#it’s very ‘eldest daughter’ of her if I do say so myself
dragon-kazansky · 2 years
The one who captivated me
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Gender neutral reader
I love this Bridgerton brother so much 😂💕
Benedict, as per usual, chose to spend the evening standing on the sidelines avoiding the persistent mamas and their daughters. He much preferred to watch the dancing and his sister, Eloise, try to escape the clutches of their mother.
As this very moment in time, he was taking particular joy in watching Anthony try and do the very same thing. Being the Viscount made him quite desirable among the ladies searching for a husband.
Anthony had spotted Benedict from where he had been cornered. The second eldest only grinned and shook his head at his brothers pleasing gaze. Anthony would just have to get out of this one himself.
Colin, the third child of the Bridgerton family, came to stand beside Benedict and grinned at the unfortunate cluster Anthony found himself surrounded by.
"I believe I just saw mother heading his way. Anthony is in for an eventful evening," Colin laughs.
Benedict can't help but laugh alongside his brother. It was true, if Violet Bridgerton has seen her son by now, she would surely be making a fuss.
"That at least gets her off our backs," Benedict grinned, turning back to the dancing couples in front of him.
"Still no one taking your fancy?" Colin turns to his brother.
"Are you surprised?" Benedict challenges.
"Well, no, but there is a fine selection this season, is there not?"
Benedict turned away from his brother to look at the crowd. Everyone looked much the same as the season before, and the one before that, and the one before that.
"Someone catch your eye?" Benedict asks.
Colin denies it, but his brother catches his looking out for someone. He smiles. Colin didn't have to say anything.
Benedict sighs.
"I think I've had quite enough for tonight. I'm heading home. See that our sisters are safe, won't you?"
Colin nods and watches Benedict walk away. However, Benedict doesn't seem to get very far. Something has caught the attention of his brother, or perhaps, someone.
Colin moves over to where his brother came to a halt.
"Are you alright, Benedict?"
His older brother doesn't respond, too caught up in whatever caught his eye. Colin tries to spot what, or who, it is that holds Benedict's attention, but nothing stands out.
"Excuse me for a moment. There is someone I would like to become acquainted with."
Benedict leaves Colin there as he walks across the ballroom with determination. Colin keeps watch, wanting to know what that was all about.
It all becomes clear.
There you stand, dressed to the nines. No one else in this room compared to you, Benedict knew that for a fact. He took back his thoughts of everyone being the same as last seasons. You were far different, in the best way possible.
Your eyes found his as he neared. Suddenly everything else seemed to fade away. You found yourself lost in his gaze.
A few beats pass by without a word.
"Hello," you say, breaking the silence.
He seems a bit out of it, but you smile. You chuckles at his wistful gaze.
"Was there something you wanted?"
Benedict seems to snap out of whatever had hold of him and smiles at you. A charming smile. His face seems to light up. His eyes sparkle with amusement.
"Apologies for my forward-ness, but I find myself completely captivated by you."
You bow your head down with a shy smile. You can tell those near by are watching and listening. Benedict seems not to care for them as he holds your gaze only.
"Thank you, I don't believe I've ever been told such kind words before."
Benedict finds himself in disbelief. "Impossible."
"I assure you, it's quite true."
Benedict holds out his hand.
"A dance, if you would allow me?"
You longer care for the stares pointing in your direction. You take his hand and allow him to guide you over to where the others dance.
Nothing else matters.
Just you and Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.
Colin smiles at the sight of his brother lost in the moment with you. He never actually thought he would see the day, but here it is. There really is someone here his brother desires above all else, and all it took was a single look.
Colin couldn't deny that his brother has taste. You are stunning.
Anthony, having just escaped from the entourage of young eligible ladies, finds freedom beside his brother.
"What are you looking at?" Anthony follows his brothers gaze. "Well, would you look at that. The man is smitten."
Colin laughs. "That he is."
"I do believe our brother will be wed before the end of the season," Anthony comments.
Colin turns his gaze to his eldest brother.
"After I speak with them of course," Anthony adjusts his clothing, trying to ever be the head of the household.
"For what's it worth, I think you'll find them quite worthy. I don't believe there could be a better match here."
Anthony says nothing and they both continue to watch their brother dance.
Morning comes and Violet greets her children as they enter. It only becomes apparent that there is someone missing once she has greeted her beloved children.
"Where is Benedict?"
Anthony and Colin share a look. Violet catches them.
"What is it?" She asks.
Anthony sighs and stands tall, facing his dear mother.
"If you had not spent so much time fretting over me last night, you might have seen your second son dancing with quite a dashing partner. It would appear Benedict has gone to call upon them this morning."
Violet gasps softly and stands from her seat.
"Your brother has found a match?"
Anthony resists the urge to roll his eyes as Colin, Daphne, Francesca, and Hyacinth all smile from where they sit. Eloise has lowered her book to gaze upon her mother on all her excitement. Gregory looks up to his brother.
"Do you mean to say Benedict actually found someone he's interested in?" Eloise asks aloud.
"That would be the case, yes," Anthony tells her.
Benedict is barely through the door when he returns home before his mother and siblings are on him. Violet grasps his arms and starts to guide him to the drawing room.
"Who are they? Do we know them? What happened?" She asks her list if questions.
Anthony just grins smugly at Benedict as he passes them. The brothers lightly glare at one another.
Benedict has no escape as Violet digs for answers, so he humours her and answers every questions she fires at him.
"No, we do not know them. I found myself completely lost in their company. We danced, talked, laughed. I went to call on them this morning bringing flowers and a small sketch I had worked on all night. They agreed to see me again. I take it you'll chaperone. Dare I ask otherwise," he chuckles softly.
Violet smiles proudly at her son.
"Do they make you happy?"
He looks at his mother with so much fondness.
She smiles softly.
"Then I'm sure I shall approve. When shall you meet again?"
"This afternoon. A promenade through the park, I think."
"Our brother is utterly taken with this person," Colin comments, coming to sit beside his brother.
"I have to agree," Anthony smirks at Benedict.
"Don't ruin this for me," Benedict says.
Anthony comes over to him and places a hand on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
The brothers smile at one another.
Benedict fills with excitement as he waits for noon to come. He couldn't wait to be beside you again, to speak with you.
The smile does not fade from his face.
You are perfect in every possible way.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 years
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"Do you think he will notice my new hat, Toinette?"
After pinning her hat to her hair, Antoine, the eldest of the De Beaumont's siblings, turned to answer her youngest sister. But when she looked toward her, she couldn't help the small clench in her chest at her sister's hopeful face.
Colette was wearing one of Antoine's own old robes, that she herself had adjusted so that it would fit her.
The garments´cut was outdated, and even if she had done her best to preserve them, she could see they were starting to wear out; the straw in her own hat lost its shine and the ribbon attached to it was stitched here and there, stitches she herself had placed.
Much like their own dresses -much like everything they had in their small cottage - nothing was up to date with the latest fashion.
But as Antoine let her eyes run all over her sister's figure, she stopped to look at the hat that was sitting on Colette's auburn ringlets, the only fashionable item of all her ensemble.
It had cost a pretty penny, Antoine thought, as she remembered how much she herself had quarreled with her twin, Mathias, so that they could save enough money to buy their sister a hat to impress the man her heart was yearning for.
She pursed her lips at the thought of the man himself: Monsieur Arno Dorian, a close friend of Mathias and the ward of the propertied De La Serre family, a dandy with brooding eyes, a penchant for snark, and a love for the bottle that didn't make him the least agreeable to her presence.
Although Mathias had sworn he had aplenty, Antoine failed to appreciate his good qualities; And yet, her sweet, witty sister was absolutely besotted with him, to the point Antoine had no heart to remind her that they were a family with no rank, sometimes even unable to buy the food they all needed to survive.
And when Lady Dorothea had organized a picnic to celebrate the arrival of summer and issued an invitation to them as well, Antoine, despite her reservations, had had no qualms accepting it, knowing fully well that Arno Dorian - the dandy himself - would be there.
Both twins had agreed to forgo buying beef for two weeks, to afford that precious little hat and bring their sister the happiness she so much deserved, after so many tribulations and so much sorrow.
With a sigh and a sweet smile that only Colette could bring out of her, Antoine took the silk ribbons of her sister's hat, and started to tie them in an elegant knot. Once she was done, she kissed her sister's nose, and pinched her cheeks, not unkindly.
"If he has any wit to himself, he will notice you, dearest," she said as she kissed her sister's nose, before pinching her cheeks with gentleness. "Now, let us go. We cannot let Lady Dorothea wait upon us."
Hello hello!
I am back!
Sort of!
After spending the last few days fully immersed in Jane Austen's books and movies, I feel like I am steadily getting better (fingers crossed and knocking on wood, for good measure).
Not going to lie, literally drowning in all my comfort books and movies DID help soothe my poor brain, and I found myself inspired by them all as well.
So, I started doing some sketches pertinent to the Regency Era with -you guessed it - my beloved sons and daughters from Assassin's Creed, and I came up with an idea with all my ocs and their loved one (canon and ocs) and it's now brewing in my brain, bubbling away.
Also, I think I might have found a way to colour my drawing in a way that's not too exterting on me and my psyche, and yet, at the same time, it's still pleasant to the sight.
I am quite happy with the result, I have to say! <3
So, allow me to offer this small artwork and drabble that I worked on yesterday, featuring my dearest Unity daughters, Antoine and Colette.
This is VERY MUCH inspired by my most favourite among Jane Austen's works, Sense and Sensibility.
Seriously, I just ABSOLUTELY adore it, as well the movie AND the tvseries (which, hilariously enough, was what actually gave me the idea to create a whole AU)
Well, I hope you like this! <3
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teacasket · 2 years
skz as pride and prejudice moments
genre: only headcanons   au: regency au, pride and prejudice au warnings: none word count: 0.8k   pairing: none a/n: currently going through a pride and prejudice phase right now. if you want to read an actual p&p au i wrote: the first step
bang chan - mr. bang’s mrs. bennet’s poor nerves
“Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such a way? You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.”
“You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least.”
lee minho - “oh, darcy has a lot of money, like a lot”
It was a large, handsome stone building, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills; and in front, a stream of some natural importance was swelled into greater, but without any artificial appearance. Its banks were neither formal nor falsely adorned. Elizabeth was delighted. She had never seen a place for which nature had done more, or where natural beauty had been so little counteracted by an awkward taste. They were all of them warm in their admiration; and at that moment she felt that to be mistress of Pemberley might be something!
seo changbin - “i guess he’s good enough for you”
Elizabeth had the satisfaction of seeing her father taking pains to get acquainted with him; and Mr. Bennet soon assured her that he was rising every hour in his esteem.
“I admire all my three sons-in-law highly,” said he. “Wickham, perhaps, is my favourite; but I think I shall like your husband quite as well as Jane’s.”
hwang hyunjin - moments before disaster
“May I hope, madam, for your interest with your fair daughter Elizabeth, when I solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning?”
Before Elizabeth had time for anything but a blush of surprise, Mrs. Bennet answered instantly, “Oh dear!—yes—certainly. I am sure Lizzy will be very happy—I am sure she can have no objection. Come, Kitty, I want you up stairs.” And, gathering her work together, she was hastening away, when Elizabeth called out:
“Dear madam, do not go. I beg you will not go. Mr. Collins must excuse me. He can have nothing to say to me that anybody need not hear. I am going away myself.”
“No, no, nonsense, Lizzy. I desire you to stay where you are.” And upon Elizabeth’s seeming really, with vexed and embarrassed looks, about to escape, she added: “Lizzy, I insist upon your staying and hearing Mr. Collins.”
han jisung - “i’m not good at talking” “that sounds like a you problem”
“I certainly have not the talent which some people possess,” said Darcy, “of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.”
“My fingers,” said Elizabeth, “do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women’s do. They have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault—because I will not take the trouble of practising. It is not that I do not believe my fingers as capable as any other woman’s of superior execution.”
lee felix - pretty girls everywhere
“I would not be so fastidious as you are,” cried Bingley, “for a kingdom! Upon my honour, I never met with so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening; and there are several of them you see uncommonly pretty.”
“You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room,” said Mr. Darcy, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet.
“Oh! she is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and I dare say very agreeable. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.”
kim seungmin - the world’s most pretentious compliment
“Oh! certainly,” cried his faithful assistant, “no one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half deserved.”
“All this she must possess,” added Darcy, “and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”
“I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.”
yang jeongin - clowns are meant to be laughed at
“But upon my honour, I do not. I do assure you that my intimacy has not yet taught me that. Tease calmness of manner and presence of mind! No, no; I feel he may defy us there. And as to laughter, we will not expose ourselves, if you please, by attempting to laugh without a subject. Mr. Darcy may hug himself.”
“Mr. Darcy is not to be laughed at!” cried Elizabeth. “That is an uncommon advantage, and uncommon I hope it will continue, for it would be a great loss to me to have many such acquaintances. I dearly love a laugh.”
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
→ another lifetime bucky b/ sebastian s x f!reader
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my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
prompt ↪ Before your death at Vormir, you had promised to meet Bucky in another lifetime. When you died, you had woken up in a new reality, a reality in which you were a celebrity and not long after that a new celeb had come into the mix, someone who was familiar. "I knew I'd find you in this lifetime."
warnings / other notes ↪ short moments before your death "no please" Bucky cried out, his hand holding on tightly to mine as I hung of the side of the biggest cliff I had ever witnessed in my life.
"Bucky, it's a soul for a soul, I've had a life, you just got yours back." I whisper and a tear rolls down his cheek "I can't do this without you." he sobs, he metal arm digging into the edge of the cliff as he hold the both of us.
"I'll find you in the next lifetime Buck, I promise and I won't stop looking until I find you." I whisper, if it meant my life instead of his, I'd do it in a heartbeat "and if you don't find me?" he huffs.
"i'll look for you in the one after that, and the one after that, I won't stop, I promise." I say whispering the last two words "it's ok" I smile "let me go" I say, my voice breaking "I'll find you in the next one, I promise" he whisper sobbing.
I didn't know if there was another lifetime, I didn't know if I'd even be able to find him if I did go to the next lifetime but one soul for 5 billion other souls is a bargain and I wasn't going to put it to waste.
the next life
It had been 7 years since I had died, I had continuously looked for Bucky. I travelled every square inch of land on this earth and I hadn't been able to find him.
I had grown accustomed to this life, the fame and popularity for doing something that wasn't sacrificing myself. I had two children, the oldest was a boy, his name was James and he was five, my daughter the youngest I had named Wanda she is 3, their father had left me for a richer woman when he realised I was new to this whole thing.
Not a day goes by where I don't miss my friends, I think about each of them every day. Somedays I think about Steve, other times I think of Nat but I'm always thinking of Bucky.
What if was famous like me and he blended right in. "Mum" my eldest James says walking up to me, "What was dad's name?" he asks me "Mac" I smile softly running my hands through his hair "So why did you call me James?" he says softly.
"Mummy named you after an old friend." I smile softly to him "Did you love your old friend like you love me?" he asks "I love you alot more munchkin." I smile rubbing his head "now go to bed before the sleep monster comes and takes you" I say tickling him and he laughs running off.
Tomorrow I had a photoshoot with another actor, he's supposed to be in my next movie with me. He was very charming, we had talked over the phone a few times since our managers had insisted we got to know each other.
I had never met him in real life besides the auditions and I was blindfolded then, I was quite nervous to meet him tomorrow. I had seen him in movies before, he was a cannibal in one of them.
He had played it strangely well which concerned me but he was also hot which worried me. Would the pregnancy fat seep through.
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"James hunny, help your sister get ready with her shoes please I promise when I pick you up I'll get you both lollies" I yell out, James was exactly like his namesake.
He had the looks, the personality and he was kind and gentle with me and the people he cared about. He'd also never hurt a fly unless he had too.
My Wanda on the other hand "NOOOOO" she screams running past me with nothing but pants on.
Wanda was mischievous, she didn't need anybody which reminded me of Wanda but my daughter was nothing like the other Wanda. My daughter was evil almost, she has weird intentions and she's oddly smart for a 3 year old.
Running after her I grab her swinging her around as James runs in with her shoes "thank you hunny" I kiss his head sitting down putting Wanda's shoes on.
"You two be good the bus should be outside soon, Wanda go put a shirt on missy. James be careful alright." I say bending down to James and Wanda's level and they both nod kissing my cheek.
Wanda runs off to grab her things and put on her shirt, James runs after her.
Walking them out to the bus that was waiting I kiss them goodbye before greeting the bus driver. The children all getting excited as my kids run to their kids. They all find their seats and the driver drives off honking his horn.
My phone rings and I answer it immediately "yes, I know I'm late I'm sorry" I say "Oh I'm not calling about that" the person laughs on the other hand "Oh sorry Sebastian, I didn't see who it was" I say practically face palming myself.
"Just checking in to see if you wanted a coffee, I'm heading over now soo I'm late aswell." he laughs "Oh right, I wouldnt mind a Ice Coffee if you didn't mind I could pay you back, with whipped cream aswell, no cherry on top" I laugh jokingly as does he.
We talk for a few minutes before hanging up, I walk over to my car driving off to the photoshoot.
Arriving at the photoshoot I see three cars which I assumed were the crew and Sebastian since he said he wasn't too far from the place.
"I'M LATE I'M SO SORRY" I yell walking into the huge house and the crew all start clapping, walking up the stairs I see Sebastian sitting in a hoodie on the windowsill.
He looked like Bucky with short hair, his eyes were bluer and well he had a normal left arm and he didn't look traumatised.
"Oh see because you literally look like an ex" I walk up to Sebastian hugging him as he hands me my ice coffee "that's not something I hear everyday but so do you, shorter hair and you're exactly her." he chuckles.
"your outfits are this way" a lady directs me to the wardrobe and I see a vest exactly like on I used to wear when I was an avenger "oh god the memories?" I chuckle grabbing it "A vest?" Sebastian chuckles "Believe it or not a piece of cloth is able to give me a lifetime full of memories" I say and he nods leaving the room.
I'm finally dressed and the photoshoot begins, one photo, after another, and another until we made it to the last one "you two need to look into each others eyes, Sebastian place your left hand on Y/n's cheek, look at each other like you love each other" the photographer directs.
The backdrop was blue but the photos would come out in black and white. Sebastian and I turn to face each other, his left hand reaching for my cheek "Y/n, love eyes" the photographer says and I saw it, the spark in his eyes.
He was Bucky and I think he knew who I was, he just wanted me to figure it out. My jaw drops "I knew I'd find you in this lifetime." he whispers, his thumb rubbing against my cheek and I quickly close my jaw.
The flash goes off and the photoshoot was done. I quickly grab him wrapping my arms around his shoulders "Bucky" I whisper in disbelief, I quickly step back to take a look at him "You look the same" I say "Oh my god" I say covering my mouth with my hands.
"Wait but that means..." I pause "everyone had died anyways what was the point" he says casually "I can't believe you found me, I've bene here for 7 years" I say "I've been here for 3" he chuckles.
We follow the photo crew outside and they all drive off and I hug Bucky/Sebastian tightly "what do I call you..." I ask him "I quite like Sebastian." he says still holding onto me "So do I" I whisper.
"Because I already have another James in my life..." I whisper and he gives me a confused look "I named my 5 year old son after you." I smile sweetly "and I have a little girl, Wanda." I say and he laughs.
"and the father?" he says softly "left after Wanda was born, he wasn't looking for anything serious, neither was I suppose if I named my son after the love of my life" I saw awkwardly and he laughs. "shoot" I look at my watch "they need to be picked up" I mumble "would you want to meet them, you can follow me?" I ask and he nods "sure" he laughs.
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I make it too the school jumping out of my car and see my two gremlins playing games "Hi lovelys" I say walking over to them and they hug me "We were scared you forgot about us" James says said "No I wouldn't forget you both, If anything you'd forget me." I say laughing picking Wanda up.
We drive home "Mum the man behind us has been watching us since school." James says peeking up "It's fine hunny he's a friend." I smile.
Arriving home Wanda runs into her room "James" I say to my son who was about to run off "Yes Mum?" he says in a worried tone "You know this morning how you asked who you were named after?" I ask him and he nods, the front door opens slowly and Sebastian pokes his head in "come" I say waving at him.
Picking up James, Sebastian walks over to him "James, meet Sebastian." I say "He's not called James" James crosses his arms "I used to be called James but I changed my name." Sebastian said softly "Why was it a lame name?" he asks sadly.
"No I changed it because I heard a cooler little man had it" Sebastian smiled looking into James's eyes as James begins to smile "My Mum said she loves me more than you though." James says proud of himself "Of course she will." he laughs and Wanda runs out screaming until she spots Sebastian as she grips on my leg.
I put James down and pick Wanda up "Wanda say hi to Sebastian" I say to her and she looks at me and Sebastian getting shy "You weren't shy before missy, he's a nice man if anything he could be your papa." I whisper in her ear and her eyes light up.
Wanda had always wanted a father, Of course, Sebastian coming into the picture was perfect.
"hi thebathan" she says or so I think, I hope she wasn't swearing.
Sebastian grabs her little fingers and she opens her arms for him to hold her "she wants you to hold her" I chuckle and he laughs grabbing her off me "shes the girl devil but she loves meeting new people" I smile to him and he nods.
"How did you meet?" James say confused and I look to Sebastian prepared to say something and he gives me a confused look as he rocks Wanda "We met through an old friend, Steve" I smile walking over to the sofa and he follows me sitting down.
"Sebastian was Steves bestfriend, I was Steves other friend and we met at a big big tower with heaps of people." I say softly "Sebastian used to be my boyfriend" I say whispering the last word and James opens his mouth.
"So you loved him alot alot?" he asks and I nod "I loved him alot alot, but then we got lost and I couldn't find him. Until I found him again at work." I smile to James "at work?" Wanda says poking her head up "At work hunny" I laugh.
"do you think Sebastian could be our papa" Wanda says in the cute little voice I can't resist "Yeah he's ripped" James says "for a five year old your vocab is immaculate" I tap his nose looking over to Sebastian who held Wanda.
"I mean, I'd like to be your dad." he says and the kids celebrate, James hugging Sebastian as does Wanda.
"another lifetime together?" he says and I laugh nodding.
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julietas-basil · 2 years
Hey just curious, could you write julieta reacting to each of her daughters first periods? I think it would be so wholesome and cute 😍
Ohhh I've read it before !
Sure,why not?
Isabela is the first child and so I imagine she would be more independent in her ways and the way she copes with such things
She would tell her mamá proudly
Julieta has already had the talk with her eldest and has shown her the ropes!
Anxious!Julieta is really showing 👀
She would ask constantly if her daughter is in pain or anything she would make soothing tea
She would make the bed,bring pillows
Always placing pillows on the ground if she ever wanted to sit on the floor! (If sit on a cold,hard surface causes belliache
Isabella would sometimes say "mamá,it's alright I can take care of it myself I'm grown!" Or reassure her mother that she can look after herself
Julieta would give a sad smile and kiss her daughters head
She would also knit socks in winter so that Isabela won't suffer from cold feet
She would feed Isabela until the girl sits up in a her position,proudly admitting that she can pass this new test!
After surface pressure and her complaining to alma I see Luisa as the person who would be scared at the blood
Julieta would hug the little Luisa and give her,her favorite stuffed animal (donkey!!) And kiss her hair
She would mumble "it's alright mi cariñosa..."and hug her
She would make her favorite food and of course the most nutritious and beneficial
She would reassure that loosing more than enough blood it's healthy and shouldn't be afraid of that
When Luisa would wake up at night because of period pain she would knock gently on the couple's door
"Mamì,it hurts" Luisa would stroke her eye a couple of tears covering her face
Julieta would place Luisa on the bed and make warm milk in the kitchen
The cook would ask frequently if her little gymnast is alright or if she can wait a little
After the milk,Julieta would play with the girls hands humming a song while tracing all of her fingers
She would smile and look at her little mariposa in adoration
She would prepare a pack of the essentials to use on the first time and a small one to carry in her bag
She would ask if there is any pain,weird symptoms,if she is scared etc.
She would help her get to bed,give her pillows,make her favorite warm dish
She would sleep in Mirabel's bed,trying to read her a story of those she likes and stroke a few strands
She would make mirabel orange juice first thing in the morning(plenty of it) and encourage her to drink all of it
As I hc that Mirabel becomes a little pale,on her first time she woke up pretty pale when visited her mother
"Mi Vida,you okay? You are pale!" Julieta would look around her features,examine her closely,then clap to Casita "Casita a chair please !" And sit Mirabel down
To all of them(first time/after the first):
Julieta would tear up,at the though that her girls are growing up
"Querida,you are a woman now!" And then hug them
Keeps truck of their periods definately! In her very own calendar
Anxiety is the worst so julieta and the girls have talked about it since they were 9 years old
She would make their beds,make favorite healthy dishes
Would stop by frequently to ask if feeling dissatisfied,nausea etc.
Make double assist kit for next time!
Sleep with them,sometimes she would let them sleep between her and Agustín
She would let Agustín play a song or two on his piano in their bedroom
If the pain was too much she would sing to them,cuddle them,tap their back etc.
And of course always prepare them for their periods so that they prevent doing something that would escalate any kind of pain,or speak to them about symptoms a week before
She would mumble to Agustín about the growing up too fast,or that they will finally stray away from her and will no longer want their mamá's help
"Amor,you don't have to worry! the girls love you and will ALWAYS cherish you!everything will be fine..."then give her reassuring forehead kiss
She treats her kids no different,she makes sure everything is prepared and always writes down everything about her girls ! Keeps photos about every event or just mentions it !
Hope you enjoyed !!
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shorkbrian · 3 years
A Midsommar Night’s Dream
Prelude - I watched midsommar so have this.
Pairing - Izuku X reader X Todoroki males
Warnings - NSFW, dead dove, do not eat. Implied incest, cult-like behaviors. Dubcon.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/7clyJIrLkEbXUDwj1tC9zz?si=EK3gCdOHQ3WQeK-ed9eucg 
Izuku’s been officially dating you for three weeks.
Three weeks.
He’s known you for far longer - the two of you solid friends since you first met. The man doesn’t know when friendship had evolved into something more, but he’s sure glad it did.
You were sweet, and kind, and far too caring for your own good. You didn’t mind waiting up for Izuku when his nights ran late, studying for his masters or taking on extra shifts.
You would rub his shoulders when he got stressed, offer to make him tea or run him a bath or anything else he needed, anything to help out. You loved him, and he loved you.
Tonight was a night that many partners might fear - meeting the family.
But Izuku was hardly worried. He was best friends with your brother Shouto, a level-headed student with good work ethics and a dry sense of humor. The rest of the family couldn’t be that bad.
A simple dinner, you had told him, dress casual and no gifts required. Still, Izuku felt obligated to bring the finest bottle of bourbon his paycheck could afford him (he’d asked Shouto what your father’s favorite was, just to be safe).
The Todoroki household was impressive; massive and imposing in the countryside, surrounded by tall stone walls and looking straight out of a victorian romance novel. Izuku knows what those look like, because he’s seen them on the covers of the romance novels you like to read. He’s always doing his best to pay attention to your likes and dislikes.
“Izuku!” came your excited little voice as the door opened after his loud knock, and the green-haired man couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in a smile.
You were almost bouncing in excitement behind your older brother Shouto as he held the door open, taking the offered bottle of bourbon from Izuku with a nod before leaving you alone together in the foyer.
“Hey, missed you-” Izuku grunted as you attacked him in a hug, and a laugh bubbled out of you both when the solid man had to take a step backwards from  the push of your body.
“Missed you too! I’m so excited for tonight, it’s so good that Dad and the rest of the family are accepting you.” A quick kiss to his cheek distracted Izuku.
You were fairly comfortable with physical touch, resting your head on his shoulder, never afraid to snuggle up to his side on movie nights, or hold his hand out in public (especially now that the two of you were dating). But Izuku had honestly expected more.... sensuality once the two of you started seeing each other as lovers more than just friends.
He had asked to kiss you one night, after you’d made him dinner and rubbed his shoulders and listened to him talk about the latest subject he was studying. Izuku had felt his heart warm, like cold wax cradled over a flame, and his love for you was bursting out of his chest. He wanted to kiss you and hold you close, tell you how much he loved you.
You had just smiled shyly and shook your head, saying you wanted to wait a bit. Which Izuku understood! This was all new, going from friends-to-dating, and he didn’t want to rush you or make you uncomfortable in any way. He was willing to wait.
So the kiss to his cheek surprised him, made him stutter and blush and hug you a bit tighter.
Then you were taking his hand, leading him through the maze of a house. He couldn’t help but notice the old-timey decorations mixed in with the more modern features, but done in an elegant, timeless fashion. A good blend of old mixed with new.
Stepping into the large dining room hand-in-hand with you, Izuku was met with the sight of the entire Todoroki family.
“Everybody-” You started, catching their attention until every set of eyes was on you and the tall man by your side. “This is Izuku!”
Shouto stepped forward, closest to the pair of you, and set his hand on Izuku’s shoulder with a smile. “Glad to have you joining the family.” 
Izuku smiled back, pulling his friend into a hug and giving him a hearty pat on the back.
“This is Fuyumi-” A tap to Izuku’s shoulder had him turning around, stepping away from Shouto to shake your sister’s hand. 
“Hi Izuku, I’ve heard such good things about you.” Her voice was soft and gentle, almost like your own. Izuku could see the family resemblance between the two of you. 
“And this is Natsuo, he’s studying for his masters just like you.” A white-haired man approached him, friendly and open, ready to shake Izuku’s hand but ultimately pulling him into a hug. 
“Sorry, I’m a hugger.” Natsuo laughed, and Izuku shrugged, completely unbothered.
“Here’s Touya.” You introduced a redhead next, a man sitting almost sullenly at the table. He didn’t rise to his feet, didn’t even take Izuku’s offered handshake. 
“This is the guy you’ve been babbling about? He looks bori-”
“Touya.”  The room, already hushed, grew even more silent, almost heavy with the weight of the voice from the man at the head of the table.
The gangly redhead shut his mouth, looking ready to roll his eyes. You pulled Izuku past him towards the imposing man who was looking at the man at your side, appraising him.
“And this is my dad. Dad, this is Izuku.”
“A pleasure to meet you sir.” Izuku shook the mans large hand, and the man nodded solemnly.
“Sit down, we’re ready to eat.”
Dinner wasn’t a quiet affair. Comfortable conversation flowed easily between everyone; questions about Izuku’s degree, about his goals, his dreams, his job. He knew it was just everyone getting to know him, assurance that he was suitable for their daughter. Izuku wanted to be perfect for you, anything and everything you needed.
Enji (Izuku was not about to call your father dad) asked only a few questions, otherwise decidedly quiet at his spot at the table, chewing his food while watching Izuku respond to the rest of his family. 
It was mainly Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto keeping the conversation flowing, Izuku easily keeping up with whatever they decided to talk about, asking engaging questions of his own about the family members he’d just met, laughing easily whenever you made a pun or Shouto’s dry humor jumped out.
Everything seemed to be going well. 
Fuyumi asked to be excused, saying she needed to go prepare, and Enji waved her off easily, telling you to go with her. You rose from your chair easily, but not before catching Izuku’s hand and giving it a squeeze, eyes shining as you leaned close to whisper “See you in a bit.”.
“You really love her?” Touya asked as soon as the two women left the room to go prepare dessert, leaving Izuku alone with the male Todoroki’s. Izuku assumed this would be when he gets the shake-down, the usual “Hurt her and we’ll kill you” talk.
“So much. Sometimes I feel like I love her so much that I don’t know what to do with myself.” Izuku confessed.
“She talks about you a lot. I think she feels the same way that you do.” Natsuo supplied from across the table, and Izuku felt his cheeks flush, his heart flutter. It was one thing to know you loved someone - to feel the warmth and peace it brought to your soul. It was another to know that they loved you back; it made him feel whole.
“I've seen how you treat her, I think the two of you are a good match.” Shouto said, and Izuku smiled at his friend. Shouto had been his buddy since high school, truthfully was the reason that Izuku and you had met. You’d come along with Shouto one day when he’d come to hang out with Izuku, and the two of you had become fast friends.
Natsuo was rising from the table, walking back to the little shelf along one wall where various drinks sat (and Izuku’s bourbon gift). Izuku watched the man begin to pour out a red liquid, before his attention was caught by Shouto leaving the table as well, taking his plate and exiting the room.
Then Natsuo was placing a glass of the red liquid down in front of Izuku. “Don’t worry, this is nothing more than homemade punch.” He said as Izuku eyed it.
“It’s tradition.”  Touya growled and Izuku found himself taken aback at the heat in the other man’s voice. Was the redhead angry at him for some reason? 
“Touya, calm down.” The eldest Todoroki said, and Izuku almost wanted to cower himself at the sheer dominance exuding from the powerful man. “Izuku is becoming family. You will be happy for your sister, not jealous.”
Touya huffed, grumbling under his breath before shoving his seat away from the table. “Just don’t fuckin’ hurt her, got it? She’s my baby sister.” 
“I would never-” But Touya is already storming out of the room, uncaring of Izuku’s assurances.
Natsuo sighs. “Don’t mind him, he just.... doesn’t like change.”
“What is this again?” Picking up the red drink, Izuku swirled it around the glass, trying to change the subject and hopefully smooth over the tension. Most of the tension had dissipated when Touya left, but it never hurt to be proactive. 
“It’s a tea we brew and sweeten ourselves. We grow the plants in the backyard, you’ll see them soon.” Natsuo explained.
“It’s tradition?” Izuku parroted Touya’s earlier words, before taking a quick sip. It was delicious tea.
“Yes, we like to welcome those who are approved to join the family.” Natsuo laughed a little. “Fuyumi’s husband thought we were trying to drug him. It’s really just tea.”
Izuku snorted. It tasted like tea, why would someone think the Todoroki’s were trying to drug them? Sure, the family might be a little odd, but they weren’t malicious... right?
Before he knew it, his cup was empty and Natsuo had slipped out of the room, leaving Izuku alone with the head of the household, Enji.
Where were you? And why had everyone else left the room?
“I’m very particular about who I allow in my house, boy.” Enji started, and Izuku suddenly felt.... uneasy.
“Not everyone thinks the same way as the Todoroki’s. But you seem to be a bright young man. Educated. You aren’t going to be any trouble, are you?”
The last question wasn’t posed as such. It was a statement. 
Still, Izuku shook his head. “No sir, I have no intentions of causing trouble.” Why did this casual dinner feel so serious? there was so much emphasis on being accepted into the family, on being welcomed. Izuku recognized how big of a deal that was but still... it’s not like you were about to marry him. He was planning on that a few years down the road.
“Come with me.” Enji instructed, wiping his mouth with his napkin before his impressive bulk hefted itself out of his chair. Izuku felt tiny next to the patriarch, following the man through the dark, empty house.
He wanted to ask where Enji was taking him. Where you had disappeared to, where the rest of the family had gone. But that would be rude, so Izuku kept his mouth shut.
Outside it was dark, moon shining dimly through the sky, the residual warmth of the summer day still held in the air. Izuku followed Enji through the back door, down along a path, into the plentiful, green backyard.
To a grove of trees, torches flickering from within the grove, small bushes and beautiful flowering plants dotted among the trees. A garden, Izuku realized. Those must be the plants and bushes that produce the tea Natsuo had given him.
Then there you were, in a little clearing among the trees.
Sitting on a dark blanket, knees drawn to your chest and ankles crossed in front of you as you hid your body.
Izuku started - you were naked.
Touya was kneeling beside you, a hand on your shoulder as he talked to you gently, barely sparing Izuku and his father a glance as they strode into the torch-lit clearing, Touya’s attention truly focused on you.
Shouto and Natsuo stood in the light, watching you, watching Izuku.
“What is this?” Izuku sputtered, and upon hearing his voice you looked away from Touya, a smile lighting up your face as you saw your Izuku.
“This is tradition boy.” Enji laid a heavy hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “Now strip down, my little girl’s been waiting.”
Izuku’s head swirled.
Touya stood up, shooting the green-haired man a lazy glare before moving to stand by his brothers, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Izuku...” Your sweet little voice called for him, and green eyes snapped to your form on the ground, watched as, with a nod from Enji, you slowly unfurled your body to expose yourself to your lover.
A stab of arousal hit Izuku in his gut, watching your soft-looking skin be revealed. 
Pert breasts, a squishy tummy, glistening folds ready and twitching between your legs. 
You were drenched.
There was so much shiny slick, all over your thighs and dripped onto the blanket, Izuku couldn’t catch his breath, couldn’t think straight. It was impossible for you to be that wet on your own, you must have used lube or something to prepa-
It hit him; You and Fuyumi hadn’t gone to prepare dessert.
“You just gonna stand there all night like an idiot? Take your clothes off and fuck her you dwee-”
“Touya.” Enji growled, silencing his son immediately. Then the man turned to  Izuku, easily pushing him forwards towards you. “You’ve been accepted into the family; that’s an invitation you don’t want to refuse.”
With a sigh, you easily laid down onto your back, legs still spread for Izuku to look at you, hands coming up to rest shyly over your breasts.
“Don’t do that, let him see.” Shouto murmured, and immediately your hands dropped in obedience. Shouto hummed in approval, before bi-colored eyes swept up to look at Izuku, urging his friend forward with a tilt of his head down to your form.
With trembling hands, Izuku fumbled with his pants, unzipping them with a bit of difficulty, undoing his belt, working on the buttons of his nice shirt the he had worn to make a good impression when he met your family for the first time.
It took him a moment to undress, a red blush creeping up over his cheeks and down to his chest as he bared his body to the Todoroki’s.
He didn’t think he was small, but he wasn’t big either; average. Izuku was confident in his size, didn’t really know or are how he stacked up against other guys, and the girls he’d been with before hadn’t complained.
Still, he felt embarrassed to be naked in front of other people, to be on display. But there wasn’t another option, was there? (Izuku didn’t know if that was such a bad thing)
Two short strides before dropping to his knees in front of you on the blanket, his throat dry and his palms sweaty. 
“Are you-” His voice was barely above a whisper. “Are you okay with this?” 
Your head nodded yes, a pleased, yet shy grin on your face. “Of course. I want you.”
The softness of your voice, of your body, Izuku felt dizzy as he shuffled forward, close enough to touch. Still hesitant, worried about the male Todoroki members watching from the sidelines, brain racing to work through the strangeness of the situation, the utter oddity of this... ritual that was currently taking place.
But then you were sitting up, hands circling around his neck, pressing your lips to his with crushing finality.
He was a part of the family now.
It felt good to kiss you, soft lips pressed together, little huffs of breath from your nose as you kept going. Izuku took the freedom of circling his hands around your waist, almost gasping at the plushness of your flesh, melting against you with a groan as your lips kept pressing to his.
“I’m all ready, just-just put it in.” Your breathless little confession tumbled out as soon as you pulled away from your first real kiss with Izuku, a blush high on your cheeks.
But it was Izuku’s turn to blush, sitting between your legs like a fumbling virgin. “I’m not hard yet, but I can, uhm, finger you. Or we can kiss for a little bit mo-”
“You aren’t even hard? Touya’s sneering voice cut through Izuku’s babbling. “Look at my sister. She’s fucking soaking the ground. That’s not hot to you?”
Izuku stuttered, eyes flickering down to where your legs were opened, pretty little cunt twitching. It’s like you were begging to be touched, and Izuku was a sucker for begging.
“No, that’s so hot, oh my god.” He breathed, fingers instinctively reaching to swipe through your wetness, relishing the way you gasped and shuddered as his hand made contact with your body.
“She’s so soft too, got tits like little pillows. You should lick ‘em, she likes that.” Touya continues, and Izuku wants to point out that the reason he’s not completely hard yet isn’t because he’s not insanely turned on by the beautiful creature in front of him, but because he’s feeling weirded out by all her brothers and her dad watching intently from the sidelines.
Yet he does what Touya suggests, leaning forward to put his mouth on your chest, tongue darting out to drag against your skin. 
The eldest Todoroki was right about you being soft.
Izuku can’t stop his other hand from rubbing at your cunt more firmly, feeling your little hips twitch towards him, pressing your chest more firmly into his mouth.
“She’s so pretty.” Natsuo comments, but Izuku is hardly listening when he’s flicking at your clit, nursing at your tits. “She’s gonna feel real good around you Izuku, like a new fleshlight.”
“You better breed her good, boy.” Enji booms, and suddenly you’re scrabbling at Izuku’s arms, pulling his hair, whining “Please, Izuku please.”.
“Okay, shit, let me-”
“He must be really worked up, Izuku hardly ever curses.” Shouto announces, and fuck, he’s right -  but how could he not be worked up?
Izuku is hard, blood rushing so quickly to his cock that he feels lightheaded, taking himself in hand and giving his length a few dry pumps. He’s envisioning how sopping wet you’ll feel against him, staring, drooling over your cunt.
And then he’s lining himself up, kissing you hard, and pushing inside.
“Big, ‘s too big!” You panic, tears popping to your eyes but Izuku is quick to wipe them away, cooing at you and stilling his hips.
“Oh, don’t cry! Shh, I’ll go slow, ‘m sorry, I thought you were ready-”
“Natsu-” You cried, hand scrabbling into the ground above your head, reaching, searching for your brother.
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” The man was immediately on his knees by your face, clasping your hand fervently, leaning down to put a sweet kiss on your nose. “Breathe honey, in and out. It’s okay.”
“Noo I-I.... ‘M scared, he’s-he’s-ah!” A stuttered cry broke from your chest as Izuku shifted slightly, inadvertently pushing deeper.
“No, it's gonna be okay. It's just like when we do it, yeah? He's gonna be nice.” And Natsuo is looking at Izuku, fixing him with such a pointed gaze and Izuku gets the message. He’s going to be nice.
It’s not like he wasn’t planning on it - the green haired man loves you.
But then the breath is sucked out of his chest as he comprehends what Natsuo had just comforted you with, that-that.
That you’ve fucked your brother.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Izuku chants, unable to stop his hips from inching back and forth, humnping into you in infinitesimal movements as arousal punches through his gut. “Sorry, I can’t stop-’h my god that’s-”
He can hear Touya cackle. “Damn, something really got him going.”
You were squeezing your eyes shut, clenching Natsuo’s hand so tight that the skin was whitening. Your brother didn’t seem to mind, more occupied with stroking your hair, eyes fixated on the soft jiggle of your breasts as Izuku humped you like a senseless virgin.
His breathing turned into wheezing, hitching when a presence was felt at his back.
“You can do better than that.” Enji’s hands were pressing against Izuku’s naked rear, making the green haired man flinch forward and away from the touch. But Enji merely pushed, propelling Izuku’s thrusts so that he would really fuck the warm, willing body beneath him.
“Izuk-Izu-Izuku-” You moaned, rocking your body to further spear yourself onto his cock, apparently finding the fast glide pleasurable as opposed to your hesitance earlier.
He leaned down to kiss you, both of you moaning into the kiss, hands wandering as you pushed to meet each other, Izuku’s stomach clenching tighter and tighter as he neared his release.
“She’s never had someone fuck her raw before...” Shouto mused, eyes glued to the scene in front of him, watching his best friend fuck his sister with the help of his family. “I wonder if it feels different.”
But his words were lost in the quick slap of skin meeting skin, Izuku’s grunts, your sweet little noises as you writhed and clutched at Natsuo’s hand, your other hand holding onto Izuku.
And then Izuku was gone, balls clenching and cock twitching inside you, pulsing as he shot his seed.
Your eyes fluttered shut, pulling your hand away from Natsuo to place it against your tummy, pressing right over where Izuku was still grinding against you. “Feels... feels so warm.”
Izuku was panting, sweat sticking his curls to his forehead, desire slowly swirling out of his body as he came. 
What the fuck had he just done?
Enji clapped him once on the back, before rising to his feet. “Welcome to the family, son.”
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th84u · 2 years
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title: a glimpse
contents: ghost! san x vampire! reader. fluff, mild angst; hotel transylvania au (hehe couldn’t help myself) no warnings
word count: 1.5k
summary: it’s valentine’s day and you’re hosting a party in the ballroom at the hotel, not expecting to find your zing there.
note: this is a very late valentine’s day exchange hosted by @0x1luvsong and @bangchan-fairy for @xiaojunsmintchoco !! i apologise for it being so late, but here it is! i hope you enjoy!
mavis stared at you, visually perplexed. “so you’re telling me that this party isn’t to help you find a partner?” she asks as you laugh, shaking your head. “but, y/n, don’t you want to find your zing?”
sighing, you face your sister, arching an eyebrow. “mavis, you know i’ve given up on finding my zing. i don’t even think i have one at all.”
a knock on the door interrupts your conversation and you smile. “come on in, dad,” you hum.
“it’s time, my children!” he exclaims, arms thrown into the air before he engulfs you both into a tight hug. you giggle. “i can’t wait for the party! i bet you’ve done an amazing job, my lovely y/n,” he coos, pinching your cheeks as you furrow your brows, embarrassed by his endearing action.
“of course, dad. it’s valentine’s day,” mavis grinned, arms on her hips. “you know how romantic yet energetic y/n’s parties get this time of the year.”
your father laughs, gently rubbing your shoulders. he wears a comforting smile that warmed your heart.
“i know how disheartened you get every year during your parties when you don’t find your zing, but you shouldn’t give up, my little bat,” he says as mavis nods in agreement. “you will find someone one day. i know it, and so does your mother.”
a single tear rolls down your cheek as your father’s words. he wipes it away and smiles. “come now, my dear,” he bellows, prompting you and your sister to shift into bats. “let’s not make our guest wait any longer, shall we?”
you grin, shaking your head as the three of you flew to the ballroom.
the guests were already there, your uncles on stage performing. landing, the three of you stood proud as your father spoke to the crowd.
“welcome, monsters, humans and ghouls to my y/n’s valentine’s day party!” he exclaims as your younger sister nudges you forward. blushing a deep shade of red, you give a small wave to the hotel guests.
“hi everyone! i hope you all enjoy the party today, both couples and singles!” you smile and you swear you can hear your friends cheering from the furthest left of the hall.
nodding curtly at your uncles, a sudden gust of wind has you holding onto your clothes. “ah,” you sigh in realisation.
“hey, drac!” mingi’s voice rings in your eyes as the tengu settles down beside you. “we’re here to steal your eldest daughter away.”
wooyoung, a dark pixie, giggled. “we always do. nothing surprising.”
your father rolls his eyes as you shrug. “alright, alright, but you boys better make sure she has a good time! if not–”
“you’ll suck every last drop of blood out of us! we got you!” wooyoung grins cheekily as you roll your eyes with a smile. “thanks papa drac!”
you can’t help but burst into a fit of laughter at your friend’s choice of words. “papa drac? that’s new,” you snicker as he shrugs.
“what can i say? he may be my future father-in-law,” he grins as you smack him.
“you wish, lover boy. you’d never be able to handle me.”
yunho giggles, nodding. “y/n’s right.”
wooyoung’s sulking is interrupted by the ice brothers, pulling you towards them as an invitation to dance. you oblige, grinning at the two.
“this party is great, drac!” seonghwa shouted, nudging you with his hip. “you always host the best ones!”
yeosang laughs. “of course! being related to the dracula does that to you!”
jongho rolls his eyes, turning to you. “they drank too much,” he whispers as you giggle, kissing his cheek. “don’t do that, drac,” he mumbles.
you chuckle at his words, watching as your friends continued to dance. who’d expect two extremely attractive yuki-onnas to revel in the heat of neon lights?
turning around, you chuckle at the sight of hongjoong, the poltergeist. his jaw was nearly on the ground at the sight of his boyfriend dancing to the music. “by jove,” he mumbles, acting as if he were back in the 1920s while you rolled your eyes. “what a monster he is.”
he promptly snaps out of his gaze, turning to look at you. “wow, y/n,” he says breathlessly. “you’re glowing.”
giggling as you see mingi approaching. “thanks. i think it’s the new slug gel mavis got me,” you say, gently touching your cheek as he hummed. “how’s the party going, mingi?”
he laughs, resting his chin on the top of hongjoong’s head. “hey, y/n! i wanna introduce you to one of my friends,” he says with a grin but i can’t seem to find him. knowing him, he probably floated into the shadows.”
you arch an eyebrow. “float? shadows?”
before mingi can answer, a tug at your wrist has you flying forward. turning around in shock, you chuckle as your sister pulls you towards the stage. rolling your eyes, she grins at your expression.
“you know dad wants this!” she yells over the music. “he always does!”
you laugh, throwing your head back. “of course!”
on stage is your brother-in-law, dj-ing. “rad music johnny!” you shout as he gives you a thumbs up.
“of course, y/n! only the best for your parties!” he replies, jumping onto one of the floating tables to chase after your father.
it was one of your traditions: every valentine’s day, all of you would hop onto the tables and chase each other around. last one standing won.
“get ready to be beaten,” your sister winks as you snort.
“please, mavis! you know i’m the best at this!” and it was true. you had a five year winning streak and weren’t about to break it anytime soon.
“table 42 up!” you shout, grinning as you begin to chase after your sister and uncles. swerving and spinning and diving, you feel the wind in your hair, a mellow, somewhat pitiful feeling in your chest.
it was sad to see each and every one of the people on those tables with someone else– someone they zinged with. and yet, you sat on this white tablecloth all alone. another year goes by, another year you remain alone.
sighing, you try to shake the negativity off. it’s quite impossible now that’s it’s clung onto you like a parasite, but you try your best.
since your attention was diverted, the table suddenly jerks forward and you lose your balance, falling. unfortunately, it’s during these times where you forget how to turn into a bat.
with a soft yelp, you fall and hit someone, landing on the floor with a thud. whoever it is you bumped into, let’s out a loud shout as you wince.
“ah, bats and rats, i am so sorry,” you ramble, turning around to apologise properly.
looking up, you see a pair of translucent legs. it’s funny since ghost were rather uncommon in the hotel compared to other monsters, and yet, out of all the guests there, you just happened to fall onto them.
“it’s okay,” the person responded, voice a higher pitch than you expected. “i’m not sure how you managed to physically come into contact with me,” he says as you chuckle, finally taking a look at the ghost’s face.
he’s extremely cute. hair messy, cheeks a tint of pink, lips plump and red– he looks exactly like the kind of boy you’d fall in love with.
but it’s when he looks at you that you’re fully enamoured by him.
his eyes are filled with the stars and you’re certain it isn’t the party lights reflecting in his eyes. they sparkle, full of love, care and innocence.
it’s a magical moment. it’s as if the whole room had stopped moving and you could only see his beautiful eyes.
the booming music was now muffled, your eyes fixated on the ghost. he looked otherworldly and you were certain you had never seen such an intangible being before.
there’s a spark– a comforting warmth residing inside your chest. you know he feels it too because he’s staring at you in awe as well.
“o-o-oh. y/n.”
he breaks the space you’re both stuck in with his words. blinking, you smile and nod. “and you are?”
he smiles sheepishly. “i’m c-choi san.”
moving forward, you lean in. san inhales a deep breath, staring you in the eye. “i know we barely know each other,” you begin, gesturing for him to move closer.
he does, leaning in, certainly not expecting you to suddenly press a soft kiss to his lips. “but i think i’m madly in love with you.”
your whispered confession has san wearing a gummy smile, cheeks even redder than before. “me too,” he says and you giggle softly.
“i’ve been waiting for you my whole life,” you say and he leans in, resting his forehead against yours. his skin is cold but it’s somewhat relaxing.
he giggles. “i’ve wanted this for a long time too,” he says, smiling. “a zing on valentine’s day, huh?”
you can only chuckle in response, and wrapping around his waist to pull him in. “i’d like to call it fate.”
who knew all it took was a glimpse into someone’s eyes for you to find the one you’d been looking for?
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shmaptainwrites · 3 years
Cold Feet [Aaron Hotchner]
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Not Your Wife [Part 3]
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Hotchner (OC), Violet Hotchner (OC)
Summary: Violet gets cold feet
Warnings: maybe some swears?
A/N: okay so a break from hotch app week to say a very happy birthday to @hotforhotchner11 !!! You’re literally an amazing human being so I thought what better present than a third part to your favourite fic ;)
Part 1 - Part 2
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You and Aaron both used to love coming back home from work only to have two little girls run and jump straight into your arms. But once those girls turn into teenagers and have their own lives, things like that don’t happen as often.
Coming home now looked a little like this.
“Girls, we're home!” Aaron would call while you both kicked off your shoes and dropped your keys in the tray.
“Studying for a test! Shh!” Penelope yelled from her room.
“Where’s Vi!” you called back.
“I said-!” Penelope popped her head out of her room, earbuds popped in when she realized that it was you and Aaron. “Oh mom, dad, hey!” she smiled. “Thought you were Vi, sorry,” she chuckled.
“Do you know where she is?” Aaron repeated your question.
“I think she went to the library to work on her college applications,” Penelope explained.
“Oh let me call her then,” Aaron said, picking up his cell phone and calling his eldest daughter’s number. “I was supposed to help her with that.”
“Like you helped her learn how to drive?” you asked and Aaron rolled his eyes, flicking your shoulder while Penelope went back into her room to study.
“Hey, it’s Vi.”
“Hey princess, it’s dad,” Aaron said and walked further into the house.
“Babe, do you want pizza or Chinese for dinner?” you whispered at him and he just waved his hand saying whichever was fine.
“Oh, dad, you guys got back. How was the case?”
“Could have been worse,” he shrugged. “Penny told us you were at the library, are you there with anyone?”
“No, just by myself,” she sighed.
“Why don’t you come back home and I can help you with your applications then.”
“Dad, they were due yesterday.”
Aaron looked over at you and mouthed, really? And you nodded, pointing to the calendar.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry I-I was supposed to help you with those.”
“Dad it’s fine,” she shook her head. “I just came here to get away from Penny, did she tell you I came here to do work?”
“She did,” Aaron nodded.
“God she’s so annoying,” Violet grumbled and Aaron couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
“Come home, princess, your mom and I miss you.”
“More than Penelope?”
“Don’t try that stuff, young lady,” you leaned into the receiver and spoke to your daughter who only laughed.
“Okay, I’m on my way back. I love you guys.”
“Love you too,”
Aaron hung up his phone and looked over at you while you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“I can’t believe I forgot,” he sighed. “She must be upset with me.”
“Aaron, if Vi was upset with you, you’d know she was upset with you,” you told him frankly. “I think she understands, and don’t worry, you’ll get your college father-daughter bonding moment. You got yours with Penny already, right?”
“Unfortunately,” he sighed. “Those tours were my worst nightmares come alive.”
“Sweetheart, a serial killer almost murdered you once.”
“I know,” he nodded. “The tours were still worse.”
You slapped his arm, but he pulled you in for a quick kiss despite the hit.
Violet got back from the library about 20 minutes later and the pizza arrived shortly after that. You called Penelope to come out from her room so you could all have dinner together.
Since being in the house all at the same time was rare, you tried your best to have family dinners every time you got back from a case. Sometimes the girls would have made food and others you order out, but it was the one time you really got to spend together.
“So how’s school been?” you asked.
“Aside from this disgusting physics exam, pretty good,” Penelope shrugged while munching on a slice of pepperoni pizza.
“It’s alright I guess,” Violet said, picking at her breadstick.
It didn’t go unnoticed by you and Aaron that she seemed withdrawn, but sometimes Violet needed her own time to deal with things and she would come to you when she was ready.
“Your aunt told us you dropped by one day after school,” Aaron said. “Brought her a coffee. She said it made her day,”
“Yeah,�� Penelope smiled. “I just like going there cause Anderson always gets all confused cause there’s two Penelopes,”
“It’s pretty funny,” Violet agreed. “And we stayed and did some work in your office too, Penny sweet-talked Chief Cruz to let us.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome, you were the one who wanted to work there in the first place, I just told her to use your home office if she missed you that much.”
Violet threw a breadstick at her sister and you gave her a look so she apologized quietly.
After dinner was cleared up and the girls went to do their separate things, you and Aaron threw the contents of your go-bag in the laundry basket before repacking them and getting ready for an early night.
As you laid down together in bed you could sense something was bothering your husband and you wanted to ask him what it was, but he beat you to the punch line.
“Sweetheart, I think…I think there’s something Vi isn’t telling us,” he shared.
“You know Violet though honey,” you sighed. “She just needs time, she’ll come to you when she’s ready.”
“I know but this is different and I feel like it’s my fault. I keep making promises I can’t keep and I’m worried it’s pushing her away.”
“Babe, I don’t think it’s you. Violet loves you more than I do, seriously, just give her time.”
“Yeah,” Aaron nodded. “Wait, what did you say?”
You pretended to snore and Aaron hit you with a spare pillow making you laugh and cuddle up closer to him.
“I’m just kidding, no one loves you more than me.”
“That’s what I thought,” he hummed and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Night sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Some time had passed and Violet still hadn’t talked to Aaron about what was bothering her and he was getting a little on edge.
He and Violet had always been close, Penelope was exuberant and outgoing which made her a social butterfly, even from a young age, but Violet was quieter, more engrossed in her studies and spent a lot of time at home.
At first you and Aaron were a little worried that she wasn’t making friends as easily as her sister, but over time you both came to realize that she just liked it better that way and in the end you didn’t mind her constant company.
But she and Aaron had a special bond, even when she was just a little baby he could quiet her down just by being in the room. So every second of the distance was killing him.
But late one evening, while he was reading a book on the couch in the living room, Violet walked in from the hallway and noticed he was there.
“Hey dad, can we…can we talk?” she asked.
“Sure sweetheart,” he nodded immediately, putting down the book. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” she sat next to him and bit her lip hard, feeling the anxious tears coming on. “I-I’m not ready to go to college.”
“Why not?” Aaron asked gently. “What are you feeling?”
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to take care of myself I-I’m not ready to leave you and mom.”
“Honey, weren’t you and Penelope both going to share a dorm room?”
“Oh my God, dad that’s so much worse,” she cried and Aaron quickly tried to recover by bringing her in for a hug and wiping away her tears with the heel of his palm.
“You know, if I could I’d just keep you here for as long as humanly possible,” Aaron said, pressing a soft kiss to her temple and she curled into him.
“Then do that, make me stay here.”
“But I can’t, Vi. You know that,” he whispered. “Every time we make big decisions or do something we’re unfamiliar with we’re gonna be scared and that’s okay. But look at it this way, we can take baby steps and eventually end up in the same place.”
“What are you suggesting?” she asked.
“Maybe in your first year you pick a college that’s a little closer to home and stay with me and your mom,” he said. “Then in your second year you can transfer if you want or move onto residence, and if you’re still not ready then? That’s okay too, but just as long as you know that you can’t keep yourself boxed up in here forever.”
“That would make me feel a lot better,” she nodded. “Thank you dad, I-I’m just really nervous about this.”
“I know, it’s a big change,” he agreed. “Your mom and I both went to college out of our home states, it’s was new and confusing but sometimes you can get something really great out of it.”
“Like me,” Penelope posed, walking into the living room dramatically.
“Yes, like both of you,” Aaron laughed. “Now come here. My princesses are growing up, it’s not fair,”
Penelope sat on Aaron’s other side and he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek.
“But you guys, one rule,” he said firmly.
“Just because we fell in love in college does not mean that your college boyfriend or girlfriend is the one, okay?” you said now joining the trio.
“What do you mean Javier isn’t the one?” Penelope gasped.
“Who’s Javier?!” Aaron exclaimed, looking at Penelope, astonished.
“Her very non heterosexual best friend,” Violet patted her dad’s shoulder. “She’s just bugging you, take it easy.”
“Oh thank God,” Aaron sighed. “I’m too tired to go intimidate someone.”
“You do know that’s an abuse of power, babe, right?”
“Who said I needed a badge and gun to intimidate him?”
“Fair enough,” you nodded and came to join your husband and girls on the couch. “I love you guys.”
“We love you too, mom.”
“Good, after giving birth to the two of you in a row, you better.”
“Don’t forget the double tuition we’re paying,” Aaron added and you nodded to say he made a good point.
You sighed, looking at your family and remembering when things used to be so simple. When all the girls wanted to do was just bother their dad while he watched his favourite movie. Which was consequently now Penelope’s favourite so you had to endure it twice as much.
The hat had its place on the wall next to the TV and it only struck you then how long you and Aaron had really been together, you thought your almost twenty-year-old daughters might do the trick, but no. Looking back at that hat you smiled softly to yourself because some things never change and you knew one of those things was how much your daughters loved you both and you couldn’t have been more grateful for that.
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bluesora · 3 years
celebrating mother’s day with you
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tsukishima kei ; sugawara kōshi ; oikawa torū ; kita shinsuke
headcanon ; fluff ; age up ; snippets of cuteness ; parenthood ; special edition — mother’s day
note: i’m not sure if i portrayed each characterization well but i just thought it’ll be fun to write one. after all, i was blessed to be born with loving parents and i just wanted to share the love i’m grateful for.
tagging: @forgetou @amjustagirl @yacoka @haikyuutothetop @luvnami ;; thank you for dropping these characters as i couldn’t decide who to write for. (of course it was more exciting without context)
ps. it’s longer than expected i’m sorry :’)
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tsukishima kei
tsukishima isn’t one who would remember special occasions unless someone had schedule a plan in advance with him. when he wondered if he should do anything for you after hearing his colleagues whispering during break, his work got busier than usual so he had forgotten about it.
that was, until he realized he had ten missed calls from his son; which was odd because he weren’t one to call him so often.
“i was in a meeting, what hap—” before tsukishima could finish his sentence, his son interrupted him, “i bought mom’s favorite cake since you’re slow. hurry home or there’s none left for you,” the line was cut right after; which of course left poor tsukishima’s partner to deal with the aftermath. “tsukishima-san, about the report—”
“it must be so urgent that it needs my immediate attention even when i’m packing up right?” his words dripped of pure sarcasm despite the polite smile hanging from his lips. everyone could literally see the panic swirling in his partner’s pupil.
“i’m sorry!! good work today and see you tomorrow!!” it’s the weekend tomorrow, but tsukishima was too hung up on his son’s attitude to shoot another of his sarcastic reply.
you, on the other hand, were neither someone who would celebrate such occasion unless it was for birthdays or holidays. therefore, you didn’t really had anything in mind nor were you expecting anything as well.
when you finally reached home from a tiring day at work, you were definitely not expecting to see your favorite cake on the table while your son popped a party popper with a party horn in his mouth right beside you.
“happy mother’s day!” he tried to mumble out with the horn still in his mouth. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected surprise, dropping your bag on the counter just so you could hug him—one that he wholeheartedly hugged you back because tsukishima wasn’t around.
it took an hour for tsukishima to be home, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand when he walked over to where you and the cheeky lad was sitting. “oh! you didn’t have to though,” you smiled in surprise.
“dad’s just guilty he forgot about our promise and didn’t want to come home empty handed.” you chuckled at that, perhaps it wasn’t entirely wrong either but you still appreciate the sentiment. it was rare for him after all.
“those who break promises don’t get desserts.” he continued to press his dad’s buttons, only to see tsukishima loosened his tie with an expression he could not understand.
“oh, but that’s on your mom to decide if i’ll get one tonight or not.” you could feel your face heating up at your husband’s words, the tone and smile that dawned on his face was a look you knew oh so well.
“tch...i thought i hid it well.” of course, your clueless son didn’t know the true meaning of those words and thought the strawberry shortcake he bought for his dad was found out.
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sugawara kōshi
sugawara would definitely plan in advance with the children. especially when they were the ones who excitedly wanted to do something for you.
“mama like animals! lets go to the zoo!” the middle child exclaimed with so much enthusiasm, sugawara could only chuckle at her adorable smile.
“you only said that because you wanted to go to the zoo, dummy.” the eldest one huffed, feeling proud that he saw through her obvious tactic.
it didn’t take long for the two to start crawling over each other in a fight while the youngest one giggled amusingly as if she was watching a performance. that was, until an insult was thrown at her so she joined in the fight to prove her worth.
“if you don’t stop now, we’ll be celebrating at home like how we did the past two years.” that immediately ceased all action, since they haven’t had the chance to go out together as a whole family thanks to your busy schedule.
“how about the park? the cherry blossoms have bloomed and mama likes going to the park!” of course, sugawara was fond of this idea. it’s been a while since there was a family picnic session.
and so on that very day in which you finally managed to take a day off, you weren’t expecting to be blind folded while having your children guide you to wherever you were supposed to be.
knowing how clumsy the trio could be, he wanted to accompany them as well but was outright rejected when they said they could do it themselves with so much confidence, he wasn’t sure who they got it from.
with their tiny hands, it took a while for them to tie the piece of cloth around your eyes, and even when they did, it wasn’t tied well enough so you could actually still see your footing (which saved you immensely from all the accidental knocks along the way)
after what felt like forever, you finally reached the park where they shouted ‘happy mother’s day’ in unison. you kind of already knew it’ll be a picnic from the soft grass beneath your feet and those fallen pink petals, but you were still moved to tears when you saw your children squeezed together into your husband’s arms while cute decoration and plates of food were spread between you and them.
“mama, try the cookie first! i made them myself!” the middle one was the first to break the silence.
“no! try my sandwich first, i’m the eldest!”
“so what if you’re the eldest? mama must be thirsty from walking so have my ultimate happy berry juice!” the youngest chirped with pride, as if her logic was a straight pass to winning.
you laughed at their competitive nature, which was oh so endearing at the same time. and it was obvious if you don’t decide soon, an all out food war was going to happen.
“before that, shouldn’t mama receive papa’s present first?” sugawara’s cheerful voice interrupted their little argument, and just before the youngest could ask what it was, her eyes was covered by the eldest son along with the middle one.
you couldn’t help but hit his arm in embarrassment when his lips met yours longer than it should’ve been.
“hey! that’s not fair, i didn’t get to see papa’s present,” your middle one sulked, only to be carried into sugawara’s arms as he peck her little cheek with a wink. “why don’t you ask mama what it was, baby?”
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oikawa torū
it was supposed to be a big surprise where he came home earlier than the date he had told you. he even told the kids about it and they promised to make it a success (money was definitely involved to be honest)
“make sure you delay mummy at the grocery store long enough for me to set everything up in time.” he reminded his daughter time and time again, only to have her sigh at his impatience.
“i think i’m old enough to not forget something so simple dad. and please stop addressing mom like that, it’s creepy.” she cringed, wondering how you even deal with oikawa every day.
“dad, have you even baked a cake before? do you think you can get it done within an hour or maybe two?” his son asked the third time that day, which did irk oikawa with that tone of his.
“of course i can! are you looking down on me? it’s just a simple vanilla cake and some fruits on top. how hard can it be?”
of course, with every rhetorical question that pose a challenge, there would always be an answer exactly of what’s to be expected.
you, with no idea that your husband was making a mess of your kitchen, took your own sweet time at the grocery store since your daughter was there to help and it’s been a while since you had a mother and daughter bonding time.
“do you think your dad would like to have curry tomorrow? or should we just have hamburger steak?” you asked, still unsure of the menu for a celebratory dinner.
“i think he would like anything you cook, so don’t worry about it. dad’s always so happy to eat your homemade meals.” she answered with shrug, but you could tell she was happy to rely the same sentiment.
everything went smoothly and she did managed to stall your time with her longer than the agreed duration. that was, until she received a text from her brother saying dad’s cake was a failure and they should just get one outside; you two were already at the apartment lift when she read it.
“dad, i think you should just give up. they are already walking over from the—” oikawa having enough of his son’s constant nagging about how he should’ve just bought a cake instead, threw a whiff of flour to his son’s face without thinking.
and of course, which kid would not retaliate from that. the kitchen, which originally wasn’t as messy, turned into chaos of white fluff and sticky childish banter between the two.
you, not expecting to see your husband, was clearly surprise when you heard his voice by the door. the only excitement that came from that vanished the moment your eyes fell onto the state of your kitchen.
“happy mother’s day?” oikawa managed to choke out when he felt your growing presence with each step towards him.
“i’m sorry mom, it was my fault please don’t kill dad—” your son pleaded softly by the side, only to fell speechless when you threw yourself into oikawa’s arms instead.
“welcome home,” you greeted with so much warmth, oikawa couldn’t help but embraced you tightly as he replied, “i’m home.”
“mom? you’re not mad?” your daughter asked in disbelief when she brought the groceries – including the ones you dropped – over to the kitchen.
“mad? why would i be when you dad’s sleeping in the kitchen tonight.” you were so serious and certain, the two broke into fits of laughter as they ran from their father (which was fertile because they got caught immediately and was tickled to tears)
“why are you laughing when you two are having a sleepover with daddy tonight.”
“please dad, just stop.”
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kita shinsuke
there was no surprises because kita’s way of celebrating was just regular activities but doing it together. which was honestly, what you love to do most since you don’t always get the chance of spending weekdays with your family often.
from preparing meals to visiting town, usually it would be done by kita himself. however, this time because of the special occasion, you took time off to accompany your husband while bringing your little ones along with you.
“mama here’s the carrot,” your little girl placed the orange vegetable on the chopping board before humming a tune while the other twin helped kita with picking the ends of the beansprouts.
“papa are we going to town later?” she beamed excitedly, hands still working on the tiny vegetable while her legs swung to the rhythm of her twin sister’s melody.
“yes, we are. do you have a place you want to visit?” he was done with his side so he continued onto the pile his daughter was removing.
“yes! we want to go to onigiri miya!” they both said at the same time, giggling right after when their father looked surprise.
“all right, let’s go after our lunch.” and everything went along smoothly with the little twins setting the table together while you and kita took turns to cook up the dishes. lunch was pleasant despite minimal words being exchanged since the twins were taught to not talk with their mouth full (and their mouth are always stuffed full)
while you and kita held hands with the twins walking hand in hand by themselves in front, the feeling of nostalgia seemed to tickle your bones at the memory of how you used to take long strolls with kita during your younger days.
“what’s wrong?” kita tugged your hand gently which snapped you back to reality when you realized you all have reached the store.
“nothing...i’m just grateful to be your wife and mother of two beautiful angels.” your smile had him press a fluttering kiss to your temple as he softly replied, “me too.”
“i see yer two are still as lovey-dovey as ever captain.” atsumu popped his head out from the entrance, both twins sitting comfortably on his arms as he carried them as if they were feathers.
“i’m not your captain anymore atsumu, but i see they both seemed to like you.” kita smiled at his two lovely dolls, one that atsumu have never seen much of because of his busy schedule.
“of course, who do you think i am? the better—” but before atsumu could even finish his flex, the two snapped their head over at the appearance of osamu in his apron. their hands immediately reaching out for the man to hug.
“uncle osamu!!” they squealed happily, trying their best to squirm out of atsumu’s grip.
“i guess not huh ‘tsumu,” osamu smirked at the annoyed twin, patting his hands dry before prying the little twins from his brother’s vice grip. of course, they both would fight over the kid’s affection. who wouldn’t right?
you watched the pair of twins in amusement with your head against kita’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your delicate frame. this too will be yet another moment kita would not forget, for he felt blissful to be their father and your husband.
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pink-duda · 2 years
Having fun with family
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🎄Anonymous: Could you do a small scenario or hc with sanji and his wife baking christmas cookies with his sons and daughter?
I think I got carried away a little bit lol, as I wrote 731 words, I just love kids and sanji almost 40 years old with long hair.
Thank you anonymous, i feel like this was my christmas present to myself.
Also, I named the kids so I wouldn't get lost, but I didn't mention their appearance, so you can imagine it however you want.
Zoe - 13 years
Akira - 12 years
Eric - 5 years
Happy almost christmas everyone🎉😘
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You've been busy trying to get your work done before Christmas to get to spend a lot of time with your family, but in a flash the days have passed and it's Eve.
When you were walking a bit to try to get the numbness out of your legs from sitting so long working, there came a loud noise apparently of a pan falling in the kitchen, the worried mother and wife you are, you went to see what's going on.
Opening the door quickly, you were greeted with your youngest son's loud laughter, getting a better look at the whole scene, your husband and daughter full of flour, and your eldest son in the corner trying to hide his laughter.
"What's going on?"
You stand at the door stunned by the situation, and the other two flour-smeared ones not unlike you, probably still trying to figure out what happened.
The small figure of Eric came towards you, already jumping into your arms, and you effortlessly lifting him, and not far behind came Akira, hugging your waist tightly.
"Come help! let's make cookies for the Straw Hat Uncles and Santa Claus."
Says Akira answering your question.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! It's going to be cool!!!"
Eric spoke, these two always very excited about the end of the year party.
But then a shrill voice interrupts this moment.
"You idiots! How can you be calm?? Can't you see that we wasted flour???"
Zoe, your daughter, with a very angry face points to the boys who are with you and her dirty face.
"Princess, there's no need to stress."
Spoke the blond man who was beside her, placing a hand on the girl's head as a form of comfort.
"But dad-"
"It's okay, it was an accident and most of the flour falls on the counter, we can still use it."
She says turning to you like she wants someone to be on her side or to help show her she's right.
"Your dad is right, but it's not right not to apologize after laughing about it."
You say dropping Eric to the ground and giving a look at the two who are beside you.
Says the boys, Akira in a really sincere voice of apology, but Eric not so much.
"Well, if you want to make good excuses, make some yummy cookies, okay?"
They yell determinedly and run off to bake those cookies.
Now that Sanji's flour "shock" has passed, he has realized that he hasn't given you a good hello, you are a queen and you have to be treated as such.
"My dear!!! It's so good to see your beautiful face around here!~"
He says coming towards you, his long hair pulled back tightly in a bun and he proudly wearing an apron that says "the best dad and chef in the world" that his kids gave away for Father's Day.
Coming to you, he catches you holding you back as if it were a tango dance and giving you several kisses, making you laugh and making you fall in love with him even more.
The three children say at the same time away from you with a disgusted face.
Without making more sense for you to go back to work and miss this amazing family moment, you join in to help.
After having a little difficulty joining the flour, the preparation of the biscuit dough was quick and easy, and the icing was even easier because Sanji did it, and now comes the coolest part, making the drawings on top.
Stars, Christmas baubles, trees, angels, bells, cookie man were the various shapes, in addition to cookies in the shape of the favorite things for gift straw hats, such as an orange shape for Nami and a Meat shape for Luffy.
This part you let your kids have fun and let their imaginations go, and then you and your husband made cookies a little better, especially Sanji.
"This Christmas is going to be wonderful."
You say absently as you finish a tree biscuit.
"Of course, especially with you and the kids by my side."
Said the cook, stopping to cover the angel cookie, and looking at you with a deep look of love, pride and gratitude.
They were the best gift you ever received.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
hii, can you do a little blurb of reader and tom getting married but reader’s parents aren’t in her life so she asks paddy? if not ignore this :)
This is a long blurb I seriously can’t write very short fics lol. hope you like this...
Pairing : Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : none
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With just one week to your wedding the Holland house was bustling with enthusiasm and joy, everyone was busy arranging for the wedding making sure that it’s one of the talked about events in London. Nikki was over the moon that her eldest son was finally settling down in his life. 
"If you could have seen her Tom she was looking so gorgeous in her wedding dress. Y/N is going to be the prettiest bride I'm telling you" Nikki gushes sitting opposite to you on the chair while you hide your face with your palms blushing with Tom beside you on the couch.
"I can't wait even more now" he says, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him as the whole family engaged in a hearty conversation over tea and biscuits. You remained silent most of the time which was very unusual of you given that you were a very bubbly person and loved to talk with people and it didn’t go unnoticed by Tom or Nikki.
“There are no biscuits left” Paddy points out after sometime.
“It’s ok I’ll go and get some more” you excused yourself and went off to the kitchen meanwhile Nikki eyed his son to ask him to go and check upon you. You were busy putting the biscuits on a plate when Tom walks in to the kitchen and stands behind you circling his arms around your while resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Hey hon is everything alright? You seemed a little off today" he asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Huh? Yea-yeah everything is fine" you try to assure him. He tsks and turns you around making you face him.
"C'mon Y/N you do know how bad you are at lying. Is it something about the dress? Don't you like it? We can totally buy another one mum won’t mind" 
"Oh my god no Tom! The dress is perfect. Nikki has the best choice I have no doubt in that" 
"Then what is it darling?" he pries.
"Nothing just feeling a little emotional at the moment” you half shrug and then went on to explain to him further “you see when we were at the shop there was another girl who was soon to get married just like me. Her parents were also there with her and it looked so nice you know what I mean. I just wished if my parents were here too, I always dreamt of my father to walk me down the aisle and hand me over to you as I start a new journey in my life but I’m not that lucky after all I know this is silly but I can’t help feeling that way" you ramble.
"Aww love come here" he pulls you in his embrace caressing the back of your head "it isn't silly that you're missing your parents I can’t imagine the pain you had to go through living your life all these years without them but we are here for you now mum, dad, Harry, Sam, Paddy, Harrison”
“I know and I couldn’t be grateful enough. After I lost my parents in the car accident the only thing I longed for was a family, a feeling of togetherness and I have finally got it all because of you” you cradle his face with your palms. Nikki was listening to your whole conversation from outside the kitchen and she couldn’t resist herself anymore as she walked in.
"Sorry to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help myself” Nikki says “Y/N honey you are now a part of this family too and Tom’s dad would be more than happy to walk his eldest daughter down the aisle” she says with a motherly tone.
“It’s totally fine you have already done a lot for me” you say bashfully when the boys come barging in too.
“What’s going on?” Harry chirps.
“Oh we’re just discussing your dad walking Y/N down the aisle” Nikki explains.
“What? No keep dad out of it” Harry says dismissively.
“What? But why?”
“Because we want to do that,” he states frowning.
“Yeah I can walk her down the aisle” Harrison offers excitedly.
"You are also out of this mate, you are already Tom’s best man" Harry remarks.
“What? That’s outrageous!” Harrison gasps.
"It will be me who will walk her down the aisle" Harry declares proudly
"Excuse me I’m still here OK” Sam interrupts “I'll walk her down the aisle" and then the three of them start arguing between themselves about who is eligible for the task which prompted Nikki to finally interrupt in between their childish squabble.
"Can all of you just stop arguing about who's going to walk Y/N down the aisle? It's Y/N's day let her decide" she says sternly as the boys went silent.
“C’mon Y/N pick any one of them” Nikki encouraged as you narrowed your gaze, smiling at them mischievously.
"Yes Y/N say it's going to be me, I know I’m your favorite between the three of us" Harry sasses.
"In your dreams she's choosing me" Harrison quips.
“Stop manipulating the jury” Sam chides.
“You guys are such kids, Y/N just say it already or they will lose their minds” Tom remarks laughing totally enjoying the whole scene.
"Well I have made my decision and…" you slowly made your way towards Paddy who was sitting silently on a chair this whole time.
"Paddy will you walk me down the aisle, please?" you ask him with a smile.
“What? Bloody hell!” Sam, Harry and Harrison exclaimed unanimously.
"Sure Y/N I would love to" Paddy agreed instantly beaming with joy as you turned to the other three boys.
“FYI, Paddy has always been my favorite” you snicker as everyone bursted into laughter.
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire Reprise, 382
 “Slow down!” exclaimed Iris.  “Turn left just up ahead.”
 I nodded and complied.  She knew where her boss lived better than any of us, having never visited this suburb befored.  I probably would have missed the break in the endless fence had she not warned me, especially when I was trying to guess the cost of having a large amount of land next to a park in a pricey suburb.  To my surprise, the gate opened for us immediately.
 “He doesn’t care much for security, does he?” I teased, looking around to see if there was some sort of guard who would have opened the gate for us.
 “Mila watches everything, so there’s no need.  There are sensors and cameras all over the yard that let her know if anything is disturbed.” explained Iris matter-of-factly.
 I nodded, but my eyes were locked on our destination in the distance, barely visible through all of the rain.  I had considerably underestimated the size of this place.  I very much doubted that I could even afford to maintain the yard for very many years and could only guess that the property tax had to be immense.
 As my sons grew excited about the bushes, I looked over and stared for several seconds.  Every single bush along the long driveway had been carefully sculpted into characters that I recognized from video games my kids enjoyed.  I could only imagine the amount of time and number of people involved in such artwork, leading me to believe James spent even more on his yard annually than I originally had guessed.  Even the fountain—an immense, two-story affair that was very elaborately sculpted—was immaculate, showing no signs of wear or neglect.  James certainly knew how to make an impression.
 When we stepped inside, passing past two sets of double doors that opened for us, James was descending down one of the staircases which curved up to a balcony on the second floor.  “James!  Thank you for having us.  This is quite a place you’ve got here.  Sorry if we brought the storm.” I told him, gesturing to the weather outside.
 “There’s plenty to see.” he politely agreed.  “Thank you for accepting the invitation.  I thought you might be interested in seeing a little more about my company than most, since you seemed curious during the game.  Mick was supposed to stop by a while ago but apparently didn’t get the time.”
 “This place is awesome!” exclaimed Matt.
 “Sorry, James.” muttered Mick.
 “No need to apologize.  We’ll just review with your family today what I wanted to tell you before.” replied James, smiling at us.
 I suddenly found myself floating as a soft breeze blew at me from inside the mansion.  Looking to my sides, I saw that my family, save for my daughter, were also floating.
 Before I could do more than exclaim in surprise, James spoke up, telling us, “Magic is real, and your family can use it.”
 I stared at them, my mind trying to figure out how he was doing this.  Was this some elaborate prank using a new technology?  “Wh-What…” was all I managed to say before we were gently lowered to the ground.
 “You wanted to know what I was feeding my employees.  I train them physically, mentally, and in magical arts.  We didn’t use spells at the baseball game, but we have numerous advantages that are completely unfair.” explained James.  “For example, I can physically lift your family’s van, though using spells is easier to ensure I don’t compromise the frame.”
 I swore, feeling like I had been had, before my better judgement kicked in.  My family was currently at this boy’s mercy.
 James’ smile broadened as he said, “If you don’t mind coming out back, I’ll ask the wonderful gardener to demonstrate something people tend to grasp more easily.”  Not hearing any argument from us, he motioned for us to follow him and started telling us  “Mirabella and Mike can’t create the electrical discharges like the rest of you.  She has a different heritage, and Mike took after his mother.”
 “How could you possibly know that?” asked Mike in surprise.
 “My secretary ran a background check on Iris prior to her being hired, and she’s so thorough that I feel like she knows everything.  You wouldn’t believe how long she takes to brief me on things.” explained James as he glanced back at my son.  “My concern with Mick is that he and Iris tended to play games with their ability, which caught enough notice for my secretary to file it in the report.  There are some out there who prey on those with abilities such as yours, so being a little more cautious tends to be wise.”
 That sounded far too believable.  I probably should have chewed those two out more often, but I had never believed anyone would have noticed their antics.  “You claim you can lift cars, and you can obviously lift us.  What else can you do, James?” I asked, wanting a firmer handle on whom I was dealing with.
 “So many things, Dad.  James is like a wizard combined with an overly strong fighter from some fantasy novel.” insisted Iris from behind me.
 I glanced back at her, surprised at how serious she looked.
 “I’ve also learned to make a great cup of tea.  My wife can be picky.” insisted James.
 “What’s that smell..?” questioned Mike longingly.
 Now that he mentioned it, I didn’t recognize the smell either, though I was certain it was food.  My mouth was already watering.
 “We’re almost to the kitchen, and Marco’s making you quite the treat.  I’m sure he won’t mind us passing through.  Just be prepared for a few samples.” encouraged James.
 The kitchen was as large as was fitting a house this size, and even there the fanciful engravings didn’t yield.  Every cabinet was beautifully carved, as were the very large table and chairs.
 Marco, the chef, was extraordinarily eager for us to sample “a few things” before we moved onward, despite assuring us that dinner would be ready soon.  Only when James pointed out there was more for us to see before dinner did Marco give way, giving us permission to pass through his kitchen into the garden beyond.
 The rain didn’t reach us as we followed James outside, hitting some invisible barrier and sliding away.
 “I don’t suppose you worry about getting struck by lightning.” I commented as I watched the sky.
 “Worried, no, but I didn’t find that to be pleasant either.” he told me sincerely.
 I stared at him, my eyes searching for any sign that he had ever been struck, but I found nothing, save for how confident he seemed.  
 “If your magic were stronger, you’d actually be able to guide a lightning bolt around you.  Iris has practiced enough that she could knock an assailant down with just the shock.” he commented, making me glance back at my daughter.
 “You can?” questioned Mick excitedly.
 She nodded, grinned, and said, “Yep, though I could take you in a fight without one.”  
 “All trained up now, are you?” questioned Mark, my eldest son.
 Iris laughed, shaking her head.  “You wouldn’t believe the standards here.”
 “I take it that James is the strongest, being the boss.” suggested Mike.
 James shook his head and said, “Not even close.”  Then he pointed to a fortress in the distance and asked “Do you see the keep over there?”
 I nodded along with a couple of my sons.
 “The strongest best friend created that with a stray thought.” claimed James.
 “What!?  No way!” exclaimed Mike.
 Nodding, James said, “She showed up in my office to tell me that she ‘oopsed’ a second after.  She’s been training recently to avoid that type of mistake.  I imagine she’ll be capable of creating a large city in a day on a whim within a few years.  I’d probably spend at least a week on a small town, and that’s if I collected the resources ahead of time.”
 I found the idea mind-boggling.  James seemed humble as he claimed that he could create a small town in a week.
 “You’d take at least a month, man-sla-... er… boss?” announced Emma, turning the statement into a question at the end.  “You get too distracted.  I could handle a village in an hour!”  She was soaked, but grinning.
 Before my eyes, the water soaking her clothes drifted away to join the rain outside.
 “Emma, I’m sure you remember Iris’ father, Grayson.  This is her mother, Mirabella.  From oldest to youngest, her brothers are Mark, Mick, Mike, and Matt.  Everyone, this is my gardener, Emma.”
 “Shouldn’t I be your favorite gardener?” she asked teasingly.
 “Sure.” he conceded.
 “Hear that?  I’m his favorite!” she exclaimed proudly.
 “Do you create villages with a stray thought?” questioned Mike.
 “Nah.  I do this.” she replied, watching us all.  After a couple seconds, wooden buildings rose out of the ground between the garden and the keep.
 “Mine would have functional electricity, plumbing, and the other luxuries people expect these days.” argued James with a smile.
 She stuck her tongue out at him.  Then she said, “My plumbing would work if I created a water tower.  Plants can be very good at guiding water.  As for electricity, I’ve been talking with Jarod about ways to generate a current with plants.  We have plans and stuff!”
 “You mean he had a crazy idea and chatted your ear off.” suggested James.
 “I thought the idea was cool and agreed to try eventually!” she insisted.
 “The idea was actually Maxine’s.  She has some experience with bioengineering from when she considered creating a cyborg army.” corrected Mila, who had discretely joined us without me noticing.
 “You can create cyborgs!?’ questioned Matt excitedly.
 “There has been some tech created here which could be used toward that end, but we’re not experimenting on people.” explained James.
 “I didn’t know you were in the tech industry.” commented my wife.
 James smiled at her and diplomatically told her “My company dabbles in many things to help prepare our best friends for a very large variety of jobs.”
 Grinning, Emma said, “He means to say ‘Yes.  Yes, we are.’  Mua ha ha ha ha!”  She drummed her fingers together while obviously attempting to look like some comic book villain.
James sighed and said, “Emma, mind getting rid of your starter village and showing the Storms how you help the kitchen?”
 “Fiiiine,” she begrudgingly told him, “but I might use some buildings to compliment the topiary when I change things up again.”
 “Sounds fun.” he agreed.
 From there, she started demonstrating how she could make the plants grow, revert to seeds, or provide as much food as she wanted.  She could also force plants to grow beyond their normal proportions and control them as easily as she controlled her own limbs, which led her into demonstrating how she had produced the bats her team had used for our baseball game.  Before she seemed remotely ready to quit demonstrating her abilities, Mila announced that food was ready.
 Instead of eating at the long table in the kitchen, we were taken to a large dining hall with an even more elaborate table.  There were already carts of food waiting nearby, and Mila urged us to help ourselves, since no one here would hesitate when they arrived.
 As we ate, we were entertained with more demonstrations of magic from those who had joined us.  James’ wife, Alma, created elaborate displays of fire and ice.  Ai and Mai created a sort of play with tiny figures made of water acting out their parts just above the table.  Jemal fetched more food for the particularly hungry using nothing but his magic, causing whatever was requested to float through the air.  James himself demonstrated illusions, making us see whatever he wanted while assuring us the magic the others had used was real.  Whether because I had felt myself being lifted earlier or because he had no reason to lie, I believed him.  Iris’ boss was the most interesting, and perhaps the most dangerous, man I had ever met.
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visenyavires · 3 years
Bleed Not For Death, But For Love
Chapter 4: Dangerous Game
Warnings: Kidnapping, suffocation, entrapment, blood, nudity, mild sexual content
I am startled awake to the sound of mischievous giggling that I recognize as the daughters, and once again, it’s growing closer. I try to think quickly, knowing that they probably expect me to be asleep so I sit up and put my hands in my lap as if I’m expecting them. The giggles grow ominously louder and suddenly the double doors to my chambers fly open and three swarms of flies create a massive shadow in my room. 
The first daughter that materializes is angry, her black hair flying around her face like dark rays of light. She has blood splattered across her tar-colored mouth and cheeks, and her eyes are manic… almost sadistic. 
“I knew it,” she snarls, her eyes fixed on the marks on my neck. “She let Mother play with her.” Another daughter with red hair forms close to me and gets near enough to take a deep inhale of the dried wound her mother had made only hours before. 
“Mmmmm, I want to play with her too,” she coos playfully as the third daughter with blonde hair finally emerges from her insect swarm. 
“Enough, Daniela. There will be plenty of that later,” the blonde says calmly, but wickedly at the same time. Daniela backs away from my neck and giggles maniacally as she retreats to her blonde sister, who I take as the eldest. 
“Bela, she was supposed to be asleep,” the black-haired daughter seethes at the eldest sister through gritted teeth.
“We improvise then, Cassandra,” Bela snaps in her direction. “Get creative.”
Before I know it, Cassandra is holding me by my throat and laughing maniacally. She begins to squeeze and it doesn’t take long before I begin to lose consciousness. Before I slip away, I hear Bela command, “Take her to the dungeon, we need her screams to be as far from Mother’s chambers as possible.”
I wake up on a cold, wet, stone cell floor with the daughters waiting for me, talking quietly amongst themselves. It’s dark except for a few wall torches giving minimal light and it reeks of blood and mildew. I sit and lean up against a side wall and my head begins to pound violently while blood drips down my face from my hairline. Daniela takes a huge sniff of the air, grins widely with a happy moan, and turns toward me.
“She’s awake, sisters! Dinner is served,” she hisses. Cassandra removes her sickle and walks slowly towards me.
“I’ve been waiting for this since you first stepped on the castle grounds,” Cassandra grins sadistically. Bela stays silent but has a mischievous glint in her eye. Something isn’t right. As Cassandra inches closer, I scoot backward towards the back of the cell. I’m shrouded in more darkness the further I scoot back as the torchlight slides off my face. She opens the cell door and her sickle gleams in the torchlight menacingly. My throat goes dry and I know they are reveling in the fear they see in my eyes by Cassandra’s increasingly sadistic smile. At this point, I’m fearing for my life when Cassandra moves quickly toward me, the tip of her sickle pressing into one of the marks her mother had made on my neck. She looks at my neck, tilts her head to the side, and grins wickedly as she meets my fearful gaze.
“Please,” I whisper. “I haven’t done anything wrong,” I plead, my voice shallow and quiet. Daniela flies towards me and before I know it, she’s cuffing my wrists with chains that are attached to the vaulted ceiling of the cell. Bela walks to a lever as if on cue and the chains are pulled into the ceiling, forcing me to stand, then eventually, my feet are no longer on the floor. Daniela then cuffs my ankles tightly and the pull on my arms makes my shoulders burn. My heart is racing and not in the way it was only hours ago. This time, I’m frightened. Cassandra now has full access to my body and she cackles.
“Mother needs to share her food with her children,” Cassandra purrs in a very similar mannerism to her mother. She grins and stares at the place on my head where blood is slowly dripping from, then meets my gaze again. 
“Should we crack your skull open some more or should I slit your throat and bathe in your virgin blood?” she asks with a cackle and presses her sickle further into the side of my neck, breaking the skin. The daughters giggle collectively and are all surrounding me now, hunger filling their eyes. 
Like a deep church bell, an angry scream rings through the dungeon, and before the daughters could even turn around, Lady Dimitrescu storms into the stone halls, claws out. 
“DAUGHTERS!!!” she bellows as she enters my line of sight. Her laugh lines have disappeared into a snarl of rage, her eyes irate and full of fury. The three girls turn around, absolutely terrified, and stand up straight to face their mother. Daniela is the first one to break.
“We are so sorry, Mother, it was just a prank,” she says with a trembling voice.
“Yes, Mother, we didn’t mean to hurt her, we only wanted to scare her,” Bela explains with fearful eyes.
“Speak for yourselves,” Cassandra mumbles in a whisper I assume only I could hear since Alcina doesn’t react to it. The pure rage in her eyes is enough to make your heart stop and her impressive height only makes her that much more intimidating.
“You are playing a very dangerous game, daughters,” she warns loudly with ravenous anger filling her golden eyes. This prompts Bela to lower the chains and Daniela removes the cuffs from my ankles, then my wrists as soon as my feet reconnect with the stone floor. I collapse to the ground on my hands and knees looking at the wet ground, dizzy from all the recent blood loss, my head pounding, back burning, and blood from my head filling my eyes. I hear her claws retract and her voice booms through the stone halls.
“I want all three of you OUT of my sight!” she yells angrily, her long, heavy steps growing closer to me. 
“Yes, mother,” they say in frightened unison and I hear their fly forms appear and fade away just as quickly as they came. 
My breath is ragged and I’m trembling with weakness, fear, and disdain. Suddenly, I see white satin draped over a crouched form in front of me and I feel a large, gloved hand slide gently from my cheek under my chin, softly raising my face to meet her gaze. Her porcelain expression is full of concern as she sees the wound on my head and the fresh cut on my neck dealt by Cassandra’s sickle. Tears fill my eyes as relief joins the Pandora’s box of emotions I’m already feeling and I struggle to cry silently. As if she can feel everything I am, her expression softens and she takes a handkerchief to gently clean the fresh blood and tears off my face. I feel safe, protected, even slightly adored by this woman who I have miraculously taken to so quickly.
Alcina sighs with disappointment and I know it’s at her daughters. She carefully sweeps me up into her strong arms and lays my head against her soft, plentiful chest. As she carries me out of the cold, dank dungeon, sunlight peeks through the windows and the scent of her ambrosia perfume makes me feel at peace and my pain fades a bit. Her chest bounces slightly with each step and it’s helping me keep my eyes open. I know if I close my eyes, I won’t wake up for a while.
I look up at the goddess incarnate carrying me down her castle hallways, her sharp jawline showing miles of confidence. Her scarlet lips form a serious frown and her eyes look straight ahead. She adamantly walks past my chambers and I’m grateful. I do not wish to see that room for a while. Tears continue to fall from my eyes onto Alcina’s chest and she looks down at me, her expression softening again.
“Don’t cry, pet. The worst is over now,” she says reassuringly. I believe her, but only for now. 
The rest of the castle flies by with her long strides and before I know it, she’s ducking beneath her chamber doors, taking me back to her bed. She lays me down on top of her large, soft comforter and walks into her master bathroom. I let out a huge sigh of relief to be in the safest room in the castle instead of being in the situation I was in only ten minutes prior. After a few minutes, Alcina returns from her bathroom wearing only her blood-red robe and holding fresh towels and a brush. 
“Can you stand?” she asked gently, setting the towels and brush beside me on the bed. I shake my head with disappointment, the vertigo is just too strong and I’m too frail to hold myself up. She nods understandingly and helps me sit up. I’m able to hold myself up in this position and I turn so my legs hang off the edge of her bed. She walks around to the other side of her bed and crawls up behind me. She runs her large but delicate hands up my arms until she’s holding my shoulders. She continues to move closer, her legs bent with her calves beneath her and her thighs straddling my hips from behind. She ran her long fingers through my hair before grabbing the brush and using the slow strokes she loves so much to get the tangles out. When my hair is soft and smooth, she plays with the back of my dress that I've been wearing since the night before.
“Do you mind, pet?” she asks with a sultry tone. I involuntarily shudder at her touch and I nod my consent. She slowly opens every clasp and undoes every button so that my whole back is exposed, then she returns her hands to my shoulders and slides the fabric down my arms so that my whole torso is bare. I begin to cross my arms to cover my breasts but porcelain hands gently grab my wrists.
“Ah, ah,” she says as she lowers my arms from behind. “There’s no need for that,” she purrs. 
“Yes, My Lady,” I say, my frozen cheeks filling with heat. 
“Alcina, draga mea,” she insists. I nod my understanding and I feel her left hand run back up my arm and the other sink to my bare waist. Chills of desire follow close behind her touch and I can feel her smiling behind me. She pushes all my hair to one side of my neck so the right side is exposed. She leans in close to my neck where Cassandra made her mark and kisses it tenderly. Her lips are warm and I want to stay like this forever: in her arms with her lips on my neck. When her lips depart from my skin, she whispers in my ear, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Alcina slides off the bed in front of me and takes in my bare chest with a warm smile on her face, but the grin fades when she notices the bruises all over me, probably from when I was unconscious while her daughters moved me to the dungeon. She shakes her head, clearly upset, and helps me stand, which causes my dress to fall to the floor, my panties being the only item of clothing left on my body. I stand before her, as vulnerable as I’ve ever been, and I bow my head in frail embarrassment. She lifts my head with her index finger and a smile of silent apology and reassurance. 
“You are beautiful, Y/N,” Alcina says softly, in a tone I never knew she could reach. She’s commanding, a leader, and sometimes harsh. She was yelling at her daughters only minutes ago- something I never want to see again, and now she’s speaking to me in the most comforting tone I’ve ever heard. I’m amazed, infatuated, and obsessed. I’m not afraid to admit it to myself, or anyone else for that matter, only her. 
Alcina scoops me up in her arms again, carries me to the bathroom, and gently stands me in the massive claw foot tub that’s full of perfectly warm water. She squats down low enough to run her long, scarlet nails along the edge of my panties and looks up at me yet again, her eyes asking for consent. I nod so she pulls them down and I rest my hand on her shoulder to help keep my balance while I step out of them carefully. I feel immensely vulnerable but too weak to care. Isn’t this what I want? Why am I feeling borderline shame??? I shake my head at myself internally and meet Alcina’s golden gaze below.
“Thank you,” I say softly and with a bashful smile. She returns the smile as her way of saying ‘you’re welcome’ and helps me sit slowly in the middle of the tub. I start to scoot back to relax, but she places a hand on my shoulder to stop me. She then stands up to her full height and unties her robe. I feel my face flushing with heat as the red silk falls to the floor and I can’t (and won’t) help the look of awe I know is plastered on my face. Her large porcelain breasts caught my eye and I almost started staring and something told me she wanted me to. I bite my bottom lip partially out of desire and partially to keep my jaw from hitting the floor in amazement. 
My mind is stuck on being professional, but given our current setting, I’d say we have quickly moved past that point. Smiling, Alcina then steps into the tub behind me and uses the edges to help her sit gracefully. Her long legs straddle me from behind and she then grabs my hips, pulling me back towards her. As small as I am, I’m sure I seem like a doll to her. She gently and carefully washes me with a soft rag covered in ambrosia soap that matches her perfume. After I’m clean, she runs her taloned fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp, carefully avoiding the wound just behind my hairline. I bravely allow myself to lean back and relax into her stomach and she caresses my face from behind. Her gentle touch works its way down to my neck, her nails playing with my skin. I want her to keep going, so I arch my back and lean into her touch. Her muscles shift in reaction and she leans forward into my ear.
“Oh, how I desire to, pet, but I do so love the taste of your virgin blood. I’m not quite willing to part with it just yet,” she purrs softly. She plants a kiss on my warm cheek, then turns my head with her finger again and her ruby red lips meet mine. I begin to feel warmth between my legs as she holds my face gently with one hand and slides her other hand to the front of my stomach, pulling me close. But just like that, her lips depart from mine and she stands to get out of the tub, leaving me only with a smile and scarlet-stained lips. She dries off with her back turned to me and slides her robe on over her snow-white skin and turns back to me. 
“Take the day to rest and if you need anything, I’ll see to it that the maids know to come to your aide. I’ll have Francesca take you to your new chambers. I think you’ll prefer the location,” she says with a wink and she turns to leave but stops in the door frame and turns her head so she speaks to me from her side profile. 
“See you at dusk, Draga Mea,” she says in a deep, sultry voice that makes me crave to hear more. She closes the doors behind her and my body aches with desire. It’s thrilling how she loves playing with me and it only makes me want her more. I stay in the tub long after she’s gone, still shocked by the events that had transpired. Alcina… a temptress, countess, seductress, mistress. Her confidence, her regality, her beauty, her stern but gentle hand. Her porcelain skin, her scarlet lips, her height that can make anyone submit, her wickedly seductive grin... I am simply amazed by her and all that she is. But a thought hits me hard enough to snap me out of my trance… I am mortal. 
I am her prey.
 It took me a moment, but now I realize that the true dangerous game here... is falling in love with Alcina Dimitrescu, and I’m right in the middle of it.
To be continued…
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Next: Chapter 5: Just a Taste
Previous: Chapter 3: Devotion, You Shall Have
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Have I Known You 20 Seconds or 20 Years? – Nikolai Lantsov Series
Chapter 1: Devils Roll the Dice, Angels Roll their Eyes
A very short summary: Y/N has been working with the crows for a few years. Her life feels complete until she meets the insufferable Nikolai Lantsov. She finds herself forced to work with the King of Ravka on one of Kaz Brekker's crazy schemes.
Nikolai Lantsov. King of Ravka. He was privateer extraordinaire Sturmhond?
Word count: 2k
A/N:  So I wrote my first fic! Hopefully at least one person likes it! I just posted the first chapter today. The second one should follow somewhat soon ☺️I’m currently writing the third chapter!
Chapter 1: Devils Roll the Dice, Angels Roll their Eyes
Nikolai Lantsov. King of Ravka. He was privateer extraordinaire Sturmhond?
Y/N couldn’t quite believe it. She had been a fan of him for years. Asking for the latest news on the voyages of the Volkvolny and its captain every chance she got. They were legendary. When Kaz had told her a few days prior that Sturmhond was going to be with them for a job she had barely been able to contain her excitement. Now, she was mortified. How could she work with a king?
Had she not been standing next to Kaz during the meeting she’d never have believed it.
“How long have you known, Kaz? I mean, I know you’ve worked with him before but…” her voice trailed off in a question.
“I figured it out when we first met.” His mind traveled back to that day. Meeting the privateer by the Geldrenner hotel’s baths, just a few years ago. They had been trying to save Kuwei Yul-Bo, a Shu inferni who’d had the misfortune of being the son of the fabrikator who created Jurda Parem, making him the most valuable hostage in the world. They had auctioned him off, faked his death, and gotten revenge on Jan Van Eck all at the same time. “The king of Ravka wouldn’t just let anyone represent his country in important matters. The fact that he always travels with at least one member of the Triumvirate doesn’t help him keep his identity secret either.” He scoffed. “He really should stop doing that.” Kaz sounded almost… annoyed?
“I take it you’ve given him that particular piece of advice and he didn’t listen?” She smirked. “Though, you know, I’m glad Zoya Nazyalenski tagged along. She is even more gorgeous than I thought.”
“He never listens. Almost as stubborn as you.” He huffed. The glare he gave her would’ve been enough to scare most people, however, she was not most people. She considered Kaz family, and she knew that Kaz did too, in his own way. They had both lost siblings to the city after all. She had joined his crew a few months after they had lost Matthias and Nina had gone back to Ravka. He had needed a new corporalnik and she had made fast friends with Inej, Jesper, and Wylan. As much as Kaz had tried to keep the young tailor at arm’s length, she had found a way to worm herself into his cold guarded heart. His look softened before he continued. “You should steer clear of her. She’s just as icy as she appears. Wouldn’t want you to get your heart broken before the job.” That was his way of showing he cared.
“Don’t worry, Kaz, I’m not looking to marry her. Maybe she’d be open to a bit of fun?” She laughed, throwing her long auburn hair over her shoulder, and made her way back to Jesper and Wylan down the corridor.
A few days had passed since they’d met with Sturmhond. He and Zoya had temporarily moved into the slat. Kaz had been cooped up in his office, wearing his scheming face most of that time. Everyone could tell Kaz’s plan was going to involve multiple steps and deceptions.
Since they hadn’t been working any other jobs, the crows had been left to their own devices for the first time in months. Kaz occasionally called on them for their expertise, but they had a lot more downtime than they were used to. They had taken advantage of it to get to know their new teammates. Y/N had mostly struck out with Zoya, though she had managed to make her laugh a few times, to everyone’s surprise. Maybe with more time, she’d have a small chance with Zoya? The young grisha had also tried to wrap her head around the identity of her favourite privateer. She now found herself sitting in Kaz’s office, Jesper and Wylan on her right and Sturmhond and Zoya on her left. Kaz looked all business, so serious she feared he’d give himself an aneurysm.
“I need you to tailor him. Once you’re done, you’ll tailor yourself.” Kaz nodded in Sturmhond’s direction sitting behind his cluttered desk, hands resting on his crow’s head cane.
Y/N looked up at Inej who had been sitting at Kaz’s window. “May I ask why? Hasn’t he already been tailored?” She gestured to the privateer before returning her hand to her lap. “He doesn’t look like the king of Ravka.”
Kaz rolled his eyes. “Why must you always question me?” He sighed. “Yes, he has been tailored, nonetheless, he is too easily recognizable as Sturmhond. I need you both to look like rich Kaelish merchants. It shouldn’t be too hard for you?”
“Of course not. You know there’s nothing I can’t do, Brekker.” She replied in Kaelish. She softened her tone before continuing in Kerch. “I’m simply asking you to share your brilliant scheme with us mere mortals” Her voice was laced with sarcasm. Inej stifled a laugh. It looked like the Suli girl couldn’t help but smile at the other’s antics.
Kaz groaned. “Fine, I’ll share my plan for the job. It’d be easier if you just listened. I’ll explain it once so pay attention – Jesper!” Poor Jesper jumped on his chair. He’d been staring at Sturmhond since they’d all entered the office. Y/N couldn’t blame him. The privateer did have an inexplicable charm despite his tailored features.
“Yes, Boss!” Jesper straightened in his chair and sent an apologetic look to Wylan.
“Alright, to pull this one off we’ll need blueprints that can only be found in Gert Van Verent’s safe. He keeps his office under lock and key – ”
“Wait, you want us to break into a councilman’s house, again? Why can’t you do it Kaz? You’re the best at picking locks.”
“Well, if you hadn’t interrupted me” he was glaring daggers at her now, his eyes the hue of bitter coffee “you’d know that two guards are posted outside his office, at all times” he’d emphasized the last part and raised a hand to stop Y/N from interrupting him again “and his windows are protected behind steel bars.” Y/N nodded once slowly indicating she was willing to listen with no more interruptions.
“Van Verent is throwing a party in the hopes of finding his eldest daughter a husband. Being a devout Kerch merchant, he is also using the occasion to find new business ventures. The party is our window of opportunity. That-” he gestured to her and Sturmhond “is where you two come in. Ainsley and Eoin Ó Ceallaigh, newlyweds from the Wandering Isle, looking to extend your exporting business to Kerch. I already secured your invitation” Y/N felt her jaw drop. No sound came out. All she could do was stare at Kaz. He had finally lost it. He wanted her and the king of Ravka to assume false identities and pretend to be married? Dirtyhands had gone mad.
Wylan was the one who voiced her concern. “Kaz? I know Y/N’s a talented tailor and well she is Kaelish so that part’s covered but, well, um, no disrespect Sturm-, Sir? Your Highness? But, um, do you speak Kaelish?”
The king smiled. He looked amused at Wylan’s confusion. He replied in perfect unaccented Kaelish “Call me Nikolai, it will make for less confusing conversation. Of course, I speak Kaelish, I have been educated in 6 languages. I also had a fondness for Kaelish poetry in my youth.”
Everyone seemed to relax at that. However, Y/N could tell she was going to need Jesper’s help to undo the knots in her shoulders later that night. “Kaz? I don’t think I’m that great of an actress… You also haven’t told us how we’re supposed to get the plans if we do get in.”
“Don’t worry darling, I’m sure we’ll manage. I’m talented enough for the both of us” Nikolai winked at her. Nikolai, who just so happened to be the privateer she had admired for years. She felt her cheeks flush. Saints, she thought, this is going to be a nightmare.
“Jesper and Wylan have also been invited to the party thanks to Wylan’s new position on the merchant’s council.” She had never been more grateful to Kaz for overlooking the interruptions. “They’ll cause a distraction, with Nazyalenski’s help, to let you and Nikolai slip past the guards and break into Van Verent’s office.” He stopped and looked at Y/N. “I know you can pick the lock and crack the safe. I trained you myself after all.”
The discussions and planning continued well into the night. Y/N wasn’t convinced it was such a good plan, but everyone else seemed on board so she kept her mouth shut. All she could do now was make sure to memorize all she could before the job. The party was two days away, which didn’t give them much time to learn all they could about their characters. Kaz had instructed Nikolai and Y/N to spend every waking moment working together to make sure they made a believable couple.
Twelve hours in, Y/N was cursing herself for saying she wasn’t a great actress. If she’d only pretended to be confident in her acting abilities, she might have been allowed to take a break from the insufferable king. Well, insufferable might have been a little dramatic but the man loved himself way too much. They had memorized their stories in the first 8 hours and were now being quizzed by Wylan and Jesper while she started tailoring them both, yet the King would not stop flirting with her. He also made sure to touch her every chance he got. A brush of his fingers on her cheek, of his knuckles on hers, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger. She knew it was just harmless fun for him. It was driving her completely mad. She just wanted him to take the job seriously.
“How did he propose?” Wylan asked for the third time in the past two hours.
Y/N sighed and moved her fingers through Nikolai’s hair to darken it. “It was incredibly romantic. He had planned a picnic by the lake where we met.” Her cheeks were already starting to hurt from the plastered smile on her face.
“I had all of her favourite foods, of course” Nikolai interjected, moving to softly caress the girl’s cheek.
Y/N had to restrain herself from slapping his hand away. “Yes, even strawberries, in winter! Can you believe it? Once the sun began to set, he dropped to one knee and pulled the ring from the picnic basket with a bouquet of winter roses. I’m so lucky to have fallen in love with such an attentive and caring man.” She turned to Kaz who had been observing them, leaning against the doorframe, and dropped the smile from her lips. “Was that satisfactory, Boss?”
Kaz shrugged. “It’d be better if you didn’t look like you wanted to stab him every time he touches you.”
Y/N released a breath. “Maybe if you’d let me take a break...” her tone was pleading.
Kaz smiled at that. He was finally wearing her down. Giving her a taste of what she’d put him through the last two years felt like sweet justice to him. He liked the girl well enough, but she had a way of getting on his nerves. He took no pity on her. “You’ll keep going until I actually believe you are in love with him.” He left the room with a pointed look at her.
Zoya released an amused laugh. “I’m just glad Nikolai found someone else to bother for a change.” She smiled smugly at Y/N. “Don’t worry, he’s mostly harmless. Just come find me if he gets too handsy, I’ll put him in his place for you.”
Y/N couldn’t believe it. Zoya had definitely sent her a wink before following behind Kaz. Maybe all her flirting had paid off?
“Sweetheart, I’m hurt, you are taking more interest in my general than in your own handsome husband.” Nikolai’s tone was toeing the line between mock hurt and amused.
She turned back to the three men in front of her. “Jesper, please, just shoot me.”
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Terribly Confounding
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader Rating: T Notes: Based off of this ask that I got and went way overboard with. Point of view switches between Sherlock and the Reader. Also gigglemug is Victorian slang for someone that smiles all the time. Length: 6.2K Warnings: Angst; fluff; Sherlock Being Sherlock™ Summary: One of the articles that you’d read had claimed that Sherlock could size up a person in a minute. You couldn’t help but wonder what on earth he’d managed to ascertain about you. 
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It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Mycroft used to try to introduce him to eligible women all the time, but had stopped being so forthright when Sherlock had done nothing but openly disapprove of both the idea of being married and the women that Mycroft introduced him to. After a dozen or so attempts, Mycroft took more care to couch his suggestions, and was more selective with the women that he brought forward as potential matches.
Terribly confounding. A swath of robberies had taken place among some of London’s wealthiest businessmen. Servants had been fired, brought up on charges, but not a single piece of missing goods had been recovered. While Sherlock had been approached by a number of them to reclaim necklaces, rings, silverware, he had yet to respond to a single inquiry. Accepting one would bring on a deluge of irritation from those that had reached out to him and hadn’t received a response; refusing any and all would bring on an offer of raised rates, as well as an equally unwelcome letter from Mycroft asking for a favor toward a someone that he was trying to curry favor with. One particularly large robbery had been perpetrated only the night before, at the home of Mr. Enoch Mulvohill. It had been written up in the papers; the police had taken a report. Sherlock had met the man once, had found him pretentious and proud, if not a fair bit underhanded. He hadn’t liked Sherlock, either. But the man had not fired a single servant as a result of this theft; he hadn’t raised the alarm. It was for this reason that Lestrade had called Sherlock in. An entire set of silverware, an antique clock, a purple garnet brooch, a ruby and diamond necklace, and a seed pearl and diamond ring were all that had gone missing. Not a single charge laid, not a single alarm raised. There was something terribly confounding about Enoch Mulvohill. “Sherlock, are you listening to me?” Mycroft glared at his brother. Sherlock glanced away from the article he’d been scanning about the incident, considering what Lestrade had told him about it all that very morning. “Just,” He nodded. Mycroft sighed. “I know how you loathe the prospect of marriage--” Sherlock was careful not to roll his eyes. Ah. Mycroft was back on that tack. “But this particular situation is one of great advantage. The girl is the only daughter of a very rich gentleman,” As if such matters were of any interest at all to Sherlock, “And I have been told that Ms. Mulvohill is not … Unintelligent.” Sherlock stilled, lifting his eyes from his paper again. “... I’ll meet her,” He said after a moment. “You will?” “Yes.” “Why?” Sherlock folded the paper, turning to look at Mycroft fully and finding his glare replaced with a look of great confusion. “I’ve heard of Ms. Mulvohill’s wit,” He fibbed, “I should be interested to see if there is any truth in it.” That was fabricated entirely; he had no idea Mulvohill even had a daughter. Mycroft hesitated before giving a single nod. “I’ll make the arrangements.” -- “He’s supposed to be very handsome.” You tried to muster a smile. Luella, your maid, was much more excited at the prospect of your suitor than you were. It seemed awfully old-fashioned, a man coming over to meet you this way. All of you friends had met their suitors and husbands at balls or dinner parties. But your mother had been very particular about the men that had come to call on you, and had deemed none of them suitable (which was quite alright with you as you’d been none too fond of any of them). However, when your eldest brother Thaddeus had told you that his old school chum, Mycroft Holmes, would be coming by for a visit, you hadn’t the faintest idea that it would lead to Mycroft bringing by his younger brother for you to meet - and potentially marry. You’d heard a lot about Sherlock Holmes, had read his name in the papers (which your other brother, Phineas, often snuck you - your mother didn’t like you reading the paper; she was worried that it would put ‘dangerous thoughts’ in your head and ‘expose you to the evils of the world’); you knew that he was a detective. And maybe Luella was right, maybe he was attractive. The sketches that were done in the paper were not...Unflattering. 
“There now,” Luella sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror, “I’d say you’re quite ready for the day.” She gave you a bright smile, and you did your best to return it.
He was staring at you. A lot. Was that good? Or rather… Well, was that focus that he was fixing you with or was he simply frowning? It was quite difficult to discern what exactly was going on in Sherlock Holmes’ head when he was saying so little; Mycroft had done most of the speaking that afternoon. You didn’t particularly like Mycroft. You’d met him exactly twice, and both times, he’d been incredibly rude. He’d seemed to manage to do it without realizing it, though. Sherlock was still staring. You glanced at him before averting your eyes. One of the articles that you’d read had claimed that Sherlock could size up a person in a minute. You couldn’t help but wonder what on earth he’d managed to ascertain about you; you’d hardly said more than five words since you’d entered the room. -- You seemed a church mouse to him. You’d entered the room, curtsied, murmured a greeting, and then sat down beside your brother Thaddeus. That hardly concerned Sherlock, frankly. What he was more interested in was the discussion that Thaddeus and Mycroft were having about Enoch’s stolen items. He was careful to set his eyes on you, however. Your hands were folded in your lap, and your eyes set on them, though you’d glanced at him twice now; your dress was pristine, as were your shoes. Clearly you’d yet to leave the house that day, though Sherlock had a hunch that you wouldn’t be undertaking such a trip at all. It was already quite late in the afternoon. You’d have to dress for dinner soon, surely. “A damn shame-- Oh! Quite sorry, Miss Mulvohill,” Mycroft hurried to correct himself, turning to you. Sherlock watched as you glanced at his brother and gave him a small nod before Mycroft turned back to Thaddeus. Mycroft didn’t catch the way you rolled your eyes, but Sherlock did. His lips quirked into a small smile. A smile that you didn’t see. “Well?” Mycroft asked as he and Sherlock strode away from the Mulvohill home. ‘Well’, as if Sherlock could really have any opinion on you, as if he could be flushed with love for a woman that hardly spoken. Instead he declared, “I like her.” Mycroft had his suspicions, of course. He pressed Sherlock for his reasons, what he saw in you, and Sherlock was able to draw his answers from what he did see: your respectfulness, your quiet grace, your clean appearance, which showed a certain pride in yourself. “She hardly said a word. You said you were curious about her wit,” Mycroft reminded him. “Oh, she showed her wit, in a way,” Sherlock thought back to the roll of your eyes. Mycroft hesitated before shaking his head, “I will never presume to understand the workings of your mind or heart, brother. I will reach out to her father--” “Better yet, let me,” Sherlock interrupted Mycroft, “If I’m to marry this woman, I ought to go to her father myself.” “Very well.” But Sherlock would reach out to Lestrade, first. The game was afoot. 
It wasn’t the proposal of your dreams. For one thing, your mother had already told you that your father had consented and given the marriage his blessing, and that your father’s consent and blessing meant that the deal was as good as done. The deal. Not that your happiness was in hand, but that the deal was as good as done. Sherlock Holmes had come in, handed you a box with an engagement ring, and given you a firm nod before bidding you a good day. Your new fiancé hadn’t even stayed to see if the ring fit. You sat at your vanity, eyeing the gleaming solitaire diamond on the gold band. You weren’t naïve; you’d always assumed that your marriage would come with some feelings of trepidation. But you’d hoped that you would at least know the man a little better. You’d hardly even spoken to him- and he'd had the chance to stay and speak with you, to propose properly, but he had chosen not to. You just couldn’t imagine what it was that your father and mother had seen in Sherlock that they hadn’t seen in your previous suitors. He’d certainly spent less time with you than the others; you doubted he had made a good impression on Thaddeus, who had likely been consulted on the matter. Of course they’d go out of the way to consult your brother and not you, who would ultimately have to marry Sherlock.
You sighed, shutting the ring box. You hadn’t tried the ring on yet; you hadn’t even taken it out of the box. All of your friends had perfectly darling stories about how they'd been proposed to. How could you bear to tell them about your own? 
Yes, he handed me the box, nodded, and left. It was quite sweet. 
If this was any indication of how your future marriage was going to be, you were almost entirely certain that your life would be dull, and very, very quiet. For the first time since your somewhat untraditional engagement, Sherlock had come to visit you. You’d written to him once to try and get to know him better; he hadn’t answered that letter. You’d asked him a couple of questions since he’d arrived, and he’d answered with simple, one-word answers. He had asked you a few questions, but they’d all been about your father. You’d spent the last week convincing yourself that perhaps this wouldn’t be all that bad, that Mr. Holmes may just be shy, and may need some time to warm up to you. Surely there was something that he had seen and liked about you if he’d chosen to propose. Your father’s wealth aside, he couldn’t find you wholly repugnant if he was choosing to spend the rest of his life with you. But now, well. Now you were just running out of patience. “-- Are you listening, dear?” You turned your head sharply to look at Sherlock at the use of that pet name. Who on earth did he think he was, calling you that after how he’d dared to act? “I thought that might catch your attention,” He hummed, turning back to the small bookshelf by your usual chair in the sitting room. You felt your stomach twist into knots at his condescension. “I asked you what you thought of your father,” He added, plucking one of your books up. Your irritation flared. It was your favorite-- and why was he touching your things? You stood, crossing the room. “My father is an unfeeling and self-involved man,” You answered. Sherlock turned to look at you, brows rising. “You have no love for him,” He observed. “Well, it’s difficult to have any love or respect for a man that would marry me off to the likes of you,” You took the book from Sherlock’s hands, snapping it shut and tucking it back into its place. You looked up to find Sherlock’s eyes travelling your face, a single brow raised. “... You’re not wearing your ring,” He pointed out. He was right, you weren’t. You’d hardly looked at the damn thing since he gave it to you. “Oh, is that what was in that thing you handed me?” You feigned ignorance, folding your arms across your chest, “I meant to look, but it slipped my mind.” 
Sherlock’s expression darkened just a touch. “Well, perhaps you’ll find time somewhere in your busy schedule of nattering and needlepoint to give it a look sometime soon.” Your eyes widened for just a moment, and your face grew hot at the smug curl of Sherlock’s lip. “Of course,” You answered coolly, “I’ll happily give it a glance once you’ve gone.” “Am I to be leaving?” “I think that may be for the best, Mr. Holmes.” “But we’re just getting acquainted.” “It’s a wonder you’ve gone out of your way to propose to me when I’m certain you could have ascertained the information you wanted about my father from his doctor, his barber, and any number of gentlemen at his club, of which your brother is a member.”
“What makes you think I’m particularly interested in your father? Perhaps I was merely trying to better understand the family that raised my future wife.” “Well, then, what questions have you about my mother?” You allowed Sherlock only a half-second before tacking on, “Of course, you’ll have some about Thaddeus and Phineas as well.” “Of course.” “Go on, then.” “Where was your mother the night of the 17th?” The 17th? The night of the robbery? 
“Interesting that you’ve questioned her location and not her character.” “Interesting that you’ve deflected rather than answer me.” “She and I were both at the McKerras’ ball.” “And your brothers?” “They were there as well.” “Why not mention that along with yourself and your mother?” “Because you didn’t ask about them.” “And your father?” “Perhaps you’d best ask your brother that. He knows very well where my father was. Now, if you have no more questions, then I’ll bid you a good day, darling,” You drew the endearment out before you turned on your heel and stormed out of the room. --
Sherlock watched you go, brow raised. You were quite… Sharp. Quick. Irritatingly so. His first impressions were rarely wrong, but he had been quite misinformed in your case. A church mouse, he’d thought. No indeed -- a lioness may’ve been more suited to your spirit. Lioness or not, you were infuriating, and prideful. Had you really not looked at the ring? The shop assistant had reassured him that you’d like it. No matter. This engagement was a sham - the sooner he pried answers about Enoch Mulvohill out of you, the better. And Mycroft, what did he know about Mulvohill’s whereabouts the evening of the robbery? 
-- “Well he’s quite the gigglemug, isn’t he?” You hid your smile at your best friend’s scathing question behind your fan. Alice Teague was your dearest confidant. She’d been married the year before (to a man who she had the fortune of actually loving and knowing beforehand - some people had all the luck). Your family had arranged a small dinner to announce your engagement to your closest family and friends. Your family was in attendance, as well as Alice and her husband; Sherlock, Mycroft, and his younger sister, Enola, were all there as well. You’d only gotten to speak to Enola for a few moments, but you quite liked her. She seemed very unlike her brothers. But there was also an air of apology about her - about what, you hadn’t been able to ascertain; perhaps she simply knew what a brute her brother could be and pitied the fact that you’d be married to him. You had to admit that Sherlock looked quite nice in his eveningwear. He’d looked quite nice when you’d argued with him a few days prior as well, but you’d been a little more focused on the argument at the time. “He’s quite the busybody, as well,” Alice added, “He’s been speaking to your father and brothers all evening.” “Yes,” You sighed, “He’s quite enamored with Father.” “Oh, come now,” Alice nudged your elbow with her own, “He’s got to cozy up to him some, he is taking you away from him. You are your father’s only daughter, it’ll be difficult for him.” “This will not be difficult for my father. As mother tells it, he gave me to the man in the course of an hour-long conversation for a ‘lighter dowry than expected’. My father wants me out of the house as soon as possible. I’m a disgrace as it is, making it through three seasons unmarried.” “What’s that, dear?” In your discussion with Alice, you hadn’t noticed Sherlock breaking away from your father and walking over to you. You slapped a sweet smile onto your face, returning, “Nothing, darling.” It was Alice’s turn to hide her knowing smile behind her fan. 
The more time you spent in Sherlock Holmes’ company, the more you were certain you loathed him. He was nosy, had a habit of rifling through your things, asking questions without any care or tact. You were obliged to see him; you’d faked a headache to avoid him once and had gotten a scolding from your mother, the likes of which you hadn’t had since you were a child. Luella actually grimaced when she came to tell you that Sherlock had arrived these days. When you came into the sitting room, you found Sherlock at your bookcase again. He’d taken to lingering near there. You couldn’t help but wonder if did so deliberately, knowing how it irritated you when he touched your things. Rather than walk across the room and whatever book it was out his hands this time, you stayed by the door, watching him for a moment. You couldn’t help but try and consider the man’s motives. Was it money? Surely it had to be something along those lines. Perhaps the detective business wasn’t particularly lucrative; perhaps Mycroft wasn’t willing to help him when things were difficult. Your father may’ve lowered your dowry price, but Phineas had still told you what Sherlock would receive; it was nothing to laugh at. You glanced down at the engagement ring on your finger. You hadn’t bothered with gloves - which, in any other circumstance, would be an absolute scandal, but this man was technically to be your husband. He was permitted to be alone with you, to touch your hand, or kiss you, should the urge ever arise. Not that Sherlock had ever given you any indication that he had any interest in any of those things, of course, or you, really. Something in your chest twisted when you saw him now. It wasn’t anxiety, or anger, it was… Hurt. A sort of hurt that didn’t make you want to curl up and cry, but the kind that sat with you through the day, through your ‘nattering and needlepoint’, as Sherlock had scathingly put it once before. It swirled about you as your mother reminded you of what wedding preparations remained; it sat with you and Alice when you had tea together, so much its own presence that it practically had its own seat, its own saucer, its own cup. Sherlock glanced back toward the door once, and then again when he spotted you. “There you are,” He said, turning back down to the book. “Here I am,” You confirmed with a sigh, finally venturing deeper into the room. You felt Sherlock's gaze follow you as you settled down in an armchair by the fireplace. 
As much as he’d tried not to absorb them, Sherlock was quite attuned to your moods now. You weren’t the type to pout and give hints, to try and make someone tease out what was bothering you. No, you seemed to prefer to dwell on your troubles in silence. Initially, that suited him quite well; he was able to ply you for answers about your father, and he had ignored whatever little thing it was that was smoothing your face into a neutral set. But now, after weeks in your company, he found that he preferred that little spark that you got in your eye when the two of you were bickering. He even preferred it when you smiled, though the only smiles he’d ever been graced with were scathing. He’d seen you smile sincerely, once or twice, but never at him; they’d been directed at Enola, or at your friend Alice. Sherlock hadn’t meant to spend so much time with you or in your company to know precisely what your frowns, glares, scoffs, sighs, or rare smiles meant. He’d assumed that this case would come into focus once he spent more time in Enoch Mulvohill’s presence. There had been a number of thefts since he’d taken the case on for Lestrade, and he’d been to a number of the homes as a result of engagement festivities and visits. Rather than gaining insights into the case, Sherlock had been able to gather information about you, such as your dislike for your family - well, for your parents, at least. You had affection for your brothers. Thaddeus was a voice of reason for you, a guiding hand where your father had left you rudderless; Phineas offered you knowledge through books, pamphlets, newspapers. Sherlock had found a number of pamphlets tucked away in your books, and while he’d always meant to ask you about them, the two of you always fell into some argument before he could.
Sherlock watched you for a few moments, taking your countenance, your lack of gloves, where your engagement ring sat on your finger. You’d taken to wearing it daily, like some sparkling sackcloth and ashes, a public penance for being a woman in your position. Enola disapproved of his tactics regarding this case, and had told him as much twice over. He’d reminded her of the time she pretended to be his assistant, but she’d argued that that was entirely different. “When the case is over,” Enola had told him after the engagement dinner, “You will be celebrated. She will be ruined.” He had thought that Enola was being a touch dramatic. Surely you wouldn’t be ruined. He’d never touched you or acted in any way that could be deemed untoward. Your reputation would surely remain intact. Sherlock watched you still, even as you turned your eyes up at him, to take in his look and the book in his hands. -- 
“You’re awfully quiet today,” You said after a few moments. “I’m thinking.” “Yes, I’ve heard that you do that.” You saw Sherlock’s eyes narrow slightly as he snapped the book shut and replaced it on the wrong shelf. Excellent. You’d have to rearrange those later. “May I ask you what’s put you in such a lovely mood this morning?” “Only your company, Mr. Holmes.” He let out a humorless little laugh, one that grated at your nerves. “I understand why you’ve yet to be married, Ms. Mulvohill. You’re quite the rose - bright, alluring petals, but riddled from stem to root with thorns.” 
You clenched your hands, ignoring the feeling of the band of your engagement ring tightening as you did. “And I understand why you are not married, as low as you are,” You retorted. “I take it that that is some comment on my social status, Ms. Mulvohill.” You rose from your seat. “No, Mr. Holmes, it is a comment on your character. You may be a clever man, and you may make an excellent outward show to my father -- and that may be all that you care for, but you seem to have forgotten that you’ve gained me in the deal that you made with him. I do not expect you to grow to love me, as I’m quite certain you’re incapable of feeling that for anyone but yourself, but I had expected you to at least make a decent showing of getting to know me, as I tried you--” “You--” “No!” You snapped, “I am not through, Mr. Holmes. I did try, at the beginning. I wrote to you, I tried to understand you, but you’ve chosen to shield yourself -- for reasons that I cannot begin to comprehend. You’ve been nothing but unknowable and unmoveable from the first.” Sherlock watched you for a long moment before he lowered his eyes to the bookshelf. “... I am working with Scotland Yard to investigate the robberies that have been perpetrated against your set and your family.” It was said so quietly that you almost didn’t hear it. Shock curled around the hurt that had made a home in your chest and squeezed at it until it was choking. “I beg your pardon?” You managed after a moment. “Your father’s circumstances were most suspicious, and I…” He lifted his head from your books to meet your eyes again, “I made a choice.” A choice. He couldn’t have just befriended one of your brothers? You were careful to hold his gaze and not to recoil, to fold in on yourself, or to run and hide as you suddenly wished to do. “...You were using this engagement as a ruse to get closer to my father because you suspect him,” You clarified. “Yes.” You nodded a little. “Then you’re less than half of the man I thought you were.” You tugged the engagement ring off and tossed it at his feet before striding out of the room. 
Damn and blast it, why had he told you? You were sure to tell one of your brothers, and they were sure to tell your father. Sherlock left the Mulvohill home flustered and in a huff. He had considered leaving the engagement ring behind, on the mantle, but such an action could invite suspicion - your mother returning it to you, asking why it was where it was. He would have to work, and quickly - gather the insights he had, use the invitations remaining to try and solve the case before you told everyone what was going on. He wouldn’t have much time.
-- “You’ve a letter.” One glance at it confirmed that it was from you, your home. “Throw it away.” “Sherlock,” Enola frowned, looking down at your letter, “What if it’s something useful?” “It won’t be. Throw it away.” Enola ignored him, and he rolled his eyes at the sound of the envelope being ripped open. “...Sherlock.” “I’m not in the mood, Enola.” “No, Sherlock… You need to look at this.” -- Eight. Eight additional robberies that had never been reported to the police that you’d known of and never told anyone about. They’d been perpetrated against Alice Teague, a few of your other friends, and another two against your father, at your country estate. He hadn’t reported them, as they’d been quite small. Your mother had insisted on reporting the robbery in London. You’d taken pen to paper, listed off the items and dates to the best of your recollection, and done so to get Sherlock out of your life as quickly as possible. The sooner he solved the case, the sooner this ruse could end. 
“Where is that sweet, ever-smiling fiancé of yours?” Alice asked as she settled on the settee beside you. You’d arrived at the Blakely’s dinner party alone, had made no mention of Sherlock, and was quite hoping you’d be able to get away without talking about him that evening. “Oh… He’s--” “Incredibly sorry that he’s late,” Sherlock’s voice cut over yours and Alice’s. You turned to see Sherlock smiling down at the two of you. You lowered your eyes, turning away from him as he and Alice greeted one another properly. “May I borrow you, dear?” He asked. “No,” You answered flatly. Alice’s brows rose. “It’s quite important,” Sherlock pressed. You sighed heavily before you excused yourself, rising off of the settee and following Sherlock out of the room. He took hold of your hand, hurrying you down the hall and into a study. He didn’t say anything as you tugged your hand out of his; he was more set on making sure there was no one else there. “What on earth are you doing here?” You asked, folding your arms over your chest. “I’m quite certain the robber is here tonight,” He said, turning back to you, “But I need your help.” “Why would I help you?” “Because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll never have to see me again.” Well, that was tempting. 
Sherlock had managed to keep it quiet. Well, quiet enough. Enoch Mulvohill was no longer the primary suspect, but rather quite complacent in a plot perpetrated by one Mr. Larkin Teague. Your eyes had widened when he told you; he had assumed that you would tell him off, that you would insist that your father was blameless and that you knew Larkin well, that he could never be the man Sherlock was looking for. What had, instead, come out of your mouth was, “Alice will be devastated.” 
For all of your rage and anger toward him the day before, all that had settled over your features in that moment was concern for your friend. And in that moment, Sherlock found himself quite taken with you. He nodded, dislodging the thought in favor of the matter at hand. “The Blakelys are quite known for the jewels that they acquired during their last trip to the continent, are they not?” He asked. “They are, yes. What can I do?” “Keep everyone in the parlor. If you see Larkin leave, do not raise the alarm. I have police from Scotland Yard surrounding the house and waiting for Larkin.” He watched you nod and take a deep breath. “Alright.” You left him without further instruction or another word. 
The night’s end found you comforting a weeping Alice; your mother seemed too stunned to cry, and you were certain she’d never dare let herself show that sort of emotion in front of you, anyway. You stayed at Alice’s that night; you didn’t see Sherlock after you spoke to him in the study; you didn’t care to. You were quite certain that you’d be happy to never see Sherlock Holmes again. -- “Mr. Holmes is in the parlor-- Though I cannot think why,” Luellla told you. You frowned. You couldn’t think why, either. You hadn’t seen the engagement ring since you’d thrown it to him, so he couldn’t possibly look for its return; all of your family’s missing items had been returned to you, as well as the other families that had lost items. Sherlock’s case and your engagement had been written up in the papers. It had been positioned that you had been in on the plot, working with Sherlock to help crack the case from the start, and a wave of suitors had followed once the story and the engagement had officially broken. “Thank you, Luella,” You gave her a small smile, “Please tell him I’ll be down in a few moments.” “Yes, ma’am.” You watched her go before you turned back to the mirror and looked yourself over. You’d seen neither hide nor hair of Sherlock since that night at the Blakely’s home. He hadn’t reached out to you through a letter or an invitation (though Thaddeus had received precisely two letters of apology from Mycroft, and you one from Enola). You really couldn’t imagine what the man could possibly want from you now. -- Sherlock was at your bookcase again. It seemed to be his customary place. You cleared your throat as you entered the room, but he didn’t bother to look away from whatever it was that he was looking at. “I did always wonder about this,” he said, holding up one of the many pamphlets that you kept hidden. It was one on fforeign trade that Phineas had brought you from father’s office. Your eyes widened, and you darted forward, snatching it from him and smoothing out a wrinkle in it. You glanced up at Sherlock to find him smiling at you, amused. “What would a businessman’s daughter want with a pamphlet from The Mercantile Guardian Office?” He added. “Phineas brought it to me so that I could better understand how father operates his business, and what he could be doing differently.” “Of his own volition?” “I asked him to.”  You glanced up at Sherlock before you took the book from his hands and tucked the pamphlet safely away again. “What are you doing here?” You asked, stepping between him and the bookshelf to put it away. You’d never bothered to get this close to him while the two of you had been engaged, but now that he had been clear about his intentions, you didn’t see any reason to shield yourself from him. He hadn’t told anyone about any of the pamphlets that he’d clearly found, you were certain he wouldn’t now. “...I wanted to speak with you.” “What about?” You turned around to face him and found him close by, still. Gigglemug, liar, or no, Sherlock Holmes was quite nice to look at. And if you didn’t know any better, there was a touch of remorse in his handsome features. “I should have been clear about my intentions from the first,” He said quietly, leaning against the arm of the armchair behind himself, “I… I was not considering your side of this when I undertook this case with such an approach. It was shortsighted and unfair of me to prey on your feelings in such a way. I apologize, Ms. Mulvohill. It was, indeed, quite low of me.” You were taken aback for a moment. You certainly hadn’t expected that. “I accept your apology.” Sherlock gave a nod of thanks before adding, “I also wanted to thank you for assisting me the evening of  the Teague arrest. It went off without a hitch, and I would not have been able to do so had there been people wandering the house. I couldn’t have done it without your help.” Criminy, you weren’t anticipating that, either. “Well, your...Particular method aside, I’m glad that you were able to undertake and solve the case. Many of my friends and my family are grateful to you, Mr. Holmes.” Sherlock chuckled, nodding a little. “I was happy to assist.” He watched you for a moment, and you watched him in turn. For the first time in all of your acquaintance, you didn’t have the urge to look away from him. “Am I to understand that congratulations are in order yet?” He asked. You raised a brow. “Excuse me?” “My brother tells me that you’d… Had quite a number of suitors since our parting.” “Well, your brother is something of a gossip. But, no, no ‘congratulations’, as you’ve put it. I think I should like to actually talk to someone before I become engaged to them this time.” Sherlock smiled, and you felt your stomach fluttering, and your own lips pulling to mirror it. 
You were smiling - really smiling - at him, because of him. Sherlock needed to see that again, and again, and again, and again. “I must be off,”  He said, glancing at the clock, “But… Might I call on you tomorrow?” Your brow furrowed at the question, and you asked him, “Whatever for?” “Well, so that we might actually talk before I speak to Thaddeus about you.” He watched you take that in, the narrowing of your eyes, the slight parting of your lips, the hesitation - and damn the hesitation, but that was his own fault. It was his own fault you didn’t trust him, it was his own fault that he’d lost you, and his own fault that he’d have to win your trust back. He’d work for it, though. He’d find a way to come by every day, if you wanted him. The ring that you’d thrown at him had been burning a whole in his pocket since you’d tossed it at his feet, and he was itching to do this properly, to slide it onto your finger and look you in the eye. “...Tomorrow should suit fine,” You finally answered him. He felt a burst of warmth in his chest at your answer, and he grinned. He glanced back toward the door. No one had been by to disturb the two of you; perhaps it was their habit, the two of you had had the right to be left alone when you were engaged, but now that that had ended, the two of you technically shouldn’t have been. Sherlock straightened and stepped closer to you. You were watching him like he was a living puzzle, a walking mystery. He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I will be back tomorrow, then, Ms. Mulvohill,” He murmured as he leaned away. 
“I will see you then, Mr. Holmes,” You answered in your steadiest voice. You watched Sherlock leave the room, smiled as he turned back to look at you before he disappeared from the study. As soon as you were certain he was gone, you raised your fingers to brush where his lips had lingered briefly.
Sherlock Holmes was coming back to see you, simply for you. He planned on asking for your hand again, not for a case, but because he wanted it.
Sherlock Holmes wanted to marry you.
Terribly confounding.
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minaofmayhem · 3 years
IMAGINE #40 - Meet my son
Here were go for the next request and this time, we come back with a good old imagine with our beloved Alexander ❤️ Sorry for the delay, I needed to take a break from everything! Thanks anon for this lovely request, I hope this is what you expected! 🤩 Have fun till the next Alex’s imagine ❤️
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Summary : After too much disappointing relationships, you come to the conclusion that being single isn’t that bad. But Stellan Skarsgård has other plans for you and for his eldest son who is single for too long… 
Pairing : Alexander Skarsgård x reader
Warnings : fluff! 
Tag list : @katerka88​ ; @bonnieelizabethparker​ ; @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ ; @anangelwhodidntfall​ ; @fawnbrrry​
For many people, a romantic relationship is a priority in life. A goal to achieve. You might as well say that you are not in this category of people. After three relationships that ended in three painful breakups, you had made the decision to stop suffering because of a man. And after two years of being single and free, you must confess that you were doing very well and that it had been a wonderful decision. You were free to do what you wanted, see who you wanted to see and take time for yourself. But that was all before someone had other plans for you...
Stellan Skarsgård was the archetypal Swede: tall, blond, pale-faced and charming. He could seem reserved, even cold, when you didn't know him, but very quickly, you discovered a kind and funny man. You admired him as an actor and when your agent told you that you had been chosen for the second role opposite him - a father and daughter role - in Lasse Hallström's next film, you were both proud and stressed. You were no longer a novice in the business cause you had been playing roles since you were young, but you were still apprehensive about playing opposite such great actors.
As soon as the shooting started, your fears were gone. Stellan took you under his wing, gave you a lot of advice to improve your acting even more. He spent a lot of time rehearsing with you and so, you both became close. Being the same age as his son Bill, he thought of you as one of his daughters and that helped you a lot to make that connection appear on screen.
For four months, he did not stop charring you because it was also his other specialty. He would joke around, hide some of your stuff, clown around in the middle of a serious scene and more. He was really a big kid despite his age. But the thing that made him laugh the most was when he heard that you had decided to stay single. 
"Why would you do something like that to yourself?!" he had laughed as you were having lunch in the set cafeteria. He almost choked on a piece of salad. 
"But I'm not doing anything to myself since I chose it!" you retorted with a look of fake shock as continuing to eat your meal. He wasn't the first person to make these kinds of comments to you and you had a whole series of arguments in your bag.
"Unbelievable! You're the first woman I've ever met who tells me she doesn't need a man in her life!".
"Stellan, what you just said is very misogynistic! I thought the Swedes had much more progressive ideas than that!".
"Oh c'mon! I'm from the old days, remember? For me it's impossible to live without a woman. Besides I had two wives!’. You burst out laughing as you put your lunch tray away, determined to make him understand your point of view.
"I live very well, you know. I take a lot of time for myself, I travel, I do what I like, I discover new things and...".
"And why not do all that with someone by your side, like a man for example ?"
"But what for?" you insist, bursting into laughter again.
"Rah", he growled, frustrated that he didn't change your mind, "I don't understand you young people! It's like my oldest son, Alexander, he's also been single for a few years now and he keeps telling me that...". Suddenly, Stellan stops talking and looks into the void, lost in thought.  
"Stellan, is everything okay?" you ask, concerned. Why had he suddenly stopped in his explanations ? His reaction was very strange and worried you. Two minutes later, he finally explains to you what he has in mind.
"Yeah yeah everything’s fine”, he hastens to add, rubbing his hand together like if he just discovered the best plan ever. “I just had the most brilliant idea of all!"
"What do you mean?". For a simple answer, he just rolled his eyes, with a mischievous smile on his face. He looked rather proud of himself and his genius idea. 
"You're single. My son Alexander is too. If I can get you two to meet, I will have made the couple of the century!". He used his hands as examples to show you what he was going to do. You look at him seriously for a few seconds before laughing. 
"But I'm serious you know!", he seems almost offended to see you making fun of him. 
"Yeah yeah...so am I Stellan! You're just forgetting one little detail! Feelings can't be controlled, you can't force someone to fall in love !".
"Oh but don't worry about it, it won't be necessary", he said to conclude, with an implied tone...
So for the rest of the shoot, he kept harping on you with "You should meet my son" or "Oh Alexander loves that kind of thing too, I'm sure you'd get along great!". But knowing Stellan, you decided not to take his remarks seriously. It's true, after all he was just saying that to be nice. He was sad to see you alone and was just being considerate. In the evenings, when you were alone and lost in the thought, you sometimes thought about it and imagined a possible love affair with his son, and you felt apprehensive. You hadn't been with anyone for a long time, you had grown to like this independence. the idea of having to share it with someone bothered you. Besides, you had never dated an actor before and it must have been very special. Impossible to stay incognito. In short, Stellan's idea (if it was indeed his idea), was only half convincing to you.
You've never been so wrong in your life. On the evening of the premiere, you walked the red carpet looking as natural as possible in front of the audience and the photographers. And then suddenly the crowd started to scream, especially the women. Intrigued, you looked at what caused such a craze and you saw Stellan's car pull up and the giant blond man get out. I understand now, you think, until you see behind him a second blonde giant getting out of the car. The screams increase and you understand why. Stellan decided to come with his son Alexander. Charming smile, graceful walk despite his size, natural class and irresistible beauty. He is indeed his father's son... They pose together and separately for a few minutes before coming in your direction. Except that you hadn't imagined for a moment that he would come with him! 
"(X/Y) !", exclaimed Stellan as he arrived in front of you, "how are you sweetheart !". He hugged you before shifting to bring his son over. "This is Alex, my son." Oh my goodness. He's just as tall as his father, if not taller, and he's even more handsome up close. 
"Nice to meet you. I'm Alexander" he says as he leans in to kiss you on the cheek. This Alexander is too good to be true. God bless Sweden. 
Your body temperature rises of ten degrees in a few moments. Everything you had thought about until then disappears. Your cheeks were burning and you couldn’t no longer control your body. You still managed to mumble a "nice to meet you", almost closing your eyes to keep in mind this magic moment and the delicious smell of her perfume water in your nostrils. 
"Come on, let's have some pictures together", Stellan offered as he hugged you both to strike a pose. The next day, all the newspapers and media would laugh at the state of your face after this very unexpected encounter...
After the screening of the film and the various interviews, all the guests were invited to a small party. Sellan and Alexander had been together all evening and you had not yet had the opportunity to speak with him. To tell you the truth, this terrified you more than anything else. Coming out of the bathroom, where you had been checking your makeup, you headed to the bar to get a drink but someone had already taken the lead for you. 
"Would you like a Gin and tonic on the rocks, with a slice of lemon in it?". You turn around and run into Alexander handing you a drink, a friendly smile on his face. Oh that face, help me god. He's irresistible. He seems to notice your puzzled expression - how could he guessed that you were going to order that particular drink? - and adds :
"Dad told me this was your favorite alcoholic drink. Like me" You smile, amused, and take the glass he is handing you, thanking him for his attention. 
"So it was true...He wasn't saying that to joke or reassure me..." you murmur, looking around the room in search of Stellan with your eyes.
"Excuse me?", Alex asks after taking a sip of his own glass, wondering if he had heard you speak.
"Oh nothing...This is between your father and me" you add as you finally find him. He is chatting in a corner with some other guests. Within seconds, he turns to catch your eye. You then raise your glass in his direction to toast, a small smile on your face, to show him that his plan had worked. He responds in kind, with a "I told you so" look on his face.
“What about sitting at a table and talk more quietly ? Apparently we have a lot to talk about..."
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