#it's ok i'll get her later 😓
uqb · 4 months
on that wuthering waves grind ....... 😃
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terabyteturtle · 5 months
Hii! Could I request a Reina SFW alphabet? If not thats ok!! I know there isn’t much to know about her 😓
💜 Reina SFW Alphabet 💜
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I'll probably have to rewrite this eventually as we get more information about her, but I did my best with what we have so far! I tried my best not to assume much of anything, but I feel like Reina would be a bit of a loner type, especially after the death of Heihachi (whom we assume she was close with). Hope you enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Reina shows a regular amount of affection towards you; it’s neither constant nor rare. She’s very casual and doesn’t make a big deal over it. Being as clever as she is, Reina is very smooth and sly with most of her gestures. For example, you guys will just be having a conversation, and she’ll just slip an arm around your shoulders without you noticing. The only displays of affection she won’t be subtle with, though, are punches and shoulder bumps. Despite having a penchant for being smooth, Reina also enjoys playfighting as a sign of affection. If she punches you in the arm or rams into you with her shoulder, then you know she’s into you. She’ll do all of this no matter where you are. However, when it comes to hugs and kisses, those are saved for private interactions only.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, being her best friend isn’t that much different from being in a relationship with her (minus the kissing). Be prepared for tons of sarcasm and teasing galore, and anyone who talks bad about you will get a Mishima-style beatdown. Oftentimes, you’ll have to be her voice of reason and hold her back from fighting people who piss her off. This makes her mad initially, but she always ends up thanking you later. Reina doesn’t really interact with anyone aside from you; for a long time, she’s danced to the beat of her own drum and kept herself company. You’re one of the few people she actually cares about, so she always tries to take your thoughts into account and listen to what you have to say. The friendship would probably start at the Mishima Polytechnical School, with you both being students there. As mentioned before, Reina’s typically a loner, but something about you just catches her eye. One day, she’ll just start talking to you, and you’re kinda stuck with her from that point on.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
If you need comfort, Reina will hug you from behind and sit there for a little while, allowing you to vent if you need to. When you’re finished speaking, or you just have nothing you want to say, she’ll launch into a pep talk. Well, sort of. In these specialty speeches, Reina hypes you up but also throws in slight digs to tease you at various times. She doesn’t mean to upset you further; rather, she’s trying to make the situation more lighthearted. She wants to see you smile and build up your confidence more. Are you really gonna let those negative feelings show you who’s boss? Not on her watch, you aren’t. Is this comfort method typical? No, but it has a surprisingly high success rate, and through it, Reina shows you how awesome of a person you are. As for herself, all she needs is a great big hug. If you find that she’s feeling low, just embrace her and tell her that it will all be okay. As cliche as it sounds, it works.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Reina hasn’t really thought about settling down much. She recalls her father saying something about continuing the bloodline and passing on the legacy, but right now, she has several things on her plate that she’d rather attend to first (getting good grades and acquiring the Mishima Zaibatsu). In terms of housekeeping, Reina will help out with whatever she can, but chances are you’re gonna have to be the one to do most of it. She has a lot on her mind, so she’ll only think about keeping her little corner of the place clean, meaning everything else will be left to you unless you ask her to lend a hand. When it comes to cooking, Reina can make herself a sandwich, but she doesn’t really know how to do much else. Somehow, she’s managed to collect a ton of coupons for various local restaurants, so she’s pretty much survived off of those. If you’d like to make her food, great! If not, she’s happy to share some coupons with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
If Reina had to end it with you, the encounter is either gonna be snarky or angry. There’s no nice way to do it with her. If she’s snarky, she’ll act like it doesn’t affect her and tease you ruthlessly, saying really harsh things that’ll destroy any self-confidence that you might’ve had. Reina’s an expert on getting inside people’s heads and getting on their nerves, and by the end of the conversation, she will make you hate her. If she ends up being angry, then prepare yourself—things are gonna get ugly real quick. She’ll yell at you, insult you, and is not afraid to get up, close, and personal. Depending on how things go, she might even punch you in the face. Either way, breaking up with Reina is gonna suck.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She hasn’t really thought much about commitment, as she has a lot of other things on her mind. Reina knows she wants to avenge her father and inherit his conglomerate, but she hasn’t really thought past that. She’s young and still has a long way to go in life, so she doesn’t see any point in rushing to make a commitment. Reina definitely wants to marry you eventually (because how on Earth could she not, you’re amazing), but right now, she just wants to take things one step at a time and wait until she’s older.
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, Reina’s pretty rough. She doesn’t mean to half the time—it’s just her default setting. She’ll playfully punch you sometimes, but it just means that she cares. If she didn’t, those punches would be far more brutal. If she’s feeling lazy and wants to cuddle, she’ll just kinda flop on top of you. Emotionally, she’s also rough around the edges. Since she was raised by Heihachi of all people, Reina’s inherited some of the old-school, stone-cold mentality. On top of that, she’s naturally spunky and sarcastic, always ready to make a wisecrack out of anything. If something serious is going on, however, she’ll lose her typical spunkiness and be gentler.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
She loves them! Reina will hug you from anywhere—from the front, from the side, from behind, she’ll give you hugs of any kind. As for cuddles, those just consist of her flopping on top of you and you dealing with it. She might shuffle a bit to make herself more comfortable, but for the most part, wherever she flops is wherever she ends up staying. Both of these happen regularly, and they happen way more in private than in public. Once in a while, she might give you a side hug while you’re out somewhere, but typically, Reina prefers to hug you while you’re alone together.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
It takes her a while for her to say it like a normal person would. Reina loves being sarcastic and teasing you, and when it comes to her feelings, she’d rather voice them indirectly than saying them outright. “Life would be boring without you” and “If I didn’t have you, who else would I waste my restaurant coupons with?” are the two closest things she’s said to “I love you” thus far. Eventually, when Reina does say it, she’ll slip it in casually and you almost don’t catch it right away. She says “I love you” the same way one would say “Yo, dude”. Once you realize what Reina’s said to you, she’ll give you a smirk and a wink before pulling you into a side hug.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Reina doesn’t get jealous. Compared to herself, she doesn’t see anyone else as a threat. Could anyone spoil you with free ramen like she does? She doesn’t think so. If anything, she’ll make them jealous instead. If any brave soul tries to charm you, Reina will just tell them you’re taken. If her arm isn’t around your shoulders already, it’s going to be there now. She’ll show you off and indirectly rub it in their face that you belong to her. Reina has what they want, and she’s not going to let them take what’s hers. However, if the person persists after she’s made her point clear, that’s when she gets fired up. She’ll lose her temper and become borderline territorial, challenging the person and getting in their face. You’ll have to distract her quickly if you want to avoid a fight. If the person continues harassing you, then there’s no hope left for them, and no chance left for you to intervene; Reina’s already got her mind set on putting this person in their place.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Reina’s kisses vary depending on her mood. If she’s feeling pleasant and just hanging out, she’ll give you quick pecks. If she’s feeling tired or lazy, kisses will be slow and sloppy. Sometimes, she’ll miss her initial target and wind up kissing some other random spot. She doesn’t mind though; as long as she gets to kiss you, she’s content. If Reina’s trying to comfort you or show her love for you, they’ll be sweet and deep. Often, she enjoys tricking you into believing that she’s going to kiss your lips, only to peck your nose instead. She also loves kissing your neck, as it feels soft and sensitive. Reina loves being kissed on the cheek, as it allows her to focus her attention on multiple things while still receiving much-loved affection.
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
She thinks they can be annoying sometimes, but she doesn’t have any particular grudge against them. If the kid’s a brat, she’ll get pissed off, but if they’re nice, she might talk to them and play along with whatever they’re saying and doing for a little while. Reina’s not perfect with kids, as she has a quick temper, but if she spent more time around them, she’d become better with them. She hasn’t thought about having kids herself, since she’s still a student and has other priorities. However, she might consider it eventually, especially if you’d like to have kids in the future as well.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Most mornings typically involve the two of you getting ready for school together. She’ll wake up begrudgingly to get ready and will act grumpy throughout the early hours of the day. Reina doesn’t mean to offend you; it’s just that she’s not a morning person. It’s best not to say much until she’s started to perk up a bit, unless you want to get hit with a sharp remark that she doesn’t truly mean. Reina doesn’t mind getting the school lunch, but if you’d like to pack lunches for both of you, she’d greatly appreciate it. She only has the energy to do the bare minimum, so anything extra is beyond her reach by herself. Occasionally, you’ll go out to eat breakfast somewhere local, and from there, you guys usually take the train to school and walk from the station to the front gates together.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Reina is typically much happier and more sociable at night. You guys often study together and help each other with homework, with some nice lo-fi music playing in the background. After all of that’s done, you guys will just chill out, watch TV, cuddle, and talk about whatever comes to mind. She’ll often gossip about people she hates or vent about her least favorite classes while you sit there and listen. If you’d like to talk about something, then she’s all ears. There’s a large chance that she’ll want to go out somewhere, even if it’s a school night. This usually contributes to why she’s so tired in the morning, and you tell her this constantly, but Reina doesn’t care. Ultimately, she wants to live life to the fullest and see what the world has to offer. Since she’s been living on her own, she’s had more freedom to do what she wants with her time. Reina might mean business when it comes to certain things, but she won’t ignore a good time if presented with one.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
Reina enjoys being mysterious and cryptic, which mainly stems from how much she likes to mess with people. As much as she likes to toy with you, she’ll eventually start sharing things after a while. She understands that it’s annoying to keep dodging questions, especially in the manner that she does, so she’ll gradually open up about things as time passes. Reina will take her time and share secrets on her own terms and in her own way. Due to her sly, mischievous nature, it’s rare that you actually get a solemn moment with her. Usually, she ends up talking about things either matter-of-factly or sarcastically, even if it's a serious topic. If she opens up about something deeply personal, she’ll downplay it as though it weren’t incredibly important. It’ll take a bit of time, but when Reina starts talking, it’d be in your best interest to listen.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
Generally, Reina’s got a quick temper, and it doesn’t take much to set it off. People who are quick to judge her or count her out don’t earn much patience from her. If she’s dealing with someone she’s cool with (which is rare given her loner tendencies), she’ll be more patient with them. With you, Reina tries her best, but you can tell when she gets impatient because she’ll get a little snarkier than usual, which is saying a lot referring to her.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Reina remembers a lot about you. She’s inherited that sharp Mishima memory, which is made sharper by the fact that she still attends school and has to retain a lot of information across various subjects. Considering you’re one of the few people she deeply cares about, she’ll soak up every detail about you like a sponge.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
One of the most important moments in your relationship was when she told you she loved you the first time. You were so used to her sarcastic comments that whatever nice thing she did say caught you off guard, so hearing her tell you those three words, especially in such a casual manner, almost gave you whiplash. You stared at her for a moment and debated asking her to say them again. But she must’ve read your mind, because she said them again, that time a little more solemnly. You smiled, which made her heart flutter, which was a feeling that she’d never experienced before. She smirked and winked at you, pulling you into a side hug. It was a simple moment but still super sweet, and you’ll look back on it for the rest of your life.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Reina gets very protective, especially when you’re in an unsafe area. She’s always on her guard, keeping her eyes peeled for folks who might cause trouble for the both of you. Consider her your personal bodyguard. She doesn’t mind getting into fights if it means keeping you safe. Reina feels protected whenever you’re around her. Your presence never fails to make her feel safe. It’s gotten to the point where she can’t fully relax unless you’re there with her. Unless you’re around, she doesn’t let her walls come down.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
Since Reina enjoys going with the flow, dates are often impulsive. You guys just go to your favorite places without thinking twice. Meanwhile, gifts have way more thought put behind them, since Reina wants to make you feel special. She wants any gift that she gives you to reflect something personal. Initially, she never really thought much about anniversaries, but as time goes on and you’re nearing your first one, Reina will start thinking of a ton of random ideas, each one grand and extravagant. She always tells you that once the Mishima Zaibatsu becomes hers, you two are going somewhere nice and getting away from it all.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Her hot-blooded temper and cold-blooded arrogance make a deadly combo, especially for those brave enough to cross her. It can make her difficult to deal with at times, and on some days, it's like her anger is on a hair trigger. She's never taken it out on you, but you've seen her take it out on other people, and it's not pretty.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
Reina values someone she can be herself around. She understands that there are a lot of people who hate her, and to them she gives a big middle finger, but it sucks not having many people to hang around. She had her dad, but he's been dead for a year now and, until you showed up, she didn't really have anyone to talk to. Reina’s had to be a loner for a while, and she's had enough of just keeping to herself. As much as she'd like to deny it, she's a human being, just like anyone else. She needs someone to vent to, to share secrets with, to love. If she just starts to hate everyone, life won't be fun. But with someone like you, it is.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Reina would want to make it a spectacle. She wants to show off her lover and display their beautiful love for each other. By this time, she'll probably have the Mishima Zaibatsu in the palm of her hands, so she can make that happen. She's excited; there’s no doubt about that. She claims it’s not a big deal, but you can see the pleased gleam in her eyes as she helps you plan everything out. She has a hand in every aspect of the wedding—catering, decorations, themes, you name it. While you’re standing on the altar, Reina gives you this big smile that just screams with pride. She could not be more proud to have you by her side, and she can't wait for you both to rule the world together.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Reina likes flicking your forehead every so often just to tease you. She loves teasing you in general, but your reaction to this gesture in particular is priceless.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
Reina doesn't like anyone who's entitled or believes that they have a right to everything. She's also not one to take to sensitive people. If you don't have a backbone, you're considered a weakling in her eyes.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Reina will snore a bit, but it's never too loud and you don't have any trouble falling asleep to it. She’ll hug you as you guys fall asleep, but since she often moves in her sleep, she won't stay there throughout the night. Reina will move around, but she's never been too disruptive. There have been times however when her arm will just randomly flop on top of you, and one time, she even smacked you in the face by accident. Aside from that, though, she's not too bad. Reina typically has a lot of crazy dreams as well, so expect to hear all about them during lunch the next day.
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orchid-151 · 1 year
I had some ideas for the journey Orchid and her group were going to take, I haven't fully planned them out but if any of you all like this idea involving your OC's do let me know... Or if you don't like the idea then also let me know because I can change/shorten the 'Inner Evil' arc...
I will list a small summary for each picture...
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Again, these are just ideas... if any of you don't want your OC to show up for a mini arc just let me know... I won't do it if you ask me not to.
Under readmore because long...
@lilium2034 Amicus and Fidus
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The idea is after they reach land, Mason stirs up an argument with Orchid about not needing to be so reckless with her actions with her firing comments back at him about trying to be a team player... After she walks away to blow off steam when she runs into the Duo. Amicus heals her shoulder while hearing her out and tries to give her some good advice...
I might add more when I get to that part but that's it for that mini arc...
@asktotallyhuman Sarah
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To be fair, I have been reading all I can about this girl and her village, and thought of a good arc where Orchid goes alone and tries to make a bargain with Sarah to help her brother and the group. Orchid would stay and make a few double chests of 'God Apples' and Sanah would allow Mason and the others to pass and continue (Valkyrie and Archie would be given two of the 'rings' to make them look like villagers)...
I don't think Sanah is evil but I think she would rig a double chest to drain the apples into another dozen double chest below Orchid cell making her work even harder to make more apples then offered... Only later finding out more about the strange Illager and finding that Orchid is literally going to kill herself trying to fill the last chest to fulfill her end of the bargain...
In the end, Sanah does a good deed and finally lets Orchid go after letting her recover... But Sanah's mindset of Illagers doesn't change. And Orchid understands that, tell Sanah she can keep the extra 'God Apples' for an emergency with no ill will to the human...
Not fully planned out again but again, I don't think Sanah is evil... Just untrusting of ANY Illager that comes to her with a bargain...
@ask-wretched Wretched
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(Damn is Wretch hard to draw for me... Even if it is just his foot 😓)
Ok, this idea was running a mug through my head for a while now so here is some of the idea...
As Orchid's group continues on, they start running into some of Drake's forces... While Orchid goes looking for some ingredients for a few potions a small party of four ambushes her in a cave mouth and chases her into it. One uses a tipped arrow with blindness on it and aims it at her. Orchid suddenly notices that she had blindly ran into a Wardens territory and stops to hide and be quiet... Only to get hit by a tipped arrow in the back and knocked down... The 4 are then 'mowed down' by the warden of the area, obviously being loud and aggravated when they found their target and almost lost her... Orchid tries to get up but realizes she is low on health and is blind for who-knows-how-long...
Wretch would be humongous next to Orchid and if he did try to help would probably be scared to even hold her, she so smol... (I don't have her exact measurements yet... Maybe 4"6' or 4"10' somewhere in that range of shortness...)
(originally I was going to have her a few weeks pregnant with Smith's child but I might not do that... Unless y'all like the idea of more drama but I don't think I'll do it.)
And there you go, four ideas I had for mini arcs in the comic, I still plan to put the few OC's in the background in some panels so be looking out for the small cameos~
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theatrekidstatus · 9 months
Chapter 9
  Y/n pov:                                                     Like Ant did?
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯:fuck you
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯:WAIT
                                                         ANT ALREADY DID
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯: I knew your we're going to that
"Y/n" ant called "sup?" I replied "We're on break let's take a walk around." he suggested "aight" I answered "Come on in here." ant said We walked in and saw Alexa sabotaging some of what I assume to be our food "Let me text Lin." I whisper to Ant
                                                                Come here
Lin cum's I MEAN COMES "ALEXA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING." "getting revenge" "why" "Let me tell you...."
-flashback music-
"It all started while I was straight out of college with a dream to act and act only, so I auditioned for In the Heights,21 Chump Street. (What the heck do I gotta do to be with you)
And you didn't cast me even though I was the best not LINDSAY. I then saw Anthony and fell in love with him. (I like Lindsay I don't know her well but she seems cool) Then I auditioned for the heights again. for anyone 'NoPe'. NOW I auditioned for Eliza, Peggy, Angelica, Maria, and EVEN Ensemble but no I wasn't good enough. BUT THIS GIRL WHO DIDN'T WORK ON THE SHOW GETS TO DATE ANTHONY. So I decided to do tech and ruin everything from the inside, so you might be thinking. 'Why confess all this' Because everything is already happening." she explains
We suddenly hear coughing, people throwing up, we see blood and people fainted. She ran out of the theatre. Ant tended to the wounded I counted the fainted (get it? ;) ) and put them in my dressing room checking pulses and turning on fans. Lin took the sick to the bathroom to throw up and gave them masks, water, food, naps, and even called the ambulance they got everyone to the hospital.
"Are you guys ok?" I ask "No I was so excited to be in a possible in a big show and some bitch ruined it" Ant shares "And I was excited to have one of my shows on stage and back on Broadway but then this." Lin confesses "I'm sorry guys but the doctors say they will be better by next week maybe even before then." I say trying to cheer them up "We'll that's good I guess visiting hours will be over soon let's say Bye to everyone" Lin brings up. We did just that we said bye and I said I'll text them everything later.
-in the car-
"Are y'all feeling better?" I wonder "A little I just want them to be ok" Ant answers "Ant" I call "Yes" he replies "Never mind" I retract "No tell me" he demands "It's stupid and you'll get mad" I try to explain "you don't have to tell me but I won't be mad" he concludes "when that girl said she was in love with you were you with her I mean she was pr-" I started "listen, babe, I love you and only you, not her or any other girl in this world, YOU at this point not even old celebrity crush's can compare too you and that girl was always weird she touched my butt, made sex jokes, and made me uncomfortable, I got her not cast in 21 chump street so no I never loved her". he said not once yelling
"Ant..." I start "yes" "you love me" I ponder "sí mí amor." he responds (a/n: sí yo hablar espanol 🙄) "I love you too." I confess "I love both of you." Lin adds "Ahh shut up Lin." We said in unison "Are you ok Lin" I asked still laughing "Your guys talk made me feel better." "Ok, I'm going to text everyone what happened." I shared "ok" and "cool" was their response
                                                             Are you ok?
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩
👦🏽: Yeah what happened     
So basically the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her, so she
did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me Ant before she could get to Lin.
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:she seemed so nice though
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: maybe Lin should have cast her because damn
                                                               Are you ok?
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃: mhm why did everyone get sick?
So basically the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me ant and before she could get to Lin
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃: I think she tried poisoning me first because there were a bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones I'm allergic to and she always stared at me weird like confused
                                                                 That bitch
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:fr
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:y/n what happened today
So basically the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me ant and before she could get to Lin Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳: I think she put the glue in my brush 
                                                IT ALL COMING TOGETHER
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯: Did you put nuts in my cookies
                                                            No Alexa did
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯: nice tech girl?
Well not so nice because the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me and Ant and before she could get to Lin Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were a bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused and put glue and neas brush
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯: SHES THE REASON WERE ALL IN HERE 
CoOkIe MoNsTeR😏😕😫😤😒🙁😩😠😞☹️🥺😡😔😣😢🤬😟😖😭🤯:thanks for the info🫡
                                                         No problem 🫡🫡🫡
LoserLeslie🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴: what did you wanna tell me y/n
So basically the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me ant and before she could get to Lin Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused and put glue and neas brush and nuts in thaynes cookies
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴: she must have cut my costume in all the wrong places
                                           She prolly diddddddddddddddd
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:Wsp y/n
The sky anyway So basically the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me and Ant and before she could get to Lin and Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were a bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused and put glue and neas brush and nuts in thaynes cookies and cut les's costume and destroyed your mic
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖: I never did trust her because I once caught her in your dressing room doing something the abruptly stopped and when I saw her I joked and asked if she was going to sabotage the show and she just left and bumped into me
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:I forgot
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:y/n why is everyone in the hospital
So basically the Alexa tech girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me ant and before she could get to Lin Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused and put glue and neas brush and nuts in thaynes cookies and cut les's costume and destroyed davened's mic
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻: she cut my shoes.
                                                         Huh, what shoes?
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻: I was looking for costuming or Lin to ask I could use these shoes, my grandma, I gave me in the show and I found them in my room cut up.
                            Alexa will pay for this behavior (you see it right)
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻: she better lucky I fixed them but I'm not satisfied (I'm on a roll this chapter)
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾: nigger
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾: Why did I faint
Idk but was something Alexa did because the Alexa girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything We caught her sabotaging me ant and before she could get to Lin Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were a bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused and put glue and neas brush and nuts in thaynes cookies and cut les's costume and destroyed daveed's mic and cut up Ariana's shoes that her grandma gave her
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾: when we're all off broadway THEN WE JUMP HER
                         Right there with y'all 🫡🫡
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:yes sirrrrrrrr🫡
Christopfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱: Im too old for this shit what happened
Hella shit so... Alexa girl had a history with Lin not casting her so she did tech and sabotaged everything but we caught her sabotaging me and Ant and before she could get to Lin and Pippa just told me that she tried poisoning her first because there were a bunch of cookies with nuts in them but not the ones shes allergic to and she always stared at her weird like confused and put glue and neas brush and nuts in thaynes cookies and cut les's costume and destroyed daveed's mic and cut up Ariana's shoes that her grandma gave her
Christopfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱: IS SHE FIRED
Christopfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱: SO LIKE REVENGE?!?!
                                                                  Hold up
"Dad I- mean Lin sorry" I start the correct myself "OH THANK GOD IVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR YOU TO CALL ME DAD" Lin confesss "I thought you wouldn't like it since you have a child" I share "No Y/n I have two" he corrects "That's mad sweet yo" Ant adds "Are you crying?" I ask "No" he lies "Yes you are come here, softie". "We're home oh I forgot to drop you off Ant guess you gotta stay with us gosh darn it," he said sarcastically "Oh no," he said playfully "I had plans tonight but guess it will be a group face time, let's get inside though".
AlExeNdEr HaMiLtOn
                                                  Are y'all ok to FaceTime
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:yeah
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:sure
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻: yup
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾: yes sirrrrrrrrrrr
Christopfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱: I was sleep but ok.
                                        Well this is important so stay mad
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:ofc bbg
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:back off
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:nah nigga you back the fuck off the fuck 🫵🏾🫵🏾😹😹
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:anywhoooooooooooo I am
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:same
LiNaMiNrOlL��😨😓🫣🫡😶‍🌫️😰🤗🤭🤫😱😥🤔🫢🫠: added 480-369-289
                                                    Who dat be
LiNaMiNrOlL🥶😨😓🫣🫡😶‍🌫️😰🤗🤭🤫😱😥🤔🫢🫠:my hubby🫦
Groffsauce 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏾:🤭
                                           Hey dude do yk what happened Groffsauce 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏾: Yeah
                                                         FaceTime now.
"Get comfy I gotta take us somewhere"
-on face time-
"Why am I here If this is a Hamilton thing?" Vanessa asked "This isn't Hamilton thing Listen you're my mom Nèa is a second one Lin Is my dad, the cast are my friends, Sebby is my little brother, Ant is not abusive, and I've never had a group of friends before and the one I did were fake and toxic and you guys aren't you are my friends and since y'all are my family I want you to be here when I get rid of my blade. I'm going full clean". "Babe I'm so proud of you Come here," Ant tells me while embracing me "It's gonna be hell to get him back to sleep but I don't care, sebby sebby wake up this is important". she says smiling at me "y/n I'm so proud." everyone chanted this it was my negative reason if that makes sense I buried it "bye trauma" I whispered to my self "THATS MY GIRL" Lin nèa and Nessa yelled. Everyone was proud but most importantly I was proud and free. "I'm GLAD YOU WOKE ME UP" Chris shouted "No problem Chris," I said while nodding my hair
Anthony's pov: "Y/n" I call "sup" She replies "We're on break let's take a walk around" I suggest "aight" "cmon all re" We walk in and saw Alexa sabotaging are food y/n said something texted Lin while we stayed quiet
Lin COMES "ALEXA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Lin yells "Getting revenge" she calmly "Why" Lin queried "Let me tell you" Flashback music
"It all started while I was straight out of college with a dream to act and act only, so I auditioned for 21 Chump Street (what the heck I gotta do to be with youuuuuuuuuu) and you didn't cast me even though I was the best not LINDSAY. I saw Anthony and fell in love with him. 'ew' I thought
Then I auditioned for the heights for everyone 'NoPe'. NOW Eliza, Peggy, Angelica, Maria, EVEN Ensemble but no I wasn't good enough, so I decided to do tech and ruin everything you might be thinking 'Why confess all this' because everything is already happening".
We heard coughing, and people throwing up, and we saw blood, and people fainting She ran I tended to the wounded y/n counted the fainted (get it? ;) ), and put them in my dressing room getting band-aids and wipes and stuff Lin took the sick to the bathroom to throw up, gave them a mask, and water and food and stuff and naps called the ambulance they got everyone to the hospital
"Are you guys ok?" y/n asked "No I was so excited to be in a possible Being in a big show and some bitch ruined it." I replied I was excited to have one of my shows on stage and back on Broadway but then this." Lin shares "I'm sorry guys but the doctors say they will be better by next week maybe even before then". y/n explains "We'll that's good I guess visiting hours will be over soon let's say Bye to everyone". We did just that we said bye and I said I'll text them every thing later
in the car
"Are y'all feeling better?" Y/n asked "A little I just want them to be ok." I explain "Ant" she calls "yes" i reply"never mind" she retracts "no tell me" I demand "It's stupid and you'll get mad" she explains "you don't have to tell me but i won't be mad" I offer "when that girl said she was in love with you were you with her I mean she was pr-" I cut her off "listen babe I love you and only you not her or any other girl in this world YOU, at this point not even old celebrity crush's can compare too you, and that girl was always weird. She touched my butt made sex jokes and made me uncomfortable I got her not casted in 21 chump street so no I never loved her". i said not once yelling
"Ant..." she says hesitantly "yes" i reply "You love me?" she ask "sí mí amor" I answer (a/n: sí yo hablar espanol 🙄) "I love you too" she confess "I love both of you" Lin adds "ahh shut up Lin" we said in unison "Are you ok Lin" she ask still laughing "your guys talk made me feel better" "ok I'm going to text everyone what happened" "ok" "cool"
"Dad I- mean Lin sorry" y/n states "OH THANK GOD IVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR YOU TO CALL ME DAD" "I thought you wouldn't like since you have a child" "no y/n I have two" "that's mad sweet yo" "are you crying" "no" "yes you are come here softie" "we're homeeeeee oh I forgot to drop you off ant guess you gotta stay with us gosh darn it" "oh no" "I head plans today but guess it will be a group face time,let's get inside though"
AlExeNdEr HaMiLtOn
                                                  Are y'all ok to FaceTime
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:yeah
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:sure
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:yup
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:yes sirrrrrrrrrrr
Christopfuckme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱:i was sleep but ok.
                                        Well this is important so stay mad
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:ofc bbg
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:back off
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:nah nigga you back the fuck off the fuck 🫵🏾🫵🏾😹😹
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:anywhooooooooo i am
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:same
LiNaMiNrOlL🥶😨😓🫣🫡😶‍🌫️😰🤗🤭🤫😱😥🤔🫢🫠: added 480-369-289
                                                                Who dat be
LiNaMiNrOlL🥶😨😓🫣🫡😶‍🌫️😰🤗🤭🤫😱😥🤔🫢🫠:my hubby🫦
Groffsauce 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏾:🤭
                                           Hey dude do yk what happened
Groffsauce 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏾:Yeah
                                                         FaceTime neow.
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:same
"Get comfy i gotta take us some where"
-on face time-
"why am I here If this is a Hamilton thing" Vanessa asked "this isn't Hamilton thing listen you're my mom to nèa is a second one and Lin Is my dad and the cast are my friends and sebby is my little brother and ant is not abusive and I've never had friends before and the one I did make was fake ans toxic and you guys aren't you are my friends y'all are my family so I want you to be here when I get rid of my blade I'm going full clean" "babe I'm so proud of you come here" I tell her while grasping her in a tight hug "it's gonna be hell to get him back to sleep but I don't care sebby sebby wake up this is important" she's says smiling at y/n "y/n I'm so proud" everyone chanted she buried it "bye trauma" "THATS MY GIRL" Lin nèa and nessa yelled everyone would was proud but most importantly she was proud and free" "IM GLAD YOU WOKE ME UP" "no problem Chris"
This took me 4 hours to write so you better enjoy this
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If your wondering why I'm not posting daily. I got sick this last weekend (haven't gone anywhere just happens when caring for my disabled mom, and well with my dads line of work hes always infront of others who are in all sorts of conditions.. hes the kind ot cough without covering up. So I'm a petri dish if he bring home germs n' stuff or mom does from her appointments wether wearing or without masks... (were a mask wearing family even before the pandemic due to this fact and mom being heavily asthmatic)
Thus last week been dealing with a stomach crude. I keep thinking I'm over it then a day later stomach feels iffy again and its almost a repeat. Luckily, it's not as bad as the first two days I mean, God willing and fingers crossed. But it's difficult to concentrate or do much. Muscles soar, hace a pile😭😱😓😩😨😱 of things to do and everyday I need to get to and thsi is holding me back from.🤒🤢🤕🤮😷🤒😵 Sp under the weather lately. I wake up often and I think Yeah it will be good, or I'll be good & I take a turn for the worst. I nearly threw up several times today. If it lasts for another two days I'm gunna head to the doctor. But this is just annoying for me as it may be for you. It also may or may not be one of the reasons for several recent all nighters. Friday I slept over 12 hours despite thinking I was Okay I was shocked and still felt beat for most of teh day lien I wanted more sleep... I woke today with a strong heavy (for me didnt go over 100 or anything but still wants considered high for me) fever and felt sick for hours.
Just keeping you updated that updates may remain slow till I can beat this. With it being stomach crude I defiently have energy. Drawing is legit one of the few ways (including above writting as that doesnt settle my stomach as often as I'd hope in these tokens due to focus... I think it's the feeling of drawing on paper and not the computer thst calms my nerves or soemthing or the motions against the teeth of teh paper [the bumps on a paper my art teacher at college called teeth, also some call it grooves. Her vocab for it just stuck with me🤣😂]).
I can get my mind not to focus on it and can settle down the sickening feeling by usually drawing and on s ok me occassions reading. Today read outloud and talked out a story I bbn hadn't touched much lately, it helped me settle when I was near hurling before that.
But that being said, I may want to wait to made while sick before I outline them is still up to par... To make sure what I make when I'm sick is actually up to par with what I want to post. I do have old stuff I can post. It's just the process of the pictures, trying to jot get the glare and stuff that keeps me from doing it I may have one or two potential picks I can share at the moment. But I have ti feel good enough to go through it. Literally was holding in the need to hurl while writting thus as I'm trying to distract myself from being sick. But it's a one step at a time situation.
Just keeping you up to date. Take care everyone. Stay healthy out there.
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livycheshire · 1 year
❄️~°• Arctic's heart •°~❄️
❄️ Part 3❄️
No summery 😓
Disclaimer: I do not own happy tree friends, I have made this au with the help of @thetravelerstale, I do not own Flippy, Flakey, Flipqy or Tiger general, I only gave them last names and first names for the storyline, everything else, plotline and other characters belong to me.
Warning: language, time skip and pov changes
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~°Justin's POV°~
'I'll show those bitches, who they think they're messing with.' I thought to myself as I sat at my desk, typing away on my computer as I typed on my blog, oh revenge is sweet~
Especially, when it's you dishing it to your enemies.
I smile as I keep typing, sometimes to look back at Red, just to make sure she's ok. I mean, she had me worried all last night. But when she came back, I was relieved, but also worried, she was too pale this morning, and me, being the good friend I am and because I'm a nurse in training. I figured she could have signs of her drinking past her weight. But, Then again, there's always the possibility of it becoming a pregnancy. She did tell me that she did meet someone at the club this morning, plus her legs felt like Jello? Signs of her having intimacy for the first time. Plus, I don't think she's on any birth control. But then again, also a sign of a feverish virus. She hasn't always been the best at dealing with sickness' well.
"Hm?" I snapped out of my thoughts and freaked out a bit "must've been too into my thoughts…" I sighed and deleted everything that was related to my thoughts and rubbed my tired eyes, before getting up and looking at the time. 'it's already five o'clock, damn, well I better head to the store to get a few things, before night school starts'
With that, I quietly sneak my way to the closet, which is by Red's bed, as I don't want to wake the possible pregnant princess, if she is, plus I do not want to be a shish kabob, trust me, it's happened before and it's highly unpleasant.
Anyways, after heading into the restroom and getting dressed, I headed outside of the dorm, making sure to take my copy of keys, and head out the door, locking it up, before heading downstairs and out of the dorm building, and to the parking lot, where I get into my car and drive to the store.
~°No one's POV°~
Meanwhile, Red woke up two hours later, groaning and yawning, before stretching out, her quills, shivering and rattling as she stretched out before sighing softly and relaxing once more.
Picking her head up, expecting her roommate to already be in class, she sighs, before noticing a gift basket for her from her roommate sitting on her nightstand and a box of pregnancy tests.
She sighs before giggling tiredly "Justin…"
She inhales deeply and sits up, rubbing her eyes and looks around 'well, at least I can watch a movie, since he won't be back until midnight. I have the whole dorm to myself' she smiles before getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen to make her something to eat. And to the bathroom, to put away the box of pregnancy tests. 'jeez, we don't even know if I am or not, but I better put these way'
~°small time skip°~
After getting herself some vanilla ice cream, she sat down in the living room, and turned the TV on, pulling up Netflix, and going onto her own profile. "Hmm, I wonder if they have any good comedies. I mean, they should, but let's find a good one." She smiles before scrolling through the streaming platform.
After a while she picks a movie, and lays across the couch, watching the movie and eating her ice cream with a few cookies in the ice cream. Laughing, at a few parts, and overall having a good time.
By the end of it all she had fallen back to sleep, closer to the time Justin would be back, with a few tubs of ice cream and cookies around her, as she snores softly.
Unaware of the sound of the unlocking door, as it opens.
But upon seeing the scene, Justin stopped and sighs before smiling "jeez Red, that's a lot more junk food, than you've eaten before, this better not become a problem" he sighs before closing the door and locking it back up. Setting his stuff down, he goes to Red and picks her up and lays her down in her bed, before heading to his bed and falling asleep instantly.
~°•few weeks time skip•°~
~°Red's POV°~
"It's been a few weeks since that night, and I've been so sick, I don't know what it is Justin, I can barely get out of bed, what if I just have a stomach bug or I ate something bad?" I sat, sighing as Justin raised an eyebrow at me "or, you could be pregnant, Red, this is serious. You've been throwing up all morning, every morning for the past five weeks. it's time to take that test, but if it comes out negative I'll let you shish kabob me" Justin reasoned, causing me to deadpanned before sighing "fine, fine, I'll take a test, but that won't prove anything" I said pointedly at him, before sighing and heading to the bathroom, to take a pregnancy test.
~°small time skip°~
"Ok… the recommended time to wait is about fifteen minutes" I said softly while looking at the box in front of me, while reading the instructions. "So I just have to pee on it, and then wait for the results" I nod, before tearing open the box and taking out a test, before doing what needs to be done.
1 minute…
5 minutes…
7 minutes…
I sighed and waited for the results, sometimes, pacing the bathroom, as my thoughts started to consume me. 'oh what am I going to do? I don't have that much money to raise a kid, but I can't stay here if I do end up pregnant, I mean, sure I can get a babysitter, but it won't be fair to the other tenants-' "gah-!" I jumped out of my thoughts by the sound of knocking on the bathroom door.
"Red?" Justin called out "are you ok? It's been thirty minutes" 'really? It's been that long?' "o-ok, sorry! I just got too into my thoughts, I'll be out in a sec" I sighed and grabbed the test before opening the door, and looked up at Justin.
He smiles softly "ready to see?" He asked as I smile, nervously, and nod, "yes"
With that we headed to the living room, and sat down on the couch. My nerves are going through the roof.
The big reveal…
As I inhale deeply Justin pulls me into a hug before I look at the test… pin drop silence, as we stare at the test, waiting, but clearly we both see it… the one line that showed our results. I slowly turned to look at Justin, who sweat drops and chuckled nervously. "Umm… false negative maybe…?" He asked with uncertainty in his voice.
My quills sprout from behind my long, red hair, as I stare him down with the most unimpressed look on my face. Making him flinch, and his eyes widen.
"You have until I count to ten, to grab your dorm keys, and run like hell." I say with my voice dangerously low. He nods quickly and gulps "n-noted, running away now…" he said, his voice strained in fear, backing away slowly. before he bolts for the door, taking his keys and running like his life depends on it. Which it kinda did.
After counting to ten, I bolted after him, quills slightly laxed, as I raced after him. Following him every which way. Stopping for a bit when I followed him to the stairs.
Losing him, until I looked down, and saw his tail, sticking out at the very bottom of the stairs. Smirking slightly, I quietly sneak down the stairs, stopping just above him, before crouching down ever so silently.
Hehe, hearing him scream like a baby, really made My day. I hope the next will be better
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homielander · 3 years
Ok how about the boys ?
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the first character i ever fell in love with: somehow, billy. he was so suave and badass and i love his accent so i got manipulated right alongside my boy hughie 😓
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: hmm idk. does the deep count? i saw nate archibald and immediately fell in love, then fell out of love literally 2 mins later. sharpest 180 of my life
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: becca and billy. oh how i wanted to believe in them and root for them. i think the actors pulled off a real miracle in making them semi-sweet. it was just clearly not a healthy relationship in any way (which makes sense because billy is involved). and the fact that becca was barely a character doesn't help at all.
my ultimate favourite character™: homelander. i'm sorry 😭 also i know this category asks for only one character but do you really expect me to not include hughie and maeve? i am obsessed with all three of them okay
prettiest character: this might be the hardest one yet because all the girls on this show are gorgeous!! but for me it's a tossup between annie and kimiko
my most hated character: i hate stormfront. and i think that's fantastic because duh, she's a villain. aya cash really knocked it out of the park. she was just so disturbing every time she was on screen. i hate the deep too, but he's someone the audience can at least laugh at, whereas stormfront was menacing for her entire run. her whole character is based around nazism so there are no redeeming qualities there.
my OTP: i'm not super invested in any of the ships on this show. i would say i enjoy butcher and hughie the most but i just love their dynamic in general, not necessarily in a romantic context.
my NOTP: homelander and stormfront GET IT AWAY FROM MEEE. their scenes were so hard to watch god
favourite episode: 1.02 !!! this episode is just perfect there are no negative things i can say about it. one day i'll make a post listing all the reasons i love it as much as i do
saddest death: lucy :( in all seriousness none of the deaths have really made me sad yet. i probably liked stillwell the most and her death was kind of horrific but she was the Worst so i didn't cry about it. maybe robin ?? i think they did a great job of characterizing her in under five minutes. i also love ryan and i think he is the sweetest child ever so i'll say becca too, just for how much it will haunt him.
favourite season/least favourite season: i really liked both seasons so far, even though they had different strengths and weaknesses. i've only watched the show twice so i think i need to rewatch before i pick a favourite.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: i don't hate him, but lamplighter. the actor seems like a nice dude but i genuinely cannot see why he is so loved in the tumblr fandom? i think he had potential though
my 'you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fav' fav: i already talked abt homelander so i'm going to say a-train. he can keep murdering people and i'll happily cheer him on. also stillwell, ashley, and neuman
my 'you're a beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fav: hughie, MM, annie. all three are baby
my 'this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it' ship: butchie i suppose? but i think they're on track to developing a healthy relationship. hopefully
my 'they're kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i'm not too invested' ship: hughie and annie! they're soft but i don't care much for them. also frenchie and kimiko (might be my most unpopular opinion lol). i started off really loving them but as time went on frenchie's entire character began to revolve around kimiko and i hate that. i think he's so sweet with her, but i love them as individuals first, and that's what i want to see more of. (kimiko hasn't latched on to him in the same way so i don't have any complaints for her.) thankfully it looks like they addressed that in the second season so hopefully frenchie’s character doesn’t continue being sidelined to further the pairing.
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Happy Halloween!!!
Time to start using tumblr again bc I can't sleep and I just remembered tumblr existed!!!
Exams are tmr and I have to wake up in like 5 hours....😊😊😊😊 I never get this little sleep, very sad.
Anyways!!!!! Rn I think I'm getting back into reading😨😨 not that I wasn't already butt I think I'll be reading more books now instead of just at night time!!
I finished siege and storm 2 days ago and it was kinda crazyyyy.. I feel like sm happened..
There was a bunch of new characters in this book tho and I like it more than the 1st book!! I like nikolai and also tamar and tolya!!! They're all very cool.
Kinda sad genya wasn't in it that much though.. I rly liked her in the 1st book but she was like working with the darkling at the start of this one?! But then he like took her eye out so... yep.
Then.... this book was kinda sad :( mal and alina😡😡😓 always so difficult with them💔💔💔 I like them tho ofc!! But for like 5 whole chapters they were ignoring eachother😭😭😭😭 Then mal was like away 24/7 and getting drunk and alina was getting no sleep bc creepy darkling was Stalking her.. also i hate the darkling smmmm. Like?! Sm.
Uhh OMG then alina told mal why she flinched finally and she was like "I thought you'd be scared of me or smth.." and he was like "..." and then left. Then he came back into the room a while later and they were like making out?! But like.. it was like he was a vampire or smth the way it was written
Then it was actually the DARKLING?!! Bruh
Omg and alinas like confusing me sm. Like at the end she went over to the darkling and was like "ig this is how it's meant to be afterall😕👋😘" then they're like kissing?! Like idk if she's dating mal or what but this is crazyyyyyyy.. and I'm not sure if she's acting or is being genuine. Maybe they said it and I skipped over it too fast but I'm kinda confused how alina feels abt the whole situation. Like.. does she wanna go against the darkling and save ravka or does she wanna join him and be powerful.. IDK. First option probably butt I get soo confused where she's like "I'm hungry I need the bird mal" and idl what I'm saying
But yeah.. then her hair turns white at the end?! New look I guess?! I feel like it'll end up looking pretty cool thoo!! And I hope nikolais alive omg.. also his brother was sooooolo dumb.
And I hope genya is in the 3rd book more 💔💔 also! I bought the 3rd book today!! I'll probably be reading it after the two towers and then after that I can read soc!!! I've been dyingg to read soc. I've had it on my bookshelf since like.. June. Yikes.
I dont know too much abt soc I kinda just know the plot and the characters and stuff but that's abt itttt. But I'm glad I'm reading it in this order bc I'll understand the world better!! Also I kinda wanna post/save content for sab but I rly don't wanna get spoilers so..😓😓
I'll have to wait until I finish ruin and rising igg🙂🙂. Also I think zoya and nikolai end up together?! I see fanart of them on Pinterest. Idk how I feel abt zoya?! I think she has a sad back story and maybe she changes but as of now idk.
She was rly mean in the 1st book but in this one I feel like alina was also mean to her💔💔 idk if that means they're equal now?! But I thought alina was being kinda rude to her. Idk if that's justified by zoya being mean to her in the 1st book 🤷‍♀️ but the convo ended with zoya and she was like "Are you gonna send me away then.." and alina was like "not yet"
I was like Huh?! Maybe I overreacted idk.. writing it down here makes it feel less dramatic than it did when I first read it 😭😭
Also Tolya and tamar!!! Aren't they so cool?! I found out they were apart of the religion thing and I was like... Ok. Idk if it makes much of a difference?? BUT SOME OF THOSE GUYS ARE CRAZYTYYYT... ALINA WENT OUT AND THEY LIKE ATE HER ALIVE. Shocking. They wanna kill their Saint?!?
Ok goodnight... it's like 2am.. I'm still not tired 💔💔 also this post was so long omg. I feel like most of Pinterest is me talking abt random things🤔🤔 I need to start reposting more.. but I don't wanna get spoiled for anything 😭😭 like.. I haven't finished lotr, sab or fma. It's pretty sad🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ Ok byeE
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