#even zeus followed that rule
"I'm going to play Hades because I enjoy ancient mythology, an interest that was sparked by my access to stories from Greek mythology" she said
"Oh wow two blessings in one room" she said
"How cool, Artemis and Aphrodite, I hope this means that I get to see some insight into their relationship with each other in this world" she said
"Surely this will not force me to make a decision between two goddesses in a fashion reminiscent of the inciting incident to the trojan war" SHE SAID
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jgracie · 14 days
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masterlist | rules
in which jason is a hero in more ways than one
pairings jason grace x fem!reader
warnings reader is afab/can get pregnant
on the radio . . . beautiful boy (darling boy) (john lennon)
an my blog has become baby fever central so naturally i had to deliver 🫡, shoutout to anya ( @puffoz ) for helping me name the eldest grace daughter <3
The night after you told Jason you were pregnant with your first child, you’d woken up to the sound of sniffles coming from a certain someone sleeping right next to you. At first, you were confused - Jason had been ecstatic a few hours ago when you broke the news to him, why was he crying now? Then it hit you.
He was scared.
Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, champion of Hera, ex-praetor of Camp Jupiter, Pontifex Maximus and so many other titles you never cared for, was scared. Tenderly, you’d coaxed him out of the ball shape he was currently in (arms wrapped around his knees, head sitting in between his legs) and asked what was wrong, even though you already had an inkling of an idea as to what the matter was.
When he didn’t answer, you didn’t ask again. Knowing Jason like the palm of your hand meant staying silent and waiting for him to be ready to tell you, as expressing and talking about his emotions has been a struggle he only recently began to deal with.
With your hand gently rubbing his back, Jason replied, his voice barely above a whisper, “do you think I’ll be a bad dad?” Only after the question left his lips did Jason make eye contact with you, his eyes glistening with the tears they once held. 
Anyone who grew up the way Jason did would naturally have their doubts about their parental abilities: how was he supposed to take care of a baby when he didn’t even know what it was like to be taken care of as a baby? However, you knew the truth.
“No,” you said. It was a simple answer, full of certainty and confidence, “no, Jason, I don’t think you’ll be a bad father. In fact, I know you’ll be a good one. You aren’t your upbringing - you’re kind, caring and hold so much love in your heart for everyone and everything around you despite the circumstances the Fates put you through. Trust me when I say you’ll be the best dad.”
You were, of course, right. Despite all the hardships that come with pregnancy, yours was a breeze thanks to Jason. Throughout the entirety of the nine months you spent carrying your child, he was nothing but supportive. He’d always buy you whatever food you were craving at whatever time (no matter how strange it was), he’d give you massages, he’d comfort you when you were feeling down and so much more.
The next time Jason cried was in the hospital when your baby had arrived. Natalia June Grace was born at 9:47AM and was everything you wished for and more. As Jason stared into her eyes, the eyes she’d inherited from him, he was filled to the brim with conviction: he was going to be the best dad he could possibly be for his precious Talia.
Despite this, Jason would be lying if he said he didn’t have his hard times. He’d be lying if he said he never woke up in the middle of the night, sweaty as he reached for his glasses and reminded himself that the nightmares aren’t real, they don’t define him, he is not Zeus, he is not Jupiter, he is Jason.
Being Jason meant being an excellent father. In Natalia's eyes, Jason hung the moon and the stars - no one could compare to her father. They had a bond like no other and were inseparable from the minute they met. Everywhere Talia went, Jason followed. Dance recital? He had front row tickets and lots of storage on his phone to film every second of it. Impromptu tea party with her barbies? Jason was there, clad in a tutu as he poured invisible tea into their cups. To you, the fact that Natalia viewed him as her hero was no surprise. Jason, however, tended to need some reminding.
“Mommy!” You heard your daughter yell as soon as she and Jason made their way inside your cozy apartment. While your husband locked the door, your daughter ran to the kitchen and gave you a bone crushing hug. Immediately, you let go of the whisk you were holding and hugged back, unable to believe it was now almost six years since she had been born. Time flies when you’re having fun!
Running your fingers through her hair, you said, “Talia, how was school today? I really missed you!” She replied with a quick ‘good’ before going to sit on the dining table, princess themed bag clutched tightly in her little hands as she yapped to you about everything that had happened at school that day. You smiled, admiring the way your daughter managed to breathe life into the most mundane things.
Just as she was beginning to tell you about her current crush, Mikey, and how he shared his KitKat with her during lunch, Jason appeared, bouquet of flowers in hand as he took your own and pressed a kiss onto the back of it.
“Hi honey, I missed you loads today. Got you these ‘cause I noticed the others started wilting,” your smile widened at this gesture: only your husband would be paying that much attention to the flowers scattered around the house. You gave him a peck on the lips before taking the bouquet from him and going to place it in a vase. While you were doing so, you could hear Jason and Natalia having a conversation.
“Do you want me to put your bag in your room, baby?” He asked.
“No thank you daddy, I wanna show you and mommy something first,” she replied. Then, turning around, she yelled, “mommy, come! I wanna show you and daddy what I did at school today!” 
You obliged, and you and Jason watched as she rummaged in her school bag before pulling out a single piece of paper and handing it to you. On it, in big bold letters, was the title, ‘My Hero’.
“Read it so daddy can know too!” She squealed, nearly jumping out of her seat in excitement. You stared at the picture of a tall, blond man and a little girl in pigtails she’d drawn to accompany the paragraph she’d written on this topic and felt your heart swell with warmth.
Glancing at Jason for a second, you read, “my hero is my daddy. He is my hero because he always plays with me and gets rid of the monsters under the bed when I go to sleep. I love my daddy very much.”
After you’d finished reading, Natalia looked up at Jason expectantly, a big smile plastered on her face as she waited to hear his reaction. However, her smile dropped when she saw tears roll down his cheeks.
Now pouting, she turned to you for answers, “why is daddy sad?” 
You smiled, delicately cupping her face in your palm, “daddy’s not sad, babes, he’s actually really happy. Sometimes, when people are super happy, they cry. Your worksheet means a lot to him, he’s very touched,” at your words, she brightened up.
Natalia then took the paper from you and gave it to Jason, “you can hang it on your wall, daddy, since you like it so much!” She proceeded to give him a peck on the cheek and ran off to her room, not fully understanding exactly how much her simple worksheet meant to Jason.
That was the third time Jason cried: when he realised he wasn’t his upbringing, or Zeus, or Jupiter, or any of the other monsters that lived under his own bed. He was Jason - a great, loving father who put his family above all and was a hero in more ways than one.
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lvckyyz · 4 months
godly parents
the gods’ relationship with their children:
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mr. d who tries to hide his laugh every time one of his children don’t follow the rules
mr. d who pretends he doesn’t know when there’s a party in cabin 12
mr. d who gets surprised when his children dedicate offerings for him, and tries to hide his happiness whenever it happens
mr. d who sometimes visit the strawberry field to check on his children’s work
mr. d who argued with demeter because of the rivalry between their children
mr. d who always help his kids when they are rehearsing for a new play
mr. d who gets called out by chiron every time he gets too biased for his children
mr. d who is respectful when talking about his children’s mothers, because he doesn’t want them to think he has done the same thing zeus did to his mother
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hebe who already pretended to be a new camper just to spend time with her children
hebe who ignores the rules zeus created just to protect her kids
hebe who would sacrifice her eternal youth to guarantee cabin’s 18 protection
hebe who has made a deal with morpheus so her children would never have a nightmare
hebe who has threatened ares when clarisse was being mean to her children
hebe who sends gifts to her children from olympus every month
hebe who made toys act alive when her kids were alone
hebe who occasionally visits camp half blood even though she always gets in trouble for doing so
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demeter who decors cabin 4 with her children’s favorites flowers on their birthdays
demeter who sends messages to her children inside fruits and flowers
demeter who once appeared in the camp just to defend her children from cabin 12’s insults
demeter who talk happily about her children’s achievements to the other gods in the olympus
demeter who have meetings with the satyrs from the camp to make sure they are taking good care of her kids
demeter who cried out of happiness when persephone said that the cabin 4’s demigods were her siblings
demeter who was about to kill mr. d when he said her children were over dramatic and possessive about the strawberry field
demeter who taught her children about the powers of nature and how to use it in a battle
⤷ author’s note:
heyy! first of all, i know some of this could never happen but it’s just an imaginary thing that i thought would be cute. also i don’t think I’ll do this thing to all the gods, so if you want one with your godly parent, just send me a request!
⤷ part two
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enyalios-shrine · 9 months
𝘼𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 101
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Hi! I’m Raven (or Ray), and I’ve been an Ares devotee for almost five years now. You want to start worshiping him? Great! Despite what today’s media makes of him - which I will talk about a lot in this post - , he’s actually a very caring, gentle and (dare I say) beginner-friendly deity! In general, a great choice! (Also, this is inspired by another post I saw but forgot to save - so, credits for the idea goes to that person) So, let's get started.
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Since I’m assuming you already know the broad strokes of who he is (Greek god of war, bloodshed, violent and so forth), this section will be about some of the misconceptions most people have of Him. If you’ve ever consumed any Greek mythology-related media, I’m sure you’ve seen the following caricature: beefy, misogynistic, violent, stupid jerk, rude and always looking for a fight. While, yes, He IS violent (He's the god of war, afterall), that's far from all He has to offer.
Did you know Ares is actually historically a major feminist? That’s probably the first thing to get demystified about Him when you talk to an Ares devotee or worshiper, so I’m not really saying ground-breaking news here, but since a fair amount of people don’t know about it, I thought it was a fair mention. So, let’s get into the actual myths and proofs for this claim:
Ares was the father of and supported the Amazons in battle, a group of female-only warriors and hunters.
He’s one of the only male deities in Greek mythology to not have sexually harassed or raped someone. Yes, even other deities viewed as “nice” such as Apollo and Hermes have done so (I don’t mean any disrespect for those deities here - I’m also an Apollo devotee).
Ares was held in trial for the murder of Halirrhotius, a son of Poseidon, after he raped one of Ares’ daughters, Alkippe. He was acquited of murder by the gods. Remember, back in ancient Greece, women didn’t have ANY rights - raping one was not considered a crime or even frowned upon as far as I'm aware.
One of His epithets is “Ares Gynaikothoina", which means "feasted by women". During a war between the Tegeans and the Spartans, the women of Tegea defended the city from a invasion led by the Spartan king Charilaus. After arming themselves, they defeated the Spartans following an ambush. Among the prisoners was the Spartan king himself. In commemoration, they would hold a feast in honor of Ares, to which only women were invited.
All in all, Ares is protective, just, and encouraging of His children as well as worshipers and devotees. He’s not the piece of shit jock most people think of when you mention His name. Please stop doing my man this dishonor, He deserves so much better.
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His Roman counterpart is Mars. He’s the son of Zeus and Hera, and his consourt is Aphrodite (even though they’re not officially married). His divine children are Phobos and Deimos (twin daimones/personified spirits of panic and terror, respectively), Harmonia (goddess of harmony and concord), Antero (erote/god of requited love) and Eros (erote/god of carnal love), all which he had with Aphrodite, as well as Drakon of Thebes (a giant serpent), which he apparently had by himself.
As for hero children; Cycnus (a bloody-thirsty men who was murdered by Herakles), Diomedes of Thrace (who had man-eating horses for some reason), Thrax (who founded Thrace), Oenomaus (Greek king of Pisa), and the Amazons (female warriors and hunters as mentioned above).
His symbols and associations are: spears, swords, helmets, armour, dogs, chariots, shields, The Chariot & The Emperor tarot cards, etc.
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Tuesdays are holy to Ares and are ruled by the planet Mars (again, his Roman counterpart), which means they’re associated with action, energy, strength, and courage, as well as the color red.
As for festivals, He was typically honored with special rites in times of war or just before battles. There were also two annual festivals: one in the town of Geronthrae in ancient Laconia, celebrated only by men, and one in Tagea in Arcadia, celebrated only by women, where His "feasted by women" epithet came from. There's hardly any info on exact dates (from the Attic calendar or not) or info about any other festivals.
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Barn owls
Eagle owls
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There’s no plant, flower or tree traditionally associated with Ares, unfortunately, so I’m gonna give a list of my UPG’s. Now, I’m not a witch, so I don’t know about the magical properties of the plants I’m about to list (if you’re a witch and were looking for something like that, my bad). However, I am a florist and have a special interest in floriography, so I assign them to Him based on vibe, meaning, etc.
Amaryllis (Means “Pride”)
Basil (Means “Hate”)
Water hemlock (Means “Death”)
Snapdragon (Means “Presumption”, but I think he just likes the way it looks)
Poppy (Means “Eternal sleep”, but has a long history with wars, being the first kind of flora to start growing in abandoned battlefields that were previously considered infertile)
Nettle (Means “Cruelty”)
Magnolia (Means “Dignity”)
Yarrow (Means “Cure for a broken heart”, and is said to have been used by Achilles to heal his men on the battlefield, which is why the scientific name is “Achillea”)
Ginger (Associated with “Heat”)
Pepper, spices, etc (idk he just gives the vibes)
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Honestly, the only slander Ares should be getting is that He likes edgy teenage boy things. That being said, here's some ideas/suggestions, first for devotional acts and then offerings:
Workout or do any kind of physical activity
Take care of your mental and physical health
Stand up for yourseld and what you believe in
Learn about past wars, battles, and riots
Do things that make you feel badass/brave/empowered
Go to a protest
Work on managing your anger (especially for my fellow BPD havers)
Pet a dog
Honor His children and Aphrodite
For offerings; any kind of meat, especially red
Anything sharp (cool knives or daggers, broken glass, etc)
Halloween decor (I personally have those fake plastic snakes, spiders, and a skull on His altar)
Black coffee, the stronger the better
Any alcohol, but especially whiskey
Anything spicy
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Living in an extremely physically abusive household, I had to know and be acostumed to violence from a very young age. That violence left with many things - BPD and C-PTSD, to name a few - but mostly importantly, it left me only being able to feel one thing: anger.
I was angry at everything. Angry at the world for allowing me to have to live through such a horrible situation, angry at my mom for not standing up for me, angry at my abuser, even angry at myself for not ever trying to fight back or protect myself (though now I realize that was completely out of the question. I was only 8, what could I have done against a man in his 30's that was three times my size?).
That anger didn't go away after I got away from my abuser. If anything, it grew worse. I'd yell, break everything around me, say horrible things to the people I loved - I was a totally different person. I could barely recognize myself. I was an empty shell, filled with absolutely nothing else than the purest form of resentment and wrath, things that had been brewing inside of me since I was a child. I never had the choice to become anything else.
Ares understands violence. He's the god of it. He knows when it's justifiable and when it's not, when it serves a purpose and when it's out of pure malice. He helped me realize that instead of trying to fight against my anger out of the shame it made me feel, I had to embrace it - become one with it. It's a part of me, at the end of the day. I just had to figure out how to control it instead of letting it control me.
He embraced me when I was too disgusted with this ugly side of me to even look in a mirror. I was scared of myself - he wasn't. He's seen worse. I never had someone accept me and all my flaws before, god or otherwise.
That's why it's so upsetting to see the modern depictions so many people have of him. Someone so understanding and loving being defined by the worst parts of Himself, just like I used to do with myself in the past.
Ares is the god of war, war is not the god of Ares.
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Blood of Zeus characters at the store
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(a special thanks to the amazing @randomfangirl2718 for helping me come up with this <3)
lets do this :)
Zeus: *holding heron up to a walmart screen*
Hermes: *taking a picture of the oh so touching moment*
Apollo: *laughing his butt off behind her hermes*
Artemis: *shaking her head in shame* I do not know any of them. I do not know any of them.
Heron: why are we here again?
Artemis: because hera needs more bird seeds to feed her pets and we are running low on snacks *she eyes apollo and ares*
Ares: i apologize, but apollo had challenged me and i will not back down from such an easy challenge of eating.
Apollo: if it was so easy then why did you lose *he teases*
Ares: lies! of course i beat you
Apollo: well since its unclea how about another challenge? i challenge you to lift the heaviest weight in the store
Artemis: apollo no-
Apollo and Ares: *runs off*
Artemis: why cant they listen for once. *she groans*
Random store clerk on the p.a: Zeus, please come to the front of fthe store to retrive your delinquents.
Zeus: *goes to the front*
Apollo: *turns his head in shame*
Hermes: we can explain this time we had good reasons
Zeus: those are?
Everyone: *silence*
Zeus: alright we'll deal with this when we get home. where is artemis and heron?
Random store worker: are these the two your looking for? *gestures to an annoyed artemis and a wet heron*
Zeus: ....yes
Heron: we wanted to free the lobsters.
Artemis: he wanted to free the lobsters *she grumbles*
Dionysus: cool! we stole wine.
Apollo: ..we broke half the shelves in the store
Random worker: youre all never welcome to shop here again you realize that right?
Artemis: ok everyone, since we got banned from the last store for wine stealing, lobster freeing, shelf breaking reasons *she side-eyes her brothers* let's not do that this time.
Everyone: *nods and runs off*
Artemis: this is going to end badly isnt it?
Ares: has going out with them ever ended good?
*in the stores garden section*
Artemis: sometimes i just dont get why they cant understand that they have to follow rules even if they are gods, you know i appreciate this alot. its hard to find someone who just listens *she pats the squirrel on the head.
Daphne: look at all of these beautiful flowers hyacinthus.
Hyacinthus: they are very pretty
Random person: ya, to bad they throw the ones they dont sell out. *walks away*
Daphne: we have to save these flowers! *she starts grabbing the flower boxes*
Hermes: can you beilive they just give out free food here?
Dionysus: i know right! its awesome!
Hermes: that stand over there is selling wine sample's
Dionysus: ya, to bad its only one cup per person. *gets a look* unless...
Hermes and dionysus: *runs through the store with the wine tray and open bottle*
Apollo: so you see if you just apply the darker shade of tanner then youll be beach ready in no time *he says to random people looking at tanner*
Apollo: dont you agree heron? *blank space where heron was* this is why we need a leash for him *he grumbles*
Heron: *lost somewhere in the store*
Evios: *sneaks a small item in his pocket*
Kofi: *takes the item and puts it back on the shelf*
Evios: seriously? That is the 20th time man
Alexia: *sees a punching dummy*
Alexia: *starts practicing*
Radndom people: *stares at her*
Alexia: what? It's what it's for.
Zeus: *flirting with some girls*
Hera: *death glaring the girls*
aphrodite: Hera, you mustn't glare at those girls. they do not know that he's married. it's not that big of a deal
hera: oh really? so it's alright with you that Ares is doing the same thing?
Aphrodite: *angrily storms off to yell at the girls near Ares*
Artemis: we're gonna have to find a new store aren't we? *she drinks her pop*
Ares: we knew that the second we walked in
Aphrodite: *screaming in the background*
- - - - - - - - - - . o 0 O 0 o .- - - - - - - - - - -
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athenamikaelson · 4 months
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War of Scars - A Luke Castellan Story
Thunder Daddy is Real?
Word Count- 3.7k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, gore, fighting, some mature content 
“What the actual fuck is a half-blood?” 
I scream to Keiko as she grips the steering wheel of the stolen Passat we were now flooring down the vacant back road of New York. Keiko’s short, white-bleached hair stuck up as if she’d just been electrocuted, and a look of concern in her dark eyes as she glanced between both front-view mirrors. I tried to figure out what she was so worried about as I glanced through my passenger seat mirror but was only met with the darkening road. The red cast from the taillights shone a light on the passing forest and trees. The branches from the trees cast shadows over the backroad, a small shiver goes through my back as I imagine that they look like limbs and arms reaching for our car as we drive away. As if begging us not to drive any further. I want to yell to them that I don’t want to go any further either, that I want to go back home. Home to my mother and father, a mother and father that no longer want me I remind myself, and home to my brothers who probably don’t even know I’ve left. 
“A half-blood is what you are Y/N.” 
Keiko’s words snap my attention back into the car as I turn to her with an annoyed look. I can feel the tips of my nails scratching against the skin of my palms, reading to break the already calloused skin. A nasty habit I picked up a few years ago.
“Ya, that’s what everyone keeps telling me! But that doesn’t answer what the fuck it is!” I can feel the breaking of skin as I dig my nails deeper, trying to ground my feelings and stop another outburst from happening. 
“Do you remember all those stories I used to tell you about the Greek Gods and myths?”
Keiko’s eyes briefly meet mine for the first time since I watched her steal this car over 3 hours ago. I think over what she said. The stories about the woman who the goddess Athena turned into a snake lady, and the man who stole fire from the Gods just to give to humans come to mind. I slowly nod my head at her, hoping that this isn’t some psychotic break she’s having because I’m on the verge of having my own right now and this car is already tiny as fuck. Two people freaking the fuck out would not be a good idea. 
I watch as Keiko’s chest rises and falls deeply, her ACDC shirt that she had stolen from a lost and found at school stretches at the movement. 
“All those stories I told you, about the Gods, Zeus, Posideon, Hades, and all the others,” She turns back to look at me, “they’re all true. And one of them is your biological parent,” Her face scrunches up as she goes back to look at the road, “well technically not biological per se since gods don’t have DNA.” 
She goes to continue speaking but stops once I let out a laugh that comes deep from the back of my throat. I watch with scrunched eyes as she stares at me in slight worry I hunch over gripping my stomach as more laughter rises out of my mouth.
“Are you ok?”
Keiko’s worried voice comes from beside me and I sit up and wipe stray tears from my eyes. 
“Am I alright? I should be the one asking you that question, you’re the one saying that the almighty thunder daddy Zeus is real, and then saying that one of his buddies is my parent.”
Keiko’s face scrunches up in disgust and she casts a glance to the star-covered sky for some reason.
“You really shouldn’t talk like that, the Gods don’t like to be disrespected.”
Her worried expression halts my jokes as I stare at the now serious face in front of mine. Keiko has never been the one in this friendship to care about following the rules or being scared of anything, she’s the fearless one. So why the hell does she look terrified at the talk of a bunch of fictional deities?
“Ok, Kio the joke was funny for the first five minutes but I want the truth now. Why did my parents kick me out after saying I’m not theirs and that you’d know what to do?” 
I try to cover up the slight break in my voice at the mention of my parents, or adopted parents I guess, telling me that after 18 years I wasn’t theirs. Flashes of my caring mother holding me when I was a child telling me that I was a gift to her, that she would never let anything happen to me. Was all of that some sick lie?
“Y/N listen to me,” Keiko catches my attention, “I’m not lying to you. Your mother or father is a god. A Greek god. Which makes you a half-blood, half mortal half god. And because of this, it means being out here in the mortal world is going to get you killed. I was sent here, as your satyr to protect you until the time came where I’d take you to camp. I’m not sure why it’s taken this long for the monsters to catch up to you, most of the time half-bloods are brought to camp around 12. But you being 18 brings up some questions. I think your parent is a smaller god that’s why there hasn't been much focus on you.” 
I can feel my mouth start to dry up from the air entering my now-opened mouth. I’ve been staring at Keiko with wide eyes the entire time she's been going on about gods and death and shit. She must have noticed my lack of response because she stopped talking and looked at me. Her serious expression brings a wave of anger through my system which is the final breaking point for the palms as my nails break skin and a warm liquid coats my nails. 
“Stop the car.” 
Three words are all I say to her as I unbuckle my seat belt.
I turn to Keiko, my teeth grinding against one another.
“Stop the goddamn car. I’m done being lied to. My parents have lied to me my entire life and now my so-called best friend is making fun of my shitty life with made-up fairytales. So stop the fucking car or I’ll jump out myself.” 
“I’m not stopping, we can’t if we want to make it to camp as soon as possible. And we’re going,” Keiko glances at the speedometer, “64 miles per hour. If you jump out of the car now you’ll die.” 
I look out of the forest and think of all that has happened in the past 12 hours. 
“It’s not like I have anything to lose. I’d rather be mangled and dead than sit in this car with you, driving to god knows where, while you tell me a bunch of lies.”
I hear a deep sigh come from Keiko and wait a moment to hear whatever bullshit she’s about to start spewing at me but it never comes. Instead, I feel the car start to accelerate, and a few words in an unknown language spill from her mouth. 
“Put your seatbelt on.” 
Keiko’s voice comes out harsh and deadly as I watch her grip the worn steering wheel. Her frantic gaze moves from the back of us to the dark road ahead. 
“I’m not putting my seatbelt on, just stop the car already.” 
I try to argue back at her but she just lets out a huff of air and reaches over the center console of the car, grabs my seatbelt, and snaps it back into place. I watch her with wide eyes at the fucking audacity of the bitch. I go to yell at her but she raises a single finger at me, just like a mother who’s had enough of her child talking would. 
“We’re being followed.”
Her dark eyes move frantically all over the place as if she sees something I don’t. Ok, maybe she is losing her mind. Fuck now I feel like an asshole. 
“Listen Keiko maybe we should just take some deep breaths and talk this through. Cause it seems like right now some of us are going a bit crazy. And by some of us, I don’t mean me.”
I lightly raise a finger and point at her. I go to laugh at my joke but the car jolts forward as if we’d just got rear-ended.
“What the-”
“It’s right there shit!” 
Keiko slams her leg onto the gas pedal but it doesn’t seem to do much help as another hit comes from behind us. My long legs bang against the dash of the car as I look behind us trying to figure out what asshat doesn’t know how to drive, but I freeze when I see nothing there. No headlights, no cars, nothing. We’re the only ones on the road. 
“There you see it! You see I’m not lying! I can’t tell what creature it is but it’s big and has wings so that crosses out giants, thankfully.” 
Kieko glances between the front and me and her face falls once she reads my features.
“What do you mean what? There is nothing there.”
I turn to the back of the car and point to the vacant road behind us. Keiko turns around and her eyebrows raise.
“No, it was right there.” 
But as she turns back around to face the front, I jump from the loud yelp that escapes her lips as she appears to see something before us on the road. Something I can’t seem to see. What I don’t see coming either is the tight right turn Keiko makes to miss the invisible “creature.” I grasped onto the passenger side door and turned wide-eyed to her. About to yell at her when the driver’s side of the car is lifted and I feel my heart fall to my ass as I watch the trees that were once reaching and calling for me, get their wish as the car is thrown into the woods. 
“Y/N, come wake up, Y/N!” 
I hear muffled voices come from above me as cold winds envelop me. I must be in heaven, God must be calling for me. I try to open my eyes but the overwhelming pressure in my head urges me to keep them closed for just five more minutes. I’m about to give in to the thought when a sharp pressure hits the side of my cheek, shocking me awake.
I abruptly sit up but quickly regret it when a pounding pain comes from every part of my body. My eyes can’t seem to register my dark surroundings either as more pain enters my frontal lobe. 
“I’m sorry I did that but I need you to get up, I don’t know where the chimera is, but I can feel it’s close.” 
Kieko, that’s Kieko. My brain tries to get me to register her words but the throbbing in my head is halting any thought process from going on. Another wave of red pain goes through my body as I feel an arm wrap itself around my waist and lift me.
“Do you think you can walk?”
A voice asks me. No, not a voice, Kieko’s voice. Kieko is talking to me. I try to shake my head as if to fight away the overwhelming urge to close my eyes and lay down and sleep for the foreseen future. 
“Get up and walk”. 
A voice comes into my head. Why does my subconscious sound so manly and bossy? But I listen to it as I feel my feet try to move one after the other. The overwhelming pressure coming from my entire body though makes it feel as if I’m dragging two cinderblocks on each leg. 
“OK, good. We’re about a mile from camp I think if I got my constellations correct.” 
I finally can get my eyes open as I stare at Kieko beside me. If I wasn’t feeling like absolute dogshit right now I’d laugh at the image of her short body leaning awkwardly to the side trying to carry my taller one. I try to lean off of her slightly to give her help but her grip tightens on me.
“Don’t, you got banged up pretty hard in the accident. I thought I had lost you for a moment there, but it was my mistake for thinking you’d ever let death take you this young or without your approval.”
Kieko lets out a small laugh which quickly turns into a cough as she winces in pain.
“Are you hurt?”
My voice comes out strained and rough, like an old woman who’s been smoking since she was 13 years old. Kieko just shakes her head and picks up the pace of her walking. 
“Just a few scratches, nothing as bad as you. We need to move faster though I can sense the chimera getting closer. The smell of your blood is making it easier for it to track us.”
My face scrunches up at the words. I want to argue to her that there’s no creature out there hunting us and that she is just having a psychotic break but once I feel the cold metallic-smelling liquid move down my face as if it was caressing it, I stay quiet. 
We continue to walk for what seems like hours, or well Kieko walks and I latch on to her and get dragged. I don’t know where the hell she’s going but I have no other choice but to go with her. I lurch forward as Kieko abruptly stops. Her heading whipped around us like a mad woman. 
“Did you hear that?” 
She whispers into my ear. I shake my head in response. And we stand there for a moment before she tightens her hold on me and starts to walk again. Her hand around my waist quickly detaches and I can only watch in what seems like slow motion as she is thrown against a neighboring tree. A sickening crack comes from her body as I watch it fall to the ground. I go to run to her a roar turns my attention to behind me. I can feel my heart beat erratically as I slowly turn to the monstrous being behind me. With a body that must stand above 10 feet tall, a lion stands before me. Wait. No. Not a lion. Defiantly not a lion. 
Acidic bile starts to make its way up my throat as my eyes meet the red beady eyes of a goat, a goat that is protruding from the lion's back. A hissing sound catches my attention as I slowly turn my gaze to the python that has replaced the lion goat’s tail. 
As I stare at the creature I want to pass out. Or maybe I’m already asleep and this is some bad nightmare. But as the lion-goat-snake thing takes a step toward me, with its paws that rival the size of my big head I use whatever strength I have left and run. If I can lead it away from Kieko that's all that matters. 
I don’t have to worry about it not following me as I hear the thundering footsteps catch up behind me. I try to dodge tree after tree, jumping over fallen logs, and feel my sneakers imprint into the mud that has started to form from the light downfall of rain that has started to coat myself and the forest. 
I go to turn right, the downpour of the rain falling harder and blocking much of my already shitty vision. But a burst of heat and flames come from behind me hitting the trees to my right. I whip my head around to see smoke coming from the lion-goat-snake thing and curse to myself. Of course, it can breathe fire too. I try to go to my left but a searing pain catches on my back as I drop to the ground. 
I lift myself on my elbows as I watch the monster lift its large paw and lick the red liquid off of its nails as if it were mocking me. Its eyes glint with malice as the goat lets out a strangled noise.
“We’re a gift from Athena.”
A strangled hiss comes from the snake's mouth.
 I go to close my eyes and just accept my fate but stop when my manly subconscious chimes in again. 
“Get up and fight, you’re a warrior. Grab the stick next to you and fight back. Make it bleed. If it can bleed it can be killed.” 
God, when did I become so melodramatic? But I realize manly me is right, if I die this thing will go back for Keiko. The monster continues its prowl toward me as I keep eye contact with it. Hoping it doesn’t see my right hand that has grasped onto the stick by my side. I wait until the lion opens its mouth, probably to light me on fucking fire and that’s when I strike. 
I lift myself onto my knees and lurch forward with the stick in my hand and as the lion opens its ginormous mouth and I see the start of embers begin to light in its throat I stab the stick right down into it. I loud howl of pain comes from the creature as it tries to dislodge the stick that is now protruding from its mouth. I watch for another moment as the goat and the snake move around frantically trying to help their injured creature. But I know if they do succeed in getting that out I’m fucked so I push myself up with a hiss. The overwhelming smell of blood coming from my back, the more I move the harsher the pull and pain. But I'm not letting the ugly motherfucker be my demise. 
I come up from behind the creature, which is now facing away from me with its entire focus on dislodging the stick, and I leap onto its back. The goat and the snake are the only ones to notice my arrival as they start hissing and making whatever strange noise the goat is making. I grab onto the fur of the creature to keep myself upright and I grasp the snake into my hands. It thrashes in my hands, its cool slimy body almost making me drop it as I try to wrap the snake around the goat's throat. I pull in the opposite direction with all my weight as the hissing constricts until I hear the crack of the goat's neck. The strangled snake and the now dead goat have caught the attention of the lion who has finally dislodged the stick and has now noticed me.
The lion roars so deeply that it makes my body shake. I would almost feel bad for killing its friends/body sharers if it wasn’t trying to y’know fucking kill me. The lion stands to its full height and starts to thrash its body as a means to get me off. I quickly grasp the curled horns of the goat as a means of stabilization. But as the thrashing gets harsher I hear a sharp snap as I’m thrown against yet another tree. 
Bark scratches up my already bloody back as I let out a loud wail. The rain from before crashing down all around me thunder shakes the earth and forest and lightning strikes a nearby tree. But my attention is fully on the lion who has now started its attack on me. I can sit there as I lift my hands to protect my face as the lion comes rushing at me. 
I sit there drenched, cold, and bloody waiting for my demise, but nothing comes. I slowly open one eye and flinch as I see the lion staring at me. But it’s not moving. It’s not breathing either. Its once hatred-filled eyes are now glossed over with death. My gaze goes from its haunting eyes to its chest where the goat horn I had cracked off is now lodged into the lion's heart. Red liquid coated my hands as I loosened my grip on the horn and backed away from the dead creature. 
“How did you do that?” 
I thrash my head to the side grabbing the horn a second time in defense. I halt though when I see Keiko holding herself up against a tree. Blood trickles down her whitening skin as she looks at the monster in awe and slight disgust. She pushes off the tree and starts to walk to me but her knees lock up and she falls to the ground. I push myself back up quickly and crawl to her. 
“Are you ok?”
I quickly ask her, wiping away the blood that has now made its way onto her eyebrows. Keiko sends me an unreadable look. 
“How did you kill the Chimera?” 
I go to answer, but a shock of lightning comes down between us. The only thing I can focus on is the scorching pain that has taken over my body and left arm. My vision goes black as I feel my heart start to give out. 
“We need a medic.” A strained voice yells from beside me. Or is it coming from behind me? I can’t tell. All I can focus on is the searing pain that has taken over my being, I can’t seem to focus on the campers running over to me and Kieko, I can’t hear any more of Keiko's cries for help, and I don’t feel the muscular arms wrap around my body as I feel my heart start to slow down again, everything going back to dark. 
“I think she’s waking up!” 
A loud girlish voice comes from beside me.
“That’s what you said two days ago.” 
Another more annoyed voice talks back. I strain to open my eyes as light crashes against my burning pupils. But I do I open them enough to look up to see dark brown eyes staring down at my Y/E/C ones. 
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood Sleeping Beauty.”
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thequeer07puss · 3 months
Hera as a goddess of legitimacy and a force of legitimisation
A lot of stories featuring Hera (not that many, to be honest, but the most famous ones) portray her as relentlessly attacking both gods and demigods sired by Zeus, which has partially inspired people to think of her as a “jealous wife” archetype, but most of these people ignore the main thing that Hera represents: legitimacy.
Hera as the goddess of marriage rules over legitimate unions, and as a result, may choose to pursue those who betray these kinds of unions in some kind of way. An example would be the speed with which she withdrew her sponsorship of the hero Jason why he broke his oath of love and loyalty to his wife Medea in favour of a crown which he was no longer eligible for.
Speaking of Jason, Hera was pretty much his only patron deity during his quest for the Golden Fleece, which was started as a way for him to claim his rightful place on his father’s throne, and this sponsorship started as soon as Jason’s quest started. No prayer was prayed, no offering was offered. Hera just showed up as soon as Jason’s quest for legitimacy started, and helped him as soon as he proved himself to her by carrying her (in the form of an old woman) across a river.
Also, Hera is a goddess who is known for testing the worth of both gods and heroes, especially when they are destined to enter Olympus (her home and domain), and especially when they were born out of an illegitimate union on either her or Zeus’s part. The torments endured by the various children of Zeus at her hand, and even her own (for the purposes of this essay I will take Dionysus, Apollo and Hephaestus)
Apollo’s ordeal started even before he was born, as his mother Leto has been denied the right to give birth on any island attached to the land, and was relentlessly chased by a giant snake. Here Hera imposes herself and shows her might as the definitive and legitimate wife of Zeus (Leto was Zeus’s previous wife), and brands any child born from Leto as being under her in terms of status. When Apollo is born and slays the serpent Python, Hera is then forced to recognise that his trial is complete and that he has a claim to the Olympian seat.
Hephaestus and Dionysus
Hephaestus was conceived as a kind of revenge plot against Zeus for conceiving Athena on his own, from the sacred bed which he shares with Hera, but without her input or approval, which prompted the goddess to do the same in order to restore the balance of power within their marriage, and to show Zeus that if he could make a child on his own, then she could too.
However, when the infant Hephaestus was born, it was either Zeus or Hera herself that hurls him down from Olympus, however godly he may be, crippling him in the process and forcing him to EARN the right to re-enter Olympus (kind of like how Hercules in the Disney movie was debuffed so that he would earn his way back into Olympus), which he ultimately achieved by capturing Hera in a golden throne (literally trapping her with one of her most sacred attributes).
Dionysus’s trial begins where Hephaestus’s comes to an end. Having met Hera in his childhood and been rendered mad by her which led to him being rescued by Rhea (whom I assume here to be Rhea-Cybele, whose cult has some of the mad and wild attributes of Dionysus’s), he must have already taken notice of the tests given to him by the goddess, and was waiting for an opportunity to finally take a seat among the Olympians after having established a very respected and feared mystery cult among mortals, so when he heard that Hera was captured by an angry Hephaestus, he jumped on the occasion and coaxed him into following him back to Olympus, where both would finally get recognised as legitimate both in the eyes of the gods and of Hera.
Hera and the sons of Zeus
Hera’s tests mostly seem to affect her husband’s illegitimate Olympian sons, as can be evidenced by the lack of trial for goddesses such as Artemis or Athena. Why is that so?
Personally, I think it’s because sons in Ancient Greece were more valued in society: they could inherit their father’s property, they had claims to the throne and could be seen as heirs to it in case their father somehow resigned. So Hera branding these sons as reformed illegitimate sons could be a way for her to negate their claims to their father’s power and nerf their chances of growing too powerful at the expense of her legitimate children (Orphic Dionysus was literally said to be Zeus’s heir, and would have been had Hera not told the Titans to dismember and eat him), while checking if they are still fit to set foot on Olympus after that serious debuff.
But that’s just my thoughts, I don’t have any source or academic paper that confirms this.
A rule of thumb when analysing Greek myths is that they don’t exist in a vacuum and that as entertaining as they may seem, there is something more to them most of the time, and that is especially the case with a goddess who has a history as long, rich and complex as Hera. It’s really a shame that people only see her as a mean shrew when she has so much more stuff going on, but I guess that with pop culture this complexity has to be diluted and thus misinterpreted by people who don’t have the religious and cultural context of these stories.
Thank you for reading if you made it this far, and may Hera bless you.
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Death is always around the Corner
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Idia + Death!Reader+ Ö̵̗̭͙̠͍̙̬̦̬̺͙̻̻̰̮́͌̈́͑̅̉̉͆̄̓̉̒͝͝ͅř̵̡̨̡̞̦̩̰͖͚͕͙́̑̎̆̏̐͂̀́͒̿͆̆̆̀̿̐̀͂͊̀͑́̅̈́̚t̴̛̛͖͚͑̽͑̓͋̒̈̈́̀̔́̌͒̆͘͝͠ẖ̵͚̦̫̫̻͔̤͚̺̬̗̥͇̾̈͐̎̿̊̋̄̉͑̅͑̊̊̍́̿̚ͅơ̵̛̹̯̤̟̔̍̋͗͗̾͆̒̏̋̉͐͛̿͆̇̈͆̈́̈́̔͝͠
Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Iida, Malleus
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Let's set the scene:
So it was finally that time again, I will not let you get in the way of my work Shroud. The shroud company, through blessing or curse from Hades. Made it very difficult to find the Isle of woe to be by mortals, or Death itself. Memories from times of old began to resurface.
" Look at this cute little pie. We would like to thank you all for the gifts on behalf of our son," Zeus smiled. " Oh, so precious. How absolutely heart-warming. I haven’t felt this choked up since I got some moussaka stuck in my throat," Hades said, trying to make a joke. "Don’t look so glum, chum. Come and join the celebrations!" Zeus invited. " I’d love to, but unfortunately, I can’t leave my post thanks to the work you graciously “bestowed” upon me. Love to stay, but sadly can’t!" Hades said as he backed away. "Come now, you’ll work yourself to death!NGet it? To death! I could kill myself laughing!" Zeus laughed as the rest of the party joined him. " Ugh, if only…!" Hades scoffed to himself.
As Hades returned to the underworld, his two minions Pain and Panic came running with news.
"BOSS! BOSS!" Panic cried out.
"What! What is it!? I am Not in the mood," Hades scowled.
"T-T-The Boss! The Big Boss is back!" the two screamed.
"After all this time, this could be a great opportunity," Hades smirked.
The God quickly made his way to a simply room that belonged to the one and only, Death. The room was simple, it had one throne that was placed by the window. That over looked the river of Souls.
"Hey, Death! The Big Boss, Head honcho, Top dog! How've yeah been?" Hades greeted his long time boss and friend. "How was the travel, travel good brought souvenir?"
"Hmm, oh. Hello Hades," Death greeted, snapped out of their thoughts. "You needed something?"
"So I have plans for Mayhem, your favorite," Hades smirked as he went on to explain his plans.
But he noticed that something was different about his underworld friend. The bloodthirst chaos loving friend was not present, instead this sad and mellow person sat before him.
"Um Who are you and you know what happened to Death?" Hades asked.
"Just a new perspective I guess. As for your plan. If that's what you really want I won't stop you, though I'm afraid I will not join you," Death said calmly.
"Okay, no seriously what happened to you. What happened to the King/Queen of terror and dread?" Hades asked.
"I guess like you I'm also tired of ruling the dead and this place," Death sighed as they looked back at the underworld.
Death would be confided Hades. The only other high being that would associate with them. Even if they were never Hade's first choice.
But Death told Hades about the many changes to come. Like how they plan to eventually get rid of the underworld. Their symbol and trophy to rub into Life's face of their power over said, god.
Hades did not like this much. But he was confident he would take over Olympus before that would happen. But of course, things didn't go that way.
So as not to lose anything else, using the last of his power to hide the remaining piece of the underworld and a few mortal followers. Becoming the Isle of woe.
Y/n knew that this next series of events might be the only chance to find this isle of Woe. At least for a long time.
So in the middle of the night, Y/n woke Jamil and asked for his assistance.
Y/n informed Jamil what was about to go down in the morning. So they gave Jamil an enchanted necklace to hide him in plain sight. While they took on his form and be captured in his stead.
Jamil agreed to this since he doesn't like the thought of being dragged off to possibly be never seen again.
" What are those!? They’re all flying in the sky with their– Wait, are those hoverboards!?"Kalim gasped.
"What in the world…!? Unless there are events, the school is supposed to be protected with a magical ward to keep intruders away," Vil said in a slightly nervous tone.
"No, the Barrior is breaking," 'Jamil' said.
"They’re heading this way. One, two… Incoming! Take cover, everyone!" Rook said to everyone.
"Jamil" quickly raised a shield to protect everyone from the debris and robots falling from a ceiling.
"Are you alright, Y/n?" Deuce asked as he helped "y/n" stand up.
"This is the Hepta Unit. We have visuals on Subjects D and E. Beginning Detainment Maneuvers," The bots said.
" I do not know who you are, but it is absolutely impolite to be barging in through windows! I will acknowledge this as an emergency! On my authority as the Pomefiore Prefect, you are all given permission to use magic against these intruders!" Vil said.
"Wait! Vil, I need you to think carefully," 'Jamil' said quickly. " We are outnumbered, and most of the students here are rookie wizards. You Rook, and maybe myself can last a while, but the first years."
Vil scowled as he realized Jamil's assessment was right, and they would risk a lot if they fight.
"Then what do you recommend we do?" Vil glared but gasped as he watched Jamil raise his arms and surrendered.
" What!?" Everyone gasped.
" They are only after us. If we don't resist no one will get hurt," Jamil said simply, Vil sighed in frustration as he slowly raised his hands.
As the fiery robotic men loaded the overblot boys into the airship, "Jamil" gave one final look back to the school. Only to see the VDC group running in the distance, trying to reach them in time.
"Jamil" smiled warmly as the airship door began to close. My heart warmed that mortals were trying to save them-... No, save Jamil.
But It was a long Flight, and the most "Jamil" could do was let Riddle rest on their lap. When the boy woke up, he was a bit startled. But "Jamil" Was quick to comfort the boy.
But Azul quickly pointed out that "Jamil" was acting strange. So Y/n decided to let them in on the plan a bit.
So "Jamil " explained how the Isle of Woe is the only place in the world that is hidden from the eyes of Death. It is also the place where many blot monsters are stored.
The boys asked why death would care so much about Blot monsters. With "Jamil" would explain that when a person overblots, for a time they will be joined by a blot phantom.
But eventually, the phantom will consume the victim and store the person's soul deep within it. Leaving the soul in perpetual torment, till the Phantom is destroyed.
"And you know this how?" Leona glared.
"Cause they told me. So in my plans to get into better standing and redemption. I am willingly being their eyes, and beckon for them to track down," Jamil smirked.
"So that's why you didn't want to fight, Y/n wanted this to happen," Vil sighed in annoyance.
"They also wanted no one to get hurt," Jamil snapped back.
"So how long must we wait for Y/n to rescue us?" Azul asked nervesly.
"Only Time will decide," Jamil said.
"Umm don't you mean 'Only time can tell' ?" Riddle asked.
"No," Jamil said simply.
"So these robots are from the Isle of Woe?" Vil asked.
"They’re S.T.Y.X’s special security unit, Charon. It’s their job to capture magicians who have Overblotted so they could be transported to the Island of Woe," Leona explained, then smirked. " But the fact that not even Y/n can find this place must be a blow to their ego. Score one for mortals."
"I think you mean score one for Hades," Jamil said as he went on to explain the story of Hades, Death, and the Underworld.
Apparently, the story was so Gripping and engaging, the 4-hour flight was over in a flash. They have arrived on the Isle of Woe, with Idia there to greet them. But as soon as Jamil stepped off the airship a wave of cries and howls filled their ears, the sounds that went unheard by everyone else.
"̶w̷҉̧h͘͟y͜͝͏ h͘a͏̵v͢e̸ ̡̀͝y̡o͏u̵͠ ̛̀f̷̨͢o͜r̴̕͜s̷̢a̧͝͏k̷͠en͏̷ ͟u̧̨s̕͡,̡ ͡d͢ea̢͠͡th͟
"̴̕P̸͞l̸͝e̷͡a͝s̵͘ȩ̷,̷͢ ͟w̸̡h̸͡ȩ͏r̵e̛ ̵͝a̶̡re̷͟͞ ̸̡y̸͜o̴u̷͝ ́͞D̵̛͠e͏̀a̴t̢́̀h̷͟?̴͘͠!̡͟"͢
"̡̀͘S͘om̛̀e̸͘o͘n̶̨͜e ͘͟Pl̵e̸̶a̧ś̷̶e ̕͟͜S͢҉a͞v̸e͞ ͏̷M̷͢͝é͢͝!̢͢!̨̕"҉
The voices cried out, it was so overwhelming Y/n almost dropped their disguise. But they composed themselves and held back their tears.
As Idia put the boys through many tests, he noticed something strange about Jamil's vitals. That he didn't have any vitals or basic signs of life. Before Idia could pull Jamil aside for questioning, he was locked in the meeting room with the rest of the NRC boys.
Idia began to question Jamil, but he didn't really answer any of the questions. Till ortho pointed out that Jamil had no body heat. So seeing no need to hide, they dropped the illusion.
Revealing Death.
Idia began to panic as he quickly stood, but before calling for hade's level to shut down. His calling device suddenly shut down from low power, and the same with some of Ortho's functions.
Y/n sat down confidently as Idia trembled in his boots, and the others sat in awe and confusion. Vil was just frustrated that he was tricked so easily.
"Y-you can't be here! The Isle of Woe is supposed to be hidden from you?!" Idia panicked.
"You can only hide from death for so long," Y/n said simply as they rested their elbows on the table.
"W-why are you here?" Idia asked slowly.
"I'm here to collect all the souls in Tartarus," Y/n said simply.
"This isn't the underworld, there are no souls to collect," Idia glared.
"That is untrue. Phantoms hold the souls of their victims and those it slaughters. I am here to collect them," Y/n said.
"but that would mean you will destroy the phantoms. But we need them to study and find a way to stop blot," Idia reasoned.
"Those 10,000 and more souls have been suffering for thousands of years. I think it's time to give them an out," Y/n replied as they stood up.
"Demands here, demands there… This isn’t a zoo, damn it. Did you forget what I said earlier? Don’t make me repeat myself again… I!!! AM!!! THE!!! BOSS!!!" Idia shouted as stood in front of Y/n, blocking their path.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!" Y/n laughed, so much so that they had to lean against the table to support themselves. "You almost remind me of Hades. But no Your not my boss, and are you okay with keeping Ortho the first in Tartarus, to suffer till the end of time? You made a machine of him, so why not let the real one go?"
Idia froze as Y/n bore into his soul when suddenly the power went out as the room went dark.
Things just did not get better, as Y/n learned that Rook and Epel had tracked them down. And the blot phantoms had felt the presence of their doom. So in one last desperate attempt, they manipulated the bot Ortho. To Get Idia down to them.
With this, the isle of woe went into Chaos. The NRC boys went to go collect the thunder staff, but thanks to Y/n there were little to no phantoms standing in their way.
Y/n, in a blink of an eye, was making quick work of the phantom. Ortho was not happy about the lack of challenge to the NRC boys.
But eventually, The boy manages to push the final phantom back to Tartarus. The phantom using Ortho's voice cried out to Idia.
Idia jumped to follow his "brother" to Tartarus, but Y/n in one clean motion slayed the phantom.
As Idia's memories and regrets flashed in his mind, he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in the void. As he sat up, he heard a familiar voice in the distance, he turned to See Ortho. He was sitting on death's lap as the two were talking when Ortho noticed Idia. Death helped ortho to his feet as Ortho ran to Idia and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you for looking out for me. You’ve made me so happy. But, you can’t be here yet, Big Brother," Ortho said.
"Ortho… Why? I want to go with you. We made a promise, didn’t we? And You," Idia turned to Death. " Why did you save me, I just wanted to follow Ortho."
"Because Ortho and I believe it's not your time yet," Y/n answered.
"You still have comics to read, concerts to watch, and new games to play, don’t you…? You love this world too much to give up on it completely," Ortho added.
"What!? Who said I loved this rotten world!? All that nonsense can just disappear!" Idia said as he began to tremble.
"Not everything has to make sense. You shouldn’t have to give up on anything ever again. You have your future ahead of you, Big Brother.  You see, I want you to fulfill the dreams we talked about that day," Ortho smiled.
"Our Dream?" Idia asked.
"I’m sure it will take a long time. You might feel like giving up along the way, but… I know… I’m sure you can go anywhere, Brother. It may be long and tiring, but you’ll get there someday. It’s okay. I’ll be right there with you always. Please, don’t give up," Ortho said as he gave one last squeeze of a hug. He slowly let go of Idia and turned to Death. "Okay, I'm ready to go now."
"Wait, Ortho! Death Please Don't Take Him?!" Idia begged as he watched Ortho grab Y/n's hand.
"Actually I have something special for you, and I want Idia to be there. But he needs to wake up first," Y/n explained.
"Really, I can't wait. Hurry and wake up big brother," Ortho said.
When Idia came to, standing over him was Y/n and some old man. Who was actually Vil? Idia shyly apologized to everyone and said he would probably never return to school.
But Grim and everyone else was not going to let him off easy, telling him to fix ramshackle at least. But the group was spooked to see the ghost of ortho next to Y/n.
"Well before you do anything else I will need you to come with me Idia," Y/n said as ortho grabbed their hand.
"H-huh W-why?" Idia asked.
"To accompany ortho and me when we go to see someone important. And I think Vil will need to come too," Y/n sighed.
"Why am I needed?" old man vil asked.
"To help with your situation," Y/n said. "And the rest of you are free to go back to the school, we will catch up."
"W-wait where are you going?" Epel asked.
"And where is this important person?" Riddle asked.
"In the void between dimensions and the worlds," Y/n answered simply.
"Who could you possibly be taking them to?" Azul asked.
"Life," Y/n smiled
To be continued...
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Do you think you'll tackle Serene and Endymion in your Greek Myths? They are gorgeous btw. ;)
Not all titans were subdued. Not all were lost, or chained, or changed.
Some simply endured, too large and distant to be concerned with matters of titles and thrones.
Helios raged. Even bound within Tartarus, his sun burned brighter and angrier with each day, feeding off the hatred of the cursed titan. Seas turned to deserts as water was baked out of the earth. Apollo scooped up Helios’s chariot, bringing the sun to bear and returning a normal rhythm to the days and nights. Helios’s rage burns him even still, but the chariot has at least accepted its new master.
Artemis becomes associated with the moon because she is her brother’s other half in all things. But she constructs her chariot herself and it is used for races and to transport huntresses and little else.
The moon’s first goddess has never left. She has dragged the moon across the sky in her chariot of starlight uninterrupted for over a millennia.
The titan Selene did not join the fight of the new gods and the titans. She did not defend her brother nor did she attempt to save him.
But neither has she acknowledged the new pantheon. Zeus rules the sky and has demanded an audience with her many times, but she has never granted it. Zeus chases her chariot, but even riding lightning he can’t catch it when she unhooks the moon and no longer has its weight slowing her down.
Poseidon shakes his head and says, “Leave her be. I am the master of the sea and yet if I suddenly had to push forward every inch of the tide myself, I wouldn’t be left with much power to do anything else. All you’re doing is causing problems for the rest of us. Leave Selene to her work.”
Artemis agrees. If even Poseidon thinks bothering the moon titan is a bad idea, then they should listen. Usually he can’t be bothered to have opinions about anyone outside of his own wife, and even that’s rare.
Zeus gives up. Time passes, as it does, and no matter how the sun bucks and fights against her brother’s grip, sometimes going too quick and then too slow, the moon continues at the same steady pace.
Artemis grows stronger beneath moonlight. This must be because of her worshippers, or perhaps her brother’s. She never answers any prayers for tides or from people lost in the darkness, refusing every attempt to give her a power not her own, but her silence doesn’t seem to discourage anyone. Under the night sky her chariot moves impossibly fast and moonlight seems to always find her through the trees, which makes hunting difficult, but she doesn’t dare complain.
She does not want to earn Selene’s ire.
But despite her best efforts, Artemis does not manage to avoid her attention.
She is separated from her huntresses, spending the third night in a row tracking down a leopard that Demeter claims she drove mad on accident. Artemis doesn’t believe her, but the truth is irrelevant. This creature stalks and kills with Demeter’s blessing upon it, taking down all manor of creature and person.
Her temples have been filled with those begging for her aid. She’s blessed many spears, but her blessing doesn’t seem to be able to outweigh Demeter’s.
That irritates her enough that she’s seeing to this personally. She’s going to skin that damn leopard and wear it’s pelt to the next meeting of the pantheon.
One moment she’s skulking beneath a canopy of leaves, following several drops of blood she’s convinced will lead her to her prey, and the next the hair of her arms is standing on end and her heart is beating fast enough to make her light headed.
She swings around, spear raised, convinced that the damn leopard has found her first.
It’s not the leopard.
“You are the one they are praying too,” says a woman, her body soft with roundness and with the palest skin Artemis has seen on a living person. The extra skin beneath her chin gives her a perfectly circular face and the pockmarks across her face and body are a perfect echo of the moon’s many craters.
Selene tucks her ink black hair behind her ear and looks at her with equally dark eyes.
Artemis was born long after the war with the titans and she’s never ventured into Tartarus. She had assumed their presence felt much the same as other gods, that perhaps it was similar to the feeling of getting caught up in Hera’s rage.
It’s nothing like that.
Selene’s power is like a physical weight, as if they’re suddenly underwater and it’s surrounding them everywhere. Artemis lets it push her to her knees, bowing her head and trying to force her heart to calm. “Titan Selene. I swear that I did nothing to encourage them. I have not claimed any of your power.”
She should have done more than ignore them. She should have toppled temples and killed dissenters. She should have redirected their prayers. Anything to prevent what’s happening now.
“Would you like to?”
Artemis risks raising her head. Selene doesn’t sound angry and she doesn’t look it either. “I don’t understand.”
Selene gestures to the sky. “The moon is different from the sun. The sun pushes forward on its own and must be restrained and goaded in equal measure. Untethered, it will still rise and set. The moon must be pulled. It wants nothing more than to rest and unprompted it will stay motionless. If I step from my chariot for even a moment, the moon halts. It is unmoving now, as we speak.”
Artemis looks up. The moon always looks still to her. She wonders if the tides have noticed the difference.
“I have not been able to walk among earth for more than a few moments since I forged my chariot, lest all that follow the moon also go still and silent. They call you a moon goddess.”
“Please don’t make me take your place,” she says, not above begging. If the goddess traps her on her chariot, Artemis won’t have a choice.
Selene smiles, amusement making her eyes sparkle like distant stars. “You are young. You could not survive the chill or the weight for long. But perhaps you could endure for an hour or two.”
“I don’t understand,” she repeats, but some of her fear is starting to recede. Selene is not speaking like she’s going to strike her or curse her.
“There is a man,” she says, then pauses.
“Oh,” Artemis blinks, then, “Um, that’s not really my area. I could ask my brother?”
Selene laughs. “No, that is not necessary. I just need time. Will you steer my chariot each night so that I may walk across the earth unworried? Then you shall be a moon goddess in more than name.”
A titan, offering to share power for so little a reward? There has to be a catch. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll take too much?”
“I am not a goddess as you are a goddess,” she says, her derision light enough that Artemis can choose not to take offense to it. “My power neither grows nor dwindles based on the opinions of mortals. If you gain more, I do not have less.”
It shouldn’t be that surprising. All gods have some level of innate power. But not like this, not something that could alter the course of a planet, not this large and this terrifying.
Artemis decides then that Selene must be the most powerful of the titans. Anything else is too much to think about.
“I accept,” she says.
Selene reaches out, wrapping her thick fingers around her wrist, and then Artemis is somewhere else and she’s freezing.
“You get used to the cold,” Selene says, nudging her to the front of her chariot. The starlight glitters beneath her, driving home how her own silver chariot is nothing more than a pale imitation, no matter how it shines. “I drive the chariot forward with own will.”
Artemis’s works similarly. She focuses, and the chariot lurches forward, but then it jerks backwards. She glances behind, seeing the massive moon attached to the chariot with pulsing, heavy black chains. She tries again, slower, but no matter how much power she puts behind it, the moon won’t move forward a single inch.
“It’s alright,” Selene says. “I’ll help. You’ll grow stronger.”
She leans forward and spits out into space. Her saliva splits into two and then grows, until two massive, pearly white great wolves are standing at attention. Selene summons more of that strange black chain, looping it around the wolves’ chest and forming a hook to pull it through the front of the chariot before handing the ends to Artemis.
They’re heavy enough that she can feel the weight dragging her arms down. “What do I–”
Selene whistles and then wolves bound forward. For a moment they just strain against their chains, but then Artemis adds her own power to push the chariot, and then slowly, painfully, the moon is dragged forward.
“Good,” Selene says, the word settling into Artemis’s bones. “Stop when you must, but not before. I will feel the moon’s stillness and return.”
Her disappearance leaves the air surrounding Artemis even colder, but she refuses to shiver and instead urges the wolves faster with a snap of the celestial chains.
Endymion spends most of his nights on the tallest mountain within walking distance of the city, tracking the stars’ movements so that his fellow astronomers can check their equations against the realities of the heavens.
It takes him much longer than his colleagues and he blames it on an unsteady hand.
The truth is that his hands are perfectly steady. He has a one tablet of star positions and several rolls of linens with paintings of the moon. He’s not a very good artist, but something about it compels him, and so he spends hours each night determined to capture ever crevice and angle.
“Why are you always looking at me?”
He startles, dropping his brush, and turns on his heel to see who on earth is up here with him.
It’s a woman, with long black hair and a large body. There’s a puckered line along her cheek and he resists the urge to press his fingers against it, to follow it’s path until his fingers reach her lips. The soft pink of her plush mouth is the only bit of color on her.
Her question catches up with him and he sputters, “I’ve never seen you before!”
He would remember.
“You are always looking,” she insists, walking towards him. “What do you see?”
“I really haven’t seen you before,” he says, but doesn’t move away when she comes right up next to him. This close, he can see some faint color in her cheeks. He wonders if there are any other parts of her that tinge from pale to pink.
He feels heat rush to his own face at the thought. The bright moonlight that lets him see her so clearly is the same moonlight that’s going to give away his indecent thoughts.
But she doesn’t call him on it, instead pointing down at the crumpled linen. “Why?”
“Oh,” he flushes even more. “I don’t know. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? That’s reason enough.”
Endymion waits for her derision, the same that he’s received every time he’s gotten caught, but instead she curls her hands into the material of his shirt and says, “I agree,” and then she’s yanking him down to press her lips into his.
He tries to convince her to follow him home, but instead she disrobes right there and he can’t argue with that.
“Be here again tomorrow night,” she orders when the sweat is cooling on their bodies.
She likes to order him around. He doesn’t mind. “Won’t you tell me your name?”
“I will not answer questions that you already know the answer to,” she says, and then kisses him again before he can argue.
He means to walk down with her, to escort her home at least, but the moment he turns his back on her, she’s gone.
It takes him seven more nights with her for him to work up the courage to call her Selene.
She smiles and bites his shoulder, the imprints of her teeth a perfect circle.
gods and monsters series, part xxxiii
read more of the gods and monsters series here
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amphitriteswife · 4 months
💸🎰Love💞casino 💸🎰
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Excuse the bad writing alr
A story where a certain ocean god goes to a Casino only to find a special surprise…
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Pussydon the nutbuster’s pov:
The gods decided to have a boy’s night. Ofcourse Zeus brought up the idea to go to a casino. Hades had declined and said that he would rather go do something fun with his wife. Poseidon and Adamas decided to go with Zeus’ idea. They decided to go to Japan since Zeus had heard that there was a special underground casino in Osaka. So off they went.
When they entered the building it looked like a rather normal work place. A man with slicked black hair and glasses led them underground. When they entered they immediately noticed that there were a lot of people. Zeus immediately tried to get with one of the waitresses but they politely declined . He didn’t think much of it and tried the other waitresses but they also declined his offer as they think that he’s a old creep. This made him very humiliated and frustrated. ‘Why won’t have a night with me! Let me speak to the person in charge of this casino!’ Zeus said a bit annoyed considering that waitresses in most casinos usually did what the customer wanted. ‘You’re making a ruckus.’ Poseidon said catching the attention of the beautiful carps who were in an aquarium placed in the walls. The man who led them underground said that they would need to go to the back if they wanted to speak to the person who was in charge, after Zeus had his ramble Adamas decided to drag him and Poseidon along who was still interested in the fishes.
‘How may i help you today?’ A lady in a dark red suit asked, wearing a kabuki mask. ‘What is this nonsense!’ Zeus asked her showing her his frustration. The lady simply smiled and asked him what he was referring to. ‘Why did those waitresses reject me?!’ Zeus asked not used to people saying no to him. ‘My staff is allowed to choose who they spend the night with. They don’t have to do so simply because the customer wants a night with them.’ The lady answered still smiling. ‘Then you’ll lose costumers.’ Poseidon chimed in. ‘Are you referring to yourselves? I really don’t care if you leave. All these people in the building are my regular customers. I won’t feel sad if a few people who refuse to follow my rules threaten to leave.’ The lady answered laughing at Poseidon. ‘Then let’s make a deal.’ Poseidon suggested getting annoyed by the lady. ‘A deal? Why would I do that?. We are not business managers. We are gamblers.’ The lady said signaling that they should follow her.
When they entered the room they all looked around. The room was full of games. They had a pool table, mahjong, cards, a roulette, board games, even video games and many more. ‘Who would like to go first?’ The lady asked confidently. ‘I’ll go.’ Poseidon answered. This lady was getting on his nerves. ‘Do you have a preference?’ The lady asked him. ‘No, you may choose.’ Poseidon said giving her the advantage of choosing a game. He’ll win no matter what game she’ll choose. ‘Then…..How about Cho-han?’ The lady asked Poseidon still smiling at him mischievously as her mask only covered her eyes. ‘Alright.’ Poseidon answered. ‘We’ll need a dealer though’ the lady said. ‘I will ask a waiter to be our dealer.’ She replied walking to the door. ‘You will not.’ Poseidon said sternly grabbing her wrist. ‘Please refrain from touching me.’ The lady said immediately dropping her smile and glaring at Poseidon from out her mask. Poseidon released her wrist with a hint of annoyance. ‘I suggest that one of my brothers will be our dealer.’ Poseidon said. ‘I disagree. How about we let someone we both know be our dealer?’ The lady suggested. ‘What do you mean?’ Poseidon asked confused. He had never seen this lady before. How could she possibly suggest that when they both don’t even know each other. Just when Poseidon was about to disagree a person walked in wearing also wearing a kabuki mask. ‘And you say we both know the dealer.’ Poseidon said crossing his arms. ‘Please sit down.’ The dealer asked as they both sat down. ‘Please remove your mask for us.’ The lady asked the dealer. The man removed his mask and put it on the table. All the three brothers where shocked to see who it was. ‘What are you doing here?…’ Adamas asked. ‘Hey! Let us win alright!’ Zeus said with a smile.’ ‘You said you would spend time with your wife…Hades.’ Poseidon said furrowing his brows. ‘My wife works works her…and so do I, little brother.’ Hades smirked as he turned his head to look at the lady.
‘Shall we begin?’ Hades asked. ‘The rules are simple. I will put 2 dices in this cup and shake. The moment i put the cup down faced on the table you will say Cho ( even) or Han (odd). The person who has guessed 3 right is the winner. ‘Are you ready?’ Hades asked already putting the dices in the cup. ‘What will you bet?’ The woman asked Poseidon. ‘ 3 thousand.’ Poseidon answered wanting to play already and get this over with. ‘5million.’ The woman said. ‘What?!’ Poseidon said standing up from his seat. How could she bet so much on this childish game?!. ‘Poseidon….please sit down.’ Hades asked his little brother. ‘Don’t worry Poseidon, you got this! Adamas said showing his support. ‘Ofcourse i got this!’ poseidon replied arrogantly. ‘Yeah! Besides we came here to spend money so don’t worry!’ Zeus said cheering on him. ‘10 million.’ Poseidon said. The woman smiled in response. ‘Alright then…’ Hades smirked abs then shook the cup. ‘Round 1!’ Hades said putting the cup down faced on the table. ‘Even or odd?’ Hades asked both of the players. ‘Odd.’ Poseidon replied not breaking eye contact with the woman in front of him. ‘Even.’ The woman said also not breaking eye contact while still remaining her signature smirk which Poseidon found familiar. Hades lifted the cup. The dices both landed on 6. ‘Even. This round goes to our Lady.’ Hades said in amusement. ‘ Round 2.’ Hades said shaking the cup again and placing it down faced on the table again. ‘Even or odd?’ Hades asked again. ‘Odd’ poseidon answered. ‘Even.’ The woman said leaning back on her chair. Hades lifted the cup. ‘7. Odd wins.’ Hades said chuckling. ‘Thats right! Just one more Poseidon! You’re gonna win this.’ Adamas and Zeus cheered. By the time the cheering calmed down Hades had already shook the cup and placed it on the table. ‘Even or odd?’ Hades asked once again. ‘Even.’ Poseidon answered. ‘Odd.’ The woman answered smirking while still looking at Poseidon. Hades lifted the cup once again. ‘4. Lady in red won.’ Hades answered smirking as he found this very amusing. ‘You cheated!’ Zeus said not pleased with the outcome. ‘Let’s do it again!’ Zeus said now wanting to play pool with her to prove that they can beat her. ‘Our game isn’t finishes yet.’ The lady said to him not appreciating her game getting interrupted. Hades nodded at her as she sighed and turnes to him. ‘Alright then.’ The woman answered.
They had played almost every game there was and she beat almost all of them. ‘You owe me 45 million.’ The woman said to them. All the three brothers knew they didn’t have that kind of money. ‘We can’t pay you…’ Poseidon admitted. ‘That’s strange.’ The woman replied looking Zeus deep in the eyes. ‘Because you’re little brother here also owes me 23 million from all my other casinos.’ The woman said now looking at Poseidon. ‘You own more casinos? Adamas asked. ‘Yes. Two in Japan, one in Korea and another one in Italy.’ The woman replied dropping her smile and now glaring at the brothers. ‘Hey….go easy on them.’ Hades said feeling a bit conflicted now as he still didn’t want anything bad to happen to them. ‘I know that you’re trying to safe them Hades, but this isn’t the first time this has happened.’ The woman replied looking back at Hades and then turning her gaze to Poseidon. ‘You.’ The woman said pointing at Poseidon. ‘You look like you would be worth a bunch. If you can’t pay me I’ll gladly have him.’ The woman said looking into Poseidon’s eyes. ‘I’m not for sale.’ Poseidon said trough his teeth. ‘Oh but you are. You can’t pay me. You’re in my dept. I practically own you.’ The woman said to poseidon a bit flirty. ‘You wench! Do you know who you’re talking to?!’ Poseidon said absolute furious. ‘Ofcourse i know who i’m talking to, King of the seas.’ The woman said calmly while her smirk grew. ‘I’m a God! And you’re just some stupid mortal!’ Poseidon said through gritted teeth. ‘This would work when if we were in the seas. But right now we aren’t in your world Poseidon, but in mine.’ The woman said pridefully as she still had her signature smirk on her face, a smirk Poseidon knew yet remained on the tip of his tongue. ‘Take it off.’ Poseidon spat the woman. ‘Why would I?’ She questioned him making him even more angry. Poseidon snatched the mask and to his utter shock he couldn’t believe his eyes. ‘Even if we were in the seas…I would have equal rights as you, my King.’ The woman took her wig off revealing her wavy, watery hair. ‘Amphitrite?…’ Poseidon said, voice low and soft from the surprise. ‘All of you can go.’ You said dismissing them and turning your attention to Poseidon. ‘Not you, you’ll stay.’ You said smirking as what you would to to him.
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Shit was in my draft since last year cuh💀 ignore the bad ahh writing
Tag list: @miss-seanymph-pani @tinyy-tea-cup @vilereign @viostar2095 @nicasdreamer @monstertreden
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Hey can I get a request of yandere Shiva and wives with wife emperor reader who happened to be the first female emperor of Japan and she's fighting in Ragnarok and she does something shocking because when she's with them she act all sweet and innocent but when she really fights she's a menace to society reality and it was well known when her opponent says who she was it was shocking to the gods that she had killed over 3,000 different other emperors and around the world and after the fight of Ragnarok she's with her sons just two sons and three male concubines how would Shiva and wives react to this
-Shiva was impressed when he first met you- you were stunningly beautiful, elegant and graceful, but when he learned that you were the first empress of Japan, taking the position from those who cared not for the people they ruled over, by force.
-Looking at you, Shiva, Kali, Durga, and Parvati, all couldn’t believe that you were a warrior, you looked nothing like a warrior- you looked so dainty, like you had never even seen a weapon in your life!
-They found a good friend in you, and you found friends in them, which slowly turned into something more, they would flirt with you to get you flustered, but on rare occasions you could turn it back on them, and fluster them, which was rather amusing.
-When they asked you to become a part of their family, becoming Shiva’s fourth, you told them that they would need to accept those who are already in your family first.
-The following day, you brought your two sons, aged four and six, who were your pride and joy, and your 3 male concubines, who had ascended with you when you fell in battle, as you died to protect them.
-Your concubines were the men you loved, not the emperor you had been forced to marry and sire his sons, but you took his throne and his life after threatening your oldest while you were pregnant and that’s when you became to ultimate power in Japan.
-They were always so soft with you, pampering you and treating you like you were a delicate flower, but they were the first to be on standby to hold your flower hair pins as you rushed into combat.
-Shiva took to your sons so easily, as did his own son, Ganesha, and soon the eleven of you were a big happy family- melding together to become one giant family, with Shiva at the top, followed by his four wives.
-Your concubines were loyal to you, but became friend with Shiva’s wives and Shiva himself, and Shiva enjoyed having other men to talk to, while you enjoyed having other women to talk to.
-However, when Ragnarok was announced, and both you and Shiva were selected to fight on opposing sides, there was quite a bit of retaliation, as Shiva didn’t want to risk his family.
-In the end, you both agreed to fight, but the stipulation being that you would not fight against each other, something both Zeus and Brunnhilde agreed on.
-Shiva fought in the middle of the tournament, while you were the finale, as Brunnhilde felt like you would be better suited against someone else.
-Heimdall pointed at your entrance as drums began to sound, “Don’t underestimate this next opponent! She was the first Empress of Japan and she took it by force- making all others submit to her power and in turn led Japan into prosperity!!”
-Your family all cheered loudly for you, including Shiva and his wives, who were in the infirmary, watching the fight there as Shiva was finishing with his treatment.
-You walked out, wearing a formal kimono, holding a bisento, your weapon of choice, a smirk on your face, looking unlike your normal self, you looked like a warrior ready to fight.
-Your opponent was a god of the dead, one who was known to be cruel and vile, and he smirked, thinking this was going to be easy and summoned several warriors you had faced on earth, “Let’s see you handle all these!!”
-You charged in easily, handling business, decapitating and ripping one’s heart out from his chest, you looked so violent, so scary!
-You heard your boys cheering for you, “Go mama!!” you smiled up at them, your smile turning sweet as you looked at them, before you turned to your gawking opponent, “How did you do that?!”
-You spun your weapon around with ease and grace, “These measly few are nothing compared to the three thousand I faced off against on my own until my soldiers arrived, but by then- these cowards were already running.”
-Many were stunned, hearing of your past, before many people, both historians and those who were there, confirmed that you held back an enemy army on your own, while six months pregnant with just your bow, your bisento, and whatever weapon you took from those who had fallen.
-Shiva was stunned to hear this, they all were, they knew you were a warrior, but to hear of your greatest battle- they couldn’t believe it!
-You stood as the victor at the end, winning humanity their salvation. You were banged up but nothing you couldn’t handle as everyone cheered, celebrating your win.
-Your sons and concubines rushed the field, hugging you tightly which made you smile warmly, embracing them all before you heard, “Y/N!!” and you turned, seeing Shiva and you co-wives running towards you, joining in the hug which made you grin.
-Zeus was impressed with your power and granted your wish to bring all those who fell back to life, including your opponent, making all praise your kind heart.
-You smiled, seeing the reunions, including Shiva’s new friend, Raiden, which did make you smile, as you cracked a joke to your co-wives, “Looks like our little family will be getting bigger.” They laughed, finding it amusing, but they were quick to agree, seeing the brotherhood bond between your husband and his opponent.
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monochrome-cropcrown · 11 months
Hi if it's okay can I please ask for a Hades X Yuutsu reader
Where he falls in love with her
And spoils her with gifts but she declines them because she feels that she doesn't deserve them but in the end except them
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She is an OC of mine you can find a lot of information about her at my posts here on Tumblr and
Sorry if this sounds weird and if you don't do these types of requests feel free to ignore this one and have a nice day or night
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I specifically wrote on my bio that I sucked at writing fanfics.
But for the fun of it, why not 🤷🤷
It's been so long since I write anyway-
Hades X Kind Reader
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Warnings?: None.
Content?: Fluff
He doesn't understand. You are the beloved of the Underworld King. One who are privileged with his attention and affection. It's only natural for you to accept his gifts as a sign of his undying love for you. Yet, why wouldn't you accept it? You deserve it.
"You don't have to, my Lord."
Yes he has to. You are the owner of his heart.
"Your company is enough for me."
No, it's not. He insists on giving you more. You deserve more.
"I don't deserve such presents, my Lord."
You do. Why wouldn't you see it?
"No thank you, my Lord."
No. Thank you for being his.
"My Lord."
Stop calling him 'my Lord'.
Excuses after excuses, you keep declining his presents. Your overwhelming modesty and kindness are what drove him insane. A drug that not many beings have, not many gods dare to take. However, he took it with no hesitation, which made him the lovestruck fool he is.
Maybe you prefer physical touches? He could see that during the first time his skin touches yours. Your hands immediately travelled to your face to hide that flush from him. Oh so adorable, he swore that he wanted to protect you from that moment on. If only you accepted it..
You deserve more than touches. If he could just ask Zeus to bring the stars to him, if he could just ask Poseidon for the prettiest of pearls, if he could just ask Adamas to bring the head of your enemies in a split second, he would have lay them all down just in front of your very feet. It's not enough to show it. It's not enough to show his adoration for you with just some little touches or small gifts. You deserve more.
Damn whoever made you this humble and kind. Most would've boost their trumpets when they receive gifts from him. But not you, his very own beloved. You decline his gifts, with that thought of you not deserving them drilled into your head. Drilled into your brain that you're just enough with little skin contact. No, you deserved a lot more.
His wish is for you to become selfish for once. He wishes you step whoever dare to breathe in front of you. He wishes for you to stop being kind for a moment. He wishes for you to take what you wish and throw what you hate. You can take his power and he wouldn't even object. You can destroy me and he wouldn't even flinch. You can rule Valhalla and Helheim, and he would be your personal stepping stone.
His wish is for you to realize that you deserve his everything.
Maybe his gifts weren't to your liking?
Alright then. He just have to give you something that you can't refuse.
It's a perfect evening in Eden. With you in his hold, gladly following him to wherever he takes you without any complaints. Such a good girl/boy you are.
There sat under the apple trees, a large blanket with a basket full of your favorite sweets and sandwiches. Oh how his heart could burst by the sparkle in your eyes.
"My Lord... This is too much.."
This is only the gist of what he has in store.
"You shouldn't have to, my Lord.."
Yes, he has to. He loves you with every being in him.
"This is too grand for someone like me."
You are someone who deserves the grandest.
"My Lord.."
Call him Hades.
Hades. The God of Underworld who's heart is overwhelmed when he slides the golden ring into your finger. Your eyes were widen and you were about to protest, when he buries his lips into the comfort of yours.
Hades. The eldest of the Olympian brothers who couldn't be more glad as you finally accept his gift. With the smile and tears on your face, how he wished he was your tears. Born from your eyes, run down your cheek, and die on your lips.
Hades. For once, he didn't feel like a god. He feels like a happy man.
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TLDR at the end.
spoilers start now ok bye
Here are some facts that we know for sure:
1. Percy Jackson is named after Perseus, the Greek hero who killed Medusa.
2. Perseus is one of the only, if not THE only Greek hero to not die tragically.
3. Rick Riordan is VERY careful about how he uses names throughout the series, something he addresses from the very beginning when Percy gets to camp. Percy says Zeus’s name (or Kronos’s, can’t remember which and I’m lazy right now) and the sky rumbles, and Chiron warns Percy that names have power and to use them carefully. Later, in Tartarus (if I’m remembering correctly), Percy and Annabeth are wary of using names because of their proximity to monster respawn points.
4. The only other main character named after a Greek hero is Jason Grace.
Here are some things we can assume, based on Rick’s writing style and the details he has given us:
1. A character’s name will tell you something about them. That’s a Riordan near-guarantee.
1a. For example: Piper being a reference to the Pied Piper since she can get anyone to do anything for her, even follow her off a bridge.
1b. Or Magnus and Alex being confirmed from the beginning because Rick mentioned that he stole the name Magnus from Cassandra Clare. (She wrote The Mortal Instruments, which contains a gay couple named Magnus and Alec (Alexander).)
1c. Or Leo being named after the great inventor Leonardo daVinci (not confirmed, but they’re so similar it’s hard to believe otherwise).
1d. A castellan is the governor of a castle who enforces the law around the land. They also have military responsibility. Luke Castellan. nuff said.
2. NAMES HAVE POWER IN THIS UNIVERSE. Sally literally named Percy after a Greek hero to keep his roots close in a subtle way, but she purposefully picked a Greek hero that lives.
2a. HUGE example: Castor and Pollux. In myth, sons of Jupiter. Castor is mortal while Pollux is immortal, and Castor dies. (Slightly irrelevant but Rick loves taking notes from other authors so: In The Hunger Games, part of Katniss’s film team. Castor dies, Pollux lives.) In PJO, sons of Dionysus. Castor dies during Battle of the Labyrinth, while Pollux lives.
The one exception to this rule is Jason Grace. Or so I thought.
If you read the myth pertaining to Jason (Golden Fleece, Argo the First, Medea, etc) you find out that Jason of the Argo dies when he falls asleep on his ship underneath the rotting mast and it falls and kills him. There’s a lot of other stuff that goes down, but for the sake of being succinct, here’s a link to the myth for your perusal:
The only other SUPER MEGA IMPORTANT DETAIL from this myth: Argo Jason, by cheating on Medea, falls out of favor with Hera, while in PJO/HOO, Hera actively names Jason 2.0 and claims him as her champion. (despite him being. Y’know. The proof of her husband being a jackass to her. quality time with the stepmom right there.)
Putting this all together:
1. Sally purposefully named Percy after a Greek hero who lived, indicating fear that he would die if she chose a different name
2. Names have power and Rick puts meaning behind every single name he uses.
3. Jason dies in The Burning Maze.
The real kicker is that they both die in the same way: having lost everything, with so much still to do, dying a completely avoidable death because they weren’t paying attention to what was going on behind them. There’s differences, obviously, because Jason Grace is actually a good person, but those are inconsequential as the big picture is all the same. (We see these similarities happen A LOT with Percy, especially when he kills Medusa.)
We should have known. Rick laid out all the pieces for us from the very beginning, even (possibly) going so far as to straight up tell us that one of the seven would die (again, not confirmed, I saw it in a meme and maybe his twitter? idk im ty ty).
TLDR: Rick Riordan left a gigantic trail of breadcrumbs that should have clued us all in to the fact that Jason was gonna die long before it happened.
And no, I will never shut up about Jason. Justice for my favorite white boy.
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talonabraxas · 16 days
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Great God Pan Talon Abraxas
Who is Pan? God of the wild, meadows, forests, fertility, rustic music, mountains, shepherds and hunters. He is the protector of the wild and all who dwell there, but also mischievous and lustful.
He is usually depicted as having the lower body of a goat, a man’s upper half, with a goatee beard and horns on his head (sometimes with the full head of a goat) a depiction that we now know as a faun.
What are his associations? Pan’s elemental sign is Earth and he is associated with the natural world in general, unfortunately for us this means that there is no definitive list of what offerings are, or were used, in his worship. Certainly, a portion of a shepherd’s heard, or a hunters haul, would be sacrificed to appease the god, as was the way in ancient times, but also plants and herbs would be used in worship including:
Ivy – usually crafted into wreaths and garlands to represent his connection to the Earth and also his wild nature.
Pine and fir branches – these where often used to decorate dedicated altars and sacred spaces, Pinecones were used to signify fertility and to welcome Pan’s influence in fertility blessings.
Mandrake – along with the goddess Aphrodite and the sorceress Circe, Pan made use of Mandrake for its aphrodisiac properties. Rituals involving fertility and sexuality would often be performed in Pan’s sacred spaces.
Honey and thyme also feature heavily in Grecian rituals and worship, and Pan was no exception to this rule. The reason for this is that the gods are said to love bees and hold them in high regard, not least because they sustained Zeus as a baby during his time in hiding. As soon as he was born Zeus’ mother Rea hid him away so that his father Kronos could not devour him. The nymph Melissa (which means honey bee) kept the young god safe and nourished him with honey and milk. The gods even used bees as messengers, for they are also said to be the souls of the departed, or indeed those yet to be born.
The ancient Greeks where not known for the use of crystals in deity worship, but modern followers of the pantheon do associate certain crystals with Pan:
Green Aventurine - emits the energy of nature, fertility and growth associated with Pan.
Black Tourmaline – due to the wild and unpredictable nature of Pan, this crystal is used to help ground and balance this energy.
Carnelian - a stone associated with creativity, passion, and sexuality. Associated with the energy of Pan, who was known for his lustful and passionate nature.
His origins. Pan’s origins are, like a dense dark forest, deeply shrouded in mystery and predate recorded history, at which time pastoral and mountainous tribes worshipped a spirit or goat god that would later become known as Pan when they introduced him to the Greek world. The mountains and pastoral lands that these tribes hailed from later became known as Arcadia, and the Arcadians held Pan as their protector and provider.
In the folklore and stories of Olympia, which are often confusing and sometimes contradictory, Pan was said to be the son of either Hermes and the wood nymph Dryope or Apollo and Penelope of Arcadia, daughter of the Spartan king Icarius. Both Hermes and Apollo are known the be fast footed, Pan inherited this trait and was known to be able to run for miles with tiring.
As a sub note, Homer’s Odyssey writes of Penelope’s infidelity sleeping with 108 suitors in her husband’s absence, reflecting the meaning of Pan’s name in Greek: all.
In both cases it was said that Pan was raised in Olympia and would often delight the other gods by playing his flute, and later became extremely good friends with Dionysus, the god of wine.
In the ancient Egyptian city of Waset now known as Thebes, Callistratus (a Greek rhetorician) writes of a cave being found, in which a marble engraving of a ‘satyros’ (faun) holding a flute in his hands was discovered. Which suggests that, although not worshipped, the ancient Egyptians knew of the horned god, and that he did indeed predate the ancient Greeks.
Stories of the nymphs and pipes In mythology Pan was often depicted in the company of nymphs. Nymphs, not to be confused with faeries, where minor goddesses of the natural world depicted as beautiful and graceful females with wings, who had a natural ability to turn into plants or animals.
Pan would often fall hopelessly in love with these nymphs and tales tell of his, often tragic, pursuit of love.
Pan became infatuated with the nymph Syrinx, a companion of Artemis (goddess of the hunt), who rejected his advances and fled into the forest. At the river she prayed to the river gods who turned her into reeds. Pan, on her heels, looked on in disbelief and heartbreak. Not knowing which of the reeds was Syrinx, he gathered an armful, seven in total of various lengths, and bound them together and used them to play his mournful songs of lament. In a variation to this story, Syrinx turned herself into a lilac tree (a specific syringa genus of lilac) of which Pan cut seven branches and bound them together. Nonetheless, the Pan Pipes were created.
Another tale tells of Ekho, a talkative mountain nymph who was cursed by the gods to only repeat the last words spoken to her. Ekho encountered Pan in the forest and was immediately smitten by his beauty and charm. Pan made it clear that he only wanted her for her physical form and nothing more, so Ekho followed him through the woods repeating his words and hoping to win his heart. Eventually Pan became bored of her and banished her to the surrounding caves and mountains, causing her to retreat into a lonely existence, eventually becoming nothing more than a disembodied voice.
The great god Pan is dead. The philosopher Plutarch writes of the death of Pan. A sailor named Thamus, on his way to Italy, heard a divine voice call out over the seas. “The Great God Pan is dead” it proclaimed, over and over again. When Thamus reached port he rushed to the guards of the emperor Tiberius to impart the news, which was received with groans and laments. Emperor Tiberius was so concerned that he opened an official inquiry into the matter, and when investigators brought back no sign of the god, he was truly declared as dead.
Tiberius was emperor within the lifespan of Jesus Christ, son of Yahweh, and followers of Christ used this news to declare that the final Pagan gods had been defeated, the time of the true all-powerful God was at hand. It’s useful at this point to acknowledge the fact that the image of Satan is a direct reflection of Pan: a cloven footed, horn headed trickster and tempter of man. It denoted the death of an ancient order, and the beginning of a new.
However… In my heart of hearts, I know that Pan is not dead at all, he has simply receded into that of what he protects, the forest.
There is a more naturalistic explanation to this story. When the dire words “The Great God Pan is dead” was heard by the sailor Thamus, he was in fact travelling through the Mesopotamian region of Sumer. The Sumerians in this region believed in a god called Tammuz that would rise in the Spring and retreat to the underworld in winter. If he rose late from the underworld, then winter would still hold sway and his followers would spread words of warning across the lands and proclaim: “All Great Tammuz is Dead”. A phrase that would hold no meaning to any of those on board Thamus’ ship, being unfamiliar with the worship of Tammuz, so they misinterpreted it as a message from their own gods. With Pan meaning ‘all ‘we can see how that would have easily happened.
Pan’s influence on modern day language and music Pan is an ancient god, but he is still ever present in our day-to-day modern lives. The word ‘panic’ comes directly from the feeling of unreasoning fear within humans and the sudden scattering or fleeing of animals, that was caused by Pan’s tremendous shouts when he was angered. Using this shout he helped the gods defeat an attack on Olympus by the Titans.
The Greek translation of Pan is ‘all’ which we still use as a prefix to words such as pansexual, pandemic, pantheon, panorama and pandemonium.
In music, the sound of Pan’s pipes has been depicted in symphonies, operas and songs. The most famous of these include the composer Claude Debussy’s piece “Syrinx” which was composed for solo flute players, and "The Great Gig in the Sky" by Pink Floyd who referenced the deity.
The book “Wind in the Willows” and the character Peter Pan of J.M. Barrie’s “The Little White Bird” all share elements and similarities to Pan and his mythology.
So, in a nutshell, that’s Pan. I love him dearly; he’s been a protector since my childhood and a constant presence in my life.
I want to end with some words of caution from the Greek philosopher Plato:
‘Hush now, O wooded hill of the Dryads! Hush your leaping down from the rocks, Ye fountains! Hush, myriad-bleating ewes! For along his reeden pipe Now Pan himself is sweeping his supple lip To waken the sweet cry of the Muse; And with feet untired for dancing, About him gathered gleam The Dryads from the forest, The Naiads from the stream’
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moony-2001 · 8 months
How I would’ve constructed the 10 year time skip
✨Brought to you by my deep loathing for Lore Olympus✨
•warnings: super long post (I’m not joking), death, kidnapping, violence•
What The Fuck Happened
There was so much potential for the punishment arc. We could’ve seen a lot of character development, fleshed out storylines, reconciliation between certain people. We could’ve seen both Hades and Persephone going to therapy instead of claiming that one therapy session has fixed all their problems and then never going again.
Instead we got horny Persephone, pretty much no clue about what happened to Demeter OR Persephone during that time, and an easy plot device (sorry Cerberus) for Persephone to be like “I’m a big girl now harrumph harrumph, time for me to go reunite with my crusty ass bf who I’ve only know for a month”.
I hate the way she reunited with Ares. Ares is just a bonafide creep throughout the whole comic (although I liked when he attacked Zeus lol). I guess what I mostly hate about Ares and Persephone’s interaction is, yet again, it’s another example of every guy in the comic going AWOOGA over Persephone. Also Athena’s design is so fugly. I guess Rachel is completely incapable of drawing masculine presenting women as actual women.
The whole Kronos plot line is stupid. I hate it so much. Imo the whole “the titans are trying to escape so they can rule Olympus again” is overdone and not particularly done well. The fight between Kronos and Persephone is lame as shit. Like what, she gets big for all of 20 minutes, burps out a bunch of bees (which aren’t even aggressive creatures), and then does her version of the Wuxi Finger Hold from Kung Fu Panda and has Tartarus spirit Kronos away, magically fixing all of their problems (except it doesn’t and nothing is actually fixed).
Also I might get a lot of flack for this, but I don’t think the addition of Morpheus’ character was necessary. I like Morpheus. I think she’s cute. But she’s a) slowly turning into another version of Hecate and b) not really vital to the narrative imo. We already have so many other characters and plot lines that take away from the central “romance” the story is SUPPOSED to be focused on. I just don’t think we need ANOTHER character whose arc is probably not going to go anywhere.
So yeah, overall very L writing, L plot, and L characters.
What I would do differently
The first thing I would change is that the whole punishment arc would be an entire season unto itself. You’ll see why it has to be a separate season.
The second thing is (and this literally pains me to say) in order for me to rewrite this portion of LO without rewriting the entire comic, I kinda sorta have to throw the entire timeline of Greece out the window. If I try to follow a timeline based on the history of Greece, the entire timeline of LO has to shift massively. I’m already getting a migraine trying to think about how I could possibly make it work.
I do know this: Instead of 10 years I’d do somewhere between 1,000-3,000 years. 10 years is a joke. When you’re a god, 10 years is a trip to the time out corner
For now, let’s just say (assuming LO takes place in the Ancient Greece era) and Ancient Greece spanned ~1500 years, Persephone’s punishment would’ve needed to have been established near the very end of the collapse of the Late Bronze Age, spanned the entirety of Ancient Greece as we know it today, and ended some time in the very early Byzantine era. So like what, 1500-2000 years? Fine. I can work with this.
The Famine
You know how the first 400 years of Ancient Greece was deemed the “Dark Ages” and it was a time of war, famine, and loss? I want to start the punishment there. It would make sense for what we know about the characters thus far:
Demeter has had complete control over the growth of the flora and fauna on earth. She’s the goddess of the harvest after all. But we also find out that while Persephone has been in Olympus, Demeter has also been carrying out her duties as the goddess of spring. Plus Demeter has been around for forever and a day. She knows what she’s doing
Persephone doesn’t (at this point in the comic) really have control over her powers. Even in her fits of rage, she ends up doing more harm than good (i.e. her act of wrath, turning Minthe into a plant, etc.). In comparison with everyone around her, she is a literal infant. I mean shit, she’s only been alive for 20 years compared to the fact that everyone else has most likely been around for a minimum of 500 years.
If Demeter is stripped of her status as a goddess (and thus her powers) it would make sense that there would be a lot of death and famine and war over territory/food. Persephone would be left with nothing: no guidebook, no how-to. Of course a lot of people would die while she’s trying to figure her shit out. It could also be a very interesting tactic for psychological warfare on Zeus’ part. Zeus KNOWS Persephone doesn’t know what she’s doing. He knows people will die. And he knows that since life is precious to Persephone (or at least that’s what she claims), it would punish her further.
We can see episodes of Persephone struggling to provide for humanity. We could have real world examples of the affect of famine and depopulation. We would see her struggling with her powers, her mental health. We could get an episode that explains how her hands got destroyed from trying to mimic her mother’s powers. We can see what the fuck happened to Demeter in Attica.
Now obviously things will eventually go on the up and up for Persephone and her compatriots. The whole 1500-2000 years isn’t just going to be one big clusterfuck. As time progresses and chapters pass, we could see real character growth for Persephone not just mentally, but in almost every aspect. Since she will have been alive at that point for over 1000 years, the readers would be able to see her newfound maturity. We could also see her build strong female support systems and strengthen her friendships, something we NEVER saw in the OG comic (or at least they never happened without Hades somehow being involved). You get the point.
What’s Old Man Hades up to?
I have big plans for Hades and none of them involve him going into a 1000+ year coma or getting possessed by his creepy-ass dad. He is an asshole though. I kinda wanted to portray him in this the way he is in the original myths (which for those who don’t know or haven’t read it, it’s not good).
So in Greek mythology, Hades actually had a wife before he even met Persephone or Minthe. Can you take a wild guess as to who?
Bingo! It’s Leuce. Contrary to popular belief, Leuce is actually NOT a home-wrecking POC version of Persephone (don’t @ me we all know the nymphs represent the lower class and POC). In mythology, Leuce was Hades’ first wife/lover and she died sometime long ago and I believe was turned into a white poplar tree. No she is not a cousin of Thetis and Amphitrite. She is not even remotely related to them. And Thetis and Amphitrite are sisters, not cousins. Do your fucking research Rachel.
Unfortunately, Greek Mythology doesn’t really mention all that much about Leuce outside of the fact that she was a daughter of Oceanus, she was kidnapped by Hades, and when she died (for unspecified reasons) she turned into a tree. Which means I’m going to be taking a lot of creative liberties for this portion of the post. Sorry to all you diehard fans of Greek myths out there. I shall try to do her justice.
In my head-cannon Hades and Leuce had been in an arranged marriage for thousands of years. Leuce was offered by Oceanus as a peace offering after the War and Hades, not really having any other viable options for a wife, agreed to take her to the underworld (much to her dismay). Over time, they grew to have a mutually loving/caring relationship. Unlike LO Persephone, Leuce was a good queen and she worked hard to make sure the denizens of the underworld respected her and that they were well cared for. Unfortunately, they got divorced because Hades starting having an affair with Minthe. Even though she loved her kingdom and the people of the underworld, she divorced Hades because she couldn’t stand to be around him, which, y’know. Fair.
A few notes: in my head-cannon, Leuce is still around leading up the the trial and punishment. Her portrait would still be up, we would see signs that Hades and Leuce still interact (more in terms of business, not romance), etc.
Also, unlike Persephone, Leuce would not take her anger out on Minthe or turn her into a plant or destroy her apartment. She would simply wish her good luck. She would be mad at Hades for cheating and for taking advantage of Minthe while she’s at her lowest. But I’m going to be straight up: even though Leuce is meant to be the better Persephone, she still has her flaws. She’s not going to feel inclined to help Minthe in any way. Would you want to help out the person who your partner is cheating on you with? The answer is no and if you say yes, you’re lying.
Anyways, during the Punishment, Hades and Leuce reconnect and Hades finds out Leuce is dying. He tries to convince her to leave the underworld and return to her father, but she insists that she is going to stay, even if it means she dies away from everyone she loved. She won’t abandon her kingdom, her people, or her ex-husband (although that’s much better than he deserves). They move in together and Hades begins to take care of her, even as she begins to deteriorate. They also begin to rekindle their past relationship and (with the help of a therapist) work through some of their past problems together.
Note: their relationship rekindles a couple hundred years into the punishment so by the time the punishment ends, they’ve been back together for a minimum of 1200 years
The aftermath and the Rape of Persephone
Before any of you go gaga over me for the title used above, the original title used for the myth is The Rape of Persephone (or if you want to be really original, The Rape of Proserpina). In the context of the title, the term “rape” means to be taken/kidnapped rather than having sexual violence inflicted upon you. Rape stemmed from the traditional Latin word “raptus” which means “to be seized” or “carried off”. Okay? Okay.
So after the Punishment ends and Persephone feels like she has thoroughly improved herself, she goes to find Hades and talk with him about their relationship. Mainly that she feels they rushed into it, and even though she does like him she wants to take things really slow (kind of like how she wanted before getting married 3 episodes later).
Upon arriving to the underworld/Hades house, her worst fears are realized: not only has Hades (seemingly) moved on, he has found someone else. Or rather, he got back together with his ex-wife.
Persephone freaks out (“who is she?”/“I’m his wife!”)
Persephone, throughly upset for getting her hopes up, flees back to mortal realm. Hades goes to leave Leuce, but not before she tells him that if he leaves her for Persephone, she will never forgive him. Hades leaves anyways, much to the absolute despair of Leuce, who is left wailing as he runs off.
Persephone returns home and finds Demeter and they hug. Demeter is initially horrified to see what happened to her hands, but is proud of the work she did during the punishment. Persephone cries to her mother about Hades, and Demeter tries to comfort her but it inadvertently comes off more as “I told you so” rather than “I’m sorry you had to experience that” (although Demeter is sorry that Persephone’s heart is broken). Persephone, already feeling incredibly emotionally distressed, lashes out at Demeter and they start to argue. This is when Hades arrives.
Hades sees Demeter and Persephone arguing and inserts himself into the situation. Persephone becomes more upset after seeing him and Hades (assuming that Persephone is upset about the fact that Demeter is getting in the way of their “relationship” and not the fact that Persephone discovered Hades went back to his ex-wife after saying he loved her) whips out the the “one personal question, no exceptions” card and proposes to Persephone. He insists that he loves her and only her and that they should spend the rest of their immortal lives together.
Persephone says no.
Hades, not taking no for an answer and not wanting to leave the mortal realm empty handed, kidnaps Persephone, much to the dismay of Demeter, Artemis, and the nymphs. Hades returns with a traumatized Persephone to the underworld to find that Leuce has died and turned into a white poplar tree. While Persephone is sobbing on the floor, Hades weaves a mock crown from the branches and leaves of the tree, places it upon Persephone’s head, and tells her she better get used to their life together.
Thus ends the season and the punishment arc.
Thank you for sitting through my ramblings. I officially joined the anti-LO community about the time the trial happened and had been wanting to make a post like this for a reaaaaally long time. Besides the fact that the trial in of itself was completely unethical (@genericpuff made a whole post about that) the punishment arc just really pissed me off. Like go girl, give us nothing!
Anyways, I may or may not do a whole timeline reconstruction of LO depending on how much I feel like offing my sanity with the amount of research that would have to go into that. Until then, I hope you like this post and look out for other anti LO posts coming your way :)
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itstivan · 5 months
I want a sbg x pjo au SO BAD. But in my opinion.. NO ONE DOES IT RIGHT!!! (in my opinion don’t attack me)
but i want to read it not make it!!!
but here it is.. what I THINK the sbg kids cabins would be.. with explanations.
I’ve debated about this for a while, talking to people in a discord server about it and shit like that. But in my opinion I feel like there are various routes you could take with this.
For example, say ashlyn or aiden are one of the MAIN characters. So a child of the big three. But I think they both do not fit Poseidon.
I feel like Ashlyn would be a child of Zeus, and Aiden would be a child of Hades. I don’t think I really need to explain why I think this, but wtv..
To sum it up, Zeus with Ashlyn because she took on the role as leader. And some more shit but wtv,
And Aiden as Hades because he’s edgy! /j
there’s more to it but I think you prob get my gist.
Ashlyn would be a child of Athena. I think everyone pretty much agrees with this. Her being the strategist while also being good at fighting. She make’s the groups plans and is the leader of the group. People rely on her, and her ideas.
(if this was an au I made, Ashlyn would be badass with a sword. idc what anyone says)
But I also feel like, Ashlyn gives off pretty roman vibes.
So I also feel like she’d be a daughter of Bellona. She’s very set on her plans. She’s mature (for her age, ofc she still has regular 14/15 year old feelings) and responsible. She’s responsible for her actions, good at fighting, mostly a rule follower, and a lot more.
So i’m very torn between Greek/Athena Ashlyn OR Roman/Bellona Ashlyn.
Aiden would be a child of Hermes.
Due to moving around a lot during his childhood links to Hermes being the God of travelers. As well as his speed and durability, a thing most travelers need. Also Aiden being mischievous also works with Hermes.
Ben would be a child of Apollo hands down.
The healing? Hello? He’s the groups designated healer. He healed Ashlyn, heals Aiden all the time, healed Tyler in the school, and also healed Logan. Or at least he tended to them wtv, SAME THING.
Also his love for music? Apollo being the god of music? it’s perfect guys i swear.
Logan would be a child of Demeter. Obviously because of his grandparents being florists, so maybe one of them is also a child of Demeter? Idk, anyways, he also has some ancestry to Urania, one of the nine muses, who is the patron to astronomy.
Now, the twins are tricky. They both have very distinct personalities and are completely different in the way they act. Tyler being standoffish, while Taylor being extremely friendly. And lots of other traits.
I feel like these two can fit under twos gods. So maybe either one of these.
I think they’re either Hephaestus kids, OR Aphrodite.
Hephaestus kids because Taylor is known for being in the robotics/mechanics club and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Although she’s friendly to people and is an extrovert, I think she’d fit well be a Hephaestus kid. (similar to Leo maybe? except people like her… (sorry leo))
Now Tyler. I feel like he was the handyman of the house, which can be seen in that one panel of him fixing something. So I think he’d fit under that. And even if he didn’t tinker, I feel like he’d be the “mom” of the cabin and help other Hephaestus kids, like giving them tools and shit.
And then the twins being Aphrodite. I have no clue why but they kinda give off Aphrodite. They’re both popular and well liked, (even if Tyler doesn’t seem to like being popular…) they’re not pretty/handsome, and although Tyler has trouble regulating his emotions, I feel like he’d give pretty good emotional advice.
basically it for my sbg x pjo rambling… thanks for reading if you did :D
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