#it's def more an apprehension of it being the only thing anyone talks about for months
bassiter2 · 7 months
my mental/existential dysphoria is so abstract and gnarled that, as i've become less vain and obsessed with my own appearance in the past year, and basically phased that out of being part of my whole brand, i've genuinely felt like a more real person. i still put effort into my appearance/outfits and have a sense of superiority about it, but leaving behind the habit of taking selfies all the time genuinely feels so right. not bc it's inherently bad or anything, but just bc i think that particular brand of self-obsession is a less Real trait. i think that even having the capacity to sometimes feel insecure about my appearance makes me more real. i'm even starting to kind of like the idea of getting a little ugly as i get old. bc then when someone finds me really beautiful even when i don't look like a model anymore, it'll actually feel special instead of like "of course you do, duh." and bc i'm not like fully consciously expecting everyone i interact with to think i'm gorgeous, now, when someone expresses something along those lines i actually feel complimented instead of just vaguely reinforced. i literally fantasize about being a 40something who says and fully believes "yeah haha i used to be a hot young thing" and then has someone tell me that i'm still hot. i want that so much more than i want to be conventionally hot anymore.
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elifinchsart · 7 months
some Tillman and Mike gender headcannons/thoughts since i have them mostly coherently typed up and they are important To Me. these are not Universal Trans Experiences just my thoughts for these characters cw for discussing transphobia, dysphoria, fatphobia & bad parents
I think Tillman absolutely did not figure out he was trans until like his early twenties. My headcannon about his mom Harmony (Crab NPC from Discipline Era), her whole thing is control + image. (This led Tillman to also feel like he needs to be in control of his image but, unfortunately it’s easier to control a bad image than a good one)
But part of Harmony's image control was appearing as a perfect rich family so Tillman was expected to dress and behave very femininely. And his thought process went “I hate wearing dresses and getting dressed up like this and I don’t know why I hate it so much. It must be because something is wrong with me and it must be because I’m ugly” + that got mixed in with his weight because I think he’s just naturally chubby/fat. So that was one of those things that’s dysphoria that you don’t realize that’s dysphoria until later. Tillman absolutely he had the trans experience of I’m going to only wear baggy hoodies and beanies lol. Anyway this all manifested into him having a very antagonistic relationship with his body and food (esp bc Harmony is v the passive aggressive “Oh you’re eating/wearing that?” sort of parent. This is also part of the reason he was nasty as a teen/young adult because he was in a lot of pain that he didn’t realize was pain-just that everything was uncomfortable and pissed him off. Figuring out that he was trans, getting top surgery and going on hrt actually helped mellow him out a lot. Being able to just Exist in his body without dressing it up to impress anyone else helped him so so much.
I think Mike was also very helpful in getting him to a better place with his body and especially food as something that should be enjoyed not rationed out or brings misery. Mike loves to make food for people so they had a bit of a roadbump when they first started dating and Tillman refused to eat much of Mike made and they had to talk about it. Mike was very patient and not pushy for once and let Tillman come around on his own. Mike also hyping Tillman up as the hottest man ever helped too LOL. I think Tillman had a lot of apprehension about transitioning wrt still being desirable which is something I’ve def felt and I know other trans men have too
I think Mike had a lot of gender emotions growing up but they never fully formed into anything understandable for him because he was like “well I’m not not a man” and he didn’t really have access to like Knowing About “Weird” Gender Identities despite knowing a trans person (Jaylen) and she only ever had Jaylen to compare to and they have very different genders haha. And then I think in college and after she kinda was like well y’know men can be feminine, men can wear dresses, it doesn’t have to be a gender thing so I’m not going to think about it too hard. I think also she had this idea that maybe she was faking it or not trans enough or people would think he was doing it for attention or to seem punk. Also incredibly stupid logic but I think she was like “I don't want to look like I'm just copying Jaylen” which is a silly thing to worry about but nevertheless. And then Blaseball happens and again he doesn’t really have time to think about it. So its only post shadowing and in therapy that she finally talks to more trans and nonbinary folks about their experiences and starts to approach it from a “what makes me happiest” pov rather than “well I'm not miserable” pov because its a very Mike thing to try to avoid being too happy as a coping mechanism. And because of all this she gets to experiment and decides he likes having a lot of gender especially if it contradicts each other (she/her pronouns on masc days, he/him while dressed femme, beard + dress etc.)
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angelsxbelle · 4 years
what kind of boyfriend they are.
Part 2!!!
here are my headcanons~ pls love my boys i love them so much- anyways unlike the last post this one is set during their high school ages they currently are in the anime:)
pairings: kita x reader, shirabu x reader, hoshiumi x reader
warnings: none
here we go!
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don’t get me wrong, as illustrated by the miya twins he gives off big cold vibes, but kita shinsuke dates to marry 100%
his grandma has def asked him about planning your wedding before
one day during school you were picking class representatives
and with you trying to diversify your qualifications preparing to apply for college, happily volunteered
and to your surprise (not really), kita also volunteered, being the amazing student and capable leader he is
being class representatives together gave you guys the perfect opportunity to get closer, as you worked together on many projects and assignments as part of your work
working together brought you close, and now you eat lunch together every day, you ask him for help on your homework and he always checks on you, eventually he confessed to you he wanted to be more than friends
now, kita as a boyfriend is predictable but also completely new to what you would expect, he keeps his interactions fresh while keeping stability
 he does all the classic dad boyfriend things like remind you to eat healthy, sleep enough, and keep up with your schoolwork
you bring out a different side to him, one no one else has seen before
you’re the first person besides family he’s ever been able to be vulnerable with, he was hesitant at first to talk about his own feelings but now he fully trusts you enough to show his soft side *sobs*
after school is done and homework is completed, he’ll take you stargazing
looking over the rice fields and houses on a high hill as the wind sweeps past you, rustling through your hair, the sky is completely clear
as you lay down, right next to each other on a blanket, he’ll tell you how much he loves you, how he wants to be by your side for the rest of your lives together, how you bring out a side in him no one else could
as a boyfriend, he’s dependable like no other
no matter what’s going on, he’ll be your rock, your fire to stay by in the cold, the safe place you can always come home to
song that sums up your relationship: bags, clairo
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shirabu, KENJIRO
tsundere x 1000 ™
you guys got paired together for a group project in class one day, you could have sworn you saw him roll his eyes as he shuffled towards you
mumbles at first, but as soon as you start talking, his eyes lighten up just a hair, anyone could barely notice it
as time progresses, he still acts cold around you, but it’s only because he realized he’s fallen for you and is doing everything in his power to push his own feelings aside
he’s not stupid, he doesn’t want to get too attached because he knows if it ends badly it’ll hurt like hell
but little by little, you see him start to open up the tiniest bit
when you manage to stutter out the fact that you like him one day in the library, he’s speechless at first
and then a faint blush creeps up his cheeks, and you know he feels the same way too🥺
at first in your relationship, he’s a little apprehensive, as he’s still afraid of getting to deep in since he likes you so much and he doesn’t want to end up messing everything up
you have to reassure him sometimes how great he is, and how he’s the perfect one for you and there’s nothing he could do better on
 he’s a little shy, he’s not really into pda but when you’re alone he likes it when you’re clingy and stay close to him while you study together
okay but this mf LOVES study dates no one can convince me otherwise
he likes it when you just sit close next to each other, working away while he steals a glance at you every so often, your knees touching underneath the table
also really loves it when you play with his hands, running your fingertips along the tapes on his fingers and playing with them
after you’re done studying, you guys go lay down on his bed for a while, your head on his chest as you talk about whatever’s been on your mind lately, giving him a chance to open up to you
you make him feel heard, like there’s finally someone that has their full attention on him, and only him
he doesn't say it too often, but he really is in love with you
song that describes your relationship: she, harry styles
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hoshiumi, KORAI
out of everyone on this list, he’s probably the most excited to be in a relationship
he welcomes his feeling with open arms, not really like nishinoya and tanaka, but he doesn’t try to suppress his feelings either
i’m looking at you shirabu
however, he’s still a little shy around his crush just so they don’t find out about how he feels before he’s ready to tell someone
that someone being hirugami, probably
will 100% go to his best friend for girl advice since he has no idea what he’s doing
 you guys met at one of his matches, your best friend dragged you along to go watch and you begrudgingly agreed since you hadn’t gone to one before
during the game, you make eye contact with a certain white- haired boy, as he looks up at you it feels like time just  s t o p s
he deadass doesn’t move for five seconds until someone yells at him to snap out of it
after, he’s looking around, trying to find you until he spots you and eagerly runs up to you, asking you for your number
you give it to him, and later he texts you asking if you want to hang out sometime and you say yes:)
for your first date, you go over to his house and eat dinner together, and then binge watch all of your favorite action/superhero movies
you guys have a great time, plus you end up falling asleep on his shoulder:) 
he probably combusts internally-
as a boyfriend, hoshiumi is amazing because he’s so fun to be around, you never get bored of him because he’s so interesting
while he’s a bit of a goofball, he’s definitely still serious when it comes to your feelings as well as your relationship, he would never want to jeopardize it
he’s also surprisingly good at giving advice, whenever anything goes wrong or you’re having an issue with your personal life he always knows what to do, he’ll hold your hand and tell you it’s going to be okay
 also, he LOVES it when you come to his games
it drives him nuts it’s not even funny, before the game starts and he’s warming he’ll wave at you with both arms like a maniac LMAO
he’ll look up to see where you are every time he hits the ball :’)
another thing with hoshiumi is that he knows how to stay grounded in a relationship, but also have as much fun as possible
he’s the perfect boyfriend
song that sums up your relationship: my blood, twenty one pilots
the end :)
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless: Chapter 6
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Pairing: Werewolf!Jeon Wonwoo x Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Non-Idol Au Warnings: Language, Descriptions of violence Rating: T WC: 4.2K AU Lore:   Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info
A/N: This chapter def did not go the way it was originally planned lol. But i really like how it turned out.
Chapter List: Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
Tag List: @moon-asia​
It was official. Wonwoo was in big trouble. 
After his chat with Sojung and his meeting with on the beach, there was no way he could deny that what he was feeling wasn’t the mate pull. Which was why he was currently sitting out on the patio, phone in hand and attempting to not text her. [Y/N], the name he had finally gotten, to check and make sure she hadn’t gotten into any more trouble with her Coven. From what little information she had given him, she was in pretty big trouble for their fight.
Thinking about that he lifted a hand to his face, the scars weren’t as bad as hers would be...that is if she could get scars. He knew Vampires healed better than most of the other species but he wasn’t sure to what extent. He would have to ask her later. Though with how closed off she was it would probably be a while before she actually was willing to answer his questions. Which Wonwoo completely understood, technically they were still on opposite sides.
The back door sliding open snapped Wonwoo out of his thoughts, and he quickly shoved his phone back into his pocket. Glancing over at the door, he watched as Vernon exited and joined him. The younger man taking the seat next to him. The male seemed just as chill as he normally did, Wonwoo wondered if his nature came from the fact that he was born right at the end of the seventies. It would make sense. Vernon didn’t say anything for a while, content with just sitting outside watching the snow softly fall.
As the two sat in silence, Wonwoo pondered for a moment about telling Vernon about everything that had happened over the past 3 days. Out of the whole Pack, Vernon and Sojung were the only two that Wonwoo couldn’t see blowing up or telling Seungcheol. He felt he needed to talk to someone about it though, this was his mate after all. Besides, if he wanted to stop the plan for the Full Moon then he would need help. Wonwoo wasn’t dumb enough to think he could do everything on his own. 
Clearing his throat to break the silence, Wonwoo pushed himself forward slightly and placed his elbows on his knees.
“Vernon?��� he was met with a small grunt, an acknowledgement that the younger was listening. “What would you do if you found your mate?” The question was innocent enough. Wonwoo wondered if Vernon had even really thought about it before, considering the male had only been ageless for about 19 years where Wonwoo had been stuck looking like a 20 year old for more than 70. 
Back when he was younger, Wonwoo had always assumed that his mate would be human or another wolf. That his romance would be a simple one, like his parents before him. He hadn’t been anticipating...whatever this was turning out to be. 
Vernon shrugged in response. “I mean, I guess I’d just tell them that they’re my mate? Maybe go on a few dates? It’s not really something I think about too much.” Vernon wasn’t exactly known for being a person who thinks ahead, more of a go with the flow type of guy. Wonwoo honestly had expected this kind of answer from him. What he hadn’t been expecting was the follow up.
“What about you? I mean, you found them right? That’s why you’ve been sneaking off late at night recently, and being all weird?” Wonwoo simply blinked at the younger male, a bit amazed that he had been so obvious about his situation. Vernon took his silence as an invitation to continue.
“I mean, everyone’s kind of noticed. Especially since you ran off by yourself after the meeting tonight and didn’t come home til like 1.” He’d need to be more careful about that from now on. Having her number would definitely help out with seeming less suspicious when leaving. Now he’d just message her if he would be late to their meetings. 
Running a hand through his hair, Wonwoo leaned back into the chair once more. Heavily debating on actually confessing everything to Vernon. It was a risky decision, even if Vernon didn’t freak out. Anxiety filled his gut as he leaned forward once more, casting a glance over to the door that led back into the house. Once he was certain that no one was about to join them outside, or could possibly be listening in, he made his decision.
“I did.” swallowing back his nerves, he was honestly amazed that he had been able to keep his poker face on as he spoke. “I did find her, but it’s a lot more complicated than I expected.” Vernon snorted a bit, pulling on the strings of his hoodie as he listened to his elder.
“Can’t be that hard? You just gotta lay on your...charm.” Vernon gave Wonwoo a once over before nodding firmly. As if needing to confirm that his nerdy pack mate was, in fact, charming. If Wonwoo wasn’t in complete agreement, he probably would have been insulted. “Yeah you’re charming enough, I’m sure you can woo her in no time.” 
“Yeah. It’d probably be easier if we weren’t going to be trying to run her and her family out of town in...3 days now?” Not a great way to say it, but it was better than just saying flat out that she is a Vampire. Not much better but still, he gave himself points for trying. 
“We’re running people out of town in 3 days? I haven’t heard anything happening on the Full Moon...oh” Vernon trailed off, as the realization hit him. Like Wonwoo before him, Vernon turned a bit to get a good look at the back door to make sure no one was coming out or watching them through the glass. Once he was sure, he turned back to Wonwoo and honestly looked concerned. 
“She’s...ya know?” at this, Vernon lifted his hands and mimed Vampire fangs with his index fingers. “I vant to suck your bluuud” He made sure to use his most stereotypical vampire accent he could. Wonwoo just nodded in response before he slouched and rested his head in his hands. It would have been funnier if Wonwoo was less stressed about the whole thing. 
“Well shit.” 
Well shit was right.
“Does she know?” Wonwoo lifted his head a moment, returning his gaze to Vernon. A brow raised in confusion at his friend’s words. 
“Does she know that you two are mates? Does she even know how mates work?” Oh. That was a question that Wonwoo hadn’t thought about. She seemed to have pretty closed minded views when it came to Werewolves so it wouldn’t be too surprising if she had no idea how mates worked for wolves. That was another thing to add to his list of things he needed to talk to her about.
Vernon shook his head at Wonwoo’s lack of response. “You need to talk to her about it. The sooner the better, especially since she might be able to get her people to stop with the bodies. Sana and Jacob found another one on their run tonight.” 
“That’s something else, she says that it isn’t her people doing that.” Wonwoo was quick to give that information. He wanted to make sure that he was clearing that suspicion as soon as he could, with whom he could at least. So at the moment, only Vernon. If he brought it up with anyone else he would have to explain how he knew, which wouldn’t be good.
The distrust was clear on Vernon’s face, not that he distrusted Wonwoo but he definitely distrusted his mate. Which Wonwoo had expected.
“She said she would talk to her Coven about it and make sure, but until she gets back to me I’ll take her word for it.” Wonwoo continued. Not just because of the mate bond, but because she had honestly seemed confused when he had brought it up. “And she said she would believe me when i told her that Hyunwoo and Hoseok didn’t mean to hurt that kid the other day.”
Vernon jutted out his lips a bit and nodded, obviously still not too keen on taking her for her word but he’d trust Wonwoo. This was new territory after all, neither of the men had heard of a wolf being mated with a vampires. So neither male was certain how to approach the subject. 
Now it was time to breach the next conversation topic. 
“Tomorrow night, could you cover for me if I go meet her again?” 
The last few days of your life, you had gotten some pretty bad ideas. By far, this was the worst one yet.
Zipping up your jacket all the way to your neck, making sure your gloves tucked nicely under your sleeves and finally making sure your umbrella was open and ready for you to exit the building.
In the daytime.
Which would slowly start to burn you alive if the sun touched you. 
So all in all, this was a terrible idea. But information was needed and the Coven didn’t have anyone that could go out during the day safely, sure there was Keonhee but the second you mentioned the bodies in the forest he panicked and almost started crying. Sure you could have messaged Wonwoo and asked him, but it felt wrong to make him do all the daytime work. Especially since there was that part of you that was still apprehensive of him. So, needless to say, it was up to you to risk your life to try and figure out what the hell was going on in this town.
Thankfully, Minghao had given you the okay for this mission. He even went so far as to make sure it was kept secret from Jun and Soonyoung as well. You were honestly pretty grateful that Minghao seemed to be so willing to help you. When you first started all of this, you were expecting the inner circle to have more issues with it. Minghao was proving you wrong, even mentioning that he feels the hatred between Vampires and Werewolves had gotten dumb and cliche so if this would help stop a war between the two groups in town then he would help.
Now here you were, carefully walking through the town during the day time. It wasn’t too sunny because of the cloud coverage as it snowed, but you were still far too paranoid to close the umbrella.
The day started out with you getting absolutely no information on anything, no one had heard of anyone disappearing and the police station had only released  one or two missing persons reports in the past few months. So while those could definitely have been a few of the victims, it was hard to know. After all, humans were sometimes worse than any creature that the night had to offer. 
As you walked through the town, a yawn left your lips. You weren’t used to being out at this time of day, in fact it had been over a hundred years since the last time you were outside in the daytime. 
“Are you…[y/n]?” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts and had you staring at a young man. He looked around twenty, with hair that reminded you of the red from a sunset. His bright tye-dye hoodie was almost worse than the bright environment you had been having to deal with for the past few hours. 
Adjusting your umbrella once again, you raised a brow at the male. “Who the hell wants to know?” The aura of the male was definitely that of a wolf, but the only wolf who knew your name was Wonwoo. As that thought passed through your head, anxiety began to pool inside of your gut. You were thinking the absolute worst, had Wonwoo been using you to get information on your Coven? You hadn’t given him much, but it would explain why he kept wanting to meet up despite the Full Moon only being 3 days away now.
As if he could tell what you were thinking, the male quickly raised his hands out in front of him. Almost like he was surrendering. “I’m a friend of Wonwoo’s. He told me about you yesterday, said that you were a...ya know.” He lifted his hands to make mock fangs with his index fingers. He then moved a hand out for you to shake. A goofy looking smile on his face, as if he was trying to appear more like a trustworthy person. “I’m Vernon, by the way.”
You simply stared at his hand for a moment, and gave him your best ‘are you kidding me’ look. This just caused him to laugh a bit before dropping his hand, shoving it back inside the pocket of his hoodie. 
“I’m surprised to see you outside during the daytime.” He confessed, “I thought just being outside when the sun was out could kill you. But i’m sure you won’t tell me how it actually works, so I won’t ask.” Well at least he caught on quick.
You didn’t know how to feel about Wonwoo having told this man about your meetings. It felt a little like a betrayal, but at the same time you knew that Wonwoo owed nothing to you. Least of all loyalty. Despite this you were still clenching your teeth in frustration, grip on the umbrella becoming tight enough that you were mildly worried you would break the handle. 
“Wonwoo is about to get off work, do you want to come with me to pick him up? Three people together might have better luck finding things than just one person.” He didn’t wait for your response, and just walked past you as if he expected you to follow him. Blinking in surprise, you turned and watched him walk for a few seconds. Against your better judgement, that’s exactly what you did. 
It was a few minutes of walking in silence before Vernon stopped in front of a small book store. So you would assume that this was where Wonwoo worked. Vernon opened the door and looked back at you, he seemed like he was about to say something when you simply followed in after him. He stared back at you after you entered with a look of surprise etched onto his face. 
“I thought you needed to be invited into places?” His rather silly question caused you to snort in laughter as you breezed past him. Making sure you were far enough away from the glass door before you closed your umbrella. 
“That’s literally only private homes.” you retorted, an amused smirk on your face as you watched him. He nodded in response as if the information was truly valuable. It really wasn’t, which was why you told him at all. If it had been something more important you would have kept your mouth shut like before.
As the two of you walked through the store, you avoided the store front because of the larger windows on that side. He asked you small questions about your people, what you thought was happening, etc. You answered as vaguely as possible, still not fully trusting this wolf. You also hadn’t seen Wonwoo yet, which was a bit concerning since Vernon had said this was where he worked.
Despite the light tension things were going pretty good between the two of you, up until Vernon decided to step on a landmine.
“Why do you hate wolves so much?” His question had you freeze. Wonwoo hadn’t even asked you that yet, but here Vernon was asking this before he even knew you for a full twenty four hours. You were silent for a moment, a hand that had been reaching out to a book just simply stayed on the spine. Not bothering to pull the book out, or to move your hand away. 
Seeming to realize the trigger he had hit, he quickly back tracked. “You don’t have to answer, I’m just a bit curious. Everyone seems to have reasons for hating each other. I just wanted to know yours.” he explained. Vernon had been surprised to see such a look of defeat and anger on your face, an odd mix of emotions that you didn’t see regularly. “I mean, I don’t really hate Vampires. I just got told growing up that they were bad for whatever reason. So I was curious if, you know, Vampires did the same things?”
“It’s fine.” you muttered, pulling your hand away from the shelf at last. You crossed your arms over your chest and turned to face him. “I hate Wolves because they’re the reason I’m like this.” It was something you didn’t like to think about. When you did, you could remember the screams of your little sister as a wolf tore her limb from limb. Your mother sobbing in anguish as she watched your father’s mutilated corpse fall to the floor of your home. The feeling of all the air leaving your lungs as you were thrown harshly through the wall of your home and landing harshly on the ground outside.
Needless to say it was a day that you did not like remembering.
“[y/n]?” Recognizing the familiar voice, you spun around to find yourself almost face to face with Wonwoo. He smiled when he realized that it was in fact you. “What are you doing out during the day time? I thought that could kill you?” He questioned, placing a hand on your shoulder as if that would help convey his worry for you. With a gentleness that you hadn’t been expecting from yourself, you pushed his hand away.
“Couldn’t let you do all the work during the day, now could I?” You muttered, and flashing him an actual smile for what was probably the first time since you had met. The brushing past him and making your way back to the front of the shop and opening your umbrella so you could exit and continue your search.
The three of you asked around about anything strange going on. It was about 4pm when eventually you came across a young woman, maybe mid twenties. 
“Minah, you said your name was? Can you tell us exactly what happened?” 
The woman nodded, her soft coils bouncing lightly as she did. Her aura reminded you of Keonhee, of someone that was too kind and too pure for the kind of world they lived in. It was almost sad that she lived in a town as apparently dangerous as this one was. She seemed frightened as she spoke to the three of you, as she was currently wringing her hands together and looking over her shoulder as if someone was going to jump out and grab her.
“Yes, Minah that’s my name. I um...you’re probably going to think i’m crazy. The police did.” she muttered, green eyes casting themselves down toward the snow covered concrete. Vernon flashed her a small smile and shook his head. 
“Believe me, if anyone will believe you it’s us three.”
Taking him for his word she continued. “Well I was coming home from work last night and since it was late, and I wanted to get home quicker so I took the alley. It’s the fastest way to my complex so I take it even if it’s a bit more sketchy.” As she spoke she refused to make eye contact with any of you, her emerald eyes staying glued on her feet.
“I saw this couple, and they looked like they were fighting. But the guy clearly had the advantage and he had shoved the woman harshly against the building wall. I didn’t really know what to do, so I was going to call the police but before I could even get my phone out. He...well he bit her neck, and not in like the sexy way like in the attacking kind of way. I think he was a Vam-”
“A Vampire.” You finished. Minah nodded in agreement with you, her eyes finally meeting yours. You could see the hope that seemed to grow in her eyes. Simply because you believed her. At her confession, Wonwoo glanced over at you. Wordlessly asking if it could have been any member of your Coven. You shook your head immediately, as everyone last night had been partnered up and no one said they got separated. So it had to be a stray, or at least that’s the only conclusion you could come to. 
“Minah, did he see you?” Wonwoo questioned, glancing back at the woman. Your stomach dropped as she nodded again. That was definitely not good, and if he could he would probably go after her next. That was very not good. Pulling your phone out, you shot a quick text to Minghao. Giving him a short summary of what you’d just been told. 
“Am I in trouble? He’s going to find me isn’t he?” Her questions sounded so defeated, as if your reactions had confirmed that the woman was soon to die because of her actions. Vernon instantly began to deny it, but didn’t have any real proof to comfort the woman, who looked as if she was about to start crying.
After receiving a response from Minghao, you slid your phone back into your pocket and approached the woman. Your umbrella now covering the both of you from the light snow that continued to fall, she shivered as she looked up at you.
“Minah. I might have a way to keep you safe but you have to trust me okay?” She nodded slowly, tears still brimming in her eyes. In response you simply opened your mouth slightly, giving her a quick view of her fangs. You were pretty amazed that despite the obvious fear in her eyes she still stood her ground, trusting you as you had asked her to.
“I’m going to take you to a safe place, more people like me can protect you from that guy you saw last night. Will you come with me?” You sighed in relief when she nodded to agree. Asking her to wait there for a moment, you turned back to your companions. Grabbing their arms and pulled them a little further away from Minah, to speak out of range of her.
“Minghao says we can watch her until we figure out what’s going on. I’ll drop her off and...and “ you paused mid sentence to let out a long yawn, obviously the very few hours of sleep you got before coming out was catching up to you. “And then we can meet up at the beach. Can you two see if you find any bodies out in the forest, maybe the woman she saw last night?”  
“What exactly are you going to do?” Wonwoo questioned. He seemed almost concerned, as if he had thought of something you hadn’t. “How are you going to explain to your Coven why you were out during the day?” Well he had in fact thought of something you hadn’t. 
Sure Minghao and Hyunjin knew what you were doing, but everyone would know you were out during the day if you brought Minah back there. It would put you in a very difficult situation. Jun was still upset with you for your recklessness the night you attacked Wonwoo, and Soonyoung...well you hadn’t seen him since that day so who knows how he would react to coming home to a human in the spare room. Chan you weren’t too worried about, sure he was a member of the inner circle but he never really concerned himself with things outside of his job for the night. 
So basically you just had to worry about Jun. It is never good to have to worry about Jun. You didn’t want to let Wonwoo or Vernon know this, especially not Wonwoo. So you simply shrugged in response. 
“I’ll improvise. It’s no biggie, I’m a great liar.” Wonwoo snorted in response, shaking his head at you. The expression on his face showed how little he believed your words. Flashing a small glare in his direction, you jabbed at him with your elbow. A laugh escaped his lips at your actions and he gently pushed you back.
“Guys can you two flirt later? We have stuff we need to do.” Vernon seemed to be the voice of reason today. You almost made an attempt to deny that you were flirting, but before you could Wonwoo spoke up.
“You’re right, we should get going or Seungcheol will get worried.” But he made no effort to deny Vernon’s statement, which would have caused your face to flush if you had been capable of blushing still. Wonwoo turned to you, carefully placing a hand on the shoulder of your uninjured arm. “Make sure you get back safe, and message me if anything happens.” 
With that, the three of you parted ways. The boys headed North towards their home, and you turned back to Minah. Keeping her close as you made your way back South towards the bar. 
This was going to be fun to explain.
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Oh so we took the same quiz yeah. Sounds like yours is pretty accurate really! I found out today my friend is, in fact, bisexual, and idk I'm just apprehensive her husband will try to use that against us at some point but I'm sure that's just my anxiety talking. I am a good friend when I put some effort into it I guess but I complained the entire time we were cuddling bc I'm also a bit of an asshole haha. Good thing she ignored it tho, sometimes I wonder why my friends put up with me lol. See now we know how to win you over miss, readers unite! She'll give us all we want if we compliment her loads (I'm joking, pls leave her alone. Girl has got an important job that keeps her busy). I actually watched a few clips of The Six musical on youtube but couldn't find the entire thing. I was able to watch the whole Legally Blonde Musical on YT tho. Cool! I do like Kylie Minogue so I'll def check this song out. I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm happy Kylie made it better at least! I listened to Nirvana when I got my heart broken, clearly there are two types of people lol. Little Mix is good too! I've never heard of Peach PRC tho but I'll also give it a go, thank you! I recommend Pink + White by Frank Ocean, Washing Machine Heart by Mitski and Just Kiss Her by Concorde. Hope you like it, have been listening to these a lot lately! My day was great too! The whole weekend really. Glad to hear you had a good time as well. Awh I'm sure they'll win next time! Have a good week Colour and take care!
Mine is so accurate its scary haha!! Ahh I see why you would be anxious about that but I am sure nothing bad will happen- but I totally understand why you would be anxious over something like that because I'm anxious all day every day haha I don't think you're an ass for complaining especially if you're not an overly touchy person like people really should understand that and not be too harsh on you for not being as into physical touch as they are I don't think it makes you an ass at all that you complained. I know my best friend would complain if I wanted her to cuddle with me because she's not an overly touchy person at all with anyone!! You really do know the way to win me over... like just be the tiniest bit nice to me that's really all it takes... it's quite a worry actually haha 😂 And yes my new job is keeping me so busy!! But I have one week left of this term / semester and then I get a week off so I can do some more writing which is great but I really am hoping to have an update for you all very soon!! .... nice words are always welcome though haha 😂 😉 I wonder if the whole musical has been deleted then I'll have to check my liked videos and see because I used to watch it all the time but haven't had much time to watch it again recently it's honestly great and K. Howard has the best song ( almost 7 minutes long and she gets some of the best lines in the show) Legally blonde the musical is incredible gutted I didn't get a part because I had a cold during auditions but like, I'm totally gonna fo watch it when it's actually showing at the theatre There is a song called Golden but I am recommending the WHOLE album here because it has some truly incredible songs on it and just made me feel so much better. Like Radio On is a song that just spoke to me so much during that time and Shelby 68 is one of my all time favourite Kylie Minogue songs. The whole album is incredible and when me and my sister saw Kylie on her golden tour it was such an incredible night like the whole album is just *chef's kiss* Peach PRC only has like 5 songs or something but she's great and she's on tiktok and she's pretty funny too I really like her... and I love Little Mix should've seen them this year but because of Covid the tour was postponed until next year *sigh* I will see them eventually though!! Ooo I'll definitely check these songs out when I get chance, probably when I'm on my way to work tomorrow!! I'm glad you're whole weekend was great!! Mine was too it was nice getting to see some of my family though I am eagerly waiting for the day that me and all of my siblings are together (hopefully November 5th for Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night!!) I mean they probably won't we're not the best team but dammit I still love them and the fans are pretty great too very passionate people in the city of Leeds!! Thank you I hope you have a good week and take care too!! 💜
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floralege · 4 years
ship meme thing for allllllla our ships xoxo orumad
omg  the  whole  SQUAD  let’s  fuckin  DO  THIS  !!!   @orumad
who is the most affectionate ?
cilla  and  daisy  are  EXTREMELY  affectionate,  they  just  love  holding  hands,  kissing,  just  being  close.  mick  loves  having  his  arm  around  del’s  waist,  and  he  gets  progressively  more  affectionate  as  the  drinks  go  around.  pru  is  affectionate  with  bee  in  a  very  Horny  Girl  way  24  /  7  so  her  affection  actually  becomes  very  sweet  when  she’s  drunk  /  high.  we’re  not  at  all  surprised  that  caia  and  lauren  are  the  queens  of  affection,  but  mostly  to  each  other.
big spoon  /  little spoon ?
considering  that  she’s  a  vampire,  elliot  needs  SOMETHING  to  feel  like  a  Big  Man  (  ugh,  boys  )  so  he’s  def  got  big  spoon  energy.  liam’s  big  spoon,  but  he’s  always  poking  fern’s  back.  romy  is  big  spoon  for  molly,  but  that’s  probably  an  ego  thing  because  she  def  bottoms.  WHY  am  i  soft  about  duffy  platonically  cuddling  vee  their  whole  lives  until  one  day  it  doesn’t  feel  Very  Friendly  ?  big  soft.
favorite non - sexual activity ?
hunting  sport  (  re:  stupid  humans  )  for  gid  and  rome,  but  at  some  point,  that  turns  a  lil  sexual.  before  he  got  swept  up  into  work,  grady  loved  watching  tracy / hepburn  films  with  cecile.  liam  and  fern  genuinely  loving  jamming  and  shit  talking  together,  cilla  and  henry  love  spontaneous  date  nights,  emmy  and  dom  drink  and  plot  together  that’s  almost  foreplay.  emile  and  marilyn  taunt  each  other  mercilessly,  but  they  really  do  enjoy  getting  to know  one  another  without  that  pressure.  camille  and  emile  are  the  masters of  non  sexual  intimacy,  so  they’ll  just  stare  at  the  sky  or  make  more  awful  bets  with  one  another.
who is most likely to carry the other ?
Big  Ivor  carries  Little  Cecile  and  yes,  we  love  it  !  dusty  probably  carries  vee  and  lucas  around  constantly.  in  a  sad  way,  molly’s  probably  carried  romy  out  of  many  bars  :(  johnny  drags  cam’s  tiny  ass  out  of  clubs,  sadie  and  del  are  both  going  Through  It  so  they  carry  each  other  out  of  many  los  angeles  night  clubs  where  they’ve  started  shit  and  don’t  want  to  deal  with  it.
what is their favorite feature of their partner’s ?
gideon  fully  believes  that  rome  is  the  most  beautiful  creation  of  all  time,  though  he’d  fuck  himself  with  a  chainsaw  before  ever  acknowledging  it  aloud.  hannah  is  genuinely  attracted  to  freddie’s  inherent  goodness  and  idk,  probably  feels  some  connection  with  that  sort  of  brokenness,  too.   pru  loves  bee’s  nose  and  will  do  the  bradley  cooper  nose  touch  thing  from  a  star  is  born  when  she’s  drunk,  probs  to  bee’s  annoyance.  jack  literally  believes  is  kimber  is  SO  fucking  cute  and  wonderful,  it  aches  her.  mick  is  obvs  taken  with  the  eyes  AND  the  boobs.  call   it  fucked,  but  emmy  loves  when  dom  goes  ice  cold  on  someone  ---  just  not  HER.
what’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other ?
johnny  and  cameron  likely  bickered  more  often  and  tbh,  i  feel  like  one  mick  realized  he  had  legit  feelings  for  delphine,  he  acted  super  weird  and  the  whole  family  noticed.  fern  was  probably  very  gentle  about  it  but  liam  went  full  tf  is  up  with  you,  kid  ?  cameron  and  freddie  always  inherently  had  feelings  for  one  another,  so  it  was  just  there  from  the  get  go.  
nicknames  ?  and  if  so,  how  did  they  originate  ?
most  of  the  nicknames  are  just  ones  everyone  sort  of  had  growing  up  ?  pru,  bee,  vee,  mickey,  duffy,  del,  etc.  like,  i  don’t  know  if  any  nicknames  are  singular  to  any  particular  ship  tbh  they’re  free  for  everyone.
who worries the most ?
fern  worries  about  liam  more  than  she  lets  on  and  it’s  probably  her  inner  saboteur  that  has  her  cope  with  that  by  drinking  with  ethan.  gideon  worries  about  lauren  CONSTANTLY,  because  he’d  legit  die  if  anything  happened  to  her  or  caia.  he  doesn’t  worry  about  rome  necessarily,  but  he  gets  wind  of  her  endeavors  without  him  and  hopes  she’s  staying  safe.  jack  wonders  if  she’s  going  to  fall  into  old  habits  the  longer  she’s  around  pru,  del,  and  co.,  so  she’s  worried  about  disappointing  /  hurting  kimber  because  of  that.  arlo  knows  coco  has  her  shit  together,  but  he  can’t  help  but  worry  !!!  she  doesn’t  need  his  concern  and  he  knows  she  can  handle  herself  but  he  does  !!  want  to  help  !!
who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant ?
bee  probably  remembers  the  food  at  fancy  restaurants  that  don’t  make  pru gag,  so  she  always  reminds  her  what  to  get  ;  dom  can  be  upsettingly  charming  when  he  remembers  what  daisy’s  favorite  dessert  is,  and  she’s  never  convincing  when  she  pretends  to  be  annoyed  that  he’s  already  ordered  it.  on  the  flip  side,  emmy’s  known  dom’s  drink  order  since  they  were  sixteen.  grady  remembers  the  gist  of  cecile’s  favorite,  but  ivor’s  always  the  one  who  rushes  to  the  kitchen  to  let  the  chef  know  exactly  what  her  preference  is.  simon  has  em’s  thai  takeout  order  MEMORIZED.
who tops ?
shocked  to  learn  that  bee  wasn’t  kidding  about  the  occasional  topping  !  though  daphne  def  topped  her.  mick  physically  tops,  del  does  it  emotionally.  molly  tops  romy  which  is  amazing  for  their  height  difference,  and  olivia  and  esme  def  battle  it  out  every  time,  LOVE  that  for  them.
who initiates kisses ?
cilla  is  big  on  kissing  often,  so  henry  tends  to  arrive  at  parties  with  some  trace  of  her  lipstick  on  him  every  time.  with  everything  going  on  in  the  press,  dom  and  emmy  are  wise  to  play  up  their  affection,  but  behind  closed  doors,  he’s  definitely  the  one  to  initiate.  dusty  probably  drunk  kisses  lucas  every  time  and  it’s  just  never  mentioned  ever  again.  jack’s  horny  on  main,  so  she’s  always  all  over  kimber.  meg  initiates  kisses  often,  though  mostly  as  a  power play.
who reaches for the other’s hand first?
cameron,  always.  johnny,  freddie,  cecile,  etc  ---  doesn’t  matter,  she’s  holding  their  hand.  duffy  gets  VERY  excited  about  holding  vee’s  hand,  so  he  tries  it  often.  jimmy  probably  tried  to  hold  sadie’s  hand  once  and  she  elbowed  him,  but  caia  loves  all  form  of  affection,  so  she  got  very  flustered  when  he  first  grabbed  hers.  simon’s  learned  to  place  a  hand  at  the  small  of  em’s  back  when  they  attend  events  together.
who kisses the hardest ?
unless  she’s  drunk,  pru  has  no  idea  how  to  be  soft  so  she’s  always  kissing  with  a  bigger  plan  in  mind.  liam  probs  kisses  rough,  too.  simon’s  big  on  heady  kisses,  and  if  ivor  ever  gets  the  chance,  HELL  YEAH.
who wakes up first ?
cilla’s  only  an  early  riser  if  she  hasn’t  gone  to  bed,  so  henry’s  usually  the  one  trying  to  make  sure  she’s  up  before  noon.  dom’s  always  up  early,  and  while  daisy  was  the  type  to  mumble  sweetly  for  him  to  stay  longer,  emmy  usually  doesn’t  stir  unless  she  wakes  up  in   a  Mood  and  pulls  at  him  to  stay  behind.  bee’s  always  up  before  pru,  and  pru  thinks  that’s  a  complete  crime.
who wants to stay in bed just a little longer ?
gideon  obvs  doesn’t  sleep,  but  when  he  allows  himself  to  rest,  he  demands  WEEKS  of  going  undisturbed,  so  imagine  a  pale,  lonely  freak  vampire  sitting  in  the  woods  and  staring  at  the  sky  motionless  basically.  meg,  unlike  bee,  happily  sleeps  in  late  and  takes  her  sweet  fucking  time  to  do  it,  though  with  sid  she  always  skips  out  before  morning.  ivy  doesn’t  believe  in  anything  before  one  pm,  so  surprise  surprise  that  nora  started  suggesting  breakfast  dates  for  nik.
who says i love you first ?
since  they’re  all  stupid  soft,  gonna  go  out  on  a  limb  and  assume  it  was  mostly  mine  idiots  who  said  it  first.  except  for  obvious  ones  like  sadie,  who  ran  to  the  hills,  and  gideon,  who  believes  love  is  too  weak  to  encompass  it.
who tells their family/friends about their relationship first ?
listen  EVERY  CHARACTER  IN  EVERY  GENERATION  IS  TOO  CLOSE  so  nobody  needed  to  be  told.  someone  gets  together,  and  by  the  time  they  home,  the  information  has  fully  been  spread.  
what do their family/friends think of their relationship ?
each  ship  has  their  own pros  and  cons,  and  while  certain  people  have  LOUDER  opinions  (  fern  loves  bee,  doesn’t  understand  why  pru  let  her  go  ;  if  cameron  were  alive,  she’d  be  politely  and  quietly  apprehensive  about  camille’s  friendship  with  clem’s  son, the  same  with  daisy  and  henry  /  cilla,  etc.  )   but  it’s  usually  either  we  hate  this  (  meg  @  pru/bee,  sadie  @  mick/sadie  )  or  we  love  this   (  fern  @  pru/bee,  mick  @  jimmy/caia,  dusty  @  duffy/vee  )
who is more likely to start dancing with the other ?
lauren’s  always  the  one  who  gets  elliot  dancing,  grady  would’ve  sat  in  the  corner  at  his  own  wedding  if  not  for  cecile  while  simon  LOVES  to  dance  and  always  guides  em  and  asha  out  to  the  floor.  pearl  will  pull  ANYONE  out  to  dance  with  her.
who cooks more/who is better at cooking ?
cameron  is  a  horrible  cook  and  has  set  freddie  and  johnny’s  respective  kitchens  ablaze  many  times,  marilyn  has  specialty  dishes  but  she’s  too  lazy  to  cook  often.  ivor  knows  the  basic,  but  he  whips  them  up  for  cecile.  nora’s  excellent  at  cooking,  but  for  some  reason,  only  nik  and  coco  have  ever  tried  it.  
who comes up with cheesy pick up lines ?
simon  is  often  too  hetero  for  his  own  good.  clementine  is  guilty  of  this,  too,  but  she’s  cute  enough  to  get  away  with.
who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times ?
BIG  ROME  AND  GIDEON  ENERGY.  also  big  dom  and  emmy /  daisy  energy.  jack  and  kimber  are  definitely  guilty  of  this,  too.  jules  probably  whispered  something  indecent  to  bella  at  cecile’s  wake  (  big  ow  typing  that  !  )  and  it  made  bella  feel  so  normal  for  five  seconds  that  she  was  sort  of  always  endeared  after  that.
who needs more assurance ?
given  their  history,  hannah  and  freddie  need  a  lot  of  reassurance  from  each  other.  that  was  obviously  a  problem  for  mick  and  look  how  THAT  turned  out.  immediately  post  rehab  romy  needed  a  lot  of  validation  from  molly,  which  became  messy.
what would be their theme song ?
who would sing to their child back to sleep ?
cameron  could  NOT  sing,  but  did  it  all  the  time  for  daisy  and  henry,  so  bless  freddie’s  patience.  fern  walked  in  on  liam  softy  singing  one  of  his  inappropriate  songs  to  pru  once  and  loved  it,  a  la  baby  emma  and  baby  got  back.  duffy  does  this  constantly  for  his  daughter,  and  vee’s  definitely  caught  him  a  few  times.  emmy  would  never  sing,  but  she  def  played  medieval  choir  music  over  bastien’s  baby  monitor  and  dom  was  full  ????  over  this.
what do they do when they’re away from each other ?
most  of  the  time  they  literally  do  not  shut  up  about  the  other  person,  for  better  or  worse.  or  it’s  messy  and  they  don’t  consider  them  enough.  it’s  VERY  one  or  another,  which never  turns  out  well.
one headcanon about this otp that breaks your heart.
AGAIN  too  many  to  choose  from  but  the  way  we  wrote  charlie  out  and  put  johnny  in  as  daisy’s  father  ?  astounding,  10  /  10  because  that  works  a  little  TOO  well  for  the  dynamics  that  played  out  with  gen  two  and  makes  cam’s  death  hit  a  little  HARDER.  also  we’ve  been saying  this  for  years  but  ivor  /  dom  interaction  pls.  the  scandal  of  it  all.  
one headcanon about this otp that mends it.     
soft  concept  is  the scooby  gang  (  there’s  no  freddie,  just  gay  daphne,  a  shaggy  and  scooby,  and  velma  )  having  elaborate  halloween  plans  every  year,  even  if  it’s  just  to  have  a  movie  marathon.  costumes  are  often  required,  and  dusty  LOVES  some  good  riddles,  so  she’ll  get  every  stoned  and  hide  clues  around  the  apartment  that  lead  to  the  snacks.
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vldelijah-blog · 5 years
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well hello ! my name is blaire (19, she / her, est), and though my app and this intro are very late i’m ecstatic to be here ! i’ve had muse for this baby for a while but was taking forever to make him so here he is ... 4am’s mr. elijah kang ! he’s definitely a lot to handle, but he’s here to bring the party to veil and i’m so excited to see all the craziness he gets in ! i’m super excited to plot with you guys, so please like this if you want to plot something, and check here for his bio, private profile, and public profile ! plots coming soon, i swear, but you can find some general ideas under the cut alongside trivia ! let’s go !
born in la, california !! will always be a cali baby at heart, both his parents are originally from korea but moved there because they wanted to start a family in america !
he has two younger siblings - bora, who’s 12, and jandi, who’s 25 ! such an older brother, he teases / loves them to death and will fly to cali just to fight whoever hurts them !
original name is eunkwang elijah kang, but around middle school he changed it because a.) people always asked him about it or couldn’t pronounce it and b.) he didn’t think it fit him
the only people who still call him that are his parents when they’re speaking korean and his grandparents / aunts in korea. he introduces himself as elijah or eli nowadays, though !
but he prefers eli somewhat because elijah makes him feel like he’s getting in trouble ?? lmao !
his mom tried to get him into child acting because acting was always something she wanted to do, but it didn’t go very far for him
his father hated the idea of him going into the entertainment industry because he didn’t feel like it was a stable career, and thought that as the oldest of the family he should be financially well off
consequently, him and his dad’s relationship has become a little difficult now, he loves him a lot but is frustrated his dad doesn’t seem to be happy for him pursuing his dreams
even so, he started getting into singing because his mom had him join the church choir she lead ! he pretended he hated it but he loved getting all the old people to smile on that little stage
but he really got into performing when he tried to impress a girl with a talent show & won second place by doing a really cringy song & dance performance with friends !
feel free to read more in his bio, but long story short he auditioned as a joke and had the surprise of the century when he made it past auditions AND callbacks !
the idea of being in the “kpop” industy still seems so weird to gim, esp bc it’s never something he saw himself doing ?? he’s a r&b type of guy so it was really weird for him to think about at first
they decided to go with this “flirty bad boy image” for him which isn’t too out of character tbh ?? but they also thought he had the look of a rapper so started training him to be one ! so now it’s one of his positions, and though he finds it really fun he’s embarrassed to call himself one because he doesn’t feel like he has the skills to rap. 
he has a v unique voice, similar to wonpil’s, but since he had no proper training prior to joining the company they had to work with him a lot bc he didn’t really know how to use it !
was a little apprehensive at the whole “boy band” thing at first, until he realized just how much he loved it ?? and then became very invested and has been working hard ever since !he has high hopes for the group and thinks that, as long as they work hard, they can gain a stable following
also was like thank god bc he can’t dance for shit so that helped him otu a l o t !!
like i said before, his personality’s not too different from his brand the company is trying to market him as once they debut ! so “flirty bad boy” pretty much sums it up lmao. he’s got the whole rebellious streak going on, but i wouldn’t call him bad for real because he’s still got a good heart, he’s just dumb and gets into equally dumb scenarios. i think that this pretty much sums it up:
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haha !! anyways he is definitely a flirt, even when he doesn’t mean to be ! but he usually does, and isn’t afraid at all at expressing his attraction to others ! ( on that note - he’s pansexual fyi ! ) but his downfall is that he’s terrible with commitment, he’s just not in the mood to settle down and doesn’t know how but i’m sure he’s got a long list of romantic connections ! 
he’s got a bit of a potty mouth, he doesn’t really have a filter ( unless he’s somewhere for work ofc ) but even then he’s had a few embarrassing slip-ups. def got a few wrist slaps for it bc apparently he can’t shut up !! but please lmk if you don’t want him to curse in our threads bc even though it won’t be that bad in threads, i don’t want anyone to feel uncomfy !
very spontaneous, definitely the type to call you up at 3am on a sunday asking to go out some random place with him, he just loves adventure ! some find it endearing while others find it chaotic, he’s really a hit or miss in terms of this !
a charmer, he knows how to say things that people here....especially when trying to get himself out of a sticky situation ! if he had a superpower it’d be sweet talking people, he’s got a way with words and that’s ultimately how he’s become as successful as he has ! once 4am debuts he’ll definitely give fans lots of fanservice and is the type to “marry” them at fansigns and such.
on that note he’s very deceptive and isn’t pathological liar, but can do it v casually if he thinks it’ll make his situation any better ?? not a good thing but yk just how it is !
bc of these he’s quite the life of the party, and actually gravitates toward quieter people because he wants them to have fun & he’s def the first to try to break the awkward tension !
super carefree - the world could be crumbling, and this man will make a joke about it ! it can be good in stressful situations due to his ability to keep a leveled head, but at the same time it causes him to make poor decisions because he’s less concerned about the end results.
a downside is that he can have a bit of a temper, and if he feels like someone’s competing with him or trying to prove him wrong he gets pretty defensive. also if someone breaks his trust this man holds the biggest grudge i stg
tw: alcohol ! he loves to drink, it’s a habit he started back in america but moved over here ! he can’t do it quite as often bc of company rules he has to maneuver, but if you ask him to go out for some drinks, he’ll never say no.
just...silly lmao !! will literally come into his member’s rooms in the middle of the night just to do a stupid dance then walk out & leave.
very loyal & protective over those he loves !! he’s an older brother, so that’s rooted deep in him and he cares deeply about those he gets close too !
not a leader in any way ( thank god atlas saw that ), but he has his own way of checking up on people ! he’s not the talk-about-your-feelings type per se, but if he sees someone’s down he’ll go out his way to make them laugh or do something to make them feel better
also totally irrelevant but definitely has a retro eboy aesthetic going on here ?? his style very much so resembles jaewon his fc, but with a tinge more grunge ?? his ig is so eboy guys i just...he’s a mess
besties pls ?? 
exes ?? i feel like his exes would’ve ended pretty messily bc he’s the Worst but hey maybe they still vibe !!
drinking buddies ftw !! shall they drink & be merry together !! bonus if ur muse is a stupid drunk two and these two just are losing it 
he misses his siblings a ton so some younger muses, esp girls, for him to interact would be great ? would 100% baby them & treat them like one of his sisters !!
someone equally wild as elijah who he can always count on for a good party or getting into some sot of trouble.
fwb, a no-strings-attached situation except maybe later on ?? depends let’s see he just wants to have fun !
someone very different to him, they’re away of his personality but in contrast are very structured ! it would be super fun to interact with someone like that, see if they butt heads ?
in contrast,  a father-son/mother-son type of friendship where they look out for him to make sure he doesn’t take it too far and he makes sure they take care of themselves and have fun !
give me some rivalry ot enemies pls i love the drama
i promise i’ll add more soon and do a proper plots page but i’m literally so tired i can’t function
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bonsaiiiiiii · 5 years
FabFiveFeb 2020 - Gordon, week 2
No clothes- prompt 4
(Made another one with @gumnut-logic 's prompts! It's a bit longer than the other. Hope you enjoy it!)
Today was a big day. And not in a positive sense.
But at least it started good.
It started with me and Virg cuddling, well, like always. We were cuddling in bed, kissing sometimes, and talking about irrelevant things just to pass the time together.
It was useful also, because I learnt something from him, naturally he learnt something from me too, like my drive-by shooting and other things that made me take sleeping pills to not be taken by my sleep paralysis demon. He's the only one that knows that.
It was a bit painful opening up about this event, but I learned so many things..
For example, that Virgil has a flower-shaped birthmark on his right butt cheek.
Could you ever guess? Yeah, me neither.
So we were in his bed talking and kissing when we heard some screams and a loud thump downstairs. We looked at each other in the eye, to then rush downstairs, where the sight was horrible.
Two of the chairs of the dining table flew to the terrace, the little white rose that I planted fell to the floor, making a mess and leaving a big trail on the floor; but what preoccupied me the most was the flower pot broken, its pieces shattered on the floor, and some of them...
"Scott! What the hell happened to you?!" I shouted in horror; his face was all bloody, and that's where were some of the pieces of the pot I couldn't clearly see on his forehead. Implanted there. "Come with me.."
Virgil looked at me apprehensively; he knew that I was going to remove the pieces and not him, and he gave me his full permission because he trusts me to put my hands on his big bro. That's what he trained me to do also, and well..also because apparently I have a surgeon degree and I have to use it at some point in my life?
Scott on the other hand was completely and totally okay with me 'operating' him, because he trusts me like Virgil does, and he has faith that I can be good and excel in what I dream for. This makes me tear up, because for once in my lifetime I have someone caring for me and supporting me, and I'm glad for that.
"Who did this to you?" I asked him while I started cleaning and disinfect his face; he made a grunting noise practically hugging my torso, mumbling something I could decipher as "it hurts".
"Resist until I'm done." I affectionately said patting his head. He slowly nodded.
"Gordon." He said after a moment of pause.
What has Gordon got to-ah.
"Why did he do this to you?"
"Well..he came to me, asking me if he could swim again after his hiatus, I mean professionally, and I told him that this wasn't a good idea, with all he's got to do now."
"Yeah, but I mean, you must have told him something else that made him explode like that. You know he is angry often for what you always say to him; but I've seen him explode just two times, and this was one of these two." I said, starting to remove carefully some shatters.
He grunted again. "I think it's the tone I used with him; I was harsh and violent, just because I don't want any distraction now that we found dad again."
"You shouldn't have used that. Don't you think that he wants his dad too, as much as you want him to come home? Maybe swimming is a way to express his emotions, like always. Reconsider this, and take in also the others' emotions apart from considering yours." I said sweetly but sternly to him, removing the last pieces of shatters from his head. Once I was done, I put 2 stitches to his head and one on his bottom lip, along with some bandages. "Please avoid to chew your lip, or I'll find you and castrate you after everything I've done."
He widened his eyes for a second, to then hug me affectionately, this time normally. "Ah, if you want to search for Gordon, he took a pod and got away from the island, I have no idea of where he is. I'm not searching for him because I know he doesn't want to talk to me."
I hugged him back. "I will talk to him when he returns back, but after that you will need to do it. Don't be harsh, okay? He has too much on his platter just like that, don't add fuel to the fire."
"Okay, thank you, Litchi."
"Don't call me like that! I'll personally break your head!"
Now we're in the middle of the afternoon, and I'm baking a cake. The others got in a compicate rescue, and won't be there until dinner time. Now it was 4 PM, and I just got the vanilla cake in the oven. I sat on the kitchen chair, finally relaxing, when I heard a loud thump again.
I got up, and the more I was approaching to the living room, the more the air smelled like...mayonnaise?
I finally got to the living room, and what I saw left me shook.
Gordon was sitting- well, he was sprawled on the couch of the living room, naked as the day he was born.
"Oh gosh, Gordon!" I whispered, immediately covering my eyes. I made him the sign to lower his voice because grandma was sleeping upstairs.
"Hhhhiii, t-t-turn down the lighsssss.." God, he's so drunk. The curiosity took the better of me, and I looked at him though my fingers. I noticed just now that he wasn't completely naked; his body was all covered in...what are these?
"Are you kidding me? Froot Loops?" I looked at him with my hands off my face.
"Cheeee-ros were ov'r."
"And I assume you're covered in..mayonnaise?"
"Y'h" he scrambled his eyes. "The lighssss." He asked me for the second time in 5 minutes.
I got to the light switch, turning it off. He immediately made a squealing sound, demonstrating happiness.
"Can I ask you why in the world you're with no clothes on? And drunk asf?"
"Clothesss, impeding airrr. You'r hair, issooooo pretty!" He got closer to me, but I put him back down on the couch. He pouted.
"Don't change the subject, pufferfish. Why are you drunk?"
"Bec'se Scott's an ass." He scrunched his eyes and nose again.
I huffed. "Wait here for me."
I got upstairs and to his room. Gosh, this man is a mess, just like his room. I walked around, avoiding clothes and suits of all sorts, and got to his closet.
"Umm, let's see.." I took out an oversized shirt he likes to wear when he sleeps, then I got to one of his drawers and took out a pair of boxers. "It should be okay." I then got to his en-suite bathroom and got two clean towels. I soaked one of them in cold water; then I got downstairs.
I gave the clothes and the towels to Gordon, instructing him to wash himself with the wet towels, then to dry himself with the another, them dress up. He grunted.
I then got to the kitchen, taking a beer glass, one of these capient 0,6 cl, and filling it with water. I got back into the living room, giving the glass to Gordon. He looked at me with wet eyes.
"Th'nk u." he drank the water, starting to feel better instantly.
I was about to sit, when John's hologram popped up. "Alice-"
I raised a hand, gesturing to him that we would talk later. He smiled to then nod and close comms. He knows me what it takes to know that it's not the ideal moment for him to interrupt me.
"Do you think...that-that I am a failure?" Gordon said with his eyes full of tears. Goshhh, he started with his sentimental side again. Last time I found him drunk he was hugging a table crying.
"No. You're the best pufferfish I ever knew, and I'm honest." I paused for a second, sitting near him on the couch. Eugh, I will need to take a shower later. "I talked to Scoot, you know?"
"I don't wanna hear from him."
"He didn't mean to be violent to you, he just wants his dad back, and he behaved badly. You know the Aries, how stubborn they are."
"Yeah..I will need to talk to him, later. Now I just want to swim. I wanted to ask that to Scott for a long time but I never found the courage to do it.."
"You can swim now, but not after a shower, puffy. You smell."
"Thanks." ??? What? Why?
"Um, you're welcome?"
"Thank you for assuring me that I'm not a burden..a failure.."
"You def aren't. Who would be my best twin in the world?"
"Yes bro." I hugged him affectionately. "Love ya."
"Love you too. Y'know, you're like mom."
I paused reassuring him, looking at him, breathing.
"Just- just because I'm born the same day as her, it doesn't automatically make me your mom. I'm nothing like her."
"That's not true. It's the way you behave. You have mom's way to solve problems. You have mom's way to care for the others. You have mom's way of talking and reassuring. Even if I'm the same age as you, I am and will always consider you as mom. You didn't take her place, you just filled the empty place mom left us. Everyone thinks that, even Virgil."
He paused when he saw tears coming down from my face. He knows how much did Virgil shout to me for his mom's incident, but that's a story I don't feel like talking right now.
"I know you had your problems on being accepted by him, but he told me the other day. What we all were thinking since the day you came here, he is certain of now. I ask you only one thing, don't change your personality, because we all love you for what you are, and not for what we expect you to be, even because we don't expect nothing better than yourself."
I hugged him practically crying. Gosh, I was supposed to make him feel better but he was actually the one to reassure me.
"I'm sorry." I said. "You probably feel like a shit right now, but you still reassured me."
"It was my choice to. I actually feel better right now, so don't worry. And I know you needed that; it's one of the reasons you take your sleeping pills for."
I paused breathing again. "How the f did you know that?"
"Intuition." Someone told him that. "I won't tell anyone, talk to the others when you feel to."
"Okay." Just then I noticed he was starting to feel better. An idea flashed inside my head. "You're feeling better?"
He looked at me, then nodded. "Yep. Like nothing happened."
"Good! Then take a freaking broom and sweep all of this shit from the floor, put the chairs back behind the table and FUCKING REPLANT MY ROSE, YOU STUPID BIT-" I was screaming, but now it didn't matter, I heard grandma walking upstairs a few minutes ago.
"OKAY! I will do it! Look, I'm going!"
"Go faster! I'll break your head if you touch my flowers again!"
He nodded repeatedly, to then stop in his tracks.
"Don't you smell something burning?" He turned to me.
"Your next 10 minutes if you don't mo- OH, the cake!" I forgot about it! I rushed to the kitchen while Gordon was laughing; he stopped when I threw him a shoe.
(Should I continue? I didn't want to reveal too much of Alice until my main fic is out, but eh, idk. I tried my best :D)
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… What better thing to do when you feel like absolute crap in the morning and it’s starting to get too hot again? DX
Watch Ryusoulger! ^^ Subbed! XD
In no order and w/ many typos bc I am a dumb who stayed up to late and I have a headache. Also it’s almost eighty degrees here and I hate everything:
Aw, Asuna is playing games for snacks. ^^ Definitely think she has a very high metabolism.
This super cute, too, the kids hanging out and playing carnival games. Asuna asking Melto for advice. XD Ah, my babies.
Aw, it’s sweet that everyone claps.
A year’s worth of snacks is that little? I think they might be underestimating Asuna’s eating speed. And mine.
Melto’s pouting bc he feels like his advice wasn’t needed. Aw, don’t feel bad, sweetie, she wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t want to hear it.
Okay, this is fine. Could have been… Hm, but Asuna clearly wasn’t afraid at all, and looked annoyed, which is in line w/ her character, and Mori jumped in very quickly—which is what I was hoping for, bc no way you can make me believe Asuna actually needed saving, but it makes sense that someone seeing the situation from the outside would want to assist someone they thought was in trouble. In fact, I’d say that Mori just saved those guys’ lives. Like, pretty sure she’d’ve cold cocked on herself if he had been a little slower. XD
And then he starts fighting them, and Asuna’s just like ‘oh, okay, I guess this is happening now. *shrug*’
Honestly, he didn’t seem to need help, so I don’t blame her.
She knows what boxing is? I mean, not the strangest thing.
Aaaaaand… Crayon the mushroom man makes another entrance.
Every time we watch the opening, I’m reminded that we still don’t know who hooded man is… I mean, they’ve got time, but I’d love some more hints. And while we’re at it… Actually, never mind. I think everyone knows where I was going there. XD
That scene where he approached the brothers is really getting at me, though… Like, not even Touwa has mentioned it? Which makes me very curious/suspicious.
Honestly, I like the troll Minusaur’s design…
Did you two try to call the others?
Kou, you doof! Though I guess he didn’t know Mori was there.
I really like that Crayon has trouble controlling the Minusaurs, it’s a nice touch and usually leads to funny hijinks.
I guess it was the force of the explosion that sent them rolling like that. That’s what I’m going w/. No way a Ryusoulger would get detransformed from rolling down a hill.
Aw, she’s so sweet. I’m love her.
I really like how she can be silly, but also a really cool, strong sort of ‘big sister’ at the same time. Anky Mom raised her well. ^^
Touwa, don’t be so defeatist!
Kou! DX Honestly though, that’s kind of in character for him to so… Hyper-focused, I guess?
Asuna’s face, though! Honey, just grab him by the ear and pull, okay? That’ll shut him up.
Not you, too, Melto! DX Asuna, grab both their ears! Just smack them!
I’m glad the point here is that they were wrong to ignore her.
I don’t so much blame Banba and Touwa there, bc they were just kinda… There? They could’ve called the other two on it and didn’t, though.
I am now going to hyper obsess about a single line in regards to my ‘Banba becomes everyone’s rock’ view. Bc he totally just kind of ‘reground’ the discussion there. XD
Touwa and Banba don’t even go here. XD It’s okay, I don’t think Banba plans on eating anything. He just got up bc everyone else did.
Aw, Tyramigo’s trying to comfort her! You’re right, sweetie. Good to try and be proactive. I say, like a bloody hypocrite.
It might have been wiser to go back in and smack them, but she’s justifiably annoyed at them so it makes sense she wouldn’t.
On the one hand, that drawing looks pretty good from where I’m sitting, on the other, I’m a perfectionist, too. And maybe the issue isn’t that it’s not ‘good,’ it’s that it’s not what he ‘wants’ it to be?
Asuna here w/ the very direct line of questioning.
Don’t tell him that! Though I do appreciate that the whole ‘she says the wrong thing/speaks too bluntly sometimes’ thing is more subtle. Like w/ what she said to Melto before and here. It’s not there all the time.
Other thing I like about this, is that it’s not ‘the girl can’t beat the Minusaur alone.’ It’s that ‘no one can beat the Minusaur.’ Yes, they fare a little better when there’s more of them, but it’s not bc Asuna is a ‘girl’ or at all ‘weaker.’ It’s that this Minusaur is quite strong. It wasted Kou and Melto before, too. Also the fact that it’s just reflecting their own power back at them (multiplied, too, I believe), means that it’s using their own strength against them. So the stronger the attack, the more damage the reflection does. After all, Asuna does absolutely fine on her own later, and even frightens the current General, and it takes three of them and the Kishiryu and some strategy to beat the Minusaur (and some of Asuna’s luck).
A plus mediation, Kou. You guys can discuss this later.
Crayon should really learn to watch his mouth w/ the Generals…
Wyzul’s incurable need for theatrics will become his undoing. By pissing off Asuna.
The fact that Banba does everything just slightly slower than the others, from drawing his sword to charging the Minusaur, just to be that much sexier is vexing and I love it.
Wonder what varsity jacket did to make Mori so pissed at him? Or… Is he a coach or something? If he’s a coach, he needs to be fired, though.
Wait, did art boy offer to punch a dude for Mori so that Mori could fight in an upcoming boxing match, but someone would still punch the dude? That’s so sweet, oh my god. DX
Nah, man, Asuna’s right. I think you’re overreacting a little. I say, like I don’t overreact every day of my life.
I’m sobbing. Anky Mom raised a good girl. Asuna is a princess and a damn wonderful big sis. She’s still dad friend of the trio, though.
Banba is dad friend of the whole team.
Melto is mom friend no matter where he is.
I feel like these three’s reactions are telling of their personalities. XD Kou just takes one to the face, Touwa dodges a bit the ducks for cover, and Banba blocks a little but stands his ground and somehow manages to avoid being hit by… I dunno, sheer power of sexiness?
I think I regret getting used to that word.
This is very much dramatic irony. It’s pretty obvious to the audience that it’s Wyzul—but Mori doesn’t know about Wyzul at all, or that he can shapeshift, Asuna knows about Wyzul and that he can shapeshift, but has no reason to think he’s here. I mean, sure, Minusaur, but Crayon has gotten left to his own devices before. And they haven’t seen him yet. Asuna isn’t the suspicious type, either.
Where they just letting Kou wail on it while they watched. I mean, I guess more eyes are likely to notice something, but it’s just funny.
Ah, it’s her injured wrist, that probably made things harder. It does seem like she makes conscious decisions when to put her whole strength into things, most of the time, w/ only the occasional slip ups.
Hey, not a bad plan, Kou. MistSoul is pretty noncombative.
Yeah, but not all the attacks went through his… You know what, I don’t care. In the positive way. I don’t care for positive reasons.
I love how they just let Kou wail on it again in Kishiryu Oh. Though I guess they couldn’t form anything w/out Asuna and Ankyrose.
Asuna here w/ the princess carry. True knight in shining armour. ^^
The new mecha suit actor is really good. The torch has been well passed. ^^
Also, pour one out for the miniature city set designers and builders! Technically physically possible, whatever! That was impressive! And how many times must they have had to build and test everything. And then there’s the effects. O_o I salute you, folks.
Oh, yeah, and… It’s HAMMER TIME!
Asuna for one of the best big sisters ever award. DX
I love Naohisa and his ‘ah! places!’ reaction to Asuna coming in. XD
They made a sign? And why is Ui wearing a helmet? I’m so confused. But this is so cute, gods love them.
Not all of them are smiling, dude. Banba has to keep glaring, it’s in his contract.
No it, it’s not. But he’s def not smiling yet. One day he is gonna smile, though, and I am going to implode.
 Okay, but has DimeVolcano just been wandering the forest giving deadly quiz shows? Is that what’s been happening?
Kinda like how the preview is like ‘yeah, new power next week!’ right off the bat instead of being all ‘mysterious’ about it or something. XD
Okay, who implemented a quiz into a Kishiryu? Why? Why does it rampage if you answer wrong? This seems like poor seal design, Ryusoul predecessors…
And apparently he can talk. They taught the Kishiryu to talk so that it could give quizzes. This seems like a lot of effort.
And the fact that the quiz thing is apparently such a thing that it’s featured in the historical writings that were found by palaeontologists.
Also they got my boys in the house again—I don’t know why I love that so much, but I do—and I just noticed Touwa is holding a mug. For some reason this is so important to mea, I will be including a picture at the bottom
Really curious as to how the quiz scene goes down, bc there’s shots of what seem to be Crayon and Myzul trying it, and shots of the trio trying it, but… What happened to the brothers? They’re there on approach, and there’s a shot in the online preview that seems to indicate they’re there in the scene where they’re talking to DimeVolcano, but they seem to disappear. Very curious what the actual scenario is.
That’s all, folks! Virtual fondu for anyone who read all that. I liked this episode very much, Asuna is wonderful and I love her to pieces. I was a little apprehensive when I first read the summary, but I think they handled it fine. Asuna did get to call the boys out for not listening to her/taking her seriously, which was nice. Sad we didn’t get Anky Mom, but there’s plenty of time for her to come back at some other point. Find it hilarious that Banba insists on sitting w/ his back to everyone during discussions. I am totally over obsessing over minor things, but I’m choosing to interpret that tiny moment (where he was like ‘but first, we need to figure out it’s weakness’) as something to indicate he’s becoming the ‘rock’ of the team. Kinda like Hikari? W/ the whole ‘anchor’ thing? He’s the most sort of… Like, ‘down to earth’? In a way? Like, they all absolutely can focus and be ‘serious’ and sensible about things, but they can also kinda ‘wander off’? Kou, Touwa, and Asuna will rush into things, each in their own way, Melto overthinks, so on and so on. Goodness knows what kind of nonsense Kanaro will get up to. And Banba can be the grumpy, stubborn, often taciturn rock that supports and anchors them. Did any of that make sense?
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Touwa holding a mug. Bc it’s somehow funny and cute to me and almost implies the boys came over for lunch or breakfast or something.
Have also remembered my random thought about the possibility of Wyzul masquerading as one of the team this ep. I feel like the new info makes it a little unlikely, but not impossible. They’ve got a hostage, yes, but Wyzul does like to be tricky—case in point, last time they had a hostage. So it’s not impossible.
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jin-was-here-2 · 6 years
This is going to be more me getting my thoughts out than coming for anyone.
But I'm def arguing some of the arguments I've seen over the last couple weeks.
And for the record I love both boys however I'm probably considered more of a Dean stan. (Reallly I love all three. But this is going to be more feud focused.)
That being said... I just don't see why Seth's majority being painted as the one in wrong or straight up deserving of this treatment. At least on Tumblr. The crowds seem different. But on here there are a couple things driving me absolutely u p the f r e a k i n ' wall, lads.
One is seeing things like, and I'm paraphrasing, "well Seth (and Roman) haven't purposely done things to make Dean feel down or lesser than. But that's how he feels and what led him to this point". Like that makes what he did or has been doing ok or justified. I really don't think it does. Because what could they have done to make Dean not feel that way? Not be proud of their titles? They fought hard for them. And if Dean really didn't want to help Seth get his fairly at SummerSlam he really didn't have too. Talk to him? He wouldn't give them much when they tried beside loosely veiled threats, acting fine, and/or walking away. So they're just left like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "what do we do? What CAN we do"? At the end of the day it's his deal. He has to deal with it ya know?
And listen I understand how it's easy for some people to get stuck in their heads. I understand because I'm like that. And I can 100% say that shit like the silent treatment, stewing, the hot and cold game, and saying shit was fine all the while were definitely factors in my one and only really good friendship ending. Not the only factors, mind. But for sure the way I chose to handle some things (My feelings. My anger. ...And insecurities.) did not help. (Coincidentally that relationship got toxic. Maybe even on both end. So walking away was ultimately the healthiest thing to do. ...Which has me side eyeing these two boys. Ma heart. T_T)
So like I totally get it. I really do. ...But I just can't justify it. Ya gotta find a way to deal with your shit 'cause it's not really anyone else's responsibility. Not your friends or love interests. It just isn't. (Unless you have already agreed apon that type of dynamic. i.e. top and brat, Etc) (And. AND. Can I just say that Dean has a crazy skillful way with words and is articulate like a motherfucker yet "Baby Boy can't communicate". I- I just needed that pointed out.)
The second thing that's got me s e e t h i n g is what seems like a total refusal to see why or how Seth might be feeling the way he does. Broham just got some terribly terribly awful news. And at a time where they both could really benefit from having each other at their sides... Dean. Out of nowhere. Slams his head into the mat. ...And then again. Methodically. Deliberately. Into concrete. Seth doesn't know why. We don't know why. Not really. We think we do but they're just assumptions. Dean hasn't s a i d.
Is it that farfetched to understand how Seth might be angry at this point? Or even why he may assum Dean's actions were selfish? He doesn't have much to go on. Personally I don't believe Dean would turn on Roman. (I mean I would like to believe he wouldn't on Seth either. But also, in WWE, nothing is sacred. Not truly.) And I think we can all agree this Dean is different. So... maybe? Maybe he would do such a thing. (He did pointedly take off and throw his Shield shirt, walk back up the stairs, and show up there the next time. All stuff alluding to the shield as a whole so????) And I believe Seth is feeling that too. Because it was on THAT night and he doesn't know who this Dean is and is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.
The third thing I have thoughts about is some of the reasons for the turn being thrown around. Like Seth had it coming? Why? For what? For what, when they already hashed Seth's turn out. He took his licks for the heinous things he did. There was an ark about it and everything. And more importantly Dean forgave him in the end. He didn't have to. And he would have been well within his rights to not, but he did.
So for me it would feel very fucked up if he's been harboring these feelings towards Seth when he didn't have to go back to partnering with him in the first place. That's blatantly leading someone on. And more over, him needlessly putting himself in what he would presume is a dangerous situation. And to me It still doesn't make since to say these feelings came about while Dean was out. Because why? Because life went on and Seth got himself some titles? That's the sport. Dean would have done the same. (I mean they both got titles THE NIGHT Roman had to leave.) Because he teamed with JJ? He didn't even want to. And when Jason got too big for his britches he straight up told him he would never be like Ambrose. Pretty vehemently, too. So like? If that is it then it goes back to Dean just having to deal with his feelings and why he's feeling like that. Because it's hard for me to say it's anything Seth or Romans did.
Now this next thing is the thing I think I'm the most intrigued by. (And is really just me marking the fuck out.) Whatever the FUCK Seth supposedly said to Dean that night that set him off. Because honesttly A LOT of theories hinge on whatever it was. Depending on what it was Seth should not have been so surprised. If it were that bad Seth could totally be playing it up right now. But then if it WERE that bad Dean could have just said this Monday. But THEN that could be why it look like Seth interrupted him. It's so open-ended! Ah!
I'm just so very intrigued by this seemingly big piece of the puzzle we're missing. So very. There was apprehension before Dean went totally ham. So he's conflicted by something pretty heavily. Perhaps because it was THAT night. And he DIDN'T want to lose it then. But Dean screaming things like "why'd you say that", "you think it's funny", "it's not a joke", and "watch your mouth" make me think Seth called him Lunatic again. Which makes it kinda like... Seth... why would you D O that???? But also it still feels like an overreaction on Dean's part? Like beat his ass a little, a little bit down the road ya know? Not THEN, that much, over THAT. Though I know he's fed up with that shit.
But THEN there's weird stuff being yelled too. Like "this all you care about", talking about the titles. Seth doesn't care about titles anymore or less than Dean or Roman do. He learned what was more important to him month's ago. And it was his boys. The "You told me it can't happen"???? What could that even mean? I have no clue. But I want to know so so bad.
Tl;DR: I love all these boys but Dean's being a lil asshole for s e e m i n g l y not much reason. S e e m i n g l y. And Seth could use a little bit more understanding.
TL;DR 2 : We're only two weeks in and I have HAD. IT. Yet I want more. I hate ALL of them. The fuckers.
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FUCKKKKKK. here are some quotes of me to my friend while reading
“Oh my baby, you’ve gone insane. You can’t handle the rejection from him so you’re blaming it on me and now my family too.”
friend: “not so girlboss”
❄️: “oh fuck its goin down” ““youre mine” STFU”
friend: oh nooo
You swallow down the ball of terror that occludes your throat. “I want to go to my room.” You request shakily, “Please.”
❄️: “shes scared-“ “this is not girlboss at all” “Omg we got a letter from the taehyun” “YUHHH IT FINALLY CAME THROUGH” “a maid smuggled it in”
friend: “LOVE THAT MAID”
my reaction to reader wearing a slutty outfit:
me reaction to soobin being scared off by beomgyu:
❄️: “so much for making friends🥲”
“I can do what I want.” You seethe, “You wanted me to be a whore so bad. Why are you mad now when I act like it?”
reaction to beomgyu saying the princess wont ever take y/ns place:
❄️: “EW THE SWITCH UP” and the most german reaction ever “IGITT” which means ew but worse “WE DONT FEEL NEGLECTED WE WANT YOU TO FUCK OFF” me @.beomgyu
him being all nice in town and helping the commoners
❄️: “hes being nice rn” “i dont wanna forgive” “remember ❄️ hes a dick” “NO BC IM A SUCKER FOR PPL WHO DO NICE THINGS” “also a sucker for manipulators so…well”
“You attack your father over that whore?” The king spits, slapping the prince across the face. “I have half a mind to let the guards take her right here in front of you so you’ll realize what she truly is.”
❄️: “mom please pick me up im scared😀😀😀😀😀” no srsly i was abt to shit my pants the part with the king scared the f outta me
your eyes fly open in apprehension to see him holding a dagger.
❄️: “BRO FOR A SECOND I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA FUCKING CUT Y/N” like carve his name into her or smth- I TOTALLY WOULDVE EXPECTED HIM TO DO THAT “this was traumatising” “fucking dickhead” “i wanna hug y/n and tell her everything will be okey ☹️”
i am now traumatized for life and miss tae and want him to safe and accept us more than ever but he also sounded sus in his letters so IDK ANYMORE
beomgyu has absoltely lost it tho and the fact EVERYONE in the castle was in on it???? WHAT THE FUCK
this broke not only y/n but also me FUCKKKKKKK
one thing this goes to y/n if she was real and i could talk to her
baby virginity is a social construct, no man will EVER be able to take something from you and make you be worth-less NEVER is anyone gonna do that, he took you forcefully which means if virginity means something to you… you are still a virgin, if something gets stolen from you its still yours. baby i love you do NOT let him break you
i am so done this was amazingly written seriously you have such a way of getting me immersed? into the story the way you write is amazing and this def was a emotional roller coster
ill out myself by saying i read loser lover many times and also the latest ch. of yamqn probably 3-4 times… and yeah i can see myself reading this ch again as well and then crying some more😭😭😭😭
not you traumatizing your friend with my story 😂
i love the live reaction! i sometimes write lines and think "ohh i wonder what my readers will think of this" lol thanks for the german lesson could always use a more powerful form of ew 😂
sometimes the people who appear the most charitable can be the most evil ✊🏼😔
ngl the king scared me too lol imagine being oc in that moment
ahaha a repeat of iyym felix nooo
tyun does sound a bit sus. it's the hint for his flaw so good on ya for picking up on that
and yes all you said about virginity. unfortunately in a society like where yamqn takes place virginity is a real currency. men won't take her as a wife now that she's "ruined" 🤢
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daihell · 6 years
For the Best Chapter 5
Trigger warning in this chapter for discussions of suicide and an almost attempted suicide. It starts in the second section after the break. I’m not sure how upsetting it is, but you can def skip this chapter if you need to, take care of yourselves! Read from the beginning AO3
Dorian sat by the fire, biting absently at his thumb nail and tapping his foot restlessly. Cassandra and Varric were there as well, but none of them spoke. The oppressive atmosphere was nearly stifling as they all waited for news. Vivienne had been tending to the Inquisitor for some time now and each second that went by only made them more apprehensive. 
Elden’s face, so pale and desperate and pained, kept flashing before Dorian’s eyes and he had half a mind to charge in there to see how he was doing, but he still felt like it wasn’t his place now. Still, when Vivienne finally left the tent, he nearly leapt to his feet.
“He’s awake but at least he isn’t trying to move any longer,” Vivienne said as she joined them by the fire, taking a seat with a heavy sigh, no doubt exhausted expending so much energy on healing magic. “His wound seems to be healing just fine. It’s possible straining himself as Dorian witnessed is the cause of his fever. I’ll continue to monitor him for the time being. I fear there isn’t much else for us to do for the time being.”
Dorian sat back down with a heavy sigh, rubbing at his face. He wanted to do something, to fight or research or do anything at all. Instead all he could do was sit around helplessly watching as Elden suffered. Apparently Cassandra had had enough as well. She stood with a disgusted noise and walked off into the falling snow, no doubt heading back out to keep watch.
Dorian staring intently into the fire, stomach turning as he imagined the worst coming to pass. He kept telling himself that Elden would be fine once he got some proper rest, but he had been so desperate before, doubting himself all over again. What was Dorian supposed to say? Chances were he was only making Elden feel worse, reminding him of what had happened between them. What if that was only adding to Elden’s strain? Varric looked expectantly back and forth between him and Vivienne before sighing and standing up.
“I’ll go see how he’s doing,” he said. “Maybe I can cheer him up.”
Dorian knew he should have been the one to go to him, but he couldn’t. He’d broken Elden’s heart. He could only make things worse.
Nearly everyone had gone to bed, but Dorian remained at the fire long after the sun had set, knowing there would be no sleep for him. He tried to read, but kept flipping through restlessly, or staring at the page too lost in his own thoughts to actually make out any of the words. He sighed and set the book aside, pinching the bridge of his nose.
As he lowered his hand and looked back into the fire, he thought he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. It was hard to see anything through the snow and the dark, so he couldn't be completely sure what it had been. Normally Dorian would be much more likely to simply ignore it, chances were it was just a scout, but he was rather desperate for some sort of distraction so he stood up and threw caution to the wind.
The movement had come from beyond the tents. Those out keeping watch would have no reason to be in the area since it led up against the cliffs at the edge of their camp. There was no cover here from the snow so he pulled up the collar of his coat and squinted through the heavy snowfall until he finally spotted a figure standing near the edge. Dorian froze, feeling like the ground had been pulled out from under him, his heart thundering in his chest.
“Inquisitor?” Dorian called, unable to keep the concern from his voice. Elden was standing so close to the edge. What was he even doing up and about let alone out here?
“I’m sorry,” Elden said, barely glancing back at him. “All I ever seem to do is worry people or let them down. I don’t know why I ever agreed to become Inquisitor, as if this was ever something I could do.”
“Nonsense, you’ve been doing a fine job leading us thusfar,” Dorian said, approaching cautiously, afraid of what might happen if he got too close.
“Thank you,” Elden said, finally looking back at him and it broke Dorian’s heart to see the despair in his face, his eyes red from tears. “I’ve always-- I’ve always considered you a good friend. I’m sorry, I know that’s probably selfish of me.”
“Not at all--”
“It’s okay, I know,” Elden said, looking out over the edge again. “I’ve been a burden since the day I was born. It was only a matter of time until my family cast me aside. I don’t really want to wait around until I live out my usefulness again.”
“Amatus, please,” Dorian said, raising a hand as if he could grab Elden from this distance should he choose to take that last step forward.
Elden turned to him again and smiled so sadly Dorian’s heart broke all over again. “I always liked it when you called me that. You don't need to lie anymore, though. It’s fine, really.”
“That’s not--” Dorian began, but what could he say? How could he explain?
“You don’t have to say anything,” Elden said. “Everyone goes eventually, I understand. I don’t blame anyone for it.”
“Inquisitor, please listen--!”
“She was right,” Elden said as Dorian desperately grasped for words. “The Venatori. She showed me everything. I can still hear her even now, she never stops. But she’s right. I’m useless, I only ever get in the way. All I could do is let my family down, but now there are lives on the line, and I can’t-- I should have died all those years ago. Then at least someone else would have become Inquisitor, someone actually competent. I was too much of a coward then, but perhaps I should finish the job I started.”
“Elden!” Dorian shouted, panic evident in his voice, magic at the ready. “Look at me, talk to me! We chose you for a reason, we follow you for a reason!” He didn’t know-- he didn’t realize-- what had happened to Elden in his past? As bad as things were now, Dorian hadn’t realized he had been suffering so--
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Elden said as he broke down, but he turned away from the cliff and faced him and that was all that mattered in this moment. “All I ever do is mess up, I don’t know what to do.”
“You don’t have to do anything,” Dorian said, approaching slowly, cautiously. “Do you think we would all be here if Cassandra were the one leading us? She’s a fine warrior and a good friend, but you’re the one whose judgement we all trust. But you don’t have to do this alone. You’re not alone, Elden. But if you don’t want to lead, that’s fine. You still deserve to live, to be happy!”
“Is any of this even really happening?” Elden asked suddenly as tears began streaming down his face. “I was supposed to rot away in the Chantry where I couldn’t get in the way anymore, how did any of this happen? Dorian, is this real?”
Dorian was already rushing forward as Elden collapsed to his knees. He pulled him into his arms, holding him tightly as he trembled against him.
“I guess I’m a coward again after all,” he muttered.
“No,” Dorian whispered. “Never.”
Elden’s forehead was burning hot where it was pressed against Dorian’s cheek, but the rest of him felt so painfully cold. Dorian conjured up a bit of heat to try to warm him for the time being, but he needed to get him inside as quickly as possible.
Glancing over, he saw Varric there, crossbow in hand lowering from the ready position. No doubt he had been prepared to use his grappling hook to try to catch Elden had he fallen. He looking so relieved, if still tense, and Dorian nodded to him with a relieved sigh. Disaster had been averted for the moment at least, but the danger still existed. He pulled Elden more closely against him, damn the consequences, and kissed his forehead.
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*Halloween* I Hate You, I Love You. (Part 2) (Ryan Ross x Reader)
Request: a user on Wattpad: ‘Matching costumes with ryan Ross’
Prompt 7: Costumes
It was three months after you’d played the final show of the Pretty. Odd. tour. After the whole ‘breakdown-on-stage-and-scream-at-Ryan-Ross that you hate him’ thing, the remaining months of touring were hell, to say the least. You and Ryan both made conscious efforts to try and avoid one another as much as possible, but obviously, it was no easy feat. Despite playing shows with Panic! every night, there were photo shoots, press conferences and interviews that you were under obligation to do – some of which you were forced to interact with Ryan during – all while trying your best to avoid any more rumours erupting in your fanbase (they were still trying to come up with a conclusion as to why you cried on stage). So, yeah, life was hard during those few months.
The morning after the final show, you were so eager to get home that you were up at the crack of dawn, despite being enormously tired, and you were the first one on the tour bus that morning, as well as the first one to board the plane that would bring you your salvation, i.e. take you far away from Ryan Ross.
With the exception of a few ‘hey how are you’ texts and some random tweets at each other, you hadn’t spoken to any of the members of Panic! over the past three months, so when you received an out of the blue phone call from Brendon while you were getting a morning pick-me-up from Starbucks, you were understandably a little apprehensive about answering.
“Hey, (Y/N/N)!” Brendon’s energy radiated through the phone, and you couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your face; you had to admit that you’d missed the over-hyped man-child. “How are you?”
“Uh,” you reached forward and took your order, mouthing a thank you to the barista, “I’m good, all things considering,” you turned and headed to nearby empty table, “How’re you?”
“I’m great. Although, I would be even better if you came to the Halloween costume party I’m throwing.”
Ah, so that’s why he called.
“Is Ryan gonna be there?”
“No.” You narrowed your eyes, and even though he couldn’t see you, Brendon knew exactly what you were doing, prompting him to continue. “He really isn’t! He’s taking a trip to see his grandma or whatever.”
You tapped a finger on your coffee cup as you contemplated whether or not to agree. You hadn’t been out in a while; a party sounded lovely. And you truly did miss the members of Panic! – bar Ryan, of course. And since he wouldn’t be attending, you decided you would.
“Yeah! Oh, and bring the rest of the guys too!”
You took a sip from your coffee. “I’ll extend the invite to the group chat.”
“Can’t wait to see you!”
“You too, Bren,” you smiled, before hanging up and walking out of the Starbucks.
Now to find a costume.
“So are you in?”
“Yeah, of course,” Ryan nodded as he and Brendon exited the studio, “It’s on Halloween night, right?” Brendon nodded. “Then yeah, I’ll definitely be there. Wait,” he frowned when a thought struck him. “Did you invite (Y/N)?”
“No,” Brendon scoffed, “Of course not.”
“Stop lying to me.”
Brendon stopped walking and threw his hands outwards, an offended look on his face. “Why does no one believe me when I tell them stuff?”
“I always believe you when you tell me stuff… mostly. But after your attempts to set us up, I don’t trust you when it comes to (Y/N).”
“Dude, I haven’t spoken to her in months. I didn’t invite her.”
Ryan stared at his friend thoughtfully before finally nodding. “Alright. I believe you.”
“Thank you,” Brendon breathed, moving to place an arm over Ryan’s shoulder and starting to walk again. “Now, let’s talk costumes. I was thinking Lord of The Rings vibes for you. Like a hobbit or something.”
“Do I look okay?” you turned to Jesy and Leighton, who were standing next to you on Brendon’s porch.
“Smoking,” Leighton clicked his tongue against his teeth.
“Someone’s defs gonna get lucky tonight,” Jesy smirked, playfully nudging you in the arm.  
“I hope so. Lord knows I need it,” you sighed, ringing the doorbell.
“By the end of the night, forget ‘Mother of Dragons’,” Leighton gestured to your costume; you were Daenerys, your outfit crazily accurate, right down to a dragon on your shoulder, “you’ll be the ‘Mother of Banging’.”
“Oh, my god.”
You and Jesy burst into laughter at his comment, and not too soon after, Brendon opened the door, clad in a Batman costume.
“Yeah! It’s my bitches!” he laughed happily and engulfed all three of you in an uncomfortable group hug. “Aw, I missed you guys so much!”
“The feeling’s mutual,” Jesy chuckled, patting him on the head.
Brendon beamed, but it soon turned into a frown when he noticed the absence of the fourth member of your band. “Where’s Slade?”
“Food poisoning hit him hard,” Leighton replied, shaking his head as flashbacks of Slade throwing up entered his mind, “Word of advice: Do not buy hotdogs from a food truck that has a cat as a co-chef.”
Brendon let out a laugh and moved to the side of the doorway, gesturing for you to enter, which you did. The place was packed, and you smiled to yourself; with all of these people here tonight, there was no way you wouldn’t find someone to leave with.
A full hour into the party and you were still standing alone, grumpily eating pretzels from the snack table, utterly despondent.
It wasn’t that no one was interested – countless guests had expressed a liking towards you – but no one was ~doing it~ for you. Maybe it’s because you set such high standards for yourself. If you lowered those a little bit, you could’ve had sex with five different people in the past hour. Not that you’d ever do something like that – you respected yourself far too much – but still, the principle stands.
Or maybe you haven’t hooked up with anyone yet because none of them are Ryan.
Oh, fuck off, brain! Why did you have to be so self-destructive? You hadn’t thought about Ryan in a long time – since this morning; it was your longest streak and now you’ve broken it. Why did his stupid face have to keep creeping into your head?
Ugh, you hated him.
“Still nothing?” Jesy joined you.
You shook your head solemnly. “Nada.”
“Well, I did see a Jon Snow somewhere over there. I didn’t see his face, but he had a nice butt. You should go talk to him.”
“Yeah,” you frowned, straightening up and snapping out of your depressive state, “yeah, I should. I’m going.”
“That’s my girl,” Jesy smirked, “Wait!” she pulled you back when you started to walk and adjusted your costume, particularly around the chest area. “There. Knock ‘em dead, babe.” She shot you a wink and pushed you off.
You spotted the Jon Snow a little way away and gathered yourself as you sauntered over, tapping him lightly on the shoulder.
“Hey,” you put on your flirtiest voice, “I noticed you’re the only Jon Snow here, and- ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING RIGHT NOW?”
“Nice to know nothing’s changed, (Y/N),” Ryan scoffed, sending you a sarcastic smile, “Still as charming as ever.”
“What are you doing here?” you demanded.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Brendon said he hadn’t spoken to you in months.”
“He hadn’t. Up until last week when he called to invite me. That’s also when he said that you were gonna be visiting your grandm- Wait,” you breathed out in disbelief. “Oh, Urie, you motherfucker.”
“I can’t believe he did this,” Ryan shook his head, “you think he’d learn by now but nooooo.”
“I need a drink,” you rubbed your eyes.
One drink turned into three, which turned into six, and before you knew it, you were sitting at the kitchen table next to Ryan, both of you considerably drunk.
You were currently laughing uncontrollably at something he had said, and he smiled admiringly at you. There was no denying that you looked insanely hot tonight, and even though he’d always found you attractive, tonight… whew.
“You have a very nice laugh, (Y/N),” he whispered, staring seriously at you, “And you look amazing tonight.”
Your laughing stopped, and you stared back at him just as seriously. “Thank you, Ryan. But you know what?”
“I still hate you.”
His eyes widened and he stared at you with those cursed puppy-eyes that were now full of hurt. Seeing him like that, you couldn’t hold it in anymore and you let out the most adorable giggle Ryan had ever heard in his life.
“I’m joking, silly,” you slurred through laughter and he relaxed, letting out a chuckle of his own.
“You sure? I mean, you’ve told me you hate me lots of times.”
“I don’t really hate you. I was pissed at you because you kissed that girl, then made me drink, which made me make-out with one of my best friends, then I cried on stage, then my fans started harassing me, and after all of that, I still wasn’t your girlfriend! That made me upset,” you frowned.
God, you really were a fucking train wreck when you were drunk. Did anything you just said even make any sense?
It did to Ryan, apparently.
“Wait, so you really do like me?”
You nodded eagerly.
“I thought you were kidding when you told Brendon.”
“Why would you think that?” you cocked your heart to the side.
“Because I saw you make-out with Slade at the club. And then when I tried to comfort you after you cried on stage, you told me you hate me, so I figured you didn’t really mean it.”
“I only did all of that because you were with that girl,” you grumbled. “She was all over you. I didn’t like it.”
A smile formed on Ryan’s face. “Wow. We should get you drunk more often. It’s way easier to get you to talk about everything you’re feeling when you’re like this.”
He was right. You’d never in a million years say any of the things you were saying now if you were sober.
“I’m not very good at voicing my feelings,” you admitted.
“Neither am I,” he shrugged, scooting closer to you and gently grabbing your face in his hands. “But I could show you, if that’s okay?”
As soon as you nodded, his mouth was on yours, and oh goodness.
Ryan’s lips were as soft as you’d expected them to be, but his kiss was hard and dominant – a direct contrast to the tenderness of his lips.
He broke away far too soon for your liking, and almost immediately after his lips left yours, you pulled him back, making him smile into the kiss.
Leighton walked past the kitchen while on his way over to the snack table; he got three steps past the doorway before he backtracked, poking his head inside. Stifling a hoot, he whipped out his phone and snapped the two of you mid-kiss.
“What’re you doing?” Jesy whispered, coming up behind him and placing a hand on his shoulder to steady herself while she leaned forward and smiled on at you and Ryan.
“She wants the fans to stop harassing her about the breakdown on stage, doesn’t she? Well, I’m sure this’ll make them forget all about it.”
Thank you for reading x
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