#it's a dumb au but i have fun thinking about it...
formosusiniquis · 2 days
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my @steddiesummerexchange gift fic for @oh-stars! I was so excited to work on this prompt: penpals through childhood until they both graduate -- road trip to meet one another in person. Epistolary fics are always a favorite of mine. oh-stars is such a brilliant writer and bright spot in the fandom, I was excited to be able to write a little something for her, I hope you like it!
October 13, 1976 Dear Eddie,
Mrs. Simpson says I’m supposed to thank you for volunteering to be my partner even though you’re a fifth grader. I don’t know why I should though since now I actually have to do this stupid pen pal project. I know she only paired me with an older kid cause she thinks I’m dumb. But thanks for the extra work I guess.
She said she wasn’t gonna read these before she sent them off, just that she was gonna make sure they were a page front and back like they were supposed to be. But I don’t really believe her. So I guess I should actually write this right.
Hi Eddie. My name is Steve Harrington. I’m 10 years old because I got put in Kindergarten late cause my parents were too busy in wherever my dad does his business stuff and my au pair -- that’s fancy for babysitter who lives in your house -- couldn’t do it. My birthday is in September, almost at the end (the 27th), so I guess that’s why it was okay. When’s your birthday (Mrs. Simpson says a friendly letter is supposed to ask questions.)
My favorite things are yellow and sports. I’m the best at red rover and kickball, Tommy says it's cause I’m the oldest and biggest in our class but he’s a sore loser and couldn’t even break through the girl side of the red rover line. Do you play games? Mrs. Simpson talks about your Hawkins like it’s on a different planet but you’re just in Kentucky. It’s right across the river. I’ve been there a couple times when Dad likes me and we’ll go watch Louisville play basketball. Basketball is my favorite sport but the only outside court is at the park and the big teenagers are always on it.
When you write back you can tell me what sports and games you like. Does your Dad ever bring you to Indiana to watch stuff? The Pacers only played okay last season and they lost to Kentucky in the playoffs. Is that who you root for?
Oh and I’m supposed to ask you about school since this is like homework. I kinda already did that at the beginning, remember. Do you like English or something? Is that why you asked for extra work? Or was your pen pal last year just a super dud?
That’s front and back now.
Sincerely (cause we aren’t friends), Steve Harrington
October 25, 1976 Dear Steve,
First of all I didn’t ask to have to write a letter to some fourth grader. I was told because I’m the only kid who didn’t do it last year that I had to be your partner. I do like English but extra work isn’t fun for anybody. I’ve never had a pen pal before so you’re the best and the worst one I’ve ever had. Are teachers allowed to call people dumb at your school? Mine just look at me like a really weird bug on the road or something.
Your teacher sounds like a real pain in the side, that’s what my Uncle Wayne would say. I think it’s cause he’s pretending he doesn’t know the word bitch. She talks about this Hawkins like it’s on another planet because it’s in the Appalachian Mountains and people think everyone here is stupid and marries their cousins.
Some of them are stupid but they would be like that anywhere it’s not because they live out here.
I’m actually from Lexington though so it isn’t even my Hawkins, but my Uncle Wayne lives here and he has to watch me for a little while.
You didn’t really ask me anything good about myself. I’m Eddie Munson, I’m going to be 11 when it’s my birthday this year (Halloween the coolest birthday cause everyone gives you candy). Red and black are my favorite colors. I don’t like any sports at all, they’re all stupid but everyone knows about basketball here, it's more important than church. Everywhere has games but when you get to fifth grade you learn which ones are for babies.
I like imagination games the best cause then I don’t have to worry about anyone else playing with me. There’s lots of woods here so I can go in them and hunt monsters or dragons or be an elf like in my favorite books.
Wayne’s looking over my shoulder and says I’m supposed to ask you a question. So what’s your favorite book? Do you like fantasy, that’s my favorite but the science fiction stuff with aliens is cool too.
I know you asked about my dad but since I live with Wayne I’m gonna use him instead. He hasn’t ever taken me to Indiana cause “his truck weren’t meant to leave these hills” whatever that means. He said he roots for The Colonels but he wishes your Pacers luck this season. What’s a Pacer anyway?
Do I have to ask you about school too? I don’t think this is homework for me more like extra credit. If you don’t like English what do you like? Don’t say recess or lunch those are cheating answers.
Not your friend either, Eddie Munson
Continue on AO3
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axolistic · 1 day
The amazing digital circus x ava (I'm insane). This is based on a video I saw on TikTok and just the episode itself.
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Basically this happened, and both of these dumb stick guys ended up trapped on the digital circus. Here are some important things to take into account:
They don’t remember each other, but because they are not considered people, they still retain some things from their lives. Not memories, but general vibes, like: I don’t like this person or deja vu.
Also because of this, they sorta look like they do on the outernet, but just not at first glance.
They usually avoid interacting with each other, due to the aforementioned vibes.
TCO is easily irritated by anyone, specifically Victim. Will usually get violent if threatened.
One of the only things they have in common is their hate for Caine, a rare coincidence, how they both hate being overseen by a superior force.
Both of them still retain scars, because I think it's angsty.
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Some notes about TCO’s design:
Can still use their powers, but are not aware they have them. Because of this, they got startled when they accidentally (that's up for debate) attacked Caine with their laser eyes.
Clothes were inspired by fire breathers (the act on a circus). Not a lot though, since I don't know how to draw jewelry or patterns lol.
When splashed with fire or any other liquid (excluding gasoline and substances similar to it), the flame in their head will die, but it will lit again automatically.
The pattern on their arms are not tattoos, but rather markings? I don't know how to explain it.
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Some notes on Vic's design:
They are inspired by pierrot clowns and mimes, cause I thought it'd be ironic.
I made them look, or at least resemble c!Alan a bit, just for funsies (and angst).
Glasses can emote, and if you take them off the mask, it would just be those paint markings.
The mask can be taken off but with help. Victim cannot take it off by himself (he has tried).
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Final Notes:
They can both speak, but they can also talk like in the drawing. (TCO by spitting letters made of fire and Victim by just... yeah.)
None of them remember their name, and I'm not sure what names to give them, it would be nice if you could give me some ideas-
Anyways, I kinda love this AU, and maybe I'll write a fic just for fun.
(Also for the Patchwork Family fic I'm writing, it's probably not gonna be discontinued, the next chapter is still a wip, but it's near completion :3)
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miusato · 2 months
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Have y'all heard of this really cool and obscure cartoon aired on MTV called Wokesona that got cancelled in the early 00s because of that one episode where everyone summons demon using guns and the satanic panic crowd finds out about it?? Good times
Anyway other versions undercut :3
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Anyway hhh I've been overwhelmed by nostalgia lately (i just watched mtv downtown and oh god poetic cinema) and I just want to make them look grungy here and also I want them to wear silly and fire outfit hhh shoutout to @gaki-jakku for the road dog tshirt lol 😆
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saturnaous · 2 months
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Al is soooo annoying when it comes to Winry having to work on his automail because he screeches the entire time
misc doodles + an amount of speaks under the cut
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uhhhhh. I was figurign out some stuff for Al's outfit and I settled with a partially buttoned shirt over a black tanktop <3 AND. I stumbled upon a better quality version of one of the panels with Ed's armor AND IT HAS COLORS. turns out the things on his chest ARE tassels, AND his fingers are actually mostly connected! which is fun. (WRITHES AROUND ON THE FLOOR)
besides that. I'm still figuring out stuff for the Au. which is fun. One of the major things I'm trying to pin down the!! Damn names! Right now I got. Half Metal alchemist. for obvious reasons. but idk I just don't like it that much; it still has the potential for mixing up Ed and Al. because. yeah. shrugs. second option is Tongued Alchemist. which is ironic as fuck. it also keeps up with Ed and Al mixed up. Because Ed doesn't fucking shut up. other one is the Gold Alchemist but like Ed doesn't really have any reason to be the gold alchemist so. not much reasoning to mix them up. sighs. if you have any suggestions I am very open to listening <3
uhhh. I don't think I have much else to say. idk, if you wanna send me fma art reqs that'd be p sweet! ermmm. yeah. writhes around on the floor before combusting OG POST FOR THIS AU OTHER OTHER POST I DID FOR THIS AU
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tinybro · 1 year
honestly i keep trying to think of how the chb!jason AU deals with the actual plot of the rest of the books but my brain keeps getting distracted by "fluff and shenanigans during jason and nico's tween adventures while running away from camp"
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the-cpu-system · 3 months
bring back dumbass aus for stuff .. pls ..
borderlands but they're all neighbors and that's it . that's the thing. They all live in like the same city but there's different like streets and communities/districts and so there's like Hyperion Park that's this closed gate neighborhood and there's like Atlas Crest and then like. pandora is like the slums or something
borderlands city AU when guys when
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bisaster-energy · 5 months
im not even done my current kuwameshi fic and im already getting ideas about new ones...
#kuwameshi#give me a sec i'll reblog later with the actual idea but like#WHAT IF UM KUWAMESHI BUT UM. PRINCESS BRIDE AU...#i also have another song fic idea but it's way sillier than the one i have on ao3#based off you me and steve by garfunkel and oates#i got the idea cos i just remembered when yusuke got back from training with genkai the 1st time and instead of a 1 on 1 date with keiko#kuwabara is also? there? and it's just so funny to me like what. and then they're supposed to all 3 go to the movies together?#AND WHEN THEY GET THERE THE 2 BOYS DITCH KEIKO?? for a mission yeah but she doesn't know that!!#and then yusuke and keiko actually go on a date alone and it gets interrupted cos of younger toguro#and shortly after kuwabara shows up so it looks like he was bound to come across them??#as far as a i remember the next time yu and keiko get together alone is the day he tells her to just wait and she's like im literally#not gonna wait for you <3 and it was so funny she just walked off lmaoo#anyway im trying to say i wanna make a silly little fic addressing the fact that keiko is like. pursuing her crush on yusuke#but kuwabara is kinda just. always there and it's fun she does like him but it's just awkward#planning on having her ask kuwa to maybe give her and yusuke some time alone like maybe just avoid their next outing#and kuwa is like oh damn :( ok good luck and yusuke shows up to the date and he's like woah wait. where tf is kuwabara?#keiko is like bruh. and she makes up some shit about him mentioning that he felt sick or wtv and yusuke is like ''then y are we here?#i should check on him. i dont think that guy has even been put outta commission by anything but my fist!'' and keiko just follows him#cos what else can she do. and kuwa is fine ofc and yusuke is like bro what gives i thought you were sick and kuwa is dense sometimes but he#catches on from keiko's desperate look and he's like well i got better *flexes his arm* and yu is like i knew you were too dumb to catch#a cold. and he's stupid happy that kuwa is fine and can come with them after all ''hey he's fine ya hear that keiko''#and then keiko is watching this whole exchange eyes blown wide open and she's like actually i just remembered i have plans#you two should totally go without me tho and yu agrees so easily that it just solidifies that she made the right call#kuwa is looking back at her all confused and she gives HIM the good luck thumbs up. he gets as red as his hair and#yusuke is worried he really is coming down with something
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shortfeather · 4 months
the way the water echoes
did a little sprint based on that neverend mod idea, centered on cleo courtesy of @tripping-sideways. posting this mostly unedited; i think tumblr-only writing is gonna be more casual for me than AO3.
warnings: isolation, sort of imprisonment, liminal spaces, drowning, minecraft death mechanics including deliberately forcing a respawn
It doesn’t really hit her until she’s staring at the pit that leads to a second level, communicator hanging silent at her waist, how much trouble she’s in.
Cleo had been searching for an End portal a little closer to their base. Even with the Nether shrinking the distance eightfold, the main portal was ridiculously far from their home, and considering the amount of endstone she was going to be using this season it made sense to find one nearby. The stronghold had been half flooded, and they’d come close to death against the Drowned in the halls before finally making it to the portal room.
The lava was warm against their undead skin, even as the portal frame exuded a voidlike chill. To their delight, the frame had been mostly filled, just two eyes short. Cleo had popped them in, set a bed down for spawn, double-checked their gear, and hopped on through. Had bent their knees slightly, the way every new player is taught, so the jolt of the hard obsidian landing doesn’t do any damage.
Instead, she’d fallen far and landed in a deep pool of water, surrounded by white walls and with a beautiful blue sky shining down from above her. The exact opposite of what they expected.
Really, this whole dimension is about as different from the End as it gets. The End is all disconnected islands, here is a never-ending series of halls and rooms. The End is dark and cold, here is bright and pleasantly warm, enough for the cool water that covers the floor to feel like a comfort. The End is dead, and here there are bushes of something her inventory calls liminalgae, and occasionally, groups creatures similar to axolotls called poolfish. She can even pick them up, attracting them with the liminalgae like a cow to wheat. They're rather cute. The End is mostly void, here there is a beautiful flat ocean beyond the walls that an invisible barrier prevents her from reaching.
The End is a place Cleo knows how to leave, and here she does not.
She’s tried. The first thing she did upon scrambling out of the water was message X, only for her communicator to show a chat validation error. Their messages can’t go through, though waiting about ten minutes shows that they can still see the messages everyone else is sending. That’s comforting, to a degree; if they wait long enough, someone will realize something is wrong, and Xisuma can do his admin-y things and get them out of here. She’d told Joe what she was doing right before she found this dimension; maybe he’ll look into it even before someone thinks to call X in.
While she’d waited for other messages to come in, she’d taken a look around the room. Everything was made out of some variant of an unfamiliar block, similar in look to an iron block, but with a grid pattern and a feel like glazed terracotta. The entrance was decorated beautifully with bushes of the liminalgae stuff, which broke easily beneath her fist and stacked nicely in her inventory.
Which was also how she discovered her inventory was empty. 
Around then, her communicator had displayed a message from Mumbo, something about server lag. Cleo ignored it for a moment, because their inventory was empty, even their armor slots and offhand—they’d been fully prepared to go End mining, going so far as to stick a carved pumpkin on their head. It’s all gone.
Then they process that their communicator buzzed, and the fact that it’s not completely broken isn’t nearly as relieving as it could have been. They still can’t send messages out, but they can see what their friends are coordinating, and be prepared for whatever rescue entails.
Whenever rescue comes.
It doesn’t take long to get bored, which is why Cleo starts exploring, despite the fact that their F3 screen only says no, lmao. X is going to get an earful for including whatever mod this is when she gets back—
For now, they wander. They find some bizarre architecture choices, and rooms full of poolfish and liminalgae both. They discover, with a deep sense of dread, that the beautiful view of the flat ocean outside is a mirage; exploration reveals a set of windows that theoretically should point directly into another hallway, but instead show that bright blue sky. Whatever’s out there… 
Well, she’ll never know what’s out there, because the block refuses to break beneath her fist, no matter how long she punches at it. Same with the walls.
For untold days, she wanders. Without her F3 screen, there’s no way to be accurate about the time she’s spent here, but it feels like a week and a half. There’d been a jolt of hope when Joe asked if someone had seen them recently—but Tango had reminded him that they were End mining, probably deep in the grind by now. It’s been a week and a half, approximately, of ankle-deep water in hallways, and deeper water in grand, open rooms, and nothing to eat but liminalgae and nothing to do but walk around and breed poolfish. They’ve been staying close to the spawn room, unwilling to lose their one known location in this unknown dimension.
Their communicator buzzes more as time passes: Doc pranking Gem, Gem killing him in revenge. Xisuma reminding everyone to avoid the world border chunks until the next update. Grian pretending to be Iskall’s conscience, teaching him how to use boats. She mutes the communicator. It hurts to see everyone this way, while she’s stuck here.
She still checks it; she's not stupid. She just… can’t keep watching the texts fly by without her.
And then she finds the pit.
It’s a room unlike any other she’s seen so far. It leads down, deeper than even the deepest pool of water she’s encountered, and it’s filled with rows of stacked arches, bridging the gap. She crouches onto one and peers down. It’s darker, but not pitch black, and there’s a pool of water at the bottom, the same shape and size as the one they originally fell into.
In her inventory, her collection of favorite poolfish squirm. Cleo’s guts match the motion, because this is obviously where the dimension intends them to go. The pit yawns before her like a beckoning, like a challenge. But there’s no blocks here, no drops from poolfish or craftables with liminalgae. If Cleo jumps down, she has no way back up.
No way save dying, drowning or starving wherever she finds herself. Because that was the other thing she’d tried, when her messages refused to send and her inventory yielded nothing. Cleo had dove down to the bottom of the spawn room pool, and pushed all the air out of their lungs, and breathed in that cool water.
It worked everywhere else. It wasn’t pleasant, but it worked, and they were a grown-up who could work with something that wasn’t pleasant.
They’d respawned in free-fall and crashed into the very pool they’d just died in.
That had been a very brutal realization: they were stuck here. And yet it feels like that realization pales in comparison to the pit before her, the pit that calls to her so tauntingly with its insinuations. That there is more to this place than white walls and fake ocean and sunlight. That there is escape, if she’s willing to fight for it. Escape that may come quicker than her friends.
Cleo has always been a fighter. But they’re smart, too. Before committing either way, they check their communicator.
Unread messages:
<GoodTimeWithScar> DONT HOTGYU ME
<GoodTimeWithScar was shot by Grian>
<Grian> get gud 
<iJevin> seriously, is cleo just living in the end at this point?
<StressMonster101> Im sure theyll be back soon, luv
Without timestamps, it’s impossible to tell how recently Jev and Stress sent their messages, but they make Cleo waver. The safest option is to wait near the spawn room, where X or Joe will eventually spawn in and help her escape with their admin-y ways. With the poolfish and liminalgae, she can survive as long as necessary, although the liminalgae doesn’t seem to regrow. Still—up here, where she understands the terrain, is safest.
<iJevin> stress its been a MONTH
<iJevin> even for a megabase grind thats ridiculous
Cleo’s stomach falls out from under them.
A month?
They’ve been stuck in this endless pseudo-paradise for a month, and people are only just now worrying—
No. No, fuck this, fuck everyone except Joe who asked about them way back towards the start, except he hasn’t said anything since so actually fuck him, too. And fuck X for chatting about updates like everything’s normal, and Ren for saying innuendoes and double entendres like nothing’s wrong, and Grian and Scar for being Grian and Scar when she’s stuck in here—
Fuck Jevin especially, for saying that where they could see, where they could realize no one is coming for them.
Distantly, Cleo realizes that this is a bit much, that people do regularly go off and grind resources for absurd lengths of time, but that doesn’t stop her from beating back sobs by fostering the rage in her chest. Distantly, she realizes that this is all uncomfortably close to a breakdown, and they don’t get those. They don’t do those; they’re a fighter, someone whose first answer is violence and barbed words and arson. 
So. Fuck their friends. Fuck them all. Cleo will rescue herself. 
They double-check their poolfish and liminalgae count—enough to last another goddamn month, if need be—and jump into the dark waters far, far below.
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melodicwriter · 5 months
As writers, we’re often given a bunch of different tips and pointers and advice which is great but sometimes you internalize too much and feel afraid to really explore to take chances because you want to be a ‘perfect’ writer (which is an ideal that doesn’t exist). It leads to us forgetting that at its core writing is supposed to be *fun*. Remember when you stayed up till 2am as a kid writing some silly little idea that you were convinced would be a best seller? You didn’t care about perfection. You just wanted to tell a story that meant something to you.
So here is your reminder/sign to write something fun today. You have an idea that literally no one cares about but you? Great. Write it for yourself. You have an idea that some people would scoff at because it’s “not realistic”? Who cares. Not everything needs to be. Go start that WIP that you’ve been putting off because you’re afraid to go there (whatever there is for you). All I ask is that you have fun doing it.
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tittysuckersworld · 6 months
why are you, as a man, bringing up a man thats not related to the conversation that youve only seen twice since he dissappeared for 4 years. why are you bringing him up? to angrily ramble about him? when hes not even in the conversation? when hes barely related to the topic? is it cause hes on your mind? huh?
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highlifeboat · 6 months
Oh, how are they S/o's going to be swapped?
I think
Melony as Elena
Elena as Max
Max as Melony
(Alternative Idea was
Elena as Melony
Melony as Max
Max as Elena
I feel like it works either way)
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haunted-hijinxer · 1 year
Hi! I just found your BATIM/Cthulhu AU a couple of days ago and!!! I am so glad you guys are sharing this with us folks here on tumblr because I LOVE IT SO MUCH! If I can ask, what was, in your opinion, the most stressful/tense moment(s) of Season 1 and Season 2?
Aaaaa, thank you! I'm so glad people are enjoying reading about our weird tabletop AU adventures!
And MAN, that could go a couple of different ways... It's the nature of the game to try to set up situations that will be a fun kind of tense for the players, but those are often different from the parts that might be tense as the DM/GM/Keeper?
For the players, they'd know better than me what has stuck with them as tense! But I like to think the finales did a decent job. The Masked Messenger's final sudden attempt to compel their subservience with the 'shut your mouth/eyes/ears' commands -- some of which they would have succumbed to if they hadn't managed to bolster each other! -- seemed pretty tense. And the second scenario's finale had a lot of high-stakes things all coming to a head at once, especially with Joey's 11th-hour insanity-induced bid to bind himself to the Stone!
I also suspect the times player characters have been kidnapped have been tense for them! Having your characters threatened with being fed to a crocodile, or realizing the expert they're talking to is actually pretty unhinged and also now waving a gun, or that their lives and/or sanity may be hanging in the balance based on how well they can play piano is pretty stressful! Funnily enough, about half of those kidnappings I hadn't actually considered happening, which made it tense for me as well because it had me thinking on my feet! The time Prophet first appeared and ran off into the night in his pajamas as well as most of Joey's more iconic plans have been tense for me for the same reason; I may have known the general constraints of the NPCs and environment involved, but suddenly I too had no idea what was coming next!
Thankfully this is generally a fun kind of tense for me as well, since I know my players will be, if anything, flattered if I have to call for a pause in the game to plan in response to their creative actions, haha!
Another set of moments from season 1 which I think are memorable and also get into that player/DM difference are the hallucinations from season 1. Looking back, most of those frightening visions were a manifestation of the group's repressed memories leaking through. They weren't currently real or dangerous, unless the group's confused reactions somehow put them in danger. Joey was not actually being chased by an inky abomination, Sammy was not actually turning into a goo person. As a DM knowing this, it was still a lot of fun! But less tense, as little was unknown. But to the players having no idea what was happening to their characters or how much of the danger was real, the stakes probably seemed very high!!
Meanwhile I feel like the resolution to these hints and foreshadowings fell on the opposite end of that spectrum. After the trio had hiked up to the star pools and Sammy and Joey had already vanished and Henry was sitting next to a tree alone while the players tried to make sense of what had just happened, I think for the party it might have felt like a time when the tensest moments had already passed. Catastrophe HAD befallen them, and for the moment they were just confused by this latest bewildering occurrence, with nothing actively threatening them any more.
But for me, holding my breath and on the edge of my seat waiting to see which clue would be the one to make it all click, this was perhaps the tensest part of the entire game!! The moment when Maf went from a confused, "…What…?" to "…..Oh my god, I AM crazy…!" is squarely one of my all time favorite moments from tabletop gaming.
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ei-mugi · 1 year
i enjoyed getting heated over something silly for fun but im just now seeing some past distress ppl had over the poll on the blog & i feel a little bad haha i dont actually have any problem with ii or its fans like ive said i was one myself in the past
#being familiar with both ships though i still do prefer wataei#my 'complaints' were in the context of knowing about both of them and the shock of these 2 interests ever intersecting#i dooooooooo have a lot of opinions on ii as a show but none of them are like. 'you shouldnt like object shows cuz theyre dumb'#i got enough of that said 2 me by other people at the time#fan still sucks tho. worst character. microphone best character she deserved the win#when they go back to finishing season 2 in a decade's time they BETTER make the pickle/taco reunion happen in the next episode#the poll prompted me to watch like an episode of season 3 just to see what was up w it#and it was like fine. i watched episode 9. but i cant say it still holds my interest like it used to#especially not since s3 is an au and none of the plotlines are continued there#lol i remember when s2e12 p2 came out there was so much controversy#cuz paintbrush was eliminated that episode but it was also when they came out as nonbinary#i hope they make transgirl lightbulb canon still. that would be cool#paintbulb may not be my otp but they are t4t#all in all the thing about the osc (object show community) is that honestly its just a really sweet place over all#like its really lovely for so many kids to have a community where theyre encouraged to be creative and stuff#duh a lot of the shows arent gonna be good theyre being made by kids. but thats whats great about it#i like laughing over some stuff but i always feel the need to like say stuff like this cuz i think it sucks that people make fun of#stuff kids like to do so much esp as an autistic kid who was always made fun of for everything i liked#cringe culture definitely seeped into my bones a bit but i try to combat it
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My power is out. It’s snowing. I’m cold. My phone is at 34%. I don’t have much longer, Quil. My cat has sook refuge under my blanket. Quil, if I don’t make it… please write a Kotlc Twilight au in my honor. It’s my dying wish…
NO BECAUSE I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE. I made a post comparing the characters once. I probably wouldn't use that casting for an au because it would be a little strange if Keefe was Edward and Sophie was his daughter, Renesmee. But! We could make Sophie Bella and work from there.
However, if we go for consistency then I'm going to have to make a choice for Jacob, as right now I've got him split between Dex (pre-werewolf) and Fitz (post werewolf), but neither of them fully encompass him. Fitz isn't a fun mechanic, and Dex isn't full of anger saying things he regrets.
I also encounter the problem of Alice and Rosalie, as if we're trying to match the first books then Marella goes better with Alice's light, gossipy, always in the loop nature. And Biana matches the coldness Rosalie shows to Bella. But the problem is that if we consider it as a full au, Rosalie never warms up to Bella the way Biana does to Sophie, and I compared Marella to Leah--there's a great "having everything taken from me" similarity there. Leah's the only female werewolf who can't have kids because of it, and Marella's the only new pyrokinetic and can't be matched because of it. Though Leah harbors more anger than Marella.
OH! I've forgotten to consider the antagonists here. I already had the Fintan/Aro comparison, but what about James and Victoria?? I could see the Lady Gisela as Victoria for the obsessive, inescapable nature and her prevalence as a problem in the story. But that would make Lord Cassius James and that doesn't work, he's not cool enough to be a tracker. I'd have to change the dynamics between James and Victoria likely, as there's no suitable relationship in the Neverseen. They're not really close enough--unless it's Umber and Trix, but they feel too background to be James and Victoria.
I'd also have to think about what I wanted this au to be. Is it focusing on the romance, as twilight is a romance saga? Or do I want to focus on the vampirism? What points do I want to hit? the meeting and falling for each other? the first moments? or the transformation and vampirism?
You see there's just so much to consider with a twilight au, it's been rotating in my head for so long because there's so much to bend and play with. I once compared Alden and Carlisle, but I don't think Alden could serve as Carlisle in an au because he's not a doctor.
There's so much to think about ozzy--
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jazzedpunk · 1 year
“Granny 2: Ultra Deluxe”, a game/AU in which Granny is replaced by The Curator and Grandpa is replaced by The Narrator.
You, of course, play as Stanley, who is unfortunately stuck in the Parable and must complete puzzles to escape, all the while avoiding the two who put him there in the first place.
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nny11writes · 2 years
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
I mean, I don't think folks will be too surprised to learn it switches between Catra and Glimmer right now lol. My hidden fave that I rarely write ever is Netossa :D
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Oh god, how far are we going back here cuz I've been doing this for over 20 years now.............
Okayokayokayokayokay- SMIDGE embarrassed exists....hmmmm.
Weirdly enough, it's a ST:VOY fic I wrote forever ago called "Backwards". It was a big growth moment fic for me. At the time I was mostly posting in Voq Je Bang and was probably one of the youngest writers in there and I wanted to write a fic where B'Elanna was actually closer to Seska but it was a B7 fic to and I didn't commit to a darker tone or lighter tone or much of anything beyond my twist ending. Half the people who read it loved it and the other half wrote me very nice comments about how "The twist just wasn't for them" or confusion on build up to the twist.
At the time I was crushed but I also tried to take the writing advice to heart. Nowadays when I think about it there's a little twinge of "oh boy that sure was cringe".
I'm not outright embarrassed by anything I've written, plenty of stuff I'm not proud of but also not embrassed. Like, you can still read the very first fic I ever posted that was the LoZ:WW and HP crossover fic with a lot of questionable humor and was intended to be read as a fun fic but also a very deadly serious full game walkthrough. Which maybe I should feel embarrassed about that one but YOU CAN'T MAKE ME NANANANA BOO BOO!!!!
But also, am I going to link to either of these directly? Absolutely not. Go digging through the trash like the rest of us raccoons!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? (but, like, 5 times in a row)
Also this got long because of course it did!
Let's Try This Again, Chapter 11, Star Wars
“Wait,” he said, brain finally catching up to what she’d actually said, “what do you mean Master Windu isn’t done?”
“There was some damages left behind after-”
“Master, you need to let her speak!” Anakin huffed.
Obi-Wan looked both sheepish and churlish. “I was just trying to help.”
“Ok, thanks, please don’t?” Anakin grumbled and looked at Ahsoka.
She grinned back at him, in what was far too evil of a manner for a child, before saying, “I don’t mind!”
“I appreciate that, but Anakin is right.” Master Obi-Wan conceded with just a hint of a stern look.
“Ok,” Ahsoka said with a shrug, “there was some damages left behind.”
When Obi-Wan snorted, Anakin buried his face in his hands. “This is serious!?”
Ahsoka pouted, “ ‘m always serious!”
2. Guardian Angel, She-Ra
“Wait, wait, wait,” Netossa holds her hands up and Catra is so grateful to not be the one explaining any of this, “You’re telling me that she is magically bonded to this alien that reflects her emotions, which (by the way) we can’t understand it AND that she can see and hear Queen Angella?”
Adora smiles awkwardly, clearly trying to act like this is a normal everyday experience that everyone has at some point. Because absolutely everyone has become mentally and emotionally bonded to an alien creature while being actively haunted by the people they’ve killed. “Yes!”
“...that new She Ra form working okay? No side effects to it?” Netossa delicately asks more towards Bow than anyone else.
3. Pink Lizard Thunderbolt Incident, Star Wars (AKA Drunk!Ahsoka has a fun night, AKA the one I spent way too much time learning Star Wars alcoholic drinks for)
“You drink one Pink Lizard and everyone becomes an asshole!”
Anakin had panicked for a hot minute while Obi-Wan had immediately sat her down. She’d been quickly forced to explain that Kix had seen her and discharged her already, no she wasn’t dying, and no they only ate through the stomach lining of humans according to the bartender.
Anakin had eventually smiled widely, far too manic for anyone’s tastes, looking between her and Obi-Wan, “We’re high tolerance drinkers! That’s our lineage tick!”
“No,” Obi-Wan tried his best to discourage the notion. “I know what you’re thinking and we should definitely not-”
“Yes!” Anakin insisted, only getting more excited, “We need to get drinks together! Now!”
“No,” Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had both insisted, but for wildly different reasons.
“But yes!” Anakin chripped far to happy and loud for anyone to enjoy as he dragged them off towards their quarters. “So what are we having, I know how to get the good stuff in here.”
“Either get me herbal tea or get me another Pink Lizard so I can die in kriffing peace!” Ahsoka snarled and tried to get her arm out from the mechno grip he’d locked her into.
Obi-Wan said, “I second the motion! Let me go Anakin!”
“Cool, I’m thinking jet juice to start then some skee’s and we’ll see how we’re feeling.” Anakin said the same way some people might imply that eating a small desert after a meal might be one step too far.
Ahsoka and Obi-Wan looked at one another in horror, mute from fear.
“How are you still alive?” She whispered staring up at her Master with new respect.
4. It's All Fun and Games Until, Chapter 1, She-Ra (why must I choose between my children on this fic?)
Glimmer held one hand up, the other rubbed at her eyes before turning to look at the final culprit.
Catra, somehow still looking bored despite the way some of her hair was actively smoldering explained, “Things went fucktangular.”
“Well, fuck.” Glimmer groaned, giving the three of them one more look. “How did you three always manage to beat us? You’re disasters when left alone. For literally FIVE MINUTES!”
“Actually, it was only four minutes and twenty three seconds we were alone. So that means we’re improving our efficiency drastically!” Entrapta cheered, bouncing on her hair while high fiving both Catra and Scorpia.
Bow restrained Glimmer by gently grasping her elbow and whispering, “Stay strong for mother.”
5. Sketchy, She-Ra
It made her feel like she was an actual fucking artist, like an old master teaching their young pupil, who they may or may not be banging on the side. So what if all her drawings looked like Princess Goddess? Fuck off, it’s not your business! Anyways, here she is as an angel and several homoerotic saints. Don’t read into it.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Declarations fucking destroyed me regularly tbh lol! There's a lot of unresolved feelings between all the characters in it, and no one ever totally gets what the others are trying to say or do. I didn't know I was autistic when I was writing it but boy howdy was it the fic I channeled a lot of negative and weird feelings from into regarding that and my anxiety and depression at the time. It was super cathartic to write at times considering the depths of mental health hell I was in at the time.
Still fucked me up and broke my heart to write this story where two people care so damn much about one another and keep missing one another by inches.
There's plenty of lovely fun stuff too, squishy soft feelings and warm fuzzies. But a lot of that fic is just getting to watch Obi-Wan and Ahsoka feel bad and try to figure out how to stop feeling bad together.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Okay, don't hold me to this one, we'll see what happens or if it goes anywhere at all, but I'm working on a She-Ra selkie AU based on that tumblr post where someone hands another person back their coat and whoops we're married now. Anyhow free WiP Wednesday on accident :D
There’s no moment where she remembers a change or transformation. Adora was always a human until she suddenly has always been a seal with fur glowing nearly golden under the sun.
“Oh.” She says because what else is there to say. It turns out Adora isn’t some crazy person.
Which means she’s exactly what she said she is.
Which means that in Catra’s rush to be nice for 2 seconds to feel better about herself, she accidentally tricked Adora into marrying her a year ago. And then abandoned her new wife who had to go hunting for her across the country. Her wife, the selkie. Her wife, who is currently a seal, but also not, but seriously she’s a seal right now.
Catra carefully lowers herself to her knees, head tilting as Adora barks at her and wobbles forward on her flippers a bit. All the whiskers on her face point forward towards her, bright blue eyes twinkling with excitement and mischief before she snorts hard enough to surprise Catra and then rolls over with what sounds suspiciously like a laugh before vanishing into the lake.
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