#it's me i am she i am also an idiot
"I'm going to play Hades because I enjoy ancient mythology, an interest that was sparked by my access to stories from Greek mythology" she said
"Oh wow two blessings in one room" she said
"How cool, Artemis and Aphrodite, I hope this means that I get to see some insight into their relationship with each other in this world" she said
"Surely this will not force me to make a decision between two goddesses in a fashion reminiscent of the inciting incident to the trojan war" SHE SAID
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yardsards · 2 months
im like the lorax when it comes to women's body hair. we should let it grow.
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allyougottado · 26 days
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i'm so mad for the first day of the event i had therapy so i couldnt play then the second day my bus home was late then the third day i missed the bus then the fourth day i had hella homework then the fifth day i had an appointment with my psychiatrist and today I HAVE HELLA CRAMPS
since i cant play the songs i will draw them 😭😭😭
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blurry sketchy puppets in a lime. line. limelight line
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avantgardetheseventh · 3 months
Francesca's story has to be the most interesting of them all. The first thing she'd poured so much heart and love into - a humble piano - was all she was. Happy to be defined by her music, happy to talk about her interest. Entering into the social season, perhaps with no interest to get married on her own but doing so just to get her mother off her back - she'd just wanted someone kind who would allow her to keep her piano, practice her music. Love was a distant thought. It would be a coincidence if she were to find somebody who shared the same interests as her. Social seasons were difficult on their own. Fran doesn't go in with expectations.
Enter John. He's quiet, reserved, takes an interest in Francesca's music. She is elated. He's someone kind, someone who is willing to listen, someone whom she can just stay with, no pressure to woo them with flowery language. They're such a perfect fit - understanding of each other on such a deep level despite not having spoken to each other one bit. Francesca lets herself be vulnerable, be seen.
She loves him. It is not everyday they find someone who is able to accommodate the other's interests, let alone barely tolerate it. They carve out a space just for themselves; it is everything they've ever dreamt of. Not just a fancy house or surface-level pleasures, rather an invitation. There's no pressure to proclaim love out in words. There's just no pressure to simply exist; breathe in the same air as the other. It's wonderful, the love treats them both with so much kindness. After all, that's what they've wanted, right? Someone kind?
Francesca doesn't take John's death very well. Piano is to her as John had been to her. The things she loves snatched away from her. How long would it take before she loses her ability to play? The jubliant compositions turning slow, mellow and one day, she ends up forgetting it entirely.
She must move on someday, right? John would not be willing to keep her in one place. Where does she go? Who will treat her with the same kindness John has showed her? Who is she willing to carve out a space for - taking time and energy to just love? It was easy to love John; a slow descent into a warm embrace. Who will she ever share it with, if not for him?
Michaela is Michaela. Stubborn, daring, charismatic, social, attractive. Encouraging, perhaps. Maybe she doesn't understand Francesca down to her molecules when they first met. Maybe Francesca is a bit nervous herself - besides ruminating over her attraction to women, trying to piece together an explanation - she is scared. A little. Change doesn't do Fran much good anyway, but she's willing to try.
Michaela lends her a hand - perhaps, after years and years of Francesca adamant on going through it all alone. She accepts it. To step out of her comfort zone, but not too much as to overwhelm her. Step by step, like a waltz. Moving on, rebuilding her hands again to play her piano, to create with reckless abandon. Slowly, it transforms into love. A different kind of love without fear. A love that treats her so gently, arms tight around her but also unafraid to drag her out, let the sun on her face again. It's something kind, something new. Two sides of the same coin. And yet, there's also a space built for them to share. A love of something warm, a feeling of home and yet, a love filled with so much daring hope.
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caeslxys · 6 months
here's the thing. laudna would have stopped it. if she knew delilah was about to fracture the gnarlrock. if she could parse her own feelings from hers.
and here's the thing. imogen has been plagued by nightmares for a decade. and this rock is the first bit of solace outside of her trust in laudna that she has ever had.
and laudna was just involved in shattering it. this tiny bit of solace.
and. here's the thing: laudna would've stopped it.
and. here's the thing. imogen would've stopped it. the only reason imogen didn't go is because she was specifically afraid that she would attempt to intervene and ruin their relationship with the volition before it ever began.
and here's the thing. liliana set out 25+ years ago specifically to spare her daughter. and that seemingly has not ever wavered as her core motivation. but people keep being drawn to the moon. kids keep being drawn towards the moon. and liliana is a mother. she was a mother before she ever knew she was an exaltant.
for 25+ years she has worked to "cure" imogen. the only solace she probably ever received was in at least attempting to console the kids who found themselves lured in by her same pull.
liliana begs imogen not say that they may have to kill each other. she breaks at hearing imogen's resolve. but there's kids, imogen. there's kids here. imogen. she can't leave. she's a mom.
and, here's the thing: imogen's her daughter. the daughter liliana left. or tried to leave. the daughter she only had through dreams. and imogen is working with the volition. and imogen has been her sole drive for 25+ years.
and imogen might have just been involved in shattering the little solace she might have ever had.
and, here's the thing: imogen would've stopped them.
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lovereadandwrite · 27 days
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“did you HEAR MEEE ??! PLAY THE FKIN BEAT-” -Nobara Kugisaki/Chappell Roan🙂‍↕️💅🏻🔨
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mars-ipan · 7 months
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happy early discount chocolate day
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iamhereinthebg · 8 months
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Mirai is so cute here I am ascending
Anyways, I will be honest I have some mixt feeling rn :00
About the clock keepers themselves?? I don't have that much fear tbh, they are supernaturals in their boundary, and contrary to number 3 they don't have hearts that Tsukasa or anyone else can consume. I think they will be fine (or I am being delusionnal to protect myself, you choose rip) I love them very much they will always live in my heart.
I was REALLY not happy with chapter 109, having to be focused on little crumbs was really hard when I have been waiting for their focus for more than 4 years. Having the joke that is chapter 109 absolutely destroyed me, they are my fav mysteries and I want something good for them, unfortunately I am not sure they will get it.
Chapter 110 gave me some hope because yes what is happening is not normal, and I am glad it was adressed. For me it was obvious af it' wasn't, but I really needed confirmation from the author to be sure.
I have always said that the clock keepers were unique and Teru confirms it in this chapter with the official translation:
'The clock keepers are clearly unique even among the school mysteries, and go beyond the average supernaturals'
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They are n°1, the only mystery with three beings in it and with a human, one of the last two mysteries left with the other one being the main focus on the manga. Of course something is strange with how they are treated right now. What is happening?
None of them used their time powers expect for Mirai once as the judgment. The stuff they are saying to punish Tsukasa seems more like jokes and they aren't treating the trial as they should be (but this may be just because chapter 109 is bad af lol). Mirai can litteraly see the future if she wants to.
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The owls, their shikigami/familiars don't move at all when their masters are attacked, they are in their own boundary, their shrine. Maybe their powers are related to the clock Natsuhiko destroyed (and I would be sad af if this is the reason and nothing can be done) we just don't know what is happening. Do they have a plan? Are they playing a part (which would be funny because some stuff about the clock keepers are related to theaters and plays) Did someone forced them to do something? We don't know anything about the clock keeper, them being in the same spot as n°6 before we got to his story.
We just know they are special among the mysteries, they are the oldest ones, Kako and Mirai are made of gears and a human has a seat in it.
I am pretty sure Teru had this conversation with Akane here because he knows the clock keepers are special.
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The two mysteries being the more visible here being the god of death and the clock keepers.
It's also the only mystery Hanako didn't want to destroy right away because they could be useful. All mysteries had their yorishiro destroyed/were planned to be destroyed once they got students in danger. (expect for Tsuchigomori who just, accepted it as a precaution rip) The clock keepers are the only ones who got a free pass on this even after getting the whole school involved.
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Their powers are just above a lot of the others, and everyone know how useful it can be, so once again why aren't they using it?
Not caring about their yorishiro is also super strange. Especially when the one the most against Hanako's plan to destroy the yorishiros in the manga is Kako.
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A mystery has to choose a yorishiro to be a proxy of the gods, to be able to have this status.
They have to choose a yorishiro so they don't run away from the job, it's the thing the most important to them so they would never destroy it. They have to protect it. Teru assuming they don't care is just so so strange. Why wouldn't they? That's the whole point of what a yorishiro is! They even hide it in one of them as an extra precaution! A lot of things go against what has been established before for yorishiros it's just plain out suspicious.
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Kako and Akane are also really really duty centered characters. Akane will do a job even if he doesn't want to if he is asked to do it and Kako is the one being represented as the observator over the mysteries to see if they are respecting their sworn duty.
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I also don't know what to think about their yorishiro for now. What does it open? A door to another room? Is it to protect something? Is it to activate another automaton? Can it be related somehow to the old clock keeper of the present? (delulu land again)
Idk I am really curious. I really hope we won't have the answer right away though, they were defeeated way too quickly and I hope they have more stuff to them. We got Hakubo's and Sumire's story and a part of the Yugi twins beforec their yorishiro got destroyed, so I hope it will be the same for them. That we will have time to get to know them a little bit more.
And after all, neither Nene or Hanako want to destroy any more yorishiro for now, and Tsukasa apparently lost it at the end of the chapter (we can see the hand who had it being empty. But AidaIro has sometimes a problem of coherence with their right and left and objects disappearing and appearing which I can understand with the rythm they have to keep with the manga, so I am not sure)
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I have a lot of fears about this tbh, because maybe AidaIro will just give us the reason why they are weak rn and continue the story without explaining anything about them, not giving them the spotlight I think they truly deserve. The worst for me would be they work for Sakura, I really really hope it's not this, but I am really scared :///
So I will go for this for now, even if this is really depressing for me, but I don't want to have my hopes up with how the writing have been really ups and downs since the start of this arc (the only good chapter for me being chapter 108).
I am still really intrigued by what is Akane's real duty and why is he so reluctant to do it but still does it? Why Akane said they had to do the trials now? Honestly I have a lot of questions and I know no matter what happens, the clock keepers make me super sad (in a good way) and happy at the same time. And this last chapter with Mirai and Akane was a blast (I am actually writing a whole document on them rn it's long I will link it later ahah)
I also wonder if any of the clock keepers can use the others' clocks or not? Does this mean like Kako can go full OP while using all three powers at the same time? (let's go grandpa give us everything) I am curious since they are a mystery where having an object is important for their powers (Kako and Mirai being able to use their with bare hands because they have their clocks on them, I can be wrong about it though)
We are also left with only Akane as n°1 rn and idk what it will mean for him.
So yes full of fears, but also I know I will find crumbs to go delulu on :DD I would try to stay full positive but with the focus being on Tsukasa and on how secondary characters rn are mostly as 'objects for the plot' (I mean, look at Nene :')) I can't really ://
But be sure, I will forever love the clock keepers even if the plots are not respecting them
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blaithnne · 26 days
Anders has inordinate amounts of annoying little brother energy, which is ironic considering the main person you see that dynamic unfold with is his ex-wife.
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baynton · 1 year
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girl!Mat in the Terrible Treasures Horrible Histories Game
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 months
That moment when your bastard cat brings you a live cockroach, so you spend 30 minutes frantically running around trying to kill it as silently as possible so your little brother doesn't wake up in the midst of the chaos, and then spend 10 more minutes pouring bleach and hot water on every surface of the house just to make sure your dumbass cats don't get parasites from licking up the smashed roach remains...
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syn4k · 7 months
Two Idiots, One Body | next
"Has anyone seen Beef?" Grian asks, sprinting over, face a perfect mask of concern. "He's supposed to be here by now." 
Iskall looks up from where she's fiddling with a hinge to squint at him. It's 9am. First day of Hermitcraft Season 10 and the sun still hasn't hit the peak of the sky. It's been an hour since the world hummed into existence, all fresh dirt and generating stone and trees growing in a snap like they'd been here forever, and Beef is late. Beef is never late. That's the rule: when the new season starts, you're there. 
Iskall is there, even though he kind of wishes he's not. Her head's weirdly foggy and his vision keeps drifting in and out of focus, but hey, that makes sense, right? He's been sick for three days. Everything gets gummed up when you're sick. 
Amongst the crowd of unusually antsy Hermits, someone yells Grian's name and he runs back off with a muttered apology, wings barely a bump on his back this early on. 
The rest of Day 1 goes normally enough. 
Grian runs the intro as smoothly and professionally as always and everyone runs off to get their gear. Doc and Cub have a villager trading hall set up in four hours. Ren organizes a caving session. Iskall is assigned to a group with him, Mumbo, and Stress. On the surface, it's a perfectly normal first day of the season, with the chaos and confusion and absolute lunacy that comes trotting naturally alongside 26 hermits being in one place. There's two new people here, after all, and they must be introduced properly, says Grian, grinning devilishly. 
Still, no matter how many times Iskall blows his nose, the fog stays stubbornly stuck in her brain. And no matter how low the sun dips towards the meeting point of earth and sky, a little blazing ball of Atlas to paint the sky a thousand shades of night, Beef does not log on. Everyone tries to ignore it. Most people succeed. 
Iskall goes to bed that night tired but happy, brain whirling at a million miles per hour, adrenaline fading and leaving his limbs to ache with the full force of the workout they were just given. As she drifts off to sleep, he chuckles. He can almost hear Beef grumbling about missing out on the first day already. 
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sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
Its currently may 18, my birthday!
So what better way to celebrate than draw WWWreader experiencing the worst birthdays of her life two times LMAO
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omg dude happy birthday!!! i hope you have (had maybe) an absolutely fantastic day!!!!! ALSO URGHKDJSGBNKSDGBSDGHKJB CELEBRATING.... AND YET I'M BEING GIFTED SUCH AMAZING ART.... nnnnnnnghhh thank you once again!!! also yeah the fact that she had to go through this twice lmao get fucked <3
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forestgreenlesbian · 6 months
#feel like my relationship with my younger brother is changed completely forever not to be dramatic lol but i am sad#we used to b very close but he has kind of. found his faith again and gone full missionary christian which like. i knew meant the dynamic#was doomed lmao but actually acknowledging it makes me sad i feel like i'm grieving for the friendship we used to have even though#it is literally a me problem i think from his perspective he doesn't think anything has changed. but i feel weird about everything#also his new gf is nineteen and he is. almost 25 and i am the only one who feels weird about it like i know she's over 18 but! idk i can't#tell if i'm being overly cautious or if my gut instinct is right. my sister & her husband have a similar age gap but they met when they wer#both over 30 so like. it didn't feel weird. and i didn't feel comfortable actually seriously talking to him about it apart from the first#time he mentioned her over facetime (he went to another country to do mission stuff & met her there) so like an idiot i've just been#making jokes about the age gap becausee like. thats always been our thing lightly bullying each other lol but he blew up at me and said#i've had nothing positive to say about her since he's been back home and that he thinks i hate her and i'm out of line for constantly#implying he's creepy for dating someone younger. idk i felt like such a freak idiot horrible person about it. it completely blindsided me#bc yes the jokes were coming from a place of idk how i feel about this situation so i'm going to rely on the humour-based communication#we have always fallen back on as a safety thing but i guess i was wrong or the dynamic shifted or something anyway it's all fucked#& everyone is just telling me i feel weird out of some?? misplaced kind of jealousy thing?? because i'm 'losing' my brother to his gf lol#which does not feel right at all he has dated so many other girls and i have never had a problem it is literally the age gap like i haven't#even met this girl i'm sure she's very nice! i just worry about her being nineteen!! jesus. and yes maybe i do feel some resentment around#a brother younger than me who seems to be able to live his life with zero difficulty whilst i'm stuck being this unemployed loser who ruins#literally ever friendship & relationship ive ever had but i think thats ok right like i can't help feeling that. i don't fucking knowwww#am i just projecting all these sad feelings about our friendship dying onto his new relationship or like. am i right to be genuinely#concerned she's six years younger than him and still a fucking teenager!!!!!! i don't know
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museenkuss · 1 year
Have you noticed the rise of young adult aimed media lately? The other day I was discussing the topic with a very dear friend of mine who surprised me by saying that she doesn't mind that at all and will gladly watch shows aimed at a younger audience.
I've been thinking about that a lot - I remember shows and movies like The Devil wears Prada, SaTC, Shoppaholic etc that featured main characters in their 20s-30s but were enjoyed by teenagers as well. These days I feel like we get the opposite, with Euphoria, Stranger Things etc - shows with a main focus on (supposed) teenagers that are aimed at older audiences as well. Very interesting!
...and annoying to me personally since I don't really find (americanised) teen life very interesting or relatable. I might rewatch a show I enjoyed while I was a teenager and I have watched shows aimed at a younger audience because I knew they would mention a topic I care about a lot that isn't discussed in adult media most of the time - but it took a while before I convinced myself I wanted to watch that show badly enough to put up with first kisses and pop quizzes and spring dances. My friend, again, has a completely different view on that and mentioned that she will gladly watch The Summer I Turned Pretty for fun and relaxation - which genuinely shocked me (because I can’t relate, not because I’m judging her — or you, if you like those shows).
So now I have to ask
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