#it's going to stay focused on the main guys who came first though i just want to have my dudes in one spot
phonypizza · 1 year
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"... this isn't the right blog. hey. why are we here. uh. what's going on--"
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"I don't have any more of an idea than you do, so don't look at me."
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"Why's that guy a skeleton."
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"........... I might've broken something."
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kaeddehara · 9 months
sorry this is messy and a bit all over the place. i’m currently writing a much longer oneshot toji fic right now so here’s some scraps i came up with while writing it <3.
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i feel like he’s one of those guys who kind and sweet to only you. yeah sure, he has a bit of temper at times and can say things he doesn’t really mean, but overall, he’d treat you with such kindness that you never see him give to anyone else. it comes in many forms but the most prevalent one has to be simple, small physical gestures such as :
a hand on your back when he’s trying to lead you somewhere in public
brushing some hair out of your face if you’re working on something and are too focused to move it
rubbing your shoulders if you’re stressed out or tense from the day
feel like physical touch would be his top love language honestly maybe along with acts of service <3
the list continues on all the sort of small but endearing gestures he does for you. i also feel like this feeds into his possessive nature so by doing these things, he’s claiming you as his. i feel like he’d have one of those stares at everyone else that just lets them know to not fuck with him or you. you’re just his sweet thing, hands wrapped around his thick forearm as you walk along the street.
even though i did say physical touch would be one of his main love languages, he’d definitely have to go through some warming up. he’s not exactly cold-hearted as many see him as, but his demeanor towards your kind gestures and overall demeanor make him feel a little frozen in time. he’s just been so unused to receiving kindness or praise that’s not just for the work he does that it honestly causes him to become a little standoffish to the kindness he’s receiving. i wouldn’t take it as an insult—it’s just his first steps into truly loving and appreciating you.
for example, after a couple of weeks of knowing you and going out on occasion dates, he’d finally get comfortable enough to head back to his place with you. while sitting on his couch, watching whatever movie or tv show of choice, he’d find your head laying on his shoulder. and although he has absolutely no ill will towards you, he can’t help but to feel uncomfortable at the touch. feeling tensed up as you softly cradle yourself onto him. slowly, he’d wrap his much larger arm around your body, bringing you closer to him and gently graze your skin with his fingers.
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“you’re feel to stay toji, i thought you might want to since it’s pretty late” , you said as you continued to put the now dried dishes up. he was standing at the kitchen counter, rubbing the back of his head in thought.
all this kindness you give him and what’s he to do?
“if you’re offering i don’t see why not” he says in response, his his tone firm yet validating. you close the cabinet and turn around to give him a soft smile along with a soft “mhm”.
“i don’t mind and you know that.”
“jus’ don’t wanna be a bother is all…”
you almost couldn’t believe what you were hearing for a moment. toji fushiguro caring about being a bother? you wanted to smile almost giggle at his words but instead chose to be polite and not cause him to go back on any progress you’d both made.
“you’re never a bother baby, take however long you need, doesn’t bother me a bit”
while toji didn’t want to admit it, the fact you called him baby did something to him emotionally that he couldn’t explain. it took all his strength not to just grab you and push you against your hall way wall to kiss you. you were just too kind, too pretty standing there in front of him. toji couldn’t help himself and so he took a chance while he could. moving in closer to you, he watched as you did the same to him, making him more confident this was a right choice.
all of a sudden, you felt his rather cold and large finger tips slip under your night top, his hand gently rubbing the soft skin of your stomach as it moved lower and lower, getting to the waistband of your panties. “didn’t mean to startle ya”, he apologized quickly upon hearing the gasp you let out. you grabbed onto his forearm as if to encourage him to continue whatever plan he had. “don’t apologize, it feels good” you whispered in a sultry tone that made to his eyes widen a bit. he’d never truly seen this side of you and just from the start, he can already tell he won’t be able to get enough of it. grunting in response, he took his fingers off your waistband and moved two fingers in between your thighs, letting your warmth envelop his hand. another quiet gasp escaped your lips as toji continued. gently rubbing those two fingers right where you wanted him most made your head light and chest full. moving your free hand up and grab at his shirt and other hand to grab at the counter. letting a pleasured sigh leave your mouth when you felt him press harder.
“you been thinking about this huh?”
he whispered in a deep, almost sleepy like voice that went straight to your pussy. that, and his scent, deep and musky it always made you feel drawn to him and safe in his presence. you nodded instinctively, not even thinking to give some sort of vocal response and instead getting lost in the pleasure. his eyes laid on your pretty facial features as he continued to rub harder and faster, not letting up in the slightest or for any reason <3.
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lunareel · 3 months
I know everyone seems more interested mario and luigi's relationship in 'mario and the phantom' au but I really wanna know/see more of Luigi and the shy-guys or Luigi and Peach.
I'm a very big fan of the whole 'taken in as one of their own' trope, and unlike with peach who like, doesn't remember her original family or human society and culture, Luigi does, which I feel makes the relationship between him and his adopted family and like place in the whimsical mushroom kingdom world even more interesting to delve into
I'm gonna hijack this ask, because when I was answering this, it ended up touching upon the problems I have faced in my writing and I want to keep you guys on the same page.
Originally, this was going to be under keep reading, but screw it. I don't want anyone to miss this. Because I have made major screw ups trying to make this comic while also learning a lot.
I swear this ends in good news. Just read through it first.
For the ask:
All three are very good in their own right. Personally, the one I'm most excited to show is Princess Peach and Luigi. I have it written to where they have two main chapters where they team up. One of them is Luigi and Peach tackling the TTYD adventure together and the other I am keeping a surprise! I'm only mentioning the TTYD one because I did spoil that in a previous ask. (Listen I'd like to have some surprises.)
I also have a script covering that exact topic where the two of them have a discussion on Mario's warp pipe and their respective feelings on their original homes. I haven't drawn it yet because I keep going back and forth whether it should be a standalone comic or in the main story. As I could see it working for either.
The shy guys, I actually would like to do a few standalone comics focusing on Luigi's early life with them. Specifically, I want to focus on his adventures and him dealing with King Wart who while he will not appear in the main comic has a pretty big impact on how Mr. L's reputation came to be. I currently have two of those comics story boarded which reveals this tidbit.
For Mario's relationship to Luigi, while that is very important to the comic it is not the only thing I want to focus on. I am not sure how many have noticed but for the header of the last short for this au where Peasley was featured I called it "The Phantom" instead of Mario and the Phantom as I realized while working on it, its been going more into Luigi's adventures with different characters. And I was worried by having Mario's name in the title would suggest he gets an even amount of focus. Don't worry the tag for this comic is staying the same though, not changing that tag for a third time, just don't want to mislead people when it is not solely focused on those two.
What I have learned writing this/experience so far:
I have learned a lot while working on this both good and bad. My initial goal was to have everything written first, then I go into story boarding, then cleanup and then posting. This way I could post pages weekly. I was thinking to myself "Yeah this would be the most efficient way to make this and it gets a nice schedule for it."
Oh man, I have never been more wrong in my life. I have learned that writing this has hit a lot of issues I've had with perfectionism which has led to causing personal issues I've had with myself to resurface. Like hot damn I did not foresee this at all.
It has been so frustrating working on this. More so in that I'm writing, and I say I'm writing it, but I still don't have anything to show because well it's just in the writing stage. Since I set the goal for myself to have everything written before I draw anything. Which has not worked out for me at all. What has happened is that I have been writing and writing, but then I end up going "Well, this doesn't feel good enough" so then I rewrite it, or worse I just straight up delete it. Then I begin to feel even worse because I have lost more progress than I have made. And there has been at least a month or two where I just stare at the document, start writing and then delete everything I have done because I am just so embarrassed and ashamed I don't have anything to show yet. So it feels like in a way I'm lying being like "Hey I am working on this, I can't show anything yet but I am working on it." But that's the problem, I just have text not an actual comic to show which leads back into the loop of being angry at myself for not having anything posted yet.
And I'm writing this to explain why it's been a while with no physical updates to show for this. Because when I make progress, I start to think it's not good enough or I don't like xyz about this thing so I scrap it and restart all over again. No joke I have four different documents all covering different scripts for the same chapter.
I ended up talking to my therapist about this comic because of how angry I have gotten with myself for this comic. Of how I just keep rewriting and rewriting and I don't get anything just done, because I keep telling myself I need everything completely written and done before I can start drawing.
I had no clue that working on this comic would bring up so many of my old perfectionist and somewhat destructive tendencies.
I know you're reading this and thinking, uhhh didn't you say this has good news. Yes it does, it has good news and here it comes.
My therapist has been working with me to find a better way to tackle my problems with writing. So that I'm not hacking and slashing at everything I make and so that there is at least something there to show. So that I can keep this comic fun (and safe) for me and share it with you guys!
Instead of writing everything all at once and having every single little thing done before drawing. I am going to just start tackling it by finishing the script of one chapter stop my writing there and instead of writing the next chapter I start drawing the chapter that I just finished. Then when that is done I start working on the next script. I really should've been doing this in the beginning, but you know first time doing this gotta learn somehow.
And so far I finally have a one main chapter script I am actually happy with. Which I have not felt for any of my other scripts.
Which leads me to announce that later this month (or early to mid August if life happens you just never know) the prologue chapter for this comic will be shared!! And I am so excited for this and I really hope you guys enjoy it! Going to be starting its story boards later this week.
I do want to make it clear though that this means that there will be gaps of time where the next chapter isn't shared yet (also let me be very clear when I say gaps of time it could be MONTHS, I have school, work and life along side writing this comic). I don't want to mislead anyone when I say that.
I am still figuring out whether or not to share the entire chapter in one go or just share it page by page, and how many panels is adequate for one page.
I'm trying to remind myself that this comic should be fun first and foremost and for this past year it has been fluctuating on that, but I'm still going. I'm doing a round two for how I tackle this. I am truly sorry that I didn't share this about writing this comic sooner and that it is taking me so freaking long. I have been so embarrassed and angry for just how long it has taken me to show anything for this.
So thank you guys for waiting and being patient with me. I have never done a long chapter by chapter comic before and I look forward to seeing where this goes.
I hope you guys will tune in for when I post the prologue later this month.❤️
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Hello smooches, its 🥝 anon. I'm sorry for not popping up on ur inbox for a very long time again (health issues, again.) i hope that you are doing well! I see so many Dotty's rambling when i scroll down a bit and honestly i can't wait to read all of it 🙏🛐 (and also hoping to see just a bit of Capitano content from u-)
So.. Remember when i said last time that i have a brainrot about Capitano's Childhood Crush with fragile!reader? In ur Capitano Childhood Crush fic, reader always sends a lot of letters to him but he never recieved them, right? (It was disheartening, just like what u said on the fic..) And, Well..
Imagine that all of the letters are about reader telling him about their conditions, their illness getting worse and worse, until the last one about reader wanting to see him again for last time..
When Capitano wanted to see them again, he sends some of his Fatui agents to search for reader whereabouts (since it would be too dangerous for reader's safety if he is the one who come to them, also he never see them among the crowds for a very long time whenever he and his troops came back, reader always come to see him..).
Now, imagine his reaction when his agents told him that reader is already dead a long time ago or when he finally found all of reader's letters 😔
I'm trying to make my ask not too long, æügh 😩😭 i'm sorry if its messy- 😭 anyways, sending virtual hugs for u smooches for still feeding us Harbinger content for more than a year now 🤗💞🛐 as always, bless u and ur big brain writings
-a rotten 🥝 anon
(Also recently, i saw an "early" story leak about the next region on twt that we will have Dottore boss fight in Natlan instead of Capitano. Idk if its true or not, but if its true.. then, i guess you guys Dottore lovers better prepare for him now 👀 i want to see some C6R5 Dotty mains here)
HI 🥝 ANON!! I MISSED YOU! And don't worry about popping in! I want you to take care of yourself first above all! I hope you enjoy the plentiful Dottore brainrots though :3 (and i promise to post some Capitano brainrots. Just for you.) BUT AHHH THIS BRAINROT... WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME SAD. (Yes, I remember when I put that in my fic! I can't believe it was so long ago though- you made me go back and reread it 😭)
Imagine if you live in a secluded part of Snezhnaya. It's quiet and pretty with only the servants in the house to keep you company. Capitano let you stay here instead of the mansion because staying in that big house without him would probably make you sadder. Though you are already sad without him, it's a bit better. But you spend a lot of time writing him letters. It was a habit of yours, telling him what you've done all this time even though he's not here. Some letters get sent, some don't. But you always put the happier stuff in the letters that get sent to him. He's out doing a lot of hard work, you don't want to bother him with your illness! Though anyone could see the lingering sadness in your letters. However, the battlefield is a tough place and the long distance doesn't help your case. Things are bound to get lost and go missing. So you're left waiting, and waiting, and waiting for your husband's replies that never come... Eventually, you stop sending them, instead keeping them in a box.
Although Capitano is busy with his mission, he wonders why you haven't reached out to him. Amidst the war and battle, he does look forward to your sweet letters, perhaps your handwriting may not be the best, but he loves to see how his darling is doing. He of course focuses on his duties, but he always thinks of you. So it wouldn't hurt to send an agent to report on you, since clearly communication isn't the best right now. When the soldier arrives and hears of your demise, he isn't sure how to break the news to his Harbinger. All he can do is hope that the letter makes it to him after the battle is over, so morale isn't too down. And it does. The Fatui win this battle, and the letter comes just in time. Ah, finally he can see how you're doing, Capitano thinks. But when he reads the first sentence, he's... well, I can't explain his emotions very well. Empty would be a good word. Why? Why didn't he know? Couldn't something have been done? You were find before he left, how did your condition worsen that quickly?
He won't know, because he won't ever hear your voice again.
AND YEAHHH i saw that leak too but. To be honest i don't really believe it, a bunch of story leaks have turned out to be trolls so tbh i don't really pay attention to them anymore, especially when they're so far into the future 😅 But my c6r1 Arlie savings are going strong right now! (400 wishes >:)
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alloveydovey · 4 months
Mid month dramaaaas, 2024 is giving quality content 🙌🏽
Lovely Runner, 2024 (kdrama) 8.5
FL is a fangirl who goes back in time to save her idol who ended his own life. (very shortly put lol)
I have thoughts!!! It's gonna be long because my expectations with this one were really high. Don't torch me please lol. If I have to be 100%, this drama wasn't what I expected at all. That being said, loser boy Byeon Woo Seok and cutie patootie Kim Hye Yoon were the real deal here. I came for the premise (okay, and because Byeon Wook Seok is fiiiiine) and stayed because of them.
Here's my deal with Lovely Runner. I didn’t read the webtoon or anything, so in my mind, I assumed they would explore what took Sun Jae to make such a decision in the first episode before Sol went back in time to try and fix everything. The drama starts pretty heavy with both main characters attempting in some way to take their own lives. So to go from that to absurd comedy was a bit extreme for me at first. I thought we would do a little mental health introspection here, a bit of commentary about being an idol and all. Then because the first episodes also focused a lot on Sun Jae's dream to be a professional swimmer and the doomed reality that it would not happen, I thought they would center around that as well. I guess I was picturing some sort of mix between 2521 and Twinkling Watermelon. Plus the whole aspect of Im Sol being disabled. But they didn’t really give any more thoughts to these aspects of the characters.
Moving on from my own expectations and a little disappointment that the drama headed in a different direction, I overall enjoyed watching most of it. To be honest, this is the type of drama you just have to go with it, no heavy thoughts included. It gives major classic rom-com kdrama vibes. The cast absolutely takes the cake, the adorable moments are overflowing, comedy hits and the OST is a 10/10.
I don’t mind time travel plot holes but there are still some thing that bugged me, though. One: The whole taxi guy story. I will admit I was extremely disappointed the moment he was introduced. It’s probably when I started lowering my rating. Why do writers (or webtoon authors) feel the need to just randomly pull out these guys? And this drama being so cute and funny... It didn’t need that at all. Specially, since he seemed really poorly written. Two: I might not get over the fact that these two characters both start in really dark places but it’s never really acknowledged in any meaningful way and instead the drama just does a 180° on that. If these subjects hadn’t been introduced then it would have been fine. But in comparison with what happens next, the rest of the drama felt a little superficial to me. Three: it ended up becoming really repetitive. Sol once again ignoring Sun Jae “for his own good”, Sun Jae going after Sol because he doesn’t really care, Sol ending up crying. All this mixed between cute and silly scenes.
Happy ending did make me the happiest, though 🥹
Will Love in Spring, 2024 (cdrama) 9
When they were kids and FL became disabled due to a car accident, ML’s words made her change her whole perspective. He goes on to become the town's mortician, and she becomes a successful saleswoman in the city. And you know the rest, sparks fly when they meet again.
Oof. Cdramas aren’t supposed to be this good, bro. Like… everything about it is just a chef kiss. Characters and their complexities, OST, cinematography, chemistry!! (It's crazy, for real) It presents the same problem as Meet Yourself, even with Li Xian back as the ML. But whereas Meet Yourself is a little lighter and deals with this problem in a respectful and thoughtful way, ML and FL here are filled with angst and tension. The drama itself is a lot heavier, which is not bad, but it's not always nice, and sometimes very frustrating. I saw comments saying that they found the characters to be rather toxic, and that is such a childish way of seeing their relationship. Not everything is red and green flags. This is not that type of drama. People throw the word toxic around everything nowadays. I’d say they were realistic. Both FL and ML make mistakes (because they both have issues) and the drama makes sure the audience knows they were wrong. Because, you know, humans fuck up and stuff. I liked that. But because I can't help but compare it to Meet Yourself, I gotta admit that even though I liked the pace, the OST, and the cinematography more here. MY remains superior, and therefore, I don't feel like I can give it a proper 10. I will say, though, last two episodes gave a bit ot a bittersweet ending even though it's supposed to be a happy one, and I didn't like that much.
Queen of Tears, 2024 (kdrama) 8.5/9
A lawyer from the countryside marries the top heiress of a leading conglomerate. They marry very much in love, but find themselves almost not communicating or holding much feelings for one another three years later.
I completely get why this got everyone hooked. Overall it’s a great story, and very well produced, but at the same time I gotta admit I was hoping for something a little more… exciting. Specially because it was written by the same screenwriter that did Crash Landing on You and The Legend of the Blue Sea and those two were a 10 for me. It might also be personal taste. Some people are into chaebol family dramas that focus on business with their villains cartoonishly evil. Me, personally, I get a bit bored and this is sort of what happened. Even though Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun got me hooked with their marriage story and the romance of it all, the rest was a bit 💤. Although both families living together was really cute and I loved those scenes. I’d say that’s where the magic of this drama was. The last episodes after her memory gets erased are a bit messy, but the ending still made me sob dramatically lol.
A Good Day to be a Dog, 2023 (kdrama) 7.5/8 (girl what are you doing still here?)
Because of a family curse if FL kisses someone she turns into a dog at midnight… which she does after accidentally kissing a fellow teacher. She can only break the curse if he kisses her again in dog form. The only problem is he’s scared of dogs and doesn’t seem to like her that much.
This is the first time I put on hold a drama and actually go back to finish it lol. I’m proud. This starts off very very cute. Cha Eun Woo but specially Park Gyu Young are really funny and both have great chemistry. The problem here for me is, once again, the past life storyline. I know this is based off a webtoon, but I swear that whole thing is what ruined it for me. I wasn’t into it at all and so the last 4/5 episodes I spent them skipping scenes. Howeveeer, if someone were to ask me if they should watch, I’d say yes. Because romance wins lol.
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Summer Lovin' - Struck by Love Legacy Challenge - Season 2, Episode 17
Spring came and went with Naomi focusing on her Piano and Guitar and her career. Summer was here and she was gearing up for her vacation with her parents that they take every year. She had been so focused in the spring that she didn't have time for any fun, so every week she was dating someone new.
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All of the relationships she had were brief and when they got too serious, Naomi would end up breaking up with them. She didn't want anything serious, she just wanted to feel something other than this pain that she had been carrying since winter.
As the Summer Vacation came, a new passenger was going with them to Sulani this year. The beautiful lady that Kaito had met on vacation. After meeting at the bar in Mt. Komorebi, they talked all day every day and began a relationship. At the beginning of summer, Suzu ended up moving in with Kaito in a home that he purchased with the money that their parents had given him for college. He was stationed in Oasis Springs. Kaito had been waiting to ask Suzu an important question that he felt was long overdue, even though they hadn't been together that long.
Kaito took Naomi with him ring shopping proclaiming that she would be his best man if Suzu said yes. Naomi was excited for her brother but knew in her heart that he would get hurt. Suzu would treat him like Akira treated Maeve and how Gabrielle cheated on Naomi. Love always ended badly, no one ever stays faithful, it wasn't real.
The first night at the vacation home, they got there pretty late to make up for Naomi working late. Star made the family a meal while the others sat and talked at the dinner table.
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Suzu: Thank you for letting my brother come along on the vacation. We really appreciate it.
Maeve: The more the merrier, I'm always open to more family joining us on vacation! It seems like our family gets bigger each year!
Kaito: You should see this guy play cards, he always wins. I swear he cheats!
Hiro: You're just a sore loser.
Naomi: Always has been, I once beat him in chess as a child and he cried for an hour.
Maeve: I also remember you telling him that he should protect his pawns instead of protecting the king Nay.
Naomi: Not my fault he didn't understand the rules!
Kaito: It's entirely your fault, you actually cheated!
Naomi: You're the boy who cried cheater.
Star: I remember Naomi beating him as a teen and he got so mad then too, he knew the rules by then!
Naomi smiled towards the kitchen where Star was, she always had Naomi's back for as long as she could remember.
Kaito: I don't recall that at all.
They all break into laughter, they shared a meal together and started divvying up the vacation rooms.
Maeve: Well, I thought I booked the vacation home that had enough rooms for all of us but it looks like I didn't. Star and I can crash on couches while you guys get the bedrooms.
Naomi: No mom, you shouldn't have to. I'll sleep on the couch, don't worry about it.
Hiro: Since I'm the extra body, I'll sleep on the couch.
Naomi: You're family Hiro, I'll take the couch, you have the bed. Seriously, I stay up way to late anyway with my work hours.
The protesting stopped and Hiro finally agreed to Naomi. With bedding all arranged, each of them went to their room and settled in. Kaito and Suzu took the biggest room, Maeve and Star offered it up knowing that Kaito was going to propose this trip, the main reason the family is staying for days and not just one day. Maeve and Star took the next biggest, Hiro took the smallest, and Naomi put her belongings in the closet nearest the living room where she would be staying. Although she was sleeping on the couch, she'd be able to have privacy with the bathroom down here and everyone in their own rooms. Naomi thought it wasn't that bad.
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As Naomi was getting ready to lay on the couch and flick through the tv channels, she heard a light cough.
Hiro: You really could have the bed, I feel bad about it.
Naomi eyeing Hiro, why does he look so familiar? she thought. Naomi: Half the time I sleep on my couch in my apartment, I prefer it over beds. I think my back likes it better, or maybe I just like the noise from the TV as I sleep. I'm not sure.
Hiro: Well, there's a TV in the bedroom that works I'm sure. So you could sleep in there.
Naomi: Look Hiro, I know you're trying to be nice and all, but I've already claimed this couch and my butt is not moving.
Hiro stood still eyeing Naomi: Is this not awkward for you?
Naomi: What's awkward?
Hiro: The night that Kaito and Suzu met, we hooked up.
It all came back to Naomi, the sneaking up the stairs to the bar's bathroom that she didn't know but it felt familiar, she had done it multiple times before. It wasn't new.
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Naomi cursed under her breath. Her bad decisions finally catching up to her. Naomi's eyes grew wider as more drunken memories came back to her.
Hiro: You didn't remember, did you?
Naomi: I- No, I didn't. I'm sorry.
Hiro: Then I guess that's the regular for you then? Flirt and sleep with strangers?
Naomi: No I-
Hiro: Save it, I don't want to hear it. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that night. But I guess I was just another fuck for you.
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Hiro left Naomi alone in the living room. Naomi turned the tv off and sat in the silence and shame that she felt. She thought that what she was doing wasn't hurting anyone except herself. How many people had she slept with and flirted with that actually wanted something more than just to sleep with her? Was she as bad as Akira, Grace, and Gabrielle?
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She buried her face in her hands as her thoughts spiraled, knowing that she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.
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nightmun · 7 months
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I've had Otta for a while and finally decided it's time I show her to the world via this template (made by @emo-hermit)! I also decided that since Haniel does become a patient at some point in their story I could also use this as an opportunity to rant about them more. So get ready for a big ol block of text about these two under the cut:
So as the template states, Otta was a pediatrician who worked in a town not too far from Middlesea. She had worked there for a quite few years, but unfortunately she was laid off from her job. After that happened, she started to look for a new job, but with little success. She had always had issues with SVT, but the stress she was under (as well as a lack of sleep from said stress) started to cause it to act up a lot more. This came to a head one day while she was passing through Middlesea in order to get to an interview the next day in the next town over. While boarding a bus, a particularly bad SVT attack caused her to faint and end up in Middlesea Hospital.
Early on in her stay there she is absolutely not a happy camper. Her premise initially was that she is the one person who really questions a lot of the strange happenings around the hospital. Especially at first, she is very much not okay with how weird the hospital is. She sees the guys with swords (one of which can take their head off like it's no big deal), musical treatments, and an intern that is literally just an arm that snakes around the hospital and she's like "nope this place is insane I hate it here." She wanted to leave as soon as she could but she ended up having to stay after her SVT symptoms kept returning. During her first week there she spends a lot of time holed up in her room, refusing to leave or interact with anyone (except Ada, she's the one person that Otta can tolerate at first because she seems to be the most normal person there).
She does eventually start giving the hospital a chance after comforting the now human Haniel during a breakdown but it takes her a while to really warm up to anyone or anything. In the past she had had a lot of bad relationships with other people so she really wasn't too keen on interacting with anyone outside of the bare necessities. But over time she became more and more willing to talk with the people around the hospital. She's still very closed off though, rarely opening up to anyone about anything. The only person who really gets through to her ever is Haniel after the two of them begin to bond (Haniel is pretty much an unrelenting positive force so they eventually wear her down and get her to open up more).
As you may already know, Haniel started out as the Handtern in their early days at the hospital. But after a particularly strong encounter with connectifia abortus, the virus somehow changed them into a human (why? Who cares logic be damned). After this happens, they go through a bit of an adjustment period for a while before they eventually start to get the hang of being human. When they do, they focus a lot on the rhythm defibrillation system, being the main person to run it while Ian and Ada are focused on other tasks.
A bit later on though they end up learning that Edega is pushing Ian to create some sort of "miracle cure" upgrade to the system, putting a lot of strain on both him and Ada since Ian's working day and night on the system leaving Ada to be responsible for the patients. After hearing this, Haniel offers to start helping out with more than just the system, taking on any and every task they are capable of handling. At first it goes pretty well, but when the tasks keep piling up, they start to sacrifice sleep (or any real rest for that matter) in favor of working in order to keep up. The last thing they want is to put any more work back on Ian and Ada's shoulders, so they are more than willing to practically work themself to death to do so.
Eventually the constant strain starts to become a problem, and they start to experience chest pains. They had one particularly bad episode while treating Hailey, who went and got Ada to help them. After that they had to have their heartrate monitored like the rest of the residents in the hospital. They were not very happy about this since they didn't want Ada and Ian to have to worry about them (the last thing they wanted was to add more work to their plate).
At some point they have another encounter with connectifia, and when this happens they find out that the virus has a very negative effect on them now that they're a person (likely a side effect of the virus having been what them human to begin with). Even being in proximity to it can cause them to become sick, and their heart with race and glitch similar to the insomniac when this happens. Interactions with the virus cause them to be pretty delirious for a period of time, where they will talk as if they think they are still just the hand (making comments like how they can see their hand despite there being no mirrors around or how they can't stretch it as far as they should be able to). Their eyes will also glow a faint purple color when they're sick. These effects last a varying amount of time depending on the strength/duration of the encounter, but they do wear off after a while.
Anyways that's all the ranting about them I'll do for now. At some point I plan to go a lot more into these two (both the ongoing story they have going on and their relationship with each other since it plays a pretty integral role in said story) but that's a rant for another day. I hope you liked reading this little bit about these two though! Also I am planning on opening asks on these two later today so if you want to learn more about them absolutely take advantage of that!
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familiarboat1 · 1 year
Hayley's character (Taylor's version)
I'm not even a Taylor swift fan, but I think the title works!
I felt like Hayley lost her character. I really do like Hayley. Even though she isn't an original. I believe she did deserve a storyline of her own. At least a character arc. I know Hayley's change in character could've been motherhood. But they never really focused much on it. I've written a character arc template for her.
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TVD Hayley Marshal was a kid looking for her family. She lived alone. She didn't mind doing bad things. Hayley was even smug about it in the vampire diaries, but who can blame her. At times, I thought the main cast was annoying with all their rainbow stickers and frequent "accidents". It is rather poetic the person she came to to give her information about her family becomes her family. I'll give them that. However, in the Originals, her arc should've been her realizing, no matter how badass she may think she is, The Mikaelson's- The originals are way worse. And then carry on with her written character. The writers could've simply done this by her doing questionable things- which she does in the first season, by putting Oliver against a wall , planting a seed of doubt in Davina, Going out to the 'doctors' when the Mikaelson's told her not to, or threatening Sophie Devereux. Keep those scenes but completely erase all this talk about Hayley being good, or hinting that she's good. Let the Mikaelson's plan something horrendous, and Klaus just expects her to go with it. And write a scene where he sees her hesitate, and he says something along the lines of "I thought you of all people would be ok with this." And after her child is born. Her depressive episodes would've made so much sense. Not that it doesn't make sense, "I don't want to live like this, Elijah" would be a great end to her character arc. As in Taylor's version we see her unravel instead of completely snap. Seems more thought out. Hayley did die and turn into a hybrid. Season two continues, I think this is when they should've invested in Haylijah. Elijah sees Hayley broken as a vampire and tries to help her. They should've let Elijah try to help, and let them be in a relationship after shortly, and then Hayley and Elijah break up because Elijah didn't tell her he loved her. We got Klaus to help her , so I'm good with my Klayley moments. I'm just saying they should've stoped Just completely break Haylijah off at the very start of the season, and the entire Jackson thing is fine. But Her and Jackson don't get married till' 2/3rds of the season. . Then start the Gialijah relationship towards the end and Gia dies at the end of season two due to Dhalia's plan.(We'd change how she dies but she still dies in the name of Dhalia) Hayley then stays her regular character in seasons three to five. Personally, I like Klayley, so let's add it. It can easily be written after Jackson dies, Both Hayley and Klaus could have an arc relating to wolves and taking care of their child. And she did die at the end of season five. As a vampire too, which was cruel. I don't know what Julie Plec has with orphans, but she seems to love to write them. Do you guys think she should also die in Taylor's version?
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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I'd never thought of myself as pretty. In fact, I'd never really thought of myself at all. Sure, I took pride in what I wore, but that was just about where the vanity stopped. My looks were the least of my worries.
But I seemed to care so much more about them suddenly. It felt like my skin didn't sit right over my bones. I found myself staring in the mirror, scrutinizing every detail on my face. The pores, the size of my lips, the bags that seemed to crop up overnight under my eyes. It was new to me to feel this way. To feel, I guess, not pretty.
In the week after the party (and my overnight stay), I kept mostly to myself. Despite not wanting to show up to Calculus class, I knew I had to. I sat quietly next to Kyle and took notes diligently, not saying a word to him.
I couldn't shake this disgusting feeling of both guilt and anxiety when I was near him. It was, in short, a rough few days. I would wake up, scrutinize my appearance, try in vain to dress myself, go to class, feel awful, then go back home and lay in agonizing silence, trying to quiet my thoughts.
That was, until Wednesday night. My phone lit up and buzzed on my nightstand. I sat across the room at my desk, reading a book for one of my other classes when the noise distracted me. Determined to finish the chapter I was on before checking it, I put my head back down and re-focused. Until another text alert came through. And another.
"Damn, chill," I spoke, thinking aloud. I strode across the room and stooped down to look at the screen, my stomach dropping when I saw who was multi-texting me.
Kyle: Hey Hannah.
Kyle: Just reminding you. Meeting tomorrow at mine.
Kyle: See you soon!
"Aw fuck," I groaned. I flopped, face-first onto my bed, which was thankfully right next to where my phone lay. "Motherfucker," I mumbled into the fabric of my duvet. For one, I didn't want to see Kyle in an intimate setting, such as his room, ever again. I also did not want to return to the KLG house, fearing that someone had seen me fleeing on Saturday morning.
Our weekly meeting for our Calculus project snuck up on me. While I would have much preferred for us to meet at my place, I knew that wouldn't do.
The inside of my shared apartment with Lily was pretty strangely decorated. Lily and I were lovers of all things fun and odd, and our interior design choices reflected it. Our couch was royal purple, and decorated with several random throw pillows and stuffed animals. We placed billiard balls in a decorative bowl on the cowboy-themed coffee table we found at an estate sale.
I refused to use overhead lighting, which drove Lily crazy. She yielded to me, though, a person who commonly got migraines, so everything was lit a warm yellow and striking pink, thanks to the miscellaneous strings of light I hung everywhere.
It was a small place, but it did the trick for the two of us. It wasn't great for entertaining, and the way we decorated it didn't help. It overwhelmed the space. We understood that. 
Because of how small the place was, there would be no way to avoid Lily, who simply couldn't help but either flirt or mess with any frat guy in her sight. She also couldn't help but bust my balls, so if her flirting went nowhere, she would accuse Kyle of being my boyfriend and insist upon making him super uncomfortable. With Lily set on bugging us, we'd never get anything done. 
My room was not exactly an option either. It sat right across from Lily's bedroom. It was small, dark, and plastered with posters. I had no issue keeping it clean enough, but it wasn't suited for people to hang out in there, let alone a frat boy. I assumed he probably wouldn't enjoy members of The Smiths or The Rolling Stones staring at him from the walls.
I digress, Kyle's place was the only option. And at that moment, it felt like an impossible mountain to climb, an incredible obstacle to overcome. 
The time came, much before I would have liked for it to, to head over to meet Kyle. Except, I stood in my room, surrounded by discarded outfits on the floor, staring at myself in the mirror, frustrated. Why was it that I couldn't seem to piece together the right articles of clothing? No matter what I put on, I managed to see something I didn't like about myself.
With little-to-no time left to pick, I settled on a tee with a black skirt and knee-high socks. I felt like shit, but I needed to jet if I was going to make it on time. 
The walk there was quick and painless. I arrived at exactly 7 pm, our agreed time. Kyle stood waiting for me on the stoop again, knowing I'd need ushering through the house.
"Hey Hannah," he called to me as I walked up the drive.
"Hi," I said, simply. I met him on the porch, waiting for him to lead the way. He opened the door and led me through the house, heading straight for the stairs and to his room. In the upstairs hallway, this time, though, stood Archie Brenner, the other KLG guy in mine and Kyle's Calc class. He paused and looked at me with an unreadable expression. I cast my eyes down and continued on.
"Hey," Archie called after us. We both spun to face him, surprised. "Are you seriously meeting for the project now? And this often?"
"Yes," Kyle replied lowly. "Strictly business."
"You two fuckin' try-hards," he laughed, shaking his head as he walked away. I sighed inwardly, having expected way worse.
We made it the rest of the way unscathed and settled in his room, I on the couch and he on the ground. The center of the room was a mess, the small area on the floor covered with books and papers. He sat in the center of it all, a spot he'd likely carved out for himself in the chaos.
"Sorry," he chuckled bashfully. "Lot of makeup work and current work."
"Did you miss a lot of school?" I asked, pulling my Calculus materials out of my bag. Kyle sighed and ran a hand through his curly blonde hair.
"I missed Friday and a couple of classes on Monday," he answered. "It all just piled up so fast." He laughed, scratching the back of his head while looking down at his mess.
"Do you need time to work on all of it? We can be quick so I can leave-"
"No, no," Kyle interrupted. "It's nice to have a break and actually speak with another human."
"Can I help?" I offered.
"I wish. I'll be okay," he smiled, setting a few books aside to make room for his Calculus materials. "I think we should decide what differentiation scenario we want to take on." He stuck his pen in his mouth and bit down, holding it in his teeth while flipping to the correct page in his notebook. My stomach twisted while watching him, almost as if I were homesick.
"Yeah, that makes sense."
"No, no, it is," Kyle argued, standing to join me on the couch. He flopped down next to me, scrolling through his phone frantically to prove his point.
"A number cannot possibly be lucky or unlucky," I protested, crossing my arms. "The stigma around the number 13 is ludicrous. And 7 isn't lucky either."
"Hannah," he spoke sternly, cocking his head to the side as he looked at me, lips tight. "You can't possibly be a non-believer. You look the part of a believer."
"I look the part?"
"Yeah with your, I guess, like weirdo style," he tried to clarify, looking back down at his phone.
"Weirdo?! Are you serious right now?" I cackled. 
"I meant, like, artsy, I don't know," he muttered, dismissing my feigned shock. "Here!" He held his phone out and showed me the door of a home, donning the number 66.
"Like I said, 66 is my unlucky number," he explained, turning the phone back to himself. He stared at the image for a moment, lost in thought. I waited before interrupting his thought.
"Are you going to explain, or?" I tried, sarcastically.
"Uh, yeah," Kyle murmured, locking his phone. "That was my old house."
"Oh," I managed, sensing the shift in his tone. He put his phone down on the couch cushion next to him and looked back over at me, a strange look on his face.
"We lost it during Katrina. My dad had just cut out," he continued. "Nothing but bad things happened there."
"Gosh, I'm sorry Kyle," I whispered, not sure how to proceed.
"No, I brought it up, it's fine," he sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. "Brought it upon myself, I guess." He laughed sardonically.
"Doesn't make it any less shitty," I replied.
"Yeah, the situation was just, bad," he uttered, staring off over my left shoulder. "My mom isn't exactly all there, either. She's not right. Hard to live with." He shifted to face me better, resting his elbow on the back of the sofa.
I wasn't sure what to say, so I just nodded.
"After we lost our house, things got bad between my mom and me," Kyle went on, further spelling out a detail I didn't know about him. "I never had it good with my parents, but that year was the worst. Since then it's gotten even more bad. So I'm here."
"What do you mean?"
"I live pretty close to school but I live here because I can't live with her," he relayed. "It's okay because it's all on my dime. I'll be an engineer and make my money and be able to avoid her forever."
"Well, you have a plan at least," I returned."That's something."
"I got involved here so I don't have to go back there," he said. Kyle inhaled sharply as if he had broken out of a trance and smiled. "I'm sorry, I should stop."
I sat forward, putting a hand on his knee. "No, I'm sorry," I laughed. "I'm not good at finding things to say."
"It was nice that you listened," he hummed, looking down at my hand on his leg. I removed it quickly and crossed my arms, looking at him, almost pleading for him to change the subject with my eyes. "Do you want to get coffee or something this weekend?"
It was not the subject change I expected. In fact, words wouldn't even claw their way up my throat or fight through my lips. They sat in stunned silence in my head, frozen in shock. I mustered a nod, agreeing.
"Yeah, that works," I blurted, silently kicking myself that only those three words could muster the courage to leave the safety of my mouth.
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maleyanderecafe · 2 years
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Now, My Lady, It's Time for Romance (Manga)
Created by: Kutabi
Genre: Josei/Romance
There sure are a lot of Yandere guys in yakuza stories huh? This one was one that Cherry recommended me. I can't remember if this one has been recommended before, but it reminds me a bit of Kare Joshi Kasahara Ichika (25) ha Hentai ni Sukare yasui -Elite Megane ha Stalker, both in terms of my opinions and MCs, so there is also that.
The story is about Ritsu, the daughter of a yakuza who works at an office. She suffers social anxiety, so she comes off more aloof than she wants to be, in addition to many people shunning her after they found out she was part of the yakuza. She has her personal guard, Yaezo (or her "dog" as he describes it), who is popular with the ladies. The two go to meet Ritsu's dad, who declares that he will put Ritsu in an arranged marriage if she can't find someone else within six months. Ritsu ends up asking Yaezo if he can be her practice boyfriend. Some foreplay happens and the next day, Ritsu attempts to get closer to her coworkers by drinking together. Yaezo comes in and introduces himself as her boyfriend before bringing her home and doing some more foreplay. The next day after work, she bumps into another strange guy, and when he goes home to tell Yaezo, he gets jealous. There's a more sexy times and a misunderstanding the next day, making it seem that Yaezo doesn't really care about Ritsu, only really doing this as a job. Ritsu saves the guy she met the day before, Tohji, who is actually a member of a different yakuza club. The two hang out getting sweets together until it rains, and he attempts to bring Ritsu home. Yaezo saves her from Tohji, but because Ritsu believes Yaezo and her don't share mutual feelings, the two have some drama happen. The next day, Ritsu is saddened by the exchange from the previous day and ends up going to Tohji's place. We get a flashback on Yaezo, how his father was abusive and tries to make him kidnap Ritsu so he could ransom money from them. He ends up going to the park and befriending her. He ends up getting adopted by his grandmother and moved away, becoming a gang member after he came back to Ritsu's family. Yaezo breaks into Tohji's place and saves Ritsu, confessing to her and having sex afterwards. Yaezo asks Ritsu's dad for Ritsu's hand in marriage, to which he has no problem with that because the arranged marriage thing was just to get the two together in the first place (wow, ultimate wingman dad). The two live happily after that.
Ritsu as a main character is pretty standard for a lot of these Josei/Shoujoesque stories, where she's shy, not experienced with sex or romance and a bit bland. I guess she's... fine. I like that she still has a bit of a side plot of overcoming her social anxiety, but seeing as the story is more focused on romance and sexy times it doesn't take a ton of presidency in the story. Other than that I don't really have much of an opinion on her.
In terms of yandere actions, Yaezo's pretty light since it corresponds with his job as a bodyguard, though he does go the extra mile of tracking her, being jealous when other guys approach her, pretending to be her boyfriend amongst other things. In the story he doesn't go as far as actually protect her from other kidnappings like a lot of other yakuza style yandere stories but he is pretty jealous and manipulative in a lot of cases, making her stay away from other guys and generally being pretty overprotective. Because it's a josei, there's a lot of pseudo sex (foreplay, I guess) before the last chapter the two actually do get together.
Overall, the story was... okay? It does a lot of shoujo things like the MC being sort of shy (despite the fact that she's a yakuza's daughter), having misunderstanding in terms of feelings and the ever loving second male lead. I like that Ritsu does have to overcome her social anxiety, but since it's not the main plot of the story, it sort of becomes a back turned thing after a while. If you did like the first story I linked, then you'll likely like this one. I personally didn't think all that much about it, but I'm sure that many will like it.
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withbitterness · 10 months
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whoa! SHERRI LOWE just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 13 YEARS, working as a/an BROADWAY ACTRESS / SINGING WAITRESS AT STARDUST. that can’t be easy, especially at only 31 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit RUTHLESS and DEFENSIVE, but I know them to be DRIVEN and PASSIONATE. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BRONX!
timeline. | credits. | wanted plots. | relationships. | nav. | playlist | pinterest.
name: sherri lowe
birthday: november 2, 1992 (31, scorpio!)
birthplace: greenwood, delaware
current residence: bronx, park place suites
gender: cis woman // she/her
orientation: closeted bisexual
occupation: singing waitress at stardust / broadway star (in the making)
vocal type: mezzo-soprano (vc: taylor louderman)
face: carlson young
tw: foster care, drug addiction, abandonment, repressed sexuality
from the mun: hi guys! I go by jess, I'm 26, she/her, in the EST timezone, and I’m really excited to be here! I’ll post a plot call on discord later, but I cannot wait to plot and write with you all! If there are any tumblr-only friends who want to plot but not on discord, feel free to drop a emoji as a reply to this intro and I'll reach out to you to plot!
delaware (1992-2010).
born and raised in a small town in delaware with an absentee father and a struggling addict of a mother. desperate, broke, and thoroughly addicted, at six, sherri’s mother put sherri in foster care. promises were made to return when wealth and sobriety were secured. they were not kept. 
relatively stable foster care placements moving forward. stayed with a successful yet young single woman til the age of 13, when she was placed back in the system after her foster mother got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity out of the country and took it. placed with middle aged couple after that til she graduated. they were nice. warm. enough.  
the trauma caked into her home life issues were never really dealt with by sherri. she found an outlet for it instead: theatre. she fell in love with movie musicals at an early age, but her love only grew when she started performing in stage productions. she eventually developed a goal: to be a star on broadway. and that goal became her driving factor.
deal with the trauma of having a problematic mother you loved give you up? nah, work your ass off to get the starring role in your school’s spring musical. deal with the fact that your second mother figure also left you behind instead of adopting you and taking you along with her on her travel opportunity? why do that when she had after school jobs to get done if she wanted to get anywhere after graduation! 
sherri hustled her way through life, focusing on her goal and her future career while everything else fell to the wayside. sure, she had friends and boyfriends and went to parties and the like, but that was always secondary to her main focus. theatre came first.
new york. (2010—2023)
by the time graduation came around, sherri had landed a shitty nyc job, booked a shitty apartment in queens, and had bid her foster parents goodbye. sherri threw herself into her work, positive her raw talent, looks, and hustle would get her to her dream in no time.
that didn’t happen.
for the next decade, sherri found herself in a cycle of either being unemployed or only landing ensemble and supporting roles in off-off broadway, off-broadway, and broadway shows. (full run down listed in her timeline & credits!) to make it more insulting, it wasn’t a linear cycle. she could go from a supporting role in a broadway show to an ensemble position in an off-broadway one to being unemployed (on stage) for years! the unconditional attention that thrilled her when she was her hometown’s star and sure to get leads only provided to make her more jealous and desperate when faced with equal competition. a lead role on a proper broadway stage seemed to be more and more out of her grasp.
in 2021, though, she thought she had made a big break. a new revival of rodgers and hammerstein's cinderella was coming to broadway. and sherri - when auditioning for the role of ella - ended up getting cast as ella’s understudy along with cast as a swing for a stepsister. this was the closest she’d been to getting on broadway as a lead, and she nearly burst with excitement at her prospects. granted, getting understudy wasn’t choice, but sherri figured that she’d likely get the lead when the star’s limited contract was up, and she’d probably get to star a few times when the star got sick or needed vocal rest or what have you - she could be patient. she’d waited this long.
she never got promoted. the show only ran for a year, leaving sherri to watch this ONE star have the health of a fucking horse from the sidelines. sure, once a week on wednesdays she took the lead so the lead actress could get vocal rest along with the occasional weekend matinee performance, and she was put in for the stepsister role frequently enough, but thats shit compared to being a proper lead.
when the show closed, she returned to broadway unemployment (and a waitress lifestyle) once again, brewing in bitterness and also Sexual Angst because of an event that occurred between the lead and sherri at the show’s cast party (see wanted connection: The Cinderella Incident). sherri was on a bitter, biting warpath with everyone she came into contact with for the next month.
recent developments (2023—).
she found work again at the start of this year in a limited run of an off-off broadway play called “out of gas on lovers leap,” in which she played one of the two leads, myst. sherri was at a low. she loved the play and could relate to her character, but hated the step down it was for her in status. the show itself only ran for a measly five months. 
meanwhile, she went back to work at her usual waitress gig. when she was not working on stage or screen, she worked as a waitress at a fictional diner called Stardust, based on Ellen’s Stardust, it paid well and she got to sing to audiences all day, so she dealt with the tackiness of it all. 
+ driven, daring, blunt, adventurous, passionate, independent, kind
- jaundiced, ruthless, desperate, selfish, competitive, vain, biting
stray inspirations.
aspirations: sharpay evans (hsm), tonya harding (i,tonya), robin scherbatsky (himym), rachel berry (glee).
insecurities: olivia mossbacher (the white lotus), lizzie saltzman (legacies), lauren cooper (faking it),  bonnie plunkett (mom).
sexuality: petra solano (jane the virgin), nina sayers (black swan) quinn fabray (glee).
other: alexis rose (schitt's creek - elitism/social life),
common themes.
second choice. sherri has a thing about being second choice. think the attitudes of caroline forbes or (better) lizzie saltzman towards their counterparts of elena gilbert and hope mikaelson, but not as blatant or vocal about it. her insecurities stem from her mother, who massively fucked her over by raising her for six years before giving her away. it was a fatal blow to her image of her self worth and self esteem (”why wasn’t I enough?”), that was only exacerbated by her first foster mother also giving her up, as well as her constant failures at earning roles of rank in her career. this has also led her to develop a need for attention, probably one reason why stardom appealed to her so much.
repression. because of her lackings in her professional and familial life, she has controlled her romantic life with an iron fist, but like, a chill iron fist, because her social and romantic life has always been on the back burner. however, every development in her romantic life has been controlled. when her friends started getting boyfriends in middle school, she picked one up with ease. when they started having sex in high school, so did she. because she did not care about this arena in her life, she had no doubts or fears in navigating it. she found picking up the (to her, limited) nuances of men to be easy, and thus never stressed in this arena. her romantic life was easy. until it wasn’t. during her time in new york, sherri experienced something of a sexual awakening with a woman that scared her shitless at the absolute chaos it would bring down on her life (see: The Cinderella Incident WC). it's not internalized homophobia, but rather a severe fear of a loss of control. the circumstances around her sexual awakening have allowed her to write it off, and her own need for control and simplicity in one area of her life has enabled her to return to the status quo (re: heterosexuality), and not acknowledge this at all.
envy. generally, sherri appears quite confident. in reality, she is! at least, until she sees someone do something better than she does, or earn something she wanted, or have something she doesn’t but thinks she should have. then the envy kicks in. she can feel this envy towards people she considers below her in status or above her, and in both instances these feels are accompanied by acts of pettiness and feeling the need to prove herself. also, if possible, her trying to take said object of envy for herself. consider olivia in the white lotus, trying to steal kai away when she finds out paula is secretly hooking up with him. that’s sherri; she’d do that if given the opportunity. she’s the desperate sort, lowkey, and when coupled with her envy and the sinking sense of her own failures, she’s willing to do just about anything to further her career or prove (to herself?) that she can succeed somewhere.
obsessed artist. at a young age sherri set her sights on greatness through theatre and she has spent her life working towards this goal. it stands above all else. in her craft, she aims for excellence. she’s a workaholic. she’s career-oriented. she has and will continue to put work above all else, and in a way this is her detriment. socially, she has made no real connections because she was always willing to throw it away if an opportunity arises to better her career. additionally, it is relevant to note that comparatively, sherri is successful. compared to others trying to break it on broadway, sherri has made it. it took her a couple years, but once she started booking shows, she’s been booked and busy (sans two one year gaps of nothing, rip). she’s been on the broadway stage as a member of the principal cast, she’s starred and performed on a number of different stages of different rank. she has played opposite of big names, is mutuals with them on social media - even now, she’s set to lead a new children's television show. other people in her position would be happy with the success they’ve had. but to sherri, it’s all a failure. her goal is to star in a broadway musical as the lead, and until that happens, all her other work is moot. 
lastly, to combine the previous two themes, I do think it is important to note that sherri does have a capability for cruelty. sherri was initially created for a secrets rp where her character was based on inspiration I took from I, Tonya. in this scenario, sherri accidently-on-purpose caused her Cinderella lead to trip and injure herself while under the influence, to the point that her co-star suffered temporary injuries she blamed herself for that took her out of the rest of the show’s run, leaving sherri to fill in full time. in this scenario, sherri would have grappled with the thrill and validation of fame and the knowledge that she had to reach new lows to experience her current highs, all while unwittingly navigating a closeted crush. she’s been reworked since then to emphasize the sexuality dilemma and minimize the cruelty, but it is in her original DNA that when desperate enough and obsessive enough on a single goal, sherri can impulsively do something heinous.  
wanted plots. 
sherri has lived in nyc for the last 13 years, so she has space for tons of connections! I have both a wanted connections tag and a page (that I poured a lot of energy into so pls give it a look 😅 👉👈), and I'm open to any and all connections for her! wanted plots page. & wanted tag.
timeline. | credits. | wanted plots. | relationships. | nav. | playlist | pinterest.
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ollyou · 1 year
You mentioned AUs in your pinned post, do you have any you like to introduce us to? I personally love to see them
I have multiple AUs! I’ll just go over two out of the main three I have. They might sound a bit complicated, though!
WARNING… there is quite a bit of text. And images. Be prepared.
Basically my main AU is pretty simple compared to others! It’s one of those “what if ___ happened differently?” types. So Olivia, instead of wishing for all origami folded by Olly to be undone, wishes for everyone to go back to living happily! I’m not sure how much sense such a wish makes in the way I wrote it, but essentially, it brings back MOST of the casualties that happened during the canon game. (Exceptions are mostly just the Bob-ombs like Bobby, because I had this whole thing where Bobby’s happier having served his purpose in life getting to save his new friends, and bringing him back to life would ruin the impact of his sacrifice, + he can see his old best friend in whatever the true afterlife is like in the PMTOK universe.)
Olly comes back, the LoS come back, and the Origami Castle is reverted into Peach’s Castle, so Peach can live normally and so can the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom. Confusion on Olly’s part ensues, as he definitely remembers dying and thinks he’s in the afterlife at first, but eventually he adjusts to his surroundings. Skipping ahead, the Origami Craftsman, having already realized how unfitting his role as the origami siblings’ father figure is due to the fear that came from having his own creation nearly destroy the world, plus his own fixation towards origami getting in the way of him being able to take care of anyone, decides he needs to let the siblings go and have a better guide and role model in their lives. This winds up being Mario and Peach! Basically, Olivia’s already bonded to Mario the most of anyone after all their journey together, and Olly needs to have an eye kept on him to make sure he really won’t try anything dangerous again. Peach, being a princess and therefore royalty, also winds up being a great role model for the two siblings— Olivia especially grows attached to Peach, the two both being princesses, and Olivia always wanting to have “lady friends” (she’s very fond of women/girls. Whether that’s just admiring their beauty, charm, or something more!).
Olly takes a long time to get adjusted, especially when he realizes he’s going to have to work alongside Toads, and a lot of them. He’s mostly told to follow in the footsteps of Mario to become a hero rather than a cruel king, but he has a very hard time adjusting because he still holds some contempt towards the plumber. Nonetheless, though, Olly still admires the ability and strength of Mario, and still sees him as a strong, beautiful man.
Ah. It’s worth it to mention I portray Olly as someone who really focuses on beauty, but in kind of a screwed up way, like “You’re so beautiful, I want to keep you as a decoration I can look at when I please”. He admires Mario’s looks, but only because he finds his colors striking and “crisp”, as he once said in canon (not to mention he thinks of Mario as a strong man he’d need in his army in the Japanese version’s prologue).
But anyway, I digress. This stuff is essentially just a build up to having more character interactions that are closer to canon but not following the exact story of it. Olivia and Olly get their own rooms in Peach’s Castle, where they live their and through Olivia’s encouragement and even scolding of bad behaviors, Olly is able to improve himself and live normally, finally achieving true happiness and peace in life, something he never once was able to experience in the canon story.
This is a semi-standard human AU, except with extra lore and several exceptions for who’s a human here.
To sum up the latter, Olivia, Olly, and the LoS are now human, while all other NPCs such as Bobby, the Toads, Shy Guys, and Bowser, stay the same. This is a little stupid, but all characters, despite not looking like paper at all, are still paper and can be cut up. This is because I don’t want to actually severely change the canon story here, so I want to keep real gore to the minimum while still allowing for the body horror in the original game. It’s… basically something that only works if you imagine it on a flat screen.
Anyway, here, special magic within the Fold of Life can result in the creation of human forms of the folded origami. The origami paper originally used is then transformed into a pendant— this pendant being a Magic Circle.
…okay I’m not going to lie writing EVERYTHING for this specific AU is a BIIIITCH so I’m just going to post really old screenshots here instead teehee
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Anyway yeah, some information is absolutely going to be a bit outdated on those screenshots, but like I said, Olly and Olivia’s souls are in their pendants. In the old art I put here, I compare the whole soul thing to Steven Universe, but another good comparison would be to Madoka Magica!! (Both series hold special places in my heart even after all this time… so I guess I must’ve taken inspiration.)
Anything they transform into, will be origami. They can still transform into the Vellumentals and they will look exactly like canon.
ANYWAY. I’ll get more into this AU in some other post, probably, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I’d be more than happy to clear anything up, although I’m not perfect and these AUs are all super self indulgent rather than anything professional, so I may answer SOME things with “yeaaaah I didn’t really think this through”. LMAO
That’s it though! Thank you for reading!!!
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dreamsausage · 1 year
just had a dream. ok its getting to the point where I'm dreaming about emmet from pokemon
basically I had a dream where I was playing a pokemon legends game/watching a pokemon legends TV show? it was fully voice-acted but I didn't recognise a single voice.
the main protagonist was emmet. from what I could tell, he had gone back in time to find ingo, but he was sent to the wrong region. he kept looking around and trying to find ingo, but...
anyway, he realised at the start that he didn't have any pokemon. he managed to befriend a ralts and called her Analisa. then he began travelling with Analisa around the region to get his bearings. there were people, but not many. some people had similar clothes — maybe part of a group? the outfit was a lavender-ish pink colour with dark boots and a hood with a brim.
he fought a lot of pokemon, and kept a lot as well. he didn't have pastures or a pc, so the pokemon would just be around nearby wherever he went. Analisa stayed by his side the whole time, and by this point she had evolved all the way into gardevoir.
no matter what had happened or where they were, emmet stayed enthusiastic and focused on finding his brother. he asked everyone he met about him, and got some information from people who had been to hisui and met him before, but emmet still didn't know where he was. he kept his coat and hat on so that if ingo saw him, he would recognise it.
at one point he came upon a large mountain. he had been told that there were huge flying types at the top of it that could help him get over to hisui to find ingo, so he was hoping to tame one. unfortunately, he didn't have a pokemon that could help him climb up the side of the mountain, so he had to go inside a cave that apparently led to someone's house — but this person wasn't fond of visitors, and the whole cave was an obstacle course filled with traps.
at first, emmet and Analisa made it through pretty easily, and they passed the first two obstacles quickly. then came the halfway point. this time, it was a huge, vertical slope, not too steep, but it had large grooves cut into the ground — and before emmet could get a good look at them, GIANT FUCKING BALLS OF STONE started rolling down from the top.
emmet panicked and tried to dodge them, and was doing pretty well, until Analisa missed her footing and got hit by a ball. he ran over to her and got her out of the way, slipping her into a bit in between. he didn't want to continue without Analisa, and he couldn't carry her for the rest of the way, so he started calling for help and hoping someone would come.
then the balls started rolling more frequently. there was less space between each one for him to move to the next bit. he kept trying to dodge them, but eventually he got hit by one. it hit his back, but even though he had sewn some leather onto the back (to make it last longer) it still hit him really hard and he couldn't get back up.
at this point he was losing hope and basically just went "welp guess this is it for me lol" and just kinda lay there. another chunk of rock was about to roll down and crush him, but then an old guy who looked a bit like ramos came and did FUCKING NINJA STUFF OR SOMETHING and took emmet and Analisa to the house at the top — ya it was that guy.
while he was helping emmet, diantha showed up???? but she was all glowy and slightly tinted pink. she was teasing the old man and laughing at emmet (barely conscious by this point) and the old man told her to fuck off so she left. time kind of fast-forwards a bit here, and emmet is back up on his feet along with Analisa.
it seems he's made friends with the old man (who had been meaning tone down some of those courses for a while) and had chatted with him a lot about pokemon and the hisui region. old man gave him some pokemon that were unique to the region, one of them being a pika-clone that looked kind of like a lemming? it was electric-fighting.
emmet made his way up to the top, but I don't remember much of what happened next. the dream from that point on kind of cut into a bunch of people I don't know playing pokemon leaf green on a train together. I wish I knew what happened next.
I remember exactly what emmet's outfit was like. I stopped several times (when it was a game) to get a better look at his outfit because I thought it was cool.
he had a thick, white jumper on under his coat that looked handmade (wow emmet takes up knitting real). he also had chunky steel-toed boots which were black, and very well-worn.
his coat was covered in patches where he's had to repair it and the bottom of it was slightly torn. the back of the coat was covered by a big patch of dyed-blue leather, which was scratched but obviously well kept — it wasn't dry or cracked, and there wasn't much sun damage. I think he cleaned it often.
his hat was surprisingly intact, and he never really took it off. he wasn't bald underneath because his hair had gotten longer and you could see his fringe (ha take that bald truthers). he had also attached a large red hood onto the back of his coat that fit over both his head and his hat, and he kept it tucked in while not using it. he had also sewn some really REALLY deep pockets onto the inside of his coat, and he had really deep pockets on his trousers too. explanation for inventory ig?
it was in 3d, and the animation was super fluid and pretty — the shading was colourful and comfy to look at. each area they went to looked slightly different. there was a flat, moor-like one, a sandy one, a rocky beach, and one with craggy cliffs and hills. emmet managed to get through all if them just fine, and got about two pokemon from each area. nowhere close to a pokedex but he tried his best.
anyway that was it, very surreal but very clear, like all my dreams...
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voracious-shopkeeper · 3 months
Ah, something new.. Felt like writing a little -!
You've been tirelessly roaming the halls of this facility, being endlessly pursued by the entities within it..
You continue to wander until you find yourself in an almost pitch-black room. The door in front of you is locked.. Clearly, you'll need to find another way out. Looking around, there seems to be an open vent near the ground, a soft light shining through. Seeing no other way out of this room, you crawl through the vent..
..Though, crawling into the room, you're met with a sight you weren't expecting.
Across the floor lies an entity much larger {And longer !} than you.. its head is comfortably resting upon its three arms and its lower half, which is long, serpentine, and ends off with the tail of a fish, is curled up next to it. Its long, messy hair is covering parts of its face, but you can tell it's asleep.. And also has three eyes ? Looking further, a lure similar to that of an anglerfish dangles from its head, which seems to be the main light source in the room.. Though, you're not entirely focused on that.
What catches your attention is its stomach.. No, stomachs. One on its humanoid section and one on its more serpentine section. Both are full and rounded out, though based on the content gurgles coming from them, whatever was in there is long gone.
You decide to silently turn around and leave, as to not wake it.
"You're just going to leave without buying anything ?"
You jump and turn back around. The entity is now staring at you, its light blue eyes almost staring through you.
"Well ?"
It "stands" itself up, its first stomach sloshing and gurgling as it does. It reaches one of its hands over it and sighs.
"Ah, apologies. Another crew came through here some time ago and I had a bit of a lunch break.. Seems they've finally settled in ..~" Its voice purrs. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. These guys should last me a while."
Its.. His ..? ..tone is strangely friendly, though there's a twinge of mischief hidden behind it.
He squints, then seems to remember something.
"..Almost forgot -! You can call me Chiasmo or Snaketooth.. Despite anything else you may hear from outside sources." You tilt your head at that. Chiasmo continues on.
"If you need anything, I wouldn't mind trading for any assets you have on you.. Surely the ones who sent you don't need it that much ~! Definitely not as much as the last crew seemed to think they did. Those idiots tried to leave without paying.."
Chiasmo huffs and presses his claw into his first stomach.
"You can see where that got them."
There's a moment of awkward silence between you two before Chiasmo rests himself against the ground again.
"Aaaanyways. If you need anything, you can feel free to pick it off my tail.. Sorry if I startled you."
You look over at the supplies he has strapped to his tail and awkwardly pick a flashlight from it, handing over some of your data and trying to ignore the digested mass in the shopkeeper's secondary stomach. Though it's a little difficult.
"Something the matter ~?"
You yelp in surprise.
"I can see you staring, you know..." Chiasmo purrs almost teasingly. "I told you, I'm already full. I'm not planning on eating you... Unless you'd want me to ..~"
You shake your head and step back. Chiasmo only flicks his tail at this in amusement.
"Only kidding.. But you should be on your way now.. Don't you have a job to do ..?" Chiasmo tilts his head and gives you a soft smile.
At this, you reluctantly nod, not exactly wanting to go back out there, but not wanting to stay either. Despite that thought, you begin to make your way back to the vent you came from.
"Well then.. Good luck out there ~!"
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scorbleeo · 7 months
Book Chat: Blindsided
Fake Boyfriend (Book 4) by Eden Finley
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Source: Amazon
When Talon left to play pro ball six years ago, the hole in my chest confused me. I focused my heartache into making my own NFL dreams come true, and by the time I was drafted, the longing I had for my best friend was buried deep.
Now he wants everything to be like it was in college, but we can't have threesomes and be reckless like we once were. The media storm would be enough to break both our careers.
That's not my biggest concern though. The torch I had for him burns brighter after so long apart, and there's nothing I can do about it. Marcus Talon is straight.
I need to stay away from him.
Years ago, Miller and I made a pact that we'd win a Super Bowl together. When I'm offered a position on his team in Chicago, I don't hesitate. I move across the country to chase a dream that's a decade old.
Only, now that I'm here, he's avoiding me every chance he gets. If he was anyone else, I'd cut my losses.
But this is Shane Miller--the guy who makes everything better just by existing in my universe. The guy I'd do anything for. The guy who's more to me than a brother, a friend, or even a teammate.
I'm not going to let him get away.
Source: Goodreads (2019)
A Little Disappointing but Nevertheless, Still Good
I was so ready for this book when they were first introduced back in Trick Play but in all honesty, as much as I enjoyed Blindsided and liked what I read, this book was very lacking in a very specific aspect.
So, in Blindsided, we got a lot on connection, on love, on forever. Mainly it was Marcus realising just how much he craves that connection, to love someone forever. I get where Finley is coming from with how these men feel for each other. It was easy to see Shane loves Marcus. Unfortunately, I hate that there was simply no 'show' when it came to Marcus's love for Shane. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of times when Marcus said he loves Shane but what I wanted was to see it for myself rather than have the author write it down in words every single time. This is very much the 'show not tell' method, it was lacking in Blindsided.
Sadly, other than that, I did not quite like how the ending played out too. I don't need grand gestures or big public events, but the last two(?) chapters were so rushed. It resembled some movies where they have a final montage scene near the end where chaos enfold only for the main characters to get through it together stronger than ever. I don't necessarily hate it but reading it is just odd.
Like I said, I really don't hate Blindsided but the writing here felt the weakest in the Fake Boyfriend series.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
More on the Fake Boyfriend series here: Fake Out (#1) | Trick Play (#2) | Deke (#3)
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Post #62: NM issue 29
After the Legion arc focused on half the team, this issue follows up on the other half that stayed behind. They're dealing with the Gladiators, the group that Empath hired to take them out last issue. I did some extensive research, which means I googled it, and actually the Gladiators were introduced in the Beauty and the Beast miniseries starring Dazzler and Beast. I've been skipping over a lot of Dazzler stuff over the last few years of the book. I do want to read it all someday, just out of my love for the character, but at the time she was pretty much an independent character who just also fell under the mutant umbrella. This is actually the issue where Claremont starts taking an interest in her again. Anyway, at the start of the issue, Berto and Amara have been captured by the Gladiators. Sam and Illyana  chase them until they escape on a plane. They're able to capture one of the kidnappers, though, and bring him to Limbo, which terrifies him into telling them the full story and their destination, LA. Illyana teleports the pair there, but accidentally brings them forward a week in time. They go to Lila Cheney's house for help and meet her bodyguard, Guido, and her new backup singer, Alison Blaire/Dazzler, who's been struggling to find work since being outed as a mutant and blacklisted by Hollywood, which is a totally subtle metaphor. They hope Lila will know something about the Gladiators cause she's in the entertainment business, which doesn't seem like any sort of logic, and she doesn't have any info, but luckily Alison does. She was recently captured by them, and fills everyone in while in another scene, Berto and Amara get the same info. They're being forced to fight for entertainment, and if they refuse their masters will send defenseless runaway children into the arena in their place. One of the Gladiators is Axe, that guy who was working for the Hellfire Club who has super strength and a big axe. He might actually be the laziest villain Claremont ever came up with, but he's back so maybe there's big plans in store for him. On Magneto's island, he and Lee apologize to each other for the things they did to hurt each other and begin to make up when they get a psychic call from Xavier. He's still too weak to call the X-Men, who are currently unreachable by phone, so he tells Magneto the Beyonder is returning and asks him to assemble and lead his students. In LA, Lila is able to get the group in to the Gladiators arena. Alison thought she had taken down this operation, and she's upset to see some of the friends she made still being enslaved. But part of her also longs to jump in and have the spotlight on her again. When Berto and Amara come on, the heroes jump in and tell them they're saved. But Berto and Amara say they need to stay to protect the children. Before the conversation can continue, Magneto arrives and tells Sam and Illyana they're needed to help save the world. This issue was okay, but pretty awkwardly placed between Legion and Secret Wars II, which splits up the Gladiators arc. I would like to point out that this is the first time in seven months that Amara has even appeared in this book. She did costar in some Uncanny issues, but she's the only New Mutant to not be in either the Cloak and Dagger arc or the Legion one, after also getting the smallest role in Demon Bear. I think it comes down to the unfortunate fact that Claremont doesn't know what to do with her character. Originally, her main storyline was struggling to adapt to the modern world while feeling out of place. But after she was introduced, Illyana and Warlock both joined the book, and they both explore that theme in ways that have more potential depth. Also, her main flaw is the fact that she kinda thinks she's better at everything than everyone, and she actually is, but not as much as she thinks, and sometimes that makes her mad. It's a very good core flaw, but the issue is that Berto has the same flaw, and his other traits surrounding it are much more interesting than hers. When Claremont starts using her more again, he tries to distance her from those traits but doesn't really add anything to fill those gaps, leaving her with a weak foundation to build more development on. She's done some interesting stuff since Claremont, especially after M-Day, but in general writers don't really know what to do with her, which is a shame. What she really needs is a good run in a modern book with a small cast and a creative team dedicated to sifting through her history to find the pieces to build that foundation that she's still lacking. I have now spent about a third of this post talking about a character who was barely in this issue, so it's time to move on to the story I've been dreading, Secret Wars II.
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