#it's literally that guy woken up with the light in his face meme
makenna-made-this · 6 months
Keep forgetting to do the tag game that @tromboneralert and @selfmadecryptid both hit me with cuz one of my chickens has a minor comb injury and has been staying inside while it heals so her sisters won't be tempted to peck at it.
Well, in classic leghorn behavior, she has figured out how to push past the flap of her dog crate she sleeps in, so i thought I'd take this selfie opportunity to share with you all how I've been waking up every morning for the past week:
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I love her So Much
Don't wanna put anyone on blast if they don't want, so I'm spiritually tagging anyone who sees this on their dash and wants to do it (bonus points if you have a chicken with you)
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Reports & Repertoire 8
Characters: Eddie Brock x Venom x Candace Miller (OFC)
Word Count:  3500+
Summary: Eddie can no longer ignore his physical sexual urges despite his shyness to expressing them around his symbiote. He has to start explaining the nuances of human sexuality with Venom, and they start by taking it slow. Venom learns that making Eddie feel good, makes him feel good. 
Warnings/Tags: Explicit Sexual Content. Symbrock. Eddie and Venom Sex.
Click on my icon then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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Eddie had texted Candy every day like he promised he would. He didn't know how much longer he could keep Venom a secret as he grew increasingly more annoyed with Eddie and not telling Candy about him. He wanted to be with her like Eddie wanted to be with her and it didn't matter if Eddie admitted it to himself or not, he had an alien voice of reason to call him on his bullshit now.  It'd been two weeks since he'd face timed with Candy and he wasn't sure how long the excuse of medicine making him sick and his apartment being a mess would hold up. Especially with an intuitive woman like Candy.
She offered to come clean, help him patch the place up, patch him up and he could tell she was growing more annoyed every time he turned her down for it. She wanted to see her friend. She wanted to see and touch him to know he was real. She was still upset over thinking he was dead and was trying to remain thankful that he was alive at all but she was starting to need more from him than just texts. She'd lay in bed and think about him, not a past time that she wanted to partake in as frequently as she was. But she was finding it hard not to when she was alone, thinking she'd almost lost him. That simply should push her towards admitting there was something more than just friendship there. She thought maybe she'd felt it from him too, but now she wasn't so sure.
Eddie really dove head first into work those two weeks. After long, pleading and deep conversations with Venom he felt confident he wouldn't slip out in public and ruin their cover. He still asked questions in his head, which made conversations difficult and coming back from being fired and working an event as big as the fall of the Life Foundation, it wasn't good form to be known as being aloof and twitchy. Which is how he knew he could appear. Most of the time he could function just fine but if he was emotional or Venom's natural curiosity took over his will to behave, life became somewhat of a headache. And this was a metaphorical headache, not a literal one, as with Venom he didn't get them anymore. And a body that was running at an almost perfect balance certainly made day to day a lot easier. No more food poisoning, no more colds, no more hangovers. He'd begun to think of Venom as a magical roommate who picked and chose when to use their powers for good or bad. When they were alone, he frequently chose bad or rather mischievous more often than not. The thing that helped Edie out the most, was Venom's growing fondness of him. If Eddie felt poorly, so did he and if he had to put more work into making Eddie and his body feel better, the hungrier he became. And Eddie wasn't fond of eating brains when it could be avoided.
Almost everything was running without issue for Eddie. Everything except one thing and with it being almost two weeks since he'd jerked off coming up, It was becoming more and more of a nuisance. Part of him simply didn't want to have to explain the intricacies of human sexuality to his friend, because that conversation would last days. The other part of him, no matter how intimate he'd become with his symbiote, still felt that human taboo about jerking off with other people watching, which wasn't something Eddie had found himself to be into. Well, the thought didn't appeal to him to do it in front of Venom anyway. Maybe in front of Candy. Yeah, Candy.
He shakes his head hard. Trying not think about her. She tried to keep conversations with him going, sending him pictures of puppies to cheer him up, meme's and tonight asking his opinion on an outfit for a meeting with a network, as he had met the guy before. Her in her well-tailored suits would've been a hard trigger for him before and now his kink for women in power suits was backfiring in a big way. Or rather, not firing at all and that was the issue. After he closes out the night, Venom watches Netflix. He'd let him while he slept so he could learn about earth, and it seemed to be helping curb the incessant, near constant questions from him.
Candy sends him a picture of her celebrating, a caption of 'wish you were here <3', her making a cute face and pouting, hair loose and messy, leaning on a bar in that suit, the tie loose, the top buttons undone and her shape on full display, it leads to impure thoughts immediately. He turns his phone over with a groan, Venom already engrossed in Planet Earth, and he goes to sleep.
It was inevitable really, the lack of release, the almost wet dream he was having of Candy. He's woken up by a concerned Venom.
"Eddie! What is happening?"  he says with a twitching nature to his usual gooey softness. His tendrils are smushing Eddie's cheeks and bapping him about the head. He's pulled out of his dream and so close to getting off he didn't have to look down to know that he was rock hard. He rolls to his back with a groan.
"It's fine, man, I'm fine." he says in a deep, sleep filled voice.
"This has not happened before." He says, his head turning to look at the tent in the sheets.
"Yeah, it has. Lots of times, we just weren't a thing then." He wishes he'd just let him watch some sexual rom-coms so he'd not have been alarmed. But leaving him alone with American Pie level education of sex wouldn't be a good idea. He'd leave the parental controls on for now.
"We were dreaming of taking off our clothes with Candy."
"Yep." he says with a smack of his lips and he sighs. Sure, why not, let's have this conversation right now, in the middle of the night.
"What conversation?" he's asked and he clenches his jaw, remembering in the haze of sleep his thoughts can be heard.  "Why were we taking off our clothes, we have never done that around another human."
"Yeah, we have. With Anne." he purses his lips.
He's quiet a moment as he sees foggy images of a bed and actions of a very similar nature being done with the other female, Anne. "What is this? A human ritual of some sort?" his iridescent eyes shift and catch the light. "This is a mating ritual isn't it?" he says with a quick jerk of his head in realization. Of course, Planet Earth, he would make the connection.  "You would put this into the female. For reproduction." he says in such a scientific way that until he reaches and smooths over the tent where Eddie stood at attention, he had been starting to go soft.
"Hey, man, watch it!" he hisses, swatting him weakly with his hand.
"You want to reproduce with Candy?"
"We call it sex and I do want to have sex with Candy." he with a deeper inflection, nodding his head, rubbing his face.
"We want an offspring to care for?"
"No, no humans do it for pleasure. It feels good. We don't have to do it to make babies. Most people do it just because it's fun and it feels nice." he would've preferred to be more eloquent about his explanation but he was tired and horny and now annoyed.
"It feels good?" he asks, another tendril stroking over the sheets as Eddie grunts and shifts. He liked it when Eddie felt good. It was his favorite thing. When Eddie felt good, so did he.
"Yeah it feels great." he says with a soft huff of laughter.
"Does it feel good when we do this with anyone?"
"It can, but I'm more a romantic myself." he makes a joke his friend doesn't understand. "You can do it when you love someone, you can do it when you hate someone and every emotion in between. Sometimes sex means nothing, sometimes it means every thing." he says, flopping his hands at his sides, feeling almost as confused as the alien did.
"Sex is complicated." Venom states.
"It can be extremely complicated."
"But we felt good in our dream about Candy. This was a good thing. We did not hate it, it did not mean nothing."
"That's right. We like each other so, it can make it better when you do it with someone you like. It makes it not just about feeling good with your body, it makes it feel good emotionally too."
He's reserved, reflecting for a moment, reading Eddie's body, his engorged cock, his full tightened balls and the pulse of the vein that ran up his length. He could feel it all just the same as Eddie did.  "I like you Eddie."
Eddie's eyes open fully. "Well, I like you too." he says, turning to face the bobbing head, not understanding fully what he meant.
"We can do this," he says rather softly, recalling how Candy spoke in Eddie's dream. A tendril slips under the blankets and Eddie feels the warmth and unearthly smoothness running down his thigh. "Would like to make us feel good Eddie." he says, as he feels more extensions of Venom reaching out over his body slowly. "Show us how to do this." he says, the prodding, fluid tips exploring Eddie's body gently.
"Well, I, usually do it myself. With my hand." he stutters, caught off guard by how good the warmth and sleekness of the vine-like fingers felt. He was also so painfully in need of release he imagines most anything would've felt amazing. He felt too tired and too needy to fight it. It also felt so natural, like an echo of a happy purr in his head, Venom feeding off the pleasure and giving it back to him.
"Show us, Eddie." he whispers, watching the light from the streets, blurred by his blinds over the windows reflect off the fluid body that was slowly wrapping around his limbs.
"'Kay." Eddie exhales hesitantly, pushing the covers past his tight boxer briefs. He shimmies out of them, leaving them somewhere on the bed, not that it mattered in his distracted state. He feels that anxious flutter in his stomach, feeling the same as if he were having sex with someone for the first time. He supposes it is like that, in a way. He takes a deep shaky breath, hands clenching and warming up, adjusting himself, testing out the sensitivity of his cock. Spreading his legs just slightly, one foot planted on the bed. He can feel the symbiote squeezing around his thighs, delicate tips of venom's potentially lethal extremities warding him from the cold air of the room, traveling up his hips to his stomach, almost a tickle with how they spread slowly.
Venom let Eddie guide the way but he had learned humans enjoy touch, and wanting to explore how to make Eddie, and thus himself, feel as good as possible, he wanted to explore Eddie's body from the outside. He could feel the tensing of muscles around his hips, a deep twitch that accompanied the bobbing of Eddie's cock. He felt before he would hear every sound Eddie made. The hot, wet tongue that licked over plush lips before a breathy exhale. The deeper groan that tried to escape as his teeth bit down on those same lips.
Eddie pushes down at the base of his cock, rubbing the soft flesh that surrounded it, a tease to himself before he gave in and wrapped his hand around himself. He presents himself in a way, differently from how he would do this alone. Which would have been quick, dirty and to the point, closing the browser as quickly as he could to not face the shame that would be waiting there for him in his sobered mind. He felt watched, his symbiote's head bobbing, a strange silhouette against the pale blinds in his window. Eddie tentatively wraps his fingers around himself, squeezing to test his grip, showing his voyeuristic friend how to be gentle.
"You can start slow... simple like this..." he whispers, a slow tug up to the head of his cock. It didn't take many strokes to have him standing at full attention again. Venom eyes narrow and his head tilts, taking in the sight before him, studying every thing Eddie was feeling and doing. As the precum gathers, the weight of it now sending it in a smooth descent down the tip of Eddie's cock, he takes his thumb and runs it over the head as he continues to stroke himself, a slight bend in his wrist as he subconsciously picks up speed. "You need..." he lets out a breathy exhale. "Lubrication, something to cut the friction." Being instructional and jerking off at the same time was proving more difficult than expected. "The head is the most sensitive." he whispers, a tiny moan as he incorporates sliding his hand to envelope his head completely into his routine. He grunts as he moves his other arm, his hand reaching down to cup his balls, now growing tighter. "But these feel good too." he says softly.
He feels Venom hum in agreement.
"Can't be rough with them though, or it'll hurt." he says after a brief fondling with his fingers, his hand retracting and Venom's tendrils replacing them, rolling them between two extended pliant limbs before his onyx smoothness covers his balls, causing a deep groan to come from Eddie. They're warm and feel wet without the moisture, like they'd been sucked into someone's mouth. The symbiote pays close attention, a gentle back and forth, a squeeze and release as it lightly frisks Eddie's balls.
Eddie lets his head fall back, his breathing growing faster along with his hand. A wince of his face as his eyes roll back in his head. Feeling a pressure grow inside him, Venom still observes him from the inside, see's his glands and ducts react, build and tense, his prostate serving a yet unknown function he'd been curious about.
"It does feel good, Eddie." Venom's deep voice rumbles out, his face close to Eddie's hand that stroked away at him. "Let us try." he says, a long solid arm growing from the shimmering almost-liquid that was prickling across his inner thighs.
Eddie figures, why the hell not. He lets go, and without hesitation, a matching grip is quickly found by Venom. At first, he simply mimics and Eddie is left with fluttering lids, getting jerked off by the symbiote. It soon shifts, causing Eddie's back to arch and toes to twitch as he's encased in an undulating blackness, encasing all of him with the slickness of a human body but with only Venom's unique ability to be everywhere all at once. His hips bucked and as goosebumps ran across his skin, the symbiote's outer layer rippled like the surface of water. The ability to have someone, something else feel exactly what you did as they did it was something afforded to no one else on Earth. At least to no one else that Eddie knew about. HIs hips pushed him up into Venom's softness, still in constant movement. It didn't feel like a human, not a mouth or other orifice, it felt like nothing else he could compare it to. No sex toy, even with the strangest textures inside those sleeves he'd used could replicate it exactly. It was something that was firm, but had give, felt hot without sweat and glided across him without it looking like it was doing anything at all. As he grew closer to climax, Venom's hold on him grew as well. He could see Eddie giving himself over, feel this delicious build that felt almost wrong, he knew something was going to happen, but he didn't know what.
"Is this feeling good, babe?" Venom says quietly, once again showing he was learning from Eddie's interactions with others and his thoughts.
"Yeah..." he whines. "This is...so fuckin' good." he moans. Venom shivers with happiness from the praise, his coverage over Eddie expanding, now between his fingers in an affectionate holding hands gesture, tickling up his neck and ears and making Eddie shudder. Venom notices the flinch as he moves across Eddie's nipples and starts to toy with them, drawing a muscle tensing groan from his wet lips.
"Good Eddie?" he whispers again.
"Yes." he huffs out, muscles starting to twitch, his hips starting to buck up involuntarily. The symbiote watches him vigilantly, seeing the flashes that cross his mind, seeing lips to lips, breasts and strong thighs as Eddie's mind tries to tie this feeling to something he's known before. He moves to hover over Eddie, that feeling close, that mystery that he keeps steadily pumping Eddie's veined and pulsing cock for. He unrolls his long tongue, Eddie's pouted and panting lips showing no signs of fear for anything he did to him now. Venom's grip on Eddie's hips tighten, he flicks his nipples and runs his tongue up his throat, leaving a wet trail behind. It was something familiar to Eddie, a blast of cold from the air hitting his skin as it started to dry. Venom then toys with his lips. Lapping against them until he opens his mouth. A wanton moan released, their tongues then shortly rubbing against the other before Venom tests Eddie and probes away at his mouth. Eddie lets his eyes shut, the groans come as he's so close he whines, balls of his feet digging into the mattress, his hand trying to grasp at sheets but being met with resistance from the symbiotes affectionate hold. Venom watches his host's lips suck away at its tongue, sending a thrill through both of them, something unknown to the alien before this point. A breathy moan is released from the large violent looking mouth that was being anything but. A rumble passes through them both, a warning, Venom thinks. He feels Eddie's muscles start to convulse, pulling away and concentrating on his cock again, as it seemed this area of his body was about to undergo a transformation.
"Fuck, I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum." Eddie gasps and whimpers, lip snarled and head pushed back into the bed, helpless to what was happening and he certainly wasn't minding in the least.
"Yes. Come." Venom says, putting a word to the action now. He feels Eddie's muscle convulse and suddenly he feels it push and force out a pearlescent liquid that started forcefully and died down to a slow pump as he continued his encapsulation around Eddie's throbbing cock. He seized on the outside and in, feeling everything his body did that Eddie couldn't, the veins pumping, the ducts drawing, glands releasing, causing this euphoric feeling that made the both of them in their echo chamber of pleasure mewl and moan.
"St-Stop." Eddie whines, as Venom continued with his same pace. "Sen-senstive." Eddie winces and raises on his elbows, eyes pleading.
Venom stops moving, a slow retraction of the extensions of himself back into his body. Some seeping into Edie's skin, some joining Venom on the extended head that was now moving closer to Eddie's face.
"After you cum it's sensitive to touch for a while. Everything's so...." he lets out a noisy sigh, trying to gather himself after what was the most strange and intense orgasm of his life. "heightened." he managed to sigh out in a high pitched exhale. "Gotta let it rest." he gruffs out, laying open and exposed on the bed, catching his breath.
"It was good Eddie." Venom hums, tongue licking around the sides of its own face. "Why did we not do that sooner?"
"I'm wondering the same thing right about now." Eddie chuckles.
"Why do we not do this all the time? Do all humans feel this way? Why aren't they doing this all the time?"
Eddie laughs and rests his forearm against his face. "That's... those are good questions." he grins, catching his breath. "But do you mind if I answer them in the morning? I'm kinda..."
"We become tried afterward." he says, feeling a yawn build in Eddie' chest before it erupts.
"Mmm Hmm" he nods, wiping his watering eyes.
"We can sleep if we get answers tomorrow."
"Tomorrow, man, yeah. Promise." he says, rolling to his side with a  groan after a stretch.
Venom takes the covers and pulls them back over Eddie who thanks him with a lazy smile and a scratch under the chin, the symbiotes curiosity and perseverance reminding him of a puppy.
"Not a dog." he says despite leaning into the touch. "Sleep now. Questions when you wake." he states again. "Answers in the morning."
"Yeah, tomorrow." Eddie mumbles, pulling the pillow to his face. He's out before Venom even tucks him in. A gesture of affection he'd seen in a movie. He goes back to the television, deciding to watch more, as it was clear he still had a lot to learn.
@hardygal69 @raceylacy @emerald-bijou @negansdirtygirl22 @brianaisasongbird @vale0413 @izzy-the-ginger @chortletortoise @onomatopoetic-aesthetic @anrm1  @jademox @nightcraver @venomous-possibiities @tinastarkandco @chipster-21 
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leaiorganas · 6 years
writing meme
RULES: List the openings of the last ten stories you published. Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Then tag some friends.
tagged by my favourite @theputterer! Sorry this took so long and thank you! I love writing tags!!
last ten of my fourty stories (omg) on AO3
1. say you love me - rebelcaptain
Five Five minutes is all it takes for the course of her life to change. She’s sure of it.
Five minutes in which a man, once a stranger, had gathered together the first of her hope and had welcomed her home. She remembers that she had stood there, unsure and insecure. No one had ever breathed those words to her, no one had ever extended so much of themselves to her. She had been used to being alone, fighting to stay one step ahead of anyone who could hurt her.
And in the span of five minutes, she had a family. People she could call friends. A sense of purpose. For the first time in her life, she knows she can forge ahead with something more than just herself. The burden is heavy, the weight of it is crushing her and somewhere, she hears a clock ticking.
2. act like you love me - rebelcaptain
It’s been two months since Scarif and Jyn has been trying to figure out what her relationship with Cassian is, if anything at all. Oh, Cassian is always thoughtful, asking how she is and joining them at meals when he can. Sometimes, she believes that he feels the same about her that she does about him. She’ll catch averted glances, small smiles, and a gentle hand to the shoulder when he leaves for a meeting and it sends a spark coiling to her stomach.
But then there are the days that his manner is brusque and his face as impassive as the day she met him. She hates those days, when Cassian the spy emerges and he has even less to say than his usual quiet self. It’s not like they have deep and meaningful conversations, there isn’t much time, but Jyn knows she is getting closer to being brave enough to try.
The problem is, she is just not quite sure if Cassian feels anything at all for her beyond a camaraderie, a friendship and wonders how much she is risking by wanting more.
3. a little too much - rebelcaptain
The weeks and months after Scarif were a blur of injections, bacta treatments, and countless droids poking and prodding at her. The days were endless meetings, negotiations, and just the daily struggle to heal. She knows her injuries are minor, mainly battered and bruised from her fight on the catwalk, nothing that she could not recover from so her main priority, once she is released from med-bay is trying to discover what happened to the rest of the crew that had left for Scarif. She was heartbroken to discover that there were only eight survivors out of their original crew and weeps quietly the first night in her newly assigned quarters, mourning for those that were lost and yet deeply relieved that her small crew had made it out alive.
4. all the rest of my life - rebelcaptain
It’s been two weeks. Two weeks of complete silence. Two weeks of no calls, texts, messages, nothing.
It’s the strangest thing.
It’s like he has fallen off the face of the earth and no one knows where he is. She’s called everyone; Kes and Leia included. She finally broke down and reached out to Kay whose only response had simply been to let her know that Cassian was fine and would be in touch when he could.
So, Cassian is fine and doesn’t want to talk to her?
It’s strange.
5. here are your upturned hands - rebelcaptain
Cassian realizes just how much he wants Jyn on an ordinary Centaxday.
Maybe it is the long, dullness of the meeting, maybe it is the knowledge of Jyn next to him but he does remember that it started on a Centaxday.
He hadn’t woken up that morning intending to realize he was in love. He hadn’t woken up intent on anything other than trying to make it through another long day. He had some small hope that he was going to be able to finish his last mission brief that he had (uncharacteristically) push off to the side, maybe some time with Kay-Too on a droid they were both working on. Those were his only intentions.
And that worked until Draven’s late afternoon meeting.
Once he starts watching her, he can’t stop watching her.
6. it’s a thin, thin line - rebelcaptain
She learns early on that he is quiet and efficient, a product of his life spent drifting along with the shadows. He never says more than he should, never volunteers anything about himself. She finds that for him; every moment, every word is calculated to give as little as possible. There is an intensity about him that draws her in despite how little he says out loud. She sees that he spends most days listening and watching others and so, she watches him. She watches the way he furrows his brow when he is trying to puzzle something out. She watches the way he appears devoted to a conversation but can see the way his eyes never seem to stop moving or assessing.
7. someone good to come - rebelcaptain
There’s music playing in the background; something festive and merry and she still can’t get over how many candles Kay and Bodhi were able to hang from tree limbs. They are everywhere, casting a soft light as they turn and twinkle against the settling sun. There’s so much food and drink, there is no way she is going to ask Leia where it all came from.
Leia coordinated the whole thing, was maniacal down to the last detail. We deserve this, you both deserve this, after everything we have done and everything we have been through. It’s time, don’t you think?
She couldn’t agree with her more but there is a knot of tension settling in her stomach and she is not completely sure why.
8. you’ve got a hold of me - rebelcaptain
“What do think about the new guy?”
Cassian had been watching the makeshift cantina fill up from his corner of the room and shifts over when Jyn prods his knee. He turns slightly so he can slide out the other side quickly if he needs to. He hums thoughtfully but does not answer Jyn’s question. She sighs and turns towards Baze who has joined them at the table.
“Where’s Chirrut?”
Base simply shrugs, “He is talking with young Skywalker, they are on their way here.”
“What do you think about him?” Jyn turns the full force of her gaze on Baze. Cassian sighs quietly beside her, he thinks he knows where this conversation is going.
Again, Baze shrugs, “I don’t.”
9. i guess i’m going down, like this - rebelcaptain
Jyn once asked her father how he knew that Lyra was his soulmate and he laughed quietly.
“It was in her touch.”
It would be years before she understood that he meant it literally.
10.  Someone Like That - whouffaldi
Clara stood in front of her bedroom mirror, waffling between two dresses. She held up a black dress with a sweetheart neckline up to her chin and cocked her head. This?
“The black one for sure.” Amy, her flat mate, was sprawled on Clara’s bed reading a magazine. She hadn’t glanced up before announcing her decision.
“You don’t think it’s too revealing?” Clara pursed her lips before bringing a red sleeveless sheath up over the black dress.
“Nah, the lace on the sleeves makes it a bit more demure even with that bodice. I don’t get why you are so nervous. How many of these holiday parties have you been to anyway?”
Too many. But this year was different; this year the Doctor was going to be there and after trying to get to know him the last few months, Clara felt that this could very well be her last chance.
Any patterns? Hmm, do you guys see any? 
I rarely start with conversation
Looks like I try and set a mood with the first paragraph
I need to keep on writing
I tag these lovelies though any of you are welcome to do this (especially if you read through this whole post): @atthelamppost, @riderunlove, @timelordthirteen, @goingtothetardis, @sequencefairy, @longjackets, @gwendolynnby, @thestarbirdfromtheashes, @gloriouswhisperstyphoon, @ladytharen
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The signs are having a sleepover....
Aries is challenging Sagittarius and Leo to a pillow fight, taunting them and declaring that he will win. He wants this sleepover to be lit, and will do anything in his power to avoid getting bored and falling asleep. There will be no rules except for one: No one is allowed to fuck up Aries’ hair, and if they do, they will die. 
Taurus wants to order (more) takeout, but Virgo won’t let her because there is still leftover pizza on the table and the idea of wasting food “irks his soul.” Because of this, Taurus has caught a slight attitude and decides that they are going to change into their comfiest pajamas and fall asleep watching something on TV, ignoring everyone else for the rest of their night.
Gemini wants to play 2 truths and a lie but instead replace the lies with a dare so its “like truth or dare but not”..... Everyone is struggling to understand what she’s talking about, but her energy at this time of night is pleasantly infectious. She’s made her fourth prank call and is really proud of herself because they all were really funny and made everyone laugh, so she’s happy she’s contributing to the fun. She’s lowkey tired but doesn’t want anyone to know. :)
Cancer went to bed around 10. She keeps waking up every now and then to be like “guys, what the hell are you doing?” but decides she’s too tired to care and goes back to sleep. She tapped out trying to show everyone that “bee movie but it gets faster every time they say bee” meme, and really doesn’t fuck with this sleepover shit at all because she hates being woken up. She made everyone gift bags to go home with in the morning, and can’t wait to give them out.
Leo is feeeeelinnnngggg themselves over there in the corner. She hooked up the Wii and is playing Just Dance 3, belting out the lyrics as she goes. She wants to wake Cancer up because she thinks that she’s going to miss out on all the fun. Later she really wants to take a cute group picture where everyone looks good af so she can save it on her phone and remember how awesome the night was. 
Virgo wants to play a nice, constructive board game but everyone is being really loud and roudy so it’s hard for him to round everyone up and divide them into equal teams. He has lowkey been cleaning up after everyone the whole night and is probably just going to snuggle with the dog and head to sleep soon.
Libra needs advice on one of her love interests, so she’s currently making a pros and cons list in the corner with Pisces. She has been going around asking everyone “would-you-rather” questions but can’t seem to choose a side on any of the ones she’s asked. She really wants to give someone a makeover-- she asked Capricorn and he was like, “hell no!” so she asked Leo instead, who was very excited.
Scorpio really fucking wants to play cards of humanity. He’s been gone for about an hour and everyone thought he was asleep but it turns out he wasn’t?????? He brought really cool incense and has been lighting them all over the place, but no one knows where they came from?
Sag is trying to sneak into Cancer’s room and draw a dick on her face.... She’s literally just laughing at how stupid everyone looks right now. She’s photobombing Leo and i’m pretty sure she keeps spilling red juice on the carpet on purpose just to piss Virgo off.
Capricorn is alone on YouTube watching fail videos and “Best vines of 2k17″. He’s trying to figure out if anyone at the sleepover is in his Psychology class so he can copy their homework and save himself some time over the weekend. 
Aquarius is in the basement looking up conspiracy theories with Scorpio and Gemini. They’re debating about some really weird shit but they’re having the time of their life, so no one interrupt them. Aquarius hands down thinks she’s going to be the last one to bed-- she drank 2 monsters about 30 minutes ago.
Pisces is kind of all over the place. He’s been going from group to group participating in all the conversations but then leaves when shit gets too weird for him. He’s been tagging everyone in memes through the night and i’m like a thousand percent sure I saw that mans sleepwalking??? #shook
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