#it's always about napoleon
sparvverius · 2 months
speaking of underrated historical figures you know who never gets featured in frev stuff ever?? augustin robespierre. i swear you could watch all the most popular frev movies and not even know maximilien robespierre HAD a brother. much less that that brother was at least somewhat important. didnt even merit an ALLUSION in the new napoleon movie even though it showed that bizarre version of thermidor. in lrf he is just physically not present when he should be. he might not have been the most notable politician but... that even the incredible courage and loyalty of his decision to share his brother's fate is so forgotten even in accounts that center his brother... it's a little heartbreaking to me
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ciderbird · 4 months
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me explaining to people how preventing the assassination of Paul I of Russia would cause the downfall of the British Empire in the XIX century
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goldenstarprincesses · 7 months
Don't think its talked about enough that after Waterloo, Napoleon tried to escape to the United States. And not to DC or New York City...but to New Jersey
And despite getting pretty close to a ship that could have done it, the British where like "oh the fuck NOT"
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roxannepolice · 26 days
I think the reason I don't like psychologizing or neurologizing DW is that. Well. There's literally no way in hell for the main premise to fit into "healthy" human behaviour? Like, sure, go ahead, Odysseus hated his wife and country and that's why he cursed himself to travel for 10 years across the Mediterrenean Sea (a less than a year long trip in a rowboat). Kudos on your hot take. Now read through all the articles ever written on the meaning of Scylla and Charybdis.
Like, calling the Doctor's (or the Master's) various traumas just doesn't seem to go anywhere for me? And, just. This is a show where there is no endgame. Yes, each episode and season have one, but if you want the Doctor to stop running (also. please. for the love of Calliope. there's a difference between running as in fleeing and running as in running. this is the character that nearly got themself killed because when confronted with a brand new incomprehensible entity they decided to have a chat with it instead of cowering in the other corner and waiting for rescue like everyone else), then you basically just want the show to end? If you want the Master to complete a redemption or healing arc, you basically want to nullify the character? Oh, but they'll still be campy and fun in the background, so the fuck what? That's thinking aesthetics are the essence, you still want the end of history.
Fifteen IS acting way more "healthier" than the Doctor ever had in NuWho. I've already seen a criticism of "uh he's not autism coded...", and there's literally been the period when they just stayed calmly home, which is, like. where all stories lead if you don't kill off the protagonist, AND HOW THE VAST MAJORITY OF HUMANS WITH ACTUAL PROBLEMS LIVE, that's the whole point of Fourteen? And, low blow, but maybe, just maybe, Ncuti Gatwa knows more about living with a gencoide trauma than USamerican psychology graduates?
Idk, idk, please tell me what I'm getting wrong. I'm serious when I say I want to be criticised and have the holes in my logic pointed out.
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lazarecarnot · 17 days
Gotta say your not a bad neighbour in terms of our restin places in the panthéon! fuckload of tourists tho
— @armagnac-army
It's actually a honor for me to be in the company of such a honest, fierce soldier like you, who bravely and successfully fought to protect his country!
I don't mind visitors, but yes, sometimes it's way too chaotic here: I can't think or reflect. *sighs*
Also thank you for having kept an eye on my dear Napoléon, by always standing by his side...
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josefavomjaaga · 5 months
Small, fat, always laughing, very busy; in love with Madame Visconti
Entry for Louis Alexandre Berthier in general Desaix's "Journal de voyage".
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
It you liked my Napoleonic au, here is some Fernando from it :)
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Under the cut: process
him face:
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(I absolutely had to draw his Theee Musketeers look, that's honestly why I did a Ferrari alt)
I mentioned earlier how every time I opened the drawing, I'd just completely change it. Here's what I meant:
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The Renault suit really lends itself to the Hussar uniform! Also the Ferrari one is kinda stunted a bit comparatively bcs I accidently drew over the Renault one so I had to recover the backlog and was afraid to touch it any further LOL
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theloveinc · 1 year
Yandere (or not) who kidnaps you thinking you’ll be meek and sweet to them, terrified and pliant… not realizing your sadness and frustration makes your love bitter and dry.
There is no convincing you of anything, you’ve already submitted to loving them… but you’ve never once kissed him sweetly, only until his lips have bled. There are no soft eyes, kind looks… only you berating him for being weak enough to want. Pinching his nose, pulling his hair when you walk by in the kitchen.
And when you fuck, you let him hurt you because you hurt him in return. Beg to be hit more as well as scratched up, all so you can give it right back to him when he finally comes in close and your hands end up around his throat.
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publius-library · 2 years
Why do you think Hamilton supported the Alien and Seduction acts as an immigrant himself?
This is a common discussion I see, and it becomes quite easy to understand when you take into account the current events, what prompted the Alien and Sedition Acts (which is what I will assume you meant instead of Seduction, since I think it would be pretty self explanatory why Hamilton would support Seduction acts), who John Adams was, and Hamilton's beliefs.
Firstly, the most prominent international event occurring at the time was the French Revolution. When the Revolutionary government replaced that of the Ancien Regime, it dissolved it's alliances with foreign nations, especially after they cut their king's head off. This resulted in a war and a dude you might have heard of named Napoleon, but we don't need to get into that to understand that Britain and France had major beef, even more so than before. As a result, a lot of the French people who did not approve of their government's actions, but still did not want to live under a monarchy, immigrated to the United States. Much like today's current debate over immigration, some people believed that the United States were not obligated to give refuge to these immigrants, that they would take American jobs, and posed a risk to American citizens. Hence, the Alien portion of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
As for the Sedition part, this was a personal gift from John Adams to himself. He was a very egotistical, sensitive man who could not take criticism of his policies from the newspapers. As stated by the National Archives, "The Sedition Act made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish...any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government."
John Adams, a Federalist, believed that in putting restrictions on citizenship and free speech, he was preventing American people from sympathizing with the French in the potential war that was brewing between America and France, since France was currently raging and ruining everything and making everything difficult for everyone.
Now, where does Hamilton come in? Hamilton was a Federalist, and while he didn't agree with Adams on almost anything, he was fiercely against any kind of violent rebellion. This is exhibited in the many times he attempted to stop a mob, the earliest one being at King's College, when he stood before a mob and lectured them, buying time for the president of the college to escape being tarred and feathered. This is repeated during the Cadaver Riots in 1788. This belief of his can be traced back to his childhood in the Caribbean, in which there was a constant fear that the overwhelming enslaved population (80% of the island's inhabitants were enslaved Africans) would revolt.
Hamilton was also a fan of Thomas Hobbes, who believed in a cynical idea of human nature, in which every individual is self-serving to their own wants and needs. Hobbes wrote in The Leviathan, "And from hence it comes to pass that, where an invader hath no more to fear than another man's single power, if one plant, sow, build, or possess, a convenient seat others may probably be expected to come prepared with forces united to dispossess and deprive him not only of the fruit of his labor but also of his life or liberty." The key differences between the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke also resemble the distinction between Federalists and Democratic Republicans.
All this to say, Hamilton's beliefs were shared with Adams- the French immigrants were possibly dangerous, being a threat to the stable revolution that was surviving in America. Additionally, he followed the principles of Hobbes in his belief that the government was responsible for keeping the people in check, and preventing them from entering into their natural state, which made life "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." The goal of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to prevent individuals aiming to bring a French-style rebellion to the United States, and to discourage similar sentiments from circulating in the press.
Clearly, this didn't work. The United States never went to war with France, this violation of the right to the press was not tolerated, Adams never served another term as president, and Hamilton never convinced a mob to disperse. The Alien and Sedition Acts weren't entirely anti-immigrant, as they were mainly targeted by the French, and if you're asking me personally, I believe Hamilton was able to disregard this as the law for citizenship (changing the residency requirements from 5 to 14 years) wouldn't apply to him anymore, and he could further hide the fact that he was an immigrant. He was ashamed of his origins, as the Caribbean was used at the time as, essentially, a large prison, and he didn't have the best reputation while he was there. I do think it is ironic that Adams was responsible for the Alien and Sedition Acts, and he was the one who tormented Hamilton for this birthplace. But, you know, I wasn't in that crazy ass redhead's mind.
I know this is long, but I've thought about this before, and I love getting into the reasoning behind Hamilton's politics. He was one of those cases where you can really see how his personal life influenced his political beliefs, and I think that's really interesting. Anyway, I hope this helps, and thank you for the ask <3
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jigencaps · 2 years
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re-alku · 2 years
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Random thought: Due to a mishap during a mission or something, Napoleon and Illya get stranded in mountains and they have to survive until Gaby or Waverly find them and rescue them. The biggest problem is that Illya's leg is badly broken and he cannot walk. He and Napoleon manage to get to a cave, and they decide to stay there. So, Illya gets situated sitting down and leaning against a wall and Napoleon is the one responsible for starting a fire, finding food and water, and all that other survival stuff. He of course knows how to build and start a fire, only Illya has a very different opinion on how a fire should be started properly. Illya actually has very different opinion on how Napoleon should carry out every task, and since he cannot move, he's forced to just loudly complain and growl and argue. Naturally, Napoleon cannot just ignore that. He has to argue back. It's a miracle they survive long enough to be rescued, honestly.
Also, Illya is probably extra irritated because he's in pain and also because he feels extremely useless and he hates it. Napoleon is probably extra irritated because Peril is hurt and it's stressing him out, and he just wants to properly look after him, but of course Illya has to make it difficult.
Also, also, imagine that after a more heated argument about something not that significant, Napoleon storms out of the cave taking one of their bags and putting their empty bottles there, claiming that he's going to fill them in a nearby stream. Illya doesn't even try to stop him. But then Napoleon is gone suspiciously long. And Illya is worried that something happened to him, but he cannot move and check. And then it occures to him that maybe Napoleon got fed up with him and left him there, never intending to return. And he spirals down to some very dark thoughts. So much angst potential.
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I’ve always been fond of Napoleon’s “Joseph and I look alike, except he’s more handsome” description of his brother. 
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mycological-mariner · 2 years
Hm, I’m not feeling very creative. *two cups of coffee and a Crane Wives song later*
So anyways here’s my short historical horror story I wrote while out of my mind in 15 minutes
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waifu-napoleon · 2 years
Bernadotte: You can’t solve all of your problems with sad violin music and lavender tea.
Francis II.: I can try!
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
woahhh catie!!!! i love your ocs! esp your blorbo the red/white one what's their name? what's their backstory?? they seem very mischievous very punk rock i love it!
Anon tysm!!!! And ty for the ask, I drew some more of her for you :D
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Her name is Eclipse! She was disowned from a prominent family(in my AU) and thus became a freelance assasssin. Most importantly though, she is in a friends-enemies-lovers codependent relationship with my other oc, Noir:
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Eclipse is very mischievous! She is very prickly and defensive but once you get to know her, she is truly just a menace to society and a total gremlin. She just finds it hard to interact with most people. Even if her and Noir have a very tumultous, at times toxic, relationship, Noir is the only who sees her and treats her for who she truly is. They are this post: (x)
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