#it's fine mariano is fine
Just a little thought I had that I wanted to expand on! Also I don't think I ever specified what the Large Animal Transportation of Choice Is. So here it is!
Also there's a follow-up piece to this right here!
TWs: impalement, hypothermia, stabbing, poisoning, fainting, murder, illness, a Balto Scenario
"It's going to be a bad storm over the mountain. Couriers aren't running." The doctor had grumbled, when Mariano was picking up brink potions to replenish their stock. "A damn shame. We...we really needed that delivery."
Mariano hadn't hesitated to hand over Bastian's extra scales in thanks. "I can make the trip. I've ridden in harsher." He'd added. The dragon steeds wouldn't struggle in the rain, either, so there was no reason to not go. The doctor had gratefully agreed, and he'd set off after letting Bastian know.
That had been hours ago, and now Mariano found himself gripping his side as he pulled his own blade from the last of the bandits who'd ambushed him for the medicine. He couldn't fault them. They were surely in dire straits too, but he'd made a promise.
The townspeople needed this package. Bastian, feverish and weak in the little clinic, needed this package. Whatever fever had taken hold of the town was vicious, unrelenting, and contagious enough to pose a threat to dragons.
He'd at least made the bandits' deaths quick.
There was no time to stop and cauterize his own wounds, though. Gritting his teeth, he glanced down to where the hilt of a sword still stuck out from where it pierced straight through him. He felt it piercing through his back, the hot trickle of blood starting to drip down towards his pants. Every breath sent lightning through his torso and threatened to pull his knees out from under him.
His hand rested on the lesser dragon's hide, warm and steady. It turned its head to sniff at him, scaly snout nudging at his face. Mariano swallowed, letting the long, forked tongue flicker over his forehead. It was ridiculously grounding.
"Yes." He muttered to himself. "Yes. This is survivable." The padded backpack of medicine was safe. He was still standing. It wasn't an impossible journey to make, especially if he just kept the sword where it was.
Achingly, slowly, Mariano reached into his own bag and pulled out a strip of tough cloth. He wound it around himself, around the sword, and then tied it off.
Another pat to his steed's side and it lowered its long body to the ground, giving Mariano a more reasonable height to swing himself over. It sent the world spinning again as he did, and only the horn of the saddle kept him from wildly overshooting and landing on his bad side. Squeezing his eyes shut, Mariano carefully righted himself.
If he sat straight up, spine stock straight, then it was almost bearable. A gentle tap of of his heels set the lesser dragon off, its angular head lowering as it slithered into its side-to-side gait. Mariano was never more grateful for the lesser dragons' style of walking, remembering the bouncing ride that other lands favored horses offered.
It wasn't the easiest. Mariano still needed to adjust for the sway of it all, and as the clouds overhead began to gather he knew it wasn't going to get any easier. The sword burned. He just hoped it hadn't been poisoned.
The scrape of the powerful claws got heavier as they traveled back up the mountain. Thunder began to roll. The air began to chill, creeping between his fingers that gripped the reins and slipping along the metal blade lodged in him.
All Mariano could do was take a deep breath and close his eyes. He tugged the hood of his traveling cloak up over his head. He checked that the medicine bag was hidden securely underneath the waterproof cloak. The sword hadn't moved.
Things were fine.
Rain began to fall. The mist was light at first. As the wind picked up, it brushed against his cheeks like a lover checking his temperature. That gentle touch didn't last, as the drops began to grow. His cloak was well-cared for, but not even it could fully insulate him from the bite of the storm.
He began to shiver slowly, gradually. The cold worked its way up his pants legs as rain soaked his clothes through. It dripped down into his shoes as they climbed higher and higher into the wrath of the heavens. Every shudder pulled a low whimper from Mariano's throat as the blade reminded him of its presence. There was nothing he could do.
Things were as fine as they could be.
The wind picked up and Mariano had to fasten his cloak closed before his fingers went numb. Why hadn't he done that before? When he looped the last button through its eye he remembered why. The weighted fabric pressed more insistently on the tip of the blade. It threatened to drag it further down, threatened to slice through the fabric holding it in place and not stop until the metal was was nestled at the crest of his hip bone.
Hesitantly, desperately, Mariano undid the cloak again. Hypothermia would take longer to kill him than blood loss would. It was a necessary pain to endure. And he would endure anything to help Bastian feel better.
The trail's incline slowly evened out, crested. The forward lean he'd had to hold that made his back scream and burn turned into an equally awful backwards tilt. Mariano's head began to spin.
He wanted to drop, he wanted to give in to the chill and the dizziness and the fire in his gut. But the doctor was trusting him. The whole little town was trusting him. Bastian was trusting him.
So he rode on.
The lesser dragon picked up its pace, winding its way down the slick trail. He looked out over the rocky edge of the cliff, at the steep drop that the steed could technically handle but that he certainly couldn't. He was still a ways away.
Mariano clicked his tongue, setting the dragon into a quicker pace. The rain only came down harder, quicker, colder. It made the saddle slick. It soaked more fully into his clothes. The cold weakened his hold on the reins, made it so much harder to grip the saddle.
It started pelting down, half frozen, as the slope turned into a tree-lined path. The relief was temporary as he clicked his tongue again and the lesser dragon took off into a run. Mariano yelped, almost losing his balance fully.
The sword sliced into him more, and Mariano felt hot blood surging down his stomach and back. He whined to himself, resisting the urge to grip the blade. He had to trust the support he'd tied. He had to believe that it would be enough.
Time began to melt. The world shrank down. The wind of the storm faded, the freezing rain disappeared. All that existed was the sway of his lesser dragon, the leather in his hands, and the sword that worked that awful chill and fire ever deeper into him. The world began to spin quicker, the blurry colors filtering in through his water-speckled glasses lenses. Everything drifted and wavered, impossibly inviting.
Mariano didn't feel the dragon's run come to a stop. He barely felt his balance falter. He couldn't feel the way his head hit the mud, or how his uncooperative limbs failed him a few times before he finally got to his hands and knees. Thunder roared overhead, the lightning making everything as bright as mid-day. He had to get to the doctor.
Mariano looked around, blinking hard.
He saw the sign in the window. He saw a lit lantern by the door. He remembered, distantly, the doctor promising to leave one burning for him.
Mariano crawled. Painfully, slowly, he worked his way up to the porch. He hauled himself up each step. His mud-caked hair stuck to his face. The awning above the door felt like heaven, shielding him from the worst of the rain.
Numb fingers fumbled for the doorknob, trying to pull himself to his feet using it as leverage. It felt like a miracle when his knees supported his weight and he was able to pull the door open.
One of the doctor's assistants said something, off to the side. Their voice rose in alarm, and they jolted into movement. Hands gripped his shoulders, and someone else entered from a door towards the back.
Was that the doctor? Their voice sounded familiar. He'd definitely talked to them before. Mariano looked over, brows creasing as he tried to understand what they were saying.
He was led over to a cot, hands brushing his hair away and taking off his glasses. They removed the backpack. Glass clinked. The person who might've been the doctor sounded relieved. Someone said something that felt like it was supposed to be comforting, or reassuring.
Someone mentioned spells. Someone else started to help him out of his clothes. The brace he'd made started to get unwound. Mariano kept almost understanding words, kept almost following the conversation. He vaguely heard the words poison and infection.
Someone started counting, and the last thing that Mariano understood was the electricity that shot through him when the sword was pulled from his body.
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Mariano Salvador Maella (Spanish, 1739-1819) Himmelfahrt Mariens, n.d.
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If there was one more dance I'd want to go to in my whole life, it would be the Stars Hollow High prom. I'm getting tickets this week.
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notes-in-the-margins · 4 months
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missroller15 · 1 year
i don’t just miss s2 literati. i’m patting them on their heads. i’m giving them a nice warm hug. i’m giving them cups of cocoa & coffee. i’m putting their fav music on the radio. (yes i dearly miss them) ❤️‍🩹
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les-larmes-d-eros · 8 months
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Par Mariano Verra
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Milo Beanie Trology → Gilmore Girls → This Is Us → The Company You Keep
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encantoisawesome · 5 months
hey guys, i was just wondering, would you guys like if i included mariano as a tag on my tumblr page?
it hit me that i don't have him as a tag. would you guys like me to add him?
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"It's okay; I'm here." For the sentence starter thing!
-- @whumperofworlds
Prompt is for this ask game!!
Bastian blinked, hazy from the pain and drugs that still tore through his system. "Mariano...?" Dark, scarred hands cupped Bastian's face and Mariano leaned close, carefully kissing his cheek. "I'm here, treasure. No one here can touch you again--I promise."
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Mariano Salvador Maella Pérez (Spanish, 1739-1819) La visión de Sebastián de Aparicio, Detail, ca.1789 Museo Nacional del Prado
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
this will be an unpopular opinion but I really wished that jess had been in another serious, healthy relationship between the end of the series and the revival. he mentions that he’s been in relationships that weren’t permanent (and most likely casual). asp has heavily hinted about what she intended to do with their relationship if it continued, but that last look that jess gives her is really sad when it’s also their last official scene in the series. jess is fulfilled with work and he’s emotionally healthy and mature and to me all of that is cheapened because despite all of that he’s still somehow pined after rory for fifteen years (!!) and has never loved someone else - which is deeply sad when we don’t see it resolved. i would much rather have had him move on and fall in love with someone else that happened to not work out and then finally find rory when they’re both ready but she doesn’t need to literally be the only women he’s loved in his lifetime. if you met someone in real life who still pines after a five month HS relationship that didn’t work out over a decade and a half after it happened we would think it was tragic and ask them to attend therapy and that they’ll find someone! not talk about how it must mean it’s true love and to just wait it out another five years until they’re finally ready for you. if he loved someone else in that time, it wouldn’t tarnish the love that he does have for rory - it would only deepen it. as it stands, his last moment in the series shows that he’s still haunted by a mistake he made at 18 that he’s never been able to fully move on from
Hey! I think there are a lot of people who agree with you, actually. (I certainly saw a lot of people saying similar things right after the Revival came out). But, I don't know, it doesn't bother me! And part of that is that we don't KNOW that he's "never" had another serious relationship. We don't KNOW that he's never loved anybody else. There were NINE YEARS in between! And the only thing they said in the Revival was that Jess wasn't in a serious relationship AT THAT TIME. At the time he was talking to Rory at the SH Gazette, he wasn't seeing anyone. That's all! We actually have no idea what his personal life has been like during the rest of those 9 years! It's entirely possible that he HAS had at least one serious relationship during that period of time. There's nothing in the dialogue that contradicts that possibility. All we know is that he hasn't found "the One" yet, or whatever. (And neither has Rory, so... That's ok, that's fine imo!). From a writing standpoint, it would have seemed unnatural and weird for him to have given Rory a complete rundown of all his relationships over the years (and Rory didn't tell HIM those details about herself, either. All he knows is that she needs to "break up with P"). In my experience, people (especially introverts who might have a romantic history) usually don't tend to offer up all of those details when chatting with an old acquaintance. I suppose if they REALLY wanted to make a point of it, they could have had him say, "Well, So-and-so and I broke up about a year ago," or whatever, but I suspect they didn't think it was that important.
But also, if he's generally happy with his life and career and his friends, WHY does it have to cheapen it if he hasn't met anyone else he's had a strong romantic connection with (besides Rory) yet? I mean, I'm a Hopeless Romantic and I think Love and being "In Love" is great, but it's entirely possible for people to have a fulfilling life without it. A lot of people do? He shouldn't HAVE to have a serious dating relationship in order to "prove" that he's emotionally healthy or whatever. And maybe I haven't made this clear enough, but I DON'T think that Jess has been actively, miserably pining for Rory the entire time. Even IF he's never loved anyone else, I think he's spent most of his life doing other things, and I actually think that's FINE. He hasn't been making it anybody else's problem and he hasn't been expecting anything from her, so I'm not going to begrudge him a few moments of private regret! The idea of a lot of people having "the One the Got Away" in their past used to be a fairly common concept! A person who was special, and about whom you always feel like you wish you could have another chance with them. I don't think that's "weird" or "unhealthy!" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ If I met a person irl who otherwise had a healthy and fulfilled life, but regretted a lost love from their past, I wouldn't think that was that "weird" either, honestly. Most people have regrets of one kind of another! I actually tend not to trust people who say they DON'T have any regrets, because I tend to think they're either lying or don't care about any of the people they might have hurt. Jess wishes he had done things differently with Rory, yes. But I think that's made him a better person. He's living his life, and I think he's fine. And even if it WAS unhealthy? My goodness, the Revival portrayed him as nearly PERFECT in almost every other way, so surely he can have ONE "tragic flaw?" 😉. I'm not worried about him, but I confess I DO love pining, haha. I think loyalty and steadfast love are rare and beautiful things. But you are welcome to your own opinions, and I'm sorry if I was overly vehement in stating any of mine!
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society if anyone* cared about or admired or had interest in or emotional generosity toward ANY of the other characters on gilmore girls even a fraction as much as jess mariano:
(insert that futuristic utopia picture here)
*except me, god dammit
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Literati endgame?
okay but i really didn't get why everyone hated the gilmore girls ending because for me it seems like a Jess and Rory endgame is actually quite possible (and likely).
Okay, so we know only that she's with Logan's baby.
But (sorry team Logan) it seems kinda clear that she's not gonna end up with him. First of all, I think her being lost and suddenly becoming pregnant on accident is an obvious parallel to Lorelei, so it makes sense to me she's gonna be a single mother for a while. Even more so, because Logan and Christopher are soo much alike. (yes Logan is much older and more mature then Christopher was at 16 but Chris was a shitty dad way longer).
And if you were able to look past Logans red flags in gilmore girls (sleeping with like 4 different people right after allegedly breaking up, looking down on people with less money, being a dick towards Jess for no reason) after AYITL I don't think anyone can deny that he's just not a great guy who cheats on his fiance with no remorse whatsoever. So yeah, I actually dont know if he would want to be in the kids and rorys life, but I just dont think it would work out either way.
So now to Jess.
Yes, you can have a different interpretation, but to me he just looked at Rory not only lovingly but with so much longing and even pain in his eyes that its obvious hes not over her and still in love.
Hes appeared when Rory was lost before, when she drOpped out if yAle and later, when she was without job or underwear. Jess had the idea with the book as well, so he kind of guided her towards a new path, I cant imagene him not taking part in the process of her book writing. She was so exited to show him the first three chapters, I think she would want to include him later as well, or maybe ask him for advice as a writer (maybe he'd be the publisher?).
So I definitely belive it's realistic for him to still be in her life, and maybe support her with her kid in some ways (like Luke?)
And now to Rory.
I do think it was right for her to move on after he left, but it always felt so incomplete to me, I was so sure they'd get back together a second time, sometime after him telling her he loves her. I truly believe they are soulmates, in the way that they understand each other better than anyone else, like the same things, have so much in common. Hes was very troubled and disturbed when they were dating, but he was the only boyfriend who really worked on himself (Logans not sleeping around doesnt count) and changed.
And while I am sure she did love Jess, it just doesnt feel right that she never said it back. Yes we got "might have loved you" but idk thats just not enough.
They were dating for such a short time compared to the others, did not even have sex (which could make a relationship appear more serious) yes they had this incredible connection, they still care so much about each other and immediately talk like they used to, even when they havent spoken in years.
So yeah, I think the timing was never right, at first Jess was too troubled, then Rory was in love with Logan, but I really do believe that not only did she always love him, i think a part of her was always IN love with him.
Now, that their lifestyles could sympathize I think she would see that, and no way he'd be like "yeah sorry too late". They needee their time, like Lorelei and Luke, but in the end I see them.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
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So, apparently Dolores only made it up to mess with Isabela; because they were the closest in age and probably used to tease each other, because she’d always been in her shadow, and because Dolores was upset that Isabela was going to marry the man of her dreams instead of her.
Things worked out well for Dolores though! Now she can marry Mariano and the two of them will have the five babies instead!
I mean, they are Catholics in an isolated village in rural Colombia in 1950 that has been cut off from that outside world since approximately 1900. It’s not like having five kids would be considered excessive or even unusual.
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butchjess · 2 years
more thoughts on transmasc jess actually the demonization that jess gets from the entire town is very different than the animosity that other characters receive at times like dean which only happened for about one single episode bc it was less a comment on how the town perceives dean and more a way to get you to feel bad for him after he broke up with rory bc yk. he IS a 16 year old boy and yes i was whooping and cheering when luke put him in a headlock but that was still an inappropriate thing to do to a 16 year old kid which lorelai TELLS luke. but this disappears after that episode after succeeding in the task of making the audience and/or lorelai reasonably feel bad for this guy but for jess its a recurring thing. its a Theme with him its something that sticks its something that is necessary to consider w his character and the way he is perceived by other people. he’s a bad kid a dangerous kid a hoodlum a thug, all things he is canonically called by adults. lorelai and taylor and emily specifically and they’re really the big figures of judgement against jess. lorelai representing a point of contention in his relationship w rory and luke but ALSO in lorelai’s relationship w rory and luke as well. taylor represents the wider town he is the entitled self appointed town representative which is really a very meta character to make FOR stars hollow, but the point is that he despises jess, and so does the whole town. emily then also is a point of contention between jess and rory or more that she represents that fact that jess doesn’t think he’s good enough for her, that he can’t be, because she has an oil portrait of her in the study but which is really about the fact that rory is their golden girl and jess is really not much more than a nuisance that’s only value is of entertainment. in that case theres no adult telling anybody that jess is just a kid when he messes up, even luke seems to expect the worst from him at times especially when it comes to rory. jess is well a bad influence and a bad kid but the worst thing he does is… get in a car accident that wasn’t his fault. and then its yk. WHY. why does jess get treated this way. narratively it’s because rory FEELS just as misunderstood as jess does and jess is simply materializing the town’s ability to judge somebody so badly that it actually causes harm (as it also does to rory more subtly, as she tries so hard to maintain the perfect golden girl image that she burns out multiple times). but an in universe way to read it, is because jess is just, like they keep saying, a different kind of kid, a bad influence, because of all the ways he doesn’t conform. he can’t conform to what is expected of him to be perceived as a nice, normal guy like dean. because he’s not like dean. he doesn’t know the rulebook to be an all-american boyfriend like dean, but he tries his best. it is this sense of jess not being able to match certain expectations (polite, normal, etc) that makes people give him such a hard time. but well, dean doesn’t seem like rory’s kind of guy anyway. okay.
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hourglass-dreams · 2 years
The Encanto fandom is gonna be pissed but...
Lesbian Isabela edit 💖
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Gonna tag two lovely people who I know will love this @justanisabelakinnie @h-theartist-deactivated20221008 (I'm not sure what her new account is if she has one 💖) happy Lesbian awareness day!
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