#it's my favorite after the obc
personinthepalace · 1 year
Spinny Emmett :)
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anyway I am reobsessed with the 2018 Penn State production of Legally Blonde the musical and I highly recommend that everyone checks it out :)
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hecksupremechips · 2 years
I’ve been feeling awful today and yesterday so to cheer myself up I watched the waitress musical again for the first time in years and AAAAAAA GOD LIKE IM A MESS IM AAAAAAAAAAA THEYRE JUST SO LIKE GOD IM FUCKING AAAAAAAAA
#the klock keeps ticking#waitress is my second favorite musical after falsettos obviously#it makes me feel every emotion#fuck earl all my homies hate earl i hate him so fucking much#the bootleg i was watching had the obc but the audio wasnt great obviously and the play had some technical issues#but other than that so fucking good everyone is so talented 💙💙💙#the absolute fucking SYMBOLISM at the end of jennas baby being a girl specifically#proving that it really is HER baby and not earls just SO 😻💅😭👏👏👏🥰#and the scene where she divorced earl is literally the best scene i screamed i cheered i cried fuck you earl#and just the fucking. THE WAITRESS GANG THEY ALL LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH#DAWN AND OOGIE LET JENNA MOVE IN WITH THEM WHEN SHE HAS THE BABY CUZ THEY LOVE HER#AND JUST THE GANG ALL BECOME THE BEST AUNTS AND UNCLES AAAAAAA#my one gripe though is that she doesnt end up with the doctor#like i understand WHY and the whole ending where jenna paves her own path independent of men is absolutely 💅💙👏👏👏#but consider this: the doctor is cute and perfect he is the perfect man#like they wouldve stayed together if they chose it and they wouldve lived a good life 😭#and i honestly dont get why they gave him a wife like that really added nothing#like it made the stakes of the affair higher I guess but also like no??? the stakes were high enough#we arent shown anything about that marriage it didnt need to be a thing#idk i just get really mad that hes in a very unhappy marriage but they make him stay with his wife#cuz she loves him#like damn jenna the same couldve been said about you and your marriage but you were much better off leaving that#i just. why cant the cute quirky doctor be happy too and leave the bad marriage#maybe years later he reunites with jenna and they can start a normal relationship and finally be together blissfully#or just like. if they were gonna make jenna a huge girlboss who breaks up with him they couldve made the doctor less dreamy#im gonna go with my fanfic theory though THEY WILL BE HAPPY TOGETHER ONE DAY
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cloudedhues · 8 months
ok ok ok i just got home and as always here are my thoughts
really enjoyed colin lemoine's take. in terms of just pure vibes hes a step closer to damon daunno than reeve carney. he's not as boyish comic relief as nicholas barasch and he feels like the most.... grounded?? orpheus i've seen. he acts out the "touched" aspect without flanderizing orpheus into just his naivete and rendering him foolish and infantilized. the best way i can describe it is that he just seems like an optimistic but ultimately ordinary guy you could meet at a grocery store line who also happens to be plagued w Unfortunately Blessed with Musical Visions by the Gods Against His Will Syndrome
amaya braganza!!!!! jesus what a vocal powerhouse. her flowers killed me. something about her vocal inflection or acting choices really made her grief over losing her life and her love so visceral. she would be right at home at the obc recording because her voice was pitch perfect. she has a terrific belt but it's during the quiet moments where she's the most effective. like at the end of all i've ever known you can really feel she's already mourning her loss before she's even lost anything which is why flowers was more heartbreaking than normal
will mann is the most intriguing part of this cast to me. hermes actors have the choice of landing on the spectrum of objective narrator to a guardian figure. will feels like the most paternal. you get the sense that not only did he observe orpheus grow up he also had an active hand in raising him. when orpheus nervously stops during epic iii will says "go on, baby" with "baby" obviously ad-libbed 😭 like yes that is his baby
my only real critique of this performance is that the show doesn't actually pick up until way down hadestown. not sure if the cast just wasn't feeling the crowd or themselves until that point (it was a sunday night so i get it). i just make note of this bc livin it up on top is this high energy number that felt strangely middle energy for some reason lol anyone who was experiencing the show for the first time and had no frame of reference wouldn't notice anything amiss but bc im abnormal and pedantic i definitely noticed
and this is by no means a critique of lana gordon's persephone whose lady of the underground is one of the top highlights of the show. she brought the roof down during "there's a crack in the wall".
which brings me to my favorite part of the show: matthew patrick quinn. i didn't think anyone could replace patrick page in my heart but i was just in love with everything matthew brought to this character. he manages to combine facets of patrick and kevyn morrow's hades that i love together. matthew has kevyn's slick charisma and anger but he has patrick's power and world-weariness. he's this incredibly tall, serpentine, and long limbed figure that towers over everyone. patrick as an intimidating and antagonistic force felt like an ancient old god who can break your house by inducing an earthquake but matthew's vibe is more like he could literally be the snake that could tempt you out of a garden of eternal paradise
he and lana are also 🔥🔥🔥 like you can simultaneously feel the millenia of history between them but they also have the chemistry of two hot people going on a date for the first time after a long period of slowburn. the resentment, the familiarity, he way he's obviously repressing his desperation to keep her and both trying to look unaffected and turning to their vices when they reject each other's touch i could absolutely scream
which is why i was sobbing by the end of epic iii. i think the catharsis was just a lot lol and they were so playful during their dance too! like actual lovers who have the most absolute fun during good times. matthew does this little wiggle for her when they're sidestepping and im 100% sure lana broke character and they both started laughing it was so sweet
anyway the fates, the ensemble, everyone was astounding and im gonna see if i can grab another cheap balcony seat before they leave in a week to see if i can catch j antonio rodriguez as orpheus
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chickensoupbmc · 11 days
Have you watched Falsettos?? Thoughts?? (I'm insane about it)
I absolutely ADORE Falsettos!!!!!! I dunno what exactly you meant by thoughts but if you meant my general opinion TOO BAD! Because I’m in the mood to YAP!!!
I will say I love love LOVE both versions of the show, but I definitely prefer the obc. I love the way Barbara and Stephen interpreted their characters and I think they both seem to feel a bit more threatened by Marvin in general ? And I think in thus it definitely makes a bigger deal out of his character development when he’s able to be in a happy relationship with Whizzer later on !!!!!! I also think that while I’m 100% besotted by the way they blocked things in the 2016 revival, I think in some cases the discreetness of scenes in the 1992 version is a lot more fitting. (ex: the way Marvin and Whizzer lean in as if to kiss each other and then pull away when Trina talks about “don’t make noise but daddy’s kissing boys”. I do prefer it to just the blatant making out in the 2016 version, because although that is amusing and admirable as well, it doesn’t really fit the vibe of.. “don’t make noise”…???) I also LOVE the scene where Marvin starts throwing stuff around during the Chess Game and having what you could call a meltdown of sorts, and I think it’s an absolutely wonderful transition into the next song!!! The contrast of having Trina and Mendel “Making a Home” directly after Marvin just destroyed his and Whizzer’s. Lovely!
Moving onto another thing I have thoughts on, I do not think the fandom is too lovely at times. I’ve made other posts about this, but I think there is not enough fans who take the show seriously. I think people who make little fan fictions and headcanons about the show should definitely be allowed to have their fun, but when they start making things that nullify messages of the show or just really dull them down, it gets on my nerves! I’ve said this before and i’ll say it again, Falsettos isn’t really a show I think needs fanfiction. It really just icks me sometimes when I see people take such a beautiful and important show and just use the charecters to make silly “fluffy” little things. Because to me that really isn’t what the show is for! That isn’t to say I think that way all of the time, but I do believe some fans take things too far. Fan content AS WELL AS jokes about the show. (Ex: jokes about AIDS, jokes about abuse, uneducated jokes about judaism, ect)
But I LOVE the show in itself!!!! I just generally don’t involve myself TOO MUCH in the fandom. It’s a beautiful show though, definitely one of my favorites. Somewhere between 2nd and 4th, depending on how I’m feeling.
I love the set as well. The bright red stage in the 1992 version, the abstract city background in the 2016 version, I adore it all. Plus, the door and the tiny bed are incredibly amusing to me in the 1992 version. And the cube in the revival. God bless the cube.
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awfulsweetbutterflies · 5 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening )
1. how were you introduced to the show?
my aunt's close friends with jon, so i got to meet him for my bday and see merrily after! i was in LOVE with his performance and ended up listening to the spring awakening album and fell in love with it!!
2. Seen a production live?
no, i wish. my aunt's theatre is doing a production of it but i may or may not be able to see it :(
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
my dream role would be wendla, and i relate to moritz and melchior (not the r-pe part of him) the most.
4. Favorite male character
probably melchior in the musical. melchior in the 1891 play is literally satan
5. Favorite female character
ilse, martha, and wendla!
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
i haven't seen the deaf west end yet but i'm planning to! i love the obc though
7. Favorite song
i need to make a list omg ... the bitch of living, word of your body, and then there were none, don't do sadness/blue wind, touch me, totally fucked, LEFT BEHIND, mama who bore me, mama who bore me (reprise), the list goes on ...
8. Least favorite song
....... there once was a pirate 😬
9. Favorite quote/line
"people -- love when they -- kiss! melchior, don't, don't!"
10. Favorite TV performance
do the tonys count?
11. Favorite cast member(s)
jonathan groff and john gallagher jr
12. Favorite cast member moment
when jon interviewed people 😭
13. Do you write fan fiction?
nah but i'm writing an adaptation of frank wedekind's spring awakening!
14. Do you make fan art?
sigh no but i like to doodle wendla, moritz, and melchior from time to time
15. Do you cosplay?
no but that'd be so fun omg
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
don't do sadness 100%
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
og word of your body imo, nothing beats lea and jon's stage presence there
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
my junk!!
19. Explain the song of purple summer
i like to see it as the happy ending, how everything went wrong but they all pulled it together somehow
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
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unpleasantcompany · 2 months
So- update:
Got a text out of the blue from a dear friend the other day who just moved and was asking if I wanted her old American Girl Dolls because she’s downsizing. She provided me pictures of an Elizabeth and a JLY 6. I enthusiastically agreed- but I already have Elizabeth so what was I to do?
I was looking at the JLY 6 when it hit me… she kinda looks like Angela Lansbury… and my absolute favorite musical of all time not only stars Angela Lansbury in its OBC, but also possesses generations of stunning costumes across multiple productions. Elizabeth sort of looks like a performer I was fortunate enough to see live in 2017, Eryn LeCroy (who went on the play Christine Daae in Phantom 💕)
NOTE: if you’re under the age of 16, this musical is very dark and I’m not recommending it for you, hence me not naming the show (still easily guessed from context).
ALL of that being said, I will be adding Miss Johanna (Elizabeth) and Miss Angela (JLY) to my home in the coming days and I’m working on making costumes accordingly. I also splurged and decided to make a dress for my JLY 29, Scarlett, based off of Helena Bonham Carter’s performance. Will also not be naming the JLY 6 after the character because “Nellie” is already taken.
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ALSO, I wanted to note… I despise when people take children’s toys or products and make them “adult” or edgy. These dolls will not physically reference any of the darker material in the show such as gore- they will only resemble the ladies and their dresses above. I adore Sondheim musicals, a number of the actors who have performed these characters, and this show means so much to me. I also think it will be a fun challenge (specifically HBC’s because movie budget costume, WOW).
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dwsavideos · 7 months
Saw @feelssogoodinmyarms do this and now I want to because I also miss this show dearly.
(By @winter-asleepening)
1. how were you introduced to the show?
A friend introduced me to it in middle school which was around the time DWSA was on Broadway.
2. Seen a production live?
No, I wish.
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
Ever since I first listened to the musical I’ve always wanted to play Ilse. She’s just such a strong character and Blue Wind is my go to (Theatre) karaoke part.
4. Favorite male character
Moritz! I’m also a Georg enjoyer.
5. Favorite female character
Ilse, and specifically Treshelle Edmond/Kathryn Gallagher portrayal of Martha (love Lilli though)
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
Okay I the first Spring Awakening bootleg I watched was of OBC, but I feel more connected to DWSA version/cast because they were on Broadway during the time that I first discovered Spring Awakening. I love both so much but I gotta say DWSA for this one. That cast was groundbreaking and so excellent.
7. Favorite song
Don’t Do Sadness/Blue Wind and Touch Me
8. Least favorite song
The Mirror-Blue Night- probably just because I listen to it the least.
9. Favorite quote/line
The lines leading up to The Song Of Purple Summer:
“Listen to what’s in the heart of a child
A song so big in one so small
Soon you will hear where beauty lies
You’ll hear and you’ll recall
The sadness, the doubt
All the loss, the grief
Will belong to some play from the past
As the child leads the way to a dream
A belief
A time of home through the land.”
10. Favorite TV performance
DWSA at Seth Meyers
11. Favorite cast members
I’m a big Andy Mientus fan, also anyone who knows me knows that I love Kathryn Gallagher so much. And Daniel Durant. (Every DWSA cast member holds a special place in my heart, I can’t choose a favorite.) Favorite OBC member is John Gallagher Jr.
12. Favorite cast member moment
Heaven Touch. Or every Periscope.
Do you write fan fiction?
No I’m boring lol
14. Do you make fan art?
No, but I love seeing the beautiful fan art this fandom makes! I feel like I should start. I’ll try to start.
15. Do you cosplay?
No, again I know I’m boring.
16. Don't do Sadness or Blue Wind?
Blue Wind
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
Touch Me
19. Explain the song of purple summer
Fun question! It’s a metaphor for change after hard times. Purple Summer is the inevitable good thing that comes after the inevitable bad thing. No matter how harsh and cold the Winter may be, Summer always follows. Just like how no matter how harsh and cold life may be, something good will follow. The play itself is about harsh times and horrible things happening to these children- and then the play just ends… only it doesn’t. The Song of Purple Summer is Spring Awakening’s finale because it tells the audience: “Hey, what you just watched was gut wrenching, but the story isn’t over. Change is coming, Summer is coming. You won’t be here to see it, but it’s happening.”
Thanks again @winter-asleepening for making this! Much love to all my Spring Awakening fam 🤟🏻💜
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
oh my god hadestown is one of my favorite pieces of anything ever. i live in nyc so i’m constantly entering the lottery- i swear to you reeve carney is even better in person. ethereal
UGH you lucky bitch. The traveling cast was incredibly good but I’d loooove to have seen it with the OBC. Patrick Page’s voice always gives me chills, even after listening to that musical for so long now lol
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Why do you consider the Into The Woods movie to be that bad? I remember watching it in cinemas with no experience with the musical and thinking it was..... mediocre, mostly.
so for me, it's a mix of a bunch of things
mainly, my mom loves Sondheim, so i grew up listening to a lot of his shows. My favorite was the OBC Into the Woods soundtrack, and i watched the stage show multiple times. when the movie was announced, i was SO excited, and so was the rest of my family!
we saw the movie and it was just... so disappointing.
The characterizations were just slightly off (specifically James Corden's Baker and Meryl Streep's Witch), and they literally cut some of the BEST moments from the stage show
"I Guess This is Goodbye" is one of the sweetest songs, and it gives Jack so much character, and they took it out 😭
which then leads to one of my BIGGEST gripes about the movie:
Yeah, I get they can't do the narrator in the movie, but the Mysterious Man is SUCH a massive role in the show???
He guides all the characters to each other???
He's literally the Baker's FATHER???
His song with the Baker is one of the most important character moments for the Baker???
The song where the Baker gets closure with his father and returns to the group???
When he acknowledges that his fears, while valid, shouldn't control him???
Where he actually gets to have a relationship with his father???
like they made his father a ghost in the movie and it was just a conversation. "No More" is one of my favorite Broadway songs, and it's so beautiful and heart-wrenching, and it was so upsetting when I realized they had cut it.
also, the cutting of "Ever After" and "So Happy" was a massive mistake:
it builds up all of the conflicts of Act 2, and leads to the characters then getting scolded by the Witch during "Last Midnight"
without those moments that show the characters regretting their wishes, it just makes the Witch look like she's roasting them for no reason and kind of gets rid of the entire message of the show
those songs show that things aren't going perfectly, there's little moments of discontent for everyone, and then it's revealed that there's Giant attacking, which is the reason everyone comes back together.
In general, I think the overall casting of the main group was off, James Corden was such a flat Baker, and i mean, it's hard not to compare Bernadette Peters and Meryl Streep to each other, Bernadette Peters' Witch was much more layered, in my opinion, and Anna Kendrick's Cinderella was a little lackluster.
For positives (because while the negatives REALLY outweigh the positives, there are some things i enjoyed):
Emily Blunt was the perfect Baker's Wife, I adored her performance, and her characterization during "Moments in the Woods" was one of the best!
Chris Pine was hilarious as Cinderella's Prince, just toeing the line between unlikeable asshole, and surprisingly caring and charming
(side note: "Agony" is my favorite number in the movie, just after "Moments in the Woods", and every time i watch it i die laughing)
Daniel Huttlestone was such a good Jack!! I love his Gavroche, so his Jack was a lot of fun, and he really captured Jack's devotion to his moment and his want for adventure!
Tracey Ullman was the funniest Jack's Mother, and i will admit i've got a bit of a bias towards her because I played Jack's Mother when I did "Into the Woods" my senior year!!
so yeah, that's my reasoning why i really, REALLY don't like the "Into the Woods" movie 😅 i totally get that there are people who loved it, and i love that!!! but it's really not for me lol
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writerchickmarie · 8 months
John Lloyd Young's Broadway At The Carmichael - Childhood Dreams Do Come True
It all starts with a dream.
John Lloyd Young wove that thread throughout the evening on Saturday in Carmel, Indiana - as he shared stories of his Broadway dreams growing up, and performed the songs that inspired them, at the fabulous Feinstein's at Hotel Carmichael.
He also shared a little info about how the hotel got its name...a combination of the name of the lovely city it is situated in, and Michael Feinstein's first name. This is only one of the fascinating bits of knowledge that he shared during the show - a treasure trove of musical theatre, movie, and songwriting facts and insights that, along with his personal stories, made each song and every moment more meaningful.
He opened with "So You Wanted To Meet The Wizard" from The Wiz, taking the room by storm from the first word. He mentioned that this show opened during the year of his birth, so it's definitely fitting for it to have so much meaning for him. He then moved into classic romantic territory with "I Have Dreamed" from The King And I, making every member of the audience feel the emotion with every note.
JLY was accompanied by David Duncan on piano, who is an Indiana local, but who also performed with him in St. Louis earlier this week. They work so well together, and I look forward to future collaborations at the Carmichael, and possibly other locations as well.
The next song is a favorite that has just been added back into the Broadway set - "All I Care About" from Chicago. I was thrilled to experience this performance again, and still want to see JLY cast in this role on Broadway...he would be the perfect Billy Flynn. Producers - are you listening?
He told some wonderful stories about his mom and grandmother getting to see the original Broadway cast in several productions, that he later got to know because they were also in the movie versions. I won't share all of his stories from the evening...I'm sure he will be sharing many of them at future shows, so you can come and experience them for yourself in person or possibly get to hear them on a livestream for those who need that option. But suffice it to say, that OBC/movie combination fueled many of his dreams, which came true with Jersey Boys. It's incredible where your childhood dreams can take you!
He also combined his love of 60s music with those Broadway dreams to perform a beautiful "Till There Was You" from The Music Man, based on the Beatles' arrangement. He followed that up with some intriguing and compassionate stories about Lorenz Hart, and also mentioned how if Mr. Hart were alive in the present, he might not have been such a tortured soul in having to hide his sexual orientation. JLY performed a stunning version of "My Heart Stood Still", just one of the many songs that this prolific lyricist brought into the world.
Another dream that JLY had in his early teens came from listening to the Les Miserables cast album. He was so moved by the character of Marius that he constantly thought about how much he wanted to play that role. He wound up getting his chance a few months after Jersey Boys on Broadway, when he played Marius to 17,000 people a night at the Hollywood Bowl. How I wish that we could have all seen that performance at the time...but we had the next best thing on this evening, hearing him perform a powerful, haunting "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables" - and suddenly we were all transported to the Hollywood Bowl in 2008, while getting to witness this special moment in the intimate cabaret setting of the Carmichael.
Next up was a lesson in "vamping", Kander and Ebb style. it was fun for us in the audience to get to participate in a "name that tune"/ musical theatre trivia segment featuring the music of this iconic duo. At Friday's show, JLY performed "Sometimes A Day Goes By" from Woman Of The Year, but it was not part of the set on Saturday. I'm really hoping to get to hear this one in NYC. I remember well the beautiful duet JLY did with Michael Feinstein as a guest of his cabaret shows a few years ago, and I'm eager to hear the solo version. So hopefully it makes the cut!
We then moved into the Jerson Boys portion of the show, with "Big Girls Don't Cry", "My Eyes Adored You", and Can't Take My Eyes Off You", along with some special Clint Eastwood and Frankie Valli stories. After JLY finished "Can't Take My Eyes Off You", he went back and performed a portion of the song in Italian - completely taking our breath away. I hope he also records it in this way. You will definitely want to listen to it on repeat.
His tribute to Nell Carter, the thoughtful and emotional "Mean To Me" from Ain't Misbehavin', truly honors her while he makes it his own. It showcases his full vocal range - and everyone in the audience was blown away.
JLY then came around the room for "One Last Kiss" (from Bye Bye Birdie), delighting both new fans and longtime friends. There is no one who can work his way around a room like JLY, and it always amazes me watching him in his element.
We finished the night up on our feet for "Sherry" - but with a twist. Three musical theatre students from a local college got to join JLY on stage as the "Three Seasons" to back him up. Abby, Jess, and Ryan were all incredible...and Ryan nailed the Nick Massi bass part. Not only was it a lot of fun, but JLY was paying it forward by helping another generation fuel their own Broadway dreams. It was the perfect finish to a phenomenal evening.
John Lloyd Young has truly come into his own as a cabaret star, performer, and entertainer, all while being his genuine and authentic self. It is a pleasure and a joy to witness, and I can't wait to see where those Broadway aspirations take him next...with all of us supporting him on this magical ride. It all started with a dream...and even the sky is not the limit!
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Hi it’s your Santa Swiftie here!!! I’m so excited to get to make you something for the holiday season, but first, I need some info/get to know you better!
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do on your free time?
Do you have a favorite word?
What's your top 5 Taylor Swift albums?
Favorite Taylor swift mv? Favorite photoshoot?
Pick 13 Taylor songs you like!
What kind of music you like besides Taylor?
If you had to pick 5 songs to describe yourself which ones would you choose?
Who were your most listened artists on Spotify?
I know this is a lot lol, so take your time to answer it all! I hope you have a great week and a lovely December! 🎄🧑🏻‍🎄🎁❄️🎅🏻
hey there!! I'm so excited 😊 Thank you so much for your patience while I was getting over my illness! My blog runs on a queue but I don't use a queue tag so I'm sure that didn't help your concern that messages weren't going through. I'm finally feeling better and able to answer all your questions. One thing you should know about me is that I don't pick favorites so you're going to get some lists lol.
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do on your free time?
I do have hobbies! Like many Taylor fans I love to write songs. It's such a fun creative outlet. I also am an avid reader. I read a lot of classics back in the day (and almost became an English major) but after college I've been reading more romance and fantasy books. I haven't been brave enough to venture into Brandon Sanderson territory but we'll get there. I needed to give my brain a bit of a break after all the reading for school.
Do you have a favorite word?
Oh my gosh thank you for this! A word I have loved since middle school is ephemeral. I think it just sounds so soft almost like it's fading away. And it's about such an angsty concept. For my Latin class we wrote a tradgedy called Ephemora. It was the most fun thing ever.
What's your top 5 Taylor Swift albums?
Mkay this question is so unbelievably rude. Right after Midnights came out?? How the heck am I supposed to rank albums at a time like this??? For you I shall do my best:
In no particular order - folkmore, midnights, Speak Now, Red TV, reputation
But debut is a close 6
Favorite Taylor swift mv?
OOTW, IKYWT, Cardigan, Blank Space, Love Story, ATW short film of course
Favorite photoshoot?
If we're going to talk album photoshoots I'm obsessed with the midnights, RED TV, rep and Lover ones.
Here are a few more I really enjoyed:
EW 2019
Glamour UK 2015
Fashion Magazine 2015
Glamour UK 2013
People Magazine 2010
USA Today Newspaper 2010
Pick 13 Taylor songs you like!
Cold As You
Illicit affairs
The Moment I Knew
What kind of music you like besides Taylor?
I tend to listen to singer-songwriters that write acoustic-esque pop. Oh and I also listen to some musicals. I was mostly a theatre kid because I loved classical theatre like Shakespeare but I fell in love with some musicals along the way as well.
If you had to pick 5 songs to describe yourself which ones would you choose?
Damn this is a tough one. I'm really bad at limitations so you're getting more than 5:
Why am I like this? - Orla Gartland
Colorado - Reneé Rapp
Pity Party - Cate
The List - Maisie Peters
Personal Best - Maisie Peters
Girls - girl in red
Kintsugi - Gabrielle Aplin
mirrorball - Taylor Swift
homecoming queen? Kelsea Ballerini
Walk In The Park - Kelsea Ballerini
Being Alive - Company OBC
Growing Sideways - Noah Kahan
Hold The Girl - Rina Sawayama
Who were your most listened artists on Spotify?
I know we're supposed to get videos for the people that we listened to the most but I don't know how to access those so in no particular order here are some artists I listened to this year: Taylor Swift, Noah Kahan, Maisie Peters, Reneé Rapp, Gabrielle Aplin, Kelsea Ballerini, Conan Gray, Demi Lovato (love their new album!!), Halsey, Rosie Darling, Gracie Abrams, Cate, Abby Holiday, Lizzy McAlpine, Griff, P!nk, James Bay
I hope all this info helps 😊
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hi! i used to be really active in the spring awakening fandom (dwsa especially) a few years back & i still love it— just an ask for ya, what’s your favorite thing about that production? Have a great day! :)
My favorite thing about DWSA is how the characters are actually deaf in this version, and we get to see some of the issues that come with it. Especially in that time. Seeing Melchior try and teach his classmates after the teacher won't sign, Moritz being forced to speak by the teacher. It's just another layer of complexity that the obc was missing. Is also just genuinely beautiful and the cast is wonderful. :)
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cagesings · 2 years
@unelectedofficial​​  sent  :  w.icked  👀  //   leave  a  musical  in  my  inbox  &  i’ll  reply  with  .  .  .  
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favorite  Character  :  g(a)linda  (  though  because  of  you  &  especially  your  analysis  comparing  the  both  of  them  ,  nessa  is  up  there  too  )
least  favorite  character  :  um  i  cannot  spell,  but  elphaba’s  &  nessa’s  dad  is  the  worst,  but  i  also  don’t  like  the  wizard  
favorite  obc  cast  member  :  k.ristin  c.henoweth
favorite  current  cast  member  (  if  applicable  )  :  i  have  no  idea  what  the  cast  is  currently  lol  
favorite  song  :  popular  &  dancing  through  life
least  favorite  song  :  wonderful??  (  is  that  the  one  the  wizard  sings?  for  the  life  of  me  i  cannot  remember,  but  that  one  )
favorite  act  (  if  applicable  )  :  act  1  is  fun  after  that  i  am  sadTM
favorite  ship  :  glinda  x  happiness
least  favorite  ship  :  not  huge  on  elphaba  &  glinda  as  a  ship  tbh.  there  are  so  many  love  stories  about  finding  each  other  &  becoming  better  people,  but  not  enough  friendship  stories  with  that  kind  of  arc.    
if  there  is  something  i  would  change  about  the  musical  :  they  treat  nessa  better.  
ratings  :  6.8887/10  (  w.icked  never  has  been  or  never  will  be  my  thing,  but  i  do  enjoy  it  for  what  it  is,  also  gets  docked  points  because  the  dragon  gave  me  nightmares  when  i  was  eight  >:(  )
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were you really so blind and unkind to him?
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you-are-constance · 2 years
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So I recently got to see the Anastasia tour (!!!!). I’m so glad I was able to because as most of you know it was my entire personality from November 2020 to January 2021 (and currently it is again). Everyone was absolutely incredible and I was left breathless after every performance. I was also lucky to have the seats I did, which were on the floor, only like 9 rows back, and in the CENTER. Whenever someone was in the middle of the stage and looking out, it looked like they were looking at me. I could see every expression. It was unbelievable. Anyway, some notes I have from the show (below a cut bc I can't shut up):
Marley Sofia was on for little Anastasia/Alexei and she was absolutely precious.
I don’t have a ton of notes here other than WHAT A PERFORMANCE.
During the Last Dance of the Romanovs I was waiting at the edge of my seat for Alexei to come on (If you’re unaware—I adopted musical Alexei over a year ago).
The COSTUMES in this show>>>>
I’ve said it before I’ll keep saying it: Anastasia should have won the Tony for best costuming!!!! like come ON
The lighting in this scene was incredible. It was amazing what they could do with just the screens in the arcs. And the way it went from the whites and soft colors to BOOM. RED.
I guess I did have a lot of notes on this scene
Rumor in St. Petersburg
It took me a little bit to get used to Brandon Gleb’s speaking voice. I liked him from the start but the way he talked did take me a couple minutes to get used to.
Sam’s Dimitri just feels soft. He’s so smiley in this scene.
Bryan's Vlad (vocally at least) feels a lot rougher than John Bolton. It certainly fits him for the first act at least, but I do prefer the prettier sound of his voice in the later stuff (Meant to Be, especially)
The choreography in this scene was great. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment.
In My Dreams
The scene before Anya came in. It is honestly so personal, y’know? This Dimitri is almost always smiling, giggling and joking around, more than any other one I’ve seen.
Oh plus that costume?? With the red shirt?? tbh it’s one of my favorite costumes in the show (gender)
When Anya came in…
Kyla Stone was the only cast member that I’d done research on before the show. She was the one I was most looking forward to.
And she did not disappoint.
I don’t want to compare the tour cast to the obc that much just because they’re different and different levels, but I’m gonna do it a bit.
I think I might have preferred Kyla’s In My Dreams to Christy’s. Maybe it was the live aspect that influenced it a lot, but still (stiiiiiill).
Anyway I am a Kyla Stone fan first and human second.
The Rumors Never End
Brandon didn’t have the same presence as Ramin did, so he actually had to work to make Gleb an imposing character. Ramin could just do it naturally, but Brandon had to (and did) work to make his character that way.
And let me tell you, I was NOT prepared for his singing voice. Man. It was pretty different from his speaking voice, but it was absolutely incredible. Like I cannot get over his singing voice.
Learn to Do It
They are all so precious. Like I cannot even believe.
The dancing sequence was unparalleled.
When Dimitri stepped on Anya’s feet the entire theatre gasped, and there was a few seconds in there that I think Dimitri might have actually been fearing for his life.
Then when Anya stepped on his feet… Kyla laughed for at least 2 minutes. It was incredible.
I adore this entire scene you don’t even know.
The Neva Flows
Again… Brandon’s voice…
I liked this Gleb before (I liked him from the start) but these scene was when I really started to adore him. The way he performed was indescribable.
I also always forget that Anya joins in singing the song for a bit. When Kyla did it she looked super nervous about it, quickly standing up when she started singing.
My Petersburg
(I’m listening to the song while typing this out <3)
The scene before when Anya goes ballistic in driving out the men in that area… incredible.
Like GO OFF Kyla. and Dimitri looked genuinely terrified of her after it.
My Petersburg is one of my favorite songs in the show.
I loved Sam’s Dimitri before this but this song was where it turned from love to adoration.
He was moving around so much while singing. Like he took up the entire stage. He just seemed super energetic.
I also forget that Anya sings with Dimitri in this one. WHY isn’t that in the obc recording???
I love their interaction after the song. They are so cute. When he gives her the music box… the way he said ‘it’s broken’
Once Upon a December
The staging and lighting of this number is unmatched. And the way Kyla sang it was just *chefs kiss*
And the bit after… oh man.
Dimitri looked and sounded like he hated to tell Anya that they weren’t even close to going. He looked heartbroken, like he hated to let her down like that.
And then his reaction to Anya telling him to close his eyes and hold his hand out. He was so salty about it.
Then when he saw the diamond??? The spin???? I adore them.
The bit where he gets excited about sleeping in a hotel and getting to use a bathtub… he is so precious.
Stay I Pray You
The line ‘he’s a dead man on both counts’ felt more serious than in obc. maybe it was just the crowd, though. like there were still laughs but it all felt more tense.
Christian McQueen’s voice in Stay I Pray You is unmatched. Truly.
I didn’t love how rubato he was in the beginning (it stressed me out as someone who’s played in a pit before. technically there’s no instrumental there but just the way it was taken would make me worry about actually coming in on time)
Once other people/the pit came in, it really was just perfection.
This song shows what a cellos is meant to sound like. really. It’s the kind of cello sound that makes someone want to learn cello (me, I’m the someone)
This song is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
The moment at the end of the song when only Anya and Ipolitov are onstage? it can be so personal
We’ll Go From There
They didn’t have the train car. I was a bit disappointed at first (thought it makes sense that they wouldn’t have one), but they did use the stage a bit better and they played it all really well.
and yeah. come on dude. how dare you smoke in her presence??? should have known better, man.
There was a moment that they added bc they had to redo staging. While Anya’s singing her part she’s moving through people, then she trips, Dimitri catches her and they stare into each other’s eyes for a second, singing ‘This chance is all I’ve got’ and it really was such a good choice.
In the end part they were looking at each other from across the ‘train car’ (people sitting on their suitcases in a group on the stage).
Traveling Sequence
I always forget how much I adore it.
Gleb gets even higher in my mind.
‘The Princess Anastasia is running out of time’
the lighting/scenery here was also incredible
‘alive or dead: it’s up to you’ is something that can be so personal.
His voice <3
Like, vocally it’s hard to do better than Ramin, but Brandon is right there.
The lighting in this scene is also incredible. At the end of the song it had the same background as at the end of Last Dance of the Romanovs, with Gleb & other officers standing in front of the silhouettes in the background as if it were their shadows.
Journey to the Past
The bit before it was so cute. Dimitri being in awe of her, then him and Vlad running offstage. Them calling out to her (it received a lot of laughs).
(Dimitri bounds up the hill like a young goat)
I actually had looked up a recording of Kyla’s Journey to the Past before seeing it, so I knew it’d be good.
It was even better.
Also the way that the screens in the background move from the trees, up to showing Paris as she’s holding the last note? genius
Act 2 notes will be coming soon bc this is already super long and I wanted to split it up
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elizabethvaughns · 3 years
what are your top ten musicals?
1. if/then
i mean, duh. this is predominantly an if/then blog, after all. one of the main reasons (out of several) i absolutely adore this show is that it puts a woman front and center in its story. as a matter of fact, all of female characters are so wonderfully fleshed out and none of the main female characters are one-dimensional. on the flipside, taking the male characters in consideration, none of them really exhibit the misogyny and the characteristic machismo that men typically exhibit in popular media that i absolutely loathe. i mean, yes, lucas was an asshole to beth after he found out that she aborted the kid. but important thing here, is that (a) lucas was portrayed as the asshole in this scene, and (b) his issue was that "it wasn't fair for [beth] to make that decision without [him]". his main issue wasn't that beth aborted the kid, it's that he saw a chance to start a family with the woman he's been in love with for over twelve years and she took a decision without even involving him. and the argument, while understandable, but still invalid (because it's beth's decision throughout!!!), was just…a product of life. and stephen—while he did kiss beth and push her away (because he was married), he was still overall respectful of her after "what the fuck?". and josh is a himbo and david's also overall pretty respectful in the scenes that he's in.
and i just adore the musical because of the timelines in general. neither liz-verse, more focused on romance, or beth-verse, more focused on career, is treated as more important. liz isn't treated as stupid because she decided to focus on her relationship with josh. the fact that she didn't get the job at the DCP isn't even related to the fact that she decided to pursue a relationship with josh. and beth—beth vaughn, my love, my light. even though she has no time for romance, she does fortify her relationships with her friends—with kate, anne, and elena (and lucas, to a degree. i still feel that liz's and lucas's friendship was stronger, though). and platonic love is often overlooked in media. which if/then doesn't do. (and speaking of friendships, beth and lucas's friendship breakup is treated well too).
and speaking of love, or more specifically the romantic kind. the LGBTQ representation in this show is pretty good as well. ignoring liz's one biphobic comment (i mean, ma'am, your best friend is a whole-ass bisexual right there. you know that. you dated him in college. you just set him up with a guy.), it's pretty damn good! kate and anne? iconic, chef's kiss, you go you funky lesbians. lucas and david? adorable go off. and lucas? absolute (canon, might i say) bicon right there.
and the acting. unparalleled. all of the characters are so well portrayed by their actors it's unreal. and the chemistry that the actors have with each other. it's so fucking incredible i'd imagine it'd have been a pretty great experience to see this live.
in the end, the book is spectacular, the music makes me want to cry, the whole show is incredible, send me an ask if you want me to drop a link to my favorite bootleg(s) and/or the libretto.
2. falsettos/the marvin trilogy
now i'm tired after waxing poetic about if/then for over 500 words. so i'll try and make the rest short.
i guess what i have to say about falsettos is. i have loved this show ever since i watched it over two years ago (fun fact: i forced my friends to watch it with me when they came over for my bday in 2019).
it is an incredible show. full stop. it's funny, it's a tearjerker. all the actors (in the obc, in the revival, etc) are so talented. the staging is so amazing (i mean. the block—or the lack thereof—in the revival. it's genius).
and the character development of marvin (and whizzer, for that matter) is so incredible. and i love all the characters in general. it's just. great.
3. rent
rent was actually the show that really diversified my musical taste.
i love the music. it slaps so fucking hard. i love the characters. they're all assholes, but they're lovable assholes, you know? (except benny he's just an asshole).
there's nothing more i can think of atm but i will wax poetic if i think of anything.
4. the prom
the music's great. (i love "dance with you" and "it's time to dance" so much!!!)
also i love greenelan so so much.
5. she loves me (2016 revival)
it's so funny!!
and the set is really something to behold
and the chemistry between zachary levi and laura benanti as georg and amalia is pretty damn great
and i love ilona in general
love me a good enemies to friends to lovers story
6. hadestown
it's such an incredible musical. and everytime i listen to the soundtrack i get chills. and i've loved it since....since april 2019, actually.
orphydice <3. also eurydice <3.
also persephone <3
also love me some 'fuck capitalism'
7. waitress
love me a funny musical that's centered around women.
i absolutely adore the relationship that jenna, becky, and dawn have. and the soundtrack is so hauntingly beautiful.
8. wicked
love me a musical that's centered around women full stop
i love elphaba, she's so incredible. when i first listened to this musical freshman year, i ended up seeing a lot of myself in her.
and elphaba's relationship with glinda <3 (romantic? platonic? i don't really know. either way, it's pretty great)
good character development?? love me some good character development
anyways i don't really know what's gonna happen with the wicked movie. in the end, hope it doesn't turn out bad and completely detract from the musical's main themes as musicals-to-movies so often do. (and the book. it's so different from the musical it's unreal. i still adore both, though, for differing reasons).
9. legally blonde: the musical
elle woods my love
anyways. incredible funny musical centered around women you get the gist
but it's so good i'm obsessed
elle and vivienne? i'm obsessed. elle and paulette? i'm obsessed. that scene where elle helps paulette get her dog back from her ex? or that scene where paulette and vivienne try to coax elle out of the supply closet before elle reveals that she hasn't actually given up? i'm so fucking obsessed.
it shows that you don't really need to change something about yourself to achieve your goals. and that's such an important message.
and emmett? love that he drinks his respect women juice. and laura bell bundy and christian borle's chemistry is unparalleled
10. something rotten!
if you can't tell, i love funny musicals. it's so self-aware and that's incredible
also, portia brooks.... <3 and bea bottom.... <3
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