#it's funnier to me if they're not dating but this is the moment that triggers them to go 'hmmm what if?'
g1rlr0b1n · 1 year
Jon, Damian, and the Batfam are eating at a new vegan restaurant for Damian's birthday.
Jon: oh wow Dami, this is so good, you need to try it!
*Jon then proceeds to pick some food up with his fork and hold it out for Damian. Much to everyone's surprise Damian accepts the offering.*
Dick: wow, I'm surprised he let you do that!
Jon: oh, he's used to me sticking things in his mouth.
*The room goes quiet, you could hear a pen drop.*
Jon face red and full of terror: Wait! That came out wrong!
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Can I request a yandere rivalry between Nobara and Itadori? I feel like they'd make for an interesting dynamic.
Honestly, they're very similar so playing around with this could be fun. If you have ideas that could've made this darker, let me know.
Yandere! Nobara Kugisaki vs Yuji Itadori
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Rivalry, Manipulation, Slight violence, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Yuji and Nobara are known as the class clowns in their group.
They're very similar to one another, even if Nobara acts like she hates him and Megumi.
Nobara's more serious and brash than Yuji at times, yet they have their moments.
For their rivalry, maybe you're another student of Gojo?
You train alongside Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, doing missions and various exercises.
This means you're often around the two due to team exercises.
Yuji's often overly friendly, easily excitable, and very caring.
Nobara tends to be overconfident, brash, arrogant... yet can be caring and dutiful.
Nobara doesn't show her caring side often, although it comes out at times when with you.
The two both care for you as friends and team members.
The two could either share or have a rivalry.
I assume romantic intentions have a higher chance of being a rivalry, while platonic intentions may make them share.
These two are primarily just petty at first.
Over time they no doubt see they like you to a similar degree, they don't notice it until they realize they're jealous.
Nobara is envious of how clingy and friendly Yuji is with you during training.
Meanwhile Yuji is upset you and Nobara have private shopping days together.
They collectively are upset when you choose to spend time with Megumi.
Their rivalry definitely starts as just jealous friends.
It's mild enough, right?
It's normal for friends in a group to feel jealous if the whole group isn't together... it just feels strange.
Both of them can be rather determined, although Yuji seems more emotional.
Yuji tries to excuse his jealousy.
Why shouldn't you hang out with Nobara...? He can just... go find you later.
Nobara is more... outwards with her jealousy even though she's usually level-headed.
She doesn't understand... why would you hang out with Yuji or Megumi?
Isn't it obvious she's the better one to hang out with out of the three?
Megumi is most likely aware of the two's jealousy, yet decides it's better not to be involved.
If you wanna hang out with him, he isn't preventing it.
Even if Yuji and Nobara are irritated.
Nobara definitely acts like she's the one you should be around more often.
She hasn't had this kind of bond with anyone since she was younger....
Yuji on the other hand doesn't pick up on the hostility from Nobara at first.
That is until she sabotages your time with Yuji, offering an alternative smugly.
Then Yuji gets it... and he's determined to convince you to be around him.
Again, their rivalry isn't the worst.
It's petty stuff, the two often arguing while you're unaware.
Even if you are aware, they're just continuously trying to get you to pick between them.
Surely one of them is your best friend, right!?
It would be funnier if you said you preferred Megumi more... the two of them are just stunned.
Their arguments obviously get worse when one of their obsessions deepens.
Like, maybe Yuji falls for you romantically?
Nobara would be a bit too prideful to admit she's in love... yet.
Meanwhile Yuji can't help but look lovesick when training with you or speaking with you.
Nobara no doubt notices... she's seen such a look before on men.
The idea pisses her off.
Of course he has to love you.
Why wouldn't he....
So while Yuji is trying to win you over on dating him, Nobara keeps cutting in.
Oh, such a shame, it doesn't seem like you have any time to indulge in Yuji...
Nobara's planned a night out for just the two of you~
Which leaves Yuji... frustrated.
The two have fought in the past when they first met.
Here they are fighting again because they both happen to have an interest in you.
Yuji hides his crush less than Nobara, who keeps it very hidden.
So in Yuji's eyes, Nobara is just being an overprotective friend.
Is she scared he'll hurt you if you date?
What's actually happening is Nobara likes you romantically too and just knows how to mask it.
I can just imagine Yuji trying to make peace by explaining his feelings to Nobara.
"Hey, I know you're worried I'll hurt them... but you know I'd never! I promise to treat them right when I date them! I don't want us to fight too much over this-".
He thinks he got his point across, only for Nobara to grit her teeth and admit her true intentions.
"You're such an idiot... I like them! I'M going to date them...! Keep your hands off..."
Once the two realize they like you the same way... cue more fighting.
The two would bark at each other like dogs over you.
The two may even work to try and win you over, with gifts and plans thrown your way to try and cultivate your feelings for one of them.
Again, it would be even better if you actually had a crush on Megumi... making their efforts amount to nothing.
The two propose shopping trips, walks in the park, training, dinner...
At some point you'll get suspicious.
Even more so if they get physically affectionate.
Yuji has a tendency to hug you and hold you tight... while Nobara is more subtle by putting an arm around your shoulders or waist.
Eventually you'll pull them both aside and ask what has gotten into them.
Only for them both to suddenly try confessing, putting down one another while they try to make you pick between them.
Their voices are hard to discern as they're speaking over one another, pleading for you to pick who you'd want to date.
Maybe you're not interested in them... or maybe you need time... either way, until you pick someone they'll be at each other's throats.
If you pick Nobara, Yuji's disheartened but will try to accept your decision... for now.
Nobara definitely rubs it in his face
If you pick Yuji, Nobara is sent on a tirade, yet accepts just being friends... for now.
Yuji's too overjoyed to care, holding you tightly while sticking his tongue out at Nobara.
The two wouldn't hurt each other physically... hopefully...
But they'd probably even sabotage the winner of your affections.
If you liked someone other than them... there's a temporary truce.
After all, they can't allow someone else to have your attention... can they?
Overall their rivalry is petty but not anything too violent.
It's a competition to see who will be the better friend/partner for you...
Even if one of them wins, the other probably won't give up their feelings for you unfortunately.
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