#it's late right now I'll ramble on about this more tomorrow lol
paperstarwriters · 1 year
Thinking about Aspec Muriel & reader.
Personally I am a demisexual & demiromantic but I feel like I fluctuate sometimes, and I've kinda been thinking about Muriel and his place anywhere under Aspec umbrella (including both the asexual spectrum and aromantic spectrum)
Note: This is largely based on me projecting from my own experiences lol. I know For Certain that this won't apply to all aspec people, so if you are of a differing position on the spectrum feel free to discuss about this with me!! I'd love to hear your perspective— also, the links provided are to the LGBTQIA wiki, so if they're inaccurate, feel free to correct me!
also this is largely me just throwing hypotheticals at the wall and rambling so warning for late-night nonsense
anyways it's just —
Because I don't really see Murel as being Fraysexual or Frayromantic (although don't get me wrong, that is a possibility) I can't help but worry at how he felt being desired and admired while in the Colloseum, as let's be honest, there are bound to be a handful of horny people who absolutely loved his show of strength and power right? But practically being at the beck and call of Lucio, I can't help but wonder at how or if Muriel might've felt if he was ever confronted by some of those fans who just... did not know him.
Or I imagine some people trying to egg him on and see how many people "the beast" has slept with and he just feels revolted at the thought—not necessarily because he sees sex as something inherently disgusting, but simply because he can't see himself wanting or doing that, or he hates imagining his own body in that vulnerable position.
And it just places him in a position where people are so confused and dejected at his disinterest romantically or sexually, because "oooh here's this absolute hunk of a man why won't he fall in love/have sex ever? Isn't he human? isn't it ''natural'' to want a sexual/romantic relationship??"
and it all just ends up further othering him. as if he were some sort of Golem driven by blood and hatred, incapable of feeling love or emotion, as if he did not love and care for what few friends he had left, as if he did not love and care for Asra.
And then eventually MC comes around, and whether or not you're Aspec, you at the very least respect his boundaries, and it's a sad and sorry thing, but as a character of entertainment for Vesuvia, I can't help but expect that many rich influential nobles that could bribe their way through the guards around him did not respect that, and maybe they couldn't actually reach him, but they tried, and that's scary enough. Or maybe some rabid fan, oblivious to social expectations, or just incapable of seeing him as anything other than an animal, trying to get to him as well.
Or maybe not even any of that, maybe just the threat of it, ever hanging on his shoulders when people loudly discuss him as if he did not have keen ears, or as if the hallways did not echo, or as if he were not just a few feet away from them.
don't get me wrong, being sexualized when you don't wanna be sexualized is horrible, but the lack of being able to reciprocate or even understand any of it—how people can so easily desire someone else sexually or romantically just by looking at them—and hearing how people regard it as a "natural human experience" that feels awful.
I doubt many people would be talking about the possibility of people just not having those feelings, and it being a normal experience around Muriel and he just ends up left there, feeling so much like some sort of attraction in a cage, inhuman, abnormal and so, so wretched.
And when his only close friend, his only remaining reassurance that he was some part human, leaves for a romantic relationship, Muriel feels more disjointed and broken apart than ever.
And then eventually MC comes around, and whether or not MC is aspec, they respect Muriel's boundaries, and are willing and happy to keep the relationship platonic, or just not have sex if that's what Muriel wants.
and if MC is aspec, the both of you end up diving down into that wormhole of everyone else expressing that automatic or lasting feeling of sexual or romantic attraction to others, and how you both lack that, and most importantly, how you both continue to see each other as normal and human despite that. Regardless of what others say, and regardless what you each think of yourself, you can't bear to call each other inhuman, so you don't. You insist upon each other's humanity and you support each other like that.
Just, regardless of however your sexual or romantic orientation shifts and changes, you both find solace and trust in each other, because you both understand and you both know. And of course, most important overall, you both respect each other's boundaries, and you trust each other enough that, even if one of you realize that maybe sometimes you crave that romantic relationship, or maybe sometimes you crave that sexual relationship, you both trust each other to discuss it beforehand, rather than demand it, and you both trust that, whatever happens after, whether you accept or reject that offer or that possibility, you're still going to be friends.
and ugh the queerplatonic relationship of living together with Muriel in the forest, Sleeping over, and giving each other breakfast in bed as you both work through your chores, as you both make sure you're taking care of each other. Loving each other in that quiet, silly, tender, gentle, human way that friends love each other, that way that friends have always loved each other.
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A/N ::: I have it bad for Bakugo right now. I pretty much worked on this all damn day. Which will explain any errors you may find. I read and reread on Google Docs but it's almost 11pm and my tired eyes can take no more. It if's horrific, please tell me so I can fix it. I hate a misspelled word. Grammatical is fine. Love grammatical errors. I do them on purpose. Now I'm rambling and need to go to bed. Enjoy! Thank you for having Baku-Flu with me.
C/W ::: Too tired to elaborate. I'll fix it tomorrow. But MINORS, LOOK DOWN AND WALK AWAY. DOWN ... AWAY. Aged up Bakugo, Sorta slow burn, playful banter, alcohol use (not much), oral {M->F}, sex, quippy conversation. The End. Like I said, I'll fix this tomorrow, objectifying Bakugo? Admiring his ass. Idk. Leave me alone.
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Hard to Get
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It wasn't long after you turned on the tv that your mind started to wander. You were thinking about your best friend's birthday party you just got home from. You were thinking about Bakugo who was there, looking so delicious. 
His neck muscles turned and twitched whenever he moved his head or swallowed something. His lips curled into a sick and tight smirk whenever he looked at you. Your stomach would drop to your pussy and it made you feel sick in the best way.
The show you were watching was of little interest. Your hands had been resting on your spread legs as you lay on the couch, rubbing your inner thighs in slow, soft circles. Unaware of just how much you were turning yourself on while mindlessly daydreaming of him. Of Bakugo, being the one who's resting between your knees, touching you so sweetly. Wishing he was the one edging you closer and closer to your release.
The clock on your mantel chimed, signaling the end of this day and the start of a new one. You had no reason to stay up so you decided to call it and go to bed. You brush your teeth. Wash your face (with cold water - one last attempt at cooling yourself off) and climb into bed.
It was an hour before you even felt tired and it pissed you off that you laid there tossing and turning for so long. Still horny. Still too stubborn to give in and bring yourself some relief. You didn't want to touch yourself. You wanted Bakugo to do it. And since he wasn't here, you were going to throw a little hissy fit that only you would know about. Whatever.
You were just nodding off in your soft blankets and warm bed when your phone lit up and a pretty little chime resonated through your dark room.
"Hey." Is all it said. You didn't recognize the number, not even a little bit. So you texted back that they have the wrong number. No one you know generally texts this late at night anyway. Putting the phone down on your nightstand you rolled over and squished yourself back down into the mattress.
"No, I don't have the wrong number. I got this from {friend's name}, y/n =)."
"Ok, so all that tells me is you're a creepy asshole who harassed my best friend and got my cell number from them. Lose it. Permanently."
"Tsktsktsk. That's no way to talk to the guy who you were making fuck me eyes at over the birthday cake. Now is it, sweetheart?"
You laughed, "{Males name}, I'm so relieved to hear from you! I thought since you were there with your wife and kids you wouldn't notice me making fuck me eyes at you. When can I see you again? WITHOUT the fam, ok? They were a real drag."
"The FUCK! You calling me a creepy asshole is real rich. It's Bakugo, dumbass."
"Who?" This was too fun.
"Oh my God, you're so annoying, y/n. Bye. YOU lose MY number PERMANENTLY!"
"Bakugo, waitttt wait wait! I'm fucking with you lol! Jesus. You're so serious all the time! What're you doing up so late? Isn't it past your bedtime?"
"I don't have a bedtime, little girl. I make my own rules, baby."
"Who you calling a little girl? I'll have you know I no longer piss the bed. Well, unintentionally, anyway."
"You love it. There's no shame when it comes to sex. The dirtier the better, I say."
"Pussy got your tongue?"
You huffed, "Pussy (Cat) got your tongue?"
Minutes passed before he said anything so you texted him again. "You typing with one hand? You know, some phones have a one-handed setting. It might be helpful for when you're ... well, using one hand for typing and one hand for something else. Just FYI. Anyway, if you're done, I'm going to try and get some sleep. I have stuff I gotta do tomorrow."
And that was the end of that conversation with Bakugo.
You woke up just the way you went to sleep: Horny. But you overslept and had some things to take care of before you could even think about doing that. Your shower was quick and way less hot than usual. The clothes you put on were loose-fitting and casual. This is what Saturday's were made for. Being comfortable, getting shit done and then spending the day lounging around.
There was one parking spot left at the post office and you were about to take it when some fucker on a motorcycle swooped in and stole it right out from underneath your tires.
"What the fuck, asshole!" You got out of your car and yelled at the person with the black, stickered helmet sitting on their shoulders. "I was going to park there, kindly move your fucking bike? Jesus."
The person came over to you and stood unnervingly close. So close to you that you had to back up against your car. "Um, personal space, dick." You pushed them away, your fingers dug into their hard chest muscles. You had to admit, with how much you've wanted to fuck lately, they felt so good. But that didn't change the fact they were a total piece of shit for taking this so far.
"You don't recognize me, little girl?"
"Little girl??" Where have you heard that recently. You narrowed your eyes and said, "{Males name}? Is that you hiding your asshole face behind the helmet?"
The man laughed and pulled his helmet off. "Yeah, yeah. It's me, {Males name}. You're a fucking idiot." He chuckled again and leaned in to hug you.
"Heyyy, Bakugo." You said in a quiet little voice. You wrapped your arms around his neck and backed yourself up the rest of the way against your car, pulling him with you. "You ..." you exhaled in his ear, "are so ..." pushing your tits into his pecs, "fucking ... mmmuch of an asshole." Pushing him away you pointed at the spot he took before you even had a chance to turn your blinker on. "I - why do you even need a whole spot? You can just leave that dumb thing on the sidewalk!"
"DON'T!" He grabbed you by the cheeks, squishing them together, causing your lips to squish out. His sudden movement and his hands so rough on you made you weak in the knees. "Don't talk about her like that. Ok?" He looked at his motorcycle and back at you.
You put your hands up, surrendering yourself to his tantrum. "S-sorry. Shit, sorry, ok?" He let go of your face and took a couple of steps back. "What did you need to do here? I can do it for you." He offered.
"I just have to ship this package and drop this in the outbox. I think I can handle it." You started to get back into your car.
"I'm sorry. Fuck. I didn't mean to ---" you shook your head at him, silently asking him to not bother with the apology.
"I get it. And you know what? Here." You tossed the small package to him and dug a $10 out of your pocket and gave that to him as well. "Thanks, parking spot stealer. Catch ya on the flipside."
He moved out of the way as you drove off without so much as a smile, a wave or even a resentful glare. 
But he waved at you.
The next time you saw Bakugo was at the coffee shop with your friend's boyfriend. You walked in and saw him with his stupid pointy blond hair and that stupid grimace on his stupid ... hot face.
You pretended to not see him even though you noticed him as soon as you walked up to the large window front.
The door chimed, signaling the entrance of a new patron. For some reason, all eyes went to you. Like you were the millionth customer or something.
Still, you kept your eyes on the floor and made your way straight to the order counter.
The cashier took your order and you were about to hand them the $9 for your fancy coffee when Bakugo swooped in and pushed your hand down so he could pay for you.
"Hey, y/n. Uh, lemme get this for ya? Let me make it up for the other day, yeah?" He tried to smile but it didn't really come across as much of a smile. More like a dominant show of teeth.
"Oh, you're ... you're here, too. I can pay for this, thanks tho---" You did your best to convince him to fuck off. But he wouldn't have any of it.
"Goddamn it, don't be an asshole. Let me buy you a coffee. C-consider this will be like a first step in our dating life, hm?" Fuck, he was hot. And he had at least one friend. Even if that friend was your best friend's boyfriend.
"Jesus, Bakugo. Fine! Fine. Pay for the damn coffee. Thanks. Thank you. Ok? You happy? I owe you now." You stepped back so he could pay. He put his hand on the curve of your waist as he moved passed you. It was fairly obvious what kind of effect it had on you. Your face turned a sweet shade of pink, your eyes blew out until they were almost all pupils. You just hoped he wouldn't see.
"You ok, y/n? You look like you're going to barf." He said.
"I'm not going to barf, you idiot. I just," you looked down the front of his body and left your eyes on his inseam.
"Y/n? you just ...?" He lifted your chin with his index finger, bent down a little and tilted his head to look into your eyes before your face was completely up.
"Huh? Wha-? Oh! I just need coffee. Just ... coffee. Can I get that to go, please? I gotta, I gotta go." You grabbed the coffee and stormed out.
"Hey! Y/n, whe- wait!" Bakugo called after you but you didn't stop. "The fuck. The actual fuck." He said to his friend.
They shrugged. "I've always thought she was a little odd." He laughed.
You called up your friend who gave him your cell number. Immediately going into your yelled speech as soon as they answered their phone.
"WHAT is wrong with you? You know, since you gave that dumbass my phone number he's been texting me and turning up everywhere I go! Did you give him my calendar too? 'Cuz I swear to fucking god, he was at the post office the other day. He stole my fucking parking spot. And then he was at the coffee shop just now. I swear to god he's everywhere now, {best friend's name}!! What have you done?"
"Who is this?" She laughed.
"Fuck, really?!" You yelled at her again. "I'm serious. He's everywhere. He's ... he's ..." You couldn't finish your thought.
"Hot as shit? You want his cock? You want his lips all over your body? You want his babiessss!? Oh my god! You want his babies!" She was in hysterics at the thought.
"You're the devil. You're really ... straight from hell. And I love you. But he's popping up in the places I frequent that I've never seen him at before."
There was silence on her end, until you heard voices in the background.
"Is {boyfriend's name} home?" You waited for her to answer you, hearing a third voice in the room. "Is Bakugo there? Jesus Christ. He's stealing you from me. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Enough was enough. Though you didn't know how friendly he had been with them in the past, you do know that Bakugo was becoming more and more a part of your life and the lives of your close friends.
Your cell rang. It was a number that you hadn't saved, but you suspected it was your new stalker.
"Hello, Bakugo?"
"Hi, pissy pants. Come over." You didn't love the nickname.
"Come over where? And no. I don't want to." You couldn't help but smile. You were really enjoying the attention he was giving you. Despite your best efforts to hate him, he was wearing you down.
"Come to your girlfriend's house. We're having an impromptu game night. Bring some shit to drink. See you in 30. And don't shower. You smell great as it is. See ya, sweetheart." And he hung up. Not even giving you a change to protest his garbage invitation to someone else's house.
"Don't shower? That's ... huh." You grabbed your keys and wallet and drove to the store to buy some shit to drink, as per his instruction.
You parked in your friend's driveway, essentially blocking Bakugo's motorcycle in between your car and their garage. You laughed at how pissed it would probably make him. A silent victory. 
A petty victory.
Walking in the front door, you saw Bakugo sitting on the couch. His legs spread, hands resting on his thighs. Just daring you to look at him. Anywhere.
"What's going on tonight?" You asked. "Asshat over here called me and told me to bring shit to drink and that it was an impromptu game night? Well, I'm here and I have the shit." Raising the bottles in your hand you showed them off to the 3 other people there.
They all cheered and came to you. Your friend and her boyfriend took the bottles and Bakugo gave you a hug. A lingering hug.
"Hi, pissy pants," he smiled devilishly at you and pressed his hips into yours and his nose into your neck.
It sends a pulse throughout your whole body. You slipped and your breath got caught in your throat. You hoped he wouldn't notice.
"Excited to see me, too? Good. I can't stop thinking about you." He said against your ear.
"I, uh ... yeah. What's up?" You patted him on the back and pushed him away, taking a deep breath when you were finally free of his grasp. "Who's ready for game night? Let's go!"
The next hour or so went by in a haze. The group of you laughing and drinking and playing some board game that was on the coffee table. You won a lot. Bakugo kept losing and it made you smile. He was a terrible loser to his core. There was no in between. At one point, he almost flipped the coffee table over. 
You were starting to get drunk. You knew it because that display of raw agitation at something so stupid made your stomach knot up. His shit coping was turning you on.
"I'll be right back." You stood and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. You walked in and turned the light on and shut the door behind you. You tried to shut it behind you but there was a foot in the way. "Jesus. Bakugo, what the fuck." You laughed.
He pushed his way in and locked the door behind him. "We're … talking."
"Now?" You asked. "I was just about to pee. You can wait." You started to walk back toward the door but he grabbed your waist and pushed you back against the sink.
"We're talking, y/n. So fucking listen."
"Ok, I'm listening. What do you want to talk about?" You smiled up at him, your lips slightly parted and your eyes set on his.
"You." He said. "You're driving me fucking insane, ya fuckin' brat. You're always walking around with those pretty tits and that fat ass, making me lose my goddamn mind. I can't stop thinking about you. Your lips, your pussy ... Fuck. I wanna taste you." His hands were all over you. Raking up and down your back, over your ass and thighs.
"Mmm, you think I have a fat ass?" You whispered. He nodded. "You're so silly, Bakugo. You think you can just say those things to me and I'll let you have me? You really think that?"
He nodded again. "I'm going to have you. And you're … gonna let me. That's how this is gonna go."
"Is it?" You laughed. "What if I say no?"
"Then I'm going to fuck you anyway. You want me to. I know it. I like games too, sometimes. I can play any ... little thing … you want. But, I'm just going to take what I want, y/n. And you're going to be begging me to keep going." He grabbed your tits and squeezed them until you moaned.
"I bet you'd love that." You exhaled.
"Fuck, I bet you would too." He pulled you in for a kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you could feel your body getting hot. Your reaction to him was just about the most primal thing you'd ever experienced. You two were drawn to each other like magnets.
"Mmm ... mm-mm." You pushed him back and put your fingers to your lips. "What are we doing, Bakugo? This ... I don't know what you think this is ... but ... I just." You shook your head. "I need to pee. So ... shoo! Go on."
"You're so full of shit. Just admit you want me as much as I want you." He licked his lips and turned around, unlocking the door and walking out. "See you in a minute." He winked at you.
You locked the door behind him and went to the toilet. You looked at yourself in the mirror. "This can't be real. This can't be fucking real." You sat down and tried to compose yourself.
The next time you saw Bakugo was at the grocery store. You were getting some groceries for the week when you heard someone behind you clearing their throat.
It was him.
"Hi, pissy pants. Fancy seeing you here, of all places."
"Ohh-kayy. You don't even fucking live in this neighborhood! What the hell are you doing over here? Seriously, Bakugo." You looked around to make sure there were people who could hear you. "I don't love you! You need to stop following me, I WILL call the police, you freak!" You couldn't stay composed any longer and started to laugh.
"Oh, ha-ha. God you're an asshole." He eventually laughed, too. "Seriously, though. You won't text me back. Why?"
You shrugged, "I dunno. You're weird."
"What do you mean by that, y/n?"
"You're ... just ... I don't know." You shook your head. "I need to get back to my shopping."
He nodded. "Yeah, I get it. I'm not what you thought I'd be. Not really. But I'm not all bad, either, y/n."
"Hmm, I don't know. I think you're ... well, maybe I've misjudged you. It's not like I really know you. But, I don't know. I'm sorry for saying you're weird. You're not weird, necessarily. I don't know." You looked at him, curious about what he'd say next.
"It's ok. I'm used to people thinking I'm an asshole. It's just ... I like you. I wanna ... I don't know." He leaned over his cart and put his chin in the palms of his hands.
"Go out with me?"
"I thought you'd never ask, y/n! This is, oh my gosh. This is all so sudden! Yes! Yes, of course I'll go out with you!" He smirked. "Let me know when, y/n. See ya later, sweetheart." He took off in the opposite direction, knowing full well you were staring at his ass.
You bit your lip and watched him walk away. "Yup, still hot. Fuck."
It was the night of your friend's boyfriend's birthday party. Bakugo had been texting you for days, trying to figure out where you'd be and what you'd be doing. You told him you'd be there. So there you were. In a pretty red dress that hugged your curves. And matched his eyes.
"Well, hello." He said as you walked up to him. "Wow, you look so fucking sexy. I love this. I love this dress. I love ... it." He was trying to contain himself.
"Oh, this old thing?" You giggled and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him onto the dance floor. "Dance with me, Bakugo!"
"I'm not really much of a dancer."
"That's disappointing. They say that men who dance are 10x's more likely to make a woman climax in bed. Or on the couch. Or the shower. Anywhere. Guess I'll dance by myself." You shrugged and laughed at your bullshit fact and the effect it had on his face.
"Oh my God, you're going to be the death of me, y/n. Come on." He put his arm around your waist and you two danced for the rest of the night.
A slow song came on and he pulled you to him. He tucked your hand against his chest and he held you close by the small of your back with his right hand. “You having fun, y/n?” He asked, looking down the front of your dress.
“Not as much fun as you, apparently. I can feel that, by the way.” You smirked, gesturing down between the two of you with your eyes. “But yeah, I am, actually. Thank you for dancing with me. You’re surprisingly not that shit at it.” 
Bakugo lay his head down on your shoulder and softly kissed your neck. "Let's get out of here." He said, his lips touching your ear as he raised his head and whispered to you. "Let's go back to your place."
You nodded. "Yes. NOW." You grabbed his hand and walked out.
Once you got to your place, you ran upstairs and put on some music. Your favorite song came on and you danced around your room for a minute before Bakugo walked in, looking at you with the most heavy, lustful eyes you've ever seen.
He slowly walked over to you and put his hands on your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. It was sweet and soft. "Y/n. How hot you are."
You shook your head, "Me? Bakugo, you are ... you are ... so fucking hot. You make me feel so ... I don't know. Like ... like I have no control over myself. You just ... you do this thing to me. It's like my whole body catches fire and then melts and I just want to ... fuck, I want to fuck you."
"I think I can make that happen." He looked at you, waiting for you to make the next move.
You pulled him over to your bed and pushed him down on it. "I'm in charge. Got it? I'm in charge." You climbed on top of him, your hands pushing his shoulders back as you straddled his waist.
"No, no you're not. But nice try." He flipped you over and held your wrists above your head. "You're mine, y/n. You're all fucking mine. I'm going to make you feel good. I'm gonna make you cum so hard, you'll be screaming my name for days because you’ll be too damn stupid to remember anything else." He smiled and kissed your neck, his hand moving down your body to your panties.
You gasped and bucked your hips up, "Fuck, Bakugo. That feels so good." Your fingers were in his hair, pulling it at the roots.
He pushed your panties to the side and slipped two fingers inside your pussy. "Jesus. You're so fucking wet, y/n. Is this for me? This wet pussy is for me? Fuck." He pumped his fingers in and out of you, his thumb rubbing your clit in slow, tight circles.
Your back arched off the bed, "God, yes, Bakugo. Fuck! Oh my fucking god, th- ... Don't … Please don't fucking stop!" You screamed.
"You gonna cum for me, baby? Huh? You gonna cum all over my fingers? I know you are. But not yet." He pulled his fingers from you, licked them clean and kissed your lips.
You grabbed his face and kissed him back, tasting yourself on his tongue. "Bakugo, I want ... lemme suck your cock."
"Hohhh fuck." He moaned. "You will, sweetheart. You will. But not right now. Right now ..." he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down around his knees. His cock was hard and throbbing.
"Oh, fuck, Bakugo." Your eyes were wide with wonder as you sat up on your elbows on the bed. The dress pooled around your waist and your panties sat haphazardly covering your cunt. None of that mattered. All you could see right now was his huge cock.
And it saw you, too.
"It's yours, y/n. It's all fucking yours. So fucking take it, you little brat." He pushed your legs apart and rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit. "Is this what you want? Huh? This big fucking cock inside of your little pussy? Is it?"
"Oh my god, Bakugo! I do, so bad." You whimpered.
"I know you do. That's why I'm going to give it to you." He pushed himself inside of you, slowly stretching you out until you were begging for more.
"More, Bakugo. Give me more. Fuck, fuck me! Oh my god!" You pulled him down on top of you, your hands clawing at his back.
"Fuck, y/n. You're so fucking tight, baby. You're so fucking wet and tight. God, this pussy is perfect. I'm going to fuck you every day, you got that?" He started to thrust faster, his hips slamming into yours with each stroke.
Your back arched up off the bed as he fucked you. You were on the edge, your orgasm building with every move he made. "Oh? Gettin' close? I guess all that dancing really paid off. I should slow the fuck down. Wouldn't want you cumming too fast now. Nnnope." He slowed to a barely discernible drag. Your eyes nearly went full white as they twisted to the back of your head.
"Ba-ku-go ... ple--- ... ya, please. You have ... to ... mmmm … oh my god." You whined as he looked at your contorting face.
"I know, baby. I know. I got you. I'll give you what you want, sweetheart. You're going to cum for me, ok?" He kissed your neck and started to speed up again, his thrusts getting deeper and deeper.
"Yes! Oh my god, don’t … don’t … hoh fuck!" You were on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall off at any moment.
He grabbed your tits, squeezing them and rolling your nipples between his fingers. "Fuck! You're so fucking sexy. I wanna taste those tits, baby." He bent down and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it as he kept fucking you.
Your hands were in his hair again, pulling and tugging as he fucked you harder and harder. Your body started to shake and your breath caught in your throat.
"I'm going to … cum, Bakugo! Fuck! Pleasepleaseplease!" You screamed as you came hard around his cock. "Oh my god! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Bakugo!"
You rode out the twitching and shaking of your body as he continued to fuck you. Dragging out more moans from you than anyone had ever bothered to do before.
His slow pace came to an even more painful stop. He kissed your neck until you were writhing below him. Begging him to do something.
Bakugo slid back until just his tip was inside of you. He looked down at where he disappeared into your body and pulled out the rest of the way. His eyes darted back up to yours and he watched you all the way until his lips were encircling your clit.
"Oh my god!" You cried out as he sucked and licked your clit, his tongue pushing in and out of your pussy. "Fuck! Bakugo!" You grabbed his hair and pulled it, the pain making him moan against you. He licked and sucked on you so sloppily that the room was filled with the sounds of wet lapping. It was loud and erotic and almost too much. But it was just enough. You were so close to cumming again that it hurt. Your body was tight. The wire bound within you was ready to snap if he hit you just right once more.
"Cum on my tongue, y/n. Cum for me, baby. Fuck, you taste so good." He said as he pushed two fingers into your pussy, pumping them in and out of you.
Your back arched and your toes curled as you came again. Your legs shaking and your hands gripping the sheets. Your hips bucked up against his face as he sucked and licked you through your orgasm.
Bakugo sat back on his knees, his cock still hard and glistening with your juices. He slowly pumped his cock as he looked down at you. "You're so fucking filthy. I could watch you cum for me all day long." He grabbed your legs and pulled you down to him so that your ass was right at the edge of the bed.
He pushed his cock into you again, this time with a sense of urgency and a need to cum himself. He fucked you hard and deep, his hips slamming into yours with every thrust. He was so close to cumming that you could see it in his face.
"Your - mngh - your face looks stupid when you're about to cum. Y'know that?" You tried to laugh but all you could do was moan at how good his cock filled you. How good it felt as it dragged inside of you.
He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue pushing into your mouth as he fucked you harder. "Oh god, y/n. You feel so fucking good. I'm going to cum in you, ok?" He moaned as he fucked you.
"Yes! Fucking cum in me ... hmm ..." You moaned as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you. "Fill me up, Bakugo. Fuck!" You screamed as you came again, your body shaking and your pussy tightening around him.
Bakugo pumped his hips a few more times before he came inside of you, his cum filling you up and spilling out onto the bed. "Oh, fuck! Y/n! Fuck!" He moaned as he kept fucking you through his orgasm.
He eventually stopped, his cock still inside of you as he collapsed on top of you, his face buried in your neck. "Oh my god, y/n. That was ... that was so fucking good." He kissed your neck and chest before he rolled over and lay next to you on the bed.
"And to think, what I said about men who dance was total bullshit."
"I knew it! I knew you were lying about that." Bakugo laughed. "You're a little shit, you know that?"
"Yeah, I know. But I got you to dance with me, though." You smiled.
"You did." He smiled back. "But you're the one in bed with me."
You looked over at him and he was flipping you off with both hands.
"Fuck you." He laughed.
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Taglist ::: @millennialmagicalgirl @callm3senpaii @darkstarlight82 (just in case it decides to work, idk! If not I'll send it to you, too.)
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ineedanicedcoffeeasap · 4 months
late night rambling...
I didn't accomplish much today. For a little while I thought I might go out for a drive, but instead I took a nap. It was a nice day out though, I should have pushed myself to go out and enjoy the sun and midday breeze, but I stayed in and took a longer nap than I anticipated. Sometimes days like these make me feel a ridiculous amount of guilt for not trying hard enough to be more productive. As of lately I feel like a lot of my days are unproductive. I swear I woke up in a good mood today. Right now I'm starting to have a bit of a shift in my mood, and it sort of started because I thought about how I'm probably not doing enough in my day to day. Like the little things I find joy in whatever they are, writing, gaming, listening to music and making playlists (something I've only recently started doing), going for drives, reading (when I feel like it), finding little ways to be creative. In doing all of that, having those little things that bring me joy or temporarily keeping me occupied just long enough before the day ends, I still don't feel a sense of accomplishment if I'm not doing something I should be doing...what the hell should I be doing? More work? How about just put my laundry away. My arch nemesis sits unfolded in a basket almost all week long. Instead I'm still staring at my laundry where I left it since Friday. I should have worked out today. I could have pushed myself to go to the gym. I could have easily done a quick home work out. I've been lacking on my workouts. I need to start doing them more frequently and committing to them. Let me not flake out on my trainer anymore. I feel bad for cancelling whether it's for a valid reason or not. I still had a good day even though I didn't accomplish anything. I woke up and was healthy (mostly). I took a shower, I danced around my room, I made a new playlist, ate one healthy meal...I took a long nap lol. Maybe tomorrow I'll do better. I didn't pick any words of affirmation today. I will do better at pushing myself to be more productive. Maybe I'll make a list. Yeah I'll do that. I think my little mood swing has passed. Maybe I'll enjoy my evening a little better now. Ramble over.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Oohh hi! Gossip Girl here!🥰 Ok I typed this up earlier and then got distracted and forgot to actually send it as an ask😂 The downside of typing in notes and getting distracted😂
but hi!:) I've been good! I get to fly and see my family tomorrow so that's exciting! (Plus no school!) 😂 I really want to try and get more of a story done but I also don't know if that'll happen 😂 I'm very excited to see my sister!!
And yes you do a very good job at pulling my emotions for all the stories of yours I read!❤️❤️
Lol, it's totally fine if the previous messages are still saved and stuff! I'll be around for a while so take all the time you need! 😂😂 🥰 (Plus I think I rambled a bit so they were a tad long 😅 oops)
I usually type stuff in my notes and then look up a word counter online and try to like manually edit it😂 I should probably start using work to make sure it's better though. I'll like post something and then realize a few days later autocorrect/auto finish screwed me over changed a word slightly without me realizing and then it bugs me😂 I really just want to go through and like re-edit everything to make it right but idk how long that would take😂 But I like using the Notes for writing though because I can like quickly send it to my IPad where I usually edit and finish formatting stuff😂 Plus I'm scared of typing something long up and then like word or tumblr loses it too😭😭 It's happened on both before and sometimes on Word I can recover it but usually it doesn't work to well because I forget to save often enough😂
And ooohhh can I ask where you're going for the weekend? Is it for fun plans!:)
And yeah!! I'm glad you've got good weather!! It also just got a bit colder for me here in Florida but it's still relatively sunny which is nicer! When it gets to be chillier I like it because it gives me an excuse to bundle up in fun sweatshirts and beanies😂
But I think that's all I got for now! You're amazing!!!🥰🥰🥰
Hey GG!
Just a little heads up 😊 my main account got banned (I know it’s so annoying and it makes no sense) but in the mean time I created a side account -I can still get messages in my inbox so we’re good there.
Oh, I hope you’re enjoying your family time a lot!!! Haha it’s okay, if you can, work on that story but also I hope you get to make the most out of your time with your sister 💖
Thank you so so much!! This is the best compliment a writer can get ✨♥️
Yeah I have them! I wanted to answer them earlier, buuut I got my account banned 😔 so I took a couple of days off - I was feeling down about it. But it’s all good now. Nah, you didn’t rambled, your messages makes me smile plus we don’t have words limitations so that’s good!
It’s so annoying to mess up with a word and noticing so late about it 😂 I recently downloaded wpswriter for a tablet because I won’t be able to have access to my laptop and I needed it to edit the stories, correct grammar mistakes and such, there’s a free version and it’s practically a word (copy paste!) you can even save on the internal cloud your document so for anyone without a laptop access this is also a good option on the go, it also has spreadsheets and presentations option 🙂 but yeah, agree on the notes they’re lifesaver !! Oh but word has the unsaved document options, in case you really need something there must be a tutorial to recover those…
Yeah my brother is attending the F1 during the weekend so I’m puppysitting their dog 🥰
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Weather is weird haha yesterday was so hot I even went to get some ice cream 🍦 but then I have to get a sweater or something at night, anyways I hope you get lots of sunny days but chilly enough for a sweatshirt:)
Have a lovely Sunday! You’re amazing as well!! ✨x
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pandora15 · 3 years
so earlier this week, I was really unsure about how much I’d be able to participate in Whumptober, but today, I had a day off from work and I managed to write 3-4ish prompts!  I feel a lot better about where I am, and even though I’ll be pretty busy for the next few days, I’ll make sure to chip away at these prompts.
I’ve got a lot of exciting ideas planned for this month (including possibly a modern AU???? we’ll see how that goes), so yeah!  this is shaping up to be a great month :)
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castiemrys · 7 years
how do people have confidence drawing people??? i always take forever on my drawings cause i’m so worried about not getting them “right enough”
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#cause you're always looking at people right??? so it's much easier to spot mistakes like 'hey that doesn't look right'#which is pretty much the reason i almost exclusively drew anthros for years#and now i'm really trying to get better at drawing realistic people and it's so fucking hard oh my god??? what the fuck are proportions#coloring is even harder#i'll have a fuckload of refs but i'll still be like ????? why#also i really want to get better at working without refs eventually#and while we're on the subject of my realization that i'm not actually as good at drawing as i hoped#WOW I REALLY NEED TO RELEARN HOW TO DRAW ANIMALS#and i need to get over my anxiety relating to relying on refs?? like chill the fuck out adam how the fuck do you think good art happened#i know using refs is a good thing and totally legit and all but i'm still anxious about it?? i think it's got to do with the difference in#quality between my ref'd and non-ref'd drawings tbh#like i can do pretty decent work with refs but compared to that my less ref'd work is really lacking#i'm really rambling here and i need to go to sleep bc early shift tomorrow#i've just been thinking about my lack of confidence in art lately bc i've been struggling to finish my cas drawing#and i haven't even finished many drawings this year?? other than sketching i've hardly done much#and i see so many artists pour out a ton of awesome drawings in similar or better quality than my One Drawing I've Taken Ages Working On#and i'm legit so confused how they manage it but at the same time i'm spending way less time on my art than i probably could be doing#in conclusion i need better time management lol#and more motivation tbh
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Eleventh Day of Twelve - A Tired but Treasured Day
A/N - Look at that! We are second from the end! Thank you to all the comments and love! Really appreciate it, it's been a long week!
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Read previous drabbles below.
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You walked into the office clinging to your cup of coffee. It felt like you were just here and you were, only five hours ago. This time however it was your own doing. You'd found a tiny shred of evidence to go on and had to follow it before the trail went cold. Then it lead to Gibbs and Nick finding the killer in a warehouse in town and bringing him in at just after 0100. You didn't finish interrogating until 0200 and it was now 0730. Coffee, coffee needed to be pumped into you to wake up this morning and a constant flow throughout the day would be required.
To your delight there was a hot cup sitting on your desk as you walked into the bullpen. No note so you assumed this time it wasn't from your gift giver. Day 11 and no one had spilled the beans or gone looking at the cameras like they wanted to on day one.
"Gibbs dropped it off about five minutes ago before he went down to get a report from Kasie who wasn't pleased to be called in so early." Ellie explained while leaning back in her chair and sipping her coffee. "He brought one for all of us."
"Christmas miracles do happen." Nick grinned, dropping his small cup in the trash. "Done."
"It's not a race. You just slugged all your energy for the next three hours."
"Oh please, I've stayed up later and come to work more tired before. Remember the November incident." He waved off.
"I still feel hungover from it." Ellie grumbled, scrunching her nose at the memory of Tequila.
"Please don't remind me." Tim groaned. "Plus I'm not allowed anymore Tequila, Delilah's orders."
"She may be on to something." You ran your hand through your hair, smirking at the banter. Turning on your computer for the day, you saw the next gift hanging from your desk lamp. It was beautiful, a little teddy bear carved out of marble with a shimmering purple and green crown sitting on its head.
"Day 11, the gift giver strikes again." You rolled your eyes at Nick's words while holding the Christmas decoration in your hand, running your thumb over the intricate detail.
It was sweet, a cute addition to your small Christmas tree at home. You'd put it up on December one. That was your tradition and some years it didn't seem worth it but you made the effort. Being alone on Christmas sucked, there was no way around it but this year you were making an effort to not sulk about it. The secret gift giver certainly lifted the spirit as well.
Your tree wasn't over the top but a nice addition to your home. This would fit perfectly front and centre and you made sure of it.
The day was relatively easy. The office banter keeping the spirits going with a good supply of caffeine. It was really just a lot of paper work and then you were set free around mid afternoon to try and have that weekend off. This time Vance made sure the team wouldn't be called in. There were other agents to take the call after all.
You'd missed Jack most of the day and didn't want to interrupt her as she was head deep in evals for the end of year. Instead you decided to shoot her a text when you got home.
- Just wanted to say have a good weekend. Didn't want to interrupt your head mojo.
You knew she'd get a kick out of it and you weren't mistaken.
- Head mojo hey? Smarty in the evening just like you said. Missed you today, didn't realise how many evals I still had to do before I went on my trip. Now I'm back logged and still at work.
It was just hitting 1830 which was a late one for Jack on a Friday. She was always hurrying along at the end of the week to make sure by the time 1700 hit she was out the door.
- I hope you are either finishing for the evening or planning on having dinner while you work. It's getting late, Jack.
- No need to worry about little old me. I need to get these done, I'll grab a bite later. Enjoy your night.
An idea popped to mind, you grabbed your coat and car keys and headed back out into the snowfall with your blue scarf still wrapped around your neck.
Thankfully, you weren't too far from the Navy yard and the Diner was just a five minute detour on the route. You called ahead so the food was ready when you got there and still warm when you knocked on her door.
"Come in, y/n."
You huffed, opening the door. "Now how could you possibly know it was me?"
Jack was sitting on her couch, shoes off, legs crossed and glasses tugging her hair back and sitting on her head. "You didn't reply, you always reply. And you care too much." She got up, placing her laptop on the coffee table and walking up to you.
Those were a lot of compliments you weren't entirely prepared for. You thought Jack was the one that cared a lot, but never too much. "I think I care just the right amount but I can eat this all by myself if you'd prefer?" You smirked, pretending to walk back out but Jack caught your arm.
"I didn't mean it like that. I lo-ike that you care so much." She ran her hand up and down your arm a few times before dropping it away. Her warm comforting smile turned into a cute frown. "And don't you dare walk out on me now that youve made all this effort to come here." She took a deep breath in. "Is that two cheeseburgers and fries?"
The frown and the way her nose twitched at the smell was completely adorable. "With a side of gravy. Wasn't sure if you liked it on your fries or not." You shrugged, missing the soft and loving look Jack gave, you walked past her and sat at one end of the couch, unpacking the bag of food. "Come, sit." You urged, patting the spot beside you as she just stood there and watched.
With a soft smile curving her lips, she came around after a beat and sat exactly where you said to. She took the small pot of gravy and poured it over her fries before pouring the rest over yours. "Thank you."
You bumped her shoulder lightly. "Anytime. Can't have Jack Sloane Hangry and loose in DC." That got you a slap on the knee but it was worth it as her hand soothed the spot she hit and stayed there for a while until it was time to eat.
"Didn't mean to ruin your Friday night plans either." She took a huge bite of the burger.
Between bites you managed an answer, "You mean my big watching The Holiday movie while eating a cup of noodles or the one where I go to sleep at 7pm because im living on about four hours sleep right now."
Skipping over how tired you were she jumped at the mention of the movie. "That's my favourite Christmas movie! It's got the best of both worlds! The sun of LA and the cold winter wonderland of the UK. God, I haven't watched that in years! My mum and I went to the movies to watch it and then every Christmas after we'd watch it together, some people had Love Actually, we had The Holiday. Guess I stopped watching when mum passed." She ate a few more fries. "Wow, Jack, way to ruin the good mood. Sorry. Got lost for a moment there."
You liked it when she rambled. She always would say so many interesting things and you just loved to hear her voice. You prayed the day never came when you wouldn't hear it anymore. "Don't apologize-" You held up your hand to stop her from butting in. "- And, no it's not because of Gibbs silly rule. I enjoy hearing about your past about things you love or did. The Holiday is a sweet movie, my must watch in December along with The Grinch, Home Alone and many more. I try my best to keep the holiday spirits up when I'm by myself for them which has been the last many."
"I enjoy hearing you talk too." She smiled, taking a massive bite of her burger and filling up her cheeks.
There was no silence after that. The evals were put to the side and you talked for what seemed like hours. Talking about childhood Christmas' and silly stories to cringe worthy dating moments over this time of year. It wasn't until you couldn't keep your mouth shut from yawning that you said good night around 2300.
"Sorry you didn't get your evals done." You sing over the roof of your car as Jack unlocked her Mini.
"Don't be. I'm happy to come in tomorrow because tonight was fun!" Her genuine smile told you that she wasn't lying. You could read people pretty well and most times Jack Sloane was an enigma to you but right now you knew she was telling the truth.
"Good night, Jack."
She opened her car door before adding. "Enjoy your movie!"
You yawned with a laugh. "You're kidding right? I'm going to sleep, I'll watch it tomorrow now."
"Fair, good night y/n. Sweet Dreams!"
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Who doesn't want this to end? Me. But I also maybe, slightly want a break from writing every day. It's been fun but tiring. I've enjoyed it a lot though! I love this time of year, if only I wasn't working in retail.
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Proofread by aji10647731 (Twitter)/ @janiappend
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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7 MEN 侍
Anyone must have an experience of breaking into cold sweats when accidentally leaving behind something. Trying to search for the members' "situations about leaving a belonging behind," episodes of a member leaving behind things came out, they were revealed...!!! (Interview was done during the first 10 days of May)
Q1. An experience where you left something behind that gave you cold sweats.
Q2. I completely saw 〇〇 forgot something!
Q3. What will you do if you realized about your girlfriend's birthday after a day it had passed since her birthday?
A1. When going to my destination, I have a habit of leaving behind things and leave like Hansel and Gretel, that's why I lose a lot of things. When I left in the classroom in my university the earphones that I got from Rinne-kun as a birthday present, since it was gone when I went back to pick it up, so I bought the same kind of earphones and use it.
A2. Daka-san (Motodaka) is really bad with forgetting things. All of the members must have seen him walking around searching for the other side of his wireless earphones (LOL). Just recently too, he forgot his coat at the studio where we do our band rehearsals and went home with just his turtle neck. Since he called me, "Is my coat in there? But I want to wear it for our YouTube filming tomorrow~" so I brought it home and gave it to him the next day (LOL).
A3. When I realized about it, I will immediately contact her and apologize first of all. If she can make time, I will bring her a present somehow or another and will meet her on that day.
[Recent Happening].
7 MEN 侍's blog in Johnny's WEB has started, and I am in charged of Wednesdays. *I ramble a lot that's why writing the sentences is fun, and I am happy that I can deliver my way of wordings without getting edited. They're long but please read them by all means!
A1. Basically, I don't forget my things. At home or at Jr. activities, I check my things before going out. Since the things that I must not forget like phone, wallet, pass case aren't a lot, so it's better if I check them before going. The experience that gave me chills when I forgot about it was about a homework during my school days. I do my homeworks properly until when I was an elementary student, but I started to forget my homeworks when I was a middle schooler, it was a lack of vigilance when I think about it now (LOL).
A2. The time when we went to Kyoto for our stage play, when I met with Katsuki to go to the convenience store, Katsuki forgot about the card key of his hotel room. It was a single room so no one is in the same room with him, that's why we had to ask for the hotel personnel to open it. I thought it is hard to be forgetful while looking at him saying, "I am sorry!" (LOL).
A3. That is bad, right? Yeah, it is really bad. I will call her immediately the moment I realized it and I have no choice but to ask for forgiveness. From there, I will wish her a happy birthday. As an apology, we will go on a date with everything she likes to do for a day.
[Recent Happening]
I had a long time of staying still at home, and I came to think that if I can freely go and play somewhere, where will I want to go (LOL). For now, I want to go to the sea. I approximately go to the beach every year but I couldn't go last year, so I definitely want to go this year!
A1. I cried losing a number of times my previous wireless earphones before having the one with GPS function, and even though I am using the lipbalm I am obsessed with, when I noticed it, I already lost it. It happened a lot of times and I really feel down over it. Recently too, I accidentally left behind the coat that I was wearing and went home, my mind and body got scared (LOL). For the things that I forget, I basically don't know where I forget it, *the hopelessness that I have lost them is tremendous.
A2. Honestly, I haven't seen anyone who got in trouble for forgetting things more than I do (LOL). Sometimes, when my family goes out, my mother forgets something and goes back to get it. But when she goes back to get it, the thing that she forgot is there at the house so there is no real incident that happened.
A3. That's the end our the relationship...I will probably freak out when I realized it.
But if I apologize, I will be busted for forgetting it, so I will make her the opposite by urgently preparing a grand plan and make her feel, "He planned all of these that's why he was late for my birthday." (LOL)
[Recent Happening]
The filter for kids of my phone got lifted. Since I have my Jr. activities when I was in middle school, so my father bought the phone for me and got the filter for kids be activated in my phone. Since for it to be lifted, I had to go to the store with my father so the filter for kids had always been activated in my phone. Because of the policies, I had a hard time not being able to see what others can normally see, but I have finally become a proper adult (LOL).
A1. I forgot my key when I went out of the house, since it is an autolock, so I got locked out of the building. I contacted the control office but it seemed like it will take time for them to respond, so I took my chance and pressed the doorbell of a unit of someone who I don't know. I explained the situation but the owner of the unit is a foreign guy. I cannot communicate in complicated Japanese with him, I used a translation app in phone to explain and I got the door opened for me (LOL).
A2. When I went to have barbeque with my friends, even though I entrusted my cooler to the friend who was in charged of bringing the drinks, when I was about to hit the freeway, a person from the barbeque place contacted me saying, "you forgot your cooler." It seemed like for my friend, it was not his so he completely forgot about it (LOL). I'm glad I received the message before entering the freeway.
A3. This is a person who you must not forget her birthday, right? The moment I realized it, I will contact her immediately and I have no choice but to apologize. Or, I will think of a fancy surprise and and will tell her as an excuse that that have taken up my time.
[Recent Happening]
I am watching again the anime 「Dragon Ball」. When I saw a scene from it by chance, it made me want to watch the whole series again. It has around 300 episodes though (LOL). I've become absorbed at it when I was in 1st grade, but I still enjoy watching it now. It is interesting to think like, "What was this episode about again?" and also the way how my feelings [for the episodes] change.
A1. I relatively don't forget things.
I think I don't have a story here that is a massive failure at least. It's just that, I may forget my promises with people. Getting a message, " You are not yet here!?" and replying "Huh? What was it about again?" kind of situation happens a lot. My excuse during those times is, "I overslept." Lately, I put a memo in my phone about my plans with people, I wonder if my mistakes reduced.
A2. Yabana forgot his contact lens and panicked, but no one can lend him, right? But, when Katsuki forgot his contact lens, the colored contact lens that I ordered with wrong prescription matches with his prescription by chance, so I gave them to him. Katsuki has a good luck, right?
A3.  I'll call her to my house the next day and will solve it through a surprise. I will adjust back the date of the calendar and the clock to my girlfriend's birth date, and I will tell her, "You are probably busy celebrating your birthday with everyone yesterday, right? Today, let's celebrate your birthday with just the two of us."
[Recent Happening]
Heading towards 「Johnny's Ginza」, I come to the gym at the office 5 times a week, and the trainer-san is pushing me to workout hard. The other day, I was told, "let's rest first because you've overworked" for the first time. Since I didn't feel that I overworked, at that time I realized that I am really looking forward to the live.
A1. When I remove the bracelet that I super treasure and wrapped it in tissue paper during a photoshoot, I completely forgot about it and went home. *When I realized that I left my bracelet, I immediately got it checked, but I felt uneasy until it was confirmed the next day. I kept thinking that since it was wrapped in tissue, it might be mistaken for a trash and be thrown away...and my heart kept pounding.
A2. Katsuki forgetting things might be a usual scene (LOL). Before, the members took Katsuki's belonging and attached to the white board that is in the room as a prank. And yet, since he didn't notice it, we also forgot about it and went home. It was left there for 2 days (LOL).
A3. I will send her a message saying, "happy birthday," like nothing happened, and I will write a sentence at the end saying, "The last birthday message you have received is from Rinne, right?" Moreover, if her birthday is on 06/07, greeting her at 6:07 or something, matching her birthday with a time that has a deep meaning and send the message to her is effective [as an excuse], right?
[Recent Happening]
The takeout box for Thirty-one Ice Cream (Baskin Robbins) is Yamada (Ryosuke), that's why I went to buy it yeasterday. It is embarrassing to be seemed aiming for Yamada-kun, so I brought along my little brother and made it looked like "my brother wants it so I am buying it for him" (LOL).
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