#it's an advanced tactic
shodansbabygirl · 1 year
ive gotta make more playlists on my phone my shower was a fucking trial and a half today
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allisonmckenzieart · 1 month
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Hey, I'm on my phone, so I can't a href as I'd like, but, click on my Wheel of Names
and tell me:
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wario-land · 2 months
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Game Boy Advance's All Stars in...
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A concept idea made by me, because i love GBA and it's various games
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divorcedfiddleford · 2 months
You made a post saying “it has been zero days since our last alex hirsch hates ford so much bullshit” and i know it was mostly hyperbole, but you have some really good takes that I would love to be elaborated on in terms of how ford is written
it really wasn't hyperbolic. over the years he's just really shown a lot of hatred towards this one character.
content warning: discussion of abuse
i want to start with this clip from the commentary which i think of as a microcosm for how the writers and especially alex think about ford.
rob renzetti: i mean he [mcgucket] should've basically knocked ford out, and... and destroyed the... you know, tied him up, and, destroyed... and... alex hirsch, speaking over him: yeah he should've beat ford with a wrench and taken this thing apart piece by piece! he's the one who understood how to built [sic] it, but...
... so that seems like a pretty violent course of action. shall we unpack that?
ford is a character who's pretty explicitly written as a victim of abuse, and who now has c-ptsd as a direct result of the abuse he experienced. alex hirsch believes that ford deserved everything bad that happened to him, that it's ford's own fault, and that he also deserved worse things to happen to him. this is why, given every narrative chance, alex hirsch has piled more suffering onto ford's plate. the biggest example of this i can think of is in the journal, when he wrote that fiddleford was actively erasing ford's memory (despite this being a massive timeline contradiction which i still refuse to accept). because god forbid ford even have one remotely healthy relationship with somebody. that would be too good for him. ford was manipulated and lied to by bill, but alex repeatedly compares him to icarus, a teenager whose demise was the result of his own ignorance. this comparison is still so fucking offensive to me. the sun did not lie to icarus, did not guarantee icarus all of the happiness and success and sense of belonging which he had been denied all his life, did not actively shut out the voices of those around him who would try to help him.
alex in general has a very strange relationship with abuse. he seems to get really upset when people read his characters as victims of abuse. the strongest instance of this is actually not with ford, it's with pacifica - especially in the nwmm episode commentary. the episode says "pacifica's parents have conditioned her to respond to a bell" and alex says people got "the wrong idea" about it. like. dude. what the fuck. you wrote abuse. even if you didn't mean to, that's what you wrote. you can't say people got "the wrong idea" just because you didn't think about the subtext of what you were writing. anyway, back to ford: i believe this extends to him as well. alex wanted to write a character who's a foil to stan and who was a selfish unlikable victim of his own arrogance. however that's not what he wrote. he somehow seemingly accidentally wrote a really compelling and relatable awesome autistic guy who had to fight for every good thing he he ever had in his life only for it to be taken from him every single time. but alex can't let go of seeing ford as just "the opposite of stan". when he talks about "how someone as smart as ford could fall for bill's tricks", he refuses to realize he wrote a situation in which a man was being psychologically manipulated and tortured.
it goes back further, too. people repeatedly theorized that filbrick was... not a very good father, to say the least. on top of the very explicit and canon fact that he threw one of his children out on the street (seriously, there is no defense for this), people pointed out that stan would flinch at filbrick, that ford seemed upset by things filbrick said but dared not talk back, that filbrick was mad at stan not for hurting his brother, but for "costing the family potential millions". but alex can't have people seeing ford as sympathetic. ford can't have it bad like stan did. ford had to have everything and he lost it all because he sucks so much. so he wrote the graphic novel story where ford is filbrick's favorite child and filbrick also is not even a bad parent you guys he's just stoic. ignore the whole thing in dreamscaperers where stan perpetuates the abuse that filbrick did to him. ignore the fact that ford was shouting at stan and then completely shut up as soon as filbrick entered the room and did not say another word for the rest of the night. ignore all that because i just made up this story where he cries at a present from stan. filbrick loved his boys for sure you guys!!!
i'm not even touching on how alex repeatedly villainizes traits commonly associated with mental illness and neurodivergence. ford's hypervigilance becomes arrogance. his passion for knowledge means he's a know-it-all. his difficulty socializing and making friends means he's a misanthrope. his lingering resentment for the way he was raised means he hates his brother and is the worst human being to ever have lived. i could go on, go even further into how the finale reaffirms this, but i feel weird talking about this too much.
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chocodile · 1 year
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Another Sylvanian Family/Calico Critters set: Bangaa Bishop, Viera Elementalist, Nu Mou Hermetic (Ezel Berbier), and Moogle Gunner from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance!
These took absolutely forever to put together. Their clothes are layered and removable with fully painted bodies underneath and most of the added body parts such as ears and tails are posable.
These will probably be the last custom dolls I do for a bit. They were a huge undertaking!
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butt-berry · 1 year
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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance turned 20 last week!
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ethernalium · 7 months
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maddiebiscuits · 19 days
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nu mou alchemist design! (client work)
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vgwater · 9 months
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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
“A fantasy for wherever reality takes you.” (Electronic Gaming Monthly #171, Oct. 2003)
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tomaturtles · 3 months
what the fuck does hovering means how do i superboop
Stop your cursor over the boop button on someone's blog for a couple seconds til the button does a little spin and then click it! On desktop anyway, not sure if you can superboop on mobile 😔
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nocternalrandomness · 6 months
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514th FTS F-22 taxis at Hill AFB, Utah
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taffywabbit · 2 months
me: i wish someone other than intsys would make a good tactical RPG with Fire Emblem-style gameplay for me to enjoy
studio: look we made a cool new tactical RPG that fans of strategy games like Fire Emblem will enjoy
me: is the gameplay Final Fantasy Tactics or Advance Wars
studio: it's a good tactical RPG ma'am. fans of strategy games like Fire Emblem will enjoy it :)
me: *plays 20 minutes of it*
(it's FF Tactics or Advance Wars)
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passingmeby · 1 year
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garmmy · 1 year
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mealtime 🥪🥪
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