deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
I love your blog. Been a hard time for me dealing with a loss for over 3 months now. this person has help me through my times and even became a part of mine. I cant stop crying every night i just want it all to stop i wanna be normal again.
Losing someone can always be hard, I’m sorry for your loss. I’m glad my blog has helped or comforted you and some way, though I’m sorry I have been unable to post very often. I cannot tell you your life will get better, because no one has the power to make your life better but you, and it may be a long process, but I can promise you that if you’re willing and wanting to be “normal” again, you can. For now you just have to keep on truckin’, the rough parts have to end somewhere. Have a good day, Anon!
I love hearing from you guys, and will offer any support I can, just message me! Or send me asks!
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
Hi! I just want to say.. I don't know if you believe in God or not (and my intention here is not to offend you). But God loves you. And I love you, too. And you deserve amazing things in life and I pray that you get them. God bless you, love!
Thank you, anon! While I am not fully developed in my opinions on religion, I would like to believe there is someone/thing out there that is looking out for me. I love you, too! I hope everything is going well! Note to all followers- write to me if you have the chance/need someone to talk to, I like to hear from you guys!
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
There is a flame to him Hidden in the ferocity By which he kisses me The urgency That tightens his grip On my hips The forced softness When his fingers trace my body Like my skin is a butterfly’s As though he fears what Should happen If he were to show me His true passion But he doesn’t understand That the moment The flame grazed my Hesitant lips I no longer thirsted for water
A Pyro’s Love Story (via suicidejunk)
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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541 notes · View notes
deepseasurvivor · 9 years
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
She was his sliver of glass Reflecting heaven above He wished to hold her forever But with each passing moment the scars she would leave grew deep
And even as the blood begins to drip, he holds on (via suicidejunk)
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
True control Comes not from Clipping a birds wings Nor finding a secure cage But from teaching That your hand Is the best to return to
You cannot own me But you may keep me (via suicidejunk)
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deepseasurvivor · 9 years
Sometimes the life we get Is not the life we want But most times It is the life we live That we do not want
Fully within our power Yet we make no change (via suicidejunk)
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