#it's almost 5 GOODNIGHT
stiffyck · 8 months
Since valentines day is getting closer I thought I'd share this little thought:
Aroace scar who prepares little notes and letters for all his friends. He gets them all flowers and chocolate or other snacks and then he goes one by one and gives them all their little gift, he hugs them and tells them how much he appreciates them.
Scar, Grian and Mumbo then hang out for the rest of the day together, watching movies and just spending the day together.
I think it should be more normalized spending valentines day with your best friend or family and not just a romantic partner.
So anyway scar does exactly that! He spends the day with his friends and they just appreciate each other and spend the day just having fun doing whatever.
(Scar also definitely gives them cheek kisses and lots of hugs and cuddles)
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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sleepy sketch from a sleepy me
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the-lark-ascending69 · 6 months
The Robin x Nancy x Steve love triangle is compelling not when Steve and Robin's friendship is nearly destroyed just over a girl, but when their own flaws lead them to distrust and hurt each other. They just happen to come up and be in opposition to each other when they're in love with the same girl. Maybe Robin gets excessively excited, thinking she will have Steve's unconditional support, and then becomes defensive and retreats back to her more mean and sarcastic persona when she realizes Steve very strongly opposes to her pursuing Nancy (babygirl decided to spill her heart just the moment before Steve was going to tell her he and Nancy got back together). Maybe Steve's mistake was clinging too much to Nancy and the future he himself imagined for both of them, and assuming Robin would never actually interfere in his heterosexual picket fence dream, because she would inevitably find another lesbian to be with and certainly not his dream girl, Nancy Wheeler. Maybe Robin feels his opposition as a personal attack (Nancy is his girl, at his point, why wouldn't he tell Robin to back down?), and bites back because she feels like a cornered animal, desperate to defend herself (no, she's not fundamentally broken! She's allowed to feel! Don't hurt her!). Maybe Steve should have considered the fact thay Robin isn't his personal support lesbian and it's unreasonable to expect her not to develop feelings for a girl that wasn't even dating him at that point yet. "If you loved her so much, maybe you should have told her about your feelings before I told her about mine! You can't get mad at me! I didn't even know you liked her! But you do know she doesn't like girls, right?" He says. And she says "you don't even know what she wants because you never listen to her! Steve The Hair Harrington only ever thinks about himself. And to think I actually thought you weren't a mayor asshole, but it seems you were just watching from afar, waiting for her to leave her boyfriend and come back running to you and your six babies."
She thinks she was stupid for letting his charm affect her enough to befriend him, and he's just angry she suddenly gets to have a say in his relationship (even though he would realize she was right about Nancy all along if he just listened to at least one of them for five minutes).
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meowmeowzx · 28 days
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He didn't go to Kirino and Shindou house but he went to Suzuno
This is referring to my last post btw and it's stupid
I still haven't figured out how to start a tumblr account properly
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problemcore · 2 years
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after aggressively absorbing every piece of half life media this past month, ive come to this conclusion
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lanarchive · 5 months
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lleclercism · 5 months
sprint races are not real unless the two (2) drivers i like are winning it hope this helps
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satoruhour · 9 months
dont stay up until 5 doing work guys
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lesbianpoetess · 2 months
lift me up
away from bed.
sick of random stuff–
awh fuck my head!!!
i wanted to write a poem...
i guess its not going great :(
im going to throw him
into the hellsites streets!
never to be seen again,
never to be seen by anyone,
except 2 notes from a friend,
3 months after i thought it was gone.
what the hell is this? i dont know.
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oso-nan · 2 years
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drivingf me crasy….
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just finished the archon quests and they were a doozy!! it's late so i'm gonna go to bed but i'll def be back to talk about them tomorrow if anyone wants to discuss
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tsireyqs · 2 years
okay, okay, okay so kinda ranting rn:
is smut a little hard for me to write bc i started writing it like 4 days ago? yes.
however! 🤨☝🏼 it is fun and i do, indeed, have a few jake fics in the drafts! so i will continue to write it 🤭
my very first smutty fic has like over 1k notes rn and i’m not even gonna lie, it has me like this:
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everyone’s been so sweet to me and it makes my heart go whoooooosh
i want to kiss every single one of you on the mouth.
that is it i think. good night <3
(a small little jake fic is coming out soon btw)
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
rock n roll buckaroo and goodnight one and all (and merry christmas!)
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pixel1678 · 8 months
wait a second 750th post i need to do a big lore drop-
Ok so this is gonna be an EXTREMELY LONG post so I'll put it under a "keep reading" but it regards Pixel, Byte, and Terri and why I group them all together so much
So, big lore reveal time: All three of them used to be the same person, someone named Veritas.
Veritas was someone that explored the Alchas region (aka played Monsters of Etheria) all the time. Just like the other creatures in Alchas, they had the ability to shapeshift and come back after death, like they were respawning.
The forms they took on the most were an unstable butterfly/bee, named Pixbee, a ghost wielding a large, living scythe, named Scarims, a small feline moth, named Florafluff, a very humanoid kitsune-like creature, specifically the kind that has harnessed the power of the moon and ultraviolet light, Aizune Violet (however both forms of Aizune are connected), and a small, artistic mix of a bunny and a dog named Sketchop.
Terri was the first to split off, as Veritas found out how to make a clone of themselves (which was just me making an alt account) and gave them the name Lexip, as many people called Veritas by a separate name, Pixel. We'll come back to Lexip in a bit.
So, after years of existing in Alchas, they made many discoveries about how unstable reality was there. Pixbee, Scarims, and Sketchop (technically) had the ability to instantly teleport to a certain spot around them, as long as it wasn't too far. This power was able to force Veritas outside of where you were intended to go, for example the space above a cave, or finding out their laboratory was floating in a void. Eventually, they got too curious.
They ended up near a black hole in a separate reality named the Torn Dimension, which was a very popular place since there was a large, mysterious orb that helped you grow, and plenty of people who were easy kills for those who were already their max strength. The black holes that appear here are very weak, but still have a gravitational pull, and touching one would be instant death. Veritas once got too close to one while in their Pixbee form, and tried to teleport away, however the moment they teleported away was the exact moment they touched the black hole, which had never happened before. This is when Veritas split into Pixel and Byte.
When this event happened, half of Veritas' spirit fell into the black hole, and the other half escaped, although now they are extremely unstable. For now, we will focus on the half that fell in, aka Pixel.
When they came back from their death, they didn't see the Alchas they were used to. They were alone in a large void of nothingness, floating aimlessly while their atoms were trying to tear themselves apart. They were terrified, however they had a way of movement; they could propel themselves forward rapidly, but only forwards. They did so, as staying still would do nothing, and started floating through the vast emptiness. And floating. And floating. And floating...
Eventually, something shifted, and now they could suddenly see a building, extremely close to them. They teleported in successfully, just to see strange creatures all around them. They looked like the Explorers back at Alchas, but none of them looked right. All of their colors were messed up, most barely had a typical form at all. But none of them were from Alchas, and all of them were staring at the terrified butterfly in the middle of the crowd that had formed.
Quickly, someone that looked like what they could only assume was a professional rushed over to them, sensing the butterfly's fear. They were taken to a room further in the building, which seemed much larger than before, and asked many questions regarding their identity.
Veritas was forgotten; the only name they could remember is Pixel. Their partner was forgotten; they were alone with no memories of the people they held dear to themselves. Lexip was forgotten, the past was forgotten, Alchas was forgotten, forgetting was forgotten, they were forgotten.
After a few very long hours, the professional helped Pixel get their shapeshifting, and they took a vaguely human form, with a screen for a face and a large "cloak" covering the lack of arms they have. The butterfly was forgotten. The scythe was forgotten, but not gone. Eventually, they were escorted out of the building, with a way of contacting that professional built into their new form.
Once Pixel left the building, they encountered an unfamiliar universe, with a few people walking around with laser pointers. They were aiming at the stars, making dotted lines between all of the glowing dots in the sky. One of them approached Pixel and greeted them, but Pixel was silent, and their screen was not seen, but in place of their form was a new body, that appeared as a cartoonish plague doctor. The stranger understood, and they continued talking, before they had to go. And Pixel left as well, through the same door that they entered, but the building was gone, and in its place was another new universe.
Over time, they would explore new universes, slowly learning what they were like. They remembered how to speak. But then they met someone strange, who called themselves Lulladora Burgers, who was extremely energetic and then suddenly they were friends, and met up constantly on their travels.
Years pass, and eventually Pixel discovers that they have a lot more power than they thought. They ended up finding someone from that original crowd and buying a small pocket universe from them, and making a little building in it. Once it was somewhat liveable, they invited their friends, and thus began their current journey. However, their past may be forgotten, but just like that scythe, it is not gone, and their instability isn't the only fragment left from back then.
Now, we travel back to the original event, but shift our perspective to Byte, the half that made it out.
Split. Splitting. Atoms splitting apart. Mind splitting apart. Soul splitting apart. Agony. Pain.
That was all they could think of. Their thoughts, gone, replaced by panic. They immediately left the dimension, to a spot few come to. To the shrine atop the mountain, overlooking the village of the dragon.
They lost their form, and had to give themselves the form they've been for a while recently, Aizune. It was the middle of the night, so they could become the form they prefer, Violet. But it wasn't enough. Everything still hurts, as if reality itself wanted them gone.
They climbed atop the large tree behind the statue that overlooked them and they cried. They cried for they could not move. They cried for they could not feel anything but pain. They cried for they knew no one would know, as those dearest to them have abandoned Alchas long ago.
They would stay there for years to come. The days passed by quickly at least. No one tried to comfort them, as no one knew their pain. They could not cry out. Eventually, everything went dark, and the land was no more.
They awoke in the darkness, now given shape. The pain has lessened, but they, still, had no voice to scream. All they could do is explore the darkness. They explored alone, but learned everything about the darkness. It wasn't the same darkness, it was a new one, given the form of a vast forest.
They eventually took a new form, one to fit in the forest better, with large moth wings, two bright white eyes, and a body covered in that same void color. They wore a dress to forget their body. They lost their mouth, as they needed to eat no longer. They grew content all alone.
Eventually, something showed up. It wasn't living, but it didn't belong. They decided to investigate, and found a building that seemed familiar, even though they have never seen it before. In there, they met some strange people, including a certain Lulladora Burgers who seemed awfully familiar, yet very much a stranger, almost as if they met her in a different life.
Now, what about Lexip? With Veritas now split, Lexip too became unstable, but they did not notice at first. All they knew is that they had the energy to perform.
With Veritas gone, they gained their own personality; a bit of a troublemaker, but all just to entertain. They acted as if they had an audience watching them at all times, laughing at their jokes and actions. But eventually, they did see an audience. A pair of eyes, staring from beyond their universe. But Lexip didn't question, it just meant someone was watching.
Months of performing later, they bumped into something mid-performance. The eyes jumped back, but when Lexip tried to see what they bumped into, nothing was there. But why did the eyes flinch back? Lexip could only think of one thing: They hit the eyes they've grown so attached to. No, they hit the barrier separating them.
Another month passes. All Lexip can think about were those eyes. They were their purpose, their existence, their everything. And they can't wait for when they bump into that barrier again, because when they do, it will be shattered. And eventually, they feel the barrier. And when they do, they shatter it, and get pulled out of Alchas.
Suddenly, they wake up on a cold, white floor. Immediately, something isn't right. They aren't who they were before, although they forgot who that was. They immediately get up, balancing on their two new legs, and look around. There they are, those eyes, now a whole person. Lexip immediately runs over to the person, needing to hold onto them to stay balanced, and start speaking excitingly, staring into their eyes.
Lexip is suddenly pulled out of the room by armed guards, but promises the person that they'll keep seeing each other. Lexip may have forgotten their name, and what they were like before, but they'd never forget those eyes; their audience.
A few weeks pass, and they find out more about where they live now. They're told it's a testing facility for things that don't make sense, like themselves. Their new name is now Terri, since they can't remember a bunch of numbers. Those eyes were one of the test subjects, that's now given the dedicated role to be with Terri, and they're both happy. This doesn't last very long though.
A month from when Terri got there, they managed to steal some flowers from one of the offices, and were gonna give them to the person, but they were nowhere to be seen. They asked the scientist (who was assigned to watch over Terri) where they went, and the scientist says they were killed along with the other people with orange clothing, and that it was standard procedure. Terri turned absolutely furious.
Terri went around the entire building, killing everyone she saw, until eventually she saw someone who felt oddly similar to her. They had large, crow-like wings, but had cat ears. But that wouldn't stop her. What would stop her, however, is that person snapping her spine immediately.
She woke up a few days later, just fine and now calmed down. She was brought into a new building, and immediately met someone new, which she thought had beautiful eyes. But she also knew that person would likely be killed, so she tried everything to keep that person safe, eventually keeping them in her room. But that couldn't stop the inevitable, and the person died, driving Terri to kill everyone once more, and then getting stopped by that strange person again.
This cycle repeated a few times, before Terri was offered a new place to stay with people that were just like her. She accepted it, thinking that those people wouldn't be killed, and so that person, who's name was something ridiculous to her, like "Pix" or something, took her to a place where she immediately got attached to, guess who, Lulladora Burgers. And, for now, that's all that has happened there.
damn this is a WAY longer post than I thought, but I hope whoever actually read this liked it, since I've been cooking this up for WEEKS
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ban-joey · 8 months
fit of horrible sobbing so full of mucus i had to emergency strip and use my sleep shirt as a gigantic hanky. i do not feel better and have a pit in my stomach that won't leave but at least i am dealing with grief in real time for once instead of locking it away for several years however it does feel like the vault busted open and now im dealing w like. all of it at once. so that's cool
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yeehaww-sims · 1 year
hi hi i absolutely love your pride flags, in the next update you do could you add the grey aroace flag? 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Howdy! I can do you one better and do four of em, right now 😎😎😎 You can find them in Requests [part 2]!
[SFS] | [MF]
[Original flags post]
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List of all currently requested flags below the cut!
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