#it's a real thing
ub-sessed · 8 months
Wow the knitters really weren't kidding: Autumn weather arrives and suddenly I want to MAKE ALL THE THINGS I wanna make this hoodie and that cardigan and that vest and these three hats oh and also this little rug RIGHT NOW MUST BUY ALL THE YARN and also new needles to go with it
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softleesam · 1 year
rb if you're neurodivergent and just need to lay in the floor sometimes
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anatheyma · 4 months
tonight me and my roommate are gonna do this finnish tradition called kalsarikänni where we stay home in our underwear and get drunk ! yay
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darth-sonny · 1 year
me at all the Movie Sonic hate going on on Twitter right now
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I ordered these biscuits online from Amz because all 3 were name dropped by the iron trio cast during the "Taxi Ride for Lockwood & Co interview.
I'd already received the Jammy Dodgers, but the Custard Cremes and Chocolate Bourbon arrived today, only for me to find out that IT'S NATIONAL BISCUIT DAY?!?! What? The serendipity of it!
1 of each type for each of the iron trio ⚔️👻☕
Aforementioned Interview:
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thekenobee · 19 days
POV you told Tumblr ppl that you cannot afford to go to Ireland anymore but and your UK mates got you covered and encourage you to go to the UK instead
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akirachuuu · 3 months
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I'm booping everyone. AND EVERYONE CAN BOOP ME
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 3 months
The audacity of my kitten to run around for an hour while I'm trying to watch a movie and play games on my computer, harassing me by aggressively purring/meowing/rubbing on me to get me to play fetch with her during the climax of a movie, and then five minutes before I'm about to go downstairs-
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she curls up on my legs in a purrfect, adorable little ball and traps me there. Truly she has Bengal cat timing*.
(*chronically awful timing)
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deathclassic · 6 months
who else is sharing the dread that is being the eldest daughter at christmas time?
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newoldaccount · 5 months
So awhile back I was going to make a joke for @badjokesbyjeff about Transfarmers but then I found this
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I looked it up, and it's a legit real movie with a plot and everything! My mind is blown.
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Listen.... I'm about to overshare besties ...but consider this .....
Steve Harrington with the six kids dream and his statement about loving boobies!!??? Is that a lactation kink coupled with a breeding kink? Who knows? Not me! But it sure does co-relate with each other
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rosalind-hawkins · 6 months
Tristan: Today I learned that Joey doesn't love me.
Joey: What are ya talkin about!? I gave you a nice present! You specifically said you needed a new ratchet set!
Tristan: What brand is the ratchet set, Joey?
Joey: Uh, DeWalt?
Tristan: And what are the brands of all my other tools?
Joey: *checks* Milwaukee.
Tristan: And THAT is why you don't love me.
Joey: Omg you're such a drama queen! Tools are tools!
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anyataylorjoys · 8 months
you ever look at a gifset of an actor you don't pay any attention to but are immediately like "op you're a slut" and keep scrolling
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
excerpt from chapter 2 that I think is fun-
They come to a bend, a huge pool of water gathering at the junction of four pipes, stretching out into all of them. Blue pauses, and then goes right.
Charlie can’t say how he does it, but he jumps, and seems able to place his feet at odd angles aginst the curve of the walls as he does, making a three step prance over the lake of water, landing in a relatively dry space further down. He turns and waits for Charlie.
She bites her lip, and tries to remember where he stepped. This isn’t gong to be pretty.
She aims for the nearest corner, hoping to catch herself, and she does…mostly. Her foot finds a tiny bit of jutting stone in the gloom, and from there she propels to the other side, the second step-
only to realize that she didn’t calculate where that step was going beforehand. Charlie gasps a squeak as her right foot meets only icy stone, and slips down. She lands both feet solidly into the big puddle, sinking up to her shins.
Charlie isn’t sure what expression she’s making, but Blue’s attempts to muffle his laughter echo down the corridors.
“Glad someone’s having fun,” Charlie grumps as she hauls herself forward, splashing the cloudy water outward as she does. Her tour guide steps back before any of it gets on his person.
“Oh, lots,” the jerk says, and without giving much more pause than to let her regain her balance on the pathway, begins walking again.
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baristabomb · 30 days
...weird amount of dunmeshi fans have been saying being a caretaker in a relationship is the worst thing ever..marcille must want to killl everyone soo bad because doing things for people suuuucks sooo muchh
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it's an act of love, not just a job i promise. we all want someone who's willing to take care of us in some way, just like how senshi shows care for others by cooking for them :'|
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buggachat · 18 days
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decided to subject you all to my mind. and my mind has a lot of feelings about adrien and plagg in real-cat!plagg au.
plagg adopted adrien, not the other way around
(sequel to this post)
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