#it's been drifting towards bad brain hours and i felt mildly like shit
badass-sunshine · 5 years
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I may be a mess but at least I'm cute
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 5
Perma tag: @nathleigh
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever
Marinette listened in on Tim for three days.
Not actively, of course, she didn’t hang onto every word he said. She just let her consciousness drift in and out of the conversations he had while she worked on finishing up the outfit she had designed for Audrey...
And, yeah, she was getting to the point where she was willing to bet on him being an okay guy. Better than okay, even. He was just so… genuine?
The first two days he had come in sick. She knew the signs of working while sick by heart, the trudging around and the groaning and the constant banging your head on the desk when you pass out randomly, and damn she was pretty sure even she wasn’t as bad as him. He probably shouldn’t be working at all, to be honest, he was CEO and there was nothing stopping him from taking the day -- or even just a few hours -- off. But, no, from the sound of it he was drinking ungodly amounts of coffee and calling it okay.
And despite the fact that he seemed absolutely miserable, he hadn’t taken it out on anyone. She had yet to hear him be impolite to anyone, not even the people that worked under him. His secretary had made a scheduling mistake and he had not only assured her it was fine but didn’t even require her to fix it.
Even when he was talking to himself while working he never once said anything questionable. And he talked to himself a lot. It was like a podcast, honestly, just hearing him rattle off numbers and weird business terms she hadn’t learned because she was self-taught. He talked almost constantly and he should have slipped up by now, yet here she was three days later with nothing to show for it except for a whole lot of guilt.
Marinette hadn’t thought much about it on the first day, everyone had their good days from time to time. On the second day she said ‘oh, it’s a coincidence’, but on the third day she had to call it: her paranoia had been a little unfounded.
Literally the worst thing about him so far was that he didn’t seem to care much about his own health… and that wasn’t really a bad thing about him as much as it was a bad thing for him.
So, yeah, it looked like she had no real reason to listen in on him anymore.
… but…
Something about him was nagging at her. He was a nice guy and she’d like to be his friend… it was just that, sometimes, she could swear she recognized his voice.
And it wasn’t like there were a lot of people she knew in America, she knew who he probably was.
Her hand itched towards the tiny device hidden under her window seat. One click (and maybe a little researching) and she’d know for sure who the bats were. The only thing stopping her was the knowledge that, if she did know their real names, she’d accidentally call them by them once and immediately get thrown either into a cell or out of Gotham. She was a meta (kind of), she was already on thin ice. She didn’t need the paranoid idiots that were the bats being more wary of her than they already were.
So, she left it alone.
She kept the bug, though. Mostly just because she wanted to hear it directly from him rather than just guessing by his voice. After all, voices can be similar. If he were to directly talk about bat business while she was listening in, though… that would definitely be a point towards her theory, to say the least.
And, yeah, she knew it was kind of messed up. She could be listening in on some innocent guy for all she knew, but it was… morally kind of okay? The whole thing about stalking is that it makes your victim feel unsafe. If he was Red Robin then he had found the bug and hadn’t felt unsafe enough to remove it and if he was a civilian then he would never know about the bug and therefore couldn’t feel unsafe. Therefore, it wasn’t stalking, not really.
… yeah, that makes sense.
She glanced at her sketchbook and yawned. She really needed to get a new outfit idea soon. Good thing Tim said he was taking her out tomorrow --.
Shit, Tim was taking her out tomorrow.
She jumped up from her spot at the window and ran to her closet. What to wear, what to wear...
Frenchie: where are we going tomorrow
Spiderman: It’s a surprise.
Frenchie: fuck your surprises tim what do i need to wear
She heard his laugh crackle through her earpiece. Rude.
Spiderman: Casual clothes.
Frenchie: there are LEVELS of casual tim
Spiderman: Oh, so we’re breaking out the capital letters. This must be serious.
She scoffed. Of course it was serious.
Frenchie: just tell me what to wear
Spiderman: A t-shirt and jeans is fine.
Kwamis, send her strength. Like she was going to wear a t-shirt and jeans. Did he even know who he was talking to?
But at least she had a gauge on how casual she could go. She picked out a light pink button down and black shorts for herself and then, because she had a little bit of foresight, she added some black tights.
She smiled faintly and dropped back in her bed.
She couldn’t wait to see where he was going to take her.
She found out the next day. Because that’s how things work.
She raised her eyebrows. “There’s no way it’s actually called a ‘space museum’. You’ve gotta be lying.”
Tim shrugged, a grin poking at his lips. “Do you really think I’d make it up?”
“Well, considering your outfit, I’d say you aren’t the most creative of guys so maybe you did,” she teased.
Tim looked down at his outfit and pouted. He was wearing little more than a black turtleneck and pants under a white jacket. “Must you make fun of every outfit I wear?”
“Only the bad ones. Seriously, would it kill you to wear a little bit of color?”
He rolled his eyes. “At least I thought to bring a jacket. It’s thirty degrees!”
She had forgotten that Americans used Fahrenheit, sue her.
Of course, she was never going to admit to this. She stuck her tongue out at him. “Maybe I’m just not a wimp.”
He snickered. “Oh, so you’re not cold?”
“Not at all.”
“Then stop hugging that coffee cup.”
She looked down at the coffee cup that was her only source of warmth and happiness in this cruel world that had two different measuring systems (three if you counted Kelvin). She gripped it tighter. “... no.”
He rolled his eyes again and, after a beat of hesitation, shrugged his jacket off and offered it to her.
Marinette normally wouldn’t give in this easy… but she really was cold and his clothes were far thicker than hers were and she knew that her teeth would start chattering soon which would have been so embarrassing...
So she blushed faintly and slipped the jacket on. It smelled like ungodly expensive cologne. “Thanks.”
He grinned. “I’m taking your coffee as payment.”
“No --!”
After dropping by a cafe so Marinette didn’t kill him, Tim took her to the space museum (yes, that actually was what it was called).
He thought she would have missed the night sky. Gotham hardly ever had a clear night due to the thick smog that hung over the city like a curse. And they spent quite a lot of time outside at night, she must have been feeling a little homesick.
So, he rented out the museum for the day. Yes, the whole museum. He was rich and mildly famous and what was the point of that if he wasn’t going to use it to make the people he cared about happy? He doubted she would be able to enjoy the sights as much if people were constantly taking pictures of them and asking about their relationship.
She raised her eyebrows just slightly but otherwise didn’t acknowledge the lack of people.
They slipped through the rooms quietly in search of inspiration.
Many of the rooms were your typical museum things: exhibits showing off different space rocks and explaining stars and supernovas. They didn’t stop much here, obviously, there was little to be inspired by. The most that happened for a long while was Marinette stopping from time to time to take a picture of a nice color that she wanted to try and replicate later.
And then she had stopped to look at a spacesuit. She blinked a few times before breaking into a grin and flipping to a new page in her sketchbook. He could barely make out the name ‘Jagged’ from where he was fiddling with his camera a respectable distance away.
So, Marinette, at least, was having a productive time. Tim was… a little stressed, to be honest.
Tim was having a particularly hard time getting ‘inspired’.
It had been years since he had picked up his camera, which was certainly a problem but it wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that he had never been one to take pictures of locations or objects. Sure, there was the occasional picture of the Gotham skyline, but he had always had a tendency towards taking pictures of people. Batman and Robin working as a team to take out a bunch of thugs, Robin and Nightwing racing each other across the rooftops, Batman and Nightwing stopping for ice cream after a particularly long patrol… and now he wanted to take pictures of Marinette.
But that would be weird because a) the first day he had implied he took pictures of attractions in order to alleviate suspicion about why he just so happened to be on the same rooftop as her and b) she probably wouldn’t think they were close enough for him to take pictures of her.
He kind of wished he could just go back to the old days where his subjects didn’t know he was there and he wouldn’t have to worry about what they would think about him if he took a picture of them.
His fingers itched towards the camera hanging from his neck because she looked so cute with her tongue poking out of her mouth and her orange, yellow, and white colored pencils sticking out from between her fingers like little Wolverine claws and he loved the way his jacket looked on her and --.
“You can stop staring, I’ll be done as fast as I can.”
His brain shorted out and the only response he could come up with was a squeaky: “Sorry?”
She looked up from her work with an awkward smile. “I’m sorry it’s taking so long, I just… if I don’t do it now it’ll slip my mind. I’m working as fast as I can, though.”
He was rebooting. Give him a minute.
Ah, there it was.
Wait, she thought he was being impatient?
“Nononono take your time, it’s fine! I just...”
He trailed off before he could finish the thought because this was the second time they had hung out he couldn’t make things awkward between them already.
… but she was giving him a confused, vaguely concerned, look and he was pretty sure that if he didn’t come up with something soon it would be awkward anyways.
“IwasjustwonderingifIcouldtakeapictureofyou?” He blurted out before he could stop himself again.
She blinked once. Twice. And then a blush spread across her face.
“Oh. Uh… sure?”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he said.
“It’s fine. A little sudden but… fine,” she said with a tiny smile.
Tim couldn’t keep the smile off of his face.
Not one to be blushy for long, apparently, Marinette flashed a wink. “Should I call up my friend Adrien for modeling tips or…?”
He rolled his eyes and schooled his face back into his usual grin. “It’s fine, just keep working. I’ll figure out angles and stuff.”
She tipped her head to the side confusedly. “Don’t you need me to be still?”
He didn’t look up from messing with the settings of his camera. “Not at all. You’re probably going to be one of my easier pictures.”
“... thanks…?”
“I do mostly nighttime photography. Capturing things in motion without it blurring requires a --.” He cringed. “Sorry, um… basically, when you want to take photos of things that are moving fast, you need a lot of natural light.”
“... you can talk about it more in depth, if you want.”
He shrugged. “I’d bore you.”
“I like your voice,” she said… then she seemed to realize the implications because she cleared her throat and did her best to backtrack: “In comparison to every other American I’ve heard so far, at least. Why do your accents… sound like that?”
“Ah, yes, because everyone knows that French people have the best accents.”
“Excuse you, I have been told by many people that my accent is actually very nice.”
He grinned. “By whom? Half-drunk men on the street?”
She gasped as if offended. “I get my information from much more reliable sources... like drunk women in bathrooms, thank you very much.”
“I see. My mistake. I apologize.”
“As you should.”
He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Don’t you have a design to make?” She looked down at her sketchbook and a silence stretched between them as she squinted at her design.
“You forgot what you were doing, didn’t you?”
She groaned and rested her head in her hands.
He took a picture of her exasperated pout.
Marinette ended up with two outfits.
One was for Jagged, based off of the spacesuit she had seen. She had figured that, with all the songs he wrote about being free, there was bound to be one about how he ‘finally had his own space’. It was good to be prepared.
The other was for Cassandra Wayne. Marinette hadn’t thought much about it, to be honest. She just knew that Cassandra liked the color black with designs on top of it, and that the planetarium had a nice star pattern that would work for that. It would be super expensive, what with all the gems she would need, but it wasn’t like the Waynes couldn’t afford it.
… and then she looked up to see Tim pouting.
She giggled, resting her head on her hand. “What?”
“My sister is getting a dress and I’m not.”
Oh, so he was an actual fan. Interesting.
She brushed that conversation aside in favor of teasing him: “You want a dress?”
“Yes! No? Yes? I --.” He huffed and took a seat in the chair next to her. “I have faith anything you make will look nice.”
She felt a blush rise to her face and she rolled her eyes. “Hm. Telling the person in charge of your wardrobe ‘I have full faith in you’ is a terrible idea.”
“Oh? I don’t think you, in good conscience, can make and give me anything bad.”
She squinted at him for a minute before breaking into a grin. “Wanna bet?”
He leaned back in his chair, scrutinizing her for a few moments, before smirking. “Sure, how about we put five thousand on it?”
She choked. She’d forgotten he was rich rich.
She was quick to backtrack: “Nah. With all your fashion choices so far I can’t trust you not to wear it to some Gala or whatever it is you rich people do.”
“Damn, there goes that plan.”
She grinned and looked down at her sketchbook. After a few seconds she flipped to a new page. She squinted at his outfit for a few moments before starting to doodle something.
“What’re you making now?”
“I’m making you something with some color.”
He huffed. “Excuse you, I’m a goth in a family of goths. I can’t wear color.”
“Yeah, yeah. Trust me, I know. I’d say Richard is the black sheep of the family in that aspect but he’s the one wearing color.”
He laughed a little. “So Dick is the white sheep, then?”
“Yea --.” She stopped and then squinted over at him. “Dick?”
“It’s what he insists everyone calls him.”
She looked down at her sketchbook for a moment, processing, and then shook her head. “Your brother has a degradation kink.”
Tim brought his hand to his mouth in stunned silence before pulling his phone from his pocket and definitely not informing the family group chat of his discovery.
She snickered and went to work on the outfit again. It was a simple one, because she didn’t want to go too far out of his comfort zone, but there was no way she was going to be friends with a monochromatic idiot.
She leaned over until her head rested on his shoulder. He tensed up just a little before resting his head on top of hers.
When she had finished he took a picture of the planetarium to keep up pretenses and they had made their leave.
… but first, they stopped by the gift shop. Because why not?
Tim could have bought everything there for Marinette -- and probably would have, if asked -- but, considering she had freaked out about five thousand dollars earlier, he figured maybe he should keep that more or less quiet.
Instead, he followed her around while idly bouncing a Saturn shaped bouncy ball. It was a terrible shape for a bouncy ball and he kind of loved it, to be honest. Not to mention the little smile Marinette made behind her hand every time the ball would try another mad dash for freedom was pretty cute.
And then they hit the t-shirt section. And her lips twitched as she reached out and picked up a bright blue shirt that said ‘May the F=MA be with you’ in white text.
“It’s awful. It’s perfect.”
He grinned. “Wow, look at you. You know one of the simplest physics formulas by heart, aren’t you smart?” He joked.
She bowed. “I know, I know.”
He held out a hand for it and she stared at him for a few seconds in confusion.
“I’ll hold it until we get to the front desk.”
She squinted at him. “I’m paying for my own shirt.”
“I can afford it,” he said with a sigh.
“So can I.”
“Either you let me pay for it or I’ll keep track of everything you buy while with me and add it to your commissions.”
“... either you let me pay for it or I’ll never make an outfit for you ever again. I know your measurements and style, Timothy, you won’t be able to get past me.”
They narrowed their eyes at each other, daring each other to call their bluffs…
And then his shoulders sagged. “Fine.”
He’d just have to use his connections to lower prices on fabrics for her. Did he mention that he was rich and mildly famous? Yeah. It was pretty cool.
She smiled as she leaned against the doorframe to her apartment. “Thanks for taking me out. It was fun.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled back. She was determinedly ignoring the way his smile made little butterflies flutter in her stomach. She patently hated butterflies. They weren’t allowed.
“I had fun, too. Want to do it again, sometime?”
“... sure, I guess you passed my test.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Your test?”
“Oh, yeah.” She waved him off. “If you had made any creepy comments today I would have blocked you.”
He seemed a little relieved by this information, though she wasn’t quite sure why. “That’s a pretty good test to have in Gotham.”
“I know, I’m pretty smart,” she said jokingly.
He shrugged. “Yeah.”
Damn it, now she was blushing. Shit.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you flatter every girl you take to the space museum? Is this your strategy?”
He snickered. “Well, considering you’re the only girl I’ve taken, I’m going to have to say yes.”
She hummed. “I’m glad I’m so special to you, because that means you won’t drop me when I never give you this jacket back.”
He huffed. “You can’t just do that.”
“I can and will,” she teased. Then, because she wasn’t a completely cruel person, she reached up to her coatrack and pulled down a red scarf for him. “Here, take this so it’s more of a trade than stealing.”
“If I don’t?”
“Then you get to walk back to your house in the cold like that.”
He snorted. “What happened to not wanting to steal?”
“At least I offered!”
He rolled his eyes and leaned down so she could wrap the scarf around his neck.
She looked up at him, a blush spreading across her face, and then carefully draped it over his shoulders. “There. Now you have a splash of color.”
He smiled at her. “Ah, I see, this was all just a plot to get me to wear colors. It all makes sense now.”
“Of course.” She tugged him down more by the scarf to press a kiss to his nose. “You should wear red and black more often. They’re totally your colors.”
He smiled a little dopily. “You have no idea.”
She pushed his face away. “Weirdo. Go be cryptic somewhere else.”
“Fine, fine. See you in a few days.”
“See you then.”
Bonus Batfam group chat stuff
Timtamalam: What if Dick makes everyone call him that because he has a degradation kink?
LetMeLeaveTheChat: i fucking hate this family.
BloodSon: This is exactly the kind of lowbrow humor to be expected of you, Drake.
Timtamalam: I’m unappreciated in my time.
CAss: :0
Timtamalam: See, this is why Cass is the favorite.
YouDontSeeMe: DickJoke please respond
DickJoke: I raised each and every one of you and this is the thanks I get
LetMeLeaveTheChat: sucks to suck, dickwad.
DickJoke: That’s it when I get through all this dumb Heartless stuff I’m coming back to the manor and we’re all going to have family time
CAss: :(
ItsEggplantNotPurple: damn it
YouDontSeeMe: crap
LetMeLeaveTheChat: fuck. and an extra “fuck” on duke’s behalf.
BloodSon: Look at what you have done, Drake.
Timtamalam: Sorry guys.
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sockablock · 5 years
Once upon a time, @inkedinserendipity tagged me in a post by @superssonica asking what would happen if Caleb got a bit too used to the Polymorph spell. 
Seren, you monster, this one goes out to you: 
- - -
Beau disappears into the clouds below the branches, trailed—then outpaced—by a second crack of thunder.
After a moment, the massive boughs sway. A few leaves tremble, then fall still.
Caduceus takes a seat in the newly-sprung grass. Yasha joins, sheepish at his side.
“My wings were not made for flying,” she mumbles. “I think I will just stay on the ground.”
Nott tugs on Caleb’s sleeve. “I kind of want to go,” she says. “Do you have a way to get us up?”
He follows her gaze. He considers the tree. He mulls over a mental list of spells, then rummages around in his pouch for silken string.
The tiny cocoon gleams silver in the light.
He gives Nott a smile.
“Ja, sure. Hop on.”
Caleb is flying. 
He’s never flown before, only seen and heard through Frumpkin’s eyes, back on the safety and security of the ground. But for a person, for a human, for the child of a farmer and a soldier, long ago, he’d like to think that he’s not doing a bad job.
The skies seem to tug at something deep within his soul, something feral and instinctive, something finally freed, something soaring, something lifting, something wild—alive.
In this euphoria, he tucks his wings close, driven on by a craving he’d never felt before. 
He spins into a barrel-roll, diving through the clouds, Nott on his back, screaming—maybe it’s a cheer—all he really knows is the rush of the wind, the thrill of the ether, the endless expanse.
It is beautiful, so high in the clouds.
His mind lets go. There’s no need for control.
It is empty. It is peaceful. 
Later on, he turns back into the same bird to ferry Beauregard up to the nest. He lingers in the form a bit longer than needed.
It’s to save spell slots. You never know.
They arrive in Bazzoxan well after dusk and fall into the first and only bunks they can find. Jester and Caduceus look well enough tapped, and Fjord still occasionally plucks gravel from his chest. Yasha and Beau are as unfazed as ever, but this is as much of a habit as an act. Nott is fretting somewhere in the background, still searching desperately for her flask.
As far as evenings go, this one is fairly standard. It has been nearly a year since the Mighty Nein assembled, and all of these bustling midnight sounds are just a part of the familiar nightly song.
But when the lamplight fades, Caleb cannot sleep. He lies there, unmoving, eyes open in the dark.
He cannot stop thinking about what he’d done that morning. He cannot forget the way that it had felt.
Of course, he cannot forget anything. He’s never been able to, never known how.
But for that a minute, for that hour, for that daydream in the breeze, it had been so wonderfully easy.
He changes a few more times during the trip. Once towards the tomb, once within, once to dive past narrow, winding stairs. He mostly sticks to eagles—he knows them, they’re safe, and a part of him fears the uncertainty of other shapes.
He remembers the story that Jester had told about becoming a moth. She hadn’t been able to control her mind. She hadn’t been able to focus her thoughts. He remembers being a giant ape, and knowing nothing but the adrenaline and the bloody haze.
To a wizard, to a scholar, to a son of the fields who’d crawled his way up through sheer brains alone, this is something that rips at his core. It is horrifying. He must avoid it at all costs.
Still, though, he wonders, at dusk, by the campfire, as he stares alone into the flames:
What would it feel like? How far could he go?
His fingers brush a tiny cocoon. It glimmers faint and gold in the light.
They go home. To a home, anyways. They report to the Queen and her stance does not change, but Caleb’s convinced that there’s a new nod of care, maybe fondness, for their motley crew. They have continued to serve the Dynasty well. They have continued to help the Krynn win the war.
And gods, if the reports can be believed, the Krynn are winning this war. 
She allows him to see the Vollstrecker. 
Caleb’s soul is still rattled when finally, he leaves.
He goes to bed alone that night, alone in his room on the first floor of their house. 
His mind is a well of isolation and regret, of a churning desire for a wish he’ll never have, of plans and ruminations, more distant by the hour, of dreams, calculations, memories long and past, all flooding, all filling, overflowing, overmuch, much, much too much—
He drags his fingers down the sides of his head, sweat dripping from the tangle of his hair.
He needs air. Breathe. He needs air.
Below the silence of the ever-present moon, his footsteps creak against a polished floor. His palm brushes the smooth wooden banister, and then he reaches the stairs to the roof.
He opens the door.
He inhales, below the tree.
The little globes of daylight are dormant at this hour, still and cold beneath the stars.
Caleb looks up into the branches across the sky. Their tree is not nearly as large, as enormous, but still, it is familiar all the same. It makes him think...it makes him remember...
"But not a bird if it’s night,” he murmurs. “Something else, something...”
Ah, yes.
He reaches into his little leather pouch. He pulls out another silk cocoon.
He’ll have to pick up more, soon. But that is a problem for another time.
Polymorph trips off the curve of his tongue like a dream he’s dreamt a thousand times before.
And then he is nothing but a tiny, squeaking bat, a single lone heartbeat aflutter in the night.
The spell lasts an hour. 
If you cast it once.
That next morning, Caduceus makes breakfast. Caleb trudges down the stairs.
“Hey, what’s up with you?” Beau asks, as he pulls up a chair and collapses against the table. “Did you sleep bad? You look like shit.”
“Thank you, Beauregard,” he mutters, and pulls a mug of...of something, to his face. “Your razor-like honesty is always appreciated.”
“Alright, fuck me for asking,” she scowls, and turns around to harass Fjord instead. 
Nott, seated across the table, is feeding something to Yeza. It is amazing, the change he brings to her.
Caleb’s gaze drifts away. He focuses on a faint spiral in the wood, a little point of difference in a world of smooth grain.
After a while, he is aware of someone calling his name. He jerks up, just in time to see a fried egg slide onto his plate.
“Didn’t sleep well?” Caduceus asks kindly. “You, ah, I hope you don’t mind my saying, but you seem a bit tired, today.”
Caleb gives him a weak smile. “Ja, I stayed up last night. Working on...working on magic,” he adds.
Technically, it is not a lie.
However, Caduceus is hard to talk around. His eyes give a flicker, and though he doesn’t argue, it certainly doesn’t seem like he is fully convinced.
Still, he gives a nod. He moves on to feed the others.
Caleb feels guilty, and he isn’t sure why.
Then again, he muses, stabbing at his plate, there’s a lot for him to be guilty for.
He sinks just a bit lower in his chair.
They decide, unanimously, that despite the uncertainty, they desperately need a break before heading to the north. Another week wouldn’t be too bad, adds Jester, so one more week of downtime is had. Almost immediately afterwards, Beau grabs Fjord to train in the cellar, saying something about—I can’t let Dairon down. Nott and Yeza disappear to the lab, to steal every moment they can before they part ways. Jester and Caduceus opt for some therapeutic shopping, leaving Caleb by himself, alone with his own devices.
Three months ago, that wouldn’t have been so bad.
He drifts around for a bit, idly doing tasks, re-sorting the library and polishing the windows, making his bed and then stopping to make the others’. He even takes a whole hour to scrub their tub, draining out the water and rolling up his sleeves, getting down on both knees and working the basin with a towel.
It is noon by the time he is finished. There are still seven more hours until sundown. 
There are still one hundred and fifty-one until their week-long vacation ends.
Caleb sits down at the edge of the pool. His fingers run aimless across the soapy rag as he tries desperately to think of more to do.
He even briefly debates seeing Essek. 
After a little while, he stands up. 
It is pointless. Nothing is as good.
“—and we’ve got a deal on clay, too. Great for Earthquakes, Feeble Mind, Shaping Stone, if that’s something you’re interested in. Only 10 silver for a—no?”
“No, no,” Caleb says quickly, carefully pouring the silk threads into his pouch. “Thank you, but I am well-stocked in that...regard. Er...thank you, madam.”
“Well, if you change your mind,” says the goblin, waving her hand and watching him go. “Come back soon, you know where to find me!”
Caleb does. 
And he is sure that he will.
He deliberates only a few minutes more as he stands atop the stone wall along their tower. It is dark in Rhosana, that is the problem, otherwise a bird would be the obvious choice. Then he thinks harder, and laughs at his own foolishness, and smashes the silver cocoon in his hands.
His wings spread wide, don’t make a sound.
His eyes, large, yellow, seeing all, drink in the energy and movement of a city that he—for now—does not entirely understand.
He comes home that night feeling mildly rumpled, somewhat wind-swept, all his spells spent. Still he agrees, as he collapses at the dinner table, that was a long afternoon well-spent. Caduceus is cooking again, of course he is, though Nott is assisting and Jester offers advice. 
The food is amazing, once it is complete. Though he eats much, much much more than he usually would, a fact that a number of his friends pick up on.
“Did you and Essek bone or something?” Beau asks. “Dude, chill out, there’s plenty more where that came from.”
Jester snickers as Fjord thumps him on the back, giving him a sympathetic hand.
“I did not,” Caleb says, affronted, and coughs one more time just for good measure. “I can assure you, we did nothing of the sort.”
“So what did you do?” Caduceus asks. His eyes, usually so dazed and relaxed, have focused onto Caleb with an uncomfortable accuracy. Damn the priest, Caleb thinks. What is this? A confession?
“We just reviewed dunamantic basics,” he murmurs, well aware of how it sounds to Jester. “I do not have any spell slots left, but I can certainly show you at a later time.”
“Firing blanks now?” Beau asks with false sympathy. “He must have really worked you hard.”
Caleb groans, and deliberately turns so that he cannot see her. Even Nott is grinning at him widely, seemingly pleased at the idea of...well, of whatever they think that he is doing. 
He wonders, idly, as the conversation shifts to other inane topics, if this is because she is gently, in her own way, trying to let him go. 
After all, she has Yeza now. She has a son she needs to go home to. She has a mission she needs to accomplish.
Caleb is supposed to have one too. But at some point during the months that have passed, he is trying less and less to think about it.
He has a feeling he knows why, but that does not make it any better.
That evening, his mind churns again. But he is exhausted, and depleted of his spells. He has to force himself to rest, even a short nap will do. He lies there in bed, undreaming, for hours, until he is finally dormant long enough to tap into his old training and conjure up a burst of magic.
It is just enough for one final spell. Time to make it count.
He closes his eyes.
He curls up against the mattress, and imagines what it would like to be Frumpkin.
There is no sunlight in this city, which means no morning gleam through the windows, but the distant hum of activity in the house, the far-off clamor of voices and life, signals to Caleb that the day has now begun.
And Frumpkin is there. Asleep against the covers, but stirs when Caleb starts to shift.
Very quickly, he is up and locking eyes with his wizard, draping across his lap and purring up a storm.
The sleep-muddled curve of Caleb’s mouth forms a smile. He runs his fingers across Frumpkin’s scalp, gently strokes his thumb against his cat’s fur.
“Dir auch einen guten morgen,” he murmurs. “I thought you were out enjoying yourself in the city.”
Frumpkin mrows in response and rolls over onto his back.
There is a moment, and then suddenly, Caleb frowns.
“Was? What are you talking about? Do not be silly, everything is fine.”
He absently scritches the fur on Frumpkin’s chest. But now his rhythm is a little unsteady.
“I am not sure what you mean,” he adds, after another pause for silence. 
Frumpkin purrs. He opens one eye and peers at Caleb.
“I am not,” Caleb says. 
Frumpkin turns over. Caleb scowls.
“I do not see why this is any of your business. And even if I was doing for that reason, it is not a harmful habit. I am just taking advantage of the skills I have learned. There is nothing wrong with that.”
Frumpkin stares until Caleb can no longer stand it. Brow furrowed, he plucks his cat from his lap and drops him onto the bed.
He says:
“I need some time alone. Do not bother me.”
Frumpkin is a familiar, bound by an eldritch pact. He cannot allow his master to come to harm, and he cannot disobey Caleb’s commands.
He cannot disobey Caleb’s commands. He cannot allow his master to come to harm.
Frumpkin is a familiar, and they had made a pact.
Then again, Frumpkin is also fey. 
And fey do not take “no” for an answer.
“Gods above,” Beau grumbles, leaping to the side, “hey, jeez, calm down, already. What’s gotten into you?”
Frumpkin sits back on his haunches and yowls purposely at her knees. His tail lashes through the air impatiently.
Beau scratches the top of her head.
“Are you trying to tell me something? What’s wrong?”
She can swear that the feline is rolling his eyes. She crouches down and frowns at him.
“Is...oh, shit, is it Caleb? Where is he? Is he alright?”
The spell that Jester and Caduceus had woven into the ribbons of daylight on their tree illuminates the top of the tower for a few hours every day. 
It is the closest thing that Rhosana has to sun, to a good and honest warmth. Caleb had decided, just minutes ago, to utilize this to its fullest potential.
He is content, here. He is basking, and at peace.
And then, just at the edge of his hearing, there is a faint disturbance.
“—what, that? Are you sure?”
The voice is familiar. Right now, Caleb can’t seem to remember whose it is, but he is vaguely irritated. It had been so quiet before, it had been so calm—
“You have to be really sure. I’m not gonna kill a random lizard.”
His little reptilian heartbeat leaps. He can sense a shadow looming over him now, all his instincts scream to run—
“Alright, alright, calm down, I’m doin’ it—”
—his muscles bunch, he gets ready to jump—
And a hand descends from the heavens above, the edge colliding with Caleb’s spine, there’s one second of awful, horrible pain, of a bright-yellow smudge staining the rocks, and then he is growing, aching, stretching, tumbling onto two legs, not four, glaring up in a light too bright and snarling at the unmoving face of Beau.
Now the physical is secondary. His mind is back, and it is angry.
“Arschgesicht! I had forty-two minutes on that spell!”
Beau doesn’t flinch. She doesn’t even respond. Instead, in true Cobalt Soul fashion, she stares him down with such a gaze that for but a second, Caleb almost feels sheepish.
Then the furry bubbles right back to the surface.
“Why did you do that?” he demands. “Beauregard, why would you interrupt me?”
“Uh, what exactly did I interrupt?” Her eyebrows are raised, her chin turned up. “Caleb, what the fuck were you doing?”
“I was—I—magic!” he shouts. He gestures wildly to the smooth stones. “I was just practicing my spells! You know you are not supposed to interfere!”
He feels something dull at the back of his skull. It is like a pressure, though rapidly fading, and as he whirls around towards the source, he just sees the tip of a ginger tail vanishing down the tower stairs.
He almost shouts. He does not, but almost. He begins to storm off towards the door, his foot falls once, hard, into the grass, but then comes a grip like iron against his wrist.
Beauregard always says that her hands are her weapons. Even Caleb, in this state, remembers this well.
“Good gods,” she says, eyebrows rising further. “Dude, seriously, what’s up with you? Why’re you pissed? You can cast it again, can’t you?”
“Yes, Beauregard,” he manages, “yes, of course, of course I can. But that is not the point, here. The point is that Frumpkin disobeyed what I said, and, and coerced you to come here. I know you are innocent here, but he—”
Caleb pauses.
“‘Wow’ what?”
Beau lets go of his wrist. She takes a step back, crosses her arms, looks him over with the sudden terrible stare of understanding. “Damn, dude, I came up here because I thought you were in trouble. That something was attacking you, or something’. But I guess trouble comes in different forms, huh?”
Caleb frowns. “What do you mean?”
She points at the rocks, where he had been resting. “Sometimes it’s a lizard. I’m guessing sometimes it’s a bird? A giant one, with eagle-wings?”
His eyes narrow. “I do not know what you are talking about.”
“Yeah, well, I barely do either, but Frumpkin seems to think there’s something wrong. With you, I mean. And I guess with your spells.”
“There is nothing wrong with me. And there is no reason for you to think that.”
She leans in.
“You and your cat are telepathically linked.”
“And? What of it?”
“If there was something goin’ on in your head, don’t you think he would have noticed?”
“He is overreacting,” Caleb huffs, “there is nothing—”
“Come on, man, this is Frumpkin. He cares about you, he’s just worried. And honestly, based on the way you’re acting, I’m starting to worry too.”
Caleb stops.
He goes still.
His gaze falls to the ground.
“Ja, well,” he murmurs. “Perhaps you should not bother.”
To his amazement, Beau rolls her eyes.
“Aw, come on,” she says, stepping forward. “Don’t play that face with me, alright?” She prods him in the chest. “Alright, spill. What’s up? Are you still pissed about that Scourger that got caught?”
Caleb sighs. “No, no, that is not it. It is…” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “It is just...other things. You know.”
“I don’t.”
He inhales. Then he sags, finally defeated.
“Ja. Ja, I suppose that is true.”
He watches her cross her arms.
“I won’t know unless you tell me,” she says. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
He feels the last of the rage drain away. His stares intently at the dirt.
“It is...I believe it is everything. Everything that has been happening. Everything that has happened.”
He falls quiet.
“I think it may be too much.”
Beau gives him a very level stare.
Eventually, she gestures to the stones. Warm under the glow of light made by a friend.
“Alright,” she says. “Fine. Let’s talk.”
They both sit. It is quiet, for a moment. And then, Caleb sighs one last time, and speaks:
“We are in a very strange place. And we are trying to...we are trying to do some very big things. Things that...as every day goes by, seem more and more impossible to accomplish.”
Beau leans against the bark of the tree.
“Yeah, I…feel you there.”
Caleb raises an eyebrow.
“What did your mentor say, by the way? How much does she know about...about the things we have done?”
Beau meets his gaze, eyes blank and cool.
“Oh, no. We’re doing your problems now. We can talk about all that later.”
Despite everything, this makes Caleb laugh. It’s nothing more than a faint chuckle, but Beau smiles back, gives him a nod.
“C’mon,” she says. “Go on. Keep going.”
Caleb tilts his head up to the boughs of the gnarled tree.
“I am...well, I am not sure. Not really. I do not think I have been, for a long time. And…seeing that V—that Scourger, it made me realize that…that for all of my memory, all my knowledge, for all the things I had swimming in my head, I realize now that I did not really have to think. I just...really, I just had to believe. I had to obey what my Lehrer—teacher, said. Really, I was not expected to think. And everything, for all its complications, everything was so, so simple.”
He glances down at the ground. Tufts of grass lay silent below his feet.
“Today, my friend, today they are not. We are...we are trying to do very big things. And we are trying to help many people. And I think that is good. Really, I do. And I think it has given me...in some ways, a...a goal. Something that seems a bit more feasible, anyway.”
“More realistic then bending reality.”
He gives a faint smile.
“Ja, you could put it that way. But, ah...but as you can likely see, that goal has gotten slightly more...complicated. And trying to stay on the right path...even finding that path itself, is not a straightforward process. It requires thought. It requires so much thought. And now, after everything, after all we have seen and tried to do, I believe...I am sure...that I am just tired of thinking.”
Beau nods sagely as his voice trails away.
“Okay,” she shrugs. “Then you should just stop.”
Caleb blinks.
Beau sighs. “I…I dunno, man. I think, honestly, I think that’s all you need. To stop thinking about all that shit. Not—” she adds hastily, “—not in the way that you’re doing with the lizards. Not like that. But just...I dunno. When you’re being you.”
“But when I am me, I cannot do that,” Caleb says. “I have a perfect memory, Beauregard. There is nothing I can forget.”
“Oh, wow, look at you. Wow. I’m so impressed.”
She grins and raises her hands. “Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t resist. But, uh...yeah. I guess that makes sense. That...that sounds pretty rough, dude. If I had a record of my greatest failures playing all the time in my head, I think I’d go pretty crazy too.”
Caleb raises an eyebrow.
“Now I am confused,” he says. “Is this conversation supposed to help me?”
Beau throws her arms into the air.
“Hell, I dunno,” she says. “I’m not the feelings expert, or whatever. I’ve just seen people do this kind of shit before. You’re supposed to talk things out, right? That’s supposed to...I dunno, fix things, or something?”
“Is it?” Caleb asks, incredulous. “Who told you that?”
She scratches the back of her neck. “Uh...I dunno. Probably Caduceus.”
“That seems like something that he would say.”
They fall silent for a few moments after that, drinking in the sunlight and the distant city sounds.
Then Beau says:
“I wasn’t lying, though. I don’t really know what it’s like to feel like you. I can’t imagine having a brain like yours. But...but I do kind of know what you’re going through.” He glances over, and she nods. “Yeah. I do. I think...I think it’s a pretty common thing. Maybe not in such perfect detail, but...it can be hard to stop thinking about all the times you’ve fucked up. And it can be even harder when you know that, uh...when it feels like the fate of a hundred thousand souls rests on every stupid decision that you make.”
“We have made many stupid decisions, eh?”
“God, you’re telling me?” Beau groans. The back of her head rests against the tree. “I’m amazed Dairon didn’t kill me. And honestly, I’m amazed all of us are still alive. But...I mean...I guess that’s just it, right? We’re still alive. We’re still here. And, most important, we’re still truckin’.”
She tilts one eye towards Caleb.
“We’re still here, and we’re still trying to figure it out. As shitty as it is, sometimes. As much as...as much as it hurts. And as tired as we get. We haven’t given up, and we’re still alive. Seriously, think about it in math. The odds are definitely that we should’ve died by now.”
He can’t help but snort. “Ja, absolut.”
“But we aren’t,” Beau shrugs. “And as shitty as that is, as much as it hurts, as fuckin’ terrible as it can sometimes be...that means we still have a chance. To do...whatever it is that we’re supposed to do. Or not supposed to do. And I always get pissed when people tell that I’m lucky for it, or whatever, but...I dunno. Maybe we are. And maybe it’s rotten luck for the world that it’s us, but...here we are. All of us, here we are. And...and we’ve got each other. And I won’t pretend to know what I’m doing, and I definitely don’t know...not really, how to help, but, uh. I’m here for you. Okay? Whatever...whatever you need. As long as it’s not bullshit—" she raises an eyebrow, Caleb chuckles. 
“—but yeah. Seriously. I’m here. And I’ll always listen, whenever I can.”
She leans back against the bark. She closes her eyes and gives a nod.
“I mean that,” she says. “I really do.”
Caleb feels the sunlight glow against his skin, feels the warmth of its whisper brushing across his face. And there’s another light too, maybe brighter, maybe warmer, coming from either side of his form—it’s the gentle sigh of a shoulder pressed against his own, and the curling, purring softness, of a cat beneath his hands.
He glances down at Frumpkin. Then he turns to look at Beau.
Here we are. All of us, here we are.
Very, very slowly, he closes his eyes.
And it isn’t the cure. Not by a long shot.
But certainly, it’s a start.
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must-be-brooklyn · 6 years
1, 8, 9 for Javid?
Idk if you wanted this to be angsty?! Bc, that’s a pretty angsty set you put together!! But, it’s got a fluffy ending anyway bc I can’t commit to pure angst ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. “Do you want me to leave?”; 8. “Were you ever going to tell me?”; 9. “Don’t ask me that.”
Ship: Javid
Words: 1.3k
Era: Modern au
Warnings: Some language, pretty bad parental relationships implied, and an anxiety-driven down period. Message me if you want more information xx
David curled his legs tightly to his chest and sighed deeply, resting his chin on his knees. His stomach was flipping inside out and back again making him feel like the only thing stopping him from vomiting was that he had eaten nothing in the past day. He could not find an appetite, though. Mind fixed on a million things, he had no room in his head for his basic, human needs.
The door opened and David’s eyes flicked toward it before returning to a corner of the room. He barely noticed as Jack sat down on the end of his bed, crossing his legs in front of himself and leaning in David’s direction.
“What’s up, Davey?” Jack asked. His voice was gentle, unusually so, and when David looked at him, he could see the concern written in his eyes.
David swallowed and struggled to pull together the words he wanted. It was an insurmountable task that he could not manage. Shaking his head, frantic at first and then wasting away into listlessness, he dropped his forehead to his knees and stared at his own lap.
Sometimes, days like this happened and there was nothing David could do about them. Meds were an absolute Godsend, they were what stopped every day from being a bad day, but they could not fix everything. No dosage of anxiety tablets would be strong enough to shut out every nightmare.
Jack shuffled a little further up the bed and put a gentle hand on David’s lower leg. It had been years since he and Jack had first met; he was one of the few people outside of his family who really knew how to deal with him when everything became too much.
Tapping his leg with a finger, Jack spoke again with a voice even softer than before. “C’mon, Davey, can you tell me?”
Perhaps if it had been an actual panic attack then Jack would not have asked questions. This was different, though; one of those times when David was simply overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings and things and just needed to shut it all out for a bit.
Somewhere within himself, David tried to motivate himself to answer the question. He was perfectly able to, just unwilling and tired and unbothered by the prospect of wallowing in his own misery for a bit longer.
Jack’s drumming stopped and he moved one of his hands to rest on David’s knee. “What’s going on in your head?” He paused for a moment and waited for a reply. “You know I’m here for you, I’m gonna wait for you to tell me something, okay?”
Another few seconds passed before David croaked out an answer. “Please, don’t ask me that.” He sounded like he had been eating gravel and washed it down dust. It felt like it, too; his mouth was bone dry after almost a day of not saying or drinking anything. Wincing, he tried to swallow, but even his throat as if the moisture had been sucked from it.
Jack turned onto his hands and knees and crawled over to David. Sitting right next to David, he wrapped an arm his shoulders and pulled him in close. “Okay, sure, I won’t ask that. But, you have something you want to talk about?”
David did not respond for a moment as he moved, leaning his head into Jack’s neck and finding a comfortable position. “Can you just talk about your art for a bit?”
Jack did not need to be asked again as he launched into an explanation of his latest coursework piece.
It was an easy routine for distraction. David had asked Jack to do it enough times that he knew it worked well. Conversely, on the days that Jack collapsed in a heap, David had spent hours talking about the latest topic they had been discussing in the history lectures, or the book he was reading. David fell back into Jack’s voice like it was a lullaby and let his mind drift.
At some point, he needed to say it. That was an unquestionable truth. But, getting the words out was something that he had no actual want to say.  
He tumbled into the words face first, without knowing what he was saying. “Were you ever going to tell me?” David’s muscles tightened involuntarily as he waited for Jack’s answer and things whirled around his head at a million miles per minute as he fought to pull together a sentence that explained what was in his head.
“Tell you about what?” Jack said mildly. He sounded unconcerned, but there was a lingering hint of worry that he disguised well.
David did his best to shrug. “The, you know…” He tilted his head so he could look up at Jack. “It’s just, I heard about…” Trailing off again, he licked his parched lips and picked at the skin around his fingernails. “In the newspaper on Thursday?” With the words in the open, David rushed to fix them again. “Not that you had to tell me or anything, but I just say it, and I thought that… I thought that…” He lost his train of thought and settled back into silence.
Jack’s face darkened, and his posture went taught. “I don’t care about him.” Scowling, he pulled his arm away from David and crossed it over his chest. “My birthfather can rot in hell for all I care. Good riddance to him that he got caught in a drug ring and sent to gaol.”
David swallowed. “I didn’t mean… Fuck, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have bought it up…” He shook his head and looked away from Jack, ashamed.
“No, shit, sorry,” Jack said, exhaling heavily as his anger melted away from him, “I’m not angry at you or anyone. I mean, maybe at him, but seriously, I wasn’t kidding when I said he could rot in hell. I’m just…” Sighing, he trailed off and a silence elapsed between them.
Jack broke the silence after a few, long seconds. “I just don’t like to talk about him, Davey.”
“No, I know, I’m sorry,” David said quickly. His words continued to speed up as he lapsed into messy thoughts and a need to apologise. “It was a really stupid thing to say. Not like I expected you to say anything, more like if you wanted to talk about it and I really messed that up and, shit, sorry.” He took a fast breath in and then slowly exhaled. He could feel his heart beating and threatening to shatter his ribcage. “I sounded like such an arse, I’m sorry.”
Giving him a weak smile, Jack shrugged. “You’re fine, I get it. But, nah, I don’t want to talk about him, at least not now.” He picked at the cuffs of his jeans and avoided eye contact with David. “But, uh, this is what you were thinking about up here?”
David shook his head. “No, family issues back home…” He paused, unwilling to elaborate. “It’s just I had a lot of time to think, you know. Saw in in the newspaper, couldn’t stop my brain. You know how it is…” He gestured at his head loosely and gave a final shrug. “I’m sorry, Jack…”
Jack’s body relaxed fully, but he did not put his arm back around David. “Don’t need to apologise, Davey, it’s fine. But, uh, do you want me to leave? Give you some time alone?”
“Not unless you need to leave,” David replied. His looked back up at Jack and gave him a withdrawn smile. “Kind of just want cuddles and for you to finish telling me about your painting of the exhibition.”
Jack’s face broke into a soft grin. “Yeah, I think that can be arranged.” He wrapped his arms around David again, enveloping him in a tight hug, and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “Love you.”
David twisted his neck to kiss Jack in return. “Love you, too.”
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emanresusi-blog · 7 years
Musings of schizotypals Pt. 1
L.G. - I have a sucky sensation inside. Now that I might break up (for my own mental health) with my boyfriend, I have a sucky realization. I have no friends. I have pushed people for years, stablished unhealthy relationships for years. Now everyone is gone, and I cannot retake relationships that I pushed away years ago. I feel lonely. C.B. - Maybe my impulses to criticize others are a way to avoid criticizing myself. I find myself wanting to tell people that no one cares about their stupid lives but now I realize that's just one of the negative things I used to tell myself. I stopped the stream of negative thoughts about myself. But the thoughts are still there, just waiting to be applied to something. I need to channel this inner critic into something more productive. I know it is a facet of who I am, just one that I misuse a lot. It must be able to do some good somewhere. Constructive criticism about myself and my behavior perhaps. I should meditate on this. I'm feeling good but strangely devoid of emotion simultaneously. Like, my outlook on life is a generally optimistic one at the moment even though I'm not specifically happy about anything. I told my friend that I felt like something more was developing in my mind towards her and she wasn't scared off, so maybe that's why I feel optimistic. At the same time, I feel oddly suspicious and paranoid about her as well. Suspicious of her motives in continuing to talk to me after I told her how I felt, and paranoid for her safety at times (she's blind and also the tiniest little bit naïve, in my opinion). Extending my locus of emotional openness doesn't come easily to me. I really bond with other people to the point that I feel a bit like I'm losing myself. I don't like that feeling, but I love bonding with individuals at the same time. I suppose I'm just a bundle of contradictory neurons wrapped in a skull lol A.C. - So I'm sat in my porch locked out bags packed after another of my alcohol induced binge dissapearing acts I know "only Self to blame" I was only out drinking and chatting nothing bad, but I guess I am selfish, selfishly anaware and selfishly inconsiderate with what I don't think through or when I act rash. Slowly I've become more of a loner and made a habit of losing things family, friends umm jobs, it doesn't feel normal or nice that I might just be a procrastinative, selfish/absorbed individual who can't really get any sort of balance in personal life. I care about making amends and living a normal family life it's just... I don't know. Everyone blames me and punishes me, I don't want a scapegoat for my mistakes but it's very confusing I think if I didn't do what I did I'd damage my self by suppressing it all inside would be worse that's not a justification just a thought. Maybe leading a stable life, to work full time, three kids and relationship is too much. S.C - I suffer from depression and anxiety...I feel sometimes that im different of others because i think i have a few particularities(including that i have only two friends).I often try to explain to some that i can catch thoughts & feelings from people that i know...In fact,from complete stangers too ...I just thought if someone here could uderstand me? And I would like to add that is it okay not to fear of losing my few friends?I am 14 and feel like a misfit..I can't recognize what i am and don't remember who i used to be. R.R. - I have a weird feeling that I'm gonna die soon. Lol. Awkward. 2 near death experiences for me and 1 for my mom. Meh. Now I'm walking around every day with intense anxiety, waiting for an accident to happen. 😢 C.S. - I'm not doing well. I'm emotional... I cried for like half an hour today and I usually don't cry. But I've been sick over something I can't talk about. Very paranoid and scared. Such ugly ruminating thoughts. Barely slept last night and I have such a headache but my mind won't shut off. For the first time in years I feel like punching myself in the head. I've been taking my pills regularly. I see the shrink on Thursday. Which means I have to get through two days of work... I've been mildly sick with a cold for the last week. Oh help! I just want to feel better. A.M. - Today I keep seeing characters from TV shows as people in public spaces (anyone else experienced this?) and there was a shadow man in my lounge. It's odd and not making me paranoid which is also odd. Usually when freaky brain shit happens paranoia activates. Side note; Who the hell puts dried apricot in a hot cross bun!? C.B. - Sometimes I have this urge to be rude to people I don't like. Or that I decide are, as narcissistic as this sounds, beneath me morally or intellectually. It makes me very nervous to confront people but sometimes I do it out of impulse. Like I have this parallel line of thinking that just criticizes the hell out of everything I see. I let it build up and then let it out when I reach a certain level of resentment at the world. Afterwords I feel no better. But it's like I have this good side and this bad side to me. The bad side is the worst me I can imagine: lazy, thoughtless, critical, apathetic, and cruel. The good side is the best me I can imagine: empathetic, supportive, passive, thoughtful. I realize that I internalize these values from my primary caregivers growing up, my mother and first stepfather. I can't see the value in my stepfather very well. Jung had this idea of the Anima and the Animus. One male and the other female. I've always identified my values with the feminine due to the fact that the only support I ever got growing up was from women. I never understood men. I never understood women either for that matter. But they were the people I tried to emulate growing up. I couldn't stand the thought of being like my stepfather or boys my age until I became a teenager. Then I copied my stepfather and began to hate a lot. To be cruel a lot. Because that's all I saw in him. These impulses must be that old behavior rearing it's head. I've always wanted to be my own person but I've never quite known how. L. G. - Okay so I am going to lay one of my biggest problems right now and see if you can help me even if it's just a Little bit because I have no clue :( I finished university last year. Everything fine. My father came to my room and asked me, "what do you want to do next year? you have to think it NOW" and clearly wanted me, pushed me to do oposiciones (this is how we call the process of studying to get a job in the public system). I did the course for oposiciones. I HATED IT. God damn how boring, bland, deadly! I cannot even study for it or understand what they do. But my parents are 100% into it and they don't even contemplate me leaving them. I have to act like I study on days like those because they are so into this, specially my father, who sees working in the public system as my only chance in life because I am schizotypal. You can ask me questions, I will answer if it hasn't been understood. Thanks for the help :) L.G. - This is a bit of a hard to ask question but I will ask anyway...do you have problems maintaining your personal care, etc...? Sometimes I do and my family makes shame of me :( although i think really I'm not that much of a disaster. I mean, now I take care of myself, it's not like when I was really bad where I wouldn't take proper care of myself. L. G. - Do you ever feel like you've got too much contained in your chest and feel like telling anyone about it? Like you had an urge to tell what's ailing you? I've got Friends to talk with but I have too much in my chest and everyone looks like a friend to me now... S.S. - Two things I learnt about myself recently 1 - I will never be able to do a 9-5 job. Because I am too impatient and get angry when someone tells me what to do. Also overthink everything and get bored with routine. The only thing I can do is my own boss and work from home alone.I need to be in control. 2 - I can't ever picture myself in a relationship. I recently met a woman a bit older than myself but we share lots of interests and get on well. But I'm beginning to feel smothered and under pressure to behave a certain way. I just want to be a free individual with no responsibilities. I wasn't born to be a pack animal, but to give others as much freedom as possible and for them to not bug me in return. C.B. - Anyone else feel really anxious when they talk to other people about personal issues? It makes therapy very difficult for me. I'm too nervous around my therapist to open up to him, to really talk about the issues I have. I always just spend the time in my "therapy mode" (where I act pleasant and nice and talk about minor issues to avoid the larger ones). I don't feel like anybody can really help me with some things, and that I would just be making whoever I was talking to feel bad. I want to be able to talk about my motivations, my relationships, my feelings but they make me feel pathetic. Sometimes I feel like less than a person, like I'm really just wearing a mask when I behave as a normal human does. Trouble is I don't know for sure who or what is under that mask. D.S. - Had an irrational mental breakdown in public again one of those crying and screaming in equal parts of anger, frustration and sadness... why am I so easily overwhelmed sometimes.. plus I look kinda scary afterwards.. the neighbors already peg me for weird as it is... all emotionally shutdown and stuff only secs later.. I dont know its always like that.. overemotional first and a few seconds later back to the void.. im done. Im turning 23 tomorrow and I just wish I could skip to my funeral instead.. yeah.. one of those days.. A.M. - Does anybody else wander through life aimlessly? Never really finishing things they embark on, barely following their interests and feeling as though they're waiting for something to shake enough life into them to align them with the dimension that is reality... Being a drifting alien is really getting to me lately, I didn't realise how meaningless I find everything or how far I have drifted from society. I am not referring to deppression btw. P.A. - There’s something that’s killing me inside and I would really appreciate getting it out in a post. I really hope I don’t sound like a total bitch. It’s to do with abandonment, which I hope some people here will understand. I feel so abandoned by my counsellor. It’s the closest relationship I have. I sent her a text a few weeks ago saying I was sad and I never heard back. It has been my psych ward “anniversary” and I thought she’d message me to ask how I am but no nothing. Now she’s just become a grandmother... I know because I’m friends with her son. They are all super excited and spending lots of time together. He is sending me photos of the new baby but it’s just making me even more upset. Why can’t I just be happy for them? I feel so bad and self-centred for feeling this way. I know this little girl will be spoilt rotten with love and I’m jealous, there’s no other word for it. I suspect this is triggering an ancient wound in me, a hole that I’ve never managed to fill. My friend wants to see me tonight but I’m just too upset to see him and I can’t explain to him why *hides under table* C.B. - Sometimes I feel like I am more comfortable being depressed than I am being happy. Being sad feels, I don't know, solid, constant, whereas happiness is a fleeting and ephemeral feeling. Because of this, I got used to lying to myself to make myself more depressed. Don't know if that makes any sense, but I used to love laying in bed and thinking terrible things about myself until I cried my eyes out. I guess I craved that sense of catharsis. These days, I realize that this isn't a healthy way of coping, but I still crave the cathartic feeling I used to get by working myself into a terrible place. I think maybe I crave intense release of emotion because I have a hard time letting go of emotions in the moment and I kind of bottle them up. I still crave that. It's odd, I suppose I'm working to integrate the disparate parts of my personality into a functioning whole. It's like the emotional part of me exists kind of parallel to the rest, separate but connected in form if not function. A.C. - I guess if you can't do anything consistently but your capable of being extremely creative which many are here. Your purpose in life is to create a masterpiece not stand in line and fit the system. S.S. - Got told I'm too much of a negative person earlier and that I should keep all my thoughts secret. But the truth is I only say about 10% of what's actually on my mind. I'm too truthful about my flaws. The last thing I wanna be is a fake who brags. I can't help who I am.
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