#it's gayer than if they kissed
menlove · 4 months
what if 👉👈 we were both boys 👉👈 and music was seen as something shameful and embarrassing and no longer socially acceptable 👉👈 but we both really loved music anyway even though it was disgusting 👉👈 and we save the entire world from nuclear fallout and bring back music for everyone when you sit down at the piano to figure out the last note of a chord but I sit next to you, smile, and we play the chord together 👉👈
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ncutii-gatwa · 10 months
really makes me laugh seeing some people complain doctor who is gay now. babe THIS aired in 2005. doctor who has been gay a long damn time get with the program
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murrpa · 23 days
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what happened in honda odyssey stays in honda odyssey💋
(bruh i struggled so much with this for no reason😭)
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snowheartsz · 8 months
THE??? DANCING?????????
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dimeadozencows · 7 months
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This came to me in an early morning queer haze
Kissing my medics good morning (I am your husband heavy and I love you)
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Aand here’s Kyle after he realizes he has a crush on Cartman (hes a creep)
+ non related extra
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hauntingjasper · 3 months
Happy Pride Month to THEM 🥹
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tommystummy · 4 months
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God at this point I hope Buck fists Tommy in the loft kitchen so y’all stop making this exact post every week.
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getosbf · 1 year
"but they never kissed" my ao3 account will say otherwise
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charlotte-buff · 2 months
The term “queerbaiting” has lost all meaning
I’ve been scrolling through the Buddy Daddies tag again for hours on end, as one does, and while this is thankfully a minority opinion I still saw it crop up often enough that it’s starting to piss me off.
The insinuation that two men living together for 14 years, caring for each other, Kazuki selflessly bathing Rei, cooking for him, and cleaning his apartment at the lowest point of both their lives, adopting and raising a child together, Rei sleeping comfortably for the first time in his life when it’s in the same bed with his partner and daughter, literally taking on a massive crime syndicate on their own to protect their found family, Rei permanently disabling himself by shooting his own dominant arm point blank just so he can leave his old life behind and stay with Kazuki and Miri, with whom he shares a bond that is – and I quote – stronger than blood...
That all of that is supposed to add up to nothing more than “bait” or “gay subtext”, it honestly makes me angry. This is one of the queerest fucking stories that has ever come out of the anime industry but somehow it’s not “gay enough” for some people just because there was no on-screen kissing.
What do you people actually want!?
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swiftiebuck · 5 days
gay as hell for eddie to watch buck take selfies and then be like oh if you want your huge manly muscles to look hard and beautiful and pop on camera like they do in real life you need better light like okay who asked you
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dum--spiro-spero · 2 months
I do not like Criston Cole. That being said, if Gwayne decides to kiss marry bed him I will go down with this ship.
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maraune · 2 months
Jenmish is insane and no not in the way you think unless you have been in the trenches all this time as well - then yes exactly like that. *starts gripping hair in despair*
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jemilyudenthusiast · 1 month
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Jemily Kiss (Emily is nervous, They’re holding hands) :3
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jotunvali02 · 2 months
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mythicalcrumb · 11 months
For season 2 of opla, what i'm most excited about is Vivi and Nami. If Nami and Kaya were meant to be just regular friends, what are Vivi "I'll fall asleep by your bed because you are sick and I refuse to leave you alone a single second" and Nami gonna look like?! I have a hard time imagining how they can make them look gayer, because they've been doing that to everyone so far.
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