#it's all about games and game servers here
Meet and greet 📫⚽️ pt.2
Alexia Putellas x reader
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pt. 1
warning : fluffy 💭💗
summary :
After exchanging numbers at the meet-and-greet, you and Alexia finally meet for coffee, and what starts as a casual chat turns into something deeper.
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The coffee shop Alexia suggested was tucked away in a quiet part of Barcelona, away from the usual crowds. When you walked inside, the warm scent of roasted coffee beans and freshly baked pastries filled the air, making you feel instantly at ease. But no amount of calming ambiance could quiet the butterflies in your stomach.
You were early, fifteen minutes early, to be exact. The nerves had gotten the best of you, and you had left home far too soon, anxious about the fact that you were meeting THE Alexia Putellas for coffee. As you sat at a small table by the window, you fidgeted with the sleeve of your jacket, trying to steady your racing heart.
This was real. Alexia had texted you yesterday to confirm the meet-up, and now, you were actually going to sit down with her. Not as a fan, not as someone in the stands, but as someone she wanted to get to know better. That thought alone sent a surge of excitement through you.
Just then, the door chimed, and you looked up. Your breath caught as Alexia walked in, wearing a simple but stylish outfit, jeans and a fitted black sweater, her hair loosely tied back. She looked effortlessly stunning, just as she did on the pitch. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on you, and then she smiled, that warm, familiar smile that made your heart skip a beat.
“Hola” she greeted, walking over to your table. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
You shook your head quickly, standing up to greet her. “No, not at all. I got here a bit early.”
Alexia chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling as she sat down across from you. “Same. I just took a detour around the block to kill some time. I didn’t want to seem too eager.”
You laughed at her confession, feeling a wave of relief that she was just as human and down-to-earth as you had hoped. “Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
Once she settled in, you both ordered your drinks, Alexia took a black coffee, while you went with your usual. As you waited for the coffees to arrive, there was a brief moment of silence, not awkward, but filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. You could feel her watching you, her gaze soft but focused.
“I’m really glad we’re doing this,” Alexia said, her voice genuine. “It’s not often I get to meet people like you. Outside of football, I mean.”
“People like me?” you echoed, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
She smiled, glancing down at her hands for a moment before looking back at you. “Yeah, people who see me beyond just a footballer. I could tell when we met that you really care about the game, and… I don’t know, I felt like we clicked.”
Her honesty caught you off guard. You had always admired her from a distance, but hearing that she had felt some sort of connection as well was something you hadn’t expected. “I’ve always admired you. Not just because you’re an incredible player, but because of who you are off the field too. You’re a leader, and it’s inspiring.”
Alexia’s cheeks tinted slightly pink at your words, and she smiled in a way that felt almost shy. “Thank you. That really means a lot coming from you.”
Before you could respond, the server arrived with your drinks, setting them down in front of you. You wrapped your hands around your cup, the warmth calming your nerves as you both settled into the conversation.
“So, tell me,” Alexia said, leaning forward slightly. “How did you get into football? You mentioned at the meet-and-greet that you’ve been watching us for a while.”
You smiled, thinking back to when your love for the sport began. “It started when I was a kid. I grew up playing football with my friends in the neighborhood. But it wasn’t until I watched Barça’s women’s team play for the first time that I really fell in love with it. And, well… you were a big part of that.”
Alexia chuckled softly, her eyes brightening. “I’m honored. That’s amazing to hear. I love knowing that we’ve been able to inspire people like you.”
You spent the next hour talking about everything. Football, travel, life outside of the sport. The conversation flowed effortlessly, as if you’d known each other for far longer than just a couple of meetings. Alexia listened intently whenever you spoke, asking questions and sharing stories of her own. It was easy to forget that you were sitting across from one of the best footballers in the world.
But every now and then, a small reminder would hit you, a flicker in her eyes, the way she smiled, or when she’d laugh at something you said. The ease with which you two connected felt surreal.
At one point, Alexia glanced down at her phone, checking the time, and sighed softly. “I hate to cut this short, but I have a team meeting in a bit.”
You nodded, though a part of you wished the afternoon could stretch on forever. “Of course. I wouldn’t want to keep you.”
She hesitated for a moment, then looked back up at you, her eyes soft. “But… I’d really like to do this again, if you’re up for it.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the invitation. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
You looked up at her, your face flushing with warmth, and Alexia gave you a small, playful smile. “See you soon" she said, standing up and giving you one last lingering look before she left.
As you sat there, a smile crept onto your face. You had come here expecting to get to know your football hero a little better, but now it felt like you were on the brink of something more. Something real.
Alexia Putellas wasn’t just your champion anymore. She was becoming a part of your life in ways you’d never imagined. And you couldn’t wait to see where it led next.
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💕 @lovewomensfootball @wososapologist 💕
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k-hippie · 2 days
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Yesterday, walking inside Sims4Studio terrain files, I discovered something I didn't notice before ... 20 new base game files, after all other expansions ones ... Oo
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When this happened ? I don't know :D I was confident, thinking we were more or less up to date with our k-mods ;) <--- sweet summer child ...
But we are not letting few files disturbing our zen :D So, here comes the k-202 Mod latest update with files ending with "20092024"
Enjoy !
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Oh, we updated too some expansions terrain paints files here and there ;)
Stay tuned, some other news and releases are coming :) As we lost a lot of pictures and links during the servers transfer, we had to rebuild many stuff into the Sims 4 k-Faktory ... But we'll talk about this next time ;)
Have a super weekend everyone ! See you soon ;)
Download : HERE
As usually, if you think our work is worthing, we have a "Kofi" on our website ;)
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theoutcastrogue · 2 days
I've come across many posts on tumblr claiming or taking for granted that there's a d&d 5e play Culture™ out there where the dm is expected to do all the work, to the point of players NOT being expected to learn the rules, not even how their own characters work mechanically.
This is several light years away from my personal experience. Of course, I'd never generalise or extrapolate anything at all from my personal experience, so I'm not presenting this as anecdotal evidence to the contrary of the claim. But I would ask for (similarly non-anecdotal) evidence to the support of the claim. Who THE FUCK are these people who think it's normal to not even try to learn the rules of the game they're playing? Where do they congregate? Are they somewhere online?
The 5e-related online spaces which I visit from time to time (roleplaying forums, reddit, etc) are, broadly speaking, Not Like That. Sometimes they're the opposite, and there's a lot of rules-lawyering going on. Sometimes there'll be a story about a Problem Player who refuses to learn their own character's abilities, but, and this is very important, it isn't presented as a norm, as THE Culture™. It's presented as a faux pas, a deviation from the norm. And I've NEVER come across such a story told from the Clueless Player's perspective. Like, I've never seen anyone go "lol my DM expects me to know what my character can do, that's your job, stupid!".
But just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Perhaps the internet is full of stuff like that. So I ask all of you, and especially those who do consider this phenomenon "a 5e culture", where is it? Where do I find it? (I'm curious!) Are there like discord servers dedicated to celebrating your own ignorance at the expense of your poor dm?
Or do we have scattered anecdotal evidence and personal horror stories here and there, which somehow led to the theory that this a whole-ass 5e Culture™?
Note: I'm assuming we're talking about deliberate ignorance. No one should expect a first-time player to know and remember everything. Rules mastery comes over time, with experience. Even the most experienced and engaged player/dm will occasionally forget, misremember, or misunderstand the rules. (It's d&d! There's a fuckton of them!) Some rules slip through the cracks because the books aren't well-written (the best feature of the 2024 PHB is undoubtedly the Rules Glossary). And if you don't play regularly, if there's a long gap between sessions, if you're very busy or distracted or stressed IRL, of course it's more likely to forget things. So I'm not talking about any of this, I'm only referring to stories about players who clearly think it's not their job to learn the rules of the game.
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edenkyubiko · 2 days
Let me @ the lovely people first before I get sappy!
@tw1nkee28 @doodling-doodle @sw11ft @imakosideas @olibird @pampanope
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now for the sappy mushy lovey dovey part
I just want to start by saying how incredibly thankful I am to Pam for creating this amazing server. It came into my life at a time when I really needed it. I had been feeling out of place and alone, even in some of the other groups I was part of. But when I joined here, I immediately felt surrounded by people who share the same interests and hobbies as me. And what makes it even better is that we can talk about anything!
I've met some truly wonderful people, and you all have helped me grow so much as an artist. For the longest time, I struggled with developing my character and writing, but being around all of you, watching everyone create and seeing how we lift each other up with love and support — even for the silliest things — has made my heart swell. It’s something I wasn’t used to before. I’ve never received such kind words or encouragement for my work, and hearing them from you all genuinely makes my day every single time.
Just being able to talk or text with you guys while I’m working on something or playing a game means more to me than I can put into words. You have no idea how much those little moments matter to me. I honestly wish I could give you all the biggest hug.
And the fact that you all went out of your way to create these masterpieces for me... I’m honestly baffled. I’m not used to receiving gifts, so it’s been hard for me to learn how to accept them, but I was genuinely getting teary-eyed when people stayed up until midnight just to wish me a happy birthday. Birthdays have never been a big deal to me — I always treated them like any other day — but you all made this one truly unforgettable!
I'm glad that my 21st will forever be a core memory!
Now....just you wait :3
I have many things in store for everyone
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explosionshark · 27 days
Need to make friends with more nerdy straight guys I think, none of the gay chicks I know give a shit about the dumb fantasy books I read
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hazele-omega · 3 months
haven't posted art in a while because of the whole Tumblr scraping thing, but I'm really proud of this one so I will be brave today
Presenting: good Zed art yay
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jichanxo · 3 months
how it started:
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how it's going:
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#jitxt#my stuff#proud owner of This Specific Photo of Kimura Takuya#not to conflate the two bc my enjoyment of yagami and kimutaku are connected but separate#but obviously it would be bs to pretend i would've been interested in smap without playing judgment#truthfully i was eyeing a magazine too but i don't like investing money/shelf space into an interest unless i'm certain it's here to stay#unfortunately kimura takuya is still only a recent interest so. something small like this is fine#though i might have to get a bromide holder to keep him safe... i know there's an aus run business that sells idol goods like that...#anyway uhhhh first picture context for those who might've missed my lore earlier:#is that post-JE pre-LJ. i didn't really care for yagami. lmao.#i saw yagami fans and it seemed like they were having fun but i genuinely didn't understand their affection for him#and so getting through LJ and starting to like yagami i was like WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME#thinking “lol look at his lame flat ass (affectionate)” and then going “WHAT. WHAT WAS THAT.”#<- girl who realised that she sounded exactly like the yagami fans online#and so i wrestled with it for a while#and bc i was talking in my friend's discord server about my experience with LJ i have this golden screenshot#of the day i finally gave in. pretty sure i'd been looking at pictures of yagami and kimutaku for like an hour beforehand lol#AND MY MESSAGES AFTERWARDS WERE STILL DRIPPING WITH COPE ABOUT IT#said something along the lines of. that i thought they tried way too hard to make yagami seem cool#and then followed it by saying i felt genuinely upset thinking about how i could never be on a date with him#THE DENIAL IS CRAZY... JUST SAY YOU LIKE HIM#anyway i've long accepted my fate but it's still funny to think about#jichan is asked to leave the fandom for needing to play 2 games to start liking yagami#meanwhile my sister's opinion on him hasn't changed at all. “he's alright” <- real quote about yagami from days ago#anyhow that's one of the main reasons i'm playing JE. so i can reevaluate that game with fresh eyes/new perspective#excuse my impromptu storytime. but i guess this whole post is about landmark moments in Jichan Liking Yagami so it's not entirely unfitting#i like yagami takayuki 👍 and now i like kimura takuya too 👍#gave this photo a goodnight kiss last night btw
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emp-blast · 8 months
bro did the apex community all collectively get burn out or what,,, where did everyone go,,,
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st4rstudent · 8 months
I AGREE its so crazy how zap gags weren't a thing.... like TTCC really popped off with that one! i understand TTR is moreso sticking closer to the way TTO was but WOW zap just feels so natural with a REALLY good mechanic that uses strategy in using squirt and its just so good.... also my favorite track
YEEEPP!! That's how I feel about it. Squirt and zap just mix well together. I also think the addition of an 8th gag track was also a good move, allowing for a nice rotation of combinations (like how lure-trap and throw-drop are together as a combo). And also its a nice even number. I also think it helps utilize squirt, idk just feels good to do in general. Of course, I don't really have anything to compare this to and it's just me speaking as a player of (currently) one server, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
It's my favorite too, zap warriors UNITE!!
#clemask#clemramble#this is also not me hating on tt r either#actually i probably dont have to space that out because this is going to appear in word search anyways but still#i know sometimes there's a little bit of competition (is that what youd call it)? between the two servers. i want it to be stated that#i do not care about server comp. play what you want. who cares. i think both servers have their pros and cons and finding value in what YOU#like is more important than which one is the “”best“”. I think TR does an amazing job of taking TTO and transforming it into something more#while also staying true to the original game. i love the fact it brings some of the old concepts that were originally scrapped or lost#i also like the toon events that they have. like there was the halloween one and if i believe correctly it had a parade in it?#SUPPPERR COOL. i shouldve atleast played a little during that time just to experience it. but to be fair during the school year my#playing in general is toned down a lot. im sure everyone reading this knows how it is#and obviously i like ttcc. it has mac and winn. i mean what who said that.theres a ghost in here....#and i can understand why people like or dont like each server. they all have pros and cons. but to me its like the two cakes image#sorry i felt the need to clarify bc i know im kindof exclusively a ttcc guy and me going 'ummmm well tt r doesnt have zap' might sound#like im hashtag hating but im not. tt r is awesome ok. i need to try it out one day.#i just really like zap as a gag. like anon stated i think it just really feels natural to the game#that water electric combo does wonders
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xbraveheartx · 11 months
Gently considers... Carmeo/Promeo discord server... hmmm...
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sapphia · 1 year
I really wish we’d got to see Scott’s green game if he hadn’t given up his life to Cleo. Martin was fair enough, the mob was getting pretty close at that point. But I think if Scott hadn’t let her take it so easily, had been willing to give up his life (either of his lives) and let it go to an enemy rather than ensure it go to an ally, he could have got away a lot more than what he did. And what he did do was fantastic.
In other words, Scott’s loyalty to his allies nerfed him hard in that episode.
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jacquiarno · 1 year
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility my trans darlings, especially trans gamers! 💖
Whether you have decided to come out or not, you matter, you are loved, and there will always be support for you, especially from this cis lady. 🌈
#the colour scheme with my profile picture and nameplate colour was a happy accident in genshin#yae miko and kaeya are both my favourite characters#i know the genshin community can be quite toxic but i've been playing this game since launch#so if anyone can gatekeep it's me against these toxic people haha#but seriously if you need a safe space to come to any of my socials are a place you can come to#i keep my genshin id hidden here but if anyone from the trans community or the lgbtqia community ever need help pop me a message#i play on the us server#the ff14 has a fairly decent community even if a big name in the streaming scene has come out as a toxic person#but you can message me about that as well although i'm not great at the game haha and i'm on the oceanic servers#i've been a gamer since the 90s and i've loved games since#the fact so many in gaming circles are toxic is a damn disgrace#gaming spaces are meant to be a place where we all come together and accept others and treat them how we want to be treated#but some of these gamers and especially streamers seem stunted in their growth#a lot still act like they have the mindset of teenagers despite most being 30+#bratty teenagers i should say as not all teenagers act immature#trans rights are human rights#lgbtqia#if you're wondering where i fit in the rainbow community it's the i love people regardless of gender#not sure if bi or pan but i just go with bi#ffxiv#Final Fantasy XIV#ff14#final fantasy 14#genshin impact#jacquiarno's screenshots#jacquiarno
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dalennaugw · 1 year
Thinking about it, there are actually a BUNCH of nice screens that I've taken and shared on Discord that I never posted here.
I've gotta sit down and do an inventory through my screenshots tag so that I can figure out what's missing and correct that.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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party crashers compliation bc the servers are dead as my goodnight present, happy patch day lol
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hoodieimp · 1 year
Thinking So Hard about my silly OCs rn it's generating enough energy to send me vibrating into the stratosphere--
#dizzyisms#do I Finally talk about this here after sitting on it for Weeks on end-#fuck it it's my blog I get to choose the hyperfixation n when to post abt it fuck you#so I ended up tripping and falling into fuckin. Pizza Tower#pretty solid game right. Tasty crunchy visuals gameplay is SO satisfying to watch absolutely BANGIN soundtrack#but not quite Fixation material for me for whatever reason#...at least.........not at *first*#but *then*#my friend gets Big into it#starts posting about it nonstop#talkin abt a fun AU Discord they're in#...someone made. a fucking *Weretoon AU*#and of COURSE#OF *COURSE*#THAT SHIT HITS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY BUTTONS#IN MY BATIM-ROTTED BRAIN#SO goodbye BatDR for now- hello tiny niche viddy gaem AU that spawned in a Discord thread and has some fuckin STELLAR fanfic#+ a fuckin mini Bible's worth of Lore#probably the warmest welcome ive ever gotten from joining a new server JDBDKCJCLX#anyway. guess who lasted all of two days in the thread#before Caving and shoving her One Goddamn OC into the universe#to let her mutate into an almost-new version of herself#.....I literally just transplanted my BatIM OC into the Pizzaverse HDKDBFXK#Dorothy is a weretoon now and I am having Way too much fun writing a whole silly backstory for her#tho thankfully it doesn't involve anyone getting Murdered in order to become a toon this time around!#just some#very contrived circumstances and contaminated party appetizers cbjddbdn#this is probably so fucking incoherent but im too tired to Apologize for it rn#I am Cringe but I am Free and I will continue to bounce off the walls in my little corner until I explode from sheer undiluted Autistic Joy
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punk-raphaelite · 2 years
Just spent the entire day uploading random jpegs, mp3s, pdfs and other digital detritus to a 2003 eMac for my senior studio crit tomorrow
I am not sure my profs will like it or get it and I’m nervous!
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