#it's like that scene in finding nemo with bruce and the blood
willowser · 9 months
oh you know what, something so interesting to me about monster gojo.....idk what kind of monster, per se, but the idea of this man who normally has so much control over every aspect of himself having such an intense instinctual, beastly urge that he can't resist.........
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Trivia about Humanity in Oddworld:
Their natural scent smells TERRIBLE to sligs. The smell is so bad in fact, that will freeze up and violently reeching if a human is even within a few feet of them. (basically, humans are like walking surstromming to them)
In contrast, humans smell ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS to Glukkons. So delicious, that even the smallest whiff of it will have them practically addicted.
And I'm being very literal about becoming addicted to it. You know that scene in Finding Nemo where Bruce the shark gets the smallest whiff of blood when Marlin accidentally gives Dorey a nosebleed, and he goes crazy?
Yeah, that's what happens when Glukks smell human...
It causes them to go into a feral/primal predatory state like it awakened some ancient instinct that they haven't had to use for centuries.
One sniff is enough for them to become obsessed and lose all rational thought...
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for some reason, the fauna of Oddworld just has it OUT for humans. The more aggressive breeds (i.e. scrabs, fleeches, slogs,) will just attack them on sight! This includes paramites, who normally only attack if they're cornered or they're in the presence of another of their kind.
Even peaceful types like Elum or Meeps hate them! Elums will act extremely uncooperatively, refusing to follow instructions and violently bucking if a human tries to ride them, and meeps will run from them at top speed
this scene from spongebob sums it up pretty well
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dolce-peach · 4 years
Love your fics! Could you do a avengers x reader x Loki sleepover oneshot? Where Loki and reader are like to the hip bffs (also they’re crushin on eachother HARD) and it shows when they paint each other’s nails, cuddle up together during the movie and so on and the group is like AAAAAARGH THE SLOW BURN ynkow from watching them the whole time?
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clear as day
pairing: loki x reader
warnings: fluff
a/n: a bit short but sweet!  hope you like it, anon 💗
permanent taglist: @kaitlynmalikisnotonfire​ @just-another-loki-fanblog​
** TO MAKE A REQUEST -- please check the status in my bio **
It was another day in the Avengers Tower with absolutely nothing to do.
You’d think you’d be busy going around protecting the citizens of New York or battling various mercenary groups or something of the sort, but as one of the many heroes of the world, you found you had a lot of free time.
Maybe too much free time.
It was Tony’s idea to have a sleepover, and you thought it was absolutely brilliant.
“Guys!” Natasha announced as she stood proudly in front of the group.  She held up a container.  “I brought nail polish!”
You grinned, sending a glance at Loki, who frowned.
“No,” he said simply.
“Come on, Loki!” you begged, nearly dragging him to the couch.  “Please!”
The god flashed a funny look.  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Seriously?  Painting my nails would ruin my image!  I have a reputation to uphold, you know.”
“Oh, loosen up, Rudolf!” Tony called from the kitchen as he got the popcorn ready for the movie.  “You can be Lord of the Underworld another day.”
You smiled, nodding quickly.  “You’re in good hands.  I promise.”
“I doubt that, but fine,” he groaned as you cheered, dragging him over to the couch.
The rest of the Avengers snickered seeing his dumbfounded expression.  
Much to his relief, you pulled out nice shades of black and green to alternate.  But then again, you knew him too well to choose anything different.
He watched you as you concentrated on his nails, painting intricate designs.  He stopped himself from laughing.
You intrigued him as a human.  He was always perpetually annoyed with your race, but started to gain hope in humanity after meeting you, the friendly, courageous girl who easily managed to melt his icy heart.
Natasha peered over your shoulder.  “Wow, Y/N!”
“I know!” you said excitedly as you held up his hand for him to see.  “Look!  I think they look great!”
Loki found himself blushing madly.  “Really?” he asked quietly, his eyes shining.
Thor chuckled from across the room.
Loki shook his head.  “I mean, of course, they do.  It’s my hand.”
His nails really were emaculate.  You had patiently pushed his cuticles back and applied treatment, making his skin glow.  The green and black you chose couldn’t have been more perfect.
You nodded proudly.  “I’d say that’s probably some of my best work,” you laughed.  “You better pay me.”
“With what?”
You smirked.  “A kiss?”
Loki was taken aback, furrowing his brow in thought.  The rest of the Avengers groaned, especially Tony as he came back with bowls of popcorn.
“I’m joking!” you teased.  “Maybe you can help me prank Tony once in a while.”
The god scoffed.  “Yes, I’m sure he’d love that.”
“I would,” the billionaire confirmed.  “Anyways, what do you guys want to watch?”
“Horror!” Natasha exclaimed.
“Oh, are those the gross, bloody movies?” Thor asked excitedly.  “Horror, please.”
“Disney,” Steve chimed in quietly.
Bruce cleared his throat.  “I agree with Cap.”
“We gotta go horror,” Clint protested.
“I’ll go with Disney,” Tony sighed.  “I’ve seen way too much blood lately.”
You poked Loki’s arm.  “What do you want to watch?”
“You choose,” he brushed off, beginning to treat your nails as he’d watched you do.  He chose a white shade.  “Besides, you know more than me in that area.”
You were slightly distracted by his touch.  His fingers were gentle, almost like air as they brushed over your skin.  Your breath hitched in your throat as he held your hand, painting each nail carefully.
“Um, Disney then,” you found yourself saying.
Tony shrugged as Steve and Bruce told him which movie to put in.
“It’s hard to believe you have such delicate hands,” Loki murmured, still concentrating.  
You shifted in your seat.  “How so?”
He glanced up at you with his shining gaze.  “I mean, after all the work you do, the battles you’ve seen...”  He smiled.  “It’s nice.”
You laughed.  “Alright.”
It wasn’t long before you were admiring Loki’s work.  Steve and Tony were the most confused, not knowing Loki was capable of something that didn’t involve an explosion.
Eventually Finding Nemo started playing.  Tony, Steve, and Bruce sat on the floor around the small coffee table.  Thor, Clint, and Natasha sat happily on beanbags Tony bought last minute.  
You cuddled with Loki on the couch, already knowing what happens in the first scene.
Loki didn’t complain.  He actually didn’t mind.  
“No,” he quietly whispered after Nemo’s mother sacrificed herself to save her kids.  
You looked up at him.  “It’s okay after this.”
He subconsciously grasped your hand tightly.  He eventually released it as the movie went on, his green eyes taking in everything like a child.
You found yourself watching him more than the movie.  His expressions were priceless, and it made you realize how open and raw his emotions were.  The wonder in his eyes could cure any sickness.
It wasn’t long before you drifted off to sleep against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.  
As the movie ended, Loki was careful not to wake you, letting you continue to sleep.  He ignored the snickers from the group, his eyebrow occasionally twitching with annoyance.
“I knew it!” Thor said.  “You were courting Y/N, clear as the eternal sun in Valhalla!”
“Shut up, Brother!” Loki said.  In a hushed tone, he hissed.  “I was not!”
“So,” Steve sighed.  “You’re gonna lie about it?”
Loki shook his head.  “N-no...”
Tony rolled his eyes.  “Can you please confess to each other, because this is just excruciating now.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Loki said.
You stirred, opening your tired eyes.  
“Hey,” Loki said softly, brushing the hair from your eyes.
“We should do this more often,” you giggled, wrapping your arms around him.  “You make quite the comfortable pillow.”
Hearing the scoffs from the team, Loki rolled his eyes, feeling a blush approach his cheeks.
Because he knew deep down that they were right.
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thornstocutyouwith · 7 years
Rules: Tell your followers eleven facts about yourself and then tag some people you want to know more about.
Tagged by: @darknessxwarlock
Growing up I have always been told I was good at storytelling. And I enjoyed coming up with new stories, and have decided that that's what I will do with my life, write stories. 
When I was five years old I watched a kid during recess pull his jacket up over his head and run around in the open field. I was a very impressionable kid at that time, and decided ' Hey, why don't I do that?! That looks cool!' And Now I have a scar on my forehead in the shape of an 'A' or a Staircase, depending on the person looking at it. This might have also contributed to the scar over my eyebrow... The reason behind this scar,  I couldn't see where I was going and ran right into a fucking steel basketball pole and split my skull open. I didn't cry, not that you were asking. I can still see the blood falling over my face to this day.~ Aaah, memories! 
I have grown up in a household with an undiagnosed mentally ill mother, who has been known to fly off the handle and try to throw her kids at walls or stab them with knives for even the minor-est of infractions. Like talking in them middle of the night with a younger sibling. This, piled on with other either manipulative family members, or abusive boyfriends my mother went out with, made childhood and my teenager years all the more interesting, I guess. Along with the many many years of bullying at school I had to deal with when I wasn't at home. lol.
I never really liked going to school. Even at an early age. I thought my teachers and especially my principal were fucking crazy people. That and the fact my principal from when I was in first grade threaten me when I was in his office one day. So yeah. I did poorly in school. Because fuck it. XD
I generally like all sorts of music. If I think it sounds good, why in the fuck not listen to it? This goes for a lot of things other than music.
My favorite movie has always been and most likely always will be Jurassic Park, hands down. No if ands or buts about it. I just really like it a lot.
I am a fan of anime. I stumbled upon it one day when I was a wee little fetus.  It was it was about neighbor. Though this was just a tiny dip into the pool that would later become a tidal wave of fucking insanity that involved a Russian sucking on a girls boob to get his powers. AAaahh, Anime.  Don't I love you so...
I like to sing in the god damn shower. Okay? It's actually pretty fun.  Am I good?  Well, Not to have a big ego, but...I don't fucking know.
When I was 5 I was scared to tie my shoelaces. Mostly because they were black and I thought that if I were to tie them the ends would get lost in the vacuum of space. There we go with those 'stories' of mine that I came up with as a kid. AHAHA
I have no idea who my real father is.  I know nothing about him. Though that's something I share with quite a lot of other people. So eh. It's not like every time I think about that void in my life, I feel like a hole has been carved out of me.  Basically I can't watch that scene in Finding Nemo where Bruce goes ' I NEVER KNEW MY FATHER!"  Because I can fucking relate dude! lol
I got in to roleplaying a long time ago. One day I was just bored of looking at Inuyasha AMV's over and over again and seen some weirdos on the internet writing to one another. And was like ' Hey, that looks pretty fun. Why haven't I been doing that this whole time?!' and so I looked up places to roleplay. And the first one that had popped up and sparked my interest was Gaiaonline. 
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it.
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jekyllandhydemk2 · 7 years
Week 9
The murder of Danvers Carew 2.0
The street was silent, with only the sounds of my footsteps to fill it. The frost stuck to my coat, my misty breathe mixed with the smoke from my cigar. I felt each draw sent a warm current flowing through my body, forcing a cracking smile onto my face as if it wasn’t my own.
I’m searching for something, someone. I need to see them, our sort of meetings were frowned upon by my others, the ones that knew. It seen as a taboo, done only in secret, in hidden dark rooms where no one could see or hear, always at risk.
As moon became the center of the sky, I searched the streets, finally catching a glance of someone, standing in the moonlight looking up. It wasn’t who I was looking for, their tall board appearance was different but still alluring, his body was of a man in his mid 20’s but his hair that of older gentlemen. I hid from his sight, I felt my starting to race heart as I saw but I didn’t move to greet him. I moved to call him again but my body still wouldn’t move, I stayed still, hunched over, grunting quietly, watching.
The man ahead of me seemed lost in his own mind as I moved slowly towards him. I feel a crooked grin appearing across my face as I approached. My hand grips tightly around the body of my cane, I feel my pulse start to race faster. My body approaching him from behind, I straighten my back and raise hand.
He turns around and looks at me in the eye, I realise it’s him.
Time pauses as I stare into his eyes, the days we spent together, the long nights we spent embraced hidden away. High society would have us locked up with real monsters or worse if it ever went public of what we were. I feel something struggling against me as I try to drop my cane my grip only gets tighter, my face starts to hurt as I feel the smile on my face get larger, the skin around my lips starting to tear, as the pain gets worse I feel myself getting weaker and lose the battle for control.
My cane strikes down, crashing against his head. Blood spraying against my coat as body continues to bash against my will and break the body below me. A monstrous laugh breaks from my lips, a cigar falling from my mouth onto the mangled body below me. The cane is thrown to my side, my hands wrap around his head, squeezing, crushing, cracking his skull, for the one final scream.
I awoke, sweat coating my body, I’m shaking. It takes me a minute to realise, I’m in not in my own room
This is not the first time I’ve woken up here.
I feel cramped, it feels like the low ceiling and the dark red walls enclosing on me. Blood covered my clothes and hands, I wiped my face to find even more gore, my stomach wrenches as last night's events force themselves into my mind, as if by another.
The man I killed, his face still fresh in my mind, Danvers, an old lover, and friend. We were supposed to meet and talk about the past. We missed it, and wanted to live it again, even for a night but Mr Hyde didn’t approve.
The analysis of Short Story inspired by Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
This is essay I will be analysing my own adaption of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in the form of a 500 word short story. I after reading the book, I took a short few pages from the book, the murder of Mr Danvers swapped to the view of another, Dr Jekyll instead of the maid.
When reading the book, I found a few chapters which gave me a interesting view into the characters which might not have been perceived at the time by the author or his wife. These few modern views of the story lead to me write an adaptation where Dr Jekyll is homosexual but must hide it due to victorian society's view of homosexuals, while Mr Hyde is Dr Jekyll’s want and need to be straight so he can fit in with said society and be happy while doing it, since it wasn’t only frowned upon but a prisonable offence. I touch on this subject in my writing, “It seen as a taboo, done only in secret, in hidden dark rooms where no one could see or hear, always at risk” and “High society would have us locked up with real monsters or worse if it ever went public of what we were”
One of the most known cases that showed victorian society’s  view of homosexuality and how it was treated in the era, Mason(2015) states that...
“...The famous imprisonment of author Oscar Wilde in 1895 for being a homosexual paints a picture of sexual repression and hostility towards same-sex relationships in 19th-century England.”
This quote I believe helps paint a picture party what it was like to be homosexual in the victorian era. If man was caught doing “buggary” or homosexual intercourse, that person would be taken to trial, then either locked up, forced to undergo a series of medieval conversion therapies or in a worse case scenario sentenced to death.
One of the lines that gave me the idea for the homosexual themes in my adaption, was one by Mr Utterson when he describes Dr Jekyll with such dedicated detail, Stevenson, R.(1886, P.23) states that-
“Dr. Jekyll was no exception; and as he now sat on the opposite side of the fire — a large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness”
This loving detail gave me my first piece of inspiration, in my mind, Mr Utterson seems to adore the man more than anything, more than a friend would. This set the idea in my mind about some of the characters being homosexual or apart of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Another line by Mr utterson dreams about Dr Jekyll, Stevenson, R.(1886, P.15) states that-
“...Or else he would see a room in a rich house, where his friend lay asleep, dreaming and smiling at his dreams”
Taking inspiration from another media and take on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in more of a Bruce Banner and the Hulk way was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore and Illustrated by Kevin O’Neill. During a Dinner party scene between Hyde, Captain Nemo and the coachman, William Samson Sr, Hyde brings up his origins stemming from Jekyll wanting to “purge” himself of sin and upon the coachman’s comment on how a doctor mustn't have many sins to purge, Hyde reveals his alter-ego (and possible by extension his own) sexuality in relation to men, Moore, A. O’Neill.(2002) states that
“...Oh and he played with himself, sometimes while he thought about other men…”
Even though the writing Alan Moore is a bit eccentric, He also adds to my own idea of Hyde being created to make Jekyll straight or that Hyde was his need/want to be straight, Moore, A. O’Neill.(2002) states that-
“Anyway, what that silly bastard did, he thought he quarantined all these bad parts, what left would be a ****ing ANGEL…”
I believe the Mr Hyde from League is stemming from Jekyll’s repressed sexuality, and his history of violence against women which is shown in volume 1 of the book. When looking for a murderer, Wilhemina Murray and Allan Quatermain are sent to find Hyde--at this point a man they believe to be just Dr. Jekyll who has been murdering prostitutes in Paris. With Alan Moore’s flare for dramatic violence this could be seen as his way of demonstrating Jekyll’s frustrations with women, sexuality and his own urges for the same sex. If I chose to continue this adaption, I’d like to incorporate this, I would turn down the abuse of women for my own version, Alan Moore writes abuse of women, like it’s as normal as breathing.
Between reading the book and writing my own adaptation to the story I started thinking of the types of animation that could be applied to a the original story and my own, since the original has already been shown and retold so many times using live action while it has only been told a few times via animation.
All forms of animation could work well, we have the classic traditional 2D which has been done before in 1986 by Maricia Hatfield and by Warner Brothers during 1955 in the Bugs Bunny short Hyde and Hare but I think how both Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are animated could be taken a lot further with some hybrid animation to show how each of the different sides view the world around them, and how they are viewed as well. Since Jekyll and Hyde are shown to be such different characters, and from my view even the way they see the world of Jekyll and Hyde could be different which leads me to the idea of hybrid animation.
My story relies on Hyde being Jekyll’s want/need to be straight, which in my mind could make Hyde almost the distorted version of Dr Jekyll to himself, translating from Jekyll and his worlds type of animation to a different one. This could be shown by Dr Jekyll being a in CG world which would be quite shiny, clean going along with how others see him, while Mr Hyde could be in a stop motion puppet based around Jekyll’s cg model but made out of plasticine allowing the constant change of Mr Hyde’s appearance as he gets ‘stronger’ taking on more of Jekyll’s physical traits as Jekyll believes he’s becoming straight while Jekyll himself is becoming more like Hyde, shorter, more deformed similar to what Hyde explains happened to himself in ‘The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 2, Moore, A. O’Neill.(2002, P.22) states that-
“I mean, when I started out, good GOD, I was practically a ****ing dwarf. Jekyll, on the other hand, a Great big strapping fellow.”
While also being a call back to the original lecture of Jekyll and Hyde, in the book ‘The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’ which is set a good few years after the original book, Hyde is now a giant of a man, while Jekyll is average size but extremely un well as shown by O’Neill.(2002, P.7 V1, P11 V2) illustrations below left (P.11 , right) (page 7, chapter 2, volume 1)
To show the passage of Jekyll to Hyde, using shape theory in these animations, Jekyll in this version would be made up of mostly circles with a few squares spotted about at the start, while Hyde would take on more equal mixture of triangles and squares showing off his strength and evil by being what Jekyll needs him to be. Near the end of the animation it would end with Hyde becoming the ‘straight’ Jekyll taking on the more circles into this design, while Jekyll would have lost his parts of his circles in his shape for having lost such a big part of himself, making himself and Hyde more similar unlike what happened in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
In conclusion I believe I established the scene well and informed the viewer of the story and background of the time, all while trying to keep the viewer involved.
The backup for my inspiration could have had more behind it, I based it off the short parts of the main text, influences from previous writing and a modern look on it. I really like the concept of Jekyll behind a homosexual and Hyde being his side of himself he created to make himself straight, but I also like how Alan Moore writes Jekyll and Hyde, Moore, A (2002) states that -
“...Separating us in the first place, all because he wanted to be pure. ****ing Idiot”
While for the League, it was to separate Jekyll’s good and evil side, which explained why Mr Hyde was described as young, dwarf-like, since Jekyll was meant to be mostly good, and his evil in that story was new and hadn’t existed for long. My story had a version where Hyde was all of Jekyll’s want/need to be straight, leaving Jekyll completely gay until Hyde destroys everything and everyone that he believes make him gay.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.1986.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0821767/ .[Online]
Emma Mason.07/04/15.The Victorians’ surprisingly liberal attitude towards gay men.[ONLINE].http://www.historyextra.com/article/sex-and-love/victorians%E2%80%99-surprisingly-liberal-attitude-towards-gay-men.[Accessed-01/02/2017]
Moore, A. O’Neill.(2002).The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 1.New York City, Vertigo Comics.(P.7)
Moore, A. O’Neill.(2002).The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 2.New York City, Vertigo Comics.(P.11, 22)
O’Neill.(2002).League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 1.[Book].http://www.comicsrecommended.com/images/others/loeg1_002_earshot.jpg. 2002.[Accessed - 01/01/2017]
O’Neill.(2002).League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 2.[Book].http://www.comicsrecommended.com/images/others/loeg1_002_earshot.jpg. 2002.[Accessed - 01/01/2017]
Stevenson, R.(1886).Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. London, PlaneteBook [online].http://www.planetebook.com/ebooks/The-Strange-Case-of-Dr-Jekyll.pdf.[Accessed-28/11/2016].(P.15, 23,
Timeline of LGBT history in the United Kingdom.NDF.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_LGBT_history_in_the_United_Kingdom.[Online]
YOUTUBE.(11/05/2014).Hyde And Hare 1955.[Online].https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA7b1fuMTSQ.[Accessed-01/02/2017]
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