#it's just chaotically funny and wholesome to me idk
deancasforcutie · 2 years
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we don’t talk about Bobby and Cas’ dynamic enough??? local surrogate dad meets the weird immortal son-in-law
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milkb0nny · 11 months
okie dokie i gotta request a sam x fem!reader where shes sams age but hits it off with dean? (strictly platonic between d+r) shes just a lot of fun at a karaoke bar or something? or maybe she beats dean in a game of pool(up to you) but just her flirting till she gets to sam and then she actually enjoys talking to him, they spend the night chatting about everything and anything. (maybe she invites him over to her place but like for a movie cuz dean took some blonde chick back to their motel??) idk up to you❤
Pumpkin Soup
Sam Winchester x fem!reader
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Summary: While you spent a lovely night at a karaoke bar, playing truth or dare with some people your age, you got to know Dean Winchester. His funny attitude immediately captivated you, wanting you to become closer friends to the chaotic, hot-headed man. Though after a few drinks and games, his brother joined the group. Sam had previously investigated in a current case, decided to enjoy himself afterwards though. That was the moment you met a man who went beyond your expectations. The gentle charm of Sam trapped you in. In order to learn more about Sam, you accepted his offer to cook pumpkin soup at his current place. However, Dean wouldn’t come along the two of you, as he enjoyed the company of another woman. You didn’t mind though…
Note: Thank you for your request! I’m all in for Sam requests, as I really love him a lot. This idea is absolutely wholesome and I decided to throw some autumn vibes into it. After all, it’s October and I love pumpkins. :)
Warnings: implied sexual activity of Dean, reader thinking abt uncomfortable men back in her past
word count: …
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As the karaoke bar pulsed with energy on that memorable Friday night, little did you know that a game of truth or dare would lead you to meet two extraordinary men, each with their own captivating charm. You never thought that a harmless party evening could change your life, and especially your view on two specific men.
You had joined a group of people, some of them went to the same college as you and with others you were already familiar. You’re for sure not a mere party girl, but you enjoyed the company of many happy people around you. It wasn’t the alcohol you loved to consume when you went out - it was the exciting thrill of meeting new people who could make your life way more colorful. In all honesty, among all the positive experiences, you crossed paths with uncomfortable men as well. Luckily, this night you got spared with the overly pushy men and instead got blessed by a kind and enthusiastic man.
During a traditional, spirited game of truth or dare, you were more or less forced to flirt with him. Surely, the stranger was handsome, but you didn’t feel any sparkling or tingling sensations while teasing the male. All in all, the atmosphere was electric, filled with a lot of laughter and buzzing music. After about half an hour of people telling others their most embarrassing moments of their lives and participating in surprisingly stupid dares, you decided to grasp some hair. The karaoke bar had a balcony, where you headed with a tequila in your hand. During your hunt for oxygen, a familiar deep voice rang through your ears.
“Hello there, beautiful,” he chimed in, delivering a flirtatious remark that drew a grin from you as you leaned casually on the balcony fence.
“What’s up? Haven’t you got enough of me?” you teased, keeping a watchful eye on him. For a brief moment, you feared he might become pushy, but your concerns were swiftly dispelled by his response.
Dean's striking green eyes traveled up and down your face, revealing a hint of genuine concern that softened his usually confident features.
“No, I haven’t. But in all honesty, I got a little worried since you left the group without telling anyone. Not that anything happens to you”, he replied softly, keeping a respectful distance between you. You were taken aback by his genuine worry, and it made you feel a bit self-conscious, prompting you to avert your gaze from his as you tried to hide your flustered face.
“You don’t have to, I can take care of myself,” you responded, and despite the seemingly cold statement, Dean understood that you valued your independence.
Again, his low voice met your ears, “Your name was y/n, right? You’re hella funny!” Dean changed the topic, offering some comic relief and lightening the atmosphere between you. You quickly picked up on his cues, expressing how his humor had brightened your evening. Your conversation with Dean flowed naturally, and you found his humor and carefree attitude irresistibly magnetic. He had the kind of infectious charisma that could turn any gathering into a wild adventure. Dean Winchester was a captivating mix of chill, cocky, and respectful of boundaries, and it was a rare pleasure to engage in a conversation with no underlying sexual tension. The man’s name was Dean Winchester.
After the private and endearing chat, both of you rejoined the group, which was now deep into the revelry fueled by alcohol and other substances. As the night wore on, a new figure entered the scene, a tall, handsome brunette who immediately gravitated toward you and Dean. He seemed slightly out of place amidst the intoxicated chaos, yet he appeared to find a measure of enjoyment in the surroundings. You quickly learned he was none other than Dean's brother, Sam Winchester. Sam had been previously engrossed in investigating a perplexing case, but now he had decided to take a break and enjoy the evening's festivities. Though he wasn't usually the party type, he occasionally sought a change of pace.
Meeting Sam, you quickly realized he was unlike what you had expected. In stark contrast to his hot-headed and impulsive brother, Sam exuded a gentle charm that immediately captivated you. He spoke thoughtfully, using intriguing vocabulary, and while he seemed a bit reserved and addressed Dean more often, you sensed a hint of shyness in him. His deep, expressive eyes held a sense of mystery, and his warm smile made you feel at ease. Sam was an entirely different kind of captivating, and you couldn't help but want to get to know him better.
„Do you want a drink?“ you inquired, hoping to initiate a connection between the two of you. Dean, ever the flirt, immediately picked up on your subtle intentions and moved on to a new companion who seemed to enjoy his playful company—a blonde woman with a delightful sense of humor. Sam's gaze now lingered on you for a few moments longer than before.
„Sure, I‘m in,“ he replied, a soft smile laced over his lips. You were really beautiful which is why he couldn‘t help but admire your facial features. To Sam, you appeared utterly stunning, surpassing every other woman he had ever come across.
The two of you made your way to the bar, and he ordered his usual: a beer. As you reached for your wallet to pay for your drinks, the courteous man was a step ahead, already covering the tab for both of you. Caught pleasantly off guard, you flashed him a grateful smile. „Thanks. I‘m y/n!“
„My pleasure, call me Sam,“ he inquired, straightening his posture. „Seems like you get along quite well with my brother.“
„Yeah, though he comes off like he only wants that one thing, haha,“ you joked, met by a soft chuckle from Sam‘s side. The corners of his lips curved up as you spoke, and the warmth of his smile sent a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Sam was undeniably handsome
Sam picked his brother up again, replying to your statement, „I get what you mean. He occupies the room more enough when we have to share one.“ he admitted, a hint of amusement in his tone.
„Oh, are you like travelers or something?“ You asked, curious about his life. Sam owned such a special charm that you rarely had met in your life, especially in men. His impeccable manners and pure kindness, devoid of ulterior motives, were refreshingly genuine. You couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
„You could say that, yeah. We’re usually on the road for quite some time and finish a job here and there. Similar to freelancers.“
Sam explained, and your eyes widened with excitement. Traveling and exploring new places was a goal you shared, and the idea of their adventurous lifestyle piqued your curiosity. „Woah, that’s cool. Do you see a lot of exciting stuff on the road?“
While he had indeed witnessed many thrilling experiences—some he wished he hadn't—there were times when he longed for a quieter existence. „Uh, yeah. I appreciate staying at a place for a little longer too though, I must say it can get very tiring.“
„Oh, that’s sad to hear,“ you sympathized. Your mind was struck on Sam and he very much seemed like he enjoyed your conversation. The hours passed as you shared funny stories from your past, confessing to your middle school clumsiness while Sam regaled you with amusing anecdotes about Dean. Sharing embarrassing secrets fostered a connection between you two. Somehow you wanted to stay in his company. You started to love his awkwardness little by little.
Unexpectedly, he suggested you both head back to his place to cook pumpkin soup—a proposition you found both intriguing and charming. It was a far cry from the typical advances you'd encountered in the past, and you couldn't resist the chance to spend more time with this enigmatic man. Unfortunately, Dean stopped by, the lovely woman in his arms.
„Well, who do we have here?“ Dean quipped, grinning at Sam. "I'll be taking this wonderful lady with me tonight, just so you know."
„No, Dean. You can‘t always ignore that I share that room too-,“ Sam began to protest before Dean cut him off with a smirk.
„Sure I can.“ He replied, leaving the karaoke bar accompanied by the woman.
Sam sighed, his offer thwarted by his older brother once again. "I'm sorry, I have to—" he started to explain. But this time, your cheerful voice interjected.
„No worries. We can head to my place. I‘m sure you’ll love it there.“ You invited the tall man to your place. You were touched by his charming smile in response. He nodded and stood up, thanking the bartender for his excellent service before following you.
The evening turned into a relaxing, cozy night with a man you never thought could exist so perfectly. The gentle charm of Sam and the promise of getting to know him on a more personal level made you momentarily forget about Dean's absence. There was something undeniably intriguing about the Winchester brothers, and you were eager to explore the depths of Sam's persona, all while cooking a warm and comforting meal together.
Finally, about 3am in the morning, you shared your usual lonely living room with Sam, eating the most delicious pumpkin soup you ever had.
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enlitment · 5 months
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Just finished Voltaire's Candide! (shout-out to @chaotic-history for the... vicarious recommendation? Recommendation by proxy?)
It was overall a very fun read and it had a great message and the end!
The beginning especially was certainly much more... graphic than I would have expected, with all the corpses and guts everywhere and the stuff constantly happening to all the female characters and... if I took a shot every time Candide got beat up I'd be dead... Once it got to the travelling it got really exciting though!
The pacing especially was great, things were happening so fast that it was almost impossible to get bored at any point. Lots of parts were also just laugh-out-loud funny. Voltaire had no chill whatsoever and I was there for it!
Some of my favourite bits, in no particular order:
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The footnotes!! My edition had a lot of things explained, but most of it was just an itemised list of people Voltaire seemed to have a beef with, explaining why and how he mocks them in Candide. Case in point:
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2. Everyone constantly running into each other even though they've travelled all over the world was really funny imo. Also the supposedly dead characters appearing in weird places. It was so ridiculous! I loved it.
3. Candide stroking the sheep (my footnotes said that it was probably a llama!) was just so wholesome? After having been through so much, the idea of him just hanging out on a ship, stroking a llama is just... 🥺 I need a drawing of that, asap.
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4. Martin! Have I mentioned how much I love Martin? Martin is the absolute best. God I love Martin.
He had them arrested on the spot and told his men to escort them to prison. "I'm more Manichean than ever," said Martin.
idk why but this may be my favourite line, it's so dry, I adore it. I kind of want to use the line next time something bad happens.
5. I'm not sure how exactly to interpret it but I think that by having his characters choosing not to stay in El Dorado (basically this perfect utopian paradise of place where they could live in perfect comfort forever if they wanted to), V. points out something interesting about human nature.
I'd totally believe that we as humans are inclined to be always striving for something greater and don't actually want to be perfectly content... idk how to explain it properly. But, with the ending aside, it was one of the most philosophically interesting parts of the book for me.
6. The ending! I was really worried that it's just not going to have a happy ending at all, which I guess would serve to further emphasise how misguided Candide's genuine attempt at & Pangloss' faux optimism is.
But in the end, I was really glad that things turned out reasonably well for my precious meow--- for the characters because I really did care about them by the end and wanted them to be happy.
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And let's be honest - the above is a solid thesis statement. Even better that it's essentially coming from a philosopher.
Kind of aligns with my bc thesis as well, a bit? I've sort of came to the conclusion that too much introspection and reasoning for reasoning's sake is just simply not good for our well-being (at least according to my guy™).
TL;DR: be right back. Gotta work on my garden and enjoy some candied lemon peels!
Bonus- literally just a funny paragraph roasting critics & Pangloss
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sungbeam · 1 year
beam! not sure if you’ve done this but can you ship your moots??? with any of the groups you stan and why!
omg i think i once did something,, kind of similar?? but let's give it a go !!
@justalildumpling — okay i would give her sunwoo 💀 but i think she needs a jaemin in her life to balance out the delulu skcnekfbkdnfk they would be such an attractive couple tho im YELLING like,,, bro. i would actually fund the wedding ring. and he kinda feels like the my melody to her kuromi low-key 😭 like he would just love squishing her cheeks and kissing her
@jaehunnyy — ofc none other than jung wooyoung 😋 i mean,, who else yk 💁🏻‍♀️ they're both so silly and wholesome, and just their vibes match? both very cheery, sunny people, what can i say ✨ THE TYPE WHO ENDS UP W TWO KIDS, A GOLDEN RETRIEVER, AND A PRETTY HOUSE—
@mosviqu — the cali boy himself, eric sohn. as she says all the time, she is the bi black cat girl to his golden retriever, he is the skater boy of her dreams, just.... the vibes are so real, my friends, they should be spending midnights together holding hands and kissing under streetlights !! california boy, when r u gonna wine and dine her fr
@winterchimez — lee sangyeon, there is no doubt and no other answer?? my Mom and Dad™, if they get a divorce then i would be collateral damage. but i actually envisioned ally as sangyeon's type 😭😭 like that's not even a joke. the idea i had for his yn in liu is LITERALLY ALLY IRL. IM NOT EVEN KIDDING THAT SHITS CRAZY
@ethereal-engene — ash needs to be w woozi bc yk that thing where couples kind of look alike 💀 NO BUT this is good bc the first time i saw ash, i said she looked exactly like uji they both are so SKFNEKFJ anyways,, i feel like they'd be able to encourage and appreciate each other a lot :') idk ash and jihoon r both some of my comfort people, and i think that pair would work so well
@zzoguri — jacobie bae hehe !!! who else tbh like they both are such comfort-driven people. mon is such a hard worker and juggling so much at once all the time, and i just know that he would be the bestest boyfriend in the world, and would give them all the encouragement AND support to chase their ambitions yk. and the fact that mon appreciates music :')) and they would just bond over his pj karaoke
@loveliestfelix — our smexy daniel choi yeonjun !! okay i feel like every time i talk abt these two, i always say they would be the HOTTEST COUPLE EVER, and i am not kidding. this is the most serious i have ever been. she would so fit as his secret gf who the public can't even be mad at cuz she's so funny, gorgeous, and mad talented like—
@goldenhypen — jake sim 😌✨ okay ik this is like cheating, but but but think abt it 😭 jake is totally the type to just be sooo obsessed w his girl and just wanna shower her w affection, and i think it's only fair cuz em loves him sm too :')) like omg i could see them as the couple u see who loves holding hands and just,,, even just smiling at each other (´Д⊂ヽ
@hqrana — i think noa needs to be w hoshi 😭😭 like the vibes of both of them are sooo chaotic, but in the best way possible. like i can't even explain it—maybe it's the wolverine edit of him she made once—but she seems like he would put up w his crazy bs and still love him; like the cool gf w the loser bf 💀 sorry i really just clowned him HAHA
@tranquilpetrichor — choi san low-key 👀 like eris gives black cat girl vibes TT and ik that san also gives me black cat boy too, but i think it would work so well. like they're both SOOO cool, like the chillest people ever, but also so well-intentioned. and they would be the type of couple who have a softer, quieter kind of love, but still something i would throw myself over a cliff for
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softer-sunny · 1 year
Chaotic Rex tickle headcanons bc I’ve got him on the brain
Rex is a moderately ticklish person. It isn’t to a ridiculous level but he’s definitely got sweet spots and he sees tickling as like. A fun game.
One of those sweet spots is his sides. And he’s totally week to anyone squeezing them.
The lower tummy area gets him to snort I don’t make the rules (I do)
His laugh is just so… warm and comforting and every single time Cody hears it he just has to smile so big because that sound is so good.
Rex goads Cody into tickling him by being a little shit. Because Cody needs to play around more and Rex loooooooves being a menace to his brother.
Cody sits on his back sometimes and absolutely goes to town and just smiles and teases while Rex CACKLES he’s evil I love him
When the twins come into the picture they tend to gang up on him but he also sometimes maybe let’s them win because they tend to get really excited about it when they do and he’s a sucker for that
Rex wrestles with the twins a lot and almost always ‘cheats’ by tickling them to get the upper hand. (Even though he doesn’t have to cheat to take them down)
He’s a menace and does the whole “what’re you laughing for? What’s so funny???” Routine when he’s tickling someone. Here I repeat: menace.
Rex has the absolute genius idea one day to get the dominos to help him take down Cody and it is probably the most adorable thing he’s ever witnessed
It turns into a free for all because Cody is simply too good at tickle fights and it gets them all to turn against each other it’s so unfair
Wait okay I have this really wholesome image of Echo having a tough day and just crawling into Rex’s bed for some comfort while Rex reads or does paperwork. And once he realizes Echo is upset and doesn’t really want to talk about it he just gently traces on tickle spots to get him to smile. After Echo has giggled himself out Rex throws an arm around him and cuddles him and my heart literally can’t handle that it’s too much. I need to WRITE THAT OMFG
Fives keeps trying to sneak attack Rex but… cmon. The captain always knows he’s being followed it never works and consistently ends up with Fives being the one laughing his head off
Rex is super playful about it and he thinks it’s fun to shed the serious professional captain image every now and again and that is the hill I will die on
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trsrina · 2 years
GAME ^_^
Idols that remind you of your moots?
esther @urszn reminds me of rosé of blackpink
mostly bc i remember her theme was rosé when we first became moots and they just give me similar vibes yk esther is a very peaceful person? im always comfortable with her and feel at peace just like how rosé is just such a soft and adorable person
yeni @zuyairus reminds me of chaewon of lesserafim
bc she’s technically obsessed with her? also when i think of yeni, i think of chaos and chaewon is so funny unintentionally just like how yeni is yeni best person my one and only my loml ❤️‍🩹
wyn @wyynn reminds me of yoshi of treasure
wyn was one of my first moots my number 1 supporter always and she’s just so nice and kind literally has a heart of gold i want to protect her from the world rlly and just like yoshi, she’s adorable and rlly rlly nice also she loves yoshi
kim @kynrki reminds me of karina of aespa
i thought about this for a while i expected myself to say niki bc she’s obsessed with him but like idk they just give me similar vibes kim is just so wholesome and gives my big leader vibes like mom of the group type yk and bc i love her karina smau on her gg acc just it girl energy yk
yen @yenqa reminds me of yoon of stayc
yen’s chaotic energy omg 😨 she is hilarious for anything she does and always makes my day with our interactions she’s kinda goofy just like yoon yk the similar personalities 😳
nari @yyunari reminds me of lia of itzy
nari feels like such a older sister figure to me rlly idk why but she is someone i feel like i can rely on and lia being an older member of itzy yk she’s not like leader vibes like yeji but someone who provides ppl with comfort and someone who’ll always be there for ppl
xin @weoris reminds me of danielle of newjeans
xin my 09s twin my soulmate my soul sister xin is my twin literally xin is such a sweet and real person like i feel comfortable with her i feel like im talking to my childhood best friend when im talking with her she’s like my sunshine in my darkest days 😳🫶
della @seungiepup reminds me of yunjin of lesserafim
my pookie my bbg 😘 she jokes around a lot with me and she’s like my best friend always manages to put a smile on my face and brings up the mood
mikey @jwonsociety reminds me of sunoo of enhypen
idk just mikey is sunshine energy not much reason for this someone just so nice and kindhearted like i can’t believe u exist
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andromebaa · 1 year
Okay so, I’m currently brainstorming ideas for one of my DanganHorror stories. It’s going to be focused on Yasuhiro and I’m deciding if I want to make it romance adjacent. It’s probs going to be one of the least romance-centric stories out of the trilogy. Only issue is I have no idea who to pair him with lol.
The story is going to be a timeloop with some humour but I’m planning to take a few dark, horrifying turns as well.
Also I’m not fussy, I’ll accept basically anyone from the three games (it’s gonna be an au so anyone goes). The only ones I probably won’t choose will be the main characters from the other DanganHorror stories (Kaito, Kokichi, Leon, Sayaka) just because I want to try writing other characters.
The ones I’ve listed below I’m planning to have appear in the story, but feel free to suggest others!
Extra context:
Byakuya pairing amuses me endlessly. That’s literally it. He would hate every second of this. Just the Two of Us has gotten me into enemies to lovers so hard. Probs my fav rare pair currently.
Aoi/Yasuhiro because I think Hina would be like, one of the only people who would believe if he was stuck in a timeloop. Banter would be fun. Also a guilty pleasure pairing of mine lmao
Fuyuhiko/Yasuhiro is ridiculous but I have plot points that make sense in context. Another potential enemies to lovers thing. Fun fact I already have a NSFW scene ready to go for this. It’s really funny.
Chihiro getting roped in because they can’t say no. Also tech wizard stuff idk might help with plot things maybe. Big potential for wholesome romance.
Shuichi because he’s the goodest detective. He just wants to help. Also wholesome romance stuff.
Junko is kind of interesting because depending on where the plot goes it might get a bit crazy. Yasuhiro is scared of her the entire time. Very chaotic.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Happy new year everyone!!! Admittedly I suck at expressing myself so you'll have to forgive me if this comes across as a raw and chaotic mess lol. I'm not tagging the names either cause I'm a coward
It was incredibly fun running this blog!!! I never thought it last this long– and if probably wouldn't have it weren't for leftdestiny-post/shiro commenting on a fic haha (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠). Then I met some wonderful people, starting with like crying anon and their beloved elf darling, poptartthings, thatanonthatabsolutelyroastedtighnari, 😋 anon, veni, 🐠 anon, my mom exiled and hoo my brain is seriously a mess rn i can't type properly but i swear yall mean everything to me it's just that my aunts and uncles are all using the karaoke rn I can't hear my own thoughts but I need to write these all down before i pass out hAHAHHA (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) they're singing victims of love rn, idk if it's my heartbeat or the speaker anymore send help–
each of yall make me always look forward to waking up the next morning! Ranging from Assistant ✾ & esther anon trying to survive, brosch and their wonderful designs (i often imagine brosch and capitano just drawing designs in silent honestly, couple goals), bakery wondering how to calm dottore, 🐠 and mochi's drawings– you're all wonderful people!! Seriously still can't believe I got noticed my romanticaa and zhongrin what. I still get so nervous when interacting with both help hAHAHAH.
2022 did not feel real for many reasons, pretty sure I'm already dead and Faceless!Ayato buried me somewhere. Y'all are fun af. 🌠 anon idk how you're doing, but shoutout to you too for somehow reading my first diluc fic and going "yeah might as well see where this writer's career will lead". I wonder how many of yall are in the same position as them cause wtf man how are tall tolerating my idiotic writings hAHAHAHHA
((Just wanna shoutout poptart again cause mom idk what I'm gonna do with that 4 dollar tip 😭))
🐠, exiled and veni were my real highlight for OCMC. The alhaitham slanders– the betrayal– lmao i was just cackling like the gremlin that i am when I read exiled's ask after the last chapter I uploaded lmao. And signora-fanboy's reblog tags were funny too lol
It was fun cooping with exiled!!! It was fun reblogging jokes with zhongrin (and making me brainrot mafia!dain dhshdjwj)!!! I was so happy T^T!!!
And this december i get to talk to riabef and watatsumii too and they're both wholesome and lowkey/highkey chaotic i love you both! Where the heck am I even going with this message my braincells are not working BUT yeah my point is that it's so awesome that even as the year's about to end I still end up meeting new blessings in life 😭😭😭
I'll just shorten this part: I used to be a major loner. It's just that since my elementary days I've just come to expect a pattern that I'm friends with someone for a year until they move out of the country. It's like I was cursed with that happening every time until I just always expect people to have an expiration date lmao. Hence, I just wanna thank my irl friends Purple and Orange Friend/a-dose-of-phitre for being my longest best friends. They gave me confidence and no I'm not crying rn shut up. Idk why yall stuck with me. Wait no I do know the answer it's cause you both want someone to bully 😭 but to bully me for 6 and now going 7 years??? Aren't you both tired???
Man i need to stop typing my body's last hurrah is fast approaching. Can't wait to read this tomorrow and go "there are so many grammar mistakes here not even grammarly would make an attempt to understand this mess" hAHAHAHAH
Okay, okay, yeahhh
Happy new year everyone!!! I'm gonna wait like 21 more minutes and wait till the world does a factory reset for 2023. Hope yall have a wonderful year!!! Enjoy the fireworks!!! Yoimiya worked hard for those 😤
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hi hello!! i just read your latest work for the modern au! series and ugh i fell so hard for that indigo butthead i'm all bruised now ;-; you write so well it's AOXLAMXIWO I'M IN LOVE OKAY ;^; i can't wait to read for the rest of the group, i'm sure they will be extremely wholesome as the others!
now, i had a little thought when seeing the series masterlist and remember how the boys met their cutie, and it had me giggle and it'd be almost impossible to make since it's a x reader series but- how funny would it be if, once all the boys have met their special one, said people meet in the tattoo studio and be like "??? wtf!" IDK IT HAS ME ROLLING cuz probably some would be very smooth and flirty ??? while others shy and embarrassed ??? idk i can see the boys squabbling because yes they're all dorks and and and and i'm rambling am i not ;-;
okay one last thing and then i will end this torture: the boys talking about their special one while on a break or during a night out, ending up teasing each others cuz they're so ridiculously head over heels and it's very uncommon for them!
i'm done and i hope i didn't take much of your time, sorry for rambling i just love this series so much ;-; have a nice day/night and take care of yourself <3
hi hi!! thank you so much for all the enthusiasm!! and don’t apologise for rambling, i‘m quite prone to it myself ^^;
as for the rest of the piercing studio group (read: heizou, venti and aether), they’ll have to wait a little longer sorry boys bc new locations have yet to be explored, can’t keep the triple [???] in my masterlist forever after all
i think if all the different reader characters ran into each other at the studio, it would be the most wholesome yet chaotic scene ever; if i had anything to say about, they’d click and link up immediately; it would probably look like this jsjdj
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it‘s just a whole bunch of “omg i heard so much about you!!”, “so you’re the one who picks all the beautiful flowers!!” and “your boyfriend will literally not shut up about you!!” meanwhile the boyfriends in question just go all shy and red in the face if you feel like exchanging funny stories about them though, maybe meet up somewhere else, they might try to melt into the floor otherwise
but oh boy does that tune change when it’s just our beloved boys bc suddenly it’s a bragging contest over whose partner is the loveliest and, my, are they all determined to win it!! if your ears are ringing or you can’t fall asleep that night, it’s bc your boyfriend is still listing all the traits he loves about you <3 alcohol may or may not be involved
and yeah, once everyone is done with their very cute rant, you can bet the others will ruthlessly tease them about being down bad and absolutely whipped, but it comes from a place of love!! of course everyone wants their friends to be happy in love!! insults just come with the territory of being friends <3
modern au series
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
hi!! out of all the idols you stan, who would you date, fuck and marry 😋 and why! hi hi just a lil fun question im curious about
Hey~, anon - and, uh, I love you?? Thanks for asking, I spent too much time thinking abou this, and I love thinking about stuff!! I literally made excel spreadsheet for it lmao
Also I'm switching fuck for ~spicy cuddles~ (free to interpretation) because of my ace ass lol
tl;dr comprehensive version:
Date: Yonghoon (Onewe) - this is not a want, this is a need just ult things </3
Spicy cuddles: Jaeyoon (SF9) - this
Marry: Jun (Seventeen) - I can't pretend I'm normal about him anymore
Full version with all the groups under the cut because it got too long~ (and F for the groups that didn't make it in anyway)
(Also why am I never marrying my biases??? lmao...)
Date: Yeosang - all the members keep saying he’s really innocent and ??? that’s very appealing? also I want someone who’ll make gummy bears concerts with me </3
Spicy cuddles: Seonghwa - maybe I wanna get as close to fucking a jedi master as I can or maybe I just think Hwa would be so gentle when cuddling that it makes me wanna cry, who knows
Marry: San - I just love him, ok? and he seems like a really gentle, nice guy, he's so funny and caring, and I love his cat so much tbh
Date: Chanyeol - I love him but I think he’s too high energy for me lmao and I’d feel bad I’m not as sporty + he gives me the vibes of dating for a while and then realizing it’s better to be best friends for some reason, lmao, idk but it’s very wholesome in my mind
Spicy cuddles: Lay - he’s so cute fml, also my man needs some break and we could nap together afterwards 
Marry: Baekhyun - look, I saw one vid of him being super calm and soft and making pottery and some ‘ㅋ’ cup and I’ve loved him ever since okay? also I want the fucking cup
Monsta X
Date: Hyungwon - he's besties with Jeonghan and I'll trust Hannie's judgment of character lmao
Spicy cuddles: Kihyun - look at the man, he's got me on my knees I love him and think he'd be so comfy to cuddle with?? he'd give the best headpats and backrubs??
Marry: I.M - something about his vibe makes me cry, I wanna be lonely with him </3
Date: Leedo - a gentle giant pt. 1, and as much as I don't like kids, seeing him so soft with children makes my brain go haywire 
Spicy cuddles: Hwanwoong - he's really fun, y'know?
Marry: Seoho - he's good at everything he does and hella smart, I need a man like that lol
Date: Yonghoon - look I've thought about this unholy amount of time and it's breaking my heart, honestly, but like Hoonie strikes me as a pretty realistic guy and idk how that would work out but I just wanna try it to make sure lmao 😭
Spicy cuddles: Harin - a gentle giant pt. 2, and I'd feel safe with him 
Marry: Kanghyun - he's just like me for real and I need someone to talk about books and space with </3
Date: Jeonghan - I'm very soft for this man and I love him so much but also I'd flinch every time he'd hit the stove or the door lmao
Spicy cuddles: Joshua - gentleman (? 🤨), his tiddies and arms would make me feel safe
Marry: Jun - no thoughts, head empty, kicking, screaming, crying just one chance, pls mr. wen 🥲
Date: Inseong - nothing as attractive as a smart fox-like man who's also cute and chaotic 
Spicy cuddles: Jaeyoon - look at the man I'm a firm believer in human heater Jaeyoon agenda and you know this pic? I want that 
Marry: Zuho - his cats, his gentle nature, his squishy cheeks, his cute smile... him 🤧 (Hwiyoung was a candidate n.2 but after all the clips of him talking about his family and having a family of his own, I don't think I could handle seeing a healthy and functioning family or create one T-T)
Stray Kids
Date: Han - he's cute and I just know he's the sweetest, also makes the best sad love songs
Spicy cuddles: Lee Know - make it regular cuddles and invite the cats in I just want a kitty
Marry: Bang Chan - duh. he's already got 7 kids, he can handle one more
Date: Hanse - I think he'd be a really interesting person to hang out with?? me and my weirdass vibes again, but two friends fucking around and finding out it's not working after all?
Spicy cuddles: Seungsik - look, I just think he looks like a polar bear and I want him to crush me with his love
Marry: Sejun - I can't live with the possibility he eats cereal like that and I guess the ring would add some more power to my influence lmao, also he's just neat and I love him
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winterrhayle · 1 year
cAn yOu rAtE rEpUtAtiOn dEarY aNd I'Ll wRitE sOmeThiNg wInlEt fOr yOu
call it what you want - this one and delicate are actually joint first in my ranking for rep,, theyre just so wholesome and i love them so much theyre my babies omg
new years day - also soo whilesome and i love this as a simple closer for such a highly produced, chaotic album. it really does make you feel like youre cleaning up after a long day,, ALSO THE LYRICS 'PLEASE DONT EVER BECOME A STRANGER WHOS LAUGH I COULD RECOGNISE ANYWHERE' HURTS SO BAD BECAUSE JOE IS A STRANGER WHOS LAUGH SHE COULD RECOGNISE ANYWHERE NOW :(((((((((( ACTUALLY DEVESTATING.
dress - not so wholesome ! but best believe i will be singing this song LOUD,, also when she talks about joes buzz cut and her bleached hair its so funny because idk how either of them pulled eachother that night😭 they looked so silly (i <3 bleachella though in a campy way)
king of my heart - ok this ranking is so hard to do bc half of these songs are about how her and joe are gonna be together forever and in this one shes literally like 'is this the end of the endings' and then they ended. so...
getaway car - sorry this song is acrually so hilarious im so sorry tom hiddleston 😭 i do not condone cheating but the way taylor admits to it here?????????? so proudly????????????? girl😭😭😭😭😭😭 ohh and the bridge takes my soul to another DIMENSION I LOVEEEEE KEY CHANGES
look what you made me do - ok the thing about this song is that you cant understand it without undestanding the context, the comeback from a year of silence with the snakes used against her,, the music video (which is the best mv of all time btw,,,, ive been decoding it for years now) etc etc i could talk so long about it,, also the rep tour version of this >>>>>>>>> so good
...ready for it - ICONIC ALBUM OPENER ( I WAS NOT READY FOR IT !!!!! 2017 ME HAD NO IDEA !!!!!!!!!!!)
i dont wanna live forever - ok guys can we just talk about how taylor literally has a collaB WITH ZAYN MALIK. WHY ARENT WE TALKING ABOUT THIS SONG MORE. WHAT. i love both of their higher registers in their voices so sos so so much
so it goes... - underrated bop, taylor was so wrong for not playing it on the rep tour because 'you did a number on me, but honestly baby whos counting / i didnt know you were keeping count (lyric from high infidelity,, which is about calvin harris,, aka the last long relationship she had before joe) IS GOLD
this is why we cant have nice things - i love it when taylor talks to the people who wronged her like theyre children,, its so satisfying
dont blame me - this used to be higher up but ive heard it so many times now so its getting a little ruined😭but the OHHHH LORD SAVE ME MY DRUG IS MY BABY ILL BE USIN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE (USIN FOR THE REST OF MY LIIFE OOOOOOOhoooOoooooooOOOOOOOOOO O HHHHH) will REMAIN ICONIC TILL THE END OF TIME
dancing with our hands tied - the lyrics are so good and this song feels super nostalgic because the production is very reminiscent of a lot of the songs you hear in 2017 ahhh
i did something bad - i love how she was saying this even though at that time she actuually hadnt done anything bad😭 but this was necessary for the snake character so slay queen🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 ohh also the dyuuuh dhu dhu dhu dhu dhu dhu IS SO ICONIC,, THE WAY SHE WOKE UP AT NIGHT WITH THAT IDEA AND RECORDED IT??? LMAO????????
end game - WHY DID SHE LET ED SHEERAN RAP LMAOOOOOO SOBBING,,, HE WOULD FIT ON LITERALLY ANY ALBUM BUT THIS ONE😭also this is another one of those depressing rep songs bc joe was NOT endgame
gorgeous - ok i didnt like this song for literal years,, i like it now but its still in the bottom half of my overall ts ranking,, however i DO love the lyric about her cats and the *ding* after
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cielospeaks · 2 years
b6 temp tri thoughts
bc hoo boy for me who hated b3 there is a lot to unpack.
firstoff b3 itself thoughts. gosh what a fucking disappointment of a story. for me this was where heroes story started to go downhill. initially gacha was kinda lame but the story was nice or at least bland and unoffensive (aka b1), and from b3 on the gacha was better but the story was much much worse.
before b3 i actually liked the starter trio bc sure, they were boring, but they seemed responsible enough. just like super generic standins for the usual lords/ect. after b3 their personalities developed. () was a fucking control freak and jerk, the sort of person who lectures you on your own customs and tells you why your beliefs are wrong, and also guilt trips you into complimenting them. () is a fucking stalker who has shit taste in relationships and people, thinks abuse is romantic, and is like the embodiment of being positive in a nasty way. () is a horrible leader, a kissass, and has none of the original characters likeable traits (defender of the weak, funny, ect) and instead is just ‘i love money’ memes.
the other characters introduced arent much better. gosh dang eir i was rooting for you to be a pamina character when you were first introduced. now i just feel like. the tired man with his cigarette looking done with everything. like i havent liked eir since b3 so i dont hate her now or anything but like. ok good for you youre a piece of shit.
honestly this is just gonna be me ripping b3 a new one so ill skip to the temptri story. as a premise its not bad, def better than b2s story: hel is left rulerless so the person who’s taken over needs to get rid of the other heir for like. competition. something something i think its like addressed in game of thrones or something idk medieval royalty politics. its like why macbeth sent assassins after duncan’s sons even tho they were out of the country. so the god/dragon of eir’s birthplace, who was also apparently her nanny, saves her life by merging with her and they go on a quest to retrieve the souls of eir’s dead subjects. like ok yea thats vaguely interesting sure go off.
the good: a little more development on hel/ymir. i also do like ymir! shes like the mom whos kinda a pushover, like if her kid (friend’s kid) wants to eat candy late at night she’ll do it bc she feels bad she wasnt in the kid’s life enough sorta thing. having the magic dragon being kind to the protagonist is such a fucking refresher after b2 of n ifl just threatening and demeaning fj orm (and laegy) for like five chapters (until they decided shes redeemable at the fucking last minute despite her being awful. but anyways i digress). i dont have a problem with her. cool good for you.
im having a separate section for ganglot bc i really liked her. like esp seeing the fan reaction against her and how badly shes written in the story makes me like her infinitely more! oh my gosh!
-shes actually dutiful at her job. like shes a really cool i think the word is anti villain? a character who actually has noble and good motivations but does it in a chaotic way/that is destructive to the protagonist. or something like that. theres a mess left over bc of the order’s swaggering and someones gotta clean it up and shes gonna be that someone bc her guardian is dead now, killed by her guardian’s adopted daughter. like her motivations are understandable, she’s after eir for medieval politics plus you killed/helped kill my role model slash mother figure who i thought was also your mother how fucking could you.
-shes that trope of “guy has a bitter animosity toward their presumed rival but said rival is just a dude. who acts normal abt it”. and gosh i love that trope. (herb, sal (from f g o and amadeus the movie version too), randall monsters inc, the list goes on i bet) its a good trope and i always love to see girl characters written with beloved traits of guy characters (gosh i wish there were more characters that arent guys written with wholesome kind jock kronk type characteristics. high school au feng is basically that. but again off topic). i feel bad for ganglot bc she just had to choose the person to have a vendetta against who would actually fuck her up out of proportion but. -doctor idv mourn emote-
-her design is nice and her backstory makes her personality/character more sympathetic. i like the classy formal look, it fits as her being a handmaiden and very dutiful, kinda like the maids/butlers in 14. im so grateful they didnt make her an au version of the main characters like the fan theories were saying. she was abandoned as a child and is older than eir/adopted presumably before eir was, which means she couldnt be those characters even if they wanted her to be. fuck you eat shit fall off your horse. anyways. she basically had nothing and was taken in by someone who not only provided for her needs but offered herself as an example. im willing to bet that seeing hel gave ganglot a purpose/something to look up to, and that hel, while providing for her needs, probably treated their relationship more as a business/apprenticeship sorta thing. in fact theres even stuff that said that ganglot loved looking after eir, which makes it seem like she was kind to eir (which makes what happened even more sad/pisses me off) and only hated her after she killed hel. and considering ganglot didnt know abt what hel did to eir, she wouldnt know why eir rebelled against her. and eir never fucking explains it to her. to ganglot it must look like eir just was like “oh woops looks like im a princess to a pretty lively fairyland happily ever after kingdom im ditching your goth busy realm of the dead to go fuck off and escape from my responsibilities and also imma help some pet self insert of a kill-happy spoiled ass prince and his friends kill your boss slash role model byeeeee -nail polish emoji-”. like idk. its totally relatable and understandable why ganglot would want to kill eir.
-her fatal flaw that leads to her demise is her kindness/mercy. which is something you almost never see with villains, esp ones that are supposed to be unsympathetic. like maybe in a series with an antihero who takes advantage of them falling for a trick or something. or like joseph joestar outwitting the pillar men, but then its less kindness and more like “honor/chivalry” being outwitted by wiliness, which imo is completely different. this is like if the hero is pleading for their life before fighting the villain, the villain decides to give them this out of mercy, and the hero, without explaining anything to the villain who presumably was their friend before, just fucking sacrifices their friend’s life to murder the villain from within in order to kiss up to their longtime abusers who have a sad backstory uwu and that makes it ok. gosh i fucking hate some aspects of this game. anyways i think a villain who has a point whose mercifulness leads to them being killed by a dirty trick is kinda interesting and at least new.
the bad:
-gosh i hate the u b w ripoff in the plot. like please just get a better plot point dont rip off a fucking boring f ate story. their appearances were played up but ultimately did basically nothing but motivate eir, potentially to do worse things but then again thats up in the air (no pun intended) how much of what she chose to do was “for my friends!” and how much was her own idea.
-the jokes abt eirs new design. i dont have a problem with her new design, or even her decisions. it makes sense, seeing shes spent the last however long around these assholes that maybe she’s changed for the worse (or rather from a blank slate to something worse than that). but what i do have a problem is w the “jokes”. no assholes you cant just “cure” depression for one what these characters have is more akin to life altering trauma and just bc theyre wearing brighter colors and smiling more doesnt mean their “depression is gone/cured”. i dont like the in game explanation for idunn but i have my version which is (imo) more meaningful and in character. i think for eir technically it makes more sense with the lore given, as besides askr, which treats her like a pet or a trophy, ymir is the first person in her life whose treated her decently, and in a parental way at that. so yea, not really w the design but definitely with the fans jokes. shut the fuck up.
-the writing. like as a sort of tragedy of people not fucking communicating a la spi derman 1 (2002) or an episode of conan its fine, in fact its pretty good. like for those reasons (+ the sort of medieval drama aspects) i like it or rather dont have a problem. its that those aspects are basically just glossed over for a generic and not really morally substantial “good wins evil loses” angle that this series likes to take. its not as bad as b2 where “sure this person basically kept your life as a carrot on a string to get you to fight your mutual respected former dead enemy who that person dehumanizes, and also they constantly belittle and threaten you but hey they had a crush on your ancestor so that makes them a good person uwu in the end”, but its still not great. like i said ganglot is a really cool character and very multi faceted and sympathetic, but the series just treats her like “hels evil successor who hates eir for no reason” and the fandom calls her incompetent so im just like. i will bite you but im also too tired. idk. i like ganglot. she seems like kind of a workaholic young lady who both is the “i serve someone and am super faithful but they really dont deserve me” trope i unfortunately like (i say unfortunately bc its fucking annoying bc i always end up hating the person theyre faithful to unless its beet and schooby and in that case beet is just too lovable to hate, and also he never asked to be idolized also so him being greedy is something you cant blame him for).
-i think if the story was done better? or like a version id actually like? theres not much id want to change. i think to make eir actually sympathetic she should actually try to communicate what she learned abt hel/what hel did to her to ganglot, and ganglot either ignores her or shuts down eir, or ganglot still cant forgive her even knowing the truth. something like that. a quick fix and that makes everything better. have a flashback to when they were younger and ganglot being kind to eir, and make it more of a moral conflict eir has against fighting and killing her former friend. kinda like the scene in spi derman 3 (2007). ok enough spiderman references id also address what happens to hel after the story. either eir kills ganglot and resumes the responsibility for both the realm of life and the realm of death. or she is able to defeat but not kill ganglot, while recognizing her as an enemy also has the strength of character to recognize she’d be a good ruler of the dead, and gives her blessing/relinquishes her claim to the throne while leaving, never to see her again or something. idk.
id also personally just eradicate all mention of (u b w characters) from the story and make the ending not that eir goes back to her “friends in askr” but that she goes back to set things right, not as their tool and pawn but as the leader her people in the realm of life (and depending on which the realm of death) need, acknowledging her responsibility to her people and her independence. but nooooOOOoo she goes back to the people who treat her as a toy like all happy to be that way. this years story and the protagonists happily sacrificing others for their schemes and then having the gall to act sad abt it afterwards as if tehy werent the one who twisted the damn knife istg
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kagehinataboke · 2 years
another anime recs list because a lot of good new ones have come out….
Komi Can’t Communicate
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tags: slice of life, comedy, school
status: in progress,
i usually avoid school life anime like the plague but this one is very cute and wholesome, and the characters are so fun and diverse and just really lovable
recommend for fans of love is war, although it’s not nearly as unhinged lol
Spy X Family
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tags: comedy, action/adventure
status: in progress, 7/12 episodes
obviously i had to talk about this, nobody better be snoozin on this chaotic & heartwarming shit ok
fairly unique premise, not sure what to relate it to… it sorta has balance: unlimited vibes?? either way, it’s a fun story and i honestly think fans of any genre could get into it
Skeleton Knight In Another World
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tags: fantasy, action/adventure, isekai
status: in progress, 7/12 episodes
i usually avoid isekai as well bc they’re….well, garbage—but this one is so funny and unique and for some reason i like it a lot, maybe bc i just think Arc is funny? idk
anyway i recommend it to anyone tired of the same old over-used and gross isekai tropes and looking for a new take on it
Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de
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tags: comedy, romance, action/adventure
status: in progress, 7/12 episodes
what’s not to love about this? i am literally obsessed. i am obsessed. he’s so awkward for a hero and she’s so unlike a villain that it’s funny, and together the whole enemies-to-lovers trope just blew me away
a very fun and endearing story that will have even the most cynical person laughing hysterically and also wanting a relationship like what these two have
Paripi Koumei
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tags: music, historical (iffy but…reincarnation)
status: in progress, 8/12 episodes
do you ever want to watch an anime that lowkey makes no sense but you’re in the mood for a laugh? yeah this is the one. i kinda had no idea what was going on but in the best way, also the music is great
recommended for fans of the one punch man “i kind of get it but also what the fuck is even happening” vibe and also people who wished Carole and Tuesday was funnier
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
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tags: comedy, slice of life, school
status: in progress, 8/12 episodes
like i said i usually hate school life anime but this season is making me looking inconsistent bc i love everything about this
these two have such a funny, relatable, and endearing relationship, and the comedy isn’t cheap or annoying as it is in a lot of school life anime—but since this is an iyashikei (it’s supposed to be relaxing and “healing”) i guess it makes sense
i recommend to everyone tbh, but once again to those who like love is war bc this is a lot more similar to it
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seungstarss · 3 years
ship your moots with your favorite k-idols! if you have the time of course!
Ship them? 😲 I think imma do platonically just in case. This is gonna be long? Maybe I can do another part for my moots I didn't include
@wonvelvet I think yeonie would fit well with Yeonjun??? Idk but yeonie is a fluffball and I think yeonjun would really cherish sweet and kind people? Like he'd have a soft spot for her yuh😭 idk the dynamic just fits I think and don't we love height differences. PLS SOFT YEONJUN WITH HIS LIL GRIN YES
@lunaflvms I'M SAYING HYUNJIN NOT BC I SEE YOU ON MY TL SCREAMIN ABOUT HIM BUT bc I feel like your vibes would fit tgt? I can just see you too being chaotic and pulling pranks or smth😭 it's wholesome and y'all are like bestfriends on crack/ hj
@ethereal-engene ash my slowburn partner in crime🤩 okay BARE WITH ME BUT PARK SEONGHWA⁉️ THIS IS ANOTHER FEELING ONE? seongwha is giving me mature vibes and you do too! Plus idek why but from the way you carry yourself you seem like a tall person😳 I could be totally off but I feel that confidence from you. I can just see y'all as models walking down the street
@won-vnl SUNGHOON??? maybe it's your user on your personal but somehow I feel it. I also feel like you wouldn't put up with his whole confident praising himself act and it would be funny to see you two argue. I FIND THAT DYNAMICS CUTE OKAY 😭
@enloveclub yes miyu bff, you're so sweet hoho and soft. I think you'd pair well with niki? He may seem all broody on the outside when no one talks to him but we all know boy is soft and has a soft spot for cute things. eHEM you give me sunoo vibes and we stan
@wonjaems BESTIE YOU GIVE ME MATURE VIBES LIKE WOW DAMN SHE'S A BAD BITCH, and we stan ofc 😌 I think you'd be really good friends with beomgyu? I'm not sure why again but he's chaotic and you'd probably be the one to calm him down??? Yk this meme
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@yjwni lily and sunoo. Do I even have to clarify why? It's not even bc of the pfp😭 I've just always thought sunoo and still do 😭 no explanation needed 😘
@haechanhues NIWA. I WANNA SAY BRIGHT BUT ANON SAID K-IDOLS 🤪 for some reason I'm thinking nct jaehyun? HOW DO EVEN EXPLAIN??? THESE ARE JUST GUT FEELINGS 😭😭😭
@jungwoniics hM I FEEL LIKE YOU'D BE REALLY GREAT FRIENDS WITH REI OR LIZ FROM IVE???? NOT SURE WHY I THINK SO AGAIN BUT yes they're my fav girlies and you're my fav too so I mean 👹👹👺👺👺🤩
@jaesvelvet I'm TEMPTED TO SAY WONYOUNG BC YOUR PFP😭 but I feel like you'd get along well with itzy's yuna? You give me tall vibes and I feel like your energy would match with hers ❗
@atrirose I honestly think sunoo? Like I can see you two eating snacks that the back of the classroom tgt? Also sharing textbooks and texting each other for hw bc you two both forgot abt it? The chaotic yet wholesome energy
@jalnandanz xae, should I just say hee👺 ahahah but I feel like you'd be really great friends with jake? Or maybe the 02z in general??? Like I feel like you guys would be up to travel around the city to explore and just have a good tike tgt? That's the vibe I'm getting :0
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randomfandomskillme · 3 years
DSMP Steven Universe AU made by me and my friend at 2 am
Based half on character gems and half on their canonical reasons for creation
- royalty, calm, empathetic but self-preservative
Dream: White Diamond
- tyrranical, emotionless, all about power, manupulative
Technoblade: Yellow Diamond
- powerful, vengeful, warrior for war, logical
Foolish: Pink Diamond
- destroyer turned healer, powerful, caring towards others but can be scary when mad
Sapnap: Ruby
- chaotic, fiesty, fire, soldier
Quackity: Zircon
- lawyer moment, a thinker, political, a fighter through words
Karl: Sapphire
- time powers, comforter, trying to help people
Karlnapity: Sardonyx
- lol
George: Padparadscha
- never in the present, hindsight is 2020, sort of just there, made for support and fails. just a friendly dude
Captain Puffy: Blue Jasper
- strong willed, a fighter, mom energy, leader
Niki: Pearl
- soft but can learn how to fight, used to follow but takes her own path, helpful
Jack Manifold: Ruby
- tempermental, feisty, momentary villain arc, spiteful, was a also a soldier
Awesamdude: Bismuth
- epic builder, very strong, intimidating, stubborn
Ranboo: (Fusion defect) White Pearl - Black Nephrite (main state)
- defect makes two personalities, black nephrite is usually in control (people oriented, neutral but fights for their home) and white pearl is ranboo’s “enderwalk” (follows White diamond [dre], tactful, information gatherer)
Fundy: Peridot
- looking for companionship/attention/approval, can work with tech, a follower, knows how to fight but is nervous about confrontation
Tommy: Spinel
- annoying, chaotic, wants somewhere to belong, was alone/abandoned, goofy
Tubbo: Amethyst (defective)
- soldier turned hardened veteran, never had much power by himself, was given high expectations but couldnt meet them, loud
Jschlatt: Hessonite
- mean, angry, controlling, wants power 
Callahan: Earth Beetle
- silent, been in the background, support character
Ponk: Rose Quartz
- healer type, wholesome but manipulated, betrayed
Antfrost: Red Pearl
- a support character, follows orders, loyal
Skeppy: Lapis Lazuli
- mischievous, blue, chaotic, we know hes technically diamond already but shut up, follows his own agenda
Punz: Topaz 
- fighter, mercenary, works for other people
Wilbur: (half-corrupted) Sapphire
- logical, corruption led to distorted future sight of disaster that he felt compelled to make happen, wanted to create a better future for others
Purpled: Amethyst
- soldier, PURPLE, what else is there to say
Philza: emerald
- important presence, not much of a fighter but still intimidating
Connor: Zirconnor
- he’s just vibin man and its a pun idk what you want from us (also blue), chaotic messy version of a put together zircon, he was supposed to be put together but now hes just doing his best
Badboyhalo: Rose Quartz
- kind and sweet presence that gets corrupted
Hannah: Rose Quartz
-she has rose in the name was there any other option
HBomb: Spinel
- an entertainer/clown, funny, just messes around, a good guy :}
Michaelmcchill: Lapis Lazuli
- causes a lot of destruction, impulsive
Slimecicle: Green (altered??) spinel
- melts instead of stretches, also an entertainer/supporter/hype man, oblivious, naive, funny
*made by me and a friend
*anyone who is a guest on the smp or otherwise not listed are humans, if we missed someone important idc
*feel free to discuss in the comments but we will probably not change anything lol
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kalashimi · 3 years
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My hot take on this aka my fixations over the span of years...just consider (discussion under)
(I'm just gonna say in advance that i don't know every single character here 100% but i know enough that I CONSIDER them to be here, just throwing this here, so if anyone reads this, doesn't get weird vibes oktysmbye)
I know It would be better to put a lot more characters in each section, the problem is that i don't know the ones that would fit the middle...i haven't found the perfect mix of all these 3 things but i can tell the ones in the other sections as best as possible:
Demon Clowns: Shaco (League of Legends) fits perfectly, though they're not totally like that but I dig it, There's also Gamzee (Homestuck) which can fit this role (Kurloz is more of a skeleton clown but it's his suit so doesn't matter that much), Jevil (Deltarune) is also very cool and chaotic, Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss) is also very fucking amazing, well he's more of an animatronic too but that's a different part, he's still considered demon clown so i'll let it slide, Death 13 (JJBA Stand) also goes there, even if they're not really "real" they're still a manifestation of someone's soul. But hey, what about Buggy or Ceasar Clown (One Piece), well they're more human than demons... and since majority here are either demons or clowns with more or less other traits, i don't think human clown-demons fit very well here...so i guess that's it?
Demon Skeletons: The Lich (Adventure Time) seems like the most obvious choice here, he's just iconic and so cool, I love him, Elias Ainsworth (Ancient Magus Bride) also is here, he does have demonic powers and is a very wholesome boy that needs love but also powerful when it comes to fight or flight situations, Nowhere King (Centaurworld) was there for a brief moment, but just gave me the chills when they showed up, seems like a powerful creature which is bounded by something i assume (not sure what, we will see in further seasons), The Beast (Over the Garden Wall) is surely there, since I've seen what they're made of, definitely a demon skeleton, in a way, of course his body is kind of...yeah, but i guess that's the only way to fit them there, very mysterious creature, too bad we won't probably get to see them more :(. Emperor Belos (The Owl House) actually haven't seen this show yet, so maybe i'll add a post-watch note to this, I KNOW FOR A FACT that people really like this one, but i can't say much since i still need to find time to watch this. This concludes that mixup. Skeleton Clowns: Tricky (Madness Combat) does fit here, but also i've known that he's a demon too...well depends, i've heard he has like 5 different forms, so i wasn't sure where to put this guy, skeleton demon it is then, Sans (Undertale) NOW HEAR ME OUT ON THIS, He's clown, but at the SOUL, he makes punny jokes, he laugh every step, he even teases his own brother, he's not that clowny, but his CHARACTERISTICS are like that (unlike Tricky who's been a fucking nuisance) so Sans is also an obvious choice here, Brook (One Piece), similar situation here, he cracks some jokes, he constantly wants to see women's underwear (idk why did they add this to his character, but whatever) and also he has a very epic Afro hair, he's a nice funny dude, but puts up a fight too when the time comes, also get emotional so yeah. This one is the shorest list of characters of all of this, since i don't know many cool skeleton clowns (let it be clown at heart ot just literally a skeleton clown) So i'm sorry to disappoint...better luck next time.
So yeah, this was fun to make, I'm just left out with one thing...and that's THE MIDDLE PART - I have never ever saw anything/anyone that fits the middle one, not a single character was all of these and fit for me PERFECTLY, don't get me wrong, it probably exists, it's just that a) i've never seen it, b) probably wasn't very cool or c) it's so badly written that i despite it I KNOW some of these that i already written about probably fit all of these 3 things, but it's not perfectly fitting, they either have other traits (like fizz being animatronic or tricky having 500 other forms) or they don't really have much said about them, so it's lacking lore and characteristic that I would like, so that's not really my cup of tea in these cases.
thanks for coming to my ted talk about my fixations lmao awkward
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