#it's a dilemma
cyantt-does-stuff · 1 month
ADHD is like being given a list of tasks/side quests in a video game, getting a new one every five minutes. You start at the first one, and you keep trying to complete them in order, but somewhere along the way you start wanting to do two at the same time because they're close together and should be easy to complete back to back, but then you want to do another one that's in that same area, and then it's four, five, six, and all the while you feel like you're gonna be torn apart trying to choose which one to get through with first because you want to do them all at once. And the entire reason this happens is because you think that if you can't manage to get them all at once you'll never get through them at all.
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sergle · 1 year
obsessed with the plant guys you just posted 💚💛🩷 any chance you’ll turn them into stickers? ive been wanting to order some from ur shop and would love a few sheets of these dudes
also random question but im wondering. do you envision the plant and mushroom guys as like sentient little fairy dudes? or more like creatures with like cat level intelligence?
Maybe!!! I'm thinking abt it- I've considered using that art for stickers, or redrawing em digitally so I can get them to a more crispy state... but I also already made a plant guys sticker set some time back (it's not available anymore) and I'm like. well wouldn't I just bring those back first? bc they're the same Species Of Guy.
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ricoka · 19 days
I have a day off on Friday because I had plans that didn't work out. But now I'm wondering if I should just be spontaneous and buy a ticket for a random flight and go on a little adventure
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mintflavoredfemurs · 1 month
Me when not in school: DAMN IT i have no structure I Don'T Know how to FUNCTION!! I need to get back in school ASAP i need to FUNCTION
Me when in school: wow this sleep deprivation and stress is so cool and totally doesn't make me wanna eat button batteries. at least i'm doing laundry on time though. i need to get OUT.
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indi-glo-archive · 2 months
they should invent amateur English academia for people who understand English (the subject not the language) too well to participate in fandom but don't want to major in it
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voidartisan · 2 years
i didn't understand what people meant about feeling like they were waiting for their husbands to return from the war when their favorite characters were getting less screentime until i went four weeks not seeing cody after "it appears he has gone AWOL".
where is he.
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Tagged by @hamartia-grander and @unmotivatedartistry (thank you both ;<;) and I'm just now realising I never even posted an intro or little blurb about me when I joined. Just hopped right in started being a menace. Anyways
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
Relationship Status: single unless Chloe (dbh) is willing to marry me
Favourite Colour: yellow like sunflowers
Song Stuck In My Head: Oh I have 2 rn. "Flu Game" and "What A Time To Be Alive" by Fall Out Boy
Three Favourite Foods: milanesas de pollo, tamales, and enchiladas mostly the green ones but I'm starting to really like the ones de mole
Last Song I Listened To: So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy as you can see their new album has consumed me
Dream Trip: I've never thought about this. Maybe a world tour so I can go to all the different countries my friends live in and annoy them in person.
Last Thing(s) I Googled: "weather today" because it was raining and I was debating ditching class since I have to bike to school
I don't know that many people on here, and I am very hesitant about tagging people since I also don't know who'd be okay with it or not so,, consider yourself tagged if we're moots :,)
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notesonartistry · 2 years
I want to watch the footie, but I'm sleepy and want to go to bed, but I want to watch the match, but ...
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heart-of-the-party · 2 years
I want to change my look with fantasia (i love my viera but i want hats 😭😭 and her animations feel slightly stiff) but haurchie fought side by side with her so I'm reluctant to change too 😔
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chronicparagon · 2 years
“I am craving s’mores...Like, the good, fashioned s’mores by a campfire or bonfire. It’s just...” Harmony shudders and her eyes shut tight as she thinks about larger fires. “The thought of having to be close to large fires...They...They make me nervous. Candles don’t bother me. Those are small fires that I can control. It’s just larger fires.” Harmony takes in a shaky breath before speaking once more. She can’t bear to dwell in her thoughts of campfires becoming larger and larger. Glowing brighter and brighter until it’s out of control. 
The fear of large fires growing and devouring all life strikes fear in the girl’s heart. She doesn’t want to face that. Not again. 
“I don’t think I’m ready to be near things like bonfires. I...I used to think they were fun when I was a kid. Roasting marshmallows, singing and sharing ghost stories. But...Not anymore.” Harmony shakes her head and gives a small shrug. “Oh, well. It’s okay...There are other ways to have s’mores without fires like that.” There is no need to be so down. 
However, the nostalgia of enjoying one of her favorite treats around the warm glow of a fire in a chilly night is something she misses deep down.
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snnynatural · 23 days
do i go back to small font or keep this big font??
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post-futurism · 4 months
Still so evil that my network is going to make my phone stop functioning when like ok I had to factory reset it 6 months ago and i had to switch to telegram because messenger works so badly on my phone and I have to wait fifteen whole seconds for apps to load but it's still good! It's still good!
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ladygrinninghole · 15 days
obsessed with star trek repeatedly writing themselves into a corner by creating alien races that are supposed to be The Bad Guys when that explicitly conflicts with their previously established notion that no group of people is inherently good or evil.
first it was the klingons—they’re originally supposed to be this cruel, bloodthirsty, war-obsessed people—and then tng comes along and it’s like wait no maybe war and violence is a part of their culture and actually ties back to ancient traditions and philosophies so we have to be woke about it.
hey these are the ferengi and they’re supposed to represent everything we hate about capitalist society; they’re greedy, scheming, profit-obsessed, and they look like ugly little trolls to emphasize how much we fucking HATE capitalism. oh wait fuck here comes deep space nine and we have to recognize that they’re PEOPLE. okok what if the pursuit of profit is actually part of their culture and ties back to ancient traditions and philosophies. so we have to be woke about it.
this is the borg, they’re a hivemind race of cyborgs who have no sense of individuality and their only motivation is assimilating people into their society. they want to assimilate humanity and we are completely defenseless against them because their technology is eons ahead of our own and they’re incapable of being reasoned with. oh sweet we have a borg prisoner this is the perfect opportunity to commit genocide against them. fuck actually we can’t commit genocide we’re woke and communists and in space.
hey these are the cardassians, they’re part of a cruel and vicious empire which is supposed to be a representation of fascism and authoritarian regimes, they’re a cold, bloodthirsty people with no sense of empathy or compassion, their society literally references 1984 on multiple occasions, and they’re known for the insanely cruel and inhumane methods of torture they use against their prisoners of war. we hate the cardassians…….. except, here’s a cardassian kid who grew up on bajor, and……. fuck. he’s a person. now we actually have to consider his humanity. and being racist is actually……. bad.
this is the jem’hadar, they’re genetically engineered soldiers who have no sense of individuality and only live to defend the state. they’re all born addicted to a synthetic drug that’s manufactured by the state and administered by their masters—this is how they’re kept subservient. they’re ruthless and powerful and they’re incapable of being reasoned with because their only motivation is violence and killing. so we should kill them all, right? FUCK….. what if they’re actually people. goddamnit. now we have to consider their humanity.
hey these are the romulans. hey these are the founders. the list goes on. i just find it really interesting
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voidartisan · 1 year
i'm pretty much convinced that i would like the story and concepts behind jedi: fallen order, jedi: survivor, and the legend of zelda games. the problem is. i don't like. playing video games.
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ohposhers · 2 months
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shitpost based off of something that happened when I was watching my buddy play Chao Island smhhh
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paintedhen · 4 months
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@mettatonmay day 14: fashion
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