#it's my personal hc that joe not only loves to be in bed but is Very particular about it
nanabrainrot · 1 year
can i please request jealousy hcs for joe from "you were never really here"? i haven't been normal about this man for a day in my life and i don't plan to start either✊😔 love your work, mwah
YESSS I rewatched n I was like “this man def fucks u over the sink when ur coming out for ur midnight piss” like hes plaguing me.
Jealousy and Joe Headcanons
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He’s so silent treatment coded.
He knows the kind of attention that’s inevitable when you have a pretty girl, even worse when they’re sociable and friendly - the man cannot hold a conversation like a normal person unlike you (because he just isn’t a normal person).
It’s so hard for him to understand that you’re just nice without ulterior motives, but he isn’t confident that others have good intentions. His line of work keeps that in the back of his head. He can’t separate the cruelty of humanity with the kindness he only sees in you.
The last thing he wants is for you to see him be aggressive. He would rather bite his tongue in every instance to avoid confrontation. When he considers getting involved he just… looms.
The way your eyes gravitate to behind who you’re talking to and they meet Joe hovering over you two usually makes them greet him nervously, they can tell you two are close by the way you smile at him all tender.
He’s silent there and he’s silent at home. It’s just who he is; brewing on what he wants to say and not wanting to say it unless it’s perfectly phrased. It never is.
So he looms in the kitchen quiet, only grunting in affirmation or rejection. You notice that but remain quiet and tread carefully to brighten his mood; you really love the conversation with people in passing. They don’t mean anything just because your pals happen to be men here and there. He just can’t quit the thought that every man wants you as lewdly as he does. Every man must want you and eat you with his eyes.
Silent brushing your teeth, silent in the shower, silent crawling into bed. He turns his back to you. Brooding all boyish despite the age in his face screaming man.
You reach out, tracing the tattoo on him: a perfect circle. He tenses, breath hitching.
You coo, a breath beneath the hum of the fan and the re-run of I Love Lucy playing for white noise: “You’re the only man I love Joey baby.”
It’s 2am when he’s presses that warm kiss to your forehead and his muscles relax. He hums an apology into your hair. You don’t need to overcomplicate the way you say it. Just let him huff in that moment.
RAAAA I need to watch some more joaquin I rewatched gladiator im gonna write sum commodus but phoenix babies come hither hes back up hes so up rn
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bitch-butter · 3 years
(Modern!AU Webgott idea. Longish? Will eventually be called true bluish light. Tell me if this is interesting lol
Rated C for mentions of Joe's poor COVID protocol)
* * *
The blackout curtains that hung over the single window in the somewhat narrow bedroom were intensely effective, shrouding the occupants of the bed in a heavy darkness that even the daylight outside could not permeate. The still potent smell of sex lingered over the room, sweat and saliva and everything else casting a gross and homey aroma over the rumpled sheets and discarded clothing along the floor. Just around the edges of the curtain was a thin, white glow, but beyond that absent suggestion of light the room remained dark and still, as though nobody was there at all.
Pulling in a deep breath, Joe admitted he really shouldn’t have been there.
Shouldn’t have stayed the night, at least, if anything for the sake of his own reputation. He’s not typically one to go full spoons with a stranger (or, practically a stranger) no matter how good the sex had been, and he’s definitely never been one to spend the night somewhere that is not his bed. He’s spent years crafting his bed, has read actual magazine articles about how to create the best, most comfortable space, and after many years of hard work he is lucky enough to have created what many have called the Coziest Place in America. Suffice it to say, he does not like to spend a night in someone else's bed and he doesn’t think he needs to apologize for it.
This bed isn’t the worst, though.
And the guy that came with it wasn’t the worst either, he had to say. Joe had been ready to delete the app that led him to this guy and his bed, but it’s funny what a ‘ping’ on a lonely Friday night after nearly a year of no sex could do. Turns out that celibacy has made him into a fucking cuddler.
He’s not all that sorry about it. Keeping his distance from contact with other humans has handily prevented him from catching COVID thus far, and not everybody in his circle can say the same thing, as Tab had caught it first out of all of them via an ill-timed jaunt to Miami and Lip had had it twice now by virtue of his shoddy lungs and over-eagerness to lend a hand to people in his building. But a year is long, and half a bottle of cold Kim Crawford accomplished a lot at diminishing his capacity to give a shit about anything other than getting some attention on his dick. As long as the guy had sworn he tested negative, which he had, and Joe himself had tested negative, which he was, he saw no reason not to waltz into a total strangers apartment to merrily screw for as long as they both could stand to.
And it turns out this guy can stand a lot.
Joe has to admit at least half the reason he spent the night was that he actually was exhausted by the sheer voracity of their fucking. They oughta hand out medals for this shit, or something.
He finds himself smiling as he lets his mind wander over their earnestly passionate exploits of just a few hours past, and proceeds to let his eyes linger on the form of his companion. Though the room outside the warm enclosure of the blankets is a little cool the guy has one bare leg stretched out along the sheets, pressed up tightly against Joe’s own blanketed legs, with the remaining covers bundled against his chest. Resting mostly sideways on his belly, his face is turned towards Joe in sleep, mashed into the pillows and yet somehow managing to look as effortlessly gorgeous as he had looked in his photos on the app. His body moves with deep breaths, the steady inhale and exhale in combination with the sheltering warmth of the blanket nearly lulling Joe back to sleep.
He needed to get up, at the very least to find his phone and check the time. As carefully as he could he extracted his body from the tangle of covers, stepping lightly onto the carpet with his eyes on the other guy's face all the while, mindful not to disturb him. The night before he hadn’t even bothered to check his messages before passing out, and as such headed straight for the amorphous blob of his pants that rested just a foot away from the bed, crouching and reaching into his back pocket to grab his phone.
He hadn’t told Babe where he was going, as he’d only gathered the stones to go circa 11p.m. and he figured Babe was either asleep or performing his Getting Ready to Fuck routine and wouldn’t want to be disturbed. He almost feels sorry for Babe, who had loved the idea of dating a future doctor until this year when the sexiness of it was side-swiped by the actual danger the position entailed. As such, the Getting Ready to Fuck routine had an extra layer of manic energy to it, and Joe knew better than to try and pull Babe’s attention away from the hours preceding Gene’s rare, rare, rare visits to the apartment.
Even so, the amount of message icons he was presented with was unexpected to say the least.
He raised his eyebrows, nearly humming in interest as he noted the time. Jesus Christ, these blackout curtains are really worth their salt if it was nearly noon.
Tapping into his messages, he found a trickle of anxiety rolling down his spine.
FRI AT 11:42PM
Hey where r u?
I gotta talk to you
SAT AT 12:00AM
Are you coming back?? Srs need to talk
Feb 5 12:00AM
Missed call/Mobile
SAT AT 12:02AM
Gene Roe
Hi Joe, it’s Gene. idk if i gave you my number?
Trying to get a hold of you, call/text when you get a chance
SAT AT 12:20AM
C h u c k
Babe is trying to find you
Feb 5 12:30AM
Missed call/Mobile
SAT AT 12:50AM
Speirs Ron
Why am i getting texts at 12:45 at night asking me to find you?
Well, something is fucking happening. And he’s at least 100% sure he wants no fucking part of it because any drama that starts after 11p.m. is the drama of the goddamn devil.
Fighting not to heave an enormous sigh, Joe reluctantly acknowledges that he should pull his clothes on and get out of here if there really is an emergency in the vicinity of his roommate. Looking back over his naked shoulder Joe tries to catch a glance at the guy in the bed, at the length of his bare leg in the semi-darkness, and the angle of his shoulder protruding from the blankets where he curled. He’d happily get back in that bed and go another round or five.
As though alerted to Joe’s presence by the cosmos, his phone begins buzzing in his hand. Huffing in annoyance, he attempts to reject the call at least until he can get out of the room, but throws himself off kilter and bangs his elbow into the bedside table, jostling a glass of water and a pile of paperbacks.
“Shit,” he curses, grasping at his elbow and shooting a glance back to the guy, whose eyes are already open and alerted to the noise.
Damn it.
The guy blinks slowly, bleary, for a moment before pulling his face from his pillows and angling up onto his side. “Hi,” he greets softly, running a hand through his mussed hair.
“Hi,” Joe nods back, grimacing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
The guy shakes his head, looking for all intents and purposes like he means it. “Not at all,” he sniffs, meeting Joe’s eyes in the darkness with a still-sleepy smile. “What time is it?”
“Oh man, it’s like noon.”
Furrowing his brow, the guy nods back before shooting Joe a wry smile. “We tired ourselves out, huh?”
Joe laughs, seeing his phone light up in his hand with a new message. “Speak for yourself.”
At the interested quirk of the other man’s brow Joe hastily gives a shake of his head and stands. “I’ll get out of your hair quick, no worries, just be a minute.”
The guy frowns, sitting up in the bed to let the blankets pool around his hips, hands coming to rest between his legs. “Oh, well, don’t feel like you have to.”
Joe pauses, pants in hand. “Oh, it’s not -”
“I mean, if you want to go then for sure, but like…” the guy waves a hand, pursing his lips before smiling and coughing out a laugh. “Are you hungry? I have eggs, I can make you something before you go.”
He hesitates, eyes pivoting from the guy, to his phone still in his hand, and back to the guy and his open, expectant face. After a moment, he clears his throat. “You know, I could eat.”
“Yeah, I could, could you?”
The guy smiles, and even in this mostly dark room Joe can see he has dimples and has to hold himself back from practically swooning, cursing his half-drunk self of the night prior for not remembering exactly how attractive this guy was. “I could use some coffee, is what I can use,” he says, stretching his arms over his head, and Joe is treated to the sight of his bare, bitten up chest. Usually he doesn’t take much notice of his partner's body hair, but as he lets his eyes trace over the guy's chest and legs as he moves to stand he finds himself clearing his throat and getting a little warm along his neck.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” he responded distractedly, pulling his eyes away from the luscious sight of the guy's ass as he bends to retrieve his underwear and instead moving to put his own on. After a second thought he pulls on his shirt as well; might do him some good if he finds himself flushing up at just a glimpse of this guy's ass.
As he slips his shirt over his head, the guy turns to him with a bit of a sheepish look on his face. “Can I admit something?” he asks, lips scrunched.
Joe pauses, still grasping the hem of his shirt. “What?”
“I…” he starts, before chuckling somewhat awkwardly. “I don’t totally remember your name...”
A fair bit of relief surges through him at that, and Joe finds himself huffing out a laugh of his own, and adds another one at the half-embarrassed and half-expectant smile the guy gives him. “Can I admit something back?”
“I don’t remember yours either.”
The guy's eyes widen minutely, before he tips his head back and laughs, nodding gently as he rubs a hand over his face. “Is it bad manners to say that’s a relief?”
“I think it’s alright as long as neither of us care,” Joe said, pushing his hair back, before stepping up to the guy and extending a hand. “I’m Joe.”
The guy grasped his hand in a sure grip. “David,” he replied with a little shake of their hands, before leaning in and pressing a dry kiss to Joe’s cheek. “Nice to meet you.”
Joe turned his face into David’s, catching his lips in a tender, if chaste, kiss. “Nice to meet you.”
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oldguardhc · 4 years
Old Guard hc #165
“Nicky’s not perfect.” Nile shoots him a surprised look and Joe smiles. “I love him. Adore him, Booker would argue. And that’s true, I admit that I still get a little starstruck when he’s around. But this doesn’t mean that I’m not aware of his flaws.”
Nile points to a spot right next to the couch. “You mean his annoying habit of leaving his socks in the living room?”
Joe groans. “Do not even get me started on that. I have tried everything. Cutting them, throwing them away, stuffing it in his pillowcase, in his mouth on accident one time-don’t ask.” He had meant to grab the scarf on the floor. Remembering the disgusted look on Nicky’s face makes him smile. 
“I wasn’t going to,” Nile says with disgust. Joe’s not going to take it personally. In her defense, it was leading up to that.  
“That man will not learn. But we’re getting off track here. Nicky has flaws. Millions of flaws and being together for over 900 years hasn’t magically erased them.”
“So what? You just ignore them?”
He tilts his hand side-to-side and then laughs. “No, ignoring problems only leads to bigger problems in the future, trust me. 
“I understand they’re a part of him, and I do my best to love those ugly and annoying parts, just like how I know he does for me. Besides, while he may have millions of flaws, I can list a billion reasons why I love him. And what’s a couple million to a billion?”
Arms loop around his neck and a pair of lips press against his forehead. “Depends on your definition of a couple.” 
“999,” Joe immediately answers. Nile snickers and Nicky’s arms tighten dangerously around his throat. Joe motions to his new scarf. “Choking. Definitely a flaw right now.”
“You weren’t saying that last night,” Nicky grumbles, but loosens his grip. He props his chin on the top of Joe’s head. “So Nile, what has Joe told you and will I need to kick him out of bed tonight?”
Nile, that traitor, that lying lier, smiles sweetly and says, “Yes.”
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Random Kageyama Tobio HCS
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: just... me being in love with a m*n other than masumi 😔 also! these are my headcanons as in,,, what i personally i think he’d be like ‼️ also me projecting my ideal man into him (as if he wasn’t it already 😋)
A/N: i... i love tobio so much it’s literally unreal... i couldn’t wait for a request (i’m still working on the remaining 4 too lolol) so take me projecting my love for tobio >:(
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— Kageyama normally wears loose fitting clothes or athletic-style clothing. His favorite go to outfits tends to be a loose tee, some loose pants with an obnoxious Nike logo he swears are super cool but look like two garbage bags sewed together, and running shoes. Throw a hoodie in there for colder weather, even then he still manages to look good.
— He takes very good care of his hair, like freaky good care, because of Miwa. Once she enrolled in cosmetology school and she saw Kageyama use the same baby shampoo from when they were kids she freaked out (if she’d been any later he’d start using 3-in-1) and chewed his ear off about hair care. His hair is super shiny and there’s literally no freeze, he uses nice smelling shampoo and conditioner too. Ugh, I love him.
— He has a very sensitive nose but it gets clogged easily so he doesn’t notice much unless it miraculously unclogs itself and he’s complaining about everything.
— “Eh! Hinata, why’d you smell like a fucking axe bottle?!” “Why does no one say anything about Tsukishima smelling like strawberries?” “Yamaguchi smells like... milk.” “Hah?! Sugawara smells bad-?!”
— He says he’s a picky eater to appear cool but as long as you don’t say what’s in the food he’ll down it. He’ll say he doesn’t like carrots but if you give him a salad with carrots he might even say “it’s the best salad he’s ever had”.
— He’s a hot sleeper, and not in the “oh he’s sexy” type of way. I’m talking, he’ll sweat buckets if he sleeps with anything other than a flimsy white t-shirt and his underwear.
— Might be me projecting my love for bunny teeth but he has bunny teeth, his front teeth are a bit bigger than average (not to the point it’s super noticeable but it’s still something Miwa teased him about), his aunties probably squeezed his cheeks and called him “baby bunny” when he was younger.
— He doesn’t go to sleep later than 9PM, he thinks if he does it’ll ruin his schedule (which it will) and fuck up his body - he’s seen Miwa screw up hers after she pulled a bunch of all nighters in her third year in high school and has been afraid since.
— The type to forget people were coming over and come out of his room shirtless asking for his clean underwear.
— His sister forced him to let her cut and style his hair which led to many questionable hairstyles. Tsukishima is genuinely so grateful to Miwa, especially when she was first starting - he’s got some pictures of Tobio with the shortest most embarrassing bangs ever saved in his phone in a file for blackmail if the need for it ever presented itself.
— Likes pissing people off on purpose sometimes, during one of the training camps he probably walked into the bath with socks on and was made fun of but out of spite he just… never took them off. Said he’d done it on purpose and all too. Tanaka cried out of fear for like a hot minute when he saw him standing under the shower with Iron Man socks on.
— He’s so petty too, if you make fun of him for messing up he’ll remember until you embarrass yourself to make fun of you. And when I say he remembers, I mean it - he can’t for his life remember when to use make and do in english but he remembers when Hinata made fun of him for wearing different socks back on their first year and yes he will bring it up on their second year when he did the same thing what are you going to do about it?
— Probably got scouted for a modeling agency once and began running away because he thought they were trying to kidnap him.
— If he had Tiktok… he would’ve gone viral after posting a video of him practicing, he posted for a while for fun and to flex on people that he was hot but then he saw a comment saying they wanted to drink his milk under a video of him drinking milk and he deleted his account, he can’t buy from that brand for a while.
— He’s got a video of a gorilla walking in two legs saved on his phone for when he’s feeling down and watches it whenever he’s not going well. People think he’s texting his S/O but no, he’s just watching a gorilla walk like minecraft Steve.
— He can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is an NPC stance with his arms stiffly hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise, don’t ask him to smile or else he will look like a serial killer.
— He’s got a bit of baby fat on his cheeks that won’t disappear no matter what. It’s become a pre-game ritual to pinch his cheeks. He’s also got dimples you can really only see when he smiles naturally but he doesn’t know and he’d get shy if he knew and try covering his face so don’t tell him, that’s a fact he told me so himself.
— Cannot dance to save his life. He’s so long (?) his limb control is non-existent, it appears in game and vanishes when he steps out of the court. He really just bounces on his heels and moves his arms like a t-rex, don’t ask more of him.
— Buys his clothes one size bigger just in case and Miwa teases him saying he’ll need them when he gets old and fat.
— Gets asked out often but always rejects, then has the audacity to complain he’s never dated anyone like he hasn’t turned down half of the school's population.
— Can’t sing. He’s got a nice speaking voice but ask him to sing and he’s out of tone, out of sync, out of breath, and out of the room in 5 seconds.
— Sugawara joked about having him singing as his alarm clock and Kageyama actually believed him, probably sent him a new recording as a gift after he annoyed him during practice.
— Surprisingly funny when he wants to but most jokes fly over people’s heads since he seems so serious most of the time, it annoys him to no end. Yachi still struggles differentiating when he is and isn’t joking because his tone literally doesn’t change at all and she doesn’t want to offend him.
— When he was younger he liked to collect rocks, not even the pretty ones he’d pick the most average, raggedy rocks off the ground and clean them up and tuck them to bed because he saw Miwa play with her barbies like that. Still owns his first rock, he named it “Johnson” after Dwayne Johnson, aka the rock (he’s had to explain it so many times he’s exhausted).
— Accidentally drank expired milk once and didn’t notice until his stomach began hurting and he thought he became lactose intolerant and he was inconsolable for days until he realized it had expired like a month ago - he went on a milk shopping spree and the milk sales that week saw a 20% rise from the last few months.
— Tobio had bad handwriting until he was in Junior High because his teachers couldn’t understand him and had him practice calligraphy, his handwriting is now one of the prettiest ones in the team and he’s the official inker of the VBC posters (as designated by Goddess Yachi Hitoka herself).
— His biggest fear for a long time was getting eaten by piranhas because he saw it happen so often in cartoon shows he genuinely thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be but for like a solid 6 years of his life he avoided suspicions puddles just in case.
— Kageyama has a habit of rolling and unrolling his sleeves when he’s deep in thought, it soon made way to a habit of checking his wrist watch (he absolutely has a wrist watch, you cannot change my mind on that) but not actually reading it.
— His nails are very pretty, like most setters, he takes very good care of them. They’re filed down to a perfect length and he puts oils and creams, his hands in general are so nice. He takes a lot of pride in them, you know his cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and he could absolutely be a hand model. Kags’ hands are calloused, he’s a volleyball player of course they are, but it’s not to the extent of Ushijima or Daichi’s hands.
— Talking about hands, it’s probably one of his favorite features on people. He loves holding hands with his S/O and tracing the wrinkles in their palm, being able to interlock fingers with them and feel the bumps in them.
— Mumbles to himself when in thought too! Very nonsensical if you’re not informed on what he’s thinking about, if he’s thinking about you he’ll mumble your name or something like “pretty eyes”.
— Has a very healthy diet, like extremely healthy and thought out. He won’t eat anything too sugary or that could throw off his body, but he does have cheat days (which are rare but exist). He also doesn’t drink much soda or alcohol (once he’s of age).
— Things like smoking are a big no, he takes so much care of his body he wouldn’t even touch a cigarette or be near a smoking area, lowkey paranoid of ingesting the smoke too.
— When he’s older I can see him having a dog and a cat, the dog would be a big dog; if they stood on two paws it’d be the same height as you, he’d name or something like Tobias and think he was super clever and funny, the cat would probably a small cat he’d name Milk (it probably would be a black cat too but he does not care).
— Probably tried baby formula because he heard it was a substitute for breast milk. No further comments on this.
— I feel like he doesn’t listen to music, but if he had to choose something he’d pick instrumental music - not orchestral music or anything like that - but more of a chill, no deep meaning just guitar and piano track. I could see him listening to Shego Sekito or Joe Hisashi on occasion, he might even listen to some 2000’s pop if he wants something to pump him up during training (he works out to Brittney Spears’ “Womanizer”).
— A cuddle-bug when he’s sleepy, he’ll throw himself across his S/O and not move at all, he just wants to stay there and not move ever again (or at least until he’s not feeling like passing out). He’ll like to wrap himself around them and cuddle their neck, he’ll attach himself to their arm like it’s a lifeline.
— In other words, Kageyama Tobio… b-boyfriend material.
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jenanigans1207 · 4 years
so matchablossom hc: yk how cherry can't sleep unless carla plays him a lullaby or smth??? one night carla's battery gets damaged and cherry panics in the dark and calls his latest contact which, surprise surprise, is joe and gets him to sing the lullaby instead. this works, so everytime they travel together, cherry uses this instance as an excuse for joe to sing him lullabies to sleep~
Oh my GOD I love this so much it’s actually painful. I really hope I did the idea justice because it’s so soft and perfect, thank you SO MUCH for this!! ❤️
It’s pitch black out when Cherry blinks his eyes open. It takes a long second for reality to filter back in, fought off temporarily by the hazy edges of the dream he’d just been submerged in. He feels warm, comfortable in his bed as he slowly rolls over to look at the clock, 2:03 am.
With a content noise, Cherry settles back into his pillow. He still has a few more hours to sleep. “Carla, play my lullaby.”
Seconds pass, the clock ticks on, but Carla makes no sounds.
“Carla.” Cherry repeats, squinting through the darkness to where he knows Carla is plugged in and charging. There’s no light coming from that corner of the room, no sign that Carla is even there. “Carla?”
Without a response still, Cherry groans and throws the covers off, padding across his bedroom to where he’s absolutely certain he plugged Carla in before bed. Sure enough, she’s exactly where he left her, but she’s not charging. Fumbling through the darkness, Cherry tries to figure out what went wrong.
The cord is plugged into the wall, that’s a good start. He traces the cord with the tips of his fingers— it’s plugged properly into Carla, too. His clock is still on, so he hasn’t lost power. Confused, he reaches for Carla, his fingers closing around her with the intent of picking her up, but the moment his fingers skim her battery, he understands. There’s a sizable dent right underneath his hand.
Of course.
Honestly, he should’ve expected this, should’ve known to check her more closely once he’d gotten home. It had been reckless, rising to Joe’s challenge at S the way he had, but he wasn’t one to back down, especially from Joe. And really, he and Joe had been skating together for years, so it should’ve been fine. It would’ve been fine, too, if Joe had been able to keep that giant mouth of his shut. But he hadn’t— shocking— and Cherry had risen to a reckless level that wasn’t his style, barely avoiding a wicked fall and damaging Carla in the process.
It’s fine, he tells himself as he heads back to his bed. He’ll just go back to sleep and fix Carla in the morning. He can’t see the extent of the damage but it feels like a quick replacement of the battery should be more than enough to get Carla functional again. Easy, he can do that in no time. So all he needs to do is sleep.
Sleep. In his dark room that is eerily quiet.
It’s completely fine, he tells himself. He’s been sleeping in this room for years and hasn’t had a problem yet. There’s no reason to be—
The shadows dancing on the wall across from him look like menacing shapes.
Cherry closes his eyes, reminding himself firmly that the shadows are only shifting because of the trees outside his window. There’s a perfectly logical explanation, no need to let his imagination—
Was that a creak? No, it sounded closer to a groan.
Before he can stop himself, Cherry already has his phone to his ear, the familiar number dialed and ringing.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Joe grouses into the other end of the phone when he picks up and it’s abundantly clear by the sleepy edge to his voice that Cherry just woke him up. “You better be fatally wounded or I’m hanging up.”
“Carla’s battery is damaged.” Cherry says, eyes still pinched shut. But something about the sound of Joe’s voice is still soothing, especially as rough as it is with sleep.
“And?” There’s a muffled sound that makes Cherry think Joe is changing positions. “I know I’m the most brilliant person you know, but I really think problem solving this could’ve waited until morning.”
Despite the fear, despite the fact that Cherry’s heart is racing in his chest as he hears another one of those creaking groans in the distance, he can’t stop the huff that comes out. “For your information, it’s your fault that she’s damaged. I’m certainly not calling you for advice on how to fix her.”
“You took that jump on your own.” Joe dismisses immediately but the tiredness in his voice is replaced with a bit of that smugness that Cherry knows so well. “But why are you calling, then?”
“Carla’s battery is damaged.” Cherry repeats with emphasis, as if that should explain everything. When he gets nothing more than a frustrated sigh and some mumblings about missing out on beauty sleep in response, he elaborates. “She won’t turn on. And I need to sleep.”
“Oh.” Cherry can hear the moment the implication clicks in Joe’s mind. Because Joe knows— Joe is the only one who knows, the only one Cherry has ever told. And yes, Joe had teased him mercilessly about it, but only in a friendly way that was meant to put Cherry at ease about sharing his secret. And it did. “Same one?”
Joe was a lot of things— primarily a muscle-headed, dim-witted gorilla— but he was not cruel. The image he projected to the rest of the world was often times far from the person he actually was, especially when he was alone with Cherry. The Joe that Cherry knew, the one he had spent many late nights with, shared many glasses of wine with— that Joe was tender and caring.
As soon as Cherry had admitted to Joe that he needed a lullaby to soothe his anxiety so he could sleep, Joe had demanded to know which lullaby. Cherry had showed him, expecting nothing more than laughter. But Joe hadn’t laughed, not even once. In fact, he’d gone out of his way to learn the lullaby, to memorize it.
He’d never breathed a word of it to anyone, but a few times back in high school, Cherry had caught him humming it under his breath when he’d thought that Cherry was already asleep.
And just like that, Joe launches into humming the lullaby. It’s soft and quiet, but there’s so much feeling behind it. Suddenly, Cherry’s heart is racing for an entirely different reason. Joe’s humming is beautiful, slow and rich, filling his ear. The creaking groans fade out into the background and the menacing shaped shadows are no longer on Cherry’s mind. He settles back into bed, cradling the phone gently against his cheek as he tries to breathe slowly and just listen.
He really ought to thank Joe for this in the morning, but he won’t. They’ll never talk of this moment again— never talk about Cherry choosing Joe in a moment of vulnerability or Joe being there for him with unwavering support.
They’ll never talk about it again, but they’ll both know. They already did know, that’s why Cherry called Joe in the first place. Because he knew that Joe would be there for him, the way he had always been. And Joe— Joe understood that Cherry trusted him unconditionally, even if he never said it. If he didn’t, he would’ve been surprised by Cherry’s request.
As the world fades out around Cherry and coherent thought begins to fade, he grasps on to the idea of how nice this is, and how much more he likes this compared to Carla’s version. Perhaps, he thinks before he falls asleep completely, he should have Carla be nonfunctional more often.
The very last tendrils of wakefulness are starting to recede and Cherry’s almost completely asleep when he hears a faint, “Goodnight, Kaoru. I’m glad you called.”
It’s the first time in awhile that he falls asleep with a smile on his face.
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hangekitty · 4 years
hey!!💞 could we get some dating nile hcs? thank you!💞💞
Nile headcanons? Absolutely!
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Dating Nile Headcanons
Genre: fluff, a little bit of smut, 18+
Warnings: sex, groping, oral, age gap
Universe: canonverse
A/N: I spoke to hanni-sugar and she specified that this is a f!reader and wanted mostly fluff! I hope you like it 🌸 Listened to ‘On a Clear Day’ by Joe Hisaishi (the Kiki’s Delivery Service) on loop whilst writing this, I know its random but it just kinda feels right haha. I have a lot of love for Nile so don’t mind me. Credit to @sweetfaun for her input ����
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Just to add a little bit of back story because (why not): It’s been a couple of years since Nile’s divorce with Marie, they split on mutual terms and often find themselves enjoying each other’s company more so as friends. This fortunately means that Nile has no problems in being able to see his daughters whenever work lets him.
This also means that Nile is single and ready to start anew, no more dating and only focusing on his career; that was until you were in the picture
You are the daughter of a black smith, the very one which works with the blades that the Military use for the ODM gear. Due to this partnership, its the commander’s obligation to visit and inspect the storehouse; to see the quality of the blades, any developments and to keep a good relationship with the military’s suppliers.
Commander Nile paid a visit to your storehouse and when he laid eyes on you, he had felt a familiar feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Your father was in the back, working on some blades and you were in the front of the house, where you met the handsome (and nervous) Nile Dok.
To cut to the chase, it was you who propositioned him first, you can imagine how shocked he was at your confidence. You had dated for a couple of months until the both of you had your first kiss; and there we are with those butterflies again!
He is a little traditional, and asks for your fathers blessing to be able to court you; your father was hesitant at first but eventually gave his consent - not that it mattered, you are headstrong and would have done it with or without your fathers permission.
Not going to lie, your father was secretly happy though because Nile is an honourable commander of the military police, basically securing your future; he especially loves to see you happy so its a win win.
Back on track to the dating!!!
This man loves to be touched and to touch! His love language is being able to have his hand(s) on you at any point you’re in the room
Whether this is hand holding, keeping his hand on your back or waist, head pats, hand on your thigh (my guy LOVES your thighs) and just touching or holding anything and anywhere; he loves it.
You are the only person who is allowed to sit or lean on his desk, weirdly enough he treasures his desk and wouldn’t let just anyone use it as a leaning pole or seat.
Nile both loves and worries over how young you are; you are of course old enough to date him but being super hyper aware of your youthful looks, he didn’t want to think that he would just ‘replace his wife with a younger model’. He loves you for you, whether you’re young or not, and you certainly didn’t mind the age gap. Despite his nerves, he finds you extremely attractive and dating you is selfishly a little bit of an ego boost.
Likes to show you off at social events, he loves to spoil you and show everyone how much he loves you. (Think of that one Will Smith picture of him and his wife on the red carpet) that’s Nile with you.
He is usually a grumpy old man, but he has his goofy side that he only likes to share with you. Very mischievous!! Will play harmless pranks on you, just to make you laugh. He is certainly unafraid of being a little weird with you!
Nile very much enjoys music and will often take you to places where live bands perform; whether this is in a tavern or a full on orchestra. If he wasn’t in the military, he would have definitely wanted to become a musician (I don’t know why but I just see it).
Oh boy, if you compliment him, especially on his looks this man will melt like butter. He will certainly stutter and fluster to think up anything other than “you too” or “I-I-I um uhhh thanks I uh love you”.
That being said, he always compliments you. Wearing a new outfit? You did your hair a little differently today? IMMEDIATE compliments and he wouldn’t stop either.
Nile is a little more reserved in public, he has to keep his commander persona but he isn’t shy to be subtle with his affections; as mentioned before he likes to touch you, so in public he would keep his hand on the small of your back or have you hook your hand in his arm.
Don’t ask him about marriage, because there has been many times where he’s considered just proposing to you. Being older, in his mind he would definitely think ‘I NEED TO ASK NOW I’M OLD AND RUNNING OUT OF TIME’ but also being insecure and thinking ‘my first marriage didn’t work out, Y/N will probably leave’. - you wouldn’t but he is a worrier.
Imagine this though, when the two of you dated long enough NILE INTRODUCES YOU TO HIS DAUGHTERS. Like this would be a pretty big step for him, showing you how much he trusts and loves you; also a big gesture to how serious he is about your relationship.
His daughters instantly loving you, asking you to play dress up with them and painting. - just imagine their faces when you paint something beautiful like I can’t even, writing this makes my heart just 😩😭🌸✨
Nile booking time off work to do a family trip to the park or the city with you; his heartbeats are erratic when he sees you spoiling and being good to his daughters.
Nile’s face when someone asks him if he would have a child with you; a mixture between 😨 and 😏
He already has 3 kids, would he want to go through the worry and stress of more? In short, probably, but only if you wanted them.
His favourite time of day is dinner time; especially after having a long day at work. It’s fortunate that you live so close to the Military HQ (Stohess) that he gets to see you quite often. But if you cook him a meal, doesn’t matter that its not the fancy stuff he usually eats, if its from you then it’ll be his favourite meal.
That being said he loves sleeping next to you when you finally get to share a bed with him; morning cuddles are probably his favourite!
Nile isn’t always the most articulate with his feelings, but he is a hopeless romantic and would do and give you anything to show how much he cares. Dates (when he has time), a fancy dinner (which he said he cooked but it being way too gourmet for his abilities), random gifts of love and his personal favourite; writing letters!
It’s his job to write a lot, so he has really nice handwriting. As he isn’t good at expressing his feelings in speech, he can certainly write them down for you. He may even sprinkle in a little bit of poetry in his love letters.
He would learn how to massage you properly, despite you not being the head black smith, you still do work and after a hard day, Nile would give you the best massages. (The fact that he paid a professional masseuse to teach him how to do it just for you, speaks a thousand words)
Use pet names like “angel, sweetheart and love”. Might get a little spicy and call you a minx when you are flirting - behind closed doors that is
Okay so in my opinion Nile in the canonverse is probably a little Vanilla, but with a twist. So he won’t have the whips and chains, but he could certainly get rough with you.
At first he would be very nervous, again mentioning the age gap he probably feels a little rusty/insecure with you. But once you’ve done it once, he gains full confidence.
Because he spends most of the day ordering people around and stressing over work, he will probably prefer to sit back a little and let you take the reins. Not to say he’s a selfish lover, he isn’t, but when he’s had a particularly bad day he’d be just happy to receive a blowjob or have some lazy sex.
Speaking of blowjobs, he loves it if he’s sat up in bed and having you lay between his legs and receiving head; it doesn’t have to be anything passionate or energetic, just feeling you around his cock so gently, is *chefs kiss*
If I am being honest, he would either go from forceful and rough to soft and romantic, there is no in between; but when he’s with you, he sees it as making love.
Is not shy to spanking, he likes to see your ass move under each slap.
Although he likes your ass, he probably is a boob guy. Don’t ask why I just get the vibe. So if you are wearing a pretty dress, or even changing clothes he would be like AWOOGA (but respectful ofc)
He isn’t one to call you names in bed, but if he does it’ll usually be something like “Dove, Kitten or whore” so when you hear him say any of those, you know you are doing a good job
If Nile has had a particularly bad day, he will eat you out as if he’s a starving man. His favourite position is when you are sat on his desk and him sitting in his chair, eye level and lavishing you.
Desk sex is rare (in case of getting caught) but the ego boost that this man would feel would be...lets just say he gets more confident and rougher so expect a few marks after.
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A/N: That’s it for now! I may have to elaborate more on Nile NSFW headcanons on another posts 🤔 OR may even write ABC’s for him! So if you want to see more of Nile, or any other character just let me know! I hope you enjoyed!
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shiftysdogtags · 4 years
Some domestic Toye HCs would really water my crops 👀
I enjoyed writing this WAY too much😂  it's less domestic and more fluffy? i don't know why but i let the writing gods guide me and this is where they took me. I really hope you like it and gives you as much Toye feels as it has given me.
All request are open💕
Taglist: @floydtab​ @curraheewestandalone​ @liebegott​
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Joe never thought he would be the type to fall completely and utterly in love with someone. Yes, he knew he would end up with someone, but he didn’t think he would be in love as he is.
It’s like a little obsession he has. Where most people want a cup to tea or nap after a long day, Joe wants a kiss and a hug from his person. And if he doesn’t get them you best believe he sulks and broods on his own.
He can’t believe he ended up living with someone so amazing as you who understands him so well and can read his every little emotion. He makes sure to thank you and tell you that you are loved at least a thousand times a day.
He acts all mushy when you’re around and he can’t help the smile at always crosses his face when you look at him.
He makes up an excuse to talk to you just so he can see your face when you look up from whatever you were doing. It’s something dorky that if you didn’t know Joe the way you did, you would’ve thought it was an out of character thing for him to do.
And his heart melts when you say his name and he swear is the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. If you’re in another room and you call him, it takes him a second to realise what is going on, and another to actually answer you back.
If you call him Joey, he knows you want something. He pretends to hate it, but he secretly loves it. He doesn't let anyone else call him that because it is reserved for you and you alone.
This man is one you do not want to cross. If anyone even thought of saying something negative about you or he didn't like their tone of voice, there is nothing he wouldn't do to defend your honour. 
It's a rare occurrence, but it has happened that he has come home with scrapes and bruises because he didn't like the way someone was talking about you. You are the most precious thing to him and Hell be damned if he would let anything slide when it comes to you. 
Joe can be surprisingly handy around the house and if he thinks he can do it himself he refuses to let anyone do it for him. But sometimes it’s ended in disaster and he has to admit defeat and ask you for help.
He sits on the floor when putting furniture together and he can be really stubborn. He will sit and huff if he loses a screw and even if you suggest walking away to take a break, he won’t give up till he’s completed it.
If you’ve gone shopping or bought something that is even slightly heavy, Joe refuses to let you carry it. He loves to do little things like that for you because he thinks it’s a nice way to show the person, he is with how much he loves them.
One of his favourite things to do is watch you put away the food shopping. He sits against the countertop and watches you zoom around the kitchen in your own little world. Sometimes there’s a little conversation but normally he is too lost in looking at you to form a sentence.
But when you need help placing something on a high shelf or press, he is standing behind you ready to help before you can even ask him to. If you ask him to do anything consider it done. There is nothing this man would not do to see you smile.
In return for Joe putting something together or helping you out, he demands kisses. He won't do anything without the promises of kisses before and after.
On days off Joe likes to do nothing, but that’s only if you have the day off too. If you have work or plans, he can’t sit and do nothing by himself and he looks for a distraction, so he forgets that you’re not there with him.
He usually cooks something for the both of you. While Joe isn’t an amazing cook, he does a pretty good job once it’s not too complicated.
No matter what, he always leaves the kitchen in a mess and he SWEARS he is going to clean it up, but you promise to help him. After all he is the one who made the food. It's a nice way for the two of you to catch up and talk about what you did during your time apart.
Because he can’t really cook, you normally make dinners, but he loves to help you out. He proudly shows you the carrots he has chopped or apologises when he lets the soup on the stove boil over, either one earns him a kiss on the nose, and he is in heaven.
If you also have the day off, his ideal day is spending the morning wrapped up in bed with you beside him. He wakes up first, because he's a light sleeper and doesn't really sleep, and he likes looking at you sleeping peacefully beside him.
With your back to his chest and his arm loosely over your waist, he whispers everything he loves about you in your ear in his raspy morning voice. His voice is huskier than usual because he is literally only awake and it's still thick with sleep. And a special mention in here about his sexy morning voice for @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant.
When you're both chilling on the sofa doing nothing in particular, Joe likes to lay his head in your lap. And while he would never ask for it, 99% of the time he wants you to play with his hair or just rub the back of his head.
If he's had a really bad day, he storms into the house and slams every door in the process. He throws, and I literally mean throws, himself onto the couch beside you and once you ask him if he wants to talk about it the flood gates open and you can't get him to shut up until he completely finishes the story.
On days like that, he lies in your lap as well, and he finds it so relaxing when you draw shapes on his shoulders as he tells you about his day. He appreciates all the little kisses you place on his forehead every so often.
Joe loves to have you sit on his lap where he can have his hands on you. He likes to rub circles onto your hip with his thumb or he runs his fingers up and down your arm. His favourite is when he can put his hand on your thigh when you're talking to him. It's nothing sexual for him. It just calms him down and it really grounds him.
Joe Toye appears rough and ready on the outside, and while he looks ready to fight anyone who looks his way, he is such a soft human being. It is a fact, and no one can change my mind.
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cupboardzllo · 4 years
being a babie with mazzello | hc
a/n : HIIII welcome back to my writing! I miss all of ya so much :-] the other day i was hit with this thought of just being ababie arpund joe so here's a hc about that. Also, i wanna thank y'all for sticking with me when i was unactive several days ago...it means a lot to me!
also, i'm Chloe! Figured i will reveal my name after a while. People call me coco or cookie sometimes, so...let's be friend, i guess?
anyway, enjoy this hc!! ♡
so we all know about the virus, honestly i think i'm the latest person to write about this
but joe freaking mazzello 'course cannot stay sane that long without you, his 24/7 childhood best friend
so he asked you to move in with him when the whole quarantine thingy started
"Come on!!! You will have the world-famous, fanfastic dino-shaped pancakes by Chef La Mazzello every morning, (Y/N)."
that was his effort to persuade you
of course you said yes
"Fine, but it's only because of the pancakes."
no (Y/N) we ALL know it's because you're head over heels for him!!!
moving-in day
it's not the first time you've stayed at his house
but you were pretty nervous with the idea of living with him, everyday, him seeing you without any makeup, or anything
ESPECIALLY your habits of cleaning products...you tend to use baby shampoo and soaps
when you put your johnson baby wash in his bathroom, Joe frowned
"Whose baby is staying here?."
you stuttered, "uhh...it's weird, but, it's mine...dONT LAUGH OKAY JOE-"
too late
joe's dying on the floor
(((((bathroom floor))))
you tickled him as an escape of your embarassment, feeling shy
"OKAY STOP STOP I'M SORRY!," he laughed
then ruffled your hair
"Even if you use dog shampoo, i'd still.."
you freezed
what's he going to say?!
joe took a moment before finishing his sentence
"....m-make yOU DINO-SHAPED PANCAKES! come on, (Y/L/N)! let's unpack your clothes after this."
then he went out of the bathroom
leaving you
and possibly close to having a sheer heart attack
grocery shopping with joe
on some days, joe (and you) is waAY to lazy to make efforts to eat
but at the same time you guys are hella hungry
so you guys order the classic chinese take-outs, or pizza maybe
but also in some days, you will go out grocery shopping with him and buy ingredients for dinner (with masks of course, wear your masks everyone!!!)
joe will grab cooking ingredients and other products
like milk
dairy-free milk because we all don't want joe screaming
Joe also grabs some chips
and snacks
then there's you grabbing baby snacks
happy baby
teethers cookies
all the good stuff
"Why..are you???????"
"Stop shaming my snacking behaviour!!! It's good okay,,," you said then running into another aisle
leaving mazzello
like that joe smile we all love
"Gosh, such a cutie..." he mumbled, then pushing the cart, following you
also he paid for the groceries even though you insisted to pay
ugh i love him
dinner time with joe
joe's not actually the worst italian chef
but he does need constant guiding and sometimes can be sloppy
you guys were cooking baked spaghetti that night, and thankfully it went okay
joe almost spilled the whole sauce from the pan but luckily you were there to stop him
so while waiting for the food to cook
joe decided to play some music off of his phone
and guess what he played
not queen songs
the first verse came and you were laughing out loud
"Joe what the fuck???? What is thiiiis?."
joe is already bopping his head and throwing some dance moves
drop it like it's hoooooot-
"Aw come on baby (Y/L/N), bABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DO-"
so you joined him
yeah the clapping hands thingy
you guys were dancing so hard you both were sweating
Joe picked you up with his arms
you were a laughing mess and tried to get out of his grip when you both fell into his couch
you on top of him
and him under you
for a moment you thought joe is going to kiss you
and he reached you cheek
the oven dings
joe shuffled and you quickly stood up
"I'll check it!," you said while running to the kitchen
SIS your heart was POUNDING because was he going to kiss you????
joe was also a blushing mess
"mazzello you dumb...," he whispered while rubbing his face
then chased you into the kitchen
dinner went a bit awkward
because you both are dumb dorks
but it went over and you guys washes dishes together then got ready for bed
Joe does have a guest room in his house
but he said that the room is currently unavailable
under the following reasons of
"it's messy," and "it has a lot of stuff in it!." "my room's more spacious."
he really just want to have you with him in his bed (Y/N) come on!!!!
so you agreed to sleep with him
because of course you also can't wait to cuddle with him
ehm okay moving on so
you changed into your pajama
and it has gudetama patterns
joe chuckled when he saw you after changing your clothes
"I swear (Y/N), you're a baby trapped in an adult's body."
you pull out your tongue playfully then joined him
joe was scrolling his instagram, and you were checking out your emails
joe then pulled you closer to him
"You're cold, you need more warmth from me," he said, as an excuse
you smiled and rested your head on his shoulder
you did not realize it, but you were feeling sleepy and slowly you lulled off on his chest
because this is exactly the thing he loved the most about you
the domestic side of you, your bare face and your sleepy figure
he turned off the lights as careful as possible
he don't want his baby to wake up
he cuddled you closer and realized
this is what he wanted to see before he's off to the clouds
so let's all hope the man will gain the courage to ask you out
because he can't wait to give you
his baby
more warmth every night :-)
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mariamegale · 4 years
Do you have any BabeRoe / other ships modern AU (possibly your SubBabefanclub universe) headcanons would like to share? I need some daydreaming material if you would indulge me haha
have 1500 word of baberoe headcanons because I have no idea how to work some of this into fics. not very kinky but it's in the Call Me Sweetheart universe so i hope its okay. I’m sorry, I really ran away with this but there are SO many hc’s and background stories fighting in my head and I saw the opportunity <333333
hope you feel indulged you lovely person <3
eugene doesn’t care about gender norms when it comes to French nicknames for Babe bc fuck that. He also personally gets a bit of a kick out of using traditionally female nicknames for this gorgeous man, but he doesn’t know how to explain that to Babe without it sounding all weird and gross, so he just has that going in his own head.
babe calls gene ‘doc’ as an inside joke that he doesn’t understand
he doesn’t understand it because it’s actually stolen from gene and spina, who call each other ‘doc’ as an actual inside joke (bc they’re, you know, aware of the joke)
see, all their friends happily ignore that neither of them are actually doctors yet, and continue to ask them to treat everything from paper cuts to broken bones like it’s a completely reasonable thing to do. they’re also borderline therapists for half the gang, especially spina, so there’s also that. the ‘doc’ thing is used between them to separate when they’re being serious or jabbing friendly at each other.
speaking of: spina knows all the secrets. everyone comes to him with everything.
mood: eternally fucking done with these morons.
spina loves it, really, though. his chill-ass “have a glass of water, get a haircut, talk about your feelings with the hairdresser” attitude pairs pretty well with eugene “emeRGENCY MODE” roe
Babe and Eugene both honestly have such strong and opposite Aesthetics going on, but neither of them are aware of it. Gene is all about efficient, strong, wear-resistant clothing (leather boots, thick-fabric jeans, five versions of the same long-sleeved t-shirt of the kind where, you know, it’s both incredibly baggy and incredibly body-clinging at the same time) and Babe is this unintentionally hyper-flamboyant ray of colour (flight jackets, fifteen pairs of sneakers in different colours [two with glitter], crop-tops and tank tops with stupid phrases printed on them. some are custom ordered. also belts that serve no purpose but appearance.)
More under the cut because this got long as dicks
Eugene can dry-swallow pills, and always does it because he’s, well. Eugene, and saves time in the most useless of places. Babe thinks it’s some kind of black magic and buys a whole bunch of vitamin pills, forcing Gene to take them just so he can inspect his mouth afterwards and see if he’s lying about it.
Babe is really, really into Dirk Gently. Because come on.
There’s a betting pool going on how long it’ll take for either Babe or Eugene to realise their roommate is in love with them. Technically, Toye has won because his only contribution to the pool was “who the fuck is to say they haven’t been fucking this whole time?” but none of them know that, so yeah. Congrats joe.
Eugene got into med school on a full scholarship, which is the only way him or his family could have ever afforded it, and also the reason he left everything he ever knew to go to Philadelphia. He worked his fucking ass off to get it, and he will continue to work his ass of to keep it.
He struggles with how to make financial decisions because what do you even do with money once you’ve bought all your necessities?, and he also doesn’t really know how to talk to anyone about it, so it’s this eternal struggle going on in his head.
So Gene ends up just buying pillows, bedsheets, blankets and other things for his bed, because a) it’s fucking cold as fuck here, Edward, how did you even survive the winters as a child and b) he’s always wanted to have one of those ridiculously comfortable beds you see on TV, and now he can, and the pillows help make him feel not-as-alone when he misses his family.
He’s also protective as fuck over it. Babe and Renee are the only ones who have ever been allowed to sleep in Eugene’s bed, because like fuck he’d trust the rest of them with it.
Babe isn’t sure about the whole context on Gene’s relationship with money, but he’s guessed his way to the most of the story, and thus approaches any purchases for the apartment really carefully because of the anxiety Gene gets over it. It took them three weeks to buy a new microwave when their last one broke, because Eugene kept arguing both sides on whether they actually needed it or not. Babe hears out every side of the argument and just lets him work through it in his own time.
This does mean they live in a very minimalistic flat, but what they do have means so, so much to them because they spent a month making sure every single thing was just perfect.
Oh yeah, they first agreed to move in together because of parties. Story time:
Babe celebrates Pride like it’s every national holiday slammed into one, topped by his birthday, because he spent his whole youth a very closeted Catholic kid surrounded by other very Catholic people and nuns, and once he moved out of home he kinda went nuts.
So Babe first met Bill when they were 19 because they were working at the same place, and immediately bonded over their shitty, entitled boss. Bill introduces him to Toye, and they all go out for drinks one night.
When Luz shows up he says hi by jump-siting down in Toye’s lap and presses a wet kiss to his cheek, and Babe feels his heart sink to the floor because oh God what is this, but Bill just rolls his eyes and throws peanuts at these two idiots as they do their obligatory “kissing each other three times as hello” thing.
babe really has to force himself to not stare at them, or bill, or the rest of the bar filled with people because no one os freaking the fuck out, and he’s freaking the fuck out, and what Freaky Friday is this???
Later that night Babe has a bit of an alcohol-induced meltdown about it, full-on crying because he barely knows them but Luz and Toye are the first openly gay people he has ever met and how the fuck can everyone just be so cool about it like, how is this not a big deal to them what the fuck????? How can they just be gay and proud and happy and not scared and how can Bill just be cool with it and not tell them they’ll go to hell and how whAT????????
queue Bill, Luz and Toye sharing one single look and instantly deciding a) babe is going to have one more therapeutic beer and then we’re cutting him off, b) we have got to teach this kid how to live and c) we’re his new brothers now, and if anyone ever touches a single orange hair on this boy’s dumbass head we’ll skin them alive, break into the zoo and feed their flesh to the gators.
they work real hard on finding him a place to stay that’s not with his parents, and it’s just around Philly Pride time when they find an ad from this med student moving up from Louisiana who got a flat through luck and family friends and needs to split his rent with someone
ad says “good things to know: this is not going to be a heterosexual household and i will not be able to take responsibility for any potted plants nor any animals you want me to take care of” and just, bingo.
Babe and Eugene meet up for a coffee and bond pretty quickly, Babe rambling just enough for Eugene to have the energy to listen, but also clearly cares so much about Gene’s input when he does give it and it’s just. Good energy.
At one point Babe hesitantly and mock-casually mentions that he’s thinking about going to Pride this year, and Eugene starts talking about Mardi Gras and Southern Decadence with such a happy nostalgia it tugs on Babe’s heart.
Gene already has access to the flat, and Babe already has access to friends, so before the coffee date is over they’ve agreed to put their bags together and host a pre-pride party
This immediately becomes Babe’s most important yearly tradition, and while Eugene is honestly a bit over it after the first one, what person in their right mind would deny the man????? their pride parties become Philly legend.
No one can really understand how the fuck Babe Heffron and Eugene Roe turned out such good fucking party planners, but they now are for some reason?
Renee and Anna are the founding members of a lesbian, later turned generally queer, friend group that put on combat boots and go bar hopping in Philly to spread the gay agenda. The Easy boys are a bit intimidated by the whole thing, but Babe fucking loves it. He’s their number one supporter. Spina is the equivalence of a ball boy, because he doesn’t like being in the centre but is very happy to assist the Cause by helping from the sidelines and patch up any scratches they get while doing it.
this is not baberoe but happening in the background so constantly you can’t not mention it
Liebgott and Webster fight all. the. time. and they both love it. Seriously, they get really fucking pissed if anyone interrupts, both turning on the poor “peacemaker” like a pair of sharks to leave them alone to bicker in peace. The rest of them have stopped listening a long time ago.
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Hardzello during a break in/home invasion.
@captaincoffeegirl515 asked: This HC I’m curious about might be a bit scary. It’s how Ben would react if he walked through the front door of his home and came face to face with a robber/intruder, and same thing with Joe finding one in his own home. Cue them being worried about the other and comforting them.
I LOVED writing this one! Could be read as Parallel Hearts or not. 
Ben and Joe have an out of the ordinary relationship.
They don’t live in the same city.
And they usually work out of town or out of the country even.
They make a point to see each other as much as possible.
Travelling around the world just to see the other.
But there are many times when they’re just home in their respective cities.
So if Ben’s in London and Joe in New York
And he comes home to find someone robbing his house, or maybe more than one person, he would be totally cooperative.
He’d be scared shitless and just wanting it to be over.
So he’d just pull his palms up and do everything these people ask him to do.
He’d even ask if they need any help, like “I can help you carry my TV out” 
He just wants it to be over. 
And he’d be thinking about Joe all the while. 
And thinking that he doesn’t know Joe’s number by heart. 
So he just wishes really hard they don’t take his phone.
If they do, he’d even ask if he can write a number down. 
After the robbers are gone, he’d be in panic but would call the police and probably Andy. 
And of course Joe. 
And tell him not to panic which will do the opposite 
“I’m fine but I came home and I was being robbed.” 
Joe would panic. 
And immediately book a flight.
Even as Ben tells him he’s okay and he’ll stay at Andy’s
Joe doesn’t care.
And Ben is glad that Joe doesn’t care because he wants nothing more than Joe there with him. 
And within 24 hours Joe would be there with him.
Helping him out with whatever paperwork he has to do.
And lots of cuddling all the time. 
He’ll check that everything is properly locked before going to bed
And distract him when he can’t sleep so he doesn’t think too much about what happened. 
Or sooth him if he wakes up from a nightmare. 
He’ll be generally extra attentive and he’d worry about Ben being alone when he has to go back home. 
Will probably take Ben with him if he doesn’t have work. 
Now if Joe would be the one being robbed at home, he’d be a little more chill than Ben.
He would just be nervous.
Which would lead him to maybe talk too much. 
He would keep saying they can take whatever they want. 
And would think and over think what he should do and not do. 
He would also do the same stupid thing of calling Ben and tell him not to panic
Which of course will make Ben panic. 
And Ben would ask him if he wants him there. “Do you need me to go? I can catch the first flight out. Let me be there.”
Joe would initially say no.
But he doesn’t really mean it.
Of course he wants Ben here with him. 
He would be a in better shape than Ben after when Ben finally arrives.
Probably having dealt with everything already. 
So the only thing left for Ben to do is be all over Joe. 
And Joe would insist that he’s fiiiine, as usual.
But Ben doesn’t care and he’d be clingy af
And Joe would pretend Ben is overreacting
But actually loves clingy Ben. 
And Ben wouldn’t stop saying how fucking scared he was.
And how much he doesn’t want anything to happen to Joe.
And how much he loves him. 
Over all they would both be worried sick about the other.
And do anything in their power to comfort the other. 
Permanent taglist: @oniriquex​​ @igotsuckedintothevoid​​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​​ @warriorteam1924​​ @captaincoffeegirl515​​ @thosequeenboys​​ @cardyandy​​ @doctorqueensanatomy​​ @angels-fall2​​ @lovebirdy93​ @bohrapbois​ @halfasleepoetry​ (if you want to be added or removed from the list, let me know!)
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Seaside Rendezvous - Part 3
Request:  Can you please write a hc for going on a island vaca at a resort with your family after college finals and you meet joe (also a college student) and you two see each other a ton but you are always with your family so not much happens but flirty small talk and you both end up having a lot of sexual tension and go into one of your rooms when you’re family is out and just some smut happens?
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT (FINALLY) 18+, Golf related double entendres, not-quite-hate sex, unprotected sex,but also protected sex, choking, oral sex (m & f receiving), mild spanking, shower sex, mentions of edging, handjob. 
Words: 8969
A/N: Ummmm, I don’t even know what to say. I kinda can’t believe I’ve finished it. Or how many words I took to do it. Thank you so fucking much to the anon who sent in the original request because this was so much fun to write. I really hope you enjoy the payoff for all the bullshit I put them through in the first two chapters. It might just be because I’m still so close to this story but I kinda wanna write more for them so if you have blurb requests about what else they got up to or whatever send them my way lmao
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Taglist: @laedymoon  @somekind-ofcheese @dtfrogertaylor   @ezmina98  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @bowiequeen  @hannafuckingsucks @bemy-clementine
@ramibaby  @briarrose26 @d34d-0n-th3-1ns1d3  @painkiller80 @stephydearestxo​
You cursed yourself when you woke and remembered what was in store for the day. You cursed your Mom for being so intent on manipulating your love life. You cursed your Dad for being the type of guy who would make friends with the first man he talked to. You cursed Joe for being the first man your Dad talked to. And for everything else that’d happened last night. And then you cursed yourself again for getting stuck in this position and for flirting with Joe in the first place and for not sleeping with him when you had the chance. The very quick orgasm you’d been able to rub out before the rest of your family returned to your rooms wasn’t anywhere near enough. It wasn’t what you wanted. Maybe if you’d had a bit more time it would have been more satisfying. But you hadn’t been sure how long they’d take to finish their meal or whether they’d come straight up to the rooms or hang out downstairs for a while, so you’d rushed. It was almost worth it, though, to see your mother so surprised to find you sitting up in bed reading. She’d almost jumped when she realised you were there, hand landing over her heart like you’d sprung out from behind a wall and yelled boo. Of course, she’d had to pretend otherwise in front of Erin, not wanting to explain where she thought you’d actually be. Thank god she was going to be occupied all day because you did not want to have the ‘I just think you should socialise with people your own age’ talk that was all poorly hidden code for ‘I’m hungry for gossip and your sex life is the best thing to potentially tell everyone about’. The reminder that your Mom and Erin would be busy made you curse Joe again. If he’d not been such an impatient dick about it, you probably would have had the entire day to yourselves, to spend however you wanted wearing as few clothes as you deemed necessary. Instead you’d be spending the day with your Dad. Playing golf.
Joe, wearing a red polo shirt that looked way too good on him, greeted you stiffly when you met up with him and your father at the entrance to the golf course, obviously displeased about how last night had gone. He barely looked at you as you hired out clubs and made your way to the first hole, though you thought you might have caught him peeking at your ass once or twice. It’d be a lie to say you’d not specifically chosen the shorts you wore because of how good they made you look, though you weren’t sure if it was because you wanted to make Joe suffer a little or to tempt him into touching you again. Maybe a bit of both. Either way, he remained aloof, mostly ignoring you, for the first couple of holes anyway. If your Dad noticed any tension between you and Joe, he didn’t let on, talking to you both about the game and constantly sharing tips he’d picked up over the years. By hole number three he’d had made a couple of bad hits, having to head into a sand trap to retrieve his ball. Which left you and Joe. Standing there. Waiting. He cracked first. “Didn’t expect you to show,” he sneered, one eye on your father. “And miss this? You’re in a charming mood by the way,” “I’m not in any mood, I’m just a little tired.” “Sure, if you say so. Just, tell me this one thing. Is that because you were up all night thinking about me?” There was a triumphant cry from your father as he finally managed to get his ball free of the sand. You clapped as he returned to where you and Joe were standing, taking a theatrical bow. “Sorry, I’m usually a bit better than that.” “Don’t worry Dad, me and Joe aren’t very good so it’s probably better for us if you’re having an off day.” Alright Joe, you’re up,” your Dad said with a laugh, “Just remember to grip your shaft softly and stroke it smooth and you’ll get it in the hole no problem.” “And maybe don’t feel the ball up under the dinner table,” you said soft enough so only Joe would hear as he walked past you to line up his shot. You weren’t sure if he was just generally terrible at golf, or because you’d got inside his head, but either way it took him three tries to hit the ball and when he did he sent it off in the wrong direction. “Oh, bad lucky Joey,” you teased as he scowled at you. “As if you could do better,” “Watch me.”
You did do better, thank god, though not by much. You hadn’t gotten to the hole, but you were at least in the right general area. It was enough to piss Joe off further, his competitiveness coming out with his frustration. At the next hole he managed to get the ball in first try, earning a hearty congratulations from your Dad and a half-hearted one from you. “It’s because he took my advice,” your Dad said proudly, “I told him to put his head down and spread his legs a bit and see Y/N, he did it and it worked, straight in the hole. Maybe you should give it a shot too.” “Yes, Y/N, why don’t you try spreading your legs a bit more,” Joe laughed. You resisted the urge to ask him for a hands-on demonstration as you took your own, much less successful shot. As soon as your Dad was far enough away, leading you on to the next hole, Joe turned back to you. “Careful Y/N, more shots that pathetic and I might just win.” “You got lucky.” “Only right one of us should.” “Aww, you still mad I left you high and dry last night? Your hand just not good enough?” “Don’t act like you had any better. Besides, you don’t know I didn’t go off and find someone else. You’re not the only girl who can dress slutty and play at being the damsel in distress. “Nice try but the jealousy card won’t work. Already admitted to thinking about me all night.” “I did not admit that.” “Not intentionally but I can see it in your eyes. I saw it the moment you said good morning to me.” “Fine, maybe you’re right. I was thinking about you alone in your room, touching yourself. Trying to decide if you’d be using your fingers or if you were extra naughty and brought a toy with you.” “And how’d that work out for you?” “A shit night sleep actually. And I couldn’t make up my mind, both were such nice images. But I did come to one conclusion,” “Yeah?” “Yeah. You were thinking about me while you did it.” You were left scrambling to form a coherent sentence as he laughed and walked ahead.
By the ninth hole things were overtly competitive. Your Dad’s game had picked up, putting him well in the lead but you and Joe barely noticed, much too desperate to outdo the other to worry about anything else. Days of frustration, sexual and otherwise, had boiled into a competitiveness neither of you realised you were capable of. The in between moments, while you were unable to focus your aggression onto your balls, were spent at each other’s throats. Whispered comments ranging from insulting your game to insulting his manhood. Condescending tones and lazy double entendres. When you were trying to determine which of your clubs would be best Joe leaned over and cockily offered you one of his. “You could try my 5-Wood. Bigger head means you might have a chance of getting close.” “Sorry, Joe. Your clubs don’t have long enough shafts for me, couldn’t possibly be satisfying.” When he took an inordinately long time to make a shot you told him he could bang it in the back or slip it in gently but either way to hurry up. He fumbled it completely. Then, after your next swing he made sure to complement you on your bounce while staring directly at your chest. At hole 14 things got a little more personal. You casually let slip that you were, in fact, using your fingers last night, and asked Joe if knowing that for sure would have helped him sleep better. “You’re a fucking cock tease, Y/N,” he growled, “I don’t think you ever intended to sleep with me, you just get off from leading people on. Well I’m fucking done with it; you can go choke.” “Oh, kinky. Didn’t know you were into that kind of thing.” He huffed out a breath but otherwise didn’t respond.” “Don’t go quiet on me now, right when I’ve learnt about your little kink. You’d like to choke me, wouldn’t you? Did you think about it last night, while you were, y’know...?” you made a jerk off motion with your hand. “You’re right, I would like that, anything to shut you up for half a minute, but don’t pretend you’re not hot for it too. I can see you dripping from here.” “Well, you know me, I get off from being a tease apparently. You’re up. Try to hit the ball straight this time.”
The score at the end of the game was in your favour, but not by much. Your Dad just smiled at you as you cheered, amused by your celebrating but Joe was gritting his teeth. “Well that was fun,” your Dad said glancing at his watch, “do we want to play a few more rounds? It’s still fairly early,” “Actually, I really should head back,” Joe said, all smiles and polite words to your father, though perhaps a little more tart than he normally would have spoken, “I’ve got a thing booked for this afternoon so I probably should go shower and get changed. It’s been fun though; we should do this again.” “Not to worry Joe, thanks for indulging me today,” they shook hands and then Joe shouldered past you to return his clubs. “What about you Y/N? Up for some more?” “As fun as that sounds, I think I might head off too. I’ve been thinking about a mocktail and a bubble bath for the last three holes. Since the room’s free I might make hay while the sun shines.” "Cold drink doesn’t sound half bad now that you say that.” He walked with you back towards the main part of the resort, laughing and chatting about the game you’d just played, and commenting on how he’d missed having your sanity round the house. Joe was a little way ahead of you, but you determinedly kept your eyes anywhere but on the back of his head. On the off chance that he might turn around you didn’t want him to think you were staring at him. At the entrance to the lobby your Dad bid you farewell, heading off in the direction of the bar and leaving you to make your way upstairs.
Inside was quiet, most guests already out enjoying the sun and the sea. A handful of people milled around by the front desk with their suitcases, waiting to check into, or out of, their rooms and a few people wearing not much more than their bathers hurried past as you approached the elevator. The only other person waiting to head up to their room turned, eyes following a bikini clad woman, though he stopped once his vision met you. “There she is, The Tease. Heading off to make some other poor bastard miserable?” “You’re only miserable because you suck at golf. Fucking sore loser too, running off the second you found out I’d beat you.” “It was two points, it barely counts.” “Three points,” there was a ding and you followed Joe into the elevator, “And you of all people should know it’s not the size of the score that matters, only who you fuck over with it.” The words were barely out of your mouth before Joe was on you, pushing you up against the back wall and kissing you hungrily. If you’d been shocked by his sudden movement it didn’t last long, quickly giving way to the need to kiss him back. Your nails scraped at his shirt as you tried to press your bodies closer, helped by his hand sliding down to squeeze your ass as he pulled your hips into his. He leaned his other arm on the wall beside your head, anchoring you into place, not that you had any intention of trying to escape. He kissed you like he did at the market, needily and messily, though the intensity was a hundred times more, desire and frustration burning through you both. “Thought you said you were done with me,” you tried to sound disdainful as he pulled away, still firmly pinning you to the wall, but the words came out as more of a gasp than a sneer. “I said I was done with your teasing,” he managed to achieve the harsh tone you’d been going for as a second ding caught you by surprise and the elevator reached your floor, “C’mon,” he half growled, grabbing your hand to pull you down the corridor towards his room. You couldn’t help but giggle as he pushed you inside, still pissed off with him but more than a little giddy at the prospect of finally being able to do what you’d been wanting to do since you first saw him. He towered over you as he backed you further into the room, towards his bed, roughly tugging at your shirt, pulling it over your head and throwing it to the floor, before doing the same with his. You felt the back of your legs hit the bed and for a moment everything froze, both of you breathing hard. And then his hand was on your shoulder, pushing you down across the mattress, your legs dangling over the edge. He wasted no time in pulling your shoes and socks off as you unhooked your bra, tossing it aside. Your shorts came off next, followed quickly by your panties. “Already soaked for me,” his voice was rough and so were his fingers as he pushed your legs up and open wider, and delved into your heat, stoking the fire that had been building for days as he stretched you out. “Y-you say that like you haven’t been sporting a s-semi every time you’ve thought about me for the last-t four days. Oh fuck.” You whined as Joe wrenched his fingers free of you to dig through his bedside draw, ”No need to complain, gonna give you something better than my fingers in a second,” “Y’know your dick is in your pants, not the draws,” “Remember when a simple kiss could have you speechless? Fuck I miss that.” “What are you doing?” “Looking for a condom, swore I put them here.” “Are you clean? Cause I’m clean and on the pill and sick of waiting.” “You sure?” He asked already tugged his short and underwear off. “Yes, I’m sure. Just fuck m –,” you were cut off, breath catching in your throat as he thrust into you. “What was it you were saying about size? Seems I’m big enough to shut you up, finally.” And then he paused, swallowing thickly and squeezing his eyes shut as you both adjusted and revelled in the feeling.
The moment didn’t last long before he was taking you roughly, pushing gasps and whines from you with every snap of his hips. Neither of you were patient enough to slow down, desperate for a release from the energy that had pent-up with every flirtatious look and teasing word. “That - oh! - that the best you can do?” Joe didn’t bother to answer, just growled as he leaned over and moved one hand from your thigh to your throat. The tight squeeze of his fingers and the weight of his palm pressing into you made you clench down on his dick. He let out a low chuckle, “Knew you’d enjoy that. Been begging for it all morning.” You clutched at the sheets as he grabbed your ankle in his free hand and pulled your leg up, knee bent and foot resting over his shoulder. “Jesus,” he groaned as the change of position allowed him to sink deeper into you. All you could manage was a choked moan as he fucked you relentlessly, still squeezing your throat. He dropped his fingers to your clit, rubbing it in harsh circles that only made you moan more. “Please tell me you’re close,” he grunted. “Mmhm close, fuck Joe,” “Say that again,” “’m close,” “My name, say my name again,” You did one better, moaning his name as he released your throat completely. The rush of breath returning to you flooded your system making everything feel heightened, sending you careening into your orgasm. You chanted his name as you rode out your high and were still repeating it when he kissed you again, pulling out and following you over the edge, covering your stomach with his cum as your noses bumped together and you whined against his lips.
“Well,” you said, a little nervously, as he stood up and held out his hand to pull you up too. You felt a little unsteady as you stood, but Joe kept hold of your hand, his other reaching out to brush some of your hair behind your ear. “Yeah.” “Worth the wait?” “Absolutely.” He leaned in to kiss you softly, all traces of his previous mood gone. He was still standing close, foreheads almost touching when you softly said, “I gotta pee. And clean up,” waving a hand in front of your stomach. You both laughed as he let you go with a, “shit, yeah, of course,” and a lingering look. When you returned to the room he was waiting for you, bed covers draped over his lap as he leaned against the wall, a pillow shoved behind his back. His head was bent, attention focused on something in his hands though it was drawn back to you when you spoke. “So, that was something,” “Yeah, um, definitely something.” What’s that supposed to mean? You climbed into bed next to him, leaving a space between you as you made to lean against the wall like he was, blankets pulled a little higher to cover your chest. Instead he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side, shuffling closer so you could lean into him properly. “What you got there?” You pointed at the object that held his focus, a small package wrapped in brown paper. It crinkled as his fingers moved over it. “This,” he said, “was meant to be a goodbye present. I was going to give it to you on the last day we were both here as, umm, just like, a little, I don’t know, keepsake? It was going to come with a very funny note about how much fun I’d had fucking you into oblivion, or how your pussy was worth sneaking around behind your family’s backs or something like that. I haven’t written it yet, but it would have been fucking hilarious.” He paused, running his thumbs over the brown paper again, still looking at you, “Instead, I’d like to give it to you with an apology. For being such an ass.” “Joe, y-,” “I know you’re about to say I don’t have to, but I do. I was a dick. I knew you were specifically trying to keep your family uninvolved and I still did…. everything I did, and then I acted like a jerk to you today. So, I’m sorry.” He held out the package, but you didn’t take it straight away. “For the record, this is very sweet and you didn’t need to buy me anything…” “I know,” “… But I also wasn’t going to stop you from apologising. I’m really glad you did because last night sucked. But some of that was on me too. I was a bit of a dick too. But maybe not quite as much as you were,” Joe laughed and squeezed you tighter, “Will you just take the gift already so we can forget all that. It doesn’t matter.” You reached out for the package, sitting up a little straighter and unwrapping it slowly. The necklace and earrings he’d offered to buy you at the markets fell out onto your lap, a bright white and yellow plumeria on each item. “I went back and got them, that day at the market, after we separated. Do you like them?” “They’re lovely.” “I thought it’d be nice for you to have something physical you could keep, even after we leave.” “Thank you, I really love it,” you pulled him down into another kiss. “And again, they were going to be attached to a note about all the sex we, theoretically, had.” His face was serious as he spoke but there was a barely contained laugh in his voice that made you laugh too. “So, you’ve been imagining us having sex?” you swept the jewellery into your palm and leaned over to place it on the bedside table, “that demonstration just before, was that something you’d imagined?” “That was….not how I thought it’d go,” he said with a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head, “not the first time anyway.” “How did you think it’d go?” “Less rough, for one. A bit clumsy and stuff but more…. intentional than it ended up being.” “So, not a spur of the moment thing after hours of winding each other up?” “Definitely not. I was going to be much more prepared. At least have a condom within easy reach. I found them by the way, I was looking in the wrong draw.” “You’re such a dork,” you giggled, shifting yourself to straddle his lap, looping your arms around his neck as his hands fell to your waist. “Think you’ve told me that before,” “Because it’s true. But I also imagined it’d go a bit differently.” “Different how?” “Like you said, less rough. I was also going to be on top, umm, because it’s been a while and I thought it’d be better if I was more in control.” “Y/N, shit,” Concern was written over his face but you cut him off before he could ask if you were okay. “No, it was good, Joe” you brought your hand to his cheek reassuringly, “really good. I’m happy with how it actually happened.”
He leaned in to kiss you again, smiling as he paused just before your lips touched. His breath was warm on your lips and you thought he probably would have said the same of yours, except that you’d stopped breathing. You closed the gap, a series of soft shallow kisses that gradually lingered longer, became deeper. Your chest felt tight and there were butterflies going wild in your gut. Perhaps it was the conversation you’d just had, vulnerable and candid, or just the dramatic shift from how you’d interacted earlier in the day. Whatever it was had you feeling more nervous than you had when he pushed you against the wall of the elevator or even when he tore off your clothes. He was more careful in the way he touched you, more deliberate, so you gathered he was feeling something akin to what you were. His fingertips rested softly against you, contrasted against the faint marks left from where he’d grabbed you so tightly before. Perhaps being so open had been a mistake. It wasn’t something you usually let happen after only knowing a guy for a few days. But, then again, it wasn’t like you had forever with Joe, just a few short weeks. He pulled you tighter against him, chests pressed together, and you tried to shut off your brain, stop overthinking and just focus on Joe and the moment at hand. It was slow this time. Before you’d been in a rush, desperate lust driving you to move fast and hard, spurring each other on. A feeling like if you didn’t hurry up and fuck you’d lose the chance. Even before that, when you’d kissed at the market, when you’d gotten so close in your bathroom, it was always rushed for fear of being caught out. But this time, there was none of that. That frantic need had mellowed. There was no clock to outrun, no chance of intrusion from well-meaning but unwanted relatives. You could take your time, soak each other in. And you did. Dragging your hands down over his shoulders until they rested against his chest, able to feel his heartbeat speed up under your palm. He brought his lips to your neck, pulling sighs and heavier breaths from you with each slight scrape of his stubble. Even when you finally rolled the condom down his shaft and lowered yourself onto him and he brought his hands up to cup your breasts and you moaned as you rode him, even then it was tender, almost delicate. A quiet sort of desire that drew you onwards until you were muffling your moans in his neck and quivering as you came undone
Afterwards you cleaned up and began to redress. Joe had slipped his underwear back on while you were in the bathroom, before collapsing back onto the bed. “What are you doing?” he said softly, watching as you picked up your shorts from where he’d thrown them into the floor. “You can’t expect me to walk back to my room half naked,” “I don’t go back to your room just yet.” “But my family…” “Are all busy,” he kneeled up and grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards the bed, “Your Mom and sister will still be occupied with the hula show and your Dad is probably having a nap or relaxing by the pool. We still have time.” “I don’t want them to see me leave here,” “They won’t. Just come back to bed for a little longer.” You worried at your lip for a few seconds, thinking it over. You’ve spent the last half a week wanting nothing more than to be in Joe’s bed, why are you in such a rush to leave? Finally, you nodded and dropped your shorts again, climbing back into bed in nothing but your shirt and panties. Joe wriggled closer, throwing his arm over you as you curled into him. “I’ll check if the coast is clear for you before you leave. And I’ll come up with some way to throw your mother off, okay?” “Thank you,” “Least I can do.” You shuffled around, getting comfortable, and lay your head against Joe’s shoulder. “Can I ask you something?” he said softly, “you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” “Sure, what is it?” “Your Mom mentioned a breakup, last night. I assume that’s got something to do with why,” he waved his hands around the both of you, “this is happening.” “Yeah, kind of. I guess I just need something casual at the moment, no strings, no labels, just fun.” “I can do fun,” “Yes, you’ve made that abundantly clear. What about you? There a particular reason you’ve had to come to Hawaii to get laid?” “You kid but that’s not actually that far from the truth. Started with a bad breakup more than a few months back. And I mean bad. Been in a bit of a dry spell ever since. One of my friends suggested I take a break after we were done with exams, just head off to somewhere new and use the time away to find myself or, whatever hippy bullshit he’s goes on about. But I figured, fuck it, why not go somewhere new.” “How’d you pick Hawaii?” “It was cheap and sunny. And there was a high chance of seeing some cute girls in bikinis.” “The three most important things to think about when booking a vacation.” “Well, seems to be working out well enough.” He let his hand slide down your side until it landed on your ass, squeezing it to make you laughed. “So what do you have in mind then? To throw Mom off I mean. Gonna make it a whole lot easier to sneak around if she’s not constantly watching us.” You talked quietly for a bit longer, plotting a potential plan, but, both worn out, it wasn’t long before your breathing evened out and you fell asleep with your head in the crook of Joe’s neck, his soft snores filing the otherwise silent room.
Waking up was hard, the nap not having lasted as long as you would have liked. Convincing yourself to get out of bed was harder still. You knew you had to so you could get ready to meet your family for dinner but the draw of staying cuddled up to Joe was very tempting. You hadn’t realised how much you’d missed the feeling of being so physically close to someone since you’d dumped Eddie. Plus, staying meant you got to make out some more and, really, that sounded like a wonderful way to spend the night. With a sigh you pushed yourself up and finished getting dressed. Joe stirred as you were slipping your shoes back on. “Where’re you going?” “Shower. And then down to dinner,” “What time is it?” “It’s like, six o’clock, just about.” “Shit, really? Guess you should go then.” “I’ll come back later, after Erin’s asleep,” you grabbed the jewellery Joe had given you from the bedside table, already planning on wearing it to dinner. “Pretty sure the last time you said you’d be back, you ended up ditching me to go drinking with your parents,” “Well if I don’t show up, you’ll know where I am. See you later.” “Wait!” Joe sat up suddenly, throwing back the covers “I said I’d help you sneak back.” “Stay in bed, I’m sure no one will see.” “No no no, I’ll check. Don’t want you getting mad at me again.” “I wouldn’t,” “You’ve withheld sex once before, I’m not risking it again, he laughed, throwing a shirt and shorts on, “besides, couldn’t let you leave without…” his lips were on yours in a heartbeat as he pulled you close. “That’s so unfair, making me wanna stay,” “Guess you’ll just have to make sure you come back then. Now wait here for my signal.” You chuckled as he slipped out the door, his footsteps treading slowly down the hall until he was in sight of your room. A moment later there was a knock at the door. You peeked out to find Joe, hand held up beside his face like a gun. He put a finger to his ear like he was listening to a hearing device, “Coast is clear. Safe to move. Go! Go! Go!” You laughed as you followed him quickly back down the hall, his finger gun drawn the whole way, holding it out as you rounded a corner. When you reached your room he waited until you’d pulled out your key before announcing, “The eagle is in the nest.” With a final glance around to double check you were definitely alone, you called him a dork again, leaned up to kiss him once more and then ducked into your room, grinning.
Dinner went slower than you wanted, but no one suspected you were lying when you said you’d spent the afternoon on the beach. Erin, unhelpfully, announced that she and your Mom had also been on the beach, but it was large enough and busy enough that it was reasonable for you not to have seen each other. There was also a question raised about your jewellery, but you covered by saying you’d bought it the day you bought Erin hers but had forgotten about it until that afternoon. Other than that the meal passed incident free. Afterwards you all made your way out to the pool to relax and have a drink or two. The only interruption was a brief lecture from your mother. From her position on a lounge, she caught sight of Joe heading towards the bar. If he’d been closer she probably would have called out to him, instead she suggested you go and get her a refill. Before you could do more than sigh and swing your legs off your own lounge chair, she threw out an arm to stop you. Joe was leaning against the counter of the bar, chatting up another girl. Her eyes narrowed as if she were trying to read their lips despite how far away she sat. She couldn’t miss it however when the girl wrote her number on a napkin and handed it to Joe. “Would you look at that. You know, this is what happens when you play hard to get Y/N. There is a time to make a man work for your attention, but a vacation is not it. The girls back home will be so disappointed for you.” You lay back down and tuned her out as much as you could, trying not to smile at how well the plan you’d hatched had worked. After that it was just killing time until you could go upstairs with Erin and wait for her to talk herself into exhaustion. Patiently, you listened to her babble about the tiki statue she’d decorated, pointing out all her artistic choices but refusing to let you pick it up off her bedside table for a closer look. When she finally did fall asleep you watched the clock tick for another fifteen minutes, just to make sure she was really out. Then you changed into your bikini and a robe and left the room as quietly as possible.
Joe answered after the first knock. “Should start calling you beaver,” you said as you stepped inside, noting the confused look Joe gave you, “because you’re so eager.” “Oh, my mind went…somewhere else entirely.” “Perv!” you laughed, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder. “Is it pervy to ask what you’ve got on under the robe?” “A little but I’ll let it slide.” His eyes raked you up and down as you slowly pulled the belt of your robe loose, letting it fall open. “You wore it,” he grinned, meeting your eyes briefly before lowering his gaze back to your scantily clad body. “Had to compete with the pool bar girl somehow,” slowly, you let the robe slip off your shoulders, falling to the floor in a heap. You lay a hand against Joe’s chest, walking him further into the room, “If you want I can make this quick, so you’ll be ready to meet her later.” He gulped, shaking his head, “I don’t think making this quick is going to be a problem.” “You don’t even know what I’m going to do yet,” you kept your eyes locked on his as you ran your fingers along the waistband of his shorts, sinking to your knees as you tugged them down along with his underwear. “Jesus,” he whimpered, watching closely as you spat into your palm before wrapping your hand around his cock. “You weren’t lying were you? So hard already. Guess I better get started then.” Keeping your eyes up, you gently began to kitten lick around his tip, gradually trailing your tongue further down the underside of his shaft and then dragging it back up to focus on his tip again. When you decided he was suitably worked up, his breathing heavy and uneven, you took him between your lips. His hand fell to the top of your head but he didn’t try to force you to take more of his dick, instead just rested it there as you set the pace. You bobbed up and down on his cock, deliberately going slow so you could adjust. Every so often you’d return to lavishing his head with kisses and licks before sinking back down and hollowing your cheeks. When you felt your jaw getting tired you pulled back, slowly working your hand over him instead. “I’m not gonna last much longer,” “I figured, from the why you’ve been panting and moaning.” “Can’t blame me, you’re very good at this.” “Well, I try. If you want I can try deepthroating you until you cum.” “Fuck, you can do that?” “It’s been a while, might require a position change but yeah I should be able to. You up for it?” “Yes, god yes. Where do you want me?” “Might be easiest if I lie on the bed.” “Sure, whatever you think is best.” You giggled at how earnest and excited he sounded as you took his offered hand to stand up again. You took a second to stretch your muscles, knees stiff from the rough carpet, before climbing onto the bed. “This gives me a little less control than before so if I need to stop I’ll tap you okay?” “Yeah, of course. I’ll start slow. One question though,” “Shoot,” “Can I choke you again?” “You mean while you’re fucking my throat? Yeah that sounds hot. Ready?” Joe nodded as you got as comfortable as you could be with your head hanging over the edge of the bed. You were reminded suddenly that this was the exact spot he’d fucked you hard after you’d come back from golf, except you were turned the other way around. A shiver running through you at the thought. When you were ready you gave Joe a quick tap to let him know and then tried to focus on staying relaxed as he slipped back into your mouth. You could feel his hand resting against your throat again, not squeezing, just gently tracing his fingers and thumb up and down your neck as he slowly worked his cock deeper. The sensation of his fingers helped you stay calm and focused as you held onto his hips, controlling his movements as much as possible. As he gradually fucked you deeper, drawing extra gags from you, he brought both hands to your throat, thumbs almost overlapping towards the base of your neck, squeezing harder the longer and faster he fucked you. “Fuck, Y/N,” he panted, “can feel my dick moving in your throat. Under my hands. Holy shit that’s hot. Can see it too, when I move my hands away.” He did exactly that, releasing your throat so he could watch his cock move under your skin. It wasn’t long before his hands were back in place though, pressing down on the bulge. You hummed as you felt him tighten his hold a little more. “I’m, fuck, I’m g-gonna, gonna cum.” You squeezed his hip a little tighter to let him know it was okay. It was all the invitation he needed, holding himself deep in your throat and squeezing tight as he moaned through his release. When he finally released your throat and stepped back you rolled onto your stomach, coughing a little as you tried to get your breathing back to normal. “Are you okay?” he asked, rubbing your back as the coughs subsided. “Yeah, I’m great.” “You’re fucking incredible is what you are,” he tilted your chin up so he could kiss you softly, “But you’re going to have to stop wearing that bikini for the rest of your vacation because, after that, I’m not gonna be able to see you in it without cumming in my pants.” You chuckled as he sat down next to you, leaning your forehead on his shoulder. “Just give me a couple minutes to collect myself and I’ll return the favour,” “No rush, I’m a little worn out myself. You still got that vodka?” “Yeah, umm, think it’s in the wardrobe.” You patted his leg as you stood, head still a little dizzy from having hung upside down, and made your way to where he’d indicated, finding the bottle almost as soon as you opened the door. “Balcony?” He nodded as he pulled his pants back on, following you out. This time you both opted for the chairs, rather than sliding to the floor, but you pulled them so they were next to each other, facing out across the ocean. You unscrewed the lid and took a swig of the vodka, before handing the bottle over. For a minute you sat in silence, listening to the waves against the shore, passing the bottle between you. Until Joe’s voice cut through the quiet. “So, what’s on the cards for tomorrow? Your Mom booked another activity that you’ll be stuck doing?” “Nah, don’t think so. Well, I think I’ve been uninvited from whatever she had planned. She’s pretty disappointed about you chatting up other girls and me not being visibly upset by it. Don’t think she can stand to look at me right now.” you laughed. “Does that mean you’ll be free all day then?” “Yeah. I’ll have to double check in the morning in case she’s calmed down, but I should be.” “Cool.” “Any requests for what I should wear?” “ Hmmm,” he leaned in, making a face like he was thinking hard, “don’t really mind as long as it’s easy to remove.” You thought he was going to kiss you again but instead he grabbed the bottle from your hand while you were focused on his lips, leaning back as soon as he hand it in his grasp and taking a sip. “Fuck you, I was drinking that,” “Think you were a little too distracted to drink. Besides I’m cutting you off again.” “Bullshit, I’ve barely had any,” “No, but I want you on the bed.”  You giggled as he grabbed your hand and practically pulled you out of your chair, leading you back inside. The vodka was almost dropped in his eagerness to get you out of your clothes again, but you caught it in time, leaving it safely standing on the bedside table as he pulled at the ties of your bikini top. As soon as it hit the floor Joe grabbed your hips and turned you towards the bed, giving your ass a small spank as you hurried to lie down. “We should talk about what we’re into,” he said nonchalantly as he followed you into the middle of the bed, kneeling between your parted legs. “What, like bands and books and shit?” “No dummy, kinks and stuff. Since we’re working on a strict time limit, we should probably discuss it, make sure we’re both having fun.” “Okay, now?” “Later, when I’m not eating you out.” You laugh stuttered into a whine as he dropped his head to press a kiss to your bikini bottoms, right over your clit.
He made you cum twice with his mouth and then once again on his cock, fucking you into the mattress while your nails left marks along his back. After, while your legs stopped shaking and your heartbeat slowed back to normal, you and Joe talked some more. He lay on his stomach, head propped up in his hands, looking up at you as he explained that you absolutely could start calling him Beaver, since he felt he’d earned the nickname now. Your fit of laughter hitched as you noticed the clock on his wall. “Shit, is that really the time? I should go,” “Already? You’re ruining my plans Y/N,” “What plans? I don’t believe you’ve ever made a plan in your life,” “Excuse you! I’ll tell you, I had big plans. Plans that involved cuddling you while we drank some more.” “As fun as that sounds,” you chuckled, “if I stay, I’ll fall asleep here. And if I fall asleep here it means I won’t be in my bed in the morning. And if I’m not in my bed in the morning I’ll be in for another lecture about looking after my sister and a whole bunch of questions I don’t want to answer.” “That’s fair, I guess.” “Besides, I’ll be back here tomorrow…or today I guess.” “Okay,” he exhaled the word against your stomach as he left a kiss there, “But I’m going to have to fuck you, hard, to make up for it.” “Oh, of course. Wouldn’t expect anything less. Though maybe something more, a spanking or something.” “You’d be into that?” “Mmhmm,” “We really need to talk about what else we’d be into.” “Tomorrow, when I come back, we can make a list and then check them all off.”
True to his word, when you returned to his room the next morning he greeted you with coffee he’d ordered from room service, and a discussion about which kinks turned you on and where each of your limits lay. But once you had it all sorted out it took almost no time at all for him to have you face down ass up on the bed, pounding you through two solid orgasms as he slapped your ass. And then, after a little recovery, he had you again, a leg wrapped around his waist and your hands pinned to the wall above your head. It seemed that, now you’d actually been together, it was all you wanted to do. In the moments when he wasn’t touching you, you could almost have said you missed it. Missed the warmth of his hands, the taste of his mouth on yours, the way he could make you feel with just his fingers let alone any other part of him. He strongly hinted he wanted to have you again, perched on the bathroom sink like he would have the night he came to your room had you not been interrupted, except that you had to leave. As part of your mother’s punishment for letting Joe get away you were once again on babysitting duty. The whole afternoon was to be spent keeping your eye on Erin while your parents joined a couples only hike. “Honestly, I’m starting to think this was about more than being starved for gossip. Wouldn’t be surprised if she’d convinced herself that we’d miraculously discover we were going to the same college and end up dating for real. That sort of romance novel bullshit. Probably had the wedding planned already.” “Hey, we knew we’d have to steal moments between activities and stuff. At least we can do the whole running-into-each-other-by-accident routine while your parents are away. I’ll help you watch Erin.” “That’s lovely of you, but you don’t have to.” “Y/N what else am I gonna do? Plus I like Erin. She’s a sweet kid, for the most part.” “You will have to keep your hands to yourself though. She spots anything and she’ll go blabbing straight away.” “I think I can restrain myself for a few hours,” “Really? Not been doing so great at the whole restraint thing the last couple of days.” “Fair point. Maybe you should give me an incentive to behave,” “Well if you don’t I might just have to tie you to the bed and edge you for a while,” “I said give me an incentive, not tempt me into misbehaving. You keep making suggestions like that and I’ll finger you by the pool just to make sure you follow through.”
That afternoon was a strong indication of how the rest of the vacation was going to go. You sat on the edge of the pool, watching Erin as she tried to prove she could do a handstand in the water. After you’d been there for about fifteen minutes Joe wandered over, both of you making polite small talk - nice to see you, what have you been up to since golf. Erin didn’t suspect anything, just yelled at Joe to watch her do a handstand before diving back underwater. Joe sat beside you, fingers almost but not quite touching as your feet bumped together below the surface. You chatted as vague acquaintances pushed together by repeat accidental meetings, though if anyone had bothered to listen in they would have heard Joes lewd comments about how your bikini turned him on and your downright obscene response asking if he preferred you in the bikini or naked and spread out on his bed. It was playful and flirty and led to another night of making near pornographic noises as checked off a few more of the kinks you both liked. And that was the routine you found yourselves falling into. You’d spend time with your family during the day, flirt with Joe whenever the opportunity arose, and then spend a good few hours of the night fucking each other’s brains out. On the floor and the bed and with your hands holding tight to the balcony railing. Occasionally, when you had adequate warning, Joe would end up on the same activity your family was doing, making polite small talk with your father as your mother tried to subtly convince him to make a move on you. You found it incredibly nerve wracking but, more than once you took the chance to fool around a little when you became separated from the group. Teasing touches as you both leaned against the same fence to admire a view, stolen kisses behind the bus, and once a quick handjob while you were meant to be snorkelling with everyone else.
On days when your family didn’t do much more than lounge around on the beach you’d make an excuse and disappear for a few hours, and then return hoping you didn’t look to fucked out for them to notice. You used every excuse you could think of – a spa session you’d booked the night before, interest in seeing a hula show or joining a yoga class, or just a desire to get out of the sun for a bit. You even disregarded everything Joe had told you about faking sick being a bad idea, pretending you had period cramps and a headache to get you another whole day to yourself. Joe came to your room that time, letting you pull him into the shower laughing. You’d had to slam your hand over his mouth as the room door opened and Erin yelled something about forgetting to grab the sunscreen before she hurried out again. It was a close call but also a huge turn on. You’d been right when you told Joe sneaking around would make things more fun.
Sometimes you’d catch sight of him and leave your family on the beach or by the pool under the guise of getting a new drink and instead end up with your tongue in Joe’s mouth, practically dry humping around the corner from where they sunbathed and joked around. When they asked what took you so long, you’d tell them it was so busy you’d lost their spot in the crowd. Joe never seemed to mind the sly nature of your meetings or the need to be quick and quiet. He’d spot you and wait for a moment when he could come up behind you and and whisper something about how it was a struggle to keep his hands to himself when you looked so good. Then he’d tell you to meet him in the lobby bathroom or whatever other secluded spot was nearby. When you arrived, he’d waste no time in pushing you to your knees or bending you over with your hands against a wall while he pulled your panties to the side. Whatever was easiest and fastest. The first time you’d been a little surprised, whining as he pushed you against a wall and kissed you hard. “Jesus Joe, I’m coming back to yours in like four hours, you couldn’t wait?” “Those shorts you’re wearing are so fucking hot, can’t blame me for wanting your cunt so bad.” He only got more intent on pulling you into dark corners and private areas when he saw you wearing the jewellery he bought you. You took to wearing the necklace and earrings constantly because every time Joe saw you in them it seemed to turn him on, something about it proving you were his to use, and it’d inspire another mindblowing round of sex, only made more satisfying by the days of stolen moments being as good as edging to work you both up.
It was everything you’d wanted when the idea of a holiday romance first occurred to you. Days spent relaxing, taking in the sun and the sea air and exploring a stunningly beautiful part of the world. Nights spent indulging in casual sex that wasn’t just a laugh but also made you feel incredible, with someone you enjoyed talking to and spending time with. Just what you needed to truly put your breakup and everything about that relationship behind you. It wasn’t ideal, what with having to dodge your family constantly but keeping it secret meant it was just yours and there was something very satisfying about that. All your previous relationships, no matter how brief, had been shared with others. Your mother telling everyone about your first kiss, your friends making you spill details about one-night stands and more long-term partners.  But everything that happened between you and Joe was just for the two of you. The distance stopped your friends from getting involved and you were doing everything in your power to keep it away from your family. And that felt really good. Of course, as soon as you got back to college that would change. Enough time would have passed that you wouldn’t have any problems answering your friends demands to know if you’d seduced anyone, Justin Timberlake or otherwise. You’d spill the beans about everything, of course. After all, they deserved to know how right they’d been.
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Sleep HCs - BoRhap Boys
Drifter in the Night
He starts in one spot in one position and just kinda migrates to somewhere else?
He likes to try to fall asleep holding you, but he always gets too hot
Despite this, he won’t get rid of any blankets to try to help the situation. It is frustrating.
Fairly Light Sleeper
Wakes up to most movements and distressing noises
Sleeps the best when he comes home from shooting/interviews/interacting too much
His mind and body are just drained from dealing with people all day and he needs to recharge, so he does.
Actually likes his alarm clock. It is a very important and highly trusted friend.
Always tries to get up without waking you (never actually works) so you’re always greeted with a slightly sheepish and sleepy smile
Space Heater
My god does this man put off some serious heat. Like your room AC is always set below 65℉ with the ceiling fan AND a personal fan on
You also only sleep with the duvet on top of the two of you. It helps.
He actually sleeps on his stomach facing away from you (not how you remember falling asleep ever), but touching you somehow. Foot, elbow, shoulder, something.
You always fall asleep before him with your head on his chest and one of his arms supporting your head. How he moves you without waking you up is still a mystery
He is naturally a morning person and it is bewildering. He sets an alarm, but you’ve never heard it because he wakes up before it and turns it off
Unless he’s drunk/hungover/utterly exhausted. Then all the rules go out the window.
These mornings you kind of love. He’s very responsible in making sure he doesn’t have anywhere to be the next day so he can sleep for as long as he needs. The only thing that doesn’t change is the heat (you wish, but no) otherwise, he passes out before you and you wake up still pressed to his chest.
Cuddle Master Monster™
Must have cuddles before falling asleep next to you. No exceptions.
He is ready to cuddle you all the time, any way you want it. He doesn’t just cuddle you either, it’s like he heals your soul
Sometimes you need to be the Big Spoon because he likes to be held (it heals his soul)
He especially loves just collapsing on you in the middle of the bed and falling asleep while you run your fingers through his hair with his head on your stomach
No ‘set’ sleeping position per se, but if you ever wake up before him you find him on his side/stomach with one knee pulled up towards his chest. Like he’s pitching in his sleep
Moderate sleeper: doesn’t wake up for minor shifts, but will whine when you get up to go to the bathroom
You usually drift apart in the night but he always finds you upon waking
Not a fan of alarms, but responds well to them
Dead Weight
Let’s set something straight rn: baby boy does not wake up for anything if he doesn’t want to or have to.  
You have seen him sleep through a natural disaster. It was completely mind-boggling. Like it came and went and you checked on him and he DIDN’T MOVE.
He sleeps in whatever position he falls asleep in. He doesn’t move at all. The only sign he’s still alive is his chest rising and falling as he breathes.
He’s pleasantly warm and very easy to cuddle up to when you want. This was a shock the first time you shared a bed. You thought he’d be a furnace since he’s quite athletic, but he really just isn’t.
Likes a very firm mattress. You suspect it has something to do with how dense his body is. It’s like he just sinks into anything that’s too soft and struggles to get back out.
Soft pillows everywhere. And a big cushy comforter to go with them. All the plush none of the sink and he loves it.
Never wakes up before you, but that’s okay. You like to see him so at ease while he’s asleep. A lot of things weigh on his mind while he’s awake and it’s nice to know that they can go away, even just temporarily.  
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oldguardhc · 4 years
Old Guard hc #36
Prompt number: 2 - “That’s the easy part?”
Fandom: The Old Guard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Tags: joe x nicky, fluff
“That’s the easy part?” Nicky asked, mug raised halfway to his lips. Maybe he heard wrong, he hadn’t even finished his fourth cup of coffee yet. Sleep was still threatening to drag him back into its warm embrace and if Nicky didn’t finish this cup soon, he was going to be flinging himself into those arms again.
God, he was so tired. It was 10 a.m. and he was awake.
Nile frowned, her eyebrows drawing in. “You just have to spend the whole day with Joe. Then you bring him back when I text you!” He definitely heard her correctly the first time then. Nicky rubbed a tired hand over his face. Nile made some hand-waving motions in front of him, “What? I thought you’d be glad to be with Joe!”
“I am happy that I will spend the day with Joe,” Nicky responded and took a sip from his mug. The coffee was getting cold, edging towards lukewarm rather than hot. Nicky quickly finished the rest before it became unpalatable and licked his lips before continuing. “The only problem is Joe will know something is up.”
Nile grabbed the coffee pot and topped his mug with fresh, hot, delicious coffee before placing it back in the coffee machine. He hummed in gratitude, cradling the warm mug in his hands. “How could he possibly know something is up? There is nothing significant about this day as far as Joe is concerned.”
Nicky lifted his chin in concession. “That may be, but my Joe is not stupid. He’ll quickly catch on that I’m trying to stall him.”
“You’re telling me that you can’t act normal for one day?” Nicky raised an eyebrow and Nile huffed. “You know what I mean.” He did know what she meant. That didn’t make teasing her any less fun.
“We’ve been together for over 900 years, Nile. That man could probably tell you how many strands of hair I have on my head. He definitely knows when I’m purposely distracting someone.” This was putting aside the fact that half the tricks Nicky used all came from Joe. Joe had a gift for interacting and understanding people. It was something that used to infuriate Nicky. Here was this man who Nicky barely tolerated but made everyone he met practically fawn all over themselves for him.
“Come on, Nicky. Take him to the movies, a museum, the mall. Hell, have a quickie in the parking lot! Just distract him for a couple hours.” There was a desperate gleam in Nile’s eyes and Nicky sighed, hating himself just a tiny bit for being such a sucker. She definitely learned how to do that face from Joe.
Nicky took several gulps from his mug just to be an ass and make her believe that he was still pondering her request. He couldn’t let her think that he was that easily persuaded. At least, not yet. She’ll have plenty of time to learn just how easy he was for the people he loved. “Fine.” Nile let out a victorious crow, clapping her hands together and bouncing on her toes. “Yeah, yeah,” Nicky grumbled, noisily slurping his coffee.
“Alright, get your man out of the house. I’ll text you when to come back!”
Nicky protested as he was pushed out of the kitchen and into the hallway, slumping as he came face to face with his closed bedroom door where his other half remained sound asleep. Releasing a deep sigh, Nicky scratched the back of his head to buy himself a couple more seconds. He really didn’t know how he was going to keep Joe out of the house. It would’ve been so much easier if he had to keep Joe in, he thought wistfully.
Fearing that Nile would come and check in on him any second now, Nicky opened the door. As expected, Joe was still asleep, half covered by the down-comforter, head resting on two pillows, one arm hugging Pedro to his chest. Even 900 years later, Nicky stood in the doorway, frozen and completely helpless to the way his heart started to flutter with the amount of affection he held for this man.
It didn’t take long for Joe’s instincts to kick in. Sensing another presence, Joe stretched out on the bed, slow to blink the sleep out of his eyes. “Nicolò?” His voice was sleep-warm, slightly raspy and elongated vowels. It was music to Nicky’s ears. Nicky placed his mug on the nightstand and crawled into bed next to Joe. Still, Joe shuffled in closer until the only thing between them was Pedro. “What time is it?”
“10,” Nicky answered and Joe groaned, burying his face into the crook of Nicky’s neck. Nicky didn’t think they would have lasted as long as they did if one of them was an early riser. He brought a hand up to bury in the tight curls, using his fingernails to gently scratch at Joe’s scalp.
“Want to go get that new set of oil pastels today?” Nicky asked after several minutes of peace. Joe shook his head. “We can’t stay in here the whole day.” Joe let out a confused whine. “Because-because it’s rude to stay in bed all day. We have to at least last another year before Nile figures us out.” Joe didn’t move for a couple beats. Nicky was starting to feel the beginnings of a cold sweat when Joe finally sighed, nuzzling into his neck a little more before rolling away with a grumble.
Nicky had to resist the urge to close his eyes and sigh. So far, so good.
Okay, so maybe he was too optimistic. It took Joe 30 minutes for him to realize that something was up. Nicky had to beg him to play along, promising the new oil pastels and himself as a live model for the whole afternoon. It was an amazing deal and Joe knew it. The only time Nicky was still was in his sleep, on a mission and when reading a book. Having a whole afternoon to draw Nicky in whatever position and scenery? Truly a once in a lifetime offer.
By the time Nicky got the okay from Nile, he was beyond exhausted. Sitting in one position and being admired was hard work. But a deal was a deal and so Nicky had remained in whatever position Joe had arranged him in without a protest, sinking into that headspace he only ever used during missions.
“This surprise must be really good for you to have modeled the whole day,” Joe said, tangling their fingers over the center console. Nicky squeezed his hand, not taking his eyes off the blurred trees outside. They were almost home. He could keep the secret for a little longer. He just had to keep his mouth shut and it would still be a surprise. Sort of. Did it count as a surprise if the person knew that there was a surprise but didn’t know what the surprise was? Nicky decided that yes, it was still a surprise. The actual surprise was still unknown even if the entire event wasn’t.
“I hope you realize how nice I was today. I could’ve made you spill before we even got to the art supply store.” That was a bait. It was a bait. Nicky was confident that there were even studies about this kind of bait. Even with that knowledge, Nicky had to bite his tongue to remain silent, focusing on the sharp pain. “Fine, keep quiet. Don’t think there won’t be payback for keeping me in the dark.” It was a weak threat since Joe brought their joined hands to his lips not a second later.
It took 15 minutes to get home. It was the longest 15 minutes of Nicky’s life. He swore that entire generations lived and died in those 15 minutes. He had endured torture that felt shorter than those 15 minutes.
As soon as the car was put in park, Nicky hopped out of the car and ran to the other side to open the door for Joe. “Come,” Nicky said, extending his hand.
“Now you want me to pay attention to you,” Joe teased but took his hand with a fond smile. With Joe’s hand in a tight grip, Nicky led him inside the house and into the dark living room.
“Uhh, I’m a little confused-“ Joe started.
The lights flicked on.
“SURPRISE!” Nile yelled, followed by Andy and Booker’s weaker attempt. Nicky wouldn’t be surprised if they had spent the whole day practicing and this was their best one yet.
Joe frowned and turned to Nicky, looking utterly adorable with that little furrow and pout. “I’m still confused.”
It was Nicky’s turn to smile and bring their joined hands to his lips. “This was Nile’s idea,” he said, as if that explained everything.
Nile clapped her hands together, drawing their attention back to her. “Remember when we were talking about birthdays?” Joe slowly nodded. “Right! Well, you said you never had a birthday party. So…” She motioned to the balloons taped to every piece of furniture in the living room, the dozens of party streamers, the platters of food on the dining room table.
“It’s not my birthday,” Joe said, still confused.
“Do you even know your birthday?” Nile asked and Joe slowly shook his head. “Exactly. So there’s a .003% chance that today is your birthday and we are celebrating! We got presents, cake, balloons and your favorite foods!”
Joe opened and closed his mouth several times as he took everything in, rendered completely speechless for the first time in what had to be decades. Nicky squeezed his hand, a silent are you okay? It took a moment for Joe to respond yes, a watery smile tugging on his lips. “Thank you, Nile.” Joe sniffed and swallowed the lump that had swelled in his throat. “This is amazing.”  
Nile beamed, looking like sunshine personified. “You’re welcome,” she said. “Everyone deserves to have a birthday party.”
Joe turned to the other two occupants in the room. They were definitely a little tipsy already and Nicky couldn’t blame them. He probably would’ve drank too if he had to tie as many balloons as they did. It was going to take forever to clean all of this party stuff up. “Thank you to you two as well. I know Nile probably bullied you two into helping,” Joe said and Nile let out an indignant, “Hey!”. Both Andy and Booker rolled their eyes in tandem, reluctant smiles gracing their faces and really? They were able to get that down but not the surprise?
“We love you too,” Booker said, pulling out a flask from the inside of his jacket pocket. He took a sip and passed it to Andy.
Andy pointed to Booker with the flask. “What he said,” she said and tipped the flask into her mouth.
Joe tugged on his hand and Nicky turned to look at him, one eyebrow cocked. “Nile said presents. What’d you get me?”
Nicky couldn’t help the baffled laugh. “Who do you think bought you the oil pastels and modeled the whole afternoon?”
Joe’s cheeks dimpled with how wide he smiled. “That doesn’t count,” he declared, lightly clapping Nicky’s hand. “Come on,” he whined, “Present.”
There will be a day where Nicky will finally be able to resist that smile. Where he’ll be able to look at those dimples, the small wrinkles at the corners of those warm brown eyes and not fold faster than wet paper. Today wasn’t that day.
Nicky let out a deep sigh, pursing his lips in feigned annoyance as he reached into his pocket to pull out a small box. Joe snatched it out of his hand with a giddy whoop, tearing through the wrapping paper and throwing the lid to the floor. He pulled out a thick platinum ring, his eyes gleaming similar to what Nicky had always imagined a dragon looking at its treasure would look like.
Joe twisted the ring to look at the inside. “My everything,” Joe read aloud and Nicky wrapped his arms around him.
“Happy birthday, amore.”
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mightyfineblog · 6 years
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💗Borhap cast  💗
(7k+ words) You’re just a simple girl, who happens to be in the wrong place in the wrong time. Your life gets a complete turnaround when you are sucked into the mob world of guns, violence, death and no mercy. You have to learn their ways if you want to stay alive, but will that help when you meet the Don? The boss of all mob bosses? 
💗Ben Hardy 💗
‘Voice Message’
You’ve been missing your boyfriend’s touch for a while now, causing you to be longing to release the tension held up your body, by leaving him a record of that to his phone.
Lockdown series ‘Tough Days’ ‘My All’
‘Four, Who?’
Ben is acting suspicious, while filming in Florence. Naturally, you’re not letting things slip away easily, especially if he is cheating.
‘2020 Resolutions’
New Year’s Eve party turns sexual tension into a goal for the new year.
‘Runaway Bride’
You are at the altar, holding hands. Everybody is waiting for you to speak, but is the man you are marrying your true love? Is Mr. Perfect the same guy as Mr. Right?
‘Your Biggest Fan’
You are about to show your boyfriend exactly how much of a fan you are, the way only you know how.
You and Ben attend the Balmain fashion show during Paris Fashion Week, but cannot be seen together, so when you get overly needy by the looks of your man in those leather trousers, you have to make a little detour.
‘Stand By Me’ series -1-  -2-  -3-  -4-  -5-  -6-
You are moving in your boyfriend’s flat. As you unpack, you remember the long road you two have walked down from when you met to where you are now. Each chapter tells a memory from the past, while simultaneously moving the present story forward.
Getting caught, Ben won’t let you slip away that easily. He teases and denies you the greatest pleasure all day and night. Smut.
‘Give Me Sugar’
Your boyfriend and you spend a lovely Saturday in London. Followed by a night out at a club, you go home for some new experiences. Smut.
‘Keep Giving Me Sugar’
Spending a last night together, before he has to leave for work. Deciding to take advantage of it, you indulge to savour each other as much as possible. Smut.
💗Joe Mazzello💗
‘Give In To Me’
Smut, smut, smut; hold it there good girl; teasing; orgasm control; bad girls get punished; l-bomb; don’t get daddy mad;
‘November Cabin’ Fluff Version
‘November Cabin’ Smut Version
A weekend getaway for snuggles, warm blankets, wine and cracking fire.
💗Roger Taylor 💗
‘Impala ‘67′ 
Roger just got a new car, at which you aren’t very happy at first, but on the back seat he managed to convince you otherwise.
‘La Reina’  / pt. 2-  ‘La Reina - When a Queen Meets Queen’ / pt.3 - ‘La Reina - The Clash of Queens’ 
You’re a dancer in a shady club. Lonely and abused, you dream of a way out of your misery, which turns out to be a man that goes by the name ‘The Drummer’.
‘My Baby Does Me (Good)’
70s Roger Taylor and you attend important for you work event, where his rockstar side shows, leading you to punish him once at home. Smut.
‘Please, Daddy’
During the 80s, Roger and you are in for the good stuff. Teasing him in public, humiliating him more than once, you finally get what you deserve for your behaviour. Smut.
‘I Love You Baby’
Spending the cutest weekend with your boyfriend, you fool around like little kids. Fluff.
‘This Valentine’s day’
Roger’s POV on planning and spending Valentine’s Day with you. Fluffy smut.
‘Cologne and Candy Lotion’ (Brian x Reader x Roger)
Brian introduces you to the band. Being the womanizer Roger is, he comes in and won’t take no for answer. Smut and disappointment.
'Sexy Hair'
Roger dares to cut his hair while he’s away. Cute angst, Fluff, Smut.
Visiting Roger after a show in Manchester, because you need him a lot and you need him to shut up. Smut.
‘Santa Baby’
Spending your first Christmas as a couple. Fluff and Smut.
‘You Got Me Feeling Emotions’ 
Being the rock star Ben!Roger’s girlfriend isn’t as easy as it seems. Lots of fluff, angst, tears and smut in 5 parts.
💗Rogerina 💗
‘Cherry Lips’  
She flirts all day with you, until you give in your resistance. Smut.
‘Pretty Messy Girl’ smut
Being too busy to pay attention to your girlfriend, Rogerina is determined go get what she wants, in the recording booth. Smut.
‘Lipstick Smudged’ (Rogerina x Reader x Freddie)
You, Rogerina and Freddie are on your way to party at Roger’s, getting down nasty during the car ride. Smut.
‘Private Show’ (Rogerina x Reader x Freddie)
The second part of ‘Lipstick Smudged’. Rogerina, you and Freddie can’t keep apart for too long, eventually ending in one of the bedrooms for a private show.
💗Rami Malek 💗
‘I could come and love you’ (Rami x Reader x Ben)
Finding yourself torn between Rami and Ben, having feelings for both, but what’s going to happen? Angst 
‘Touch My Body’  (Rami x Reader x Ben)
You are Ben’s girlfriend, when once at dinner, you get swirled up in an adventurous rendezvous with both men. Smut.
💗📝Blurbs, Drabbles, Head Canons📝💗
⭐️ - personal favourites
👀  - expect the unexpected
Ben Hardy
‘Big Ben’ smut ⭐️
‘Babysitting Ben’ fluff
‘Pool fun with Ben’ fluff
‘Weekend with Ben’ HC fluff
‘Pregnancy test with Ben’ fluff 👀
‘Shopping with Ben’ fluff
‘Video Games’ fluff ⭐️
‘Tattoos’ fluff
‘Night cravings’ fluff
‘18’ smut
‘Another baby’ fluff
‘Car sex’ smut
‘Giggly kisses’ fluff
‘Morning kisses’ fluff
‘Drunk Kisses’  fluff
‘Hot kisses’ fluff and slight smut
‘Makeout kisses’ fluff
‘Movie night snuggles’ fluff
‘Goodnight kisses’ fluff
‘24 Reasons To Not Get Out of Bed’ fluff ⭐️
‘Relaxing’ fluff
‘Christmas morning’ smut ⭐️
‘Valentine’s day in Paris’ fluff
‘Afternoon Activities’ smut ⭐️
‘Comfort’ fluff
Roger Taylor
‘Spanked by Roger’ smut
‘Caring Roger’ fluff
‘Sad Roger’ fluff ⭐️ 👀
‘Puppy’ fluff
‘Romantic’ fluff
‘SubRoger’ smut
‘Roger’s Adventurous Times in Las Vegas’ confusing
‘Tour Nights’ smut
Ben X Reader X Roger
‘Get D* Down’ smut
Joe Mazzello
‘Domestic Joe, is a best Joe’ fluff
‘In the middle of nowhere’ smut
Brian May
‘Sexy Brian’ smut
‘Riding Brian’ smut
‘Brian’s Guitar’ smut
‘Sweet Brian’ fluff
Gwilym Lee
‘Caring Gwilym’ fluff (Gwilym Lee x Reader ft. Joe Mazzello)
John Deacon
‘Caring Deacy’ fluff
‘In Rogerina’s Hands ’ smut
‘Soft Rogerina’ fluff
‘Excuse me Rogerina’ fluff
Taron Egerton
Staying in Tonight fluff
Updated 03 July 2020
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somebody else. // joe mazzello
request by @deakyclicks: “Loved your recent!! Could you write some angst with Joe about the reader finding out he cheated while on press tour? Hc maybe?”
posted: august 12, 2019
genre: angst
words: 645, its a baby
setting: the aftermath of cheating
warning/s: bad writing? bad grammar? some swearing
playlist/based on:
- blue in green (miles davis)
- somebody else (the 1975)
authors note: soooo, here’s more joe angst for ya. i’m not really pleased with how this one turned out, but it’s better than nothing and I really wanted to finish it. as always, feedback is appreciated, i really want to improve my writing. also, requests are open!
“were you ever going to tell me?” you croaked out, your voice barely a whisper above the miles davis record playing in the background. he dropped his knife and fork on his plate, looking down, too afraid, ashamed and angry of himself to meet your gaze. he knew exactly what you were talking about, there was no point in denying it.
“do you know what’s even more humiliating? look at me while i’m talking to you!”, you snapped, making him look straight into your eyes, his oh-so-beautiful hazel eyes full of regret, brimming with tears.
“that i heard it from gwilym, one of your best friends, and the fucking fact that you didn’t tell me!”, you snarled, tears slowly streaming down your face.
it was true. you heard it from gwilym yesterday when you all were out together celebrating, since the boys had come home from the bohemian rhapsody press tour, he, joe, had been acting weirdly all night, as if he was hiding something from you. he, gwilym, had in turn been acting weirdly all night too, as if he was hiding something from you as well. when he finally got the chance to be with you alone, he pulled you over to the bar, making you sit down on the ratty chairs.
“y/n, i need to tell you something.”, his voice cracked.
“gwil, what’s the matter?”, you looked at him, becoming more worried and worried for every passing second.
he took a deep breath. “look, i can’t hold it back anymore. i-i’ve known for weeks now, i need-i have to tell you. joe...h-he slept...he cheated on you while on press tour.”
the memory played like a movie in your mind, over and over again, like it was mocking you, making your head spin, with anger, with sorrow. at first, you couldn’t believe it: your adorably dorky Joe, who could make you cry of laughter for hours, who would cook often very disastrous three-course dinners for you, who randomly would take you to Paris for the weekend, whom you could share all your darkest parts of your mind at 3 am with. that Joe, didn’t exist anymore for you anymore, instead, what was left was just Joe, who carelessly brought some blue-eyed floozy of a journalist into his bed, just because he felt lonely and missed you while on press tour.
“tell me”, you looked straight into his eyes, daring him to do the same. “why?”
he remained silent this whole time, not saying anything at all, he simply didn’t know what to say, being too ashamed of the person he had becomed, a cheater. truth to be told, he had no reason whatsoever for why he cheated.
“i-i’m so fucking sorr-”, he finally uttered, only to be interrupted by you:
“i know exactly from experience what you’re going to say. just give me one perfectly good fucking reason why you cheated on me, or leave.”, your voiced cracked, betraying you, making your voice shaking with tears.
“it meant nothing” he croaked out.
“nothing? imagine what it means to me!”
your relationship were always strained by joe going away for sometimes months without seeing each other, but the two of you always managed to pick the pieces up of your relationship and slowly nurture it back to health, as it always had been before he went away, except for this time. this time, the wounds wouldn’t, couldn’t mend, and the pieces remained broken, unmendable.
the record stopped playing, as if on queue. and that, was when you realized you couldn’t stay.
you stood up, the only hearable sounds in the living room being your and joe’s steady breathing, making him do the same. you walked over to his lanky frame, facing him. you pressed the softest of kisses to his lips as you looked into his brown eyes, breathed out a “goodbye, joe”. and then, you left.
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andydrarch · 4 years
These are all about how the branch leaders get along bc I’m now an adult who relates to adult characters let’s go. Also sorry if the read more doesn’t work I don’t wanna get out of bed just to fix it on my laptop lol
-gonna start off with the stuff I’ve mentioned on here, Sean and Violet are best friends who do stupid stuff together
—Sean was the first adult who was actively friendly that Violet met working as a Warden bc Drake is Drake and anyways they’ve been best friends for four years now
—-most of the time they just watch trash tv or gossip when they hang out but sometimes it’ll be like hey I’m tired of doing work let’s go play with fireworks in an extremely irresponsible way it’s fine
-Sean and Becky are Stryker’s cousins and Stryker is Joe Wildwest’s kid almost entirely bc I’m too attached to Sean’s full name being Sean Wildwest even tho he looks nothing like Joe
—they’re not super close but they’re close enough that Sean’s managed to stay branch leader for five years even tho he definitely isn’t competent/organized enough to do that job without Becky helping, and she’s only been helping for like two of those years lol
-Becky’s in the fun age range where she’s old enough to get along with Sean’s friends but young enough that they knew her when she was in high school so they’re not like actual friends
—she’s the person who everyone says ‘oh my gosh I’m getting old, Becky’s an adult now!’ about and she’s not loving it
—-also she’s a narc but I won’t hold it against her, Drake would probably be one too if he didn’t have awful anxiety lol
-Drake and Violet are married don’t @ me. Is there any way this is for-realsies canon? No. Do I care? No.
—Anyways for actual details, Violet used to not be as much of an idiot but now that she’s married to a 6’8 Viking man who goes berserk occasionally she’s just like what’s gonna happen to me? Repercussions? Drake could kill someone with his bare hands I’m invincible
—-they are very much so stupidly in love Drake is just a Norwegian man with crippling anxiety who thinks holding hands is an extreme form of pda so it’s not very obvious. They have a garden and two cats and also Lucky is their adopted son, again don’t @ me
-Drake gets dragged along occasionally during Sean and Violet’s Shenanigans and he doesn’t love it
—Sean lowkey puts him on edge since he’s extraverted and absentminded, two things Drake is the polar opposite of. Sean can be like ‘oh whoops I accidentally let a bunch of rogue vivosaurs into the main parks silly me’ at any given time and Drake’s anxiety is not cool with that
-Liu Ren is like the odd one out with the branch leaders bc he’s just this cryptic dude who is avoiding all of these crazy young people. The only issue with that is that obv no one knows that he’s freaking old so no one really knows why he avoids them
—he has his hands full with Mei Lian and her weird self-esteem issues tho so he doesn’t really have time to keep up with The Youth
—-in general Liu Ren gets along with Stryker and Drake bc they’re the chilliest, and on a good day Violet is bearable
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