#it's kind of funny bc i was also like. the first person in the lab to identify the smell they were like 'hey hua smell this'
caimitos · 16 days
saw a post about projecting your ethnicity onto a character and started missing vespa ilkay. so so bad
#pov u grow up in a 3rd world country(/planet) where healthcare workers are exported by the thousands like cheap produce to richer countries#it's your ticket out of poverty as long as you can deal with the loneliness the separation from everyone you know the discrimination etc#ive never talked about my hc that vespas mother was one of them sending money every month visiting every couple of years until it just stop#like why return to the swamps when youre doing fine working on a richer planet w much better living conditions#cost of living rises every year. sending home a % of your salary used to be enough to support your husband and daughter and then it isnt#you know how it goes#vespa is also dead set on this path until ranga realizes that hemorrhaging healthcare workers leaves them with little to none of their own#students on scholarships or in community/state universities are bound by return service agreements and are forbidden to leave the country#until theyve rendered a few years of work on ranga to pay back their tuition + as a really shitty solution to the brain drain problem#this is real in my country btw but my professors say a lot of ppl do break their rsa's and fucked off to work in other countries LOL#our state unis can barely afford decent facilities they do nottt have the budget to chase down their own alumni in other countries!#but the mental image is a bit funny#vespa ilkays first crime: tinakasan ang rsa#i do also think it lines up with her having a network of med friends everywhere in the galaxy (heart of it all) you kind of go into pre/med#expecting most of your classmates to leave to work in other countries eventually. mine are aiming for the usa / uae / europe / japan etc#anyway whether vespa breaks her rsa or not she leaves ranga asap decides to switch careers and the rest is history#i also deeply love the fact that she's superstitious i'm very sad it wasn't highlighted more (i've only heard s1-3)#as someone who did grow up in a rural area and went to more albularyos/folk healers than doctors in my childhood. (they never failed me)#lots of folk illnesses (ex. balis; pasma) local medical superstitions (dont eat noodles in hospital; youll have a really toxic shift) etcc#theres also a lot of potential in tying her past as a rangian + med student + assassin to me idk how to word this properly#being raised on cautionary tales of not to touch/disturb anything in the swamps then being given free reign to poke & prod at things in her#lab classes (now with the proper ppe)....she was having so much fun with the curemother prime too lmao#years of walking hanging bridges docks boathouses in ranga etc gave her great balance & stealth#cracking open alien shellfish in the swamps to cutting open bodies for studying then for assassination....#I MISS HER SO MUCH BALIK KN SAKEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i get why most people + the canon focuses on her being an assassin bc people find that cooler i guess#but vespa being a swamp girl > 3rd world med student > assassin is so personal To Me. the whole pipeline. eugh.#skl.txt
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
last week's lab was so incredibly short and simple that i'm, like, staring at my lab notebook notes like, "is this it? is this really it?" because the experimental section of the report is literally 221 words and three paragraphs long.
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l1nghuarchive · 1 year
Hi, the Anon who requested the last H3rd request. I am here to request another similar scenario, but inspired by your writing.
How would Kiana, Durandal, Himeko, and Kallen react to having an eccentric S/O who is a scientist. One day, they wanted to create better shields for them, so they created small devices that emits a special fluid that protects the user in a protective bubble, and they want the both of them to test it out. So they turn on their device, and both of them are now in their own giant floating bubble. They test it out, and their bubble shields won’t burst, meaning the test was successful. However, there's a problem; They don’t know how to pop their bubbles to get out.
At first, they try to force their way out, but their bubbles ends up bouncing against each other and then all over the room. After stopping and bobbing midair, their S/O starts laughing as  they had fun doing that. So, they decide to relax and float around, until their bubbles pop.
Again, thank you for writing my weird requests. I really appreciate it.
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Pairing : Kiana, Durandal, Himeko x reader
Warnings : n/a
A/n : hello, anon! So sorry for the 1 week wait on your req, I kinda struggled with this req but im glad my writing got you inspired(?) w a brainrot! Also i left out Kallen bc idk much abt her sorry!
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• With the recent dangerous missions Kiana were sent on and how careless she was, it wasn't much of a surprise when Theresa personally requested you along with Dr. Einstein and Tesla to create a shield to absorb any kind of honkai energy or hits.
• You of course obliged after all you hated seeing your girlfriend being injured plus tending her wounds were getting troublesome since she keeps moving when you do try and tend them. (it makes you wonder if she gets those wounds just to have an excuse to annoy you..)
• You decided to make a bubble like shield due to Kiana complaining how if it were a normal shield, which earned a light smack on her head and a scolding from you saying that she wouldn't be modelling this for the honkai beast to see. Nevertheless, you took Kiana's suggestion Bronya thought you were taking in suggestions for the shield designs and wanted hers to be a homu themed bubble.
• You had requested Kiana to test out your invention since you found her slacking off and not attending lessons but being the kind s/o you are, you gave Kiana the choice of either testing out your shield or being reported to Principal Theresa in which of course Kiana picked the former not wanting to be scolded by Theresa for the 3rd time this week.
• Upon testing out your invention with Kiana, both of you tried everything to pop it yet nothing worked which meant the experiment was a success! You were about to grab your pen and clipboard to note down your success before you realise that both you and Kiana were stuck in your own invention.
• After a few minutes of struggling, Kiana heard a laugh coming out from your lips perhaps you found her misery funny/hj yet unconsciously Kiana found herself laughing along with you. As both of you gossiped about the students in st.freya while waiting for the bubble to wear out.
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• Due to the recent honkai attacks, you hated seeing Durandal come home injured or tired from the missions that she was sent on.
• You have seen countless times how Durandal was able to handle herself in the battlefield though despite her reassuring you that she is doing well, that didn't stop you from worrying about her.
• So, as a scientist you decided to create a shield that would be able to protect your girlfriend in combat. Though the project took a while, you motivated yourself by saying that if you finish this your beloved Durandal would be able to be safe.
• Perhaps Durandal found out how much you have been spending time in your lab. She thought you might be doing something dangerous down there so she immediately rushed towards your shared basement / lab.
• She saw what seem like honkai substance in a test tube, before you could use your bubble wand to test out the shield Durandal immediately rushed towards you hoping to stop whatever you were doing with anything related to the honkai.
• Shocked by the sudden appearance of your girlfriend who had accidentally dropped the test tube which led both you and Durandal to be stuck in your very own creation. Though you were happy that your creation was successful, you were rather disappointed that your girlfriend was also tangled up in your mess. You confessed that you wanted to make a shield for Durandal to protect her, yet you were only meeted with a laugh from the said person.
• You soon found yourself laughing along, perhaps this was one of the moments where Durandal can actually feel relaxed without worrying about fighting off honkai beast.
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• You were more of the… Creative kind of scientist. Always creating fun types of stuff whenever you are teaching st.freya students which made you one of the most likeable teachers.
• Perhaps that is why Himeko was attracted to you, both you and Himeko were students' favourite teachers.
• Of course, as Himeko's s/o you would often see her come to your lab injured or wounded by honkai beast due to her reckless yet caring nature to protect her students and comrades.
• Upon the suggestion of Mei, Kiana and Bronya you decided to make a shield to protect any honkai beast from entering it.
• After getting the right substance, you wanted to test it out by making it into a bubble-like shape as a starter.
• That day you should have cleared up your lab since you wanted to show himeko your invention, you decided to invite her to your lab but you didn't watch where you were going and tripped on a sheet of paper you accidentally spilt the substance containing the bubble shield over you and himeko making both of you stuck in your very own creation.
• Your invention worked but you knowing this only because you were stuck didn't really make you exactly happy after all you did drag your s/o into your own failed experiment.
• As you felt rather disappointed, you heard a light hearted laugh coming out of your girlfriend. Himeko found it rather adorable of you to be worrying for her when in reality it was really her worrying for you due to your clumsiness.
• Before you know it, a kiss was met with your lips by none other than Himeko.
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Tysm for reading! Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated! <3
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hibernationsuit · 4 months
tagged by @velocitic and @quickhacked to do this picrew hehehe THANK UUUUU <3
tagging @dekariosgale @edgepunk @yrlietlanaevyss @spaceratprodigy @responderschief @reaperkiller @envergothash and everyone else who wants to do this (+ no pressure to do this sjdjjfjfjd)
doing this w/ some pre-hope characters teehee. i've been rotating their backstories once again :-)
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first row: toby & klara obviously hehe
Tobias works as a lead chemist in a project that's researching possible cures for hibernation sickness. Though, he also slowly starts to understand that the future of this project isn't really that bright :'^)
Klara is a specialist in UDL's intercorporate relations, which means that her work time is basically 80% meetings or smth. She's extremely busy and has too many extra hours :( But at least udl pays for their specialists' food or smth.
second row:
Sarah (she/her): Klara's supervisor in her UDL team, tired(tm). Owns too many lipsticks bc she always loses them, buys new one, then finds the old one later. Is actually a very funny person. Makes good cocktails.
Samuel (he/him): Tobias's boss in his last project hehe. He is not a nice guy, to put it lightly, but everyone loves him for some reason. Will tell u funny stories about his life. Only wears designer clothes. He comes to my mind whenever i listen to Dark, Twisted and Cruel for some reason. Likes to either wear a full suit or a half open shirt.
Third row:
Jay (he/him): Klara's coworker from her team, he loves paperwork and is an avid user of office gym (he goes to pilates classes three times a week). Always has cookies with him and will offer you one. His eyes aren't amber, they're the color of sunlight during golden hour (done through some fancy surgery). Has two jack russells and a husband.
Aleena (she/they): biomedicime specialist from Samuel's project, leads a team that works closely w/ Toby's. Toby & Aleena know each other since their teenage years and actually had founded a skincare start-up (which was bought later by Kolway). They are coffee break and kanban board breakdown buddies. Fun fact is that her hair is always blue - they made some kind of thing during one of lab projects that could change person's hair color permanently*. Really likes blueberry milkshakes.
*toby also has used said thing, though different color. it's mostly visible in his grey hairs KFKGKFFJJ
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crowtrobotx · 4 months
your most recent fic destroyed me and now i HAVE to ask— how do you think the chrysalis story/maybe just lottie in general would turn out if she was raised by kris? if something happened to karl but maybe they’re still stuck in the village. obv don’t spoil anything you don’t want to but that little thought experiment killed me.
OHHHH MY GOD Jackal you really do ask the best questions. I had to think about this for a while! It’s funny bc Karl & Lottie are such a package deal in my head and I’m just like… Do Not separate them. Like so much of her personality is just wrapped up in being his horrible little clone and constant shadow that cutting her out of that picture seems almost impossible.
HOWEVER. I can think of several scenarios where they might end up apart (minus him straight up dying bc that isn't fun!!! I say as if what I'm about to talk about is any better lmao.) Like, minor spoiler but this won't happen (obviously) because Reasons - I imagine Karl would want to pay off the Duke to whisk Kris out of the Village before Lottie is born (whether it's because they realize their WHOOPSIE or it's coincidental.) And maybe it happens and Kris of course doesn't hear from him for ~7 years and she forgets a lot of the finer details of his face and his voice doesn't come so easily to mind anymore. And then he does escape and he does get his freedom ending and he finds her and whatever you do, do not think about Karl seeing Lottie for the first time after never knowing her especially in the scenario where he didn't realize she existed oh my god oh mY GOD--
Anyway. To your actual question: I would like to think most of Lottie's gremlin nature is just inherent. It's in the damn HeisenDNA. Like, no matter her circumstances she's always going to be a weird little girl who's a little too into the concept of cybernetic enhancements and bugs and rats. And Kris, being a former weird little girl herself, would definitely support her - but given that particularly the mechanics/engineering part are NOT in her area of expertise, I think she'd have to rely way more on teachers or outside sources to help that part of her blossom. She'd be the mom at the science fair nodding along enthusiastically like she knows what the hell anyone is saying while internally her brain is turning into soup. Would that effect Lottie negatively? I don't really think so, but it might make her less attached because she'd have to seek... enrichment further away from home lol. There’s also the issue of Lottie’s lil magnet powers. Kris would not know what to do with that/how to relate at all obviously. I think that’d cause a whole host of problems - not necessarily resentment on Lottie’s part bc she’d still think it was Neat but I also can’t help but think they’d be more chaotic or out of control after a point. I think it would fuck her up a little bit being the odd one out with no one to relate to and it might make her a bit mad at the world. :( I definitely am inclined to believe Kris would have a metric shitton of anxiety about keeping her away from folks who'd want to study her like a lab rat or worse use her for their goals, and as the child of an extremely obsessive compulsive parent I can tell you that it does rub off and can make you extremely paranoid. Like, Lottie's probably got her own little conspiracy board by age 5 in this scenario lol. Kris only knows protecc, attacc, and panic attacc.
Also, I’m truly trying to avoid saying “she’d be a bit kinder/more thoughtful” bc it feels like gender stereotyping but also Karl is Karl and the bar is on the floor lmao. Kris isn't nice but she does more or less recognize when people deserve kindness. I don't think she'd be better or worse off, overall. But she'd be different, as any of us would. I think what you'd end up with is a more subdued but still slightly feral little mischief maker who is more cognizant of other people's needs and wants but possibly less... funny and over the top in her pursuits as a result lol. I'll let you decide if that's a good or bad thing. Anyway. I'm now thinking too hard about that first scenario I described because you planted the seed lol. Hmmm.
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acealistair · 10 months
Cosette dynamics with the rest of the BG3 party members, under the cut bc it got long of course heheh
For those that read this I'd also love to hear about other people's Tavs and their dynamics!
FORBIDDEN MAGIC BUDDIES LET'S GO! (they enable each other horribly lol)
But in all seriousness Cosette honestly probably confuses Astarion quite a lot, I imagine he hasn't dealt with her brand of "purity" for a long time.
She keeps accidentally flirting with him, from her perspective in the effort to be kind and friendly towards him, but obviously that's not totally clear to Astarion.
I headcanon that at the party when he's talking about wanting to have "fun" and Cosette straight-up doesn't get it he's hit with a realization akin to "holy shit I can't do this." So nothing romantic is gonna happen between them, unless he makes some move I'm not expecting.
That being said, her kindness, particularly in taking the news he's a vampire spawn in stride (and letting him drink her blood of course), has earned her a soft spot in his heart, as loathe as he would be to admit it.
Cosette thinks Astarion is funny and exciting (in both his personality and circumstances) but also feels bad for him since he's clearly shown he's traumatized by his years as a spawn. However she's also fascinated by the logistics of vampires, of course.
Oh you know they're on the exact same wavelength (weavelength?) when it comes to love of magic and knowledge. They hit it off instantly.
I like to think Gale was enamored with Cosette pretty early on, admiring her optimism, kindness, and passion. I imagine he was really surprised to have the first person he met after the nautiloid be just as enthusiastic about magic as he is.
I have a headcanon about him marveling at her when they find the secret lab of the "healer" in the blighted village, like he's never seen a person get so starry-eyed at a dusty, kinda gross basement filled with alchemy implements and he finds it incredibly endearing. I might write about it when I have a better grasp of his personality heheh
For Cosette, she thought of Gale as a friend right away, but her moment of truly falling for him was during the experiencing-the-Weave scene. It was magical in all senses of the word for her and it kinda hit her that "oh, he gets me" which cannot be said for the majority of people.
I do think Gale's currently a little pained with Cosette because he told her his whole story, including sharing his memory of the trauma, and then she turned around and proceeded to open a tome full of forbidden knowledge without care for the consequences oops lol. So I'll at least headcanon that he'll be trying to stop Cosette from falling down that slippery slope in the future.
Karlach's the newest companion for me so I don't know much about her yet (other than I love her) and therefore this'll be shorter, BUT
If it weren't for Gale and Wyll being there I do think a romance could have been possible for her and Cosette, but now not so much unless something surprising happens in-game.
As it stands I'm predicting a more sisterly relationship, with Karlach looking out for Cosette (not that nobody else does but I feel it'll be particularly strong with Karlach).
Cosette is low-key relieved to have someone even close to as cheerful as she is in the party honestly. She's so pleased to be able to have upbeat conversations with Karlach, even if they're not about magic or scholarly topics.
She's fascinated with Karlach's infernal engine though, of course, and is trying to learn all she can about it.
Cosette WILL give Karlach that hug she mentioned wanting if it's the last thing she does ;_;
Really weirdly, Lae'zel likes Cosette quite a bit? Mostly because Cosette is respectful of her culture and allows Lae'zel to speak whenever they interact with other githyanki.
Cosette was a bit scared of Lae'zel at first but tried to keep a positive attitude. She was about to give up on becoming true friends with Lae'zel until she let slip that she's a scholar as much as she is a warrior, and then Cosette got REAL excited because they finally had something to bond over.
Cosette really wants to learn everything she can about githyanki culture so she takes any opportunity to ask Lae'zel about it, which Lae'zel sometimes acts like she thinks is annoying but I think secretly likes it heheh.
I imagine Shadowheart is pretty exasperated with how blatantly naive Cosette tends to be but the fact that she was so chill with her worshipping Shar is incredibly important to her.
I think Shadowheart's kind of in the gang of "I'm gonna roll my eyes at a lot of stuff you do but I will protect you with my fucking life" along with Astarion and Lae'zel lmao
Cosette is taken aback sometimes with how prickly and sassy Shadowheart can get and worries that she doesn't like her much, but then Shadowheart will turn around and say that Cosette is a friend the likes of which she's never had before. So Cosette has come to the conclusion that Shadowheart doesn't mean a lot of the things she says when she's being especially sharp with her words. Bit of a "ur a softie aren't u shadowheart" meme lol
They're both warlocks and both from nobility so there's an inherent connection there.
Since they're both nobles, Cosette desperately wants to see him dance, especially if it's with her!
Wyll was surprised to learn how readily trusting Cosette is with higher magical beings (hags, devils, etc) so I imagine he had to readjust his initial view of her.
He does see that her heart is ultimately in the right place and there's something alluring about her innocence and cheer, but he's worried about her (probably rightly so lol). He's trying his best to steer her in what he believes is the right direction.
On Cosette's part, Wyll kinda embodies a childhood fantasy of a romance with a dashing hero (with a dark side, even!), so she does have a little crush on him.
Gale is currently winning in the romance department for Cosette but there's a little something going on with her and Wyll; we'll see where it goes!
*Extra notes on Lae'zel and Shadowheart:
I think these three make an interesting trio because I get the sense that both Lae'zel and Shadowheart are inexperienced in a lot of areas and are desperately trying to hide it. I know less about Shadowheart's whole backstory and whatnot than Lae'zel's so take it with a grain of salt, but if I'm right Cosette makes a neat foil to both of them bc she too is inexperienced but doesn't try to necessarily hide it. She's not trying to come off as intimidating, unlike the both of them -- Lae'zel with strength and aggression, Shadowheart with wit and disdain.
And then there's Lae'zel and Shadowheart's rivalry with each other, all the while warming up to Cosette, and Cosette being their mediator.
Also something to be said about all three of them being naive in different ways; Lae'zel with her (up until a certain point) unquestioning faith in Vlaakith, I'm guessing something is gonna come to light with Shadowheart and her faith in Shar, and then Cosette is just out here trusting everyone she meets at face value.
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
here have more rtc character headcanons!!
i want to know more abt them In Life so. here’s what i think all their favorite school subjects/activities were…
oh also i forget they’re canadian and I Am Not so just. insert in whatever the canadian equivalents are if i say something wrong lol
ocean: sga and gov (idk what the equivalent of ap is in canada but. whatever the ap gov equivalent is. that’s hers. bc you KNOW she was taking all advanced classes just to make a point) but fr. ocean was student gov president and wanted to be the first democratically elected female prime minister of canada (i think that’s all of it) so ofc this would be her thing :) pretty self explanatory for her..
noel: if they had a lit mag, noel was DEFINITELY part of it. idk if he would’ve been an editor or just a main contributor (or both) but he was definitely part of it in some big way for sure. i feel like he’d put in some stuff anonymously (but you could still pretty much always tell it was him) as well as some with his name on it, depending on what it was abt also. ANYWAY.. the being said he’s also ofc an advanced english type. i mean Ofc he is. and i can’t forget how he’s most definitely and obviously a french student bc Duh. (which is rlly fun to imagine bc I am a french student and there are legit 3 people in my class. it’s rlly funny to picture noel in our environment)
-oh also i think noel has been banned from doing pretty much Anything Remotely Invovled With Theater since the whole 7th grade thing. that’s one of the main reasons why he does choir. he’s literally banned from everything else.. he would do it if he could though :)
mischa: this one’s hard bc he’s the Angriest boy in town,, so like. what’s he gonna actually like yknow.. but in a weird way i think he’d really like science classes. just bc of the labs ofc.. but i think he’d like anatomy (basing this on his love of saw 5) he’d just think the dissections and shit are cool yknow :)
ricky: also a hard one.. we know he likes space and sci-fi and he’s rlly freakin smart but idk what that would rlly translate to.. maybe physics?? tbh i’m not rlly sure. he’d definitely also be a science-y person though. since he’s so imaginative i think he’d learn the facts and then sorta work w them in his head to make his own kind of rules and logic that still makes perfect sense to him but would seem absolutely batshit to the majority of other people yknow..
jane: actually forget what i said abt ricky and mischa being hard to think abt. she takes the cake. it’s hard bc i know Nothing abt penny lamb. (i want to though… how do i read legoland??) so all i have to go off of is her mannerisms and her speech patterns really. i think like noel she is also an english person.. a lot of how she talks seems like something i’d see in ap lang or lit,, (allusions and metaphors mainly) and just. a lot of what she says can be analyzed to oblivion like that. (i’m rlly thinking abt her catchphrase. like there’s definitely hidden meaning there).
-also,, here’s a great chance to talk abt my thoughts on her role in the choir!! i think penny *was* technically in the choir. she just didn’t really know how to befriend the rest of them (i think ricky noticed her the most but obviously couldn’t really communicate that to her) so she mostly just hung back. as for why no one remembers her (like the rest of them didn’t even realize there was even a 6th person at first. she doesn’t even remember herself. karnak doesn’t remember reading her fortune even though he actually did) i think that when she was designated a Jane Doe,, penny was actually gone from everyone’s memories until the moment she is chosen to be brought back to life. i think that’s really it. :)
constance: tbh no clue. part of me thinks that she doesn’t really have a favorite class. i think shes even more apathetic towards school than mischa is. like obviously she hides it but.. Still. she just. kinda hates it all yknow. bc it was before the cyclone and before she had her revelation and began to enjoy her life like 30 seconds before it ended.. so she probably just kinda liked the simple stuff like electives.. she probably had a couple art classes she liked (and also choir)
that’s all :)
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lovekeis · 11 months
SPILL!!!!! 🔫
omg hello … okay SO I fleshed her out as part of an rp w @angeltails so this is based mainly off of that bc I had to adapt her out of rp BUT;
before her bite she was a small time indie artist, very much in the vein of early sabrina carpenter/olivia rodrigo but less famous. she was also planning on going to law school bc it’s me so ofc she was <3 the lab at her university created the spider that bit her by engineering a pink crab spider. though i’d like to add that i contemplated having a mexican pink tarantula bite her bc it’s so funny bc I am also mexican but I did not
lives in california and protects new angeles (thanks babe). it’s a running joke she has to commute to work bc of the traffic. told pav she’s in cali and he asked if she protects san fransokyo or if it’s still that little hiro boy and she calmly explained that is still hiro’s gig but sometimes she’ll go up there and help <3
since she’s been bit she’s still pursuing her music career but has taken a bit of a step back because of how demanding being a spiderperson is. she’s focusing more on school rn because if she gets recognized she’ll die 😭
her suit is based off of/heavily inspired by that one spider barbie fanart … will link if no one has seen it pls lmk. but her webs are pink/have an iridescent sheen to them! her suit is also one of the most impractical because “I will always promote cuteness over comfort” so she has a cutout of a heart where the typical spider is (it’s a heart shaped spider tho :D)
so she TECHNICALLY has two powers added onto the spider powers but it depends. the scientists (aware of the possibility of spider people) were attempting to kind of…super soldier that shit a la steve rogers. the main power I attribute to her is the power of luck, rendering her basically unable to die of anything aside from old age. there’s also her power of mentifery but that’s mainly reserved for rp purposes since it’s stupid overpowered 😭
her bf ended up being her universe’s mysterio </3 w the way her power works, once you pick a fight with her only one person is coming out the winner and it’s her. so when that damn fishbowl broke and she sees her BOYFRIEND ?! oh she was SICK …
her brother was part of her main canon event; she was helping him fight and since the luck power is only concerned with its user’s safety (primarily physical), she tried sacrificing herself for him and it didn’t work </3 baby is going THROUGH IT
she is dating both pav and gaya <3 at first it was funny bc in their universe she’s a popular western artist so gayatri was like ??? what the fuck ??? but miss pink lady is so pretty she doesn’t care (she also def knows pab is spider-man bc he’s terrible at hiding it so she was like honestly why question a woman w big tits
she goes by pink lady because it’s me duh but also because she has arachnophobia so she’ll fully be like “why would I go by spider girl or spider woman I fucking hate those things”
the art style of her world is very pink (thank u to my gf @bladeisms for this idea) so she’s usually very pink toned when she’s in other universes
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iamnotawomanimagod · 7 months
Okay so bc I’m lazy i just decided not to keep watching the house of jay z so pls could you spoil the entire show for me? 🥺🤭
"House of Jay Z" lmfao Nins you're so fucking funny
Okay, here we go! Also I'm sorry this is SO long, I tried to keep it short, but a lot happens!
Just to refresh your memory - the first episode sets up a few storylines.
One is the trial against Fortunado, with prosecutor Auguste Dupin leading the charge. During the trial's opening remarks, he indicates that there is an informant among the Usher family. This immediately causes a lot of paranoia and distrust, which impacts a lot of the decisions the characters make.
Another storyline with Auggie and Roderick takes place after the deaths of all of Roderick's children. That's where the two men are talking in Roderick's broken down childhood home.
Third, we've got Roderick's "miracle drug" - Lidogone. It's meant to be a non-habit forming pain reliever and he's made his fortune primarily from its sale. Big shocker - Ligodone is absolutely addictive, and Roderick knows that all along.
Another key to understanding what happens is Carla Gugino's character, aka Verna. She is present and/or involved with all the deaths of all of the Usher children. She's basically a sort of devil/karma collector/god of death. Also, Verna is an anagram of Raven, which is a reference to Poe's "The Raven."
So all the Usher kids die in different horrible ways, which is revealed in the first episode, right? And Verna is there to give each of them an out - but only if they take it, which none of them do.
1 - Perry/"Prospero"
The youngest of Roderick's children (he's 25) dies in an abandoned warehouse party/orgy he's throwing, because he hooks the sprinkler system up to some tanks on the roof, not realizing those tanks are full of illegally stored acidic waste. (The building is owned by Fortunado, Roderick's pharma company, so it's kind of Roderick's fault too.) He wants water to fall on everyone to make the orgy sexier, and plans to turn it on right at midnight.
Before midnight, Verna appears (looking a lot like Red Coat from PLL lmao) and tries to tell Perry that he can end the party early (implying he doesn't have to die in such a horrible way.) But he doesn't really understand her, blows her off, and goes back to the party.
Verna tells all of the waiters/bartenders etc to leave before the acid rain falls. She also tells Roderick's wife, Morrie, who is there in secret because Perry invited her, but Morrie doesn't go. As a result, Morrie is also burned horribly by the acid, but she's the only survivor of the party and is rescued and sent to the hospital. Keep that in mind for later.
Perry dies horribly with all of his friends/lovers, everyone getting burned by the acid together into a big gross pile. He was a bit of a shit, as he was recording the whole party and intended to blackmail everyone there with the footage, so it's not a big loss. One down, five to go!
2 - Camille
She dies because she's snooping on Victorine's work, trying to prove that Victorine is the informant for the prosecution. She gets mauled to death by one of the chimps Victorine is testing her medical device on - a heart monitor thing that will not only assist with keeping heart rate steady, but can also map arteries and capillaries, making it possible to catch things like clots and strokes earlier.
Camille is a PR person, and is often the one who spins the family's scandals and losses as positive things. She also "knows everything" about everyone, but seems to resent Victorine for reasons no one else really gets.
Camille goes to Victorine's lab and discovers that Victorine has faked all the results of her miraculous heart device, and she pumps the chimps full of adrenaline to make it seem like it's working.
Verna, pretending to be a security guard, tries to warn Camille away, and tell her to leave, but Camille doesn't go. Verna corners her in the room with all the chimps, and gives a big speech about how horrible animal testing is. Then basically "becomes" the chimp that mauls Camille to death. Another one bites the dust!
3 - Napoleon
He dies because he goes insane, and starts hallucinating a demon cat in his home. He is the most emotionally distraught at the deaths of Perry and especially Camille, as he was closest to them. He wakes up one morning after they've died, and finds his boyfriend's cat (named Pluto) completely butchered, and Leo has blood on his hands.
So Leo convinces his boyfriend that the cat must've just gotten out, and he goes out and adopts a cat that looks *exactly* like Pluto, and tries to pass it off as his boyfriend's cat.
He adopts the cat from a shelter worker - but it's Verna. She does give him the same opportunity to die a less gruesome death, as she attempts to get him to adopt a different cat (but not one that looks like Pluto.) This would've meant coming clean to his boyfriend about killing the cat, though, so Leo doesn't listen.
Throughout the episode, no one else ever sees the cat Leo adopted. It turns out that it's just Verna, basically baiting Leo into destroying his own apartment and eventually, himself.
He ends up throwing himself off his balcony in an attempt to catch the cat - who is just a figment of his madness.
It's also revealed at the end that the real Pluto is totally fine, was never killed by Leo (he just accidentally got let out of the apartment,) and all of the violence against the cat in this episode was in Leo's head.
4 - Victorine
This storyline is based on "The Telltale Heart" by Poe, and is probably one of my favorites in terms of the stories Flanagan adapted for this miniseries.
Victorine is approached by a woman with a type of heart failure that is very hard to treat. This woman is actually Verna, of course.
Victorine thinks this woman is a perfect candidate for human trials for her heart device, even though Victorine knows that the device doesn't actually work. The woman is very vulnerable and uncertain about the procedure, but Victorine insists it's all good. (That was Verna attempting to give Victorine an out, and a less painful death.)
She still moves forward with setting up the procedure, even going so far as to forge her partner's signature (who is a talented heart surgeon) on the pre-surgery documents. When her partner finds out about this, she is super pissed and breaks up with Victorine. She says she's going to expose everything Victorine has done.
In a fit of rage, Victorine throws a little decorative sculpture thing at her partner and her partner gets hit in the head and dies. Victorine doesn't remember this, however, and spends the rest of the episode trying to call her partner and get her to do the surgery.
All the while, whenever there is silence, Victorine keeps hearing the little chirp of the heart device. She starts listening to very loud music to drown it out.
Roderick (her dad) eventually goes to her to talk to her about human trials on her device (he's dying of a brain disease and wants the device for himself.)
But when she turns the music off, he can hear the chirping too.
They go to the next room and find Victorine's partner with her chest cut wide open and the device wrapped around her dead heart. Victorine realizes what she's done and stabs herself with a scalpel. (But don't worry, Roderick makes sure to do surgery on her partner himself to get the device out so the cops don't take it. This family sucks.) Four down, two to go!
The remaining Usher children are from Roderick's first marriage to a woman called Annabel Lee.
5 - Tamerlane
Tammy is having a very hard time sleeping, and in fact hasn't slept in weeks. She is also certain her influencer fitness bro husband is cheating on her. That's because Verna keeps appearing in the background of her husband's videos to make Tamerlane paranoid.
Tamerlane fires/breaks up with him, and tries to do the big launch of her Goldbug luxury subscription packages herself. She hallucinates that Verna is there in the front row of the crowd, thinks she's the "other woman" that her husband is cheating on her with, and throws a microphone stand at her.
It turns out to actually be Juno, Roderick's very young wife, who was there to support Tammy, because Juno is a sweetheart and is way too good for the Ushers.
Tammy returns home after the disastrous launch, but starts seeing Verna in all of her mirrors. Verna keeps telling her to go to sleep, to get some rest, to stop being so paranoid and looking for enemies everywhere (her way of trying to give Tammy a peaceful death.)
Tammy starts smashing her mirrors in an attempt to get Verna to stop taunting her. This leads her to her bedroom, where she has a mirror on the ceiling and as her headboard. She smashes the ceiling mirror and the falling shards of glass kill her.
Just one last Usher child remains...
6 - Frederick
Freddie is the eldest child of Roderick Usher, and the final one to die. He's the worst, and imo he could've died a lot more painfully.
When he finds out that his wife Morrie was at the party where Perry died, he goes full asshole abuser mode, in the worst possible way. He removes Morrie from the hospital early and makes a sickbed for her at home. He tells his daughter Lenore (the only grandchild of Roderick) that he's going to get doctors and other help for Morrie, but Lenore never sees anyone coming in or out of the house.
That's because Frederick is essentially keeping Morrie captive and denying her medical treatment. He's using a paralytic to keep her immobilized and unable to speak, but completely aware. So she's just suffering and in horrible pain from the full-body acid burns, and he's using that to punish her for going to the party and presumably cheating on him.
He eventually prints out a million pictures of them on their wedding day and puts them all over the walls in her sickroom. He makes a speech about having to "put his house in order" and about how much he loved her smile when they met.
Then he rips all of her teeth out with some pliers. (This isn't shown, thank god.)
Lenore is growing more and more suspicious of her father and his treatment of her mother. He starts telling her that Morrie is too unwell for visits. When Lenore confronts him about it, he forbids her from checking on Morrie and then leaves the house.
Lenore breaks into her mother's sickroom, finds her being held captive there there, and calls the police. Morrie is rescued and returned to the hospital. We'll talk about what happens with Lenore later.
Frederick left the house to go oversee the demolition of the warehouse where Perry died. It's happening at night, under the table, without any proper permits. He decides he wants to go in and take a piss on the spot Perry died.
It's important to note that he's been doing a shitton of coke for several days now. Earlier, after ripping Morrie's teeth out, when he was getting ready to leave, he was scooping some more coke into a little baggie. We later see that Verna was behind him, urging him to take "more." It turns out that the "more" in question was actually some of the paralytic powder that Frederick was using on Morrie. So he does a bump of his "coke," unzips his fly to pee, then goes rigid and collapses to the floor, paralyzed.
Verna appears, impersonating a construction worker, and explains what's happening to him. She was going to give him an out, just like she did with his siblings, until he ripped Morrie's teeth out. Verna decides then that Frederick will not get the chance for a peaceful death. So she makes sure that he's got the paralytic instead of the coke, waits for him to be alone in the warehouse, then mimics his voice on the radio and calls for the demolition to begin.
Frederick dies paralyzed on the floor, with his dick out (embarrassing,) as the building collapses around him. A big metal piece of the rafters breaks free, swinging like a pendulum, and slowly cuts him in half. Still too good for him, if you ask me.
So now all of Roderick's children are dead! But we're not done, we've still got the terrible twins to contend with.
7 - How Madeline and Roderick fucked over Auggie Dupin
Back in the late '70s, Dupin used to be an investigator for Medicare fraud. He uncovered a conspiracy where higher-ups at Fortunado were forging the signatures of their lower-level employees (like Roderick, at the time,) and their patients, making it seem like the patients had signed off on agreeing to medication trials. They took advantage of a lot of sick, elderly, and mentally unwell people to do so.
For months, Roderick acts like he's going along with Dupin's investigation and plan to ruin Fortunado. He agrees to be a whistleblower and testify that Fortunado forged his signature and lied to their patients.
When the trial finally happens, Roderick lies under oath, says he did sign those papers, and insinuates that Auggie has been harassing him and his family into helping bring down Fortunado. Roderick is very briefly arrested, but quickly set free by Fortunado lawyers. Auggie is left with no case against Fortunado at all, because his key witness and whistleblower betrayed him.
When Roderick's very good, sweet first wife (named Annabel Lee, after the Poe poem) finds out about this, and that Roderick planned to turn on Auggie all along, she is devastated and angry. She leaves Roderick.
It's later revealed that Roderick basically bought their children (Tamerlane and Frederick) away from her by showing them a lavish lifestyle that she couldn't compete with, and Annabel Lee eventually kills herself from the loneliness.
(In the present-day timeline, Auggie admits that the only reason he trusted Roderick was because of Annabel Lee being a genuinely moral, kind person.)
8 - The Deal with Verna
Back in the late 70s, once word gets out that Roderick lied to save the company from litigation, Roderick is considered set for life at Fortunado. His horrible boss, Rufus, keeps talking him up at this big New Year's Eve party, telling him how everyone knows that Roderick is Rufus's number one man.
Later on at this party, Madeline lures Rufus into the basement. She and Roderick then brick him into a wall that's under construction, Cask of Amontillado style. They also poisoned him with cyanide for good measure.
Because Rufus talked up Roderick so much, it's almost guaranteed that Roderick will inherit Rufus's position/title when Rufus turns up missing.
Madeline and Roderick leave the Fortunado party to establish an alibi elsewhere. They find a small, relatively uncrowded bar. It's here that they meet Verna.
Important to note - Madeline was the mastermind behind all of this. She convinced Roderick to betray Auggie. She came up with the plan of trapping and killing Rufus, letting Roddie take his job. She is absolutely the smarter of the two, and is basically always pulling Roderick's strings in the background.
Everything that Roderick is, he owes to Madeline's ruthlessness, cleverness, and total disregard for everyone else but herself and her twin brother.
And to one other thing...
The terrible twins are the last people at the bar, and are talking about their ambitions and dreams while they drink with Verna. As the conversation goes on, Verna reveals that she knows what the twins did to Rufus just hours before, which should be impossible.
She then gives them an offer, and makes it clear that it's not a hypothetical, but a deal that she wants to make with them.
If they accept, their family will never again be able to be convicted of any crime, including the murder the twins literally just committed. No legal charges will ever stick. They'll achieve anything they can imagine, and have a lifetime of money, luxury, and comfort.
But the trade-off is their entire bloodline. When Roderick and Madeline reach the age where they would've naturally died anyway, all of their offspring will die before them.
Obviously, they took the deal. Madeline never has children. Roderick pops them out left and right. And one of his children has a child, too - Lenore. And the trade-off is the entire bloodline.
9 - Lenore
Roderick loves Lenore very much. He considers her the best of the Ushers and has faith that she will be a good person. And the narrative makes it clear that this is true, as Lenore is shown constantly questioning the older members of her family about what's right and wrong, and why they're doing the things they do.
After the joint funeral of Tamerlane, Frederick, and Victorine, Roderick's brain disease makes him collapse on the street. Lenore stays with him that night to keep an eye on him, because Roderick's very young wife, Juno, has left him. (We'll get into that later, as Juno is a key part of the ending.)
The night Lenore stays with Roderick, Verna appears to her and tells her a story about Morrie. Because Lenore intervened, Morrie will make a full recovery. Then she'll go on to start a non-profit foundation for victims of domestic violence. That foundation will go on to help millions and millions of people. Morrie calls it "The Lenore Foundation."
Verna apologizes to Lenore, says she doesn't want to do this part of her job, and then gently touches Lenore's forehead.
Lenore basically goes to sleep, dying peacefully, but she's also not even 18 yet so it's a big bummer. (One of the implications of this is that all of Roderick's children could have died this way, too, but they were assholes so their deaths were gruesome and painful.)
Roderick is obviously very distraught by this. He goes to his childhood home and asks Auggie Dupin to meet him there.
10 - The Deaths of the Terrible Twins
As he finishes telling him the whole story, the question of whether or not Madeline and Roderick really believed that the deal with Verna was real or not comes up. Roderick admits that he believed it, and that he knew that he would "climb to the top on a pile of corpses" and that he didn't care. He chose to do it all anyway, knowing how many people would be killed by his drug.
All throughout their conversation, Auggie keeps hearing some clunking noises in the basement. Roderick tells him "it's just Madeline."
We then find out that Roderick brought Madeline to their childhood home and shares a drink with her. He actually poisons her. After she dies, he takes her eyes out and replaces them with blue stones, mimicking the burial of Egyptian pharaohs.
Madeline, either back from the dead or having never really died, comes up from the basement wailing, her eyes gone and replaced with stones. She runs straight for Roderick and begins strangling him. At that point, the storm that's been brewing all night reaches a frenzy, lightning strikes the crumbling house, and it starts collapsing.
Auggie flees the house just before it completely falls. Madeline and Roderick are buried beneath the rubble. And so, all the Ushers are finally dead.
Epilogue - Juno
Some background - Roderick met Juno in a hospital. She was there after suffering a serious heroin overdose, which including losing her leg. (The actress playing Juno is a real amputee, so that's a fun bit of representation.) She's in a coma when Roderick hears about her - a young woman who suffers from a terrible heroin addiction and has no family, prospects, or assets of her own. Juno is given the highest dosage of Ligodone that anyone has ever received. She wakes up in no pain. She and Roderick fall in love and get married, and she continues taking the highest dosage possible, at Roderick's insistence.
Juno believes their love is real. As the show goes on, she starts expressing interest in weening herself off Ligodone. Roderick forbids her from doing so, asking her how it would look in the midst of Fortunado being on trial. When she insists, saying it should be easy since it's non-addictive, Roderick reveals that it's VERY addictive and that recovery will be a slow, painful, years-long process. He also admits that the reason he loves her is because her body is so good at processing Ligodone, and she's taking so much, that she "basically is Lidgodone." He even compares himself to Dr. Frankenstein and her to his monster. This is when she leaves him, telling him that she'll endure three years of pain and discomfort over a lifetime with him.
And then, with everyone else being dead, Juno is the only person left in the will.
She completely dissolves Fortunado and gives most of the money away. She also manages to overcome her addiction to Ligodone, slowly and painfully, but on her own terms. The heroin addict - "junkie slut" as his kids so often called her - wins it all, dismantles the horrible pharma company, and gets to live her life without the Ushers.
Auggie's final scene is him standing at the graves of the Usher family. He says: "Goodbye, Roderick. I'm going home to my husband and our kids and their kids. I'm the richest man in the world, you know?" SO on the nose and cheesy, lmao. One of the criticisms that I do have of this show is that it's pretty heavy-handed and can be very preachy at times. But putting that aside, I really enjoyed it!
Anyway - in the final scene, we see Verna placing objects of importance on each of the headstones for all of the deceased Ushers: the mask Perry was wearing the night of his death; Camille's phone (for her PR job); Pluto's collar for Napoleon; Victorine's heart device; Tamberlane's "Goldbug" pendant; Frederick's baggie of coke (lmao); the blue stones that became her eyes for Madeline; and a whiskey glass for Roderick. Lenore gets a beautiful raven's feather, wrapped in a white ribbon.
As she places these items, Verna speaks in voice over and recites the Poe poem "Spirits of the Dead."
There ya go! That's the basic meat of the story and as many details as I could include. I honestly skipped over SO much and left out some characters entirely, but I think this'll give you a good idea of what happens plot-wise.
Love you, Nins <3
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thelostsisters · 2 years
okay some thoughts about henry creel in st4 volume 2 that i want to talk about
ok so first of all i’m so glad vecna isn’t dead bc well obviously the henry stan in me wants more of him but also the thought of el defeating him all by herself with just telekinesis alone is kinda lame tbh. basically we’re not resting until we get our Will Has Powers plotline
anyways onto the deeper stuff bc there’s a lot of little things i noticed that i thought could be used in defeating him. this is going to be super jumbled and all over the place so just try and stay with me okay 😅
both in his 4x07 monologue and in 4x09 when el tries to stop vecna by kind of sympathizing with him, henry refuses to admit to himself that brenner has had an effect on him. he claims that he’s always had the mindset he does, that brenner didn’t turn him into a monster at all (though i gotta hand it to him, him calling brenner mediocre was funny as hell 💀). and yet this is the exact opposite of what jamie bower insists about his character; he’s said in multiple interviews that the main reason henry is so fucked up is because of brenner. and honestly? that’s believable, bc that man was an abusive monster and henry, despite the horrible things he did as a child, was just that—a child when he was taken in by brenner. to say that being raised/abused by that man had no effect on him whatsoever is just not realistic by any means
but perhaps this is a weakness of his; he hates to admit to what happened to him. he hates dr. brenner, hates the shit he put him through, but admitting to being a victim is something he struggles tremendously with doing. he wants to be powerful, he wants to be in control. and having been a victim implies that there was a time when he had neither of those things, and he doesn’t want to admit to that, so he rejects the idea at every chance he gets
speaking of brenner, can we talk about the line el said to him about him using her to search for henry all those years after the massecre (side note i kind of predicted that in my head and i was so excited when i ended up being right lol). she said to him something along the lines of “you could not stop; you couldn’t let him go.” we see how brenner fought until his death to keep el with him; he wanted her in his possession, and he couldn’t give her up even when it put his life at risk. i think it was the same for henry. he felt he was still out there, and he wanted him all for himself. think about lt. sullivan’s line about everything that’s happened in hawkins “can be traced back to brenner’s little pet.” we know he was taking about el, but from a narrative perspective it serves a double meaning, because henry, brenner’s first test subject (of the number kids series, not mk-ultra obviously) was the cause of everything. i think he wanted el to find henry not to stop him (because prior to her opening the main gate, he wasn’t posing any actual threat to their dimension) but because he wanted to take him back and use him as a weapon. he viewed henry as his property, and he couldn’t stand the thought of letting this person that he’d objectified so intensely go. it’s why he kept him at the lab, as el says, despite the threat he posed to the other children. brenner saw him as his, and he refused to give him up, even when he’d been banished to another dimension for fucks sake
also i noticed that el referee to henry as “one” or “vecna” when she was talking to her friends, but always called him “henry” to brenner. idk if that was on purpose but it felt meaningful, like she was refusing to give him the comfort of viewing this human being as a weapon or an object, forcing him to call him by a human name. though of course brenner viewed henry as a weapon regardless of what he called him, as one was mostly just the name used to refer to him in past tense once the other kids were brought in. but still i thought it was a nice touch
and despite how el didn’t talk like she sympathized with henry in her argument with brenner (which is valid btw), she still thought back on him being electrocuted when she thought about brenner being a monster. bc regardless of the things he’s done to her and her siblings, brenner was still using inhumane torture methods on him and she still saw that as wrong. she also quoted him, “papa doesn’t always tell the truth,” bc him manipulating her doesn’t make the statement any less true. idk i just thought that was interesting and showed el’s empathetic nature
ok so back to Shit That Could Be Used Against One… did anyone else notice when max first got vecna’d in 4x09 when lucas started talking how he said to her “normal people don’t fantasize about killing people”? max never claimed she wanted to kill billy herself, and of course he was preying on her guilt by exaggerating things, but it made me think about henry because not being “normal”? fantasizing about killing people? that perfect describes him. and to me it sounds like he’s projecting that onto max.
we know vecna uses people’s guilts against them; projecting insecurities onto others implies that those insecurities still exist. it’s a long shot, yeah, but i think it could be worth a try to attempt to use vecna’s own techniques against him. we already saw el using the same telekinetic moves against vecna that he used against her the day of the massacre. maybe now it’s time to go further, to use his psychological moves against him too. (this ties in perfectly with kali making a comeback bc hello? illusions??? no one can fight back against vecna’s illusion powers but her and that would give them a HUGE one up)
ok some less major stuff now… the whole thing with henry creating the mind flayer based on his childhood drawing was such an amazing will parallel i was SO hype when i saw that. also dude is literally trying to take over the world but is using his childhood fantasy creatures to do it. vecna what are you going to do if i call you a little baby? what are you going to do then bitch
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this shot ate though
finally one complaint i had was the fact that they just made el recognize vecna immediately? like i get she probably just put two and two together but i wish it was a bigger deal, like her seeing his tattoo or something. bc she’d never actually seen him as vecna before so i wish they’d kind of acknowledged that better. still though that first encounter with her lifting him in the air like he had with her and just going “hi” before throwing him into the bleachers was amazing though lol
i hope this isn’t too all over the place even though it most definitely is. i just have a LOT of thoughts okay??
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insecateur · 2 years
just a post of thoughts and headcanons about lysandre's team bc i've been thinking about that and now when i think about stuff i'm like "oh i can post about it on tumblr dot com"
lysandre's team is by and large royalty-themed which makes sense of course! no particular order to tackle them in just vibing
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pyroar is the pokémon usually associated with lysandre in official merch and the likes. his hair was definitely styled to be reminiscent of a mane. the imagery is straightforward: lions are associated with kings. there's the whole "king of the jungle" thing ofc but also lions are associated with english royalty in particular. the lion association is probably also what influenced him having a 4:1 female/male ratio of scientists.
i tend to write litleo as being lysandre's first pokémon, given to him as a child as a family tradition. this would be how malva got hers as well.
the nickname "Orléans" probably doesn't require much of an explanation; it's a name associated with the french royal family. if you want bonus lore about it though, i actually partially stole it from a movie called Marquis which is about a talking dick and involves terrifying puppets, one of which is a lion named Orléans. i have not seen the movie.
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gyarados is lysandre's mega-evolved pokémon. i find this fact fascinating for many reasons, some i will explain shortly. magikarp's japanese name is koiking and its design is definitely kingly. interestingly, it mostly loses these attributes upon evolving, which might make it seem like an odd choice for a royalty-themed team. i have shared some of my thoughts about lysandre's gyarados in a previous post, but i will touch on a point i haven't discussed yet (here at least. i've talked about it a bit on twitter.)
even disregarding shipping opinions, it's plain as day that lysandre and sycamore were created as counterparts. thematically, they are linked respectively to death, despair, pessimism, destruction, the color red (yveltal) and life, hope, optimism, creation, the color blue (xerneas.) imo the fact that lysandre's key pokémon is blue and associated with the opposite type to his other main pokémon (water vs fire) isn't a coincidence. we can only speculate what it means, i suppose, but i find it very interesting.
i tend to write magikarp as being lysandre's second pokémon, usually because his litleo caught one and lysandre rescued him as a result. (him having a cat and a fish is also kind of funny...)
the nickname "Charlemagne" probably doesn't merit an explanation either. he's a frank king. it's a long name, which fits a long pokémon.
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mienfoo/mienshao is an ermine, which are linked to royalty because of the fur, mostly, although it also relates to heraldry. it's definitely lysandre's most underrated pokémon imo.
i haven't actually written about how lysandre and mienfoo met much! i tend to see him as being his most recent pokémon. rescued by sycamore and kept at the lab, he takes an interest in lysandre. maybe i'll write about it in more details someday.
the nickname "Pyrrhus" comes from King Pyrrhus of Epirus from which comes the term "pyrrhic victory." it also means "red-haired" so there's that. i don't think either of those require much elaboration.
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it's not the first instance of murkrow/honchkrow being linked to a team leader, and it's pretty unsurprising, considering honchkrow's whole deal is being at the head of a murkrow gang. in french its name even contains the word "boss" (and in english, of course, there’s “honcho” in there as well.)
the link with royalty isn't as straightforward at first, but my personal theory is that it relates to Odin and his crows. there are a lot of references to norse mythology in pokémon xy, most notably irt the legendary trio, so it doesn't seem that far-fetched. Odin is tied to death, war, and royalty (among other things.)
i also have never written about lysandre meeting his murkrow. i like to think they ran into each other in some of his later travels, maybe before he met sycamore in lumiose.
the nickname "Léon" doesn't actually have any interesting story behind it! obviously it relates to lions, but i was actually thinking of the fact that in french people say that a peacock's cry sounds like "Léon"... how this relates to murkrow/honchkrow, don't ask me, but it stuck.
that's most of what i had to say on this subject, heehoo. i'll leave you with this old drawing.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
your kenjirou fanfic made me curious... what are your hcs for haruka's dad?
TY FOR READING IT :D erm erm let me link the fanfic again. maybe i can tempt someone to read it. i wrote a little about haruka's dad in there😳 bur also bc i will be talking abt it in this post heh
SURPRISINGLY i dont have a super concrete headcanon for haruka's dad? i see the consensus is that He Sucks and He's Awful and another hc ive seen a lot is he HATES takane because SHE MAKES HARUKA WANNA LIVE😩😩😩... which is kinda funny to me.
i dont think mr kokonose hates takane. i dont think he knows she exists! i think he spent so little time with haruka and even less time actually chatting with him he would've never met takane or even heard about her a lot. he probably knows haruka has one classmate and has probably heard her name but i doubt he'd care to remember it. another thing abt haruka's dad hating takane bc She Makes Him Wanna Live.. i dont think he'd KNOW about haruka's pain and how much he wants to live. he never spent time with haruka or talked with him to know him so personally, especially since haruka was in denial and doesn't even admit to himself he's desperate to live until he's in his last months of life.
about the general idea haruka's dad is an asshole. well... ITS PRETTY MUCH IN TEXT. haruka describes him as an offbeat guy who plays life straight and narrow and never jokes around. also the kind of person who can tell a 10 year old boy who just lost his mom "Hey ur also gonna die in a few years" lol. so yeah probably not the Best guy around
haruka's "whatever" attitude (ive talked abt this in another post i know sorry im repeating) i think comes a lot from his dad?? like since his dad acts Whatever about everything + his illness especially, haruka also learned to be like that. it's pretty much the only reference he has and the only coping tool he can find. so haruka represses his feelings and feels like he has no right to say them out loud. for example when he realises he's in love with takane. he says "i feel i have no right to say it". that has something to do with haruka being conditioned to believe nothing he feels or does matters, because he's just gonna die soon anyway.
it's also said mr kokonose became Weird once haruka's mother passed. i was never a fan of this detail because... hm... scientist dad becomes cold and distant after mother passes away because he just loved her So Much........ why does that sound familiar?
jin i respect u for writing men so deeply in love with their wives but there's too much repetition there with the tateyama parents. like girl.... personally, I'd rather imagine haruka's dad like he's Always been a weird distant guy. in fact not only that but i headcanon his mother was like this as well. i think it's easy to hc the mom to be as cheerful and nice as haruka since we know exactly nothing about her personality, but idk why i enjoy the hc where both of haruka's parents were kind of cold and not very affectionate people in the first place. and when the mom passes, haruka's dad kinda goes No Contact. it just adds to haruka being so desperate for any kind of connection with people LOL like my guy doesn't even THINK of his dad when he's dying
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these are one of haruka's dying thoughts 😭😭😭 like HE JUST. DJFDKFKRKFK SORRY ITS A LITTLE FUNNY HE MENTIONS KENJIROU AND NOT HIS DAD‼️‼️‼️ dont get me started on kenjirou and haruka's father/son relationship (will get started)
ok haruka's dad works at research labs. in the fanfic i wrote i also made it to be like. he researches diseases and vaccines and shit. i think he'd do that kinda job. and i think it's very much motivated by his family. and since he did that kinda job he knew how hopeless haruka was, especially after the passing of the mom. mr kokonose being like welp. might as well crush his hopes before they even exist👍 like maybe he feels like he's doing some good by preparing haruka for the truth lol ...and maybe haruka's dad technique is like erm. i was already sad my wife died so ill keep distance from haruka so i dont get sad again 👍 so its rather a selfish move on his part to tell that to haruka. like i dont wanna dad u anymore this shit sucks
like i said i dont have a concrete hc i honestly do kinda enjoy the idea of haruka's dad just not giving a fuck about him LMAOOO BUT for the sake of answering, the way i wrote it in the fanfic was different.
the fanfic is about kenjirou. so when i wrote abt harukas dad it was more about kenjirou and haruka's bond than about haruka and his dad. like since earlier in the fanfic kenjirou has that convo with haruka and takane where haruka realises he's trying to admit his role in their deaths and haruka kinda asks him like. PLEASE JUST LIE LIKE I DONT WANNA KNOW. and kenjirou isnt even able to lie for their sake. it really broke haruka's heart and ruins his (and takane's) image of kenjirou. so when i wrote the bit abt haruka's dad later on, i wanted it to be more about... kenjirou knowing just how much of a bad dad mr kokonose is, particularly because kenjirou played a father figure for haruka in the past. yet he fails him so so badly. not only that but kenjirou is so focused/depressed about kano refusing to speak to him at the moment. so when he finds out mr kokonose is Apparently managing a bond with haruka, kenjirou is like AUUGGGGHH because this OTHER dad he once considered a bad dad is doing better than him. kenjirou fucked up his bond with haruka AND kano. thats kinda what i was trying to do there, idk if i did it succesfully LOL i also think he and kenjirou should be old man yaoi together bc it'd be funny. anyways moving on
yeah i think haruka and his dad would be in each others lives post str. i also think it'd be DEEPLY awkward for both of them its definitely NOT the father/son bonding of all time. lol. they see each other not super often and when they do it's not that cool. since its mentioned haruka's dad plays life Straight and Narrow he isn't super excited abt haruka's poor excuses about where he's been, why is he not dead/dying anymore and WHAT DO YOU MEAN ur drawing for a living WHAT DOES THAT MEAN‼️‼️‼️ so haruka probably. doesn't visit a lot❤️ but maybe haruka gifts him a painting and despite his dad doesnt understand how the hell haruka's paying rent he still puts the painting up. and haruka sees the painting is on the wall next time he visits and while neither says anything, haruka's thankful for the acknowledgment and his dad likes the painting and appreciates the gift. i think that's as tender as they can get lol.
erm erm haruka's dad doesn't know how to deal with this unexpected turn of events like. his dead kid just suddenly showed up again. whats a cringe old man to do?
in the fanfic i also wrote it like he kinda thought takane was cool bc she had a more stable job than haruka LMAOOOO that was sorta just a callout to what i talked abt earlier, since a popular hc says mr kokonose would dislike takane. so i was like you know what. lets make it he likes her better than haruka (<- my insane need to make everyone love takane)
quick takane mention please let me mention takane. i think haruka would refuse to bring takane to meet his dad bc seeing his dad is just so. emotionally draining and doesn't want her to sit through that and he's also probably like. passive aggressive a lot and haruka knows takane would kill the guy. sooo yeah. eventually theyd obviously meet and it is as painful as one can imagine bc mr kokonose probably googled what to say and is treating meeting your son's girlfriend like its a job interview. haruka and takane walk out of there in Shock. but yeah he likes her in his own weird way
conclusion: i wrote abt it mostly because of kenjirou. i agree haruka's dad is probably a dickhead but he could be a funny one too👍
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otometrashqueen · 1 year
So in keeping with my Doctor Strange, Batch obsession, I decided to start watching Sherlock
Aaaaaaaannnd, I have many thoughts, I just finished season 2, sorry this will be a long one, be warned there are probably some unpopular opinions below 👇
I really WANT to like this show, it’s super popular, and maybe Batch in all his British voice glory really makes the whole thing, but I find that what I dislike about the show outweighs what I like thus far…
I just can’t get over the fact that thus far in the show there isn’t a single likable female character, except for Mrs. Hudson and even she is characterized as the ‘crazy little old land lady’ ( but I do love her to pieces don’t get me wrong)
It seems the show goes out of its way to make the females the villains or weak, Sherlock has an antagonistic relationship with every single female that he comes across
Molly for example, she deserves so much better, Sherlock constantly steam rolls her and berates her, he apologizes sometimes, but it doesn’t ever really feel genuine bc he continues to do it, her uses her for her access to the morgue and the lab! She had to make him say thank you for it but that wasn’t genuine either, he like didn’t understand
Molly really should have slapped him that one time he embarrassed her at Christmas and then Kissed her cheek! The nerve of the man, like that made everything ok
Molly and Sherlock had a little moment at the season two finale that I thought was promising but she essentially said ‘ I know you don’t love me and you love John but I would still do anything for you,’ gag, but I also understand that sentiment, having experienced unrequited love a few times myself and then he ended up asking for her help! which still seemed like manipulation more than genuine interest in her friendship :/
Also it broke my heart that after that whole exchange with Molly and asking for her help, she wasn’t listed as one of his friends to Moriarty, only John, Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson :/
Irene Adler, who I loved the idea of , still ended up having to get saved by Sherlock, she sold him out to Moriarty, and then he ignored her texts bc he likes her or something?! I didn’t get that
You can also talk about the female Sargent Donovan, has had it out for Sherlock day 1 and she was the one to suggest that Sherlock was a fraud to Lestrade
In the season 2 finale they focus on the female jury member when Jim explains how he threatened all the jurors
Then when they were tracking the kidnapped kids it was the BOY that loved spy novels and painted his shoes in black light paint, the BoY was the clever one, not the girl
The girl screamed at Sherlock making Donovan think Sherlock had something to do with it when that was probably Moriartys set up 🙄
That female reporter from that crooked newspaper in the finale also antagonized Sherlock and stupidly bought Moriartys story 🙄
Sherlock even berates all of John’s girlfriends and dates whether out of jealousy or just shit writing it was kind of funny at first and by now to me is a tired cycle, yes we get you want his d and your jealous as shit
I’m sure there are probably more examples, but its TIRING to me, all the negativity toward women and it makes me not want to continue watching
And it’s disappointing bc I saw Moffat was a cocreator and I really liked some of the women that he created in Doctor Who, it’s just really surprises me that THIS is what he helped make?!
I know it was back in 2010 and I’m not mad about the gay subtext, I love it! I’m a bisexual person, bring on all the gay drama. Actually I find it frustrating that Sherlock and John just don’t accept their feelings and get it on already! You can do a slow burn gay love story and not women hate or shit on women in the process :/
Honestly if they had kept Sherlock asexual I think that would have made it more interesting and hilarious, but he is obviously in love with John and even has his flirtation with Moriarty all good stuff but again I flinch when a new female comes on screen bc it’s like ‘ what bad thing is she going to do now’ 🙄 what nasty thing is Sherlock going to say to her or ‘deduce’ about her, it makes me cringe
I’ve heard season 3 and 4 aren’t much better and I’d really like to finish the series and I probably will but I’ll probably be ranting about it on here again 😆
Honestly, it other people’s fanfics on here that are saving this show for me, so thank you fan creators 🥺🙏🏻
I’m really only in it for HIM 👀
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2-wuv · 2 years
Gamers I would like to see: any strangers thing for the blorbo sheet 😏
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I went into this show like "Oh he's a jackass. I hope he dies I hope we all dies <3" Then system shit happened Uhhhhh anyways I'd kill for him. @ Fandom please be normal abt him he was a whole-ass kid who had like The Most God Awful Abusive Racist "Dad" (aka Neil) Ever. Okay? Okay. ok <3
I think it's fucked up and evil that he's canonically dead but he isn't 2 us (both system reasons & both Fuck Canon reasons) fjdkdfn
Also before u ask what The Realization™ is: it is up 4 u 2 decide. hav fun
edit just realize the ficking. the boxes aren't transparent..................... fuckign. hell on earth IDC im jot fixing it these took like am hour to do. whatever MOVING ON!
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pov ur just a dude who likes loud music and tabletop games and ur entire town decides that u need 2 die bc of The Horrors (read: supernatural bullshit). SAD!! Like it is Literally not his fault Chrissy got Vecna'd. ok? ok. </3
ANYWAYS I THINK HE SHOULD KILL PEOPLE! I think he should kill people. Ignore how I think all my faves should kill people HE DESERVES TO KILL SOMEONE! Fucked up demon bats don't count!! fjskxmKfjcjjaksjc
ignoring system shit btw but he truly is just like our singletsona for real. Hyperfixates on Games?? Check. Is obviously very much ADHD & autistic???? Check. etc. etc. I can go onJGJDKSKFmfmd
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omg it's S🅱️eve Sepsis (/inside joke??) omg <3.
bUT Uhhhhh he Got Better (read: accidentally became an adoptive parent to like 6? 7????? children,) and also other things (such as Experiencing The Horrors, Acquiring Brain Damage, Becoming Besties With Gay People) Anyways he's normal as of like s3 and onward. we don't talk abt s2 bc it is boring (also bc we don't remember itFJFJDKDKF)
He Has Killed Many Monsters but afaik he has yet to kill A Human Person. I may be wrong tho but i don't remember..,,,, cjakdkfk
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As a child I too was also very tomboyish and loved music and was a social outcast </3. I care her a lot. One of the coolest kids fr NFNDMZNF
I do Not like how the show's handled her character-wise and On God If She Doesn't Fucking Wake Up In S5 I Will Riot. Also she needs to kill Neil too (DID YOU KNOW THAT WE COLLECTIVELY HATE THAT MOTHERFUCKER. FJDJSJSJAJAKDKFMFMDSKFKF)
for clarification on the murder™: in s2 Billy almost killed Steve (and,,, according to the fandom Lucas too but *mildpanic* I'M NOT. GOING TO OPEN THAT CAN OF WORMS IN THIS POST) so naturally Max tranquilized him and then threatened to bash his face in with a nail bat. WHICH! WAS DESERVED YES! BUT. Y'KNOW WHAT THIS IS A RAMBLE FOR A DIFFERENT POST LET'S LEAVE JT AT THATJFJKDKFGK
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ok this one is vaguely system influenced bc our Eddie adopted our El so. There's that HFNSKF.
She's literally a walking mass murder weapon (AND YES SHE'S KILLED PEOPLE. MULTIPLE TIMES. THAT'S KIND OF HER THING) and she has Fucked Up Psychic Powers. She was stuck in a lab until she was middle school aged and life has been pain for her almost ever since.
I want 2 see her v happy and just being a kid but also if the show ends at s5 then I need 2 see her just fucking Eviscerate Papa without hesitation. Fuck that guy I hope he burns in hell.
.... omg her backstory is so edgy actually it's so funny. Anyways whatever she's cool actually NFNSSKF
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IT'S HIM!! DUSTIN!!! GET A LOAD OF THIS KID!!!!!! ONE OF THE KIDS OF ALL TIME!!!!! i see him and I'm like I Will Commit Violence For U. GNNFMDF
He is literally just A Kid. But also he's p much Steve's adopted brother by s2 (i think. maybe it was by s3 i DoNT REMEMBER JGJDKG) they're like besties ur honour!
He Is One Of The Braincell Holders™ I Think. definitely btwn him and Steve that's for sureGJDJSKKFGK
here's 2 hoping s5 also treats him well too (ALONG W STEVE. AND MAX. AND EL.,,, and eddie actually i refuse to believe that [DATA EXPUNGED]. ok.) if anything happens to him, well! Y'know! 🔪!!!!
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dykeyote · 1 year
This might be more specific of an ask than you are looking for, so if it is, feel free to talk about just Seddie in general, but one thing I’d love to hear someone else’s thoughts on is how Sydney and Jedediah’s history will affect their romantic relationship. Like, they both have so so much trauma, and so so many issues (please, put these kids in therapy) and while that stands as a testament to all that they’ve been through together, I think it could also have a pretty negative repercussion on their relationship. I mean, heck, it already has in the first season! I feel their situation is just vastly different from the typical romances written in media. Personally, I actually really love that and am glad this kind of dynamic is being explored, but what do you think? Do you have predictions, thoughts, or opinions on “Toxic Cecil and Carlos” or Blue’s decision to write a relationship like theirs?
OH MY GOD NO I LOVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS THIS IS SO GREAT im probably gonna have this be the last one i reply to before i go to bed bc i just think its such a fun question ...... will talk abt the rest tmr ........ BUT i absolutely think its going to affect their relationship no for certain . mainly because i think they havent worked out their issues at All before diving into dating each other and i think thats really gonna come back to bite them, how can you go from years of ignoring someone to dating them straight away? and we already kinda see that this isnt gonna go well, seeing as adams apparently a couples therapist - i wouldnt be surprised if we see them either break up or almost break up at some point, i Really think things are gonna be rough for them. mainly i think itll be difficult for jedidiah to be able to provide sydney with the attention and love that a growing relationship needs due to his Completely unresolved guilt and trauma surrounding sydney's reanimation, and i think sydney will have a difficult time trusting him and being comfortable around him with the fear we know he has for him. not to mention jedidiahs feelings of undue responsibility and his underlying ableism that seems to still be incredibly unresolved - i really think theres a Lot of issues theyre gonna need to work through and i think things will probably get worse before they get better. and you know what? i think thats AMAZING. i love that their relationship is so complex!! normally im not a huge fan of couples getting together early in shows because i feel like their dynamic becomes less interesting the moment after they get together. but they still have so much to work through!! theres gonna be so many problems!! im honestly unsure if theyre going to remain together in the end and while obviously as a sydidiah enjoyer to the grave thats sad 4 me . but its so good narratively because it means theres still uncertainty!! sydney and jedidiah dating does not mean that theyve stopped being flawed and interesting characters and i actually think its going to exacerbate things!! i hope theyre able to work through it and be able to be together healthily obviously but the fact that i Have to hope is really good narratively because it means that their dynamic hasnt lost what was so compelling and tragic in the first season. also from a representation standpoint i think its great because i think gay people need the messy rep that straight people get that doesnt take "messy" and turn it into "homophobic" or "queerbaiting". and thats what they are!!!! delightful!!!!!! i want to study these freaks in a lab
(also every time theyre called toxic cecilos it makes me giggle because it just makes me think of 70a bc kevin and carlos r the closest thing to toxic cecilos in the show which i find funny bc there the avoidant scientist is the one in the right but i digress . i like wtnv and calling them that makes me laugh)
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celestiagarden · 2 years
College AU!
Characters: Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Zhongli, Kaeya, Gorou, Childe
Note: Yeah i’m just sick of my own college experience rn so imma replace it with a fictional one yEAAHH
music major. Enough said
he kind of just started in music, and in like his second year he realized “wait without clout I can’t easily make a career out of this”
so now he’s also in a secondary education program as a backup plan but desperately trying to get famous on internet so he doesn’t have to teach
sports?? comitees? no he’s in a music room all day long
and when he isn’t, it’s because he has recital. he’s booked all day long
^^ which means he refuses to do anything school-related when he isn’t supposed to. Aka: the weekend. friday evening, venti is fucking done and ready to get hammered
has perfect pitch, is literally extremely talented in music so usually he gets good grades in theory classes/instrument theory with minimal efforts
once actually sight-read during an audition and actually fucking passed it with an A-. no one knows how he was able to do it
doesn’t fucking know how to cook he lives off ramen or caf food (it’s ok venti my love i’ll bring u my leftovers)
Lives on campus, probably in the normal dorms
science, he’s in a science program for sure. 
he probably started in pre-med and then switched to biochem after his first semester
bro he’s so silent, so still, people hardly notices him. boy just attends his class, nods along, takes notes, goes to his labs (the only exception here bc he has to talk to his lab partner) and that’s it.
gets amazing grades. I don’t think his GPA ever goes under 4.0
the type of person who will fucking carry during lab reports just to make sure he gets a good grade. you finished your work? send it to him he’s going to double check it before you hand it over to the lab attendant. it’s a non-negotiable
zero social life. he studies sm. he has so many labs. his schedule is packed. 
also a student who probably hasn’t exactly learned how to cook balanced meals. it’s pasta and canned sauce most nights. he’ll get takeout if he feels fancy
lives off-campus (he doesn’t want to get kicked out at the end of the semester, buddy doesnt have time for all that moving around), he just has a place of his own a few minutes away from campus
literacy major. or like, english major with a minor in philosophy. 
people ask him what are his plans with a degree like that and he just ignores them. in his head, he would rather study something he actually enjoys and struggle with finding a job with the degree later
one thing at a time. Iconic move from Kazuha
gets average grades, but like he doesn’t try extra extra hard. gives an average effort and in exchange receives an average grade
loves those people who write essays about such funny topics but he’s too scared to do one himself
that mario essay with the really funny introduction paragraph? he loves it more than anything
probably lives on campus, in dorms. 
he CAN cook, but why cook when he’s got a perfectly good meal plan for the college caf?
signs up in writing contests every year as long as theres a promise of a scholarship for the winner. other than that he isn’t in a lot of committes or sports. he probably just jogs whenever he feels like it
currently on his doctorate degree in history. he has a double major in history and geography, did his masters in geography and is somehow actually doing a doctorate in history
he was in a track and field team during his bachelors. his best events were probably like, javelin and shot put
in charge of some one or two credit first-year classes. he’s... not the best at teaching
he has the bad habit of assuming students are more informed than they are in reality, which leads to most of his class being lost in the middle of his lecture
but he doesn’t do it on purpose!! he would glady put the students into context if one raised their hand and notified him that they weren’t following!! 
but honestly... would you have the courage to do that? yeah, no one would. not with zhongli as a teacher, optimistically assuming everyone’s up to date and follows. 
is very strict on class itinerary tho. no, he will not push back any due dates for homework or exam dates. His program was thoroughly planned with the students in mind, as well as their workload and he firmly believes that what he asks can be completed in the time given
deadass starts his semester saying “if you are organized, you will pass this class without any problems.” it scares like half of the crowd
lives off-campus (obviously). single btw wink wonk
yeah he’s a fully functioning adult ok this man cooks for himself, cleans for himself, does laundry for himself, what an icon
however, students do get emails with class content or news from him at ungodly hours of the night. Zhongli it’s 1 AM stop grading exams and go to bed ffs
he’s in criminology, wants to get into legal studies after
with how fucking sneaky and cunning he is? that won’t be a problem for him lmaooo
he’s actually rlly smart ok he can keep rlly good grades with less effort than the average person. is also very condescending abt it to his classmates
hates hates hates team work assignments. and people hate working with him for team assignments eheheehehe- 
used to do figure skating in high school but obviously he stopped. might pick up speed skating for funsies if he felt up for it
he comes from a rich family ok this guy doesn’t share his dorm with anyone he probably has a dorm with a full kitchen and bathroom
gets wasted with venti without fail every friday night. 
started in kinesiology. but then the reality of college hit him and he switched to P.E. 
that one student that applied and got like three different sports scholarships. yeah, he’s on three different sports team. cross-country, volleyball, rugby. no wonder he couldn’t keep up in kin bro his time management skills are probably awful
lives on campus, in dorms. he tries so hard to keep a balanced diet but his options are kinda limited by whatever food is at the caf, so he ended up having a wholeass stash under his bed. protein bars, gels, you name it. I swear he got a mini fridge too for shakes and snacks
peaked in high school and is now realizing it as a college student
he probably thought college was gonna be so fun!! with lots of parties and chill class schedules and fun varsity games!!
now he’s sitting on his bed with his head on his hands because he has an away volley game on friday and he knows he cant afford to miss another evening class
let’s get this out of the way first; VARSITY SWIMMER. I stand by this until I die. I could go into heavy detail but I’ll spare you all today
out of all these characters, he’s the most invested in his sport (I know, shocking, he even bests Gorou in this category). with this said, he attends all his morning classes with wet ass hair and he does not fucking care. the whole room smells like chlorine once he settles down
business major. he just chose it bc ppl said it’s relatively easy so it won’t interfere with practice much. plus he “gets to make bank afterwards” (his words not mine)
social butterfly-ish. if he’s not at practice or in class he’s that guy walking in the hallways to see if there’s anything fun to do. if someone has their dorm room open he will walk in and start up a convo
while gorou is out there having the struggle of his life, childe is having quite the opposite and having a jolly grand time 
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