#yandere male idol
hyun-xxe · 2 months
You're Mine, Silly! (Yandere!Jungkook x F!Reader) PART 1
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Summary: You've only met him once at a fan meet. You were excited and happy since he was your bias. Thats how you saw him. However, Jungkook saw things differently.
warnings: none
There he was, sitting down right in front of you. A part of you still couldn't believe that he was literally a foot away, smiling at you. The sparkle in his eyes bright and shiny, just like his smile.
You swore everything inside you melted away and no thought was left except for Jungkook.
"Hey there!" he waves, grabbing your hand in his, "What's your name beautiful?" he asks, rubbing your palm with his thumb.
It took everything in you not to pass out right in front of you so you mustered up the courage to speak. "Hi!! My name is Y/N! I'm so excited to finally meet you!" you smile brightly, jumping up and down.
"Excited you say?" he smirks, leaning closer, his cologne spreading up toward you, giving you a whiff of his scent. "What makes me so exciting to you?" he questions.
You pretend to think on it real hard when in reality it was so fucking obvious why. "Hmmmm well, I can't deny that you are my bias. You're such a talented singer, song writer, are funny, and so adorable."
His eyes softened as you rambled about things you like about him. With every word you said and the way you seemed so passionate about how you feel made him feel a certain way.
When you realized you were rambling, you felt your face become hot and you removed your hand from his hold. Embarrassment filled you as you scratched the back of your neck, "I'm sorry," you apologize, "I didn't mean to ramble off your ear." you laugh.
Your laugh was cute, something he would love to hear often.
"No, don't apologize." he says and reached over to, once again, hold your hand in his. "Please, don't feel embarrassed. It was cute."
With his free hand, he reached over and grabbed your album to sign. Jungkook did not want to let go of your soft hand. It felt nice in his, like it belonged there.
When you saw him sign it with a message to your name, you opened your mouth. "Can you also put Elijah?" you ask.
he quirked his eyebrow up, confused at your request but nevertheless wrote down the name, "Is he your brother?" Jungkook asked.
You shake your head, "He's my boyfriend! He was the one who bought my ticket actually!" you smiled, "He really wanted to come today, but there was an emergency at work."
Jungkook felt himself freeze. You have a boyfriend? What?
It didn't make any sense. How could you ramble on about how perfect Jungkook is and how adorable he is, only to now say you're in a relationship?
"Oh really?" he mumbled under his breath, trying to contain his cool. "You didn't mention him before."
"it slipped my mind because I was so excited to meet you guys. You and Jimin are his biases."
He didn't know how to feel. Certainly you were flirting with him, there was no doubt, but now you're saying you're with someone. It just didn't make any sense.
"I wish he could've made it." Jungkook says, knowing damn well he didn't mean it.
The bell rung, signaling that it was time to rotate. He didn't want you to go and hated how he only had five minutes to talk to you.
You picked up your album to move on, hoping he would let go of your other hand, but he didn't. In fact, it was as if he held it tighter. You tried releasing your hand, but it was firmly held in his.
Was this by mistake?
Looking to your right, you saw the others behind grow impatient as they looked your way. A lot of the other fans caught glimpse of Jungkook still holding your hand and looking at you with full eyes.
He wasn't letting go and it made you scared because you didn't want to get yelled at by staff and even get kicked out.
In the corner of your eye, you saw a staff make their way toward you and you tried your best to get your hand out, but to no avail. However, there was a savior that stepped in.
Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, gaining the youngest's attention. "Uhm, are you okay, Jungkook?" he asked, looking between you both. "The bell rang almost a minute ago, let go of the poor ladies hand."
It took everything in Jungkook to not yell at his hyung, but he obeyed his orders.
"I'm sorry Y/N!" he said, eyes pleading with you, "I got lost in thought and didn't mean for this to happen!"
He was loud and everyone was looking, it made you feel hot with embarrassment, but seeing how he is right now made you feel bad for some reason. As if it was your fault.
"it's ok!" you say, moving in front of Jin, "No need to apologize."
After that, everything felt quick for you. Seeing other members made you happy and it was something you would never forget, especially with Jungkook. He didn't mean to hold your hand that long, so you didn't really think much of it. Besides, you mentioned your boyfriend and your love for Elijah will triumph over Jungkook any day.
However, it was the next day that made things go downhill. You woke up to your phone going off every second. it scared you, made you think a relative died and that your siblings or parents were trying to get ahold of you.
But when you opened your sister's messages, your eyes popped out.
sister: Go check Twitter right now!!
sister: if u dont wake up rn ill fucking drive over to your apartment and nuke your door down
You message her quickly, telling her that you're checking right now. Opening the app, it was the first thing that popped up.
Was the first headline you saw. You prayed hard and deep that it was something totally different and did not involve you at all.
You clicked on the tweet and your heart dropped. It was clearly a picture of you at the fan meet. it was the moment when Jungkook held onto your hand tightly and didn't let go. Even now you can clearly see the soft look in his face as he stared at you.
How stupid were you for not realizing that fans could take things the wrong way and make it to what it really isn't!
You read the tweet and it made your blood boil.
I was at BTS' fan meet last night and what I saw made me gasp! When the bell rung for the fans to move onto the next member, there was a moment that made everyone shocked. Jungkook wouldn't let go of this girls hand! I don't know her name or who she is, but when I zoomed in, you can see the look in his eyes that he had for her! It was adorable and sweet! The way he held her hand made me swoon!
#BTS #whoIsTheGirl #Jungkook
You scrolled through other tweets, some of them confused, others shocked, a few of them were hate, but a lot of them were excited. It pissed you off. This wasn't Wattpad, this only should happen in cringe stories. You were dating the love of your life and this could seriously ruin things.
Going to Elijah's contact, you tried calling him twice, but he didn't pick up. You texted him asking if he was ok, but he just read your message.
Everything was going downhill so you grabbed your stuff and headed over to your boyfriends apartment.
Upon arriving, you knocked several times for him to answer because there was no way in hell you were leaving without explaining things. When he opened the door, you invited yourself in without asking.
"What are you doing?" he asks, closing and locking the door behind him, "whats wrong?"
You tilted your head, confused by his actions. Is he this mad that he looks so calm?
"I'm here to talk about whats happening on twitter and want to give you my side." you say.
His eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Something on twitter? Care to elaborate?"
"Why are you acting confused? Aren't you angry? I tried texting and calling but you ignored them."
He laughed and walked up to you, giving your forehead and kiss, "I am sorry, honey. I was on the phone with my sister and was trying to calm her down from her first heartbreak. When I saw your text, my phone died."
Elijah then walked to the counter and showed his phone with the screen showing the black background and white apple icon, signifying that it was just turning on from it being dead.
You felt the worry ease just a little as you finally calmed down. "oh thank god." you whisper, placing your hand over your chest. "You scared me so much."
he chuckles and stands in front of you, "Whats happening though? Tell me."
So you told him everything, about how Jungkook kept holding your hand, fans took pictures, thought of something else, and now you're trending on Twitter. You showed him the tweets, pictures, and tags.
His eyes scanned each and every one of them, and after he smiled and chuckled. "Oh Y/N." he gives you a tight hug, "Did you think I was angry about this? That I believed it?"
You nodded your head in his chest.
"You're such a dork." he ruffles your hair, "I would've called your if anything, and besides this is not something you would do. You're loyal, and kind, and I trust you. It was a mistake and the fans fault for taking things the wrong way."
You felt like there was a heavy weight that was lifted from your shoulder. He understood and listened carefully to your words and it made you realize how lucky you are to have him as your boyfriend.
He tried his best to cheer you up, making you food and putting on your favorite show.
When you got the notification that Jungkook was live on Weverse, you and your boyfriend stopped what you were doing to watch it, hoping he would clear up any rumor.
"Hello," he says, waving at the camera. He waited for more people to come on and just kept staring at the lense. When enough people joined, he started talking more.
"'did you see what is trending on twitter?' Yeah, I have actually. She looks pretty in that picture." he says, smiling to himself.
You tilted your head, confused by his words. Shouldn't he shoot down the rumor now instead of fueling it by saying how pretty you are?
"You guys should know that she is just has pretty as her name. Everything about her is flawless." he laughs to himself and reads another comment "'are you guys dating?' I guess this is where I have to be honest and upfront with you guys."
You felt relieved that he was finally going to dispell the rumors between you both and you can finally be at peace from all of this.
"Yes, we are dating. We wanted to keep it on the down low and she wanted to surprise me at the event, but I guess my love for her got the best of me."
Your blood ran cold and your eyes widened. Did you hear him correctly? Was he being serious? You were hoping he said something else and you just needed to check your hearing?
You turned to your boyfriend and see that hes also wide eye, frozen in his place, and even shaking just a little.
"Please, army, im asking you guys to refrain from getting into her privacy. She is human after all, my love and my girl. It would mean the world to me if you showed kindness and love to our relationship."
Why is he doing this? You didn't understand why he was saying these things and what made him attached to you. "What the actual fuck!" you screamed out, throwing your phone.
"How long have we been dating?" he reads aloud, "Since five months already." Jungkook smiles, "I cant believe time has flown by so fast!" he chuckles. "Do the members like her? Of course they do! They're so protective over her, but not too much. After all, shes my girl."
You were sick to your stomach hearing him speak more. The realization dawned on you from last night and why he kept on holding your hand tight, even when you had to move on. Him being your bias sickened you as you realized who this man truly is.
To his fans, he was the kindest and sweetest person ever, his eyes fooled everyone, even you. But now this?
Seeing your boyfriend on the couch, not saying a word broke your heart.
"Please, tell me you don't believe him babe," your eyes started to get watered, "I never met him before last night."
He finally looked at you, swallowing his spit and shaking his head, "Babe, its ok, I believe you." he answeres, "But t-that man," he points at your phone, "Hes fucking crazy. Sick in the head for thinking that. What the hell!?"
You walked up to your boyfriend, giving him a tight hug. "Don't worry babe, I'm going to fix this. I promise."
You left later that night and when you got home, you emptied your purse and thats when you noticed the album you brought with you to the fan meet.
Opening it up, your eyes almost bulged out of your head when seeing his sick note you left you.
You're the most prettiest girl I've ever met with the prettiest name. Please, I want to see you soon. Take care!
Below that had a phone number on it with the words next to it being "Contact me anytime."
You were stupid and dumb, but this needed to be fixed once and for all. Picking up your phone and putting in that number, you waited for the caller to pick up.
It went to voicemail.
You knew this was stupid and it wouldn't work, so you placed down your phone and screamed into your pillow. He's messing up the relationship between you and your man for no reason.
How could a lovely time turn into your worse? Were you actually curs-
Suddenly, your phone lights up with the number you put in and you almost chocked on your spit.
Slowly reaching out, you picked it up and answered, waiting for the person to speak.
"Who is th-this?" you ask, swallowing a nervous spit.
"You called me, shouldn't I be the one asking?"
The voice sounded familiar, but you didn't want to assume that it was him, however you were built on frustration and you let it all out.
"I know this is you, Jungkook. I found the number you left in my album. You are a sick bastard for what you're doing!" You yelled, "What the fuck gave you the idea that we are dating? Why the fuck are you saying this when I've never met you in my entire life.
"Do you not understand that you're ruining my relationship that I have with my boyfriend!?" You yelled into the phone, a tear slipping down.
The line stayed quiet and it pissed you off even more. Even if it wasn't Jungkook on the line, it had to be someone close to him since he wrote this number down by heart.
"Oh, its nice hearing from you finally!" his voice rung out, almost too happy, "How have you been, love?"
You felt the anger rushing in all over again as you laughed, "Are you fucking kidding me!? Did you not hear what I said??"
"I did, yes. But why should that concern me?" he asks, seemingly not caring about the situation he created.
"Did you not care to consider the fact that you're ruining my life? People around me are calling me a whore, they think I left my boyfriend because I met you! Do you not get it?!"
He chuckles a bit, "Don't listen to them, their words should mean nothing. Besides, what do you want me to do about it?"
You froze in place as you were left dumb founded. Is this man serious? "Are you fucking kidding me!? I want you to fix this! We aren't dating and I have a boyfriend, Elijah is his name. Not Jungkook."
Jungkook was quiet for a few seconds before speaking up, "You know, I don't think your boyfriend would be happy with how you were fliritng with me at the event."
You laughed at his stupidity, almost close to hanging up and calling the cops even. "Flirting with you? How was I flirting with you!?"
"The things you said about me being adorbale, funny and all of that. Don't play stupid, its not cute. What would your boyfriend do when he hears the things you said about me?"
"You cannot be serious." you say, angry and confused, "That wasn't fliritng, Jungkook! I was genuonely complimenting you since you were my bias! You need to get out of delusional land!"
"Love, you expect me to go back online and tell the world that what I said isn't true?" he asked.
"Well, fucking obviously!" you screamed.
"Yeah, I can't do that. Besides, what would the fans think of me when I tell them that all that I said was a lie?" he says.
"Well everything was a lie! You created this mess!"
He sighs, "Y/N," you forgot he knew your name, "I'm not taking back my words. I genuinely like you and want something."
You pulled your hair in disbelief, "Jungkook, did you not hear me say that I have a boyfriend 50 times!? There is no us and will never be an us."
He was quiet and all you could hear was tapping. "If you're not going to say anything, I will."
"Love, do you know the power I have?" He asks, "I am a rich man, me and my members bring in 5 BILLION dollars every year. That being said, I have the power to do anything and that anything involves you. Army listens to what I say and eat it up, if I go online with tears in my eyes talking about how hear broken I am.... you can kiss your life and privacy goodbye."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "J-Jungkook, are you threatening me?" you asked, so shocked that you swear your heart stopped pounding.
"No, I would never. I'm just letting you know the consequences of what might happen." he says in a soft, degrading tone, "Listen, why don't we meet up and talk about this? Yeah? I'll send you an address first thing tomorrow. How does that sound?"
"No! I'm not going to meet you, are you crazy!?" you yell, gripping your phone tighter in your hands.
"I wonder how army will feel when they hear you say how 'fucking stupid' I am, and how delusional I am for simply being in love." he sighs, "I would hate for your reputation to plummet."
The feeling of your heart sinking is the worse feeling in the entire world. You were helpless and you didn't know what to do, this was completely out of your hands, he was in charge.
"W-why are you doing this to me?" you whisper, tears falling down, "what did I do?"
"Don't cry, my love." he whispers in a soothing tone, "Seeing you for the first time has made me helpless. I knew I needed you in my life. You are the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes on. Lets talk more about this tomorrow, ok love?"
You didn't feel like talking more, so you stuttered out a yes before hanging up. This man is insane and you knew that if you made the smallest mistake, he has the power to ruin you and your family. What did you do to deserve this?
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arsonlookers · 1 month
Suggestive below read at your own risk~
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Imagine down bad yandere! idol adventurine really wanted to be treated like this by his manager Reader.
He has dreamed all night and all day daydreaming about being under you, and he is soooo down bad.
He doesn't care if he would be the top or the bottom in the relationship at all.
all he cares about is you and him together, being intimate, being lovely dovely with each other being able to love and be loved back, that's all inside his mind.
Imagine just how yandere! Adventurine would go down on his knees and begs you to just fuck him, even better if you made him pussy drunk at all. he will be ecstatic and even incoherently thank you non-stop
"ThaThank you~ ahhh~~ mmmnn~ ahh~ Thankyou~thank-thank you baby~ agghbabyy~ "
He will never let go of your leg unless you give him all he wants, and he will even shamelessly make a bet with your dignity on the line so if you either lose or win he will have an advantage one way or the other.
After all, he doesn't want to lose this chance to be able to fuck his sexy and lovely manager~
just push more against his d!ck he loves the feeling of your heels just pushing against his member and looking at you with his love-sick eyes. Don't ever lose eye contact with this man because he will grip harder on your leg if you look away even for a second.
"Look at me~ please just look at me~ "
He loves how soft your thighs are and how plush it is against his face, and even snuggles his cheeks against your thigh while keeping eye contact, he can smell your arousal because of how close he is to your private and he is just as turned on as you.
he will tease You about it but he is no better since you can clearly see his packing under your heels and even with your heels on you can feel how he is getting bigger than before which is not normal at all.
With your dirty mind, you start to imagine just how hard he can get and just how good he would feel inside you.
with lust-filled eyes, you just can't look away from his obsessed and lustful gaze.
Imagine after all this is happening it will end up from just pushing his member down by your heels to literally sitting on his face shamelessly putting more strength and griping on your sides to not lose the sensation of drowning in your juices and being faced against your pussy~
"Stay~ hmmm~ you taste so goood~ ahh~ mmm~"
Praises you just how you make him feel and loves how your juices never end.
He loves how it moves so fast from him begging to now eating you out was a dream for him. grips his hair please he loves how tight and sends electrics on his body. the pain is reminding him that this is real and not a dream.
That you are in front of his face eating you out and hearing your godly lovely moans and whimpers. He will forever cherish this moment and nonstop imagine this every moment of his life.
he is in your mercy so please give him more~
"Ahhh~ hmm~ more~ just mo-more~ stay like this ~ forever ahh~ you taste sofckingGoood~ahggghhh~~"
Its even better if not just this position you know~ he can do all and if possible he will do ALL with you~ He means it~
E.V.E.R.Y. S.I.N.G.L.E. P.O.S.I.T.I.O.N.
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Until you pass out~ and even if you do pass out, don't really expect he will just stop ~ no honey~ he will continue even after that~
"you need something baby?"
don't really worry he does take good after care for you. you cant walk? he will serve you breakfast in bed
You want to go to the restroom, he will take you there
He will be at your beck and call. just call him anywhere, everytime, and anything he dont really care he will ditch everything in a matter if seconds. FOR. YOU.~
Art is not mine!!
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suiana · 1 year
✎ yandere! idol headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― blackmail, slight nsfw etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! idol who used to be a normal high school student, with you as his beloved best friend.
✎ yandere! idol who only became an idol when you complimented his singing and dancing skills and then jokingly asked him to be one.
✎ yandere! idol who took your words seriously and auditioned for a big idol company, easily getting in without much trouble. he also blackmailed them to get in but you don't need to know that <3
✎ yandere! idol who debuted in a boy group ten months after training, instantly becoming one of the most popular and adored Idols ever.
✎ yandere! idol who makes time to talk to you amidst his hectic schedule. if his manager doesn't give him time to talk to you they will find themselves with a frozen bank account the next day! :)
✎ yandere! idol who ignores what everyone else says, they never mattered anyway. only you did, everything he does is for you <3
✎ yandere! idol who describes you when asked about his ideal type on variety shows and interviews. he never says your name in order to protect your privacy but anyone who knows of you would be able to piece together the information.
✎ yandere! idol who hates that he now has to meet you secretly in order to not upset his fans. maybe he should just blackmail the CEO...
✎ yandere! idol who skips his training and photoshoots to hang out with you more. he won't tell you that of course! he just knows that you'll scold him and make him go back. so he'll just keep it a secret and lie to you if you ask <3 he hates being away from you :(
✎ yandere! idol who, despite getting praises and love confessions on a daily basis, still gets flustered when you just sit or stand closer to him. and if you compliment him, expect him to get all shifty trying to cover up his problem down there <3
✎ "hey y/n, did you listen to my lines in my group's comeback? we should re-enact them some time~♡"
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aikunik · 1 month
Yandere Male idol x GN reader
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another view of the writing
warning: yandere tendencies, delusional yandere, nsfw
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Sol always had eyes for you, you were his first supporter, even amongst the largest crowds of more than one thousand people he could still sense if you were in the crowd or not, he would panic, and start hyperventilating if he couldn't see you amongst the crowds, once it got so bad that he had to go backstage to avoid the paparazzis surrounding him.
He didn't know how overly obsessive he was with you. he knew but wanted to play hard to get, that was until you looked at someone else or started going to other band's concerts.
It started a while ago, in highschool where you were Sol's classmate, the pretty classmate who sat at the back of the class, always staring out the window. Back then in highschool, he had already developed strong feelings for you. You were the colour to his world, one day, you acknowledged him for his singing and dancing skills. He was ecstatic from your reaction. So much so that he applied for one of the biggest idol companies in the world. Then he trained, for a year or two and rose to stardom, you were his biggest supporter from the start.
You didn't know he was your classmate, since he changed so much, his personality changed and so has his physical appearance, he died his hair a platnium blonde and worked out during his whole trainee period, so there was no way you could recognise him. He wanted to change since you had always regarded him as a mere classmate.
You called yourself Sol's no.1 defender, you would always defend Sol in arguments, like when they called Sol a coward for hyperventilating on stage, being his long-time supporter, you couldn't stand the hate and decided to shut them down yourself. Sol would always see you on social media, commenting and praising him for his dancing skills and amazing charisma on stage. whenever he saw your posts about him or your face he always busted a huge load to it, covering his entire phone screen hot strips of cum, he would always go to the bathroom and jerk off to you when hes stressed.
"m-my darling must love me s-so much! ha... oh!"
Everytime there was a meet and greet he would always look for you, but there was this time when there was no you, he searched through the crowds panicking..
"m-my.. darling.. is not here today?.. ha.. maybe they were too busy with school work! yeah! they're playing so hard to get for my attention"
Sol was just being delusional. You had no feelings for him at all and only regarded him as your role model.
Sol wanted to think this was just a slip up, but his eyes were on the edge of giving out for the whole meet up, he had almost started crying right there on the spot, but his manager told him to go to the bathroom for a while, to freshen himself.
He used that order as an excuse. He wanted to find you. Where have you been? You've been wanting for him to find you right? just like hide and seek. Until he couldn't find you. He started immediately breaking down onto the streets after he checked your instagram and your latest post was at another band's concert. He started suffocating, he started feeling uneasy in his stomach he couldnt bear it he sobbed right in the middle of the busy streets, many fans walking by tried to help him, but he was too lovesick, sitting on the bare concrete floor.
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reminder to hydrate
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wodimewoahtime · 1 month
hey till...... don't you have just a little too much tsundere "i'm not gay" yaoi protag power???? why are you attracting these guys like a hamster to the shredder
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blarshwritezz · 2 months
Yandere Idol x Fan Reader
Male Yan x gn reader
TW - general yandere behavior, captivity, killing
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Idol!Yan was used to being in the limelight. Ever since he was a child people fawned over what a pretty young boy he was and how much talent he had.
Idol!Yan has been in countless failed relationships, usually with other celebrities. Idols, actors, musicians, influencers, even a free of his team members despite the scandals. None of them were up to his standards, however.
Idol!Yan never thought he'd find the love of his life in the front row of one of his concerts. You weren't special, why was he so attracted to you?
Idol!Yan sent his security to tell you that you had won a special prize and would get to go backstage in order to meet him. That wasn't the case at all however. He was curious. He needed to know why you caught his eye.
Idol!Yan was even more enamoured seeing you in more proper lighting. He was used to getting what he wanted, so he knew he would have you.
Idol!Yan started producing more love songs and holding special giveaways. Of course he always rigged it so you would win. One time you won a date with him, even.
Idol!Yan used that as his way to keep meeting you. You sometimes catch him just staring at you and practically drooling. He took every chance he could to touch you, to feel your pretty body beneath his hands...
Idol!Yan learned more and more about you every day. He'd stalk your social media profiles, checking at least every hour to make sure he wasn't missing anything.
Idol!Yan finally got you to be his partner. Finally you were really his! And he would never let you go...
Idol!Yan soon realized, however, that he should have kept your relationship a secret. The world instantly had its eyes on you. But you were his! No one else should even look at you!
Idol!Yan would rarely let you leave his house after he got you to move in with him. He couldn't stand the idea of the paparazzi seeing you. Or worse, all the people sending you so much hate...
Idol!Yan took away all your internet access. You didn't deserve to say all the mean things those awful heathens were saying about you. Saying your just a whore who wormed their way into his life...
Idol!Yan started returning home later and later. You thought he might be cheating on you, but he'd never! He was simply killing those trolls taking care of business.
Idol!Yan caught you trying to escape him once. Against his better judgement, he had to show you the news of how many people were being killed so brutally lately. He didn't show. You all the details of course, your eyes shouldn't have to see such gruesome things. Didn't you see though? The world was much too dangerous for you. You had to stay here in his home with all this advanced security so you could be safe.
Idol!Yan didn't ever let you leave. He even chained you up. Don't worry though, he'll take excellent care of you.
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Less gooo another yan for my collection
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cumtastiics · 5 months
What if you wrote about a crocodile tear yandere idol x body guard reader that falls for it? Like he would cry about anything just to get the readers attention and fully uses it as their advantage.
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a/n: wahhhh this is cute 😭 i'd love to write more for him tbh pls req 🙏🏼
tw: yandere, manipulation.
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alec was one of the most well-known idols of this generation, and because of that, he had a ton of obsessive fans! so naturally, he hired you, his lovely bodyguard.
alec was a very lazy person despite being constantly out of his home, doing whatever his idol duties called for. he'd always beg you to get something for him, but you always said no. you weren't even his manager!
"(Y/N)! (Y/N!)" he kept on calling out your name, desperate to get your attention as you ignored him, focusing on your job. you could see his bottom lip start to quiver from the corner of your eye, making you sigh.
"what is it, alec?" you turned your head to face him, seeing the tears already had begun to fall on his face.
"you keep ignoring me.." his voice was quiet now, looking away from your eyes.
"i'm sorry," you said. "i'll- i'll listen to you now, okay?" you tried to speak in a gentle tone with him, so he wouldn't cry more.
"really?" he sniffled, looking back at you with hope.
"yup," you sighed.
"thank you!" he hugged you, wiping his tears on your shoulder.
oh, if only you could see the grin that spread wide across his face.
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bunny-yan · 7 months
Yandere!Fan x Idol!GN!Reader
TW: mentions kidnapping, mentions stalking, violence, gaslighting, minors DNI
He’d been happy, having you here. 
A secret from the outside world. 
Others would look at him and judge his unkempt appearance,  his timid nature, his uncertain words. They’d sneer and whisper cruel, unpleasant things. Things he’d often go home and repeat to himself. 
Opening the door to the empty house, he wouldn’t hesitate to pad up the stairs, passing all the rooms heading straight to the one in the far left corner and turning the silent knob to enter into his sanctuary. 
It was like he’d spent the entire day struggling to pull oxygen into his lungs and the moment he entered this sacred space, his lungs could rest. 
Met with the the large poster cut out of your smiling face the moment he opened the door, he couldn’t stop his own smile as he greeted you warmly. 
Walking over, he’d kiss the piece of paper, feeling embarrassed but quickly getting over it due to the lack of judging eyes, he told you about his day. He never wanted you to worry, but you were the only one in this cold world that he could be honest with. It didn’t matter where he went since your eyes would follow him faithfully, looking out from every corner of the room, but he felt a deeper connection when he kneeled in front of the poster, relaying each and every mundane happenstance faithfully. 
He imagined that you would be kind. That you would get angry at others for being so despicable. So cruel. That you would stroke his head and offer him the peace, the sense of belonging that he’d always craved for. It didn’t matter if everyone else rejected him as long as he had you. Everything was alright in the world as long as you were by his side.
On days when others were especially awful, he’d take the pen out of the safe and rewind the audio he recorded on it. The day you had a meet and greet after one of your concerts, he didn’t care if he had to wait hours, he just knew he had to talk to you. And when he’d spilled everything, spewing intimate details of his life like a broken fountain, he was in awe of you. You were just as sweet, just as kind as he thought you’d be. Even saying some of the things he’d imagined and when you offered to give him a hug, the blush that spread across his face burned just as brightly as it did that day, squeezing his legs together as he begged not to make a fool of himself in front of you, though he didn’t care in the privacy of his home. 
Your sweet words were muffled, something he often cursed his past self for, but he could make out everything you said, having listened to it so often that the memory, every word, every pause, every breath you would take was ingrained into him. He knew others were jealous that day. When he wrapped his arms around you, sweaty palms afraid to touch your back as whispers of others calling him a “fucking loser” or a “gross fanboy” circled throughout the open space, but it didn’t matter. You were hugging him, touching him with the hands he could only dream about, making them a reality. You were the only thing that mattered. The only voice he truly cared to listen to and he couldn’t help the small shudder when you whispered, “It’ll be okay.” in his ear.
He hated the way he practically ripped away from you that day, sending a hurried thank you over his shoulder before rushing to the bathroom to take care of the throbbing bother between his legs. 
It was routine at this point. After he was spent, he cleaned himself up and carefully put the pen back in the safe where it belonged, a treasure hidden until it was needed again. 
And it would be needed again. 
You were the only thing that mattered. The only thing that made him feel that life was worth living.
But these days he was different. The words others spoke didn’t bother him as much. He went through the day with his chest tightening in excitement instead of fear, a slow anticipation that spread as the day carried on. 
Walking up his porch, there was a bounce in his step. He threw down whatever he was carrying the moment he walked into this house and ran up the stairs, breathless as he forced himself to slow and open the door carefully so he didn’t startle you. 
Wide eyes looked into his own and he smiled before saying, “Hi.” in a breathless voice. 
You were tied up on his bed, wrists forced together and pulled taut against the headboard. Rope wrapped around your thighs giving you little movement. 
He came over after fishing a key out of his pocket to lock the room to his door, tugging at the rope, allowing it to loosen and unravel completely before going to do the same for your wrists. You had stayed in one position for so long, it was hard to move. Fingers twitching, your body felt numb as you tried to will circulation through your arms and feet. 
Harper tried to leave you alone without restraints, but the moment he undid them, freeing you from the chair, you bolted to the door. 
You twisted the door handle, but before you could get it fully open a hand slammed against it, barely shoving it closed before another was wrapping around your waist dragging you down, trying to yank you away from the door, from your escape. Pleas and desperate cries flooded your ears, begging you to stop, to stay, not to do this. 
You didn’t want to listen, but your body betrayed you, stiff from the stationary position you were forced to sit in, it wouldn’t do what you told it to. It only took one wrong step to go crashing down with him on top of you.
Having you struggling underneath him, it felt surreal. You were real and you were trying to leave him. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to avoid hurting you as he dragged you back towards the chair. It was difficult, he muffled his voice when you clipped him in the chin or managed to shove your elbow into his ribs, but the simple thought of his life if you managed to get away, managed to leave him, it was unbearable enough to provide him with an extra surge of adrenaline to struggle through his pain and terrifying weakness. He apologized profusely, but it didn’t stop him from wrapping the rope around your wrists before tying the rope to the bed. 
He couldn’t understand why you stopped struggling, but his face caught on fire the minute you shifted and he threw himself off of the bed. Pressing a hand to his mouth, his emotions were a cacophonic mess between embarrassment that his body had betrayed him in such a desperate situation and hopelessness that the one person who offered him a reprieve from the biting loneliness had also tried to abandon him. 
Without hesitation. 
Harper was breathing hard, panic erupting when he saw you go for the door. It was the first thing he changed. Put locks on the outside just in case you ever got out of those restraints. Because he wasn’t taking them off unless he was here with you. He felt bad. He noticed how shaky your movement was, how uncertain, but he couldn’t live with that fear that you’d try again. 
“How are you? Do you need to go the bathroom? Are you hungry? I’m sorry, I would spend all of my time with you if I could, but they’d know if I stopped showing up.” 
You didn’t say anything, simply watching him as you pushed yourself further into the corner on his bed. Wary of him. 
He bit the inside of his cheek. He knew those eyes. He chewed. Those were the same eyes he watched others with. Chewed until he could taste blood in his mouth. He tried to force a smile, lingering near the edge of his bed. 
“I can whip something up if you’re hungry. Some pasta? That’s simple. Or I could order pizza. You can get any toppings, as many as you want… O-Or if you don’t want pizza I’m fine with ordering anything else. Do you want Chinese food? Thai? Vietnamese? Or if you’re not hungry right now I can get you something else. Something light? But if you don’t want anything at all that’s fine too. I brought you some water. Water is- it’s important that you hydrate... You’re not talking… Why aren’t you talking? Speak to me, please.”
“I want to go home.” you said, clearing you throat from hours upon hours of unuse. 
His face dropped, fighting to stop the nervous smile from dropping, his face twitched before melting to utter devastation. 
Of course you wanted to go home. 
No one would like being tied up for hours a day. He was sure it wasn’t comfortable. You were used to having the freedom of doing whatever you wanted to. Now you had to rely on him for  something as simple as using the bathroom. 
“I’m sorry.” he said, shifting on his feet as he edged closer. “It must be hard being tied up. I promise I’ll try to figure out something more comfortable. Do your wrists hurt?” 
He tried to reach out to grab your hand, but froze when you flinched away. A small smile came to his face. Of course you would be nervous about him touching you. It was stupid for him to even try. Harper didn’t want to blame you. You wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t drugged you and dragged you back to this house before gagging you and tying you up to make sure you wouldn’t alert the neighbors before he could make it back to you. But if you hadn’t tried to run away, if you have just accepted what the two of you had everything would be fine. 
But, no. You ran. You tried to leave him. 
“I’ll try to be here more often. I’ll take days off to stay with you.”
It felt disgusting. 
“I can bring things back!”
Having to ask to be let go. 
“What is it that you miss? Your lamp? I can bring your clothes or perfume. Anything to make this feel more like home so…”
You tasted bile as the words came out of your mouth, but you didn’t see an alternative. 
Shaking your head, you held yourself. “I want to go home. Please?”
You had thoughts of hitting him over the head with the lamp. If you could catch him off guard you were sure you could overpower him and go for the door again, but his eyes were always watching you, noticing every movement you made. It was something that unsettled your skin, to feel his eyes drag across them to note every intake of breath, every shudder. 
He felt something ache in his chest, knowing that look.
Harper thought of the moments he’d spent in this room, dark and alone, staring at the pictures of you on his wall. It was his sanctuary, but it was empty. Devoid of life other than his own or the occasional critter that would sneak into his house to scavenge for food or to simple escape the elements or a large predator. It was vacant of any warmth or emotion. So much so that the last time he caught a spider crawling across his desk, he trapped it in a glass jar. Of course it was agitated, slamming against the seemingly invisible wall, unable to understand that it had been trapped, but it learned with time. He’d watch it, noticing that after a few days of exposing his presence, it no longer shrunk away. Its eyes almost appearing grateful when he’d offer it food. It made the loneliness bearable, though it was incomparable to your actual presence. 
There was something he carried throughout the day, a hope of sorts, an anticipation of happiness the moment he was able to return home. It didn’t take a genius to know that the change was you. 
It didn’t matter that the look of fear in your eyes made his heart feel as if it was breaking into thousands of tiny shards, continuously digging into his chest. He’d struggle to maintain his happy-go-lucky nature, digging his fingernails into the flesh of his hand as he reasoned that you still needed time to get used to this dynamic. That it only made sense when you’d cry. It was probably the first time you’d known relief from your demanding career. He was helping you. You needed him to whisk you away from that soul-sucking stage and from those disgusting people who paraded as fans when they didn’t really care about you. Not like he did. 
Hours he’d spend online, scouring every piece of media that your name had been mentioned in, defending your honor against trolls that felt they could degrade you, talk about the things they wanted to do with you if they ever got the chance. He couldn’t handle then all. Not when you continued perform. Continued to put yourself out there like a willing target for their unrighteous desires, no. He rescued you from that. And you rescued him from that mind-numbing emptiness he’d relied on for so long. 
He couldn’t do that again. 
“No.” he said, looking at you as he clutched the area of his shirt over his heart. “You can’t go.” He began scratching at his chest, feeling a pain that refused to leave the more he thought about that hollow loneliness. His voice was almost a whine as he let out a sharp wail. You flinched, watching him drop to his knees as he shoved his head to the ground and begged. 
“Please don’t go. Don’t say you want to leave. I can be better.” Head coming up, a small trail of blood trickled down his face, his eyes half-crazed as if he’d convinced himself of his own words. That you weren’t appreciative of his treatment rather than being ripped away from your everyday life. He said it so convincingly that it gave you an awful feeling.
“I can make you happy.”
He said, crawling too fast to the edge of the bed for your to resist the urge to jerk back, pressed firmly against the wall. 
Gripping the sheets in his hands, he said, “I’ll do whatever you want, just please. Please don’t leave me.” 
Harper began to cry. 
It was something that you were used to seeing by now. He cried when he was upset. He cried when he was happy. Harper cried when he was thanking you. Worshiping you for that day. For getting to see you in the morning when he opened his eyes. For the opportunity to cater to your every whim and need.  You were his star, and he your loyal devotee. 
You felt awful, but a part of you wished the two of you never met. You knew how deeply he valued that moment, but if it meant that you wouldn’t be here right now you’d have canceled that meet and greet in a heartbeat. It was awful. You were awful, but you couldn’t imagine he’d take an “abrupt” change in your nature well. That sickening violence he had no issue inflicting on himself kept your tongue docile as you tried to play the kind idol he so desperately wanted. 
“Harper, there are people that are worried about me. My family, my fans, my agency has to be looking for me.”
It was true. Your tour had been canceled since your disappearance and they had put out a missing persons report. 
Your secret outing had worked in his favor considering the police had yet to catch onto him. The day he spotted you walking around, relying on a flimsy mask to shield your identity, he knew it was too good to be true. 
Too good of an opportunity to pass up. 
Another sign that destiny was drawing the two of you together. You were just too blind to see it. Too focused on the secular expectations that society wanted you to believe. They wanted you to believe that he was just a stalker, but didn’t kidnap you. He rescued you with your best interests in mind. 
What did it matter what other people cared about? None of them would ever love and appreciate you the way he did. Your manager simply viewed you as a cash cow, using your hard work and effort for an easy payday. Your fans, a horde of self-obsessed assholes who would suck you dry the moment they got the chance. You were his life. His sole reason for being alive. His sole reason for being alive. 
“They aren’t.” he lied, holding his breath as he watched the shock and disbelief spread across your face. Eyes flitting back and forth between yours, he said, “A lot of people got angry about your canceled tour and someone started a rumor that you ran away to get back with your ex.”
Your heart sank. 
You didn’t want to believe him, but it was something you’d done before. You didn’t expect just how much being and idol would take out of you. Every aspect of your being was scrutinized and altered in order to appeal to your fans, to make you a more popular and attractive idol and the slow loss of your sense of self was driving you insane. Overwhelmed and severely in need of a break, you trusted your lover’s advice to take a step away, unaware of their intentions for the publicity stunt. 
Harper grit his teeth, hating to even mention your dark past, but it was necessary to make you believe that no one was looking for you. A part of you was sure to be suspicious, but he’d hammer in that point until you started to believe it yourself. 
“No one’s looking for you. I was the only one who cared enough to see that you were having a hard time.”
Was it bad that he wanted to look good in the eyes of his idol? That he wanted to see your appreciative gaze before you wrapped your arms around him, much like the first time you spoke. 
“No.” you said, breaking his fantasy. “That can’t be true. I worked hard on my upcoming performance. My manager would know that I wouldn’t just disappear.”
“They don’t care about you!” he yelled, losing control of his fear as he shot to his feet. 
“Harper, please. I know that there are people that are worried about me. Can you just imagine how my disappearance is making my family feel?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said, voice uncharacteristically cold as he walked to his desk. You watched him silently, breath hitching when you saw the red cloth he pulled out along with duct tape. 
“Harper,” you prefaced, not taking your eyes off of the items in his hand, but he didn’t give you a moment to talk him down.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” he repeated, walking to the bed before lunging at you when you tried to bolt for the door.
You begged him to stop, to let you go, to allow you to return home, but the only indication that he heard you was his stricken, tear-filled eyes before he shoved the cloth in your mouth, ripping a piece of duct tape away expertly before slapping it over your mouth. 
A hand closed around your wrist and you felt your heart sink in your gut at the thought that he was putting the restraints back on when you’d barely had 30 minutes to be free without them. You yanked your hand away from his grip, knowing you could overpower him if you used your full strength, but he caught your offguard when he shoved you back, grabbing your arm once again before yanking it up and above your head to restrain it with the same cloth cuff you’d been trapped in all day. It didn’t take long for your other hand to join the first and despite being restrained you couldn’t help the exploding desire to struggle. 
He backed off of the bed, going to sit in the chair at his desk as he stared at you with that same strange coldness.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m the only one that cares about you.”
You looked in his eyes and there was an unshakeable trust that you knew he wanted to see reflected back. 
“I’m the only one that cares about you.”
You closed your eyes shut, shaking your head, wishing that you’d been able to cover your ears.
“I’m the only one who cares about you.”
He would say it again and again, closing you in, until he knew you understood. Until you began to believe it yourself.  
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 7 months
Yandere! Idol! group x F! Reader
Honey 🍯
TW: Buttplugs, kidnapping, noncon, food kink, throat fucking, gangbanging
Pt. 2
A/N: This idol group is entirely made up and not based off of any group in real life.
"Haneul, you've been staring at your phone for a while. Are you ok?" Sol, Haneul's groupmate, asks, tapping Haneul on the shoulder.
Haneul's beige skin shines in sunlight, his black hair blowing in the wind, and his cheeks blushing so heavily that there are two red dots. Haneul had been stalking you since he became a trainee. 
"Is it that coffee girl again?" Jason questions, leaning his head over the passenger's seat. "Dude, you've been stalking her since she was 15. We're both 22 now. Just ask her on a date already and make her ours. Besides, it would clear up the nasty rumor saying that she's a sasaeng."
"I suppose I should. We do have to write a love song for our album, right, Jason?" Haneul suggests showing Jason, Sol, and Honey a photo of you walking home.
"Driver, turn at this road," Sol says, looking at your location from the GPS tracker in your earrings.
"Yes, sir," The driver says, making a hard right.
"Stop next to the girl in black," Haneul says, seeing your earrings glimmer in the sunlight.
A black van screeches to a halt next to you, and suddenly, you're pulled inside. You try to scream for help, but a hand goes over your mouth, preventing any sound from leaving. 
"Shh, sweetheart~ You're ok now," Sol whispers, rubbing your head.
Haneul shuts the door and rubs circles into your thigh.
"How are you doing, sweetie?" Honey asks, buckling you and wrapping a tight arm around your waist.
"Who are you people?!" You scream, making Jason disappointed.
"How could you not recognize us? We've been around you since we were trainees. We even wrote several songs for you. How could you not notice us?" Sol rants, making you cling to Haneul's arm.
"Sol, stop it. You're scaring her!" Haneul scolds, holding you in his arms.
Sol's navy blue hair practically stands up, and he turns away from Haneul. 
"You brutes are all scaring her. I can't believe you guys couldn't get her in the van besides kidnapping her. Don't worry, baby, I'll keep you safe," Hani says, kissing your tear-stained cheek.
"Don't touch her like that! I saw her first!"
"Shut up, Sol! Does the word OURS mean nothing to you?!"
"I don't want to hear that from the punk who tried to ask her out!"
"Neither you nor Haneul can talk, Sol! Especially when one of you had plans to keep her chained up in your room!"
The idol's argument turns into a physical altercation, and soon enough, they're pulling hair and throwing punches. All you can do is cover your head and cower near the car door.
"ENOUGH!" The lady in the passenger seat screams, turning around to face the idols. "EITHER YOU SHARE Y/N, OR NOBODY HAS HER, AND I LET HER GO!"
There's an awkward silence in the van, and the idols slowly let go of each other.
"Yes, Manager Choi," The boys say, fixing themselves up.
"I knew letting you guys move to America was a mistake," She says, turning her head around. "Hey, stop crying. You might as well get used to them. You've become the fifth member of the group."
You cry harder and feel your heart sink.
"Ta-dah! Welcome to the Hive!" Honey says, opening the door to their three-level house. "Upstairs is your and Haneul's room. To the left of yours is mine. Then, to the right are Sol and Jason's rooms. We have our own bathrooms, but feel free to come use ours if you want company."
You shuffle into the room and see the memorabilia from award shows and events. The air has a sickening sweet smell, almost like honey, that makes you nauseous. You feel the bile in your throat build up until you can't hold it anymore. You run to the nearest bathroom and vomit until your throat burns.
"Our queen is sick. I'll get her a spoonful of honey to make her feel better," Hani says, walking to their kitchen.
"Get it all out, sweetie. You'll be okay," Haneul says, rubbing your back and pushing your hair behind your ears.
Your face rests on the toilet seat, and Hanuel moves you so you're on his chest.
"Hani, hurry. Her face is turning pale!" Sol yells, running to your side. "Haneul, get her near the toilet again."
Your eyes roll into your skull, and your vision goes dark.
"Mm," You groan, waking up to Hani rubbing your feet.
"Hello, my queen. Are you feeling better?" Jason asks, moving a piece of hair out of your face.
The smell of honey overwhelms you, and then you see the bee pajamas you're wearing. 
"Don't worry, we didn't do anything dirty. Sol only changed your clothes and brushed your teeth," Haneul says, kissing your left cheek while Jason kisses the right. "How does our queen feel?"
"Let me go!" You scream, only to have your limbs restrained by each group member.
"Aww, I think our Queen Bee needs a good fucking to calm her down?" Haneul says, climbing on top of you and unbuckling his pants.
"Stop it!" You scream, making Haneul silence you with a kiss.
Hani hands Haneul a honey jar, and the black haired member covers his cock in the golden sweet treat. He opens your mouth and sticks his dick into it. Haneul slowly thrusts and has to restrain himself from throat fucking your mouth off as he feels your tongue unconciously lick the honey off his cock. Drool goes down your chin as Haneul deep throats you, and the lustful male thrusts faster, hitting the back of your throat. He sends cum straight down your throat, and slids his dick out of your mouth.
"How cute. Our queen is all calm now that she has some honey in her," Hani says, wiping some cum off your mouth. 
The sweet taste stays on your tongue, and you stare into space, not noticing the other boys unbuckling their pants. Soon after, another cock enters your mouth, followed by another one. They move in synch as they thrust into your mouth. Sol and Jason grunt as the friction from your mouth and their dicks touching each other. Their hands wrap around each other's waists to steady their pace, and they thrust faster. 
"Come on, Jason, Sol. Your cocks need to fill up our queens mouth," Hani says, spanking Jason and Sol's asses. "Come on, cum like the mindless sperm drones you are!"
The two members twitch in pleasure, and they cum from your mouth. A pool of cum forms in your mouth, and you swallow it. Hani hands Jason, Sol, and Haneul a stinger butt plug, and they cum, putting it in as it goes further. Hani does the same, and his cum spills out of his pants.
"Us busy bees need to get to work creating more honey," Hani says, leading the boys away as they try to mess with the butt plug for another round of cum.
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crowwritesaway · 3 months
Yandere Male Idol x Female Idol Reader
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“Seriously, they changed your schedule.” You said, refusing to believe him. The modeling agency would never give him up. Unless, something happened. He nodded. “Yup. Luckily they did it so I can be with you.”
You both were waiting to board a flight. You leaned against the wall. “Lucky me.” You said, staring at the crowded section in front of you.
“You know the camera crew is going to be filming me.” You reminded him since he hated when the cameras were recording him. “I know. As long as you, I don’t care.”
“Okay.” You shuffled in your spot, shifting your weight onto your other leg. He looked down at you before looking around for a seat. His eyes narrowed. There were no seats available.
You adjusted your face mask since it was slipping off. He looked down at the floor. He looked at his watch. It was 6:30am. It would take at least another two hours before you both boarded the plane. He sat down on the floor. “Y/N, sit down.” You looked down at him. His bangs hiding his eyes. “It cannot be better than standing.” You mumbled, holding a hand behind your back.
He laughed. So adorable. My grumpy little Y/N. He patted at his lap. You pursued your lips. “Come on. We do this all the time.” He said, crossing his arms. You laughed, you could practically hear him pout.
“Alright.” You sat down beside him. He frowned. That’s not what I meant. He uncrossed his arms and pulled you into his lap. “Eli.” You scolded, moving forward in an attempt to get off his lap.
He pulled you back into his back. He wrapped his arms around you. He put his head in your neck. “Y/N, just lean back and relax.”
You looked around, your hoodie falling down as you wiggled in his lap. “Eli, I’m not in the mood.” You had only slept 3 hours. You were restless. Eli sighed happily into your neck. I am. I’m always in the mood.
“Don’t worry. Nobody is going to recognize us. And if they do, so what.” He relax his grip on you. “It’s okay. Don’t stress about it. Just sleep. Everything is going to be okay.” You felt his grip relax and when you attempted to sit beside him, he pulled you back into his arms.
You huffed, giving in. It’s normal. He’s my band mate. You laid your head on his shoulder. He patted your back. Your breathing evened out. You felt relaxed. Eli smiled, looking down at you with heart eyes. Breaking that stupid contract was so worth it. I got to be with my Y/N.
He gently leaned back while supporting you in his arms. As if I was going to let her travel on her own. She needs me just as I need her. I can’t be without her.
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Stay around for more of Yandere Male Idol x Female Idol Reader
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ystrike1 · 8 months
Shuuchaku-kei Idol no S*x wa Ai ga Omo Sugiru - By Yomichi Ten (7.5/10)
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The pressure is ON! A childhood friend returns all grown up. He's at the height of his success, so he finally has enough sway to ask for a break...and permission to date (and marry)! After years of waiting her idol lover is impatient and extra loving.
Aya is a high school teacher.
They boy she used to babysit is 18 now, and he's super famous.
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She's a fan of him.
They're not as close as they used to be.
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Kanaya used to have a crush on her. Everybody knew about it, but he was already a child actor. Nobody took him seriously. They barely saw each other. He was always away performing.
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He announces his marriage. Aya has no clue that she's the wife. This is the first major yandere sign, because he's bulldozing through the proposal part like he'll die if he doesn’t marry her 8 seconds after he reaches adulthood.
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He shows up before the TV special about him ends.
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She's clueless so she asks him what changed. His marriage is so sudden. She has no clue who the mystery woman is.
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She thinks he wants help planning the wedding at first.
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She finally notices that she's about to sign her life away.
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He confirms the obvious.
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She tries to tell him...well...the truth. Getting married the day you turn 18 is
Also getting married so young could mess with his career.
It looks like both sets of parents approve though, so that's out of the way.
He says yes. He'll wait. He does want to date his love before marriage.
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arsonlookers · 1 month
Rambles about Height
Has anyone of you search or know that Childe is taller than Aventurine!?
Childe 5'11" / 182cm
Aventurine 5'6" / 171 cm
Is this accurate? please someone tell me!! 🥺 
I mean just imagine Yan! Idol! Childe mocking Yan! idol! Aventurine because of his height the two of them would start to bicker in front of you [their shared manager] then Childe tells you reasons to drop your contract with adventurine as his manager. just to make you his and his alone after all he dont like to share what is his to anyone.
And then Yan! Aventurine will plead with you not to listen to childe, [imagine his begging damnnn!! Im down baddd] if you are taller he likes that and promise he does not feel insecure at all he even likes it when you just looks down on him and he is in the level of you boobs!!
he is a sucker for them I tell you! Though he would still act the same smug and confident aven you know. But if you are shorter than him please~ he likes it too! like he can hug you and cage you in his arms?! like it is also bliss whenever he hugs you he can always smell your shampoo and hug you tightly as he roams his hands everywhere in your back and then puts his hands on your hair sometimes teasing you as he grabs your hair tightly just to get something out of you. [and if you moan just a little it's game over for him~] [he will explore everywhere honey no exceptions]
And Yan! Childe, If you are taller or shorter he doesn't care after all he loves it if you sit on his lap face and he is a thigh man FOR ME AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND!! Yan! Childe loves it when he just keeps his hands on your thigh and keeps it warm since his hands are pretty much always are cold, depends on the weather.
Imagine both yan! idol! in the same van with you their beloved manager in cold and unforgiving weather and stuck in traffic for some godly reason. what do you think will happen since yan! aven loves your upper and yan! childe loves you lower hmm~
And I really imagine them as both Fox you know~ like having them as pets who waits for their master is just sooo addicting concept!!!
They would not surely not get along at first but if their lovely manager talks and gets interested on someone that is not them then be sure to have your punishment when you get home~
They both would surely have their positions at hand. if you know what I mean~
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Dont stop feeding me!!
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pleaseee 😩
one last before I dissapear for like 2 weeks for my monthly Exam🥺 
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Need my number sir? I mean Im free~
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I will not be shocked if I would end up answering each damn exam questions with their names 😩
ART IS NOT MINE!! -from pinterest
artist: @Stars4993 on twt
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere! idol! oc (jisoo han) x superfan/manager! reader
✧ tw/cw: yandere themes, reader is also yandere at the start, mentions of anxiety and self harm, honestly idol life is its own tw
[ series masterlist ]
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“Oh gosh (oh gosh) this is so crazy. I’ve fallen in love again.
I trip so easily.
Adore new things, they sparkle.”
“Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“Dunno, just am.”
Your entire life revolved around Yesterday’s Dawn’s ace, Eve. The idol who had been in everyone’s lips. Whose name had been heard throughout nations you’ve never even heard of.
He was your sun, the reason you had the energy to wake up every single day, the light of your life.
Every waking moment you spent it either thinking of him or offering your services for name.
It was normal for you to spend hours looking at his schedule, knowing where he was, being around him most times, or staring at media of him.
Somehow, you were able to land a job as his manager.
You were finally closer to your god.
But you swiftly find out that no man should be likened to one for only disappointment can be found in such a path.
Eve was a lot more . . . burnt out than you expected. A lot less passionate and energetic than he was in camera if not irritable.
It was normal for him to harass workers when they didn’t meet a standard he imposed, as such, after the first few weeks of your employment everyone that you were with have already been fired, quit, and/or paid to keep their silence on the matter.
Yet your feelings for him only stayed; as your employment with the company. Your meticulous and proactive nature as a fan site owner allowed you to take much of the workload he threw at you.
The little admiration you have left for the man kept you standing.
And if only you were a little less stressed you’d notice his scarlet eyes providing stares of amusement, bewilderment, and growing affection.
You never complained (at least, in a place where he could hear you).
Whenever he asked for impossible items or schedules you’ll simply grin and work things out in your little way.
You adjusted to his turbulent temperament as quickly as an experienced pilot in a stormy sky, a sailor of uncharted, dangerous waters.
You were brilliant. Reminiscent of his times as a trainee.
Bit by bit he started lessening your workload. Allowing you to rest. Hell, even giving you his coffee if he didn’t want it. He never gives away his coffee.
You acquiesced to many of his whims but were never a pushover. Always doing your job perfectly. Keeping him in line.
He would have fallen for you already, had he not been in love with someone else.
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“Peek-a-boo! It’s only love when my heart quivers.
All my friends yell at me, they say I have a problem.
I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine!”
“ For this comeback period, [L/N] will be assigned to Hayate instead. Eve will have his senior’s manager work with him instead.”
You were assigned to another member around Spring.
Yesterday Dawn’s most hectic time of the year aside from fall as the group’s concept was as the name suggested, focused more on nostalgia and times of youth.
You were relieved.
You never thought you would have been able to say that after being separated from Eve, but now it was the only thing you had on your mind.
No more late night calls about wanting coffee but throwing the leftovers at you the moment he was sick of the taste, no more work being thrown at you and taken away at random moments, no more working around his schedule so that he’ll have time to meet that dear senior of his in private.
You were free.
Hayate was known to be the harsher one in the fandom, but much like Eve his image was a bit different from his actual self.
Sure he was demanding, but he was fair. He wasn’t controlled by whims and impulse. You were finally able to do your job properly til the end, and you didn’t always feel a judging stare from him like Jisoo would always throw at you.
You were finally able to smile.
However, you see, being a manager for another member did not mean you would completely be free of your original client.
Hayate and Eve worked quite closely, and as such, you’d often help with Jisoo’s requests even if you weren’t obligated to.
Eve immediately saw the change in you.
You were, a lot more bright. Less haggard. Your voice less hoarse. Relaxed.
You were already getting along better with his group member than you ever did with him.
Eve wasn’t really the type to show his anger actively. He was always more, passive.
The senior he was head over heels for was slowly forgotten as he’d spent countless of hours pouring his feelings into his music. What was supposed to be a bittersweet spring album turned out to be one of sour regret and frustration.
Of course, it was still a hit. It even scored him a collaboration with the senior he oh so wanted to have their eyes on him. But all he could think of as he went to bed early in the morning was the way you’d laugh whenever Hayate spoke to you.
Hmph, the guy wasn’t even funny.
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“Hey you, do you wanna play a game? I already know what you want.
Close your eyes and count to 10. Don’t matter anyways
Cause I am going to find you.”
“Did you hear? Jisoo got his first scandal. Apparently he bullied a bunch of students during high-school.”
“Wasn’t he . . . homeschooled?”
Causing scandals was easy. Dealing with scandals was not.
All Eve had to do was talk to some people, had a few pictures edited and voila, chaos.
It was amusing really, his company superiors would ply him with reassurances and sweet words; telling him that everything will be fine and dealt with while his pr managers dropped down like flies trying to prevent the flames of hatred from spreading too far.
All of them, hopelessly unaware.
All but his stupid senior.
“Why are you doing this now, Ji?”
They always looked down at him almost. Like he was a petulant child that needed to be coddled or scolded depending on their mood.
“We should focus on the track.”
And like he expected, you were brought right back to him. As you should be.
The heads figured out that you were the only one capable of handling the shitstorm without falling into the hands of alcohol or other substances in grief.
And as they expected you did.
After all, you had a timeline of his entire life in a canva document. Even if it was only mentioned once in a concert interview before they went famous. You were an Eve superfan.
All you did was confirm the fact that Jisoo got homeschooled by contacting his parents and teachers, and the rest was easy. You even reactivated your fansite for such an occasion.
If only you hadn’t.
Maybe then Jisoo wouldn’t have a definite reason to pursue you.
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“You’ll never get this concept, you might as well forget it
Just play again, bet it all, roll the dice
Eve thought he was doing well in terms of romancing you.
Ever since he found out about your fansite instead of feeling disgust and horror he felt . . . great, amazing even. A high the stage could never give him.
Of course, you two were destined.
It was only his duty to protect you as your partner, to spoil you, dote on you.
Even if you don’t realize your intertwined fates yet.
. . .
Eve always hovered over you.
Usually managers took shifts with watching over the idols. Half of your time was supposed to be spent planning rather than overseeing his activities.
Yet you seemed to have a never ending babysitting responsibility.
Your past self would have committed several war crimes for the sake of this opportunity. But after a year or so under his ‘care’ you found yourself slowly veering off into the type of insanity you didn’t like falling in.
You felt a bit like Andy from the original Devil Wears Prada book, only that your resentment simmered slowly. Forming into a hideous red sludge of exasperation whenever he randomly wanted to take a vacation. Forcing only you to come with him. Which meant an even bigger workload, and even more people to talk to for flights, schedule conflicts, reservations and all that.
You snapped.
It was a calm afternoon.
The sun was burning you alive as Eve insisted you two would go on a ‘beach date’ for some summer fun.
He shoved a drink in your hand.
And you just broke down.
Tears fell from your eyes, your breath shallow.
You asked him if this amused him. If your suffering was funny to him. If making you fall over just to get his demands on time made him feel fulfilled as a person.
And before he could answer you ran.
A week after that your schedule was finally normal.
Eve kept his distance. Not just from you but from everyone.
You knew of his anxiety attacks and depression before. But seeing those up close and personal scared you.
Things only get worse from here.
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“So it’s too late you’re in the game now. If you keep up might not lose it.
The jungle gym of fun, like hell yeah
Makin the moon fall down down down.”
Eve spent most of his ‘hiatus’ watching your posts of him. Edits, fanfictions, photography, fancams.
Of course, it wasn’t to see himself perform again. He already did that on a regular basis to make sure he kept himself up to the standards of an idol.
It was to see your captions.
Your fanatic raving made him feel . . . loved.
Your previous thoughts on his performances made him feel complete. Like he found a missing piece of a puzzle he kept trying to put something else to fill it in.
Another part of his hiatus was spent preparing for his graduation. The termination of his contract.
It was clear you didn’t love him as an idol anymore. It was his fault really. He couldn’t see how he was hurting you with his work and desires.
If there was another thing he can thank his idol work for was the amount of money he had saved.
Now, he had a new home built far away from civilization. It was completely soundproof. The bed he ordered was custom made, tailored to your preferences this time rather than his. Food stocked to the nines. A few instruments here and there so he could compose even while retired.
He can always make a new song, a new life for you two to enjoy together.
“My voice, my body, my soul. It had always been yours. I just didn’t realize it.”
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For more EVE content check out the #hns.eve tag 🩵
Lyrics are a mix of translations from the og song and Mitch Joseph’s cover.
©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024
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aikunik · 1 month
Sol (yandere idol) when he doesn't recognise darling in the crowds during his concert.
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Yandere Idol: Darling must be so excited to see me from the crowds!
Darling: *not in the crowds*
Yandere Idol: Darling?? d-darling? *starts hyperventilating and sobbing uncontrollably*
D-darling!! where are you?! *starts feeling dizzy and collapses onto the ground*
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elryuse · 2 months
Yandere Yunjin who becomes an idol to be closer to you, her idol crush?
Her Idol Crush
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The fluorescent lights of the practice room buzzed overhead, mimicking the nervous energy vibrating within eighteen-year-old Y/n. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he stumbled through the choreography, his youthful limbs already struggling under the weight of pop stardom. A melodic voice, laced with a hint of practiced sweetness, cut through the monotonous rhythm of the metronome. Yunjin stood in the doorway, her presence commanding even in the dim light. Two years his senior, there was a maturity about her that Y/n, fresh-faced and overwhelmed by his meteoric rise, found strangely comforting.
"Wow, Y/n-ssi," she enthused, her voice a cascade of melodic Korean. "You're incredible! That control, that intensity… you'll be a superstar, mark my words!"
Y/n, surprised but flattered, offered a shy smile. He couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him at her praise. Yunjin was a force of nature – talented, ambitious, with a smile that could melt glaciers. He soon learned she harbored a secret dream of debuting alongside him, a dream fueled by an unspoken adoration that burned in her eyes.
Years flew by in a blur of rehearsals, debuts, and promotional tours. Yunjin, true to her word, became a force to be reckoned with. Their paths crossed often, fueled by interviews, awards shows, and that ever-present buzz of "are they or aren't they?" surrounding their close friendship.
But beneath the veneer of playful banter and late-night studio sessions, a darkness festered in Yunjin's heart. One afternoon, during a routine fan signing, a group of girls, their eyes glazed with hero worship, fawned over Y/n. Yunjin, who had been observing from a distance, materialized beside him like a phantom. Her smile, once warm, was now laced with a chilling possessiveness. With a single, swift motion, she knocked a phone from a fan's grasp, the screen shattering on the floor.
"Y/n-ssi," she purred, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness, "these fans can be a bit overwhelming, wouldn't you agree?"
Y/n, witnessing the sudden shift in her demeanor, felt a shiver crawl down his spine. He stammered an apology, but the incident wouldn't leave him. It was a subtle crack in the facade of their friendship, a glimpse of something darker lurking beneath.
He tried distancing himself, subtly declining her invitations for late-night outings and studio sessions. But Yunjin's grip tightened. His schedule, once filled with variety, became an endless loop of Yunjin-related promotions. Interviews focused on their "unbreakable bond," photoshoots oozed with manufactured intimacy. He was trapped in a gilded cage, the bars forged from fabricated affection.
One dreary evening, after a particularly draining joint concert, Yunjin summoned him to her opulent apartment. Gone were the playful smiles and teasing jabs; a cold stillness hung heavy in the air.
"Y/n-ssi," she began, her voice devoid of its usual vibrancy, "do you truly believe we're just friends?"
A knot of dread formed in Y/n's stomach. "Noona," he stammered, using the respectful Korean term for an older female friend, "we've always been close…"
She leaned forward, her eyes burning with an unsettling intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "Closeness can morph into something more, wouldn't you agree? Something deeper, something… closer?"
Fear, cold and primal, flooded Y/n. He stumbled back, desperate for an escape. But the only exit was blocked by the imposing figure of a bodyguard, a silent testament to Yunjin's growing power and control.
"Don't worry, darling," she cooed, a terrifying glint in her eyes. "We'll have all the time in the world to explore the depths of our… connection. After all, you're mine now, Y/n-ssi, and no one, not even those pathetic fangirls, will ever take you away."
Yunjin's once radiant smile stretched into a grotesque parody of affection. Y/n, trapped in the web of her twisted obsession, could only see a horrifying truth – the idol worshipped by millions was a monster in disguise, and his dream had become a chilling nightmare.
The following days were a chilling ballet of manipulation and control. Yunjin's possessiveness morphed into something far more sinister. His phone calls were monitored, his friendships sabotaged with thinly veiled threats, his online presence scrubbed clean of anything that didn't involve her. The vibrant world he once knew shrunk to the suffocating confines of her opulent apartment, a gilded cage decorated with his misery.
One evening, he stumbled upon a hidden room – a shrine dedicated to him. Walls were plastered with magazine clippings, fan art, and childhood photos, a disturbing collection of his life meticulously curated by his captor. In the center of the room, a life-sized mannequin stood frozen in a pose mimicking his signature dance move.
"Noona," Y/n choked out, his voice ragged with newfound terror. "What… what is this?"
Yunjin materialized behind him, her smile like a shark's bared teeth. "Just a little reminder, darling," she purred, her voice laced with a chilling possessiveness. "You belong to me now. Every part of you."
The air grew thick with a suffocating desperation. Y/n tried to reason with her, to plead for his freedom, but his words hit a wall of cold indifference. He was a prized possession, not a human being.
Days blurred into weeks. Sleep became a luxury, replaced by endless dance practices, exhausting interviews, and photoshoots where every touch, every glance, was meticulously choreographed to fuel the fabricated narrative of their "unbreakable bond."
During a particularly grueling photoshoot, Y/n caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror – a hollow shell with haunted eyes. Despair gnawed at him, but a flicker of defiance sparked within him. He wouldn't let her break him. He had to find a way out, even if it meant playing her game.
"Noona," he began, forcing a smile that felt foreign on his face. "Do you think we could get some bubble tea after this? My favorite kind, with the extra tapioca pearls?"
Yunjin's eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second, a flicker of suspicion crossing her face. But then, her smile returned, even wider than before.
"Of course, darling," she cooed, her voice dripping with a sickening sweetness. "Anything for you."
Y/n knew this was a gamble. But it was his only shot. He had to earn her trust, even a sliver of it, to find a way to escape. The taste of freedom might be just a bubble tea away, a bittersweet concoction in this twisted fairy tale.
The weeks that followed were a tightrope walk. Yunjin lapped up Y/n's newfound affection, her possessiveness morphing into a suffocating clinginess. Every bubble tea date was meticulously monitored, their conversations peppered with thinly veiled threats disguised as playful jabs. Yet, Y/n persevered, his forced smiles becoming a little less strained, his compliments a little more genuine. He learned her triggers – a mention of a female idol colleague, a longing glance at his phone – and navigated them with practiced ease.
One evening, as they sipped bubble tea in her opulent apartment, Yunjin leaned in, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. "You seem… happier lately, Y/n-ssi."
"Just happy to be spending more time with you, Noona," he replied, his voice carefully neutral.
A satisfied smile spread across her face. "Good. Because you're mine, remember? And happy idols make for successful idols."
Y/n's stomach churned, but he forced a chuckle. "Always thinking ahead, Noona. You're a genius."
Her grip on him tightened, both figuratively and literally as her hand snaked around his, the hold far too strong to be casual. "Speaking of success," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "your agency… they're struggling to handle you and me, aren't they?"
He swallowed, a bead of sweat forming on his temple. Rumors of their "unhealthy attachment" were swirling, and his agency was at a loss. "There have been some… concerns," he admitted cautiously.
"Concerns they can't afford," Yunjin purred, her eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. "Don't worry, darling. I have a solution."
The following weeks were a whirlwind of hushed meetings, veiled threats, and power plays. Yunjin, with her meteoric rise and bottomless pockets, strong-armed Y/n's agency into submission. News outlets buzzed with the shocking acquisition – Yunjin's solo agency now owned a controlling stake in Y/n's. It was a hostile takeover disguised as a strategic partnership.
Y/n, trapped in a gilded cage of his own making, watched as his career became an extension of hers. Every song, every performance, was meticulously crafted to solidify their manufactured romance. The fans ate it up, their screams a deafening chorus of approval. The line between reality and fabrication blurred until it ceased to exist.
One evening, after a particularly draining promotional tour, Yunjin found Y/n slumped on the balcony of their penthouse suite, gazing at the glittering cityscape below. The forced cheerfulness had finally cracked, replaced by a deep-seated weariness.
"Missing your old life, darling?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.
Y/n turned, a flicker of defiance momentarily lighting up his eyes. "Sometimes," he admitted, his voice hoarse. "But you won, Noona. You have everything you ever wanted."
Yunjin walked towards him, her smile soft for the first time in weeks. She cupped his face, her touch surprisingly gentle. "Almost everything," she whispered, her breath warm against his ear. "But I can have that too, can't I?"
Y/n stared into her eyes, a storm of emotions swirling within him – fear, resentment, a twisted sense of gratitude. He was a prisoner, a pawn in her elaborate game, yet there was a strange comfort in the suffocating embrace of her obsession.
A soft sigh escaped his lips. "Maybe," he conceded, defeat lacing his voice.
Yunjin's smile widened, triumphant and terrifying. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his. "Good boy," she murmured, her voice a chilling caress. "Because from now on, Y/n-ssi, we're not just idols… we're a lover."
The city lights twinkled below, oblivious to the chilling truth unfolding behind the opulent facade. Yunjin had won, not just control over Y/n's career, but his very soul. And as he surrendered to the darkness in her eyes, Y/n couldn't help but wonder if this twisted fairy tale had a happily ever after, or just an eternity of gilded captivity.
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stopaskinf · 17 days
“Love you just a little too much.”
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Summary: Taehyung really likes you.
Genre: Yandere Taehyung, Dark? Fic
CW: Cursing, clingy behavior, overbearing Tae, description of bodily stuff, smut lowkey, Tae has sub tendencies argue with the mirror
Word Count: 0.5K
A/N: This was kinda hard to write for me. I apologize to the Tae girlies I made him insufferable😅.
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Kim Taehyung is clingy.
Within him lies the purest form of anxious attachment.
A wriggling parasite who chews up solitude to shit out buzzing noise instead.
He never seems to know what’s going on, but watch his head do a 360 when he hears your name or footsteps.
He’ll follow you around the room like he’s your tail until you sit down.
Once you’re seated, he’ll invade any idea of personal space you have.
His long slender fingers will cage your shoulders as his pointed black irises will bore into you. You think the only time this man stops looking at you is when he blinks.
His cologne will seize all other scents in the room as he practically lays on you. It used to be a musky, almost spicy scent that used to follow him, but that’s changed. He offhandedly heard someone say you like “Woody, less intense” scents and now he walks around smelling vaguely of roses and sandalwood.
He’s fucking smothering.
He would sit on your lap and fully cage you within his long limbs if he could. You’d carry him around like a human backpack.
Or, if he feels more salacious, he imagines sitting on your lap and humping your thigh or shoes. You always said he acted like a loyal dog around you. He’d be more than happy to prove you right. He would prefer your genitals, but he needs to take what he can get.
God forbid he can’t be in your presence. When you leave, there lies a man so abhorrent in body and soul.
God forbid you give him any way to contact you to avoid the dread he brings upon his members.
I miss you.💜
Come over. Yeotan wants to see you.
Why aren’t you answering? Don’t you like me?
Good Morning, did you sleep in? You’d usually be awake by now. 💜
Can you lend me a hoodie? No, I didn’t forget mine, I just miss your scent. 💜
I think I like you too much. Do you like me?
I had a dream about you last night. Do you ever dream about me?
I wish you slept over. The bed feels empty when you’re not here. The night is overwhelming.
Answering back almost seems like a losing game. Every text or call you try to answer increases within a second. Him in person is almost preferable. At least in person, you can leave his home and feel a sense of freedom. Of reminding yourself that you are one person, instead of the forced conjoined monster that Tae has made you both into.
You can sense that Tae hates it when you leave, but he’ll at least pretend to be reasonable. If you squeeze too tight, eventually it’ll burst.
Still, in those late nights laying in bed alone, he can’t help but let his mind wander.
What if you two were closer?
The idea of you two fusing, your pupils doubling and your irises splitting. Yours and his thoughts ringing in your shared mind, forever drowning in noise until they surely meld together.
God, he needs that.
He’ll try and subtly slip it into conversation tomorrow.
You wouldn’t mind, would you?
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