#it's 2.30 am ..  c:
if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"Permit Refused, Radicals Go On With Parade Plan," Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 30, 1934. Page 3. ---- DEFIANCE OF CITY AUTHORITIES INDICATED IN ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAY DAY DEMONSTRATION TUESDAY; POLICE HEAD WRITES REPLY --- Despite refusal of a Police Department permit for a parade, leaflets were being distributed in the city this forenoon announcing a May Day demonstration and parade by so-called working-class organizations.
Chief Constable G. M. Donald refused a permit in a letter written on Saturday, but at noon today radicals here were proceeding with plans for a parade.
It was announced that there would be a demonstration and parade from Market Square at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, sponsored by a May Day committee, and that a May Day concert would be staged at 8 o'clock in the evening in the Workers' Centre on Avenue D.
George Ploss, secretary of the May Day committee, interviewed the chief constable and then put the request for a permit in writing, as follows:
I was instructed by the May Day committee, formed of 14 workers organizations, to apply for a permit to parade through the streets of the city of Saskatoon on May the first at 2.30 p.m. The May Day committee is formed of the following organizations, namely: (1) Saskatoon Workers Association (2) Canadian Labor Defense League (Sam Scarlett Branch) C.L D.L. Slavonic Branch (4) Ukrainian Farmers Labor Temple Association (5) Women's Section (6) Youth Section (7) Junior Section (8) Young Communist League (9) Society Assisting the Liberation Movement in Western Ukraine (10) Women's Labor League (11) Russian Workers' Club (12) Polish Workers' Club (13) Hungarian Workers' Club (14) Workers' Benevolent Association.
"Chief marshal of the parade will be William Taylor (United Front candidate in provincial elections). And the route of march is as fol- lows: Assemble at the Market Square, and march down Avenue A to turn west. Twentieth Street to Avenue C, south, turn to Nineteenth Street under the subway, on to Second Avenue up to Twenty-third Street, under the subway back on to Avenue A and to Market Square. "We hope to get immediate reply from you on the question so that we could act immediately.
"Yours truly. "May Day Committee "Per Sec., George Ploss."
Chief Donald's reply, containing the refusal, was as follows:
"I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 27. 1934, and have noted contents, namely that a number of organizations have asked permission to hold a parade on the streets of this city on the afternoon of Tuesday. May 1. 1934.
"Your application does not state the object of this parade, although I asked you to state same. Judging from the names of the organizations I would imagine that the demonstration is more political than in the interests of labor, and I do not consider that a parade of this kind is in the public interests.
Therefore, I am not furnishing you with a permit for same,
"I am, Yours truly, "G. M. Donald, "Chief Constable."
RALLY AT REGINA -- Special to the Star-Phoenix REGINA, April 30. Regina will witness no May Day parade this year. A rally of workers will be held, however, in the Market Youth Square, with seven speakers, headed by William Stokes, United Front candidate in Regina constituency. Banners will announce the workers' demands. During the evening, a delegation of the Workers' Protective Association and of the Women's Labor League will interview City Council to press demands for the open voucher system for clothing for unemployed, 50 cents a week for kitchen utensils, and enforcement of the Minimum Wage Act in Regina.
EDMONTON, April 30. Official delegates and members of 21 un employed workers' organizations and representatives of the trade unions in the city will stage what organizers claim will be one of the largest May Day parades to be held in Edmonton for some years Tues-day afternoon.
A permit has been granted by the city for the parade.
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loveforwh · 9 months
[ Flash ⚡️ Personal SG GO] Arbor Day 3 Woohyun Cheering Kit by Double__UU]
Hello everyone, Char here ^^ I'm thinking of getting the cheering kit and the fansite only does delivery to KR addresses so if any of you are also interested, feel free to join me~
There will be 2 payments for this: 1st payment - merchandise + domestic (kr) shipping 2nd payment- agent fee (forwarding site) + intl shipping to SG
Delivery Schedule: Domestic shipping starts: 26 Dec 2023 Expected delivery to SG: mid-late Jan (I'll be consolidating several parcels to help reduce intl shipping costs) Changes to delivery schedule will be updated on my X (Twitter) and Tele Channel.
☆ Enquiry X (Twitter): loveforwh​ Email: [email protected] KakaoTalk: loveforwh Telegram: fantasylovemusic
☆ PAYMENT DEADLINE 20 Dec 2023 (Wed), 9.30pm SGT
☆ PAYMENT MODES A. PayNow/PayLah! B. Cash deposit/iBanking * Any excess will be used to offset 2nd payment.
☆ PREVIEWS 3 versions available - Yellow/ Pink/ Black
Each set ($23) comprises of:  - 1x 30*60cm double-sided suede slogan with white reflective words - 1x 5.5*8.5cm double-sided PC (pre-order gift)
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☆ T&Cs 1. No refunds/cancellations/backouts allowed. 2. Order only if you can wait. 3. I am not responsible for any damages incurred during the shipping from SK to SG. 4. Collection method: [a] mass meet up in town (Sat/Sun, 2.30~2.45pm); [b] self-collect (subject to my convenience) @ Choa Chu Kang MRT/ Bukit Panjang MRT/ Bishan MRT/ Novena MRT; [c] postage at additional cost. 5. Failure to make 2nd payment will result in the forfeit of goods and amount paid for the 1st deposit.
☆ PAYMENT If you’re still interested, please refer to my payment details in this form and transfer before filling it up: https://tinyurl.com/doubleuusg
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dilfsugaaa · 3 years
Falling for Sin [2] | M.YG
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summary: “I have heard shy girls are the loudest on bed. I wanna see it for myself.”
Yoongi, the florist next door, falls for the already-smitten-with-him high school student, Y/N. but for her, is loving him a sin? how does her world crumble when her elder brother comes to know of their forbidden relationship?
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pairing: florist!yoongi x female reader
rating [over the series]: explicit | 🔞
word count: 4.5k [for this part]
genre/au: smut/fluff/angst, porn with plot | flower shop au
warnings [over the series]: age difference (not too much but still uncomfortable for some readers), loss of virginity and innocence, hickeys, shameless smut, voyeurism (both accidental and intentional), dark and tragic themes, outdated and conservative school of thought, yandere! (kind of), this screams bad!
a/n: originally posted to my wattpad, and ao3. slightly rewritten.
my first het fanfic ever (actually started January, 2021). this might be shitty so reader discretion is advised.
the pov of the o/c is that of an eighteen year old, and hence she sounds innocent when she’s doing the narration.
also, this fic has been split into parts and has been written in the first person pov, which is alternately of the female reader, and that of Yoongi. links to the different parts can be accessed via my masterlist!
ao3 | wattpad
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11.00 AM
"Ding-dong!" The bell rings. Today is off from school for the whole of our class because of something they call winter cleaning. I really don't know what that means. Maybe the group of janitors are all going to sanitize the classrooms and clean all of the teaching-learning equipment, ensuring they are all working in proper condition.
I run to get the person at the door. Taehyung is still on bed, the lazy ass. His snores can be clearly heard across the hallway. I giggle slowly while opening the door.
"Hey!" The bunny-faced guy at the door gives me a warm smile while bowing. I can't help but smile back.
"Hi...who are you?" I ask politely.
"My name is Jungkook. I have come from that beautiful flower shop round the corner with the flower pots you ordered." He winks at me. The guy is cute, I will admit.
I look beyond him. He has indeed come with the said pots. "Are you Yoongi's younger brother?" I put forth my gut-feeling.
"Falling for him already, are we?" He playfully raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes. "Uff Jungkook I am just curious. I want to-"
"Ahhh yes, I am his younger brother. I help him around with the deliveries and stuff...or some chores."
"Okay..." I nod my head.
"Where can I put these at?" He points at the pots kept in resting state on the ground behind him. I open the door wider and ask him to come in. He carries the pots in.
"Leave them here." I say, pointing at the floor of the living room leading up to the kitchen. He obliges. He then straightens up and wipes his brow. 
"Bye-" He says, in a passing tone of voice, walking to the main door. "It was nice meeting you, our new customer!" He bows while exiting. I smile. He is so sweet.
"Bye!" I reply as I lock the door shut from inside.
2.30 PM
"Y/N!" Taehyung calls out for me from his bedroom. I walk to it and push the door open with my leg.
"What is it?" I ask, slightly irritated because of being disturbed from my daily serious math practice sessions.
"I forgot to pay for the flowers..." He gives me a goofy smile. I shake my head.
"Don't expect me to go all the way there just to make a teeny payment. I am not going to-"
"Please Y/N! I have to do my mandatory coursework today...I will get you your favorite sundae if you agree..." He looks at me with large, pleading puppy eyes.
"Fine..." I say, suddenly realizing the twin benefits of going there. One, I would get my favorite Brownie Blast stoned sundae, and Tae will be the one paying. And the most important perk, I would get to see, meet and speak with my new interest Yoongi...wait a minute. Has he become my crush?
Whatever. I sigh. "Where is the money?" I ask him.
He points to a wad of cash kept by the bedside table. "Here."
I walk to the table and stuff the cash into my jeans pocket. He asks me to take the cash receipt with me as well. "Just in case he has forgotten who you are." 
I have a gut feeling he has not.
I make my way to the main door waving goodbye to Taehyung. "Bye, Y/N!" He coos. "Don't be late...gotta get that ice cream sundae!"
"Yeah, sure Tae..." I mumble as I walk towards my parked bicycle. Cycling is among my favorite pastimes, and I am pretty good at it, sometimes having beaten even boys at the sport.
I mount the bicycle after dusting the seat with a piece of soiled cloth that is always kept by it. I am so excited at the prospect of meeting Yoongi, the florist who has stolen my heart. 
The noontime breeze is unusually calming in nature.
3.15 PM
I ring the vintage copper bell while pushing the door open. Yoongi is working at his desk, probably doing some calculations.
"Hi!" I greet him. He looks up from his notepad. And gives me a sweet smile.
"Hello!" He sounds so welcoming. His tone is so pleasing!
"Do you...remember me? I am Y/N...from that day-"
"Yeah I do. How could I forget you? You're so beautiful..." He cuts my small talk off with these words spoken completely with a straight face.
Oh My God! Did he just say I am beautiful? I think I am going to die...!! 
"W-wait, did you just say I am b-beautiful?" I manage to stutter. I simply cannot believe what I heard. I am on cloud nine right now.
"Of course I did. Did you not hear?" He says, again with that poker-faced expressionlessness that never fails to intrigue me. He then bends down to his side and comes up with a beautiful red rose clutched between the long digits of his hand. "Here, Y/N. A rose for you." He offers it to me. "Even this fresh red rose can't match up to your beauty."
"Good Lord, thank you!" I smile shyly, overwhelmed by the weight of his compliments as I approach him to take the flower from his hand. He lets his fingers linger slowly along my hand while I am taking the rose. I like the feeling of his partly worn hands on my soft ones. I want the touch to go on forever.
"What did you come here for?" He asks me, establishing eye contact with me. His gaze is powerful, hence simply alluring. I hold his gaze as I answer. "My brother had forgotten to pay for those pots we had bought from here so-"
"Ah yes I remember." He proceeds to take his notebook out from one of the drawers of the desk he is sitting on. He opens it to the receipt that has my brother's name written on it.
"So you remembered my brother's name as well?" I ask. He chuckles softly. "Not exactly."
I see a little inscription on top of the receipt. It has my name written in red ink, with a heart drawn encircling it. I raise my eyebrows in pleasant surprise, but don't let it be apparent that I saw it. So that is how you remembered it.
Yoongi is smiling as he does the requisite calculations on a rough sheet of paper. "Thirty dollars. Price discounted because I like you. You're beautiful." He looks into my eyes again. The look on his face is deadly. I smile as I hand him the cash.
"Thank you!" I exclaim. I can't believe he likes me. Just so make sure I don't look like an ungrateful bitch I add. "You're not so bad yourself." I giggle, trying to pay back the the thousands of compliments he has showered on me since I entered his field of view.
He too laughs. Gracefully. The sound of his laughter is like music to my ears. Makes me want to record it and play it on repeat everyday. I would never get bored of it. Guaranteed. I start walking towards the exit.
"Do you like me?" He asks, suddenly. I am a little taken aback by his question. I smile a little. "What do you think?" I counter playfully as I push the door open and leave the shop.
4.23 PM
"Hey Yoongi!" I push the glass door open, not even caring to ring that damned bell. All bells can wait when you are meeting your crush.
He looks up from his flower pots, startled. "Umm...hi Y/N. Why so sudden? Take it easy! Be calm! Breathe-"
"Uff Yoongi you really are easy to scare off." I must have giggled cutely because his facial expressions immediately soften.
"Whoa, Y/N, you really did so!" He feigns fear, placing his hand on his chest to show how afraid he really is. I roll my eyes. "Oh, now Y/N is rolling her eyes at me!" He bites his lower lip playfully while walking in my direction. I smile shyly in response.
"Gosh, you really do know how to come at someone!" I shake my head. He smirks.
"I also know how to make someone come." He fixes me a look. I look at him, eyes wide open in surprise.
"I hope you are not serious." I mumble, scratching my neck awkwardly.
"No, I am serious." He inches closer. I like the feeling of his height towering over and above my smaller body. I step behind a little, and he catches my frame in his large and vascular hands, thereby pulling me close. I hold his gaze. He looks at me with dark eyes for a long moment before he frees me from his grip. I look down onto the ground, all embarrassed by our sudden contact.
He sighs. "About your question...the one that you asked me before you left my shop yesterday..."
"Ah yes. That one." I smile slightly as I wait for his answer. 
"Well, I do think you like me." He claims in a cocky tone.
"You're way too sure of that, aren't you?" I can't hold my chuckle back as I go to the cashier's desk and grab a drink of water from the water bottle kept on it.
"You didn't ask for permission to drink from my bottle." He states calmly, eyeing me with a look of pretended hurt.
"Okay, fine..." I raise my hands in a mock show of surrender. "I will go to my home, fill a bottle, then bring it here to return the sips of water I took that was rightly your share. Easy!"
"That isn't what I want, precisely." His cat eyes settle on the details of my face, scanning it carefully like they are some sort of an investigative equipment used by the FBI. "I just want you to come here as often as you possibly can and talk to me. I get bored all alone." He shows his gums while he grins like an idiot.
"Poor baby Yoongi gets bored all alone?" My voice assumes a teasing tone. I can see his facial expressions change into that of mock horror.
"An eighteen year-old calling me baby isn't exactly what I am used to listen to." He runs a hand through his soft and silky brown hair. I chuckle in response.
"Uff I am so sorry...by the way, you speak of my age as if you are a seventy year-old grandad?!" I scoff. 
"I am twenty five, and proud of it. Thank you." He brushes off his shoulders in a display of pride. I roll my eyes at him again.
"This, my dear Y/N, is the second time you rolled your eyes at me." He gives me a fake smile. I mumble a muffled apology.
"You are old." I smile playfully soon after. He sighs.
"It's useless to argue with kids." He spits the last word out scornfully.
"Yes exactly, wise old man. So, doesn’t this age gap make you a-?" I try to make him react.
"Would you stop teasing me because of my age? It feels bad." He asserts. This sentence spoken by him wipes the smugness off of my face.
"Okay okay, this time I really am sorry." I look down to the ground, somewhat ashamed at having pissed my crush off. I try to lighten the mood by making a small quip. "Don't worry, Yoongi. I like my men older."
This one really makes his mouth widen to a huge grin, and this time it is the cutest he has ever smiled. I sigh with relief. "Excuse me, but did you just say...your men?" He raises his eyebrows.
"I...oop-" I smile at him, really sheepish this time. The hunter became the hunted.
"So you actually took the liberty to call me yours, even though I haven't or, as a matter of fact, even you have not asked me out." His face carries an amused look on it.
"Well, well. I know you probably know this so I might as well say it, you are my crush."
He coughs, taken by surprise at my confession.
"My first crush, in fact. I was never interested in any guy, ever, before I came to this shop four days ago. I don't know if I should admit this or not, but it was clearly something at first sight. It was this spark, you know, and we just immediately connected. I don't know if this is love or anything cringey as that. I just know that, this is something. Something huge." I finish my monologue with a smile.
He looks at me all dazed for a moment. Then he begins to walk towards me, the ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. I stand rooted to my spot. He leans down to me, leaving little distance between us, and more particularly, our lips. I lick my lips in anticipation. His gaze lowers itself to my mouth and he bites his own sexily. My hands find their way to the back of his head, wanting to pull him real close to me. So close, that our bodies merge into each other. Yes, that's the amount of passion in here.
He fixes his hands onto my butt and pulls it in, hence closing the space between the lower parts of our bodies. The proximity is just dangerous. I can clearly hear his breaths close to my ear, and apparently they have gotten way faster and deeper than usual. 
His lips graze against my jawline. I close my eyes in response to the sensation.
He starts placing short, sweet kisses all over my face. "Yoon...Yoongi!" My breath is caught in my throat as I see all my fantasies about him realizing themselves at this moment. Never before have I ever felt these things, these feelings, these sensations that both of us know to be forbidden and sinful. But fuck, this feels so good.
His lips combined with his tongue skillfully work their magic on my face. Slowly, I feel his veiny hands travel up and clutch my jaw tightly between the long thick fingers. I feel the velvety soft cushions of his lips making their way to my lips, giving them a small peck. He breaks the proximity between us by pulling away softly, his hands still lying on the small of my back.
He smiles at me.
"Wait, is this all? A peck is what you call a kiss?!" I exclaim. And here I was, expecting my first kiss to be the best I would ever have. It would be all sloppy and deep and French and everything as first kisses really are portrayed in films. There, my hopes were dashed onto the ground.
"Hey...hey, take it easy, kitten. All in good time. This is just the beginning of our relationship." He gives me a wide gummy smile. "Now go back to your home. Your brother must be pacing back and forth, worried and waiting for you to return." He bends to take a small bar of chocolate out from the desk drawer. "Here, for you." He offers it to me.
I grab it with both of my hands. "This...what for?" I smile a little.
"Just felt like it." He shrugs, going to sit on his chair by the cashier's desk. He takes a ball point pen in his hands and plays with it for a while. "Bye, Y/N. Hope to meet you again soon. Don't forget, I'll be waiting." He gives me a small smile. I smile back.
"Bet you wanna." I give him a side smile as I push the glass door open, leaning onto it. He smirks.
"I know you want me."
Knowing what he just said is more than true, I simply shake my head and exit the beautiful shop.
7.00 PM
Yoongi P.O.V.
"Jungkook-ah!" I call my brother upstairs to my room. I am seated on my bed.
"What happened, hyung?" He pokes his head in through the door of my bedroom.
"Come, sit here." I pat the mattress beside me, indicating the spot I want him to sit on. He obliges. "I want to share something with you."
"I am listening." He nods his head, coming closer to me.
"What were you doing downstairs?" I ask him.
"I was doing the dishes, duh. Just my regular chores. Why'd you ask?"
"The dishes can wait." I bite my lip. "This is something really important." I inhale slowly.
"Then stop beating round the bush and tell me." He has obviously lost his patience. That look on his face actually hurries me up.
"There is this girl-"
"I knew it. I just knew it. You can't live without being a colossal flirt, can you?" He exclaims on the highest octave of his voice. 
I fix him a look. Disapproving.
"Okay-okay..." He grumbles. "Go on, don't mind me."
"Yeah so, like I said, there is this girl that comes to our shop often...she is very pretty. She must be around eighteen. She has this cute nose, big brown eyes and hair that's neither too long nor too short, kinda falls at her shoulders-"
"I know who she is! She is Y/N, isn't she?" He interrupts me. "That girl to whom I delivered those pots of flowers the other day! She too seemed interested in you."
Huh? I continue, nevertheless.
"That brings me to my next point, we have officially begun dating."
"What the actual fuck!" He throws his hand to his mouth. "You are not kidding me, are you?"
"Nope." I yawn.
"Good news! My hyung just got a girl!" He starts singing at the top of his voice. I calm him down.
"Stop being a shitty clown, Jungkook."
"I am not shitty, you are shitty. Why didn't you tell me before?" He yells at me.
"Because we began dating today." I make a face.
"Oh okay." He smiles foolishly. I chuckle at his cuteness.
"Well, best of luck. Even though she is quite young." He voices his opinion skeptically.
"Age is just a number." Saying thus, I stand up. 
"You guys sure are fast, aren't you?" Jungkook follows me into the kitchen. "Like, it took you only four days since you first met to start dating."
"Umm..." I start making myself a cup of coffee as I answer. "I really think it would be good if you minded your own business. Don't ask stupid questions to your elders."
Jungkook mumbles a muffled "fuck you" as he continues doing the dishes from where he had left off. Both of us work in silence for a while before Jungkook decides to ask another question from his never-ending series of inquisitive thoughts. "What was her name again?"
"Y/N. Kim Y/N." I answer.
"And she is Taehyung's younger sister, right?"
"Yes, she is."
"What if he comes to know of your affair? He certainly wouldn't approve of his sister being in a relationship with a flower seller..."
I seriously had not thought about it. "That is a valid point." I drain the last of the coffee from my mug as a thought strikes me. "Y/N is introverted. That can come to our rescue."
"And how, may I ask?"
"First things first, she doesn't talk to her brother much. So, I really don't think she would disclose such a personal thing to him. Secondly, she loves me and I know it."
"What has that got to do with playing safe?" Jungkook almost cringes at the last sentence I spoke.
"If she loves me, she most certainly wouldn't want to sabotage her own relationship." I shrug.
"You might be right..." Jungkook starts to hum a soft tune. His chores for the day are nearing completion, and he can't wait to run to the basement that he has converted into his dance studio to vibe with some pop music. The genre he lives for.
Y/N P.O.V.
"Tae!" I throw the pillow at him. "You promised me a sundae!"
"When did I do that?" He asks, pretending nonchalance. I roll my eyes.
"You monster!" I almost yell. "That time when I went to pay the check on your behalf-”
"Ahh, now I remember." He interjects me with his boxy smile, and I try hard to not melt at the look on his face. "Now stop being cross with me. Come here and give me a hug."
I roll my eyes for the second time in the last five minutes and walk to him to give him a quick hug. "Hugs don't and can't compensate for sundaes and you have got to give it to me, as soon as possible."
He takes his phone out of his coat pocket and switches it on. "Here, let me order a sundae for you." He opens the food delivery app and asks me what I want. Of course, a brownie stoned sundae. My choice is clear.
"Cool, thank you!" I clap my hands together and give him another quick hug. I run up to my room and lock the door from inside, and, taking the laptop out of my closet, sit down on my worktable to get started with homework assignments.
I open the school website and type in my login credentials. I key in the password and my profile opens up. I see an email from my Chemistry teacher, Mister Park Jimin.
Kim Y/N, I am impressed by the progress your Chemistry has made. Keeping that in mind, I have decided to make you go through the harder study material, and its exercises. Attached with this mail you will find a Google Docs file with an advanced paper on the applications of organometallic compounds, and another file with some problems for practice. I expect you to turn in the work by the next Sunday i.e. 01/31/2021.
Harder study material? As if I wasn't busy with my creative writing workshop, now I'd have to do harder homework? But the upside of things is that I would get an A in this Chemistry course, leaving some extra time for me to prepare better for Mathematics, my weakest subject.
I read the paper he has sent in through the mail for a while. The harder learning content is somewhat difficult to grasp, obviously, and after a half-hour struggle to understand it, I give up for the time being.
My thoughts drift to the kiss, or rather, the peck I had today. I recall the touch of his lips, his soft, velvety cushions attaching themselves to mine. I imagine those lips smashed against my lips, his tongue exploring each and every corner of my mouth.
"Y/N!" A loud, booming voice shakes me out of my fantasy-induced state of ecstasy.
"What now?" I groan as I snap the laptop shut. Taehyung plops down onto my bed, right across from me. "You could give me some privacy sometimes, for a change."
"I called your name at least fifty times before I came up to check on you." He shakes his head.
"Yeah, thankfully I haven't been murdered." I roll my eyes at him. But inside, I am surprised that I was not able to hear his call.
"Which dreamland had you set sail to?" He chuckles. Before I can roll my eyes at him again his face assumes a serious expression.
"I am worried about you, Y/N." He starts. I open my mouth to retort but he raises a hand to make me sit silently and listen to what shit he has to say.
"You seem to be so far away, you rarely pay any attention to what all is happening around you. You didn't even notice the lasagna I had rustled up for you the other day-"
"Umm..." I start miserably. "Look, I did notice the food. It was really very tasty-"
"Y/N." He shoots me a look. "It is pretty clear that you're distracted. Else why would you shut the laptop down as soon as I entered your room?"
"I know you have been watching porn. The level our society has slumped down to!" He gives me a disapproving look as he snaps it open, only to see my half-finished Chemistry assignment on the screen. He yanks it back shut.
"Ew. Why would I do that? Girls don't watch porn." I look at him in disbelief.
He returns the same look. "Just don't feed me that shit. Girls do watch porn, and they do it as much as us guys do, if not more."
"Wow." I mumble without interest, willing him to leave me alone in peace and tranquility. But he seems to be in no hurry to leave.
It's my fucking destiny. I remind myself as I prepare for a whole new round of questioning.
"You are in love, aren't you?" He raises an eyebrow as he bites a smirk back. "Or worse, you have a boyfriend, don't you?"
"What is worse in it?" I snap, my patience thrown out the window.
"Aww, my little baby got so touchy." He chuckles, much to my chagrin. "So, shall I take it as your final word, that you have a boyfriend?"
"I do not have a boyfriend." I shout. "You think I stand any chance, with this shy nature of mine?"
"Guys do like shy girls, especially the extroverted ones." He points out matter-of-factly. "Or it might be a kink sort of a thing, you know."
"Tell you what, I don't give a fuck." I mumble almost inaudibly before I raise my voice an octave higher. "And you shouldn't, either. I am eighteen, after all. I can do as I please."
"I am your elder brother, and I have been taking care of you selflessly, without expecting any return from your side, ever since you were twelve. I was in charge of you, I will be in charge of you. It is last and final, and you don't have a choice." He stands up and walks out of the room. Just like that.
I let out a small tsk and resume my work. It is pretty late into the night when I get a summon from Taehyung.
11.30 PM
"Come, eat dinner. It is too late." Taehyung stands at the door, not letting our eyes meet. That is how he behaves with me after we have had an argument. I find it cute, though.
"I am coming." I reply in a small voice, finishing typing the last few lines of my assignment.
"Come fast, you have to sleep soon." He says.
I look at him. He has donned an apron, a tan-colored one, which he considers to be the best among all the aprons he owns. He gives me a small smile, cute and boxy.
"C'mon, Y/N. I have been waiting for you." He urges me. I stand up from my worktable after shutting the laptop down.
"Why didn't you eat yet?" I yawn as we go down the stairs together.
"I wanted to eat with you, you know. I cooked some spaghetti for you." He bites his lip.
"As if we Koreans don't have enough types of noodles of our own." I laugh, trying to break the ice that has begun forming in its preliminary stages.
The corners of his lips curve upward into a smile as he pulls a chair out for me at the dining table.
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dapandapod · 4 years
A soft plucking of heartstrings
So here I am, 2.30 in the morning, just finished a promptchallange from the fantastic @sleepingreader!  It may have gotten a little longer and a little softer than I intended, but please enjoy!  Here it is on Ao3!
Also, here is my challangers writings and I can’t tell you enough how amazing i find it! 
Soft plucking of strings. Spots of candlelight give the tavern a soft and homey feel. The patrons sit with rapt attention listening to the bard on stage with the cornflower blue eyes.
His eyes are closed, his voice dancing with the notes from the lute, weaving a tale of longing, heartache and lust. Every eye is fixed on him where he sits on the stage, no one can miss the raw emotion making itself known through music. Jaskier is lost. Lost deeply in his memories, in his feelings, in the words falling from his tongue and the soft vibration of the instrument in his arms. He loves this song, but it leaves a bittersweet taste. Especially when Geralt is around, as he is tonight, knowing what the price was. Everything is alright now, but the memory is still there. The pain, that hollow space carved out still makes itself known every now and then. The last tones ring out and Jaskier takes a breath before he opens his eyes and lets them roam over his audience. As soon as his eyes are on them they break into applause, almost as if they were waiting for him to return. He makes a sweeping bow and leaves the stage to sit down with his witcher. His witcher, yes. Geralt came to him after the disaster of a dragonhunt. It took them awhile to find their way with each other again and if Jaskier is perfectly honest he prefers what they have now. It’s fragile and honest and something entirely new for his whitehaired friend. Their friendship has blossomed into actual friendship now, not the push and pull of wills they had before. Now they see each other, and listen like they didn’t do before.
As soon as Jaskier sits down he gets showered in coins and ale. The patrons share their coins and their stories with him, what his song reminds them of, their own heartache, longing and lust. Geralt says nothing, just sips the ale pushed into his hand. The night is young and he is asked to sing another set, so he does. And when they finally retire for the night Jaskier finds his coin purse heavier than it’s been for a long, long time. He counts them out in their shared room, Geralt claiming the bed closer to the door and undresses. It’s entirely unfair of him to expect Jaskier not to sneak a peek as he takes off his shirt. Jaskier absolutely sneaks a peek, because expecting anything else of him would be plain stupid. And of course Geralt notices him staring. “What?” He asks over his shoulder and yup, time to kickstart the brain. “I have decided we stay another night.” Jaskier says, gathering the coins and putting them in the leather purse. “Why would we do that?” Geralt asks as he unlaces his trousers and yes, that's just unfair all over again to expect Jaskier to be able to hold a conversation with this view in front of him. Geralt pulls them down and Jaskier has to look away because Jaskier is many things but he is not cruel to himself. There is only so much he can take. Jaskier is also very good at lying to himself so he watches from the reflection of the small window instead. “Because today I have earned us more than we have gotten in months and it is time I give myself a- uh. Give us a treat. In the morn we shall go shopping!” Geralt snorts and lays down on the mattress. Jaskier swiftly undresses too, but takes a long time to fall asleep. He is mapping out all the stands he wants to visit and the sweets he wants to taste. And wants Geralt to taste! And with that image floating through his mind his eyes close and he drifts off.
When morning comes, Jaskier is almost bouncing with enthusiasm. It’s been a while since he dared spend coin as he will today and still expect to have some left for later. Geralt is slow out the door so he impatiently grabs him by the wrist and drags him along. If he had looked back at the witcher he would see a small smile curve and his finger flex, but he does not look and so it remains a secret. The first stall they visit has, surprise, knives. Geralt stops and admires the handiwork as Jaskier studies the rings next to them. The silver work is expertly done, but not what they had in mind. So Jaskier draws him to the next stand. And the next. They find a woman selling plums, the first of the season. She recognizes him from the tavern, and when they buy a handful of her plums she puts in two apples for them as well. Jaskier gives her the brightest smile and a squeeze of her hand. They find a stall with hair jewelry. Small beads to put into braids, hairclasps, ribbons and leatherstrips worked with fine details. Jaskier sends Geralt to find… something, anything that makes him go away as Jaskier buys two small beads of carved bone with intricate patterns and one of those worked leather straps. He adds a silver comb adorned with swallows for Ciri and folds it all into a piece of cloth. When Geralt returns he already stands two stalls over, a thick man with a thin mustache selling strings and flutes and for some reason, hats made of straw. They didn’t mean to, but a young girl on the street next to a barber shop grabs ahold of them as they pass. “Good sirs, are you not weary from your travels? If you follow me inside my father can offer the best trim of beard and hair this side of the river!” Geralt gives Jaskier a one-over and firmly nods. The bard needs some taking care of, he seems to decide, and they both walk out of there an hour later with hair newly washed and oiled up. Jaskier will never say it out loud, but he longs for the stubble to return to his witcher's face. The girl sees them outside and gives them a satisfied smirk. “Did I not say so, good sirs, that he is the best?” They nod their agreement and hand her one of the apples they were given. When they make it back out to the market Geralt stops by a big stand with tacks and blankets and brushes and many other things Jaskier is not very familiar with, but feels like they are meant for horses. Geralt picks out new reins from soft leather and grease to keep them smooth. He finds a big brush with long strands that looks the perfect amount of firm and soft, if Jaskier is any judge at all. And new saddlebags and, of course, a big bag of treats. Geralt opens his own money pouch to pay but Jaskier smacks his hands away and enjoys the feeling of giving. He likes that feeling, and all the gods know Geralt has seen too little of that in his life. “Jaskier, this is going to sound odd.” Geralt says after a good 30 minutes of ogling at a blacksmith stall. “But can I have the leather pouch for a moment, and can you go look at the bookstore?” Jaskier can only give a crooked smile and oblige, small butterflies making pirouettes in his stomach. And after a while Geralt comes to him, carrying a long wooden casing. Jaskier squints at him suspiciously, but Geralt simply can’t play fair and the smile he shoots him makes Jaskier lose his nerve and look away. It is a frightening thing, looking at someone you treasure so much without a hope of ever being treasured the same way back. To see them smile towards you as if they actually might. Jaskier buys a new notebook, Geralt a pair of new leather gloves. They buy a few jars of cherries and other sweets, and by then the sun is hanging low on the sky. The money pouch is very much lighter but not empty, just as he planned. Geralt walks them out on the fields, past farmers and cows and a cat on a fence, blinking at them with big eyes. Jasker simply cannot walk past the cat, her big eyes and pink nose and tail that is curling, even though cats' tails normally don’t curl. He bends down to pat her, and Geralt stays back. “Oh no, you big oaf, you come here right now and pet this cat.” Jaskier demands of him, but Geralt stays. “Cats don’t like me.” He mutters, and looks away when the cat leans against Jaskier’s legs, purring loudly. The bard reaches for his friend, grabbing his wrist and pulling him closer. “This one doesn’t mind, do you my girl?” Jaskier croons at the cat, and she blinks up at him and then at Geralt. She doesn’t hiss, she doesn’t bite, she just purrs and waits. “I uh.. I never touched a cat before.” Geralt admits, at loss at what to do. So Jaskier drags him over and places his hand over his. Together they stroke the cat on the back. Geralt's skin is rough and warm under Jaskiers fingers, and the uncertainty radiates from his friend in waves. Jaskier is only a man, and he is a man with a day filled with treats, so he allows himself another one. With his thumb he strokes Geralt's hand before he releases it and sits back a little. He looks at the cat and then back to this big man, this witcher, this old grumpy lump of muscles he calls his friend and his… everything. He studies the way Geralt's mouth is slightly open in awe, and how the cat blinks at him and how he instinctively blinks back. How his finger lingers on the soft fur, how carefully he scratches behind her ear and under her chin. And then the cat wanders off, leaving them there to look after her. They look at her go, and then they keep walking to where Geralt was leading them.
As it turns out, Geralt was aiming for the riverside. They sit down a bit away from the water's edge by a big tree. The grass is tall and tickles his ankles where his trousers ride up. They sit close together and their shoulders bump every now and then. They listen to the water and to the birds as the day slowly settles into night around them. And then Geralt picks up the wooden casing and puts it in Jaskier’s lap. “I know it’s your money but I saw you looking at it and…” Geralt opens the casing and inside lies a beautiful rapier, inlaid with dandelions along the hilt and the handguard. Jaskiers mouth opens and closes and he reaches out a hand to softly touch the cool metal. “Geralt.” He breathes. “Geralt.” He looks up, looks down, his eyes stinging a little. “You shouldn’t have” He says when words finally return to him. He did admire it when they stood there, and he did miss the weight of a rapier in his hand at times while on the path. “In a way, I didn’t. You did. And I wanted you to have it and you have spent so much on me today so it was time you spent some on yourself.” Geralt says to him, and Jaskier can’t remember the last time his friend used so many words and for the simple reason to… to what, really? He looks up at Geralt, mouth working to find the right words but he can’t. “Thank you.” The smile Geralt gives him could buy the moon. It's soft and warm and only for him. And Geralt picks up one of the jars of sweets and opens it. He picks up a small cherry and holds it to Jaskier’s mouth. Jaskier looks at it, and then into Geralt's eyes. He is watching intently and this doesn’t feel like something friends do anymore. But he opens his mouth and takes the cherry, Geralt's fingers brushing against his lips. A small tingling sensation rushes through him, and down his spine and out to his toes. They are still looking at each other, eyes locked, all smiles gone. And as the sun slowly sets, Jaskier leans forward, leans into Geralt's space. Their noses touch when the last rays of sunshine filter through the treetops. Their breaths mingle, eyes fluttering shut and then they share a soft kiss. Barely a brushing of lips. Jaskier leans over the wooden box, pusing it down on the grass to get onto his knees. Geralt's hand curve around his neck and the tingling explodes to fireworks under his skin. They press their lips together again, a taste of sweet cherries and sunshine and birdsong. They kiss again and again. Jaskier will treat himself more often in the future, he thinks as Geralt's arms snake around him to hold him close. Kisses that taste like cherry and pearls to braid into witcher's hair and apples and plums and sunshine. And when the morning comes he makes sure to give Roach a treat too. And when they make their way out on the path again, that pain, that hollow inside him is filled with feelings and hopes he never allowed himself before. As a treat.
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jiminsfault · 5 years
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Can I put my head on your shoulder? | jjk
⇁ pairing: best friend!Jungkook x reader
⇁ genre: a tiny bit of angst (?), fluff
⇁ word count: 3k
⇁ summary: Jungkook has been your best friend and crush since kindergarden. So when he gets dumped, you‘re his shoulder to cry on.
⇁ warnings: lots of tears, Jungkook got his heart broken, feeling guilty, they‘re adults but they act like teenagers ugh, kissing (I know right? Ew), the author trying to be funny and failing
⇁ A/N: this is my first fanfiction here on this blog, so I really hope I didn‘t disappoint! (I also don‘t think there should be any problems with the time tenses but if there are, I‘m sorry!) Thank you for reading, enjoy :)
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You were deep down in your slumber, dreaming about the greatest things, when at about 2.30 am your phone started to ring loudly and disturb your sleep. You, thinking that it would be your set alarm in the morning to wake you up for your part time job at a café, automatically went to shut off the obnoxiously loud ringtone. But slowly you realized that in fact, it was the weekend and your phone usually wasn’t supposed to wake you up on these special two days because you allowed yourself to recollect the sleep that you had lost over the previous week. With a fuzzy look on your display you saw Jungkook’s name shining into your face, letting you know that his calling was the reason for the disturbance of precious sleep. As you picked the phone up, planning to ask for the matter of a call this late at night, your voice still drunk on sleep, he announced his presence with loud sobs, seemingly hiding his face behind his sleeves to cover them up, causing your heart to wrench.
„C-an you— can we meet up?“ he almost shyly asked you, his voice tight and shaky. You never thought you could wake up from your dreamland as quick as you just did. Your immediate instinct was to ask him if he‘s fine, if he‘s hurt.
„Kind of, yeah.“ That was all it took for you to know what was up. You told him to meet you at the playground you used to meet up almost everyday when you were younger, ever since kindergarden. It‘s not a far walk from both of your places and you knew that at this time, you‘d surely get the much needed privacy due to the absence of all the kids and their parents.
This is where you were sitting on a bench now, looking at the trees across from you, behind the sand and the slide, everything dunked in the dark of the night. Jungkook was hunched over next to you, hiding behind his arms and crying into his long sleeved plaid shirt. It‘s probably much too cold, the way he‘s dressed. After all, it was a winter night. At least you assumed this from the way he was shaking, even though it could be reasoned with his heavy crying as well.
When you arrived, he looked at you with red eyes and tear stains on his cheeks, seeming like he‘d break down again right in front of you. You simultaneously went in for a hug, tight and warm. He had stuttered a few words into your ear, along the lines of „how could she— she just..“
After that you didn’t need him to explain much more, you already figured out that it has to be the thing that you always had anticipated for most of your teenage years.
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Jungkook had been in a relationship with his highschool crush for years. When he was fifteen he bravely confessed to her after weeks of you having to repeatedly assure him that yes — she’d definitely accept his confession. After all, Jungkook was very popular, fawned over by nearly every girl in his grade. His shy demeanor and pretty face made them all melt on spot, his cute bunny smile tempting to just pinch his chubby cheeks. So of course she said yes immediately, blushing and hiding her face away from the cute boy who had turned around to where you were standing and watching on, not noticing your jealousy and throwing you a thumbs up with a big toothy grin. As his best friend all you could do was be happy for him so you regarded him with a smile and an ‚ok‘ sign.
They stuck with going on cute little dates for a long time before he had the courage to officially ask her to be his girlfriend. And that she was proudly. Well, up until just tonight. Or actually, up until she started to attend the University of her dreams overseas. After years of being highschool-sweethearts their relationship shifted after she moved away, studies keeping them both busy and time zones making it impossible to keep up with each other properly. You witnessed all this standing on the side of Jungkook, always supporting and encouraging him to initiate something romantic that will lift the spirit in their relationship up.
He had complained about this and that a few times, always very considering of her wishes and dreams like the perfect boyfriend, but soon having his fill. He‘d often wanted to visit her but as she‘d profusely and repeatedly went against it, they started fighting. She wouldn‘t want him to spend his money on her, she surely would be too busy to even spend the time with him well. He‘d gotten angry at her and she said that it wouldn‘t make much sense anymore, putting all this effort into a relationship as lost as theirs already was.
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That‘s at least what Jungkook told you in the past fifteen minutes, throughout multiple times of tearing up just at the thought, before his voice finally broke and he wasn‘t able to hold his frustration back or stop his deep sobs from erupting.
As you sat next to your childhood best friend, your mind raced. This is what the thirteen year old you was waiting for all these years, having to stand by and watch your crush falling in love with another girl. Back then, when Jungkook first told you, red cheeks and shy doe eyes, you were extremely disappointed about the news of him crushing on a girl that wasn‘t you. So naturally one would think you would be glad about these news and you probably would do Jumping Jacks right about now, if it weren‘t for the circumstances. You couldn‘t exactly say it made you happy to see Jungkook hurting like this. It has been a pathetic thought of yours, the hope that he‘d be ready to fall into your awaiting arms and in love with you as soon as he‘d get out of his relationship.
You shake your head slowly, realizing your ignorance over the last years. You yourself had become great friends with Jungkook‘s girlfriend over time, often tagging along when the two of them were going to the movies or doing study groups at the library. Just hoping for their relationship to fail behind their backs was unforgivable of you and if Jungkook would know about it, he wouldn‘t be searching for comfort in you right now.
„You know... it uhm..“ you started forming your sentence without really knowing where you wanted to get with it, putting your hand on his still hunched back in a soft, comforting gesture. „It will get better.“ you decide to say after a short pause, it being the only thing you‘re sure of right now. „You will get over her, or maybe you guys will make up again?“ planting hope for a reconciliation wasn‘t exactly what your heart wants you to say, not at all.
If you‘d allow yourself your heart's will, you‘d be risking a friendship that‘s much too important for the both of you. You wouldn‘t allow yourself to ever choose that path, choosing your feelings over his in this moment would be ignorant and unfitting, you kept reminding yourself of this.
„I‘ll be there to help with that,“ you suddenly blurted out. You weren‘t sure if your mind was playing tricks on you or if you actually planted a suggestive tone into the phrase, but when Jungkook suddenly sat at full height, pushing your hand off of him with the abrupt movement and looked very much stunned over at your figure, you realized that your mind did not trick you at all.
„Wh-what do you mean by that?“ he croaked, his voice hoarse now from all the crying and talking he did. You blushed, feeling every part of your body heat up and as you retreated your hand from behind him, layed on the bench from being kicked off, you started to fumble with your open jacket. „Uhm.. I mean that I..“ you exhale. „I‘ll play video games and binge watch the star wars series with you, of course! We always do that when one of us is hurt, right? Always have, that‘s our thing!“ your nervousness clearly showed through your hectic blabbering, he picked up on it.
„Y/N.. are you sure that‘s it?“ he eyed you suspiciously. Your words just sounded to...allusive. „You sound delusional right now, what else would I mean by that?!“ you angrily replied and huffed, putting up your arms across your chest in a childish manner. Jungkook‘s lips formed a hint of a smile at that, your behavior taking away a little of his frustration. You always helped to lighten up his mood, even in his darkest moments.
„I just..“ he started, turning more towards you. He saw that you really were upset at him, which confused him even more. You rarely got defensive like this over such a small thing.
You started to get a little shaky. Why was he pushing this so much? You never made an indication of you being into him, you were sure of that. Yes, sometimes you looked a little bit too long when you two went swimming or when you sat on his bed waiting for him, just getting out of the shower because he was running late for your movie nights. But he wouldn’t have noticed, not with always being too focused on his girlfriend. Your thoughts were running wild. What if he noticed? What if he also had a crush on you?
Hope sparks in your chest at that, until — no, you remind yourself. You need to pull yourself together! Jungkook had a girlfriend until this very evening! He would‘ve never been into you, with or without a girlfriend. You're his best friend and it will never be more than that. Snap out of it!
Once again you shake your head at your thoughts, you couldn’t believe how ridiculous you were acting.
With a curious look on his face, tears long forgotten, he watched you fight with your thoughts. He placed a hand on your knee, ripping you from your train of thought. „I‘m just worried, you know. You seem upset?“ the way his voice raised towards the end made it sound more like a question and the look in his face, not red anymore but slightly puffy now, just confirmed this. Your mouth gaped at the contact he initiated. Skinship wasn't unusual for the both of you, you often hugged or bumped against each other while playing video games. But somehow his big hand on your knee seemed so intimate and his hand looked so attractive and made you all giddy. The overexcited girl in you wanted to take it into your own smaller ones, but the mature side of you knew that this would only worsen the situation.
„This isn't about me! You're hurt and I want to help, will you let this go and just allow me to do that?“ you almost pleaded, very desperate to move on from this little slip up.
He eyed you, analyzing your face and how you‘re beet red by now, deciding to drop it for a moment. „Well, alright.. but never put yourself on second thought just for me, I shouldn’t be your priority,“ he stated with a soft tone which made you want to cry. He was being the best friend he‘s supposed to be, asking you about your well being even if he‘s the one who‘s been crying the Pacific Ocean.
You felt so bad about your crush and you didn't know if it would be better left unspoken or if he‘d deserve to know. If you‘d be in his position, you can imagine that you would want to know about your best friend crushing on you. But then again, you could call yourself biased. You would want him to fall for you, after all.
„But you are my priority, Jungkook.“ What was it about your mouth today, just letting these things slip out? A decade of treasuring and hiding them away from him and now of all times, your mind decided that it‘s time to speak yourself?
Your confession made his eyes go big again, this time his mouth gaped and formed a little 'o'. This time you realized, it wasn't necessarily bad to tell the truth about your feelings. It actually felt good, finally letting somebody, especially him, know about this. You never had trusted anyone of your friends enough to keep this secret, they all would've been way too enthusiastic to tell him about the great news they have for him.
„I hope you know how important you are to me, even though we‘re just friends..“ you mumble, now back to your shy demeanor. You looked down to hide that you‘re eyes glossed over at that. You had to remind yourself in what place you belonged, you were only here to be a friend, placing little signs for him is not what you‘re supposed to do.
„I do know that, Y/N. You are to me too! I love you–” Even though Jungkook's voice was soft and adoring, you knew that he meant all this in a platonic way and you didn’t want to listen to it. You pushed his hand off of your knee and stood up.
„Please don‘t say that. Your girlfriend just broke up with you and this doesn't help the situation!“ you almost screamed at him, cringing at yourself when you turned your back on him. You’re clearly rambling and you know that you’re overreacting. All this was making you upset and you don‘t want to keep up this conversation.
„I came here because you were sad. If you don‘t feel sad anymore, I‘ll just go home.“ you state, pouting in the dark because you didn’t want to hear about how Jungkook loves you as a friend anymore.
He whispered your name, probably considering the time and place you were at, not wanting to disturb the people living around the area. „I‘m still sad, really. Please stay?“ you could hear in his voice that he more so plays it up now, but you still turned around to face him again.
He knew how to get you to stop being grumpy very well and he always used his charm to his advantage.
„If you love me, you have to hug me! Come on, Y/N! Show me how much you like me!“ he teased and the only reason why you could tell that he‘s smiling his big toothy grin, is because of his damn white teeth that are clearly shining in the far away street lights that dimly shined it‘s way over to you.
Maybe it‘s the sleep deprivation or the stressful week you just suffered trough but your mind and body really didn’t get along well tonight. Once again you ran on auto pilot, slowly walking back the little bit you went away from Jungkook, your hands fiddling with your sleeves. You stopped in front of him, he was looking up at you and his eyes widened just like they always did on multiple occasions.
Your breath stuttered as you leaned down, slowly putting your hands around his neck and kissing his puffy cheek. You retracted, staring back with eyes just as wide. He started to stutter your name but you relished in this moment, going in for another peck on the other side this time.
„I really wanna show you how much I love you but I don‘t think I can“ you murmur, knowing he would understand you because of your close proximity. Jungkook was still struggling with his words and you giggled quietly at him. Deciding to sit down next to him, you exhaled a big breath. Your nerves were on high alert, you never would’ve imagined to be as brave as you just were.
„You don‘t have to react to this,“ you start. „I didn’t plan for this to develop in any way, I just wanted to show you how I feel.“ He stayed quiet, just listened to you explain yourself. „I think there isn’t a better opportunity than this just was,“ is what you decided to end your half ass confession. You braced yourself for the worst, expected Jungkook to scream at you or tell you that you should leave him alone. But non of it ever came.
„I always kind of knew that you liked me more than friends do.“ His voice was hushed but you still heard his humor trough. „Was kind of wondering if you‘d tell me when I‘d be single again.“ He sounded so smug, you wanted to punch him.
Your mind was too fuzzy to think of a proper response. Should you laugh? Ask him if he hates you now? But before you could act on any of your instincts, he leaned in. Jungkook touched you cheek with his lips, just the lightest illusion of a kiss.
„I‘m really tired now, Y/N“ he stated. His head turned so you felt his fluffy hair graze your cheek, just where his mouth has been before.
„Can I maybe just put my head on your shoulder for a while?“ The question itself had a sense of innocence in it, he never asked you for affection as openly as he just did. The weight of his round head pressed your shoulder a little down and you couldn’t help but to rest your head atop it hair.
„Let‘s stay like this for a while, yes? We can talk about it when my voice doesn’t crack anymore like when I was in Highschool.“ Jungkook laughed at himself and you tagged along.
„But that was always so hot though“ you overly sighed to put up an act and placed your hand where your heart was.
„Stop that!“ he almost screeched because his throat was so dry and you both couldn’t keep from laughing loudly.
Silently you smile to yourself as the two of you just sit in silence. You feared talking about it, so the comfortable silence around you soothed your still shaking hands.
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2nerd4this · 3 years
(No-Name) I mean, I don't know if this can be somewhat helpful (I really don't get this thing of yearly money subscription to food (?) And also it's 2.30 AM I'm going to bed after this ask I swear), but... Spending a bit of money for food is better than spending none or too much but just once?
I mean, you don't /have/ to spend 40$ of food everyday so that you reach 0$ in the end, see this as like when you slowly improve your grades. At first you start with like... 2 (out of 10. It's bad. I don't know what grades you have. Oh wait, America has letters. An F?), Then you improve and reach 6 (uhhhh... D? C?), And it's ok! Normal food! A normal, non extra, non super expensive lunch! But it's food, it's a good thing!
And then, by the end of the year, your grades improve even more (B? A? What even is A+? Does it really exists???), And that's great! Did you have nice grades all the year? Nope, but at the end you reached a goal, and you learned how to get there, when at first it seemed impossible! (And maybe some of those mystery lunch money subscription (????) Will be lost, but it will still be less money than what you have right now!)
Uhhh, long story short: eating a meal, even if it's not 40$ a day, it's still better than:
- nothing
- spending maybe 40$ for a meal ONE DAY and then not doing it again because it's too much!
Slow and steady wins the race!
(also pls teach me about USA's grading system)
If this IMMENSE ask didn't get you any comfort, ignore it! I come with good intentions and good vibes, remember you're amazing!
Awwww you’re the sweetest. That’s definitely a helpful sentiment because I’ve been trying really hard to take things one step at a time instead of stressing about big things in the future, and its very good advice, thank you <3
That’s actually part of my issue, lol, is that I know that every day I don’t go to the dining hall is another $10 I would have to spend later, but anyway........
You were basically got the USA grading system right! F’s are the least, up to A’s, but for some reason E’s don’t exist (????) And at least where I go to school, -’s and +’s exist for every letter grade, so like a A- is higher than a B+, and an A+ means basically perfect. Some schools don’t use -’s and +’s, and some only use it for A’s, and some only use it for A’s B’s and C’s..... idk. It’s based on a percentage system (A’s are 93% to 98&, A-’s are 90%-92%, and A+’s are 99% or higher, and its the same for every letter grade, so F’s are... I think anything under 60%, or at least that's how it worked at my highschool and here at college).
Thanks for the advice, my friend. Even if the direct advice wasn’t helpful (which is was btw), I would still appreciate the thought and the comfort. :) 
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benjiclarington · 5 years
HaShem, I wonder who sent this one…
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F- favorite song? 
Umbrella by Rihanna? Don’t Forget by Demi? Woman by Ke$ha? 
I’m torn. I love me some powerful women.
A- are you single?
Nope! 10 days to my 3 month anniversary, actually.
V- violent moment?
Ooo… Back at Shalom when I was 16, my boyfriend at the time, Reuben, randomly broke up with me for a girl at our sister school because he was ‘trying to find himself’. Turned out he never liked me and I was just some huge ‘experiment’. He had led me on a string for like 10 months and I kinda… lost it. 
I didn’t hurt anyone! But I kept my cool until I got back to my dorm, then I locked myself inside and just started seeing red. I had a serious temper tantrum and threw a bunch of things and damaged a lot of stuff–most of it belonging to Shalom Academy… I got suspended from after school activities for a week, Hunter had Vince fly up from America for the week to calm me down, and Dad had to pay for damages. Not my best moment.
O- one wish?
To be a performing member of Cirque du Soleil.
R- reason to smile?
Video games!
I- in love?
T- time you woke up?
5.45 AM sharp. My Krav Maga Training that dad ‘forces me to take’ pays for starts at 6.30 MWF. Then Contortion training at 7.30, Ballet training at 8.30, class from 10 to 2.30, then Contemporary training at 3, then lunch, and then extra curriculars after that. 
So basically, 5.45AM or I miss something ‘and if I miss something too many times, there’s consequences…’
E- easiest person to talk to?
Vince, Cooper, or Chris. It depends what I need to talk about. Hannah’s pretty easy to talk to too.
C- crush?
U- 3 biggest wishes?
1) To be a performing member of Cirque du Soleil.
2) ‘To be able to actually do/date/think what I want.’
S- song last listened to
Grace Kelly - MIKA
N- number?
Nine! I have stolen jersey to prove it~
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seven-seas-of-why · 6 years
Yes another tag
I was tagged by @will-you-do-the-fandango Ily 💕❤️😽
Embrace yourself I'm really bad at these
A : Age -19
B : Birthplace - Tammisaari, Finland
C : Current time - 5.31 PM (2.30 am when I'm finished)
D : Drink you last had - water
E : Easiest person to talk to - My friend Elisa idk we are just usually on the same frequency which is cool
F : Favorite songs (currently) - I don't know, I've been listening to a lot of ABBA lately so maybe Angel Eyes
G : Grossest memory - Usually don't like thinking about those but maybe being so drunk in Ibiza that I threw up on myself and on the floor of the bus we were in that he bus driver stopped and I crawled out and just lot of stuff hapoened before and after that but that's the gross part
H : Horror yes or no - in books, yes, in movies I just usually get confused because of the plot
I : In love - I have been but glad that's over
J : Jealous of - a lot of people about a lot of things.
K : Kids - I have two cats does that count
L : Love at first sight or walk by again - love at first sight don't exist since it's called attraction
M : Middle name - Meerit Pauliina
N : Number of siblings - 1 older sigling
O : One wish - mutual understanding with people or world peace or however you want to call it
P : Person you last called - I think my sister but it was like a week ago, I don't really make calls
Q : Question you always get asked - Can't think of anything. Probably my age or other boring questions
R : Random fact about you - I have been engaged
S : Song you last sang - Doing All Right - Queen
T : Time you woke up - 7.45 am
U : Underwear color : black
V : Vacation destination - I want to go to a round trip around Asia
W : Worst habit - procrastination or overthinking
X : x-ray - I don't really get the question
Y : Your favorite food - potatoes or bread
Z : Zodiac sign - gemini
I tag everyone who reads this and haven't done this already, I feel like everyone has but @puolkuollut (pliis), @roger-taylor-stole-my-heart @brian-maybe @queenbrianmay
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dampfloks · 6 years
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Schnellfahrlok 18 201 "Jimmo"
auf einer Tour Dormagen - Heidelberg - Grevenbroich am 16.06.2018 mit einer Rheingold-Zuggarnitur und zusätzlichen Schnellzugwagen.
Diese Lokomotive der Versuchs- und Entwicklungsstelle der Maschinenwirtschaft (VES-M) Halle (Saale) ist schnellste betriebsfähige Dampflok der Welt. Ein absolutes Einzelstück, gefertigt 1961 aus Teilen der Stromlinien-Tenderlok 61 002 von 1939 (Lok des Henschel-Wegmann-Zuges) und der Versuchslok Henschel H 45 024. Diese Sonderanfertigung mit 2,30m großen Treibrädern wurde für Mess- und Abnahmefahrten von in der DDR gebauten Reisezugwagen für den Export entwickelt. Zu dieser Zeit waren Diesel- und Elektrolokomotiven in der damaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) mit so hohen Geschwindigkeiten nicht verfügbar. Deshalb besann man sich auf die Ingenieursk��nste und das große Fachwissen im Bereich der Dampflokomotiv-Technik. Mit einer gemessenen Spitzengeschwindigkeit von 182,4 km/h war die Konstruktion des Ingenieurs Max Baumann ein voller Erfolg. Das Ergebnis kann sich auch heute noch sehen lassen. Das Kraftpaket mit dem besonderen Klang des Auspuffschlages des  3-Zylinder Triebwerks hat der Lok den Spitznamen Jimmo eingebracht. 
Da die Lok recht viel Wasser benötigt war sie auf dieser Fahrt mit 2 Tendern unterwegs. Ein wirklich imposantes Gespann.
Hersteller: Versuchs- und Entwicklungsstelle der Maschinenwirtschaft (VES-M) Halle (Saale) / DDR Baujahr: 1961 mit Umrüstung auf eine Ölhauptfeuerung im Jahr 1967 Bauart: 2'C 1'h3 Leistung: 1590 PS Vmax: 160  km/h (höchste gemessene Spitzengeschwindigkeit 182,4 km/h)
High-speed locomotive 18 201
"Jimmo" on a tour Dormagen - Heidelberg - Grevenbroich on 16.06.2018 with a Rheingold train set and additional express train set.This locomotive of the Testing and Development Centre for mechanical Engineering (VES-M) Halle (Saale) is the fastest operational steam locomotive in the world. An absolute unique piece, manufactured in 1961 from parts of the streamlined tank locomotive 61 002 from 1939 (locomotive of the Henschel-Wegmann train) and the test locomotive Henschel H 45 024. The machine with its 2.30 m large driving wheels was developed for measuring and acceptance runs of passenger coaches built in the GDR for export. At that time, diesel and electric locomotives were not available with such high speed technology in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). For this reason, the engineering skills and the great expertise in the field of steam locomotive technology were recalled. With a measured top speed of 182.4 km/h, the design by engineer Max Baumann was a complete success. The result can still be seen today. The locomotive was nicknamed Jimmo because of the engine's special sound.
Because the locomotive needed quite a lot of water on this trip it was on the way with 2 tenders. A really impressive combination.
Manufacturer: Versuchs- und Entwicklungsstelle der Maschinenwirtschaft (VES-M) Halle (Saale) / GDR Year of construction: 1961 with conversion to an oil main firing system in 1967Type: 2'C 1'h3 Power: 1590 HP Vmax: 160 km/h (highest measured top speed 182.4 km/h)
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shinee-freefalling · 6 years
BTS World Tour: Love Yourself - fan account
I saw BTS perform at the O2 arena in London on Tuesday 9th October 2018, and it was simply amazing. I’ll do my best to tell you all about it.
Before the show (the boring bit in which I try not to misrepresent the realities of the standing experience - potentially useful if you’ll be attending a show with standing tickets)
The truth is that the day of the show… had its challenges. My group of friends and I had standing tickets and we chose to commit ourselves to getting to the O2 by 5 am (which involved waking up at 2.30 am lol - it was like getting up to go to the airport) to be in with a chance of being somewhere near the front of the pit. Queuing had its ups and downs (trying to avoid giving too much detail on this as I don’t want to give room for negativity), but ultimately, for me, a lot of excitement built up and it was an opportunity to practise our fan chants, even if it was a pretty tiring experience.
Once the doors opened at 5 pm and we were admitted into the arena, we were over the moon at managing to get a spot in the fourth row from the front, right near the middle stage (diamond-shaped), which is pretty much exactly where we’d hoped to end up. Unfortunately, although perhaps inevitably, it did later become clear that there was going to be a lot of pushing from the back of the pit. One of my friends sadly got completely separated from the rest of us for the duration of the concert, ending up in about the tenth row back. The rest of us got separated from one another too, though we were lucky enough to be able to somewhat maintain our position nearer the front.
I’ve got to admit that in spite of the level of pushing (and, at times, elbowing) that occurred, there maybe actually was something to be gained from the intensity and vigour of the crowd. It was at least made clear that Bangtan are incredibly loved, that all of UK ARMY want to be close with them, and there was something unifying in that.
I’ve wasted time making excuses when all I really want to say is that I had the best time of my life and loved every second of the concert from the moment it started to the moment BTS left the stage.
I’d seen Bangtan before (at KCON Paris in 2016), but had kinda forgotten what it’s like to be there in the same room with them, to look at them and see them with your own two eyes, no cameras or computer screens intervening. As one of my friends said to me on the tube home, they look exactly as they do in their pictures and videos, completely beautiful, but the difference is that they became real. All of that masculinity, attitude and (forgive me) sex appeal that gets dampened by the process of recording and broadcasting became tangible, and it was kinda electrifying.
Songs (with commentary)
The setlist for the night was setlist B, so the songs were:
Idol (The first song!!!! They launched straight into it and did their introductions afterwards.)
Save Me (It became apparent that people really know the words of their songs, and there was even fan chanting going on, not even just singing along. It was so fun to be part of the ARMY ocean with everybody. Namjoon’s part was super popular.)
I’m Fine (I was NOT fine.)
Magic Shop (JK introduced his song for ARMY, giving me the chance to tell BTS that I promise to give me the best of me. Thank you BTS. Such a beautiful moment of my life.)
Trivia: Just Dance (Solo stages!!!! And Hobi, you sexy. How can you go from ‘I’m your hope, you’re my hope’ to this??? That elevated stage dance though - you must’ve been scared… and you didn’t lose your footing or get out of breathe? Wizard)
Euphoria (JK sang from his chair, which probably killed him inside but it was just very moving and somehow didn’t detract from the performance at all, such is the level of his vocals. Being with JK together in that song, well, for me, it was utopia.)
I Need U (I think this is when I almost fainted lol)
Run (Yeah still fainting - oh dear)
Serendipity (‘GEUNYANG GEUNYANG!!!!!’ HOLY SHIT JIMINNNNNNNNN. He freakin played us ALL. Like I was never a fan of excessive floor humping dance moves until this day. Now I am, like 3000% a fan.)
Trivia: Love (So this is one of my favourite of their new songs and I’d heard it wasn’t that popular in concert but our crowd went wild for it. We were all right there with the PQRST, it was mad. I hope Namjoon felt our love.)
DNA (Yoongi’s part and then V’s made us lose our shit.)
Boyz with Fun (Medley time! And I mean, who can resist a bit of ‘heungtan sonyeondan’? Such a lovely throwback to Paris, I was filled with memories of me and my bestie. Love this song so much because of that.)
Attack on Bangtan (A lot of water was being handed out at this point to keep us hydrated. My memories are blurry.)
Fire (They didn’t do the choreo until 3.33, then they hella did the choreo.)
Silver Spoon (THEY DID BAEPSAE!!! Weren’t we lucky?! Namjoon came right up to the edge of the stage and attacked with some… select parts of the choreo 😂 - I was LIVING.)
Dope (This was so clearly an audience favourite. I think maybe because a lot of people got into Bangtan for the first time because of this song? At least that was the case for me. ‘Eoseo wa bangtaneun cheoeumiji?’ NEEEEEEE)
Airplane Pt. 2 (Finally, BTS can say ‘London to Paris’ and really mean it. JK sitting in his chair actually worked well for this one, he did a lot of upper body wiggling and it was great.)
Singularity (V was a solo artist with this - unreal levels of artistry, individuality and professionalism.)
Fake Love (I had the realisation that this is like my favourite BTS stage ever. The choreo in real life was just mind-blowing, the movements were so unbelievable and fluid. It was only just really sad that Jungkookie couldn’t be a part of it, I’m sure he wanted to. The fan chants were mad with this one btw - I think there are ‘FAKE LOVE’-shaped holes in my eardrums.)
Trivia: Seesaw (Aren’t we all Yoongi stans when this song plays? That voice was pure velvet. Yoongi, we all know it now - you can really sing.)
Epiphany (Okay, I’ll admit something I’m slightly ashamed of, which is that i didn’t known Jin could be this good. And I feel bad for not expecting it to the extent I did, but he ruled the stage so hard, it was beyond expectation, definitely one of the best stages of the night. Madhyung’s voice was so strong and beautiful. What a singer.)
The Truth Untold (There was a moment of such utterly perfect harmony between JiKook, the crowd loved it.)
Outro: Tear (Yoongi loves his job, he was just so very clearly so happy to be there and was loving every second of it. The amount of stage presence and… sheer happiness that radiated rom him, it was so so lovely to see.)
Mic Drop (This was mad, we were singing along like it was the last thing we’d do, even the raps, even though it was the Korean version. And freakin ‘mic mic bungee’ was everything.)
Part of me had hoped for setlist C as Boy in Luv is one of my favourites, and there was a moment when Jimin (or was it V?) said ‘make some noise’ in the exact same way that I’ve seen them sometimes doing right before launching into ‘doegopa / neoui oppa,’ and so my heart completely leapt out of my chest. But honestly, no regrets. All the setlists are amazing and I feel SO lucky to have seen Baepsae!!
For the encore, we had the standard:
So What (‘I don’t wanna die right now, I don’t wanna fight right now, I don’t like worries, Life is long… I wanna live right now’ - thank you Namjoon 💖.)
Anpanman (Of course the crowd loved it, though I found out after the show that Jungkook apparently broke down in tears at this point. He must have been so frustrated not to be able to give it his all. ☹️)
Answer: Love Myself (‘You’ve shown me, I have reasons, I should love myself’ - the perfect ending, resolution.)
Jimin, my bias. Thank you, Jimin. He spent so much time on our part of the stage, I was immensely grateful, especially as I’d been sad that he hadn’t seemed to come over to our part of the stage so much in Paris. Beautiful, blonde, with a such a pretty tummy (we saw flashes during Baepsae). Charismatic but rude, he was giving all kinds of eye contact to the crowd, so much fan service, in fact they all made a point of doing this and it was so kind, the way they made sure to make us feel seen and heard. Though their gazes (mostly) weren’t soft at all, so hard and piercing. I feel blessed but also somehow humiliated by having been present in their line of sight.
Jimin maintained a cool facade for much of the concert (I mean, he is the coolest after all), but occasionally that true, sweet smile would break through (like at the end of Serendipity, probs cause he knew we needed something to recover) or when speaking to the members (playing with / comforting Jungkook, bothering Namjoon).
Not meaning to be rude or anything, because it’s something I totally love about him, but Jimin is massively attention hogging on stage and you can totally see why the other members like to (semi-pretend) complain about him, yet admire him so much for his stage presence and performance ability. He was always present just seemingly everywhere on stage, and so commanding. Born to perform, I swear. And stealing everyone else’s moments too, especially Namjoon, whose choreographed high kicks he matched at one point, before adding one extra (extra high) kick of his own, then going on to pinch Namjoon’s cheeks and poke his dimples during Namjoon’s ment. At one point, he came up behind Namjoon so suddenly that Namjoon didn’t know he was there and accidentally hit him in the face. Jimin pretended to be stunned and touched his face as if to confirm it had happened before moving on - it was just so cuteee. 
Ending ments
BTS closed the show with their ending ments. The members taking the time to speak to us as individuals and at length was so special, it was maybe even my favourite part of the whole entire thing. To be able to experience Bangtan live, member by member, just as we know them to be, just as they are… it was just so special.
Something I haven’t mentioned yet (although I’m sure anybody reading this who cares to know will already know) is that Jungkook was injured. We got an announcement at about ten minutes before the concert was due to start explaining that Jungkook had collided with furniture while doing some light stretches not two hours before the show started, and so although it wasn’t a serious injury, he had been told that it would be against medical advice to perform choreography that night. Throughout the concert, he was therefore sat in a chair and not able to participate in the dances or come to the front of the stage. During his ending ment, Jungkookie explained (through the translator) that he had originally prepared something to say in English but chose to speak in Korean so that he could speak to us sincerely from his heart. He apologised for not being able to perform and promised that now he had experienced it, being here with us, he would make sure that it never happened again. Of course, we shouted that it wasn’t his fault, which Namjoon also told him (‘Jungkook, it’s not your fault,’ clear and simple), and we shouted that we loved him. A chant of Jeon Jungkook broke out and Jungkook just bent over with head down so that all we could see was the back of his neck growing red as he cried. Jimin in his ment teased that Jungkook would go back and cry all night after this, and counted us in to ‘tell Jungkook you love him.’ I’m sad he cried but I’m glad we managed to show him how much we love him, that our words reached him. In spite of being injured, Jungkookie was clearly just so done with sitting by the end and did get up and walk around a bit at the front of the stage to try and properly say goodbye (this was during Answer: Love Myself, I think). Jungkookie, I hope you won’t be hurt for long and that you will be back to doing what you love in no time. Get better soon and thank you for everything.
Jungkookie wasn’t the only member to cry. I’m pretty sure Jin and V also teared up at the end. So you know, they were feeling it too. And Jimin’s ment had me crying also, I literally took one look at him as his turn came to speak and started bawling. It was quite embarrassing having to shout ‘we love you’ and ‘you’re my hero’ with a voice full of tears but I did it anyway and I hope he realised how much we love him.
BTS in London
I never expected that they’d come here until they did. I didn’t think we’d be able to get tickets until we did. Namjoon said that London is a place they’ve always wanted to come to. Jimin said that it was his first time in London. Namjoon promised that they will come back next year, which was just the most wonderful thing to hear. Jimin said they were supposed to come last year but couldn’t. Someone, maybe Yoongi or maybe V, said that London was a beautiful place, but we (ARMY) were the most beautiful thing about it. It was definitely Yoongi who said, in classic Yoongi style, that they would need a bigger stadium next time. What a total burn to the O2 arena, clearly not big enough to accommodate the size of Yoongi’s ambition. 😂
Bangtan’s is a position of immense privilege, but they hold it with such grace. They demonstrate such professionalism and kindness, yet at the same time are goddam sexy and frankly brutal in their stage personas. I am so grateful to know them and to be their fan. We were so lucky to get tickets to see their show, to get the chance to say thank you and show them our love. Bangtan, you’re my inspiration; Jimin, you’re my hero. When I need to love myself, you take me there and show me how. When I need to work on myself, you show me how to do that too. Thank you for being together with me always in your music, and making an ‘us’ together with ARMY: ‘Thank you, uri ga dwae jwoseo.’
Yoongi sprayed water on us first, and rather aggressively too. Then J-Hope did it too. Thank you for showering me (with your love). 😂
Jimin pushed back V’s hair back when he was wearing his bandana during the encore. So cuteee
Jimin took out Jungkook’s earpiece and whispered into his ear, saying something that caused him to smile.
Taehyung did finger guns with that classic boxy smile face right near us - it’s seared into my memory.
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nclson · 2 years
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** i will describe this better when it isn't 2.30 am but foggy hates shit being about him if it isnt on his terms. Birthday drinks at the shithole bar? Fine, he is more than willing to suffer some attention whilst his friends drink with him. Getting hurt? This man cannot think ab how it's affecting him for one second otherwise he risks c r u m b l i n g.
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enjo-kousai · 3 years
333 - 202107190221
Yo a las 2.30 am: ok creo q ya lo escribí acá pero verdaderamente me gustaría saber con quien creía C que le engañaba, solo por quitarme la espinita porque honestamente las únicas personas q me llegan a la mente q pudo haber malinterpretado son P, M o Mi ?? Y de Mi pos aparte de contarle que hablaba con él la dvd nunca hice nada más que pudiese interpretarse como otra cosa (según yo) y creo que fuera de decirle a P “ABER TUS NUDES” en tw tampoco nunca hice otra cosa 🤔 sí me siento ofendide porque yo podré ser cualquier cosa menos engañadore de mi pareja y C se enoja que cuando quiso hablar conmigo yo no le dije “wey hablemos después” y preferí terminar todo PERO elle tampoco tuvo los webos pa decirme en ese momento WEY ME ESTÁS ENGAÑANDO?? pa q habláramos ahí, digo no hard feelings porque la dvd uno no puede actuar de manera racional en situaciones así pero sí hubiera estado bien que me dijese en ese momento; anyways siempre viviré con esa duda y misterio del tercer milenio
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cottonletters · 3 years
wish you to take a position for several years in Hamilton or anywhere else as a —————— wife even though financially we might be quite comfortable. I would feel that I had to get to work in earnest to look out for permanent work as I told you in my last letter what you are no doubt pondering over in addition to your other matters I have something in which might possibly come to something. If it did it might make a very material difference in things so as far as any transfer goes think we had better let it hang for a little.
Now I have a counter proposal to which Bob may take as little as I to the other are but it is no harm to suggest it and between us I daresay we can work out something to all. 5% of $1800 is $90and Bobs scheme no doubt is for an entry of $90 a year and an investment of the capital required for improvements to help us very naturally out of our troubles and at the same time give him a rental of $175 to $200. There is no mention of taxes but we will leave that just now. Three times $90 avg. $270. Suppose he applied that $270 to pay on our house notes or he could pay half interest this year and $220.00 on notes. We could give him a three year lease of the place and a receipt in full for three years rent. As to the improvements we could give him a security on the place and an undertaking to pay for them at the expiry of the lease or failing that to continue the lease until such time as they were paid for. We could also give him first chance to buy the place at an agreed on price should we wish to sell. If we wished to go back before the three years were up we could do so as his tenants. Letters are poor things and I may have the whole idea wrong but if I have it right it seems to me that some such scheme as the above might be worked. He would of course take some cash but not so much as we carried the other way for even if we were sold out at mortgage sale which is like the other contingencies in his proposal, possibly he he would have the chance of buying in the place to protect himself. If we decided to sell he would have the chance at a price agreed on or if to any one else of course we could only sell subject to his lease. That would nearly wipe out the house notes and leave us the interest and payments on accommodation notes to look out for which we should be able to handle if I am any good at all. Now I want you to read every word of the above to Bob. It is well to know how we stand and by getting down to pork bottom I haven’t the least doubt that we can arrive at something naturally advantageous.
I fear my poor little woman that you are having a bad time of it and should we make a deal you had better try and come up as soon as possible. We have been getting beautiful weather sunshine and rain and the country looks simple beautiful, strawberries and all the early vegetables are in the market and everything is going fiercely to make up for the bad weather. I still believe though that Maggie is in the best climate of all. I will not return her letter until I write again as this will be quite enough to put in the envelope. The slack time at the factory is affecting me favourably so far. I earned $2.30 on Friday and yesterday up to 12 o’clock made $1.50 . I don’t turn that all in for a half day though so will account for $1.50 for Saturday and have a nest egg of 15 cents to commence Monday with. As I have a profitable job to start on with lunch I should make it a$2.50 day so perhaps this two weeks will not be so bad. So many have been turned off for a couple of months that the few left get a larger proportion of profitable work to do. I will soon know all about packing farm implements ready for shipment. By the time you get this your eyes will be sore so I must stop. If it were not for those foolish accountadive notes which Peter got out of me I think we could handle nearly everything in the note live from here all right. The office payments stop about July 5th instead of August 1st so we were not so far astray and I know Bob paid several little bills at the office. E.W.Taylor and W.l.Boswell for instance good bye darling. I hope you and Bob can figure out the above between you. Try and keep up your spirits and I expect the best thing for you to do will be to come up here as Soon as possible. I expect Bob and we can get to some agreement as it would be a good thing from both standpoints. Love to all. I have just about time to write to Bob before dinner. With fondest love
Ever your husband
Frank C Cotton
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“7 Years, 20 Lashes Is Robbery Penalty,” Toronto Star. June 12, 1940. Page 31. ---- Rocco Costello Pays for Armed Theft From Baker and Wife ---- Seven years in Kingston penitentiary and 20 lashes was the sentence imposed on 26-year-old Rocco Costello by Judge Otto C. Klein in county criminal court today. Costello was convicted yesterday of armed robbery and appeared today for sentence.
Costello was found guilty of robbing Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kaplansky, College St., of $277, while armed.
Kaplansky, who operates a bakery, and his wife were in bed when three armed men entered their home at 2.30 a.m., April 21. The sentence will run concurrently with a two-year term imposed in Bowmanville on May 13 for carrying a concealed weapon.
Costello paled visibly as Judge Klein uttered the sentence, adding that 10 straps would be administered three months after his entering the prison and a second 10 strokes nine months after his entry.
‘This was on a par with a bank robbery, save that here there was less chance of the victims having any means of protection,’ said his honor. ‘I am satisfied Costello was ready, if necessary, to have his confederate carry out his order to let Mr. and Mrs. Kaplansky have it if they yelled.’
Costello did not take the witness stand but through W. A. Campbell admitted a record commencing in 1923 and including more than a dozen convictions.
‘I am afraid there is not much chance of reformation,’ concluded his honor.
[AL: This was Costello’s third commitment to the penitentiary, and his longest.  His first was 2 years from 1931 to 1933 for auto theft - he took part in the 1932 riot at the penitentiary and told the investigators afterwards he wanted “recreation...some kind of entertainment...do away with the silence rule” - very much in line with other prisoners. His second term was in 1938 to 1940, and he was not out long before the robbery of the Kaplansky’s. At the penitentiary he worked mostly in the Tin and Paint shop, a skilled but dirty and demanding industry, and was released in 1946.]
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I was tagged by my boi @i-am-not-the-deer-man love ya (and I know you tagged me ages ago but it’s 2.30 am and idc let’s do thiss)
Also you said you’d love to come to Germany?? You can visit me!!! That’d be super extra nice ^-^
Nicknames: mostly Brö/Bruder and Young Padawan by @jediifinn but I’d also love some new crazy nicknames by you guys
Gender: female
Star sign: taurus
Height: 5’ 4" I think
Sexuality: straight I think
Hogwarts house: hufflepuff
Favorite animal: my cat <3
Average hours spent sleeping: too few
Dogs or cats?: C A T S but also doggos if they’re nice
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2
Dream trip: the whole world??????????? pls
Dream job: let’s not think about the future rn (it’s terrifying and I don’t want to have another existential crisis)
When I made this account: Nov. 2014 if I remember correctly
Why I made this Account: @jediifinn
Number of followers: 213 love y’all <33 ((also I block bots))
I’m tagging @jediifinn @lovelywaterbuffaloes @fangirlbusiness @stardustnglitter @0urbrainsaresickbutthats0k @mybeautifulmicrocosm and everyone else who wants to do it!
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veonoticia · 7 years
Por traición a la patria detienen a nueve militares del Ejército
Seis comandantes, un primer teniente y dos sargentos del Ejército fueron privados de libertad por los delitos de traición a la patria, instigación a la rebelión y contra el decoro militar.
Fuente: El Nacional
Lilia Camejo, abogada y directora ejecutiva de la ONG Justicia Venezolana, informó en su Twitter que la decisión del Tribunal Militar se debe a que presuntamente conformaron un grupo denominado “Movimiento de Transición a la Dignidad del Pueblo”.
Los oficiales del Ejército fueron detenidos el 2 de marzo, junto con otros 10 militares, por agentes de la Dirección General del Contrainteligencia Militar (Dgcim).
Camejo resaltó que entre los 370 detenidos por razones políticas se contabilizan 82 militares, 12 efectivos policiales y 40 ciudadanos, quienes tienen más de dos años privados de libertad.
En receso de la audiencia de presentación de varios Oficiales y Tropa Profesional detenidos el 2/marzo en diferentes batallones del Pais.
— Lilia Camejo G. (@LiliaCamejoG) March 10, 2018
2.30 am. Tribunal Militar decreta privativa de libertad a los 6 Comandantes, 1Ptte y 2 Sgto del Ejército, presuntamente por conformar un Movimiento denominado Movimiento de Transición a la Dignidad del Pueblo.
— Lilia Camejo G. (@LiliaCamejoG) March 10, 2018
2.30 am. Culmina audiencia de Presentación de los 6 TCnel, 1 Ptte y 2 Sgto todos del Ejército. Imputa el Tribunal Militar los delitos de Traicion a la Patria, Instigacion a la Rebelión y Contra el Decoro Militar.
— Lilia Camejo G. (@LiliaCamejoG) March 10, 2018
2.30 am. Tribunal Militar decreta privativa de libertad a los 6 Comandantes, 1Ptte y 2 Sgto del Ejército, presuntamente por conformar un Movimiento denominado Movimiento de Transición a la Dignidad del Pueblo.
— Lilia Camejo G. (@LiliaCamejoG) March 10, 2018
# 10Mz 3:30AM Tribunal 3ero Militar, Ccs, dicta Privativa de Libertad por “Traición a la Patria, Instigación a la Rebelión…” a 9 Militares del Ejército: 1)Sgto Ej. Yuleima Medina. Ramo Verde 2)Sgto. Ej. Julio C. Gutierrez. Deprocemil La Pica 3)1er Tte. Ej. Yeiber Ariza…
— Alfredo Romero (@alfredoromero) March 10, 2018
4)Tte. Cnl. Ej. Henry Medina. Santa Ana Procemil 5)Tte. Cnl. Ej. Eric Peña. Ramo Verde 6)Tte. Cnl. Ej. Deivis Marrero. Ramo Verde 7)Tte. Cnl. Ej. Juan C. Peña. Sta Ana Procemil 8)Tte. Cnl. Ej. Victoriano Soto. Deprocemil La Pica 9)Tte. Cnl. Ej. Iver Marin. Sta Ana Procemil https://t.co/4Wbb4Dji01
— Alfredo Romero (@alfredoromero) March 10, 2018
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