. He views him as a cash cow, though, and wants to exploit Vox like a mini-attraction.
Levi likes Vox because Vox likes sea creatures and respects the creatures. When Levi discovered that Vox's favourite animal was a shark- he knew what he had to do. He created Vark by hand specifically for Vox, but also as a creature who could stand on his own in case Vox turned out to be abusive towards animals. When Vox brought Vark to the next meeting, Levi was pleased to see how well cared for the shark was and how much Vark loved Vox- it became clear to Levi that Vox was someone who deserved his powers and the pet. He likes to see Vox get jealous or possessive because he finds it humorous, and he sees himself in Vox. He uses Vark as a means of measuring Vox as a person since Vark is an excellent judgement of character.
Ozzy relies a lot on Vox for his factories, but he doesn't try to take advantage of Vox's powers. He likes Vox as a person and finds him rather charming and witty. Ozzy respects Vox as a businessman and appreciates how much Vox cares for his employees. They never talk about sex with one another because Vox gets uncomfortable quickly- but Ozzy knows about Vox's partner, and he can tell that the relationship isn't the best, but he's unaware of how bad it was. When Vox starts to date Alastor, it's a huge shift in personality and change, and Ozzy does get a bit sad because it becomes obvious to him that Vox was being abused and he blames himself for not noticing. He could sense a huge lack of lust rolling off of Vox but just fought he may not have been the most sexual. Ozzy knows now that there was a huge lack of consent, but he never brings it up to keep Vox feeling secure
Bee and Vox get along the best because they're both pretty outgoing. Vox does have some anxiety and can be bad at socializing. Bee finds him rather endearing and likes to hang out with him. Vox gets along pretty well with Bee's boyfriend, too, and the trio likes to have lunch together during the meetings. Vox supplies Bee with all the power she needs because she has helped him the most and was always there to comfort him when he needed it. Bee knew of Vox's relationship with Val, but she was asked to keep it private, and she respected his wish. Bee and Vox both like sweets, too, and sometimes Bee would bake goodies for Vox to try. Sometimes they're drugged, and sometimes they're not. After Vox starts dating Alastor- he tells her no more drugged ones- which she also respects
Lucifer finds Vox idiotic and clumsy, but he does like him. He's a firm believer that Vox could do way better than Alastor, but he doesn't meddle with Vox's personal life. Lucifer does his best to make sure that Vox is happy and content because he's worried about power outages all the time. Vox is a great source of anxiety and stress for him, but he doesn't say it outloud. He's the one that eventually tells Vox of his ranking because he finds out first that Vox thinks he's just an 'overlord.' Lucifer is embarrassed that he never told Vox, and eventually Lucifer gives Vox a charm that allows him to travel through the rings. Alastor doesn't like the charm, but he accepts it as a 'work-related item'
Satan and Vox tend to argue a lot because they're both rather hot-headed. Their arguments are usually lighthearted though and the two don't mind each other. They're not exactly friends though
Belph and Vox are mostly friends because of Bee, but they can hang out and socialize without Bee. They like to nap together sometimes, and Belph doesn't mind sharing her drugs with Vox.
I don't know a lot of Belph and Satan so sorry for the shitty explanation! As I come up with more I'll expand on it
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Alina and the Darkling’s interactions, pt. 14
(But also a bit of Malina drama and the Darkling’s qualities of a decent leader.)
Siege and Storm- Chapter 3
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Twice a traitor, twice deserter, murderer of her fellow soldiers, staying in a comfy private cabin, fed, allowed to see her beloved fellow deserter... What a life!
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I feel like there’s a step missing. Alina doesn’t know about the Sea Whip and its properties, yet she “figured out” the Darkling wants the amplifier for her. Based only on the assumption he’s insane and what’s more nuts than two amplifiers?! Good thing she’s the MC, so it works...
Remember, children: Even a person prone to jumping to conclusions can occasionally land on the correct one!
It’s madness, I told myself. He wouldn’t dare attempt it. The thought brought me little comfort. He always dared.
One of the Darkling’s best qualities. If there’s a way, he’ll try it.
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Stupid? Yes. Gullible? I’m sure the Darkling would wish so.
“Someone less stubborn? Less selfish? Less hungry for the life of a mouse? Believe me,” he said, “I wish I could.”
The Darkling’s often accused of wanting Alina weak and malleable, but the text shows quite the opposite! He wants confident Queen, only more open-minded and compassionate. He wants her proud and powerful, but helpful to Ravka and Grisha alike.
A Grisha can have only one ampifier. You told me that yourself.
No, he did not:
“If we have any hope of destroying the Fold, we need the stag’s power.”
“But maybe if I had one to practice with—”
“You know it doesn’t work that way.”
“I do?”
He frowned. “Haven’t you been reading your theory?”
The Darkling lets Alina draw a conclusion, but he doesn’t say she cannot get an amplifer, because she couldn’t have the Stag otherwise. I can see three possible reasons, all probably true.
a.) There’s no need for her to know about the rest yet.
b.) Alina’s main problem is lack of training, no skill. Amplifier for practice would only increase that power she cannot control.
c.) Why waste perfectly good amplifier on someone, who’s getting another?
I don’t understand why is the Darkling explaining anything to Alina. She’s obviously not willing to cooperate, yet he’s still schooling her. Somehow not giving up on her...
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I thought of the books I’d read on Grisha theory.
So, like three?
Alina sounds like a spoiled brat. I want, I want, I want! This is the main character in a world full of wars and suffering. Her tantrum reminds me of a certain evil step sister from a certain Russian fairy tale...
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When we’re there, the irony of the antagonist being the one to set aside his desires to achieve what’s more beneficial for others is also something else...
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Back to insulting the antagonist right in his face... because it’s the most mature reaction to disagreement and the safest way to persuade him not to kill your beloved LI.
You can’t control the Fold. It has to be destroyed.
... I know, because I’ve studied merzost for centuries like half an hour, when YOU were using it in front of me! Strategy for even longer, because that’s in every map maker’s poor, poor orphan’s curriculum!
I love when the Darkling’s rational about Alina’s usefulness.
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Alina once again assumes her precious Malyen’s gonna get hurt, even though the Darkling just told her how much he’d love to do it, but can’t... They’re both treated far better than they should’ve been, yet Alina’s first thought is death and torture. Just like back in the day, when the Darkling dare to ask about her day...
Like a fool.
Alina’s self-criticism's well deserved, but for different reasons than she wants us to believe. She’s not some defenceless victim surrounded by enemies, she’s merely close to facing consequences of her own reckless actions.
noun: fool; plural noun: fools
1. a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.
And there’s nothing silly about her, or about anything she caused so far.
Aleksander’s done with her hysteria, but (un)fortunately possesses inhuman amount of self-control.
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17 y/o voice: It’s a fairy tale. A children’s story. It doesn’t actually exist. I would know. I got out of our tiny village like a year ago...
“Like the stag?”
“... or my sister? Oh, my mother didn’t mention her, when unearthing family dirt? She IS a mermaid, btw...”
I just have to add this thread...
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Let’s make infinitesimal a new effervescent!
Mal glanced at me. I gave an infinitesimal shake of my head.
Totally unexpected, and surely unnoticed by any Corporalki... but a moment later, the Darkling threatens to torture Alina and make Ivan heal her. Does it mean they don’t have any Healers with them? They would be less likely to survive and escape to join their general, if we use the “selfless doctor” stereotype to explain. Less used to combat, probably protecting their patients... Non-warriors are always easiest to kill.
Another proof the Darkling doesn’t enjoy cruelty or torture. He certainly knows when to use it, or threaten to do so, but never with other way at hand. Also, as a decent leader, he won’t have his people do something he’s not willing to do himself.
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How doesn’t anyone find this suspicious? I’d thought Sturmhond has a reputation to uphold. ... and not one of the knight in shining armour!
I also need to link this amazing AU, where Sturmhond has the balls to act like a ruthless pirate.
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The Darkling casually dismisses Sturmhond’s objection, to focus on matter at hand- namely persuading melodramatic couple to cooperate, since neither of them's willing to see the other harmed in any way. There’s no need to cease his actions, because unlike Sturmhond he’s aware they will never get to the torture.
He doesn’t waste time or breath on Sturmhond or his crew. They can be dealt with later, when Malina’s not present. The Darkling doesn’t show or tolerate disunity on the ship in front of the prisoners.
He uses theatrics to stall and unsettle Malyen. I have a suspicion that even the fact he’s touching Alina’s enough to bother the tracker.
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They’re so easy! There’s not even a scratch yet, and Malyen breaks! It’s probably supposed to show how much does Alina matter to him, but heroes should struggle, not cave in as soon as someone pulls out a knife! This way they look incredibly weak and I don’t understand, why should reader root for them.
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I know this is supposed to be Mal putting Alina’s well-being first, but he reads like a spineless coward.
The Darkling’s pretty generous for an insane megalomaniac, isn’t he? A week was Sturmhond’s first suggestion. Is it partly to appease him?
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This is just PATHETIC.
I feel like I’m reading Rosamunde Pilcher, not ‘chosen one’ kind of fantasy. I guess I understand noble silent suffering more than constant screaming of each other’s names.
They DO love their drama....
All previous parts.
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heavendear32 · 7 months
5. What Do You Suggest?
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Summary: “I know that gods roam the earth because I used to walk with them”, Haneul is an immortal being with powers that most humans would kill for. When Haneul gambles with the gods, she loses her powers and without her powers she’s cursed to die by the next full moon. She hurries to get her powers back with the help from the last person Haneul wants to be around: a demon.
Pairing: Demon!Hongjoong X Fem!O/c
Word count: 2,634
Warnings: mythical creatures, mentions of getting cursed, spiritual messages, mentions of religions, cussing, allusions to smut, mentions of loss of blood and drinking blood, mentions of possession, mentions of magic usage, death, violence, drinking, gambling, other idols are mentioned, pet names (darling, babe, baby), deals.
Glossary below:
Juk: a savory rice porridge
Shaman: a religious practitioner that interacts with the spirit world to help people in some way.
Yangban: a class including the two branches of official in Joseon
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The elevator dinged and Haneul walked off, angry and annoyed. She had asked San what to do but the werewolf had just answered with a shrug and an I don’t know.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? You said you had a plan.”
“Yeah for Hongjoong, I can’t find things unless they have a smell and powers are among the things that have no smell.”
“So I’m now just stuck with a Demon?”
She was angry at that fact that, for a month, she was stuck with a Demon. Haneul was a powerless dying god relying on the help from a Demon, how the mighty had fallen. Haneul dug through her handbag mumbling about she hated this.
“I can’t even wish to find them.” She hissed out before finding her keys, she went to unlock her door before it opened
Haneul just rolled her eyes and walked in, everything was the same way as she had left it this morning. She didn’t even have time to make her bed and the smell of coffee that Haneul had long forgotten about filled her apartment.
“Welcome back darling.” A deep voice called
Haneul looked over at her balcony, it was never open because of the breeze it cause but now the sliding door was wide open and a man stood on the balcony. The woman couldn’t care anymore, her life had already turn to shit.
She watched as he turned around and Haneul rolled her eyes seeing the man she never wanted to see. Hongjoong stood on the balcony holding the long discarded cup of coffee that, with his powers, was nice and hot.
“What are you doing here?” She hissed and Hongjoong laughed pressing his hand against his chest. “Don’t act like you hate me, remember you were the one who made the deal darling.”
“A deal that is increasingly becoming more stupid.” Haneul replied and fell on her couch
She threw her head back and let out a huff of annoyance as she closed her eyes. Hongjoong walked out from the balcony and stopped behind the couch.
“I’m not happy about this situation either but we’re stuck together until I get your powers back.” Hongjoong said as he slowly walked around sighing
“You?” Haneul scoffed. “I’m going to get my powers back.”
The Demon laughed, flashing his usual smirk. He leaned down and put the cup down before continuing around the couch.
“With the fact that you made a deal for me to help you get your powers back, I’d like to see you try.” He said as he sat down on the couch making himself at home
Haneul moved, scooting away from the Demon confused on why he was still here. She knew she was stuck with him but Haneul hoped that at least she could get the night to be alone to herself.
“Why are you still here?” Hongjoong looked over at Haneul confusedly because her question. “I’m getting comfy.”
Haneul jumped up almost immediately, and grabbed Hongjoong’s hand shaking her head as she pulled the man off of her couch. “Absolutely not. Don’t you have some lives to go ruin.”
“Ouch.” He said stopping in front of the door, Haneul stood there still trying to drag the Demon out of her apartment. “Is that all you think of me?”
He shook the woman off before leaning forward, caging Haneul against the door. He smirk watching as the girl blushed, Haneul stood there frozen as her cheeks heated up either from embarrassment or how close he was but she didn’t know.
“I’m a very sweet guy when you get to know me and I can make the nights less lonely.” Hongjoong purred out pulling Haneul from her frozen state
The now human rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, if there was one piece of information you should know about Demons it was that all of them were succubi and incubi, they grew stronger from having affairs with humans and would do anything to get in someone’s pants. These words weren’t sweet considering what he was.
“Oh don’t bother with those words.” Haneul pressed her hand against his chest pushing him back as she pulled the door open. “Good night and get out.”
She smiled as she closed the door, finally she could have some peace and so Haneul relaxed against the door. Haneul finally open her eyes and almost screamed when she saw Hongjoong standing in her house holding that coffee cup.
“Couldn’t even let me finish my cup of coffee.” He clicked his tongue as the woman stomped up to him, ripping the cup away from his hands. “Fine you can stay here but it’s only for tonight and you have to sleep on the couch.”
He smiled and gave a small bow to thank her, “you’re too kind.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Haneul rolled her eyes and headed off to bed, looking out to see the Demon becoming comfortable
She grabbed her pajamas and walked into the bathroom, her mind ran back to her dream. She was still reeling from it, trying to find meaning or anything from that dream but there was nothing. Haneul never remembered a Jongho or a Yong-sun, she had never made a wish come true for either person nor had she remembered being friends with them. She was only ever friends with those non-mortal but from her dreams they were definitely not gods. They spoke too much like humans and Haneul had called that man “young master” she had never referred to anyone as a title.
Haneul walked back out, looking over at the Demon. She paused and debated on whether or not to ask for his help, on one hand it would be nice getting help from someone with powers but on the other he was a Demon and all Haneul had left was her pride.
“Can you do something for me?” She caught Hongjoong’s attention who turned to face Haneul. “Anything for you My Lady.”
“We’re not starting with that.” She rolled her eyes. “Can you look up a man for me?”
“Living or dead, real or not. Anyone you can think of.”
“I need you to look up a man by the name of ‘Choi Jongho’”
He just smiled, “goodnight Haneul.” He said as Haneul turned and headed off to bed.
The door opened and Haneul’s father stepped out, hobbling with his cane. Haneul smiled and ladled some porridge into a bowl. She had barely finished breakfast when her father exited his room.
“Dad.” She called. “I made breakfast.”
She placed the filled bowl on the ground before ladling another bowl. The man sat down next to Haneul thanking her for the meal, he brought the spoon up to his lips and slurped it up.
“Mmh Haneul you make the best Juk.” He said through a mouthful and the girl laughed. “I learned it from the best.”
She looked over at the room her father just came from before her smile fell. Her father nodded but didn’t say anything as the bowl fell and rested in his lap. It was silent between the two as the two silently talked not having to say anything to feel the sorrow and apologies.
“How is she?” Haneul asked breaking the silent. She picked up one of the two filled bowls as her father sighed. “She hasn’t eaten much but at least she’s awake.”
“We should call the physician, there’s got to be some elixir that will cure her.” The girl almost begged not wanting to believe but her father had already come to terms
He shook his head, “there’s nothing more we can do.”
“What about the yangban or the officials, there’s gotta be someone who can help her.” Her sentence was cut off by the sound of a bowl hitting the wood
Haneul looked down not meeting her father’s eye as his expression turned sour, he looked upon the girl with anger for asking too many questions and stupid ones. He had taught her better than that.
“We’ve tried everyone we could Haneul! I even had the shaman bless her.” He answered before getting up leaving his half empty bowl of porridge and wobbled out of their yard with his cane
Haneul was left by herself holding two bowls, she got up and left one bowl before walking up to the door. The girl put on a smile, everything would change, she would become better when Haneul married Jongho.
There was that name again, Jongho. The girl laid in her bed not wanting to move or do anything. She had another dream last night, this one was different. The man she had seen from her last dream hadn’t been seen in this one, but Haneul talked of a woman who it seemed like Haneul cared about deeply and worried about.
In her dream she talked of a physician and the man she talked to talked of a shaman. Whoever this woman was, she was sick so sick that they had brought a shaman to wish her better. Haneul shook her dream from her head and got up, heading out into the rest of her apartment.
Hongjoong was no where to be found, the blanket that he was using was folded up and sitting on the table was a cup of coffee. Haneul looked around her apartment searching for the demon but Hongjoong was gone, the girl let out a sigh and walked up to the table and sat down.
She smiled and picked up the cup, and started blowing on the coffee. Before she could take a sip she saw a letter on the table, Haneul rolled her eyes and picked it up. What is it now? She let out an exasperated sigh and read it out but it wasn’t from San, it was from Hongjoong.
I went out to “ruin people’s lives”, I’ll be back later. If you need me I’ll be at your good old friend San’s cafe ;). P.S I found stuff on the man you were looking for. Love, Honjoong
Haneul rolled her eye and scoffed at the ending. He was mocking her with the ruining people’s lives and the good old friend San, not to mention the love, Hongjoong. She hated him so much and she hated how she needed him now, Haneul left her coffee on the table and got ready.
The woman went to snap her fingers but remembered that she had to do everything by hand. Haneul hated it, never realized that she had so many pieces of clothing and it took her forever to pick out an outfit that when she went to drink her coffee again it was cold. Haneul grumbled but just shook her head and headed to the cafe but on the way, it seemed like the city was almost barren.
The sky was dark and gray, few people walked the streets but those who did wore heavy clothing and held umbrellas. Haneul rushed to the cafe as the wind started to pick up, San stood in the cafe wiping down a table and starting outside as Haneul threw the door open. The dogs barked both at Haneul and also at the weather, they knew that something wasn’t right and San clicked his tongue.
“What’s going on out there?” Haneul asked as she pulled her coat closer to her body, San shook his head as he moved closer to the window
The hair on San’s neck stood up as he looked out at the gray city, it had started sprinkling but now looked like a heavy pour. He shook his head as his stomach started to turn.
“This isn’t a usual rainstorm.” San said as he turned and walked away. “This is caused by the gods.”
Haneul gulped, she looked out of the window. He was right, it didn’t feel like it was normal and lately everything felt strange. Her dreams, Haneul felt like she was being watched, and now the weather? the woman didn’t know what she did to anger the gods but it felt targeted.
“Yeah, things have been strange lately.” Haneul answered and followed San over to the counter
She saw the dogs in their cages, whimpering and cowering in the back. Haneul’s eyebrows furrowed as San started making a drink.
Haneul was able to take a look around the cafe. It was nice minimalist cafe, tables were scattered along the walls and in one section was a heap of dog toys and bowls. Haneul thought it was pretty, she opened her mouth as she walked around the cafe.
“I’ve been having dreams.” She told the Werewolf who furrowed his eyebrows. “Dreams?” He asked
Haneul nodded and turned around as she continued to talk about her dreams. “Since that night I met you, I’ve been having these weird dreams.”
“What are they about?” He asked as he passed the woman a coffee
Haneul sighed and took a sip, trying to think of them. She remembered Jongho and asking Hongjoong, as well as the fact that Haneul felt like she was there.
“I felt like I was there in that village, they called me by my name. It felt so real like I was in Joseon time.” Haneul replied holding harshly onto her cup
San nodded and moved to one of the tables, he sat down and held a stoic look. Haneul shook her head at the lack of response, she was embarrassed.
“Sorry, it’s a dream of course it sounds stupid.” Haneul smiled through her embarrassment but San spoke. “They’re memories.”
“Memories?” She asked looking back at San
He nodded as his finger circled the rim of his cup, “memories of your life”
Haneul walked over to the table and fell into the seat, leaning closer to San. Memories? The woman was sure that she didn’t know them but maybe he was right.
“I’m sure I would remember these memories.”
“Your human now, you’re regaining your memories.”
Haneul froze and stared at San, her human memories. A small smile came to her face, so those people she saw were her friends and family. That led her to the question of Jongho, if he was someone from her past Haneul wanted to know who he was.
“Who are you Jongho?” She mumbled out, a hand on Haneul’s shoulder made the woman gasp
“I’m surprised you came darling.” Hongjoong purred out almost in surprise
“Don’t be too surprised lover boy.” Haneul rolled her eyes and added. “You have information that I need.”
The Demon laughed as he snapped his fingers and one of the chairs flew across the room, pulling up to the table. Hongjoong sat down, waving his hand over the table making a cup appear.
“I do, your lover is a boring guy.” He let out a sigh and Haneul smiled. “You jealous.”
She mocked the Demon who rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Yes I’m jealous of a human.”
Haneul’s mouth fell open, he was comparing her to a human? She wasn’t sure if she should be offended or should take it as a compliment. All Haneul knew was that she didn’t like how Hongjoong said it but as she opened her mouth, the sound of thunder shut her up.
Haneul whimpered as Hongjoong smiled looking outside. San shook his head, he had only seen one storm as bad as this and he never wanted to see one like it again. It was over a hundred years ago but the wrath of the gods were still fresh in his mind. Hongjoong’s eyes moved from the window to Haneul, the girl furrowed her eyebrows.
“Why are you staring at me?”
“I know how to help you.”
Haneul gulped at Hongjoong’s words, she was scared of what he meant. Her stomach churned as she watched San and Hongjoong share a look.
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vilmerswife · 11 months
Smutty ABC with Vilmer <3😍✌🏾
[A] Aftercare
After both of you are drenched in sweat. He’d give you a wet sloppy kiss on your cheek & lock you in his arms keeping you secure. He isn’t perfect at After care, But he likes to whisper & praise about how good you did in your ear, If you asked he’d get you something to drink or an extra blanket to shut you up.

[B] Body Part (their favorite of theirs & their partner)
Vilmers favorite body part of his body is his chest because of his abs. His favorite of his partners are their their Neck because it’s an easy access too pleasure. 

[C] Cum (anything to do with it)
Vilmer loves cumplay. He loves spilling his warm cum down their partners throat, On their stomach & his most favorite deep inside of them, It’s a possessive thing.
[D] Dirty Secret
He wears expensive cologne that smells so good, It almost puts you in a sexual trance. 

[E] Experience
A few times, Vilmer & Darla messed around a little when they were together, Sometimes he’d also pick up a hooker & they would have sex, Then you know..

[F] Favorite Position
Cowgirl! He loves it when his partner rides on top of him, His second favorite is doggy style so he’s up close & personal. 

G] Goofy (are they serious or humorous in bed)
Both, He laughs A LOT, Either mimicking your pace of breath or mimicking what you say. With seriousness he’s a jerk, He’s rough & not so nice.
[H] Hair
God he loves grabbing hair, Playing with it, and most favorite wrapping it around his wrist if it’s long enough. 

[I] Intimacy
He loves it, It’s always on a part of his mind, Looking at you even drives him crazy. If you asked him he’d say yes & take care of it. 
[J] Jack - off (masturbation hc)
It’s not his favorite thing, But if you leave & he can’t get his mind off you he’d drive too you, But if the weather was bad that would be his solution 

[K] Kink
He loves it when his partner acts like they are all his, They can’t live without him. *They need him.* 

[L] Location
In his bed, Anywhere honestly, In the woods, In a comfortable ditch, Secretly fingering you at a restaurant? You name it! Just ask. 

[M] Motivation (turn ons etc)

[N] NO (turn offs, deal breakers, things they wont do ever etc)
He’ll NEVER! Let you continue if you’re absolutely in pain in a different area of your body, If he cares about you he’d stop. 

[O] Orgasm Denial (how do they do it, do they like it done to them)
He’d go berserk.

[P] Pace
He won’t wait for you to get wet, His pre-cum will be your lube. He starts off at a quick pace & He’ll keep it that way. 
[Q] Quickie (where, how often, do they like them)
He’d love it if you asked him in public, Anytime; Anywhere. *He’ll make you wanna scream* It’s pretty risky.
[R] Risk (experiments, do they like pushing themselves/their s/o)
Yes, He’ll push them no matter what. How uncomfortable the position is or how long they can go. 

[S] Stamina
He can maybe two or three rounds at most, When he’s drunk probably one round which would last a lot longer. 

[T] Toys (do they own any, do they use them, how often, where)
Not his thing!

[U] Unfair (how do they tease)
Degrading them, Calling them names. Gently biting or sucking their sweet spots, Building up your level making you want too fuck him right then & there. 

[V] Volume (how loud, what do they sound like, what sounds they make)
Loud, He will yell out words, chuckle, Definitely make both of your skins clap outloud together, Unless you guys are being sneaky he can be quiet. 

[W] Wild Card (random NSFW hc)
He loves having you close, It’s his favorite thing during sex or cuddling. 
[X] X - ray (what do they have going on under their clothes)
Kelvin C dark blue boxers.

[Y] Yearning (how often to they think of sex, how long can they go without it etc)
Often! You’re always on the back of his mind. Vilmer can wait a few hours, But if his eagerness grows he’ll get what he wants. 

[Z] Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep, do they snuggle, etc) 
If you don’t bother him about what you want after sex, He’ll fall asleep peacefully once you do, He snores often.
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inspiteallthedanger · 2 years
What has Paul said about his and George’s friendship since his death? I’m curious now and would like to suffer actually
I’m sure he’s said a great deal. The three I most vividly remember are:
A) That he got to hold George’s hand when he was sick and how much that meant to him. Obviously this hand holding thing is a Big Deal™️ for Paul, given how “Northern men are never allowed to touch or feel things about each other”.
We said silly things. We were in New York before he went to Los Angeles to die, and they were silly but important to me. And, I think, important to him. We were sitting there, and I was holding his hand, and it occurred to me — I’ve never told this — I don’t want to hold George’s hand.
You don’t hold your mate’s hands. I mean, we didn’t anyway. And I remember he was getting a bit annoyed at having to travel all the time — chasing a cure. He’d gone to Geneva to see what they could do.
Then he came to a special clinic in New York to see what they could do. Then the thought was to go to L.A. and see what they could do. He was sort of getting a bit, ‘Can’t we just stay in one place?’ And I said: ‘Yes, Speke Hall. Let’s go to Speke Hall.’
That was one of the last things we said to each other, knowing that he would be the only person in the room who would know what Speke Hall was.
B) George lives in the tree he gave him
George was very into horticulture, a really good gardener, so he gave me a tree as a present. It's a big fir tree and it's by my gate. As I was leaving my house this morning, I get out of the car, close the gate and look up at the tree and say, ''Hi, George''. There he is, growing strongly. And you know, that takes me back to the time when I hitchhiked with him! They're an ever-present presence, if that's a way to say. George has entered that tree, for me. I hope he's happy with that.
C) George possessing him while he wrote Friends to Go.
The funny thing about it was I felt as if I was almost George Harrison during the writing of that song,” McCartney once said. “I just got this feeling, this is George. So it was like I was writing – I was like George – writing one of his songs. So I just wrote it, it just wrote itself very easily ’cause it wasn’t even me writing it.
Although I suppose these aren’t really about what their relationship was like before. But he tends to focus on the hitchhiking and earlier happier times, from memory. So much of the later stuff was Not Good. But anyway, it’s nice that he still clearly thinks of him fondly so often.
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♱ DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Ryuuto | Heaven 02 ♱
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⌜ Scene: Balcony ⌟
Ryuuto: Strip.
Yui: Wh-What do you mean…? Out here!?
Doing that on the balcony… Ryuuto-san, I can’t!
It’s already so chilly being out here, but to get completely undressed? And not only that, but this balcony…
I’m in direct sight of that house, over there!
( Why would he want me to be in plain sight like that? )
Ryuuto: I don’t want to hear it; I only have so much patience.
ー Ryuuto tugs at her clothes, stripping her. ー
Yui: W-Wait…! At least let me cover myself!!
Ryuuto: That should be the least of your concerns right now, especially considering you reek of foul play, and of that person in particular…
Yui: ( “That person”? I wonder… Could he mean Laito-kun? )
( That doesn’t make sense, though. I haven’t evenーー )
ー There is a sploshing of water. ー
( …! Just now, a bucket appeared at Ryuuto-san’s side! )
( It’s filled with soapy water… )
( Uu, I have a feeling I know where this is going… B-But it’s so chilly out! )
Ryuuto: Leg’s apart, now.
Yui: What…!?
Ryuuto: Legs. Apart.
ー Yui has little choice but to do so. ー
Consider your bath privileges lost.
ー Ryuuto reaches for the sponge. ー
Yui: Ryuuto-san… I-I don’t even know what it is I’ve done.
Ryuuto: Is that so? Perhaps, then, it will come back to you once we’re done with your punishment this evening; Take a long, hard think.
After allーー
ー He wrings out the sponge. ー
If you are going to behave like a bad dog, you are going to be treated as such. From here on out, you will be washed outside, in plain view, by me.
Be thankful I didn't decide to hose you down.
ー As he speaks, he washes her roughly. ー
Yui: …!!
( H-He’s scrubbing so harshly!! )
Wait a m-moment, Ryuuto-san!
Ryuuto: Spit it out.
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  I haven’t done anything wrong!
Yui: I haven’t d-done a single thing to warrant this!
Ryuuto: Arguing will get you nowhere; You have already dug yourself a hole.
You most certainly have something to warrant this.
Yui: B-But! I haven’t even been near Laito-kun, I swear!
  ❈  I’m sorry
Yui: ( Ryuuto-san seems deeply upset, so... )
I’m sorry… for whatever it was I’ve done.
Ryuuto: …Fufu, what a meaningless apology.
How on earth are you expecting to be forgiven if you have little clue what you’ve done wrong in the very first place?
Yui: ( Uu… He has a point. But, if I had to pin-point it… )
It’s because of Laito-kun, isn’t it?
Ryuuto: Laito? It seems you’re incredibly mistaken.
This has nothing to do with that sort of person, so I wonder why would your conscious dwell on that? Instead, this is about that other person.
Yui: Richter…!?
Ryuuto: His scent, it’s lingering, clinging to your skin and taunting me with its presence… I’m to clean you of that.
Regardless of whether it takes all night, or whether it includes taking the top layer of your skin with it, I won’t go easy on you.
Yui: O-Ow…!!
You’re scrubbing too roughly!
Ryuuto: You accompanied him to run some staffroom errands after class, didn’t you? Spending time in such close quarters with someone like that…
Yui: ( M-My skin… it feels so raw, it’s turning red…! )
( If I knew it would t-turn out this way, I wouldn’t have helped Richter… )
R-Ryuuto-san… I c-can’t!
Ryuuto: Although Richter was to keep a close eye on you whilst we attended the Academy, what possessed you to think that would be acceptable?
Yui: Uu… O-Ouch…!
S-Slow down!
( Ryuuto-san just isn’t stopping! )
Ryuuto: When we’re done here, you are going to stand here until you air dry thoroughly.
Is that clear?
Yui: “Air dry!?”
Ryuuto: Then you’ll spend the night by my side, impregnating your skin with my scent, dousing yourself in your Master’s fragrance.
Yui: D-Don’t… say it like that!
( That twinkle in Ryuuto-san’s eye… Like he’s enjoying my pain… )
( Deep down, was he always truly this possessive!? )
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Heaven 01 ✥ ] ⎥ [ ✥ Heaven 03 ✥ ]  →
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whoops the ppl on the fanfic Reddit were talking about villain motivations and I went overboard talking about how I personally write c!dream (seriosuly everyoje else gave like 1-2 paragraphs but how do I describe the insanity of my boy in 1-2 paragraphs) I love him too much
What defines him most of all is his crippling loneliness. He feels deeply isolated from people he once considers friends, and took them even slightly distancing themselves from being around him 24/7 as a sign of betrayal, which deeply hurt him and lead to him basically cutting everyone off, only worsening that horrific loneliness until the point he was desperate for a friend, any sort of human contact.
He's also intensely curious, and is very much an ends justifies the means person, who's been studying death and revival in various cruel methods because he thinks he can make things better with them. Having control over that, along with his own deteriorating sanity, has left him fully convinced he’s a God, and that the people around him should rightly be his followers. He can barely even recognise them as living, casually using them as tools because he can’t conceive of that being morally wrong anymore, and expects them to be fine with that and fall over themselves fawning with happiness and adoration once he “fixes” things, even if it’s something no one but him wants.
He feels like he's indestructible, and the only way he can ever lose if is he chooses to give up his power. The times he’s been genuinely badly hurt and traumatised, he’s convinced it’s solely due to that perceived lack of power. To him, strength is everything, and if you show a little bit of weakness, everyone will hate and abandon you. If he’s aggressive, and shows force, people will hate him but listen to him, and in time he can turn that into love. If he shows even the slightest bit of a crack in the facade, then they’ll rise against him. People in general, to him, are predictable variables due to that, and he doesn’t really care to distinguish between them, unless they have a specific use to them or if he thinks it’ll get the reaction he wants. Even those closest to him he'd discard if they proved useless or disloyal without question, and replace with someone else. He's not mentally healthy enough for fulfilling, stable, and equal relationships, but craves them desperately.
There’s one person who he does have a level of lasting attachment to, because he'll consistently defy him no matter how suicidal the odds, and therefore, in the villains head that makes him special and unique, as opposed to most people he’s sorta started seeing as a homogenous mass. He simultaneously sees him as a scapegoat yet the closest thing to a potential equal, and cares about him in a very very fucked up, dehumanising and infantilising way, seeing him more as a prized possession to be abused and broken into being an ally than an actual person (a task he takes great joy in). This person is also a sixteen year old boy, and so he sees himself as sort of a mentor/older brother figure (even though he’s barely older, himself, and a lot more immature than he lets on), and the abuse and suffering he puts the kid through as “lessons.” He sees himself in the past in him, and views his kindness, empathy, and cheerfulness as naïvety he needs to be broken of, and doesn’t view him as at all responsible to make his own decisions, seeing him as a corrupted child and not a teenage boy with a level of autonomy of his own. He’s convinced he'll remove all defiance if he controls him, but also views that defiance as a product of a poor upbringing, one he seeks to “fix”.
He is also incredibly cruel and enjoys hurting others, both physically and mentally, but he’s in deep denial about that and is convinced he’s the hero of his own story, forced to commit the actions he revels in, because if he ever had to realise that he caused even a bit of the hurt that tore his life apart it'd break him completely, so he throws himself into all his goals obsessively and directs all the blame onto a teenager despite having to actively rewrite history to place him as the sole perpetrator. He can’t hate him, or get rid of him, because if he did he’d have to confront himself, so he’s developed this very toxic abusive codependent friendship with a kid who hates him but is Stockholm syndrome'd to hell and back.
(This is basically how I write him in all my many fics, though it’s not always clear since it’s often from said sixteen year olds POV and he's just convinced he’s a one note evil monster who hates him and lives only to see him suffer, which like… fair he abused him really badly, fully his right and not something he should be the one to work on.)
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