#it's just so funny how every other love song is like 'please be mine don't love somebody else' and everyone's fine with it
oblako · 10 months
shinae get behind me >:/
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luveline · 9 months
hi jadey!! can i request something with steve? maybe where reader used to be in a relationship where the other person made her to do all the work ( put in the groceries, clean the house, etc.) and one day steve is taking care of some of the chores and reader freaks out cause she’s the one supposed to be doing it?? it’s just an idea, no pressure lovely! hope you’re having a good day 🫶🫶
ty gorgeous! fem!reader
Steve hums when he's busy. No pretentiousness, no shame, he sings lyrics, guitar, and occasionally drums, too. You can hear him in the kitchen singing that Van Halen song he loves, his voice twisted tight as he tries to hit a high note. 
"Are you making a sandwich?" you ask hopefully, hanging your coat on the hook as you trudge in from the front door. 
You're in the kitchen before Steve's collected the wits to answer you. Your jaw falls open. 
"Hey, babe," he says. It's difficult to tell if the pet name is joking or serious, Steve in his pyjamas with his sleeves rolled up, his lips quirked into a funny smile as though he's pleased to see you but confused at the same time. "No? Did you want one?" 
"What are you doing?"
Steve holds his games up in surrender, a cloth held in the left. "I'm wiping down the counters?" 
"I do this every Friday before you get home." 
Steve takes the cloth to the sink to rinse it out. Bleach bubbles squeeze from the fabric. "Am I doing it wrong? This is how I always do it. Wipe the counters, vacuum, mop. Why are you back so early?" 
"Steve, you don't have to clean. I… that's my job." 
"Then what's mine?" he asks, turning off the faucet and dropping the wet cloth at the bottom of the basin. He wipes his hands dry with a hand towel, ushering your forward with a gesture of his index finger. "Come here…" He wraps his arms around you. "All you do lately is work." Steve kisses your cheek three quick times. "Miss you."
You blink a little, overwhelmed, still worried. "Do I not do it right? It's okay if I don't, I can–" 
"Do what? The counters? No. I just figured it's my turn before the weekend starts and you go on your cleaning frenzy. Which isn't your job, by the way. I don't know why you think that." 
He's light-hearted, but your silence spurns him into a more serious tone. Taking your face into one still-damp palm, he narrows his eyes until they're more brown than anything else and says, "Do you really think it's your job?"
"I'm the girl." 
"And I'm so stoked about that, but…" He smiles, pulling your cheek with his thumb to encourage the same. "That's not right. Do you even like cleaning?" 
"I don't have to like it, it's housework." 
Steve can't seem to decide whether this is serious or not. He goes from smiling to frowning to impassive, his fingers rubbing a slovenly path down your cheek. Strands of hair like lace drift into his eyes as he ducks his head, his gaze on your chest. "It's housework for the house we both live in. I know you've been doing more of it since we moved in, and I'm really sorry. I'm lazier than you. I should've asked you about it, but now I've let you do more and you think you need to do all of it. I'm a dick." 
"No, you're not." 
"I'm a total dick. You think you have to clean up after me?" He brings you in for another hug. "Holy fuck, baby. I'm a grown up." 
You bristle at first, but relax the longer he holds you, his words sinking in steady. He's not criticising you; Steve is apologising and self-deprecating. You slide your arms behind his back and breathe in his smell, all things boy but with the sharp smell of bleach lingering. 
"I did it myself. You know, before. So that's why it feels like it's mine to do. Not your fault," you say into his chest. 
Steve pulls away. "Thanks, but I'm a huge dick no matter what." 
He marches you backwards and forces you back into one of the chairs at the dining table. You grab at his arms as he attempts to walk away, lifting your chin to kiss him. It distracts him for a while, the soft, slow press of his lips against yours, your hand in his hair scratching tenderly, but he can't be kept forever. Steve ends your kissing with a peck and beelines for the fridge.
"What are you doing?" you ask. 
"Making you a sandwich. Dinner and a show tonight, did I forget to tell you? You can eat the best BLT in the western hemisphere and I'm gonna vacuum the crumbs from under the toaster. Perfect Friday night, right?" 
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hyun-xxe · 2 months
You're Mine, Silly! (Yandere!Jungkook x F!Reader) PART 1
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Summary: You've only met him once at a fan meet. You were excited and happy since he was your bias. Thats how you saw him. However, Jungkook saw things differently.
warnings: none
There he was, sitting down right in front of you. A part of you still couldn't believe that he was literally a foot away, smiling at you. The sparkle in his eyes bright and shiny, just like his smile.
You swore everything inside you melted away and no thought was left except for Jungkook.
"Hey there!" he waves, grabbing your hand in his, "What's your name beautiful?" he asks, rubbing your palm with his thumb.
It took everything in you not to pass out right in front of you so you mustered up the courage to speak. "Hi!! My name is Y/N! I'm so excited to finally meet you!" you smile brightly, jumping up and down.
"Excited you say?" he smirks, leaning closer, his cologne spreading up toward you, giving you a whiff of his scent. "What makes me so exciting to you?" he questions.
You pretend to think on it real hard when in reality it was so fucking obvious why. "Hmmmm well, I can't deny that you are my bias. You're such a talented singer, song writer, are funny, and so adorable."
His eyes softened as you rambled about things you like about him. With every word you said and the way you seemed so passionate about how you feel made him feel a certain way.
When you realized you were rambling, you felt your face become hot and you removed your hand from his hold. Embarrassment filled you as you scratched the back of your neck, "I'm sorry," you apologize, "I didn't mean to ramble off your ear." you laugh.
Your laugh was cute, something he would love to hear often.
"No, don't apologize." he says and reached over to, once again, hold your hand in his. "Please, don't feel embarrassed. It was cute."
With his free hand, he reached over and grabbed your album to sign. Jungkook did not want to let go of your soft hand. It felt nice in his, like it belonged there.
When you saw him sign it with a message to your name, you opened your mouth. "Can you also put Elijah?" you ask.
he quirked his eyebrow up, confused at your request but nevertheless wrote down the name, "Is he your brother?" Jungkook asked.
You shake your head, "He's my boyfriend! He was the one who bought my ticket actually!" you smiled, "He really wanted to come today, but there was an emergency at work."
Jungkook felt himself freeze. You have a boyfriend? What?
It didn't make any sense. How could you ramble on about how perfect Jungkook is and how adorable he is, only to now say you're in a relationship?
"Oh really?" he mumbled under his breath, trying to contain his cool. "You didn't mention him before."
"it slipped my mind because I was so excited to meet you guys. You and Jimin are his biases."
He didn't know how to feel. Certainly you were flirting with him, there was no doubt, but now you're saying you're with someone. It just didn't make any sense.
"I wish he could've made it." Jungkook says, knowing damn well he didn't mean it.
The bell rung, signaling that it was time to rotate. He didn't want you to go and hated how he only had five minutes to talk to you.
You picked up your album to move on, hoping he would let go of your other hand, but he didn't. In fact, it was as if he held it tighter. You tried releasing your hand, but it was firmly held in his.
Was this by mistake?
Looking to your right, you saw the others behind grow impatient as they looked your way. A lot of the other fans caught glimpse of Jungkook still holding your hand and looking at you with full eyes.
He wasn't letting go and it made you scared because you didn't want to get yelled at by staff and even get kicked out.
In the corner of your eye, you saw a staff make their way toward you and you tried your best to get your hand out, but to no avail. However, there was a savior that stepped in.
Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, gaining the youngest's attention. "Uhm, are you okay, Jungkook?" he asked, looking between you both. "The bell rang almost a minute ago, let go of the poor ladies hand."
It took everything in Jungkook to not yell at his hyung, but he obeyed his orders.
"I'm sorry Y/N!" he said, eyes pleading with you, "I got lost in thought and didn't mean for this to happen!"
He was loud and everyone was looking, it made you feel hot with embarrassment, but seeing how he is right now made you feel bad for some reason. As if it was your fault.
"it's ok!" you say, moving in front of Jin, "No need to apologize."
After that, everything felt quick for you. Seeing other members made you happy and it was something you would never forget, especially with Jungkook. He didn't mean to hold your hand that long, so you didn't really think much of it. Besides, you mentioned your boyfriend and your love for Elijah will triumph over Jungkook any day.
However, it was the next day that made things go downhill. You woke up to your phone going off every second. it scared you, made you think a relative died and that your siblings or parents were trying to get ahold of you.
But when you opened your sister's messages, your eyes popped out.
sister: Go check Twitter right now!!
sister: if u dont wake up rn ill fucking drive over to your apartment and nuke your door down
You message her quickly, telling her that you're checking right now. Opening the app, it was the first thing that popped up.
Was the first headline you saw. You prayed hard and deep that it was something totally different and did not involve you at all.
You clicked on the tweet and your heart dropped. It was clearly a picture of you at the fan meet. it was the moment when Jungkook held onto your hand tightly and didn't let go. Even now you can clearly see the soft look in his face as he stared at you.
How stupid were you for not realizing that fans could take things the wrong way and make it to what it really isn't!
You read the tweet and it made your blood boil.
I was at BTS' fan meet last night and what I saw made me gasp! When the bell rung for the fans to move onto the next member, there was a moment that made everyone shocked. Jungkook wouldn't let go of this girls hand! I don't know her name or who she is, but when I zoomed in, you can see the look in his eyes that he had for her! It was adorable and sweet! The way he held her hand made me swoon!
#BTS #whoIsTheGirl #Jungkook
You scrolled through other tweets, some of them confused, others shocked, a few of them were hate, but a lot of them were excited. It pissed you off. This wasn't Wattpad, this only should happen in cringe stories. You were dating the love of your life and this could seriously ruin things.
Going to Elijah's contact, you tried calling him twice, but he didn't pick up. You texted him asking if he was ok, but he just read your message.
Everything was going downhill so you grabbed your stuff and headed over to your boyfriends apartment.
Upon arriving, you knocked several times for him to answer because there was no way in hell you were leaving without explaining things. When he opened the door, you invited yourself in without asking.
"What are you doing?" he asks, closing and locking the door behind him, "whats wrong?"
You tilted your head, confused by his actions. Is he this mad that he looks so calm?
"I'm here to talk about whats happening on twitter and want to give you my side." you say.
His eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Something on twitter? Care to elaborate?"
"Why are you acting confused? Aren't you angry? I tried texting and calling but you ignored them."
He laughed and walked up to you, giving your forehead and kiss, "I am sorry, honey. I was on the phone with my sister and was trying to calm her down from her first heartbreak. When I saw your text, my phone died."
Elijah then walked to the counter and showed his phone with the screen showing the black background and white apple icon, signifying that it was just turning on from it being dead.
You felt the worry ease just a little as you finally calmed down. "oh thank god." you whisper, placing your hand over your chest. "You scared me so much."
he chuckles and stands in front of you, "Whats happening though? Tell me."
So you told him everything, about how Jungkook kept holding your hand, fans took pictures, thought of something else, and now you're trending on Twitter. You showed him the tweets, pictures, and tags.
His eyes scanned each and every one of them, and after he smiled and chuckled. "Oh Y/N." he gives you a tight hug, "Did you think I was angry about this? That I believed it?"
You nodded your head in his chest.
"You're such a dork." he ruffles your hair, "I would've called your if anything, and besides this is not something you would do. You're loyal, and kind, and I trust you. It was a mistake and the fans fault for taking things the wrong way."
You felt like there was a heavy weight that was lifted from your shoulder. He understood and listened carefully to your words and it made you realize how lucky you are to have him as your boyfriend.
He tried his best to cheer you up, making you food and putting on your favorite show.
When you got the notification that Jungkook was live on Weverse, you and your boyfriend stopped what you were doing to watch it, hoping he would clear up any rumor.
"Hello," he says, waving at the camera. He waited for more people to come on and just kept staring at the lense. When enough people joined, he started talking more.
"'did you see what is trending on twitter?' Yeah, I have actually. She looks pretty in that picture." he says, smiling to himself.
You tilted your head, confused by his words. Shouldn't he shoot down the rumor now instead of fueling it by saying how pretty you are?
"You guys should know that she is just has pretty as her name. Everything about her is flawless." he laughs to himself and reads another comment "'are you guys dating?' I guess this is where I have to be honest and upfront with you guys."
You felt relieved that he was finally going to dispell the rumors between you both and you can finally be at peace from all of this.
"Yes, we are dating. We wanted to keep it on the down low and she wanted to surprise me at the event, but I guess my love for her got the best of me."
Your blood ran cold and your eyes widened. Did you hear him correctly? Was he being serious? You were hoping he said something else and you just needed to check your hearing?
You turned to your boyfriend and see that hes also wide eye, frozen in his place, and even shaking just a little.
"Please, army, im asking you guys to refrain from getting into her privacy. She is human after all, my love and my girl. It would mean the world to me if you showed kindness and love to our relationship."
Why is he doing this? You didn't understand why he was saying these things and what made him attached to you. "What the actual fuck!" you screamed out, throwing your phone.
"How long have we been dating?" he reads aloud, "Since five months already." Jungkook smiles, "I cant believe time has flown by so fast!" he chuckles. "Do the members like her? Of course they do! They're so protective over her, but not too much. After all, shes my girl."
You were sick to your stomach hearing him speak more. The realization dawned on you from last night and why he kept on holding your hand tight, even when you had to move on. Him being your bias sickened you as you realized who this man truly is.
To his fans, he was the kindest and sweetest person ever, his eyes fooled everyone, even you. But now this?
Seeing your boyfriend on the couch, not saying a word broke your heart.
"Please, tell me you don't believe him babe," your eyes started to get watered, "I never met him before last night."
He finally looked at you, swallowing his spit and shaking his head, "Babe, its ok, I believe you." he answeres, "But t-that man," he points at your phone, "Hes fucking crazy. Sick in the head for thinking that. What the hell!?"
You walked up to your boyfriend, giving him a tight hug. "Don't worry babe, I'm going to fix this. I promise."
You left later that night and when you got home, you emptied your purse and thats when you noticed the album you brought with you to the fan meet.
Opening it up, your eyes almost bulged out of your head when seeing his sick note you left you.
You're the most prettiest girl I've ever met with the prettiest name. Please, I want to see you soon. Take care!
Below that had a phone number on it with the words next to it being "Contact me anytime."
You were stupid and dumb, but this needed to be fixed once and for all. Picking up your phone and putting in that number, you waited for the caller to pick up.
It went to voicemail.
You knew this was stupid and it wouldn't work, so you placed down your phone and screamed into your pillow. He's messing up the relationship between you and your man for no reason.
How could a lovely time turn into your worse? Were you actually curs-
Suddenly, your phone lights up with the number you put in and you almost chocked on your spit.
Slowly reaching out, you picked it up and answered, waiting for the person to speak.
"Who is th-this?" you ask, swallowing a nervous spit.
"You called me, shouldn't I be the one asking?"
The voice sounded familiar, but you didn't want to assume that it was him, however you were built on frustration and you let it all out.
"I know this is you, Jungkook. I found the number you left in my album. You are a sick bastard for what you're doing!" You yelled, "What the fuck gave you the idea that we are dating? Why the fuck are you saying this when I've never met you in my entire life.
"Do you not understand that you're ruining my relationship that I have with my boyfriend!?" You yelled into the phone, a tear slipping down.
The line stayed quiet and it pissed you off even more. Even if it wasn't Jungkook on the line, it had to be someone close to him since he wrote this number down by heart.
"Oh, its nice hearing from you finally!" his voice rung out, almost too happy, "How have you been, love?"
You felt the anger rushing in all over again as you laughed, "Are you fucking kidding me!? Did you not hear what I said??"
"I did, yes. But why should that concern me?" he asks, seemingly not caring about the situation he created.
"Did you not care to consider the fact that you're ruining my life? People around me are calling me a whore, they think I left my boyfriend because I met you! Do you not get it?!"
He chuckles a bit, "Don't listen to them, their words should mean nothing. Besides, what do you want me to do about it?"
You froze in place as you were left dumb founded. Is this man serious? "Are you fucking kidding me!? I want you to fix this! We aren't dating and I have a boyfriend, Elijah is his name. Not Jungkook."
Jungkook was quiet for a few seconds before speaking up, "You know, I don't think your boyfriend would be happy with how you were fliritng with me at the event."
You laughed at his stupidity, almost close to hanging up and calling the cops even. "Flirting with you? How was I flirting with you!?"
"The things you said about me being adorbale, funny and all of that. Don't play stupid, its not cute. What would your boyfriend do when he hears the things you said about me?"
"You cannot be serious." you say, angry and confused, "That wasn't fliritng, Jungkook! I was genuonely complimenting you since you were my bias! You need to get out of delusional land!"
"Love, you expect me to go back online and tell the world that what I said isn't true?" he asked.
"Well, fucking obviously!" you screamed.
"Yeah, I can't do that. Besides, what would the fans think of me when I tell them that all that I said was a lie?" he says.
"Well everything was a lie! You created this mess!"
He sighs, "Y/N," you forgot he knew your name, "I'm not taking back my words. I genuinely like you and want something."
You pulled your hair in disbelief, "Jungkook, did you not hear me say that I have a boyfriend 50 times!? There is no us and will never be an us."
He was quiet and all you could hear was tapping. "If you're not going to say anything, I will."
"Love, do you know the power I have?" He asks, "I am a rich man, me and my members bring in 5 BILLION dollars every year. That being said, I have the power to do anything and that anything involves you. Army listens to what I say and eat it up, if I go online with tears in my eyes talking about how hear broken I am.... you can kiss your life and privacy goodbye."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "J-Jungkook, are you threatening me?" you asked, so shocked that you swear your heart stopped pounding.
"No, I would never. I'm just letting you know the consequences of what might happen." he says in a soft, degrading tone, "Listen, why don't we meet up and talk about this? Yeah? I'll send you an address first thing tomorrow. How does that sound?"
"No! I'm not going to meet you, are you crazy!?" you yell, gripping your phone tighter in your hands.
"I wonder how army will feel when they hear you say how 'fucking stupid' I am, and how delusional I am for simply being in love." he sighs, "I would hate for your reputation to plummet."
The feeling of your heart sinking is the worse feeling in the entire world. You were helpless and you didn't know what to do, this was completely out of your hands, he was in charge.
"W-why are you doing this to me?" you whisper, tears falling down, "what did I do?"
"Don't cry, my love." he whispers in a soothing tone, "Seeing you for the first time has made me helpless. I knew I needed you in my life. You are the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes on. Lets talk more about this tomorrow, ok love?"
You didn't feel like talking more, so you stuttered out a yes before hanging up. This man is insane and you knew that if you made the smallest mistake, he has the power to ruin you and your family. What did you do to deserve this?
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cho-aaacho · 4 months
—Satoru! 1000%
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Imagine pt.4
Imagine Gojo and you always exchanging playlists because he wants to know your music taste. Despite having a different music taste, he respects that.
Every day, like clockwork, he showers you with his current favorite song, and when he does that, his cheeks will be flush while his eyes glimmer like a beautiful ocean blue or the lovely of a pristine blue sky.
Oh, how could you escape from him when he acts so irresistibly cute? You end up breathless, blushing, and speechless, and don't forget his cute face floating above your head.
Sometimes Gojo goes to Tower Records just to buy CDs, and of course, you comes with him. At that time, he'll hold your hand, saying something funny or some endearing words from his sweet mouth, and create a world where it feels like it's just the two of you.
He named his playlist. "Satoru! 1000%" and only showing them to you. Only to you. Just for you.
At times, he indulges in love songs with cute lyrics, and other times, it's just rock music, leaving you confused because you don't know what band he is listening to.
But... you love the part where Gojo smiles, closes his eyes, nestles his head on your shoulder, shakes his head cutely, or hums along while immersed in his playlists. 
It's simply mesmerizing and quite endearing. It was a small detail about him that you'll cherish.
With each passing day, you already know his favorite songs, preferred bands, and his "On Repeat" playlists. It may seem simple, but these are simple details about Gojo Satoru that you hold dear. 
One day, Gojo bursts with excitement, strolling with so much sunny energy, when his gaze falls on you. He's so warm at that time, so cute, and it makes you feel like you're surrounded by sunflowers.
Gojo is eager to share his latest favorite song, explaining that the song is related to him.
"I want to show you something. But please don't make fun of me if you hear that!"
"I won't, Gojo-kun."
Gliding in gently, he enthusiastically places earbuds on you without even asking if you are interested or not.
It just feels like you're listening to indie music because of the poor mic quality. All that reaches your ears are deep breaths, a gentle breeze, and a mysterious bird sound, and it leaves you confused because there's nothing to hear. It's just random sounds from the backyard at his home.
"Just wait..."
After a few seconds, the wind sound fades away, and unexpectedly, a male voice takes its place. You strain to catch the voice, attempting to recall who it might be, only to discover that it's Gojo himself, not rock music. 
It was him in that record, passionately monologuing about his feelings for you. With sincerity, he declares,
"It's not a joke or a prank, damnit. How can I say this? I only know love songs, but I lack the courage to express my feelings. So I recorded this, trying so hard to convey it because I'm too embarrassed to speak face-to-face with you. But... I love you. Will you be mine?"
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
woozi boyfriend headcanons <3
a/n: posting jihoon's boyfriend headcanons next as requested!! i am SO endeared by him <333 i'd trust him with my life tbh and i just know i'd feel safe if i had him around like he's a top-tier protector while also being a silly billy :,-) pics not mine !
content: fluff | wc: 1.3k | warnings: none! | pairing: boyfriend!jihoon x gn!reader | requests: open
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after writing this, i want nothing more than to see jihoon smile and give me an endearing head pat :,-( please enjoy <333
our music boy!!! hard-working king!!!! talented icon!!!!
he's so cool in every way except for when it comes to you
he just melts at the sight of you
like he's cool on the outside but anyone who knows him knows that he's losing it over how much he loves you
tbh even people who don't know him all that well can see very recognizable heart eyes
he just looks at you with so much adoration and fondness and it SHOWS <333
sometimes when you're speaking to him, especially about things you're passionate about, there will be pauses before he responds
it's not because he isn't listening. it's the complete opposite !!
he's so immersed in your thoughts, your voice, your movements, your words, that he has to find his way back to earth before he can speak
and honestly, if it weren't for the fact that it proves to you he is listening and encourages you to continue speaking, he'd stay completely silent during times like these
he's in awe of you and he wants to stay that way forever
jihoon gets flustered by you constantly
the butterflies he felt when he first saw you never go away
they actually get stronger over time because the more he realizes he loves you the more those butterflies of elation swarm inside him
this is one of the many inspirations he finds in you for music
he actually writes lots of songs about you but he is so nervous to tell you about it each time so he doesn't tell you beforehand he just plays the song for you when he thinks it's ready
while he doesn't directly say it's about you, you know it is about you because he slipped a phrase you two always say to each other in there or he references a favorite song/idea/sound/item of yours in the verse
in response, you give him a lil squeeze on his hand or a kiss on the cheek or a smile that shows him with certainty you love and cherish how he incorporated you into his work again
it all goes unsaid, be he can feel through these exchanges that you feel the depth of his love
his heart is FULL!!!!
he is blushing, but he fights with all his might to act like he isn't blushing
jihoon actually blushes any time you compliment him because he is so soft for you :,-)
he will also completely short circuit if he hears you singing or humming a song he made
it catches him off-guard and he's standing there like :-0
he's so precious <33333
jihoon's also the silliest boy with you
he laughs SO hard whenever you make a joke
like i'm talking open mouth, loud, PUAHAHAH energy
he cannot contain it he thinks you're so funny and delightful
loves teasing you so much. he knows it'll get a laugh out of you, which is one of his favorite sounds in the universe, and he just loves being playful with you even if it means roasting you
jihoon will also do slapstick, dad jokes, or other ridiculous humor antics to make you laugh
he's actually so funny like !!! you're never going to feel bored again you've got a true entertainer with you 25/8
the entertainment carries over to when he tells stories about you
they're so animated and his descriptions of you are so vivid that seventeen actually feel as though they know you before they meet you
a few members comment "wow, he got your voice exactly how it sounds!" and "he wasn't kidding. you do get that look in your eyes when you tell a joke!" and so on
i'm putting my money on soonyoung, seungkwan, and chan to expose him like this
you're shocked because ??? how often did he talk about you ???
when you turn to look at jihoon he's a blushing mess and waving his hand in the air and chuckling to act as though it isn't a big deal
when you turn away he is giving Death Glares to everyone else but they're just laughing because they've never seen him more enamored before and it's the perfect fuel for teasing him <3
his hugs engulf you
even the slightest of hugs leave you feeling completely wrapped up in his embrace. he holds you with so much care and attention that even a light brush of his hand on your shoulder makes you feel so wonderfully warm
when he's sleepy he is definitely nuzzling his head into your shoulder/neck/etc like he wants the world to disappear and you are his escape !!! his comfort !!! i'm sobbing now
he's often softly tapping your shoulder to get your attention without disrupting whatever you're watching/reading/etc because he wants your attention but would never take it without you being willing to give it
stop why is he so cute and gentle :-(
whenever you two are sitting, lying, or standing near each other, he'll mindlessly drum his fingers against you like he's playing the piano
woozi will always sing you to sleep if you ask
like yes he'll resist at first because he's a lil shy but he's not going to say "no" when he knows how much it'll comfort you
he thinks there are few things better than the sound of your contented sighs as you drift into sleep and the look on your face when you finally fall into a deep slumber
while he sings to you, he will play with your hair, give you sweet little pets, and soothingly rub your arms/back <3
he will never let you down
whether it's picking up every item on your grocery list
or being by your side during a hard time
he. is. there.
nothing would break his heart more than you feeling alone or unsupported
you always make him feel grounded, and he constantly works to reciprocate that for you
he is genuinely such a solid partner. he's your rock in the truest sense of the word, and the trust between you two is otherworldly
while there are always butterflies and new experiences shared between you, there has, from day one, been a sense of sureness there too
your relationship feels so real and so right
woozi's love is strong. through the ups and downs, his love for you never wavers, and he never lets you doubt his sincerity towards you
tbh i think he really desires security with you
one of the first times he's very vulnerable with you, probably late at night while in the studio because there's a specific intimacy you find together in that space, he admits to you that he really wants someone you to feel sure of him
you were sure of him before then, but, in that moment when he completely opened up, you knew, more than anything, you were sure of him
and all it took was the grasp of your hand, the look in your eyes, and the words i'm sure of you, jihoon for him to know that you felt everything toward him that he felt about you
from then on, so much of your relationship goes unsaid
because you two feel it and know it so deeply that it doesn't need to be expressed
however, jihoon never misses an opportunity to express his love and appreciation for you
he's very much the type to be lovey dovey when he's feeling soft
like this boy could give you a toothache with his sweetness
and he's smiling that angelic smile the whole time i'm biting my fist pLEASE
if you ask him to do aegyo, he'll do it in a heartbeat
you show this off in front of seventeen and they're DYING and they expect woozi to say something but he's not fazed like obviously he's doing aegyo ?? what else is he supposed to do when the love of his life asks him to act cute ??
the answer is do aegyo, obviously.
jihoon is simply the most romantic and sincere partner you could ask for. he's dedicated to you, heart and soul, and he proves that every day by being there for you
sorry i have to go and read some poetry because loving and being loved by jihoon would simply be the most beautiful thing in the world
i hope everyone gets the jihoon they deserve <3
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 11
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: Social media is going crazy over every minimum interaction between Yn and Mick, they are ready to take anything the shipper gives.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
a/n2: I'm sorry for taking forever to update, I was a bit busy lately, and also kinda unmotivated :(
a/n3: I tried something new this time by adding three different races (Baku, Miami, and Imola), I don't know if the time lapse was easy to grasp, or if it got confused, and I think maybe Tumblr took a bit of the quality of the pictures, but nothing much (but lmk if you felt like it was much). Please, let me know your thoughts so I can post the next chapter sooner <;3
a/n4 (last one, I promise!!): My message app was not working properly and I just wanted to post this as fast as possible, so I used the Twitter dm thingy, did not really like it, but it is what it is sometimes. Sorry, y'all.
part. 10 | series masterlist | part 12 | taglist
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theofficialyn added to her story
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liked by user55, hamilton8_, and others
paddockgossip Apparently the pilots and families are enjoying the Florida weather together. The first pic was sent by a follower, rumor has it that it’s Yn Hamilton and Mick Schumacher. The second is a screenshot of her story which confirms to us that she is indeed in Miami and at the beach or at least was. 😏
view all 398 comments
smtimesadness the second pic is Lando Norris, not Mick Schumacher 😂😂
mickynshipper I love them, but I feel better consuming the crumbs they give us them invading their private life like this.
⤷ user90 Idc, they’re both public persons
popyn1 ok but can we talk about Yn friendship with the grid?? She’s casually in a yacht with Lando, gets sugar for Charles, Pierre always comments funny stuff on her posts, and then there’s Mick too (this one Idk if it’s just another good friend and we are projecting, or they’re really dating)
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liked by alex_albon, susiewolff, and others
theofficialyn week’s vibe
view all 6.223 comments
juridicohamiltons who gave you the flowers on the sixth slide?
⤷ theofficialyn a fan :)
⤷ pierregasly 🤣🤣🤣
⤷ girlbossgasly PIERRE SPILL THE TEA!
fan16_ I know y’all into mickyn train, but I cant stop thinking about how she always posts charles 😭😭😭😭 what if…..? 👁️👄👁️
gina_schumacher 💖💖💖💖 love youuu
⤷ lewisncharles their content is my fav, just two besties vibing
vroom_44 is that you revealing the song Lewis was listening to?
⤷ theofficialyn yes hahah 😝
charles_leclerc I am pretty sure you have better photos of me, yn…..
⤷ theofficialyn 😇💋
⤷ leclercmonza SEE??? ITS TOO SUS
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(open the dms pics for better quality)
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @dalsuwaha (it says no blogger found 😭)
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1d1195 · 2 years
To Be Loved
Notes/warnings: I don't have time to write anything that anyone probably wants to read right now. Here is the song I've been listening to on repeat for the last week and a half. Angsty themes are present.
She nodded and looked up at him. “Please don’t leave me,” she begged so brokenly. “I know that’s terrible of me to ask you—”
“I will never leave you, m’love,” he said simply. She nodded, her eyes welling with tears again. Harry brushed them from her cheeks as they fell and she didn’t speak again. He pressed his forehead to hers. “You’re mine,” he said simply.
Last night / confidence was shaken / my wounds, and my past was saying “no one should ever love me like you do”
Harry walked into their shared apartment prepared to argue. It was how every single night began when he came home late from work. He didn’t like working late. Of course, he didn’t. He would much rather be home with the sweet love he adored so much. He wanted to shower her with love and affection.
But there were bills to pay and they didn’t have that kind of time to lounge around like some of their other friends who didn’t need to work as many hours as they did to afford the lavish lives they lived. Harry loved his career; it was endlessly rewarding to work with kids and adults alike to put families together and mend broken homes...but he wished it paid more. She wished the same of her own job; “do it for the outcome not the income” was a mantra in schools and her very own mantra as well.
They simply wanted time for one another. She couldn’t pick up extra hours like Harry could. So, he did the extra working, and she did the household chores and care. It was exhausting on both fronts, and it was rare she would be awake when Harry arrived home—drained from school and then chores.
Harry would be drained too, hopeful that maybe they could watch a show together or enjoy a meal together. It had been weeks since that had happened on a weeknight. It was hard to live as if they only existed together on the weekends.
That was the cause of the argument the previous night. It left for a silent day—no text messages, no voice messages, no tagging each other in funny pictures on social media. So, Harry was ready for another round of arguing. He was sure it would happen.
But instead, she was sitting there on the couch waiting expectantly, looking toward the door. “Hi,” she said so softly it barely reached Harry’s ears.
“Y’okay, kitten?” He asked softly at the sound of her gentle voice. The need to argue dissipated. She was all that mattered. He stood by the door afraid to really move beyond the entry way. He kicked his shoes off as she nodded.
“Yeah,” she swallowed. “Just...missed you,” she whispered brokenly and looked away from the door where Harry stood. “M’sorry,” she sniffled.
“Whoa, hey,” he said hurriedly and dropped his bag. He noted the folders spilling out of the bag and spread about the floor, but they didn’t matter at that moment. “Kitten,” he said and crouched in front of the sofa. He put his hands on her cheeks and brushed his thumbs along the tears that began to roll down her face. “Hey,” he repeated and brushed his thumb on her lower lip. “S’matter, m’love?” He asked.
She took a shaky breath in. “I thought you weren’t going to come home,” she croaked. “I worried all day.”
“Oh, baby,” he frowned. “M’sorry. Why didn’t you...” he stopped his own question. He knew why she didn’t text him or call him. He didn’t call or text her for the very same reason: they were both stubborn and the argument from the night before tainted everything.
“Then why don’t you just leave?!” She shouted. Harry felt his heart ice over and he stopped yelling about how she was always sleepy. How it sucked being trapped in this cycle of not seeing each other because it was so expensive to be alive. The idea of leaving her never crossed his mind. He never really understood why they argued. It seemed futile. It didn’t seem like anything would resolve the issues. It was just time. Time was needed for their positions to move up. She was finishing her second degree that would give her a bigger pay boost. Harry wouldn’t have to work long hours forever. She could get a second part time job or tutor. She had lots of time off due to school vacations. Harry wouldn’t be stuck doing the grunt work for the rest of his career.
But to hear her asking him to leave made him break. He stayed silent. He stared at her for a prolonged moment. Didn’t say a word. She was taking heaving breaths. Harry simply walked away, closed the door to their bedroom and went to bed.
“Kitten,” he cooed. “Baby, I...” he shook his head. “I can’t leave you. I don’t want t’leave you. Could never...” he promised and she sniffled, her breath catching in her throat as she inhaled shakily again.
“Baby, s’okay,” he promised bringing her toward him. “M’sorry, too. Behaved like a proper arse,” he murmured into her hair. She shrugged against him.
“M’always tired,” she reminded him. “I never see you,” she whimpered. He shook his head still.
“You’re always busy, kitten,” he said knowingly. “S’not your fault. I shouldn’t have gotten s’mad. I jus’ miss you, too.”
She nodded and looked up at him. “Please don’t leave me,” she begged so brokenly. “I know that’s terrible of me to ask you—”
“I will never leave you, m’love,” he said simply. She nodded, her eyes welling with tears again. Harry brushed them from her cheeks as they fell and she didn’t speak again. He pressed his forehead to hers. “You’re mine,” he said simply.
No one should ever love me like you do / While I’m on this road, you take my hand / somehow, you really love who I really am / I push you away / still you won’t let go / you grow your roses on my barren soul
Harry’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. Just another thing that went wrong. The stupid piece of metal not turning over made him want to scream. “Harry,” she said gently.
“Kitten,” he shook his head. “Don’t,” he muttered bitterly.
She pressed her lips together nervously. He got out of the car after popping the hood and fiddled with a few pieces not fully sure of what he was doing but figured it couldn’t hurt. He swore and smacked the hood shut and pounded his fist against it angrily.
She hurried out of the car and came to his side. She reached for his arm and he shrugged her off. “Hey,” she said softly.
“Kitten, this is—”
“Hey,” she repeated. “Stop,” she said and forcefully grabbed his hands in hers. He felt himself melting almost instantly at her touch. He leaned against the front of the dead car on the silent road. “S’okay.”
“It’s your birthday,” he muttered.
She shrugged. “I just wanted to be with you,” she reminded him. She wedged herself between his knees and leaned toward him. “You’re the best gift of all,” she promised.
He thought about how much the repair would cost. How much time would have to be spent away from her to take care of the cost. How much time and money he couldn’t save for a ring that deserved to be on her finger.
And all she could think about was him.
“Why d’you even love me?” He muttered.
“I think you hypnotized me,” she joked. He didn’t even crack a smile. He felt miserable. If this was anyone else, they would have high tailed it out of here long ago. He had seen it before. “Hey,” she whispered.
“If y’were smart you’d leave me,” he mumbled. She brought her face so close to his and peered upwards to his withdrawn and defeated face. She smiled.
“Good thing I’m stupid, then,” she smirked again.
He rolled his eyes. “You really love me? Poor, broke, dead car and all?”
“And more,” she promised.
Harry felt the warmth of her words spread through his body. When they had spent a rare Sunday in bed staring at each other and enjoying their presence together in the quiet, chilly morning she said his fingertips spread warmth through her that it felt like how she imagined wildflowers grew in places that didn’t deserve growth. He didn’t understand a thing about her imagination. Didn’t know how wildflowers could grow where they didn’t belong.
His hands moved to her hips and pulled her closer to him between his legs. “I think I just fell more in love with you.”
“Surely there’s not much “more” left,” she smirked.
“You keep surprising me too,” he said, finally smiling.
“I’m so in love with you, Harry Styles.”
But when she loved him anyway, he thought maybe wildflowers could grow where they didn't belong—like in every inch of Harry’s broken and tired soul.
The way I push you through it / what you had to see / I’m a trainwreck / I’m a mess / you see the best and the worst of me / still I can’t imagine that I’ve earned your trust / I don’t understand where your love comes from
Like most things they did, it was just the two of them. She wore a stunning dress that didn’t trail behind her but anyone that looked at her would surely follow her with their gaze until she was physically not in view. With her hair pulled into a stylistic crown around a river of curls she looked like a picture out of Harry’s history textbook from university. She resembled a Greek goddess. Harry couldn’t stop staring at her even if he wanted to. Handsome as always she felt like the first time she laid eyes on Harry back in college. Effortlessly good-looking. His hair, his eyes, his smile, his tall frame all overwhelmed her senses in the best possible way. She couldn’t look away from him then and she couldn’t look away from him now.
They stood together in front of the town clerk, hand in hand. They were quiet and he watched her bite her pretty lip out of the corner of his eye. He squeezed her hand pulling her from her thoughts. Turning to look at him, she tilted her head curiously. He smiled so gently it crushed her. His cute dimple piercing his cheek and subsequently her heart.
When Styles was called Harry winked at her. “Last chance,” he said softly squeezing just below the fake diamond she picked out at Pandora on her left finger.
She shook her head at him with an eye roll. “I’d like to see you try.”
He chuckled. “No way, kitten,” he promised, and he watched her cheeks pink with the words he spoke. She was so, so stunning.
They gazed at each other while the clerk went through the legalities of the union. “Do you want to exchange vows?” He asked.
She glanced at Harry nervously. “I don’t...” She shook her head. “I don’t have anything prepared...I don’t—"
“I’m a mess, kitten,” Harry began, overtaken with how much he loved her and how this didn’t matter at all. He just wanted her to be all his forever and ever binding and legally. “You love me anyway. I promise I’ll love you forever. Loving you has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Through all the bad and all the good. I’m so very grateful to have you.”
She blinked and Harry watched the tears fill her vision. He brought his hand to her cheek and hovered his thumb over her lash line waiting for the tears to fall. “If you’re a mess, I’m a trainwreck,” she whispered. He smiled and shook his head. “I love you so much,” she promised. “I always will. I trust you with my entire life and that’s not an easy thing for me to do. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I could, I would marry you every single day for the rest of my life and nothing else.”
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. He could feel his eyes stinging with his own tears imagining her in thousands and thousands of dresses getting married all over again every single day. The idea made his heart thud loudly in his chest. “No one has ever loved me like you do,” he said.
“I don’t know how you love me so much,” she smiled so sweetly.
He sniffled and nodded blinking back the tears. “I really do,” he promised. “I don’t know how you put up with me.”
“S’the easiest thing I’ve ever done,” she answered.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
He pulled her toward him so he could press a kiss to her forehead. “I think we’re ready now,” he murmured to the clerk with a smile.
He smirked at Harry and nodded. He turned to the sweet girl first. “Do you take Harry to be your husband?”
“I do. Forever and ever.”
Harry couldn’t tear his gaze from her for a second. He remembered saying “I do,” as well, but it was overshadowed by their first kiss as husband and wife.
There was no party, no family, no presents.
There was some champagne—the good kind. They fed each other cupcakes she had made the night before and he licked the frosting from her lips as he kissed her over and over on their old couch in their apartment. He couldn’t stop looking at her.
She took his tie off and loosened his collar. Her gaze didn’t break from him for a second and she forwent her heels and snuggled against him in the couch cushions in her fancy dress. He pulled some bobby pins from her hair, releasing the trapped curls and up-do so she breathed a sigh of relief.
He kissed her so deeply she could feel it in her toes. When her tongue brushed against his lip teasingly, he felt the heat of her love from it pore through his body and reach every inch of his veins. It warmed him from the tip of his toes to the roots of his hair.
They put on a show that they didn’t watch. Instead, they stared into each other’s eyes not saying a word. They fell asleep on the couch in their wedding clothes. And that was it.
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aliypop · 5 months
Pocket Full Of Rainbows
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Word Count: 1,314
Writers Note: Dedicated to @sissylittlefeather we're talking about army Elvis and this happened
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: It's 1959 Germany and there's the Military ball, every girl has got a Gi, but there's only one girl a certain GI has his eye on.
Germany 1959
The ballroom was set, with streamers, punch, food, musical guests, and soldiers scattered around with beautiful frauleins on their arms. Whether they were the girls they left at home was the real question. Standing in the corner spectating was Elvis, who had a plate in one hand and a punch glass in the other. He was in his formal uniform, and his iconic pompadour was slick and neat. But something still felt incomplete. Sure, he had danced with almost every young woman who had arrived, but his mind kept wandering to the one in Memphis. 
"Private Presley, have you met Nancy?"
"Nice to meet ya." He kissed her hand as one of his fellow soldiers walked over,
"Pleasures all mine." The young woman blushed, "I'll go get us some punch." Standing in front of Elvis was a cadet who he'd talk to now and then when he refused to sleep due to his reoccurring nightmares.
"Say, what's a guy like you doing alone? I mean, you're Elvis Presley."
"That may be true, kid." He laughed, "But, uh, got a girl back who I promised to be true to." 
"What's she like?"
"Well, she's an..."
" A what..."
The doors had opened, and the chandeliers had begun to pick up on the sparkling of a sapphire necklace. Soldiers had lined up to take a glance. An army blue strapless mermaid gown hugged every curve of her body. This woman was something like a movie star, well she was, as well as a singer, and a guitar player as well, most importantly she was. 
"Ms. Valmos, you look stunning." One man said as he grabbed her gloved hand and kissed us, "Will you be gracing us with a song tonight?" Cecelia blushed at the kiss on her hand, 
"I'm afraid not. I was just in Paris earlier for a concert," she responded, reaching for a glass of lemonade from one of the serving trays. 
"Excuse me, Presley, for cutting our conversation short,"
"None taken." Elvis smiled. He had wandered a bit about the commotion. But he also wanted to bask in alone time in the corner again. Meanwhile, the dance floor was covered in a battalion of men and women waltzing. One was Cecelia, who had been keeping up with the tempo.
"So tell me, Ms. Valmos, have you come with a lucky guy?"
"No, but I was hoping to run into one." Cecelia joked, though she was serious. She planned to bump into A certain someone whose pillow she'd been hugging and crying on.
"Then I may have the perfect Rebel without a cause waiting for you." The cadet said as Cecelia giggled to herself, "Perhaps I'll introduce you."
"Oh, please do."
"And then I said that ain't how you load a gun properly-"
"Hey, private Presley..." 
"Yes, sir?" Elvis turned around, his heart pounding out of his chest, his eyes looking Cecelia up and down. He couldn't believe she was here and in front of him, looking as gorgeous as Lena Horne. 
"Have you met Ms. Valmos?"
"You mean my Fiancé ?"
"Funny, I don't remember a ring, Mr. Presley." Cecelia chuckled as she extended her hand, a pink garnet and diamond cluster ring on her finger. Elvis pulled her by his side and took a deep breath of his scent, dizzy and love drunk from it already. 
"I missed you too, honey." He laughed at her joke as his hand snaked around her waist and squeezed it. 
"Behave~" she whispered.
"Make me." His breath was hot against her ear and neck as she tried not to shiver at his suggestive tone of voice. 
"How about a dance?"
"Could think of another kind of dance." He teased as she blushed. 
"Elvis!" Cecelia chuckled, taking his hand, "If you'll excuse us, Cadet Johnson." she smiled, leading Elvis to the ballroom floor, 
"You were thinking it too, doll. And you know it."
"I was not!" she blushed, looking at him in his uniform as she bit her red lipstick-painted lips. Her mind had wondered what he'd look like bending her over in that outfit, with the hat on. Oh, how he'd drop and give her twenty. Their bodies were pressed together as they were Waltzing, 
"I missed you, Cece."
"I missed you too, El." She looked up at him, their eyes locked. Anyone passing by could see they were in love. As Elvis dipped her, she could feel the heat between her legs grow hotter than the blush on her cheeks,
 "Practing for our wedding, I see." Cecelia laughed as his heart fluttered. He couldn't wait to finish his two years, for he had a beautiful bride waiting for him in Memphis. Well, when she wasn't recording music. Or touring, or doing a movie, or a radio interview. 
"I have been." he then spun her into him. 
"How romantic," She blushed, her back against him as his cologne tingled her senses along with the suit, 
"You okay, baby?"
"Mhmm. I need some air."
"Need me to come with you?"
"In me would be better." She mumbled,
"What was that."
"Anywhere with me would be better." She lied as Elvis laughed. Upstairs, there was a balcony with a beautiful view of the stars and Germany, a nice breeze blowing, and a romantic scene one would've seen in the movies, 
Cecelia's hand had brushed Elvis's as he looked down at the 5"3' woman before him. Scooping her into his arms, he began leading her into a kiss full of want and need, love and lust, but one that felt like everything letters couldn't say. 
"Baby, I need you now..."
"No one's gonna see us, and I know you want me too." kissing her neck as she felt his cock through his uniform. It was as if he could smell her pheromones in the air. 
"Elvis~" His plump lips kissed lower as her hands caressed his chest, 
"Yes, Cece..."
"Take me..." And in a flash, the zipper of her dress was down, and his pants were down to his ankles along with his boxers. 
"Mind if I keep these..." Ripping off her panties as he put them in his suit pocket, the cold wind blowing a breeze between her wet folds,
 "Keep 'em." She bit her lip. 
"Will do..." Sliding his fingers between her lips, he could tell she was ready for him. Positioning her in doggy. He was ready to have his beautiful fiance, who he missed so long, the woman who satisfied him, his one and only "Cecelia~ Fuck, you're dripping for me." biting her lip she could feel the stretch of his cock entering her, it had been awhile since the last time she'd been intimate with him. 
"I know, breathe." He mentioned, his pace was slow as he heard her whimpers. Her grip was loosely holdin onto the railing as he kissed her back, 
"You take me so well you know that."
"Mhmm, what..."
"Sir~" Cecelia moaned bouncing back to his pacing, he was slowly brushing up against her G-spot, 
"That's my..mmm. Girl," He moaned into her ear as she bit her lip trying to stay quiet,
"Hold on tight." Ramming into her, Cecelia felt his fingers rubbing on her clit as she began to shiver, her legs were giving out and her orgasm was underway, she could feel him buried deep in her belly and she didn't want him to stop at all. 
"Cece I-" All she heard were grunts and groans as she felt a warmth from inside her, she tried her best not to be so loud, but when it came to Elvis she couldn't help but scream his name and crumble.
Pulling out of her, he had helped her up as she kissed him, 
"I love you."
"I love you too, now let's say we get out of here and finish what we started."
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thearoaceshark · 9 months
One more day Leona was looking at herself in the mirror, more specifically looking at her throat.
When she came out as a girl, changing her appearance to a more feminine one was easy, she just needed a little eyeliner, sometimes a bow on her mascara, and that's it! Everyone saw her as a girl. She started practicing her voice to make it sound more feminine, and it was going well... Until they fucked up her throat.
Her injury in that fight made her voice sound much raspier and more masculine... The first few days she couldn't even try to do another voice, it was her eyeliner and the bow on her mask that made her that made her look feminine. When her throat improved a little, she tried to practice a feminine voice again, currently she could do it in everyday situations and it came very naturally, but it was not like before. Any carelessness and that horrible and raspy male voice would come out.
"Leah?" said a rabbit with white fur, peeking into the room. It was Usagi, her girlfriend. "What is wrong love?" She continued now approaching the turtle in front of the mirror.
"It's just..." she paused, looked at her reflection "You know, I don't know how to draw, since we were children I wasn't good at it" she began to relate, and the other nodded indicating that she would continue "At first we all drew the same things, little colorful flowers, things we saw in picture books or cartoons that dad brought in. But Raph and Donnie got better over time, Raph genuinely loved painting, and Donnie wanted to start drawing plans like the ones engineers used and that's why he learned. Mikey also wanted to improve, but he barely improved haha" she remembered smiling, even so she adored her little brother's doodles "But I did lose interest, I spent more time training, and also, looking at the cute drawings of Raph I was afraid to make mine, because I compared them... I got over it, but the thing is that I never learned to draw, probably if I tried now I would be worse than Mikey."
"On the other hand," she continued, "I was the best at singing. For some reason I was very good at that, and I liked that a lot, it was a talent I had apart from martial arts. But since the incident... I no longer I could..." her partner grabbed her hand and sat her on her bed. "I remember when Raph was unconscious I tried to sing him something, a lullaby that dad used to sing to us, and that's when I noticed how much my voice had changed. I sang to him what I remembered from the song, and I hummed the lyrics that I didn't remember."
"What song was it?" Usagi asked.
"I don't know, Sensei stopped singing it when we were like 7, he used to sing it to us when we couldn't sleep or when we had nightmares. In fact I think he didn't even know the lyrics, some verses were there, but others seemed like he invented them because they changed every time he sang it... Those are the ones I don't remember..."
"Hmm," her girlfriend reached out to kiss her cheek. "What if you sing it to me?"
"...I don't really like how I sing now" Leona finally got to the point she wanted with her story, and her girlfriend noticed it.
"I see... We'll fix it" in the next sentence her tone of voice changed a little "Also, you know that my voice isn't very natural all the time either, right?" she said in a funny grave tone.
They both laughed at that, yes, neither of them had access to voice therapy for trans women, they did what they could, and that was fine. Not being comfortable with her voice was also okay, they would solve it somehow, together.
"Watashi mo itoshite iru yo"
"[I love you]"
"[I love you too]"
(Translated with Google, if anyone knows Japanese and sees any errors, please correct me).
The lullaby Splinter sang was one he had heard from Tang Shen, but he didn't completely know the lyrics and was trying to guess the parts he didn't remember.
I feel like after Splinter died the turtles started referring to him as dad as often as sensei.
I saw a Tiktok where it showed the main characters of 2012 drawing and everyone had drawn except Leo, so on the tiktok came to the conclusion that they didn't know how to draw. And that's where I got the idea.
I'm not trans but I tried to reflect the dysphoria Lee feels as best I could with the knowledge I have. I hope I did it right, but if any trans person doesn't feel comfortable, don't hesitate to tell me, you can tell me what makes you uncomfortable and why, and I will edit it.
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gyuletters · 1 year
paris honeymoon. | taehyun's birthday special
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♡ pairing: taehyun x gn! reader.
♡ summary: taehyun and you are spending his birthday in a very much like paris honeymoon.
♡ genre: fluff.
♡ song rec: honeymoon fades, sabrina carpenter.
♡ warnings: can be a little suggestive but nothing too crazy.
♡ note: english isn't my first language. so excuse any mistakes. <3
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moonlight coming through the windows and hitting me while i'm wearing his shirt. i just can't believe he's all mine.
taehyun just seems like a dream and i constantly pray to lord to never wake up me from it.
he is sleeping so peacefully while i'm stading in front of the window, remanescing the days we are spending here in paris. all of them just seems like a movie.
waking up next to him and having the sunlight blessing his bare body. eating breakfast together in bed while staring at each other so lovingly. going out in the city and having it all to ourselves. taking pictures of every single moment.
my favorite photo being the one where we're together in a bridge, huging each other and staring at our eyes. you can sense just by looking at it, how much love is surrounding us. the picture was taking by a stranger and it was so funny to see taehyun saying "oui, oui" after each word the man said.
we are spending his birthday here. tyunie said he wanted to have a "like honeymoon birthday" in the most romantic city the world has ever known.
taehyung wakes up and starts looking for me in the bed - "_____?" he says with a raspy voice.
"i'm here, babe." - i answer while going towards him.
"you're awake already? didn't i tired you enough tonight?" - taehyun says joking.
"omg, no! it's not that!" - i laugh back at him.
i start stroking his hair. it's a little messy and so soft between my fingers.
i kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear - "do you know how much i love you?"
"i do. but, i think i forgot it already." - he answers while smiling. - "can i kiss you? so i don't forget it anymore?"
"yes...please" - i whisper almost like a beg while our noses touch each other ever so softly.
taehyun's kisses are always so soft, so delicate and so passionate. he makes sure to take me to another planet just with his cherry lips. it'so warm and lovable. i think this is what love feels like. a deep feeling in my body that energizes it out through every kiss we give.
"i'm all yours, _____."
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♡ a/n: this is a very special fic for our tyunie's birthday. happy birthday, tyun!!! ik you're not reading this (and stay this way, please! i'm already embarrassed just by imagining it lol), but i hope your day it's the best. you deserve all the love universe can bring u. ilysm forever and always. and readers, always remember: ilysm!! 💗
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lilibrownlabonita · 2 years
Necio - tenoch x latina reader
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Summary: In a broken and unhappy marriage the reader allows himself to meet the man he met in a bar for one night.
Warning: adult content, infidelity. Nothing too heavy, but good to warn. Don't forget that Tenoch speaks Spanish and therefore the fanfic contains phrases in Spanish. This is my first fic after years so please forgive me for any mistakes.
Rating: +18
Work count: 7000-8000 ? Don't know :(
Please if you could listen to the song "Necio" by Romeo Santos I would appreciate it, I got the idea of writing from this song. 💕
"...Fool, why do you have an owner
Fool because you are not mine
My forbidden fruit
Awakens my desire to taste you..."
"...Necio porque tienes dueño
Necio porque no eres mía
Mi fruta prohibida
Me despierta el deseo de probar..."
His hurried steps to the room I am in wake me up, it makes it seem like he wants to see me I think with remorse. Even after all these five years he still pretends that he doesn't have another woman and runs to her whenever I turn my back, hours later he comes back and says he visited some friends, it's funny how before when he lied I could see the guilt in his eyes and slumped shoulders, now his lies seem like truth and I let myself believe every word, or pretend to believe, it's easier that way.
"I thought it was only a few hours" I say getting up going to the bathroom, I can't stand to look at him while pretending he wasn't between her legs.
"You know Theo likes to drink too much, I lost count of how many times I tried to convince him he needed to come back but he wouldn't give up, I had to stay with him so no tragedy would happen, you know he loses control sometimes. " my husband says as he goes into the bathroom and hugs me from behind like he did years ago when Tom was a good husband and turned to me and his newborn son, somehow everything got out of hand and he lost his way to find himself in her pussy, he is still a good father and goes to our son's swimming lessons, kisses his forehead and tells bedtime stories, but he was never my husband after her. It's like we are in a "friends" relationship but we are actually married, who don't touch or love each other, but we pretend we are a couple for our son and close friends, somehow we have entered into this silent agreement so we never question what each does without the other's presence, a life together but apart, it's easier that way.
That's what I tell myself.
"Tomorrow night I'm going out again" Tom looks at me through the mirror, I think about what an idiot he is and how much I hate him, he just got here and can't wait to see her again, angrily I turn around and look directly at him, my eyes are heavy but I refuse to let a tear fall.
"No, you've been out all day today, it's your turn to stay home and take care of our son, I'm going out tomorrow night, it's been a long time since I've done what I like."
"Wait, what are you talking about?, You just stayed here at home and took care of our son was not difficult at all, I thought you enjoyed taking care of him"
"I do, I love our son, but it's your turn to do this, he misses you, I won't change my mind, good night Tom, take a shower before you go to our bed, you stink of it." I leave the bathroom taking a deep breath, if he thinks he can keep me here forever and get rid of the responsibility he was wrong, it was my turn to have fun, I told myself.
"...Sincerely you my love
Make a fool of me..."
"...Sencillamente usted amada mía
Me pone necio..."
I look around and everyone is in company, it's disheartening to be sitting here alone while others are having fun, I miss the years gone by when being in a bar was fun and festive, with sexy drinking and dancing, quick sex in the bathroom and the next day a strong hangover.
"...Fool, why do you have an owner
Fool because you are not mine
My beloved..."
"...Necio porque tienes dueño
Necio porque no eres mía
amada mía..."
A handsome man sits down next to me and returning my gaze he gives me the sweetest, sexiest smile I have ever seen, I feel like a teenager again, falling in love with a stranger in a bar, but I can't help it, his skin just a little darker than mine glows in the light of the bar, his blue suit stands out and his pretty mouth is eye-catching, I drink the wine from my glass which is enough to make my blood boil and send tingles to the middle of my legs, thinking about how that smile can get between them.
"I didn't know married women were allowed here, especially the hermosas." He said as he continued to look at me but now mischievously as he noticed my wedding ring.
"My husband doesn't care about the places I go, he's busy with his mistress." I smile bitterly, looking at my wedding ring, and realizing it's over, with me here trying to flirt with a stranger in an attempt to get revenge for my husband's infidelity, it's humiliating but I don't care, if this strange man wants to take me to the bar bathroom and fuck me against the sink I will accept, I just want to have fun and forget about Tom, I want to feel alive and enjoy myself again after over a year of no physical contact with my husband.
"Hm....I don't understand why your husband can be so dumb and let you walk around in that short, clingy dress instead of fucking you tonight"
"I told you, he doesn't give a shit"
"Well, I care, I'm not going to leave a woman like you unsatisfied"
"Unsatisfied?, Who says I'm unsatisfied?" Don't get me wrong, even though I desire this stranger I don't want to seem desperate, I'm not going to give him what he wants that easy, I want to play a little.
"You don't have to say it love, I know you are, that dress, that smile, you want me to fuck you hard and fast, and I will give you what you want, come with me beautiful" That sweet smile appears again, her brown eyes blatantly devour me.
"I don't even know your name, I don't know you, I don't know what you are going to do with me"
"I'm going to fuck you and then fuck you against a wall so you don't run away from me, my name is tenoch, but you can call me mi amor."
"...My hallucinating love was thrown
Into the ocean for stubbornness
And I am sinking..."
"...Mi amor alucinante se lanzó
Al océano por terco
Y me estoy hundiendo..."
His hand caresses my pussy while the other squeezes my breasts, his kisses on my neck make me wetter, while I stay on the bed whimpering. Tenoch is affectionate and fiery, his strong hands grip me firmly and squeeze my skin, he runs his hands all over my body until he reaches my legs, squeezing my thighs he licks my pussy while looking directly at me, soon he starts eating me, saliva and my excitement are all around his mouth and mustache but he doesn't stop, He fucks me with his tongue and makes circular movements on my clit making me shudder, shamelessly as he looks at me he starts eating my ass making dirty carnal noises, I feel my body tingling, the fire inside me suffocates me and so I come with my legs trembling around tenoch's head.
Tenoch looks at me with an amused smile, his hands grab my hands and place them around his neck, asking me to hold on to him as he holds me by my thighs and keeping his promise he presses me against the wall and starts fucking me non-stop, hard and fast, the wet sounds of our bodies together begin to fill the room along with the smell of sex, it seems amazing the way his cock enters me, stretching me and going as deep as possible, I can see his volume in my belly, my previous orgasm makes everything hotter when I see his cock dirty with my cum. Everything is so dirty and hot, it's suffocating, but I love every moment of it, his body holding me against the wall makes me feel small and protected.
"¿Te gusta hermosa? hmm..."
"Do you like it beautiful? hmm..."
With my eyes closed and my eyebrows furrowed I nod my head helplessly and can only moan as he shoves himself into me mercilessly.
"Eres tan hermosa, mi amor, ¿me daras tu dulce?, ¿Sí? Por favor, cariño".
"You are so beautiful, my love, will you give me your candy, yes? Please, sweetheart."
"Me dejas loca tenoch, por favor." Now all I can do is beg for him, beg for him to make me cum and make him happy, beg for him to come in me and fill me with his cum.
"Please what?, what do you want honey? do you want me to fuck you hard?."
"Yes, please, please"
Tenoch kisses me as he puts one of my legs on his shoulders and fucks me deeper, that fire and tingle comes back and I feel my orgasm coming, a few more sloppy strokes and he cums with me inside me, moaning in my ear like a miserable man, I was no different, totally ruined, I hold on to what is around me not to fall. I allow myself comfort and lie on his chest as we lie there, listening to his heartbeat, in bed together no words are spoken, it is not necessary we both know this is it, one night and nothing more.
"...Fool, why do you have an owner..."
"...Necio porque tienes dueño..."
After a hot shower and some food I feel refreshed, I put on my dress again and walk to the cab I ordered, I look back and see tenoch looking at me, we smile at each other for one last time and I get in the car. Even though we desperately want each other, we both know that this can't work, we would never be lovers or just friends, it is impossible for two people who burn for each other. When I get home I see my son on the couch sleeping peacefully next to his father, I smile at the image and say it's better this way, it's easier.
"Even if I'm engaged
May it not for a second occur to me to accept you
As a friend"
"...Aunque seas ajena
Que no se me ocurra aceptarte ni un segundo
Como amiga..."
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127luvr · 10 months
Hi it's me AGAIN, can i request a another Jaemin X Male Reader Where both of them attend a Pride parade. so like Jaemin is so excited and so Hype to attend the pride parade and he always hold the readers hand so they both don't lost each other and Jaemin would always take a picture of the reader and the both of them with some drag queens (cuz Jaemin is really into drags).. Then Jaemin and the reader would but some stuff, like little rainbow flags, flower crown, and a couple t shirt.. also Jaemin would Dance everytime their song is played while the reader is recording him and so on..😁😁😁
Rainbow ⏤͟͟͞͞★
Na Jaemin x Male Reader
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Jaemin is shining.
His face is adorned with a smile that stretches from ear to ear as he pulls you in every which direction. It’s not a harsh pull—more of a suggestive tug in his direction as he refuses to let go of your hand. You knew he could pull your entire body weight if he wanted but you liked his softer approach. His excitement buzzed off of you—his clammy hand tightening it’s grip on yours as he passed crowds of people just to get to an emptier spot on the lawn.
Jaemin excels in social situations. He is direct and confident even when speaking with strangers—asking if they could take a picture of the two of you in front of one of the many rainbow flags hung up. The two of you even got to take pictures with well known drag queens.
“I watch your videos all the time! It’s only fair that I suggest my music for you to listen to, don’t you think?” Jaemin is practically yelling over the loud music, bantering with the drag queen that stands almost a foot taller than him in her platform shoes. Her friend joins you in a chuckle, her multi-colored eyeshadow glinting in the sun.
They were so beautiful.
“I was thinking about trying to do drag, you know?” Jaemin sits with his elbows behind him, leaning down to try and catch the shade that the trees provide. You watch him from above, sitting with your back straight. “I think it would be a good hobby on the side but it’s so much work, (Y/n/n), what do you think?”
You lean down to look at him, taking in his attractiveness, almost forgetting the question.
“Jaem, I’d support you no matter what you did.” Jaemin sits up, bringing his knees to his chest as he brings a hand up to cover his eyes from the sun. He gives you a quick grin before giving your lips a peck. It’s short. You would’ve missed it had you blinked but it still leaves you frozen. Flushed when he goes to stand and dust any grass he picked up on his denim shorts.
“That’s enough of a break, I want to get matching shirts!”
You don’t know how much you ended up spending on rainbow themed accessories—you were too scared to look. Regardless, you loved seeing the look on Jaemin’s face when you handed him the beaded necklaces—or the flower crowns—or even the fake tattoos that you got just by walking past a few stalls that sat on either side of the street. He put everything on, making sure you wore the matching set with him no matter how ridiculous you might’ve looked. Anything was worth it—to see Jaemin enjoying his free time.
“(Y/n)! Couple shirts!” It was the last thing on his list to get—this time he was quicker in getting his card out than you were. Before you know it you’re wearing the I’m his half of the matching set with big bold rainbow letters—while Jaemin struts in the He’s mine half. “You like it, admit it.”
“I like you.”
It’s a throwaway line, meant to be taken lightheartedly even if you did mean it but Jaemin can’t help but blush at the comment. He continues to hold your hand, leading you to places the two of you had forgotten to explore earlier in the day.
“(Y/n). They’re playing our song.” It’s hard to hear with the constant buzzing that comes from people, but you try anyways. “Please record a video of me dancing so I can send it to the group chat, it would be so funny.” You can’t help but soften your face at Jaemin, the way that he stretches out the word please made it hard to say no to him—even if you already had your phone pulled out to the camera setting. You pay more attention to him rather than what you were recording. Laughing as he did a twirl—pretending to hold the ends of an imaginary skirt.
Once you hand the phone to him to review he frowns.
“You didn’t even record right!” When he points the screen towards you, you can see only his legs in the frame. It’s hard—stifling a laugh when you try and take him serious. “(Y/n).”
“What! I was too busy looking at you. You want me to apologize for looking at you?”
“I wish you’d stop saying things like that in public…” There’s a small pout that forms on his lips and you miss the way his eyes dart from your lips to your beaded necklaces. He brings a hand to tug them, pulling your body towards him so you’re falling into him.
The kiss is long—it reminds you of the first time you kissed Jaemin. Fireworks going off in your head when he turns his head to match how you mold your lips to fit his. You can’t see the way he holds out the camera above the two of you—the wide angle shot causing you to smile into the kiss. It’s a perfect picture. The smile—Jaemin tugging on your necklace with his free hand and the height difference—you know it’s going next on his account.
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masthya · 1 year
I only know taylor swift as someone who sucks ass at writing lyrics, what are the banger lyrics im missing??
lmao i totally get that. I think it will always be a bit of a personal preference thing, just like some ppl love some writing styles which others cant stand, same with lyrics.
I personally love the lyric writing that tells a good story i can see in my head, and the song creates an atmosphere which you can touch and even smell. I think Taylor's strength is in her storytelling, which shines through especially in folklore and evermore. I personally love "seven" ("Please picture me/In the weeds/Before I learned civility/I used to scream ferociously"), august ("To live for the hope of it all/Cancel plans just in case you'd call"), peace ("Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?"), "illicit affairs" ("Leave the perfume on the shelf/That you picked out just for him/So you leave no trace behind/Like you don't even exist"), "champagne problems" ("Sometimes you just don't know the answer/'Til someone's on their knees and asks you"), "cowboy like me" ("Perched in the dark/Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear/Like it could be love/I could be the way forward/Only if they pay for it"), "'tis the damn season" ("We could call it even/You could call me babe for the weekend/'Tis the damn season, write this down/I'm stayin' at my parents' house/And the road not taken looks real good now"), "ivy" ("Oh, goddamn/My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/Taking mine, but it's been promised to another/Oh, I can't/Stop you putting roots in my dreamland/My house of stone, your ivy grows/And now I'm covered in you").
Now every album she releases has its misses and its hits. I don't love "Lover" that much bc it's a bit too happy poppy for me, though the song "Lover" itself tells a very palpable feeling. Other songs I like are "All Too Well" ("And you call me up again just to break me like a promise/So casually cruel in the name of being honest"), "Dear John" ("Long were the nights when/My days once revolved around you/Counting my footsteps/Praying the floor won't fall through again"), "Back to December" ("It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you/Wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine"), "The Story of Us" ("I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how/I never heard silence quite this loud"), "Clean" ("Ten months sober, I must admit/Just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it"), "Begin Again" ("And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid/I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did"), "Don't Blame Me" ("Don't blame me, love made me crazy/If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right/Lord, save me, my drug is my baby/I'll be usin' for the rest of my life"), "Delicate" ("We can't make any promises/Now can we, babe?/But you can make me a drink").
Now many people have been dissing the latest album's cringey lyrics for a while, and while I hate them too (god the vigilante one is such a skip its unreal), i actually like some songs with cringey lyrics. "Anti-hero" really grew on me bc it's Taylor self-analising and talking about how she is her own worst critic, which is something we all experience, and I think she made it in a fun self-deprecating way in the song that still delivers the message. other songs in the album which i love and dont have those kinds of cringe lines are "you're on your own, kid" ("'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned/Everything you lose is a step you take"), "Lavander Haze" ("The only kind of girl they see (only kind of girl they see)/Is a one-night or a wife"), "High Infidelity" ("Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?/Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?"), "Would've, Could've, Should've" ("If I was some paint, did it splatter/On a promising grown man?/And if I was a child, did it matter/If you got to wash your hands?") (tbh I love all the lyrics in this song it's my fave atm).
Sorry for the long post! I really feel like Taylor's best lyrics are hidden away in her albums many times, but I do get how she gets called a good lyricist, because she is good at telling stories in them. I believe many people look at her stuff from a biased perspective most of the time bc of the way the media has portrayed her in part, and also bc she got a lot of hate from misogynists when she was young and it stayed around as mindless hate/disregard. She isnt the greatest ever but she's earned her reputation as a lyricist imo.
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mushroomjar · 7 months
🔥 about anything vocaloid/vocal synths!
I may have a couple, I'll just list some of the ones I can think of rn (lmao Utsu-P started playing on shuffle as soon as I started writing this)
I don't think the goal of vocal synths should be to try to sound as realistic as possible. That can be a part of it, sure, but like, you can have so much fun with vocal synths precisely because they're not real human voices and they have been synthesized by computers, so many different sounds and stuff you can't accomplish with real human singers. I actually really like it when the computers sound like computers
I see a lot of complaining about how all vocaloid MVs these days are just a drawing of a character/the vocal synth doing a funny pose and having the lyrics appear on screen, and while I also have my gripes with how often these types of MVs are used... I started thinking about it and it's just blatantly untrue that all vsynth MVs are like this nowadays? Mitchie M has never done this for example (if he has I'm unaware of it like I'm genuinely trying to recall a time he did this and I can't recall any), Deco*27 this year alone released at least 3 songs with either fully animated videos or multiple drawings that tell a story, Slave.V-V-R has his somewhat more recent songs with Miku like Eeeeye which use MMD, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, like there's still a bunch of more animated MVs for vocal synths and yet people don't talk much about them
Another thing people say about the "character doing a pose" MV is that it's more prominent now (I've even seen some people blame specific producers for this like Chinozo), and like, I get it, but at the same time, many of the classics of the vocaloid scene also used this formula. Romeo and Cinderella, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, World Is Mine, Luka Luka Night Fever, just to name a few, all used the "funky pose" formula, and many producers, like kiichi, have only ever done this type of MV (again, as far as I'm aware. Maybe kiichi does have animated MVs, but some of his more popular songs such as Love Love Nightmare and Virgo don't)
I think we just tend to remember it less? I don't know why that may be but I have some theories, like a lot of songs back then used to get fan MVs (eg Rolling Girl, World is Mine, Melt, etc), or just the way we listened to those songs was different, like when I was younger I used to listen to the songs by watching the Project Diva PVs and stuff, and now when I listen to songs I always try to actually link back to official uploads by the producers, which will inevitably not look the same
This one is an even vaguer theory, but it could also have to do with how often songs are released now? Like for example, Utsu-P releases new songs semi-frequently, so I feel like I can't fault him for not having fully animated MVs for every song (that and the fact that he has like five other music projects to worry about at the same time lmao), or Deco*27 and Inabakumori who I'd say release new songs with about the same frequency, it's like, idk maybe they don't have the time or resources to invest into more engaging MVs
I guess my TL;DR for my second unpopular opinion would be: yes, it's a bit annoying that so many vsynth MVs consist of "drawing of character doing funky pose", but like, we still get many animated MVs as well, and also this isn't something new it's always been present in the scene, so you can chill a bit
Wow this got so much longer than I expected! Anyway if anyone wants to add anything about any topics I mentioned please do, these are things that I'm really invested in talking about and I'd love to see other people's opinions on it
Ask game
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airenyah · 11 months
so i was tagged by @lurkingteapot to list my 9 favorite tv shows. i find it difficult to define "favorite" so i'm just gonna list a whole bunch of current faves, past faves, and other series that stuck with me or have a special place in my heart for whatever reason.
tagging @magsimags @newyearknwwme @swabianhotpocket @killiru @gaym3bo1 @ranchthoughts @gillianthecat @feralmuskyscentedhoepran @telomeke – feel free to ignore this if you've been tagged already or if you don't feel like participating <3
here are mine in alphabetical order (bc i really CAN'T do a ranking):
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(details under the cut)
bad buddy series:
you've seen the state of my blog for the past 1.5 years. i'm not even gonna elaborate
I MISS GALAVANT EVERY SINGLE DAY. it was gone too soon, even if the renewal for a second season was a huge surprise (forever sad we couldn't get a 3rd season).
please this series is so funny and entertaining and just iconic. the dialogue is SOOOO quotable and the songs are so funny and amazing!!!!!!!!!! (i mean hello it's alan menken!!!!!)
it's got badass ladies, a pathetic little meow meow king, A DRAGON (i super believe in tad cooper <333), an army of gays, pirates who are the lords of the sea (except for the part with the sea), a knight in shinging armour who is some over-muscled chauvinistic self-indulgent egotistic stingy prissy narcisissy jackass in a caaaaaaan, and so much more
fun fact: the title of my blog which goes "oh poop, i got gravy on my tummy flowers!" is a quote from this series
moonlight chicken:
this is one of the 3 series that i've rated as a 10/10 on mydramalist, so i HAD to include it and well. it's just. i don't know how to put it into words
this series and the characters just feel so real. i like how every single character has their own baggage to carry and how they all come together and influence each other. and i really like that this isn't your standard fluffy romance story. actually, one of my favorite things in this series is how the break-up between alan and wen is a major plot line. and i like how messy it all is, how long it takes them to actually draw the line. again, it just feels so real.
not to mention there's a deaf character!!!! please heart and li ming were just so wholesome 🥺🥺🥺 and li ming's relationship with his uncle was just so endearing
once again i am begging gmmtv:
can we please, PLEASE, have another series with earth and fourth as an uncle/nephew duo?? fuck romantic actor pairs, give me familial ones!! you've already let fourth keep the same mother* two series in a row, let him keep the uncle too!!!! *(on that note: i ADORE lookwa. i don't fuck but she's a milf)
orphan black:
i'm not sure i ever actually finished this series (i think i'm still missing the final season??) but i just HAD to include it bc tatiana maslany, okay. tatiana maslany. that's it, that's all i'm gonna say
skam (norsk):
you had to be there
og followers will remember when this was still a spn blog. yes, this show makes the list. once a spn blog, always a spn blog*. free me.
*fun fact: this started as a spn blog and that's something that's actually still visible in my tagging system. spn is the only show where i don't tag episodes as #series abbreviation 1.01 but i tag the ep by the number itself without specifying the series
the brightest star in the sky:
during the pandemic my mom came to me and said "you need to watch this series. the male lead reminds me so much of your brother". i watched it with her. she was right. the male lead is exactly like my little brother. to the point where there was this one scene where the male lead was criticizing the female lead's outfit and my mom and i laughed and went "[brother] would totally say this too" and only a few days later my brother and i had a conversation about clothing over lunch and my brother said almost exactly the same thing as the male lead in that one scene and i looked at my mom in surprise and went "did you tell him about that scene????" as my mom was cracking up and shaking her head that no, she had not.
although, when i say the male lead is exactly like my brother, that's a lie. in fact, he's a mix of both my brother and an old friend of ours who was always like a second little brother to me (the two of them actually had similar personalities when they were teens)
and the female lead reminds me of a female friend that was also in the friend group with us (and who is one of my brother's best friends)
in fact, the dynamic between the male lead and the female lead reminds me very much of the dynamic between my brother and said female friend
all in all, the main characters are just very familiar to me and remind me of people i adore and that's why this series has a special place in my heart. (even if i constantly want to punch zheng boxu. sibling love <3)
theory of love:
ok i know this is kind of a controversial one, bc people seem to either love it or hate it BUT. just know that this series and especially the khaithird plot was made for me, and me personally <3
this series came to me at exactly the right time. it was like a mirror to my own life at the time and brought a lot of catharthis. i was going through a "break-up" with my own personal irl-khai back then and this series helped me deal with that, helped me get over him, and reconfirmed to me over and over again that i had taken the right decisions.
theory of love is also the thai drama that i've seen the most amount of times (i've watched the khaithird plot 27x that i've counted as of july 2nd, 2023) (though by now bbs is a close second with 22 full watches that i've counted as of july 2nd, 2023 and it might surpass theory of love at some point now that my personal irl-khai is no longer relevant in my life in any way. you know what that is!! growth!!!! the day bbs surpasses tol is the day i really, truly AM well and over my irl-khai)
you're beautiful:
ok. ok. hear me out. this is a kdrama from 2009, right?? but i didn't watch it until november 2021 where i'd had quite a day and in the evening was super exhausted and just wanted a zero-braincell show to watch and this happened to be on netflix and looked like the perfect thing for my state
little did i know it was gonna be a million-braincell show for me.
basically, i ended up being really entertained by it, saw that there were remakes, decided to check those out too and well. it got my little actor brain going. i started analyzing the acting (comparing esp the og korean version with the taiwanese remake) and it turned into this whole thing where i wrote pages and pages of notes in a google doc. i learned a lot through that and luckily we had camera acting classes at drama school during that period, so it was perfect timing. i suddenly understood so many things and what an effect it can have on the viewer if you do (or don't do) something a certain way
(oh and then a year later i inflicted this series on a uni friend of mine and it turned into this whole acting analysis project after i'd mentioned about something about acting and went "wait, i have THE perfect example for what i mean where you can see it first-hand." we had a great time and then binged the entire series during semester break. i'm planning on getting her into thai ql too, but unfortunately we're both super busy and don't really have time to watch series together)
honorary mentions:
ever night: i watched only the first season, though. and it's been a while since i saw it (3 years ago during lockdown) and so i don't remember the plot very well but... beautiful cinematography. loveable characters. fantastic acting. also the special effects when the main character did those "spells" (forgot what it was called) looked so cool??????
why r u: that was my first thai bl. the one that pulled me into the world of thai drama. considering how i'm mostly a thai drama blog now and the rebranding started with this series i couldn't not mention it, could i
my school president: it has to make the list just for episode 6 alone (gun desperately wanting to know which person from the music club tinn likes but being terrified ask and deep down knowing the answer already anyway but not feeling ready to hear it???? ooooooof that's so me-coded). anyway, all in all it's just a very sweet and wholesome drama and i'm still listening to a bunch of the songs a lot
the fosters: i was obsessed with this back in 2015. i stopped watching it shortly before the jonnor break-up bc i was busy at the time and when i saw the spoilers about the break-up i couldn't be bothered to catch up. but yeah, i was really into it for a while as well
andi mack: i've made multiple gifsets of that show. i don't gif a lot so yeah. considering that i bothered to sit down and make gifs for this, i think andi mack deserves an honorary mention. i wasn't suuper obsessed with it but i did quite like watching it
merlin (bbc): it's just very entertaining ok and the characters are fun to watch and have fun dynamics
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stinkyhyena9000 · 1 year
Screw it, I'm forcing you all to listen to my video ideas. And by forcing you to listen, I mean allowing you to read at your own leisure. Please note that everything audio-wise and more will be spoiled.
So, the Mike music video was actually an idea from a very long time back, and only just thought of again due to a friend of mine *ahemhem* and yeah. Mike is a super funny guy, and I got the idea from this one edit for a game I can't seem to remember. It looks Sega-y idk. Anyways, the song used will be this the B52's cover of Bad Guy - Billie Eilish [ x ]. A silly song for a silly man.
So you're a tough guy Like it really rough guy Just can't get enough guy Chest always so puffed guy I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy, duh -------------------------------
The Ash music video is based around my transfem headcanon of her, which is based off this one scene in Sing 1, where after auditions, Buster asks "which one is the girl" when trying to recruit Ash. I interpreted it as her struggling to pass. Yes, Lance does know shes trans and supports her. He's just a total douchebag. He's a dickbag, not a transphobe asdusahdsau. Anyways, the song being used will be Transgender Dysphoria Blues - Against Me! [ x ]. A song whose still I think fits her very finely.
Your tells are so obvious Shoulders too broad for a girl Keeps you reminded Helps you to remember where you come from
You want them to notice The ragged ends of your summer dress You want them to see you Like they see every other girl They just see a faggot They hold their breath not to catch the sick
Rough surf on the coast, I wish I could have spent the whole day alone -------------------------------
The Marcus music video was an idea I got indirectly from a friend of mine, and will focus on the troubled relationship between Johnny and Marcus in Sing 1. The song would be Little Soldiers - The Crane Wives [ x ] In this context, the song details how he has always loved his son, even if there is a lot of trouble between the two of them.
On the broken backs of all the words we spared Like little soldiers in the trenches It was a march we made towards ruin and despair But we held hands all the while
I swear that I loved you I swear that I loved you I swear that I loved you I swear, I swear
Personally I think the next following set of lyrics fit more closely to the story here, but I wouldn't be able to make it outside of an AMV in my head.
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(Btw the AMV in my head is Marcus returning to jail, and getting letters from Johnny while in prison)
Buster dance comp is kinda self explanatory. Someone did request me to do it alongside the hop comp, but I opted not too due to the large ratio between dances and hops
Okay so like, the Noodlemoon meme vid is basically me trying to take a crack at this one TikTok animation meme but without animating? I don't know how well it would go, but it's too cute not to give it a try! Here's an example of one of the meme! [ x ]. In here, Knuckles would be Buster, and Sonic would be Eddie.
Buster: I'm going to confess to you at the reopening! Eddie: Eh?! Buster: Will you be free after lunch? Eddie: Hm! (Yes) Buster: So be prepared! Eddie: Okay Buster: Why is your face all red? Eddie: Because you basically confessed Buster: Forget what I said
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