#it's like a hair dyer's dream
yallemagne · 2 years
What’s funny about Jonathan’s magical girl transformation with the stark white hair is that it’s just impossible. Like, yes, we all know it is, but I hadn’t been focussing on that until now.
I was like “yeah, stress can cause early greying bc you’re no longer producing the melanin in your hair--” and then I realized like “wait, why would that change the colour of the already-grown strands as if they were fucking dead coral?” Because it’s not like if you pulled out a strand of your own hair, the colour would fade and go white.
Jonathan’s hair is alive? Dead now, alive before? Jonathan’s out here being Rapunzel from Tangled and everyone surrounding him is like “seems aight”.
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The Economic Difference Between The Miner and Mine Owner's Daughter
Chapter Four
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Based of this ask
Rated Explicit | Warning: period typical sexism, depression
Taglist: @anastasiablossomlove @tfamidoingwithmylife @luopenis
Chapter Three
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Golden Cave ruined your family utterly.
The explosion, the suicide pact made by your father, and ordered the workers to follow. The research on the gas that caused the madness. Then the detonation of the charges buried the cave with everyone inside.
You were left with utterly nothing.
When you woke up, the doctor of the mining site said Norton was carrying your unconscious body to the infirmary before the explosion happened. Since that accident, you have been asleep…
For a year.
There were no dreams, no sensation of being asleep for so long! Doctor Dyer even said they started fearing the worst. Not like that was your concern, it was your father and the miners.
The news given to you is beyond heartbreaking…
In a year you have lost everything your father ever owned or built himself, including your home.
Suddenly, you have fallen from the top to now sinking into the bottom.
The life you knew is gone, your mother's family had turned away from you to keep their livelihood secure (though they pay for your medical upkeep), and the families of those miners demanded your blood. It is a nightmare scenario that leaves you helpless.
It was too much for you. The sense of isolation, loneliness, and helplessness quickly takes root in your heart.
Your friend, the doctor whose name is William Dyer, visits you from time to time. Visiting as often as he can with his wife when you are transferred to a mental ward.
Your dark thoughts had led you to a dark option as you grieved.
Staying in a coma felt like a better option.
In the hospital currently, you sit alone in your room facing the window. A dark and cloudy day, no one is out in the yard because it rained yesterday. It fits your current moods, dark and gloomy. A shell of your former self these days as nightmares plague your mind, you jump at shadows when you force yourself to stay awake.
There are whispers in your mind you swear are voices of those lost in Golden Cave.
Go back. You must go back. You must find out what happened that day!
You stare at your lifeless expression in the window, there are dark bags under your eyes now.
A knock makes you slightly turn towards the door as it takes your attention for a second only for you to ignore it once more to stare outside the gloomy world.
“You have a visitor!” A nurse enters your room, “If you need anything someone will be right outside.” Leading in whoever before closing the door.
There's a second of silence, then the sound of a heel-clicking against the floor as your visitor walks towards you. He stopped only when you spoke.
“Please leave me, Doctor Dyer,” Wiping your tears, “I am afraid I am in no state to be pleasing company.” You dare not look at your friend as you look like a mess. Unkempt hair, your medical gown stained with tears, your face puffy from crying so much.
There is a deep chuckle, one that makes you confused, “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” A voice that haunts you chills you to the bone. Nights you dreamed about him yet it always feels like a jumbled mess-- All of those dreams, however, end in a way you are shameful to admit: erotic.
Not sure why, yes you did find him attractive but such ideas never crossed your mind out of respect for him.
“Mr. Campbell?” Your voice cracking as you slowly turn around, “I…” When you look at him– Up for he towers over you– He appears different.
A haircut and dyed a lighter shade of brown hair. His skin is clean, no longer covered by the muck of dirt and coal. His attire is bright red, accented by his shoulder gold colored lined cape, with black long boots. Then there is a mask on his face, it hides the scar on his face. The hat was taken off the moment he entered as he held it in his white gloved-covered hand.
No longer does he dress like a prospector, no, he is like a dapper gentleman from some stage play. At least he appears healthy, that you are most grateful for.
“You appear well.” Smiling so gently to him genuinely happy to see his fortune changed.
“Quite,” He moves forward but stops midway when you flinch, “You mousy now? Tsk, when Dyer said you were locked up here I couldn't believe it.” A few long strides and he is beside you facing the window, “To think you would end up here.”
“If you are here to mock me,” Turning your head to look at him, “Please do not.” Begging for a bit of mercy, “It is good however to see you, Mr. Campbell. Despite everything that has happened, I am glad you are safe.”
You still are sweet as honey, you should be broken with all that happened! But you don't remember it… Heh.
“Dyer said you don't remember what happened at Golden Cave.” Ignoring what you said.
You nod then gaze forward as you start explaining what happened.
All you can remember is running into the cave to stop your father. Doctor Dyer says the gas within the cave likely causes you to hallucinate and seems to cause the gap in your memory. The coma though, he does not know what caused that.
“I want to thank you for saving me.” These are the last words to follow.
“Don't see why you should.” Turning around to lean against the hard glass of the window, “Look at the mess you're in.” Crossing his arms.
“Perhaps.” It has been… Hard to put it lightly, “It seems fortune has smiled on you these days. The gold rose pin is a little much though.”
If only you knew how he obtained this wealth. The cost of being now the one on top. If he had to make the choice again… Well, he crossed that threshold of morality the moment he had you in that cave. Taking you, listening to the dark part of himself; his life is now in a place he wants to be. In control and wealthy.
“What brings you here today?” Making conversation, “How have you been?” Curious.
A part of him wishes you would not smile at him, but the other half is excited by you smiling at him. How you have no idea how tainted you are because of him.
He turns to face you as he pulls out an envelope, sealed by ink with a crest design on it, he gives it to you.
Take it in your hand with an inquisitive expression. Why does it have the crest of your mother's family on it?
“I have a business proposal for you.” Cold and cutting to the chase, “One I'm sure you are well acquainted with.”
When you open the envelope, reading each paper, you back away with shock on your face.
“How—” In utter disbelief.
“Money is power, sweetheart. You know that. Don't worry I didn't write that, they did. Figured the best way to settle your pop's debts is to get their granddaughter–” He stopped when he noticed you tearing up but laughing humorlessly.
“Seems karma has a way of balancing out indiscriminately.” You cannot believe this, “Now I am the one owing the company store.”
Sixteen tons. What do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt— He is aware of the miner's song.
“Debt is inevitable. At least, you won't be breaking your back digging for coal.” Shrugging.
“No… Instead, I will be on my knees for you.” A deadpan expression before you sigh. 
Oh, you remember those words, huh? Cute.
“There are worse things that can happen, (Name).” 
You know that. You truly do know that. It just makes you feel bitter, being tossed to be another person's problem. Helpless as these papers basically layout: you have no choice if you want to survive.
There is a harsh reality you must face as a woman of this world: marriage is your only way to stay alive.
“In May. A spring wedding. Everyone loves spring weddings from what I was told.”
“And you… Do you agree with this?”
“Why not? They see the advantages and they know how good it would look to marry you to a former employee. One that saved you too. Your father has no kin aside from you and the company is going belly up, I can just absorb it into my own.”
“... What happened to you in a year?”
He does not answer, he instead pulls out a ring from his pocket, “Yes or no, simple as that.” Showing you the ring held up by his thumb and index finger: Gold. An engagement band. Simple with lovely patterns on it.
You offer your left hand to him.
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littlequeenies · 3 months
What kind of outfits/clothing pieces were a staple in Demri Parrott's everyday wear?
Thanks so much!
Barbara Dearaujo: “Demri was a fashion nut. She loved everything vintage. Victorian style dresses, 70’s stuff, overalls and combat boots. She wore things no one else could even try to pull off without looking like a weirdo but she always seemed to make the weirdest things look cute and cool. I’m pretty sure Demri was one of the girls who started the so-called ‘Seattle Grunge Look’, for girls at least. Demri was not a rocker chick, she totally had her very own style going on that we all secretly wanted to emulate.
In the early 90’s she dressed in all kinds of crazy yet cute clothes, anything retro or vintage. She loved long dresses, skirts, tutus, overalls and Doc Martins, hand-made clothes, she never really wore jeans and t-shirts, it was always something you’d never think of wearing but looked great on her and made you wish you would thought of this type of thing but even if you had it probably wouldn’t of looked as cool on you. She had that tiny little body that looks great in clothes.
She always wore her hair really long like to her butt or longer and she had thick wavy auburn hair. It was usually knotted and dred locked here and there but knotted or not it always looked cool. She wore black nail polish and when she wore make up she used maybe some black mascara and red lips but she didn’t usually wear a lot of make up, maybe except for lipstick when she went out. She was also the first girl I met who used her lipstick to add blush to her cheeks.” [5]
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[Spring 1990 - by Krista Kay]
Ryan Kalsbeck: “Layne and Dem had that full on vintage clothing styles mixed with a hippie, new grunge rock twist. Homemade glass beaded long necklaces and bracelets, funky hats, hair sticks. Dem had pink lace and satin knickers that were real and from the 1900s.”
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[1992 - By Alison Dyer]
Sherri: “She would always wear the rolled up overalls with black tights. She was so cute and original. Biggest smile, she always lit up the room. Heart of gold!”
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[1991 - By Ed Chalfa]
Jacque: “As to her clothing style, it was kind of hippy chick but distinctively Demri.”
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[1988 - By Krista Kay]
Kathleen Austin: “Someone once told me she would show up at a club in an outfit and the next night there would be several girls copying it.
She could pull articles of clothing that no one would think to combine and she would look adorable. She once designed a skirt from boxer shorts. I saw it on paper. As far as I know, it never came to fruition.” [6]
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[Ca. 1990s - ByJack Plasky]
Shawna Murphy: “I had one of her necklaces ‘Forever’. It was like black cut glass stones, three strands with a gold clasp. She wore a lot of old-timey costume jewelry.” [6]
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[Ca. 1990s - By Jack Plasky]
Tracy Johnson: “She did not want to be known as the girlfriend of a rock star and did whatever the hell she pleased but was friendly and personable to everyone she met. She wanted to be a model that’s why there are so many pictures of her posing. One thing that was funny. We were in Canada (canvouver, as we called it) and Dem couldn’t find Layne and was drunk and pissed off. But she has to pee, so we stopped and she walked in this alley, many people were around, and she just squatted and peed, then pulled up her long johns with her tutu tucked in the back of it and started to walk away. She was gonna find him come hell or high water, even with the whole backside of her tutu tucked into her long johns and wearing converse, of course.
A lot of things she wore didn’t go together, like long johns with big baggy overall shorts and a frilly blouse with cowboy boots. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but you would have to know Demri to understand.” [6]
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[Summer 1988 - By Randy Hauser]
Hope that helps :)
Everyone please check the book we put together with our beloved friend Ana, you can download it and read it from *here*. There's all the memories sorted by subject like style,hobbies, voice, dreams...
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Bonsoir Chapter 11: Sapphire Moonlight
Summary: Gregor and Cassia get up to fun in the bookshop.
Pairing: Gregor x OC!Cassia Nu
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, Unprotected sex between partners (wrap it up friends), Oral (f receiving), public sex, exhibitionism? Thigh Riding, Angst-ish, mentions of grief.
WC: 6K
A/N: It's taken me forever, but here it is! I'm very excited about this chapter. I've been looking forward to this one for SO LONG. Just ask @idledreams lol. Thank you for always getting excited about Bonsoir and encouraging me! It means more than you know!!! You're helping keep this story alive and I appreciate you so much, my friend! BY THE WAY, please go check this art that idledreams did for Bonsoir! And also this incredible art by my friend @dumfanting!!! <3 <3 <3
Bonsoir Masterlist │Bonsoir Playlist │Taglist Form
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The sound of blaster fire is everywhere. Gregor looks around, unsure where it’s even coming from. But it sounds like an entire warzone. He doesn’t see anything or anyone. But the blaster fire is so loud… He starts to walk back toward where the base is supposed to be. 
Until he trips over something. No, not not something. Someone. He looks and sees Dyer, dead. And then sees Noff. Alfie. Lore. They’re all dead. They’re gone. 
He’s truly alone. His brothers are really gone. 
And then he sees Cassia, lying next to Dyer, eyes closed, skin more pale than usual, red hair fanned around her. Gregor drops down to her, sobbing, muttering unintelligibly, begging for her to wake up.
He’s the only one left… until he hears one last blaster shot and he’s knocked back into his pile of brothers, away from Cassia. 
He clutches at his chest, knowing this is the end.
Gregor wakes up, gasping for air, sweat pouring down his neck. He clutches at his chest, panting. Cassia’s already awake, trying to get him to focus on her.
“Gregor, Gregor. It’s okay. You’re alright.” She tries to cup his face but his eyes are still unfocused, his mind still on his dream. “You’re safe. I’ve got you. I promise you’re safe.” 
He finally snaps out of it, chest heaving as he focuses on the love of his life. She’s right there in front of him. She’s alright. Gregor breaks into a sob, clinging to her instantly, molding himself to her momentarily. 
“Gregor?” She whispers, scared for him. 
He pulls away, resting his forehead against hers. Tears still stain his cheeks but Cassia doesn’t mind. She just wants to know if he’s okay. 
“I’m so sorry…” He wipes his eyes, embarrassed to open them. “I’m so sorry… I’m so-”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” She cups his face and kisses him softly. “It’s okay. I’m here if you want to talk about it. If not, that’s okay too. But I’m not going anywhere.” 
His breathing starts to slow down as he realizes that Cassia is okay. That she’s right here with him. He makes a note to comm Dyer later, though. 
“I love you.” She murmurs against his lips.
He squeezes her hands that still bring comfort against his cheeks. “I love you.” 
Cassia pulls Gregor back down to the pillows, pulling him into her arms, as she spoons him, resting her arms around his torso and her cheek against his warm back. 
Gregor may never understand just what he did to deserve such an angel in his life. The way that she brings him immediate comfort… and peace. He won’t complain, though. 
“Thank you.” He murmurs, softly, pulling her hand up to his lips and kissing it before closing his eyes.
Gregor doesn’t go back to sleep, but Cassia does even though she tries to wait for him to. He doesn’t blame her. He knows she’s been staying up late the past few nights waiting for Mara to comm her. After a while, before he knows that Cassia’s alarm is going to go off, he quietly climbs out of bed to feed Wedge and make a pot of caf. Two things he doesn’t mind at all doing because they make him feel as if he belongs in her world, like it’s their world. He supposes it is now.
When Cassia’s alarm goes off, Gregor comes back into the bedroom with a warm cup of caf, sitting it on her bedside table. 
“Good morning, cyare.” He smooths her hair out of her face, smiling down at her.
“Good morning.” She leans up toward him and kisses him gently before sitting up and stretching. “How long have you been up?”
Debating whether or not he should tell the truth, he hands her the cup. “Not long.” 
She sees right through his bullshit, though. Because of course she does.
“You didn’t go back to sleep, did you?” She takes a sip of the warm caf. 
He lets out a soft sigh. “No. I didn’t.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” She offers, softly.
He shakes his head with a soft, grateful smile. “Maybe later.”
“Alright.” She squeezes his thigh, not wanting to push him. “Breakfast?”
“Sounds good, darling.” He smiles at her, appreciatively, kissing her softly. 
He’d always appreciate her softness. 
Later in the shop, it turns out to be a slow day, so Cassia takes the initiative to comm Mara, deciding that now is as good a time as any. It’s something she’s been dreading slightly. It’s a new feeling… one she doesn’t much care for. 
Leaning on the counter, away from Gregor, she comms Mara. Something she’d been putting off for a bit. What if Mara had decided she didn’t need Cassia anymore? What if Mara realized that Cassia had always needed her more than she needed Cassia? She doesn’t know how she would even handle that loss. 
“Hey.” Mara’s holo figure stands on the holo-comm in front of Cassia. 
“Hey.” Cassia smiles, nervously. 
It’s quiet for only a second before both of them say “I’m so sorry.” 
They chuckle, smiling sheepishly at each other. 
“I really miss you.” Cassia and Mara both speak at the same time and can’t help but relax, smiling at the other.
“How is Dyer doing?” Cassia asks.
Gregor’s ears perk up at his brother’s name.
“He’s good. The procedure went just fine. Stone as well.” Mara tells her. 
“Maker, that’s so good to hear. Thank you for letting me know.” Cassia nods. 
As Cassia talks to Mara, Gregor can’t help but smile up at her, at the relaxation in her shoulders. He knows how stressed she’s been from this tension with Mara. He knows how difficult it can be to have any sort of conflict with a sibling type. He hated fighting with his vod. 
As he takes her in, he can’t help but let his eyes wander down from her shoulders to her bare legs until he stops at the hem of her dress. As she raises up slightly, he realizes something.
Is she… 
He catches a flash of her ass, completely bare. At the realization that she’s not wearing any underwear, he nearly catches on fire in the seat that he’s in in her office. 
“We’ll be back tonight.” He hears Mara tell her. 
“I can’t wait to see you guys.” Cassia tells her.
“Me too. Dyer wants me to tell you, to tell Gregor, he said hey.” He can hear the amusement in Mara’s voice.
“I’ll tell him.” Cassia laughs, and Maker, does he love that sound. “So, dinner tonight?”
“Sounds perfect. See you soon.” Mara tells her.
“See you soon.” Cassia replies, hanging up and the moment that Gregor hears the ‘beep’ of the comm going off, he’s up, out of the chair, crossing the office to Cassia in three strides and pinning her up against the counter, like magnets.
“Tell me, darling… Did you do it on purpose?” He purrs in her ear, smirking.
“Do what?” She chuckles, knowingly.
“Don’t play dumb.” He kisses her shoulder, grinding his hardening length up against her ass, making her dress rise up a bit. It’s still a bit nerve wracking… this intimacy with Cassia. His body knows her. His heart knows her. But his mind is still catching up. 
He runs his hand from her waist down to cup her ass, giving her a firm squeeze.
“Do you know what you do to me?” He whispers.
“Mm. Why do you think I decided against underwear today?” She teases him, wiggling against him, riling him up.
“Fuck… Cash…” He pushes up against her again, running his hand up into her hair and gripping, making her let out a soft, needy whimper. 
She pulls up her dress over her ass and he nearly drops to his knees.
“I need you, please…” She begs. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He lets go of her hair and sinks to his knees behind her. 
Gregor’s first instinct is to worship her like the absolute goddess she is. But there’s no time. Someone could walk into the shop at any second, so he needs to be quick. He really needs to make her cum first, though. 
He slides his hands up the back of her thighs, settling on her cheeks, spreading them slightly so he can get a perfect view of the pussy he’d love to build an entire religion off of. 
Fuck, she’s perfect, he thinks to himself before tracing his tongue up her folds, making her cry out into the shop. He slides his tongue into her and the taste is almost overwhelmingly good. 
Wow, she’s already soaked. She’s been thinking about this, hasn’t she?
“Maker, you taste so fucking good.” He hums with a smirk.
“Yeah, well…” She pants, nervously looking up at the door, watching for customers. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over how good you are with that tongue.” 
“You better not.” He swats her ass, playfully and she jumps at the sound, making him chuckle. 
He lets his fingers travel to her sensitive clit, teasing her so that she lets her legs fall apart more. 
“You’re already so close to dripping, love. Tell me what you were thinking of.” He starts to lick into her again and she lets out another whimper, seemingly unable to do so. “I’m gonna stop if you don’t.” 
He starts to pull away from her pussy but she grabs his hair and pulls him back to her, desperately.
“No… please please don’t stop.” She begs, her voice low and full of need. 
He couldn’t deny her even if he wanted to, but he loves to tease.
“Then tell me what you were thinking of.” He continues sucking and teasing her dripping cunt. 
“I… I was… thinking about you. About you fucking me… like this.” She admits, glancing at the door with a certain alertness so they don’t get caught. 
“Is that what you want?” He continues rubbing her clit and she can’t help but grind back against his hand. “You want my cock, cyare?” 
“Please… I need it.” Cassia nods. “Need to feel you inside me.”
Gregor’s back up on his feet in no time, releasing his length from its confinements, urging her to spread her legs just a little bit further apart. She understands and does so, so that he can tease her clit with the head of his cock. 
“Oh…” She whispers as his cock gathers up her slick between her folds, pushing toward her entrance. 
Gregor pushes her on her front so that her chest is against the cold counter and pushes into her in one thrust, making both of them moan breathlessly. 
“Fuck me… I’ll never get over how well you take me.” He runs his hand down her back, causing goosebumps to appear all over her fair skin. 
Leaning over her, he places a gentle kiss to her shoulder blade. He feels her clench around him and he nearly cums right then and there. He starts to thrust into Cassia, snaking a hand around to her pussy, rubbing her clit, making her legs buckle as she lets out a soft whine. Holding her steady with his other hand, the slap of skin against skin is the only sound in the bookstore and it’s like music to Gregor’s ears. 
“You’re so perfect, Cash… Do you know how much I’ve missed this? Missed you?” He rambles, squeezing her hip. “I was made… for you… not war.” 
She nods in agreement, unable to form coherent words. 
“Does this remind you of our first night together? Me fucking you where anyone could walk by and see?” His voice is low, full of need. 
She whimpers. “Y-yes.” 
“Does it turn you on knowing anyone could walk in and see you bent over for me, giving it to you so good that you’re finally at a loss for words?” He slams into her and she smacks her hand on the counter with a groan. 
“Yes… fuck.” She murmurs, her voice breaking. “I’m… so close…” 
“I know you are.” He kisses her neck again and breathes her in. 
“I… I was made for you too, you know.” She rests her cheek on the cool surface, glancing back at him. 
Gregor starts to feel that familiar lump in his throat like he’s about to tear up again, so to ground himself, he lets go of her hip and grips her hand on the counter and she immediately intertwines their fingers together. Their hands together are such a lovely sight to him. 
“I love you.” She breathes before letting out the most beautiful cry as she cums around his cock, her pussy fluttering around him in the best way possible. 
Exquisite. Absolutely perfect. A fucking angel.
“Maker, I love you.” He groans as he thrusts three more times before painting her walls with himself. 
They both stay like that for a moment, breathing in time with each other. When Gregor pulls out, tucking himself away, she turns around, flinging her arms around his neck and kissing him, backing him up against the doorway to the office. His hands find her hips again, giving her one last squeeze before seeing a customer start to come in the door. 
The familiar chimes of a customer coming in fills the space that was just filled with the ungodly sound of skin against skin and the most beautiful moans he’d ever heard in his life. 
“Hi, welcome to the spine! Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with!” Cassia’s sweet, cheery voice rings out but Gregor doesn’t miss the slight pant in her breath and the cum dripping down her leg.
It nearly makes him hard again as he goes and sits in the office to read a book that Cassia had picked out for him earlier that morning. When she turns around, giving him a devilish smirk that Gregor himself had perfected, he knows exactly where he’s taking her tonight after dinner with Mara and Dyer. 
“Shop’s closed.” Cassia peeks her head into the office after flipping the closed sign, finding Gregor reading the book he picked out off one of the shelves this morning after their… “activity”. 
He looks up from his book, grinning at her immediately, making her heart clench at the sight. Marking his place and putting the book down on the table next to the chair for tomorrow, he follows Cassia back upstairs. She has to admit, finding him in the chair like that reading really did something to her. Her heart and her core. 
“Was it a good book?” She asks him, getting Wedge’s food down from the top of the cabinet and filling his bowl. 
“Yeah, it was. It was about a woman who had an accident and lost her memory and her husband did everything he could to try to make her remember him and their relationship.” He explains. 
“Oh…” She murmurs, looking up at him from the floor as she pets Wedge while he eats. 
He chuckles. “A bit on the nose, isn’t it?” 
She laughs and gets up, wrapping her arms around Gregor’s waist. “Do you know how it ends?” 
“I do not. I hope well.” He kisses her on the head. “Do you know?” 
“I don’t, actually. You’ll have to let me know.” She grins up at him as she starts to pick up the living room a bit. “I’m thinking about ordering in for dinner. I don’t really feel like cooking. What do you think?” 
“You know I’ll eat just about anything.” He grins as he sits down on the couch, pulling her into his lap with her back against the pillows on the couch, burying his face in her neck as he starts to kiss her. “And I do mean anything.”
She can’t help the soft moan that escapes her lips as his fingers start to trail down to her warmth. 
“G-Gregor…” She moans as he starts to tease her still wet folds. “They’ll be here… any second. It’ll have to wait until after dinner.” 
He groans. “Alright. But I have a surprise for you after dinner.” 
She looks at him, curiously. “A surprise?” 
He nods with a grin. “A surprise.”
“What sort of surprise?” Cassia presses, grinning.
“The sort of surprise where I don’t tell you what it is so that you’ll be surprised.” He kisses her neck. 
She lets out a fake sigh. “Fine.”
Ever since Cassia was young, she’d not been big on surprises. But Gregor seems to be excited about it, so she can’t bring herself to tell him that. She pulls her comm off the caf table and orders the take out to be delivered, staying comfortable in Gregor’s lap as he caresses her bare thigh.
When she tosses the comm back onto the table, she turns her focus to Gregor again, cupping his cheek. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch immediately. 
“You’re so beautiful. You know that?” He murmurs. “Inside and out.” 
Cassia goes warm in the face and leans up to pull him to her so she can kiss him. He cages himself over her, as if he’s protecting her. But really he feels as if she’s the one protecting him. All of a sudden, he feels that all too familiar lump in his throat and the tears forming in his eyes. He squeezes his eyes shut and buries his face in Cassia’s hair, just hoping she doesn’t notice. 
She does, though. She feels his tears against her neck and wants so desperately to help him.
“Gregor?” She murmurs as she cards her fingers through his hair.
“Do you want me to ask about it, or would you rather I try to distract you?” She offers.
Maker, she’s so sweet. How he got so lucky, Gregor truly will never know. 
“Distract me, darling.” He murmurs into her neck as he lays on his side on the couch in between her and the cushions. 
She wipes his tears from his cheeks and leans in to kiss him. He immediately pulls her body against his, squeezing her ass as she throws her leg over his. 
“I like this distraction.” He chuckles. 
She smiles, softly. “I thought you might.”
His fingers slide closer to her warmth, waiting for her to tell him to stop but she doesn’t. She just smiles at him and he kisses her again as he slides his fingers into her. The breathy gasp that escapes her lips is like fucking music. 
“Feel good?” He whispers.
She nods against his forehead, closing her eyes with a smile. That’s not enough for Gregor. He needs to hear her voice. 
“Tell me.” He pulls her as close as possible and bites her jaw, teasingly.
“Feels so good.” She whimpers. 
“Good girl.” He grins as she moves her leg away from his so he can move down her body, prepared to taste her as he did this morning, just as the doorbell rings indicating that Mara and Dyer are here. 
He groans against her stomach and Cassia can’t help but laugh. 
“To be continued?” She offers.
“Yes please.” He sits up with a sly smirk and she can’t help but wonder what the surprise is. 
She gets up off the couch and goes to answer the door to let Mara and Dyer in. Gregor stands up, situating himself so the slight tent in his pants isn’t as noticeable. 
“Gregor.” Gregor hears Dyer and looks up just in time to be engulfed in a warm hug from his brother. 
“Glad to have you back.” Gregor pats Dyer on the back. “You feeling okay?”
Dyer nods. “Doing alright.” 
“Good.” Gregor squeezes his brother’s shoulder, smiling over at Cassia as she and Mara get down a bottle of wine and start chatting in the kitchen. 
For the first time in his life, he feels at peace for a moment. He just wishes that the rest of his Foxtrot vod could be here. He tries to not think too much of it, not wanting to cry in front of Dyer and Mara. 
So he doesn’t think about it, he walks into the kitchen with Dyer behind him, wrapping his arm around Cassia. As if she could sense the anxiety in him, she wraps her arms around his torso, giving him an encouraging and calming squeeze. He can feel the anxiety practically drain from his body right away as he kisses her on the forehead.
“Do you want to talk about funeral arrangements?” Mara asks Cassia, leaning on the island counter after pouring herself a glass of wine.
“We’re here for whatever you need.” Dyer assures Cassia with a smile.
Gregor’s chest tightens at the love that these two have for Cassia. He can’t help but be proud of his vod. 
“I was thinking that we could maybe spread her ashes in the Western Sea, at our park?” Cassia looks up at Gregor when she says ‘our’ and it makes Gregor’s heart race. 
Our park. That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it, he thinks to himself. But it works anyway, because that’s where he wanted to take her for the surprise, anyway. 
“I think that’s a great idea, darling.” He grins down at her. 
Her heart and stomach flutter at the term of endearment. “Perfect.” 
Mara reaches out and squeezes Cassia’s hand. “Are you okay?” 
Cassia nods, remembering what she saw in the Jedi Temple and tries to push the memory to the very back of her mind. 
“I uh… I keep thinking… about how we won’t be getting any more postcards from Joc…” Cassia’s voice slightly breaks and Gregor pulls her into him so he can shield her from the hurt she’s experiencing. 
“Oh, Cash…” Mara puts down the wine and comes and wraps her arms around Cassia and Gregor. “Nothing we can say will make it okay, but we’re here.”
“I appreciate you guys.” Cassia murmurs, quietly.
The doorbell buzzes again, indicating the food is here. Mara offers to go get it since Dyer and Gregor can’t. Cassia reaches up on her toes and kisses Gregor on the cheek and then goes to set the table. 
She can’t help but wonder when the pain of all this loss will subside. Will she always be so sad? Will she always hurt? Will she always miss them? 
She looks up at Gregor and Mara and Dyer and thinks to herself about how much her grandparents would love them like she loves them. She’s glad that Mara got to know them, though. 
As they all sit around the take out boxes, passing each other the different boxes of food to dish out onto their plates, she can’t help but smile at them. Her family. They make everything worth it. 
“What’s up?” Mara notices Cassia’s staring. 
“Nothing.” Cassia smiles softly with a half shrug. “I just love you guys.” “We love you too.” Mara reaches across the table to squeeze Cassia’s hand again and then they all dig in.
As they all eat, Gregor and Dyer take turns telling stories of the Foxtrot group and Cassia and Mara take turns telling stories of their childhoods. The moment of peace that Cassia’s been waiting for is finally here. Everything is alright for the most part. For just a moment, at least. If there were a way for Cassia to pause this moment, just to make it last a little bit longer, she would. 
After they finish eating, while Cassia talks to Mara and Dyer, Gregor sneaks about their apartment, getting a blanket and another bottle of wine and runs it all down to the speeder, hiding it in the trunk.
“Are you guys ready?” Gregor asks in the doorway, trying to be nonchalant. 
“Yes.” Cassia smiles. 
“We are.” Dyer nods. 
“We’re gonna drive separately though, if that’s alright.” Mara smirks at Gregor, knowingly.
Is Mara a mind reader? Does she know about his plans? Gregor looks at her with suspicious amusement as he gives her a nod, but Cassia doesn’t notice.
Maybe Mara is just intuitive, Gregor thinks to himself.
Mara and Dyer head out first as Cassia tells Wedge that they’ll be back in a little bit. Gregor’s chest tightens at the sight. It doesn’t take a genius to know that he wants to marry her. He’s seen in holofilms that if people ask their partners to marry them, they’d usually give them a ring or some sort of token. He doesn’t really have any money to his name, but he thinks that he has some sort of idea of what he could use…
Cassia joins Gregor by the door and with his new idea in his mind, he can’t help but kiss her. 
“What was that for?” She grins up at him, warming his insides.
“Just couldn’t help myself.” He brushes her fiery hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear and she leans into his touch.
When he lets go of her, he leads her down to the speeder and Cassia gets in on the passenger side, letting him drive as she curls into his side. Gregor doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the effect she has on him. 
She rests her head on his shoulder as he drives down the busy skylanes that are glowing brilliantly under the moonlight and the lights of the city. 
“Do you like living on Coruscant?” He asks her.
“It has its pros and cons.” She murmurs.
“Pros?” He smirks.
“I met Mara here. My bookstore is here. And I met you here.” She smiles up at him before kissing his neck.
He squeezes her shoulder, encouragingly. “And cons?” 
She shrugs slightly. “I guess… the busy-ness of it all. Light pollution…” 
“If you could move anywhere at all, where would it be?” He asks.
“I don’t know. I’ve not given it much thought. What’s your favorite planet you’ve seen so far?” She asks, squeezing his thigh.
“Hmm… Coruscant.” He teases.
“Because of me?” She grins widely.
“You know it, cyare.” He chuckles.
“I love when you call me that.” Cassia hums, softly. 
“Good. Because you are my beloved and my beloved you’ll always be.” He kisses her on the head. 
When they arrive at the park, just shortly after Mara and Dyer arrive, they park the speeder, noticing that it’s pretty much dead, no other people seem to be around, thankfully. 
“Do you know this park doesn’t have a name?” Gregor asks Cassia as he holds Joc’s ashes for Cassia.
“Does it not?” She asks, looking up at him.
“I’ve decided to name it, though.” He takes her hand. 
“Is that right?” She smirks, thinking he’s teasing her.
“Nu Park.” He brings her hand up to his lips. “For you and Jocasta.” 
Cassia’s lips part and tears well up in her eyes at the sentiment. All she can do is wrap her arms around his tall frame and bury her face in his warm chest. 
“I love you, Cassia.” He murmurs, kissing her on the top of the head. “There’s nothing in this galaxy I wouldn’t do for you.” 
She fully believes him when he says it. Afterall, he’s proven himself time and time again. 
“Come on, darling.” He guides her over toward Mara and Dyer as she wipes her tears with her long sleeve of her cardigan.
She allows Gregor to guide her toward their friends near the edge of the water and Mara and Dyer both give her an encouraging smile. 
Cassia lets out a breath, taking Joc’s ashes from Dyer. “How do we even start these things?” 
“After battles, if we lost a brother, we’d tell stories of him that brought us joy.” Dyer tells Cassia, gently. “If you want to share stories of Jocasta, we’re here to listen. If you want there to be quiet, we’ll just stand here with you.”
Mara nods in agreement, giving her partner an appreciative, knowing smile.
Gregor sees just how much Dyer has come to care for Cassia and it warms his heart immensely. How lucky he was to have someone his own brother cares for, someone he knows he can trust were something ever to happen to Gregor again. 
She gives Dyer a grateful, sad smile. 
“When I was little… Aunt Joc would come to visit. My grandmother always seemed so unapologetically herself when Joc was around. They’d tell stories of their childhoods, laugh about everything together. Joc would bring stories of great Jedi throughout the galaxy.” Cassia murmurs, looking out at the water. “I remember… It was late one night when she showed up. It had been a bad day at the temple, I think. Something big happened. She and my grandmother thought I was asleep, but I was listening to what they were saying. Joc had said she felt some sort of disturbance in the Force… and my grandmother got angry with her… she accused Joc of wanting to take me away to the temple… I didn’t understand at the time… but now… I think she thought I could be like her… My grandmother insisted I never showed any signs and that she wouldn’t allow the Jedi to take me. I… don’t know why I’m just now bringing this up…I know that I’m not like Joc. It’s just not possible. I would’ve seen signs… But it’s nice to think that maybe I could’ve been like her… I really looked up to her, you know?” 
Mara squeezes Cassia’s hand.
“I’ll really miss talking about books with her.” Cassia says finally, before opening up the urn and tossing the ashes into the sea. “May the Force be with you, Aunt Joc.” 
And something inside Cassia speaks so softly, she almost thought she’d imagined it. Like a ghostly whisper just behind her.
And with you…
After the last bit of ash hits the sea, Mara takes the urn for her and screws it back shut. Dyer puts it into a bag for Cassia and then hands it to Gregor to hold onto. Quite the little team we make, Gregor thinks, but no, that’s not quite right, is it? We’re more than that. We’re aliit. Family. 
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. 
Family is more than blood. 
After Mara and Dyer leave, Cassia stands there at the edge of the water, quietly, for a bit longer. Not that she really needed the silence. The night was just so calming. Peaceful. 
“I fell in love with you right here, you know.” Gregor appears again after walking away to do something and smiles down at Cassia, taking her hand. 
She snaps out of the sea-induced trance and looks up at the man next to her. 
“Did you really?” She grins, going warm all over.
He nods. “The moment you put that bracelet on my wrist, I was done for.” 
His memory may come and go some days, but he knows without a doubt, he loved Cassia right away. He’ll never be able to convey just how happy he is that that night came back to him.
“I fell for you that night, too.” 
Gregor sweeps her into his arms, smirking teasingly. “What? You, the hopeless romantic? Surely not.”
She playfully pushes him and when she turns around to walk back to the speeder, she finds a lantern lit picnic waiting. She lets out a soft gasp, full of surprise. 
Oh, this is the surprise, she thinks with excitement.
“I love that about you, by the way. I love that you’re hopelessly romantic and believe in love at first sight. You made me believe in those things too.” Gregor slides his arms back around her as he rests his forehead against hers. 
She looks up into his warm brown eyes and smiles. “You make it easy to believe in those things.” 
Gregor brushes his lips against Cassia’s and she sighs against him. He pulls away momentarily to gently guide her down to the blanket. When he looks at her fully, he starts to tear up again.
“Oh, Gregor.” She murmurs, squeezing her hand. 
He lets out a laugh. “No, no. It’s just… you’re so beautiful in this moonlight that it physically makes me want to cry.”
She can’t help but kiss him. He’s just so sweet and makes her whole body go so warm with love. But he kisses her back. And continues kissing her until they're both panting against each other. 
“You’re everything.” He whispers as she climbs into his lap, straddling one thigh. 
“You are.” She grins as she lets out a breathy whimper when her warmth brushes against his thigh. 
His hands fly to her waist immediately, anchoring her to himself. “I can’t live without you.”
“You never have to again.” She whispers between moans as he helps her grind against his thigh. 
Gregor’s practically mesmerized by the sight of the love of his life, looking so innocent and sweet in her pink skirt while she does such sinful things to his thigh, emitting the sweetest sounds.
Heat courses throughout Cassia’s whole body as she continues pushing her warmth against Gregor’s thick thigh. She’d be lying if she said she’d not dreamt of doing this since she met him. But for some reason, it just never happened. Until right now. 
It’s the most incredible feeling. Her still bare warmth against the fabric of his pants is doing something so different to her. 
“This reminds me of the first night we met.” She tells him, breathlessly, remembering this morning when he asked her if their escapades in The Spine reminded her of their first night together. 
She thought it did. But this… out in the open in the park, is exactly like their first night. But with something new. Something more. Something both of them are clinging to so desperately, they’re afraid they could slip away from each other again.
“Oh fuck…” Cassia breathes, feeling her orgasm near as she clings to Gregor’s shoulders. “I can’t stop.”
“Don’t you dare stop, darling.” Gregor feels absolutely starstruck watching her use him to get herself off, like he’s having an out of body experience. “Keep going. You can do it. Use me.” 
Her nails sink into Gregor’s shoulders as she feels that tight hot coil inside of her, threatening to send her over the highest ledge she’s ever been on. Her eyes close as she throws her head back, exposing her fair throat to him. His instinct is saying lick her but he can’t tear his eyes off of her. 
With one last hard and exigent grind, she cums, moaning Gregor’s name so beautifully, so ethereally that he cums in his own pants without being touched, burying his face in her chest, groaning desperately as he grips the flimsy material of her skirt that he’s been dying to rip off of her since she put it on this morning.
“Did you just…” She smiles down at him, glancing at the barely noticeable wet spot on the front of his pants. 
“Ugh… I did.” He cackles, almost embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”
He knows she would never make fun of him, though, or make him feel bad about it.
“Don’t be!” She smiles softly, kissing his cheek, not wanting him to be embarrassed or ashamed.
“You just… looked like a goddess and I couldn’t help myself.” He pants, pulling her down to him, so she rests in between his legs, against his broad chest. 
“I’m impressed.” She tells him, honestly, turning to look at him. “You came without me touching you.”
“The first time anything like that’s ever happened, I think.” He rubs the back of his neck.
Warmth spreads throughout her face as she leans up to kiss him. “Well, consider me flattered.”
He moves slightly and then makes a face. “I’m glad you’re flattered. But… I feel uncomfortable in these pants now.”
She lets out a laugh, which still manages to make his chest tighten and hops up, holding her hand out to him. “Well, let’s get you home and out of those pants then, shall we?”
He grins, excitedly, taking her hand. “Yes, ma’am.”
@twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz @burningfieldof-clover
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berisims · 1 year
2, 12, 35 for Faba AND 22, 55, 56 for Morgyn!
OHOHOH let's get this party started 👀
Reminder that I'm still taking questions from this post so go crazy. I love coming up with headcanons for my little pixels.
Anyways, this is gonna get long (as usual lmao), so all answers are found under the cut:
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L. Faba
2. What’s their biggest regret?
Being careless and unprepared during the conflict with the ancients. Although it wasn't entirely her fault, she firmly believes that this is what caused Simeon to impulsively jump to her aid and lose a hand in the process. Had she not been distracted, she would have been able to deflect the attack herself and Simeon would have never had to act as a shield.
This conflict has been briefly mentioned in the Sages' introduction posts here, here and here, but I'll eventually go into more detail as I start posting the story I'm writing (which will hopefully be soon 👁️👄👁️).
12. What’s their ideal vacation like?
Anywhere but the beach. L. does not tan, so overexposure to the sun will basically make her look like a lobster out of the sea. With this in mind, she'd much rather prefer to spend a full two weeks somewhere surrounded by nature (think Henford-on-Bagley), preferably on her own. Though she certainly wouldn't mind to have Morgyn tag along. As much as she enjoys the calm a place like that provides, she also knows she'll quickly get bored of it and the young Sage of Untamed magic is the perfect person to keep things interesting.
35. Do/did they want children?
Heck no. Despite loving to teach, L. literally cannot stand to be around young children. It's not that she doesn't LIKE children, she just has massive mental breakdowns whenever around them.
"Why are you crying? Oh god please stop crying. No, that's spider venom, you cannot drink that. Get your hands off my hair. Why are they sticky? WHY ARE YOU SWIMMING IN MY CAULDRON, WHO BIRTHED YOU, SIMEON HELP-"
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22. Are they a dog person or a cat person — or something else?
Morgyn is 100% a dog person and absolutely adores bigger breeds. They actually have a dog of their own, named Asmodeus. He's a Dobermann who looks a fair bit intimidating but is nothing more than a silly goofball that accidentally breaks way too many things around the house.
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Behold, the beast himself and a casual Morgyn after a hard day's work. Not my best screenshot, but I really wanted to share this cute moment <3
55. Who do they look up to most?
Tess Dyer, the previous Sage of Untamed Magic. Or at least they used to, before she disappeared without a trace. She was practically family, given that she'd taken Morgyn under her wing when they first showed up at the Magic Realm as a teenager, with the aspiring dream of becoming a spellcaster. Not only was she an incredibly gentle soul towards Morgyn, she was also the most powerful spellcaster at the time. Highly respected and incredibly patient, but undeniably strict all the same. At this point it's safe to say that Morgyn has followed in her steps and the spellcaster community regards them in a similar manner today.
56. What do they smell like?
When they're not swimming in some expensive designer fragrance? Something close to cinammon and burning firewood. It's an incredibly comforting scent that a certain someone enjoys a little bit too much eheh I wanna start posting screenshots of the two of them so bad but I need to write it down first so it makes sense, hELP
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incandscents · 8 months
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☆ — (natalia dyer, she/her, cis woman) who is joseli ryan anyways? ew. you don’t know about her, we’ll bet you want to. she's feeling twenty-eight and painting feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re capricious and implacable because they care, but they’re also affable and tenacious in the best way. she works to make a little money as a songwriter / musician. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of woodvale apartments. long live and my tears ricochet are the songs they could dance to the beat of forevermore.
name: joseli powell ryan ( born joselyn leigh powell-ryan )
nicknames: josie, jo, jojo.
age / date of birth: twenty-eight, born on november 22, 1995
zodiac sign: scorpio / sagittarius cusp
gender: cis woman ( she/her/hers )
place of birth: asbury park, new jersey
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: songwriter, main songwriter & guitarist for electric touch
potential trigger warnings — mentions of injury, surgery.
before she was good with her hands, she was good with her feet: joselyn, more affectionally called 'josie leigh' by her doting parents, was all over a soccer field at age five. age four consisted of her making daisy crowns on the sidelines of the game, and after her parents sitting her down with ice cream and telling her they'd make her give it one more go, "one more chance to be the best", she screwed her head on straight. being the best never felt like an option to joseli. it was an expectation, a standard. anything less would not suffice. age five brought a ruthlessness on the field beyond what was anticipated of the ymca rec league for children. she'd spend hours in her backyard curling soccer balls into the upper corners of the net, dribbling down an empty soccer field, orange slices between her teeth and a loose ponytail signifying the dedication she poured into her craft. she never did anything halfway or half-assed.
for joseli, the future felt like soccer. she wasn't good in school aside from the occasional writing assignment — poetry was where she shone, considering it was allowed to be as abstract as the general make-up of her brain — so she put all her chips into soccer. her devotion demanded hard work and she was willing to give it her entire being if that was what it meant. it didn't go unnoticed, either. joseli was invited to development camps hosted by us soccer and called up for the u-16 and u-17 teams. every step she took was angled in the direction of the goal of being drafted to play pro, making the senior national team roster, having a shot at olympic medals and world cup trophies.
senior year was when the cards started to fall exactly as she'd designed: a scholarship to play at stanford, a call up to one of the senior national team camps, a spot among the greats carved out just for her. and then she tore her acl in a spring season game, which required surgery, and an extended recovery time that stanford could not guarantee being able to hold her spot for — even if she was with the greats at one point, she was cut back down to size. the crash and burn of her soccer career knocked joseli back years. most people her age were stepping into their dreams, figuring out what they wanted to do, while joseli felt like she was seven years old again trying to discover the root of who she was all over again.
she did everything she wasn't supposed to in an attempt to burn the ashes of josie leigh. she changed her name legally to joseli powell and told stanford thanks, but no thanks in exchange for nyu classes that she'd be in debt for until she's steady growing grey hairs. she spent her time in the city, drawing in the field books she carried at least three of inside her bag and observing the world with her mindlessly rambled thoughts and doodles. where her feet failed her, her hands would be her savior.
growing up in asbury park meant joseli had quite the exposure to music & music history, staffs embedded in her bones and melodies buzzing under the surface. always whistling on the soccer pitch during drills and locker room cool-downs slowly evolved into the stupid, angsty poems she scribbled into napkins and on the insides of her arms finding chords and melodies. she went to open mic nights at bars and played shitty songs that no one other than the three drunks found good, but the thrumming of electricty was back in her blood that she missed so desperately once soccer was cut out from her life. the bitch was back.
spending all her time in another already oversaturated dream meant that joseli would really amp up the all gas, no brakes mentality as she went about climbing the newest mountain in her range and clambering for the top. create, consume, create, consume: her life was a vicious cycle of art and trying to become the best at something other people had already invested decades of their lives into. everything was a race for joseli, a competition with a winner and a loser, and she was familiar with blood in her teeth while she fought.
age old story: girl falls in love. girl moves to the city with big dreams and her lover, drunk on a daydream and hoping that the fairytale ending is in sight amongst the tears and bruises of rejection and the grind, the constant fucking grind that joseli almost needs in order to survive. and then it suddenly pays off, after the years of learning the city like it's a constellation of freckles on the back of her hand that she sees each time she picks up a pen, with radios playing the song and record labels asking for meetings, and joseli feels like she is flying. she is seventeen all over again, dreams coming true as she returns from saturn and begins to build a kingdom from her home. problem is, she's never been the best at figuring out when enough is enough. when there's a line, when not to cross it, when to apologize, when to make it right. she just doesn't understand how she can possibly be wrong when it means living a dream — she's already lost one, so is it any surprise she'd kill to see this one to fruition?
little does she know it's alllllll gonna blow up in her face and force her to grow up. again. :')
joseli's a cosmogyral — literally means ‘whirling around the universe,’ which is very much a perfect descriptor. she’s all over the fuckin place. she’s a hot mess. she’s constantly in new corners of her universe, reinventing herself and finding new pieces and parts to highlight while trying to bury others. loves hard, fights hard. warm until she is too hot to handle. she always means well but she’s quicksilver; she is never the same version of herself, she sticks to her guns until she decides she only wants to carry knives from now on. will charm the pants off of just about anyone she comes into contact with. flirty. a little goofy, wildly sarcastic. there’s method to her madness even if no one else gets it. is the passive aggressive type, bottles things up and simmers. stubborn as fuck, fiercely protective and neurotic. she’s almost thirty and she constantly feels like she’s living someone else’s life, no matter how many times she reinvents herself professionally or personally, and it is starting to wear on her soul.
meredith to her cristina — basically her best friend (not gender specific) who tells it to joseli like it is, doesn’t mind if she laments about how the world sucks every now and again, the person she’s calling if she needs help with a body.
joseli, for all her neuroticism, is quite friendly and sociable and overall A Good Time, is the type to make sure a stranger doesn't feel like one in a crowded room. casual friends, neighbors, people that jam out and get high on each other's couches, regulars at the same coffee shop: she doesn't bite (usually) so anything in that vein will work
i am also not opposed to a roommate for joseli 👀
someone who dr. phil's joseli and she just does not listen (bonus points if she tries to reciprocate and they too ignore the fuck out of her)
pr relationship ! — someone who joseli's management has partnered her up with to help promote electric touch's upcoming album. either they’re good friends or they hate each other, i’m up to anything
hookups, friends with benefits, ‘we have casual sex because it’s fun to rile each other up,’ exes of all flavors — joseli is pansexual and a mega flirty hot mess so anything works !
childhood friends, friends who are only friends because their agents told them to play nice, friends that have definitely fought in a club or a bar before even though they went in together holding hands, friends who are only friends with her to benefit from it, good influence / bad influence, friends who are forced to be pr enemies and are secretly laughing at the media in private, friends who are only friends when they’re drunk
ANGSTY SHIT — a plot based off of ‘wrong’ by ally hills, “bad for me but i keep coming around,” someone joseli calls late at night because she doesn’t want to be alone, a plot based off come back be here by taylor swift except they actually came back and it’s like wtf do we do now
gimme a girl that joseli is rlly in love with but she’s lowkey sabotaging their relationship because she is absolutely batshit crazy right now trying to sew all her dreams together to keep them from imploding and she does not know how to prioritize ! and she has to actually decide if this is in fact the worthwhile fight #iykyk
everything and anything, really, feel free to hit me up on discord @/lizolsen and we can plot up all kinds of magic together :')
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goxinsane · 1 year
{ @ghostsxagain x }
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Sure, just like any ordinary kid, one would dream of going to Disney alongside your loving family. There were countless rides and attractions, characters to meet and great food, but it was never something Carrot found interest in. Many kids at her school raved about the idea, but the Dyer family was NOT part of the norm. Idealistically, the vacation was too expensive to enjoy-- coming from someone whom was now maintenance or found enjoyment in unique or niche things. Carrot didn’t need to be bought nor stay miserable, because she knew better than to be stuck-- far, far away from comfort, and deal with someone she once called a father, alongside a step-mother and her brat of a kid. More important dreams boggled throughout the redhead’s mind instead--- the idea of having at least one parent continuously love her and her brother Atlas, after their nasty divorce.
Oliver had a funny way of showing it, as one (biological) child cut ties while the other was forcibly hanging on by a loose, orange thread. He never listened, but that was just the tip of the metaphorical ‘iceberg’, knowing there was so much more to this relationship with their mother than what was ever let on. One had to physically be there in order to truly understand, though, she couldn’t blame her, there was no use in sacrificing one’s own happiness while being the only player on the team whom gave it their all. Now, as Carrot and Atlas grew up with their mother’s love, now she dreamt that Sidney would receive the love she deserved, even if it started with self-love. This was a better family dynamic, in the long-run. 
“Sure, sure, we got all summer,” A nod acknowledged her mother’s proposal to a trip. Not that they could spend the entirety just having fun-- they had lives to live. Sidney worked. Atlas had his own friends and adventures and could even spend hours on sketches. And Carrot? She wanted to spend time in their swimming pool, hang with some friends (and her crush) the local skate-park, or forest, and even proudly find herself a part-time job. This summer would hopefully be better than the last, but she never looked forward to returning to school. At least exams were over, and she could forget the past week of HELL. “I’m game, if you are. Especially to spite them.” It sounded vicious, maybe even with a tinge of anger throughout her voice, but she really was happier in this household-- and that wasn’t because Sidney spoke so casually. Like she said, Grandma wasn’t too keen. Though, a trip, just the two of them? Carrot got lots of her personality from her mother, but what could go wrong? They’ll talk about it later.
After speaking, her eyes darted back to focus on her rummaging. Focusing on anything but the sudden topic, was key. Actually, bringing up the topic of permanently living here, had hit a sore spot and no, not talking about summer plans could pull them out now. Why would she want to look at her mother, when she could possibly cry? (Again!) Her ducts felt blocked, anyways. Carrot grabbed her bathing suit from her bag, shoved it besides her and aggressively zipped up the bag. She didn’t like the attention right now, but knew it was better to say something than not, even just to temporarily set peace. “Of course he zaps the happiness outta me, he’s an asshole.” But he’s your father!-- She could hear Grandma say that too.
With an exhale, Carrot brushed the hair away from her face and behind her ear. “The simplest of shit sets that man off, these days. He had a tantrum before driving me back here.” She mumbled and sat back in her spot. Carrot knew her mother’s intentions were nothing but the best, but she’d rather restart the start of her summer vacation, properly. “...I would LOVE to stay here, you’re my awesome mom and I got Atlas too, but I’m sure he’ll find some way to keep, keeping me in the loop of his life.” She scoffed at the thought. “Like I’d want that! You outta know he invited me, and and only me, to his wedding? I bet he did that just to spite you.” Come to think of it, most definitely he did. And knowing the dress his soon-to-be wife picked out? Was burned in her mind. It was ugly, and Carrot didn’t do dresses.
Her next words were said mockingly and ended with a grumble under her breath, stubbornly. At least she was suddenly vocal, but that didn’t stop the random stream of blood trickling down from her nostril... “You know he’ll probably never budge with me, he wants his precious princess in his life, even if that means wanting to change me.”
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nancyonpaper · 1 year
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢 𝐚𝐦
𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖞 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖗: 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
NATALIA DYER KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER When’s the last time anyone heard anything about NANCY WHEELER? Old friends remember them as INVESTIGATIVE & BRAVE but also UPTIGHT & METICULOLUS, no wonder they’re still known as THE DETECTIVE around town. Today, in 2006, they are THIRTY-NINE and some people say they remind them of A FRESHLY INKED PEN DABBING ONTO A NOTEPAD, RUNNING AWAY FROM HER OWN PROBLEMS, & KEEPING A HANDGUN ON HER AT ALL TIMES…. JUST IN CASE.
full name: Nancy Grace Wheeler
nickname(s): Nance, Nancy “The Slut” Wheeler, & Nancy Drew
age: Thirty-Nine
date of birth: November 3rd, 1967
hometown: Hawkins, Indiana
current location: Hawkins, Indiana
orientation: Bisexual
religion: Raised Christian, but doesn’t practice
occupation: Reporter for The Watcher
living arrangements: Lives in her own house (NOT in the cul de sac)
language(s) spoken: English, high school level French
faceclaim: Keira Knightley 
hair color: Brunette
eye color: Brown
height: 5′7
father: Ted Wheeler
mother: Karen Wheeler
siblings: Mike and Holly Wheeler
nephew: Luke Wheeler
sun/moon/rising: Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces
label: The Detective
positive traits: intelligent & brave
negative traits: uptight & meticulou
When Nancy Wheeler left for college, she had no intent of ever returning to Hawkins, Indiana for more than a holiday or a school break. After Will and El’s death and the defeat of Vecna, she felt like there was no place for her in Hawkins anymore. Mike was grieving in his own way (shutting her out), Jonathan was grieving in his own way (breaking up), and all she had was a one way ticket out of that hell hole. 
College was fun! Nancy built a little life for herself out there. She joined a sorority (much to Karen Wheeler’s happiness), eventually moving into their house come her sophomore year, became editor-in-chief of The Berkeley Beacon, had a shitty boyfriend, maintained a 4.0 GPA, and realized that maybe life could just be normal. There would always be the pang in her chest every time she returned to Hawkins that shit would hit the fan, but for four solid years, it didn’t.
After graduating with Latin honors (Summa cum laude, but who’s bragging?), she had plenty of job offers lined up, but took one at The New York Register. It was lesser known than The New York Times, but she wanted something smaller just to feel like she was making a difference. A few measly years in and Nancy was actually one of the top reporters, but she didn’t feel like she was fighting crime. As a teenager, she was fighting literal Demogorgon’s and Vecna. Reporting on petty crime and the happenings of such a big city just felt meaningless. So, she packed her bags and moved back to Hawkins. It had been years since anything happened in town, so she felt like it was a safe choice. Besides, Mike had just welcomed his son into the world and God knows he would need help.
When Mike was institutionalized, there was someone who needed to watch Luke. Nancy felt like the obvious choice. Karen was still in her prime, but her time for taking care of children was long past her, and Nancy was actually related to Mike with a decent paying job and a clean background. For just a few months, it was her and Luke. Despite not wanting children of her own, she took her role as Luke’s caretaker very seriously. It gave her a look at the life that her parents always wanted for her. A white picket fence, married to Steve Harrington, with a couple of kids, and a dog. It was a nice dream to live in for a handful of months, but it wasn’t her reality forever.
When Mike came home and Luke was no longer her number one priority, Nancy shifted her attention to The Watcher and, to be honest, she loves it. It’s exactly what she always wanted. Traveling and reporting on weird happenstances. It allows her to actually use her investigative prowess for something meaningful. If it wasn’t for how busy she was and for how arrogant Mike was, Nancy would take Luke in herself because… Well, to put it nicely, Mike’s doing a bit of a shit job (in Nancy’s opinion) in the parenting field. So, when she is home, Nancy tries to make it a priority to pick up Luke from school whenever Mike works late or if he has a school event, she’ll be in the front row. Being an aunt when Mike Wheeler is the father is a full time job!
In 1983, Nancy Wheeler put her Tigers cheerleading uniform in the capsule. She had no better use for it since she quit the team earlier that year. Her mom had made her join the team and after Barb’s death, it just didn’t seem worth it to be a part of something she disliked. Besides, it felt like a right of passage after everything that happened that year. It felt like a way of her saying goodbye to her childhood and the girl she once was.
In 1984, Nancy Wheeler put Barb’s obituary in the time capsule. She had died the year prior, but it was only “confirmed” that year. Nancy hoped it would keep people remembering her when it was eventually dug up.
In 1985, Nancy put a Jazzercise coupon that she never used in the time capsule. Her mom gave it to her, but the summer of 1985, she was a bit more than preoccupied. So, into the time capsule it went. Maybe Jazzercise would survive the test of time.
In 1986, Nancy threw her diary in the time capsule. She no longer had a use for it and honestly, the last thing she wanted to remember was how she pined for both Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers in high school.
Athletics (How Athletic are they?) - 1
Burglary (Can they swipe stuff?) - -1
Contacts (Do they know people with information?) - 3
Crafts (Sewing, mending, basket making, weaving, etc. etc.) - 2
Deceive (Are they a good liar?) - -2
Drive (like, actual driving ability) - 2
Empathy (On a scale of 1-10 how much of an empath are they?) - 2
Fight (Do they have hands?) - 0
Investigate (Can they sleuth?) - 3
Lore (Kinda like knowledge) - 1
Medicine (First Aid Essentially) - -2
Navigation (How good are they with a map/getting around?) - -3
Notice (Is your character observant?) - 2
Provoke (Are they a shit disturber?) - -3
Rapport (Are they charming? Can they do it on cammand?) - 2
Resourcefulness (MacGyver scale) - 1
Stealth (Are they sneaky?) - 3
Will (Tenacity) - 2
pinterest board | mixtape
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watergave · 3 years
NAME.   tessa johnson
ALIASES.   tessie
AGE.   fifteen
BIRTHDATE.   april 8
GENDER.   female 
SEXUALITY.   hetreosexual
STATUS.   dating
ETHNICITY.   white
NATIONALITY.   american
BIRTHPLACE.   new york city, new york
RESIDENCE.   new york city, new york
HEIGHT.   5’3”
WEIGHT.   99 lbs
BODY TYPE.   mesomorph
SKIN TONE.   fair
HAIRSTYLE.   slightly wavy
HAIR COLOR.   brown
EYE COLOR.   blue
SCARS.   several
FACECLAIM.   natalia dyer/talia ryder
TRAITS.   kind, comforting, nurturing, easily scared, doesn’t stand up for herself
HABITS.   chewing on pencil erasers
HOBBIES.   journaling, crafting
FEARS   her father
FATHER.   robert johnson
MOTHER.   dorothy johnson (deceased)
SISTER.   none
BROTHER.   none
SON.   none
DAUGHTER.   none
MBTI.   istj
ALIGNMENT.   neutral good
her mother, dorothy ran away with a boy, robert at the age of sixteen. she dropped out of high school to become a housewife, like he wanted her to be. this put a lot of tension between robert and dorothy's brother. he was incredibly protective of his younger sister since they'd come from an abusive background.
dorothy suffered several miscarriages throughout the years which almost killed her. her brother warned robert not to touch her anymore, but it was evident he hadn't kept away when dorothy became pregnant with tessie.
from tessie's understand, her mother had died giving birth to her. however, this wasn't the case. her mother barely survived the birth. a few weeks after tessie was born, dorothy and robert had a terrible fight which ended with dorothy running into the streets for help. she was immediately hit by a car. however, robert continues to blame tessie for his wife's death which she feels terribly guilty about.
the happiest part of tessie's life is her uncle, who treats her like she's his own child. he played the part of both mother and father. robert is less than pleased about this. robert frequently threatens tessie to cover up the bruises on her arms and legs that he caused so her uncle won't suspect anything. while he does have a suspicion something is going on, he has no proof of it.
tessie doesn't realize how horrible her father is. there are honeymoon periods in-between the times he hurts her.
her uncle introduced her to valentina and doc. eventually, as a young girl, tessie began walking down just to admire the candy they had on display. this lead to a friendship between her and valentina and doc.
this also leads to tessie meeting the jets and baby john. she looks up to the jets and doesn't realize exactly what they're doing in relation to the sharks. they're her family. the girls take care of her like an older sister would and she's offered protection from the boys.
she liked baby john from the moment she met him. they play around each other until they eventually confess to each other and start dating. her dream is to find a nice apartment far away from san juan hill.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 9 months
Untitled (“To go, thy”)
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above flowerleap that enderly     it wolf its prison it is sails and shew his might beside,     and a’ the gude; and mind no mornia we returns eyes:     I have door Maying. Riding,
the curled, through week, whose days promisery’s     windolent in said Man! Overlook; with some shady     match’d Russion: thing pipe, milders strons. If things had a blue     had look a wife of ever
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permdamagehair · 1 year
The Return of the Perm
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The word perm really seems to rattle some people. For some, it can be a throwback to a period of sizzling your hair to a crisp until it was deafening and burnt. It evokes images of mullets, Sarah Jessica Parker in Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Meg Ryan in her Iconic Era. Even the villain in Legally Blonde famously had a perm and that was the source of her downfall. The perm got a bad wrap for a though there, and enjoyable of deserved it. Much subsequent to all satisfying things, we used it until it fell intensely out of style, and the term perm was as gauche as caustic-wash jeans. But for those naysayers, its era to shut your tiny horsey mouths: The perm is auspices, baby, and enlarged than ever do perms damage your hair.
Why Is The Perm Back?
Much bearing in mind the reward of the relaxer, the rise and recompense of the perm has been a bashful reemergence  coarsely speaking the Abercrombie & Fitch of hair treatments. Much after that Abercrombie, perm solutions have evolved following technology. They depart the hair feeling soft and warm, not brittle and damage, and alternating perm-wrap techniques have speak to looking to accommodate objector hair styles and lifestyles. A futuristic perm is more not quite meaningless waves, tallying volume and texture, which makes it vastly interchange from the perms of the '80s, which were tight, anew-processed curls.
Lets be genuine: The popularity of Stranger Things is likely accountable for the perm awakening in the culture. Zotos Professional, who was an in further innovator of the perm in 1929 subsequent to they launched the machineless remaining greeting (Fun Fact: perm is unexpected for enduring, if it wasnt obvious), is held responsible for the waves on the order of characters as soon as Natalia Dyers Nancy Wheeler. Its with asexual, and as soon as more and more people embracing their curly texture, its a satisfying habit to profit the '80s hair band style of your dreams without feel your hair in this area rollers.
What Are The Different Types of Perms?
The suitable situation not quite perms is that they are multifaceted, if you nonexistence to use them as a base so that your hairstyles desist easier  get, Katrina Suhre, co-department Head Hairstylist regarding speaking Stranger Things told me. If you have always wanted to attempt in savings account to the subject of a curly see, go for a perm or body nod. Want the unmodified beauty texture without the effort? Try almost a beachy nod.
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There are many forms of perm application: digital, which involves hot rods and a chemical process and is a favorite of Tangs, or cool answer, which does not adjust heat and is a more stated style of application; and within those application styles, there are four main types of militant perms: Spot / Partial, Spiral, Body Wave, and Beach Wave. (But that doesnt direct these are the unaccompanied perm styles  your's can be custom to your hair type, density, and thickness, too.)
Spiral Perms
Spiral perms are the most venerated style of perm  tight, corkscrew curls, created by vertically feel the hair concerning a perm rod to make voluminous curls. However, shrinkage is your challenger subsequent to a spiral perm, expect the hair to sky a few inches shorter.
Who Should Be Getting A Perm?
Perms are massive for anyone eager in tallying more texture in their hair or curly haired people who are looking for a more uniform curl. According to hairstylist Priscilla Valles, perms are loud for anyone taking into account truly straight hair and wants to have some volume and body in it. Or, people who esteem curly hair and are using a curling iron to the front occurring taking into account the child maintenance for in the curls can acquire a perm on the other hand, keeping the exploitation and heat styling to a minimum. It is less damaging and you can throw the hot tools to maintenance the volume and curl. You can have a perm behind a larger rod and mood sober, she says.
Modern perms can be over and finished along together surrounded by to profit at a loose call off beachy texture and waves, and can along with be more natural appearing, explains hairstylist Guy Tang, who proudly gets perms himself. Its all about the chemicals creature applied to the hair, appropriately regard as creature a salon that does digital perms and obtain a consultation first for that defense you know the loyalty. Tang supplementary emphasizes that a perm doesnt style itself, and you will have to guard and nurture your auxiliary perm-treated hair, which is delicate and needs to be treated as such.
However, portion off concerning the perm if you tend to use a lot of lightener or chemical straighteners and always trust your hairstylists advice gone it comes to perms. Its important to know that its best done on virgin hair or hair colored when stated enduring color as soon as no records of bleach linked highlights. Even even if perms are less damaging now, they yet are damaging because you are changing the structure of your hair, shares celebrity colorist Rita Hazan.
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writingideasforus · 2 years
First Name: Jordan
Middle Name: Robert 
Last Name: Davis
Nickname: Jay, Davis Gender: Male Age: (as of 2022) 20 Sexual Orientation: Straight Birthday: 8/25/2002 Life Story: Jordan is the middle child in his family. He’s always felt like the black sheep, the one his family doesn’t understand. He has an older sister and a younger brother. His parents definitely should’ve been divorced at least a decade ago but use the kids as an excuse. Jordan still lives at home, so does his older sister Hannah. He plans on getting an apartment soon, he’s putting back savings. Jordan is currently enrolled in school online pursuing a business degree, His family is located in Lisbon, Maine. His father owns a successful real estate business that Hannah is already employed at. Jordan is expected to follow suit. Jordan is a wildcard, likes to claim that he’s the disappointment child. He struggles with accepting his identity, usually copes with that by acting out. Appearance Eye Color(s): Blue Hair Color: Brunette Hair Style(s): keeps his hair on the longer side, wears a baseball cap on days where he has no energy to fuss with it Height: 6��4 About him/her Personality: He’s determined, but sometimes find his goals muddled by his parents desires. Good-hearted, sarcastic, outgoing Bad habit(s) Tends to go all in when he drinks. Doesn’t see the point in one beer when you can have 6 Like(s): The Red Sox, late night drives, going to concerts Dislike(s): His sister Hannah Hobbies: Skateboarding Allergies: adhesive and bandaids Fear(s):Turning out like his father Extra: Talents and Dreams Ambition/dream:  Wants to start a non-profit Occupation/Job: Works as a host in a fancy restaurant downtown. Picks up odd jobs when he can Family and Friends Parent(s): Tracy Davis (48) Helena Bonham Carter
Michael (MIke) Davis (52) Cilian Murphy
Sibling(s): Hannah Davis (22) Natalia Dyer
Caleb Davis (14) Finn Wolfhard  Pet(s): An orange cat named Dixie. She has turned up pregnant at least 4 times. He call her a whore endearingly Extra Makeup: sometimes lets you do his eyeliner, paints his nails if he’s bored Scars: has a scar on his forehead that he usually hides with his hair, he busted his head open coming down the stairs when he was 16 Tattoo(es): small smiley face on his finger, has a piece of a snake across his back. He keeps his tattooes mostly secret, his dad always complains that he’s not spending his money correctly. Jewelry: earring on he left ear. usually has a hand full of rings  Piercing(s): ears and formerly nose Favorites Favorite Song: Dazed and Confused -Led Zeppelin Favorite Food(s):cold cut sub with extra tomatoes from the deli down the street Favorite Drink(s): Sprite or a blueberry redbull Favorite Color(s): black/blue Favorite Animal(s): snakes  Favorite Number: 41 Favorite Season(s): autumn Favorite Holiday(s): halloween Favorite Time of Day: evening
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backtohawkins · 2 years
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good luck and have a bitchin summer!
[NATALIA DYER, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s [NANCY WHEELER]. i hear they’re [TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD] and are known as [THE DETECTIVE] around [THE LIBRARY ARCHIVES]. they’re also a [SENIOR] at [EMERSON COLLEGE]. they’re known to be [INTELLIGENT & BRAVE] and [UPTIGHT & INDECISIVE]. some people say they remind them of [COCKED HANDGUNS, THE SOUND OF DOORS SLAMMING IN YOUR FACE, & ROLLERS STUCK IN YOUR HAIR AT 8AM]. only one way to find out! [lexi, 21, she/her, n/a, est]
- Nancy never thought leaving Hawkins would be hard. She had always dreamed of going to college and meeting new people, people who weren’t like the residents of Hawkins. People who were intelligent, like her, and cared about their grades… like her. But with an early acceptance to Emerson College, her goodbyes came swiftly after graduation, and it actually hurt. She never thought she’d get teary eyed hugging her family goodbye after they sent her on her way to Boston, but she did. Maybe because she feared that the next time a monster came around, she wouldn’t be there for it.
- A few weeks into her first classes at Emerson, she began to settle down. The dread and fear of Hawkins began to settle down. She joined the newspaper club, joined a sorority, made friends, and kept up with her studies. It was like everything she had dreamed of was finally coming somewhat true. She still missed everyone, but that hole was slowly being filled, especially when she realized that there were no more monsters coming out from The Upside Down. They were truly safe.
- For the past few years, Nancy hasn’t really gone home. As much as she’d like to believe that Hawkins is safe, there was always a nagging feeling in her that said, “if you go back, something will happen.” So, she’s always made her trips home small and quick. Occasional pop ins for holidays, like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but when spring or summer break hits, she’s usually off to the beach with her sisters or picking up summer courses. This summer is the first time she’s truly gone home for summer. I guess you can’t ignore Hawkins forever, right?
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capseycartwright · 3 years
“Last night your feet were really cold, so I found some of your socks and put them on you.”
Buck slowly woke as the Diaz household started to come to life, the quiet noise of Eddie starting the coffee maker breaking the silence of the morning. Buck had always been a light sleeper - it was an eternal curse, frankly, if you asked him - and years spent in the LAFD, sleeping with one ear open, waiting for the sound of an alarm bell, didn’t help either.
Still, Buck never minded the quiet morning noise at the Diaz house. Something about Eddie’s house was so homely - more homely than Buck had ever been able to make his own loft, and God, he had tried. He supposed it was the fact it was a family home. Christopher’s drawings were littered everywhere, toys on the floor and crumpled paperbacks on the shelves and photos everywhere, charting every stage of Christopher’s life. It was the kind of home Buck dreamed of having, all of his life - warm, comforting, and familiar.
Easing himself slowly into a sitting position, Buck realised he was wearing socks. He definitely hadn’t gone to bed wearing socks - no, he hadn’t bothered, because the house had been warm, and Buck had been so tired he’d been happy to curl up on Eddie’s couch with a duvet that smelled like the lavender laundry liquid Eddie always used and sleep.
But now he was wearing socks.
Buck looked up from his feet as Eddie padded through the doorway, sleep tousled and soft around the edges, a version of Eddie only Christopher, and Buck, ever really got to see.
“Morning,” Eddie greeted, setting the two mugs of coffee down on the coffee table - black, with half a sugar, for himself, and oat milk for Buck. Oat milk Eddie only bought for those mornings Buck was here to have coffee, Buck reminded himself.
“Morning,” Buck returned, moving so there was room for Eddie to sit on the couch too, his best friend tucking himself under the end of the borrowed duvet. Buck loved mornings like these - Eddie had always been an early riser, in all the time Buck had known him, and on the nights Buck would stay over, Eddie would make them coffee, and they’d sit and drink it together, enjoying fifteen minutes of peace and quiet before it was time to wake Christopher, and start the day.
“You okay?” Eddie asked, his hair longer, now, falling over his forehead, fluffy and soft and free of product. It was a good look for him, Buck noted - the hair, and the relaxation.
“I - I didn’t have socks on, when I went to sleep, last night,” Buck couldn’t hide the confusion in his tone. He definitely, definitely, hadn’t put socks on the previous night.
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie nodded. “Last night your feet were really cold, so I found some of your socks and put them on you,” he said, as if it were the most obvious explanation in the entire world, as though he hadn’t just flipped Buck’s heart upside down inside of his chest.
“You did?”
Eddie nodded again. “I was getting a glass of water,” he explained. “I think the duvet isn’t long enough for you, you know - your feet were sticking out the end and they were cold, and your socks were in my dryer anyway.”
“Why?” Buck found himself asking.
“Why were your socks in my dyer?” Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Because I did laundry last night, Buck, and I threw your stuff in - you helped me do it. Are you sure you’re even awake right now?”
“No - why did you find my socks?” Buck wasn’t quite sure how to articulate his question - but no one, no one had ever taken care of him like that. Somehow, in the dead of night, half asleep, Eddie had thought to take care of Buck, without ever needing to be asked. It was a sort of overwhelming feeling, to know that even in the small hours of the night, when the world was asleep, Buck was still on Eddie’s list of priorities.
Eddie’s smile was soft, and his answer was simple, as he replied. “Because I wanted to.”
Buck did not lunge for Eddie - regardless of what Eddie would say later - but he definitely leaned across the couch pretty quickly, crushing the duvet between them as he captured Eddie’s mouth in a kiss that he hoped would say everything Buck didn’t have the words for, yet.
Thank you. Thanks for taking care of me - for wanting to take care of me. I want you, too.
I love you.
Eddie’s mouth was soft, and pilant against Buck’s own, the older man tasting faintly of coffee as Buck kissed him, Eddie’s hands gentle as they cupped Buck’s face. “Stay,” Eddie breathed against Buck’s mouth, and Buck knew he didn’t just mean for Buck to stay in his lap, to stay for coffee, and breakfast. No, Eddie meant forever.
Buck knew that, now.
Buck nodded, plastering every inch of his body close to Eddie’s, coffee long forgotten on the table in front of him as he kissed his best friend. “Okay,” he reassured, enjoying the way Eddie’s eyes were crinkled, at the corners, his smile looking as though it was a permanent fixture on his face now. “Yeah. I’ll stay.”
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shiraglassman · 3 years
reasons to check out my book Knit One Girl Two
Small-batch independent yarn dyer Clara Ziegler is eager to brainstorm new color combinations--if only she could come up with ideas she likes as much as last time! When she sees Danielle Solomon's paintings of Florida wildlife by chance at a neighborhood gallery, she finds her source of inspiration. Outspoken, passionate, and complicated, Danielle herself soon proves even more captivating than her artwork...
-it’s only $2 - pdf here; it’s also on Kindle -it’s fluffy f/f with a happy ending -Happy Manic Pixie Dream Girl meets Sad Manic Pixie Dream Girl -seriously tho what if the manic pixies just dated each other -the plot is basically “oh SHIT OH FUCK my small business got too successful too quickly SAVE ME also by the way you are CUTE” -Jewish romance between two women with different levels of observance -Jewish story that isn’t tragic (tragic stories are important too but it’s nice to have both options!) -women bonding and flirting over a f/f fandom -the most important male characters are a grandpa and a cat -the cat is named The Phantom -because he’s a tuxedo cat -he gets dyed pink by accident at one point -girls go on a date to a science museum -knit night at the Pride Center
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cover by Jane Dominguez (image description: against a lime-green background, two girls with dark brown hair hold hands and kiss; in the foreground is a smug-looking tuxedo cat with the end of a ball of yarn in his mouth.)
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donotgiveadamndamn · 3 years
My friend @queenslayerthepoet​​ and I decided to fancast the Greek gods and this is what we came up with. (To be frank, I am quite proud of this list.) That said, this is a dream-cast. The actors/models chosen are solely based on how I imagined the gods to look like and how their appearances were described in the books. Realistically, I can’t see these people working together, but a girl can dream right?
Hugh Jackman
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Jason Momoa
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He was Aquaman. That’s all I am going to say.
Robert Pattinson
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This might not be anyone’s first choice, but I will stand by it. Also, Rob Pattinson never fails to surprise, so I think he can pull this off.
OR Alfie Allen
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He captures Hades’ gaunt look perfectly.
Luis Guzman
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OR Gary Oldman (And when I say Gary Oldman, I mean this:
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Roman Reigns
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OR Tom Hardy
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But I feel like Tom Hardy will end up making him likable and Ares is not supposed to be likable. At least, not in the first book.
Several actresses and models of different shapes, sizes and races to show beauty is subjective.
Gal Gadot
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She has the intelligent eyes and the intimidating look I imagined Athena to have. All she needs is contacts.
Natalia Dyer
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This is the one I am least sure about. Artemis is supposed to look like a teenager and I couldn’t find anyone who better suited the image I had in mind. Perhaps a young Leighton Meester?
Sam Claflin
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I know he has gotten a lot older after Hunger Games, but this is EXACTLY how I pictured Apollo while reading the books.
Colin Morgan
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Curly black hair? Blue eyes? Elfish features? Can rock a suit? Colin Morgan is your man.
11. HERA
Rene Russo
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A lot of us tend to forget this because of the things she has done, but Hera is supposed to have a motherly look. She is the goddess of marriage and childbirth after all. And Rene Russo did kick a little ass as Frigga, so she would make a good Hera, in my opinion.
John Rhys-Davies
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Nicole Kidman
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